#“there are still tales I haven't finished telling” AND I WOULD BE SEATED FOR THOSE TALES
karasuneko · 2 years
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Kafka Asagiri about Chuuya, Stormbringer (Afterword)
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blackbatpurplecat · 1 year
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I posted 1,268 times in 2022
57 posts created (4%)
1,211 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,266 of my posts in 2022
#comic - 489 posts
#batman - 343 posts
#catwoman - 228 posts
#batman x catwoman - 203 posts
#fan art - 200 posts
#gifset - 197 posts
#purple catwoman - 196 posts
#black catwoman - 146 posts
#bruce wayne - 112 posts
#jim balent catwoman - 106 posts
Longest Tag: 121 characters
#hey tom king didn't you write selina hating being pregnant and hating the baby? at least be consistent with your bullshit
My Top Posts in 2022:
You watch ONE little gay pirate show and all of the sudden you’re obsessed and can’t stop going back to episode 1 once you’ve finished episode 10.
Why did no one tell me? Why wasn’t I informed that this would happen? I’m in the mood to draw, to write, to edit videos. This wasn’t the deal!
I promise you’ll feel totally normal afterwards. It doesn’t change you at all.
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10 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
Does isn't bother you that Batman and Catwoman never last long?
It's always the same,they are together for a while,they break up,they give Selina Kyle a bad relationship and then she returns back to Bruce again only so that then she can leave and move on again,either make the relationship permanent or do the opposite,she gets her own stuff done well and gets no ties to batman
Oh it absolutely bothers me! Especially over the last few years it's been infuriating me. I think the worst low in recent years was the wedding fakeout, that one was such a ruthless middle finger to the fans.
Unfortunately, DC have been quite successful at slowly suffocating my interest and burning passion in the characters and the ship with all their bad writing and bad decisions. No content is watering my BatCat plant so it's withering. There's been nothing positive for me to feed on so BatCat is absolutely no competition when other ships I adore e.g. have gotten their happy ending (MCU), are sailing towards their happy ending (OFMD), or are about to get more new and good content (Gargoyles).
At DC, it's always always always the same, rinse wash repeat. And it's getting tiresome for this fan who's been watching/reading DC content for decades. It's probably alright for new fans as they haven't seen the repetition often enough yet so everything's still new and exciting.
The characters don't evolve, they don't grow, they don't learn, it's always the same, just dressed up differently. (That aspect makes Cat-Tales so fascinating because those stories show us what could happen IF the characters developed and learned.) If it was Lois & Clark, it wouldn't be as bad because their default state seems to be dating/married so they are happy which is good for them and great for their shippers!
Personally, I'm still longing for an Earth-2 comic book or a sequel to the Telltale Batman games. That would definitely water my crops. But as for now, I'm resigned to the fact that we will never get anything new. There's only fight, kiss, break up. Rinse Wash Repeat.
10 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
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12 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
Alright, Mr. Waititi.
I bought my ticket.
I'm in my seat.
I'm wearing my Our Flag Means Death t-shirt.
It's about to start.
Hit me with your new super gay movie!
12 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
What makes you like Selina's purple costumes the best? And how would you rank her Catwoman costumes throughout the years from best to worst?
Hi Anony! 😊 So lovely of you to drop by!
I wrote a little piece on the Balent suit a while back, I'll quote myself here to explain why I like it the best:
I love purple. [...] The purple outfit is just the prettiest to me. The color, the gloves and boots, the cowl, it’s just gorgeous! And in a way an expression of what Selina is: very feminine, seductive, playful, and classy. Purple is the color of royalty, female cats are called “queens” - Selina’s the queen of the night, the world’s best thief. It just IS her color.
Also if you go up against the big bad Bat, what’s the best way to defeat (or in her case, escape from) him? Short-circuiting his brain! So all he sees is a curvy lady in skin-tight leather, wearing an inviting yet dangerous smile, throwing innuendo at him… Tell me that he can still concentrate on his mission, I dare ya!
[...] it’s also so much more… subtle. Yes, it’s skin-tight but it covers her up entirely and leaves something to the imagination. It might be just me but I prefer this over the cleavage that practically jumps at you. [...]
(I once tried to explain it like this: current Catwoman is a like stripper, raw and sexualised; 90s Catwoman is a Burlesque dancer, sexy and playful).
The suit’s even very funtional. Purple is harder to spot in the dark or when the light from bright neon signs on buildings reflects off of it. She’s wearing comfortable and light boots she can run and get a hold on edges with (yes, I’m talking about the version without high heels), not those heavy motherfuckers she could never be silent or soft-footed with! [...] And no goggles means no glass that can crack and get into your eyes. (or make you look like a bug)
Tl;dr: The Balent suit just expresses Selina's personality the best and, on a personal note, is the most aesthetically pleasing one.
Now over the past decades, we've had doooozens of Catwoman suits. I don't know if I can rank them all. 😅 I doubt anyone's ever done that.
But I can do a personal top 10 list if that's okay with you!
#1 - Jim Balent's 90's suit
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As I said, it's just perfection. I love it!
#2 - Batman: The Animated Series suit
See the full post
13 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lostonehero · 2 years
I'm gonna throw this here and enjoy the wholesome Volo content
Some Emmet/Volo at the end
It's hurt comfort
It was a quiet day in town when Volo arrived. He always went early now so he missed the crowds. He hated to go ever since the winter festival, he just didn't want to deal with those emotions. He did continue to get the dirty looks, but they stayed quiet during the morning.
Volo was mumbling to himself. "Lord Emmet likes it when I make curry so maybe I should do that tonight." He doesn't notice a little girl approach him till she tugs on his leg. "Uh what do you want?"
"You're the mister who helped me out of the forest." She says holding up a freshly made pie.
A much older woman is right behind her. "I apologize for my granddaughter. She always seems to rush into things head first just like her father." She gives a soft smile. "I baked that for you as a thank you for saving my granddaughter. I warn her all the time to stay out of the woods."
Volo takes the pie carefully not really knowing how to respond. "I was just doing my job of keeping people out." He backs away, not used to being praised.
"Ah yes you are with that man in the forest, I'm no stranger to alpha pokemon, although the stories have been lost to a modern era. He should be respected, not feared I say." She shakes her head. "Bah I'm just an old lady who cares what I say." She sighs. "Well I run a stall down the way every Sunday and I'll give you a discount, I know you always come during the start of the market."
Volo could feel tears start to form at his eyes while his throat got dry. "I-i thank you miss, I uh have to finish shopping now." He quickly runs off to a random shop.
"Kids these days, now little one next time stay out of the forest."
"Ok grandma."
The next Sunday came and timidly Volo entered the weekly market. He brought a few winter clothes he made from his Lord Emmet's fur. Lord Emmet allowed him to share, well he actually just shrugged and let him do whatever he wished. He reached the stall with the old woman and little girl.
"Oh that guy did come back grandma, his hair is funny."
"Vicky, be nice , he just needs a haircut." The old woman sighs. "What can I do for you sir?"
Volo frowns "it is getting long again isn't it." He is quiet as he holds out a scarf, gloves and a hat. "For the winter I've been around long enough that I know winters are bad."
"My what a sweet young man you are. Here I made an oran berry turnover, bring it back with you." She smiles and looks over to her granddaughter.
"Grandma always makes too much sweet things. Nobody really buys her things anymore. They call her the crazy old lady who believes in fairytales."
The old woman sighs. "The old stories aren't fairytales Vicky alpha pokemon still exist, and the old gods still wall among us."
Volo smiles softly. "Your grandmother is correct, alpha pokemon exist all over the world." He pauses. "I don't hear many talk about the past…"
"You're a sweet young man come by again and I'll tell you more stories, my granddaughter always likes hearing them, maybe you would too." She smiles softly. "You are young but you've seen so much haven't you."
Volo looks away feelings he can't place well up in his chest. "I-uh I guess I have."
"Don't be modest boy, it's ok to take a rest once and a while, don't wait till your old like me." She smiles and pats the seat next to her. "Put your stuff down, let me tell you a story then."
Volo moved to sit next to her as he put his bag down. He couldn't place these emotions as he gripped his seat."o-ok tell me a tale."
"Well before my and your time….."
Volo knew the story well; he lived through it, it was about him trying to control the gods. He didn't know why he didn't interrupt and tell his truth, tell how he was a failure, and was his curse to continue to walk the earth forever undying. He was shaking and near tears.
"Now young man don't be upset, sure he tried to become a God. He was still a man like everyone else and we all made mistakes just like him."
Tears were spilling freely from Volo's eyes. She is the first to refer to him as human in every legend; he was always a monster. "What do you think happened to him?" His voice was unsteady.
The old woman smiles. "I think he did a good thing in the end, he's the reason the feuding clans joined back together wasn't he. Now it was a long time ago and well he's probably long dead, but I hope he found peace even after everything." She smiles and taps Volo's hand. "Now I think that's enough stories for today, I didn't mean to make you cry."
Volo wipes his eyes sniffling. "N-no wait can you tell me more?"
"Another day young man, now take some more of my sweets I made too much like my granddaughter said. Besides, doesn't your friend you live with in the woods want some too." She chuckles. "Of course they do, everyone needs baked goods once and while." She smiles, helping Volo up, and wiping his tears away. "And if it wasn't for those muscles of yours you'll be skin and bones, you'll never be good in the winter. Come I'll help pack up everything for you."
Volo could only nod and follow this old woman. "Lo- uh Emmet, Emmet is the name of the man I live with in the woods."
"That's a very nice name now are you already carrying all of this? I can ask my son to help you." She finishes boxing up a large pile of baked goods.
Volo shakes his head. "No thank you ma'am." He picks it all up and rushes away, he can already feel tears prick his eyes again. He couldn't cry again in front of them.
Emmet noticed when Volo got back later than normal, and with a lot of baked goods. Worryingly his eyes were red and puffy from crying. He of course waited for Volo to put everything away before he tacked the shorter man into a hug and a groom.
The quiet happy sigh from Volo was all Emmet needed as he kept going. He didn't need to know why he just felt content making Volo feel better, he knows the local town doesn't like him, which means they don't like Volo by proxy. Emmet didn't know when he started to.care so much for him, but for now he is happy that he does. He hopes Volo doesn't disappear like his brother did
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pinkplantmakesstuff · 3 years
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[Sat opposite me is none other then The Commander himself. We are in my office; surrounded by stacks of notebooks and stationary, this is no battlefield and it's clear The Commander is currently out of his depth.
I will admit I was shocked when he agreed to an interview; the Commander is infamously secretive about his private life and personal affairs, and there are terrible rumours about his foul temper and monstrous appearance. Sat opposite me however, is a young, world-weary man]
Exclusive interview continues under the
Let's start with some introductory questions, can you introduce yourself?
[There's a pause before he finally speaks, he's surprisingly soft spoken.] My name's Alec. [He looks at me, and I have to prompt him for more] Oh I see. Uh people refer to me as the Commander, but I'm, not really? I don't, well I don't belong to the Pact anymore? But apparently the title stuck. And I just, end up helpin' with stuff still. [He shifts uncomfortably, and I need to know what brought him to my office today, why he's changed his mind before I continue with the more personal questions.]
So, Commander, what's changed? Why an interview now? After refusing to talk to any journalists for so long, what caused this change of heart?
[There's a another long pause.] Well, I mean...a couple of people told me it might be...good for appearances, to you know talk to one of you people, instead of just... lettin' everyone make stuff up about me all the time. [I assume he means the rumours that make up most of his public perception - like the idea his mouth is full of flesh-tearing fangs- which I can now confirm to be false. He may have pointed fangs but they are small, and he seems more interested in gnawing at his own lip.] Oh, uh and you can just call me Alec I guess.
Well thank you for choosing to speak to me Comman-Alec, now lets move onto the more personal stuff; what is your gender identity, orientation and relationship status?
[This seems to catch him off guard.] That, that is kind of, personal. [He grimaces and draws his arm tightly across his chest. "You said you didn't want people to make stuff up about you anymore, why don't you tell people so they know the real you."] I, well, ok. [He gives a defeated sigh but it seems I've swayed him around for now at least] Uh I'm a guy and I like other men. And, uh, there, might be someone. He's...[Alec mulls over his words for a minute, the "fearsome" fangs nibbling at his own mouth again] well he's like, there's a connection? It's hard to explain. ["You've just disappointed many potential suitors I suspect!" At this he lets out a surprised laugh, as if he can't believe what I said. "Is this potential someone your fearsome companion you've been rumoured to be spotted with? With fangs and horns even greater then your own?" At this he frowns, folding his arm in again.] He's not fearsome he's just, well he's great. [I've clearly struck a nerve so I choose to move on.]
Where and when were you born?
[Another one-armed shrug.] Dunno. Some small place. Don't remember it, don't care. And uh, I'm like, well I think I'm twenty? Something like that I don't know my birthday. I think it's in Winter. [At this it was mine turn to let out an incredulous laugh - which I admit was unprofessional of me. "I knew you seemed young but, only twenty? That's, you've done a lot for someone so young." There's another, lengthier pause.] S'pose so. [He doesn't comment on this further.]
Here's something you should know plenty about! What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?
[He narrows his eyes at me, and then tilts his head thoughtfully. For a moment I thought he was going to demonstrate his magical capabilities I've heard so much about but then he simply shakes his head, a if deciding against it.] Magic. People don't like it. ["Yes I've heard the rumours of your powerful necromancy, as well as the tales of you being able to transform-" He cuts me off] I fight with magic. [Again I've struck another nerve, but I don't blame him. The rumour-mill has been particularly unkind to this young man, and it's no secret how many people view darker aspects of magic unfavourably.]
