#‘what’s trans?’ Steve’s not sure
acowardinmordor · 8 months
Fucked up thought as I do material spec: transmasc Eddie Munson who gets bullied and called a guy because of how he dresses and acts (transphobic so bad they looped back to what Eddie wants on accident) dating Steve post S2, who knows and supports him, but still has to misgender his bf in public until they can get out of Hawkins. Eddie fails again, they get in a fight about whether they should leave, and aren’t broken up, but aren’t really together as S3 starts. So when Eddie visits Scoops, Steve is so happy to see him that he calls him Eddie and he/him in public, just like the bullies, and can’t explain to Robin, who is absolutely pissed that Steve is treating her Eddie like that.
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deoidesign · 2 months
A frustrating development with the growing lack of reading comprehension I've personally noticed is an emerging fervor of insisting things aren't canon unless they are explicitly stated beyond all reasonable doubt.
I can not emphasize enough how harmful a mindset this is to have. Yes, it's wonderful to have characters outright say "I'm trans," but to deny a character's identity for not saying that is dangerous.
Plenty of real people prefer not to use specific labels. Historically, people didn't have our modern terms or modes of expression. Many modern cultures don't use these terms, either, and plenty of people within those that do can't safely openly identify.
If the only representation you accept as canon is within modern (and let's be honest, wealthy white able-bodied American) standards, then you are denying yourself and others a huge amount of representation and seriously limiting the media around you.
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animefanboy48 · 3 months
I'm always questioning if enemys to lovers or friends to lovers is my kink for life.
Btw bonus point if they're childhood friends, nom
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emphasisonthehomo · 1 year
Trans!Danno Snippet
Danny does this thing periodically, where he bullies his way into Steve’s kitchen, and makes a big fucking mess. Like he’ll clean up afterwards, but seriously. Steve knows it’s because he has an actual kitchen, and Danny’s stuck with a tiny kitchenette in his shithole apartment. Danny insists it’s because Steve doesn’t properly appreciate good cooking. MREs have murdered his tastebuds, and so Danny’s graciously rescuing him from kale salads. Steve’s pretty sure it’s because Danny likes to cook, gets sick of eating sad leftovers and frozen food re-heated in the microwave, and decides to make it Steve’s kitchen’s problem.
But by making it’s Steve’s kitchen’s problem, Danny makes it Steve’s dinner, so he really can’t find it within himself to complain too seriously. It’s been a couple weeks since Danny’s grumbled about what Steve keeps in his pantry, so Steve’s not surprised when Danny walks into his office.
“I’m making arrabbiata tonight,” Danny says it like a threat.  
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crypt1dcorv1dae · 2 years
been thinking up a dumb cute lil bbrae college au where for whatever reason, they end up stuck doing volunteer work together watching/hanging out with some kids (melvin timmy and teether obv) and its like. "enemies" (but not really) to friends to lovers u know..... u know......?
#bbrae#its like. they both have reputations as being whatever and the other does not like the person they assume they are#but they assumptions are wrong and its like. ykno.. dont judge a book by its cover or dont believe the gossip etc#they're forced to hang out and play nice for the kids but over time get to know eachother's true selves and theyre like#''oh noooo theyre actually a wonderful person and whyyy is my heart so fluttery oh no''#also they both have individual friend groups that overlap a lot yet somehow theyve never really properly met before#bc i think that trope is funny and cute#''its a small world and yet somehow we still never intersected until now''#btw gar is besties with jason bc 1: the ages make sense and 2: theyre both theatre/acting nerds#he hangs out with some other people too but im not really sure who yet#and raven is of course friends with kory and donna and stuff. probably joey too! they had a pleasant rapport...#oh and gar is old friends with vic theyve known eachother since ... whenever gar got adopted by rita and steve basically?#and theyre like basically brothers lol#and as usual. everyone is queer as hell here. gar is trans raven is nonbinary/genderqueer and theyre both bi#ravens got those haruhi fujioka gender feelings. she doesnt care what people see/refer to her as shes fine with whatever#which... is also kinda fitting given shes basically surrounded by a bunch of rich kids lmaoooo#also gar got them chronic illnesses 👌 he still got sakutia and survived by he has lasting issues from it (notably nerve pain)#the sakutia affected/damaged his nervous system so now he has pain on and off... some days are good and some are... not good#ok ok ok i think im done rambling for now. maybe.
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pukner · 2 years
Hi, I just wanted to pop by and say that i just finished one of your fics (working boy one) and it was perfect and send me to another gender crisis probably. Just… thank you. It’s not that common I find a fic that somehow sees into my brain, but Steve in it was just… yeah sorry, having crisis here. Just wanted to say I think you are an amazing writer and thank you.
I'm so happy that it resonated with you, especially the gender stuff! The sort of, blurred lines around gender and how to exist in it has always been such a point of fascination for me, and also I know and love so many people that fall into the genderqueer umbrella, and it was a blast to explore that!
I'm so happy for you, and I hope you have the utmost fun exploring your own gender! I think having a crisis about it once in a while is good and healthy, and there's something genuinely beautiful about coming to a better understanding of yourself. Good luck💕💕💕
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drydak · 1 year
among the insane things on twitter i’ve seen i am still thinking about people talking about making steve a girl either through cisswap or making her trans and h*llcheers (AND b*lly fans bc those two kind of go hand in hand) were like ‘this is misogyny bc it proves that the only reason u don’t like our ship is because chr*ssy is a girl’. as if they are not two different characters. what are u talking about
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solarmorrigan · 3 months
The boundaries of Steve and Robin's friendship quickly become all but nonexistent. They can talk to each other about anything, ask each other about anything
And Robin has questions
She's never seen a dick before, has no real intention of seeing one in the future, and finds the concept of them both mysterious and weird. But she can admit to a certain amount of academic curiosity about how they work. And then she remembers that her best friend, Steve, is A Guy™ and could surely answer at least some of her questions
Meanwhile, Steve, due to the aforementioned lack of boundaries, has all but forgotten that he never actually came out to Robin as trans. He's been merrily carrying on just assuming she already knows
These two facts collide one day at Family Video when they're both idly watching some mindless teen movie they've put on for the day while waiting for customers to show up. They reach what seems to be a very contrived skinny dipping scene, which makes Robin think, and she turns to ask Steve, "Hey, do dicks float in water?"
And Steve, without even looking away from the screen, shrugs and asks her, "How the fuck should I know?"
It takes half a minute of silence for him to realize that Robin is staring at him with no small amount of bewilderment and concern
(They later come to the agreement that they'll just have to wait and see if Steve ever gets a boyfriend, and then ask him all their dick-related queries)
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fuctacles · 1 month
Trans is fine, but you better not be a Swiftie!
For @subeddieweek Day 5 | T | 1502 | cw: hinted transphobia | transfem Steve, PDA, rockstar Eddie, jealousy, possesive Stevie, bitchy Stevie | Ao3
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It took the whole of Corroded Coffin to convince her to go to the concert. It may make her sound like an unsupportive girlfriend, but she hasn't been to any of their gigs in months. Eddie never complained about it, aware that metal concerts aren't for everyone, even if they do like the music. She's also hit a weird stage in her transition when she didn't feel like going to public events. 
