#< mixed statement but mostly neutral
dullahandyke · 11 months
Sometimes I get insecure about my butchness bcos I'm not as put together abt it as some butches I see online. and then i leave my bedroom and I'm like oh lol how did I think I was anything else
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gay-impressionist · 10 months
Hi! I’m starting to learn French and one thing that’s both cool and weird to me is how everything is gendered in a way (referring to someone/whose saying the statement/etc.) and I was wondering how that relates to people who identity as non-binary or gender fluid in France? Are there equivalents to they/them pronouns or neo pronouns in French?
I do plan on doing my own research about this but I figured since I love your blog and you’re really open about different cultural lgbtq+ communities I’d try here first!
That's an awesome question... with a complicated answer lmao. So buckle up and bear with me !
Basically, you can't be non-binary in French. The community found ways to do it but it's not mainstream. Most of the time, they're going to get misgendered or will have to misgender themselves to get understood.
Some things I'm going to list here are not proper French. Actually, they can even be forbidden in some circumstances, according to the law (the use of inclusive language, and more specifically le point médian, was made illegal in schools in 2021 for ex) or simply because your company etc forbids it. So use this wisely, there is a time and place for inclusive language in France.
That said, things have greatly developed over the last two decades. Which was partly because of the queer community and mainly because of feminists, who are tired of the way French erases women. More and more people are using inclusive language, at least in some circumstances and circles (for ex, i wrote my master's thesis in inclusive language and it was accepted bc i was in a leftist faculty). And inclusive language is debated as a serious issue now, which is saying something.
So, how do you use inclusive language in practice?
There are different ways, as it's informal and mostly new. People are still testing new things and trying out various methods. You can stick to one or alternate or mix them up.
Officially, there isn't a gender neutral pronoun. We don't have an equivalent to they. You're either talking about a man or a woman. If it's both, you use masculine pronouns ("masculine trumps feminine" rule). Same thing if you don't know the gender of the person ("masculin générique").
The most common neopronoun is "iel" (plural : iels), which is obviously a contraction of the masculine pronoun "il" and its feminine equivalent "elle". It works for nb folks or to avoid talking about someone's gender or to refer to a group of men and women. So it's equally used by the queer community and feminists.
I'm pretty sure other neopronouns exist but I can't think of any at the top of my head.
Choosing the right words
Sometimes, inclusive language is just about learning to use alternatives.
Instead of using gendered words, you can choose to use gender-neutral words or words "épicènes", aka words which are identical in their feminine and masculine form. For ex, instead of "homme politique" or "femme politique", you can use "personnalité politique". Personnalité is a feminine word but it's actually gender-neutral as you can use it for women and men alike. "Élève" (student) is épicène, as a female student and a male student are both referred to as "élève". Although épicène words as a gender-neutral option only work in their plural form, as you have to choose either a feminine or masculine article for the singular ("les élèves" is inclusive but it can only be "un" or "une" élève).
As good as this method is, it can be quite limitating. Your vocabulary will be drastically reduced and it can be quite hard to master that kind of speech so you can reach the point where you don't have to think everything over for ages before you open your mouth.
With oral French, you can take it a step further by choosing words that sound the same even if they have a different spelling. Ex, friend is "ami" or "amie" but it's pronounced the same way so if you say it out loud, people can't know how you're gendering it (as long as there isn't a gendered article/word with it ofc).
It avoids misgendering people but the downside is that, as masculine is considered neutral in French, people will often think : no gender specified = masculine. Not even because they're sexist or whatever, it's just so ingrained in our brains that it's a knee-jerk reaction.
That's also why most feminists often prefer to use explicitly feminine words when talking about women. For ex, they prefer the word "autrice" to "auteure" (female writer) because the second one sounds the same as its masculine version "auteur". And as previously mentionned, out loud, people will assume by default you're talking about a man. It's a big debate though, lots of women prefer words that sound masculine - going as far as refusing to use feminine words at all! Which sounds cool and gender-bending as fuck but in reality comes from feminine words traditionally seen as less legitimate and serious. Even today, if you look up the word empress "impératrice" in a French dictionary, the first definition that comes up is "wife of an emperor". "Woman ruling a country" comes second. Using a masculine title to refer to women can also be a way to mock them and show they're not welcome (a french deputy got fined in 2014 because he called the female president of the national assembly "Madame le président" and refused to use the feminine title "Madame la présidente").
Recently the tendency and official guidelines have been to feminize words, so I'd say go with that by default, but respect other people's choice if they specify how they want to be called.
Anyway I'm getting off-track but what I meant was that in French, if you avoid talking about gender, you're automatically erasing women (and nb people). So if you want to include everyone, you need to make it obvious.
Inclusivity as a statement
The most common way to make women and men equally visible is the "point médian" rule, which you can also use to refer to non-binary people as it avoids picking a specific gender.
Basically, it means pasting together the masculine and feminine forms of a word and using dots/middle dots/hyphens/parentheses/capital letters to create an inclusive word. For ex, instead of saying acteur (♂️) or actrice (♀️) for actor, you'll write "acteur.ice". For the plural form, there are two schools of thought : either you separate the feminine and masculine form AND the suffix used to signify the plural, or you don't. Aka, "acteur.ice.s" or "acteur.ices". Personally I prefer the second option because less dots makes it easier to read and faster to write, but it's an individual choice, both work.
There are two major downsides to this method : it only works in writing + it isn't doable for every word, as feminine and masculine words can be quite different and pasting them together that way would be unintelligible. Ex, "copain" and "copine" (friend or boyfriend/girlfriend depending on the context) would give something like "cop.ain.ine"...
You can work around that by choosing alternative words (as previously stated!). And it's still a pretty good method, especially as it works for any type of word (adjectives etc). Some people argue that it's hard to read and ugly but personally I think it's just a matter of habit (although it does pose a problem for people using screen readers). Be aware that it is the most controversial version of inclusive writing, as it's the furthest structure from how languages typically work.
If you don't like dots or want an alternative for oral speech, you can also straight up create new words that sound both feminine and masculine, making them gender-neutral. To use the previous example, "copain" and "copine" become "copaine".
Obviously, this only works if it's obvious which words they're based on. I think it's a great way to make French more inclusive but I'd advise against using it with uninitiated people as it would probably confuse them more than anything. This method is still quite niche.
An inclusive, yet binary language
As you've probably figured out, inclusive language remains quite binary in the way we approach it. It's more about making things both masculine and feminine than transcending gender and creating gender-neutral alternatives. Probably because inclusive language was more often a will to stop women from being erased rather than a non-binary friendly gesture.
Which means, there are also some rules that were created to avoid the "masculine trumps feminine rule" but don't allow room for non-binarity at all. I'll still explain them because they're interesting and you might encounter them at some point.
The proximity rule ("règle de proximité") is one of these. It existed in Ancient Greek and Latin but was dropped in Modern French in favor of the masculine trumps feminine rule. Basically, you gender things according to what's closest in the sentence instead of systematically using masculine words to gender a mixed group. For ex, instead of saying "Les hommes et les femmes sont beaux" you say "Les hommes et les femmes sont belles", as the subject "femmes" is closer to the adjective "beau/belle" than "hommes".
Another method is to systematically use both masculine and feminine words (which I personally find excruciating to write and read). Meaning, instead of writing "Les étudiants mangent à la cantine" (students eat at the cafeteria), you'll write "Les étudiantes et les étudiants mangent à la cantine".
This is mainly for the subject of the sentence : adjectives and such are gendered according to the masculine trumps feminine rule. The point is to explicitly include women, not to make the sentence unintelligible or gender-neutral.
When following this method, you also have to pay attention to whether you put the feminine subject first or the masculine. The rule is to follow alphabetical order. For ex, in "l'égalité entre les femmes et les hommes", "femmes" comes first because F comes before H. But in "Les auteurs et les autrices de roman", "auteurs" comes first because E comes before R. Etc.
This method is common as it's the only inclusive language you can get away with, given that it's a valid way of speaking French. It's even mandatory in some situations now, like in job descriptions for the french administration, in the spirit of gender equality.
So, how do I gender a non-binary person?
In short, you can use the pronoun iel + avoid gendered words and/or use the point médian and/or make up new words.
But keep in mind that if you're not talking to someone familiar with these rules, you'll have some explaining to do. And looots of people are still very anti inclusive language, because they're sexist and/or transphobic, ignorant, language purists, etc. A few years ago it was the thing to be angry about for conservatives and anti-feminists so it's still very controversial. But if you're in a trans inclusive queer space or talking with intersectionnal leftists, go for it !