Lastly, for these introduction questions, are you happy?
[We sit there in silence for several minutes, and it seems he has no answer for me. I decide to move on quickly.]
Let's move onto the people in your life! What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?
Uh, I don't. Well my family is, well she's a baker. We grew up together. And V-my... partner? [He catches himself, clearly trying to protect keep them anonymous.] I don't have any other family I guess. But, I'd do anythin' to keep them safe. [I don't push further but it's clear the Commander's family means as much to him as the next person. Something the rumours have lead people to believe is not the case.]
Have you ever ran away from home?
Yeah. When I was a kid. My friend - the baker. We left together. it was better after that. [Alec doesn't elaborate further to begin with, before realising he's only told me part of it.] From an orphanage I mean - it's the same ol' story about kids losin' family to the Risen then being taken into care when I was a baby. We hated it. We got old enough. We ran away.
You mentioned you have a partner, this mysterious V. Would you consider marriage or having children?
[Alec's demeanour almost doesn't change, but I've not spend years in journalism and not learnt how to read people. This question has clearly flustered the young commander.] Uhh, that's, kind of personal. I don't think about stuff like that? I, well it's just nice having someone around more now. [I was about to move on before he interrupts.] But, kids are good, if, I think I'd have liked too, if things had been different.
Let's talk about some juicy gossip! Do you secretly hate one of your friend?
What? [This clearly catches him off-guard, before letting out a bitter laugh.] No. I haven't got enough of those to secretly hate one of 'em. Plenty of people have made it clear how much they hate me though. I wouldn't be surprised if more of them secretly hated me too. [Another short pause, he shifts in his seat and I catch a peek at the small wings sticking out oh his back.] I'm too tired to hate any of them, especially secretly.
I see, so which friend knows everything about you?
[Almost subconsciously he touches his horns, they are short, stubby things.] I don't think, I have- maybe the two I mentioned earlier know the most. It's hard to talk about things. ["Hmm I'd picked up on that." At this he laughs, the minor tension that had started building up eased slightly.] Yeah I'm not great at words and stuff.
The next set of questions are asked my fans! Are you literate? Have you been to school?
Fans? [He shakes his head in disbelief before leaning back in his chair, hair obscuring his face slightly.] The orphanage wasn't much for teachin'. Next question. [I resist the urge to press further.]
The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?
[He seems to spend some time thinking this one over before shaking his head.] Dunno. I guess I just assume most of the people I meet won't stick around long enough to be friends and...well I guess in a way they don't get to stick around I've....I've lost a lot of people. I guess that counts right? [He laughs slightly at this, but it isn't a happy one. Even the commander, who is oft described as cold is clearly affected by the ongoing tragedies he seeks to help stop.]
What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?
I don't think I realised Sylvari could glow for like, ages. [He puts his hand up to his face slightly but he smiles slightly as he speaks, and it's only now I've realised he's without his infamous blind-fold. I mention this but he shrugs it off.] I still 'ave it. I just, don't want to wear it right now.
Do you have mental health or physical issues?
[He waves the stump of his missing arm, bandages still visible. Everyone's already heard about the fight against the fearsome Jungle dragon that cost him his arm, as well as the Marshall of The Pact .] Does this count? [He makes no mention of his mental health so I try to press further.] I'm fine.
What is your current main goal?
[Alec shakes his head, before shrugging again.] I'm not gonna talk about stuff like that, in case it puts people at risk, it's, well it's stuff that needs doing to help people.
Let's move onto something easy! Some choices! Drink or food?
Food. I like cooking. ["Really? The famous Commander, known and feared on the battlefield, enjoys being in a kitchen?" He smiles slightly and nods.] It's just nice y'know. I like making things a lot.
Cats or dogs?
Cats. Their senses are easier to see through and they can fit in smaller places. [Before I can ask what he means he continues.] I would like a pet one too I think.
Early bird or night owl?
I prefer getting up early, it means I have longer in the day to get stuff done.
Optimist or pessimist?
[He frowns again.] Don't know. I don't think things are ever gonna go very well. [He merely shrugs when I point out that he sounds like a pessimist.]
Sassy or sarcastic?
I wouldn't say I'm either to be honest. ["There have been reports from Queen Jenna's courts that you have been known to make the occasional sarcastic, scathing remark."] Well there are also reports I've got a huge dragon tail but that don't make it true either. [I don't point out that dry remark he made.]
You'll be pleased Alec, we are finally finishing up! Finally it's time for some "Have you evers". Lets start with have you ever been caught sneaking out?
Nope. I used to be unnoticeable, though, that's changed a...little. [He gestures to himself in what I am assuming is reference to his small wings and horns] Like I said earlier though, magic.
Broke a bone?
Nope not that either. ["Really? With your work on the field and from the battles I've heard, you've truly never broken a bone?] I guess that's just the one thing I got goin' for me I guess.
Received flowers?
I don't think so? Wait yeah maybe but they are from people I don't really know as thanks which is nice I guess- I give 'em to...my baker friend coz she likes to display them in her shop.
Ghosted someone?
[There's another pause, it seemed he'd been slowly getting used to speaking to me but this one has him quiet again.] Not....intentionally. Keepin' in contact is hard when you're constantly travelling. And writing is... not one of my greatest talents.
Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get?
Uhh to be honest I probably wouldn't realise it was a joke sometimes', and if I did and I don't get it then maybe they should have told a better joke. [He shrugs and I can't help but laugh at his honesty]
[There you have it readers, an EXCLUSIVE interview with the feared Commander himself. Nothing like the rumours who describe him as "The Beast", The Commander is just another war-weary fighter trying to do what's right.]
Thank you @the-mystic-dragon for tagging me this was so much fun to write! (Even if it took like, an hour, and I massively changed the format XD) This is written as if it's around mid to late lws3 and before PoF as well as in the au with Vasche! Vasche is @resonatingfern's wonderful character and Alec's "mysterious partner" in this. In terms of tagging, if ya wanna do one go ahead! Though I did change the format quite a bit oops XD
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goldenmaybank · 4 years
meant to be
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(not my gif)
pairing: jj maybank x reader
summary: y/n has been in love with her best friend, jj maybank, for years and now has to watch him fall in love with another girl, who is a kook.
warnings: swearing and slight angst (?)
word count: 4k (it’s a long one) 
a/n: hi! this is my first imagine and i hope you like it. i know it’s a long one i just got carried away :)
2 years. 730 days. 17520 hours. 1051200 minutes.
that's how long i've had to watch the guy i'm in love with be with another girl. two long years of seeing them kiss, hold hands, cuddle, go on dates and anniversaries. all because i was too scared to tell my best friend that i loved him.
two years ago
" yo, y/n ! y/n ! guess what just happened." my best friend since we were kids, jj, said as he ran up to me.
"you remember that girl, shay, that i was telling you about? that kook that i met at the kegger last weekend with the long blonde hair, green eyes, slim waist, and fat as-"
"yes, yes. jj i remember." i said cutting him off from finishing his sentence.
"so, i just asked her out and guess what? she said yes!" he said with the biggest smile on his face.
"okay? that's all i get? an okay? y/n, this is the hottest kook i’ve ever seen that we're talking about here."
"yeah and last week kate was the hottest kook and the week before that was penelope. this is nothing new j. it's just another pretty girl with big boobs and a nice ass that you'll mess around with for a few weeks maybe even days and then move onto the next girl."
"no y/n, this time is different. it feels different."
"mhm sure" i say not convinced
this is what jj does. he meets a cute kook girl or touron at one our parties, they hook up for a few days or weeks, and he moves onto to the next one. this was no different. however, in that moment, i didn't realize how serious he really was about her until it was too late.
few months after
jj and i were laying on john b’s couch watching movies like we always do every friday night. we've been doing this since we were little kids, usually the rest of the pogues would join us, but they’re all busy tonight. john b is with sarah, kie is working, and pope is helping out his dad. so that just leaves me and jj together.
"um, y/n?"
"hm?" i asked in response
"would you mind if i ended our movie night a little bit early?"
"because shay just got off work early tonight and wants to hang out. she's been really busy lately, so we haven't gotten the chance to hang out as much. would you be okay if i left to go see her?”
"um, sure. i guess i can just rewatch friday the 13th again without you."
"really? you're the best! thanks." he said jumping up excitedly to put on his shoes and grab his hoodie, " i mean it's not like we haven't watched this a thousand times already, you'll be fine without me."
"i kinda wanted you here, but i guess she's more important" i mumbled under my breath
"n-nothing. uh, j can i ask you something before you go?"
"yeah sure, but it can't take too long shay is waiting for me."
"are you serious about her? like really serious?"
"yeah, i guess i am. i don't know i've never really felt this way about a girl before. she just makes me feel so happy and i always want to be around her and spend time with her. i usually just get bored with girls after a while and break up with them, but it's different with her. it's something about her i can't explain it." he said with admiration in his eyes.
that's when i knew it was too late. i could see the way his eyes lit up when i mentioned her and how he talked about her with such admiration. he was head over heels for this girl and who am i to step in and ruin it by telling him my feelings. he wouldn't reciprocate those feelings anyways she's the only girl he's felt like this about. i never had a chance against her. i will never be her.
after that day i didn’t see jj for three weeks. he cancelled every single one our plans because of her. “i cant go surfing today, shay wants to go get lunch” “can’t go fishing, shay needs me” “cant make it to the boneyard tonight, shay wants to have a movie night” he bailed on us, on me, all week because of her. the kook girl he just met a few months ago. 
finally, after countless begging and excuses jj came to hang out with us at john b’s house. we were all laying on the hammocks outside watching the sunset and for a minute it felt like everything was how it used to be even though i knew it wasn't. you could feel that everything was different especially between me and jj. he wasn't his usual flirty, touchy self with me and the tension in the air was thick. the rest of the pogues tried to act like everything was normal, but we all knew after today it would be another few weeks before we saw jj again. all he did was hang out with shay and he barely had any time for us anymore.
“so, jj since when did you start dating kooks?” john b snickered as jj punched his arm
“since when did you start dating at all?” pope replied
“i don’t know, man. it’s just different with her, i guess. i never thought i could be capable enough to have a relationship, but she changed that. she changed me.” 
kie looks at me with sympathy in her eyes. she was the only one who knew about my love for jj. i spent so many nights crying to her about my feelings for him and how i wish things could be different between us. it took a lot to get jj to open up to me, especially about his dad, and i always wanted to be the one he could go to for anything. i was the one who patched him up after a fight with rafe, i was the one who hugged him as he cried to me about his dad, i was the one who went along with his crazy ideas, i was one who did everything i could to get him to love me the way i love him. but i guess things don’t work out the way you want them to. i give kie and a nod and smile letting her know i’m okay. as long as jj is happy that’s all that matters to me. i would do anything to make him happy, even if it means i have to watch him fall in love with another girl.
6 years. 2190 days. 52560 hours. 3153600 minutes.
that's how long the love of my life has been with his girlfriend. six long years of me trying to get over him and find someone else yet i could never get that boy with blonde hair and blue eyes out of my mind. he followed me everywhere i went even when i wasn't with him. he's everything i want in a guy yet i can't have him because he's not mine to have. he's someone else's and now i definitely can't do anything about it because they're getting married today.
today is their wedding and of course they invited me and the rest of the pogues. i debated even going and just letting kie give them my present with my pathetic excuse for why i wasn't there, but after talking to jj about the wedding the other day i couldn’t not go. "i could never have my wedding without you there, y/n. you're one of the most important people in my life." is what he told me. if i was strong i wouldn't care and still not go, but i'm not. all i had to do was look in his eyes when he told me that and i was puddy in his hands. there's no way i can't go and let him down like that. he means way too much to me to hurt him just to spare my own feelings. 
i walked into the venue looking around at the setup. of course the kook princess wanted a fairy-tale wedding. i sigh as i look at all the expensive decorations everywhere. i always imagined what my wedding with jj would be like. definitely wouldn’t look anything like this. even after years of all my hard work and schooling i still could never afford something like this. i always thought we’d have our ceremony by the beach since that’s where we first met when we were little kids and spent all our time together. it became our little safe space to get away from everyone and all our problems, and just be together. just me and jj. 
“gotta admit it looks beautiful.” pope says as kie hits his shoulder
“it’s okay, kie. he’s right, it is beautiful. more than i could've ever given him.”
“hey” kie says as she grabs my hand, “you sure you’re okay? because we can leave right now. trust me, i really don’t care to see the little princess wearing a dress that costs ten times the amount of my house.”
“it’s fine, kie. we have to be here for him. i’m just gonna go talk to jj quickly.”
“okay, i’ll save a seat for you.”
i went towards the back to find where jj is, so i could give him something before the ceremony started.
"knock knock." i say as i opened the door to jj’s room walking in to see him finishing getting ready.
"hey you. i almost thought you weren't gonna come."
"now why would i miss my best friend getting married to the girl of his dreams? i would never miss this no matter what"
"good because i know i would never be able to do this without you here."
"so.." i say as i sit down next to him, "how does it feel to finally be getting married?”
"it feels unreal. i never thought this day would come. and if it did, i honestly thought you would be the one standing at the end of the aisle"
"yeah, so did i" i say as i laugh weakly.
"i remember we had this whole thing planned out as kids. we were gonna get married on the beach, preferably the bahamas, but you know any beach would’ve worked for us. 
"and we were gonna have this huge reception and have our friends give sappy speeches talking about how we've been friends forever and despite the “no pogue on pogue macking” rule we still ended up together and got married." i added.
