#“please don't take this in a mean way but you are mildly terrifying”
invinciblerodent · 2 months
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if bloodsoaked killer, avatar of wretched villainy, fetid and rotten, a vile creature to the very core.... why kicked puppy??? why cute round eyes??? why sweet scared girl who just wants to be nice and help everyone????
(in other words it's durge time; monk styles)
(my plan is a Karlach romance, but man, if you deliberately RP as someone who is both very confused and deeply scared, there is something extra reassuring about Gale's confidence. Like I'm trying to lean into Karlach's warmth -both literal and metaphorical- being a source of comfort, and the reason for this character to be drawn to her, but the dynamic of a strong woman who knows nothing and the physically frail man with chronic pain who knows everything IS intriguing...)
(then again, that could just be me being not even just thirsty, but parched for the wizard.)
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petrichor-idyllic · 9 months
Hi Petri, soooo I just finished Dead man walking and already (not that soon though, cause I know you have many requests to get through) need a part 2 because this is my new favorite thing, I love it, you did amazing (as always <3).
You can do whatever you want for part 2 but I wish you could do a little scene where the reader is trying to figure something about her job out and Gally is there just staring at her, and how beautiful she looks when concentrated,and they're just flirting and having fun. Also please do a lot of Fry teasing them because I absolutely love it.
Yes, absolutely, I can.
Love my boy Gally.
Sorry I've been MIA.
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SUMMARY: See above. Continuation from part 1. Time skip to the Safe Haven.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, Frypan bullying Gally, awkward tension, you not being sure what to do with yourself, reference to Chuck's death. WICKED being WCKD because movie. Newt's dead. Rip.
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The past few weeks have been a blur of chaos and emotion.
You'd arrived at the Safe Haven. But, you were the only person left from the rebels.
Lawrence stormed the City, destroying and setting fire to everything, which was not the plan. And not something you agreed with.
You'd split off and made your own way through the City, managing to bump into Gally on his way to their escape ship. His group had taken some blows.
They'd lost Newt to the Flare. Teresa got swallowed by a burning building. Thomas had been shot. Minho had been deeply traumatised at WCKD's hands.
Life hadn't been easy on these kids. But at least they're safe now.
And so are you, even if you're permanently having some kind of identity crisis due to too much free time and losing your rebellious means.
But, hey, you've still got Gally, at least.
Well, sort of.
Things have been painful awkward since your kiss in the Last City.
It's no one's fault in particular. You've been moving a hundred miles an hour your entire life, and now you get shouted at for finishing your work too quickly, and you're not really sure how to deal with people when you're not bossing them around or being bossed around.
And, Gally is just generally terrible at feelings.
It's actually mildly concerning, sometimes.
Which has led to a weirdly tense friendship where neither of you really know what you're doing.
It's a painful watch.
And you kinda sorta forgot that Gally is still a slightly awkward teenage boy with no experience with women.
It's definitely an experience; but on the bright side, you've become an honorary Glader. Sure, you don't understand the slang still, and you have to remember to not ask too much about the Maze or some of the people because you'll be met with several PTSD induced panic attacks. But, you've befriended them.
Minho is funny and sarcastic and incredibly tough.
Frypan is sweet, and also kind of funny. And he's an excellent cook despite what the other boys say.
Thomas is bold and determined, even taking a bit of a leadership role alongside Vince - even after his well-deserved break.
And whilst Brenda and Jorge aren't quite Gladers, you also like them quite a bit. Jorge reminds you of Lawrence in a way. He's rebellious and bold, but instead of cold and occasionally terrifying, he's funny and fraternal. And Brenda is kind of like you in a way, except she's playful. Which you have severely been lacking in the last few years of your life.
Yet, despite integrating into his friend group, his new home, his daily life - yours and Gally's relationship is still at a weird standstill.
So, you've decided to dive into work. Helping Vince is an easy way to clear your mind, and helping out people who've suffered under WCKS's hands is kind of your speciality.
You prepare blankets, clean, help Frypan in the kitchen, help with building plans, settle petty disputes; you name it, you do it.
And that's something Gally has always admired about you.
"Oi, shank, you're starin' again." Frypan says, snickering as he sits next to Gally, the light from the flames bouncing off his face.
Bonfires are an almost nightly occurrence at the Safe Haven. A celebration of their freedom and security. But, it's a bittersweet experience for the remaining Gladers. Memories of happier times dance in the fires of community. They always thought escaping the Maze would be the end, but they often find themselves remembering simpler times.
You don't share the same heartfelt irony.
"I'm not starin'." Gally grumbles back, yet his eyes still linger on you.
You walk around, handing out drinks and occasionally adding to the fire, making small talk; mainly with Vince, Thomas, and Brenda. You also occasionally take grimances sips of Gally's special brew - another festivity bought from the remains of the Maze.
"Uh huh, sure you aren't." Frypan chuckles as he sips his drink, a beat passing between the boys. "I don't get it. You guys kissed. Like, you kissed an actual girl. And now... what?"
Gally sighs, dropping his head as he speaks in a grumbled tone. "I... I don't know, man. She's... she was my boss. She saved my life. You know she found me in the Maze and-"
"And did everything to patch you up. Took you under her wing. Yeah, yeah, we know, we get it." Frypan rolls his eyes, knowing the story off by heart. "You clearly care about her, so why not actually doing something about it?"
"She hasn't done anything about it."
"Uh, yeah, she did."
"When she shuckin' kissed you, slinthead."
Gally falls silent for a moment, eyes landing back on you. It's everything about you; your hair, your eyes, your smile, the way you hold yourself, your passion - everything.
"...I don't wanna shuck it up, Fry."
Frypan's eyes land on his friend, the teasing tone slipping away as he looks at him. "Huh? What do you mean?"
Gally anxiously taps his foot, eyes lingering on you again. He looked at you like you were a Goddess and him a feeble insect, blessed to be in your mere presence.
"Gally?" Frypan presses him, brows starting to furrow in worry.
Gally has never been good with words. He's aggressive, and scary, and dangerous. Even if he has learnt to forgive and become more humble thanks to you, it's not like he's become an expert at this. And now he has...
He sighs, running his fingers through his short hair. "...I messed everything up back in the Maze. I was scared, and I acted on my own. I tried to hurt you guys, and I..." He trails off, the sound of the gunshot and Chuck hitting the floor still burnt into the back of his retinas. He shakes his head, clearing his throat. "I don't wanna mess this up, too."
Frypan looks at him for a few seconds, before smacking him on the back of the head.
"Klunk-! Fry! What the shuck, man?" Gally grumbles as he rubs the back of his head.
"Are you hearing yourself, shank?" Frypan leans forward on his knees. "That girl over there brought you back from the dead. She saw the potential in you and made it work. Without you, we would've never been able to save Minho, we would've never stopped WCKD - hell, we probably wouldn't even have made it here, man. Get a grip. You ain't that same sissy that spent his time buggin' out around the Glade, terrified of change. You're a hero and a rebell who risked his life for change."
Gally looks at his friend, a small smile tugging at his lips.
"And the only way that you're shucking this up, is if you sit you shank-ass here and do nothing." Frypan continues, letting the statement hang in the air for several moments.
Gally nods, churning the words over in his head.
"I'm right. Am I right, or am I right?" Frypan grins.
Gally snorts, shaking his head slightly. "You're right."
"'Course I shuckin' am." Frypan grins, patting his long-time friend's back. "Now, are you gonna sit here, wasting your breath yappin' my ear off - or are you gonna go get your girl?"
Gally struggles to hide the smile playing on his lips.
His girl.
He likes the sound of that.
"I'm gonna get my girl."
Whilst Gally gets his heart to heart (lecture) from Frypan, you've taken to cleaning up cups and desperately trying to stop drunk people from falling over. It's not a pleasant way to spend your evening, but it takes your mind off your boredom and constant speculation about your relationship with Gally.
"Hey, Boss." The familiar voice pulls you away from your thoughts, landing on the broad boy.
"I told you you don't have to call me Boss anymore, Gally." You roll your eyes slightly, continuing to pick up glasses.
"Yeah, sorry, force of habit." Gally rocks on his heels, anxiously looking at you.
"...You good?"
"Uh, yeah - uh, can we talk?" You raise an eyebrow at his words, a bubble starting to form in the pit of your stomach. "Like.. in private?"
"Sure. 'Course. Uh, wanna walk along the beach?"
"Yeah." He smiles slightly. "Sounds good."
You put the glasses you've collected down, nodding for him to follow you as you both head towards the waves, starting to wander as the waves just miss lapping up your feet.
Gally doesn't look at you for a while. His eyes fixed on the endless sand ahead of him; it's a heavy silence.
You don't push him. Sure, you spent months pushing him to his full potential. But when it came to talking, it was better to let Gally take his time.
After about ten minutes of walking, he finally takes a deep breath. "So, uh... I spoke to Fry.."
"Oh, yeah? What did he have to say this time?"
"He basically called me a useless slinthead." He chuckles dryly, glancing at you.
"Slinthead? That's like a dickhead, right?" He grins slightly; you're still getting used to the dumb slang of the Glade - it really doesn't help that every group of Maze escapees has their own set of personal curse words.
"Yeah, basically." He chuckles.
"...why'd he call you a dickhead? Sorry- slinthead."
He can't help but shake his head at you, that smile still on his face. "Well, uh, I've been a massive diaper-klunkin' sissy, basically."
You blink. What the fuck does that even mean?
He laughs at your confusion before composing himself, stopping to look at you, which makes you stop, too. You face him, brows furrowed slightly as nervousness starts to feel heavy through your inside.
"...remember before the Last City fell? When you kissed me?"
You freeze, embarrassment heating your face as you'd began to start cringing at the memory when you fall asleep. "Honestly, I thought you'd forgotten that." You attempt to joke to lighten some of the tension.
He scoffs. "Yeah... I've been a bit of an idiot." He sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. "I just... I was worried about ruining things between us, yanno? I'm so used to messy everything up and-"
"You don't mess everything up." You interject, immediately prepared to defend him against himself.
"Yeah - I know; Frypan already gave me the lecture." He grimaces slightly, almost like he's cringing at himself. "But... I like you. Like, I really shuckin' like you. And... we're safe here. I wanna stop being such a pussy and just..."
It takes a second to sink in what he's saying, your skin feels warm and tingly, butterflies erupting in your stomach. "...just?"
"...I just wanna ask you if... you'd... like to be my girlfriend?" His confidence falters with every word, voice raising in pitch, scrunching his face as he finishes his question in embarrassment. "That sounded shuckin' awkward." He sighs. "Listen-"
You don't listen, because he has no time to speak. Adrenaline takes over as you step towards him, hand coming to cup his cheek as you press your lips against his once again.
The kiss is short and sweet as you pull away, meeting his half-lidded eyes and wide grin. "Take that as a yes?"
"Yes, Gally, I'd love to be your girlfriend. Took you fuckin' long enough."
He snorts. "Yeah, yeah." He leans back in, kissing you again, this time deeper and with more passion, his fingers creeping around the back of your head and into your hair.
"Shuck yeah!" Both of you pull away from each other, seeing Frypan shouting from half way down the beach. "Told you she's your girl!"
You look at Gally. "The fuck is he on about?"
"...Don't worry about it."
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So, I'm back.
And back with a part 2, nonetheless. Sorry for vanishing, lads, I've had some wicked lack of motivation and I feel like a bit of a dick about it.
Yanno... since it's been literal months.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed :))
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
Happy Holidays! More of wy as female mxy married to lz please!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Jingyi has gotten roped into tea with Clan Leader Lan and Jin Guangyao by Sizhui, which he grumbles about but doesn't actually mind because Jin Guangyao never gives him that mildly disappointed look that he gives other people when they break the rules. Sizhui says it's because Clan Leader Lan thinks he's funny, which is true. He is funny.
There's a frantic knock at the door and Jin Guangyao frowns but says, "Enter."
The door is shoved open and a pale disciple blurts, "Hanguang Jun has beat Madame Lan and now she's with the healers!"
Everyone freezes and Sizhui's eyes go liquid and huge in a way Jingyi hates.
"Don't lie!" Jingyi snaps.
"I saw it," he says urgently. "He just left her there and she had to be carried away!"
Sizhui doesn't ask to be dismissed or even take the time to bow to his uncle and his uncle's - er, whatever they're supposed to call Jin Guangyao since the betrothal didn't work out. Instead he just bolts.
Since Jingyi isn't the heir to the clan, he gives a hasty bow and a "Sorry" before chasing after his best friend. This is probably cosmic retribution for all the times Sizhui has been the one chasing after him.
There are several disciples stationed outside of the healers. Lan Biyu steps in front of the door. "Young Master Lan, now is not the best time to-"
Sizhui glares. "She's my mother. Move!"
She stares at him, wide eyed, and even Jingyi is taken aback. He's never heard him talk like that, but than again none of them would ever be foolish enough to try and get between Sizhui and Hanguang Jun. It's time for them to learn the same care should be extended for Madame Lan.
Lan Biyu steps aside, head bowed.
Jingyi follows Sizhui inside, terrified at what they might find.
Those fears instantly collapsed. Lady Xuanyu is upright and cheerfully talking to healers with glowing hands. Jingyi flushes bright red and looks to the side, because she's only wearing her inner robe with the shoulders pulled down so healing paste can be applied to several dark bruises, which is perhaps why Lan Biyu was trying to keep them out in the first place.
Her bright attitude doesn't change the fact she's covered in bruises and blood, though.
"Hi boys," she says cheerfully, completely unconcerned with her state of undress. Which is one thing with Sizhui being her step son, but she definitely should kick Jingyi out at least.
"What happened?" Sizhui asks. "Did my father do this?"
She shrugs, winces, and gets glared at by the healers for disrupting their movements. "It was a group effort."
Sizhui has gone dangerously pale. Jingyi demands, "What's that supposed to mean?"
Hanguang Jun wouldn't really beat his wife, would he? He may not like her, but he doesn't even beat misbehaving disciples. He wouldn't hurt his weak wife who can't even defend herself. Right?
"We were sparring," she says. "He really gave me a workout!"
"It's not a spar if you can't fight back!" he insists.
One of the disciples along the wall snorts, sees everyone's eyes turn to her, and her cheeks flush.
Lady Xuanyu gives him a look, but says, "Unfortunately his core is strong enough that the bruises I gave him are probably already healed, but you'll just have to take my word for it."
"Was it really just a spar?" Sizhui asks quietly.
She blinks. "What else would it be?"
He doesn't answer.
"I ordered them to fight me," she continues, "so I can't really complain about your father joining it."
She what?
"Will someone please tell me what happened?" Jingyi asks plaintively.
Lan Fen does.
He stares, not even able to care about the impropriety of seeing her like this. "You're crazy."
"Jingyi!" several people shout while Sizhui finally seems to relax, his lips quirking up at the corners.
Lady Xuanyu erupts into peals of laughter, disrupting the healers work and causing several of them to send him an annoyed glare, since obviously they can't glare at Madame Lan.
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kimpossibly · 1 year
Okay but can I get a Wednesday x reader on how her and Wednesday argue when it gets really bad💕 maybe reader walks out and they both make up after giving each other space
𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐄 -> w. addams
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hi yes???? I love this so much?????? Healthy relationships?????? Thank you so much for your wonderful words???? But seriously I love this kind of angsty fluff stuff fr...this is how I survive in this cruel, cruel world HAHA. Also I'm pretty sure I've used the phrase "thaw her frozen heart" in a Wednesday fic before, but oh well! I'm a sucker for stuff like that. Hope you enjoy this one! I'm really proud of this :') (Also peep the little gif paragraph break thingie I made on Photoshop...I'm a little too proud of it...)
PAIRING: wednesday addams x gn!reader WARNINGS: arguing
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ARGUING WITH WEDNESDAY ADDAMS IS NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART. She's as sadistic as they come, even when not mildly discontented (which in Wednesday Speak is as close as you can get to happy), and she never backs down from a fight. And, though a lot of Wednesday's sharp edges become a bit dull around you, that doesn't mean that she'll let you win an argument.
"You can't just endanger someone's life because they bother me, Wednesday!" you shouted. That particular argument was nasty — while you and Wednesday fit together seamlessly most of the time, she occasionally did things that you just couldn't agree with.
This time Wednesday's target had been Leah. Leah was one of the Scales, and one of the more insufferable ones at that. For the past week or so, Leah had for some reason chosen you as the target of her constant torture. She tripped you during class, used her siren song to make you humiliate yourself in front of the school, and on one occasion even managed to push you down the main staircase without anyone around her seeing. Wednesday had seen, of course. Wednesday always saw.
So she concocted a plan: she sent Leah a fake letter in her boyfriend's handwriting, telling her to meet him at a very specific location in the woods near Nevermore. As expected, Leah took the bait and made her way deep into the woods after dark. Instead of finding her boyfriend there, she was met with a pack of hungry wolves — and she quickly noticed that someone had sewn raw meat into the pockets of her clothing.
Leah returned to school half an hour later — out of breath, scratched around the ankles, and terrified. Wednesday watched her return with a smug grin — all it took was one look at her and you knew instantly this had been her doing.