But here she was, at their first solo concert, no festival to crutch on. In the newest band t-shirt, one she saw through every stage of designing, her tits barely making a dent (Eddie had a different opinion on that topic), while two skanks next to her had her cleavages on full display in their tiny cut-up t-shirts.
They were in the VIP lounge, waiting for the band to emerge from backstage. Stevie could have been there with them, but the rush and heat behind a concert like this gave her a worse headache than the actual music. So instead, she had to sit there with two textbook examples of a groupie. And one of them looked meaner than Carol, back from high school, when she didn't get her chocolate pudding.
"You sure you're in the right place?" one of them finally speaks up.
Stevie looks pointedly at her band t-shirt. 
"Is this not a Taylor Swift concert?" she asks, eyes going wide. The second girl presses her lips, holding back a laugh. The first one narrows her eyes, though. 
"Don't sass me, girlie, you know what I mean," she hisses. "Wearing plain jeans and a hoodie to meet Eddie Munson? That's so disrespectful."
Stevie wouldn't call her jeans plain. They were expensive mom-cut and made her ass look good. The girl didn't need to know she treated them like a premium version of sweatpants. And the hoodie was Eddie's. He gave it to her before going on stage tonight. 
She shrugs off her words.
"I don't think he'll mind."
The girl scoffs. 
"Oh, he's too nice to say anything, but he'll know you're a poser. Who goes to a metal concert dressed like that? He'd never go for you."
Stevie raises her eyebrows, taken aback.
"Excuse me?"
"Excuse you," the girl barks back, nonsensically. Her friend touches her arm as if giving her a sign to back dial it down, but she either doesn't notice or chooses to ignore her. "You don't look like you're here for the music, hell, you probably can't name a single song!"
(Stevie named some of them herself.)
"So you must be here for Eddie," she concludes with a sneer. 
"Well, I am here for him," Stevie deadpans truthfully. This seems to further fuel her VIP lounge companion.
"Keep dreaming. He's into real metalheads," she says haughtily, popping the collar of her battle vest. It's so cartoonish it takes everything from Stevie not to burst out laughing. "What do you even listen to? Country?"
"Taylor Swift, I already told you."
"See, Eddie hates normies like you. Swifties are so fucking mainstream, you'll just embarrass yourself. Maybe you should go," she suggests with a pointed look.
Stevie gives her a pitying smile back. Clearly, she wasn't as big of a fan as she claimed to be if she hadn't seen the photos of Eddie in official Taylor Swift merch that were trending just a couple of months ago. 
"Eddie's looking for someone real, not a fake bitch like you."
She was going to play nice, but that was taking it too far. She felt her hackles rise and her face turned into a frown.
But before she could say anything, the second girl slapped her friend on the chest.
"What the fuck, dude?! You can't just say shit like that!"
"Like what?!" She slaps her back. "Do you think she actually cares about their music? She screams fake pop shit!" She throws her hand back, motioning at Stevie.
Who was too taken aback to react at this point.
"Fuck, I thought you were being transphobic." The girl lets out a nervous laugh. "Sorry."
"What?" The first girl takes a glance back at Stevie like she hasn't noticed before. It was kind of flattering, considering she wasn't that far in her transition, but she wouldn't take an idiot's oversight as a compliment. "I don't care about that! Mainstream music is a bigger sin than being transgender!"
"I'll drink to that."
The band chose this moment to appear at the steps to the lounge, Eddie raising the water bottle in his hand in a mock cheer. 
"Eddie!" The two girls stand up in unison, and it takes all of Stephanie's willpower not to roll her eyes. Instead, she gives a wry smile to Jeff, who seems to be in a similar state of mind.
"We're here too, you know," he murmurs under his breath. 
Gareth nudges his arm.
"Well, I'm glad they're not here for me," he whispers back.
Stevie snorts after hearing that, but the girls are none the wiser, too preoccupied with their beloved frontman.
"Hello ladies, hope you didn't wait too long," he greets them, accepting their enthusiastic hugs and letting them kiss his cheek. 
Stevie keeps her face carefully neutral.
"It's okay, we know you're exhausted after the concert." The first girl smiles sweetly at him, and it's becoming increasingly difficult for Stevie not to gag at the shift in attitude. "I'd wait the whole night to meet you." She might need a bucket right now.
Eddie laughs nervously, taking a step back to put some distance between them.
"Ashley and Xena, right?" he asks.
"I'm Xena!" The girl exclaims, clearly proud of her unusual name. Stevie does roll her eyes this time.
Gareth appears in front of her, snickering, and she punches him softly in the thigh before raising the same fist to fist bump him. He offers her the tray of cookies he picked up from the table.
"Hi. How are you doing?"
"I'm fine." She shrugs and picks up one of the cookies. "Thanks."
He nods and retreats to one of the couches. There are three of them, set up in a triangle around a table with snacks and drinks. Which is very convenient, making Stevie think Chrissy has planned it out.
"You already know them, but it's rude not to introduce my friend." Eddie grins, making room for the rest of the band to properly greet the fans. "This is Jeff, Gareth, and Grizzly the Teddy-bear. He gives the best hugs," he says with a grin. Ted rolls his eyes.
"Just Ted is fine. But I do give the best hugs." He grins.
Eddie leaves them to it and finally goes to sit next to his girlfriend, throwing his arms over the back of the sofa and sinking into the cushions.
"I'm so tired," he groans. 
"Too tired to greet me properly?" she asks with a raised eyebrow. She can feel the eyes of the other girls on them.
"Never." Eddie raises his head immediately. "Sorry, baby." He leans in to kiss her on the cheek, but she moves her head away.
"I said properly," she repeats, but her tone shifts into her more authoritative one. He hesitates for a millisecond, but his eyes don't even shift away to look at their surroundings. Stevie enjoys the power trip, seeing him uncaring of who's looking and where they are.
"Of course, sorry," he amends, straightening up to go in for a proper kiss.
He lets out a surprised whimper when she dominates it immediately, grasping his chin and claiming his mouth like she's been starving for it throughout the whole concert. Eddie goes limp in her grasp, but she wants to make it clear who he belongs to. She grabs his knee possessively, angling him even more towards her, and her other hand moves from his chin to his hair. His locks are damp with sweat after the concert, but she doesn't mind, because it's exactly how she likes him. Dirty, unkempt, falling apart under her hands. 
She tugs at his hair, messing further the haphazard bun he's tied it into. He sighs, melting further into her, and it makes it easier to grasp his thighs and pull him into her lap. They finally part with a wet smack, and she can look into her boyfriend's glossy eyes.
"There's my good boy," she praises. "Hi."
"Hi," he croaks back with a dazed smile.
"Booo, get a room!" one of their friends speaks up. 
