#(the url/link for this one is funny i swear)
b0mblover · 26 days
It’ll be Okay in the End
By: J
cw; selfharm, generally negative thoughts, blood (etc everything that comes with sh)
lopt essentially has a silent breakdown and mason comforts him or smth idk im not good at summeries,
[Note; this was wrote out of my own desperation for comfort, not romanizing sh, i do not encourage or believe anyone should do this to themselves, seek help.]
i uh, actually had a easier time writing this than most things, probably because ive been essentially replaying this whole scene in my head for literal years! i for once wasnt upset when i wrote this, i was very tired tho! uh i have alot more to say but hawaii part ii lopt is taking over my brain again, so im gonna go do that! have fun with my depressed 100% projected loptson ig!
lopt was in ‘his’ so called room, scribbling away at some paper,
mason was rather concerned, hearing frustrated noises constantly, what sounded like pencils breaking,
they had been “partners” officially for 3 months now, mason had always cared about lopt to an extent, partner or not, but this was… odd.
sure lopt had his own life, hobbies, but he didnt care to keep /that/ much from mason, especially whenever he asked,
but, this was different.
lopt had came home from wherever the fuck he was- hell if mason knew details- annoyed, he stormed off to some room, when mason tried to ask what was wrong he only blew him off saying that “its none of your fucking business, you wouldnt get it anyways”
lopt was scribbling away in his notepad, despite being a god and literally being immortal, he still couldnt force creativity to come to him,
it was his fifth time trying,
most drawings resulted in poorly scribbled out lines,
he had went out to try and get inspiration for “some project” though he didnt really /have/ anything to work on, starting a new drawing always seemed to be a block for him,
he sat down his broken (6b) pencil, (rather violently but he didnt want to acknowledge that) and got up, he knew somewhere in him, that he needed a break, he walked out of his room to get water, but his mind wouldnt leave him alone,
constant thoughts about how awful his art was spewed around
“youre not “talented”, youre worthless”
“itd be better to quit now”
“just rip up the damn papers, theyre ugly anyways”
“imagine- you could just go and alleviate all this pain, just with that knife-“
he tried to push down his thoughts,
grabbing a cup from the cabinet and filling it with water,
the knives in the butcher block seemed so… tempting,
most of him /knew/ that he shouldnt- that it was wrong, that mason would be disappointed- disgusted, if he found out about his thoughts,
but, he couldnt help it,
all memories of the nights he got up from their bed to take part in something that would disgust his partner made him sick.
questions runned through his head as he sipped on his water, leaning onto the counter
“would he be sad?”
“would he care?”
“would he call me names?”
“tell me how pathetic i am?”
“leave me?”
“would he hate me?”
“tell me how ugly my body is”
“tell me how he hates the scars”
“tell me just how much he despises me”
the voices grew louder wither every question,
saying that he wanted mason to hate him,
that he did hate him,
in the very back of lopts mind, in the tiniest corner, he knew it all wasnt true, that he was being dramatic over nothing,
but even then, the memories of all the times he loved someone- all the times he didnt question if they hated him, what they all said to him,
he felt like doubting himself was the only way to have them not leave,
to not abandon him,
he took a deep breath before sighing, realizing his cup was empty, he decided that he had enough of a “break” and that he needed to start “working” again,
mason was sitting on the couch, some random tv show playing for background noise, when lopt wasnt “there” it was almost too quiet, in a way, mason had grown to love how loud and chaotic the house was with lopt- even if thery were the only two people in it.
he seen lopt walk into the kitchen for around 8~ minutes before he trudged his way into his room once more,
he didnt know excatly as to what lopt was doing,
granted whatever it was had to have been important, he didnt usually spend 3+ hours in a room alone silently, it started to make him worry, was lopt sick? just why did he seem so upset when he came home? is he okay? did he hurt himself?
lopt sat down at his desk once more, staring at the scribbled page, a sphere, he couldnt figure out how to shade it properly on the background,
he sighed turning his attention to the top left drawer,
he stood up walking over to his dresser, pulling out another drawer, he took out a roll of bandages, and some tissues, 
he knew that he shouldnt, that it was essentially pointless, that hed feel better soon enough,
but that fear crept back up,
“what about last time you didnt? remember? it got only worse because you didnt”
he rubbed the sides of his nose bridge, the voices were annoying, they knew that he was gonna, even without the encouragement.
he sat back down at his desk, sitting the tissues to his right and the badages to his left before pulling out the left hand drawer,
he rummaged through it, various miscellaneous items, before coming across a box,
a red box, seemingly quiet old, with yellow letters reading “do it” on the front,
he took one out, ‘unwrapping’ the razor blade,
straight edge,
he stared at it, contemplating just what hes doing with his life,
“i cant draw, i cant write, i cant make people happy, i cant make music, i can only recite the tales others have told, im worthless, im doless, i will never amount to anything or anyone in my life, god or not, human or not, this is deserved, if i cannot create, then i at lease deserve to bleed”
a mantra he told himself, attempting to poorly justify his actions,
mason listened at the door, hearing nothing, no pencil, no walking, almost no breathing, he didnt know everything about lopt, sure, but he knew that he didnt look well off, and what boyfriend would he be to his partner if he wasnt concerned?
they had an unspoken rule to always at least knock before walking into the others space, granted they had seen every part of each other, it was just a courtesy they had, 
though, something felt off,
mason felt as if he shouldnt knock, that lopt was hiding something,
all those sleepless nights where lopt comforted him abundantly, he had felt him get up, a few times he had caught lopt in the basement, he didnt know just what he was doing, he always hid something,
he didnt want to break any boundaries sure, thatd be rude and disrespectful, but, he had a weird feeling in his gut that it was for lopts own saftey,
“please forgive me for this” he muttered to himself,
sharply inhaling before opening the door,
simply greeted by lopts back.
lopt heard the door open, he had three lines going diagonally down his right arm, bleeding, he fumbled the razor, dropping it onto the floor, it had gotten rather dark by now, so it probably wouldnt be seen, he attempted to get the tissues, he had always been a great liar,
“ill just say i accidentally cut myself, if he asks what i was doing with a weapon, ill deflect and say i was being stupid”
it seems like he fumbled the tissues for a bit too long.
mason said over his shoulder,
he moved his left hand to cover the cuts,
“o-oh, hey, whats wrong?”
“hm, well, i mean nothing? i guess, what are you doing?”
“i- you guess? is something the matter?”
mason had noticed he was oddly covering his forearm,
“you ignored my question.”
“i asked what youre doing.”
masons tone sounded alot more pissed off, granted he wasnt, just concered more than anything,
“o-oh i um, ok dont laugh but uh- i was trying to draw”
“and why are you covering your arm? are you hurt?”
“i- huh? wh- no, no! i uh, may have also been playing with a blade and accidentally scraped myself, nothing much”
“let me see”
“let me see your injury”
lopt was taken aback, all of his previous partners never asked to see his wounds, scars sure but never his wounds, even if they werent self inflicted, he was shocked, he hadnt planned for this.
“i- i assure you dear, it isnt anything to worry about-“
“let me see it. are you hiding something?”
in that moment lopt felt small, like a child almost, weak, helpless, he didnt know how he could get out of this without mason either finding out or being suspicious of him.
“i- here”
lopt moved his left arm to mason, there were a few small cuts on it, though rather old looking,
lopt moved his right arm off the table, into the shadows to not call attention to it.
“uh huh, now the other?”
lopt seen his eternal life flash before his very eyes.
his mind went on autopilot and raised his right arm, he usually would fight but, he knew itd be pointless, mason would just worry more, thus making him keep a closer eye on lopt, he didnt want to feel selfish, not like that,
“oh my, i- oh my god,”
mason was shocked, he had suspected that lopt had hurt himself in the past, granted the scars,
but, he didnt think he still did it, sure the weird behavior, but it never really dawned on him until that moment.
mason had brought (more like dragged) lopt to the bathroom, running the slits under cool water, putting pressure to hopefully get the bleeding under control, he opened the cabinet under the sink and pulled out another roll of bandages,
he stood behind lopt washing the blood off, still slightly in shock,
“why do you do this?”
masom questioned, fully aware of the long list lopt was about to give out,
“i- well, i dunno..”
lopts voice trailed off before starting again,
“i mean, i dont even know why i do this, it just feels good? like i can do something right? it makes me feel like im not worthless”
mason hummed for a second before choosing his words
“do you feel normally that youre worthless?”
“i guess so, i dont know why, i have the best boyfriend, my life is great, i just dont know..”
“mmhm, what were you trying to draw?”
“i dont know. does it matter?”
lopt shot back
“well, you seemed frustrated at it, so im sure it’s important to you yeah? so then it’s important to me”
mason brought his hands around lopts wrist, rubbing it slightly attempting to calm him down
“i- i dont know, i just, i feel frustrated, so i tried to draw, but drawing makes me feel more frustrated, so i did this- an- and n-now-“
lopt began to stutter, tears swelling up in his eyes, mason had only seen him cry on a few occasions,
“shh- shh its okay, i know what youre saying, breath, okay?”
lopt inhaled deeply, feeling masons left hand move to wipe the tears away,
he didnt even know why he was crying,
mason bandaged lopts arm slightly tight, 
“shh, now, you wanna talk about this? or wait a little bit longer to calm down?”
“c-calm down”
“alright alright, shh youre okay, see?”
mason lead lopt into his bedroom, taking lopts hand under the covers as he had done for him every sleepless night,
lopt could feel his eyelids starting to droop, the warmth of his boyfriend comforting him, the love of his boyfriend comforting him,
he shoved his head into masons chest, finding it to be the most comfortable spot out of the entire bed,
mason ruffled his hair, slowly stroking his hand on his neck,
“y’know, you may be a god,
and you may be immortal, but,
ill be with you for as long as you need, in this life and after”
lopt didnt respond, just slightly nodded his head before burrying it deeper into masons chest, 
maybe tonight wasnt so bad after all,
spending time with mason- no, his boyfriend, was never bad.
lopt faded in and out of sleep, trying to fight the melatonin being produced, just to feel the sweet touch of his boyfriends skin, before he completely felt himself drift away, he heard him speak,
“I love you, i love you so much, never forget that, in this life and the next, ill always love you, lopt.”
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haberdashing · 7 months
Indie Music Rec: Carsie Blanton
I wanted to promote an independent musician I'm a fan of, so here's a music rec post!
Music: Folk, country, punk, maybe pop with some songs if you squint? Some love songs, some protest songs. Tempo varies wildly based on song. Definitely catchy. Some are sing alongs.
Vibes: Leftist, anti-capitalist, clearly channels her rage at the system into much of her music. Funny. Genuine. Passionate. She might just be on tumblr now actually it looks like the url is taken and probably actually by her but not used since 2018
Identity: From the American South, Jewish, Millennial-ish. Doesn't really center her own identity or story in most of her music.
Carsie Blanton... where do I even start in recommending her?
There's how she's about as far left as my own corner of tumblr tends to be. (I swear I heard her describe herself as politically "somewhere between Bernie Sanders and Karl Marx" but now I can't find the quote. It sounds about right, though.) How she refers to herself as "socialist" unabashedly and rails against the excesses of capitalism. How one of her songs has the lyric "you're just a Democrat, I'm a revolutionary".
How she has a song inspired by her response to the Charlottesville rally, and how the rally hit home for her, as she grew up in central Virginia as one of the only Jewish kids around.
How her songs channel her leftist rage, advocate protest, tear apart the system we're living in.
But importantly, she's not just writing protest songs, she's writing catchy protest songs that are genuinely quality pieces of music to boot.
When I saw her in concert a couple months ago, she mentioned how Dolly Parton's "9 to 5" is great because it's about as far left as you can get while still being a catchy pop song, and I think Carsie Blanton's own music fits that pretty well too.
I posted not too long ago about how my mom saw her posting something pro-Palestine and thought she was going too far because of it. I looked up the post in question; it had the caption "Free Palestine" along with some informative text that wouldn't look out of place in a tumblr post. Nothing radical, nothing anti-Israel. Just support for the Palestinian people. And while that might cost her some fans in and of itself--I think my mom's lost some interest in her because of it--I think it's a good example of how her leftism isn't just an act, or deployed just when it's popular. She speaks out for what's right, regardless of what the rest of the world thinks.
Now, that's enough of an introduction, I think. So I'll leave you with some examples of her music, and a quick blurb about each song I'm linking.
This is the one in response to Charlottesville, and it's the sort of fast-paced, angry song you might expect:
This one's also very anti-capitalist but a bit slower and more mellow, though that's not to say it won't get stuck in your head fast:
This is the one that first got her on my parents' radar, a fitting tribute to beloved country artist John Prine:
Apparently this one's big on Tiktok? I believe it, it's got the fast pacing and witty lyrics for that crowd. (Age-restricted because it uses the word "bitch" a lot, I imagine. Title is "Ugly Nasty Commie Bitch".)
This is the one with the lyrics I quoted above, despite being not generally a political song, just a fun silly listen:
Not quite as upbeat as the title might make it seem, but very fitting vibe for the current moment given, y'know, everything:
Are you an American with deeply divided feelings about what that means given your place of privilege in the world but being stuck in a system that keeps causing harm? Carsie Blanton feels that too:
Another slower, mellow one, and not political this time, but this one's gotten stuck in my head a few times lately:
And finally, a sing-along that seems like the perfect way to wrap things up:
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stomachflu · 4 years
iffff i were to make a general illness/illnessfucking/snz blog maybe should the url be sicklesbian or sickfvcker
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astonishinglegends · 3 years
Ep 201: The Disappearance of Frederick Valentich Part 3
“I am prepared to swear on oath or submit myself to any lie detector test to substantiate this, my statement.”
– Don Cox, who observed a triangle-shaped UFO for 45 minutes from his yard in Adelaide, 385 miles northwest of Valentich’s last known location, just 28 minutes after his radio fell silent.
As we wrap up our coverage of the Frederick Valentich story in Part 3 of our series, we'll continue our conversation with Melbourne resident Chris Tyler about his research into the case and other possibly related UFO incidents around the same time and area. We'll also examine the Australian Department of Transport accident report's remaining findings and discuss its conclusions. As you begin to reach your own conclusions, it's essential to keep several factors in mind which make the usual mundane explanations seem inadequate. The high number of independent sightings of aerial phenomena occurring in proximity to the disappearance suggests Valentich wasn't alone in witnessing it. The distance a Cessna cowling was found from a potential crash site and the lack of definitive markings makes its discovery inconclusive. Even if the cowling did come from Valentich's plane, it still doesn't account for what caused him to ditch, let alone other missing debris and Valentich himself. Perhaps the most surprising revelation comes from the summary of the report itself. Rather than dismissing the possibility of a UFO entanglement, an official government statement lists it as one of four likeliest scenarios. Remember that Valentich himself never suggested he interacted with a UFO in his last transmission, despite being painted as obsessed with them by his skeptics. When these factors and more are taken together, it's no wonder this incident is one of the most baffling and tragic in the phenomenon's history and leaves us all to wonder, what happened to Frederick Valentich and where did he go?
Moorabbin Airport, where Frederick Valentich took off from on October 21, 1978, headed for King Island across Bass Strait.