"and our honeymoon was gonna be in mykonos. we were gonna get a suite with a pool and relax all day and then turn up at night at the clubs there." he said as we both laughed.
"wow. we had a lot of plans when we were younger."
"we really did, but i guess none of them really worked out huh?"
"i guess not"
we sat in silence for a moment thoughts both roaming our minds about how we ended up here. best friends since we were little, spent all our time together, always acted like a couple, and yet here we are sitting in this room minutes before he gets married to a girl who isn't me, a kook nonetheless. it's now or never. do i let him know how i feel and finally have this weight lifted off my shoulders or just keep it to myself and let them be happy?
"uh, j? i- um, wrote this letter for you" i say as i take an envelope out of my purse, "it was the original speech that i wanted to tell you at the reception later but felt as though it wouldn't have been right to say, so i just wrote it for you to see. just, don't open it in front of shay, please."
"why can't you just tell me what's in the letter in your speech later?"
"because i would be a shit person if i say what's in that letter at your wedding reception in front of everyone."
"what's in the letter that's so bad?" he asked confusingly
"j-just read it when you're alone, okay?"
"no. just tell me now what's in the letter."
"jj, i-i can't."
"yes you can. what's so bad that you can't tell me now?"
"i don't want to overstep my boundaries or ruin anything or make anything awkward, so just read it later when you're alone."
"no, y/n. tell me right now."
"jj, your wedding starts in a few minutes you need to finish getting ready. we don't have time for this."
"yes we do. i always have time for you."
"no. i'm not leaving this room until you tell me."
"j, don't be difficult."
"i'm not being difficult just read me the letter and this will all be done with"
i sighed, "oh my god fine. i'll read you the damn thing." i take a deep breath and begin to read the letter that might just change everything between us.
"dear jj, i'm not sure when exactly you'll be reading this, but i know when you do you'll be happily married to shay. so, congratulations best friend you're finally someone's husband. i honestly never thought this day would come; you were never one for relationships. always thought it was too much work to handle and you already had enough shit to deal with in your life. remember when we were little we made a promise that if neither of us were in a relationship by the time we were 30 we would get married. as silly as it was i always thought that would happen. that we would be the ones getting married and have our best friends write a speech for us. i'd always imagine kie writing mine and john b and pope would write yours, mainly pope though because we all know he’s way better with words than any of us ever were. but i never once in a million years would think i would be writing one for you and another girl. we've been through so many ups and downs and we still stuck together through it all. you're my best friend and i love you. words can't even describe how much i love you. jj, you've brought me so much happiness and never fail to put a smile on my face. even during my worst times you were always there to pick up the pieces and make me laugh. i never thought i would have someone in my life who means so much to me as much as you do. being around you immediately makes my day a hundred times better and i don't know what i would do without you in my life. my life would've probably been extremely boring and plain without you and your crazy adventures. your smile can make anyone's day better and you always make sure everyone else is happy even before yourself. and that's one of the many reasons why i'm in love with you. yes, i'm in love with you and have been for a while. this is more than a just as friends thing. i'm completely and utterly in love with you and that's never gonna change. and i know it took you a while to believe that someone could truly love and care for you, but i always have and always will. you so deserve so much than life has given you and i hope you know how amazing you really are. i’ve become such a better person because of you and you make me so incredibly happy. i'll never be able to repay you for everything you've done for me. i love you so much. i hope you're happy in your marriage and she treats you right, which i know she does. all i ever wanted was for you to be happy even if it wasn't with me. even though i just dropped this huge bomb on you, please don't let this affect our friendship. i will always be here for you no matter what. i love you, jj maybank."
there was complete silence. jj just sat there staring at the wall not saying a word.
"see this is exactly why i didn't want to tell you in person because i knew this would happen. i-"
"you love me?"
"yes, j i do."
"like actually love me?"
i sighed, "yes and i have for a while as i said in the letter"
"w-why didn't you tell me?"
"i don't know i was always so scared to and i thought you would never really find someone, so i had nothing to lose by not telling you. and then you started dating shay and i could tell you were really happy with her and by the time i realized you two were serious it was too late. i didn't want to step in and ruin anything or lose our friendship."
"you wouldn't have."
"you wouldn't have ruined our friendship because i felt the same way. i still feel the same way." jj admitted
"you, what?"
"i love you y/n and as more than just friends. i have since freshmen year of high school when i first told you about my dad and you cleaned up all my cuts and held me in your arms all night. but i was just always too scared to say anything because i thought you were out of my league and i never really deserved you. the only reason i was with all those girls was to forget about you and get rid of my feelings for you, but they never did go away."
"i guess we're both stupid then. we always had these feelings for each other and just never said it."
"i guess so."
"so, what does this mean for us?"
"what do you mean?" jj asked
"i mean this obviously changes things, so what are we gonna do?"
"i don't see why things have to change. yeah we admitted we have these feelings, but that doesn't change anything."
"you're getting married, jj. in like twenty minutes there's gonna be another girl waiting at the end of that aisle for you to go there and give yourself completely to her. and i don't want to stand in the way of giving you and her that happiness you both deserve. me still being here is gonna change things because things are different now whether you want to believe it or not. these feelings are out there and they're still relevant. and i'm not gonna sit here and watch you two be happy and in love and be on the sidelines and feel like shit. i don't deserve that. i don't deserve to have my heart broken seeing you together knowing you have feelings for me and yet i can't do a damn thing about it. and it's not fair to her either to have another woman who you have feelings for sit there and get in the way of her happiness. i'm not gonna ruin this for her, jj. i won't. shay has been nothing but sweet to me and i'm not gonna do that to her. she doesn't deserve it and neither do i."
"so what do you want me to do then?"
"i want you to let me go."
"what? y/n, i love you. you can't tell me to do that"
"let me go, jj. as long as you sit here and tell me that you love me and have feelings for me, this will never end. and we will be going around in circles and i've been stepping on eggshells long enough for you and i'm done. you love her and she loves you, so be happy with her."
"but i love you too y/n and that's never gonna stop." he says with tears in his eyes.
"i know and i will always love you too, but i can't keep doing this. i can't watch you be with her and not be able to do anything. i can't be able to be alone with you knowing how you feel and not do anything to you. you don't know how badly i've just been wanting to kiss you after hearing you say those words to me. you don't know how bad i want this, but jj i can't do this" i say tears running down my face.
"i'll end it then. i'll cancel the wedding and we can be together."
"no. no, jj you can't do that. i'm not gonna ruin this. you've been with her for six years already, you've created this beautiful relationship and commitment to each other and i'm not just gonna ruin that. she's doesn't deserve that. you just need to let me go, jj. let me get over you because the more i'm around you the more the feelings grow. just let me find happiness within someone else.”
"so what? we're just gonna end our friendship? our years and years of friendship is over just like that? i don't want to lose you. if i cant have you in that way, even though i want to so badly, i still want you in my life as a friend."
"but i can't jj. i can't be around you. please, just let me go. let me get over you and find someone else. maybe one day if it's meant to be we'll find our way back to each other and maybe things can work out differently but for now just let me go." i say as my voice breaks
he sighed, "fine, i'll let you go, but only if you do one thing for me."
"what is it?"
"kiss me."
"kiss me. i've been waiting years to tell you how i feel about you and finally be able to hold you and kiss you, so please just let me do it."
"jj, i don't know" i say hesitantly
"shay never has to know about this and once we kiss it's over. i'll let you go."
"if i kiss you, you'll let me go?"
i sighed looking at jj. i actually got a good look of him right now in this moment. he looks so broken. dried tears streamed down his face, his eyes are puffy, and nose is red, but yet he still looks beautiful. no words can describe how jj looks. "cute" or "hot" never did this man justice. he was beautiful both inside and out and that's why i fell in love with him years ago. and as i started to lean it looking in his eyes all the memories we've made together came flashing through my mind all at once. this is really it. after this i'm actually leaving my best friend, who's the love of my life, to move on with my life.
moments later i felt his soft pink lips mold against mine. our lips moved in sync in such a way i have never felt with anyone else before. there was something about the way his lips moved against mine in such a passionate and loving way that i've never felt before. my stomach was immediately filled with butterflies and my mind went blank. all i could do was be in this moment with him. a few moments later it ended leaving both of us breathless. we stared at each other in awe not knowing a simple goodbye kiss would make us feel this way.
"wow. i've been waiting for this kiss for so long and i never knew it would feel like that." jj said
"neither did i.”
as much as i didn't want to, i knew what had to be done next. i stood up grabbing my bag and walked towards the door.
"so this is really it? you're just leaving now. after what we just felt in that kiss you're still gonna leave?" jj asked
"you know i have to."
"no, you don't have to. you want to, there's a difference. but it’s fine you’re just gonna leave just everyone else does, huh?”
don't turn back now. i know what he’s trying to do. he knows how the last thing i ever wanted to do was leave him like countless of other people in his life have done. but don’t let his words get to you. don't turn back now. the decision is already made. if i go back now i'll never leave and end up in the same cycle again.
i turn around one last time to look at my best friend, "i'm sorry. goodbye, jj."
that was the last time i saw jj.
after that i left the venue without saying anything to anyone. i got a ton of calls from kie, pope, and john b asking me where i was. i know they all eventually found out how i felt about him, which sometimes makes me wonder how he never knew, but then again i'm pretty sure they knew he had feelings for me too and i still never noticed. it's crazy how that happens. you could spend every moment of every day with someone and still be so oblivious to how they really feel about you. i guess i was just so caught up in my feelings for him i never noticed all the signs he showed of liking me back.
they always say what’s meant to be will be no matter how long it takes whether it's a day, a month, or a year. well i never really believed in that until now. years later after i walked out of that room, now stood face to face with the guy who was and still is my everything.
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maybe because we all collectively agree that even if weird such things are possible. do tell more though i actually haven't stopped thinking about that post about you having connection with those ghost kids. its astonishing
So I believe that, as a toddler, I somehow was able to access them astrally and they made themselves known to me. I'm not sure if these were dreams or hallucinations or what they were, but i have a clear memory of Sylvia rescuing my doll from shadow monsters that were trying to lure me out of my crib.
I remember I would often see Alexei sleeping on the floor next to my bed. He would tell me Russian fairy tales telepathically that I would not have normally been exposed to as a western child but remembered almost perfectly when I took a class on Russian Folklore. I remember that he did not speak it in english but I also don't think he was speaking russian I think it was some spirit-language. I was able to point him out in documentaries and knew he was a non-threatening force. We talked about death, he was very morbid and bitter over how his life had ended when he thought he would one day be Czar. He felt cheated and explained to me that one day when I was older I would know what it was like to really feel cheated, too. He also made comments about how "the jewels made his death worse" and warned me not to get attached to material things. When the movie Anastasia came out, I excitedly pointed him out in the two very short scenes he appears in (I was either 2 or 3). I don't remember exactly when he stopped appearing to me in a semi-physical form but it was probably close to when I was 5 because that is when we moved to the new house and I don't remember seeing him there.
Sylvia was very maternal and appeared to me while I was in the care of my neglectful father late at night. She would tell me to go to sleep when I was exhausted but still too afraid to fall asleep without having an adult put me to bed and check for monsters. I would see her right as I was falling asleep in the corner or couch or dog's bed, she was a comforting presence. She appeared to me once when I was being abused by a doctor and tried to talk me through it. I only saw her as a very small child but I remember seeing her scar and asking my mother what a prostitute was (Sylvia read it to me but was too shy to explain it) and I remember excitedly telling her that my mom said Jesus favored the prostitutes and that it wasn't a bad thing it just meant an unfortunate woman. I don't know what else would have prompted me to ask my mother what a prostitute was when I was still in my car seat. I remember her being present but not physically present during my sexual abuse as a toddler (I sort of remember her voice going "oh, so this is when it happens to you" and i didn't even know what "it" was). She was uneasy in our apartment because it was a finished basement and told me that she died in a basement and other kids killed her but not any more detail than that, she didn't like to to talk about it but was very protective of me. As a teenager she became part of my "ana-voice" encouraging me not to eat and telling me all the bad things that would happen if I looked greedy or overate and she was with me while I blacked out from purging.
These aren't the only supernatural experiences I've had, all of them took place before I turned 5 (and one incident when I was 16) I had heard the term "Imaginary friend" so I assumed that was just what they were I didn't realize that most other kids don't recall physically seeing their imaginary friends and found their true stories in my teens and found out they were real people and studied them and they were reported to be a lot like I remembered and told me details that I never would have know about their lives/deaths that were confirmed in my research. I also used to see shadow monsters in my crib as an infant that a being that I believe to be Sylvia chased them away.
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rixxy8173571m3w1p3 · 4 years
A Helping Hand
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a/n: It’s been a while since I’ve posted a fic. Ive been working on my health considering how much stress I was under at my old job, but I’m doing much better now. Anyway, I hope you guys will enjoy this.
This fic is set before Zeta 7 and the reader were dating, and when they were still friends. Set during and before the beginning of The Fluffy Adventures With Your Boyfriend Doofus Rick series.
In this fic the reader only wants to help.
It was almost time for you to eat again. At times it almost seemed to be more of a chore than a necessity to have a meal or to follow the routine of it, but hunger had led you here. And although there were many other things you might've preferred to do, this was what had to be done at the moment. Anticipatory feelings were lacking as you opened up the fridge; had it been conveniently full of delicious food which didn't need to be put together, and could simply be warmed up, that would have been great, but that was wishful thinking. Of course, you hadn't gone food shopping yet, so your old fridge was bare; eating out was an option, but you already did that for lunch and it didn't feel worth getting properly dressed for.