Wednesday hadn't really expected you to be pleased (she had made peace with the fact that you two had very different moral codes), but she certainly hadn't expected you to react like this. "I only inflict pain upon people who deserve it," she said, her monotone voice never wavering in resolve, "and Leah deserved it."
"You don't get to decide that!" you said, rage curling your hands into fists.
"Would you rather be pushed around and ridiculed for the rest of the semester?"
You opened your mouth to speak, but your throat constricted and tears rushed to your waterline before you could get a word out. You paused, taking in a breath and willing your voice to steady. "I don't need you to fight my battles, Wednesday. If you can't respect that, then..." you trailed off, not quite sure where you were going next. Then maybe this isn't going to work out. You stopped yourself just short of putting the end in sight, not wanting to say something you didn't really believe and might regret later. Instead, you bit down on your tongue hard enough to draw blood. You blinked the tears away as you took one last look at Wednesday's stoic face and walked out, slamming the door to her dorm room behind you.
Wednesday watched you go with a bitter taste on her tongue — and not the kind she liked. You had had your arguments in the past, but you had never walked out on her. Unlike Wednesday, you were a stickler for talking things out right then and there, clearing the air before things got too ugly. But this time it had been too much. She had been too much.
Thing crawled onto the desk, having heard the entire argument. Wednesday turned sharply. "What do you want?" she snapped.
"I hope you're going to fix this."
"Why? Clearly they don't care enough to stay and have it out. Why should I be the one to piece things back together?"
Thing said nothing, but sat there in a way that said, Really?
Wednesday grit her teeth. "You're very passive aggressive for a hand."
"You're one to talk," Thing tapped back, "and ouch. Don't you think they might've needed some space?"
Wednesday paused. She hadn't thought of that, actually — not that she'd ever let Thing know that. "Fine then," Wednesday conceded. "What do you suggest?"
And, for once, Wednesday took someone else's advice.
She gave you the space you needed. For the next day and a half you received total radio silence from Wednesday. She still took her seat next to you in class, but she kept as far away from you as possible and didn't attempt conversation — not that Wednesday could ever endure small talk.
Eventually you were so unnerved by her behavior that you spoke to her, leaning over and keeping your voice to a whisper beneath Thornhill's lesson. "Wednesday? What are you doing? Are you alright?" you asked.
"I'm giving you space," she said, not meeting your eye. The words sounded unnatural in her voice. "Thing suggested it," she added quickly.
You sat back in your chair, a perplexed crease forming between your brows. This was very un-Wednesday like behavior. You weren't upset of course, just surprised. Not only at the fact that Wednesday was willingly giving you the space you needed, but that she actually took advice from Thing. It made your heart give a little flutter as you attempted to focus back on the lesson.
Wednesday never paced, but she had never been closer to doing it than she was that evening. She skipped dinner with the intention of writing her novel, but found herself staring at a blank page, unable to write a thing. Rain pounded the large stained glass window on the opposite side of the room. She had never suffered from writer's block before. This was excruciating, and not in a good way. She let out a slow breath, and finally something snapped. That's it.
She got up and strode to the door of her dorm with the intention of meeting you in the courtyard and demanding that you settle your argument from two nights ago, a crack of thunder scoring her sudden outburst. But just as she was about to reach for the doorknob, she heard a knock.
You stood out in the hallway, shivering and soaked with rain, your blazer wrapped tightly around you. The greeting you had prepared was quickly tossed away as you gave a sudden sneeze, a shiver running down your spine. You looked back at Wednesday and the words died on your tongue.
Instantly she pulled you inside, shutting the door behind you and getting one of Enid's fuzzy (revolting) blankets to wrap around your shoulders. Wednesday didn't often have these, God forbid, motherly urges very often, but again, a lot of things about Wednesday changed when she was around you. And the sight of you shaking in the cold on her doorstep was enough to thaw her frozen heart.
Once she was satisfied that you were slowly being warmed up, she stepped back, letting you dry the rain droplets from your cheeks and hair. Thing subtly crawled onto the desk and Wednesday saw it subtly sign out of the corner of her eye: "Talk."
Wednesday set her lips in a grim line. This was the part she always had trouble with. "Y/n —"
"I know you were just trying to protect me, Wednesday," you cut her off quickly. "I know that now, and I appreciate it. I didn't like what Leah was doing, and I know you didn't either, but I needed to try and figure out how to fix it in my own way first. I know that you want to look out for me, but I'm capable of fighting my own battles. I need you to tell me that you understand that."
Wednesday paused. And now she understood. This was what you had been trying to say the night of the argument — you just hadn't been able to get the words out right. Space. Space had allowed you to understand what you needed to say and what you needed to hear. Wednesday understood that now — and more importantly, she could respect it. "I understand," she said, "and I'm sorry."
You almost gasped. Wednesday rarely apologized for the things she did, especially to the people she did them to. But this was genuine.
She continued, "I don't regret what I did to Leah, but I do regret that it hurt you."
You nodded in understanding.
"I don't like seeing the people I love get hurt."
All at once you felt tears rushing to your eyes. Not the bad kind. You pushed them away with a hard swallow, sniffing. "I love you too, Wednesday," you said. "And I promise that if my way of fixing something doesn't work, you'll be the first person I call."
Wednesday felt a rush of something then, something that flushed in her cheeks and almost drew the corners of her lips up. She struggled to stifle it, but every glance at your rosy face made her that much more willing to surrender to it.
"Can I give you a hug?" you asked. You and Wednesday had reached a point where you could hug her without asking first, but you liked to get the clarification every once in a while.
Once you received a brisk nod, you stepped forward, wrapping your arms around her and enveloping both of you in Enid's thick purple blanket. Wednesday wrapped her arms around your waist, letting herself bury her head in your shoulder. She allowed herself to enjoy the warmth of being wrapped up with you, holding you tightly and knowing that you were together.
The storm continued to rage outside, but you two were warm and safe in the knowledge that, when you were together, there was nothing that couldn't be fixed.
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dragondemoness · 2 years
LOVE YOUR WRITING SM!!! you probably could've guessed this was coming by now but could you please do the motive prompt w the drv3 cast please? Keep up the amazing work!!! 💞
Thanks so much! I appreciate that! And yes, I completely and totally saw this coming😁And I finally finished it!
So sorry for making you wait, but I do hope it was worth it!
This got so long, I'm surprised Tumblr didn't crash😅 So I put a "keep reading" under here
Monokuma's Motive - DV3 Edition
It had been a couple days since the last motive.
Nobody had attempted anything, and Monokuma seemed to have backed off of everyone, so everyone was at ease.
And it was all thanks to you.
Thanks to your charisma and friendliness, you managed to convince the others not to give in to despair and kill their classmates. Without any recent motives, it was even easier.
But all that was thrown out the window when Monokuma summoned everyone to the gym.
You exchange an anxious look with your significant other before heading there together. 
And there was Monokuma, along with his Monokubs.
"Well! Hello, hello, my wonderful students!" Monokuma greeted everyone.
"Hey, you bastards! We have something to say to you!" Monotaro started.
"Yeah, um... Our father is very displeased with you all." Monophanie added.
"Yeah, it's been what, a whole fuckin' week, and nobody's done shit! We've been sittin' on our asses, waiting for the next kill, but nothing's happened!" Monokid shouted.
"We've been waiting patiently, but nobody's done a thing! So now, you bastards are in for it!" Monosuke finished.
Monodam said nothing.
"That's right! You've all done nothing but sit on your butts for this past week! After I worked so hard on those motives, too..."
Monokuma looked down in an almost convincing display of despair. But he recovered quickly, and you were sure he shot you a glare.
"But not to worry! I have a shiny new motive all ready to go, but this time with a twist!"
Everyone stiffened anxiously, waiting for Monokuma to elaborate.
"This time, there is a selected target you must kill. There is one person, and only one, that you can kill. Any other kills don't count and will count as a rule violation! And you all know how I feel about breaking rules..."
"A target?"
"Wonder what that could be..."
"It could be anyone..."
Your classmates began muttering and mumbling amongst each other while you froze, looking at Monokuma with a bewildered expression. Your significant other took your hand with a concerned look, but you barely noticed.
You knew what was coming, and that sadistic grin Monokuma gave you told you everything.
"And now, your target... is (Name)!"
Your blood turned cold at those words.
Shuichi Saihara
"What?! Why?? They didn't do anything!"
Except get in Monokuma's way
Now poor detective boi is on the edge now
After the meeting, he quickly pulls on your hand and takes you to his room
His anxiety is clear on his face and his stiff posture
He can't even hide it from you
You let him fall asleep on your chest that night, and it makes him feel at ease
But he still can't help but worry
He holds your hand at all times, and doesn't leave your side ever
He doesn't fully trust anyone with you either
He prefers to just stay in his lab or either of your rooms for most of the day
He wants to avoid the truth as best as he can
But he knows Monokuma won't let up until something happens to you, no matter how much you try to avoid it
Which is exactly why he's so scared
Rantaro Amami 
"What? Why? Why (Name)?"
He only appears mildly shocked, but on the inside, he's terrified
He doesn't even try to hide it
When you leave and go to his room, he immediately takes you into his arms
He holds you like you'll disappear the second he lets you go
He falls asleep on your chest that night
After that, he'll be very protective over you
He'll act cold, sometimes rude, towards the others when they get too close to you
He doesn't mean to, but he's not taking any risks
Then he'll take your hand and pull you away
He acts very stiff when you're out, afraid of the future
At night, he lays beside you, holding you tightly while laying on your chest as you stroke his wonderful avocado locks
This is not gonna be easy for either of you
Kokichi Oma 
For a second, a brief second, his playful demeanor wavers
He stands in shock, staring at Monokuma
But as quickly as it happened, he lets out a fake laugh while pretending he doesn't care
But the second you return to your room, he jumps on you and latches onto you like a koala
You bring him to his bed and hold him as he releases his fears
The next day, his clinginess is multiplied by ten
He prefers to stay in your room with you all day
He doesn't want to let you leave
If you try to, he wraps his arms around your waist while giving you puppy dog eyes
"Whaaaat? You wanna go outside? Whyyyy? Don't you wanna stay here with me? Aww, you're so meeeeann!"
He plays it off as him just being cute and clingy, but he's genuinely terrified for you
If you reeeeallly wanna go outside, he'll begrudgingly let you leave, but only when he's with you
He either holds your hand or hugs your arm
And if anyone gets too close, he face darkens and he wears a sadistic smile
"You'd better stay away from them before I sic all my D.I.C.E members on you."
They think he's bluffing, but he's dead serious
Then at nighttime, he clings onto you while either laying on top of you or having one of you lay on the other's chest
He prefers not to talk about the whole situation, so he'll either comfort you or ask for your comfort
He'll run his fingers through your hair while promising to keep you safe
When he's laying on your chest, he just stays silent
These moments are when he's at his most honest
Whether that's verbally or non-verbally
Kokichi is a very protective, very clingy koala
Kaito Momota 
"Wha-? What the hell are you talking about?!”
He is not pleased
You'll need to hold his arm back from shoving his knuckles down the bear's throat
Then you'll have to pull him back to your room
He's fuming, but he's doing his best not to let it show
Then he'll sit next to you on the bed and wrap his arms around you
You can feel the fear and anxiety in how tightly he holds you
You gently guide his head to your chest as you go to sleep
Like Kokichi, he would much rather stay inside with you
Anyone would, honestly
But if you have to leave, he'll act as your personal bodyguard
If anyone acts funny, he'll glare at them and crack his knuckles
And if Kokichi cracks any jokes, he's immediately gonna get a face full of pain
He doesn't trust anyone, even Maki
He tries not to let his fear show, but he's as obvious as it gets
He's not very good at hiding his feelings
Kaito does his best to comfort you, but sometimes, he'll need it too
He doesn't like talking about the situation, and would much rather just chill inside with you
He desperately wants to keep up his cool, upbeat personality, but it's difficult
He's dreading what's to come in the future
Gonta Gokuhara 
Starts tearing up right on the spot
"What...? Why scary bear choose (Name) as his next target...?"
The moment you leave and go back to your room, he picks you up and holds you close to his chest
You feel your shoulder dampen, and you can tell he's crying
You take this to the bed and he holds you close to him, like a teddy bear
And the next day, he goes from gentleman to gentlemanly bodyguard
If anyone gets too close, he kindly, but sternly asks them to leave you alone
He feels bad for not being more like a gentleman, but you're more important now
Then at night, he holds you tight and close to him
He wants to make you feel safe, and it makes him feel safe knowing you're there
But he has a sinking feeling that it won't last long
Korekiyo Shinguji 
"I beg your pardon...?"
You can't really tell by the mask, but he is very shocked
You can see his eyes widen
When you leave and return to your room, he just kind of sits for a minute, processing the whole thing
Then he takes your hand in his
"This is quite the horrifying situation, dear. But I promise that I will not let anything happen to you. I swear on my life."
He is probably the most chill, despite being so worried
He doesn't act overprotective, but he'll give anyone he doesn't trust a good glare, and it'll have 'em running
He may not look it, but he is very worried
He prefers to be the one comforting you, believing you need it more
But at night, while he holds you, if you let him rest on your chest, he will melt into it
At some point, he considers committing a murder to lessen the amount of contestants of killing you
He knows it will get him killed, but maybe it'll be worth it...
But for now, he'll stay by your side and protect you, in any way he can
No matter what happens, he will keep his word
Even if he has to kill to do it
Ryoma Hoshi 
"You bastard. You did this on purpose, didn't you?"
Indeed he did
Monokuma wanted to be rid of you
When you leave the room, Ryoma just stands in front of the door for a second, frustrated and worried
He may land a punch to the door a couple times
Then he sits beside you on the bed and takes your hand in both of his tiny ones
"Hey, kid. I know this situation is super scary and whatnot, but even though I'm small, I'm not letting anyone lay their hands on you. I'll be damned if things go Monokuma's way."
He knows he can't do much, so he just stays inside with you most of the time
If you need anything, he'll just go and grab it for you, making sure the door is locked
He's not normally a fan of this, but he'll let you hold him close to you, like a teddy bear
He knows this must be terrifying, so he'll do whatever helps you
Ryoma may be small, but he'll do protect you in any way he can
Over his dead body will anyone take you out
"H-Huh?! Why would you pick them?! They didn't do anything wrong!"
Not to Monokuma
Kiibo doesn't understand why he would target you
I mean, you've been the one keeping the peace the whole time
But that's exactly why Monokuma needed to be rid of you
Kiibo has no idea how to process this, or what to do
But he can see that you're worried about it, so he pulls you close and hugs you
"Don't be afraid, (Name)! I'll protect you!"
He's confident in his abilities as a robot
He won't force you to stay inside, but he will strongly suggest it
If he's bothered by someone's presence, he will politely and meekly ask them to leave
He considers asking Miu to upgrade him so he has more accessories he can use to protect you
Then he worries that she might break him somehow
He wants to be there to protect you, and he doesn't want to take any risks
But then, getting an upgrade may be the thing he needs
At night, he'll hold you to comfort you if you need him to
Or he'll use any of his robot accessories to entertain you or comfort you somehow
In the end, whether Kiibo gets an upgrade or not, he's still gonna protect you
Kaede Akamatsu 
"Huh?? Why (Name)?! What did they ever do to you?!"
Put a damper on the killing game, that's what
You can see her body stiffen and an expression of fear on her face
When you leave, she basically immediately runs into your chest
You'll bring her to sit on the bed and let her rest on your chest for a little
She tells you how afraid she is of the situation, and of losing you
You'll go to sleep with her laying on your chest, but she doesn't go to sleep yet
She watches you sleep, delicately stroking your face with her thumb, thinking about everything
Then when you start to separate from her, she'll pull you into her chest instead
From then on, she swears to keep you safe
She prefers to stay inside with you while you spend the day together
Whether that's you resting on her shoulder while she plays piano, her watching you play a game, or just enjoying each other's company, she's happy
But if you need to leave for whatever reason, you'll go together
If anyone she doesn't trust approaches you, she'll ask them to leave you alone before pulling you away
She doesn't trust anyone, not even Shuichi or Rantaro
At night, she likes to play soothing melodies on her piano before you sleep
And she'll let you sleep on her chest
But if you offer her comfort, she will resist very little
Then she'll sleep on your chest too
Kaede often feels like she can't do much, but she will do whatever she can to keep you safe
Maki Harukawa 
"Do you wanna die?"