Reference Links:
“UFO suspicions still cloud disappearance of Frederick Valentich” from Melbourne’s Herald Sun
The strange noises heard on Valentich’s last transmission, posted on Facebook by A.U.F.O.A. – Australian UFO Action
“How the 40-year-old mystery of a UFO in New Zealand lives on” from news.com.au, about Quentin Fogarty’s UFO experience
The UFO Documents Index on NSA.gov
Cape Otway Lightstation
“What is the Aurora Australis?” on Universe Today
The Green Flash
“The Disappearance of Flight N3808H, Puerto Rico, 1980” blog post by “karl 12” on AboveTopSecret.com
“Disappearance of flight N3808H 28th of June, 1980” with pilot’s radio transmission on YouTube
“UFOs, USOs and the Island of Puerto Rico.” by “karl 12” on AboveTopSecret.com
“Jet Fighters disappear as they approach UFO in Puerto Rico” section of a documentary on YouTube
“Two F-14s kidnapped by UFO near Puerto Rico” forum thread on unexplained-mysteries.com
“The Valentich Disappearance: Another UFO Cold Case Solved” by James McGaha and Joe Nickell on Skeptical Inquirer
“Spooky Space ‘Sounds’” from nasa.gov
“What Is This Flying Object??? Occurred at Cape Hatteras Lighthouse - 1/7/2021” on YouTube by Wes Snyder Photography
The “PPRuNe” forum or “Professional Pilots Rumour Network” discussing Valentich's radio transmission
The Melbourne Marvels podcast and their episode on “The Unresolved Disappearance of Frederick Valentich”
“10 Truly Bizarre Incidents From The Bass Strait Triangle” from Listverse
The Unsolved Mysteries Wiki on Fandom.com for the Frederick Valentich episode
“Lost yacht mystery continues 30 years on” from abc.net.au
Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race on Wikipedia
“Race Tragedy Tale / Oracle CEO tells all to St. Francis Yacht Club” from SFGate.com
“'Holy grail' or epic hoax? Australian Kelly Cahill's UFO abduction story still stirs passions” from ABC South West Victoria news
“Capturing the Light” – The true story of Dorothy Izatt on Amazon Prime
Close Encounters of the Third Kind feature release date information on IMDb
The Frederick Valentich case on the original Unsolved Mysteries, Season 5, Episode 2 on Amazon Prime
“Last Light: the Valentich Mystery” from The History Listen with Kirsti Melville on ABC.net.au
“Disappearance of Frederick Valentich” on Wikipedia
“What Happened to Frederick Valentich? Possibly the scariest UFO case ever” by OzWeatherman on AboveTopSecret.com
“Valentich Case Files Finally Released” by Kandinsky on AboveTopSecret.com
“The Valentich Abduction/Disappearance: 40th Anniversary” by MirageMan on AboveTopSecret.com
“The Abduction of Fred Valentich” from The Unexplained Files on Discovery UK – YouTube clip of Melbourne Flight Advisor Officer Steve Robey describing his radio communication with Valentich
Complete episode on the Valentich disappearance from The Unexplained Files on the Discovery Channel
Cessna 182 “Skylane”
Valentich’s missing aircraft report online, from the National Archives of Australia
Download of Valentich’s missing aircraft report as a PDF
Bass Strait
Moorabbin Airport
“'Truth' was out there after all –An accidental discovery sheds new light on the mysterious disappearance of a pilot in 1978, writes Miles Kemp” from The Advertiser
Australian UFO researcher, Keith Basterfield
Melbourne, Australia
King Island, Tasmania
Visit King Island at kingisland.org.au
“Biography of Bette Nesmith Graham, Inventor of Liquid Paper” on ThoughtCo.com
Bette Nesmith Graham on Wikipedia
Australian crayfish
The TCAS or Traffic collision avoidance system
“What C.S. Lewis and Martin Luther Would Say About Our Coronavirus Panic”
Black Death
Second plague pandemic
“Plague was one of history’s deadliest diseases—then we found a cure” on NationalGeographic.com
Suggested Listening:
Melbourne Marvels podcast – “a podcast about true stories from Melbourne” CLICK HERE to listen to their episode on “The Unresolved Disappearance of Frederick Valentich”
Check out our good friend Gledders’ paranormal podcast, ANOMALY, where he, his co-host Steve Freestone, and Forrest discuss some of the more weird and wild events of 2020 and more in his latest 2-part series. Click here to subscribe and listen on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, the website at anomaly.co.uk, or anywhere excellent podcasts are found.
And then after that, check out Gledders’ “80’s Mix Tape” for the best in 1980s music, Saturdays, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the UK, or stream anytime at Huntingdon Community Radio HCR 104 FM!
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Episode 201: The Disappearance of Frederick Valentich Part 3. Produced by Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess; Audio Editing by Sarah Vorhees Wendel. Sound Design by Ryan McCullough; Tess Pfeifle, Producer, and Lead Researcher; Research Support from the astonishing League of Astonishing Researchers, a.k.a. The Astonishing Research Corps, or "A.R.C." for short. Copyright 2021 Astonishing Legends Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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nullominous-q · 3 years
Tagged by @voltsm! Thank you friend!
Rules Are as Follows: Answer 28 questions and tag 20 (wow 20!?!) blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
Name/Nickname: Theo (Don’t rlly have a nickname)
Gender: Nonbinary
Star Sign: Scorpio
Height: Short fakyu (/lh /j)
Time: 9pm
Birthday: November 13
Favorite Band/Groups: World Order? I guess? They’re a Japanese group of men that move like legit robots in their music videos, it’s pretty cool. (Prolly heard of their song “Have A Nice Day” on YT)
Favorite Solo Artist: Billie Eilish, hands down. Such emotionally transcendent stuff I swear.
Song Stuck in My Head: Hanna’s Theme by Chemical Brothers (From the movie “Hanna”)
Last Movie: Soul. Watched with the family, it was flipping cool.
Last Show: Japan Sinks 2020 on Netflix. Haven’t finished it and not sure if I will, was depressing af and don’t think I can handle it rn.
When Did I Create this Blog: Um, let’s see. Apparently in April of 2020.
What Do I Post: Sanders Sides stuff and links to my long ass fic for the fandom. Don’t post much else bc if I don’t hyperfixate, I lose motivation. Not rlly here for anything but Sanders Sides but I’ll rb a funny meme or awesome artwork every once in a while.
Last Thing I Googled: “Rogue 5e”
Other Blogs: @killfm-askblog, essentially a sister-story to Kill For Me, my Sanders Sides fic that follows one person not primarily involved in the main story’s plot. And! @main-for-theo my main blog that was for some reason marked explicit years ago and despite many appeals, I have gotten nothing. :/ Essentially a dead blog
Do I Get Asks: Not very often. I don’t like asking for them so much but at times I feel like I have to, esp with the askblog that literally runs off of asks.
When Did I Choose My URL: Wh-when I made the blog???
Following: This number is prolly ridiculous, hold up. Okay 110.
Followers: 56 (here) 27 (sideblog)
Average Hours of Sleep: About 6-7 every night.
Lucky Number: 111
Instruments: I dabble in piano but my main instrument is my voice.
What I am Wearing: Pac-Man shirt & Basketball Shorts (AKA, pajamas)
Dream Job: Game Story Author
Dream Trip: Japan or smth. Or Costa Rica (again >->)
Favorite Food: Spaghetti and Meatballs
Nationality: I hate it here, stop having major historical events in my lifetime. Does that give a good idea of where? Fuck I hate it here.
Top 3 Universes I’d Like to Live In: Avatar the Last Airbender, She-ra and the Princesses of Power and Undertale I guess?
Tagging: Uhhhhh @brilewblue @vindicatedvirgil​ @fangirltothefullest​ @attackthepinata @emo-sunshine42 I have social anxiety I know that’s not 20! 20? Are you kidding me? 20!
Do if you would like!
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foreverxdaydreaming · 5 years
Tumblr media
JJ ❀ ’97 ❀ She/her ❀ Bi ❀ INFP
♏️☀️ / ♉️🌙 / ♋️ ⬆️
(Formerly @jungjijel; the url I had for rougly 7 yrs before needing a change.)
Kpop fan since 2010. Multifandom to the brink of madness (hence the title).
Love to dance, read/write, draw, play play video games, watch anime, etc. Have a knack/love for many of the creative outlets such as the above~
I have like 10 blogs blogs now, all of them are linked in the post in my blog description. (You can also find it here, for your convenience.)
Ult group: Girls’ Generation 💖
Current obsession: NCT
Fav. color: Pink! (Though I love many colors, this one is my top favorite.)
I talk a lot in the tags. Usually shitpost-level material tbh, but there are diamonds in the rough, you know?
Lots of puns & jokes ahead, as well as excessive swearing & emojis/emoticons (consider yourself forewarned~)
Animal lover; especially a sucker for pics/videos of puppies and kittens 💗
I don’t really film kpop covers anymore, but I used to do choreos + was in a dance group.
I love love love Pokémon (and Eevee), so it’s not a rare occurrence whatsoever for them to make appearances on here~
I love pink/pastels/photography/etc, so there will be a lot of that intermixed with all of the kpop content on my blog. A lot (and I mean a lot) of memes as well. The occasional shitposts (some by yours truly).
My askbox is always open, as are my messages. I’ve been told I give good advice, and always offer a shoulder/ear for whom it may be necessary. Also just open to converse, I don’t bite! Not too hard, anyway.👀 So do feel free to stop by anytime! (replies may be delayed)
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Some of my most commonly used tags, if you find yourself curious:
#my post: posts i made myself (since so much of my blog is made up of rb’s)
#aes: aesthetic photos/misc content
#photography: pretty straightforward
#art: for beautiful art/fanart
#gifs/#gifset: most commonly sets of kpop gifs, but sometimes varies
#gfx: for graphics, or edits
#moodboard/#kpop moodboard: self explanatory; i share a lot of these btw
#memery: my memes tag
#funny stuff: for funny content
#animals: for cute animal content
#pink: for pretty pink pictures/content
#pastel: for softer tones and cute pics
#me/#personal: for misc personal posts (many of these wind up getting deleted anyway)
#notes to self: important posts, whether positive msgs or self-care tips, or just plain harsh truths to remember
#positivity/#motivation/#wholesome: if you’re ever in need of a pick-me-up, these just might do the trick!
#resources and references: important links, such as to school tips or study material, or even resume tips
#important: either posts/news that are meaningful or are of pressing urgency
#astrology: a lot of zodiac posts
#tag games/#ask games: games i was tagged in, asks i received, etc.
#asks/#answered: if you sent in an ask and aren’t sure if it got answered, it should be in one of these tags! (otherwise it’s either sitting in my inbox.. or tumblr got hungry again and ate it)
#picrew/#anime yourself: character generator sire that many use to make versions of themselves (or their oc’s)
#long post/#tldr warning: posts that require a lot of reading and/or scrolling
I don’t always remember to add tags, but when I do, group/member names should usually be there! (Still trying to get myself to stop being so lazy and actually get back into the habit of tagging my reblogs, my apologies.)
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Will edit this as I see fit, as I am not sure of what else to add right now. I think this should be a pretty good indication of my blog and myself. It’s been a pleasure having you, and thank you if you read through all this. I wish you a great day/night and hope you take care!
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2 notes · View notes
bigskydreaming · 6 years
So random stuff about me and my acting career, apropos of nothing but being bored and having a spare moment. Putting it under a cut, not because it’s super personal or I have a problem with reblogs or anything in this instance, it’s just long and rambly and only of interest if you’re like....actually interested. Idk.
So I was just talking about memory, and I’m weird because in most instances, I actually have a really freaky good memory. It’s not photographic, but it’s still damn good. I can memorize a script fast enough that it gives most of my other actor friends envy, I could draw a floorplan of like, every house I lived in as a kid, but the thing is it’s not automatic. I have to like....make a mental note to lock something in as worth hanging on to. Its not like I look at a page and I have it memorized, but I look at a page and make a mental note like I’m taking a snapshot of it, and then its locked in. 
But bottom line....I have a really really good memory for anything I care about to some degree, for whatever reason I care about it, whether it’s an important life event or a scene by scene breakdown of a fave fanfic I read twenty years ago in high school. Flip side tho....I have an absolutely TERRIBLE memory for anything that doesn’t particularly matter to me and I was never paying that much attention to begin with.
Now, you would think this would work out in my favor overall, as an actor, right? Like I said, I can memorize scripts really quickly and hold onto them for as long as I need to, I never forget a face if it’s someone I like or have a good interaction with, stuff like that.
Buuuuuut....problem is.....I’m also a jaded cynical asshole who super doesn’t give a shit about a lot of key things that most everyone else in the entertainment industry assumes everyone cares about as much as them. Like....say, how famous a person is, or how popular a show or movie is.
I could tell you every little detail I learned in conversation with a super obscure actor I worked with once eight years ago that’s only recently achieved a level of fame or celebrity if that actor was someone I enjoyed working with as a person. But if say, for instance, purely speaking hypothetically, if an actor were someone that I decided I didn’t give a shit about five seconds into our interaction because he came across as Generic Hollywood Douchebag #27? And if that actor was mostly in shows that aren’t to my personal tastes and so aren’t really on my radar, it doesn’t matter how big or famous that actor is, or even if I’ve literally met them three different times on three different projects and been personally introduced to them because I had actual lines with them.....hypothetically I would probably reintroduce myself to them each time as though it were the first time we’d ever met, even though I’m the nameless nobody and they’re the big star, because I simply did not give enough of a shit about them to lock in our previous interactions.
Now, I’m not saying that this scenario has happened, I’m just saying that it hasn’t....not happened. 
And I’ve definitely never been in the super awkward position of only realizing halfway into a three week shoot with a director that the kinda weird random comments the director keeps making to me have to do with the fact that he actually directed me in a commercial years earlier and has been assuming this whole time that I definitely remembered working with him before, whoops.
But yeah, point is, I have a lot of cool or interesting or funny stories from working in Hollywood for like...ten years now, I think? Idk. But they’re all from like...good days on set on projects I enjoyed working with people I liked. I’ve had just as many projects where I literally just showed up for the paycheck, worked with people I didn’t err...particularly care for, and basically just....forgot everything about the job and the experience the minute I walked off set because who needs that shit, you know? Like I mean, yes, I’m petty and spiteful and joke about this all the time, but in reality, I don’t ACTUALLY get super annoyed over every single negative interaction I ever have, I just exaggerate this aspect of me for shits and giggles on tumblr because I’m unneccessarily melodramatic. When it comes to my day to day job, aka working on set on various projects, its just not worth the mental energy to get worked up over a lot of the shit I deal with on a daily basis because like, Ego is EVERYWHERE in Hollywood, and even I do not have the time or energy to be annoyed every time I have to work with a patronizing asshole. So mostly, I just tend to...forget about them. Unless they REALLY get under my skin.
Anyway, this leads to a very weird dichotomy when it comes to talking about my actual career and experiences as an actor. I can totally be guilty of name-dropping and being all oh I know so and so or I worked on this or that, but its not really because I think its super impressive because they’re so famous or whatever. The novelty of working with famous people wears off pretty quick, and like...no matter how big the person you’re working with today is, its not like there isn’t always someone bigger, you know? So when I name drop, it tends to be because I just really like someone as a person or just had a really good time working with them or working on a particular shoot. But then again, flip side.....try and talk to me about a job I didn’t care about, I mean, not a job I HATED but a job I just....wasn’t invested in, just was there for the paycheck, and like....you’ll get a blank stare 99% of the time. 
So, I technically remain pseudo anonymous for the time being on tumblr, not wanting to publicly link this URL to my like....work stuff, that’s because most of you have seen me get enough anon crap from people worked up about fandom drama, that its not worth it to me to risk giving them potential ammunition like that. Considering I.....umm, absolutely have talked a LOT of shit about a couple of movies and shows and actors and directors that I have worked on or with personally because I have no filter lmao. 
(And yes, Kalen is my real name and ppl have found my twitter and writing stuff because of it BUT I use a different name for my SAG name so like, that’s not what I’m on IMDB and stuff as). But because I have no filter and am one of the least subtle people in existence, I actually do end up saying a lot of stuff I probably shouldn’t if I REALLY wanted to remain totally anonymous, because a few people have absolutely figured out stuff I’ve been in and even tracked me down based on stuff I’ve mentioned over the years, lol whoops. And its not really that big a deal because I do have enough common sense....well no, okay let’s put it this way, I do have a firm enough system of prioritizing things for myself that anything I do say out loud, online or in public, is something that I would and have stood by even if it ends up getting me in trouble. Like, its not end of the world type secrecy, its more just....eh, I don’t really want to deal with unnecessary career drama if I don’t have to, so I try to be vague about stuff when I remember to, but I’m not like....obsessively invested in it. If that makes sense?
But the funny thing is, even with friends who do know my real name and I talk to about actual jobs I’ve had, like....half the time I can’t even tell them where to find me, because I genuinely don’t even remember a ton of the stuff I’ve actually been in. I could literally still recite my lines from a role, because that’s important info I needed to get paid for the job and thus I retain it....but in instances where it was just one or two fairly generic scenes without a context clue or me using names to signify who I might be talking to or what show or movie it might be from....I literally do not remember what the actual role itself was, lmao.
Like, I’m not even exaggerating for effect even slightly, this is how weird my brain is. I get residual checks for work I’ve done where I have to like....go hunt down my voucher or contract that matches the dates on the check to figure out what project it was from and try and remember it. Or go through my phone or facebook based off the dates to try and see if I talked to anyone about it that can jog my memory. Because what’s worse is a lot of stuff in Hollywood that isn’t like, a long running TV show, will use a pre-production name or even just go by ‘Untitled (Director’s Name) Project’, so I get a check with the official name of the project on it, and my dumb ass never paid attention to it after I was done working on it so never actually connected the dots.
LOL, I’ve had people I know come to me and be like, hey, were you on this episode of Criminal Minds in Season (I don’t even remember, I forgot AGAIN, jesus)....and I’m like....uh, I don’t think so? Because I hate Criminal Minds but I actually do watch it on Netflix, but in the background of stuff when I’m working on writing or graphic design stuff from home, and so I’m like, uh, I think I would remember if I’d ever worked on Criminal Minds or at least noticed....and then they’re all, no, I swear, that’s you, and they told me the episode number and I looked it up on Netflix and fast forwarded to the time stamp they gave me and I was like....ohhhhhhh, right, yeah that is me. Wait, I remember that shoot, that was Criminal Minds???? Huh. I had no idea.