I hope I covered everything (fellow french, don't hesitate to comment!) and didn't put you to sleep lmao. If you want to see some examples, you can look it up on Wikipedia or check #bagaitte on tumblr (it's the french queer tag) 😉
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allsaiint · 3 months
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↠ master chief/gender neutral!reader
↠ word count: 1800
↠ chapter one | chapter two
↠ masterlist
↠ description: john has no idea how to date, but he'll try his best.
↠ warnings: potential for out of character | potential for dismantling of canon | gender neutral!reader may change in future chapters
↠ author’s notes: this is based on a mix of game-canon chief and television series chief. take it as you will. if i did happen to use specific terminology to describe the reader, let me know.
-- /// --
The instant John entered the park, he sensed something was different. So late on a Wednesday evening, the only thing playing in the open air theatre was a group of young violinists, no more than high school aged. There were a few people milling about, most likely parents there to encourage the group. Others were gathered on the outskirts, at the top of the coliseum style seats. They were cloistered in twos and threes, their conversations jumbling together over the sounds of the music.
You were the lone exception, standing towards the top of the steps, half-hidden by shadows. John had never seen you before, though there had been a recent influx of newcomers to the Reach. It was mostly scientists, after a mass exodus had left gaping holes in their military programs.
He caught the way your brow furrowed a split second before he realised he had been staring. You shifted back when he tried for a smile, and gave it up as a lost cause. In some ways, the act of interacting with new people still bemused him.
He was surprised, then, to hear footsteps approach, and turned just enough to witness you falter three steps above him. Over the din of the crowd, he could hear the race of your heart, so fast that he was surprised when you managed an actual greeting.
“You’re new to Reach?” 
He had to change tracks at the last minute, turning it from a statement into a question. He had also had no designs to sit, but found himself doing so anyway when you introduced yourself.
You nodded. “I took a job at the USMC. Have you been here long?”
“My entire career,” he answered, and watched close for your reaction. He suspected that you were unaware of who he was, as most civilians were. Few knew what the Master Chief looked like without his helmet on, and a majority were within the USMC.
His suspicion was proven right when you asked, “You’re a Marine, I take it? How long have you been in?”
Something in the way you asked, or perhaps it was the lack of starstruck wonder he was so used to, made him lie through his teeth, answering, “Thirty years, give or take a few.”
Eyebrows raising, you replied, “You look so young, though.”
A product of spending so much time in a suit of armour, he supposed. Instead though, he said, “You look fairly young yourself. What made you want to take a job here?”
Your smile slipped, and you ducked your head to face your knees. “My homeworld was glassed not long ago. I figured here would be the safest place to go, after that.”
“I’m sorry,” John offered, watching the way you began to pick at a split in your lip before, very abruptly, you turned to snap a tie around your wrist. “I heard about it, after I returned from a deployment. I’m glad you made it out.”
“Me too,” you replied with a quiet laugh. “You’re actually the first person I’ve met outside of work here.”
That made John chuckle and over it, he heard the way your heartbeat skipped. “I’m honoured, really.”
Conversation stalled for a few moments, and John could see how you pretended to watch the violinists to make it seem natural. There was a tension in your shoulders that gave away your desire to say something though, and you were rubbing your palm with your thumb. You would press hard in the very centre then relent before looking at John. It was quite nice to know that your nervousness was genuine, and not borne of being in the presence of the great Master Chief.
“Do you deploy a lot?” you asked at last, drawing John from his thoughts. The way you asked was stilted, as though you had dredged the question from the depths of your desire to say anything at all. “It seems like I never see the same face twice.”
“I do,” he agreed, and wondered what to tell you. The people you would deal with most often were the general ranks, those who stood a worse chance of surviving an encounter with Covenant. “I’m between drops, at the moment, but one will likely come in in the next few days. Covenant has been busier than usual.”
“I heard rumours that they were looking for something, but couldn’t find it. The Spartans either found it first or destroyed it or something like that.” You snapped the tie on your wrist once, hard. “That’s why they started glassing so many planets— they were really upset, whatever they were looking for.”
It always surprised John to find out how close the rumours turned out to be to the truth. He often wondered who started with the truth, and how long it took the details to be lost. It reminded him of the game he played as a child with the other trainees. One would whisper a sentence from across a room or through a glass, and it was the listener’s job to relay what was said. It had taken him a long time to realise that the “game” was actually training, learning to lip-read. The more serious the children took the task, the better the results were, but not until their augmentations were there ever perfect results.
“Well, in any case,” you said, drawing John from his thoughts again and offering him a smile, “maybe when you’re here, you can come visit me at the aquarium. Since I’ll never be able to find and all.”
With a rough, quiet laugh, John said, “Could see about making that work. Do you have to go now?”
“Should,” you agreed, but lingered where you stood. “I have an early shift tomorrow, and a bit of a ride home.”
Shifting to his feet as well, he said, “Let me walk you?”
“Oh, it’s— I live all the way in Immoria. It’s too much to ask—”
“I don’t mind,” John said, cutting your rambling off with a small smile. He found them rising easier in your presence. “I’d rather be sure you get home safe. Call it paranoia.”
“Well, if you insist,” you agreed, though it was with an air of exasperation. The tick playing at the corner of your mouth indicated that you were pleased beneath that though.
The next bullet train was due in five minutes, and you sidled closer as the waiting crowd grew and closed in. The way you flinched was almost imperceptible when you leaned into John, and your laugh was embarrassed.
“I don’t even like eating in the caf at work,” you admitted, but allowed his hand to stay where it was on  your back. “I don’t care much for crowds since—”
“I get it,” John said as the train came to an abrupt stop in front of you. There was just the one, and it hurtled back and forth across the city twenty-four hours a day. You remained close as the train began to move, curling your free hand into his shirt when someone knocked into you. The culprit offered John a smile full of mock apology that dwindled beneath his scowl, until they shifted to give you your space.
You were busy watching the scenery pass, and startled when John asked, “If you dislike crowds, what do you do at the complex?”
“Oh, they stuffed me into some little corner room with a few other researchers. I don’t really have to deal with too many people. Thankfully.”
“I see. What did you do before this?”
You shook your head. “I travelled around, studying species in their natural habitats, how we affected them, boring stuff like that.”
“It doesn’t sound boring,” John said, and watched your eyes widen as though you were surprised to hear it. If he had to describe it, it sounded peaceful. “If you enjoyed it, it wasn’t boring.”
“Well, fair enough,” you said with a quiet, almost disbelieving laugh. “Do you enjoy what you do?”
“Yes,” he replied on reflex. No one in recent memory had asked him that and, in truth, he was unsure of the truth in his answer. He had never been given the choice to decide if he enjoyed what he did or not.
Something must have shown through in his response, because the look you cast him came with a frown. You seemed to come to some decision or assumption on your own though, and uncurled your fist to lay flat on his chest.
A little too mired in his own thoughts again, John let silence reign after that. He followed you down the street with an absent mind, aware somewhere in the recesses of it that the inattention was unbecoming of the Master Chief. He found it happening with more frequency though, since—
“Well, this is me,” you said. “Thank you for walking me.”
“Like I said, I’d rather know you got home safe,” he replied, taking the building in. It was twenty something stories, but still short compared to most in the city. A pair of doormen stood just inside, prepared to open the doors for you.
You stalled again; it seemed you had something more to say. He heard the pace of your heart increase, and his focus narrowed in on the flicker of your pulse beneath your skin.
“Do you have a data pad, by chance?” you asked after a harsh swallow.
“It’s broken,” John said. His attention turned to your face just in time to register the way it crumpled in disappointment. With more gentleness, he continued, “I’d like to see you again, though.”
The words felt foreign, coming from him. If you noticed, you chose to ignore it when you agreed. John was surprised at how eager you seemed, and found it hard not to let it envelop him.
“At the park tomorrow? Same time?” he said. Again, he was met with eager agreement that made him smile. “Good. Goodnight then.”
Your sharp inhale in response was so subtle that even he almost missed it. Your eyes widened and your throat bobbed before you replied, “Night, John.”
Even you seemed to realise how hoarse you sounded and made to turn away, but not before John caught look of embarrassment flash across your face. He watched you scurry inside, and waited until the door was securely latched before allowing himself the laugh that had been brewing all evening.