Eddie groans and hides in the crook of her neck, too weak from the kiss to face the teasing yet. So Stevie takes over the social interaction for him, lacing her hands together at the small of his back while he collects himself. She sticks out her tongue to Gareth.
"Shut up, we'll behave now," she says, before turning to the two girls, her jaws shattered on the floor and there to stay for her to stomp on. She smiles charmingly at them. "You guys were saying?"
Shameless plug: @stevieweek
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flowercrowngods · 3 months
🤍🌷 happy 1st birthday to what’s probably the fluffiest silliest most feel-good thing i’ve ever written in this fandom
nice to meet you, where you been?
aka. 12k of meeting again later in life schmoop featuring soft-ass steve, smitten trans!eddie, and hellcheer bestieism that is to die for
“Steve Harrington?” 
Eddie would cringe at his loud voice or the sheer and absolute bewilderment that can probably be heard three blocks down, but he’s too busy rewiring his brain. 
“Uh, hi,” Harrington says, pulling black nitrile gloves from his long fingers and dropping them into the bin before fixing Eddie with a mildly amused but definitely confused look. “Can I help you?” 
No. No he can’t. Eddie cannot be helped, because apparently Harrington isn’t even here just to get tattooed, but instead— No. Nah man. That can’t be. 
“What are you doing here?” Eddie says intelligently after a whole lot of staring, dumbfounded. 
Steve looks around for a second, doing all those face gymnastics he always used to do in high school when he was trying to figure out what the hell was going on. 
“This—This is my shop?” 
It should be insulting, the way he enunciates every word like Eddie needs the whole world explained to him in very slow, very easy words. Which, actually, he might, because apparently the world is a really fucking weird place in which Steve Harrington wears pastel sweaters and owns a tattoo shop. 
Eddie is pretty sure he hit his head. Or stepped into an alternate dimension. Or both. Considering his luck on, like, an existential scale, it’s probably both. 
“No way, man,” is all Eddie says, and this time Harrington is really leaning into the amusement, though judging by his face, he must also be wondering if Eddie requires medical attention. The jury’s still out on that one, though. 
Harrington looks around his shop again, squinting at Eddie with that fucking smile still in place. “This… is not my shop?” Oh, he is sassy. Mister pastel-wearing sassy man Harrington, who is smiling at Eddie in a way that is entirely too contagious. 
None of this makes sense and Eddie just sags, tearing his eyes away from the vision of Harrington in his bright clothes, the golden afternoon sun catching in his hair as a light breeze comes in through the window. 
Eddie crosses his arms in front of his chest, because if he doesn’t, he would probably do something stupid like play with his hair or hide behind it. And Steve shouldn’t have that power over him anymore. They aren’t stupid teenagers anymore, and he does not have a crush on the golden boy!
“I might sound like a complete dick right now, but finding out that Steve ‘The King, The Hair, The Legend’ Harrington apparently inks people for a living was not on my bingo sheet for this week. Hell, even for this lifetime, I think.” 
read the rest on ao3
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 5 months
Amab Eddie getting trans man Steve pregnant:
Eddie: *eyes wide and gleaming* Can I tell Dustin?
Steve: *thinks it's cute he's so excited* Sure.
Eddie walked into the living room where Dustin was waiting for them.
Eddie: Guess what I did?!
Dustin: What?
Eddie: *sighs and rolls his eyes* You're supposed to guess, butthead. *grins* I fertilized your babysitter's egg!
Eddie: Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were into science.
Steve: *sighs* Eddie!
Eddie: I'm not sure what you were expecting here, Steve!
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atimeofyourlife · 9 months
As soon as the team was asked for volunteers, Steve was the first to sign up. He usually hated working events, but this was different. This was the first event when they'd get to be themself. He'd been to pride only once before, getting dragged along with Robin the year before, and it had ended up being a world of discovery.
Sure, he couldn't be decked out in rainbows and flags, having to wear their EMT uniform. But their boss had approved pins and bracelets as long as it didn't interfere with the duty. So his uniform had their pronoun of the day pins (They/He), their updated name badge showing his choice of names (Steve/Evie), pins and bracelets of the trans, non-binary, genderfluid, and bi pride flags. And Robin had braided bi pride ribbons into his hair before he tied it back when getting ready. It was going to be a good day.
He was kept busy, like the rest of the first aid team. And being one of the highest trained on duty, one of two AEMTs and in training to become a paramedic, he was tending to deal with the worst injuries and illnesses, and having to triage for if anyone needed to be transferred to the hospital. Robin stopped by a few times, to check in, and to give them snacks. It helped break up the day as he wouldn't get a long break.
They'd had to spend some of the day hurrying around the site whenever the radio buzzed for first-aid assistance at various points around the site. He was making his way back to the first-aid tent after one call, when their eye was caught by the band on the second stage. In particular, the long-haired guitarist. Steve couldn't help watching them as he walked by, until he stumbled and nearly fell into someone. They shook their head, and dragged their eyes away to make his way back to the tent. He was there to do his job, not make eyes at a pretty guitarist. They tried to put it out of their mind, but he couldn't help looking out for the guitarist as the day passed. Not letting it get in the way of their job, but whenever they had a second free.
Late in the afternoon, they were alerted to a group of people making their way to the tent. Two guys supporting a third, with another guy ahead of them to clear the way. Steve pulled fresh gloves on and hurried down to help. As he reached the group, he realized that the guy being supported was the pretty guitarist. They tried to not think about it, needing to remain professional.
"What seems to be the problem?" Steve asked, swapping places with one of the guys supporting the guitarist.
"He nearly passed out on us." One of them responded.
"Right. Come on, we'll get you all checked out." Steve replied, guiding them into the tent.
"You can check me out anytime, sweetheart." The guitarist replied, leaving Steve fighting back a blush.
"Eddie, shut up." The guy in front snapped, before glancing at Steve. "Sorry about him."
"But he's pretty." The guitarist- Eddie- whined.
"Okay, just set him down here." Steve helped Eddie onto the bed at one end of the tent, before turning to the other guys. "Only one of you can stay in here with him because of the space, so if the other two can just wait outside?"
The other three guys looked between them, silently deciding that the shorter, curly haired guy would be the one to stay behind.
"Gare-bear, where they going?" Eddie asked.
"They're waiting outside for you, asshole."
Steve coughed a little to hide the laugh that threatened to burst out, the conversation reminding them too much of dealing with a drunk Robin, or worse, the kids while they were crossfaded for the first time.
"Okay, can I just pop this on your finger for a reading?" Steve asked, waiting for Eddie to hold his hand out so he could fix the pulse ox monitor. They then grabbed a clipboard and a blank paperwork sheet. "And while we wait for that, just a few questions. Can we start with your name?"
"Eddie Munson." The other guy, Gare? replied.
"You can take my last name, angel." Eddie said, which Steve ignored.
"Thank you, and the date of birth?"
The other guy reeled it off, as Steve wrote it down.
"And Gare, was it?"