I’m not even kidding. This is a real, actual conversation I’ve had with a college friend on facebook.
But yeah, it literally happens all the time to me. People will ask me “so what would I have seen you in” and half the time I legit have to tell them “apparently, the stuff you’re most likely to have seen me in, I completely have no idea where to find it.” Because most of the jobs I’ve had that I really enjoyed and remember fondly were for like, indie movies, or pilots that never got picked up, or this was this car commercial I did that only ever aired in European markets, and shit like that. And IMDB isn’t really much of a help because most actors kinda have to manage their own IMDB pages....to get officially credited via SAG, through IMDB Pro and stuff, either you or your agent or manager have to go through the production itself to get confirmation, and it’s a whole hassle and like.....you all know I’m notoriously ADHD right? LOL. 
And I’ve never really had a consistent agent or manager for longer than a couple months, because the level that I’m at career wise, I’ve honestly always done better getting my own work than getting it through agents sending me on auditions. I’ve done two big budget pilots for primetime networks and both of them I got cast because the casting director called me in directly because she remembered me from these three episodes I did on a soap opera eight years ago, random stuff like that and personal networking, that’s how I’ve landed most of my jobs. But that means I’m the only one responsible for maintaining my IMDB page, which given the hoops you have to jump through to get properly credited in a lot of cases, means mine is missing like...a lot. (Also I haaaaate watching myself act on camera, because I’m a perfectionist and super self-critical, so I never seek out my own stuff to watch anyway, I show up, I do the job, I’m done with it, on to the next).
But another example, there’s a pretty popular show that ran on ABC for multiple seasons and is one of the more prominent places where people have seen me and recognized me in something, because like, it’s a one scene role but it’s definitely and clearly me. And so I went to IMDB to check if I was credited for it, because sometimes production does it itself and I don’t always have to do it personally, only....the role is credited....but to some random guy who most definitely is not me. I have no idea who this guy is, I don’t even remember seeing him on that shoot and yes it’s one i actually remember well lol, but from his page it looks like he’s basically a career extra who gets production to credit him when he has significant face time or a nonverbal and nameless but still relevant role - they do that sometimes, so its worth a shot I guess - but anyway, he somehow managed to get credited with my role either by accident or design and I’ve literally been trying for years to get that changed, but since production wrapped years ago it’s a pain hunting the right people down and every time I try and go hey I should finally take care of this, I end up just getting annoyed and go fuck it and give up lmao.
So random funny story to wrap this up........like....six or seven years ago I went down to San Diego to visit my little sister, she’s four years younger than me and so had just graduated college I think. And so I was there for a few days and at one point she wanted to go see this new summer movie that had just come out with Hayden Panettiere in it, that girl from Heroes, though its some other show that my sister was a fan of hers from. I did some stunt work on Heroes once though so that’s what I tend to remember her from, even though I’ve actually worked on a few different things she’s been on.
So anyway, my sister and I are sitting in the middle of the theater watching this movie I’ve never heard of or seen any previews for.....it was one of those generic summer high school/college rom-coms that randomly get sprinkled in amidst summer blockbusters some years. And I’m bored and barely paying attention because I looked up the synopsis before we left and it didn’t grab me and I wasn’t big on any of the cast, so I’m mostly just there to humor my sister because she’s that sibling that every family has where all other siblings fear them. And I’m not like, snoozing or anything, but nothing about the movie is holding my interest so its one of those just kinda...glazed eyes, killing time kinda experiences, and also, parts of it feel very familiar and I’m like....have I seen this before or is it just really really formulaic?
And then my sister full on hits me in the shoulder and hisses “You didn’t tell me you were IN this!” And I’m like, okay first, OW, second....I’m not, I think I would know? And she’s looking at me like I’m the biggest idiot in the world and then gestures super obnoxiously and dramatically (it runs in the family) at the screen and people are starting to look at us, so I’m like I’m looking, jeez, chill....and then its like...huh. Cuz sure enough, there I am. Right in the middle of this big house party scene. That’s definitely me, and suddenly I’m like.....thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat’s why I feel like I’ve seen this movie before, I’m remembering the sceeeeeenes I was on set for. Ugh, no wonder I forgot about it, now I’m remembering we shot this one scene right here like 22 times, we spent three fucking days on it, it was annoying as hell.
And my sister’s still looking at me accusingly, like I’ve committed some mortal sin by not alerting her in advance to my presence, or more likely, not having called her to give her every single detail of my experience on a movie she was interested in, and I’m like....what do you want me to say? I didn’t know I was in this! 
How do you NOT know you’re in a movie, she wants to know, and we’re whisper fighting in the middle of the theater but luckily nobody seems too mad, the ppl around us look kinda amused actually because they’ve recognized the me next to them as the me on the screen and have overhead enough to get the gist (my sister is a very loud whisperer), and anyway I’m like, I knew I was in A movie, I just didn’t know it was THIS movie, it was one of those Untitled projects I’m pretty sure. I never knew what they ended up calling it!
And she’s like, and you never tried to find out what it was ultimately called or when it would come out at least? Which....no, why would I? It’s a terrible movie, I have zero interest in it.
Finally she’s like ugh, whatever, I still don’t get how you didn’t at least think ‘hey, I was in something with Hayden Panettiere recently, maybe its this’ when I was talking about her being in it. You had to at least know she was in it, you’re standing like....five feet away from her!
And I think I just shrugged at that point, because it was like, yeah, I knew it was her, but I’ve been that close to her a bunch of times, so what? She’s okay I guess but she’s not that great, I didn’t pay that much attention lol. Besides this was actually like a year ago I’m pretty sure, I’ve actually worked on the same set as her like twice since then I think, so.....idk. I probably just thought this was Heroes again? Whatever, it all blurs together and the director was super obnoxious, I remember now. I spent the whole shoot trying to astral project away from there.
I think that was the point where she just gave up on me and idk, knowing her she probably did a super dramatic hair toss and then tried to ignore me for the rest of the movie. Most likely while internally ranting about what a waste it is having an actor brother who doesn’t even care enough to let you know when he’s on set with her like....multiple times. To which I probably would’ve replied I can’t possibly be expected to keep up with her current faves, she changes celeb idols like, as often as she changes her hair color, which is a LOT. Ahem. Anyway. At one point my scene came on where I had actual lines, and I started mouthing them along with the me on screen, which I do admit in hindsight, was probably a Dick Older Brother move on my part, but whatever, she was being totally unreasonable about the whole thing, but then she gave me a Devil Glare and was like “I thought you didn’t remember being in this movie,” and I gave into the compulsion to just go full on Dick Older Brother and was like “I said I didn’t remember the MOVIE, of course I remember my LINES, I’m a professional, Ashley, god”.
Yeah. She was irritated about that for awhile. Oh well. Siblings. What can you do, y’know?
But moral of the story - you’d think, after all that, I’d at least always remember that movie after that happened.
I do not.
I think I’ve told this story to a bunch of people over the years, and every single time they ask me, so what was the movie, I wanna check it out. And to this day, I STILL can not for the life of me remember the fucking title of that movie or even like, what my character’s name was, and I just...never care enough to go try and hunt it down and figure it out.
What’s really bad, is I know for a FACT that multiple people I’ve told this story to have then gone on to hunt it down from Panettiere’s IMDB page on their own, and came back to me like ‘was it this one’ and I’m always like YES! THAT’S IT!
.....two minutes later, I have completely fucking forgotten the name of the movie again.
I SWEAR TO GOD I’M NOT EVEN JOKING. This is just....my brain.
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laurelins · 6 years
Hi, babe! I voted for olympiians because it’s really good. May I ask for a blog rate for either @stark or @sansas? Whichever you find easier tbh. Thank you. 💖
hi mila! thank you for voting! hmm, how about both?
blograte’s under the cut
want one?
blograte for stark
my fandoms?: yes! | maybe? | no, sorry
length: too short | perfect | too long
overall: nice | good | awesome | gorgeous | i would pay for that |
[how? how??? your url is amazing!!]
colouring: sweet | lovely | awesome | flawless | zuko
clarity: okay | good | awesome | flawless | katara
overall: okay | good | awesome | flawless | aang
[it’s so cute, i love it]
desktop theme:
colour scheme: nice | good | awesome | flawless | loki
sidebar: okay | good | awesome | flawless | thor
updates tab: not there | okay | good | awesome | flawless | valkyrie
overall: nice | good | awesome | flawless | i’m stealing it rn
[tbh i’ve been looking for that theme everywhere]
mobile theme:
colour scheme: sweet | good | awesome | flawless | hermione
title: okay | good | awesome | flawless | flitwick
header: cute | good | funny | gorgeous | fleur delacour
overall: lovely | cool cool cool | awesome | flawless | ahah mine now
[but your title is actually me though]
my fandoms?: oh yeah! | sometimes | no | not fandom
quality: okay | good | awesome | flawless | feanorians
creations: nope | prettyy | talented | drooling rn | god level | i would destroy the two tree for them [haha get it?]
overall: okay | good | awesome | flawless | *reblogs everything* | luthien
navigation: don’t have one | cute | organised | hail this beauty
about page: don’t have one | ahah love it | sweet | flawless
[your about page is amazing and i’m gonna go ahead if you don’t mind and follow you on instagram!]
overall + compliment
overall: sweet | good | awesome | flawless | yavanna kementari
following?: nope, but love keep it up!! | i am now | why wasn’t i already following you? | yes i am | i’d swear feanor’s oath for you!
compliment: mila!!! i love your blog so much, like you’ve got the best url and your theme’s colours have me crying tears of pure joy. also your creations are so pretty and omg i can’t believe you follow me!! have a day of pure joy!!!
blograte for sansas
my fandoms?: yes! | maybe? | no, sorry
length: too short | perfect | too long
overall: nice | good | awesome | gorgeous | i would pay for that |
colouring: sweet | lovely | awesome | flawless | zuko
clarity: okay | good | awesome | flawless | katara
overall: okay | good | awesome | flawless | aang
desktop theme:
colour scheme: nice | good | awesome | flawless | loki
sidebar: okay | good | awesome | flawless | thor arriving in wakanda awesome
updates tab: not there | okay | good | awesome | flawless | valkyrie
overall: nice | good | awesome | flawless | i’m stealing it rn
[i’m gasping in breaths, your theme is lovely!]
mobile theme:
colour scheme: sweet | good | awesome | flawless | hermione
title: okay | good | awesome | flawless | flitwick
header: cute | good | funny | gorgeous | fleur delacour
overall: lovely | cool cool cool | awesome | flawless | ahah mine now
my fandoms?: oh yeah! | sometimes | no | not fandom
quality: okay | good | awesome | flawless | feanorians
creations: nope | prettyy | talented | drooling rn | god level | i would destroy the two tree for them [haha get it?]
overall: okay | good | awesome | flawless | *reblogs everything* | luthien
navigation: don’t have one | cute | organised | hail this beauty
about page: don’t have one | ahah love it | sweet | flawless
[i love the links page, it’s clever and amazing]
overall + compliment
overall: sweet | good | awesome | flawless | yavanna kementari
following?: nope, but love keep it up!! | i am now | why wasn’t i already following you? | yes i am | i’d swear feanor’s oath for you!
compliment: mila, just like the other one, this blog is so beautiful!!! it’s colours and sidebar have me shooketh xo
3 notes · View notes
hdawg1995 · 6 years
yes hello i only ever done fanfiction ONCE on tumblr so forgive me.
The Cognitive net; a Persona 4 and Persona 5 cross over fanfic with OCs. Summary:
When a string of missing persons cases all seem to be linked by a far too familiar rumor, detective shirogane tries to enlist the help of her old investigation team. Unfortunately, not all of the original members are able to make it to shibuya-the sight of the latest case- but she finds help from an unexpected hacker and her friends. Elsewhere, a small team of brand new persona users have already figured out the “cognitive web” and it’s strange search engine. Will detective Shirogane and the hacker Alibaba discover the new group of heroes in time to realize this case is not city wide, but WORLD wide?
Chapter 1: intro/Logging in
“This is a bad idea.” yuki thought as he gripped his phone a bit tighter.
Sitting in the café he knew his friends used to hang out in all the time was calming him like he had hopped it would be, but the very idea of what he was doing was making the task near impossible.
“I heard if you go to this website, Cogntive.net, a search engine will come up and it will give you anything you want!”
The voice of the gossiping girl rang in the former high schooler’s head as he took a sip of coffee.
“No way, that’s ridiculous! I heard it can give you what you want with just a one word search too. I call bull shit.”
Yuki carefully typed the URL on Le Blanc’s Wi-Fi. Something spurred him on as he hit enter.
“This feels familiar…” he thought as the black screen with the bold white letters came up. “…I have to stop. This isn’t going to end well…” he set the cup down and stared at the screen a moment longer.
It had been two years since the blood rain and the bone like structures. He wasn’t sure why he was able to remember it all- when he had asked others he knew were there and he knew who saw it they acted like it didn’t happen.
The white letters burned into his eyes. “What are you looking for?” it asked. The chatter of the TV and other café goers drowned out the dark blue haired boy’s voice of reason. As memories of his second year of high school and events that surrounded it flooded his mind he found his fingers hovering over the key board his phone provided. He didn’t even remember tapping the text box under the words.
The world around him grew silent the instant he hit enter, as if the café had to pause to acknowledge him and the horrible mistake he made. When yuki looked up from his phone he saw it was just him and his booth- the coffee cup and people all gone. All around him the world was dark with hints of red fog far too thin to see properly. He gasped and tried to stand up when a hand reached out from the screen of his phone.
“Answers? haha! Heres a few…” the hand grasped at Yuki’s Neck and made contact with his shirt collar. The boy reflexively braced himself against the booth table as the hand pulled down back towards the phone. “Yes. This was a bad idea.” The voice stated as it tugged with more force, but yuki pushed back with just as much strength. “yes. You should have stopped while you had the chance, Yuki.” The boy gasped again and shot up with enough force to drag more of the arm out of the phone. The voice was distorted and slightly staticy, but it was his without a doubt. “And the reason WHY it feels so familiar, Yuki Mishima…” the voice trailed off as the arm released him, sending him falling backward into what should have been the booth’s cushioned seat. Instead he was on the floor looking up in horror as the arm pushed against the table, from what he could see of his phone the screen and casing stretched like rubber and a second arm broke free.
“…is because it IS like two years ago! HAHA! That feeling of reality morphing around you? You’re experiencing it all over again!” the second arm gripped the phone case as yuki back pedaled away. “And the reason why YOU remember, why YOU are the ONLY one out side of the phantom thieves to remember it all-“ a head broke though the screen, the sound of something shattering and the feeling of shards breaking apart in mishima’s heart and mind caused the boy to freeze in his tracks “-is because we have unfinished business, Me!” the yellow eyes of yuki’s shadow stared at him with a mix of excitement…and anger.
else where, a group of friends chatted away at both some ungodly hour of the night and a reasonable time of day.
“Ugh I just want to reach this level! Why do I have to wait 3 hours to gain EXP in this stupid game?” the young man ruffled his hair, causing his head set to shift and the mic to brush his cheek a few times.
“Dude calm down.” a younger voice laughed over the headphone speakers.
“hes just frustrated he can’t push forward. It’s a magician thing, we wouldn’t understand.”
“wait hold on, does that mean I’m The Magician?” the boy leaned forward and gripped his computer chair as the various voices in his headset laughed. “Alpha don’t mess with me!”
A girl laughs a little harder at the comment. She leans back in her chair and reaches for a small toy rabbit and fiddles with it. Chelsea smiles as her friends continue to tease the second oldest of their group over his obsession with the various arcana she revealed they all represent.
“Jake, if anyone’s the Magician its me!” a clearly snarky voice purred into her mic.
Janae turned in her computer chair, propping her legs up over one arm and dangling the rest of her upper body over the other arm.
“Oh really? What makes you so sure?” Jake closes out his computer game and clicks around his screen, checking tabs to see if there is anything interesting on them. The answer is no.
“cause I’M the sexy one and everyone knows Magicians are sexy as fuck!”
“uh-huh. Sure.”
The voice chat grows a little quit at the soft voice. Isaiah taps his pencil on his note book as he struggles to understand his maths homework.
“so how are those numbers treating you, Click?”
“About the same as your boyfriend treats you, Skitty.”
“sick burn!”
“its funny cause I don’t have one lol!”
The chat erupts with laughter as the youngest of the group goes back to his work. To be honest it was a funny joke and as long as he kept comments like that heterosexual then he wouldn’t be crossing any lines. It wasn’t something he thought much of, but the brit took pride in the fact that he knew Skitty’s secret of being bi- he was honored that she trusted him with that knowledge and wouldn’t do anything to betray her.
