Climbing the Pyramid: A Guide to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Ever found yourself wondering why some days you're all about nailing that job interview, while on others, you're just trying to make it through the day without forgetting to eat? Well, Abraham Maslow's got a theory that explains just that, and it's as cool as your favorite playlist.
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Welcome to Maslow's Pyramid Party
Imagine a pyramid (or just look at the above image) that maps out what we need to live our best lives. At the base are the essentials like food, water, and Wi-Fi (okay, maybe Maslow didn’t mention Wi-Fi, but you get the idea). As you move up, the needs get a bit more complex, ending with the ultimate quest for personal fulfillment.
The Five Floors of Human Needs
Physiological Needs: This is your survival playlist, featuring hits like "Breathing," "Eating," and "Sleeping."
Safety and Security: Once you've got your basic needs on lock, you start craving stability. Think of this as the need for a good security system and health insurance.
Love and Belonging: Now that you're not worried about being eaten by a bear or freezing to death, it's time to find your tribe. This level is all about relationships and feeling part of something.
Self-Esteem: With your crew backing you up, you start focusing on feeling good about what you achieve and who you are. It's like getting likes on your life, not just your posts.
Self-Actualization: The penthouse suite of needs. This is where you're living your truth, doing what you love, and feeling totally fulfilled. It's the dream!
Why This Pyramid Rocks
Maslow's theory is like a map for understanding why we do what we do. It helps us see that before we can chase our dreams, we need to make sure our basic needs are met. It's a reminder that it's okay to focus on the basics when we need to and that everyone's journey up the pyramid is unique.
So, next time you're feeling off your game, check in with yourself. Maybe you're hungry, or perhaps you're feeling a bit lonely. Whatever it is, Maslow’s hierarchy can help you figure out what you need to get back to feeling like a champ.
Remember, life's a journey, not a race. Whether you're working on your base or reaching for the stars, you're doing great. Keep climbing, and let Maslow's pyramid guide you to your personal peak!
Stay Weird & Wonderful,
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How 'Yet' Changes Everything
Ever found yourself face-to-face with a challenge, thinking, "I can't do this"? We've all been there, staring down the barrel of self-doubt. But what if I told you there's a tiny, three-letter word powerful enough to transform these moments of doubt into stepping stones for growth? It's simple, it's magic, it's the word "yet."
Humaira Syed hit the nail on the head when she said, “Every limiting belief becomes the growth mindset tool by adding just this small word 'YET.'" It's a simple trick, but it sure packs a punch!
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The Power of "Yet"
Adding "yet" to any of your limiting beliefs does a little bit of magic. It's like flipping a switch from a fixed mindset ("I can't do this") to a growth mindset ("I can't do this yet"). See the difference? It's all about keeping the door open to possibilities, learning, and growth.
Why "Yet" Works
Encourages Growth: It acknowledges that you're on a journey. Skills can be learned, abilities can be developed, and knowledge can be acquired.
Builds Resilience: It's a verbal reminder that failure isn't the end of the road; it's just a pit stop where you learn what doesn't work.
Promotes Positivity: Instead of hitting a dead end, you're on a path with plenty of future exits. It's a way to stay optimistic, even when things look grim.
Putting "Yet" into Practice
Face a New Challenge: Next time you're up against something tough, add a "yet" to your internal dialogue. "I don't know how to do this... yet." It's a promise to yourself that you're going to figure it out.
Embrace Learning: Remember, mastery takes time and effort. Whether it's a new language, a sport, or a musical instrument, "yet" gives you the mental space to improve.
Celebrate the Small Wins: Every step forward is progress. Didn't nail it today? That's okay because you're not there "yet." Each attempt is bringing you closer to your goal.
"Yet" is more than just a word; it's a mindset. It's the difference between giving up and pushing forward, between stagnation and growth. So, the next time you catch yourself doubting your capabilities, sprinkle a little "yet" on those thoughts and watch how your perspective shifts.