"Gareth, sorry. Can you tell me what, exactly, happened? The other guy said he nearly passed out?"
"Yeah. Uh, we were performing earlier. We're in a band. He was fine then. But in the last thirty minutes or so, he's been complaining about not feeling so good, and then he nearly passed out."
"Okay." Steve wrote down all the information, then copied down the numbers from the pulse ox. "I just need to get the rest of your vitals, okay, Eddie?"
"Anything you want. He's so beautiful, isn't he Gare?"
"Anything you say, Eds."
Steve set to taking the vitals, making sure everything was normal, but kept asking questions to get to the bottom of it.
"Any medical conditions?"
"Do you know if he's taken anything in the last twenty four hours? Any prescription meds, or over the counter, or any other substance?"
"Shhh. Gare, you can't tell him."
"Dude, I'm not a cop. I just need to know if it could be what you've taken, or so if you need any medication it won't react to it."
"He smokes, and we were smoking weed last night. But he smokes weed most weeks and has never reacted like this." Gareth explained.
"Uh-huh." Steve continued to make notes, both the answers to the questions and Eddie's vitals. "Any alcohol?"
"A couple of beers."
"When was the last time he ate?" Steve asked, frowning when they noticed that Eddie's blood sugar was on the low side.
"Wait, I think that was-" Gareth broke off for a moment. "Eddie, you certifiable moron."
"Not eaten much today?" Steve guessed.
"Not eaten at all today. He doesn't eat breakfast, ever, and he felt sick before we went on so he didn't eat lunch. And after he still didn't want anything."
"That pretty much explains everything. Plus drinking on an empty stomach is a recipe for disaster. I'll grab some water and something small so you'll feel less like passing out." Steve crossed the tent to find a bottle of water and the emergency snacks they kept, usually for diabetics.
"Here. Drink some water, and eat these. I know they're not the most exciting snacks, but you should feel better after." Steve handed it over to Eddie, a mini bag of fruit gummies, and a small pack of crackers.
Steve kept a check on Eddie as he ate the snacks. He seemed to be doing better, which put Steve's mind at ease. And kept trying to flirt, which left them fighting to remain professional.
"How are you feeling now, Eddie?" Steve asked after a few minutes, hoping that it wouldn't be too much longer before they could have a moment to freak out, preferably with Robin.
"Better. But you could make me feel incredible, big boy." Eddie said, a clear flirty tone in his voice.
"Not while I'm on duty," Steve replied slightly absently as he made a note on Eddie's sheet. Then, realizing what they'd said, fought to figure out how to backtrack without offending Eddie. "I mean, it's good that you're feeling better. I would recommend you try to get a balanced meal soon, something with carbs, protein, fibre, fats. That will help keep you feeling better, and keep you from feeling like you're going to pass out again. And it might be best if you stay off the alcohol for today."
"Does that mean- ow." Eddie started to ask something, but cut off. Steve looked up from the clipboard, and it was obvious that Gareth had elbowed Eddie to get him to shut up.
"This is your copy of the paperwork, it just has your vitals, and what's happened. If you still feel unwell later, and you need to come back here, or you seek medical attention somewhere else, you can show this, so whoever you see has some background for what has happened today." Steve explained, handing the sheet over to Eddie.
"Thanks," Eddie replied, starting to stand up.
"You're welcome, enjoy the rest of your day." Steve turned to start sanitising and packing away the equipment used, so the space would be tidy for the next person to need it. He could hear a brief, whispered conversation behind him, but ignored it. Until they felt a tap on their shoulder, and turned back to Eddie.
"For you," Eddie said, thrusting a small piece of paper into Steve's hands before leaving the tent with Gareth.
Steve unfolded it, and read the note. 'What about when you're off duty?' followed by a phone number. He blushed a little as he shoved it into his pocket. God, they needed to talk to Robin.
Later, once he was home, he finally had the chance. Not that she was much help.
"You're telling me you nearly fell over yourself because you were staring at this guy, kept looking out for him because you hoped to see him after, he shows up to the tent and is flirting with you, and gave you his number. And you haven't called him?"
"That is missing the point entirely? He wasn't well when he came to the tent, and it kinda feels like I was taking advantage of him to end up with his number after that. I should have given him to one of the others. I shouldn't have let him give me his number." Steve protested, feeling unsure if they had handled everything in the best way.
"You are the only person I have ever met who thinks that getting the number of someone you find attractive is somehow a bad thing. This is why you're still single."
Basically giving Steve my gender here. In this he's genderfluid and uses various combinations of They/He/She pronouns, depending on the day I was at pride today (well, yesterday as it's now after midnight here), and this idea came to me on the way home. Also, idk how first aid services at events work in the US, so this is vaguely based off what I know from what I've seen in the UK.
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resident-gay-bitch · 4 months
Single teen dad steve who’s kid comes out as trans kinda young and fuck it’s the late 80’s early 90’s - post upside down - and he’s freaking out because he just wants the best for his little kid. She- he has always been Steve’s biggest priority and he loves his kid no matter what and he’s gonna embrace the hell out of it, but he has worries about it all because he’s in small town Hawkins and people here get beat up for being rumoured to be gay, what the hell is gonna happen to his kid??
But mainly, he has no idea how to help. He doesn’t know anything about it. Robin assists where she can but she’s just as in the dark about it as Steve.
Then comes one night, Axl (they’re trying out new names each month and this month Axl is obsessed with Gunners so it’s only appropriate) is having a panic attack over his dysphoria and Steve is trying his best to help. He can’t bind, doesn’t know how to do it on his own without it hurting really bad, and Steve is trying to help but Axl won’t let anyone see any part of him without a shirt and so it’s hard. They tried to figure out how to do it on Steve’s bare chest but it’s not really the same. Eventually Axl cries himself to sleep about it with Steve sitting on the end of his bed because Axl didn’t want to even be touched after a while.
And Steve doesn’t sleep that night, he stays up half the night trying to bind his own chest correctly, then he tapes balloons and stuffed toys to the front of this big bear they have and tries to bind on that. But nothings working, and he can’t help but feel like he’s failed his kid. He debated calling Robin up to see if she’d come over and he could try binding her chest to figure it out, he knows she’ll say yes because she cares about Axl so much and also won’t care if Steve sees her bare chest as he has before, but she’s out of state for work for a whole other week. He just cries until it’s time to get up for work and school.
Axl is wearing a baggy shirt under an even baggier hoodie, even though it’s the middle of summer. Steve wants to tell him to take it off, to make sure he doesn’t faint today, but he knows that’s only gonna make things worse - everyone at school still thinks he’s a girl. He makes sure to pack ice packs in Axl’s lunch bag and extra ice in his water bottle.
He goes to work and thinks about it all day, then he gets home to find a note on the counter from Axl, saying he’s popped across the street to study with Melody for a while. They’ve been friends since they were little, and she’s the only one from school who knows so far. Steve’s glad Axl’s doing something to distract himself rather than rotting away in bed and making himself feel more sick about it.