The one time she means it the most, and she can't even say it with the same unbothered demeanor
Her voice sounds so small, so weak
She sounds so vulnerable, even though she means it for real
When you leave, Maki kind of just sits, looking down at the floor
She's processing the news while wondering what she's gonna do about it
You tap her on the shoulder and ask if she's alright
She looks at you before slowly shaking her head
You wrap her arms around her and pull her close to you
She confesses that she's horrified of losing you, and that she feels powerless
That night, she falls asleep laying on your chest
The next morning, she becomes hellbent on making sure you survive this BS
She much prefers staying inside, to keep you away from the "idiots"
But if you insist on leaving, she'll begrudgingly come with you
Anyone who approaches you is immediately met with a death glare
That's usually all it takes to make them leave
Then you do what you need to do and go back to your room
She has a knife and a pistol on her at all times
And she has her lab locked tightly so no one attempts to break in
She seriously considers just going on a killing spree just so your chances of survival are higher
She'll do it, just say the word
She will put her true talent to good use with no question
But you can tell what she's thinking, and just ask her not to do anything rash
She promises to use her talent to protect you, in a very vague manner
She doesn't say how she's gonna do it, just that she'll do whatever's necessary
You don't like this, but you decide to just keep your mouth shut
At night, she always holds you close to her chest
For your comfort, and because it makes her feel that she can protect you, which is reassuring
But she is very stubborn about letting you do the same for her
She doesn't like accepting comfort
It makes her feel weak
But when she finally gives in, she realizes that it actually feels really nice
In the end, Maki is hella protective over you
She doesn't want to kill anyone, but she'll be damned if Monokuma's motive comes to pass
She'll do whatever is necessary to protect you, and make sure you survive
Miu Iruma 
"What the fuck?! Why the fuck are you picking (Name), you shitty piece of scrap metal?!"
She is fuming
She'll definitely spout some swears and insults at the bear
But she doesn't waste her time with violence, despite her many threats of dismantling him
After the meeting, she just takes your hand and pulls you away
Upon returning to your room, she walks in circles while ranting angrily about the situation
Then she'll look at you and sigh before sitting with you
She'll wrap her arm around your waist and pull you close while you lay your head on her shoulder
"Hey, babe. I know you're probably scared shitless right now. But I'll be damned if any of these thots try anything. You bet your ass that the gorgeous girl genius is gonna keep you safe." 
That night, she'll have you lay on her chest and stroke your hair while holding you close with her other arm
After that, she'll spend a lot of time working on inventions that can be used to protect you
You express concern over this, but she snaps back that she's "doin' this for you, dumbass!"
But if you try to go outside, she'll demand that you stay inside
"Hey, you'd better keep your ass in here! You don't know what those flat-assed fools are planning on doing to you!"
It takes a lot of convincing to pull her away from her work, but if you sit next to her, she'll wrap one arm around your waist without looking away
Eventually puts together a robot bodyguard to walk with you when you need to leave for whatever reason
And she makes a security system for the door, the room, and outside the room
Then she starts panicking that it's not enough, then you cup her cheeks and tell her that all you need is her
And finally, she'll step away and just be there for you
When you go outside, you'll go together
She'll scream at anyone who approaches you before pulling you away
At night, she's one of the few people here who will immediately indulge in your comfort
She's probably more stressed then you are, honestly
She loves laying on your chest at night
But if you say the word, she'll pull you into hers
Overall, Miu is horribly stressed out about this, and you'd best believe she'll be putting her talent to good use to help you
Himiko Yumeno 
"Nyeh?! Why? What did they do?"
She doesn't act super emotional, but her eyes widen in shock
When you leave, she's not really sure how to process the whole thing
But she is very worried about you dying
So she climbs into your lap and wraps her arms around you and lays on your chest
"Nyeh... I know this is super scary. But   don't be scared. If anyone tries to kill you, I'll put a curse on them! Or... Turn them into a frog! Or frogs...? I dunno, but I'll do something."
You can't help but smile at how cute she is
You fall asleep with her on top of you, holding each other tightly
The next day, she kinda just treats it as a normal day
Whether you stay inside or not is kind of up to you, honestly
If you want to stay in, she's fine with it
She either sleeps, performs tricks, or does one or both while being with you
If you need some fresh air, great
She'll walk with you while you both do your thing
Either way, she's not leaving you alone
Staying together is the best method of safety
And she doesn't trust anyone with you
Not Angie, not Tenko
If anyone approaches you, she'll kind of just pout at them and pull you away
At night, she just cuddles up to you like normal
If you need to be comforted, she'll let you sleep on her chest
But when you offer to do the same, she insists she doesn't need it
When she practices her magic, she's trying to conjure up a powerful spell she can use to protect you somehow
It's kind of her main focus, besides you
Whether or not it turns out a success, Himiko will still be by your side, and will do whatever she can to protect you
Angie Yonaga 
"What? Atua did not warn me of this..."
She kind of just stands in shock for a moment
Then when you return to your room, she returns to her sunny, cheerful self
She'll sit with you on the bed and take your hands in hers
"Do not worry, (Name)! Atua will protect you! And so will I! You have nothing to worry about!"
And then she'll hold you close and comfort you
After that, she kind of just treats it like a normal day
She'll do her art pieces and you'll do your thing until you want to leave
She'll usually say something like, "No, (Name)! Atua wants you to stay inside! It's much safer for you!"
But if you really need some fresh air, she'll come with you
She doesn't particularly distrust anyone, but if someone comes up to you and gives her bad vibes, she'll quickly scare 'em off
She'll widely smile at them and threaten to use their blood (or them as a whole) as a sacrifice to Atua
That quickly has them running for their money
Then she'll apologize, but not regret it
"My apologies, (Name)! But Atua tells me that we shouldn't trust them!"
Then you'll go back to your room and continue going about your business
Angie may act completely unconcerned or unbothered about the whole thing, but she actually is a little worried
But she believes (and hopes) that Atua will help you survive in the end
Kirumi Tojo 
"You are truly deplorable. How could you just blindly choose my significant other?" 
Oh, it wasn't blind at all
It was purely intentional
Kirumi is not happy
When you leave, she starts dusting the window to distract herself
Ends up breaking the duster because she was holding it too tight
Then she sits beside you on the bed and takes your hand
"I know this must be scary for you, love. But I will do whatever I must to ensure your survival. Not only as your maid, but as your partner. Please, tell me what I can do."
You ask her to just hold you that night, which she gladly obliges
The day after, she insists you stay inside to increase the chances of safety
She'll stay in with you, and occupy herself by doing chores
She also checks on you very often, asking if you need anything or if you need her to do anything
But if either of you needs something from outside, she'll begrudgingly leave, but have you stay inside
She'll go get whatever she's looking for and come back to you as quickly as possible, her panic rising the longer she's away
For once, she'll ignore any requests from anyone else
She's not their maid anymore
She's yours
And you're her top priority now
Then she'll be relieved that you're alright and both of you will continue to go about your day
At night, she'll hold you close to your chest, play with your hair and whisper soft words to you for as long as you want
She wants to be the one giving you comfort
It'll take a lot to convince her to relax and let you comfort her, but when she gives in, you hold her the exact same way she's been doing
In the end, Kirumi may be a maid, but she's your maid
And she's not letting anyone lay their dirty, crusty fingers on you
Tenko Chabashira 
"What?! Them?! You degenerate bear! I'll use my Neo-Aikido on you!"
You'll have to hold her back from drop kicking the bear
You'll go to her lab instead of your room
She needs to get her anger out
Once you leave, she'll start kicking and punching the practice dummies she has in her lab while ranting angrily
It won't take long before she's exhausted and the fear sets in
And then she immediately tackles you in a hug, crying into your chest
She's horrified of losing you
But that night, when she holds you tight to her chest, she decides that she'll do anything to prevent that from happening
She would much prefer to stay inside with you, but if you must go outside, she'll stick to you like glue the whole time
She is very anxious and very paranoid
She doesn't trust anyone near you, not even the girls
And God forbid one of the boys dare approach you...
They're getting a very sharp uppercut
She'll keep her hands off the girls, but she still can't trust them
And her clinginess is increased by 20%
She's holding onto your arm every single second you're out
And when you go back in, she tightly wraps her arms around you while laying on your chest or shoulder
Even more so at night
She prefers to give you comfort, but she won't resist you giving her some too
In the end, Tenko will not let anyone kill you
And she sure as hell isn't letting anyone kill her either
She needs to be by your side to keep you safe
She will do whatever it takes for the both of you to survive, no matter what
Note: I omitted Tsumugi because she's the mastermind, so I had no idea what to put for her. Hope that's alright
But if y'all want her really bad, just gimme some ideas on what to put for her section, and I'll add her in
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furinafocalor · 11 months
all of these fics are centered around the ship Xiao (Alatus)/ Venti (Barbatos).
links will be attached to all of them and the names will be underlined.
the ships with a * beside them are my personal favs please go check all of these fics out when you have the time!
atop wangshu inn's peak- by vflxvyr
venti (awfully) tries to sneak up on xiao. cue xiao being whipped and mildly concerned
9/10 A cute and short fic. I don't know why I liked it so much but I loved how their relationship was potrayed. Super adorable!
*Cecilias Smell Sweeter in Summer- by Lantica1317
Camp Seven A is a small summer camp all of the kids in the local town of Teyvat attend at least once. Xiao has just moved to Teyvat and finds himself taking a job at Camp Seven A as a counselor for the Anemo group. His co-counselor Venti is all too happy to teach him the ropes. Why is that dude so friendly?
10/10 O.M.G. I loved this fic so much. I loved the au, the build up, the romance. Ugh! I loved it. It is rated as mature but the author kindly let us know when to avoid that part if you want to. So go read it please!
*Twin Songs and Matching Marks- by Elixiro
Xiao can hear every song his soulmate listens to. Unfortunately for him, his soulmate loves playing rhythm games.
9/10 The cutest soulmate au of them all. Their first meeting was absolutely stunning! I loved everything about this fic! It's about 5,000 words so go check it out!
your smile and the words i didn't know i wanted to hear- by lore_bee
"He's staying in Liyue," Alatus muttered just loud enough for Hu Tao to hear. Hu Tao froze. Her cards dropped from her pale hands as she screamed, "WHAT!?" Her body left the bed as she danced around the room. "Omg! It's meant to be! The archons have blessed you Alatus! Oh what fortune they have bestowed upon you!" Alatus dropped his own cards lying back on his bed. The next few minutes continued with Hu Tao excitedly spinning around the room and Alatus covering his ears with a pillow. or, Alatus is a superhero known as Adeptus Xiao. Barbatos, a heroin from Mondstat, says he's staying in Liyue. Chaos and attraction is becoming the new norm for Alatus. or, Venti lusting after Xiao's abs... for like ten minutes...
10/10 I really adored this au. I don't think I've ever been able to find any genshin superhero fics before so this one was a treat! It's around 12,000 words so it's pretty long. Definitely worth it though!
the history teacher is a married man- by aprilfalls
"Excuse me, mister— I mean Xiao," spoke one particular student in the 4th period before class began. Her lips were stretched into a demon-eating grin, and the look in her eyes screamed potential danger. "Yes, Hu Tao?" Xiao drowns his long-suffering sigh in his throat; a habit formed to not fuel the demonic energy that Hu Tao runs on. Hu Tao swallows, which does nothing to dampen her terrifying smile. "I'm sorry for prying, Mister-I-Mean-Xiao, but is that a ring I see on your hand?" Oh Barbatos, here it comes now. [or: four nosey kids, and the things it takes for them to realize that two of their teachers are married... to each other.]
8/10 AHHHHHHHH. So cute. Go read. Now.
tip me over and pour me out- by pyrochords
It becomes painstakingly obvious that Xiao has a thing for Barbatos, so friends new and old attempt to play matchmaker. They won’t rest until the apple of Xiao’s eye takes up residency in both his heart and his teapot. Venti is far more perceptive than people give him credit for, but thinks you should never meet your heroes. Somehow, they make it work.
7/10 The way they beat up Childe. I loved Venti and Xiao's interactions so, so much. This fic was so good. I promise you won't be dissapointed.
That's the end for right now! Thanks for checking out my post. Follow my blog for more fic recs. I'll be making a masterlist soon and I'll attach the link here. In the meantime, here's the link to my KazuScara fic rec and my ChongQiu fic rec!
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shirzan140102 · 1 year
Crackdown on Iranian Women Protesting Hijab Intensifying
To nobody's surprise, the regime is taking a much harsher stance against women who continue to protest their repressive measures by not wearing their hijabs. While Iran was never safe for women thanks to this regime, they have somehow managed to outdo themselves in these extreme measures against women.
Ahmad Alamolhoda, a very influential cleric and the father-in-law of Iran's president Ebrahim Raisi, recently used incendiary language, claiming that the regime is weak in enforcing the hijab and calling upon supporters (both men and women) to take matters into their own hands. In other words, he effectively gave everyone carte blanche to punish women allegedly protesting the hijab using any means they see fit. While this controversy (somewhat?) backfired on him - I'm not sure how this whole thing has ended for him, tbh. - the fact remains that he used his platform to put this message out there, and there are doubtless extremists who are thrilled to have gotten the green light to act that they please. And he is unsurprisingly not the only person who has encouraged this kind of "vigilante justice."
As I've shared in other posts on this blog, women live in abysmal conditions in Iran, like something out of Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale. From acid attacks to potentially higher rates of femicide (not that it's okay under any circumstance) and honor killings being mildly punished to schoolgirls (and now female university students living in dorms) being poisoned to stories like Mahsa Amini's and Nika Shahkarami's, women truly face a grave existential threat in Iran. So, when a high-profile individuals try to incite others to extreme action against women protesting the hijab, women somehow have an even larger target placed on their backs, which is terrifying.
In a recent example of women facing danger just for being women, footage has emerged of a man in the city of Shandiz emptying a bucket of yogurt on a mother and daughter as punishment for not wearing their hijabs in public. (Fortunately, other individuals were there to step in and kick him out.) In this case, this is assault plain and simple, and it should've never happened. The only bright side to this story is that the assailant only had access to yogurt; if he had had acid, like in many other cases, it would've been even more disturbing. (Nonetheless, obviously, this shouldn't have ever happened in the first place.)
Beyond that, in Iran, there is increasing rhetoric and activity to limit women's educational and vocational/occupational prospects. In addition to the school and university dorm poisonings, women are already prohibited from a large percentage of college majors, and there is footage of clerics talking about how women don't need to be employed in certain occupations, such as finance and engineering.
Against the backdrop described in the previous paragraph, the implications of recent threats of women being fined up to $60,000 dollars just for not wearing their hijabs become even more disturbing. When you combine increasingly tightening restrictions on women's education and work with the abysmal state of the Iranian economy nowadays, there is absolutely no way that women could afford to pay these fines. Even if you consider the hypothetical case of the average gainfully employed woman in Iran who is married to a man who is also employed, such a hefty fine would still have a disastrous effect on their lives.
This is an all-out war meant to strangle women into submission using every conceivable means, and it's terrifying.
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Susie absolutely freaking out when Midge hands her Lily. (Bonus if Lenny’s there having a mini panic attack or something)
"Absolutely not," Lenny snaps automatically.
"No, he's right," Susie says, looking terrified. "No fucking way you're putting that thing in my arms."
"You mean my daughter?" Midge asks, mildly offended.
"I know, I know, she's your kid," Susie agonizes. "I get it, it's a big deal, but fuck, Midge, the responsibility. She's like a few days old. What if I drop her?"
"You won't. You're going to be sitting down."
"This is a terrible idea," Lenny interjects. "Can't you just hold Lily and show Susie?"
"Susie is one of my two best friends in the whole world," Midge states. "It is important to me that she hold my daughter."
"You never made me hold Esther," Susie snaps.
"Hold the baby, Susie."
"I can't watch," Lenny says, stepping out of the living room.
"Good god," Midge grumbles as she sits next to Susie on the couch. "Okay. Arms out."
Susie does so.
"You're going to take Lily, and make sure you support her head, because her neck isn't strong enough to hold it up."
"Jesus Christ," Susie marvels. "How do these things even survive a week?"
"Well, this one's father is Lenny Bruce, and he hasn't slept in days, and refuses, mostly, to let Lily out of his sight, so that's how she's survived. Or, you know. The mother is watching. We do count for something."
As she talks, she settles the baby into Susie's arms, and the other woman does as she's told, supporting her head.
"Hey. Hey, I'm doin it. I'm holdin' a baby," Susie crows. "This ain't so hard. Hi there, Lily. Please be less of a pain in my ass than your parents are. They drive me up the fucking wall, and I need a break."
Midge laughs a little and adjusts Lily's blankets.
"Is it over?!" Lenny calls.
"Fuck you, I'm holdin' a baby!" Susie calls back. She looks back down at Lily. "Midge. I hate to say this. It's not nice."
"Since when has that ever stopped you?" Midge asks, amused.
"Lily is way prettier than your other kids," Susie tells her. "Like. Way prettier."
"That is really not nice," Midge agrees. "Don't say that in front of anyone else."
"I can do that." Susie grins down at Lily. "I bet I can manage your modeling career."
"Susie," Midge scolds.
"Is it over now?" Lenny asks, peaking in.
"No. I'm gonna hold her for an hour, just to fuck with you, Bruce." Susie pauses. "Wait. Should I be sayin' fuck so much around her?"
"She has no idea what any of us are saying," Midge reminds her.
"Fuck yeah, babies are great," Susie announces.
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ink-on-the-brink · 2 years
Yandere Merc Dads (Imagine)
[Heavy, Sniper, Demo]
You come under Heavy's care most likely because someone he was close to could no longer care for you. Whether that was because of their death or other circumstances can vary. He will hesitate to take a young child in, but if pressured enough he won't push the responsibility away.
