#🦴 my writing 🦴
thinking abt how i didn't get a chance to come out on my own terms, i was forced out before i was ready.
thinking abt how both of my parents have told me that my transition has ruined their lives.
thinking abt how all of my friends love my parents bc they go to pride with me and they make a point to prove that they are allys.
thinking abt how they look at me with nothing but disgust and hatred in their eyes.
thinking abt how they "love everyone".
thinking abt how they hate me.
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🐶 Pugsheen The Dog Headcanons 🦴
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• His favorite things in the entire world are being called a "good boy" and getting tummy scratches.
• If you give him his favorite treats like dog biscuits and donuts, as well as dog toys, he'll love you forever.
• He'll sniff the butt of others to show that he wants to be their friend.
• If his ball is stuck somewhere he can't reach, he'll bark at you for hours to retrieve it.
• Outside time is his favorite time since he gets to play with you and other people and socialize with other dogs.
• He will chase both his tail and the mailman.
• He loves to take rides on this thing.
• He has the ability to flap his ears like wings and fly.
• Pusheen The Cat is one of his closest and fondest friends.
• He has a beating heart as well as a puptastic family.
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caughtonwebcam · 8 months
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girl talk at chilis after a halloween party
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garfieldsladybird · 1 year
barmaid | the marauders.
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the marauders (james potter) x fem!reader. (use’s she).
Warnings — fluff. blurb. smoking weed/pot/cannabis. alcohol; parents drinking. cussing. loving parents :) mentions of a TV show making young adults make dinner out of a deer.. im sorry :(
Summary — smoking with mia and monty causes James spirit to die a little and you become a bartender.
Credits: This is my work. I do not own Harry Potter but this is fanfiction, and I created this. It is not to be plagiarized.
Masterlist, Navigation, Poly!marauders List.
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It’s a little after 9 p.m. as the hazy smoke in your best friends parents dimly-lit room begins to reach up to the ceiling. The greatly rolled blunt makes its way around the circle and back to you, diminishing in size each time. Leaning against a desk on the floor you get a little lost in the smoke that was surrounding all of you.
As you begin to focus a bit too hard on creating rings of smoke from your mouth, your neighbor in the circle, Sirius says, “Oi, pass it will ya?” funny enough he said it with a smile, jokingly.
As he said that you were already re-inhaling for another hit before passing it to Sirius who was on the edge of the bed in front of you, Remus was sitting behind him looking at a book that Monty wanted him to read but you didn’t know what it was about. The parents were drinking, Mama Mia was going on about something about dogs and she was sitting on a stool that was next to you but you couldn’t see her face while Monty was sitting on the other side of Sirius, James was sitting behind his dad on the bed.
These moments were the best, everyone was having fun, relaxing and smoking. There’s conversations going on around you but you weren’t really paying attention to any of them, your eyes were on the tv. On the TV screen, a show was playing but it was a real life show and it was where these parents sent their, most likely, young adult children to a wildlife show where they have to spend a few days in the forest and survive going through different tasks but the tasks are also life lessons. One of those life lessons seems to be making dinner, which includes cutting up the animal of that meal, it so happens to be a deer.
A shocked expression comes on your face when you see that a it was a deer, it wasn’t showing anything that explicit but it was dead. That’s for sure.
Looking over to your dearest friend James, you now notice that he was also watching the show with a terror-stricken expression, His eyes widened with no glasses, mouth parted open, head a little tilted to the right giving off the ‘what the fuck is this?!’ look that Remus would give Sirius when he suggested stupid prank ideas.
“Now you see this is what I was doing when i was your age,” Mama Mia comments, “My ma made me do this shit if i was bad!” She laughs before sipping on her alcoholic beverage which was vodka and cranberry juice, pretty good actually.
“You’ve had to cut up a deer before?” James asks his mum with an appalled look and a shocked voice.
“Yeah, you know I lived on a farm growing up.” she explains but says it like he should know this by now which he does but he’s shocked. “Oh! you know we ate a dear I caught once when you were younger?”
“Oh don’t worry we haven’t done it in awhile and I don’t think I want to get back into that.” The only reply she got after that was just a deep breath of relief. One she may or may not know the reason of why.
The show continued on and so did the conversations, the diminishing blunt now being passed to james, smoke filled his mouth as he inhaled, looking real nice when he blow it out.
