#( * muse ! interactions.
melamemea · 11 months
send me 🕯️to hear my character's inner thoughts about your character.
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mccoyquialisms · 24 days
thinking about riz and his love for the bad girls, and how if anyone fucks with them, then sooner or later they’re gonna answer to riz gukgak
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usernyoom · 6 months
Top 10 Insane Maxiel Moments of 2023 (technically 10+)
1. "you good checo?" (checo was not, in fact, good)
2. stroopwaffel-gate
3. the balaclava incident while daniel drove MAX'S CAR to set the lap that got him HIS SEAT
4. interrupting each other's interviews
5. honeylion / the tattoo / hand holding all during THE SAME content filming session in MONACO?
6. max looming ominously versions 1 AND 2
7. all the weird stuff they've done in pressers (+..)
8. "a little bromance"
9. recreating baku (but funny) (with a side of parenting yuki)
10. daniel making a fool of himself for max
please add more !!!!!!! 💕💓💖💞💘
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theladyrebecca2 · 3 days
El and Mike’s ‘I missed you, but this isn’t working anymore’ vs Will and Mike’s ‘I missed you, and your absence drove me crazy.’
El and Mike’s ‘I couldn’t even write it’ vs Will and Mike’s ‘I tried so hard to say it’
El and Mike’s ‘I won’t see you again for a long time’ vs Will and Mike’s ‘I don’t want to be anywhere if I can’t see you.’
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radtoken · 3 months
I find it funny that trans women can have their own spaces, separate from females, without being called sexist or misogynistic. But god forbid females want our own space separate from biological males (trans women)! Then we're evil, transmisogynistic women who need to be punished and called names.
Just because you're transsexual (and, let's be honest, most TIMs aren't truly transsexual) doesn't mean you get to enter female-only spaces. Jusy because you identify as a female doesn't mean you get to enter female-only spaces. Sure, transsexual-inclusive groups can exist. I don't care if they do. But let females (including transsexual men and nonbinary afabs) have our own damn space.
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mishapen-dear · 5 months
tbh i think that even unwinnable fights should be winnable. some of the BEST fights i've ever run as a dm were ones i built kill the players (in a fun way. I had some cutscenes prepped so even the loss would be a different flavour of win)- but then they were clever bastards and managed to either win the fights or pull themselves out of trouble. I think it's perfectly fine to plan for a fight that players aren't supposed to win, but you need to let them. if they can't win, they can't lose, and the meaning of that encounter is diminished. do that too many times, and they stop trusting you to give them roleplay prompts and start expecting to sit there waiting while you drive the story for them.
but if they can win... if there is always the chance to win, no matter how impossible the odds, then they ALWAYS have hope. they always get invested. they feel the big emotions of success or the big emotions of failure, and you fucking Win as a dm/roleplay prompter/lead bastard.
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sunny-daze-ahead · 7 months
Tim Drake: broke something inside me many years ago, and it feels like I just keep shattering there's ice in my blood and fire in my throat and electricity all down my skin Sebastian Ives, barely awake: First of all, that's cryptic, second of all, fucking go to sleep Why the fuck are you awake at 5 am
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bogkeep · 6 months
[in stars and time spoilers]
something i really really appreciate about the worldbuilding in ISAT is that being queer or trans or polyam is just, baked into the worldbuilding in a way that feels very natural and interesting and makes perfect sense for the setting. like don't get me wrong, all of these things ARE natural but the way *we* talk about these things in this world and our languages can often be very awkward to translate into the worldbuilding of a fantasy story - especially because a lot of the vocabulary and culture we have for queerness is as something that has been Othered, while cishet is the Default, and if you want a world where being trans is just a normal everyday thing you have to do a whole overhaul of how it's treated, right. it's tricky to make it feel natural!! though i DO think a lot of stories do it well, and ISAT is 10000% one of them. BUT HERE'S THE THING THAT'S FASCINATING. vaugarde is really chill with all this - but amatonormativity is still an issue. but the story *addresses* this!!!!!! which makes it a deliberate and super interesting part of the worldbuilding!!! you have the exposition about the bonding earrings (WHICH I THINK IS A FANTASTIC PIECE OF WORLDBUILDING) and sif pointing out that most vaugardians seem to be wearing earrings from a young age and wondering if maybe they're being primed to bond with someone early on. and of course mirabelle struggling with her faith, feeling perfectly comfortable with her aroace self but feeling pressured into dating. like i think the change religion rules and i LOVE that there's aspects of it that are Flawed, even for some of its most loyal followers. SO GOOD.