Let's not limit ourselves by what we can do today but inspire ourselves by what we'll achieve tomorrow. After all, the only real limits are the ones we place on ourselves. And with "yet" in our vocabulary, those limits are about to expand
Ready to turn your "can'ts" into "cant's... yet"? Let's embark on this journey of growth together!
Stay Weird & Wonderful,
Boost your wellbeing! 💖 Get fun tips straight to your inbox. Sign-up for my weekly newsletter!
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Emotions Unpacked: A Fun Guide to Understanding Your Feels
Hey there! Ever wonder why you feel the way you do? Or have someone say "You're so emotional?" which isn't a bad thing by the way! Let's dive into the colorful world of emotions together - it's not as complicated as you might think.
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Emotions vs. Mood: What's the Difference? Think of emotions as those quick, vivid flashes of feelings, like the annoyance at your friend bailing on dinner. Moods, on the other hand, are more like the background music of your day - they stick around longer and can be a bit more elusive. They're both intertwined, making the tapestry of our inner world.
Thoughts, Feelings, and Emotions: The Trio of Intrigue Our thoughts and emotions are BFFs that influence each other more than we realize. Ever felt regret? That's your thoughts and emotions doing a tango. And feelings? They're the umbrella term that covers both our physical sensations (like hunger) and our emotional states (like being over-the-moon happy).
The Superpowers of Emotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence is like having a secret weapon for life. It’s all about understanding and managing our emotions and those of others. From reading the room to handling our own inner storms, emotional intelligence is your guide to a smoother sail through social seas and personal challenges.
The Yin and Yang of Emotions We often focus on dodging negative emotions and chasing the positive ones, but guess what? We need both. Fear might save us from danger, while joy could lead us to life’s greatest pleasures. Balancing these emotions is key to a rich, full life.
Can You Catch Feelings? Literally? Yep, emotions are contagious! Ever felt a room's mood shift when someone walks in? That's emotional contagion. But don't worry; you can learn to manage this superpower for the good, helping both yourself and others maintain emotional balance.
The Foundation of Emotional Health Good emotional health is like a well-tended garden; it needs regular care. This means managing our emotions, yes, but also looking after our physical wellbeing with healthy habits. It turns out, what's good for the body is good for the soul (and your emotional garden).
Feeling intrigued? This is just the tip of the iceberg! Dive into the fascinating world of emotions with me, and let's explore together how understanding our emotions can lead to a happier, healthier life. Don't forget, staying emotionally healthy is a journey, not a sprint. Let's enjoy the ride together!
Stay Weird & Wonderful,
Curious to learn more? Don’t just sit there; dive deeper into the emotional rabbit hole with my newsletter for more fun insights and tips to keep your emotional garden flourishing!
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Laugh Out Loud: Your Ultimate Guide to a Happier, Healthier You!
A not so secret fact about me is that I love to laugh! I also laugh very easily at sometimes questionable scenarios or jokes (I love a good "dad joke"). Whoever "they" are, say that laughter is the best medicine, and I wanted to explore that idea. Curious? Read on.
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The Magic of a Good Laugh
Ever noticed how a solid laugh can make everything seem a bit brighter? It’s like a universal language that doesn’t need any translation. Whether you’re cracking up over a dad joke or a cat video, laughter brings us together in a pretty special way. But have you ever stopped to think about what’s behind those chuckles and snorts?
Why We Laugh
Imagine laughter as your daily dose of feel-good vibes. It’s that spontaneous reaction when something tickles your funny bone. More than just a noise, laughter is our way of bonding, showing we’re in on the joke, and even lighting up the room. It’s a mix of emotion, communication, and a sprinkle of personality, all rolled into one.
