Vlog about days two and three at AB is up now on my YouTube channel!! <3 
Day One Blog Post, Day Two Blog Post, & Day Three Blog Post
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Check out our AB adventures!!! <3 
Day One Blog Post, Day Two Blog Post, & Day Three Blog Post 
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I love the double hashtagging you got going on Nicole 
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Lance, can you not be a meme for like five seconds??
#keith #keithcosplay #keithkogane #keithkoganecosplay #keithvld #keithvoltron #lance #lancecosplay #lancemcclain #lancemcclaincosplay #lancevld #lancevoltron #klance #klancecosplay #klancevld #klancevoltron #vld #voltron #vldcosplay #voltroncosplay #animeboston #animeboston2018 #headwink #headwinkers #cosplay #cosplayer (at Anime Boston)
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That one au where Haggar takes over Keith’s mind and tries to kill Lance.
Also .5 seconds before a creepy photographer hijacks our photoshoot.
#keith #keithcosplay #keithkogane #keithkoganecosplay #keithvld #keithvoltron #lance #lancecosplay #lancemcclain #lancemcclaincosplay #lancevld #lancevoltron #klance #klangst #vld #voltron #vldcosplay #voltroncosplay #animeboston #animeboston2018 #cosplay #cosplayer (at Anime Boston)
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it’s nap time
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Lance tries to flip this bottle and is sabotaged by Matt Holt -_- 
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Anime Boston | Day Three
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Sad day because it’s time to tell the tale of the last day of Anime Boston :( Kate woke up around 7 AM to finish up homework and I slept in till about 8:15 AM. We woke up and I forgot that check out was at noon. So not only did I scramble to put on Easter Deku but I was simultaneously scrambling to pack up all of your stuff and check out downstairs. I went down without my wig to drop off my bags in the storage and then the next time I had put my wig on and the lady was like UHHHHHH and I’m like I SWEAR IT’S STILL ME!! HELLO!!! Luckily despite forgetting about packing, we were able to make it out by 9:35 AM. And of course on the way to the convention Easter Deku and Uraraka got Starbucks because they’re basic. <3 
We met a cosplayer cosplaying as Jesus and Kate got so excited so we had to snap a pic with him!! Then we met up with Nicole ( @talacosart ) after maybe 20 minutes because she said she was on level 3 so Kate and I went to level 3 but then as soon as we got to level 3 Nicole texted and said she was on level 2 so then we went down to level 2 and searched amongst the artist alley and finally found her and a bunch of her friends! All of us roamed around the artist alley for a long while and I bought an amazing Lance print, an adorable pastel Tododeku print, a Froppy pin, and a baby Leafmon and Chibomon plushie which was a preorder so I cannot wait to get that in the mail!!!! <3 While we were in the artist alley I ran into Desiree, whom I met at the PJ meetup, and she was so sweet and looked amazing in her cosplay!! She asked me to stand on her for a picture and I had never heard that before so I was like sure!! Then I met up with Sam, whom I met at the PJ meetup as well, and he was in the cutest Coran!! He was so awesome and my friend Lu saw that we met him and to make a long story short he is my grandson now. Then Nicole said she had to leave at noon :( so we hurried over to the mall to take fun pictures in front of these pink flowers. 