"Why me? Meesha ees not-"
"Because you're all they have left"
Heavy is very well known for being a protector and when it comes to children you can bet your ass that protectiveness intensifies, let alone one he's responsible for. He's sheilding and vigilant at every turn and will most definitely throw himself into harm's way if it means protecting you.
"You weesh to see Y/n? HA! You amuse me. Please tiny baby man, say more."
His obsession comes almost immediately. If you are a child placed under his care, this will be an immediate connection as every fiber in his being is set on defense mode. You are family, so he would sooner see himself face a thousand hells than let you get even mildly injured.
"Thees is Y/n. You hurt them, you die. Ees simple"
While he doesn't have his eyes constantly on you as he still allows you to experience the world and learn to be on your own, he will always keep tabs on you. He always knows where you are, where you're going to be, and who you will be around. If, however, he does lose track of you he will not stop until he finds you. He will head to every single possible place you could be and any soul that steps in his way will be crushed. During this time he will hold a cold yet terrifying stare on his face, like an angry bear looking for his cub. Upon finding you, however, he will immediately melt into worry and without asking you why or how he'll take you back home, only asking if you were hurt the whole way.
"Where ees leetle-"
"Misha? How did you-"
"Y/n! I have looked everywhere for you! You are not hurt? Thees ees good. We will talk later. I weel take you home now"
"What- hey! Put me down!"
While to others Heavy might appear as a man only made for destruction, he can be rather sentimental and extremely caring with people he cares about. On top of that, he is undoubtedly amazing with kids. When he cares about them, at least.
"Come. Eet is bedtime"
"But I don't wannaaaaa"
"Hm...I weell sing you lullaby eef you do"
The little things are what matters most to Heavy. Each little achievement is congratulated and he will encourage you to do what you care about. He hopes that if he can give you the life he and his sisters never had, you'll be able to grow up normal and hopefully manage to get away from the life of bloodshed he's lived with.
"Misha! Look! I made it for you!"
"Ohhhh eet ees nice work! Misha loves it!"
He calls you "Solnishko" which means "sun" or "little sun". You remind him of the sunlight he saw in Sabira. It was never expected, but each glimpse of it was cherished.
"Come Solnishko, eet ees time to get up"
"But whyyyyy"
He will allow you to go to school if you wish, but he has no problem homeschooling you. He is rather educated and has enough general life experience to teach you how you survive and the basics. Though his teachings are in Russian, so you best get to learning that quickly.
"у нас сегодня много работы (we have a lot of work today)
"у нас всегда много работы (we always have a lot of work)"
Now, as stated earlier, Heavy's protective. So the singular moment anyone, and I mean anyone threatens your safety, they're gone. He will not have you hurt, he wouldn't be able to live with himself if you were. The younger you are the worse this is because he knows you are completely defenseless and that he's the only thing standing between you and death. Even so, he will not harm anyone in front of you unless it's absolutely necessary. He doesn't want you to be afraid of him, nor does he want you to grow up near violence.
"Misha! Help!"
"No one's gonna hear you-ack!"
"You theenk eet ees good idea to mess with them? Hm? Thees makes you very stupeed"
Heavy's rules are simple and easy to follow. One, always tell him where you are, two, don't lie, and three, never ever join any type of violent career. His worst possible fear is you picking up on his job and thinking that it's cool or that you want to grow up like him. He doesn't want you to do anything that requires bloodshed and will try to get you to avoid it at all costs, even if it comes at the cost of your present happiness. He knows in the long run it's better if you don't go down that path.
"B-But I want to be just you! You're no strong and-"
"Nyet. Y/n should not want to be like me. I have bad job. I only do eet for money. You weell not do the same. Thees ees final time we talk about thees"
Upon breaking any of these rules though, he does have his punishments. He is nothing if not fair though and never goes overboard with it. He won't yell and he rarely gets angry but he will take away privileges and assign harder chores. Groundings are also common though manual labor is what he believes to be the best way to discourage you from breaking the rules.
"Am I done yet?"
"Nyet. You steel have two more bags"
"Ug! This is so stupid-"
"Play stupeed games, ween stupeed prizes. Get back to work"
However, if you were to break a big rule, and I'm talking you lied about where you were going and started messing around with bad people kind of breaking rules, his calmness will cease to exist. It will be one of the few times he ever gets angry at you. It alone will be enough to get you shaking in your boots. It's after that though, when you see tears rushing down his face, likely due to the fear your actions have caused him, that you'll truly be hit with the reality of what you've done.
"I hate it here! I'm never allowed to do anything! I'm just- just- a fucking puppet!"
"...Я работаю на тебя, я истекаю кровью ради тебя. Я делаю все, что в моих силах, чтобы дать тебе хорошую жизнь, и Я НЕ УВИЖУ, ЧТО ТЫ ЕЕ РУШИШЬ! (I work for you, I bleed for you. I am doing everything in my power to give you a good life and I WILL NOT SEE YOU RUIN IT!)
"Hate me eef you weesh. But you weell not make same mistakes I did"
Growing up you will soon notice his overprotectiveness and deep fear of you getting hurt. The older you grow and the more you start to notice how abnormal this was, especially once you become an adult and learn of not only his past, but the jobs he worked as you grew older and how hard he tried to keep that part of his life hidden from you.
"You...You're a killer..."
"I deed what I had to..."
However, you will still love him, because despite his extreme care he truly did and will continue to always want the best for you. He is also one of the few in the team that will let you live your life and become the strong person he taught you to be with no interference. He let's you make mistakes and learn from them, he's just here to beat the absolute shit out of (and effectively murder) those who dare to hurt you in the process.
"I understand...I'm glad you were the one I ended up with"
"Meesha ees glad as well"
He will always love you too. There is never one day where he doesn't think about you or the memories you made together. He will, until the day he dies, be there for you and will always insist on protecting you, even as he grows old and you grow stronger.
'Так невинно...Если бы только мир позволил тебе остаться таким (So innocent...If only the world would let you stay that way)'
After all, he's the only one truly able to keep you safe.
You were the result of his parents growing lonely when he left and adopting another kid to raise. And so you came under his care at probably the most tragic time of his life. Finding out his parents were dead.
"Mum? Pa? Oi'm home! Where-...oh no"
He almost resented you at first. Both of his parents died yet you lived!? You!? This useless blabbering pipsqueak was what they left alive? Soon though, he'll recognize that anger and realize that his parents had cared about you. They had been loving you the same way they had loved him. You were his sibling and there was no way in hell he'd ever want you to end up with anyone but him. So, after pulling himself together, he took up the mantle as your caretaker.
"They're gone...they...they're gone..."
His feeling of obsession was almost immediately after his realization. He'd let his parents be killed, he wasn't about to let you get killed too. No, he'd be there for you. He'd keep you safe. He wouldn't lose the last person in the world that he cared about. The last remaining piece of his stitched together family.
"No no don't cry, oi'm here. You remember me don't cha? Your big brother! It's gonna be okay...it's gonna be okay..."
While Sniper wasn't the most emotionally available or openly loving person, he had his own way of showing his care. Little things every now and again and his (mostly awkward) attempts to be involved in your life. He often found himself acting like his father. Sure, he might have never said as much as he should, and maybe he was a bit hard to talk to, but you knew as well as him that he'd lay his life down for you, and that there was never a day he ever regretted having taken you in, no matter how overwhelmed he became with the prospect of basically being a father.
"So uh...you ever read any books?"
"I don't know how to read"
"Roight, roight. Forgot about that"
This can be best described when he loses track of you. The moment he realizes you've been gone too long he's panicking. Like a chicken with its head cut off, he's trying to find you even in his panicked state. It will be one of the very few times you ever see him truly scared. Once he finds you he's at the point of cursing and, though he might seem angry with you at first, it's more so that he thought he had truly lost the only family he had left. He'll apologize later if he goes overboard, though it may take a few days for him to do so.
"Y/n! Y/n! Where the fu-"
"Y/n! Where the bloody hell have you been!?!? You can't just run off whenever you want!"
You aren't allowed to go to any type of school, it isn't necessary. In his mind all that matters is what he teaches you, everything else isn't important enough to care about.
"Alroight, you're gonna learn how to make a fire today"
"But it's raining..."
"Oi'm aware'a that. We're still doin it"
Sniper's not good with children. He was always a loner as a kid and a bit mature for his age. That and he's never had to take care of a kid before. So it's more than a few times that he treats you as more mature than you are, and thus more culpable for your actions. It's often that he has to remind himself you aren't fully able to do adult things yet, and that he should be a bit more lenient with small mistakes.
"Y/n? You seen my-...hat"
'They're only a kid, they're only a kid, they're only a kid-' "WHERE DID YA EVEN GET GLUE?!?!?"
Small moments with Sniper include hunting, camping, and long road trips. You two will go place to place around in his camper, though most of your time is spent outdoors. The moment you're old enough to hold a gun he's going to teach you how to shoot and once you hit your teen years he'll take you on hunting trips. He will 100% give you your own gun for your tenth birthday.
"Alroight, you're getting older now, and it's about toime ya started helpin out. So oi got ya this"
"...holy shit really?!"
"Oi! Watch your language!...it is a beaut though ain't it?"
He calls you "little joey". Mostly because he finds it funny.
"Let's get it movin little joey-"
"Hey! I'm not little"
"...you sure about that?"
When it comes to protecting you from the outside world, Sniper takes preventative measures. He pretty much isolates you, only allowing very minimal contact with strangers. Not only that, but his weapons training isn't just for hunting. He's teaching you how to defend yourself and to always be alert and ready. He will instill this paranoia so deeply that even he can't sneak up on you.
"...I can hear you"
"You're gettin good"
"Learned from the best"
If, however, you were to be threatened in any way, or others were to threaten to take you away from him, he won't even blink an eye before killing them. He doesn't care who they are or what future threat the action might pose. He can deal with that after he's sure you are safe with him. Due to this, you will grow up not entirely unfamiliar with death and thus grow cold towards the action. Sniper finds this to be a good thing because he believes it's better to be hardened and alive than trusting and dead.
"Looks like you've come crawlin round the wrong neck'a the woods...say, why don't we make a deal? Give me the kid and I'll let you be on your merry-"
"We gotta get movin. Ain't no way he's the only one around here"
"Oi said get movin!"
He is terrible at setting strict rules considering he's always flip-flopping between considering you a child and considering you as an adult. Some of his clearer rules though are to keep away from people, always have a weapon on you, and to never leave his care for more than a few minutes at a time. All of these rules tie back to his paranoia and his deep fear that the people that killed his parents are coming for the both of you next.
"I'm gonna head down to the lake for some water"
"Got your gun?"
"Ya hear anyone down there?"
"Be back in five minutes tops"
"On it"
Breaking these rules has many different punishments. Most include getting yelled at because he really just isn't sure what the best way to discipline a kid is and it's the first thing that ever comes to mind. Other times you'll be grounded to the camper, unable to leave it for days or even weeks at a time. Most times though, when it's a small mistake that isn't very harmful or could lead to danger down the line, he'll just grumble and tell you not to do it again.
"What were you thinkin! That could have been dangerous! How many toimes have oi told you ta stay away from strangers! They could'a hurt ya!"
If you were to manage to do something completely against what he asks of you, such as trying to run away or talking to a group of strangers, he just loses it. You will never get far from him and the moment he has his hands on you he's silent. Stone cold. He'll drag you back to the camper if he has to and no matter how much you yell, kick or scream he isn't going to let you go. The moment you're in the camper he slams the door shut and finally releases you. When you turn back to look at him his face is unreadable. He'll stare at you a moment before silently heading to the front of the camper. He won't talk to you for weeks, even if you beg him to. What you don't notice is how much your actions shattered him. You'll instead only interpret anger and resentment.
"Are you still mad at me?"
"Look I'm sorry okay! I just-...I just wanted to hang out with them for a little bit"
"Fine! Don't talk to me! Not like there's much of a difference"
As you grow older and you notice how much of a vice grip he has on your life, you, like any teenager or young adult, will want to explore the world. Every time you make an attempt though, he's quick to shut you down. Eventually you'll either run or you'll explode at him about wanting to leave. Either way, it will turn dark very, very quickly.
He won't let you leave. Even once you're an adult he doesn't want you to be anywhere without him. So if it becomes a big enough problem, and you are making genuine attempts to leave him, he'll resort to what he has to. Even if that means locking you in the camper or, worse yet, tying you down. Maybe even putting a tracker on you.
'Ya can't leave- ya can't leave! You're all Oi've got left! Ya can't just go, you're moi family! Ya backstabber! Oi give ya everythin oi can and you just go'n ruin it! Foine! Two can play this game!'
He can't lose you. He's lost everything else. He just can't lose you too.
The family tradition is that if a DeGroot has a kid, they must be separated into adoption at birth, so he's very much hesitant about having any kids, even though he would love one. Buuuut, you know what isn't tradition? Having one delivered right to his doorstep! Since you weren't through his efforts at adoption, and you weren't directly his kid, that means he bypassed tradition! So he gladly took you in. It wasn't like his mother was complaining either. At this rate she was just glad that he had something to be responsible for.
"Maw! Look what I found sitin' on the fron' step!"
It was love at first giggle for him. The moment you stared at him with those wide happy little eyes he was hooked. You were everything he dreamed of in a child, he couldn't have asked for a better miracle!
"Oh ain't yeh just a lit-"
"...ye're perfect!"
Demo is nothing if not the doting type. He's constantly and always finding new things about you to get excited about. Every tiny little thing you do becomes the biggest deal in the entire world. To the point where it might be overbearing or patronizing. But he does truly and genuinely get overly excited. He just can't get over how amazing you are!
"Me lit'le one's doin so well! Just look at yeh! I couldn't'a asked for a beh'er-"
"I get it, I'm amazing, can we go now?"
"...but yer just so- so-"
"Please don't start crying again-"
*immediately breaks down into sobs*
He isn't the type to be over-obsessed with your location at any point. As long as he has a general idea he's fine. Mostly because he isn't away from you very often. Hanging out with him is genuinely fun, so you rarely spend time away from him, especially as a kid. That being said while he might not know your location he definitely knows who you're with. He believes as long as you're around people he fully trusts then everything will be fine.
"Dad! I'm heading out to the shop!"
"Fer what?"
"Just to look around. I'm kinda bored"
"Headin out with Milly aren't yeh?"
"Alright, don' be gone too late"
"Wait really? Cool!"
Demo is absolutely amazing with children. He genuinely enjoys playing with them and he finds them adorable. However, His alcoholic habits can and will interfere with this trait. When you came into his life he tended to limit himself a bit so that he could take care of you, but it's still a habit and he can sometimes go overboard, not to mention its necessity. Usually, his mother takes care of you when he's had too much and the next day he will feel extremely guilty for indulging himself. He will greatly restrict himself after these binges, but he knows he needs it so he never fully gives it up.
"Dad? Are you dead?"
"Nay, he's just steamin. Looks like I'm Gonnae be puttin yeh ta bed tonight"
Demo is always trying to find something fun for the both of you to get up to. He's never against a bit of mischief, in fact he loves it! Once you're old enough he'll start teaching you about bombs and the basics of chemistry. You two will often build your own fireworks to set off, just for fun.
"Da! Can I light it this time?"
"Aye! Course ya can!"
Demo undoubtedly calls you "Mo chridhe" which means "my heart".
"What does mo chridhe mean?
"Me heart"
"Oh...why do you call me that?"
"Cause ye just take up me whole heart!"
He would prefer to send you to a public school. He knows he has some weak spots in his education and with his busy life juggling a kid, a blind financially dependent mother, and work, he can't always be there. So off to public school it is!
"Do yeh got what yeh need?"
"...do yeh got somethin yeh shouldn't?"
"It's just some chemical stuff! I wanna show the other kids!"
"...well alright then, off with yeh!"
Now Demo is on the lower end of crazy when it comes to obsession. He's not trying to inhibit your life in any way and is actually a really good father.
But pray for the poor soul who hurts you.
If anyone hurt his wee bonnie, it's murder time. Be that mentally or physically, it doesn't matter. He will not put up with anyone hurting you, he will not stand for it. When he finds out, his first objective is to console you and make sure you're completely okay. You won't even notice his held-back fury. After you're consoled, and preferably when you're fully away, he's going to find and kill this bitch. No questions. He doesn't care what their reason is, they should never have even gone near you with any mal intent. In his eyes you were perfect. You were everything he cared about. So he had no problem killing those who threatened your safety.
"There yeh are!...what 'appened?"
"M-My teacher got mad at me. I was doing an experiment and I was just about to get to the fun part when she shoved me away. Then there was a big explosion because she didn't let me do the next part! And now I'm in big trouble!"
"...she shoved yeh? Oh me sweet lit'el bairn, don't worry. Yeh ain't hurt are yeh?"
"I got a bad bruise on my arm..."
"Alright, we'll get that fixed up when we get home. In the meantime, I'll be talkin to that mean ol' teacher you got"
Demos rules are pretty lax. He isn't a very strict parent, nor does he wish to be. He only hopes that you'll tell him when something's wrong. If he found out you were hiding a dark secret from him he'd feel utterly destroyed as he wondered what he could have done wrong for you not to trust him. Other than that (and maybe killing people and causing unneeded chaos and destruction with your chemistry skills) he kinda just lets you do what you want.