“Hey, barmaid, new drink ah?” Monty says, grabbing your attention from james, looking over you see him holding his cup looking at you with his usual playful grin that james always has.
“Oh yeah,” you mumbly, getting up with a smile you grab his cup to go and make him a new drink, before leaving he stops to tell you how much ice and alcoholic, and redbull.
“Wait, why does she get to make the drink?” Sirius asks, looking at you and him with wide eyes and a pout.
“Cause shes’s the only one who makes it right, and you always drink it.” Monty tells his son, laughing at the gasp and the face of betrayal Sirius made. Even though he should be used to the dramatic acts by now.
“She drinks it to!”
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‎© 𝗀𝖺𝗋𝖿𝗂𝖾𝗅𝖽𝗌𝗅𝖺𝖽y𝖻𝗂𝗋𝖽. 𝗋𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀 𝗉𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗌𝖾!!
— I didn’t really know what else to add and I kind of just wanted to end it. If you like it and maybe want another one or for me to continue this kind of thing, please request it :) 🫶
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This was the only "productive" thing I did today
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intelligent-dumbass · 28 days
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the mermay website said that today’s prompt was “water dragon”, so leafy sea dragon Kon!
this is an oc belonging to @raven-at-the-writing-desk.
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svankmajerbaby · 1 month
i want to cry i think i lost my tiff fic file... i cant find it fucking anywhere
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babblish · 9 months
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Under the Wave
Fandom: Tales of Arcadia (Cartoons)   Rating: Mature   Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships/Characters: Morgana, Nari, Bellroc, Skrael, Original Characters Theme: Origin Story (Wizards Non-Compliant), Explorations of Identity, Gender, Magic, Recovery, and Divinity
Chapter 32; Reaching Out Morgana explores a mortal city with Lagnök by her side. Meanwhile Bellroc attempts a ritual with mixed results and realises they've been thinking about things all wrong.
It was an odd feeling to step back into the wild woods, knowing they did not truly die in it but the cold dread in memory. Bellroc walked with a steady, almost impatient gait as they searched for a familiar rock or tree, anything that let them know they had found… the place. Bellroc froze as they stumbled upon a rock that looked all the world like a fallen troll, like… Anar felled as a impudent beast. The sense of failure washed over them in waves of guilt and regret, and they forced themself to remember that Anar was merely a part of Nimue and her sisters. Anar was not real, but as they stood staring at the large rock by the edge of the wild wood, they wondered if they were more real than they’d let themself believe. They fiddled with the device in their hands, fingers falling over familiar details, and approached the rock, walking circles around it in search of a clue. Any clue. Any hint the oracles may have left for them to find, stupid and lost as they were. Their fingers traced over the grooves of the rock, spirals carved long ago but faded to the elements after many years. With a swift hop they landed atop the rock, and stood awkwardly not really knowing what they thought would come to light from that position. A droplet of water landed on their cheek, and then another on their hand, several and then thousands, as it began to rain. Bellroc looked up at the rain, and then stretched out their hand, feeling the water run down it as they closed their eyes. It felt the same as it had, like the power of gods licking at their skin, and the smell felt like inspiration. They withdrew their hand, placing it upon the moss that grew on the rock, eyes still closed. With esoteric concentration they called out to deeper powers within the soil. They felt a little spark of something, a petrichor in more than name, and hoped with every fibre of their being they would find her there. “Any luck?” Nari asked. Bellroc wrinkled their nose but said nothing, streams of water trickling down their face. “What if I left?” Nari wondered. Bellroc shook their head. Nari allowed the silence to hang for just long enough that Bellroc thought that she had left them to their experimentations. “This place makes you sad,” they said, edging closer. “Is it the dead troll?” Bellroc’s eyes shot open. “Please tell me it was not young.” “If that’s what will bring you comfort,” Nari replied.
— Ties in with Primordial Awakenings, Primordial Awakenings - Deleted Scenes, Under the Sun, and the rest of The Heart of Janus au.
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scattered-winter · 8 months
“Girl, please don’t tell me you forgot.” Denny didn’t even bother saying hello. “It’s Saturday. The sun is shining. There’s gossip to be shared. Josie’s getting lonely without her most loyal customers.”
Shit. Renée slapped a hand to her forehead. “Oh my God. Dens, I’m so sorry.”