Taking pictures was hard because we didn’t want to lay directly on the flowers and kill them so we had to lean over and that took a lot of ab strength and I honestly was not prepared for exercise. So we took a few photos like that and then we scratched them because it just looked odd. We decided to just take fun pictures in front of the flowers which looked better. We took some cute photos, made some snaps, and even attempted to make a musically! It was really relaxing and basically, we just hung out for an hour laughing and taking pics. And then it was time to say goodbye :( We walked Nicole to the hotel lobby and we said a goodbye to her and Jim. BUT IT’S OKAY CAUSE WE’LL SEE NICOLE AT PORTCONMAINE AND THAT TIME IS GOING TO JUST FLY BY!!! <3 
Kate and I went to the vendor’s room for the rest of the con because she was still on the hunt for a One Punch Man figurine for her brother Alex. We searched desperately but no luck :( We couldn’t find the character he wanted and when we did it was waaaay too expensive. So Kate decided she’d get him a gift online. Kate was also on the hunt for a cute and big ita-bag and luckily she found one!! She got a really cute black one and I decided to get a matching pink one. So catch that bag at the next con!! <3 Before we headed out, I wanted to see if I could find a wig for Chakuro. We searched a few booths and then stumbled upon The Five Wits Wigs booth and as I asked if they had anything could work one of the ladies walked by and she goes “oh are y’all looking for a wig like that? I happen to be carrying one right here!”. IT WAS LIKE A SIGN FROM THE HEAVENS THAT I MUST COSPLAY CHAKURO!! And it was for a reasonable price so I purchased it! I can’t wait to cosplay Chakuro AHHHH!! <3 
We left the con around 2:30ish and decided to go grab our luggage from storage, pack the car, and then go grab lunch. We went to a sushi place, which I am forgetting the name of, and it felt so good to eat! We hadn’t eaten anything all day. The place was alright, I wouldn’t say it was amazing, but it was still filling. Then Kate wanted ice cream so I took her to JP Lick’s and she luckily thought it was super delicious so YAY!! Then after that, we went back to the car and we decided to go to the mall. BUT IT WAS EASTER SO WE GOT ALL THE WAY TO THE MALL AND IT WAS CLOSED :( So then we went to Wal-Mart to see if we could find anything for our Plusle and Minum cosplays but sadly no luck :( So then we just decided to get gas and head to the airport so that Kate could get on her flight. We said goodbye but I’ll literally see her in like a month and a few days!! 
Anime Boston was amazing and by far one of my favorite convention experiences! I cannot wait for PortConMaine and I cannot wait to meet more people and start on new cosplays! I started watching Haikyuu because all weekend everyone was telling me to because I need to cosplay Hinata! So I have started that and it’s really cute! <3 I don’t really know how to sign off but I had a great time and to all the people I met ILY and I hope we meet again!!! <3
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Anime Boston | Day Two
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Day 2  of Anime Boston was WILD! It was quite an exciting day with lots of strange occurrences. Kate and I got to sleep in because our cosplays for the day, Pidge, and Lance, required a minimum amount of makeup SO YAY MORE SLEEP!!  We woke up at around 8:30 AM and got ready for the day. There was a bit of chaos as we struggled to find Kate’s pidge glasses. We looked for about 20 minutes before I finally remembered that I put them in my glasses case so they wouldn’t get squished! We were out the door by 9:15 AM and of course on our way to the con we grabbed Starbucks because Pidge and Lance are basic> <3 
We got to the con and we went hunting for Nicole ( @talacosart ). She spotted us and because she was cosplaying Keith and I was cosplaying Lance the obvious thing to do is run away. So I ran. But she caught up to me and after that fun little fiasco her, Kate, and I walked around the Artist Alley for about an hour and I purchased the cutest Deku art in the world!!! It’s art of him in cool hipster clothing and it’s all pastel and it’s HOLO!!! OML!!! HE’S PERFECT!! Then it was off to change into formal Lance for the wedding photoshoot I had at 12 PM. Nicole and I went on a hunt for the restroom and literally there was not one in sight. I asked a worker and he looked at this chart he had that said where all the rooms were and he was like “I don’t see restrooms listed”...WHAT??!?! So we found a corner of the con and I just changed real fast while Kate and Nicole covered me. Then I forgot how to tie my tie -_- and we found some friendly strangers who taught me how to do it and they tied it for me!! While Nicole and Kate laughed at me for forgetting, these lovely humans helped me so thanks y’all wherever you are!!! 
The shoot was really fun! I was a bit nervous about it but it went smoothly and all the people involved were very kind and awesome and our photographer was A) an awesome cosplayer! and B) was literally one of the sweetest people ever!! He told me I made a wonderful Lance and that really made me happy!!! Right before the shoot Pidge, Keith, Matt, and I tried to do some bottle flipping and everyone got it except for me because MATT SABOTAGED ME!!!!! (I’ll post the video of the sabotage in the next post!!). Then Allura through a water bottle at me and I slipped trying to catch it. (that’s also on video and I will post it). The floor of the mall was so slippery!! During the shoot, I fell three more times after that. One person was like “wow you’re really getting into character!!” and I’m like “yeah I try” but in my head, I was like “I’m not doing this on purpose I literally feel like I’m walking on an ice skating rink!” Anyways the shoot was awesome and I hope I can do more shoots like that in the future cause it was super fun!! I can’t wait to see the pictures!!!!!! <3 Also thank you, Kate and Nicole, for waiting around for me during the shoot!! That was super sweet!! Y’all didn’t have to do that!! <3 
After the wedding shoot, we went to the best sandwich place for lunch!! We went to Wichit and I got a grilled cheese and Nicole let me have her avocados so I made an avocado grilled cheese. It was MMMMMMMMM DELICIOUS!!! We basically spent the whole lunch laughing at how big Nicole’s sandwich was and Kate educated us on Kanye and we laughed about Kanye and how ridiculous that man can be. What a legendary meme he is. When we got back to the con we decided to take some photos and THIS IS WHERE THINGS GOT WILD! 