Laugh Your Way to Health
Here’s the scoop: laughing is like a mini workout for your happiness levels. It can kick those pesky negative feelings to the curb and boost the good vibes. Feeling blue? A giggle might be just what you need. It’s like hitting the refresh button on your mood, with benefits like:
Feeling more satisfied with life
A boost in how awesome you feel
Thinking clearer and staying sharp
A serious uptick in happiness
Feeling less lonely and down
And guess what? Laughing doesn’t just jazz up your mental health; it’s got some perks for your body too. Lower stress, better sleep, and even a happier heart - all from laughing! Plus, your brain’s pretty cool and can’t tell the difference between a spontaneous laugh and a self-started one, so every giggle counts.
How to Get More Laughs in Your Life
Feeling like you could use more laughter? You’re not alone. Life gets heavy, but finding ways to lighten up with laughter can make all the difference. Try making a playlist of hilarious clips, reminiscing over funny moments with friends, or even hosting a game night that’s all about the laughs. Laughter yoga? Yes, it’s a thing, and it’s a game-changer for both mind and body.
Wrapping Up
So, laughter’s not just about the moments that make you LOL; it’s a superpower for navigating life with a smile. Whether it’s a movie night filled with comedies or starting your day with a chuckle, embracing laughter is like giving yourself a high-five for health. Ready to laugh more? Dive in and let the good times roll!
Who knew laughing could be so good for you, right? Let’s keep finding those moments that make us laugh out loud. After all, a day without laughter is a day wasted. Go on, give it a try and see how it turns your day around.
As always, stay weird & wonderful,
Boost your wellbeing! 💖 Get fun tips straight to your inbox. Sign-up for my weekly newsletter!
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Couch Potatoes Unite: The Quest for Motivation
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If there was a magical candy bar that you could eat and get a super boost of something, what would it be?
For me, it's a little something that I struggle with - especially on laundry day - called motivation!
Motivation: that magical unicorn we chase after to get us moving, often playing hide and seek when we need it the most. It's like our internal battery, sometimes fully charged and ready to tackle the world, other times... well, it's more like trying to start a car in the dead of winter. Originally from the Latin 'movere,' meaning 'to move,' motivation is literally what gets our butts off the couch. But let's face it, the struggle is real when the couch is oh-so-comfy.
In the quest for motivation, we're dealing with two flavors: intrinsic (doing things because it feels good, like eating pizza because, yum, pizza) and extrinsic (doing things for a reward, like working because bills won't pay themselves).
While extrinsic rewards can be motivating, they can also make us feel like robots. And intrinsic motivation? That's the secret sauce to enjoying the grind, even if the only reward is bragging rights or a high-five from your cat.
Boosting motivation isn't rocket science, but it does need a game plan.
Step one: Make a master plan that's more detailed than 'conquer the world.'
Step two: Set up 'if-then' scenarios, because life loves throwing curveballs. 
Step three: Break down your tasks like you're explaining it to a five-year-old. Simplicity is key!
So, there you have it. Whether you're trying to be the next guitar hero or just trying to put away a load of laundry without wanting to cry, remember: motivation might be a fickle friend, but with a little nudge and a solid plan, you'll be moving mountains (or at least, laundry piles) in no time.
Stay Weird & Wonderful,
*Want more wonderfully weird content, therapeutic art ideas, and exclusive bonuses? Join the Weird Life Society (Patreon) and let me be your new best friend!
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Drawing Your Optimism: A Therapeutic Art Journey
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In our ever-evolving lives, emotions tend to fluctuate like the tides. One day, you may feel on top of the world, while the next, you're struggling to find a glimmer of hope. It's perfectly normal to experience a wide range of feelings, and one powerful way to acknowledge and express these emotions is through art.
Today, I invite you to embark on a therapeutic art activity that's both creative and emotionally healing: Drawing a Glass to Mark Your Optimism.
Step 1: Gather Your Supplies Grab your art journal, some drawing materials (pencils, markers, or paints), and find a quiet, comfortable space to begin your journey of self-expression.
Step 2: Draw a Glass Start by drawing a simple glass on your art journal page. You can make it as intricate or as minimalistic as you like. The glass represents your emotional state at this very moment.