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reeddotcom · 9 months
[TCSM] Johnny x Reader P.2
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➢ Normal on the Outside
summary: just like in the TCSM game, you've woken up in the sawyer household and need to survive against whatever odds come your way. escaping with your friends is deal, though you may or may not have gotten some help along the way. (gender neutral, self-insert)
warnings: blood, minor violence, suggested gore (but honestly nothing 2 cray oops)
a/n: second part whewwwwww!! pls enjoy
There's a distinct cleanliness to the linens underneath your hands as opposed to the rest of... well, everything that had established the house of horrors beyond the walls and foundation. They lacked the warmth of a body sleeping in it recently but there's no sign of blood or distress in the rosé flowers that pattern fabric squeezed between your palms. As such, you don't sensel any immediate danger within your circumstances or feel the need to pull out the bone scalpel that was tucked within one of your pockets; retrieved from the basement and yet to be used, much to your relief. Your body twists, turning to face Johnny as he towers over you with a looming ambiguity that's hard to discern from such hardened features. Did he always have blood on his face? 
It splattered downwards, trickling over the man's forehead and across gauntly cheeks until the same fluids amassed over his clothes, plastered against the sleeveless shirt that detailed his defined structure. The blood merely looked like oil stains glistening in the right light as he took another step forward. You should've closed your legs before another step was taken, as now you two are tangled; Johnny crouching down in front of you with a predacious haste that'd bring any and all of your movements to a pause. 
Even your breath hitches with how close you two are in that moment. You can see all of the older scars embedded into Johnny's skin, as well as the freshness of the blood that still samples crimson undertones; it's lack of runniness from how thin it spread across his features. Meeting with the hazel hues that are staring directly back at you comes eventually, if it wasn't for the man's voice catching your attention after extended silence. 
"If it's any consolation... their death was quick." 
Whose? He sees a change in your expression, regardless if it were fear, confusion, sadness. Garnering a reaction in general brings a smile back to the man's face, "Don't know her name. Orange hair, bumpkin-" Connie. Her face flickers in your mind, momentarily tuning out Johnny's words as various versions of her fate shuffle through your thoughts with the world's most violent deck of cards. Her maker could've been the very knife Johnny was holding, aimed lazily towards your stomach as his elbow rested over one knee, the other touched to the ground beside your thigh. He doesn't seem to have any intention to use it right now as his grip looks rather loose, but... whether or not that's a disappointment is yet to be determined. 
"Anyway, it was the only way that you and I..." You spoke too soon. As that thick accent draws out Johnny's words, the knife was brought up to touch right beneath your chin; a means of reassuring eye-contact had you been a bit nervous, "... Could be together." 
He says it so innocently, losing tension that creased between darkened eyebrows as the admission was made. "You see," But he doesn't give you much of a chance to respond, let alone digest such weighted statements. Everything about Johnny overwhelms all your senses with or without trying, "I watched your lil friend group as you guys came up in here. Yeah, watched you good.." The mix of smells weaved between you two left a bittersweet taste behind your lips. Bodily fluids, cheap cologne, pungency, "And y'know, my family- Grandpa​ mostly and.. well, you've heard my sister earlier too, I think-" Downstairs, she was the one that said Johnny's name, you assume, "They don't take kindly to surprise visits. I gotta agree with them, honestly."
The coldness of the knife slips out from beneath an angled chin, steadily turning over to press flat steel against your cheek, sharp-tip close to the corner of your mouth. Thankfully none of the leftover residue on the weapon touches any skin, "Unless.. they look like you."
Johnny's gaze descends far past your countenance, taking in what you can only assume are certain characteristics, maybe a distinctive part about you that's been commented on before, good or bad. Intentions were still unclear and assuming such animalistic tendencies were a compliment had the potential to be dangerous, "Yeah, you put up a fight. Don't remember?" Whatever was underneath your fingertips had been suddenly replaced with the distant feeling of a memory; a tingling that came with phantom movements, unable to attach to anywhere or anything. Before the basement, you were... in Leland's van. His tape-deck speakers were so shitty that the song's tune was hardly distinguishable, at least not over Ana's voice as she talked about the place you guys were going—here, where Maria was last seen, as you know now. Memories dribble in but the feeling of cool steel lifting from your face draws you back into reality; Johnny's eyes waiting for that focused look to return.
He points the knife towards where thoughts and feelings were swallowed down, at the bottom of your throat. "Friends put up a good fight too but I couldn't control what happened to 'em, not when I was so focused on you." The sharpened tip barely pricks the medial of your sternum. In terms of mixed signals, your nerves don't know which alarms to set off, "Pretty little thing. Grew fond of ya while tyin' you up, and now..." 
Even if the words didn't necessarily fit, there's a part of you that feels as if the praise is genuine with the way it rolls off southern tongue. Johnny was disarming you. And to say it worked was dependent on where the sudden spark of a flame was lighting inside of you. 
".. I get you all to myself." 
Under the current circumstances, the average individual would most likely experience fear, despair; feeling the warmth in their face as cheeks washed out into a ghostly pale. Johnny had a certain charm about him that swayed the apprehensions knotting in your stomach though, churning it in a way that was confusing, but comforting in a sense. He could read through all of it by the way your body never recoiled away from his. 
The two of you obviously shared something, whether that was a strange one-sided romance that this killer had decided for the both of you while you were unconscious or some fucked up version of Stockholm syndrome. There was also the chance you legitimately thought there was some goodness in the voice lulling you into a daze; clemency behind the gloved hand now reaching for your face, index behind the ear, thumb on your temple. Being starved of touch wasn't anything to be embarrassed about, and neither was potentially hooking up with the man whose muscles looked like they'd tear you apart had you asked nicely. Who knows, death was around every corner. Only you knew what you wanted. 
Johnny could only assume, taking the lack of resistance as an answer in itself and deciding to indulge in the needs that swelled beneath the surface. Some were more obvious than others had your eyes wandered, but as Johnny breaches what little distance was already between you two, eyes flickering shut, your body feels inclined to mirror the bizarre show of affection. What was one kiss? If it saved your life, c'est la vie. You could feel the knife retract with the closer you two got, allowing you one last deep breath before the very moment Johnny seemed eager for since the start. 
That is, until it's ruined. Not by you, but an ear-piercing scream that swallows the entire mood of the room; feminine-sounding, though you're able to discern that it isn't Julie or Ana. Johnny seems to be more put-off by it than anything, displaying as much in an obvious show of frustration—balled up fists and a scowl that dragged rugged features down. He quickly stands to his feet but doesn't say a word; the harsh gesture of an open-palm to your face saying what words couldn't. Be quiet. It could've been worse, so you comply. 
"I can only find four of their bodies,"​ The voice cried out. You're safe to assume this is Johnny's sister again from the sounds of it, "And I know that other rat is here, somewhere." 
"Relax- relax, relax," Another lower-toned voice responded, spiratic and less confident than the one before, "Johnny's probably on top of it. Haven't seen him in a while but-" 
The two of you share a look. 
"Johnny's useless. If Grandpa was still able then this would've been over by now." 
Whimpers from the softer voice trail after such crude words, painting a picture of a family dynamic here that you felt as if you had no business being a part of. Johnny was dragging you into it, but whether or not he'd get you out of it was another question all together. 
"Go cry somewhere else. I'm checking the house again, so move!" 
A door slams, shaking fixtures in the room with such intensity that you could feel the vibrations in your fingertips against the floor. You weren't safe, even now, with Johnny looking down at you with a sense of aggressive guardianship. Little was known about this man but he seemed to know you, and wanted something from you that was necessary to gratify a hunger. How insatiable his appetite was made you nervous. 
But also, curious. Best that you stay alive if you were looking to find out. 
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signalhill-if · 1 year
Hey, Jasper! I was wondering about 👀💐 for Doc and Malik. (and if you have time, cause I'm curious, in your opinion 💪?)
Hope you're well and that school isn't too much ❤️
Thank you so much 😭 ❤️
👀: Does your OC believe they are attractive? Do they use that to their advantage?
Doc: Not at all lmao. It's not that he thinks he's ugly, it's just that he tries not to care- in his mind, there are far more important things to worry about. I think he's probably vaguely aware that some people think he's attractive, but that's more of an oddity in his mind than a fact.
Malik: He's not unhappy with his appearance (at least, not anymore, he used to be more self conscious), but he's also aware not many people see him so he's generally pretty neutral haha. But in terms of voice, he absolutely is aware that people think his voice is attractive and he plays up those elements of it as much as possible.
💐: What is their courting style? How would they woo someone?
Doc: He's pretty reserved and honestly pretty traditional, I think his idea of wooing someone would be the classic "give them flowers and take them on a picnic" thing. It's whether he actually gets the motivation to do those things that's in question.