“You did forget. Josie, she forgot!” Denny didn’t sound too upset; just amused. There was a muffled voice on the other end—Josie, the elderly owner of the small ice cream shop that Denny and Renée spent their Saturdays hanging out and gossiping at, most likely scolding Renée’s tardiness. Renée couldn’t really make out what she was saying.
“Sorry, Josie,” Renée said, feeling a prickle of guilt and mortification. She was slowly becoming incurably obsessed with this project, enough that it was beginning to have an effect on her relationships.
Good God, she was turning into Adam.
“I’m on my way over. Ten minutes?”
get a snippet of my wip !!
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loverockbottom · 2 years
music headcanons.
music artists & genres i think certain characters from things would listen to
includes: mortal kombat (erron, kabal, johnny) | devil may cry (dante, nero, lady, nico)
mortal kombat
erron black
mk11 i see listening to a lot of tom waits and maybe lead belly. not so much that trashy country about trucks and babes, but still country in a sense
maybe occasionally those poor bastards
really likes you gotta move by the rolling stones. likes the stones in general but that's his favourite
mkx i can't imagine him listening to too much country music. heavy rock, maaaaybe even punk rock, is more likely
metallica and/or mötley crüe probably
both mk11 and mkx would like happiness is a warm gun and run for your life by the beatles
honestly... rob zombie fan. he just is. he radiates average rob zombie enjoyer energy.
has at least one misfits cd. isn't one of his favourite bands but turns them on for nostalgic purposes
also was a really big nirvana fan when he was younger. still adores them tbh
guilty pleasure is lady gaga. you just can't deny her
johnny cage
dad rock, no doubt about it. like ac/dc, queen, that typa beat
also really likes boney m (got made fun of for that in high school)
devil may cry
he too radiates average rob zombie/white zombie enjoyer energy
obviously, his guilty pleasure is michael jackson
LOVES you spin me round by dead or alive. definitely likes the dope cover too
nine inch nails because i said so
church of misery
billy talent.
denies listening to the all-american rejects and three days grace but we all know he adores them
also probably green day
most songs off the bastards by palaye royale
stitches by orgy. he'd be all over it
90s rap ???!!
would probably like mindless self indulgence once in a while. at least the 'how i learned' album
evanescence probably
if she was younger in the now times (2020s), i could maybe see her listening to jazmin bean. maybe
you can't tell me she doesn't listen to country. as much as i love her, she listens to country. and nero & kyrie give her shit for it
maybe some green day, just because of nero. would like the song misery probably
going back to palaye royale, she would probably listen to boom boom room side a (and mayyyybe side b)
elvis. definitely elvis.
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secretlyofthefeywild · 6 months
there's a weird calm in knowing that you're not important
everyone knows about the sadness, the nights spent at home while your friends post selfies with people they surely like better
everyone know about the emptiness, the nights spent at home staring at the wall wishing you were someone, anyone, else
but no one talks about the calmness, the nights spent at home alone, no new messages no missed calls
this has always been your reality and it always will be, so you might as well learn to find the peace in it
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bcnezone · 2 years
;; me: snapping awake
my favorite relationship kind that i could ever write ties directly into my favorite kind of character to write: a ‘hurt’ person. someone who’s been through something so terrible or so life-changing for the wrong kind of reason, someone who’s suffered or struggled or put through the wringer to be where they are that on some level, they’re dysfunctional and ‘barely human’. where they could be considered emotionally stunted or hard to get along with, or they treat people poorly or act aloof/dangerous/ambivalent. the kind of person who could even be considered toxic on some level just because of their behavior and how they view the world and the people around them, possibly not seeing them as people but just tools, or just trying to get their way because the world wouldn’t let them before, or maybe they’re just unable to open up at all because they’ve been hurt so bad or they’re traumatized and can’t bring themselves to do things most people could do.
and that leads into my favorite relationship in writing: “broken people”. the relationship of two individuals who’ve suffered a lot in some way and find solace in each other. they don’t need to know each other’s history or what they’ve been through, they just want each other. they find comfort in each other, something they can’t find anywhere else, and that bond is so powerful that they would go through hell again to protect it. love, platonic or familial or romantic, that makes the person want to be Better and improve for the other, to be a better person. they might slip up and fall back into bad habits and it might be a long time running before they’re ever in a place that could be considered ‘better’.
my favorite thing to write as of recent, which has been the past few years, is healing. people in terrible places just, slowly getting better and getting away from the traumas and habits that tie them down and hurt them.
and my favorite ship song that fits into all these themes? H.ozier’s “Like Real People Do”.