It had been while you were thinking of a creative way to use elbow pasta and ketchup when a song played through the tiny speakers of your phone; it was a phone call and you didn't have to hesitate to answer; it was from your favorite person; from Rick. You tried not to get too excited whenever he would call, but you couldn't help yourself; hearing his voice alone could make you happy. Pressing the green answer button on your touch screen, you smiled despite his inability to see it. “Hello Rick. How are you?”
“He-hello? I'm um - I'm fine. I hope this - is this a-a good time?”
His usual soft, cheerful voice seemed reluctant, almost shy tonight. You always thought he sounded sweeter over the phone, and it just made you want to tease him a little. Leaning against your kitchen counter, you could not help but laugh. “A good time? It is now. So, what’s up? Other than the ceiling. ”
He chuckled at that and you were relieved he couldn't see you at this moment, for the warmth in your cheeks would take a couple of minutes to recover from. “Gosh," he started, "I-I-I-I-I was just wondering if y-you would like to come over. It’s almost time for dinner and I um - I finished cooking, but…”
“You cooked too much again?”
"You're going to go through all your groceries that way."
"I-I couldn't help it." he confessed. "This recipe called f-for a certain amount of ingredients, but then a-again I guess it's f-for multiple servings."
You heard him sigh, and the thought of his frowning face came to mind. So, this was simply to invite you to dinner: it didn't matter what he might've called you for; the answer was almost always yes. As of late, Rick had been cooking more than one person could eat at a time; you always did think it was odd that he'd cook in abundance, especially since he lived alone, but he'd blame it on old habits. However, it made you wonder if he was looking for reasons not to eat alone; not that you minded. Interrupting the silence, you commented. “Well, I guess I'll have to help you make it disappear then."
"Huh?" he brightened, "Is that a-a yes?"
"What do you think it means? Yes, that's a yes. Goodness," you giggled. "I'll see you soon.”
You hung up and rushed back upstairs to change. What a silly man you thought. Such a silly…but adorable man, who had so much room for kindness and doubt.
It was lovely to see him, and to listen to what he'd call gossip but was only the latest development of the pigeons which had made a nest in one of his fruit trees. "Y-you gotta see how they've made their nest. Boy, it's - it's fascinating how they used s-some old magazine clippings and hair ties."
Touching his hand lightly, you wondered. "Do you have any pics of them that you can show me?"
With raised brow, he started. “Sh-sh-show you?"
"Yeah," You leaned forward a little, and smiled. "I want to see what you've been telling me about."
Without hesitation, he searched his labcoat pockets and retrieved his phone; scrolling through his gallery until he came across said pictures. "I-I-I-I took these a couple of - of days ago."
Your fingers lightly brushed his palm as you grabbed his phone to glance through the pictures; he had a good eye for angles and lighting, and from the looks of it, the pigeons seemed to be relaxed so he might've fed them first; how nice. "They're so cute. I can’t get over how fluffy they look."
Replacing the phone into his palm, he visibly tensed; your fingers had brushed his palm again. Now, the urge to allow your hand to linger there was strong and the thought of lacing your fingers with his had been tempting, but you did neither. You quickly withdrew, with a new sense of embarrassment over such thoughts. He wouldn't understand how you felt, because he didn't see you that way.
“How do y-y-you like them?”
Hiding behind your water glass, you answered. “Way more than I thought I would.”
Rick was still eating, but not with the same vigor from earlier. You wondered if you had insulted him or something; he had been avoiding direct eye contact for a while. You were no reader of minds, so there was no telling of the feelings inside; of those senses which couldn't be touched. "Rick, is something wrong? Have I….. have I overstayed my welcome and you don't know how to tell me? Is...is that why you won't look at me?"
"N-no, that's not it."
"Then, did I hurt your feelings? I hope not."
He sagged a little in his seat, and he didn't answer, but he shook his head no. You thought back to earlier, and how you had looked at the pictures he took and called them cute, but other than that, you didn't say anything problematic. Was it because you asked? Maybe it wasn't.
It was easy to hurt his feelings being as sensitive as he was, and although it might've been against your better judgment, you reached out and touched the back of his hand. "Please talk to me. I don't know what I did, but I'm so sorry. I don't want you to be upset at me."
With widened eyes, he's gazed at your hand, then back towards you. "No, that’s not th-the problem."
"Then why are you so quiet all of a sudden? It isn't like you."
"It's because I…I'm s-s-sorry I talk so much."
"What do you mean? Where is this coming from?"
"It appeared as though y-you were getting tired of all my talking.” He started in an almost accusatory manner but must've realized how it sounded and continued with more calmness. “Gee, I-I didn't want to sour the evening, s-s-so I thought I should just sh-shut up."
"But I don't want you to do that. I love all your talking."
His surprise at this pained you. How could he think that you'd tire of it and him? Maybe when you were thinking, he mistook it as disinterest. How could you show him you cared? You did what only seemed natural and squeezed his hand but he stiffened.
You realized that when he didn't answer right away, that the napkin he had been using had been dropped and was now on the floor; a faint blush dusting his cheeks and the tops of his ears. You didn't think that it'd be such a big deal to randomly touch him, but you thought it was sweet that he'd get flustered like that; if he wasn't so shy at times, you'd think there was more to it; if only there was. "It's fun hearing you talk.” You confessed. “I feel as though I have so much I can learn from you. So feel free to talk to me."
The relief that washed over him was palpable and he smiled warmly at this. It made your heart swell, and you withdrew your hand although it appeared that he wouldn't have minded. Still, you didn't want to upset him again with misunderstandings. "Y-you're a really nice person. It's - I'm glad t-to know someone like you."
You were glad too.
"Anyway, it's interesting how they can take one man's trash and turn it into a home, but what could they do if given better materials?"
Taking a drink of water, he managed to recover a little. "I-I bet they could make a-a work of art if given the right materials. Wh-why do you ask?"
"I just wanted to know what you were thinking in that brain of yours. Must be interesting, especially with all the things you can come up with."
Yes, you did find the topic of pigeons fascinating but not as much as you found that toothy grin of his inviting. Having finished eating, you listened happily to his delightful little tales and knowings; watching as he'd start eating but then forget his food when he was at the peak of his explanation. He always did seem more cheerful when you were over and had so much to tell you when you were here, but you attributed that to the fact that he didn't have many friends. Though, you didn't mind his need for conversation; rather you enjoyed how random and easy it was to talk with him; his sweetness enriched your soul whenever he was especially happy and attentive in conversation. Handing him a new napkin, you teased. "I'm surprised you haven't made a mini-mansion type birdhouse for them out of whatever spare wood you have in the garage. Unless you already have. I bet it'd be all tricked out with a little warm birdbath and a small mirror so they can check themselves out, fluff their feathers and such."
"Gosh," he sighed, waving his fork a little as he ruminated on his thoughts before the beginnings of a boyish smile appeared on his lips. "did I already tell y-you about that?"
"No," you giggled; happy that your assumptions weren't farfetched. "but I took a wild guess."
He was that kind of guy after all; soft-hearted and fond of the living things around him; it was one of the many qualities that endeared him to you. You wished you could've taken part in its construction. "If you had told me sooner," you mentioned. "I would have helped. I could've helped painting it or something."
"Gosh, I thought y-you had other things to do so I…it wasn't a-a big deal. It was simply an um - an old man's hobby."
"It's just….it sounded like fun. I know it might not mean much saying this, but I would've enjoyed spending that time with you. Working side by side and discussing little details about it. I would…. You see, I love spending time with you."
It was only after you had said all that, in which you realized how easy it would've been to misconstrued. Sitting there, you resisted the urge to bury your face in your hands; wondering what was with you these days. Since when was it okay to get bold and be frank like that? Every so often, when you did say such things, you saw, for fractions of moments, confusion and more….as though he ought to say something; there were no tears and there never was, but you thought he seemed hurt; glassy-eyed and lost. Studying you, he opened his mouth to speak but closed it again; preferring to examine his napkin and tableware then to continue that thought.
He did this often, especially when you surprised him; for better or worse. Perhaps he didn't want to appear foolish, but whatever he could've said was interrupted by your sudden movement. You reached over for his empty dish and went over to the sink to begin on the dishes. However, he jumped up and insisted that you needn't help to clean, snapping out of whatever mood which might've overcome him a moment ago. You thought it was the least you could do; if you had been a decent cook you would've offered a meal in return, but it wasn't likely that it was going to happen. "Rick, you cooked so I might as well help you clean."
"Gosh, y-you don't have to do that. I was the one that invited you over. As th-the host, it's my responsibility."
"That may be true," you reasoned, feeling responsible for him in some way. "but you're always doing stuff for me, so I thought I'd stay and help for a bit."
"Huh? Wh-what?"
"Yeah. I mean what good are friends if you can't put them to work every so often? Besides," you quieted a bit as you scrubbed away at the baking pan. "I want to help you."
It's not like you were using this as an excuse to stay a little longer now. Right? Well, just a little. It was still early and you didn't want to go home yet. Grabbing a kitchen towel, he chuckled lightly. "Well, I-I guess I'll help y-you dry."
Standing beside you, his warmth radiated off him, and from this close, you could smell spices, a hint of vanilla, and motor oil? Perhaps it was the scent of his house, but it was comforting. Good thing you had the excuse of concentrating on scrubbing because otherwise, it would've been obvious on how affected you were by him.
After you finished wiping down the counters, you checked the time and thought you'd be better off heading on home. Grabbing your keys you were ready to say goodbye, but he followed you to the door. "Are y-y-you going?"
Without facing him, you nodded. "I am."
"Then I'll walk y-you home."
In the past, you had told him that it wasn't necessary since you lived so close, but you came to enjoy those small moments of kindness; of his sincere care for your well-being that made the world a slightly easier place to live. The walk didn't take long since you only lived a few doors down, but it was lovely nonetheless. "Thank you for the food. It was really good."
Scratching the back of his neck, he answered. "I-I hoped you would. I um - I enjoyed y-your company."
"Me too."
You played with your keys a little, wondering why you should be so nervous. It's not like you two were dating; it's not like he'd even consider the possibility, but it was moments like this that made you hope and contemplate if you should just tell him. It was always on tip of your tongue; the words which begged to be said, but you weren't feeling brave yet. You needed more time; just enough to be ready for a change. There was no rush, but logic and feelings didn't coincide. "Rick," you started, unsure of what you were doing. "can I um….can I ask you something?"
"Y-yes! Of c-course. What's on y-your mind?"
Think of something you thought. "You'd tell me if you needed help, wouldn't you? I'm not talking about what we did this evening, but stuff that….like if you need help with your chores or something. I know you get busy sometimes and I'd hate it if you weren't all caught up on the latest news about your pigeons or if there were dishes that needed washing."
"Gosh, I-I thought I was doing f-fine with all that," he confessed. "but it - I'll be sure t-to let you know."
"Good, that's...that's good because I'm always happy to help you."
Gathering whatever foolishness which laid at the pit of your stomach and daydreams, you rested a hand on his arm and smiled up at him. "Rick, I'd do almost about anything for you….that is…if that's….. that is what friends are for, right? At least that's what I think."
Though, was that what you thought? Wasn't this just a roundabout way of saying you wanted to be around him more? Oh, if only he could understand. You knew it wasn't right to mislead him, but he never reacted the way you thought he should.
Glancing down at where your hand still laid, a wistful, almost sad quality passed across his stormy eyes before continuing. "Boy, th-that's thoughtful," he began, though as easily as a summer sky could change so did his words. "but I-I wouldn't want t-to bother you or take up your time with anything like that."
"That's the thing, it wouldn't be a bother at all."
This is where you thought you'd messed up, but you couldn't seem to keep quiet when he was involved. It felt as though you were trying to monopolize your way into spending more time with him; as though you were desperate to get him to be around you. "I mean, as a writer, I can just do my job whenever. So, you don't have to hesitate."
That familiar flit of sadness passed over his eyes again and you thought that maybe he pitied you because all you had in the world was yourself and a house you simply inherited. You didn't want to tell him you were lonely, because if you did, you didn't want him to think that it was the only reason you spent time with him; it'd break your heart if you hurt this sensitive creature, but you couldn't help yourself; it was your selfishness talking. True, you were making this more complicated than it had to be, but you didn't know how to fix that yet. "I just…I don't mind being around you more and hanging out. That's all."
Although, it might've not been as complicated after all for it didn't take much for him to lift up your moods. All he had to do was smile, and to pull you into his arms for a big hug. Did he know?
Squeezing you a fraction tighter, he confessed. "Gee, it's - I-I appreciate your worrying a-about me," he started, his soft, warm voice brushing past your ear and giving you goosebumps. "but I can't - can't help but wonder why y-you look as though you could use a friend right now. Are you al-alright? Did y-you want t-t-to talk about it?"
Your fingers dug into the worn fabric of his sweater and you wanted to cry because he was so devastatingly kind, and you knew in that one moment it didn't matter how long you held on to him; he'd let you hold him for as long as you needed because he was great at empathizing. Little did he know it unraveled your heart every time. "You're right Rick, I do need a friend. I…I need...."
You; the word which refused to leave your mouth. His assumption filled in the blank. "You probably miss your dad on nights like this huh? It's hard t-to go home to an empty house."
That was partly true. "Mhm."
Rubbing your back, he sighed. "Th-there there. Everything is going t-t-to be alright."
Is it? Would it be alright? No, he didn't know or if he did, he ignored it. Though, like this, you could almost believe there was more to this relationship than… then being good friends.