Malik: They have an absolute ace up their sleeve vis a vis romance. Nothing more powerful than a public statement of affection, especially on the only radio station anyone in town listens to lmao. He's also partial to mix tapes. But mostly he's not a big romantic type, he'd just want to spend time with you.
💪: What is your OC’s most physically attractive attribute?
I have yet to draw Malik enough to determine this haha. For Doc, I'd say it's either the nose freckles or his hands 😌
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How to Spice Up Your Living Room Wall Decor: Tips and Ideas
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Transform your living room walls from bland to beautiful with these creative decorating ideas. Learn how Looking to give your living room a stylish update? Check out our expert tips and creative ideas for transforming your walls into a stunning focal point. From choosing the right color palette to creating a gallery wall and using statement pieces, we've got you covered. Whether you're a minimalist or maximalist, our guide will help you elevate your living room wall decor with ease.
Here’s the deal. Choosing art for your home doesn’t always come naturally. For some, it may even be the most challenging part of tying a room together. And while questions like how do I choose the right size or the right colors to fit my space? and how do I pair different pieces of art together? are common, they can also feel overwhelming if you don’t know where to begin.
Whether you feel stuck trying to decide what kind of art will look good in your space, or you already know what you like and simply need to find the right one, we’re here to help guide you toward identifying pieces that fit your style and your space.
We've found that embracing this simple statement can help set the tone for making your wall art selection:
Consider viewing your walls as a blank canvas. As an opportunity to showcase your personality in a fun way—through color, subject, and composition. Because it’s often what we choose to hang on our walls that makes a space feel uniquely our own.
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Black Love Kiss Canvas Painting Abstract Print Poster Pictures Home Bedroom Living Room Decoration Wall Art
That’s the beautiful thing about art—it’s a reflection of how personal and individual telling the story of your home is. It exists to remind us where we’ve been, what we love, and it reflects the beauty we are drawn to.
With that in mind, it’s important to understand that choosing art is more of an intuitive process than you might think, and no one is better equipped to tell your story than you. But, from a practical point of view, there are a few steps you can follow to help guide your purchase, and make it a worthwhile investment.
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BANMU Canvas Painting Wall Art Picture City Night Art Print on Canvas Posters Wall Art Painting Home Decor Landcape Art Print
The first step to choosing a piece of wall art is determining what kind of real estate you have. If you want to get the sizing just right, now is the time to grab the tape measure.
If you have a larger wall to fill or are wanting one statement piece to anchor your space, look for large-scale art. These pieces have the potential to make a really big impact on a space!
Whether you have a large or small wall to fill and are hoping to bring several pieces of art into the space, consider a gallery wall. A good starting point here is to pair complementary styles and colors together. Assessing what’s currently in your space—style, color, and pattern themes—can also help you decide what makes sense on your gallery wall.
If you’re looking to add a little visual interest in a cozier space or something simple to finish out a corner or nook, opt for smaller frames.
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Before purchasing new wall art for a specific space, take stock of what decor and furniture you already have in there. For a mostly neutral room, rich or colorful art could be great to infuse. Or, if you already have plenty of color, texture, and pattern, look for simpler, more subdued art pieces.
Our wall art is categorized by style to help you identify pieces that you're naturally drawn to. Go bold and mix styles or stick to the genre that feels right to you. To make it even simpler, consider art that’s sold as a pair.
There isn’t a set formula for grouping art together, so enjoy the process of trying something new in your space!
This robust collection is filled with pieces for any space and any style. We hope you’ll find something here that you love, and that adds a renewed sense of joy and meaning to your home.
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carrekiblue · 2 years
Sunday, September 4, 2022 7:54 pm Molfaun Beach
Summary: Blue has some thoughts about the upcoming meeting. It’s a real short thing debated leaving this one in the drafts Characters: Blue Sreleku, Robin Astrea Characters Mentioned: Ryder Astrea
Blue was only planning on taking a short beach nap. They would hopefully be leaving Molfaun soon, after this meeting with the Empress, and they had felt a mix of emotions, but mostly nerves, over being included in the main action with the meeting. They knew they weren’t the best talker, and they just hoped they wouldn’t have to, that Glyon wasn’t lying about the ticket holders not having to carry their respective part. Their first instinct, though, when their mind was back and forth like this, was to head to the ocean, and being stuck on an ocean planet had brought that at least. She’d watched the ocean waves lap back and forth, and felt a little reprieve in their mind, enough to relax onto the sand, and decided maybe it would be good to rest the eyes for a moment. The next thing she registered, though, was the sky was considerably darker, and the Laykul that were around were all long gone. The other thing she registered was that someone actually had nudged her awake. “What--” their eyes adjusted to a figure over her, squinting. “Robin?” Blue guessed. “What are you doing on the beach? I thought you couldn’t swim, or something.” They saw him stiffen a bit. “That would be Ryder,” he amended her statement, and did not elaborate further. “You were just…laying there, not moving. I was sort of making sure you weren’t dead,” Robin said sheepishly. “Oh.”  Blue didn’t know what to do with that.  “Well, thanks, boss. Don’t worry, I’m alive and well,” Blue slowly pulled herself up, dusting the sand off of her. Another thought occurred to them: “Aren’t you supposed to be at the palace preparing for the meeting tomorrow?” Robin’s expression was neutral, but he raised an eyebrow. “Aren’t you? “Fair enough.” Blue paused for a moment, then offered, “I guess I was out here to think about it. There’s a lot to think about. With the meeting,” they added. They watched his expression shift to something resembling a bit of conflict, as if he were considering his next words back and forth. He turned away and watched the water, the sun now setting behind it. “That’s why I’m out here, too,” Robin said finally, sighing. “We don’t really have to negotiate with someone with as high a title, ever, and we don’t know what she’ll be like...or what will happen…” he looked at her apologetically. “Sorry. You came here to not think about those kinds of things.” They gave a small laugh, giving him a nudge. “I did. But I’m glad I’m not crazy.  I’m also mostly worried about…I don’t know. Messing it up for everyone. That the Empress will make me do all of the talking during my half hour, which happens to be the last one, and that I’ll say something that makes them kick us off the planet without our money, or something.” Blue had no real idea why they were rambling, or why they were saying this to Robin, of all people. She supposed it was because he was here, and he had turned his attention to her, listening as if he were hanging off her every word. Then Robin gave her a soft smile, and Blue was a little caught off guard by how his smile seemed to spread to his whole face. “I also worry about that,” he admitted softly, putting his hands into his pockets. “I think Glyon was being truthful, though--and that you won’t have to talk any more than you’re comfortable with. If you don’t want to talk at all, well, that’s what I’m here for. But, I think you’re very smart, and you can more than handle yourself in there,” Robin said in an assuring tone. “I guess…if you aren’t comfortable still, let me know before the meeting if you have anything you want me to specifically bring up?” Blue blinked, not expecting…well, any of it: the empathy, the pep-talk, and the way he was communicating this in a very sincere tone. “I don’t think that’ll be necessary, Astrea,” she said. “But thank you. I guess we will both try our best tomorrow. Or else.” They gave him a light punch on the arm, which he chuckled at. “I guess so,” Robin replied. “I’ll see you later, Blue,” he gave a small wave and turned to head back to the palace. “See you later...Alligator,” Blue answered to his back, which garnered another laugh from him.
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hananiahomedesign · 2 months
Versatile Dining Room Styles
Dining rooms can be used for a wide variety of purposes, so they need to be versatile. Choosing a color scheme and accents like curtains, rugs, and art can pull together a cohesive look.
Versatile Dining Room Design Ideas
The dining room of this Minnesota lake home tilts traditional, but shiplap walls and cane chairs loosen up the formality. A wood-burning fireplace warms up the space and doubles as a display for the homeowners' collection of pottery. You can make this happen when you buy a house with a versatile dining room design.
Dining tables that extend allow you to seat more people for dinner or create a larger buffet for holiday gatherings and parties. Typically, these tables have internal storage where the additional sections are housed when not in use. Some even have hinges or a self-storing mechanism to make it easier to expand the table.
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When shopping for a dining room extendable table, consider the amount of seating you need on a daily basis and how many guests you expect to host for dinner or holidays. This will help you select the right table size and style to fit your space.
Steel Dining Chairs for a Contemporary Design
For a modern look, opt for a rectangular table with geometric lines and a clean finish. The contrast between the sleek structure and the natural wood grain adds visual interest to the space. Pair this with steel dining chairs for a contemporary design. If you prefer a more rustic style, try a farmhouse-inspired table with natural wood finishes and a reclaimed or distressed base.