"Now listen, yeh can't be doing those dangerous experiments at school"
"But whyyyyy. They're cool!"
"Aye, they are. But the school don think so. If ya wanna show off yer skills your welcome'a invite some friends over"
Even when he does have to punish you (mostly because his mom put him up to it) he's still pretty hands-off. He might send you to your room or take away some activity you enjoy, but it won't last very long. He prefers to talk it out and once you two reach an understanding he relents on whatever the punishment was.
"Yeh know why yeh can't do that anymore dontcha?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry...can I have my chemistry now?"
"...aye, yeh can have it back"
Chances are you'll never realize the true extent of Demos care even as you grow older. He kept most of his violence away from you and he never put too much of a damper on your freedom. He taught you what you needed and let you explore the world. You'll likely never know. He would like to keep it that way.
"I'm glad I got left here with you...I couldn't have asked for a better Dad."
"*fully tearing up* yer gonna make me cry"
The older you get the more he wishes he could turn back time, just to watch you grow up again. So when you finally leave he needs to hold himself back from begging you to stay. He knows it's normal for kids to grow up and leave, this is a part of life. But he almost can't bear it. He will break down in tears when you go and will give you the biggest bear hug of your life. After you're gone he slowly spirals as he takes up heavy drinking again and begins to gain weight. In other words, your absence leaves him completely depressed, but he will never let you know that. Every time he sees you it's like it all disappears and it's back to his joyful self until you leave again.
'Why couldn't yeh have stayed? The world donnae make sense without yeh! Me sweet lit'le chridhe...I hope yeh miss me..."
There was never a moment you weren't on his mind
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Just thought about this as a story or headcanons, maybe the lords in re8 have a child, which is the reader and they are somewhere around 7 in the beginning. You can do them all separately, like first part would be Heisenberg, then Dimitrescu, Beneviento, and then Moreau, so the reader would accidentally do something and they are scared that the lord that is their parent would be super mad and they run away and the lords reactions to their child being gone and maybe the reader goes back to the village older, maybe 14 or 15 and the lords are emotional when they finally reunite with the reader. Maybe at first they don't recognize the reader at first, thinking they are just an outsider until they see something that they gave the reader as a birthday present and they recognize them. And it's just full fluff in the end? This has also been bugging my mind for a while 🤣 sorry if this ask was complicated to read
Heyy ~ lovely idea as always hun! I changed it up a bit, hope you don't mind and still enjoy reading it nonetheless 💗
Alcina Dimitrescu
- Being the youngest Dimitrescu, you were expected to be a bit of a spoiled brat since our mother and sisters looked after you like the most precious and rarest gem in this world - Surprisingly though, you were a very well behaved child - A shy, quiet, well-mannered kid that followed their mother's rules like they were the law - But even you weren't immune to that childish curiosity that every kid possesses - So you had to go on and break a rule or two eventually - However, the biggest one you broke, the one that had you sweating nervously, was sneaking down into the basement where the wine your mother and sisters were so proud of was kept - With trembling hands you picked up one of the bottles, the one with the most interesting pattern on the bottle, and began to expect it - That’s when a noise suddenly echoed throughout the basement, causing you to drop the bottle which broke as soon as it the ground, sending the red liquid splashing everywhere - You were mortified - You were only six at the time, you couldn’t think of a strategy to fix the mess you had made - So instead, you chose to run and hide, convinced you’d get in A LOT of trouble when your mother would find out - The place you chose to hide in was a run down part of the courtyard where you were least likely to be spotted by anyone or anything - Your plan started backfiring only about an hour after you settled in your hiding spot - The cold was starting to be painful on your skin but you refused to go back in - Before you knew it you had passed out, deleting any memory of what was to happen afterwards - Upon waking up, you found yourself in your room, changed in a new set of clothes and void of the chill you were suffering from before you lost consciousness - It didn’t take you long to notice your mother sitting in a chair next to the bed, struggling not to drift of to sleep, her face looking like she had aged about ten years in the span of a few hours out of worry   - “Mom?” You spoke up weakly, startling the woman who was on her feet and crouching down closer to you within a second - “Y/N, darling, why’d you do that? You had me worried sick.” Alcina said, her hand gently caressing your hair, none of that sternness she was known for left in her - “I’m sorry, mama. For scaring you and for the wine bottle. I didn’t mean to...” You tried saying but got choked up by your tears - “The wine be damned. Nothing is as important to me as you are sweetie.” She said, planting a soft kiss on your forehead before climbing in bed with you and wrapping her arms around you, her embrace so warm and comforting - You never doubted your mother’s love for you, but that moment only made you more sure in it and made you love her triple the amount you already loved her
Donna Beneviento
- Donna had always been generous with the amount of dolls she allowed you to have and play with - Although, the ones she gave you were not infected with her Cadou and couldn’t move or speak on their own as to not scare you - However, you were still allowed to play and talk with Angie who you were raised to see as a sister - And just like sisters, you and Angie also fought every now and then - But, this one time, she really angered you and with all the strength of a six year old that you possessed you threw her across the room - She hit a wall hard enough to loosen one of her arms and it fell off - That’s when you knew you were practically dead in trouble and ran to hide under your bed - As you were climbing up the stairs though, you could still hear Angie’s screaming and crying from downstairs and Donna could no doubt hear it as well - So as to avoid running into her, instead of hiding upstairs, you went into the basement - Where you had never been in, by the way - Meaning you had no idea what horrors awaited you there - Mannequins, doll parts, terrifying dolls which moved on their own - In your eyes it was a pure nightmare - Seeing the dolls turning their heads to follow your movement, some even raising an arm as if to greet you almost made you scream several times but you didn’t want to give away your hiding spot - And that’s when the laid out mannequin on the table, one you were already terrified of, turned it’s head to look at you, opened its eyes and mouth - The radio on the other table turned on simultaneously, all of it being too much of a scare for you to be able to suppress the scream you let out - That’s when you felt a hand on your shoulder and screamed even louder, even beginning to cry - The hand turned you around and you were suddenly facing your mom who looked scared and concerned, a little paler than usual too - You took no notice of that though, seeing as how you ran right into her, hiding your face in her hip - “I’m sorry mommy! I didn’t mean to hurt Angie! Just please don’t let them scare me anymore!” You cried, your tiny hands balled up in fists, clutching to Donna’s dress as if for dear life - The woman was relieved to see you were safe although still a little confused as to why you had even run down to the basement in the first place - And then she thought a bit more about what you had said - “Oh dear, you thought you were in trouble? Angie’s perfectly fine, Y/N. Her limbs come off loosely all the time. You didn’t even actually hurt her.“ - Seeing that your distress was showing no sign of decreasing, Donna picked you up and proceeded to carry you up to where Angie was so she could apologize for making you feel guilty in the first place
Salvatore Moreau
- Being a young kid, the Reservoir was a rather dangerous place for you to wander around in unsupervised - Usually you’d stick to the safest area, aka the one furthest away from the water, and would only be allowed to see the rest of your dad’s property with him by your side, holding your hand to make sure you wouldn’t fall - But one day, as you were sitting in at the entrance of the Reservoir, in the small body of water by your feet you saw a golden fish - Mesmerized, you foolishly ducked down to try and touch it but it, of course, swam away - Oh but you were far from prepared to let it go - So you chased after it, watching its glimmering skin rush under the surface of the water, going further into the dangerous parts of the property - You were mindless to the fact you were entering a territory that was originally forbidden to you - That is until a wooden board on the dock broke under you, causing you to fall in the water - And being only barely six years old, you didn’t know how to swim so before the panic had even worn off completely, you started screaming for help, praying your father would hear you - And boy were you in luck - A giant fish emerged from the water from underneath you, carrying you on its back to the dock you had fallen from - You scrambled to get to the safe half of it and sat on the ledge - By the time you were able to look around with clear vision instead of the blurred with tears one you had been struggling with seconds prior, the monster fish was gone - And your dad was standing on the dock next to you - “You see no why you aren’t allowed here, child?” - You nod, sniffling and running to hug him, relieved to be in your dad’s safe embrace - Despite the efforts to be stern, Moreau crumbles back to his usual loving and caring self, being the best father in the world in your eyes  - He carried you, piggy-back style back to the safe space of the Reservoir
Karl Heisenberg
- It goes without say that, growing up in a factory as dangerous as Heisenberg’s, there’s certain amount of rules you have to respect for yours and your father’s safety as well as the successfulness of his experiments - But there was no force that was able to keep you away from this one machine that looked far too interesting for you to overlook - You couldn’t help but go up to it every now and then to look at the blinking lights and the tempting colorful buttons - And then there was one day when just looking didn’t satisfy you - So you went on to press a few buttons, in the order of your favorite colors - It didn’t take long for you to realize how poor that decision was - When sparks started flying from the machine was when you finally decided to back away and that satisfying your curiosity wasn’t worth it - But it was already too late  - The whole process had stopped, the conveyer belt of murder machines pausing mid-movement suggesting the whole operation was hindered - “Y/N? What on Earth are you doing?” - Your dad’s voice had never terrified you so much - All excuses and apologies you wanted to say died down in your throat at the sight of your mildly agitated father standing behind you with an unimpressed look on his face - He wasn’t angry by any means but your vision was too blurred by tears for you to be able to see that - “Dad, I’m so sorry!” You cried, running to hug him, back turned to the malfunctioning machine you believed you damaged beyond repair - Wrapping his arms around you, he gave you a quick hug before stepping around you and approaching the machine, fixing it with the press of a few buttons - “Hope that teaches you a valuable lesson not to break the rules kid.” He said with a crooked smile, ruffling your hair while you still stared at machine in disbelief
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slashbitch2 · 3 years
The Very Nosy Neighbour
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this fic was 100% inspired by this one here , but I mean it practically wrote itself I couldn't resist
You can't remember much past waking up in an unfamiliar room- though 'room' is really a sugarcoated description, as in reality it qualifies more as some kind of cavern. You're sitting in a chair, ankles and wrists bound by an indistinguishable material. Whatever the binds are made of feels strong, so any attempts to struggle against it are futile. Yet, in spite of what really should be an extremely stressful situation, you find yourself completely relaxed. You briefly wonder whether you've been drugged, but with every sense feeling fully operational, that theory is soon dismissed.
Instead of choosing a more logical response to the circumstances you've found yourself in, you decided to focus more on your surroundings: not to form any resemblance of an escape plan, but simply out of curiosity. Although, the investigation is equally as ineffective. You're unable to name anything around you except for stone walls, strange (glowing?) vines and weird symbols carved above a few archways. Everything beyond that is either entirely lost to you, or shrouded in darkness.
With little else to do, you start to think back on the events that led you there, trying to glean any useful information from the blurry memories. The clearest image, therefore the most recent, is the smirking face of a woman, Agnes you realise. Though the malicious glint in her eyes doesn't quite match your perception of the nosy neighbour. But where is she now? Is she also in danger? You may not have known Agnes for very long, but are reluctant to let any harm come to her regardless.
With a clearer head, you consider calling for help, but a small voice at the back of your subconscious warns you against this. And the voice sounds smart, so you elect to listen to it. But what should you do instead? Where did this voice come from? And most importantly, should you trust it? Luckily, you aren't given much time to overthink the decision.
While trying to tune into this voice, footsteps echo in the distance, gradually drawing nearer. You hold your breath as the sound suddenly stops, leaving your eyes scanning the vicinity for any movement. The unpleasant reality dawns on you all too quickly: the footsteps were approaching from behind you.
“Well, well, well.” Someone says playfully, then snorts as they start walking closer. "Sorry to be a total cliché. I couldn't resist." It's Agnes. She narrows her eyes and smirks, folding her arms as she examines your constrained form. Subjected to her scrutiny, you find yourself swallowing, but your throat is too dry. Other small discomforts also become noticeable; your cramped limbs, aching back and the bruises on your hands. Well at least you put up a fight. The more rational part of you, however, realises that your hands are no longer bound. You stare down at them, flexing each finger as if checking they were all still fully functional.
Something suddenly knocks into your head and you grimace. Left reeling from the impact, you realise that you're slightly nauseated. Though not enough to stop you from reaching out to grasp the floating cup of water. The fact that the glass is suspended in mid-air doesn't go unnoticed, rather ignored, since there's too much happening simultaneously to comprehend any of it in sufficient detail. You swirl the liquid round, hesitant to drink, unwilling to trust your captor's apparent mercy.
"Drink up, dear." Agnes drags a chair forward, which seems to have just appeared out of thin air. She sits backwards on it, legs spread and arms resting on the back casually. "That's all you're getting until we're done here." The tone of her voice is both threatening and teasing. You're reluctant to admit it's quite a turn on.
One glance up at her prying expression and you relent, downing the chilled water way too quickly. Though you aren't given a chance to mourn your impatience, as with an effortless wave of her hand, Agnes refills the glass. While you sip at the water, she refuses to tear her eyes away from you for even a second. It's slightly disconcerting.
“Now," She claps her hands, startling you. "I assume you know why you’re here?”
“Not really.” You confess, unable to pinpoint why anyone would go to so much effort to kidnap you, especially Agnes, who up to this point had been an eccentric yet kind neighbour.
She sighs, more for show than anything else, and rubs at her temple. "Come on Y/N, let's not play dumb now."
Embarrassingly, a heat begins to pool deep in your gut, but you quickly dismiss the unwarranted lust. "I don't know what you mean."
"Oh really?" She quirks an eyebrow, sitting upright. "You really have no idea?" The inquiry is ridiculing, and you can see that your naivety is starting to annoy her.
All you can do is shake your head and pray the sincerity is reflected in your eyes.
"Okay." She slams her hands down on her thighs. "I guess we'll have to go about this the hard way then, toots." A sharp gesture and your hands are bound before you once again.
By the time you're looking up, she's striding toward you with purpose, which does nothing to ease the building heat between your legs. Her hands clasp on the armrests either side, essentially trapping you, not like escape would've been possible without the extra precaution. Up close you finally recognize this isn't Agnes- in fact it never has been. There's a feral yet wise appearance to her, the facade of nosy neighbour dissolved in an instance to be replaced by a deranged, frighteningly powerful woman (or witch, you're undecided).
Despite your better judgement, you're unable to stop yourself from asking. "Who are you?" Your voice barely breaches a whisper, but she's standing close enough that nothing less intimate is required.
She looks mildly impressed, the corner of her mouth twitching almost indiscernibly. "Agatha Harkness." She extends a hand, smirking upon realisation that you're a little too tied up at the minute to reciprocate. "Lovely to meet you."
You swallow again, finding your throat to be a little less dry. "Likewise." Then decide to take another risk. "So what do you want from me?"
“Wanda's true identity.” She replies so quickly that you almost miss it, looking at you with an eagerly expectant expression.
Agatha's question confuses you further. “I don’t know what you mean.” Although your answer is honest, something at the back of your mind hisses lies.
"There's no need to lie here." Her patient humour had disappeared. "Trust me, no one will hear you, so drop the act."
For some unbeknown reason, her accusation angers you. "I'm not putting on an act, I don't know why I'm here or what you want from me." The bravery dissipates all of a sudden as you remember that you're not exactly in the position to command such authority. "Please, stop this."
Agatha purses her lips, stands up and turns away from you. She calmly moves forwards a few paces, and in the short amount of time you manage to convince yourself that she's given up. Until in a completely unprovoked move, she swings her hands to the left, sending her chair crashing into the wall in frustration. Whether this is part of her interrogation performance or not, it works. Your heart starts racing, and confusingly, the awkward heat between your legs pulses.
She runs a hand through her hair, still facing away from you. "Don't make this any harder harder than it needs to be." You can practically hear her grinding her teeth, but don't doubt that she was getting some enjoyment out of the situation.
"I can tell you that Wanda is my sister and only real family, that I moved to Westview with her and that I couldn't live without her." You start listing off some basic facts, desperate to prove to Agatha that nothing is hidden. That you're normal.
"What about your brother?" She swivels round, clicking her fingers as she tries to recall something. "Pietro!" She exclaims.
"Pietro..." You falter. Why does the name sound so familiar? The nausea worsens. You shake off the feeling. "Never heard of him."
“Liar.” In one swift movement, Agatha is right by your ear. The feeling of her lips brushing against your skin causes you to close your eyes. The close proximity was becoming overwhelming, and your body had chosen to react in a rather unfortunate way. Admittedly, you'd always had a thing for Agnes, but Agatha was on a whole other level. You dreaded to open your eyes, worried that she'd noticed your current state. Instead, you internally begged for mercy.
“Don't go all shy on me now.” She pushes your shoulder into the chair, compelling you to open your eyes. "If you don't want to talk, I have other methods." Her hand raises, a purple flow emanating from the tips of her fingers. It crackles and sparks, as if the power was barely contained, yet as she shifts closer to brush the hair out of your face, you don't flinch. One finger remained touching your forehead, then traced down to your jaw, and finally along to grasp your chin.
While the vaguely sinister movement terrified you, it also forced you hold your breath and grip onto the armrests for dear life. Why you'd decided this was hot was beyond you considering the many connotations of her words, yet your thighs pressed tighter together as she drew closer. You attempted to turn your head to the side, longing for distraction, but her hold on you kept your head still.