Halfway through cooking himself dinner (and by cooking he means microwaving whatever the fuck he can find in the fridge) he gets a knock on the door. It’s Eddie. Of course it’s Eddie. They had plans to catch up for a beer down the pub tonight, since they hadn’t seen eachother in a while now. Steve had been so distracted today he completely forgot.
Steve apologises to Eddie and tells him he’s just been so stressed today and he couldn’t talk to Robin about it and everything is just so complicated, he just breaks down and cries right then and there in his doorway.
And Eddie, being the kind soul that he always has been, pulls Steve into a hug and lets him cry about it.
They sit down at the table together and crack open a couple of beers and eat the microwaved leftovers. And they chat and Steve forgets about everything for a little while. Eddie does that to him; makes Steve forget everything else in the world doesn’t exist besides Eddie.
He’s tried to snuff his stupid feelings for Eddie out for years, since 1986. It hasn’t worked. But Eddie’s been between relationships, and Steve’s had Axl to worry about so trying to have anything serious has been so hard and pointless. No one wants an instant pre-teen, and especially not Eddie who has expressed he doesn’t want kids several times. It’s pointless.
So very pointless.
But Steve wants him anyway.
Eddie asks about Axl, as he always does. He cares about Steve’s kid the way he cares about Dustin, sort of. They get along, but Eddie kinda gets awkward around him for some reason and Axl gets very flustered around Eddie. Steve found it adorable when he was little, Eddie with his long hair and tattoos, he always through it was cool. And as Axl got older, the more he’d avoid Eddie in hopes of not fanboying over Eddie’s band, or tattoos, or his guitar.
But they don’t really see eachother much these days, so now that Axl’s fourteen and too cool to ask questions when Steve brings Eddie up, who knows what they’d be like around eachother?
Eddie’s asking questions, completely oblivious as he asks how “she’s going” and if “she’s surviving her first year of highschool” and blah blah blah, and Steve knows it’s because he doesn’t know. But it messes with his head anyway, because that’s his boy their talking about, not his girl, and it’s been bothering him all day and Steve just-
He crumbles. He opens up to Eddie and tells him everything on his mind right now. How Axl is really a boy, and how they’re trying out new names, and how Steve feels like he’s failing his kid because he doesn’t know how to help him bind, or feel safe, or come out at school, or what to do to get him on testosterone or if that’s even an option and-
Eddie places his hand on Steve’s and smiles so softly, “You’re struggling to bind?�� Eddie asks.
“Yeah, it’s like- his chest… he- he’s doesn’t-“
“Yeah, I- I know, Steve.” Eddie nods, “Would Axl be okay with me knowing this? Or, like, not?”
“I don’t know.” Steve so sobs, “I shouldn’t have said anything without his permission, but I just trusted you and I needed to talk to- to someone. And I’m…”
“Okay.” Eddie cleared his throat, “okay, will Axl be home tonight?”
“Yeah.” Steve sniffled and checked his watch, “It’s almost curfew.”
“Okay. Have you got any bandages? Or what have you been using?”
“Yeah, bandages… cloth.” Steve rubbed his nose.
“That’s okay, uhm, how about you go get those for me?”
Steve, confused but too mentally tired to think much of it, goes and does just that. He brings back the rolls of bandages and cloth they were using and dumps them on the table in front of Eddie. Eddie smiles and moves the cloth aside, looking at the strip of bandages.
“The wider ones are better. These are a little thin, but… does he use a sports bra most days?”
Steve nods.
“Okay, I suggest getting some wider bandages. But I can make these work.” Eddie grins.
“What?” Steve grumbles.
“Come here.” Eddie shuffles his chair over to Steve, “Arms up, not up in the air but like, out so I can get around.”
Steve follows his command yet again, and watches with confused eyes as Eddie begins to wrap the bandage around Steve’s chest, talking him through the process; where to place his hands for best compression, and insisting it can’t be too tight or it will hurt.
“It probably won’t be perfectly flat, they never are, but it will be better.” Eddie smiled, “Surgery is always an option, but they won’t let him get that until he’s like, eighteen.”
“How do you-“
“Hey, dad, sorry I’m late, I have a math test tomorrow and we-“ Axl chattered, walking through and shutting the door, “… uhm, hi Eddie.”
“Hi!” Eddie grinned and waved at Axl before looking back at Steve’s chest and fastening the bandage together with the clip at Steve’s side.
“What are you doing?”
Steve felt his heart drop, “I’m- I’m sorry, kid, I shouldn’t have told him but- I was just, I needed someone to talk to, and- It’s not and excuse-“
“No, it’s not.” Axl dumped his bag down on the kitchen counter and walked over, “You should ask before assuming.”
“I know.” Steve furrowed his brow, “I don’t usually-“
“But it’s okay because it’s just Eddie.” Axl shrugged and leant down to look at the bandges wrapped tight around Steve’s chest, “I figured you’d already told all of your friends.”
“Nope.” Eddie shook his head and smiled, “He certainly did not. Cool name, by the way- Guns and Roses?”
“Yeah.” Axl nodded.
“Sick.” Eddie grinned.
“Did you do this?” Axl pointed to the bandages.
“Wait, you’re not upset with me?” Steve asked.
“No, I know you’re not just gonna out me to some cunt who’s gonna beat me up-“
“Language.” Steve pressed.
“Besides, Eddie’s gay and a self proclaimed Freak, out of most of your friends he’s the least likely to judge.”
“Right you are, little gremlin.” Eddie smiled up at him.
“I’m still sorry.” Steve murmured.
“Don’t be.” Axl playfully punched his arm.
“Also, to answer your question,” Eddie continued, “Yes, this is how you bind. I can show you how to do it, if you like? I suggest bigger bandages but this can work for now.”
“Yes please.” Axl nodded, and Eddie immediately started to unwound the bindings on Steve’s chest.
He re-tied it, talking step by step to Axl, and then he got Axl to bind Steve’s chest himself, Eddie talking him through the process.
Then, Eddie got Axl to do it on himself, over his baggy jumpers, because it’s a little different doing it on someone else. Steve sat at the table and watched in awe as Eddie animatedly talked Axl through the process, and Axl couldn’t wipe his smile off his face.
The moment it was done he raced off to his room to do it properly. Eddie went and got them another beer.
“Thank you.” Steve smiled at him, “So much.”
“No problem, Steve-o.” Eddie grinned, “I have not done that in a while, it was kinda fun.”
“What do you mean?” Steve furrowed his brow, and Eddie shrugged and pulled up his shirt.
The first thing Steve noticed was the added ink Eddie had gotten since ‘86. The second thing he noticed was the bat bites scattered over his skin. And the third… two scars stretching along his chest.
Steve remembered being back there, crying and trying to add compression on all of Eddie’s scars. He remembered finding bandages already wrapped around Eddie’s chest, under his clothes, but he thought nothing of it, figured Eddie had cut his chest open or something. Not… this.
Eddie blushed and lowered his shirt, shrugging up at Steve.