“haha, guess that means you’re stuck again Click?” jake decided to close out his 5 tabs and just keep the voice chat open as he pulled out his phone. He glanced at an orange and green icon on his desktop before unlocking the hand held device.
“….Erica lives in London and wants to hold a video chat with her business partner, Richard in Michigan. Erica is available from 0600 to 2000 and Richard is available from 11am to 8pm. Knowing the difference in time zones, what would be a good time for the two to have a 3 hour video call?...”
The voices was silent, listening intently to the problem. The barrier of math between the different countries rarely got in the way when it came to explaining the word problems. Although most of the time no one knew the answer, reading the question out load and hearing his friends discus it cleared his head and helped him figure out the problem.
“Dude why the H did your teacher put military time in that question?” Skitty moaned as she pulled out her phone and tapped the calculator app.
“probably to make him think more. I bet the answer is really simple once you calculate the time.” Jake was already translating the time on his phone, eyes flicking to the desktop icon again- he had a strange impulse to look at it, even though if anything would happen it would send an alert that’ll take up most if not all of his computer screen.
“wait. Isn’t alpha from Michigan?” Skitty flips herself back into a proper position in the chair.
“no shes from Japan.” Jake mutters as he pulls up the voice chat’s text box and types the numbers his calculator gives him. it was simple math he could easily do in his head but some things are just that trivial.
“nooo,” Isaiah moved his pencil to wag it at the computer screen “shes FROM Michigan, but shes STAYING in Japan with a family friend.”
“[that’s right]” Alpha tested the very little Japanese she knew. The chat gasped and giggled. Placing the rabbit toy back on her desk she paused as the very sudden swear from the other American.
“Shit! The site got a hit!”
All at once the sound of keys typing and well warn and used mouse clicking filled the voice chat. Jake stared intently at his computer screen while Click and Skitty readied themselves. Alpha pinged them with a string of numbers.
“I traced the IP address. Good Job Jake, this thing is actually really easy to use!”
“No problem!... so it looks like they haven’t entered anything into the search bar yet…”
Janae licked her lips nervously; she hoped against the enviable- that this person was using the rumored “miracle search engine” to find something only their shadow could give them. She didn’t understand much about it, being the latest member and all, but what she did understand was if people go to the cognitive net search engine and enter something vague like a one or two word search the site would bring them to their shadow- an exaggeration of their inner thoughts and heart. Hers was a doppelganger of herself with cute kitty ears and yellow eyes. In the end the Admins (that’s what they called themselves) arrived and talked down her shadow. It wasn’t something she wanted other people to see but talking to complete strangers made accepting the hyper dumb scatter brained cat as a part of her. She insisted on joining them after that, I mean what else would she do? She ended up getting a persona after all. Gatta use it for something…
“Hey cool! The IP is a café! They’re on public wifi! If they have a shadow this will make it much easier to find their dungeon!” Isiah bounced in his seat at this realization. “…huh. Le blanc. That’s such a French sounding name for a place in Japan!”
“Japan?” Chelsea relaxed a bit, her white knuckled grip on the computer mouse loosening. “that’s… that’s like the 4th one.” She pondered this a moment before Jake’s voice boomed in her ears.
“They’re typing in the search bar! Get ready to jump guys!” Jake was the computer wizard of the group. It was terrifying the things he could do with whatever he did with his computer. Alpha and Click always asked to try and understand but never could. He swallowed the frog in his throat as he watched the victim’s screen. “They’re accessing from a cell phone…” he muttered into his mic. He had everything he needed when it came to this kind of stuff and was prepared for the worse but that never made it easier.
“Shit.” Was the collective reaction at the one word search quarry. Double clicking the orange and green icon on their desk tops, the four friends were warped into the cognitive web- the inner workings of the internet and cyber space made physical.
The trip to the cognitive web felt like having a heavy blanket wrapped around you before being pushed off your bed- you’re half aware of your surroundings, half dreaming, but 100% confused. For AlphaDawg and her right hand man ClickClickBoom the confusion was no longer a thing. This would be rescue number 10 and the pair landed with ease, their respective ‘Avatars’ shaping with quick blinks of binary. For J4K3-06 and xXSkittyXx, the trip was much rougher. J4k3 tumbled into existence, his avatar appearing more like a glitch. As for Skitty, this was her first ever mission, her first ever trip into the web. With a shout of panic she fell from the digital sky, her body flickering into what she’ll look like on the internet.
“Hang on Skitty! I got ya gurl!” Click leaped forward, the fire design on his sneakers flickering like actual flames as he sped up to catch her in time.
The pair ended up crashing into the ground anyway, but Skitty had a much softer landing than Click. The sound of static filled the area as Skitty sat up, her avatar struggling to form.
“Did I break it? I just got here! Ugh this blows…” the girl grumbled as the boy under her groaned.
“No, just… focus on something. You’re thinking too much.”
Staring at her hands the second youngest of the Admins focused on nothing in particular. She mostly cleared her head and thought about what she really wanted to be in this world. A hero came to mind, but the image of an Idol came next. Cute outfits, boys going goo goo crazy, bright lights and being the center of attention? Hell yeah! She would make a great idol!
Instantly the binary pixilated and formed before a proper avatar replaced the girl. She sprung to her feet and let out a victorious yowl.
“nayn!~ I’m adorable!” she spun in a circle, taking in her very cat like idol outfit.
“oh good! Now you’re even MORE in that weird ‘I didn’t know Skitty was a pokemon’ hole you keep finding yourself in.” a robotic boy laughed as he helped haul the bomb themed boy to his feet.
“what do you mean? Ugh! Don’t tell me Skitty is some sort of pink cat!”
“it is. It also evolves into-“ Alpha was cut off at the pink of Skitty’s outfit shifted a shade.
“-a purple cat.”
The Admins laughed with their friend before addressing their leader. With a swift nod the wolf themed girl turned to reveal a pink rabbit that stood at her knee cap. The creature had a similar wolf/punk theme going for it, but in a much cuter way than the human.
“Alright Side Kick, what are we dealing with?”
“Actually, open the chat room first! I have a feeling our mysterious assistant is watching.” The toy motioned with their eyes to a random structure. When the group looked towards it they all stared with shock and awe. Stood on the comically thin antenna of a building was an equally comical stereotypically posed ninja. The group couldn’t make out any sort of details outside of the silhouette- it was like he knew what distance to be at to be in their render view but still be out of range.
Alpha regarded the ninja for a moment before nodding. The plan was to use the chat room to give Mr. Mysterious a chance to convene with them. She knew deep down he wouldn’t respond to anything they said, but essentially leaving the door open and hope he comes in from the cold wouldn’t hurt.
“Alright. Let the 10th rescue meeting begin, Cognitive Web Admins!”
2 notes · View notes
dreamscript · 7 years
File #666
“So let me get this straight, Yoongi: you’re saying that this thing is the reason why your friends were found hanging from the ceiling fan? That this was the thing that nearly killed them?”
Yoongi’s convinced a double suicide attempt is actually a murder, and you’re busy stalking a comatose student’s blog.
request - 666: for continue file #666 from welcome to ff.net ; badpasta gone cereal.
horror triggers apply.
5.5k words, horror/thriller, yoongi + reader, college/cop au.
You tug the thick manila folder from the stack of files. File #666, marked as “resolved.” You take it from the storage and back to your cubicle. Ruminate over the case a bit. In a strange, twisted way, it’s funny: for months, members of the department had been making bets and dark-humored jokes about what the six hundredth and sixth case would be. Would it be bizarre? Or something more commonplace?
When case #665 turned out to be the kidnapping of twenty-six schoolchildren and gained international attention, speculations for case #666 grew exponentially. A mass murder. A mysterious outbreak. Or maybe someone would actually manage to summon Satan.
And yet, after all the debates and guesses, case #666 turned out to be a double suicide attempt. It’s uncommon—of course, but it was underwhelming compared to all the expectations it had garnered. You lay the folder on your desk before taking a seat. Two college students. Roommates. Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung. You review their profiles, just to make sure that nothing’s been changed.
Nothing has, as expected.
According to the case file, one of them was a blogger—Jimin, you think—and a link to the blog is hastily scribbled on the bottom corner of the folder:
mochi-min. university . blog . com
Dutifully, you type the URL into your browser.
The notes in the folder say that nothing of importance was found on the website; it was simply a loose, carefree, lifestyle blog. The last few entries talked about gaming—but the psychologist’s notes say that the “sudden recession” into “nostalgic times” and the “gaming world” suggest the two stressed students were simply “trying to find an escape from reality.”
And eventually, the two boys realized that the ultimate escape was Death itself, not a digital world of fantasy. So, together, they tied each other’s nooses and hung themselves from their ceiling fan.
Or so the story goes.
You think back to your talk with Yoongi earlier, the way his voice was cracked with desperation, determined to prove the facts wrong. The webpage finally loads.
The minimalistic layout is aesthetic, functional, and the sidebar contains a sunny biography of the blogger:
Jimin. University, ‘19. I love giving advice and writing about my day!!! Dance is my passion and graphic design is my major. Hmu ! ig: @mochi-minz15 sc: @pjm995
Underneath the block of text is a small photo of Jimin. You study his face, compare it to the shots in his file. Yeah—that’s him.
You quickly skim over a few posts, not exactly lingering on a particular one, before sorting them based on chronological order, oldest to newest. Twenty-four entries total. Not bad. You’d been expecting more.
First post!!
Hey! I’m Jimin. As an up-and-coming college sophomore, I thought I’d start up this lifestyle blog to provide advice and other college-y things for my younger followers (or at least those who were as anxious and curious about the whole college thing as I was).
School doesn’t begin until next week, but um, here’s this post anyways. I guess I’ll see y’all laters!
“You’re still on that case?”
Heejun’s voice startles you. Talk about meddling co-workers—seriously. You swear that he and Sehun are the nosiest and biggest gossipers you’ll ever meet.
“Huh–wha–yeah, duh,” you say, turning around to face him. He’s got a mildly amused look on his face, one arm resting casually on your cubicle.
“Didn’t we all conclude it was just a double suicide attempt by two stressed college students?”
“No, you guys did,” you say, turning back to the blog. You’ve still got twenty-three more entries to read. “I wasn’t even assigned to the case, so I never got a say in the manner.”
“So why now?” Heejun shifts his posture. “Why all this sudden interest? And why don’t you think it’s a suicide attempt?”
You turn back to him; it feels a bit awkward talking at a computer. “I was contacted by their best friend, you see. And, funny thing is, their best friend is actually my–oh, what is it? My sister’s cousin-in-law?” Heejun raises his brows skeptically. “Well anyways, we knew each other - kind of - and he insisted that Jimin and Taehyung’s case wasn’t just a suicide.’”
“Then what is it? An almost-successful double murder attempt?” He shoots you a look and you shrug, knowing that a double murder attempt on a college campus is significantly less likely—and plausible—than a double suicide attempt. Heejun crosses his arms.
“I mean, I guess, since besides suicide, there’s no other plausible reason as to why they were both found hanging from the ceiling fan… Thank god Yoongi–that’s their best friend’s name by the way–found them when he did, and the paramedics came when they did, because otherwise those boys would’ve been goners.”
“Well, I wouldn’t be too sure about that. They’re both unresponsive and in critical care. They might be still be goners after all.”
“Have some sensitivity,” you say, and chuck a book at him. He smirks as he straightens up, carefully running a hand through his perfect hair. Prick.
“But seriously, why is that Yoon–Yoonji, was it?–guy so adamant about it being a sort of murder attempt? I can see why the murderer would try to hang them, you know, as a way to fool others into thinking it was a suicide, but what’s the motive? And this was done in a college dorm. Did no one hear any shouting? The walls are pretty thin. The room didn’t seem to show any signs of a struggle, which is weird because this is two full grown men we’re talking about. Not little grade schoolers who will follow you around anywhere ‘long as you got KitKats.”
“KitKats are good,” you say defensively. “But yeah no—that’s what I don’t get either. Who’d want to kill two average, not-rich-but-not-poor college students? What’s there to gain? A higher ranking? A slightly quieter dorm? Was someone jealous that the two of them managed to score a suite? I don’t get it, and Yoongi didn’t have many ideas either, but he vehemently insisted that Jimin and Taehyung would never do that, and that they did not seem to exhibit any signs of depression.”
“And, despite the lack of evidence to back up the claims other than pure intuition, you believed him and are currently studying the case right now.”
“On your own free time.”
“Please tell me that at least that Yonghi guy or whatever is helping you.”
“Yoongi was actually planning on starting his own investigation, if I hadn’t agreed. So, yes.”
Heejun still continues to look at you judgmentally, so you turn away.
“Well,” he says. “Suit yourself. Don’t forget: we got another briefing at 1.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Friend opened a new shop !
So have any of you guys heard of Etsy? I actually didn’t know what it was until one of my friends opened up this like… shop on it. Or at least that’s how he describes it.
Anyways, I went on the website and it looks pretty cool. Kinda like a hipster E-bay and super (SUPER) artsy. My friend asked me to do a promo for him on here, so here it is:
https:/ /www .etsy .com/shop/JoonDaily
He likes to design his clothes and is practically a fashion snob in that respect, but his stuff (I hate to admit it) actually looks really nice… So y’all should go check it out!
NamsgotJamz commented: Thanks for the shout-out, man. You’re a real     homie.
Guest commented: hey guys this rly worx i just made $89./hr part     time thanks to this check it out —> bit.ly/work@homescam
Pink_mario commented: what the fuck you never told me you were doing     promos, hit me up too. I’ll give you cookies.
The web page buffers for a while before the “no connection” sign comes up. You sigh, tuck your phone back into your pocket. The speeding subway car careens through the tunnel, heading towards Yoongi’s dorm. You check the time—5:06. You’re running a bit late, no thanks to Heejun.
“...the next stop is…”
You get up.
“So?” you say. “Come up with any new ideas?”
Yoongi shrugs. He’s still moody as ever—but now there’s this unsettling darkness about him. Determination. Vengeance. Everything brewing just beneath the surface of his pale skin, his lips thinned into a harsh line.
“I visited their dorm yesterday,” he says.
“Oh? How?”
“Got a key.” He flashes it at you before pocketing it. “Tae used to forget his all the time, so I ended up with a copy. Got it illegally replicated, but that’s beside the point.”
“Not sure if you were supposed to tell that to a cop, but okay.”
He gives you a wry smile. “But right now I consider you my partner in crime.”
You shrug. “Sure.”
“Anyways,” he says, brushing past you and towards the door. “I think that, before I say anything, you should go take a look, too. I saw some pretty… interesting things in there.”
Your chest constricts.
What I do in my Downtime
A few of you guys have been asking about what I do in my freetime/downtime—especially since I keep on telling you all that I have so much more of it now that I’m in college.
Well, most of the time I just sit in my dorm and blog, or I’ll go and hang out with my friends. Or I’ll hit the gym.
Recently, though, I’ve been getting kinda nostalgic for the old days—like, the way old days—so I’ve been kinda playing a few childhood games like Smash and Mario Kart. I actually just downloaded this PC version of Pokemon Emerald from, quite frankly, a sketchy website. I don’t think I got any viruses or anything, though. Hopefully.
So. Anyways. I really encourage people to join clubs—I’m part of a few myself—because they give you a community, and they’re always doing fun stuff so you’re never bored. Don’t be like me, though. Actually attend the meetings and get involved. I mean, I do attend some and such, but like… it’s a lot better to be really involved in one club. That’s when things get super fun, because then you really connect with everyone over that one interest….
In the meantime, you can catch me catching ‘em all…. In Pokemon Emerald (I haven’t started it yet, been kinda busy. But I’ll begin it next week and maybe post about my progress on here?)!
Guest commented: COME TO THE NEXT MODEL UN MEETING, SLACKER!!!     We’ll kick you from the next conference otherwise >:(
jungl3-c00kie5 commented: wow college sounds lik so much fun. lmao nxt yr     vs me in smash ill shcool u also how much can you benchpress jw
“Just before we go in,” you say, “I just wanted to let you know that I brought their file with me.”
Yoongi nods wordlessly and pushes the door open. “Okay.”
“And according to the file, Taehyung was genderfluid.”
“And?” The door squeaks open. Just as the files say, there appear to be no signs of a struggle; it’s disorderly, yes, but nothing seems to be… violently tossed about. No blood on the walls, or scuffs in the paint.
“He was struggling with his sexual identity and appeared to be having trouble coming to terms both with himself and his parents.”
Yoongi looks annoyed. “Look, I know what you’re thinking, but he—he was making it, okay? He was doing well, and we were working on it, and he was slowly just getting his parents to understand.”
“And do you know if he ran into any...problems shortly before his suicide? His parents didn’t tell the cops anything of the sort—but maybe you know?”