We decided to take photos in this hallway in front of this space backdrop and we took maybe three photos before this man with a giant camera asks Kate if he could take a photo with her. Which seemed normal but then he pulled her away for like 15 minutes and he was having her model and was giving her modeling tips and then he asked me to do the same so I got nervous and I was like ummm yeah I guess so and so he made me model. And he was like “you look so nervous” and I’m like “YEAH BECAUSE YOU'RE A STRANGER AND MODELING IN PUBLIC WITH A STRANGER MAKES ME UNCOMFORTABLE!” and he kept telling me to “smile with my eyes” and all this other stuff. It went on for so long and then finally he left us alone. So we kept on taking some Klance pictures and we decided to do a pick where Keith is attacking Lance (like maybe Keith is brainwashed AU idk but we thought it would be fun). So I’m lying down on the ground and Nicole is sitting on top of me and holding her blade over my neck and Kate is behind Nicole taking a picture from above. She’s about to take the pic and then THE MAN LITERALLY APPEARS BEHIND HER AND STICKS HIS GIANT CAMERA OUT AND STARTS TAKING PICTURES OF ME LYING ON THE FLOOR BEING STABBED BY MY GAY SPACE BOYFRIEND. EXCUSE ME SIR WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!! YOU CAN’T JUST LIKE CREEP UP BEHIND SOMEONE AND START TAKING PICS!!! LIKE WE GOT THIS UNDER CONTROL SIR PLEASE EXIT!! He showed us the pics he took and he was like “let’s go somewhere else and take pics” and so Kate thought quickly and was like “actually we are headed to lunch but thank you so much!” and so we ran off and wondered around the artist alley until we were certain the man was gone. 
Once we were certain the man was gone we found a different spot to take some pictures. We ran into a Pidge cosplayer and a Matt cosplayer and they were very sweet and they were really digging our cosplays which was awesome!! We took lots of Klance pics and at one point I was leaning up against a wall and Nicole was grabbing me by the collar and a group of people accumulated around us and started taking pics and shouting “I love the gayness!!” It felt odd at first but then I was happy that people were digging our Klance. Then I ran into an awesome Fem! Lance and I went up to her, in character, and I was like “Hello there pretty lady the names Lance” and she goes “that’s my name too!” and I was like “Well then we are already perfect for one another.” And this really nice girl saw us do that and she said she ran an Instagram where she just posts her favorite cosplays she sees at cons so she made me and the fem! Lance recreate that interaction. We had to do it a couple of times to get the audio right but that was really fun!! 
After all the photos we went back to our hotel room to change into PJ Voltron and Kate showed us Seth Rogen and James Franco’s rendition of Kanye West’s Bound 2 music video. It was hilarious!!! Then that song was stuck in my head all day! The PJ meetup was a lot of fun!!! I met two awesome people who recognized me from my Instagram and they were so sweet and kind and they were rocking their cosplays!!! I fell asleep at the meetup for a few minutes because I was just so cozy in my PJs!!! We went to the Cheesecake Factory afterward and had a good dinner with Nicole’s dad, Jim. Then Kate and I went back to the hotel and passed out!!! It was such a long day and I couldn’t keep my eyes open!! It felt so good to lie down!! 
Day 2 was a blast and being in Voltron was so much fun! It was a dream come true being able to be Lance all day and I can’t wait to bring him back to a con one day!!! <3 
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Anime Boston 2018 | Day One
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This was by far the best con yet! This was Kate and I’s first con where we actually met awesome people! Kate and I always make it a goal to make friends at cons but we get too nervous to talk to new people but this con was so much different! We met brilliant new people every day at the con and it was honestly a dream come true! There are so many faces I cannot wait to see again! 