“Oh my god.” Steve muttered, and Eddie just stared at him, “Holy shit, you’re like Axl?!”
“Yeah.” Eddie nodded, and then a couple of seconds later Axl was body slamming into the back of Eddie and wrapping himself around him.
“I didn’t think anyone was like me here.” Axl mumbled, obviously trying to not cry, “I always thought you’d be the coolest out of dad’s friends.”
Eddie snickered and gave Axl a hug back, “How’d you go, did you get it?”
“I think so.” He said, stepping back and showing off to them. It’s the first time Steve had seen him wear anything less than a baggy shirt. He was dressed in a cropped muscle tee, and he looked so confident.
Steve started to cry.
“Hey! Look at you, it looks so good, kid.” Eddie grinned, “If you want I can show you how to draw facial hair on to look realistic.”
“Fuck yeah.” Axl grinned, “I want a moustache.”
Eddie snickered and looked back at Steve, his face dropped when he saw him crying, “Hey, Stevie-“
“Thank you.” Steve sobbed and buried his head in his hands, “Holy fuck, thank you so much.”
Eddie smiled softly, “It’s no issues, of course. Anything to help a fellow freak like me, huh?” He smiled up at Axl, “I should be thanking you, it feels nice to have another person like me around again.”
“Do you know more people like us?”
Eddie nodded, “You know my friend Gareth? Yeah, he’s like us, and a two more people but they’re not in town.”
“Oh my god, really?!” Axl grinned, “This is so awesome, can I please come to one of your gigs or something?”
“I thought you were too cool for that stuff?” Steve snickered.
Axl flipped him off, “I just wanna meet him… as a guy.”
Eddie leant out and ruffled Axl’s hair, “Yeah, kid, whenever you like- though, a band practice would be more ideal for a fourteen year old.”
Axl frowned dramatically and went to get himself a drink.
“Seriously, Eddie, thank you.” Steve murmured, “I haven’t seen him that happy in… not in years. He’s just a kid, he’s meant to be that happy every day.”
Eddie nodded, “I know how he feels. I knew I was different really young too, and when I was about twelve I told my mum and she told me to never tell anyone. And then she died, when I was sixteen, and I ended up telling dad for some- I don’t even know why, he beat the shit out of me and I ran away. Like, away away, up to Indi. Wayne found me then, when my dad told him what happened, and bought me home and let me be Eddie.” He shrugged, “I remember the first time I tried binding with duct tape, Wayne found me crying in front of the mirror about it and he came in with bandages and helped me figure it out. I went on testosterone when I turned eighteen, so.”
Steve smiled, “I’m sorry you went through that, Eddie.”
“I’m sorry you’ve been going through this clueless. Wayne had no idea either, he’s got a book on how to look after trans kids now, but he didn’t back then, I can tell you that.” Eddie laughed, “Thanks for being his dad, and like, being a good one.”
“He’s my kid, I can’t just… of course, I love him.”
Eddie smiled, “You don’t know how rare that is for people like Axl and I.”
“I don’t understand why.”
“Me either.” Eddie hummed, “You’re a really good dad, Steve. A really good guy.”
“I’m just doing what I’m supposed to do.”
“Yeah, but you care. More than most people do. You care so much.” Eddie gently took Steve’s hand into his own, “I’m sure you already know but being Axl’s dad isn’t gonna be easy, especially not in fucking Hawkins, but so long as you just stick around and… care, then things are gonna be a whole lot easier for him. It means so much to him, and me, even.”
Steve smiled at him and squeezed Eddie’s hands as a thank you, “Can you stick around too?” He asked, “Help Axl in the places I cant?”
Eddie grinned, “Yeah, of course I can, Stevie.”
“Thank you.” Steve sighed, rubbing his temples, “You have no idea how grateful I am that you’re in my life.”
There was a moment of silence before Eddie whispered, “You have no idea how grateful I am that you’re in mine.”
They looked at eachother, and Steve felt his heart in his throat.
“Okay…” Axl murmured, rolling back over to the table, “You guys are clearly having a moment so I’m gonna stop eavesdropping.”
“Hey!” Steve scoffed, “You little shit.”
Axl chuckled and scruffed Steve’s hair, “Thanks dad, I love you too. You’re my best friend.”
Steve absolutely blossomed at that, he’d never been so happy to hear those words. He used to hear them all the time, when Axl was really little. But then he became a preteen and being friends with your dad suddenly stopped being cool. He’s ecstatic right now.
“Thanks Eddie.” Axl smiled at him, giving Eddie a fist bump as he passed, “Can we like… talk sometime? I just wanna-“
“Know if someone’s gone through all the crazy shit as you?” Eddie offered and Eddie nodded, “How about we get some lunch this weekend, huh? Then hang out at the music store?”
“Sounds good.” Axl grinned and continued to walk past, “I’ll let you guys get back to your moment.”
“Moment?” Steve asked, red in the face, watching Axl walk down the hallway to his room, “There’s no moment, what moment?!”
“Don’t worry about it.” Axl shouted back and walked into his room.
“Axl!” Steve shouted out.
“Axl!” Eddie shouted too, “What fucking moment do you mean?”
Axl poked his head back out the door, “You were having a nice moment about friendship and being a good dad and blah blah blah!” Axl shouted and Steve and Eddie both relaxed, “I just shouldn’t be evesdropping of course.”
“Okay.” Steve nodded and looked back to Eddie, watched the sparkle in his eyes dance as he shifted to look back at Steve. And he melted at the sight.
“Also, this would be a great time to do something about that crush you’ve had on Eddie for years, dad!”
And with that, Axl’s door was slammed shut.
Steve and Eddie were staring at eachother. Eddie was slowly turning more and more red.
“You have a crush on me?”
Steve’s lack of an answer probably was a dead giveaway, but he hoped Eddie was oblivious.
“Oh.” Eddie muttered, and clearly he’s not oblivious, “You have a crush on me- god, I sound fifteen. Wow, you are into me- Steve- you- okay.” Eddie cleared his throat and fixed his posture, “Do- wow, huh, uh… do- do you wanna- do you wanna go out with me? Okay, there, I did it.”
“You’re asking me out?” Steve asked, a little gobsmacked.
“Yeah.” Eddie bit at his nails as he looked at Steve nervously.
“Yes.” Steve swallowed, “Yeah, I- yeah… can- does tomorrow work? Seven?”
“Seven.” Eddie smiled, his shoulders relaxing, “Yeah, a date at seven.”
“Okay.” Steve smiled too, “Wait, is this just… I just need to know if this is a date or like, with the intention of something more serious.”
“Uh…” Eddie swallowed, “Considering I’ve been into you for years now, I’d prefer something a little more permanent. But-“
“You don’t care I’ve got a kid?”
“No, I-“ Eddie ducked his head, blushing, “To be honest I’ve kinda always been jealous he wasn’t our kid.”
“Holy shit.” Steve muttered, “I thought you didn’t want kids?!”
