geschrie-sixtyne · 10 hours
New to Autism or Possible Autism Diagnosis?
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Mrs. Speechie P
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geschrie-sixtyne · 23 days
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— (insp.)
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geschrie-sixtyne · 23 days
One of my favorite things about Crosshair is that while he is a silent caretaker and a protector he is first and foremost a hater. He is ALWAYS willing to provoke people that even mildly activate his guard dog senses and he is also the first one to call his people on their bullshit. Almost every gif we have of him really truly smiling he is actively antagonizing someone, making fun of his family, or chuckling because his family got his ass back and I think thats beautiful. More hater - protector dichotomies need to be portrayed in media.
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geschrie-sixtyne · 23 days
some aces are virgins
some aces love sex
some aces have sexual trauma
some aces don't want sex
some aces masturbate
some aces are teenagers
some aces are in their seventies
some aces dress modestly
some aces wear skimpy clothes
some aces only date aces
some aces don't want romance
and we're all valid : )
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geschrie-sixtyne · 28 days
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I was doing a drawing of another artist who made a Crosshair with a frog sweater, but since I'm embarrassed to tag , I'll just upload that AND Never upload the finished drawing
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geschrie-sixtyne · 1 month
Crosshair's dance
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geschrie-sixtyne · 1 month
One of my favorite pieces of canon continuity is that clones cannot lie for shit
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geschrie-sixtyne · 1 month
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geschrie-sixtyne · 2 months
It is an audio in Spanish But I added subtitles and I knew it would fit with this.
We all know who the brains of the group are!
(I'm not an expert and I did it more for fun)
My favorite expression is Crosshair's, it's iconic jsjsjs
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geschrie-sixtyne · 2 months
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geschrie-sixtyne · 3 months
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A while ago I saw the idea of @squad-724 , where TBB was within the DBH canon, I loved this concept so much that I made my own costumes for them, it took a while but I feel calm, it still lacks a lot of details that I added, like their backpacks or Crosshair's peepholes, because I liked playing with the concept of each one , it's a WIP that will take a while to come out...but at least I can rest for a while
Pd: I had to calculate the difference between heights to make them as canonically possible
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geschrie-sixtyne · 4 months
David confesión y aja
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geschrie-sixtyne · 7 months
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Hoy hace 1 años que llegué a Tumblr. 🥳
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geschrie-sixtyne · 10 months
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Only night practice man
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geschrie-sixtyne · 10 months
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geschrie-sixtyne · 1 year
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Half XenLife
GAF Overload
The overload is the ability and function of the Xen crystal that was installed inside GAF's body, it represents the purest state of any energy because it is the result of the crystal having exceeded its absorption levels, giving it a translucent appearance that reflects its bones fused with the Xen crystal. In this phase he has the ability and power of the same explosion of a star
concentrate energy manually if you experience a huge amount of energy (similar to the force of GAF OVERLOAD thrust from a black hole or exploding stars
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The burns left by the resonance cascade are visible and help to show veins and bones that absorbed the Xen crystal and where the energy is contained, showing what type of energy it uses depending on the color in which they shine.
exemplification of the brightness of his body
exemplification of hair change by altered gravity producing its energy
It cannot absorb solar energy because it is not something you can touch with your hands, but it can be helped by magnetic fields.(Still under scientific review of whether to add this type of rays or not)
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The suit was destroyed after the resonance cascade, GAF manages to rebuild it after going back to the locker room with old parts and some of the armor he used
It facilitates movement as the charging property as it has its own internal battery core It is adapted so that GAF does not have a hard time moving, since the burns left scars on his skin, causing pain. It has a medulla that adapts to the movements of the wearer to correct the posture and improve the stability of the transport of anomalous materials. In the boots there is a heavier sole than usual, to ensure that the heavier materials do not overwhelm the researchers and in some tests they represented an anchor to avoid flying off
(the lycra suit that GAF always uses and has several spare parts)
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geschrie-sixtyne · 1 year
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Multiverse: Half XenLife
{PT.2} 👇👇👇👇👇👇
English is not my first language, I do my best
Name: Gordon Alice Freeman /GAF(Nickname)
Sexuality: Arroaces (Asexual-Demirromantico)
Diagnosis: Selective mutism
Personality: He is a man who has had trouble adapting to social circumstances. In spite of everything, he enjoys knowing sign language, which he uses as a method to treat his selective mutism and to be able to collaborate without harming himself. His anxiety about being around many people is released through the rapid movements of his hands. , allowing him to maintain his stoic scientist stance. He does not seek to relate to people, since he has few social skills, he is given a shy and selective behavior with whom he interacts
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History: GAF uses the HEV MARK IV suit to start the sequence with the Xen crystal, once the sequence starts , the crystal begins to absorb the rays in a certain way, starting to shine, being stable for about 5 minutes, the test request was considered rejected of destruction, to initiate the reflection test until the charge that the crystal could absorb reached its limit, exploding and generating the resonance cascade.
GAF was thrown against the wall by the glass that passed through his suit in most of his extremities, but especially in his spine, on the ground observing the destruction is when he is sent by Xen energy to various areas of the parallel world observing the fauna and the beauty of him until he is unconscious. He managed to survive and in horrible pain he can only complain, his hands, feet and chest have reddish marks that extend over most of his body that at first burn in such a way that they make him cry
Since he left the place of the experiment he has not seen the Xen crystal again and although I swear he felt fragments of it come into contact with his skin, when he woke up he found no openings or wounds.
The HEV MARK IV suit has been largely destroyed and his skin is exposed, the pain in his back is increasing and as he leaves the experimental district he must take breaks as his bones are causing him to collapse. With what he believes to be severe radiation burns, he walks the destruction-filled halls of Blacke Mesa.
Consequences of the explosion: What happened to the Xen crystal is that it fused with Gordon's skeletal system, during the explosion it not only destroyed the Hev suit but the fragments entered GAF's body, leaving him injured, when he fell unconscious, the xen crystal regenerated the holes left by the collision and at the same time rebuilt GAF's entire bone structure, making it out of the same Xen material but with equal or greater strength than diamond, giving it an enhanced exoskeleton.
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Gordon now has the energy absorbing properties of the Xen crystal like his teleportation abilities, the only sources he can absorb are those that can manifest into beams of concentrated :
nuclear or fission
the ends of his hair and the burned parts, as well as his eyes, glow depending on the energy he has absorbed. He has a variety of abilities spread mainly across explosions, lightning, energy spheres, and fields, such as the ability to alter his gravity. he can absorb more than one energy at a time to vary his attacks and can also generate Xen and antimatter energy.
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