With your face hidden in the softness of his sweater, held so sure and firm, with such strength that seemed unnatural for one his age, he was as you thought of him; as a man you held in the highest regard, beyond reason or doubt that you could love if…if it was appropriate. Why couldn't he stay that friend that you needed and why did you wish for more than this? Was this to be your punishment? To adore someone who made you happy but couldn't be more than society should allow?
"Will I be alright?" you confessed more to yourself than to him.
Squeezing you a fraction tighter, you felt him nod. "Y-you're young, so y-you will be."
That's right, you were young; too young for him. While you had been ready to beat yourself up for it, he continued in a voice that was above a whisper. "I'd like t-t-to help you if I can but only if y-you want me to. Is that o-okay? Do you want me t-to?"
You wanted so much, but more than anything you wanted what he was willing to give. Rubbing his back in a similar, soothing motion, you softened. "Please do."
Another sigh escaped him, but he continued to rub your back; the warmth of his hands and sounds of his breathing making you a little sleepy. You hadn't been checking the time, but you were sure that it had been a while. What you hadn't been sure of was what the neighbors were going to think if they saw you two in such a warm embrace at this time of the evening or anytime for that matter; you didn't care because this felt right. It was as though you could melt into him with how comforting it was. Who knows how long you must've held onto him, but eventually you heard him say softly, albeit oddly disappointed. "It's getting late and I-I should let you go. It's…and you…but y-you can always call me if you - if you can't sleep."
Glancing up at him, you wondered why it ever had to end. However, with reluctance, you pulled away, but only enough so that you could hold him a little longer. "You're right. I…I should go to bed. Thank you for the lovely evening, my wonderful… my friend."
And with that, you released your hold on him. However, if you hadn't known any better, the look he gave you was softer than his usual ones. Was…no…it must've been nothing. A trick of the dim porch light. Half hidden by the dark, he confessed. "Thank you f-for being my - for being my friend. It makes me happy t-to have you around. I'll um - I'll be sure t-to make myself more available to you if you need me."
Your heart ached with half affection, half guilt. You really were asking for so much you didn't deserve. "Oh Rick, I'd appreciate that."
For a quick second, you saw him stretch out his hand but just as quickly let it fall back to his side. Then, he stepped back and reminded you. "Don't forget t-to lock the door."
"I won't."
You opened your front door, and smiled up at him from your doorway, trying to channel all that you felt in a single word; knowing that was all you could do for now. "Goodnight."
Softening, he turned away quickly, mostly hidden in the darkness, and waved. "D-don't let th-the bed bugs bite."
Closing the door behind you, you barely made it to the couch before you began to cry. What were you thinking? Playing around with a lonely man's feelings and possibly confusing him. Could you ever get over him? Would your heart let you?
Wrapping your arms around yourself, you thought back to only minutes ago when you were secure in his arms, and you felt as though you belonged to him. And how your blouse smelled like him now or that his care for you was almost enough. Though, were his actions like that of a parent? You could only wonder. Though, if you couldn't get over him, couldn't you help change his mind?
When you had calmed a little and had time to change and get a drink of water, you found that you still weren't sleepy. It was late but before you could give it much forethought, you dialed his number and he picked up right away. "C-can't sleep?"
"Me either. I um - I was thinking a-about what you said about th-the birdhouse. While it is built, and I'd painted it, I would be happy t-t-to have you over when you're available and help me make it pretty. Gosh, it's - it's only if you want to."
"That would be lovely. Too bad it's late because I would've come over now if you'd asked."
"Y-you see, that wouldn't um - tomorrow would be better."
"What's the matter? A little sleepover never hurt anybody." You teased.
Right away you heard a clatter and then a crack. Did he drop his phone?
"Rick? Are you okay?"
"Yes, I-I-I-I just - my phone had fallen."
"I see. Sorry for the bad joke."
“It's o-okay. Just surprised me is -is all.”
A chair scraped the floor, and you heard the click of either a pen or a small appliance. "I-I don't think I'll be able to sleep t-tonight but I won't keep you up with m-my thoughts. It'd get kind of boring for you."
"I mean, I am tired, but I don't mind listening to you for a while. Could you just talk? It can be about anything."
He sighed into the phone, and you heard paper. Perhaps he was flipping through a book. “I-I was thinking of reading, but my eyes are a-a bit tired.”
“When you do read, do you only read nonfiction?”
“I-I like to read a little bit of everything.”
“You do? Well, how convenient. I happen to have a bunch of books and if you'd ever like to borrow any of them, you're free to do so.”
“Boy, I'll have to take a-a look the next time I’m over. Hey, um - I do have a-a story you might enjoy. It has t-t-to do with how I came to have jasmine in my backyard. Would you like t-to hear it?”
Grabbing a pillow, you nodded. “Yes, I really would. Though, tell it slowly so that I don't miss a thing.”
With a chuckle, he began to explain, and you placed the phone beside you; careful as to not drop it as his sing-song voice twisted and curled about you in your lonely room.
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spencers-dria · 3 years
Slaying Dragons
Someone To Stay Ch. 18
Spencer x fem reader
I start to gather my things as I finish up the last bit of paperwork piled on the corner of my desk. With a wave and a quick round of goodbyes, I make my way to the elevator.
Thirty minutes later I am standing outside of Y/N's door. I know we are dating now, but she still makes me nervous. I figured I would surprise her by stopping by after work.
After three swift knocks I hear a muffled reply. "It's open."
I step in to see Y/N curled up on the couch in a blanket, her eyes are bloodshot and her face is red and tear-stained. I quickly drop my bag and rush to kneel in front of her.
I reach up to move her hair out of her face as she looks up, her eyes finally meeting mine. "What's wrong?  What happened? Are you okay?"
I feel a slight panic as my mind runs through every possible scenario. She just manages to motion towards the television screen in front of her. I turn glance over my shoulder to see one of her favorite medical dramas is playing.
"Y/N, it's okay. It's just a show remember? It will be alright."
I rub my hand across her knee in an attempt to sooth her. I am settled by the fact that nothing is seriously wrong, but I know she still needs comfort.
She shakes her head and looks at me again. I have seen her cry during some of our movie nights. This is different. I can see it in her eyes. She's truly hurting. I move up onto the couch, sitting next to her and completely enveloping her in my embrace, leaving a kiss on top of her head.
I whisper softly "What's wrong sweet girl?"
"It's not just a show. Their patient who was dying, they couldn't do anything to stop it. Sometimes neither can we...Sometimes I feel so helpless. I watch family members breakdown. I see patients who don't even understand what's happening to them. There is so much hurt and pain and death."
I feel my heart sink in my chest. I am all too familiar with the feeling. She knows all too well the feeling of what I go through at work. I'm not sure if I ever stopped to consider that before. We both see death and loss. Neither of us have complete control, both of us do out best to save lives, to make a difference. Sometimes there's nothing we can do. Knowing all this to be true, I know there is nothing I can say to convince her she is wrong, because she isn't. So instead I continue to comfort her the best I can.
I rub her back as I rock her back and forth, in attempt to slow her breathing and calm her down. After awhile of being held, she takes a deep breath before leaning back to wipe her eyes.
"Thank you, so much Spencer. I don't deserve you. I'm sorry you had to see me like this. It's just been a rough week at work."
I reach out to hold her face, bringing her gaze back to me.
"Don't ever apologize for your feelings. You've already helped me through several breakdowns. And with my job I can guarantee there will plenty more. We may never be able to completely take away the pain of others, but we have to appreciate the people that we can help and the things we can do to make a difference. I know how much you care about your patients. They are so lucky to have you caring for them."
As I try to comfort her with my words I wipe away the last few tears. I'm rewarded with her warm smile shining back at me.
"What do you say tonight we watch a movie, your choice, and then tomorrow we can go shop for those Halloween costumes you talked about?"
Her eyes lit up as she quickly nodded. We spend the rest of the evening cuddled up on the couch watching our way through several cheesy Halloween movies.
I return the next morning, sending a quick text to let her know I am on my way. Before I can get out of the car to head to her apartment, she's bolting down the stairs, ready to go. She plops down in the passenger seat, a huge grin spread across her face.
"Someone's excited for today?" I chuckle at her enthusiasm.
I look over to the passenger seat to see her in an oversized Halloween sweatshirt and denim shorts. She has mismatched socks on under her converse. One is purple with dogs in costumes, the other grey with black cats and pumpkins. Her hair is hung in loose messy waves, my favorite.
She leans over to kiss my cheek before answering. "Considering you and Halloween are my two favorite things, can you really be surprised?"
I feel my face warming at the compliment. I'm not used to such open comments about her affection towards me, and I don't think I will ever grow tired of it.
I reach her phone and plug it in as she gives me a questioning look. It only takes 2 second of the song before she recognizes it. She gives me shoulder a playful shove.
"You actually went and listened to them?"
"Yeah of course! I like learning more about what you like. This song was my favorite of their's, by the way."
She brings her hand over her heart and wipes away an imaginary tear with the other. "I'm so proud."
I shake my head letting out a small laugh before shifting the car into drive. For a few moments I almost forget how completely tone deaf I am, singing along with the lyrics.
When you were younnnggg
I quickly remember how awful I sound when I try to sing, glancing over to Y/N to see if she happened to hear me over the music. She's staring at me, but she's not laughing. She is looking at me as though I'm her favorite person in the entire world. Filled with a confidence I have rarely ever felt, I continue singing as she joins in and we belt it at the top of our lungs.
We pull up to the thrift store make our way to the formal section to look for what we need. During our movie selections we had finally settled on which of her ideas would be best. I finally found some pinstriped suit pants and a suit jacket a bit older fashioned than anything I already owned.
I glance up to see Y/N coming out of the dressing room in a beautiful wedding gown. From her waves falling onto her bare shoulders, to the way the corset top fit her, and the lace that trailed down the dress, she was beautiful. She does a quick twirl, allowing the skirt to flow around her like waves.
"You like it?"
All I can manage was a nervous nod. Can she see the effect it has on me? How nervous she makes me? I sure hope not.
"Look at us, wedding dress shopping and you haven't even gotten down on one knee." She jabs me in the side as she laughs.
Surprisingly this makes me relax a bit, although I'm not sure if it's the joke or the musical sound of her laughter.
After we stop at a couple more stores to pick up more items for our costumes along with makeup and temporary hair color, we make our way to her apartment. She was used to doing crafty things, so she has plenty of supplies ready to go. We took out the dress and I help her to effectively ruin it in just the way we needed. I have to admit, it was a bit fun to mess something up for once. Keeping things so put together all the time can be...exhausting.
The evening couldn't last long enough as eventually we say our goodbyes and I headed home. As I lie in bed and try to fall asleep, snap shots of the day play through my mind. Every day with her feels like a fairy tale romance. I usually fall asleep after hours of insomnia just from exhaustion alone, but tonight I drift off into a deep sleep, full of happy, warm feelings.
We had agreed to spend all of Halloween together. We planned to get ready at her apartment, which has the perfect spooky atmosphere. I love that she decorates so much. It makes me feel so at home in her apartment. After lunch, we start on our costumes, hers requiring several hours to come together. I wait, reading on her couch, until she's done with her shower. Eventually she comes out and asks for help. We cover as much of her face, neck, and arms as we can in a dusty blue color. She begins spraying blue throughout her hair, requiring my assistance in reaching some parts in the back. I try to tell her I don't know what I'm doing, but she insists it doesn't matter as long as it's all blue.
I decide to sit on the side of the tub and watch her finish her makeup. It's fascinating to me. I don't know how she transforms her face so easily. She helps me with mine as well as I sit on a stool in front of the mirror, adding some makeup to make my eyes look sunken and my cheekbones even more prominent. She finishes off with some gel in my hair, using a come to slick it back in the right directions.
"You know I used to gel my hair back for work?"
She looks up to make eye contact in the mirror, still fixing my hair. "Oh really? I always wonder what you used to look like. You don't have any photos with you in them, just your friends and family."
I clear my throat before answering. I'm not quite ready to speak on this topic.
"Yeah I don't...I mean I never really...you know people just always said I look..."
Before I can bring myself to finish, she walks around to face me, lifting my face to look at her.
"I wish you could see yourself the way I see you."
"You are..." she bends down, kissing my right cheek,
"the most handsome..." again on my left cheek,
"man I know" and finally on my lips. The last one lingering for a moment more before she pulls back. I can see in her eyes that she means every word. I don't doubt it for a moment.
"What did I ever do to deserve you?" I whisper, feeling as though all the air has left my lungs.
She returns to her spot behind me, wrapper her arms around me before placing one last kiss on my cheek. "I might ask you the same question." This time she leaves me blushing.
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Once we have made our way into our costumes, we grab a skeleton costume Y/N found for her dog Juneau. It just so happens to work perfectly with out couple's costume. We make our way to her car and she drives us to JJ's house. We had made plan's to take Henry trick-or-treating so that Will and JJ could attend Will's work party.
After a few knocks, the door opens and JJ greets us in a costume I don't recognize.
"Victor and the Corpse Bride! I love it! You guys look amazing. You even have Scraps!" She leans down to pet Juneau.
Y/N does a quick twirl, showing off all of her costume. The lace has been ripped and distressed in all the right places. I have to hand it to her, it looks exactly like the one one in the movie.
"JJ, why are you holding a frying pan?" I ask.
Y/N and JJ share knowing looks before busting into a fit of giggles.
"I'm Rapunzel, and Will is going as Flynn."
"If you're referring to the fairy tale by the Grimm Brothers, I don't recall there being any mention of cookware. And who is Flynn?"
"From the Disney movie Mr. smarty pants." JJ quips.
We all take a moment to laugh before interrupted by Will chasing Henry, trying to get him in the rest of his costume. He eventually makes his way to the door with Henry donned in a orange and green dinosaur costume.