A coordinating set of dining chairs and table is an easy way to make a dining room look complete. Matching tables and chairs also help create a cohesive look, which can be important when your space is open and needs to be divided into different functional areas.
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Color is another quick and easy way to give your dining room a design update. Deep blues and greens are sophisticated choices that work well in this type of room, as they help to create a moody backdrop for candlelit dinners or intimate conversations.
Creates a Unified Feel and Gives Dining Room
Don't be afraid to go darker with your wall colors. Dining rooms are usually dark and receive little natural light, which makes them a great place to experiment with deeper hues. For a more dramatic effect, paint the ceiling the same color as the walls. This creates a unified feel and gives your dining room an instantly eye-catching focal point. For added storage, add a buffet or cabinets to the dining area. Adding glass-door cabinets helps declutter and can prevent dusting, while closed buffets offer hidden storage for rarely used dishes.
The lighting you choose to hang above your dining room table is an opportunity to create a statement. For high-impact, look for fixtures that relate to the shape of your table and mirror the style of other dining room furnishings, like chairs or rugs. For a more flexible design, opt for a mix of pendants or a chandelier that can be changed out easily to suit your mood.
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A well-chosen fixture can also enliven a neutral palette. Here, a pair of copper pendants adds warmth to this mostly neutral space without overwhelming it. If your room features a lovely view or other wall decor, choose a fixture that will not obstruct the feature. Open styles like this three-arm midcentury chandelier are a great option, or you can go for a more minimal look with a cage chandelier or clear glass shade. Sconces are also a smart choice for flanking buffets, mirrors or artwork. They can even add a modern touch to a traditional or rustic dining room. Maybe property.thegardengranny.com site can be your reference in choosing a project with the design you dream of.
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xtruss · 1 year
G20 Roundup: New Payment Systems, Supply Chains Will Weaken West’s Grip on Global South
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© AFP 2023/Arun Sankar
Officials from the world’s 20 largest economies met in Delhi, India Thursday for the second and final day of the G20 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting. The event was filled with acrimonious exchanges over Ukraine and the sabotage of Nord Stream, and a joint communique could not be agreed on. Sputnik reached out to Indian observers for key takeaways.
Thursday’s G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Delhi was the second time the bloc failed to reach a consensus on a joint communique since last week’s Finance Ministers' Meeting in Bengaluru, India.
“There were issues. The issues, very frankly, concerned the Ukraine conflict on which there were divergences,” Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar told reporters following the meetings.
Instead, the Indian hosts released a "Chair's Summary and Outcome Document" which, as the name suggests, summarized what officials said and some of the disagreements between them.
"Recognizing that the G20 is not the forum to resolve security issues, we acknowledge that security issues can have significant consequences for the global economy," the summary read, pointing to a lack of consensus on Ukraine.
A Russian-Chinese push to demand a fair and impartial investigation into the Nord Stream blasts in the communique was not mentioned.
Countries formally agreed to take steps to "strengthen" multilateralism, that "the United Nations must be responsive to the entire membership," and that problems in this area "can only be addressed through reinvigorated multilateralism, reforms and international cooperation." G20 members also expressed "deep concerns" over the global "challenges" to food and energy security, and the need to maintain "undisrupted, sustainable, and resilient supply chains."
The document also paid lip service to the climate change and global health agendas, as well as development cooperation, emerging technologies, counterterrorism, and the battle against illicit drugs.
G20 is Not G7
The reason for the lack of consensus is pretty obvious and it's not necessarily a bad thing, says Manjeet Kripalani, executive director of Gateway House, an independent Mumbai-based foreign policy think tank. Unlike the Group of 7 (G7), which is a club exclusive to rich, mostly Western powers, the G20 includes a diverse mix of countries from the West, East, and Global South.
"The G7 is a sort of homogeneous body. They all have the same views. They trade with each other. They're all advanced economies. The G20 is more fair, it represents the world a little bit better, it's a mixture of poor countries, rich countries, different continents. And so obviously, their view is going to be different. I think that the G20 represents the world better. And of course, the G7 is going to think differently," Kripalani told Sputnik.
Dr. Raj Kumar Sharma, a fellow at the University of Delhi’s Delhi School of Transnational Affairs, agreed, noting that as the host country, India had an obligation "not to take sides and reflect concerns of involved parties in the statement," balancing the G7 countries’ push to condemn Russia and use the term "war" with the fact that "many G20 countries have not taken sides in this crisis" and "have stayed neutral.”
For his part, Srikanth Kondapalli, dean of Jawaharlal Nehru University’s School of International Studies, said it was important to highlight India’s position on Ukraine and the current international security crisis more broadly.
"Where does India stand in this? I think the Samarkand Meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in September last year [made] the Indian position clear. One is, of course, neutrality in the current conflict," Kondapalli said. There are some differences between Moscow and Delhi, the observer noted, including India’s lack of criticism toward NATO expansion, which countries like China have pointed to as a root cause of the Ukraine crisis. But generally, Delhi has consistently struck to neutrality, and “did not go along with many G7 countries in terms of the United Nations debates, the General Assembly debates, or the Human Rights Council debates, or other multilateral institution debates on this issue."
During the G20 event, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Foreign Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov each made statements criticizing the current global order, and calling for greater representation of developing countries in international institutions.
"It is high time to reform the UN Security Council," Lavrov said at a news conference Thursday, highlighting Moscow’s agreement with India on the need to reform the top global decision-making institution. Foreign Minister Jaishankar echoed these sentiments, pointing out that as "the number of members of the United Nations has quadrupled" over the past 80 years, the existing Security Council architecture "neither reflects today’s politics, economics, demographics or aspirations."
"Important institutions that provide global governance are dominated by the Western countries, whether it is the UN Security Council or the financial mechanisms like the IMF and World Bank. India along with Russia has been supportive of their reform to include members from the Global South. This would not only democratize their decision-making, but would also reflect interests of the developing countries in global governance structures," Dr. Sharma said, commenting on the Russian and Indian ministers' positions.
Kondapalli agreed that the current system is broken and needs fixing, saying the current Security Council often engages in talk instead of taking action.
For example, "there was no single statement from the Security Council on COVID-19, which has killed nearly six million people so far. And no remedial measures proposed by the Security Council in regard to this. It did have a vaccination program, but dependent on individual states’ contribution, or that vaccination drive. But nevertheless, it didn't have any position on COVID-19, which basically disrupted entire economies, lives, supply chains, manufacturing sector, the health care-related infrastructure, and so on," the observer said.
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In this handout photo released by the Russian Foreign Ministry, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov talks to the media during the G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting (G20 FMM), in New Delhi, India. Editorial use only, no archive, no commercial use. © Russian Foreign Ministry/Go to the mediabank
Political multilateral institutions like the Security Council aside, multilateralism has also failed in other spheres, like the World Health Assembly and the International Monetary Fund, Kondapalli said. "In terms of distributing the finances or infrastructure, especially among the Global South, the G77 countries, there is a certain crisis even in economic, multilateral institutions, apart from the political multilateral institutions," the academic noted.
Kondapalli emphasized that changes to the global decision-making order will require rich countries to be more "alert" to the needs of the Global South, because many of the problems caused by developed countries "spill over into effects on the Global South," with the Ukraine crisis being a perfect example.
"The Ukrainian conflict resulted in energy prices going up [...] Everything moves on energy, which means the transportation, food materials, everything else is dependent on transportation. As a result of this, there is a food crisis increasing, inflation rising, fertilizer prices rising. So these are major concerns for the developing countries, or the Global South. What Prime Minister Modi is trying to say is that the effects of any conflict will have a drastic impact on developing countries," the scholar said.
Manjeet Kripalani agreed with this assessment, but said it's worth emphasizing that sanctions, and not the Ukraine crisis alone, must be given their fair share of the blame. “They have prevented the free flow of particularly energy and food, which is related to the normal trading patterns. So, it is very important to call this out, because there is one side of the world which is putting out its story on the ‘war,’ but actually it is the sanctions that have done it, so it is very important to call this out,” she said.
'Exciting' Opportunity to Build a Fairer World
During his post-summit press conference, Lavrov said that Russia would continue to "focus on forming reliable transport corridors, independent payment systems, and the expansion of payments in national currencies within the framework of BRICS, SCO and the Eurasian Economic Union."
Kripalani emphasized that moves by Russia, China, and others to break out of dependence on Western institutions and systems "is actually very exciting," because it potentially opens the door to a new, fairer world order.