“No,” he says bluntly. “I don’t know, but I doubt there wasn’t much of anything. Not when he had so much to live for.”
He leads you into their living room. There are no bodies, but the sense of horror is still in the room, lingering by the ceiling fan. Silently. You and Yoongi both know it and wordlessly move onto their shared bedroom.
“Yoongi,” you say, softly. His back faces you. “I know this might sound a bit… rude but… are you sure you aren’t in… denial?”
He flinches. His fists clench. You steel yourself. And then his fists unclench, and he takes a deep breath.
“Think what you want.”
You chew your bottom lip.
“Come on,” he says, jerking his chin over towards a desk. “I need to show you something.”
He heads over to a laptop, which sits open and blank. It’s been turned off. Yoongi slowly, deliberately pushes it aside, revealing a gray-black skid mark along the cream-colored wall.
“Here,” he says, pointing at the mark. “I was sent over here to help collect the valuables and have them shipped back to their families.”
You nod. “And so what’s so special about this mark?”
“It’s a long story, but in short, I’m 90% sure it’s from the laptop, which means that Jimin—that’s whose desk this is—must’ve like, pushed or thrown this thing against this wall to create such a mark. And like, he’s Jimin. He treasures his computer a lot. Hardly lets anyone touch it and is such a neat freak—like, look. He wipes his keyboard and screen daily. Not a speck of dust. Well, now there is, but before there wouldn’t be.”
Yoongi takes in a deep breath and you urge him to continue. “So he must’ve like, saw something or heard something frightening while on his computer… But I don’t know what. It must’ve been really scary, though.”
“Maybe he was watching horror movies? And this mark could’ve been there before either of them even moved into the apartment. Or it may have appeared during moving. How are you so sure?”
Yoongi shakes his head, slightly frustrated. “Jimin’s a wuss. He wouldn’t do that. And even if he did, he wouldn’t like, throw his computer. One time Jungkook pulled a scare prank on him, and all he did was scream at the screen and back away. This—it’s almost like….” Yoongi shakes his head. “It’s almost like he sensed danger from the computer itself.”
He pauses and meets your skeptical gaze. “Oookay. But that still doesn’t explain how you know that it came from the laptop, and was pretty recent.”
He shrugs. “I’ve done tests. I’ll submit them to you later.”
You narrow your eyes. “Sure, I’ll take a look at them.” You lean in, study the skid mark. Straighten up. “Okay,” you say. “So let’s just go along with this theory you’ve got here. Jimin sees something on his screen, sense his computer is a dangerous object, gets scared, throws and-or pushes it against the wall out of fright. What did he see? And what happens after that? Something crawls from the screen and hangs both him and his roommate?”
Yoongi sighs and deflates slightly. “It sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it?”
You say nothing.
“Hey, you know,” he says. “You said you brought the files, right? Mind if I take a look at them?”
“You’re technically not allowed to,” you reply. “But if it helps us both, then I don’t mind sharing information. You just need to ask for it specifically.”
“Fair enough.”
“He had a blog?”
“You know, for someone who claims to be his best friend, I’m very surprised to know that you didn’t know he had one,” you say. “I mean, so many of his other friends did.”
“I mean like, I did, but I thought it was just some kind of hipster-fluffy-animals Tumblr kind of blog, not like, a legit blog!” Yoongi sounds astounded. “Damn.”
“Well, now you know.”
“Hold up,” he says. “Let me—lemme check this out. How many entries have you read up to?”
“There’s only twenty-four. I’ve read through most of them. Want to look at the rest together? The ones at the beginning didn’t really say much at all.’
He chuckles at the screen as it loads, comments how the layout is “so Jimin.” He visits the Etsy link, blanches, exits. Most of posts are, just as the file says, carefree and loose.
My new Addiction
Oh god, I think I’m addicted to Pokemon now. I’ve only just started Emerald and already I’ve got like, 10 hours on the game. Fuck. Thankfully midterms are over but still…
(I even got my roommate hooked LOL)
Anyways, since we’ve already played this game before, my roomie and I are having a race to see who can beat it the fastest. Loser has to do chores for a week and make food. I’ve invested so much money in repellant it’s ridiculous… but hopefully I’ll be able to make it to the Elite Four like, tomorrow. Maybe.
Oh—almost forgot. I don’t know, maybe it’s because it’s a PC version and such, but this copy of the game has got some really cool (and slightly creepy) mods. And glitches. Like some of the music gets played backwards—especially Lavender Town’s. Man, that is creepy as fuck, lol. And what’s really cool, though, is that some of the people you fight against will have more than 6 pokemon. Like, there was this dude who had 10 magikarps LMFAO.
For any of you guys wanting to play this version (some of you have asked me for the download link and I’ll post that later) just know that sometimes Pokemon in your party will get swapped out/go missing… so always make sure to save!
tea-HYUNG commented: wtf investing in repellant is such a good idea     THANKS FOR THE IDEA MAN NOW GET READY FOR AN ASS WHOOPING TOMORROW BC     GUESS WHOSE GOING TO BEAT HTE ELITE 4 B4 YOU?!!! Thaats rite me ho
jungl3-c00kie5 commented: lul kek
After that, the entries stop. There are no other updates after that date… And, with a twisting feeling in your gut, you note the post was made the day right before his death.
Yoongi knows it too, as his breathing stills for a second and he backs away slightly. “This—this is going to sound kind of crazy,” he says. “But do you think… the game… had anything to do with their deaths?”
“You think this is the thing that Jimin saw?”
“I—I don’t know!”
“It’s literally a rip-off Pokemon game. How… Would this kill them? In any way? And it’s two of them, mind you. Plus, to hang them…” You shake your head. “None of this is making sense. I’m sorry.”
Yoongi doesn’t say anything, just continues to stare at the ground.
“That brings me to another point, Yoongi.” He doesn’t respond, still lost in thought. You gently prod him on the shoulder.
“Hm?” He looks at you from the corner of his eye.
“Can I ask you something?”
“What?” He looks away but this time you know he’s listening.
You take in a breath. “How did you know to go to their place at half-past midnight?”
Jimin groans and cracks his neck, flexes his fingers, knocks back a Coke. The taste is getting a bit overly sweet and the fizz is practically gone from sitting out so long, but he drinks it anyway. Outside, the insistent pitter-patter of rainfall threatens to lull him to sleep but he resists, shifting his position. He’s finally made it to the Elite Four, and there’s no way he’s calling it quits now. Not when he’s so close, and when he knows that Taehyung’s also hard at work playing in the living room.
Ah, rivalry. Jimin tips back his near-empty Coke can, tosses it towards the trash can. He misses. Shrugs. He’ll clean that up later—right now, he’s got to focus on beating the game. His PC finally manages to load up the scene, and, unsurprisingly the music is backwards. He rolls his eyes and turns his volume way down; it’s past midnight and he’s really not in the mood for creepy glitches right now.
The battle begins. The first of the Elite Four sends out her Pokemon and the sound it makes is uncharacteristically loud—especially with his volume turned down so low—and strangely, vaguely reminds him of a twisted cry.
It’s hard, no doubt. His Pokemon are pitifully underleveled—a downside to avoiding all possible confrontation and rushing through the game—and he’s only got a few potions and full revives on hand.
“Come on,” Jimin says under his breath. “I need that critical hit—gimme that critical hit, you can do it, I believ—YES!” He jumps up in his seat, ecstatic.
When he gets to Lance, however, Jimin is more than irked. First of all, Lance isn’t supposed to be in this game; the Dragon-type specialist is supposed to be Drake. However, that’s not what’s bothering him—what’s really pissing him off is the fact that all six of the Pokemon in his party have been replaced with unknowns. His annoyance increases when he realizes the unknowns spell out “UR DEAD.”
Seriously? What kind of sick joke was this? This was probably one of those dumb glitches or mods—only this time it came at one of the worst times. He’s practically blanching at the thought of having to restart and fight the other Elites all over again—especially since the main reason why he’s made it so far is purely by chance. And an immense amount of luck.
“Of course I’m dead now,” Jimin hisses at the screen. “All I’ve got are unknowns! You can’t expect me to go into this fight and win, especially since I don’t have Rayquaza with me now…” He glowers angrily at the Pokemon.
Internally, Jimin fights a raging battle. To restart or not to restart? He chews the inside of his cheek.
“Fuck it, ‘m goin’ in.”
He’s probably going to have to restart the game anyway, so he may as well give it a go. Maybe he’ll luck out.
The battle begins, and the music changes.
Lance sends out his first Pokemon—except, to his pure, unadulterated horror, Jimin sees himself and Taehyung. Bloodied and lifeless. The sound the thing unleashes is eerily akin to screams of terror, shrieks of pain. A violent shudder runs down his spine and, throat dry and heart pounding, he shoves his laptop away from himself.
It makes a loud thump against the wall; the screen flickers. Jimin stands up, staring wide-eyed at the screen. When it flickers back again, the image of him and Taehyung is no longer there. In its place is Lance’s signature Dragonite. No blood, no shrieking noises. Just an orange, big-eyed dragon. Jimin blinks, slowly. Was he—was he imagining things?
In the next room he can hear Taehyung curse out loud. He’s fine. It’s okay. He was just seeing things; sleep deprivation does that to you. He knows—he read it in a psych textbook once. Shakily, Jimin sits back down in his chair, carefully drags his laptop towards him.
It’s just a game, he tells himself. And it’s in his computer. Like, what’s it going to do to him? Flash the Blue Screen of Death? He laughs nervously. It’s fine, he’ll be fine, he just needs to finish the game… And then he can go over and gloat to Taehyung and they can laugh about all the dumb glitches. Yeah—that’s right. That’s what’s going to happen.
Thirty minutes later, Jimin stretches back in his seat, a happy—albeit tired—grin on his face. The final Pokemon screeches in defeat before disappearing into the ground. He’s finally beaten the Elite Four—somehow.
With a jump in his step, he triumphantly skips—and almost trips over various objects—to the living room, where he knows Taehyung will be sitting on the couch, PC in his lap, still furiously battling the Elite Four. He’s practically giddy with the thought of getting to see the defeated, disbelieving look on his roommate’s face.
Jimin sucks in a deep breath, grasps the handle, and throws the door open.
“Hey Tae? Guess wha—oh...fuck.”
He stares, horrified, at the shadowy, limp, very Taehyung-shaped body that swings ominously from the ceiling fan.
And then when he feels the foreign touch of fingers—no, those are bones, he realizes—on his shoulder and the brush of a skull against his cheek, he knows that he’s next.
The rough squeeze of the noose and the sudden up-and-down drop from the ceiling fan cut off his screams before they can begin.
Darkness is all that’s left.
Yoongi’s silent for a moment. And then, quietly, without moving to catch your eye, “What does the file say?”
You flip it open. “It says that you were going to sleep at their place after coming back from a party. Both because of the proximity and to allow your own roommate some… privacy.”
You look up at him, raise a brow. “But was that all it? The timing is almost impeccable. The coroner said they’d only been strangled for a minute or two before you’d found them. Granted, the nooses weren’t the best, but still.”
“I don’t know,” he says. “I mean, yeah, I was planning to crash at theirs after my roomie told me he was going to take some girl home, but I also felt this thing deep down telling me that something was really, really wrong. Call it a sixth sense or intuition or what—I just really felt a need to check on them.” He pauses, takes in a deep breath. “It sounds suspicious, I know. But just to be clear, I have an alibi.”
You nod. “I know. Otherwise I wouldn’t be so willing to help you.”
He swallows, then gestures at Jimin’s computer. “Um, so, about that game he was playing… He never got around to posting the download link, but I happen to know the password to his computer…”
“You’re planning to play that game?” You put a hand on your hip. “How do you know it’s still on there?”
“I don’t, but it won’t hurt to check.”
“So let me get this straight, Yoongi: you’re saying that this thing is the reason why your friends were found hanging from the ceiling fan? That this was the thing that nearly killed them?” You gesture at the computer.
He shrugs. “I mean, what else do we have?”
“That’s true, but…”
“All that’s left is to play and see. What’s there to lose?” Yoongi shakes the mouse and boots up the PC.
You roll your eyes. Whatever. “Who knows?”
Three hours later, and the two of you have yet to encounter any of the glitches that Jimin reported.
“That’s weird,” you say. “Could it be possible he may have been exaggerating them a bit…?”
Yoongi reaches back and scratches his head. “I don’t think so… But at the same time I can’t come up with any other reasonable explanation as to how this is so different…”
You shrug. “I don’t know—maybe giving all that suspense attracted more blog viewers. People do strange things to attract more views, you know. Just saying.”
Yoongi seems reluctant and lost. “Maybe there was something wrong with the wiring that would explain some of the sounds…” He continues to mutter to himself, checking the sides of the PC before picking it up entirely. “But how does the ethernet wire affect the speakers? Maybe I can take it over to the Geek Squad at Best Buy or something…”
You sigh, check the time. “It’s getting late, Yoongi. I’m sorry, but I think I need to go. If you want, we could schedule another meeting next week? I’ll see if I can pull any more information from the servers.”
He nods absentmindedly. “Same place, same time? Wait, no actually, can we do it a bit later? Like, is 7 okay? I know it’s going to be dark and all but…”
The final Pokémon faints, fades away, before the triumphant, happy music comes in. You yawn, stretch back in the chair. Behind you, with his legs crossed and elbows propped on the armrests, Yoongi lounges in his seat, thinking.
“So I guess that confirms it.”
You blink at him. “Confirms what? That I suck at Pokemon? It’s not my fault that you’re so crap at levelling them up—the only one above level 20 is your starter! How the hell am I supposed to fight a team of level 25 Pokemon with this mess?”
“No, not that,” Yoongi says. “And by the way, I don’t normally do that. It’s only that way since I was just messing around—wasn’t taking the game all that seriously.”
“But anyways, back to the point. I was playing this game on and off through the week, sometimes alone, other times with friends and… I noticed that… the glitches only happened when I was alone…” He looks down. “And…”
“And at one point… when one of the guys sent out a Pokemon… I could’ve sworn for a second there that... Instead of a Pokemon, it was a picture of me… except, well, bloodied. Brutally.” Yoongi swallows. “But it quickly disappeared right after a friend of mine walked into the room… Everything went normally after that. But um, I’m really really sure I wasn’t imagining it. I think I’m probably going to post on the forums and see if anyone else experiences something similar… I tried searching for stuff and the original file of this game but not only was I unable to find it, but for some reason the file is locked. Encrypted. I can’t get to it without a password, and I have no idea what it could be. Fortunately, I have a few friends who are heavily involved in cyber, so after we finish examining this game, I was planning to call them and have them help me somehow upload the game onto an online download link so we as a community can post about our experiences and stuff. Y’know?”
He fiddles with his fingers. Your eyes narrow.
“Anyways,” he says, “We should probably finish up with this game anyways. You wanna continue playing or...”
When you don’t answer, he prods you on the shoulder. “Hello?”
“As I thought,” you say, “You’re too dangerous.”
He gives you a confused, slightly suspicious look. “What?” You whip your head around, get out of your seat.
“Nevermind that,” you say, and, quickly, before he can attempt anything, shove a cupcake-shaped stress reliever—it had been sitting on the desk—into his mouth and quickly straddle him, holding his wrists together in one hand with a vice-like grip. He makes incoherent noises as he attempts to fight you off.
“It’s too bad, Yoongi,” you say, as you fumble out the length of rope with your free hand. “If you hadn’t been so adamant about it all, we could’ve avoided this fate. But the thing is you didn’t—you continued to meddle and stick your nose into something that you shouldn’t have. And now, unfortunately, you are going to have to be—well, silenced.” His movements are getting more frantic now.
“Min Yoongi,” you continue, as you swiftly—or as quickly as you can manage with one hand—loop together a noose, “a college student overcome with grief upon losing his two closest friends. After countless hours of research that ultimately led to nothing, he succumbed and hung himself in the very room his late friends took their lives in. How unfortunate.”
You gently place the noose around his neck. He fights hard against you, hands desperately trying to pry themselves from your grip. You giggle.
“That’s not going to work, you see. The undead have much greater strength with the benefit of having no muscle to tire out.” As you speak, a beam of moonlight filters in through the window and reveals you for what you really are: the human skin and flesh disappears under the silvery rays, leaving nothing behind but knotted and rotting bones. A skeleton, with no fingerprints to leave behind or heart to feel emotions.
His struggles stop abruptly as fear overtakes his body. You give him a lopsided grin. “Goodbye, Min Yoongi.”
Inside the University Hospital, on the fourth floor, two heart monitors beep. Their slow, mechanical sounds echo off of the walls, seeping through the cracks and diffusing in the stale air. The place smells of antiseptic.
The monitors continue to beep. In unison, the spacing between each sound growing longer and longer until finally, there’s one long, unfaltering beep that continues for nearly a minute.