"This won't be much fun for you, dear." She sighed in mock pity, her breath hot against your skin... Which just tipped you over the edge. As hard as you tried to stifle the noise, a broken moan escaped your lips. You'd definitely hit a low point here. Too ashamed to face your apparent arousal, you screwed your eyes shut. Although, at Agatha's silence, you relented and opened them barely a minute later.
To your relief, or perhaps dismay, the woman was grinning like a maniac. Her eyes flickered down to your parted lips as she chewed on her own. Then carefully, as if she were testing the waters, her fingers began to rub against your jaw, and upwards to your mouth. Your breath deceives you by hitching as her thumb slips between your lips, stroking your tongue. At the contact, you can't help but arch into the touch. Agatha chuckles.
"I take it back." She murmurs, removing her hand. "This will be fun." Although the intimidation factor prevails, there's a certain desire mirrored in Agatha's expression which cancels out any remaining common sense. Your entire body felt like it was on fire, and even if you wanted to, there was little you could do to stop her. So, you give into your yearning, sighing as she climbs to sit on your lap. Immediately, her hand switches to gripping the back of your neck as she slams her mouth onto yours. You willingly indulge by opening further, allowing her tongue to slide between your lips. Her other hand lowers to grab at your chest, like she were trying to tug herself impossibly closer.
Without removing her lips, the hand massaging your chest shifts to your thigh. She still keeps her lips firmly pressed to yours, and with the lack of oxygen, you can feel yourself growing lightheaded. It almost feels like a challenge, one which you're determined to succeed at. Though when she eventually does break away, her hand suddenly slips between your thighs, and your breath is stolen from you once more. Wasting no time, she massages you through your clothes, dragging out an inevitable whine. The touch is both too much, and not enough. But judging by her malevolent smirk, that was exactly her intention.
Even though you were currently incapable of producing any reasonable thought, you still noticed that Agatha wasn't entirely unaffected. Her breathing was laboured, hips occasionally jerking against your thigh and eyes struggling to stay open. The influence you were having on her only encouraged you to moan louder, craving to see her equally dishevelled. Your plan seemed to momentarily fail as her hand retreated. But you'd certainly earned her attention.
She licks her lips, then abruptly changes her expression to look disturbingly like that of Agnes. "You wouldn't leave me out of the fun now, would you dear?" Her voice is high pitched as she basically sings her words. Although the question must've been rhetorical as doesn't await a response, instead you find your hands unbound, flung behind your back and bound together all in a matter of seconds. Then, she shifted her position, yanking your bodies closer so that your crotches were pressed together. She grunts, heaving forward to rest against you for a moment and regain her composure. And finally, without warning, starts to grind your hips together.
It doesn't take long for her movement to become more frantic, accompanied by her hair spilling onto her face. She remains impressively quiet, however, or perhaps you were just comparably loud. With the little pride you have left, you decide to take matters into your own hands, and start meeting each thrust with equal vigour. Miraculously, it works. She throws her head back with a remarkably loud moan, proceeded by change in strategy as she starts almost bouncing on top of you, hips losing their rhythm, pleasure overwhelming her. Startled by her lack of self-control, the heat in your stomach begins building exponentially fast. Your eyes slam shut.
A hand grasps onto your face. “Look at me!” She growls, then emphasises her demand by rolling her hips torturously slowly. The movement ceases. She leans her forehead against yours, staring directly into your eyes. “Come with me.” To your surprise, there's an audible plea in her voice.
At a loss for words, you nod. The pleasure had been building for so long that you knew it'd only take a few more grinds to push you over the edge. With your confirmation, Agatha resumes her thrusting, though soon succumbs, throwing her head back and uttering an exceptionally loud, high-pitched moan. She arches her back, pressing herself so far into you that the pleasure peaks. You groan, lurching backwards in a moment of pure bliss. All you can feel is Agatha, all you can think about is Agatha. Coming down from the high, you sigh and collapse forward to bury your face in the crook of her neck.
She tenses slightly at the contact, but soon relaxes into the strange embrace. You gently press your lips against her skin and feel her shiver, confirming your suspicion that it'd been a while since Agatha had received such affection. Motivated by a new, more innocent desire, you continue to pepper light kisses across her throat and behind her ear, simply enjoying the unexpectedly intimate moment.
Agatha finally breaks the silence, leaning away from your touch to look down at you curiously. "Wanda really has you under her mind control too, huh?"
Although still stuck in a post-coital haze, you muster enough brainpower to consider her words. "Mind control?"
"Oh, right." She smirks, a slight sadness perceptible in her eyes. "Forgot to mention." Before you can say anything, she swings one leg to the side, stiffly sliding off your lap and clasping her hands together. "You might want to reconsider where your loyalties lie, dear." She glances at you, then ambles to the opposite side of the room. "That's one fucked up family situation right there." Her voice teasingly calls out.
You feel yourself flush, strangely offended by her comment, and annoyed by her vagueness. "Like you can talk." Your response is a total shot in the dark, but must've hit a nerve since she slowly turns back to you, a suspicious expression upon her face. "Just a guess." You add, unwilling to know the details of whatever sensitive topic you'd just touched upon. Agatha easily shrugs it off, leaving behind a stifling silence. Eventually, it's a mixture of your own boredom and concern that prompts you to end the lull in conversation. "Are you still planning on interrogating me about something I know nothing about?"
"Oh, no I read your mind." She waves a dismissive hand over her shoulder. "Got all I needed."
Again, you're left suffocating in the confusion her ambiguity provokes, with nothing else to ask except. "How...?"
The inquiry must've been exactly what Agatha wanted to hear as she immediately dropped what she was doing to turn around and lean on the wall, arms folded in a casually smug pose. "Sex leaves you vulnerable." She smirked. "All I did was take advantage of the opportunity- but I'll spare you the boring details." With a flourish of her hand and a flash of purple, the binds holding your ankles and wrists disappeared. "You can go now. First door on the left."
Without sparing you another glance, she busied herself with some witchy task, allowing you to see yourself out. Massaging your wrists, you stood slowly, watching her expectantly. Surely she wouldn't just let you leave? Yet as you sauntered over to the door she'd directed you to, she made no move to stop you. "Bye then?"
Agatha looked up at you and winked. "See you around, neighbour."
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
𝓐𝓾𝓻𝓸𝓻𝓪 𝓐𝓼𝔂𝓵𝓾𝓶: 𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸
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𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝙼𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚘𝚡𝚒𝚌 𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚙, 𝚢𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛, 𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏 𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚖, 𝚜𝚞𝚒𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚊𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚒𝚎𝚜, 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚞𝚒𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚎, 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏 𝚍𝚎𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘𝚙𝚒𝚌𝚜. 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚊𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗.
𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐: 𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎! 𝙹𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚈𝚞𝚗𝚑𝚘 × 𝙿𝚜𝚢𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 (𝙵𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎)
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 𝟹𝙺
𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: 𝙰𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝, 𝚂𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝙵𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏, 𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙰𝚄
I breathed out an airy and desolate sigh through my nose, obviously I unconsciously did it a little too loud as the raven haired male sitting across from me looked down at the floor.
"It was all my fault.....wasn't it?"
I looked up, the glasses sitting on my nose bridge tilting slightly that I had to push them back up so I could study his features, or should I say, his expressions. His eyelids never blinked once, his eyes were trained on the pattern of the carpet underneath him, but I knew his mind was elsewhere. I looked with pity at the bandages wrapped around his wrists, some of the edges stained with fresh blood. I gulped slightly, my stomach threatening to spill out my meager lunch of an apple and avocado toast slice from earlier. I could handle hearing patients tell and retell me about how they stabbed their parents to death, cut off their significant other's genitals because they were unloyal to them, even tackled a deranged lunatic that once tried to...... seduce me to put mildly.......
But to this day, I can't help but get dizzy when I treat or deal with patients who are self harming victims, because yes, they are victims. Victims of their own self loathing, guilt, and depressive state that isn't their fault. It just pains me so much to see them resort to such drastic measures...
But I'm also not stupid and know some, if not most only do it for attention or to manipulate others, and Yunho is a case not far from it. Which is why I was the one sent to deal with him. All the other psychologists would have fallen for his sad puppy eyes, good looks, well built physique and would have released him too early into the world. Not that he's dangerous and a threat to society, but he's not emotionally nor mentally stable to go deal with daily life yet. And I'm not a softie by any means even if I'm patient and meek doctor when necessary. But I'm objective and I seek deeper into the true person hiding behind the front they put in front of me.
"Do you believe it was your fault Yunho?" Usually one would get scolded for answering a question with a question, but I prefer this method in order to get my patients to reason and draw out their own conclusions......
And makes them pour out their true answers.
I watch Yunho ponder for a moment.
"It has to be- otherwise she wouldn't have...wouldn't have-"
He bites back a choked sob, teeth tightening and gritting against themselves as he fails to contain his tears. His hands cover his face as he begins to cry uncontrollably, desperate and heartwrenching wails resonating throughout the 4 walls keeping us company. Reaching for the purple plaid box on the coffee table between us, I take out a few tissues and stand up from my seat. Lightly tapping on his shoulder, I whisper a 'here' to him. He thanks me, but since he's crying too hard no sound comes out his throat. For the next few minutes, he's blowing out his runny nose, all red just like his eyes from crying too hard. He's sniffling while trying to control his previous hyperventilating session. I want to hug him or at least give him a pat in the back. But I can't, I can only sit back and try to imagine the agony he's probably going through, try to put myself in his shoes as I dive deep into the event that got him here in the first place:
Coming back from a trip to the store, Yunho momentarily looks around confused when he heard his baby daughter crying. Quickly putting the bags on the kitchen counter, he makes his way over to the nursery that adjoined the main bedroom. Calling out for his wife, he receives no response as he walks down the hallway. He calls once more for her but stops midway as he opens the slightly ajar door. His heart stops beating and his veins run cold as he stares into the lifeless body of his beloved wife hanging in the room, feeling as if the oxygen is being ripped out from his lungs, suffocating slowly.
As if sensing his agitation, his daughter's cries from the other room grow louder, so much that they raise concern from their next door neighbor, a kind and sweet old lady who more than once has offered her help in watching over the child or help them out in any way she could. Typing in the passcode, she makes it there just in time to stop the tall male from inflicting more harm upon himself as he holds onto his wife's body in agony. Having been left with no choice, she immediately calls for an ambulance, who arrive there shortly and take him to a nearby hospital.
He was monitored 24/7 as he had a history of attempted suicide before. The nurses and doctors didn't want another episode to happen again, not wanting to leave a barely 1 year old fatherless as well as motherless. As an investigation went, police found a journal hidden deep between the mattresses on the bed. When they poured over the first pages, they knew there was much more to the story than just a doting husband who couldn't live without his wife, hence why he was relocated to the infamous asylum......
And a specialized woman was tasked to not only unmask the truth, but hopefully help a poor broken mind be put back together again.
Hence why I'm here now, the folder I had read over and over again still on my lap. It honestly amazed me that I'd actually get to work on a case like this, and of course I took up the challenge of digging into a mind like Yunho's, not just to help him, but to leave a precedent for any other situations like this that came after.
"A precedent?" I remember the officer asking me.
"Yes. You'd be surprised just how common these types of toxic relationships there are in an everyday basis yet no one ever looks deeper because they're too focused treating a depressed person who's trying to kill themselves and don't focus on what they really are...."
Shutting the folder, I tucked it under my arm before turning on my heel.
"A manipulative individual who'll do anything to keep someone tied to them forever."
That's how I viewed Yunho, it's how I should be viewing him. At least until I could hopefully get him to change.
"How's......is my daughter ok?"
I let out a soft hum and nod as I scribbled something down on the notepad.
"She's fine. We're having someone take care of her in the meantime, don't worry."
Yunho let out a sigh of relief, fingers fidgeting against his thighs as he mustered up the courage to say something.
"Could I.....could I please see her?"
From the sad look in my eyes he could already tell the answer was negative.
"I'm sorry Yunho....I'm afraid until we see some improvement, we can't allow you to be reunited with her just yet."
I tried to keep my voice steady as I said that, bracing myself to possibly see him breakdown once more. He had already lost his wife and now learning that his only child was forced away from him could possibly send him spiraling down into another episode.
But Yunho instead took a deep breath and seemed calm.
"I understand.....it's ok..." I knew he was saying those last two words more to himself than to me.
Lifting his face up, he suddenly shocked me by looking so bright and rather happy.
"So I guess it's best if we begin right?"
Even to this day, I don't know whether I should have been delighted to have such a compliant patient.....
Or terrified.
"Tell me Yunho, what was your first reaction when you saw your wife?"
A subtle hint of a smile curled at the corners of his lips.
"I thought she was the kindest and most caring person in the world, very pretty too. She just walked in and the room instantly lit up."
He was reminiscing about those times, I could tell. That fond look on his face was unmistakable.
"Do you believe you fell in love at first sight with her?"
His smile suddenly dissipated, eyebrows scrunching together as if recollecting memories from so long ago.
"I think.......I felt attracted to her.....but.....I don't think it was love?"
I could tell he felt conflicted with himself, but that's exactly what I wanted. I want him to question every feeling and sensation he felt at the moment so he could decide for himself if it was real or just a mere illusion he held. If he starts to second guess or question what he felt then he'd start reasoning and come to the conclusion that what he felt was wrong and mistaken. He'd see that his actions weren't justified.
"So when do you truly believe you fell in love with her?"
I stopped writing on my notepad and watched him close his eyes as he tried to pinpoint the exact time he felt whatever he thought was love.
"One night....one of our friends was feeling down in spirits. I witnessed how caring she was towards them...kindly reassuring them that they were loved, that they mattered. I vividly remember her kind eyes and loving smile as she comforted them. Then it hit me that she was that kind of person. Selfless, caring, doting, would sacrifice anything for her friends and family...... it was hard for anyone not to fall in love with her."
He turned his hand over, studying the wedding ring that he still wore to this day, the engravings of their initials being his prime interest.
"And at that moment I knew I had to have her. I couldn't let anyone else have her. I wanted her.... that love, compassion, empathy..her confidence and strong nature, I wanted-"
He stopped mid sentence and his eyes wizened in horror as he came to the realization I had foreseen long ago. He looked up at me, meeting my unwavering eyes that held no emotion at that moment.
"She had all the qualities I had always lacked in."
I took my glasses off and nodded.
"And I unconsciously wanted them for myself.... but the only way I could have them was...through her?" He seemed sickened with himself.
"Not exactly Yunho. You could have learnt to love yourself and raise your self esteem." I quickly scribbled my observation down.
"But I didn't. Instead I caged her up and slowly tore her down."
I couldn't help but let out an involuntary smile as he drew out that conclusion.
"Glad to know you've accepted that fact, even if it took several months for you to understand."
Shutting the notepad, I lifted myself up from my chair, straightening my blouse. Yunho followed suit.
"Is our session over?" He was always so polite, always escorting me out and holding the door open for me, which other doctors would have adamantly refused, too scared to come close to their patients. But not me. I let them have certain liberties at times.
"Not yet Yunho. As you've made remarkable progress, I got permission for you to see someone."
He was momentarily confused for a split second. Poor thing probably thought it was one of the nurses coming in to give him some new medication to take, which he hated with a passion. Stepping outside for a brief moment, I happily took the young baby in my arms, the little girl already used to seeing me as I always went to go see her after being with Yunho for a few hours. When I came back inside he had his back turned to me, once again staring off into nowhere. The light gurgled babbles the baby emitted caught his attention immediately. He whipped his head around so fast I thought he'd break his neck for a second. He teared up as the child began squealing in excitement as she recognized her father right away.
"Oh my-" He choked up with tears that he couldn't finish his sentence.
I calmly walked over to him, lightly bouncing the baby in my arms. Yunho hesitantly reached his hands out.
"Can I..?" He had such a hopeful glint in his eyes.
I didn't answer, I merely held his daughter out to him. As soon as she felt his embrace, she latched onto him as if he was one of the teddy bears she often slept with. Perhaps he was one.
No....he is one.
In my time of spending time with Yunho, I've come to strongly believe he is a sweet and tender individual. And judging by the way the little girl feels safe in his arms, I do believe he is capable of being truly loved.....
If he learns how to properly love not just someone else, but himself too.
Stepping out of my car, I quickly grab the small pink bag on the passenger seat before locking it. Treading through the small patch of green grass, I ring the doorbell and wait for one of the occupants to open up for me. No surprise, I'm greeted by the same raven haired male I met nearly 3 years ago. He looks delighted to see me.
"Y/N. Hi!"
I wave at him, a small but genuine smile on my features.
"Hi Yunho. Did I come at a bad time?" I notice the apron covered in flour and leftover egg on it.
"Oh no not at all. Please come in."
Moving aside to let me pass, my nose catches the scent of baked goods filling the air. I can distinctly recognize the hints of lavender and french vanilla, an odd but surprisingly tasty combination. I spot out of the corner of my eye a little head peeking out from the kitchen, curious to know who had come to pay them a visit. Letting out a squeal, she quickly ran over to attach herself on my leg.
I chuckled and lightly run my fingers through her hair which was longer than the last time I saw it.