Step 3: Mark Your Optimism Now comes the intriguing part. Inside the glass, create a visual representation of your current level of optimism. You might use colors, patterns, or symbols to convey your feelings. If your optimism is overflowing, fill the glass to the brim with vibrant colors. If it's running low, you can leave it half-full or even partially empty.
Step 4: Express Your Emotions Feel free to expand beyond the glass. Use the space around it to express any other emotions you're experiencing. Maybe you want to add words, sketches, or abstract shapes to capture the complexity of your feelings.
Step 5: Reflect and Reconnect As you work on your artwork, take a moment to reflect on your emotions. Acknowledge them without judgment. Remember, it's perfectly okay to have moments of doubt, sadness, or uncertainty. Recognizing these emotions is an essential part of the healing process.
Step 6: Embrace the Process Art isn't just about the final result; it's about the process itself. Allow yourself to get lost in your creation. The act of drawing and marking your optimism can be incredibly cathartic.
Benefits of this Therapeutic Art Activity:
Emotional Awareness: This activity encourages you to tune into your emotions and understand where you stand at a particular moment.
Self-Expression: Art provides a safe space to express feelings that might be difficult to put into words.
Catharsis: The act of creating art can be soothing and help release pent-up emotions.
Visual Reflection: By visually representing your optimism, you gain insight into your emotional state, which can be the first step toward positive change.
Remember, your optimism level can change from day to day, and that's entirely normal. The key is to acknowledge your feelings and give them the attention they deserve. Through this therapeutic art activity, you can take a step toward greater self-awareness and emotional well-being. So, grab your journal, draw that glass, and mark your optimism—it's a journey worth taking. 🎨✨ #TherapeuticArt #EmotionalWellness #ExpressYourself
As always, stay weird & wonderful my friends,
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The Ultimate Fluid Art Activity to Boost Self-Esteem & Let Go of Perfectionism
Are you tired of striving for perfection in every aspect of your life? Do you find it difficult to let go and embrace imperfections? If so, I have a perfect solution for you: fluid art! This unique and creative activity not only allows you to express yourself artistically, but it also helps boost your self-esteem and let go of perfectionism. Creating an abstract image using fluid art such as watercolor, or ink, seems like it would be super easy! It is not! Don't let the videos on Instagram or TikTok of these amazing artists who make it look so easy fool you! 
What is Fluid Art?
Fluid art, also known to most people as acrylic pouring or paint pouring, is a form of abstract art that involves pouring acrylic paints onto a canvas to create mesmerizing patterns and designs. Unlike traditional painting techniques, fluid art relies on the natural flow and movement of the paint to create unique and unpredictable results. It's a fun and liberating way to explore your creativity without the pressure of achieving perfection.
I also classify watercolor painting as a type of fluid art as it uses water , which is fluid, and can be just as unpredictable when engaging in the abstract style. 
Boosting Self-Esteem through Creativity
Engaging in fluid art can have a profound impact on your self-esteem. As you pour the paint onto the canvas and watch the colors blend and interact, you'll start to appreciate the beauty in imperfections. The unpredictable nature of fluid art teaches you to embrace mistakes and see them as opportunities for growth and creativity. This shift in mindset can have a powerful effect on your self-esteem, allowing you to let go of the need for perfection and accept yourself as you are.
Letting Go of Perfectionism
Perfectionism can be a major roadblock to personal growth and happiness. It often leads to self-criticism, fear of failure, and an inability to take risks. Fluid art provides a safe space for you to let go of perfectionism and embrace the process rather than focusing solely on the end result. As you pour the paint and watch it flow, you'll learn to surrender control and trust in the creative process. This newfound ability to let go of perfectionism can extend beyond the art studio and positively impact other areas of your life.
How to Get Started with Fluid Art
Getting started with fluid art is easy and doesn't require any prior artistic experience. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you begin your fluid art journey:
Prepare your workspace by covering it with a plastic sheet or old newspapers to protect it from paint spills.
