immortallylightbird · 8 months
Prompt #12
Three different pairs of eyes snap open in tandem, each during different points in time. But all equally confused on what was going on.
Danny Fenton awoke with a gasp, phantom pains shooting up his arm. The halfa looked around frantically before sighing in relief at the sight of his room. He grabbed his phone to see what ungodly hour he woke up at, only to stare in bewilderment at the date that was displayed on the screen.
'That couldn't be right.' He thought to himself, frowning. Last he checked it was not 20XX. Nor was it two months before the portal accident. After a bit of contemplating he groaned, getting out of bed and starting to get ready for the day while internally cursing Clockwork. He couldn't even visit the time ghost to yell at him! Danny then spluttered as a bright green sticky note was slapped onto his face.
'Have fun living.'
Jason Todd didn't immediately open his eyes, that'd be stupid and would against any and all training he got from Bruce. He could just tell that something was *off* though. He felt different, he couldn't place exactly what was different but it was definitely something. He carefully listened to his surroundings, trying to see what kinda place he was being kept in. After assessing the room for any potential threats he slowly opened his eyes. His brow furrowed as he looked around what seemed to be his room as a teen when he was living in the manor. Jason slowly sat up and got off the bed. He quickly gauged that his height was immensely different as he walked over to a mirror, he immediately stared in shock. A good description of his reaction would be 'what the actual fuck'. He was a teen again. Like, around the age he stole the batmobile tires. How the hell was that possible? Did Flash fuck up the timeline again?? His gaze drifted to a bright green sticky note.
'Enjoy your time living.'
As Peter Parker woke up sitting upright while gasping for air, his first thought was: 'I should be dead.'
But no, he was in his and May's apartment, very much not dust floating through space. He looked around at the many Star Wars Legos and other very distinct things that made up his room. Nothing was changed, and his spidey-sense wasn't going off, but there was definitely something wrong here. Peter looked down at himself, trying to find any evidence that was dusted away before grabbing his phone off his nightstand and looking at the date, 3 months before the snap. How was that possible? He should be dead- no, he WAS dead. He got up and walked around his room slowly, trying to look for anything that signaled that he was dreaming. There was nothing. It wasn't a hallucination either. Just as he turned around to walk out the door, he spotted a strange bright green sticky note stuck to the door.
'Use your time wisely.'
In another realm during a different moment in time, a deity smiled, shifting between forms. He would probably be getting in trouble for this later, but it would be worth it in the end. Afterall, he knew these kids would make the best of the time they had now that they knew of future events.
Well, hopefully. Nothing ever goes according to plan with time.
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immortallylightbird · 11 months
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genuinely friendly reminder to never EVER share someone’s location/information without their explicit permission. you do not know why that person is asking, what they plan to do with that information, or even if the asker has that person’s best interest in mind at all.
OP is also not exaggerating how common this is. my abusive parents successfully kidnapped me from work once because a coworker who didn’t know my situation told them when my next shift was. my parents didn’t even know where I lived at that point in time, which was very much on purpose. it took me days to get away again. ALWAYS tell the person that is being looked for that someone is looking. never share personal information or even how to get in contact them. you can take information in and pass it along, but you absolutely cannot give any out.
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Prompt #11
(The Resets AU)
Hermitcraft is in a timeloop. It isn't obvious because of the major differences between the loops.
Geminitay. She is one of the only people who knows.
Xisumavoid and Evil Xisuma are trying to figure out how this happened. Every time a new member joins the server, their memories get wiped, all they know is enough to not have it be obvious that anything is missing. The closest person they got to remembering was Grian, it's unclear if he remembers the attempts. But the way he looks at them... It's strange. Nobody should come close to remembering, unless they were an admin. Or a special case, such as Gem. Then the rift appeared, and everything went to shit.
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Prompt #10
Werewolf!Danny Phantom AU
(Credit to @chekhovs-slinky in the batpham server!)
Danny's parents are cryptozoologists (people who search for and study unknown, legendary, or extinct animals whose present existence is disputed or unsubstantiated, particularly those popular in folklore, such as Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, Yeti, the chupacabra, the Jersey Devil, or the Mokele-mbembe (Wikipedia)). They are trying to prove that werewolves are real, and not myths. This is mostly to try and make it legal to hunt them, as they think werewolves are simply dangerous animals.
Werewolves are always in their wolf form, even from birth, they are able to shift to a more human form though. But even with the human-ish form, they still have wolf features, such as fangs, wolf ears, and a tail.
Danny became a werewolf after freeing a werewolf pup from a cage in his parents lab. The pup was scared and thought Danny was gonna hurt them, so they ended up biting him.
Danny has three forms, human, half human, and full wolf
Half werewolves are very rare, as they prefer to stay away from humans. The venom that turns you into a werewolf is more powerful/potent when they're pups.
Wolf parents are protective of their young, and try their best to hide the pups while also hiding themselves.
Danny fights off werewolf hunters from his parents' cryptozoologist group and some of the more aggressive werewolves instead of ghosts
Amity Park is located in West Virginia instead of the Midwest, it's a smaller, more isolated town that's surrounded by forests and mountains.
According to hunters, werewolves live in a place they call the "Wolf Den". The den is really a giant cave called Lincoln Cave located halfway up the mountain, where the air is thinner. The werewolves have better lungs than humans do so they live up there just fine.
Danny is smaller than an average werewolf pup, so the wolves mostly see him as the runt of the pack.
The wolves tiptoe around him a lot due to him being part human. So Danny feels awkward a lot of the time due to not fitting in with humans or wolves.