"It used to be that in the old days, the Western banks always were the ones that called the shots. That is no longer going to happen. There will be banks and financial intermediaries from around different parts of the world. In fact, it's going to become a financially more equal world. On logistics - in fact, it is very good, because, again, the systems that exist have been disrupted. But what we are going to see, and there is going to be a renewed push, is to get the Eurasian systems and the customs unions, etc. to start reactivating. For instance, the international North-South Transport Corridor, which runs from Central Asia down to Iran, this is now going to be looked at again, because these are connectivity projects that are closer to West Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, maybe Russia and China. And Asia will see different kinds of connectivity, maybe maritime connectivity projects, I'm not sure. But certainly, these multimodal transport corridors are going to be looked at now with great interest," the expert said.
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Russian and Chinese flags at the negotiating table during the meeting between Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his Chinese counterpart Qin Gang at the G20 summit in India, March 2, 2023. © Photo : Press Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation/Go to the mediabank
Finally, Srikanth Kondapalli expressed a more skeptical view, pointing out that although new payment systems and currency swap transactions have helped reduce countries' dependence on the West, it must be recognized that as of this moment, the dollar continues to maintain a 50%+ share of transactions globally, with the pound, the euro, and the yen accounting for part of the rest.
"So I'm not very sure how successful this diversification to local currencies will be,” the observer concluded.
— Ilya Tsukanov | March 2, 2023
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shavata78 · 1 year
Tips for picking the right linen cushion covers for your customers
Also known as scatter pillows, cushions have become an integral part of every modern home decor project. And they aren’t just for living rooms. Contemporary-style decoration requires linen cushion covers for bedrooms, gardens, patios, terraces, and other furnished areas. This decorative piece is the most affordable and wonderful way to upgrade traditional or modern space. 
As beautiful as they look, choosing the right sets of cushions after mixing and matching various colors and patterns can get tricky.
Throwing a bunch of ordinary pillows is never enough. People who want to impress their guests with beautifully decorated living rooms need to put in some effort in shopping for throw cushions. So, are you ready to take your interior design business to a whole new level with our cushion cover fabrics? Or, would you like to add some latest cushion pieces to your collection? You are in the right place.  
If you can’t select the best cushions, we are here to help. We are a leading cushion cover exporter, offering a vast range of all types, sizes, and designs of cushion cover fabrics. Check out our latest additions if you want linen cushion covers in bulk.
Below we have listed a few creative tips on decorating your space with the best cushion cover fabric. Let’s get started.
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Consider a mix of patterns, styles, and colors
Cushion covers should match the color palette used for the interior design. If it’s a neutral theme in a living space, cushion covers in neutral colors will coordinate with the existing palette. Mostly, customers look for colorful and warm tones when buying pillows, as they lend a welcoming feel to their space. 
Ideally, you should keep a mix of different styles, patterns, colors, and sizes of cushions. You never know what goes out of fashion and what becomes the next big trend in the interior design industry. You can find an extensive variety of these interior decor pieces in our store in bulk and at reasonable prices. 
The prints of your linen cushion covers matter
Not everyone decorating their space with a linen cushion cover will want to keep everything matchy-matchy. If you have been in the interior decor business for some time, you might know that there’s an increasing demand for statement pieces that stand out among the other decor items. 
For instance, suppose a customer has selected a minimalist theme for their interior space. They have painted the walls neutral colors, and the furniture gives a minimalist vibe. Now, keeping a neutral theme for each room will make the place look boring. So, to spruce up the place, they want cushions in bold prints and patterns. That’s where you can help. You can provide cushions in modern, boho, contemporary, monochrome, and customized prints.
The right number of cushions
How many cushions are too many? That’s the question every interior designer asks. There’s no ideal number. It depends on how your customer wants to decorate their place and what kind of theme they are thinking of. A few cushions in bold prints and colorful patterns will be perfect if they want a boho-style room. For minimalists, plain cushions (one cushion more than the total seats on your sofa) should do. 
The size also plays a part here. Three cushion pieces are enough if you are considering large-sized cushions for a 5-seater sofa. For the audience that wants to restore the old-world charm with rustic colors and vintage furniture, linen cushion covers in even numbers are a good choice.
The sizes and shapes of cushions
Have you seen a large cushion in a sturdy fabric placed on the single-seater near the fireplace? That looks lovely and feels incredibly warm on a cold winter night. It also goes well with a single-seater. But, if your customer wants to add depth to a living room featuring a plain and neutral theme, they may want to get a little more creative with the cushion cover fabric. 
For instance, a few large cushion pieces placed behind the smaller ones will look lovely. The ideal size for cushions used in the living rooms is 20 inches x 20 inches. Then again, there’s no hard and fast rule about that. Some people prefer small pieces of cushions, while others want a combination. Some may like a bunch of large and round cushion pieces. 
Consider arrangements
Just choosing the perfect cushions for a living space can’t turn a boring living room into an extraordinary space that attracts the attention of every visitor. The placement matters as much as the cushion quality. How the linen cushion covers are arranged on sofas will set the tone for the entire space. Again, there’s no right way to do that. It depends on different interior designs, the size and design of a sofa, and decor themes. 
Mostly, people who aren't confident about the arrangement go for the classic. They place the bold-colored cushions on either side of the sofa and keep the ones in the middle simple. People want their place to look chic. To achieve a cozy and relaxed look, they go for minimalist designs. Monochrome is one of the few examples of contemporary yet minimalist cushion cover fabric ideas. After all, the goal is to add colors to a dull space without making it look overcrowded.
Choose the right linen cushion cover exporters
When buying cushion cover fabric in bulk, you want to work with a trusted textile cushion cover exporter who has manufacturing experience and can cater to your individual needs. Someone who’s been designing linen cushion covers for decades knows what’s trending, what your customers will pick, and which cushion cover fabrics can transform the vibe of homes. 
We at Soft Options have been doing this for years. Being one of the leading cushion cover exporters in the market, we can provide you with the pieces that your customers will pick without second thoughts. You can check out our page to get a better look at the types of linen cushion covers we offer. Hope you find something that fits your requirements. 
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kehoemadgood · 2 years
Are taps contaminated? Where do the unfounded reports originate?
What is a glyphosate herbicide? Glyphosate ("ingredient name "glyphosateisopropylamine-salt") is a herbicide widely used in gardening and agriculture across the globe and in particular Japan. When it is sprayed, it absorbs the leaves and green areas of the plants, like the stems and leaves. It then migrates to roots and eventually withers the whole plant. It is non-selective , and all plants will be killed when it is applied to their leaves. グリホサート 非農耕地用 Pesticide companies are now offering herbicides that contain glyphosate because the patent on the ingredients has expired. All glyphosate-based herbicides are proven and tested. Glyphosate, which is lower toxicity to livestock due to an enzyme inhibitor in plants (not present in animals) is one of its characteristics. The chemical solution that is sprayed becomes food for microorganisms once it comes in contact with soil. It is later separated into carbon dioxide and water. This makes it distinctive since it does not contain herbicide substances. It is a well-known pesticide in the world that helps reduce greenhouse gases because it allows no-tillage agriculture. Glyphosate in tapwater Tap water is secure Is glyphosate mixed with tap water? Weekly Shincho declared, April 2020: "In Japan there is no standard for glyphosate which remains in drinking water from the tap. The only value is the Target." This value is higher than that of other pesticides or countries. It also covers drinking water that has been polluted by pesticides. I have published an article that states that there is. It was believed that high concentrations could remain in the tap water. This is a false statement. Firstof all, glyphosate does not have a "standard value" however it has a "target value". This is due to the fact that the standard for draft water quality value (concentration that is safe in the event that you consume 2L of tap water per day for the rest of your life) was glyphosate. It was 10 mins of 2 ppm. This is because a concentration that is higher than 0.2ppm (1) has never been detected within the tap water. In reality, in an examination conducted of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in Japan, there were no cases of glyphosate detected in water from taps in Japan that exceeds 0.02 ppm. グリホサート There is no chance of detection. In addition the glyphosate spray reduces the rate of soil degradation and is degraded in as little as two days. Thus, it is transfered to waterways and rivers at the same concentration and will not be polluted. Japanese tap water is secure The tap water of Japan is considered to be safe throughout the world. It is safe to drink tap water as it stands. There are 51 strict inspection items that are supplied on the basis of strict quality control stipulated by the law. The difference in pH between water is what determines whether it's acidic, neutral or alkaline. グリホサート Japan's water quality standards demand the tap water to be close to neutral (5.8+ and 8.6+). But, if the pipes that supply water that are in or around your home are deteriorated, there is still the chance of drinking iron corrosion. How does tap water get produced? Tap water mostly uses river and dam water as the primary source. After water has been filtered and precipitated, it's cleaned with chlorine. Every household is supplied with tap water via its pipes. The Story of Japanese pesticide residue standard value Japan's glyphosate standard for wheat is now 5ppm. But it was at 5ppm prior to December 2017. There are some opinions such as "We reduced that to 30ppm by 6x and resented the health harm." Glyphosate in tap water The value of the residual standard for glyphosate is exactly the same as that of the international standard. But the truth is we did not lower the value of the standard. グリホサート ラウンドアップ Instead, we changed it to be in line with the residual value of international standards. Japan imports wheat in huge amounts from the United States, Canada and South America. グリホサート 濃度 The importer (the overseas producer) controls the amount of glyphosate utilized according to the standard of international standards (30ppm). But Japan's 5ppm standard amount will trigger all imports to be halted if it is higher than the standard. This could result in an increase in the supply of wheat and also threaten Japanese food. The standard value has been revised to meet the standards of international quality. Safety is still a concern even though the standards are in use. You need to have a good understanding of the chemical glyphosate To ensure that consumers are not affected by emotional debates about pesticide residuals, it is important that they are able to access the correct knowledge which has been gained through research conducted by scientists. It is also important to avoid letting gossip distract you from your healthy lifestyle.