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"Woooaahhh, what a scary dinosaur!"
He lets out a loud giggle, my favorite sound in the world.
"It's me Uncle Spence! It's Henry!"
"Oh my gosh! Henry, you look amazing!" I sweep him up off the ground to bring him in for a hug.
I don't keep his attention for long as he squeals "Puppy!" wriggling to get down and pet Juneau.
He pulls the two of us inside to show us each of his toys while his parents finish getting ready. After everything is set, the four of us set off to make our way around the neighborhood. After we finish, we fix his car seat in Y/N's vehicle before taking Henry to a surprise we had planned.
We pull up to Rossi's house, which he immediately recognizes. After quick greetings with Rossi, we start to make our way around the new neighborhood. Henry's eyes wide with amazement at the large candy bars given to him at every door.
It doesn't take long before Henry wears out, but he is insistent that we all continue.
"Come here little dinosaur" Y/N coos before sweeping him up in her arms. She talks to him about his school, his friends, and whatever else pops into his fast paced toddler mind.
I can't help but admire how great she is with him. I have heard her mention how much she wants to work with children before, but this was my first time witnessing it. It really does to come natural to her, and she seems so happy. She catches me staring a few times and shoots me a sweet smile before returning her attention to Henry, who has not stopped to take a breath for at least five minutes.
Once we get the message that Will and JJ have returned home, we bring Henry back and work to get him from the car seat to his parent's arms without waking him. He passed out about halfway home. We share quick hugs and goodbyes before driving back to Y/N's apartment. I walk back up with her, waiting for her to get Juneau settled.
"If it's not too late, I have a surprise planned."
She bounces on her feet, already eager with anticipation. "Oooo what is it? What is it?"
I pull out a couple tickets for a haunted house and she squeals before embracing me in a hug.
"Yes! Thank you! I love haunted houses! I can't wait!"
I can't help but smile and laugh a bit at her excitement. She has  a child-like wonder at times, in the best of ways.
She does some quick touch ups to her costume and we make our way downstairs, where I offer to drive us. We eventually find ourselves driving down a long dirt road, surrounded by woods and darkness. It certainly sets the tone.
Once we have parked and made our way through the line, I feel her wrap her arm around mine,  pulling me close.
"I thought you loved haunted houses?" I tease.
"I do! That doesn't make them any less scary!"
I chuckle before removing her arm from mine so that I can wrap my arm around her shoulders, pulling her as close to me as possible.
"Don't worry sweet girl, I'll protect you." I lean down to give her a reassuring squeeze and a kiss on top of her head.
This seems to calm her a bit as she smiles, snuggling in to my side as we creep down a long dark hallway.
With the things I have seen and done as an FBI agent and member of the BAU, I don't scare too easily. One thing that does scare me, however, is the dark. And right now we are completely enveloped by it, with no flashlights, no guns, and a certainty that things will be jumping out at us. I get by on reminding myself that nothing here will actually hurt us. Unlike so many of the cases I have been on, I know I will walk out of here in one piece.
I find myself less scared and more focused on making sure Y/N feels safe, rubbing her arm and talking to her after I feel her wince with each jump scare. After awhile, she surprises me by choosing to take the lead. She leaves me side but reaches back to hold my hand. Before I know it, she's making witty remarks back to the characters who try to scare her or follow us for awhile. She doesn't even jump when a girl springs out from the darkness, letting out a blood-curdling scream. Y/N decides to combat this by walking straight up to her and letting out a scream of equal proportions. She turns back to face me and we both end up in a fit of giggles at how ridiculous it was. She never ceases to amaze me.
We eventually make it out the end, and I can feel her heart racing. Now illuminated by the moonlight, I can see the huge grin on her face.
"So you're okay huh?"
Still grinning she answers, "That was perfect! I loved it! Thank you, Spencer. You're my real life knight in shining armor."
I feel silly blushing at such a cheesy comment, but I can't help myself. I know in that moment that I would slay dragons for her.
A/N: sorry this took so long to get out! I hope you still enjoyed it. Comments and questions welcome as always. Thanks for reading!
🖤💀🎃 FairyTales1896
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atinyidea · 5 years
The Ache Of A Broken Heart | Ateez Song Mingi
⟶ requested by @un-kpop-ular! thank you for the request lovely!
⟶ highschool!au, bestfriends!au, female!reader, named!reader, hanahaki!au
⟶ angst prompt: “it hurts”
⟶ 3133 words!
edit: hi so it's been a couple years and I've realised how genuinely arophobic this kind of au is and I just want to say that while I'm not deleting it (it was a request) I'm not supporting it and will not write anything like a hanahaki au again. Please do some research if you're confused and I apologize to those who mightve felt hurt reading this oneshot.
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"I don't understand why you haven't just told him?"
"Well it's not like me telling him will make anything stop. And there's the potential that I'll lose him completely if I tell him. It's not that simple."
"It can be! You tell Mingi you love him and then he can accept that love you back and you stop coughing up fucking flower petals."
"San!" She whined, lifting her head from its resting place on the toilet seat. "I can't force him to love me back! Besides he already has a girlfriend. I'll get over it sooner or later."
"Is later is when you die choking up a whole bunch of flowers?"
"I'm not going to die!"
"You threw up a whole flower just three minutes ago! You're getting worse! I know you." San paused, gently petting her head. "I know how much you let yourself fall into your feelings. You're sensitive, Jiyeon, you always have been. It's not going away."
"I'll make it go away." She whispered, biting her lip and avoiding his gaze. San simply huffed, pulling you into his chest and just held her for a while, rubbing circles into her back.
Choi Jiyeon was many different things to Choi San but the main fact was that she was his cousin. His only cousin. His father was her father's brother and the two only children became as close as siblings due to the fact they shared the same house.
Jiyeon and San were the same age, born a month apart because their mothers planned it. They grew up in a big house with a big garden. They had loving, caring parents and an extremely fortunate wealth and upbringing.
They went to a public school, making plenty of their own friends but somehow they always managed to converge groups to make one big friend group. And, in that friend group just happened to be Song Mingi.
Now, Jiyeon would have to admit, Mingi was, in fact, San's friend first. However, soon after meeting Jiyeon and Mingi were quick to become best friends. Jiyeon would be lying if she didn't say that, besides San, Mingi knew her best. Mingi was the first to tell her everything, the first to include her in events and jokes. He told her everything and in turn, she'd tell him everything too.
Well, except for one small thing.
Choi Jiyeon was completely in love with Song Mingi. And he didn't love her back.
Jiyeon never used to believe in the Hanahaki Disease until the petals started making their way down her throat. She thought it was a myth grandmother would tell to wain children off of loving recklessly. Her own grandmother would tell Jiyeon stories of the girls she used to know. Of how the would give their heart to anyone who'd take it and in return were given flowers. Only when she was a little older did her grandmother tell her that the gifted flowers were actually a curse in the body. Flowers that would come from nowhere and choke one out until one found themselves throwing the petals up. Jiyeon had never taken her grandmother seriously.
Maybe she should have.
She hadn't even noticed she had begun to love Mingi when the first petal arrived. She had been asleep when it did and woke up to a petal laying on her tongue. Having gone to a house party the night before, getting quite drunk by the amount of pain her head was in, she took no notice. She had, unfortunately, woken up with worse things in her mouth before.
The first time she actually threw up a petal, she and San were having their annual weekend movie marathon. In the middle of the fourth film — Star Wars: A New Hope — Jiyeon suddenly hunched over, grabbing both her throat and her tummy. After what felt like hours to her, which in reality was only five minutes of San freaking out behind her, she finally coughed up the petals that had bloomed in her tummy. Both Choi's sat in silence when she had finished, simply staring at the white petals that were stained red. Jiyeon only realised they were stained red with blood after San had handed her a napkin to wipe her mouth and it too came away red.
"What was that?" San asked, both of them now slumped on the floor on their knees, the television in the background now being nothing more than white noise.
"I don't really know."
"How can you not know?"
"Well, it's never happened before!"
After a beat of silence, San spoke up once again, his voice only hairs above a whisper. "It's like that old story grandma used to tell us, don't you think?"
"The story about the women who would die throwing up flowers when the person they loved never loved them back?"
"That was an old wives tale San! A myth! A story to teach children to be mindful of who they give their heart to."
"Well, how else do you explain what just happened to you?"
His question had her stumped. How could she explain what just happened? The feeling of something unnatural climbing up her oesophagus, catching in her throat and choking her until she coughed it out covered in blood was not something that could be explained away or turned a blind eye too. There was blood. Bloody flower petals. That came from inside of her. And it hurt. It hurt so much.
"But that tale was about someone who loved another who couldn't love them back. I'm not in love with anyone, San." She avoided his gaze. "It's probably something I ate that didn't agree with me. That's all." She dismissed.
San sighed and she heard it. He sighed because Jiyeon had never been about to lie to him — or to anyone for that matter.
"Ji..." San trailed off. "You can tell me."
"I don't know what you want me to say."
"Is it one of our friends?"
"Is what one of our friends?" Jiyeon feigned ignorance, still not looking up to match her cousin's gaze.
"The person you love," San whispered, manoeuvring from kneeling to sitting, shifting slightly closer to the girl.
"Who says I love anyone?" Jiyeon whispered, finally turning her head to face San.
"Because I think we both already know who you love." San smiled sadly, gently bringing the girl into his arms. He rocked them back and forth gently, trying to create an atmosphere in which Jiyeon felt safe enough to speak her truths.
She rested her head against her cousin's collar. "Are you mad at me?"
San shook his head, even though she couldn't see him. "No. Why would I be?"
"Because..." She looked up, "Mingi's your best friend."
San chuckled. "You can't even lie to yourself. Mingi's your best friend. Sure, he's my good friend but you know things about him he'd never think to tell me." His smile widened a little, lifting a hand to ruffle her hair.
Jiyeon sighed, closing her eyes. "Okay. Maybe I'm in love with Mingi."
"I don't know!"
"It's not like it matters anyway. He won't love me back that's why I'm throwing up petals or something." Jiyeon's eyes flew back open.
"Grandma always said didn't... not wouldn't or couldn't." San reminded her gently. "There's still a chance. You just have to tell him."
Jiyeon sighed, her head thumping back into his chest. "Fine." She breathed out, her throat finally numbing. "I'll tell him next time I see him."
The conversation the two had the next time Jiyeon saw Mingi however, was not the conversation she had in mind. He had grabbed her in the middle of the hallway, minutes before the bell for the first period, his handsome face graced with the bright grin only Mingi could create. It sent a flutter of butterflies through her tummy. Before she could get a word in he had already told her his news. The smile on her face had frozen, to the point where she began to panic he's see through the fake happiness she exuded.
"Haneul said yes! She said she'd be my girlfriend!"
Panic froze Jiyeon to her spot. How could she forget about Haneul? The pretty girl Mingi had the biggest crush on. He had spent hours telling Jiyeon all about her. How kind she was. How pretty she was. The way her voice sounded when she spoke to him — "like bells... or the sound of a thousand angels humming!" — and about the way she spoke to him. He told her about how Haneul was smart, how she helped him with all the things he struggled with academically — as if the study sessions he spent with Jiyeon did nothing for him.
Jiyeon had always felt funny when he would talk about Haneul. She hadn't realised the feeling was jealousy until she stopped telling herself she didn't love him.
Haneul was perfect for him; just the right height, just the right build, just the right personality. How could Jiyeon ever be seen as more than just his best friend when someone like Haneul was interested in him?
"That's great! I'm proud of you!" The words flew out of her mouth before she could stop them. The way his grin beamed brighter tore a rip through her heart and something built up in the pit of her stomach. The bell rang a second later and the two made their separate ways for their first lessons.
Jiyeon couldn't concentrate that entire day. Not many people seemed to notice her out-of-it daze apart from San, who looked at her with silent worry as their group sat together at lunch. Haneul has joined them, sitting close to Mingi's right side, answering the questions their friends had for her with a sweet smile.
Why was there nothing wrong with her?
Jiyeon couldn't blame her though. It wasn't Haneul's fault Jiyeon had fallen in love with her best friend. It wasn't Haneul's fault Jiyeon's body had decided it would take out its heartbreak on her, breaking her down piece by piece until her insides crumbled into torn up petals.
That had been sixth months ago.
Sixth months strong were Haneul and Mingi.
Jiyeon thought that it would get better. That the ache in her chest would dissipate now that Mingi was in fact taken by one of the sweetest people Jiyeon had ever met.
“Why don’t you, you know, date someone? Get your feelings under your own control.” San has said one day during a particularly harsh day, your entire bathroom floor covered in blue petals and sickly red blood after a couple hours of coughing and spluttering. You had given him an exhausted glare.
“It wouldn’t be fair to the other person. How would I explain this? ‘Oh, sorry about the mess! My body is just displaying its heartache outwardly because I love someone, who’s not you, by the way, that doesn’t love me back.’ Yeah, that’d go down a treat.”
San rolled his eyes at her, letting go of the hair he had held out of her face. “I’m just saying. It might be a way to get over it. To get over him. To get your health back?” He pressed gently. It didn’t take much to know that San was worried. Jiyeon had lost a noticeable amount of weight, not being able to keep much of anything down — especially after being around Mingi. She had become quiet, one might say reserved, which was unlike the person she was a couple of years ago who was never without a smile or a laugh.
She felt defeated. “I don’t want anyone else to feel like this. It hurts, so much,” She swallowed. “Every time I throw up those flowers it feels like my heart is being smashed with a steel hammer. Or as if it was made out of paper and each petal was just another rip in the fragility of a water soaked piece of paper. It’s dark. It’s a disgusting feeling and I never want anyone to feel it, ever.”