Mix your acrylic paints with a pouring medium to achieve the right consistency. The pouring medium helps the paint flow smoothly and creates beautiful patterns.
Choose your colors and pour them into separate cups.
One by one, pour the paint onto the canvas, allowing the colors to blend and interact naturally.
Tilt the canvas in different directions to create interesting patterns and effects.
Let the painting dry completely before displaying or sealing it with a varnish.
Remember, there are no rules in fluid art, so feel free to experiment and have fun with different techniques and color combinations. The goal is to enjoy the process and embrace the imperfections.
So, why not give fluid art a try? It's a fantastic way to boost your self-esteem, let go of perfectionism, and unleash your creativity. Embrace the beauty in imperfections and discover the joy of fluid art!
Check out my Patreon where you can become a member for FREE, and see how I used liquid watercolor, water, and breath to let go of perfectionism! 
As always, stay werid & wonderful!
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Use Art To Tap Into Your Senses & Lower Your Anxiety
How can drawing help you engage with each of your senses?
Art has long been recognized as a powerful tool for self-expression and emotional well-being. But did you know that drawing can also help you engage with each of your senses? By focusing on drawing a representation of each sense, you can lower your anxiety and center yourself. Let's explore how you can use drawing to engage with your senses and find inner peace.
1. Sight: Drawing what you see
Start by observing your surroundings and selecting an object or scene that catches your eye. Take a moment to really look at it, noticing the colors, shapes, and details. Then, try to capture what you see on paper. This exercise will not only enhance your observation skills but also help you appreciate the beauty in the world around you.
2. Hearing: Drawing the sounds
Close your eyes and listen to the sounds around you. It could be the chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, or the hum of traffic. Try to translate these sounds into lines, shapes, and patterns on paper. This exercise will help you develop a deeper connection with the auditory world and bring a sense of tranquility.
3. Smell: Drawing the scents
Think about your favorite smells or the scents that evoke positive memories. It could be the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, the fragrance of flowers, or the scent of a loved one. Allow these scents to inspire your drawing, using lines, colors, and textures to capture their essence. This exercise will transport you to a place of calm and nostalgia.
4. Taste: Drawing the flavors
Imagine your favorite flavors and the sensations they evoke in your mouth. It could be the sweetness of chocolate, the tanginess of citrus, or the spiciness of chili. Use your imagination to translate these flavors into visual representations, experimenting with different shapes, patterns, and colors. This exercise will awaken your taste buds and bring a sense of delight.
5. Touch: Drawing the textures
Think about the different textures you encounter in your daily life. It could be the roughness of tree bark, the softness of a pet's fur, or the smoothness of a pebble. Explore these textures through your drawing, using various strokes and techniques to recreate the tactile experience. This exercise will heighten your sense of touch and create a soothing sensation.
Engaging with each of your senses through drawing is a powerful way to lower anxiety and center yourself. By focusing on the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures around you, you can cultivate a deeper connection with the world and find inner peace. It can be even more powerful when you combine all of the senses together into one activity. In a moment of high anxiety grab a pen and piece of paper and draw one thing you see, hear, taste, feel, and smell. Don't forget to take a few deep breathes before and after this activity - I promise you will feel better afterwards!
As always, stay weird & wonderful!
P.S. Watch this me engage with my sense in an art activity on Patreon for free. Clickhere!
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Slow Down, Be in the Moment!
In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life. Stress and anxiety can quickly take over, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and disconnected. But what if there was a simple and enjoyable way to slow down, destress, and incorporate mindfulness into your day? Enter Krystal and the mini mandala art exercise!
What is a Mini Mandala?
A mini mandala is a small, intricate design that is typically created in a circular shape. It is a form of art therapy that has been used for centuries to promote relaxation, focus, and self-expression. The word "mandala" comes from the ancient Sanskrit language and means "circle" or "center."