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bruhnfoster8 · 2 years
hermes mini kelly 14
Tips On How To Buy An Hermès Bag Mightychic provides a guaranteed authentic Hermes Kelly 20 Sellier Mini bag. Coveted neutral Etoupe Epsom leather-based with gold hardware. But besides Nora's on-screen stint, she is understood for her gorgeous sense of favor. Every time Nora steps out of the home, she makes heads flip together with her fashion statements. No less, a 6.33 put him again within the mix with three minutes left, only needing a 6.60 to advance. Sammy paddled for a uneven burger, Caio raised his hand, received precedence, and took off late on the next Backdoor wave — a smaller-scale model of Seth’s clutch 9.60 free-fall into a standup cone. Caio raised his again hand and tickled the lip as he received blown into the channel. Far from your common quarterfinal solid, Caio didn’t even get the decision up till Gabriel Medina took a last-minute go away of absence. Today the wildcard collected his greatest Pipe outcome ever. The design was first imagined by the then artistic head Jean-Louis Dumas in 2000 in some early sketches and was later released in Swift Leather. Some of these baggage were created for specific boutique openings, and sport a distinct foil stamping that denotes which store the bag was created for. The Kelly Doll has since been made in a spread of colours and supplies from simple Swift leather-based to excellent combinations of exotics. The closure can additionally be the same, however, keep in mind that as every little thing is smaller, the sangles don’t transfer quite as freely as they do within the bigger sizes. Designer dupes, style recommendation, & beauty suggestions straight to your inbox earlier than they hit the site. The pink Hermès mini Kelly is out there in a broad range of colors. The Hermes mini Kelly measures 20cm at the bottom, and gets narrower at the prime. It is a relatively small bag that surprisingly holds all of your necessities. The demand for smaller bags has been growing for a sizzling minute. The 2013 collection makes use of a few distinct colorways in Lizard, Matte Alligator, and Ostrich Ghillies trim, all faceted with Palladium or Permabrass hardware. Plissé is a method the place a material, typically silk or satin, is folded and pressed into an accordion-like construction, giving additional textural elegance to an in any other case mundane look. This technique has been utilized in Hermès scarves for many years, however, this technique was dropped at Hermès leather-based items a few times, every an merchandise meant for astute classic enthusiasts. These bags are as easily identifiable as they're rare. This technique combines the rigid Sellier identified edge with a supple leather corresponding to Togo, Fjord, or Chèvre Souple. A subtle yet texturally rich concept, these luggage are sure to turn out to be highly collectible. Jean-Paul Gaultier is a reputation constantly resurfaced at Hermès, mainly as a outcome of variety of influential designs he created in his time because the creative lead at the home. Known mostly for his “JPG Shoulder” luggage, he created numerous other bags on this record, including the Kelly Flat. Each Kelly bag takes between 18 and 25 hours to provide, and its 680 hand stitches owe solely to 1 Hermès artisan. Mightychic presents a assured genuine Hermes Kelly 20 Sellier bag. Coveted and rare to find this Kelly bag is featured in vivid Rose Extreme Gold Epsom leather-based with gold hardware.... From all of the luxurious manufacturers, Nora's handbags make her outfits classy and chic as they make a press release. On her birthday at present, try a few of the costliest bags Nora owns. Feel free to contact us for more info, pictures and details of the merchandise. wikipedia handbags In case of a return we kindly ask you to contact us within 7 days of receipt of your parcel. Please notice that returns are at the worth of the client. Everybody loves the Kelly by Hermes and this mini mannequin will definitely take your breath away. The price proven is a conversion, all transactions are processed in euro. The Princess Grace Awards, a program of the Princess Grace Foundation-USA, has awarded nearly 800 artists at more than 100 establishments in the united states with more than $15 million to date. The unique Monaco branch of her basis, named Fondation Princesse Grace, remains active and continues to provide direct aid to college students and youngsters within the Monaco and France areas. The Napoleonic Code of Monaco and the laws of the Catholic Church necessitated two ceremonies – both a civil and a spiritual wedding ceremony. The 16-minute civil ceremony happened within the Palace Throne Room of Monaco on April 18, 1956, and a reception later in the day was attended by three,000 Monégasque citizens. To cap the ceremony, the 142 official titles that she acquired within the union (counterparts of her husband's) were formally recited. Comments Please notice which items you want to in change. The worth might differ between items of a special dimension or colour. https://phoenet.tw/replicas-hermes-bags/mini-kelly-bag.html He designed a trapezoid form with two triangular gussets, a cutout flap, a handle and two side straps, and with it he brought the house into the period of boldness and modernism. Kanye West showered Julia Fox and her closest buddies with Birkin bags for the actress’ birthday. I love them so much, for their colour, form and heel peak. They seem like they are very high, however the comfort was by no means compromised – you'll have to belief me on this one. Not solely was it love at first sight, however I had to get them back in July, to guarantee I get them. You know the way these things go, if you don’t seize the chance, you will regret it later on.
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nixonmackay2 · 2 years
Replica Hermes Handbags Store, Designer Fake Hermes Baggage On The Market
Quality is above common, that a really good imitation, solely critique can be this one had a odor nevertheless the other one i ordered didn't. Just air it out for a day or two good to go. replica hermes constance I’ve use this vendor a number of instances & they’re at all times nice. I am sure we all can agree that the Hermes Birkin Togo is not a trendy bag, it's a timeless one. It is a handbag that many ladies dream of getting. It is an simply recognizable and iconic mannequin that looks divine and expresses luxury and magnificence. With nothing but a clear silhouette, a sharp pink hue, a simple gold clasp, and a rounded handle, it manages to make quite a pronounced statement. From the summer and spring collection of 2019, Hermes replica baggage also introduced the brand new Herbag. The canvas body of this bag is coated utilizing a extra greasy watertight coating which seems extra textured. Nevertheless, the brand new Herbag is somewhat more delicate than the standard one. wikipedia handbags Happens to be a very uncommon colour, this mix has been on my wish list for some time. With its simple design and convenient top handle, this bag quickly became one of my mostly used gadgets. Even so, it is rather spacious and can certainly carry a lot of your most precious belongings. The bag that may save any outfit and that can simply make the transition between work and a night within the metropolis. Any lady educated in style can see a Hermes bag miles away. Indeed, Hermes Constance has a singular really feel gentle but just, whether you would possibly be walking or delicate neutral style, it may very nicely play a finishing touch. Perfectly straight stitching is a lifeless giveaway of imitation Hermes product. A actual Hermes pockets is stitched by hand and can therefore have a somewhat imperfect stitch line. The perfectly straight sew is a indication of a machine-sewn pretend Hermes pockets.Inspect the Hermes stamp. The authentic Hermes wallet is going to have the words written in strong, unbroken silver text. It was straightforward to order and it arrived really shortly. My solely grievance is that it wasn't sent by signed for supply as I arrived home late at evening to seek out the field on my doorstep. I received the bag yesterday and it seems fairly good to me. It took awhile to actually ship, however once they did ship it I obtained it three business days later. I confirmed it to my neighbor who has actual luggage and she or he did not even questioned it. I undoubtedly recommend ordering from them and I might be ordering again. I just received my pockets and I am in love with it ...everything looks up stitching is ideal and the materiel is amazing. Compare with the actual gucci bag and you may't even tell the distinction appears one hundred pc legit...it is worth the cash. Took by shocked the handbag is attractive and it arrived before expected. I can't tell the difference and I have a real one. This time the artist used Replica Handbags, clothes and footwear as his canvas, and drew another avenue manga model of Fendi. Recently, it has been planted by Fendi newest collection. The use of graffiti and two-dimensional comics elements adds a fashionable avenue style feeling, but without dropping Replica Fendi Handbags Italian magnificence and classics. Chloe’s new collection of Pixie luggage has at all times adhered to the brand’s constant ideas and persona. It is alleged that this rose powder single product is really a lot, Replica Celine Handbags basic models mainly have this color. Your favourite Classic and Belt are out of solid shade, or essentially the most commonly used medium and Nano. Recently, the relatively sizzling Cabas Frame Pocket shade matching, gentle and introverted smoked powder and calm black stitching are very superior. Hermes Replica Grooming Bag provide a variety of colours, styles and materials so that you can choose from, it's your style time to take pleasure in Hermes worth from our web site now! Great for daily use particularly buying when you have to have your arms free. The LA MEDUSA series uses a sequence of eye-catching colors, radiating positive vitality, and perfectly highlighting the latest print design. Loose silhouette, can be hung on the wrist, may additionally be worn on the shoulder, elective leather and chain shoulder strap. Our Hermes Handbags, are available on the most competitive wholesale costs and in a huge number of kinds, sizes and designs. Choose from the epic leather-based collection to the attractive monogrammed canvas.