San’s head cocked to the side, his eyes dropping with worry. “You’re dying, Ji,” He whispered. He took one of her hands in his. “Just try it. Please.” He begged.
Jiyeon bit her lip. It would be too arrogant to assume someone would fall in love with her so easily, wouldn’t it? She could let herself be involved with someone else, couldn’t she? She could get over the dark could that surround her heart, right? She nodded, “Alright.”
So San sent her on a date. Ironically enough, another of their friends, Jeong Yunho, had been interested in Jiyeon for a little while. When San has brought up his little conundrum — “I need someone to set Jiyeon up with but every one I can come up with are all dicks” — Yunho has jumped (literally) at the opportunity.
The date was fun. It was exciting. They had met at a restaurant, exchanging shy smiles and small hellos before ditching the restaurant — it was only San who made the reservation anyway — and spent the night just together, deciding on what to do by playing small games of rock-paper-scissors. Jiyeon found herself smiling, laughing for the first time in a long time. She had temporarily forgotten all about Mingi and the pain that would wrack her body almost every other night. They went to an arcade, playing on different games for a few hours, playing around with one another and cumulating enough tickets to get two matching teddy bears. They took a walk through a park, stopping to play on the playground apparatus and unlocking their inner children with small games like who could get the highest on the swings or who could stay upright the longest on the merry-go-round. They found themselves sitting in a booth at McDonald’s, grinning and sharing embarrassing stories about themselves and their friends — mainly San — while sharing two big boxes of chicken nuggets.
Jiyeon felt guilty when she got home, saying goodnight to Yunho and finding herself texting Mingi all about it. She felt guilty when she realised why she was so adamant for Mingi to know. She wanted him to feel jealous. And she felt horrible when he simply congratulated her and offered to go on double dates in the future, her bedroom floor covered in a smattering of red petals after she broke down in tears.
Yunho was kind. His smile was sweet and his words were sweeter. They went on multiple dates and Jiyeon could feel herself getting lighter. The petal attacks slowed down but, they still happened.
Yunho was kind but Jiyeon was scared. On their last date, he walked her home, their hands laced together as they walked under the stars in the night sky. Jiyeon had told him early on in their relationship that she was sorry they had to go slow. She hadn’t given him a solid reason for her need to go slow and he hadn’t pushed her for an answer, but she knew deep down she’d always be scared to take the next step with him, or anyone for that matter. At her door — one that was unlocked because San just knew she’d forget her keys — Yunho had taken her face in his hands and kissed her. Truth be told, she had enjoyed it. His lips were soft and he bent down enough to brush her lips before straightening up slightly, causing Jiyeon to follow him to a height her tippy toes would allow. However, when she opened her eyes the face of her unrequited lover stared back at her and her smile dropped.
Blinking away the image of Mingi’s face she was greeted with the worried eyes of Yunho. “I’m sorry if that was too fast.” He whispered, eyes dropping to the floor. A familiar feeling twanged across her body as her heart sunk, once again, in guilt.
“You have to go.” Her voice was low. She could feel the familiar sensation arise in the back of her throat and she, under no circumstances, never wanted Yunho — happy, kind, sweet, loving Yunho — too see her like that.
He stuttered and she felt worse. “I- I'm sorry. Just give me another date. I don’t want to stop seeing you.” He cupped her face again, tilting her head up so their gazes could meet.
She needed him to leave.
“You have to go.” She repeated, gently stepping out of his hold. She went to speak again but her words were caught in her throat as she coughed harshly. When she pulled her hand away from her lips, looking between Yunho and the bloody white petal in her hand, tears had already sprung to her eyes. She didn’t give him any explanation before turning on her heel, barrelling through the door to find the nearest bathroom.
She could hear him chasing after her, the sinking feeling of guilt consuming her for how much he cared for someone who was caught up with a boy who couldn’t love her back. She retched into the bowl of the toilet, multicoloured petals falling from her lips in encased in the sickening sound of blood being spat from her mouth.
Yunho was kind. He bent down next to her and held her hair from her face. He rubbed circles into her back, his soft voice falling into a quiet song. When Jiyeon had finished her attack her body wracked itself in sobs instead. She felt horrible inside and out.
“I’m so sorry.” She wailed.
He didn’t respond, stopping his soft singing.
“It hurts so much!” She sobbed, not lifting her head to face him. “I am truly sorry.”
After a while, her sobs lessened and the two sat in silence.
“You don’t have to be sorry.” Yunho finally replied, tilting her head to face him again. “I’m sorry you have to go through this,” He whispered. He raised a thumb and wiped at the side of her mouth, watching as the blood there transferred from her lips to his thumb. “I’m sorry you think you’re going through it alone.”
She looked at him, concentrating. Then, her insides froze again. Her tear ducts overflowed again once she realised just what he was talking about. Her one wish had been destroyed. Someone else was feeling what it felt like to be broken. And it was her fault.
She feared she wouldn’t be able to love anyone other than Mingi. She feared that Yunho loving her would kill him inside as loving Mingi did to her.
But in the end, Choi Jiyeon loved Song Mingi, even though they were young, even though he was taken, even though he was just her best friend.
She’d die loving Song Mingi, and in the end, she did.
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Bonds that Bind Us
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Chapter Two:
Connecting with someone is not necessarily a bond with a significant other, or even a friend, but can be the indefinable - perhaps the rarest and most precious thing in life to find at all.
Donna Lynn Hope
Loki sat puzzled as he observed his 'overseer' as she paced the room she called the sitting area. After Omidah quickly took himself and Thor to his designated floor, she dismissed his brother, told him to get comfortable, pulled out some sort of talking device and ignored him ever since.
Next he couldn't wrap him mind around the fact she was being nice to him or why she didn't seem to be the slightest uncomfortable around his presence, and why she looked excited the first time she looked his way. It was confusing and it made him angry.
Omidah on the other hand was trying to get Fury off the phone as quickly as possible but it seemed that her efforts were futile. She could feel Loki's aura of boredom; this was not how she wanted to leave a first impression (which won't really matter to the royal trickster either way but its the thought that counts at least).
"Pennwinkle are you even listening to me?" She rolled her eyes "what else could I be doing since you just keep talking"
"Don't sass me woman, I can revoke your privileges and have you confined to the tower."
"Do that and I'll tell everyone what happened in Fiji."
"You wouldn't dare!
"Try me boss." She said in a sing song voice.
Fury started grumbling profanities under his breath. "Just keep me informed about your progress." Fury hung up.
Omidah moved the phone as the dial tone came on, watched the screen blankly and gave a small yet audible snarl. "Did that chili eating mother--ass just hang up on me!? I see. Alright Fury, we'll see who has more balls than the other."
Sticking the phone into her pocket, she turned her attention back to Loki. His facial expression was neutral but his eyes showed anger. Just great.
"I'm really sorry about that. My boss just doesn't know when to shut up."
Loki did not answer her. He got up, made his way to the shelves of books and picked out one, then returned to the couch. Omidah smiled at his choice 'William Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice' she loved that one.
"Are you hungry?" Silence
"Is there anything I can get you as you wallow in silence?" More silence.
"Have you always been so reticent? It will do you no good to just sit there and ignore me. I just want to help."
"Then don't mortal. You're very annoying."
"Is that the best insult you got? I already know I'm a mortal wise arse; you can do better than that your lordship. Come on throw another insult." Omidah's voice was dripping with sarcasm and a wide smile was on her face as she looked at Loki.
Loki on the other hand grew angry at her taunt and slammed the book shut.
"What's the matter God of Mischief, no come back? I must say this is a let down. Wuss."
Loki quickly walked towards the annoying female with murderous intent and grabbed her upper arms, lifting her off the ground.
"For the death of Odin, what is your problem you mewling quim!? Do you wish for me to destroy you? Do you have any idea who I am and what I can do to you?"
Omidah continued to smile as she looked into Loki's breathtaking blue-green eyes. Just being elevated at his eye level, she leaned in her face and planted a quick kiss on Loki's nose; giggling as she moved away.
All of Loki's anger vanished and replaced by utter confusion.
The look on Loki's face caused Omidah to burst into a fit of giggles. The sound spreading throughout the room, filling it and caused Loki's heart to do a weird flip but he quickly pushed it aside.
"I'm really sorry, I don't mean to be so happy but its just that, believe it or not, I've always wanted to do that if I ever got the change to meet you.
It's so good to finally say that I can scratch that off my bucket list; kiss the God of mischief on the nose." She said matter of factly.
Loki gave her that 'I-truly-believe-you're-really-dumb' kind of look.
"Now Loki are you hungry? I'm sure you haven't eaten a full course meal in quite some time and I'm happy to cook for you if you'd let me."
Loki just continued to watch the strange girl he was holding, trying to find something, anything, that would reveal if she was playing him for a fool; there was absolutely no way any sane person, who knows of his reputation would be happy to do anything with him. Alas, he could find nothing but pure glee in her hazel eyes.
"Come on Loki, as much as I enjoy looking into your eyes, I too am hungry. So, can you please put me down, lasagna is calling out to me."
Finally able to register her words, he slowly placed her down "What game are you playing mortal?"
Omidah arched a brow at his sudden question "I don't understand the question. If you're referring to why I'm not afraid of you, it's because I'm not."
"But you are aware of the things I've done or of the people I've killed on this pathetic planet, have you not?"
She could hear the irritation in his voice, whether it be from the realization that he is now on said planet he caused havoc or something else entirely, she wasn't sure.
"Yes, I'm fully aware of all that you've done and what you're capable of doing but I can't comprehend what that has to to with, why I can't be nice to you or simply talk to you." Sighing she crossed her arms and gave him her full attention.
"I want you to fully understand something. My world has people in it that has done a lot of bad things to good people, some still continue to do so. I work for an organization that kills those type of people and my hands are stained with the blood of a few.
"Everyone in this tower has killed someone, whether it's to save the lives of people, revenge, brashness and cockiness or in your case trying to concur this world. The reason you're labeled the 'bad guy' its because you chose to be all flashy about it; making yourself a spectacle, parading in front a crowd of people who recorded you and post it around the world and to put the cherry on top the ice cream Sunday, you went and brought an alien army through a large hole in the sky, attacking one of the largest cities in the world." Omidah let out a sigh.
"Look all I'm trying to say is, no one's a saint in this place, we all have our reasons for doing what we do. I just don't want you feel like you're the only screw up. The others may or may not be judgmental towards you and I know you won't give a dam but I want you to know that I'll be looking out for you, Okay?"
Loki snickered "I don't need a mere mortal to look out for me."
"Well you really don't have much of a choice. I'll be looking out for you whether you like it or not, plus you really shouldn't think little of us mortals, we can surprise you. Have you never heard the saying, don't underestimate your opponent? Now if you don't mind, please follow me so I can prepare dinner."
With that she turned on her heels and headed towards the elevator, which opened automatically for her.
Loki stepping in after her, each opposite the other.
"Good evening miss Penwinkle and Mr. Laufeyson, where can I take you."
Omidah smiled "J.A.R.V.I.S, good evening to you too and please call me Omidah, the formality is too much."
"If you wish miss."
"Thank you, will you please take us to the main lounge? I'm going to prepare dinner."
"I see. The others will be quite excited about dinner; would you like me to notify them the moment you've finished?"
"Sure that would be great, thank you."
At the end of the short conversation, they arrived at the desired floor.
"Your stop miss. Have a good evening."
Omidah chuckled realizing he's never going to address her by her first name.
"Thanks a lot JARVIS. Catch you later. Come on Loki, this is going to be so much fun."
Loki scoffed at her enthusiasm as they passed the seating area and headed into the large kitchen.
"I fail to see how cooking is fun. Its a maids' chore if you ask me."
Taking no offense, Omidah tied her hair with chopsticks and put on her apron.
"Just have a seat on the bar stool and here,"
Taking a book from behind her back, she placed it in-front for him. Loki realized it was the same book he took from the shelves earlier. How did she get it without him noticing?
"I've been told you love to read, so I organized for that library to be on your floor and while I prepare dinner this will help you pass the time."
Loki couldn't figure her out; She was strange. Then he saw her remove her footwear and placed them by the door of the kitchen; he was more puzzled.
Omidah saw his puzzled look as she returned back into the kitchen; she chuckled.
"This is something I do when I prepare meals; it warns everyone who walks into the lounge that I'm in the kitchen. I like cooking with no disturbances.....well unless I invite anyone. Now time to get to work."
"Why would you do something so trivial? It makes no sense."
She headed into the pantry and returned to the island, placing the ingredients onto it "as I stated earlier it's to warn the others. I started preparing dinner about two years ago because I strongly believe we here at the tower are a family and family should have home cooked meals."
Loki rolled his eyes and continued to read but still listened on
"So three months after I started cooking, Tony decided to be real jerk. I decided to make chocolate fondue and an assortment of treats in which you can dip into the chocolate; anyways Tony was drunk from the previous day, having thrown one of his extravagant parties. I turn my back for 10 minutes and when I returned Tony was face flat in the fondue, chocolate was splattered all over the kitchen walls, all the assortment s were gobbled down; it was a disaster."
Loki watched as she moved back and forth,
"Oh how wonderful it was to make him pay for wasting rich chocolate but that's a tale for another time"
Loki scoffed, "So do you have anything in particular you like to eat?" She asked.
Loki looked up from his book and watched as she mixed some contents in a bowl, while periodically blowing strands of hair from her face.