And then there is nothing at all.
a/n: @goldfishh , after reading this: What The Fuck
helloooo i have a chem test in two days that i know nothing about it’s chill. so. many. projects. holy shit. and then exams starting next week fuuuun
anyways if you watched the video this was based off (it’s hilarious--it’s supposed to be a parody of bad creepypastas) then like. maybe the ending was kinda obvious lol
tbh if it was up to me (like if i weren’t trying to base it off the video) then the ending would have been much different. you, for one, would not have turned into a skeleton lmFAO
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buckybee · 7 years
Once a bee learns to fly
Written for @acespnminibang​ 
Author: ifonenight / buckybee  Artist: Thette / @bold-sartorial-statement  Rating: Mature Pairing(s): Dean Winchester/Castiel Word Count: 5195 Summary: Cas, ace as they come, hand makes sex toys as a job-slash-hobby, and wears things that make him feel pretty in his spare time. He’s doing well all by himself, but when a client, impalabatmobile-67, asks for a special tutorial, Cas will find himself intrigued. Author Notes: I wanted to write a story where Cas didn’t care for sex at all, but still enjoyed some things that society associate with sex. And how he lived it.  Links to fic and art: FIC/ART
Mid September
The water was warm on Cas’ skin, chasing the last residues of sleep away. He tilted his head up, letting the spray hit him on his chin, nose, eyes, a last goodbye to the cozy atmosphere of his bed, and then turned the shower off, stepping out onto the worn out carpet. He shivered at the cold room - save money, save money, save money - and hurried to cocoon himself in his big towel, one of the only luxuries he allowed himself.
Mornings had always been hard for him. Waking up was really one of the worse parts of his days, which probably told something about himself he didn’t want to analyze too deeply. But alas, it had to be done.
He yawned, pulling on a soft pair of pants and an old sweater, and wandered in his tiny kitchen. Time to start the day, apparently.
Sitting at the kitchen table some time later, a cup of coffee and a snack on hand, Cas felt definitely readier to start his day. His laptop was silently coming to life in front of him, and he put his password in, lazily watching the enlarged photo of a bee appearing on the screen.
It was a nice picture, good quality and a lovely subject, and he smiled faintly at it; that had been a nice summer, the year he had taken it, mostly spent bonding with his sister and coming to terms - good terms - with his sexuality. It would always be a fond memory, captured in an almost monochrome photo.
As soon as all the icons settled on the screen he opened his browser, starting to type in the address bar - he need to check his email, couldn’t postpone his assignments any longer - but his eyes were caught by Tumblr’s little square, listed between his favourite websites on the home page.
He hesitated. He really should’ve started working on his essay, but he still had a week before he had to turn it in, and seeing how his business was doing wasn’t exactly the most irresponsible thing to do. Just a couple of minutes, ten at most, and then he would face the first, blank page of the essay.
His personal blog’s dashboard appeared on the screen, full of kittens’ videos and fandom posts, but he managed to resist the temptation and ignored them, quickly changing blog and switching to his professional one.
Dildos, lingerie, padded handcuffs, floggers, feathers, they were all there, showing up nicely in his layout. And he had had fun making every one of them.
His business was simple and entertaining, yes, if a bit unorthodox. Handmade sex-toys, not too expensive but of good quality, simple yet original, seemed to be well liked out there.
He had started making them for friends, fellow students who came to know about his art-and-craft skills by his brother.
They were the ones that actually suggested to expand his work to something less innocent than stuffed animals, only half-seriously. He treated it as a joke a first, giving a sparkling dildo to a girl as a birthday gift, making the toys funny rather than useful, but it turned out he was actually good at it and he had slowly got more and more requests, until he had decided to make a little business out of it; he had also started to offer advice and tutorials after a while, for free. He didn’t earn a lot, but it was still something, and it was nice.
Despite the endless teasing his brother subjected him to every time he saw him, Cas was quite happy with what he was doing.
It wasn’t fancy, or big, but it was a nice way to help paying for his everyday needs. And it wasn’t really demanding - he only had to do what he liked to do, and he usually found a way to include his work in his classes’ researches, and that made things pretty interesting.
His askbox warned him he had almost fifty new messages; opening it, he began to sort through them: a dozen were specific orders – mostly for dildos and collars; some were from shy anons exposing their problems with their sexuality or gender and asking for someone to listen – and he would have to answer them before the next day, as he didn’t like to leave that kind of asks lingering more than it was necessary; one was from a customer who hadn’t understood that this blog was only a catalogue and that, unless it was a custom made order, clients were to go to his Etsy, linked at the end of each toy post, and in his description, and in his FAQs, and buy his stuff there; finally, there was a request for a tutorial.
He send back a short reply to the inattentive customer, redirecting him to his shopping page, and then, curios, he scrolled up to the tutorial request.
impalabatmobile-67 asked:
hi! uh, i know this probably sounds weird, but can you make a tutorial for edible panties? i tried to make them myself but they, like, melted before i finished them, but your tutorial are always easy to follow so maybe i’ll understand what i’m missing here. i get it if they’re not your thing, don’t worry. thanks.
Edible panties. Well, that was new and he would have to do some research before giving instructions to anyone, a couple of tries maybe, but yes, it was doable. And kind of interesting, as he usually found new things to be.
Sex-aced-it answered:
It’s not “weird” at all, don’t worry. On the contrary, quite vanilla , I’d say. I will have to investigate a bit on how to make them, since it is new to me as – I suppose? - it was to you, but yes, I will make a tutorial about it.
Are you interested in underwear in general or panties specifically? And will they be for male or for female bodies? I don’t know if this will influence the product, but better safe than sorry. Were you thinking of classic candies and sweets or something else for the food? Let me know.
He checked the message again, and then sent it. He got up to make a peanut butter sandwich, taking his time to spread the butter meticulously on the bread, and took a bite while settling in front of his computer again. He refreshed the page automatically, his mind already on the essay, when he spotted a new message at the top of the page.
impalabatmobile-67 asked: 
thanks man, you’re awesome. i guess underwear in general’d be fine, but my panties are for a guy. candies&sweets are good.  
Before he could have done anything, another one arrived, and then another.
 impalabatmobile-67 asked:
 didn’t mean mine like *mine*, only that i asked for them. and, uh, can you not show my url when you’ll do the tutorial? it’s kinda personal. i probably sound like a repressed guy but my little brother is on tumblr as well and i don’t want him to see this.
impalabatmobile-67 asked:
sorry, i’m rambling. u didn’t need to know that.
Cas sighed a little and hit the ‘reply’ button again. This guy didn’t seem a jerk, only a little… lost. His essay would have had to wait apparently some more.
Sex-aced-it answers:  
Again, please don’t worry. You don’t have to justify your actions with me and I’m not going to judge you. I completely understand wanting to keep your own business private. Have you already thought about the design? I could help you with that too if you’d like.
Unsurprisingly, impalabatmobile-67 answered only a couple of minutes later. He really had a piercing imagination.
They chatted for almost an hour, exchanging ideas about the shape and the size and what kind of flavors Dean would have preferred. He seemed nice, and when they said goodbye, Cas had a little smile on his lips.
  Early October
“Do you have the munchies?,” Gabriel asked, and Cas could hear some sort of admiration in his tone.
“It’s for a project,” he answered distractedly, examining a licorice strip and carefully lowering it inside a paper bag.
His cart was full of similar bags, stuffed with candies. He wasn’t sure he could add them to the panties, actually, but Halloween was close anyway. Better safe than sorry.  
“A project?,” Gabriel answered, amused. “For you porn blog?”
“It’s not a porn blog,” Cas answered automatically, passing the cart to Gabriel so he could ring everything up.
Gabriel snickered but didn’t press on. It was a familiar banter by now, nothing they couldn’t recite in their sleep.  
“What is this project about anyway?,” Gabriel asked, giving Cas his change and rummaging on his desk, triumphally popping a lollipop in mouth once he found it.  
“Edible panties,” Cas said, hiding a smile when Gabriel choked on his own spit. For all his flamboyant sexual life, his brother was definitely more of a prude than Cas himself was.
“You’d be such a perv, I swear,” Gabriel muttered, and Cas gave him a dirty look.
Gabriel rose his hands up in surrender. “I know, I know, you can be a perv right now, too,”
Cas just grabbed his bags and got out the shop, giving Gabriel the middle finger on his way out.
  The ingredients were spread on the table, resting on a cheap table cloth.
Cas eyed them dubiously. The recipe seemed easy enough, but he wasn’t sure how resistant they could actually turn out to be. Or comfortable. Or igenic. Honestly, the idea of eating something that had rested on someone else’s crotch made him nauseous, but he guessed that once you swallowed what came out of a person’s genitals, you could brave anything.
He picked up his phone and shot Dean a message. They had abandoned the inbox a while ago and were using Tumblr’s messaging system now.
I’m starting. I cannot guarantee a satysfing result though
Dean’s answers was almost immediate. Cas had warned him that he was going to try today, and apparently Dean was eager to know how it was going. He seemed very invested in these panties.
don’t worry 2 much about it man
i mean if they turn out a mess u can still eat them
Cas’ nose scrunched up and he looked down again at the table. The whole ensamble just didn’t look that appealing.
If you say so
don’t u guys like sweet things?
Cas frowned down at the screen, leaning his hip against the table.
What do you mean?
all those talks about cakes… made me wonder
It took Cas a moment to understand Dean’s allusion, and he found himself smiling when it clicked.
He could still go a little on the defensive sometimes, when the topic of his sexuality came up - and who could blame him, really? - but he found these sort of jokes funny, if a little cheesy.
im more a pie kind of guy myself
Don’t you like cake at all?
oh I like cake alright at times ;)
What was that wink for
like… cake as a metaphor for… someone ace?
nvm, it was dumb
Cas stared at his phone, the text clear on its white background. He admittedly wasn’t the best at social interaction, and social clues, in certain context, could be somewhat a mystery for him, but he most certainly wasn’t stupid.
Dean and him hadn’t started talking that long ago - a month at best - but Dean had been friendly and their interactions easygoing. And, sometimes, very clearly, flirty.
Not much, nothing over the top, just a joke here and a compliment there, but it was still more than Cas had done in some time, and definitely not something he usually did with his clients.
Dean seemed nice, though, and funny, and a little cute. Cas had always had a weak spot for cute boys.
But it still was only something to put a smile on his face after a tiring day - he didn’t stop to consider the implications, because he didn’t think there would have been any. Besides, an internet romance, without even knowing what Dean’s last name was, or where he lived, or what kind of skeletons he hid in his closet - Cas was brave, and he was reckless, but he had learnt self-preservation along the way. And this? This was not something he could endorse in in good conscience.  
But here Dean was, with his lame lines and flustered-looking backtracking, and Cas’ walls had never been that solid to begin with, honestly.
He had started tapping an appropriate reply when a new message appeared under the last one.
so are u gonna try to make them??? i’m getting old here dude
And just like that, the moment was lost.
Late October
Parties at Charlie’s were always very liberal, very queer, and almost always tipsy, at the very least.
Cas, throwing back a shot of vodka, mused that Halloween was the least probable time to be an exception to the rule.
His corpet was starting to squeeze him a little too much, and his ankles ached, but there was no way in Hell he would have given up his costume now. Well, thinking about it, maybe the shoes could go, the stockings were the important part anyway…
He tried to lift his right foot and unfasten the lace of the stiletto, but the room suddenly started to shift and here he went, falling from his heels with an empty glass in his hand and oh god please let there not be any sharp edges on his way down-
Something strong and firm collided with his chest, but it was a gentle blow, and Cas found himself staring at an illustration of a yellow bat.
He looked up, questioning, and green eyes blinked down at him, surrounded by a black mask with pointed years.
Cas started giggling.
The masked man frowned and straightened him, passing an arm under his armpits to help him support his own weight.
“Are you okay?” he yelled in his ear, trying to make himself heard over the music, but Cas was laughing too hard to answer.
The man rolled his eyes - so green - and started to drag him over to the stairs that led to the upper floor. Cas weakly hit his cheek to get his attention. “Bridal style, bridal style!” he hooted when the man turned toward him, trying to throw his leg over the man’s arms and managed only to send them both staggering against a wall.
“Dude, I’m not bringing you upstairs in my arms,” the man grunted, tugging him on the first steps.
“But I’ve been saved by Batman!,” Cas protested, gripping the man’s shoulder for dear life now that they were climbing the stairs. “I demand it!”
“Jesus, you’re really in the part of Frank, aren’t you,” the man muttered, but Cas, a little dizzy, a little nauseous, could still see the amused smile on his lips.
He didn’t remember much after that.
  "God,“ Cas lamented, trying to get his coffee machine to work. The smell of beans only had already cleared his head a little, but now he needed the real deal.
"Tell me about it,” Dean’s voice said, equally roughed, from Cas’s phone’s speakers.
Charlie’s Halloween party had been hard on Cas the night before, and apparently Dean had had a similar experience, if his pained tone was anything to go by.
“I was at this friend’s place,” Cas said, finally managing to turn the machine on. The scent of strong coffee rose from it, lazily diffusing in the air, and Cas had never known a sweeter blessing.
“Did you just moan?,” Dean’s voice came, a little belwidered, but Cas ignored it.
“I guess I had a little too much to drink,” he continued, pouring himself a cup of coffee and sighing in it, inhaling the fumes. “And then Batman saved me when I was about to fall on my face, and then I blacked out.” He reverently had a sip, and had to actively force himself to keep quiet, this time.
It took him a moment to realized the line was silent on the other side.
“Dean?,” he asked, catious, and Dean cleared his voice over the static.
“Were you wearing a Frank-N-Furter costume, by chance?,” he asked, voice neutral, and Cas froze.
“How do you know that?” he replied, confused and a little scared, but Dean didn’t say anything.
“Dean?,” Cas pressed, even though he should have had hung up, turned off the phone, what if Dean was a stalker, what if-
“Do you know Charlie?,” Dean finally said, and Cas’ heart almost stopped.
“How…?” he asked, and he heard Dean’s breath rushing out of him, amplified by the speakers.
“I think,” Dean said, very carefully, “that we have a common friend.”
Early November
The coffee-shop was crowded, but not unbearably so. Cas was sitting at one of the tables, near the window, nervously watching the street. Anxiety hadn’t really kicked in, but he was still a bit tense.
Rationally, he knew that this wasn’t like meeting a stranger, nor a person he wasn’t certain he could stand, but it was a big deal for him nonetheless. This was a relationship he had invested times and energy and feelings in, and if it didn’t work… He didn’t really want to think about that option.
Discovering that he and Dean lived in the same city had been kind of a shock.
Everything that Cas had been cautious of, that he had protected himself from thanks to the hypothetical distance between them, and the net’s impalpability, had suddenly came to knock at his door. Young feelings, still fragile and new, that were slowly twisting themselves inside Cas’ blood vessels and shooting right toward his heart, hidden among blood cells and oxygen.
And what was Cas supposed to do with them?
Meeting today had been a jump in the dark, that Dean had agreed to make with him. It had made the abyss a little less scary.
Still, perhaps arriving half an hour before the actual date hadn’t been the smartest idea he had ever had, since the more he waited, the more he freaked out. He sipped his water, checking his watch; he wasn’t supposed to be there for ten more minutes. He took another gulp, and then promptly choked on it when a hand clamped down on his shoulder.
He sputtered, coughing and trying to breath some air in, feeling the light weight of fingers gently rubbing his back.
“Cas? Are you okay? Come on buddy, don’t die on me now.”
Eventually managing to breathe again, he turned his head up to see Dean smiling down at him, eyes actually a bit worried, and still so, so green, and really, Cas realized, everything could be really going to be just fine.
“Assbutt” he rasped, cautiously taking a sip from his bottle and glaring at him.
Dean’s laughter was so much more breathtaking in person than on the phone.   
 Mid December
“I’ve been hurt before,” Cas said, quietly, on their maybe fifth or sixth date, while they were having dinner at Cas’ place, on Cas’ comfy carpet. A sort of indoor pic-nic.
Dean watched him attentively, warm and reassuring, but Cas kept fidgeting with a loose thread on the carpet, not looking up.
“When I was young, by my own doing, trying to feel things I couldn’t feel, and later, by partners who said that they understood and that sex wasn’t a requirement when instead… it was.”
He could see Dean’s hand twitching to reach out, but they weren’t yet at a point where they could just understand what the other needed without asking, and Cas was particular about touching.
Hiding a smile, Cas brushed his fingers against Dean’s, and let him squeeze his hand in his own.
“I need you to understand, Dean,” he started, trying to make his voice firm.
No matter how happy he was with himself, how comfortable, there was always a little voice in his head that whispered to him he was being selfish, unreasonable, when he did this kind of talks. But he had built himself so much stronger than those ugly murmurs, now. Let them come. He was not afraid.