"Hi Jina, I see you've been baking something." We both chuckle as I scraped off some cake batter that had gotten on the tip of her button nose.
"Me and dad are making cupcakes for my friend's birthday party tomorrow." She explained.
"Wow that's a really nice gesture. I bet they'll turn out delicious."
Remembering that I was short on time and that I had one last task to carry out, I pull out the bag I had hidden behind my back and hand it to her.
"It's for you."
Her eyes began to sparkle so much they could rival all the stars in the galaxy. After thanking me like 20 thousand times, she plopped her tiny body on the couch to tear into the contents inside it. I shake my head before taking out a small paper from inside my trench coat.
"And this is for you."
Taking the slip from my fingers, Yunho opens it up and scans what it says. He seems confused for a moment, not fully understanding what it means. He looks to me once more, probably for the last time, asking for an explanation.
"It's your official release from the institution. No more drop in visits, no more eyes on you 24/7, and soon you won't have to continue with the prescribed medication, although when that happens they will send someone once in a while to check up and make sure you're ok without them."
Yunho nods but it is a rather sad and pained nod.
"So this means you won't be seeing us any longer?"
I inhale deeply and nod.
"This was a temporary thing until you got better Yunho. After all....I was only the doctor assigned to you."
It hurt me to say that as much as it probably hurt him, as much as it'd hurt Jina to know I wouldn't be coming back anymore.
"Can't we at least be friends?"
I hated seeing those puppy eyes of him practically beg me, signature trait he passed on to his daughter.
"That would be completely unprofessional of my part Yunho. I deeply cherish and treasure all the time we spent together and I'm beyond happy and satisfied that you've come so far since the start of our journey..."
I sighed deeply.
"But every journey has an end." He finished my sentence.
Extending his hand out to me, I took it and gave it a firm shake.
"I'm really going to miss you." He admitted.
"Me too. Me too."
Going over to the momentarily forgotten 4 year old, she let out an 'oof' when she suddenly found herself cooped up in my embrace.
"Take care of yourself and of your dad ok?"
I kissed the top of her head, her grinning face not registering that this might be the last time she ever saw me. Yunho walked me out the door and even escorted me all the way to my car. Always the gentleman, he held the door open for me. Before I could even get one foot inside, I felt a large hand grip my wrist. Turning to him, I was flustered when he suddenly pulled me close to him.
"Please don't leave. I need you....I..."
He looked conflicted with himself as he tried to finish his words. Taking a deep breath, he confessed:
"I love you."
My heart sank. He said the 3 words I hoped he'd never direct at me. Mainly because I was scared as he was. Don't get me wrong, Yunho is a wonderful man, and he truly deserves to be loved....
But am I certain that he has finally learned to love? Or is it because he feels he needs me?........
Only one way to find out.
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katierosefun · 2 years
1/2 deadass thinking about a twin AU where jae-yi calls dongsik and is like hey can you come pick juwon up? he’s being weird af and just fell over i don’t think he’s drunk tho?? and dongsik looks at juwon who's chilling in front of him on the couch like yeah good joke but hard miss but Jae-Yi’s like well i’m not joking so get ur ass here he’s being weirdly enthusiastic abt my food too and well long story short the weird guy at jae-yi’s is actually juwon’s twin who’d stayed in england except
2/2 juwon’s twin is the EMBODIMENT of (for lack off better comparison) jingoo’s vibes by which I mean CANNOT STAND, BREAKS STUFF WITHOUT MEANING TO, GOOFY AF HAPPY BECAUSE FOOD A PUPPY and everyone’s mildly *terrified* (except juwon who is both horrified and doneTM) (this was so long i'm so sorry)
A:KH DSFLSDJKFSDFDFSD ANON!!!! is this because i've been raving about house on wheels era jin goo because you know what i'm kind of in love with this (+ i like to think that for the sake of the story, "jin goo" is adjusted and cute because he literally never returned to korea and was like "okee :) we're done with the han family i'm gonna just be here forever byeee~")
i also just love the idea of dong sik staring at joo won's twin and then looking at joo won and going, "why didn't you tell me you had a twin?"
(okay, so in a sad route, joo won of course wouldn't mention he had a brother bc what kind of brother leaves him to deal with the family bullshit on his own)
but ignoring that, joo won just doesn't respond + he gets increasingly annoyed and tired because "what are you doing here. how long are you staying here. can you not. how did you even know i was here. oh my god, don't break that--"
i like to think that like jin goo (who has this advice for joo won himself), joo won's twin goes, ":) joo won-ah~~ you shouldn't scowl so much. make some more friends! go on a food tour with your partner!"
joo won, very tired: please stay out of my personal life.
the rest of the manyang crew, of course, are absolutely bewildered, bc joo won's twin is charming, and it's a little bizarre (ji hoon personally can't really get over it, and ji hwa and jae yi are just "?!?!?!?" the whole time, but okay, at least he's sweet and eats enthusiastically and he asks jae yi if she could teach him some time).
after the initial shock, i think dong sik also takes it all in stride. joo won's twin is plenty friendly and courteous, and after the first "oh my god, you guys are identical twins too oh boy", dong sik (and tbh probably everyone) can tell the difference very easily. (joo won's twin is much more smiley, his voice is lighter, even the way he looks at people is different.)
i think joo won kinda glares at his twin from across the table, bc "can you stop doing that"
"doing what?"
"...doing that."
"i don't know what that means :("
(of course, joo won's just feeling prickly because i think it's getting on his nerves how very quickly his twin can disarm all of these people (is it that easy? >:(), but i think whatever rift might have been between them very easily gets solved, and now joo won's twin is a nice friend who swings by manyang every once in a while. he's always incredibly sweet and adorable)
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albdodaze · 3 years
blooming. y.itadori
‘i’m going to fucking cry’ (chapter four)
warnings: cursing, real slight mention of death (only in one sentence, don’t worry!)
context: IN WHICH kami gojo, younger sister of certain powerful jujutsu sorcerer, meets an idiot who makes cold barrier around her heart melt.
A/N: PLEASE READ! i'm talking a bit about japanese culture in this chapter, most importantly, about kimonos and i'm really new to this stuff so if i got something wrong, please, please tell me and educate me, i would really appreciate it! enjoy the chapter!
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"We're going where!" Kami's loud voice rang out across the room where she stood with her brother.
"Don’t Kami me right now! Why couldn't you say no?!” She cried out, throwing her hands in the air.
"You know I couldn't," he added. Satoru sighed and stepped closer to his sister, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"This is some fucking bullshit,” muttered Kami and leaned her head against his chest.
"When are we going?"
"Wait," Kami broke off and looked at Satoru seriously. "But tomorrow is Itadori and Nobara's first major mission!" She yelled, terrified that something might happen to her classmates. "I can't leave them like this, Megumi can't handle them alone, after all, there's no telling what grade the curse is!"
"Kami, everything will be fine, they can handle it," Satoru reassured her. "Yuuji might not know much about it, but I'm sure he'll be fine."
"But what if someo—“
"No one will die, Kami," Satoru laughed and pushed her out of the room, leading her to her room. "Go pack, we're leaving early in the morning, our parents want us to make it in time for breakfast."
"Parents my ass,” Kami muttered and went into her room, closing the door and leaning against it, sighing heavily.
‘Couldn’t be any better,’ she thought and finally ducked under her bed to pull out the pink suitcase she kept there from underneath it.
“So that means I can say goodbye to wearing any trousers for a whole week,” she sighed, opening her wardrobe and selecting clothes from it that her parents would approve of.
You see, the Gojo Clan was very traditional. Women weren't supposed to wear trousers, though mostly women, men and children wore kimono, anyway. But, however, when there was a time where the clan membership did not have to wear it, women were not allowed to wear trousers.
It was the same with the care of the home and family. Women were there to serve, to clean and cook, and men to protect their family and their clan. Well, unless there was an attack by the curses or another clan, then the strongest women were chosen to fight for their clan too. But mostly women were supposed to be a good showcase for their clan, their family. They were supposed to look beautiful and look the same at the side of their men.
Over time, this was regulated somewhat. Women were finally allowed to attend clan meetings, and not only to sit and listen, but also to talk. But clothing and other things remained.
Kami opened one of the large drawers and looked at several boxes, tied with pink and red bows. With a sigh, she looked into the first one, checking if her Komon didn't need any adjustments and if it wasn't damaged anywhere. Once she was sure everything was fine with it, she re—cubed it in the box and placed it beside her, checking the second box.
'I don’t have any idea if I need Iromuji, but I'll definitely take the Yukata,' Kami thought and pulled out another kimono, looking it over carefully.
Just as she had everything packed and was about to sit down on her bed for another sweet sleep that day, Kami heard a knock on her door. The girl furrowed her eyebrows when, a moment later, no one entered. After all, Satoru and Megumi immediately enter when they knock. Kami sighed heavily and walked to the door, opening it slowly.
She raised her eyebrows in surprise when she saw the pink—haired boy in front of her, nervously standing in front of the door and scratching the back of his head.
When Yuuji saw Kami in front of him, he panicked and jumped up, a scream limp in his throat.
"Jeez, calm down, it's only me," Kami said AND leaned sideways against the door frame. "Is something wrong?"
"Eh, um... I—I was just—I was just wondering if you would want to go and eat with us in the kitchen," the boy began, blushing softly.
"What do you mean by 'us'?"
"Kugisaki and Fushiguro."
"Megumi? Megumi’s with you, guys? What an asshole! He told me he can't do anything today because he's busy!" Kami was pissed off, throwing her hands in the air.
"Um, actually he was, apparently he's been practicing all day, he came to the kitchen because he ran out of water and decided to stay," Yuuji explained as Kami walked into the room to grab her phone.
"Don't make him excuses," the white—haired girl looked at the boy with a threatening look as she closed the door from her room.
"That means you're going?"
"And what does that look like to you?" Kami rolled her eyes and started walking towards the kitchen. "Are you coming or not?"
Yuuji shook himself out of his trance and ran up to the girl, matching her pace.
The path to the kitchen wasn't long, so the awkward silence didn't last long when Nobara suddenly ran out of the kitchen, throwing herself at Kami, who caught her to keep her from knocking them to the floor.
"Oh, thank gods! I thought I was going to have to stay here alone with them," she said quickly and grabbed Kami's arm, pulling her towards the table where Megumi was already sitting.
The first thing Kami did was walk up to him and slap him on the back of the head.
"It's nice to see you, too, my dear best friend."
The dinner was nice, at least for Kami. She thought it was nice to get away from reality and at least relax for a while, just talking to her friends. Well, or listening to them, as Kami was doing.
The girl didn't speak much, listening to the conversations between the three and every now and then nodding or smiling softly. And it wasn't that she didn't like it. In fact, she liked it a lot. The food Yuuji had prepared was really good and was a nice change from ordering pizza or sushi every day.
When Megumi and Nobara left after a while, saying that they had other things to do and thanking Itadori for the food, an awkward silence formed between Yuuji and Kami again, and the only sound that could be heard was Kami's chopsticks tapping against the plate.
"Don't you like it?" Yuuji asked suddenly, distressed when he saw Kami playing with the meatball on the plate. Kami raised her gaze to him and furrowed her eyebrows.
"What? no, absolutely not. The food is very good, I was just thinking," she replied quietly, looking at the boy who didn't dare to look her in the eye.
"You've been awfully quiet since the beginning, are you sure everything is okay? I know we've only known each other a few weeks and all, but if you need to talk—"
Yuuji interrupted his speech when he felt a cold hand on his palm and lifted his gaze to see that Kami had leaned gently over the table so that her and Yuuji's faces were closer together.
When Itadori looked into her eyes, Kami smiled softly and squeezed her hand over his.
"Everything's fine, really," she reassured him. "I just don't feel well because I have to go to my family."
"You don't feel your best because you're going to your family? Shouldn't you be happy?" Asked a surprised Yuuji, unconsciously intertwining his fingers with Kami's fingers.
At the gesture, Kami flinched slightly, and goosebumps appeared on her back. The girl frowned slightly, not remembering ever reacting this way to someone else's touch.
'I never feel it when Megumi or Nobara touches me, then why would I feel like this with Yuuji? And why does it feel kinda good?'
"Uh—“ Kami shrugged and let out the air she had unconsciously held in. "I don't have the best relationship with my family." Kami smiled and Yuuji looked at her sadly. "Don't make that face," Kami began. "I don't care about them, I go there because until I turn eighteen, I don't have any right to cut myself off from them. In theory, I'm forced to continue seeing them."
"Oh." Yuuji replied, not knowing what else to say. "I'm sorry."
Kami laughed softly, at which Yuuji got goosebumps and his heart started beating even harder.
The two teenagers sat in the kitchen for two more hours, talking about all sorts of topics as if they had known each other for years. Their hands stayed in the same place the whole time.
When they finally both went back to their rooms, Kami threw herself on the bed and started looking at the ceiling like it was the most interesting thing she had ever seen when something hit her. She was laughing all the time when she was around Yuuji.
Kami groaned and hid her face in the pillows, screaming into them and hitting the bed with her feet.
"Are you kidding me right now!" She screamed into the pillow and turned onto her back again, her hair tousled and her face mildly red from the temporary lack of oxygen. "No fucking way I have a crush on my damn classmate! I know him for a few weeks, for fucks sake!"
Yuuji didn't feel any better.
As soon as he closed the door from his room, he ran into the bathroom, turning on the cold water in the sink and washing his face with it.
The boy sighed heavily and leaned his palms against the sink, looking at himself in the mirror.
"Damn you and your little cute laugh," he said.
He sighed and his head hung down.
"Damn you and your cute fucking face," Kami groaned and hit the pillow with her fist. "I'm going to fucking cry.”
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hawkbucks · 3 years
I don't even remember if I reposted it, but here's the WinterIron fake dating AU that I found on my disc drive. I combined all the posts in one; where there's a divider, that means it was a new post.
Lotta fake dating fics have Tony be the one who asks Bucky and I love it, but also: Bucky being the one asking Tony?
Like, maybe Rebecca is getting married and she asks him “are you bringing anyone?” with the most hopeful look on her face.
Bucky sorta bluescreens and stutters out a “yeah” because he knows Rebecca really wants to see him with someone and happy, but he’s only really been focusing on his studies instead of his social life.
She smiles and claps her hands together, exclaiming her excitement to meet Bucky’s date! Meanwhile, Bucky is panicking on the inside.
He could ask Steve, considering that he and Steve are best friends and no one would really question them getting together, but there’s also the fact that Rebecca knows Steve better than Steve probably knows himself and would tell they’re faking right off the bat.
There’s Sam who, despite their teasing relationship, they really do like each other. He wouldn’t have too much of a problem bringing Sam around if he doesn’t already know that Sam would hang this over his head for the rest of his life and all but force Bucky to buy him food and clothes and stuff to repay him, and that’s not even talking about the endless teasing.
There’s Sharon, but she wouldn’t agree. She’d just roll her eyes and call him dramatic. It’s a fair judgement.
There’s Natasha, and they’ve actually dated before and that would be awkward. “Oh yeah, the girl I used to date back when I was a sophomore in high school and I are back together again!”
He still ends up texting Steve and explaining his dilemma and please, Steve, do you know anyone?
Steve tells him he’s an idiot which, fair, yeah, but then he tells Bucky that he knows a guy, cute, your type, I can give him your number. Then he sends Bucky a photo of himself and some other guy with brown hair and pretty eyes and dimples, what the fuck.
Please give him my number.
I can feel your thirst, Steve texts. Disgusting.
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So, he brings Tony (all it took was confirming that there was going to be food and that yeah, they have salmon as a menu item, is that what you want me to pick?), and Tony’s a hit! He’s charming, polite, and pretty cute to boot.
Then Rebecca corners Bucky during the reception while Tony’s getting some cupcakes and Bucky immediately jumps to the conclusion that Rebecca figured out that they’re not actually dating and she’s about to tear him a new one, but she smiles and gives him a bear hug. “Your boyfriend is a sweetheart,” she gushes, “and I’m glad you brought him along. And, you know, Robert and I are having a party for Thanksgiving. Maybe you two would like to come?”
And the only thing that runs through Bucky’s head is shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit—
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Bucky can’t handle these feelings. He just can’t. It’s too much too soon, and the intensity at which he feels them is both overwhelming and terrifying to him, especially since he and Tony haven’t even known each other for that long.
During the party, Tony really pushes the act. He takes Bucky’s arm and places it around his shoulders, feeds Bucky some pumpkin pie, blushing when Rebecca coos at the both of them, and even sits on Bucky’s lap when everyone heads to the couch to catch the recording of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade that Rebecca set.
And Bucky desperately wishes it was all real. He wishes that Tony really is in love with him as opposed to doing this to help out. He’s never felt warmer than when Tony smiles at him, bright and genuine and making him ache all over. He knows that his feelings are only going to keep snowballing and snowballing until he can’t take it anymore and snaps and confesses to Tony, and he doesn’t want that. He doesn’t want Tony to feel obligated to go out with him. He doesn’t want Tony to feel like he’s being put on the spot.
Tony cuddles closer to him, whispering about how the Snoopy float looks really cute. He chokes down a sob and responds with “yeah, doll, it does”.