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How about Class 1-A with a NB student with a Star Quirk? The person can transform their body's matter into star matter and glow bright like one and also fly. The drawback is that they can overheat when using it too much and need to be cooled down. Also the student is just a thembo, just a *little* dumb but theyre sweet!
starlight, starmigh-bright-
pairing: Platonic!Class 1A x Thembo!Reader (they/them)
genre: fluff!
warnings: SM FLUFF
author's note: when i first read this request, i called myself a thembo for like. a couple weeks straight thank you sm for that word-
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your whole class adores you,, sorry i dont make the rules (...i do but-)
even though some might struggle to, or not even really try, to show it, they all truly, deeply care about you.
because of your... t h e m b o-ness, this care typically manifests in concern over you. it's not that you're incapable of taking care of yourself or defeating a villain unscathed, but they worry that something might go a liiiitle wrong.
it mostly has to do with your tendency to lean more towards pacifism. your quirk partly being the ability to turn into the matter that, at high levels, could destroy so much implies an ability to quickly end a fight or aprehend a villain with little to no issue or hesitance.
but your kindness sometimes clouds those aggressive instincts, and though endearing, your class worries it'll get in the way.
bakugou and todoroki, who are by far some of the most offensive fighters, show this by encouraging you to be more assertive on and off the battlefield.
(after a confrontation between bakugou and monoma bc monoma was being an asshole)
"oi, dumbass. don't let anyone talk to you that way-"
(after the coffee shop gets your order mixed up)
"you can correct them. you were clear about what you wanted and they messed it up." (pushes you towards the counter)
the dekusquad doesn't really push you in those ways. they actually really appreciate your kindness and fighting style which is rooted in the goal of containing the opponent and minimalizing damage done to surroundings, city or not. even iida admires it and he's an attempted murd-
the bakusquad feels relatively the same in those regards, tho they'll more openly hype you up and at time make comments about having to be a tad bit more offensive than defensive. they'll never be rude about it, though, and don't dismiss the work you do, either.
the rest of the class is pretty neutral, though they do worry. they show this more in availability to back you up over anything.
denki uses you as a nightlight. period. end of statement.
sero thinks you're just so :] like you're very chill, right? but your nïavete paired with that and your quirk reminds him of starfire so he v much calls you that sometimes
bakugou is really suspicious of you at first, but when he sees how well you and kirishima get along, he can't help but inch closer and closer into friend territory. sometimes, though, you do scare the fuck out of him-
[forgetting to turn your quirk off out of the sheer excitement and pride, you put your hand out to high five one of your teammates on how well you all did on the training simulation.]
you were embarassed,, but you all laughed it off except bakugou who was being a whiny baby about safety with your quirk.
todoroki helps you cool down whenever you overheat in a fight. he'll make a large ice cube for you to sit or lay on, or sometimes even just surround you with some. it's very much appreciated, which you make clear, but he already knows.
your quirks are so naturally compatible and you two help each other with flight training which is always fun :]
midoriya takes...so many notes-
hagakure (💀) and aoyama (💀💀💀) both are really invested in training with you, too. as a trio, tactically, you make a great team. hagakure's ability to bend light and you and aoyama being able to switch off being sources of it just 💞 it just works!!
also you're "shiny" so aoyama is naturally inclined to befriend you. AND TBH HIS SHININESS IS APPEALING TOO-
also id like to think sometimes, when your feelings are very extreme, you accidentally activate your quirk and will subconsciously float. typicially,, you thembo,, its from excitement, so your hands will start glowing and you'll jump in joy but end up staying in the air.
comfort w ice cream, or even just ice. esp uraraka and kiri, they just bring some in for you and wait until you're ready to talk.
if its taking especially long, uraraka will float up to you and gently ask what's wrong, or if you want to go back down and talk about it.
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bitchatcloudtower · 2 years
How would you describe the winx’s fashion?
Bloom: casual, lots of denim, cropped shirts, sweatshirts with graphics, grey sweatpants when she’s feeling lazy/cozy, lots of blues and warm yellows, cotton or knit materials, lots of shorts and jeans but denim skirts when she feels like it, sneakers or converse but wedges when she wants heels. Likes mom/boyfriend jeans, also lots of ripped jeans. Denim jackets. Solid colours. Has a colour palette she’s comfortable with and doesn’t go outside of it much. Most likely to steal and wear boyfriend’s clothes.
Stella: much more dressy, warm tones, bright colours, more structured silhouettes and stiffer and heavier fabrics, more skirts and dresses, loves sparkles, experiments with shoes and patterns a lot. Likes shinier fabrics but mixes and matches them because she knows it can look tacky if it’s too much. Likes bright colours with some cream and soft browns to balance them out.
Flora: soft flowy fabrics, mostly shades of pinks and greens but incorporates floral patterns in other colours, wears solid fabrics or floral patterns, often wears soft cardigans over dresses, tends to shy away from very bright colours. Comfy shoes. Is sometimes teased for dressing like a grandma. Very cottagecore. Doesn’t like bright white so will wear cream or ivory in place of it.
Aisha: a lot of athleisure on a casual basis. Wears a lot of softer materials, practical and likes pockets. Likes skirts and crop tops but is quite specific about how she combines them. Lots of soft pinks and lavenders and various shades of green and aqua. Probably owns docs and wears them around a lot. Fan of small top + big pants although she doesn’t wear it as often as Musa does. Likes to layer but that’s more for comfort than fashion. Doesn’t like super restricting and structured clothes though since she associates that a lot with how rigid her childhood was.
Musa: big fan of the tiny top + big pants and the big top + small pants combo, wears oversized sweatshirts a lot especially on a more casual basis. Wears a lot of reds and blues but wears primarily solid colours although she incorporates some plaid, likes to layer for new combinations. Somewhere between edgy and athletic wear. Is a sucker for cool pants and has a lot of them. Also tends to like heavier materials but not stiff materials. Owns a lot of cool jackets too as well as some statement pieces. Her casual style comes off as very effortless but when she tries she comes of as being too cool for everyone.
Tecna: likes lots of layers and assymetry, likes monochromatic outfits a lot sometimes with contrasting materials and sometimes not. Big fan of contrasting stitching. Heavier fabrics. Tendency to wear more fitted clothing. Likes knee high boots and she owns several and likes the feeling tall. I see her colour palette as tending more neutral but with pops of green and purple. Likes cool accessories.
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thesmutgoddess · 2 years
What’s a capsule wardrobe?
A small curated collection of clothes that you can mix and match.
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Generally speaking most examples of capsule wardrobes are fairly neutral in keeping with Donna Karen’s “7 Easy Pieces” collection from 1985.
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I'm not a lifestyle minimalist by any means but I do really like the idea of having a highly curated wardrobe bc I already tend to gravitate to wearing the same pieces over and over and mostly using accessories and the occasional cool statement piece to spice it up.
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