Danny prefers to hang out with the wolves rather than humans
The wolves will sometimes complain about how much they hate humans only for them to turn to Danny and say that he's good, in turn making Danny feel awkward
(might update depending on if they come up with more lol)
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Prompt #9
Okay so this isn't really a prompt, more of Immortally rambles but
Blind Danny au
Danny gets blinded during the portal accident, he could get a seeing eye dog and came, but also! He learned about his ghostly wail early on, and uses it as an echolocation type thing. He uses it to see where things are and where people (and ghosts) are. Just imagine the crossover possibilities.
Danny mocks the bats for being bats but not having echolocation. They would be so confused and Jason would be cackling at their dilemma
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Prompt #8
When Bruce walked into the dining room that day, he wasn't expecting to see a kid who looked like he could be mistaken for one of his other children. Nor did he expect Cass to tell him that she had adopted him. Even Damien seemed to like him!
Cass couldn't really tell you why she took in the teen, other than the fact that he was traumatized and looked like a gremlin, and was prime Bruce adoption material.
Danny was just very scared of this house, why did everybody have signs of having had contact with Ectoplasm???
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I love this idea
Prompt #8
When Bruce walked into the dining room that day, he wasn't expecting to see a kid who looked like he could be mistaken for one of his other children. Nor did he expect Cass to tell him that she had adopted him. Even Damien seemed to like him!
Cass couldn't really tell you why she took in the teen, other than the fact that he was traumatized and looked like a gremlin, and was prime Bruce adoption material.
Danny was just very scared of this house, why did everybody have signs of having had contact with Ectoplasm???
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Prompt #8
When Bruce walked into the dining room that day, he wasn't expecting to see a kid who looked like he could be mistaken for one of his other children. Nor did he expect Cass to tell him that she had adopted him. Even Damien seemed to like him!
Cass couldn't really tell you why she took in the teen, other than the fact that he was traumatized and looked like a gremlin, and was prime Bruce adoption material.
Danny was just very scared of this house, why did everybody have signs of having had contact with Ectoplasm???
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Prompt #7
When Sam and Tucker dared him to take a DNA test, Danny did not expect to see a completely different name from Jack Fenton.
The last thing Tony expected to happen today was FRIDAY announcing that "somebody by the name of Daniel Fenton wishes to see James Barnes."
He also wasn't expecting the kid to actually look like Bucky in any way. Yet he was wrong. He was almost a spitting image of the former Winter Soldier. The kid also had DNA test results. Of course, he would still be doing his own test on him, he's not stupid enough to believe they were real at first glance.
... Holy Shit. Bucky had a kid.
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Prompt #6
Contrary to popular belief, Tony was pretty observant. So when he noticed a kid that happened to be at every single event that a casualty occurred, he found it a bit strange. For instance, if he had a dollar for everytime he saw the kid, he'd have more than 5 dollars. Which was strange that it happened more than once.
So when he saw that same kid, wielding a badass sword might he add, facing off against a bunch of freaky monsters with a smirk on his face? He immediately told FRIDAY to prepare adoption papers.
It's safe to say, Nico was fairly confused when Tony Stark, aka Ironman, asked if he wanted to be adopted.
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Prompt #5
It was normal for Bruce to bring guests into meetings, bringing his many vigilante children. But nobody was expecting Diana to come in and introduce her cousins and sister, announcing that they have saved the world before. So therefore they should be able to be here.
Percy, Nico, and Thalia were very suspicious of these so called superheroes. I mean, they've fought a titan and a primordial, and many Greek monsters. What have these guys done besides go around and keep secret identities?
(Bruce totally tries to adopt at least one of them)
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Prompt #4
Let it be known that Kara was not planning on becoming a mother anytime soon. But when a very obviously traumatized teen comes up to her as Supergirl to ask if she was an alien and refusing to answer anything about his parents? Then also nearly having a panic attack over suggesting CPS because "they work for the government"?
Screw Bruce and his black haired blue eyed children obsession, this one's hers.
It's safe to say that the next time Barry visited from his universe, he was very confused at the sudden new child Kara had acquired.
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Prompt #3
Danny is Thanatos au
Danny's been alive for years now, millennia even. Well, not fully alive but you get the point. He's met many gods and demigods, and other Greek creatures.
So when Hades comes to him with a moody teenager, he can't help but sigh. Of course, now he's a babysitter. At least he gets to mess with these demigod camps.
Nico is very confused on why his dad dumped him with the god of death, but at least he gets to prank the others.
(ships, headcanons, and whatnot are up to you! Preferably taking place between/in Percy Jackson and the Olympians and Heroes of Olympus)
(I would also love to see mentions of other mythology series Rick has done, like Kane Chronicles)
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Prompt #2
Just imagine a body swap between your favorite characters from different fandoms, they both freak out and have to learn how to live as the other
Bonus points if they look similar
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Prompt #1
Amity park is named after the witch, Amity Blight. Said witch, does not know this.
The ghost zone is part of the demon realm, it is an island far away from the boiling isles. Demons (ghosts) inhabit it, and they whisper of a "Halfa".
An adult hexside squad gets curious and decides to go explore. They're shocked at how much stranger it is from the boiling isles. They tour around the area for awhile before one of them suddenly flies through a swirling green portal, the others panic and quickly follow, only to end up in some sort of lab. Three teens are staring at them in shock and fright. They soon learn what a Halfa is.
Danny is not half ghost. He's half demon, or maybe, half witch, you can decide. Nobody, not even Danny knows this, they just figure he's a ghost. Until people who are most definitely not ghosts come out of the portal.
This can take place whenever, and you can add whatever ships or anything you like. Are Jack and Maddie good or bad at parenting? Are Sam and Tucker good friends? You decide!
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My prompts are free to use, with credit!
There will be variety in fandoms,
Or just normal writing prompts :D
You can also send in prompt ideas for me! Because otherwise I will need to just try and think of ideas on the spot lmao
Feel free to reblog with your story ideas if you get them from my prompts
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