Bucky drives Tony home. He always does. It’s the least he can do. “So, when are you going to need a boyfriend again?” Tony teases, feet up on the dashboard. They’re already at Tony’s apartment complex, but Tony, infuriatingly attractive Tony, insists on talking to him. “If you’re swinging by Becca’s for Christmas, I can come with you.”
He doesn’t respond, instead choosing to continue looking ahead and squeezing his hands on the steering wheel. “Hey, you alright?” Tony asks softly and, god, he wishes Tony wasn’t the way he was.
Rip it off. Like a band-aid. C’mon, Barnes. “It’s fine. I’ll just tell her we broke up.”
“What?” Tony’s voice wavers, an undercurrent of hurt swimming below that one word. Bucky hates himself for it. “Did I do something wrong? At the party? I—”
Bucky sets his jaw, looking at Tony (and wishing he didn’t because Tony actually looks devastated). “We were never really together, Tony. Don’t act like it matters.”
He hears a hitch in Tony’s breath. He looks away. “Yeah, I guess it doesn’t.” Tony unbuckles his seatbelt and opens the car door. “Maybe this is why you don’t have an actual boyfriend.” It hurts, but it’s better that Tony leaves hating him because he can’t imagine the breakdown he’d have if Tony kept coming around with those kicked puppy eyes of his and asking why Bucky has been avoiding him.
Tony walks into his apartment complex without looking back.
Bucky thinks he needs to get drunk.
And that’s how Steve finds him. Completely sloshed, half-sitting half-lying on the couch with red-rimmed eyes and a tear-stained hoodie. “St’ve,” he slurs, lifting his bottle of Jack Daniel’s.
Steve sighs. “What, did Becks show everyone your baby pictures again?”
Bucky shakes his head. “Fucked up.”
“Yeah, I can see that. At least save some of that for me.”
He shakes his head again. “Tony hates me.”
Steve freezes, halfway through shucking off his jacket. “What did you do?” He looks at Bucky with that Disappointed Parental Stare of his.
“He hates me.” Bucky feels himself start to tear up again as he reminds himself that he won’t be able to see Tony again. Won’t be able to breathe in the comforting smell of that vanilla and cinnamon lotion that he’s so fond of. “Made ‘im hate me.”
“Why in the hell would you do that?” Steve gets his jacket off this time, throwing it on the hook and not paying it any attention when it slips off and falls to the floor with a thud.
“Don’t know.” Which is a lie. He knows why. He just doesn’t want to face it.
“No, no, you don’t get to feign ignorance.” Steve walks over and takes the bottle from him, ignoring Bucky’s protests and whines and taking a few swigs of his own. “I’ve only seen you get this drunk twice before: the first was when you and Nat broke up and you broke into your dad’s liquor cabinet, and the second was when you came home from the army. Considering I don’t see your fatigues with you—”
Bucky growls weakly. “Shut up, Steve—”
“Then stop pushing people away,” Steve growls right back. “You fix this.”
“We didn’t ev’n know each other that long—”
“No, you might not have, but if you’re sitting here on our couch, drunk off your ass ‘cause you think he hates you, that means something. Fix. This.”
Then Steve’s phone goes off. He sets down the Jack and he fishes his phone out of his pocket. A swipe, and it’s unlocked. He snorts, shaking his head. “You know who just texted me?”
Hope. “Tony?”
“No. His best friend. You want to know what it says?”
Bucky doesn’t think his answer matters much. Something tells him Steve will tell him even if he says no. “Go.”
Steve clears his throat. “’Hope your buddy is happy. Tony won’t stop crying.’ Then some middle finger emojis. Seven of them, to be exact.”
Bucky sinks further into the couch, his stomach twisting into knots and nausea rising up his throat now that he knows Tony is crying and he’s the reason why. He makes a swipe at the Daniels, but is unable to reach far enough. “You gon’ reply?” he croaks.
“Oh, yeah. I’m gonna tell him that you’re being miserable, too. And that you’re an idiot.”
Bucky grunts.
“It’s for your own safety. Believe me, if he thinks you’re getting your jollies from this, he’ll send you on a one-way ticket to hell.”
He grunts again. That’s only mildly terrifying. And probably not even close to what he thinks he himself deserves. “You gon’ leave?”
“Yes. And I’m taking this—” Steve picks up the Jack— “with me.”
True to his word, Steve leaves with the bottle of Jack.
Bucky sits up and uses the sleeves of his hoodie to dry his eyes. He tries to keep quiet as he sobs.
The next day, he goes out, stretches his legs after spending the entire night on his couch. He contemplates going to visit Tony and beg for his forgiveness, but it’s… it’s probably too soon. He’ll just wait. In the meantime, he picks up a plush of Snoopy holding a heart. It’s cute.
1 week. He thinks he’ll wait a little more.
2 weeks. Maybe just a bit more.
(Rebecca calls. Asks him about Tony. He says that they broke up. She only replies with a small I’m sorry. It was clear that you two loved each other.
He bites his lip so hard that he tastes copper.)
3 weeks. It’s just a bit before Christmas. Steve comes into his room. “Rhodes texted me. He said Tony admitted that he wants to see you again. Apparently he passed on my word that you were being pretty gloomy about it too.”
Bucky fidgets on his bed. “So, what, I’m just supposed to roll up on his apartment with some flowers and chocolate?”
“Sarcastic bastard,” Steve mutters, although there’s no real venom behind his words. “It’d be a start.”
Bucky thinks for a second. He gets up and starts rifling through his closet. “Alright. Leave so I can change.” Thankfully, Steve obliges. Bucky tucks the Snoopy into his backpack.
He picks up some Ferrero Rocher. He remembers Tony eating them by the handful at the reception. It’s packaged in a transparent box shaped like a heart. For the flowers, he picks up some red roses, the classic choice. He even gets a card that says “I’M SORRY!” with a picture of a sad-looking cat on it.
“Girlfriend troubles?” the cashier asks as they ring him up.
“Boyfriend, actually,” he replies, surprised at how easily that rolls off his tongue.
They hum. “Hope it gets better soon, man.”
He hopes so too. “Thanks.”
Somehow, he manages to make the drive to Tony’s apartment without crashing the car. 6339. He remembers Tony telling him his apartment number if he ever wanted to come up and visit. Looks like he’s finally taking him up on that offer.
Before his nerves can take over and tell him to run and maybe flee the country, he takes the elevator up after explaining to the concierge that he’s there to visit a friend. He knocks on Tony’s door, holding the flowers up in front of his face, the Snoopy plush sitting on top of them along with the card. The box of chocolates he holds behind his back.
When he hears the door open, he pulls the flowers down just enough to see over them. “Hi.”
“Bucky,” Tony breathes out. He looks like he’s about to start crying again, clad in his donut-patterned pajama pants and an oversized shirt that advertises a noodle place that Bucky passed on his way. (Seriously. So many tears!) “Why’re you here?”
“To say sorry.” Bucky holds the flowers out.
“What you said really hurt,” Tony says, voice cracking, but he takes the flowers. “You got me a Snoopy?” He takes the plush off of the bouquet and smiles softly at it before looking back up at Bucky, expression holding cautious hope. He places Snoopy back in the bouquet.
“I know. I’m sorry. I was… I don’t know, scared. Not that I’m tryin’ to come up with an excuse for myself, but… you know.” He shows Tony the chocolates this time.
“Scared?” Tony takes the chocolates like he took the flowers.
“I really like you, Tony. I was thinking about asking you out for real after the party,” Bucky admits, looking Tony in the eye and hoping that Tony can see that he’s being genuine. His palms start getting clammy. Is the temperature rising or is it just him? “And I was scared.”
“Why?” Tony asks, sounding on the edge of desperation. “Why were you so scared you couldn’t just tell me?”
“Because I didn’t want you to feel obliged to say yes.”
Tony tilts his head to the side, eyebrows furrowed as a frown tugs at his lips.
Bucky begins to regret his answer. Obviously it isn’t one that Tony likes.
“Is that it?” Tony sounds gentle. So gentle. “I like you too, you know. And you know I’m not a pushover. If I didn’t want to go out with you, I would’ve told you that.”
“I know. I know, but I never said my mind was good at thinking rationally.” The corner of Bucky’s mouth quirks up at the self-deprecation.
“Mine isn’t either.” Tony places the chocolates with the card and the Snoopy in the bouquet, using that now free hand to wipe at his eyes. His sniffles. “And I have to apologize too. For what I said before I left your car.”
“It’s fine, Tony—”
“No, it’s not. It was such an asshole thing to say.” Tony sounds upset on Bucky’s behalf.
“I made you angry.”
“That didn’t give me the right to imply that you’re unlovable.” Tony stares at him in silent challenge. Try and refute me, his eyes say. “I’m sorry.”
Bucky shakes his head, knowing there’s only one way to end this. “I accept your apology.”
“And I accept yours.” Tony smiles at him, nose tinged with pink, and a burst of warmth spreads in Bucky’s chest. It’s gratifying to see that smile directed his way again. He just might join Tony in sniffling if this continues.
Tony reaches out to grab his hand, lacing their fingers together. “Why don’t you come inside? I can make you some coffee.”
“I’d like that,” Bucky says, squeezing Tony’s hand once. “I’d like that a lot.”
If you guys are curious, I listened to this song on repeat while doing this lol. (The link should lead to a video with the English translation!)
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angelsswirl · 3 years
Whatever Makes You Happy
Chapter 7: who are you to judge me
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I wonder what she thinks of me when you stay awake
After you make love to her, but I'm still on your brain
You watched as Lisa grumbled around the penthouse disgracefully. Kijung and Dohyung seemed to notice as they eyed her oddly and stayed closer to you.
After her fourth time slamming a cupboard shut you had finally had enough.
"Lisa. Is something wrong?" You asked.
She gave you a look that clearly said 'What gave that away?'. She looked like she was about to speak before she turned and realized her kids were within earshot.
You got the hint, "Ki, Doh, did you clean your room like your mother asked earlier?"
"We know this is a ploy to get us out of the room so we don't hear your adult talk." Kijung got up from where he and his twin were playing video games on the livingroom floor.
"But we're running a bet to see who gets in trouble the least this week. So, we'll go." Dohyung continued. With that, they both left the room.
Lisa made a face, "They didn't get that from me." She raised her hands in surrender.
You rolled your eyes playfully.
"Anyway. What's got you all worked up today."
Lisa sighed dramatically before falling onto the couch, letting her body be taken with the momentum.
"My parents want to push up the wedding."
You froze in your seat, not that you had been moving anyway. But you had almost definitely stopped breathing.
You try to tell yourself this isn't a big deal. That Lisa was never yours to begin with. You haven't even had sex or anything like that.
But now, you definitely won't get to.
"Why?" It's soft and croaky and your mildly embarrassed.
"Money. Publicity. Same thing it always is. I thought I was being nice by letting my artists take breaks. Visit their families. But stocks are plummeting."
You fiddled with your fingers, "Then what does that mean..."
Lisa looked at you forlornly and sighed, "Who were we kidding, Y/N..."
That pissed you off.
She was kidding herself. She was the one who got you into this mess. She was the one who hired you on a whim, because she was horny and could probably sense that you were to.
She was the one who gave you false hope. Convinced you that maybe there could be something between the two of you.
And now...nothing.
"I'll be back in a little bit." You said without looking at Lisa. You trudged to the door and grabbed your jacket.
"Where are you going?"
"Taking a day off. Don't wait up."
You didn't stay to hear her beg or reason or whatever it was she planned to do.
You just closed the door softly behind you.
About after thirty minutes of wandering aimlessly, you find yourself at the counter of a medium decency bar.
Your tequila dribbles bitterly over your tongue, but you don't exactly care.
"Hard day?"
You almost flinch out of your skin at the words. You turn toward the voice with a raised eyebrow, and proceed to almost spit out your drink.
The woman is gorgeous. Her soft brown eyes glint with a mischievousness you're mildly terrified of. And yet you feel compelled to talk to her.
"Uh yeah, I guess you can say that."
The woman nodded resolutely, "I've been there. Want to play a little game with me? I promise it'll cheer you up." That mischievous look is back with a vengeance, but you'd be lying if you said you weren't interested.
"Nice. I'm Jennie, by the way." She held out her hand for you to shake.
"Y/N." You took her hand and shook it.
"So, Y/N. How much do you want to bet that I can get that hot bartender over there to kiss me?" Jennie nodded in the direction of the bartender with a tilt of her head.
You eyed the bartender that was currently at the other end of the bar. She was gorgeous as well and you could see why Jennie would want to kiss her. But if judging by the way she dealt with the rowdy men at the bar, you didn't think she would want to kiss Jennie back.
"Fifty bucks says she laughs in your face." You say. The tequila is definitely kicking in now.
Jennie raised an eyebrow and seemed to hesitate for a split second, before smiling devilishly again.
Jennie scooted closer to you, "I'm going to need to use you for this next scene, if you don't mind."
You shook your head. Jennie nodded and threw her arm around your shoulders. You leaned toward the bar and waved her hand in the air. Grabbing the bartender's attention.
You've never seen someone roll their eyes harder in your life.
"Can I help you?"
"Yes, can you please get this fine woman next to me and I a few shots?" Jennie swayed a bit, playing up her inebriation.
The bartender just stared blankly, "Jennie. This better not be another one of your ploys to make me jealous."
Jennie threw her hands up into the air in exasperation, "Babe! You ruined it. I almost just made you fifty dollars in tips. All you had to do was kiss me."
The woman rolled her eyes again. She turned toward you, "Sorry about my girlfriend here. She turns into a con artist when she's drunk and bored. I'm Jisoo."
You laughed at the situation, "Y/N."
"Nice to meet you, Y/N. What brings you into a moderately dingy bar at 1 am?"
Jennie looked at you as though she wanted to know the answer as well.
You debated telling them, you couldn't really. At least not in great detail. So you resorted to the basics. Maybe, you could finally start to move on if you talked about it with someone.
"Um, there's this girl...I really like her but a relationship is out of reach at the moment and sort of always will be. I guess I always knew that but it didn't really hit until today, y'know?"
Jisoo nodded, "Why's a relationship out of reach if you don't mind me asking?"
You stared down into your empty glass, "Because she's already in one."
"Oh, I can see how that would be a problem." Jisoo slapped Jennie on the arm lightly. Jennie pouted exaggeratedly.
"Okay...what do you like so much about this chick?" Jennie asked as she rubbed her arm.
That's as easy a question as you've ever been asked.
"She's driven, hard working, passionate, strong, funny-"
"She's hot?"
You chuckled, "Very."
Jisoo swiped at the bar counter top.
"It sounds like you really like her..."
"I do." You shook your head tiredly.
"Does she feel the same way about you?"
Lisa was hard to read, but there were somethings even she couldn't hide.
"I believe so."
"...I would like to preface what I'm about to say by emphasizing that I in no way condone cheating. And if anything bad happens, I get plausible deniability. It sounds like you need to listen to your heart."
"What does that mean, Jisoo?"
Jisoo smiled, "Whatever your heart tells you it means."
You blinked at her, so did Jennie, "Thank you for the help, Jisoo." You were only being slightly sarcastic.
She rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time that night. She turned around and grabbed a bottle of some expensive alcoholic drink, "You'll get it in due time. In the meantime, drink up. It's on the house."
You didn't have to even think twice at that demand.
"Jen Jen.... you and chu are sooo HAWT together...caniwatchsometime." You slinked against Jennie's body and slurred your words together severely.
Jennie had been lucky to get your address out of you. She knocked on the door of the penthouse with a grunt.
"You forgot to mention you were rich." She mumbled.
"I'mnot riiich it's my bossy!"
Before Jennie could ask you to elaborate, the door opened, and that was just about all the elaboration she needed.
You looked from where your head was placed precariously on Jennie's shoulder, "LISSSSAAA! imissedyou. I mean I'm mad at you. Buti did miss you a little bi. I'm drunk."
Jennie pretty much let you fall into Lisa's arms unceremoniously.
"You smell great."
"What did you do to her?" Lisa said rather accusatory.
You can practically hear Jennie cross her arms and roll her eyes even in your state.
"If I did this to her do you think I would bring her home?"
Jennie raised a fair point.
"Fine. Sorry. Thanks for bringing her back..." Lisa sounded as though she would rather poke her eyes out then apologize, but she did anyway. She squeezed the bridge of her nose with the hand that you weren't slung across.
"Jennie. And don't worry. She's my new best friend. She's too good a person to let anything bad happen to." Jennie said pointedly.
"Yeah... Okay. Bye." Lisa attempted to close the door.
"She's in love with you, y'know?"
Lisa sighed heavily, "I had an idea."
"Look, I know you don't know me. And her and I just met. But I gave her my number and if she calls it and says she's heartbroken over you, because you led her on and let her believe in something that was never obtainable...I don't care if you're some all big and powerful and rich industry mogul, I will ruin your life." Jennie stuffed her hands into her pockets casually.
Lisa ground her teeth together, "Is that a threat?"
Jennie chuckled humorously, "No. It's a promise. It was nice to meet you, Lisa. Take care of her for me."
With that, Jennie turned on her heels, and strutted back down the hall.
Lisa only sighed again and shifted you in her arms.
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