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gh0ulvi · 2 years
i'm accepting obey me requests !!!
i write headcanons and little drabbles for gn and male readers :)
read my rules before requesting
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algebra sucks so bad, I’m horrible at it. :( also English is pretty good, I always preferred it over maths. What do you like about English? I always liked creative writing. I hated whenever I had to disect the meaning behind a poem because I take everything almost literally.
aah yeah it's hard to understand :< math really really sucks when u don't get it,,, it's so stressful and annoying </3 .
english is my favorite partially because i can just bullshit through it and get a good grade... eheheh. it's always just been easier for me so... that too. but that's not really a good reason . . .
that's fair !! dissecting the meaning of poems (or any literature in general...) is honestly really hard to do.. like it just doesn't come easily for most people . not really taught how to do that yk ? so when u take things more literally it's like... near impossible yeah . >.> and it's super annoying and frustrating when u can't figure something out !
but we are the opposite on that ehehh i definitely understand what u mean though ! it's like . . . my brain doesn't work in the external world so symbolism and subtext and all that comes a lot more easily to me than any physical things . if that makes any sense ? eheh.
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razorb0x · 1 year
i completely forgot how fast new fics posted for large/semi-large fandoms will get attention. like, posted my 2nd Saw fic a few hours ago and didn’t expect too much. checked back again and suddenly it has 10 hits and a comment. i almost shit myself like ???? WHERE DID YOU COME FROM.
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lumentears · 2 months
🦴 boningthescions-bracket Follow
Preliminary Round! Who will be the Third's champion in the unofficial-official Most Smashable Scions bracket?
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💎 twinkovertheriver Follow
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👑 princess-ianthes-foreskin Follow
uh yeah i sure hope she is ;)))))
💎 twinkovertheriver Follow
thanks for the addition necrumblr user princess ianthe's foreskin
🦴 boningthescions-bracket Follow
By the King Undying, you people are dogs. I will reblog as usual.
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⚔ middlechild-diagnosed Follow
Me: Haha, I went to Ida and came back with snow blindness from all the fake glitz. :D Haha, I went to the Koinortus Court and came back seven years ago - I would have posted sooner but the joke was pending approval :D Always, Without Fail, Some Fucking Dipshit:
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🪐 p4x-d0m1n1 Follow
*Koniortos. Stay in school, kids.
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🥴 badjokesbyjohn Follow
A prodigy child spirit talker has escaped Fifth House custody after stealing a priceless artifact. That's right, folks, we've got a small medium at large.
👻 siphon-me-harder Follow
john we've talked about the name thing
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⚜ cavpositivity Follow
Hydration Check!
Has your necromancer had water and taken their vitamins/probiotics/perscriptions today?
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🗡 cavaliercot-suggestions Follow
(un)friendly reminder that there's nothing wrong with kinky roleplay and the suggestions and scenarios on this blog do not equal endorsement of irl cavalier-necromancer relationships.
🩸 saints-alive Follow
You know what? No. Fuck this, and fuck you fetishising cavalierdom. Frankly, as a necromancer, I'm digusted knowing that my cavalier can't even wipe the blood sweat from my brow without you making it sexual!
🗡 cavaliercot-suggestions Follow
My brother under Dominicus you literally write reader x Necrolord Prime x lyctor fanfic
💀 bonetopick Follow
are we forgetting that OP has literally admitted to owning unpaid servants?
🗡 cavaliercot-suggestions Follow
they're skeletons?????????????
💀 bonetopick Follow
they didn't die to pick up your laundry lazy motherfucker
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📜 solace-in-thighs Follow
taking my final exam tonight wish me luck guys!
📜 solace-in-thighs Follow
what thefuck. what the fuck. my cousin Throckmorton told me my metaphors were uninspired and my performance stilted. IF HE KNEW THE FUCKING NUMBERS MY EROTIC POETRY DOES ON NECRUMBLR
📜 solace-in-thighs Follow
joining the cohort. if anyone even cares.
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🌹 the-rose-blown-semifrequently Follow
a novel where a flesh magician and a spirit talker become roommates and have wacky adventures
plot twist: the spirit talker is super extroverted and slutty and the life of every party while the flesh magician is so prudish they keep their clothes on in the sonic and so timid they faint at the sight of blood
the novel is called "the spirit is willing but the flesh is meek"
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