Day One we went as Deku and Uraka and get this WE WERE ACTUALLY AHEAD OF SCHEDULE IN THE MORNING!! When we left the hotel by 9:15 I was honestly SHOOK! I was so proud of us because usually Kate and I say we’ll leave at a certain time but then we spend too much time being cozy in bed and then scramble to get ready. We left the hotel and the first thing we did was we went and picked up our badges. The badge line was luckily not bad at all! It took us maybe 20-30 minutes which was a shock! SO THANK YOU PRE-REGISTRATION YOU’RE THE REAL HOMIE!! <3 
After picking up our badges we decided to get Starbucks because Deku and Uraraka are basic. Kate and I both got coffee fraps and a double chocolate chip frap for our friend Nicole ( @talacosart��), which turned out to actually be for her friend Orion. Sneaky sneaky! But honestly I would’ve picked up coffee for anyone TBH just say the word and I got you! Because of all the frappuccinos in my hand, I forgot to record me meeting Nicole for the first time!!! It was a chase through the artist alley. I went through aisle and aisle until I finally spotted her! I shouted, I think don’t quote me on this, NICOLE! She stared at me for a moment and just didn’t say anything but then after a few seconds it clicked and we went in for the running hug! She later admitted she forgot what I looked like...thanks Nicole -_- <3 
I introduced her to Kate and she introduced me to three of her very sweet and awesome friends! Later that night I asked Nicole for her friends’ Instagrams so I could stalk them only to discover that I already followed them and already stalked them a few weeks ago. Orion taught me “bust a nut” so that’s exciting! What a guy!! We roamed the artist alley for a long while and I gushed over all the beautiful Lance art and Tododeku art. After artist alley, I really kind of forgot what we did after that...I want to say OH WAIT I REMEMBER!! We went up to Nicole’s room so that she could change into Killua from Hunter X Hunter!!! We waited for Nicole to change and Kate and I bonded with her dad Jim while watching Friends and talking about the origin of the laugh track. Then we went to lunch at California Pizza Kitchen and Kate and I shared a Margarita Pizza. The Margarita Pizza had hidden tomatoes in it and I was not happy but it was still yummy I guess. Jim paid for lunch which was INSANELY KIND AND GENEROUS!! Kate and I insisted that he didn’t but he insisted that he did and I couldn’t believe he would pay for the food of two strangers. It was so sweet! <3 THANKS AGAIN JIM!!!!!!
After lunch, we went to the Vendor’s Room! Kate was on the hunt for a One Punch Man figurine for her brother Alex and I just wanted something cute and fluffy. As we were walking through the vendor’s room we realized that Josh Grelle, THE VOICE OF ARMIN MY BEST BOY, was having a signing which is wild because I thought I was going to miss it because I thought it was at 8 PM!! So I jumped right into line and Kate and Nicole were so sweet to wait with me!! Josh was soooooo sweet and funny and he spoke to me in his Armin voice and I almost started crying. It was an amazing experience and I’m so happy I got to meet the man behind some of my most precious children (Armin, Yuri, and Nitori). 
Kate and I invited ourselves to the Hunter X Hunter meetup and somehow became professional photographers for the meetup. Well I mean not really but I pretended like I was. I snapped 10000000 pics of Nicole and the whole gang! And I’m pretty sure at first the people at the meetup thought I was just some creepy stranger BUT I PROMISE IM NOT!! Got some awesome shots of Nicole and some meme shots of her, Kate, and I. But who doesn’t love a good meme? 
We all went back to Kate and I’s hotel so we could change into our onesies for the BNHA PJ meetup. Kate wore a pig onesie and I wore my carrot onesie. We stayed at the hotel for about an hour and we laughed at Barbie Vlog Videos and we told some fun stories from high school and talked about prom experiences and such. It was really fun and awesome bonding time!! Then we went to Nicole’s hotel room again and Nicole changed into Todoroki for the BNHA PJ meetup. NICOLE CHANGED SO MUCH ON FRIDAY OML BLESS HER SOUL. Then we walked to the place where we wanted to eat dinner but it was too fancy for us to eat there in cosplay so we had to scramble to find a new place. We finally decided on going to a Poke place right across from the con and I don’t think Nicole and Kate liked it that much :( BUT I LOVED IT! On our way there we ran into a nice man on a bicycle who asked us all about the convention and he told us about his first con experience at Katsucon when he was 8. He told us he was thankful we ran into him so that he knew the con was going on and he pulled out his phone to buy tickets. He gave us great advice on where to eat the rest of the weekend and then he biked away! We never saw him at the con but I hope he made it and had a great time!!