“Yeah.” Eddie shrugged, “I don’t know, you make all my wires cross, Steve. I’ve pictured a whole ass future with you.”
And Steve can’t wait to make that future come true.
And Axl grows up with a second dad who helps him through his transition too, has a little more intel. And Steve loves watching them as they chat about their shared experiences being trans, and cries when Axl comes out and shows off his excessive leg hair one afternoon, and when Eddie starts compulsively making fun of his voice cracks at age seventeen, and when Eddie’s sitting there and talking him through the procedure he’ll endure for his first surgery and- Steve’s just overwhelmed with love for them both.
And then he and Eddie adopt a little girl and Steve’s just so in awe of how Eddie is with the baby, and how Axl instantly takes to the protective big brother role. And just picture it, okay!? Just picture Steve and Eddie having a family together, okay?!
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munsonkitten · 11 months
cw: sexual discussions, gender dysphoria (trans Eddie Munson pov), virgin Eddie, mentions of period typical transphobia and homophobia
It comes as a bit of a surprise, when Steve comes out to Eddie as gay. Even more of a surprise when Steve follows it up with and I’m attracted to you. Eddie has to remind him, with clenched teeth, bracing for the impact of rejection, that he doesn’t have the parts Steve wants. 
“You think I care what’s in your pants, man? You’re hot, either way. I’m just saying, like, I’d fuck you,” Steve says, blowing smoke into the air in front of him. He’s sitting against the side of Eddie’s bed, hogging the joint Eddie rolled for them both. “I’m also, like, really fucking high. So forget I said all that.”
Eddie reaches over the edge of his bed and snatches the joint back before Steve can bring it to his mouth again. 
He takes a hit, letting the smoke fill his lungs while he ruminates on, well, all of that. 
“You sure you’re gay?” Eddie asks, settling on that question first. He winces as he says it, his own internal hangups taking hold of him. He knows he’s a man, there’s no doubt about that. He’s been validated to hell and back by Wayne, a bunch of older queers Wayne is friends with, and the one doctor in the state of Indiana that has shown him any kind of compassion. 
He just knows how other people are. How, despite him knowing who he is, a lot of people just see him for his cunt and his tits. Well, not like he has much of his tits left, not after the demobats performed a botched mastectomy on him and left him with one and a half breasts. The doctors that put him back together wouldn’t remove the rest. He knows that Steve could just be getting some wires crossed — yes, he could be attracted to Eddie, but Eddie has to ask if it’s really because he’s into men and sees Eddie as a man, or if… If it’s the alternative. 
“Pretty sure, man,” Steve answers. He tilts his head back over the edge of the bed and looks at Eddie, where he’s lying against his pillows. “Like, I don’t think about,” he waves vaguely at Eddie’s body, and Eddie knows he’s being careful, like he can’t just talk about him without overthinking each word. “I think about, like, how you pinned me to a wall with a bottle to my throat and I think about how you hotwired that RV. I was definitely into you during both of those things, and I had no idea about, you know.”
And that’s true. Eddie’s been hiding it pretty good since he moved to town. Buzzed his head in his bathroom the day his dad got arrested. Had a pretty good feeling his pops wasn’t coming back from this one before he even left. Usually he took Eddie along with him, but that final time he left him with a pile of change and a phone number and told him to call Wayne if he wasn’t back by the next afternoon.
Wayne took one look at him when he showed up, asked him about the buzzcut, asked him what name he was going by these days, and then took him to meet some friends. Didn’t even have time to meet any other kids before he started getting tips from an older trans man that Wayne met years back. Since then, Eddie kept his head down, his chest bound, and never uttered a sound until he got on testosterone and his voice started to deepen and crack along with all the other boys. 
“Okay, well now you do know, so,” Eddie points out. He shrugs, takes another hit and then passes the joint back down to Steve. “You’d really fuck me? Pussy and all?”
“I mean, I’ve got experience with it,” Steve says. “I just don’t like women, is all. You’re not a woman.”
Eddie doesn’t really get it. How Steve can go from Hawkins’ biggest lady killer to lounging on Eddie the freak Munson’s dingy bedroom floor saying he doesn’t like ladies at all. Steve Harrington, who, and it’s no secret, called Jonathan Byers a queer a few years ago and laughed when his slimy friends called other boys fags. Yet here he is, saying that Eddie’s a man. So much of a man that Steve says he’s gay and wants to fuck him in the same breath.
It doesn’t make any fucking sense. 
“What about you?” Steve asks. “Would you?”
“Would I what?”
“Fuck me,” Steve clarifies. “Want to get fucked by me. I mean, hey if you’ve got a dick laying around, I’d let you put it in me, too. I don’t think I’m picky.”
Eddie sighs, dropping his head down to his pillow. This is where it gets tricky. Yeah, he’d have sex with Steve Harrington. Who wouldn’t? But as much experience as Steve has with pussy, Eddie’s a pussy with no experience. Other than a few drunken kisses in dark clubs eighty miles from home, he’s completely terrified of putting himself out there, and honestly for good reason too. 
Being gay in this town is hard enough, but if anyone finds out he’s trans, he’s fucking done for. It was scary enough realizing Steve knows, and he didn’t even have a choice in Steve finding out. Next time he tries to die, he’s gonna make sure he gets to a hospital instead of getting his clothes cut off on Steve’s parents’ bathroom floor. 
But yeah, Steve knows, and there’s no more risk of him finding out, and that’s pretty much the main reason Eddie hasn’t had sex with anyone, so. 
“Yeah, I guess,” he answers. 
“Cool,” Steve whispers. 
And that’s it. That’s all the conversation is. 
Steve crawls into Eddie’s bed and curls up beside him like they always do when he sleeps over, and he takes the joint from Eddie to take one last hit. He reaches over Eddie to put it in the ashtray and then lays back down.
“So, um,” Eddie says. Because he’s confused. He thought Steve was coming onto him. He thought this was a precursor for Steve coming in him. 
“What’s up?” Steve asks lazily, voice catching on a yawn. 
“Well, I’m glad we established all that, but, like… Are we not going to…?”
“What? Oh, no. I’m way too high,” Steve whispers, turning his face into Eddie’s shoulder. “Another time?”
Eddie laughs because he has no idea how his life became this. 
“Sure,” Eddie agrees. “Another time.”
Steve sits up, presses a loud, smacking kiss to Eddie’s temple, and then drops his head back down. He turns his face in toward Eddie’s neck, arm finding its place around Eddie’s waist. Eddie can’t see his face, but he thinks Steve’s pleased smile might just match his own. 
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bimbobaggins69 · 1 year
In honor of pride month; I am compiling fics of gay, bi & pan Eddie Munson
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comment, or send an ask for yours or one of your favorites to be added
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boys on film (series) - pornstar!steddie x virgin fem reader
by: @corrodedcorpses
summary: Eddie and Steve have been your best friends for years. Although they've never done or said anything to make you feel bad, you can't help but feel inadequate to them when it comes to sexual experience. After they star in their first Threesome together, some weird emotions arise.