How to Draw a Mini Mandala
Drawing a mini mandala is a fun and creative activity that anyone can do, regardless of artistic ability. Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started:
Start by gathering your materials. You will need a piece of paper, a pencil, and some colored pencils or markers.
Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can relax and focus.
Begin by drawing a small circle in the center of your paper. This will serve as the starting point for your mandala.
From the center circle, start adding patterns and designs radiating outwards. You can use geometric shapes, flowers, leaves, or any other design that appeals to you.
Continue adding layers and details to your mandala, working your way outwards from the center.
Once you are satisfied with your design, it's time to add color. Use your colored pencils or markers to bring your mandala to life.
Take your time and enjoy the process. Let your mind focus on the patterns and colors, allowing any stress or worries to melt away.
OR: You can use a stencil like I did! There are no rules!!!
The Benefits of Coloring a Mini Mandala
Coloring a mini mandala can have a profound impact on your mental and emotional well-being. Here are just a few of the benefits:
Stress Reduction: Coloring has been shown to activate the relaxation response in the brain, reducing stress and anxiety.
Mindfulness: Focusing on the intricate patterns and colors of a mandala can help you become more present and mindful, allowing you to fully appreciate the beauty of the moment.
Creativity: Drawing and coloring a mandala allows you to tap into your creative side, promoting self-expression and personal growth.
Self-Care: Taking the time to engage in a calming and enjoyable activity like coloring a mandala is an act of self-care. It allows you to prioritize your own well-being and recharge.
So the next time you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed, grab a piece of paper and start drawing a mini mandala. Allow yourself to slow down, destress, and incorporate mindfulness into your day. You'll be amazed at the positive impact it can have on your overall well-being.
As always, stay weird and wonderful!
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It shouldn't come as a surprise that I tell basically everyone I know (and don't know) that art can motivate, inspire, and ignite the imagination. It challenges perspectives, transports us to new worlds, and encourages personal growth. But what may come as a surprise is that art can help spark personal development and motivate with setting short-term and long-term goals. I'll share how in this blog post (it's not boring, I swear!).
1. Art as a Source of Inspiration
Art has the ability to inspire us by showcasing the creativity and talent of others. When we see a beautiful painting, read a captivating novel, or listen to a moving piece of music, we are often motivated to pursue our own passions and dreams. By witnessing the achievements of others in the art world, we are reminded of the limitless possibilities that exist in our own lives. Each person has their own unique story that led them to creating their art, often filled with challenges that may not be different from yours. Let this motivate you into believing that you too can achieve your goals and dreams!
2. Art as a Reflection of Personal Values
Art can also serve as a mirror, reflecting our own values and beliefs back to us. When we engage with art that aligns with our core principles, it reinforces our sense of identity and purpose. This reflection can be a powerful motivator for setting goals that are in line with our values, as we strive to live a life that is true to ourselves. It's all about being your authentic-self, because your authentic self is a total bad-a$$!!!
3. Art as a Tool for Self-Reflection
Art has the unique ability to evoke emotions and provoke deep introspection. When we engage with art that resonates with us, it can lead to moments of self-reflection and self-discovery. By taking the time to reflect on our own thoughts and feelings, we can gain clarity on what truly matters to us and what we want to achieve in life. Which obviously, makes setting life goals a little bit easier, and helps us filter through our many hopes and dreams to the ones that will make us feel the most fulfilled.
4. Art as a Source of Motivation
Art has the power to ignite our passion and fuel our motivation. Whether it's a powerful quote, a captivating image, or a thought-provoking performance, art has the ability to awaken something within us. By surrounding ourselves with art that inspires and motivates us, we can stay focused on our goals and maintain the drive to achieve them. I especially stay on track if I can see what inspired me, as someone with ADHD, I am incredibly visual. I need to see a representation of my goals, and to be reminded of them, because object permeance is a real issue! I take the the old-adage "out-of-sight, out-of-mind" to a whole new level. 