The last thing we did was go to the PJ meetup!! It was so fun! I had never been to a meetup of any sorts before and it was fun to see all my fave characters in fun PJs!!! There was a Tokoyami which was awesome and there were a lot of adorable fellow Dekus!!! After the meetup, we did our own little mini photoshoot. We did some Tododeku, Uradeku, and just some trio pics!! A lot of dabbing!! Then we just sat around in that spot for about an hour. We went live and our friend Lu joined us and taught us about how to edit photographs and they showed us their awesome photography project for school. They were worried about it but Kate, Nicole, all the people on the live, and I reassured them that their project was SLAYING AND BRILLIANT AND FABULOUS!!! 
We got back to the hotel at about 12:30 AM and I started looking through vlog stuff, took a shower, watched my friend Faith go live on Instagram and do some awesome cosplay makeup, and watched Netflix till about 2:00 AM. After Kate got out of the shower she was on her phone for about 30 minutes and then she passed out. We were so happy with how the day went and we were so excited to do Voltron the next day!!!!! 
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Season 3!
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Less than a week till the return of My Hero Academia <3 <3 (Boku No Hero)!!! Anyone else ever see the release date of a show and think it is never gonna come out? But then before you know it’s just here. I should be reading the manga, but I’ll probably start once season 3 finishes. Excited to see where Small Might’s adventure is going to take him next.
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A little disappointed that they didn’t include her ability to eject her stomach in this scene.
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Saw this right when I walked into the empty classroom 40 minutes before my 8:10 statistics class this morning.
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And for a split second, I was like, yeah me too. I am a sleepy marker board :(
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Some Lance content for your Voltron soul 💙
I love my blue baby boy so so so so so much!!! He has given me so much happiness, joy, and confidence. When I’m cosplaying as Lance I don’t feel self conscious, I don’t feel insecure, and I don’t feel like a fracking waste of space. When I cosplay Lance I feel confident, happy, and hopeful. 💙
I have gained so many friendships and loves from my Lance cosplay and I could not be more blessed to be able to share my Lance with people on my Instagram, people on my YouTube, and with everyone here on Tumblr. 💙 I never thought I would gain this many friends and my heart could burst because of it. I’m so so so so excited to take him to Anime Boston in a month and cannot wait to meet so many other amazing Lance and Voltron cosplayers. 💙
My heart is happy y’all. So happy. 💙
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Getting Ready for Anime Boston and Feeling Confident with Your Cosplay.
So it has finally come! This week is finally Anime Boston! I have never been so excited for a convention. There are so many glorious people I cannot wait to meet. People that I have become close to over the past 6 months and a few of my inspirations will also be there. I cannot even imagine how I am going to react when I meet all these wonderful people. I’ll probably just freeze in place and Joni.exe will stop working. Someone will have to pinch me because I’m going to think I’m in a dream. 
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Planning for Anime Boston has had ups and downs. Mostly ups! But a few downs! The major down was when Kate and I were trying to figure out our Liz and Patty cosplays. Every part of their cosplay was taken care of, except their hats and their confidence. The latter is more complicated so I’ll explain the hats first. 
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It turns out that it’s difficult to find Liz and Patty hats online! One of the best ways to retrieve them from the interweb is by buying their entire cosplay but Kate and I didn’t need that and it was ridiculous to pay $100 for just two hats and get rid of the rest of the cosplay. Therefore, we had to find a way to make them ourselves. I had the genius idea of buying cowboy hats and using colored felt to color them and stitch them up to look like Liz and Patty hats. The first trial I cut the rim of the cowboy hat off and I added the flaps of their hats with patterns I had made out of felt. Then I used the excess felt to place all the stitches on the hat. I thought it looked spectacular! I was so excited to finally put it on! I got up and stood in front of my mirror and placed the hat confidently on my head and I was immediately disappointed. Somehow instead of a Liz and Patty hat, I had created one of those hats that the British Royal Guards wear. It was not black and furry like theirs; however, it sat on my head exactly the same way and I just began to laugh at myself. I looked absolutely ridiculous!! So I decided to scrap it and try again at a later date and I gave the failed hat to my stuffed alpaca, Magnus, whom I adopted at Anime Matsuri 2015. 