Now in technicolor (series) - soulmate!steddie x fem reader
by: @thorfemmes
“Color! What a deep and mysterious language, the language of dreams"
The tutor (series)- queer!eddie munson x fem reader 18+
by: @brewsterispunkk
summary: reader has had a secret crush on Eddie Munson for months, only she has been too scared to tell him. When she’s forced to tutor him, she lets it slip that she feels like she’s missed out on the normal “high school experience.” Eddie aims to change that.
I’m in control (series) - pornstar!steddie x fem!reader 18+
by: @justmeinadaze
summary: You're just promoted to agent for the porn agency you work for. You worked really hard to get where you are and beg your boss to allow you to manage the 2 new up and coming pornstars they just signed.
seeing stars (series) - bi!eddie munson x fem!reader 18+
by: @boogiewrites
summary: A new girl with a mysterious air to her and a questionable past comes to Hawkins. After a chance encounter at a party, Eddie becomes a bit smitten with her. The problem is, she’s an unreadable brick wall when she’s sober. Despite her hesitation to letting men in her life, they become best friends. Will Eddie���s attentive persistence help him break down the walls she’s put up to protect herself from not getting hurt? Will Star learn she can be in love and be loved in return after her last relationship left her traumatized? Will her spiritual guidance help her see that Eddie really is the one for her? A story of strangers to best friends to lovers with a splash of witchiness and a lot of trauma healing.
The pull (short series) - steddie x succubus!fem reader 18+
by: @xxhellfiregirlxx
summary: You move to Hawkins after spending the last decade in New York City hoping to have a peaceful and quiet next few years flying under the radar only feeding when necessary and making everyone you spend a night with forget you. But when you arrive, you feel a pull from two men like you’ve never felt before. As soon as you feel it you know flying under the radar here wasn’t going to cut it, you had to find them.
Ready, steddie, go. (One shot) - steddie x fem reader 18+
By: @bettyfrommars
Trapped under ice (series) - hockey player!steddie x figure skater!fem reader 18+
by: @lofaewrites & @teddyseyeswinchester
summary: The one where the Ice Princess, The Wolf & The Monster celebrate in the only way they know how-by making it dirty.
Rockstar!eddieverse - bisexual rockstar!eddie munson x fem! reader
by: @enam3l
I want you both - steddie x reader 18+
by: @screammunson
summary: you can’t help yourself when you catch them, they can’t help themselves when they ask you to join
Heavy metal parking lot (one shot) - queer!eddie munson x fem reader 18+
by: me
summary: the last thing you ever expected was to hit it off with a cute guy at a Judas Priest concert, but stranger things have happened.
To be added…
I know I’m forgetting so many! :(
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fics on ao3
Lessons in anatomy (series) - bisexual!eddie munson x fem reader x slowburn steddie x fem reader 18+
by: LilithsLullaby
summary: When you agree to help Eddie Munson in study hall, you don’t anticipate those lessons to go beyond using textbooks to some real life practice in anatomy.
If it's just till St. Patrick's Day (series) - gay!Eddie Munson x trans fem! Steve Harrington 18+
by: RedLegumes
summary: Eddie Munson is positive he's gay. Sure girls are nice to look at, smell good, look like they taste lovely and sweet. But that's not his thing. Never been his thing. He likes hard, blaring, rough and tumble. He likes guys. But when one of those guys reveals he wanted to transition… Eddie has to do some thinking. He likes guys, but he really likes Harrington.
I Promise That You Won't Wanna Get Off (one shot) - steddie 18+
by: Kwills91
summary: Robin drags Steve to a bachelorette party having no idea he's going to be just as entertained by the gorgeous stripper as everyone else. Possibly even more so.
To be added…
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thegoblinboy · 1 year
So I’m having the eye opening, I keep seeing Eddie being the trans man out of Steddie. (Who has a kid) And honestly, love that but hear me out about the possibilities.
What if Steve was in like major stealth mode. Passed so well no one thinks about it. Things are great until he goes partying at a place where he knows people don’t have a problem with him being trans. Now normally he tops with a toy but he gets drunk and he doesn’t mind bottoming. It’s not his preference because his dysphoria gets the best of him some times but he ends up having a one night stand and gets pregnant. Now no one knows he’s trans, and he’s not sure how to bring it up. He’s avoiding it and now he’s having to hide more and more. Wearing baggier clothes, ditching everyone, etc. he has this plan of just running away because he would rather run off and struggle then deal with his family treating him differently.
Though thing is everyone’s caught on and holding a intervention. Because something is up and they think it might be a code red for the upside down. They are not having another max situation. Because it seems like Steve is closing himself off. They all snuck in the house, because they’ve tried everything and Steve never lets them in unless it’s for something important. So none of them are expecting to see a half awake, half asleep steve coming down stairs with a tank top on. Stretching around his belly. That’s pretty big. Hand on it, hair pulled in a bun as he hasn’t left the house in a long time and is to lazy to cut it. He’s waddling as he moves to the calendar. Whining when he realizes he has a doctors appointment. “I suppose it’s time to figure out your gender so I can stop calling you a gremlin.” He smiles looking down at his belly. It doesn’t hit the younger kids, but it’s slapping all of the adults who are now quickly pulling the kids back who are getting kicked out silently. Steve hears the door closing and is nearly pissing himself when he sees all of the older teens and adults staring at him with wide eyes. He’s booking it out of the room slamming his door shut behind him. Coming back down with a baggier sweater pointing at the door and screaming for everyone to get the fuck out. Nearly in tears. Actually no his hormones are all wacky that he’s crying angrily
All of them refuse to. Robin moving and hugging him. “Oh my god, I thought you were being vecnaed this is so much better.” She’s careful of his stomach.
Anywho time skip to steve having the baby and everyone falls in love. Everyone never calls steve mom again, all jokingly call him dad. Though on occasion they’ll joke about him being their mom, but not in a way that makes Steve uncomfortable. The baby being baby sat by Joyce and Hopper excitedly. Hopper who isn’t fond of the child but is always found sleeping in his rocker with the brat curled up on his chest. Now Murray and the kids are the only ones not allowed to be near the baby unsupervised. Murray because Steve doesn’t trust him. He’s the crazy uncle that’s to crazy while Eddie is crazy but not crazy enough to put a baby in danger.
Just a gay Eddie who doesn’t change his sexuality all because Steve is trans. Steve is a guy through and through which still makes Eddie gay. He’s happy either way. There’s more in life then just sex and he doesn’t mind getting railed by the other. Though he’s the one that gets the closest to the baby. She/he love him the most. Playing with his curls, giggiling when ever he messes around with her. He Carrie’s the child by the diaper like a purse sometimes. Just him helping with the child, though Wayne meets the baby when Steve comes over to beg Eddie to help him get them to sleep. Eddies not home but Wayne is and puts the kid asleep fast. Humming as they both watch sports tv and both pats out. (There’s a poloroid that Eddie took of them sleeping like that)
Just yeah.. this is my dream now
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