“We will never have sex. Ever. I won’t start liking it just because I’m with you, and I won’t do it just to make you happy.”
He looked at Dean, trying to see any sign of discomfort, but Dean’s face was blank. It happened sometimes, when Dean wasn’t ready to let others know what he was thinking, but it wasn’t necessary a sign of something bad.
And then Cas felt fingers drawing gentle circles inside his wrist, and relaxed a little.
“No matter how turned on you get by something, if you try to pressure me in any way… I won’t react nicely.”
Dean still didn’t say anything, and Cas smiled quietly at him, bringing Dean’s hand to his lips to kiss it lightly.
“You can get turned on, though, masturbate, whatever you need. I’m not sex repulsed, just indifferent towards it in general. Moreover, I don’t mind being in a open relationship, if that’s what you want, but we would need to establish clear rules in that case, and it’s an another whole conversation,” he added, interlacing his fingers with Dean’s. “If you want to stay with me, these are the conditions. I’m done with my speech. Now it’s your turn. Did I weird you out? I didn’t mean to.”
Dean looked at him for a couple of seconds more, and then nodded. “Alright,” he said.
“Alright?,” Cas echoed.
“Alright,” Dean said, and grinned at him with his golden, beautiful eyes, and Cas, somehow, trusted him.
Late January
“I still can’t believe I got to do this,” Dean murmured against Cas’ skin, in the quiet of Cas’ bedroom.
Cas shivered a bit at that and settled better against Dean’s chest. “Doing what?,” he asked, even though he knew exactly what Dean was referring to.
“Touching you, smelling you, hell, even seeing you.” Dean traced light circles on his covered belly with his finger, resting his chin on Castiel’s shoulder. “Are you okay with this?” he asked, loosening the hug.
Cas grabbed his arm and tightened his hold again. - I am - he answered, turning his head for a kiss.
Dean gave it to him, and Cas thought that that Heaven his mother was always talking about when he was little could be found much easier than she thought. And then distracted himself because thinking about his mother in that moment seemed really a waste of time.
When they separated, both of them smiling like the idiots they were, Cas hold out a hand and gently freed himself from the embrace.
“Wait there,” he ordered, pointing the bed. While Dean obeyed, he took an anonymous bag out of his drawer and went to the bathroom, closing the door behind him.
He wasn’t completely sure of what he was about to do, but then again, when ever had he been completely sure about anything? It didn’t matter. It was for Dean, and for himself, too, and if it didn’t work out, well, nobody would be seriously hurt. A bit embarrassed, sure, but he could live with that. Dean would have never made him feel inadequate.
 He undressed, folded his clothes, and opened the bag.
He took the stockings out first, feelings their softness between his fingers. They were beautiful, white silk and lace, and he couldn’t wait to wear them.
He put them on, careful not to break the texture, and spent some moments admiring his legs. Smooth and elegant, just like he liked them.
The white panties, adorned with black lace, were next, and he shivered a little at the feeling of them on his skin. He took his time adjusting them, and when he felt like they were good, he took the neutral lipstick out of the bag and turned toward the mirror above the sink.
His lips were chapped like always, but he couldn’t do much about it. Besides, Dean had never complained.
He uncapped the lipstick, and squeezed the tiny bottle to put some on his index finger. Watching his reflection in the mirror, he applied it on his bottom lips, and then pressed his lips together to spread them on the whole mouth. He cleaned the area around it a bit and smiled at his face in the glass, satisfied.
The thing was, Cas liked to be pretty. He liked to wear things that made him feel sensual, even though he didn’t care for others’ attraction toward him. If you asked him why, he probably couldn’t have explained it, but then again, the reason behind it wasn’t that important. It was all about sensations and nerves’ reaction to stimulus or something like that.
Dean had already seen him in flimsy clothes, but it was a costume, at the time. Just a mask, not the real Castiel, just being himself, in pretty lingerie. Showing off to his boyfriend in a way he never purposely did with anyone else.
Because Cas liked to be pretty, but he didn’t really like the attention that came with it. Or the expectations.
With Dean, though? Cas knew that Dean would look straight at him, and see exactly what Cas wanted to show him.
He turned to the bag once more, biting his lips. One last thing, and then he would be ready: a pair of black high heels, sleek and shiny.
The action of putting them on went less smoothly than the others - he stumbled and nearly fell into the tub, and had to yell at Dean he was fine and not to come in - but finally, everything was in place.
Taking a deep breath and shaking his head a bit, as in to clear it, he squared his shoulder and exited the bathroom.  
Dean looked up from his hands in his lap and did a double-take, freezing on the spot.
Cas waited for his eyes to roam oh his body, taking him in, searching for what he could find sexy, but they remained fixated on his face, instead, without wandering even a little bit.
Actually, Dean seemed not be breathing at all.
It would have been hilarious if Cas hadn’t been so nervous.
“Dean?” he asked, finally, uncertain.
That seemed to shake him out of his trance, and he coughed, cleared his throat, and then diverted his eyes, fixing them somewhere on the wall.
“Cas, fuck” he answered, his voice lower and rougher than usual. “This is harder than I thought.”
Yeah, that wasn’t helping his nervousness at all.
“You said you would have liked it.” Cas said, confused and a bit mortified.
Dean let out a weak laugh. “I do, Cas, and that may be our problem here.”
Cas frowned, but after a moment, it clicked. It wasn’t difficult to understand what Dean was worried about, really. Cas should have anticipated it.
He approached the bed slowly, as if not to scare Dean, and sat next to him.  
“Dean,” he called gently, and Dean shot him a look, but he apparently couldn’t maintain it.
“Dean,” Cas said again, taking of of his hands in his own. “You don’t have to be ashamed of your attraction, just like I don’t have to be for the lack of mine. I wore this because I knew you would have liked them, and I also knew how you would have liked them, and done it anyway. Your erection won’t make me uncomfortable.”
Dean twitched at the word, and Cas laughed quietly against his cheek.
“Stop worrying so much,” he said, kissing the side of his mouth. “You won’t hurt me. I promise.”
“I just,” Dean said, but didn’t continue.
“You just?,” Cas repeated, nudging him, with his cold nose against Dean’s neck.
“I just don’t want to do something, without meaning to, and scare you off,” Dean finished, looking at the ground.
“Oh, Dean.” Cas grabbed Dean’s face in his hands, gently, forcing him to look at Cas in the eyes. “Let me lead, okay? I promise I won’t let anything bad happening to us.”
Dean’s eyes were still doubtful, a little afraid light shining in them, but he nodded, and Cas released him.
“I feel good like this,” he said, taking back one of Dean’s hand, putting it right on his legs, on the soft fabric of the stocking. “I wore all of this as much for you as I did for me. Will you look at me, Dean? Tell me how pretty I am?”   
Dean took a deep breath. “You’re always pretty, Cas.”
Cas stand up, letting go of his hand, and moved in front of him, between his knees. He put his palm under Dean’s chin and tilted his head up gently. Dean finally, finally, met his eyes on his own.
“Tell me again, like this,” Cas ordered him softly, smiling. Dean stayed still for a moment more, and then, surrendering, he slowly, hungrily, let his sight slide all over Castiel’s body. Cas felt it like a caress all over him, tender and butterfly light.
Once Dean’s look had reached his feet - and he had gasped loudly - his eyes met Cas’ own again, and they were dark and full of heat. “You’re beautiful.” he said, voice rough and full of awe. “So fucking beautiful, Cas.”
“As you are, my love,” Cas murmured, and letting himself be laid out on the bed, admired as a work of art, he thought that, yes, no matter how much it took for him to reach this point in life, it was well worth it.
  July, years later
“Sam,” Cas groaned in his phone, blindly patting around on the bed to wake Dean up. Dean grunted and swatted his hand away, cocooning himself against Cas’ back, warm as a stove. Cas tried to roll away but Dean sneaked an arm around his middle, lightning fast.
“I hope this is important, Sam, it’s eight a.m. on a Sunday.”
“Sorry!,” Sam exclaimed, excitedly, not sounding sorry at all. “But I think I found an investor for your shop!”
Cas abruptly woke up, finally managing to disentangle himself from Dean, whose protest was apparently to slobber all over Cas’ pillow.
“What?,” he asked Sam, putting a pair of pants on and quietly exiting their bedroom.
“Yesterday I went to this corporate party,” Sam answered, talking one mile a minute, “and there was this very rich european lady who I somehow ended up talking about your project and she was really interested in it!”
“Somehow?,” Cas asked, distractly, heart pounding.
“Well I may have done some research before the party… But who cares, her name is Bela Talbot, ace as fuck, very kinky. Loves your idea. I’ll drop by later to explain everything?”
“Yeah,” Cas mumbled, still dumbfounded, and the line went dead.
He felt Dean padding into the room and then hugging him from behind.
“Everything’s alright?,” he asked, voice deep from sleep.
And Cas’ face broke into a smile, toothy and huge. “Yes. Alright.”
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hashtagloveloses · 7 years
so, crazy story time. i was on a page that has archives of funny text posts and i saw one with your url on it and like i swear i knew who you were and i was like oh fuck it was a looong time ago when i had a mainly doctor who blog i think my username was allons-yponds or thelegendofgallifrey but i was following you and we talked a few times but anyway its crazy finding you again i hope life is going well!
oh my god hello again this is a throwback
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wolfypuppypiles · 7 years
Your fanfictions about Alec and izzy are fantastic i love them !!! I love how Alec is with his little sister ! And i love the friendship between magnus and izzy! Could you please make one where Alec is on a mission with clary and someone Callie to say that his sister was and he come back fast but when he arrive he see that magnus already take care of her ? That would be so nice thank you! And from the pov of clary and magnus please ? Thanks !
Thank you!! here you go I hate the ending lol but I couldn’t think of any other way to finish it? Anyway I hope this is what you wanted.
Magnus had never been fond of shadowhunters but good lordthat Alexander took his breath away. And then he met his wonderful youngersister whom Alec loved more than anything, and Magnus found that he quite likedher too.
She was smart, brave, funny, kind, and of course beautifuland he became quite close with her as his and Alec’s relationship grew moreserious. He often had her over to hang out when he wanted the company ofsomeone who’d appreciate his new eyeshadow as much as he did.
“Oh Magnus, that one’s gorgeous!”
The warlock smiled as Isabelle examined his new glitters.
“Thank you, I think I’ll wear the red to Alec and I’s datetomorrow.”
“Oh, you have to let me do your nails!”
Isabelle was the best friend Magnus had had in many yearsand for Izzy, all her life.
So, when she got hurt, he was of course there to help.
They’d been in Izzy’s room at the institute, where Magnuswas helping her choose an outfit for her date with a seelie girl she’d met atMagnus’ club. Screaming had started down the hall a few seconds before thealarms went off and Izzy sprinted out of her room with the warlock hot on herheels.
Raj almost smacked into her in the hallway in his rush tothe weapons room.
“Oof! RaJ? What’s happening?”
The shadowhunter answered in a rush as he continued running.
“There’s a werewolf loose in the institute!”
He disappeared and Izzy exchanged a look with Magnus. Shehad her whip with her and Magnus had his magic, they’d go ahead and try tohelp.
Things went wrong almost as soon as they stepped into themain control room.
“Why didn’t Izzy come?”
Alec sighed, annoyed with the questions that never seemed tostop, as he lead Clary down an alley with his blade drawn.
“This mission only needs two people and you need training.Besides, her and Magnus wanted to hang out and I can’t say no to either of themso...”
Clary nodded and carefully stepped over a garbage bag,sticking close to Alec.
“So, you got stuck with me.”
He sighed again, eyes still scanning the alley for signs ofthe ravenor demon they’d been tracking.
“It’s not like that, Clary. I’m not your biggest fan but youneed training and Izzy and Jace have other plans. That’s all.”
He didn’t mention that Jace didn’t want to come because hewas still confused about his feelings for his…sister, but he assumed she’dguessed anyway.
Alec paused in the dark alley and motioned Clary forward.
“Okay, its hiding behind that bin. Make sure it doesn’t getyou with its tail or teeth or you won’t last long enough for me to get you tothe institute.”
Clary spun and looked at him in disbelief.
“You want me to kill it?”
“Yes. It’s easy, just keep your wrist straight and follow throughon your swing. And hurry up, they move fast.”
Clary was about to argue again when Alec’s phone startedvibrating in his pocket. He pulled it out and pushed Clary forward.
“I have to take this, it’s the institute. But you can do it,I’m right behind you.”
Alec watched Clary slowly approach the bin as he answeredthe phone.
“If this is Raj, I swear by the angel man, I’m in the middleof a mission.”
“I’m sorry, but it’s your sister. A werewolf got loose inthe institute and.. she’s hurt.”
Clary was terrified but took a deep breath and moved forward,gripping her seraph blade with white knuckles.
‘I’m a shadowhunter. I can do this.’
She was about to turn the corner and rush it when Alec’sblade came soaring through the air and speared the demon creature to the wall,killing it instantly. Clary deflated and made a face the green ooze smearedover the wall.
“I thought I was supposed to kill it?”
“We have to go.”
Alec pulled his blade from the wall and started sprintingback down the alley, not waiting to see if Clary would follow. She ran afterhim, recognising his tight expression.
“What’s wrong?”
He paused, jaw clenching in worry as he sprinted down thestreet, Clary barely managing to keep pace.
“Izzy’s hurt. Werewolf attack. I have to help her.”
“Oh, god.”
Alec was scary when he was worried. Clary followed him in silenceas he stormed through the institute, flinging open doors and shouting orders atpassing shadowhunters.
“Where’s my sister? Get out of my way!”
He was a terrifying force of worried older brother and no onecould stop him on his search for Izzy. Clary quietly apologized to those theybowled over in their search, until they finally got to Izzy’s room.
Alec paused for only a second before he sprinted to wherehis little sister lay on her bed. Magnus was waving his hands over her, sendingblue flames into her wounds, but moved back when Alec came in.
Alec stormed in and immediately began to fret over Izzy, hetook her face in his hands and frantically searched her for injuries.
“Oh, god, Izzy are you okay? What did that wolf do to you? Icame as quickly as I could.”
Izzy was thankfully awake and mostly unharmed. She hadseveral gashes across her stomach and a small cut on her cheek but they hadstopped bleeding after some runes and some warlock magic. Her right ankle wassprained but she was in little pain, also thanks to Magnus.
Alec kissed his sister’s forehead and wrapped her up in ahug, burring his face in her hair.
“I’m okay, Alec. It was only a little werewolf and Magnuswas here.”
Alec kissed her head again and looked up, only realising hisboyfriend was there now that he knew his sister was safe.
He unwrapped one arm from Izzy and reached towards Magnus,pulling him into a hug as well.
“Thank you so much. Are you okay?”
Magnus smiled and kissed his angel.
“I’m okay and Isabelle will be too. She just needs to restand stay off that ankle for a while.”
Alec took his sister in his arms again and squeezed hertight as Clary watched, smiling. Alec always melted around Izzy and Magnus andit never ceased to make Clary smile.
“I’m so glad you’re safe. I was so worried.”
Izzy laughed and hugged her brother back, knowing he wouldbe like this for a while.
“I know. I’m okay.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, big brother.”
Alec smiled and pulled Magnus towards him for another kiss.
“And I love you my wonderful warlock.”
Magnus returned the sentiment against Alec’s lips and Clarywatched the small group with fond eyes but a sad smile, feeling out of place andalone. Until Izzy called her over.
“Clary! How did the hunt go?”
Izzy pulled her into a hug and demanded details as Clarylaughed and asked for details of her own.
What a wonderful, strange, magical family she was a part ofnow.
(As usual this and all my other fanfics can be found on my ao3 anf fanfiction.net accounts with the same author name as my url on here or through the links on my blog or just message me. I also loove prompts and talking to new people!)
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video-game-imagines · 7 years
I was tagged by the amazing @hello-just-random-me.  Thank you! (Which funny enough we have the same first name and star sign. Just thought that was kind of funny.)
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
Nickname: Ash :) Which is just short for Ashley and literally all my friends call me Ash. Pikachu (mainly my older brother’s nickname for me) or Lee lee (which only my family or really long-time friends call me.)
Star sign: Gemini 
Height: 5’8” which is kind of short… Mind you, my dad is 6’1” and my older brother is 6’4”
Time Right Now: 10:45pm
Favorite Music Artists: Safetysuit! Also Florence + The Machine, Adele, Bastille, Billy Joel, CHVRCHES, Coldplay, Connell Cruise, Daughter, David Hodges, Ella Henderson, Ellie Goulding, Fall Out Boy, Foo Fighters, Frank Sinatra, Gabrielle Aplin, The Goo Goo Dolls, Halsey, The Heavy, Heart, Imagine Dragons, James Morrison, Jon McLaughlin, Joshua Radin, Journey, Kaleo, Kodaline, Laura Welsh, Marianas Trench, Panic! At The Disco, Paramore, and so many more. One of my friends has also recently got me listening to K-Pop so that’s an unfortunate rabbit hole to fall into…
Last Movie I Watched: Suicide Squad
Last TV Show I Watched: Bizarre Foods 
What Are You Wearing Right Now?: A long-sleeved grey t-shirt and black yoga pants
What Kind of Stuff Do You Post?: My fanfiction that I write by request and sometimes random stuff pertaining to video games.