"None that you should concern yourself with,"
"Aww come on, I'm curious to know, so that way I can add your preferred dishes to the dinner menu."
Loki didn't like the feeling he was getting when she made that statement; she was showing an genuine interest in him and it felt weird. He decided not to respond to her and continued reading.
A comfortable silence fell between them and the only sound that emanated from the kitchen was the clanking of pots and pans. As some time passed, Loki would periodically glance at her from behind his book, making sure not to get caught.
"Here you go Loki" Omidah said while placing a small plate of chocolate chip cookies in front of him. Loki lowered his book and eyed the cookies with suspicion
"If you think they're poisoned, then think again. I like you, so i have no intentions of harming you in anyway."
Loki ignored what she said to try and subdue the feeling in his chest. He refused to take her words literally; no one cared about him and he had to keep reminding himself of that.
"How did you makes these so fast?"
Omidah smiled "we've been in here for well over an hour now. Dinner is almost done and I'm now preparing to clean up. Plus I tend to bake goodies first before doing the actual cooking."
Loki looked at the cookies and back at Omidah who already turned away to start cleaning up.
Cautiously he picked up one and bit into it. Loki suppressed a groan; he had never eaten a cookie that tasted so divine. The chocolate melted on his tongue, sending a tingling sensations to his taste buds. The texture was soft, fluffy-like but was still solid. It was one satisfying cookie.
Within a matter of minutes the entire plate was cleared and he let out a satisfying sigh. The sound of the timer was set off almost simultaneous and when he looked in Omidah's direction, she was removing dishes from the oven and quickly rushing to set the table.
He was surprised that she cooked so many dishes in such a short period of time. He wondered if they tasted as good as they looked and smelt.
"Hey Loki are you comfortable eating with the others around or would you like to go back to your floor?"
He scoffed "I refuse to dine with incompetent mortals."
Omidah puffed her cheeks like a little child and pouted.
"You're not fun Loki, I really wanted to see how well you work under pressure. Oh well, I'll prepare a plate for you in a few."
Before he could respond to her statement, Tony entered the kitchen with a glass of scotch.
"Hey river Nile, what's cooking good looking?"
"Tony Stark, what have I told you about coming into the kitchen when I'm cooking! Do you want a repeat of what happened the last time you were in here?"
Loki observed the two conversing and how sudden Tony became nervous; beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. Just what did she do to him to cause such a reaction?
"Ah-am I'll just be in the lounge. Sorry Omidah." With that Tony quickly walked out.
Loki continued to observe the young woman as she finished setting the table. He was still trying to figure her out. Being able to analyse someone and tell the type of person they are was a specialty of his but with her it was somewhat difficult.
"Jarvis can you let everyone know that dinner is ready. Thank you."
"Absolutely miss."
Omidah continued to move around the kitchen, ensuring that everything was in order. Tony decided to stick his head through the kitchen door.
"Hey, did I hear something about dinner? Don't mind if I do."
Omidah sighed 'He is a sucker for punishment.' "Sure Tony come on in. Have a seat and wait for the others. I'm going to fix a plate for Loki."
Tony chuckled "let me guess, Reindeer Games thinks we're beneath him and chooses to dine alone."
Loki shot Tony glare and boy if looks could kill, Tony would have dropped dead by the one Loki was giving him now.
Completely ignoring him, Tony moved to the bar and poured himself a drink
"So what's on tonight's menu Omidah?" She smiled
"Egyptian cuisine. Remember I promised everyone I'd try something new every few months...."
Tony nodded "well I decided to cook dishes from my distant home land. I hope you guys like it. Please ask the others to send me their feedback."
Tony looked at her perplexed "wait a minute, aren't you joining us tonight?"
She shook her head as she continued her task "not tonight tin can. I wish to keep Loki company before I start my training."
Tony pinched the bridge of his nose. He knew that the mission would cause them to see less of her now that she had to watchman Loki but he wasn't expecting it so soon; he didn't like it.
Omidah laughed at Tony's antics "oh stop being dramatic, sharing is caring. You guys had me all to yourselves for these past few years, now allow me to delegate my time to someone else.
And before you say anything else, I want you to know that I'm not going anywhere, just that you'll see less of me from time to time. So behave and exercise some patience."
Tony walked over to her and ruffled her hair "You're right, just a bit paranoid."
Omidah quickly hugged him "best cousin ever. Thanks tin can."
Removing herself from Tony's embrace she returned to her task. After packing enough food and what she believed would full the Asgardian, packaged everything in a bag.
"All done. Come on Loki we'll eat dinner on your floor. See you later Tony."
Loki watched as she bounced happily out the room before quietly following behind her.
Tony on the other hand was puzzled and quickly pulled out his phone to call the others. There were a few things that needed to be discussed.
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imaginethewitcher · 6 years
Hey, can we maybe get an unkowingly hurtful, busy Geralt/Regis who accidently blows off the reader when the reader excitedly tried to show off something sepcial to them, and Geralt/Regis don't realise until they haven't seen the reader in a while.
The long-awaited imagine is finally there! Thank you for your patience :D
Geralt: Thelast few days were the most exhausting ones you’ve ever experienced. Dandeliontaught you every single detail, no matter how seemingly trivial it was. Youaimed on writing the perfect ballad for Geralt. So you’ve asked theself-acclaimed master himself for advice, which he generously gave. Afterlistening hours and hours about every possible way to interpret a single lineof some poet, written by him self-explanatory. However it was worth the effort.You grinned wide as you put the last full stop and stretched your arms afterthe long hours of crossing out words, crumpling up papers and rewriting versesagain and again until you found the perfect words.With a wide grin and melodic humsyou skipped to Geralt. He sat at the desk of the room filled with numerousbeautiful paintings, old books and yellowed letters. The flickering of a candlethat was almost burned to the end of its wick, enlightened his face and ahalf-filled letter. His forehead was laid in wrinkles while he starred at thewords he wrote.You cleared your throat, but didn’tget a reaction. You were thinking of showing him the ballad later, however,your determination was stronger. So you tiptoed closer to him. As whispered inhis ear a “boo”, he turned around abruptly, hands already on the daggerfastened on his belt. You raised your hands immediately. On seeing you heexhaled and put his dagger back.“That could have ended muchdifferent. You know that”, he said and gave an annoyed grunt.“I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware you werethat focused”, you said and looked over his shoulder. “What’s with this letteranyway? It seems to stress you out a bit”.He quickly turned the letter.“It’s nothing”, he replied.“If you say so”. You wanted to keepon asking, but you knew how much of a pain he could be once he’s reallyannoyed. “So, I’ve been doing something for quite a while now. It’s finallyfinished and I thought you might want to hear what I wrote”.The only reply you got from him wasone of his uninterested grunts.“You asked me what kept distractingme, you remember? I’m done with it now. Even Dandelion said it’s wonderful and‘would melt the heart when reading the lyrical syylables’”.You looked at him, in anticipationof an answer, but all he did was staring at that piece of paper and dipping thequill in ink.“Did you listen to me?”, you asked,clearer and louder this time.“Maybe later”. He didn’t turn tolook at you.“I see”, you said after a break, “Ifyou say so”.You stomped out of the room, yourcheeks and eyes felt like burning flames, only cooled by salty tears. All thework for nothing! The papers containing the most loving words fell to theground.
Geralt felt the heat from thedancing flame on his face. It was annoying, distracting from writing andthinking. Since months he didn’t know how to formulate this letter. Dandelionsaid he should ‘just write from his heart’, which was easier said than done. Herubbed his hands over his forehead. The words didn’t flow today how heimagined. With a deep sigh he got up from the chair. Another day without aproper result.“[Your name], are you there?”, he asked as he looked around the house. But theywere nowhere to be found, however, paper lied all over the ground. “Hm, odd”,he mumbled, picking them up.He recognized the cursivecalligraphy immediately, it was theirs. The writing told a heroic tale about alone witcher with white hair. The more he read the more he realized it wasabout him. The ballad ended with him being contented and finding a companion,who stays with him in united love until the end of their days.He cried their name again, but noanswer came back.“Dammit”.That was what they wanted to showhim and he replied to them with curtness. He could have slapped himself forsuch a manner. And all that for this cursed letter, which should have resultedthe opposite way. It was supposed to be a poem for them. Now he stood there,his gaze still captured by the graceful words, telling the story of them and him.Fortunately he knew where to find them, when they want to be alone or areupset.
Geralt went to the garden, seeing themsitting there with sunken shoulders, looking over the fields, which assumed thecobalt-blue of the night.“Hey”, he said in a quiet tone, “youlost something”.They shook their head.“It’s not important. I’m sorryhaving distracted you”, they replied still staring at the wide fields.”There is nothing you need to apologize for. It was my fault, not yours”.He took a seat beside them. For awhile both of them merely sat there in silence, looking over the fields.After a while Geralt broke thesilence.“I’ve read a few lines of it, but Iwould like to hear from you much more”.Now they looked up at him. He heldthe pages to them and their lighted up slightly.“If you say so”.So they sat there while [your name]read the ballad of a witcher, who is not lonely anymore.
Regis: Regishung over countless documents about a variety of statistics, scientificfindings, and anatomical sketches. He was literally buried under stacks ofpapers and books, as was the case most of the time. You opened the door to hishumble personal library. A creaking sound escaped from the old wooden door. Youhid your hand, keeping a little surprise, behind your back and walked towards himwith sedate steps thus not distracting him from working. You took a glimpseover his shoulders. Papers filled with notes in every corner.“You should take a break. I didn’tsee leaving this room since the early morning. It’s already late”, you said.“Thank you for your worries, but I’mstill not finished with the documents about herbs, that might cure variouspoisonings”. He pointed to yet another high stack of documents.You sighed with your hands on yourhips. It’s almost as if he’s addicted to work even though he has so much timeto live, work and learn.“I have a surprise for you”, yousaid optimistically, “You will love it! Believe me! Also you can continueworking later. A little break won’t disturb your studies. Take my word for it”.One book after another, one researchpaper after another, one herb after another, you collected every fact andinformation about herbs curing poisonings in a herbarium.He turned around and looked deepinto your eyes.“[Your name], I’m really not up to abreak right now. These studies are much more important than it might seem atfirst glance. They could save someone’s life, maybe even yours someday. And Ihope not to lose you, because I took a little break. We all profit from them”,he explained.He talked to you like a mother to achild, that just did something incredibly foolish. It was his way to staypolite, yet telling someone to leave him with his work alone. Your face wentred and heat grew in it. You knew he just wanted some quiet time and normallyyou didn’t bother him as he doesn’t bother you when you are busy, however, inthis case his whole work of collecting relevant information was senseless.“I’m aware of that. It’s just ashort little moment”.“Then I keep this small littlemoment for later as a reward for the finished studies”, he concluded and gaveyou kiss on your forehead, his way of apologizing.It was of no use to discuss with himfurther at this point. All your work was for nothing, an unsuccessful surprise.You left the room and banged the door. Sometimes you couldn’t understand Regis.Why he was so interested in human and their well-being and spent his whole lifewith studies about them. He has all this time for it, but you won’t be thereforever.There was one person who understoodthat struggle and that was Orianna. Tears ran down your face while you workedto her estate. It was silly, yet, they didn’t stop coming. You threw theherbarium in the grass. It didn’t matter anyway.
You knocked on the door.‘Stupid tears!’, you thought, wipingthem away, but the swollen red eyes gave the shed tears away.Orianna opened the door, already inher dressing gown. Before she could ope n her mouth, you fell around her neck.“Come in first and then we can talk.I’ll get you some wine”. She stroke your shoulders and pulled you carefully in.You tried to hold back, however, themoment she closed the door the words escaped your mouth like a waterfall.“I collected every littleinformation, every small detail about those cursed herbs, but of course he’s working.That’s all he does! I seem to be air to him. I wanted to give him a surprisewith a herbarium and he’s working continuously without taking a break once in awhile. He has all this time, all this time to do whatever he wants, but can’tspend only a few minutes with me”, you cried and tried to calm your heavy breathingdown, breathing in and out slowly. “I just want to spend some time with himwithout all this work”.Orianna loosened the hug. Her handsheld still onto your shoulders.“He knows”, she said.“What?”, you asked surprised andlooked at her with big eyes. “How do you mean this?”“You’ll see. I get you a glass ofwine”.She stepped away in her elegantattire and left you alone and confused.‘What did she mean by that?’, askingyourself, realizing you felt much better now.Standing felt like an eternity thereuntil the unexpected happened. A knock from the door was heard.“[Your name], are you there?”. Itwas Regis’ voice!You sprinted to the place the voicecame from, but stopped shortly before pulling the door. You didn’t want toargue with him. You didn’t want to have stress with him. Nevertheless youwanted things to change and be clearer about what you wanted. After moments of silencehe broke it.“I’ve made a mistake. It wasn’t myintention to make you feel as if you were naïve or perhaps even a waste oftime. My studies seem to be my prison, I have to get out of in order to spendmore time with you, the person I love. Can you forgive me?”, he talked in acalm soft voice.You inhaled the cold air. Regis’ noticedquickly were his weaknesses laid, and you were thankful for that, as well ashis will to ask for forgiveness.“I wasn’t the most understandingperson either”, you sighed, “I know how important all of this is and I admireyour sense of care. I still wish to spend more time with and not always see youburied in work”.You opened the door and hugged himtightly. He closed his arms around you. You stood there like this under themoonlight for a wonderful while.“I found your herbarium on the wayhere. Fortunately it wasn’t damaged greatly. It’ a valuable piece of information.Thank you, my love”.“I’m glad to hear this”, you smiledand nestled closer to him. “I have made it just for you”.
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