5. Art as a Catalyst for Creativity
Art encourages us to think outside the box, explore new ideas, and embrace our creativity. When we engage with art, we are exposed to different perspectives and ways of thinking. This exposure can spark our own creativity and open our minds to new possibilities. By embracing our creative side, we can set ambitious goals and find innovative ways to achieve them.
In conclusion, art has the power to motivate us to set and achieve our life goals. Whether it's through inspiration, reflection, motivation, or creativity, art can be a powerful tool for personal development. So next time you find yourself in need of some motivation or direction, consider this goal setting art activity, it may be exactly what you have been needing!
You can also watch this art activity on my Patreon. Click Here!
Art For Goal Setting:
Supplies: 5 Sticky Notes, Pen
Step 1. Take 5 sticky notes and draw something that symbolizes either a long-term goal or short-term goal. You can incorporate words if you'd like.
Step 2. Place these notes where you will see them, such as the bathroom mirror, above the coffee maker etc.! 
Ask yourself: 
*Do you have an action plan in place to achieve these goals?
*Have you achieved any of these goals already?
*How can you break each goal down into smaller goals, to make it easier to achieve?
That's it! A super simple art activity that can be incredibly impactful. As you grow and want different things in life, use this activity to set new goals! 
I am so excited to see the things that you achieve.
Stay Weird & Wonderful,
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ello wonderful weirdos!
Have you ever been in a "mood" and you cant figure out what's wrong? I know I get this way sometimes, or I will have an idea of how I'm feeling but it doesn't fully manifest in a way that I can process it. For me, it's usually the more challenging emotions. Here's an quick and easy art activity to help you identify and process the feeling:
*watercolor markers/regular markers
*paper/art journal
How To:
1. Breathe in. . . . Breathe Out. . . .
2. Ask yourself "How am I feeling?". I suggest googling: list of different types of feelings, this lets you explore outside the standard happy, sad, mad. We all know there are way more ways to feel! I ended up expressing impatience, which is a pretty common feeling for me - haha. 
2. Using a color that represent this feeling draw a circle. Then start filling in the circle with shapes, color's, scribbles, anything that you find representative of your feeling.
I used orange as it reminds me of urgency, like amber lights - trying to make the traffic light, am I right? haha. I think filled it in with things like arrows, as I feel like I'm pulled in numerous directs, a dotted line to show how impatient I get when there are intern and external interruptions. I'm sure you are picking up what I'm laying down here.
3. Once you complete your drawing take another deep breath in and long breath out. Title your artwork, and be proud of yourself for taking some time to do some self-work. You are absolutely awesome! 
I'd love to see your what you created! Tag me in them on Instagram @electric.strokes or Facebook @electricstrokeconnected
Stay weird my friends,
P.S. don't forget to sign up to my Newsletter, you'll get discounts, freebies, and be the first to know about new products!
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Express An Emotion Art Activity
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Hello wonderful people!
Understanding and making space for emotions can make a huge change in your life! If you can understand an emotion on a deeper lever, you become more self-aware and you are able to cope better during challenging times. Let's discover ourselves through merging art and emotions!
*oil pastels (colored pencils or markers will also work)
*paper/art journal
How To:
1. Pick an emotion you wish to draw. I picked anger.
2. Using colors, shapes, or lines draw how you envision the emotion. As you can see, I used red, and made lots of jagged lines. Anger to me is a very sharp emotion. I also added other colors like black to symbolize grief, blue for sadness, and grey for the grey area, all of which are connected to the anger I experience.
3. After your drawing is complete as yourself: 
*How does feeling this emotion help me? How does it hurt me?
*Do my emotions change over the course of a day?
*Why did I pick this emotion
Tip: If it helps you can write down the answers to these questions on the back of your drawing. I like to do this as I often look back at my art journal and reflect on my personal growth!
Stay Weird & Wonderful,
Boost your wellbeing! 💖 Get fun tips straight to your inbox - Sign-Up for my weekly newsletter!
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