When Did You Make Your Blog?: At the beginning of 2016… so almost a year ago.
Do You Have Any Other Blogs?: Nope just this one for my writing.
Do You Get Asks Regularly?: Not really but I always appreciate when I do get asks.
Why Did You Choose Your URL?: Honestly, it fit what my blog was about and I guess I had zero creative juice when trying to drum up names.
Hogwarts House?: Hufflepuff (According to Pottermore) I did take another quiz that told me I was Gryffindor but I’m sticking with Pottermore’s decision.
Gender: Female
Pokemon Team: Sorry but I’m not choosing :(
Favorite Color: Maroon
Average Hours of Sleep?: Anywhere between 2 and 7 hours. I have insomnia so its makes falling asleep incredibly difficult.
Lucky Number: Is surprisingly 13
Favorite Characters: *Unravels a huge scroll* Link (LoZ), Princess Zelda/Sheik(LoZ), Garrus (Mass Effect), Tali (Mass Effect), Grunt (Mass Effect), Joker (Mass Effect), Morrigan (Dragon Age), Dorian Pavus (Dragon Age), Nathan Drake (Uncharted), Victor Sullivan (Uncharted), Elena Fisher (Uncharted), Chloe Fraser (Uncharted), Charlie Cutter (Uncharted), Joel & Ellie (The Last of Us), Faith Connors (Mirror’s Edge), Lara Croft (Tomb Raider), Maya & Lilith (Borderlands), Tiny Tina & Mr. Torgue (Borderlands), Handsome Jack (Borderlands), Claptrap (Borderlands), Batman/Bruce Wayne (DC), Harley Quinn/Harleen Quinzel (DC), Deadpool (Marvel), Booker Dewitt (Bioshock Infinite), Elizabeth Comstock (Bioshock Infinite), Ezio Auditore (Assassin’s Creed II), Edward Kenway (Assassin’s Creed IV), Jacob & Evie Frye (Assassin’s Creed), Noble Team [especially Kat, Jorge, and Emile] (Halo: Reach), Max Caulfield & Chloe Price (Life is Strange), The Doctor (Doctor Who), Odd Thomas & Bronwen “Stormy” Llewellyn (Odd Thomas), and so many more!
How many blankets do you sleep with?: 3-4 because I get cold very easily!
Dream Job?: Ideally, and I mean this is like a pipe dream… but I would love to be a published author. I would also love to be an editor, an English Teacher, or a Psychiatrist/Psychologist
I tag:
@ask-the-sky-for-answers @anodal @c-qcat @gross-chilitrash @harleycurlyq @sorrykindofnotreally @i-swear-this-isnt-satanic @littleredhatter @uncharted-imagines @wren-ch
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dont-call--me-sugar · 5 years
You must be so tired of hearing me go on…and I might stop. Maybe. Anywho…As you guys know, I’ve been SO excited about the book signing of Ribbons of Scarlet. Well, it happened! And it was amazing! As you can see below, they all took selfies with me…and Sophie and Stephanie each greeted me with massive hugs. Sophie saw me first and exclaimed, “Ah! You’re here!” (Cue my fangirling!) Every single one of them is lovely. The hour where they spoke was educational, funny, enlightening, and empowering. They each touched upon the similarities between now and then, and how each woman was quite ahead of their time in their demands for equality, the right to bear arms (there was even a demand to create an all women’s militia!). It was quite fascinating to hear the similarities between the women of that day and age and now. Interestingly, it was 230 years ago, as of last night, since the women marched on Versailles.
They were each granted 5 minutes to speak, but I think Kate spoke the longest. (I could honestly listen to each of them for hours; they’re so enthusiastic about this and all their projects!) Each woman is extremely eloquent, knowledgable and their senses of humor are on point. There was something though about Kate and when she’d add, “As you do” to the end of a well-delivered line though, that was particularly amusing. I wish I’d had enough battery to take video to share. The mention of a ‘convent-educated assassin‘ was hilarious and garnered a lot of laughs. We also got to learn about how long a head is actually aware of things post-chopping. (Not their term, but mine. And it’s about 10 to 20 seconds, just FYI.) But beyond this, we did learn how they chose who to write as, who not to write as, and how they collaborated. (Google Docs!) They also spoke of how women were treated then, and it was appalling. How they were slut-shamed, doxxed and all sorts of dreadful treatment. But yet, they persisted. I think they’re braver than me, but desperate times call for desperate measures, so I think we are all capable of anything.
Another thing that stuck out to me was that they pointed out how we are the legacy of all of these women. Everything we enjoy today are the things that they couldn’t. They could dream of it, hope for it, but most were not accomplished within their lifetimes and thus, we are thier legacy. By speaking their names, reading about them, learning about their lives…they’re not really gone. These astonishing women became part of our lives and thus, live on through us. It was such a poignant thought and I will carry that with me for a long while.
I enjoyed hearing all six speak on this and everything they did. They took some questions and I asked one; if they had any advice for aspiring novelists. Their eyes lit up and Laura answered first. As I’m working off memory, it’s not her full quote but what I remember. “If you have a story inside of you, write it down. Don’t worry about if it’s good yet, or if it needs cleaning up, or more research, write it down. Then you can shape it more. But if you’re writing a story? You’re already a writer. Keep at it.”
It was either Kate or Eliza who said, “I think all of us can say, we could paper a large room with all the rejections that we’ve gotten through the years. However you choose to write, write. Whether you try for traditional or self-publishing, keep writing and keep going. Someone will eventually see what you see and say ‘yes’.”
Then! It was time to get the books signed. This was definitely the moment I was waiting for. My anxiety was in high gear at first, but then…I just felt like I was with friends. Because I was. I was amongst other people who loved books as much as me. I was with my peers, those whom I admire so much and have gotten to know through social media. My anxiety and usual shyness were gone and I carried on happily. Carefree, I daresay. It was so nice
I was so excited as I was sitting near Sophie and Eliza, the next table was Kate and Heather, then Laura and Stephanie. As I’d met Laura and gotten a selfie with her already, I was still excited, but I had a goal. I had wanted a picture with everyone, but as we’d driven 2 1/2 hours to get there, I knew I’d have to leave afterward. So my selfies were the best I could do, but who is complaining?! I hope you enjoy these pics and if you can, be sure to grab a copy! I swear on my life, you will love it. You’ll find things that you relate to. It seems hard to believe, but it’s true.
You can find my review here and it has all the links you need. Author websites and info, all of that great stuff. I’ve included Copperfish Book’s URLs below, both their website and FB page.
(Credit: Copperfish Books. I’m all the way in the back, I don’t think you can see me.)
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(Credit: Copperfish Books. I didn’t take these, but am grateful they did since mine aren’t so great, lol.)
However, this one is my picture and yes, I totally flailed when Stephanie wrote in my book! (A good flailing. I mean…they were excited to see me too! I still can’t wrap my mind around that.)
Thank you again, ladies!! ❤ (Obviously, I love you too, Stephanie!)
My First Book Signing! #ribbonsofscarlet #stillflailing #fun #bookblogger #bookblog You must be so tired of hearing me go on...and I might stop. Maybe. Anywho...As you guys know, I've been SO excited about the book signing of Ribbons of Scarlet.
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erenjaegur · 6 years
Snk Positivity Day 6: Love Your Series
Im gonna put this under a read more because I cant think of express my feelings on something without turning it into a full length incoherent ass essay so!!
I’ve been in the snk fandom since I was like 12 lol - Im 16 now so that’s like, five years?? I can still remember like I’d see a lot of gifs n stuff of it going around tumblr and for some reason I just really felt I wouldn’t like it like I had smthing lowkey against it?? But then I decided to watch it one day, n i still remember, I was just chilling on my laptop watching it in the sitting room, my family around me and stuff and goddd it was soo good... but it made me tear up... n bITCH I was NOT! about to cry in the sitting room around my family. I was not! prepared for that. That night I stayed up till possibly 1 or 3am just watching it, I must’ve gotten to like around episode 6 I think? I loved it so much I rlly fell in love, I finished it all in just three days.... three days of which I also went to school and stuff and had to go to my friends party.... bitch i was pissed i didnt even like that person....i just wanted to finish snk lmaooo 😭
Im pretty sure Id spend sm of my time invested in snk and looking through snk tumblrs and stuff and other fandom stuff of it, I loved it so much!!! like!! thats all I did and even then I was still forcing my friends to read/watch it. I was really cringey in 6th class wow lmaoo I would literally go around during break with the snk manga like xD!!! eren is my baby!!! saying shit like that yikes.... bitch first of all hes 4 years older than you...your literally 12.....
Especially then, when I was younger it brought me sm happiness like when little me was going through shit then little insecure young me, you know how people say u use entertainment to escape or whatever, a distraction, idk.... like that was rlly it man idk ho to describe it without sounding weird i swear it was like my main source of happiness omg lol
Almost always, its very rare like I’ll be watching a movie, listening to music, anything like that just consuming some piece of media or literally just like. living my life and I see something and im like. omg snk au in which.... or I just somehow relate it back to snk or some of its characters lol. Like even when I was on holiday in Venice last year I was literally like thinking of a fanfic of like, the 104th on holidays in Venice like how wholesome...
Like I really do love snk I think about it every day without fail, and I honestly think I’ll always always always love it, and even if I don’t, it’s always gonna have a special place in my heart. Like, I liked it since i was literally 12 years old and it helped my through shit and I just have so much good memories associated with it. I honestly rlly do picture myself being like a 40 year old woman and still loving snk but like the fandom is dead or something... 😭 I rlly hope that never happens.....bc that will happen my 40 year old ass will b like boiis whens season 10 coming out ? Like I really hope snk is one of those series that kind of just lives on forever, or atleast for a very long time - Like Harry Potter for example
Okay, all that was really personal and I’d be surprised if anyone is reading this anyway, but I love looking back on it and talking about snk like this, I love it :) Butttt, getting to one of the reasons why I think I might love snk so much, and I mean, I can’t really pin it down why I love it so much, I dont think anyone can pin down EXACTLY why they love something, especially a series, but I think one thing I really like, and it becomes really apparent when I look at other series is like, they have a good balance between male and female characters if that makes sense. Like theres not way more men in the show than there is women, like how it is in some series or like, theres not way more men in the show than there is women, and the female characters in the show aren’t just like background characters pretty much, and they’re all good fleshed out and developed characters n shit. I think people have talked about this before but yeah.. And the female characters aren’t sexualised or anything like that and like, theres basically little to no fanservice at all which is nice. Supereyepatchwolf said something about it in his video about snk, how it can appeal to everyone because anyone of any age and gender and such can be in the survey corps n stuff... :P
And the characters just in general of course :) I honestly think the characters is one of snks strongest points, like... im not about to do a full on character analysis on anyone here lol but they’re just so amazing. Like I think on first glance it can probably be easy for people to sort most of them into like a trope or something or just write them off as cliche - mostly eren is victim to this bc people are like typical shounen boy !!! but like. you know anyway. I wish I was better at expressing my feelings and thoughts lol. Like god idk i feel like its so easy for someone who idk might just be a casual fan or smthing to just kinda see the characters on their more surface level without seeing how much depth they actually have - and I feel like that could also easily happen with anime only ppl. Like snk really does have so much great n complex n developed characters, especiallyyy now with the timeskip, more so now than ever. Like you know when you love something so much that you cant just pin point one thing about it... because its like.... everything about it i love n everything within it works to like compliment everything in it if that makes sense u get me?? like i cant just pinpoint ONE THING its the whole thing.... why i love snk? *directs u to link of readsnkmanga.com* or something lol
as for the characters themselves, obviously u can tell, with my url, u can take a guess at who my favourite is :) since the timeskip, i dont like him as much - not that i dislike him, i could literally never - but timeskip eren is basically a whole new person - and im not saying that in a bitter tone or anything, if anything its cool and i appreciate it and i understand why eren is like this now, all the shit hes been through- stuff so singular that barely anyone else would be able to understand, no one, if anything. So i understand why hes like this, and as i said earlier, this’ one of snks strong points its complex and rlly developed characters... The things I admired about Eren is just like... his good and bad, everything. How passionate he is, how he wears his heart on his sleeve - that of which being his most notable quality imo, and he expresses himself in an unapologetic manner like.... the courtroom scene... he rlly shouted that in front of all those people... how headstrong, stubborn and impulsive he is. I relate to Eren alot, thats part of the reason why I love him so much because I think I can kinda see myself in him.. but on the same hand, I think it’s also because he possesses a lot of traits I admire. Eren never backs down even when the whole world seems to be against him. He holds on firmly to what he believes in and never gives in, even when literal guns or canons are being pointed towards him. He’s full of determination and will power and he knows what he wants, and he’s also not afraid to express his opinion, even if he knows that he’ll be laughed at or be largely disagreed with.. And I admire his impulsiveness too. Those are all things I admire and other things I didn’t mention.. like me, I’m a very non confrontational person, I always feel things out before getting to it, and even then a lot of the time I just don’t at all. I might second guess my emotions and feelings when it comes to relationships with people especially, and I can a lot of the time stifle or keep quiet about my own beliefs, not completely keeping quiet, but not speaking them out as firmly as I believe them in my own mind, yielding? more I guess, if people disagree with me, I might step down a little - Which isn’t a completely bad thing, it’s good to be openminded and to see other sides, but when it’s coming from a place of embarassment or insecurity, not so much. So I really admire those traits in Eren :) I relate to him a lot, but I also know that in a lot of ways too, we are veryy different. I’ve even thought before, if I knew someone like Eren irl would I even like them lol?? Who knows lol. But as a character, I love him :) My other two favourtie characters after Eren, Levi and Jean, I won’t go into them as much as I did Eren but with them, and not just that, all of the other reasons they’re my faves.. I have like more of a ‘crush’ on them lmaooo like with them i could read so much /reader fanfic lol... but even though Eren is my #1 I could nEVER...god NO lol. And I think thats also down to the fact, as I’ve been saying I seen myself in Eren... rather than the other way around :))))))))
Like god there have been so many times I’ve laughed, cried at stuff in this fandom, made good memories as a result of it irl too... bullied my friends into watching it.... Like I have nothing but good memories. I really can’t express enough how positively snk has impacted my life like I genuinely can’t, it’d be impossible.. I seriously love it :) I’ve made friends bc of it, gotten closer to friends bc of our mutual interest in it, stuff like that...:) And even if those things didn’t happen, I’d still love the series and its fandom itself. :) I seriously can’t thank enough, the ppl that contribute to this fandom, I really can’t. Everything, and everyone to small and big creators, thank you so much. Well known and lesser known creators, like just everything and everyone, seriously. Everyone is just why this fandom is so great and!! Like I just think how lucky am I to have smthing like snk have such a big fandom and stuff and so many great people in it. Like y’know when you see your favourite fanfic update, you see your favourite artist has put out smthing new, even just see a funny snk text post or something, it all can really brighten and even make your day, and its so good :) There are so many amazing creators in this fandom, fanfics that are honestly better than published books I’ve read - like seriously, some of this stuff seriously deserves to e published or something!! And the fact that so much of these creators are putting their work out there and sharing with us for free, is just so great, and I’ll never not be grateful for it :)
Like seriously, returning back to when I was like 12-14, some days back then when I was younger it really felt like y’know the only things I could take comfort in was this series and its characters and stuff yknow.... and maybe im just being and emo teen but im getting kinda emotional thinking about it just now :’) Like seriously... I feel like im maybe being too much in this post lol but seriously this series means a lot to me.. as I said, I can honestly really picture myself being like 40 and still rlly loving snk like no matter what, whatever happens, wherever the series goes, whatever the hell, it’ll always hold a special place in my heart, because its helped me through a lot, a lot of bad days, I have nothing but good memories associated with it, made friends, seen some of the most beautiful art and read rlly great writing!! Just like yeah. Thank u Isayama and this entire fandom.....
and I was gonna peace out but I also want to appreciate and throw some love @ Isayamas art and art style. Obviously, Isayama was a bit infamous in the earlier days for his art not looking so great (Which also is amazing bc like a manga with not so great art like his in the beginning... grew to become so BIG!! like who would’ve thought) - even so the character design and stuff was all really good?? Like I also think thats a strong point he has too!! And all those years of practicing really shows, because damn!! look at his art now!! It’s really damn nice and im not just saying that lol :P
Anyway!! :) Thats all lol
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