Last week I decided to try again! I had learned from my mistakes! The first mistake I mad was that I had cut the rim of the cowboy hats off. I needed to keep them on and use them as the rims of Liz and Patty’s hat. I thought to myself, “DUH JONI! YOU SHOULD’VE DONE THAT THE FIRST TIME!”. Also this time I used paint instead of felt. This tactic was also much simpler than cutting perfect circles out of felt and cutting them in half and cutting and cutting until they were the same size. The first tactic was like when you do your eyeliner and to make both sides of your eye even you keep adding on until both your eyes are like raccoon eyes. It took me 40 minutes to paint, this includes dry time, and it took about an hour to add all the stitches. It was turning out fabulous! Then I hot glue the rim of the cowboy hat so that it would match the rims of Liz and Patty’s hats. So now it was time for the moment of truth. I placed my Patty wig on and placed the hat atop my head. It looked horrid! This time it looked like a pirate hat! And, in addition to that, it kept sliding off my head because it didn't fit over my wig! It was an utter disaster! So I might have teared up a bit and I threw away the first horrid model of the hat and gave the new disaster hat 2.0 to who? You guessed it! Magnus! Somehow he was pulling off those hats and just completely slaying every alpaca’s existence. So at least the hats made him happy. 
The disaster with the hats was really killing at my self-esteem and in addition to this disaster, I was also feeling insecure about being Patty. I’m not a huge fan of shorts and skirts! And it’s because your girl has thick thighs and I used to embrace them but lately, I have just been feeling really insecure about it. I didn’t want to cosplay Patty at Anime Boston and just feel self-conscious all day. The original plan was to cosplay Liz and Patty on Friday during the day and change into Deku and Uraraka at night. I knew that if I was in Patty I would just be thinking about changing into Deku all day and I don’t want to feel that way. I want to be able to wear Patty and be proud of Patty! Soul Eater is one my favorite animes and I want to be able to feel comfortable, free, and happy in a Soul Eater cosplay. Therefore, I messaged Kate and I said that I was worried that our cosplays wouldn’t be perfected in time for AB. I said to her: 
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And the conversation went on and on as we struggled to decide whether to keep Liz and Patty or save them for later and eventually we decided to hold them off for when we were confident with the cosplay we put together and confident enough with ourselves. And trust me y’all will see Liz and Patty and I’m proud to say that when you do they’ll be at their 200% best! Maybe we can even find a Kid to cosplay alongside us!! 
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We decided to replace Liz and Patty with Lance and Pidge and do some wholesome Plance on Saturday! Kate is in the midst of ordering her wig, should come in the mail on Wednesday, and we are trying to pull a Pidge outfit together for her as we cannot get or make a canon version of the cosplay in such short notice. So we are going to pull together a super cute casual Pidge cosplay and it’s going to be amazing! Kate is going to kill it as Pidge!! I even found the cutest Pidge glasses at the mall! I feel very happy with our change and it will also make the convention schedule much simpler. Instead of having to change from Liz and Patty to Deku and Uraraka on Friday and then me having to change from Lance to Deku to match Kate’s Uraraka on Saturday, we are just going to do BNHA all day Friday and Voltron all day Saturday! 
It’s super important not to stress out about cosplay. Obviously, it is unavoidable because when you have a passion for it and for a character you want everything to be perfect. But it is also important to understand that what is most important is your happiness and comfort with a cosplay. Don’t think you have to force yourself to finish a cosplay for a con simply because you started it and don’t force yourself to cosplay a character you don’t feel comfortable with simply because it’s already in your plans. If you only had two cosplay plans planned for a con and then you decide to scrap one and just go as one character all weekend to a con THEN DO IT! Do what makes you feel best! If you think it’s going to take a bit more time for you to feel happy and secure in a cosplay then take all the time you need! But also remember that if you’re feeling insecure then your friends will be there for you to tell you “HEY YOU LOOK KICK ASS!!!”. Cons are about creating great memories and having fun and so cosplay the character that will make you feel happiest and that will allow you to get the greatest experience possible. Whether that be a super simple casual cosplay that allows you to run around and be free or a more complex cosplay that will induce “oohs” and “aahs” from people as they pass by. The possibilities to have a great time at cons and in cosplay are endless!  
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We made it through and now AB is this Thursday!!!! I am so so so excited and I hope to run into some of y’all there! Kate and I will be Deku and Uraraka on Friday, Pidge, and Lance on Saturday, and Easter Deku and Uraraka on Sunday!!!
<3 Joni 
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Excited for the next chapter of Blue Exorcist even though it's not coming out until May! Glad the Kato gets to take a little break between. I know it sucks for us, but she deserves.
Tbh though I haven’t read the most recent chapters, everyone keeps freaking out about what just happened and I just need to be in the dark a bit. Maybe I’ll get the courage to read it soon. Let me know if it is worth reading now or if I should just wait. -Kate
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