so here's what i really super appreciate - all the characters have very different relationships to romance. i love mirabelle with my whole heart, and i ALSO love that odile does experience romantic feelings and has just decided it's not a priority for her(!!!!!). isabeau is very clearly super romantic and into romance, and while he's definitely struggling a lot with the confession part - and it does get exceedingly heartbreaking as the loops go on - i do actually really like that he's like. you know what! the confession is not that important right now, you'r every clearly distraught, there will be time later (HERE'S WHERE I WOULD PUT A ""LATER""" IF I HAD ONE), my big romantic moment is *not* top priority. like none of these characters treat romance as the Most Important Thing in the world!!!! WILD!!!!!! i mean it's pretty clear that the focal relationship of the game is the found family, just like straight up spelled out for us, and i just... i think it's lovely. i love the romantic plot thread and i love that it's just one of many threads. (hear me out. hear me out............ queerplatonic mirabelle & siffrin..............) like this game chose to portray amatonormativity but the *game* is dismantling it. A TASTY MEAL FOR ME. GIVES THIS GAME A BIG STAMP OF AROACE APPROVAL
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if molt and rem met dream and nightmare, how'd you think itd go?
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Largely depends on who met who first. either way tho, capital D Drama.
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eyes-blazing · 3 months
Welcome|| @thewitchsvision
"I'm sorry if this is a sensitive topic but, why are you red?"
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"You wisssh to sspeak with the Ivory Dragon?"
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This is an rp and ask blog run by @peppermintstarsonamintyway and @doctoroctavephd for Snake Fruit and Longan Dragon! I (poster) haven't gone through much of Ovenbreak's story, so if characters are ooc, please don't mind! Remember to specify who when you send an ask!
[Muses And Who They're Played By!]
-Snake Fruit Cookie (Played by Poster(peppermintstars)) -Longan Dragon Cookie (Played by Battery Acid(doctoroctave))
Snake Fruit Knows How to Use Tumblr (link to all of Snake Fruit's asks, posts, and interactions!) Longan Dragon Does Not Know How to Use Tumblr (link to all of Longan Dragon's asks, posts, and interactions!)
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sotwk · 5 months
A person can be told "I love you" literally every single day of their life, and still live their whole life feeling wretchedly unloved.
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elegancemultimuse · 4 months
OPEN: Female. CONNECTION: Ex-partner PLOT: Lars and your muse broke up some time ago. Things between the two of them just didn't work out but Lars wants for your muse to be happy Mostly Lars has been throwing himself into work as his failing business was one of the reasons for the breakup. The two of them have decided to meet for coffee to try to regain some sort of friendship between them.
"I hope you're feeling happier than you've ever been." Lars said honestly as he wanted nothing more for her at the moment. He'd been throwing himself into his ranch and some needed repairs. As a result he'd managed to save the ranch that a few months ago he'd been so convinced he was going to lose. He'd found a sense of happiness in that fact. Now all he wanted was the same for her. "I hope you find somebody new." Lars added as he wasn't sure if she'd met anyone. If she had, he wanted her to know that he'd be supportive of that idea. After all, break ups were meant for people to move on.
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bananararama · 20 days
Apparently when you use Tumblr's gifs it notifies the maker of the gifs??? And I used a random gif to respond to a proselfship reblog thing and the maker straight up told me to delete the gif and block them on 2 accounts?? Fym with that I don't even know who you are 😟
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It was literally this meme
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titanbabyeams · 7 days
okay but how insane would I be if I admitted I was curious about the ship dynamic between The Ghoul & Norm?
The only issue I foresee is that, in my head, Norm is the younger brother and cannot possibly be over 22 years old… but boy, does that little worm in my brain bring up the ship every time I write.
Sometimes I just think it’d be so interesting? Norm has gained some backbone by the end of the series and I really think he wouldn’t be afraid to just… say what he thinks to The Ghoul’s face. He’d also have none of that ‘Vault Dweller Goodness’ that The Ghoul has associated with Lucy. There’d be a strange combination of respect and animosity… plus, I think he’d appreciated Norm’s dry humor.
Imagine: Lucy & The Ghoul are traveling together and Norm joins them at some point. Norm is keeping records of all the Wasteland creatures he comes across because he’s genuinely interested in how the surface has affected things and people…
…which leads him to asking rather probing questions to The Ghoul. Does he have genitalia? How long did the process take to become a ghoul? Are they experiencing radiation exposure just by traveling with him or do they have to be in closer proximity? Is he semen irradiated?
Purely scientific, of course, but The Ghoul would turn it right back on him and ask if he wants to experiment to learn these things.
Norm is disturbed, initially, cue crisis…
Who knows who knows.
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