#...almost like spinoff dare i say
ganondoodle · 1 year
in all honesty, im feeling a bit burned out on totk, the more i think about it the more i dislike its story and lore, i dont know what to make of it it being so loved by everyone else makes me feel like theres something wrong about me :/ gonna try and take a step back from it all
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everysongineverykey · 2 years
the closing scene of a marvel-produced deltarune movie
kris: i guess in the end... the REAL power... was friendship all along
(silence for like ten seconds)
noelle: uh.... that was.... REALLY corny🤣🤣🤣
susie: yeah dude cmon. what is this, some kinda dumb teen movie or something? (audience bursts out laughing at this charmingly self-aware joke)
ralsei: kris... even I'M not that corny. but... you have a point. group hug!!
(everyone scooches away from ralsei because group hugs are #lame)
kris: uh... wow. and you call ME corny.
berdly: well, corniness aside, i think we can all agree that i was the real reason we got out with our lives. although i'll admit i may have caused problems on the way by... distracting the ladies (winks at susie and noelle, he likes both of them in this movie and has had zero character development except for one tense moment in act 3 where he almost sacrificed himself for the greater good but then was saved at the last minute)
(silence, noelle and susie exchange a glance)
kris: ...uh... so, ANYWAY, you guys wanna go get pEzza?
(everyone nods excitedly, they walk off into the sunset without berdly because he is the designated incel character and must be hated by everyone)
noelle: why's it called pEzza anyway... that's so #weird lol...
susie: right?? what is this, some kids' game or something? (cue more audience laughter at this hilarious meta joke) anyway noelle... you wanna... share a pEzza with me?
noelle: o-oh! s-sure, susie! ahaha! and i-if you want, we could go to qc's later on... i-if you want to, i mean!
susie: ... yeah. i'd love to. (winks at her, audience cheers at this groundbreaking, incredibly daring lgbtq rep, the two have barely interacted this entire movie and the ferris wheel sequence in the chapter 2 movie was "cut for time" in favor of kris eating a banana in the rouxls battle and evolving into kris neo [this is a funny reference to their spinoff series "DREAMER" in which they joked briefly about this very thing])
kris, to ralsei: wow... look at THOSE lovebirds (other characters are saying susie and noelle are in love, and thus they are, and we should root for their romance)
ralsei: yeah... hey, there's something you never told me...
kris: what?
ralsei: are you a boy or a girl?
(pause as kris looks at him, they open their mouth to answer, and then the credits roll before they say anything in a hilarious and groundbreaking show of nonbinary representation after making their ambiguous gender the butt of hundreds of jokes over the course of the series. the movie receives a million oscars and chris pratt is elected king of hollywood for his performances as kris and spamton)
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thefiresofpompeii · 7 days
watched the mad woman in the attic. maybe i’m babybrained cocomelon brainrotted or something but why is this legitimately better than torchwood like?? or at least equal to it in complexity and subtext.*
but jesus christ… what a message about possessive friendship and the inability to let go — the parallels between eve mind-controlling the homeless people to do her bidding because she “just wants friends”, sam doing the same to rani (thinking she abandoned him after he stopped being her only friend, and trying to guilt-trip her into coming back) and rani doing the same to the bannerman road gang (becoming overly paranoid and gaslighting herself into believing she’s not good enough for them because they dare mention maria). THREE LAYERS of mirroring… “maria’s the new sarah jane” being salt on the wound of rani’s aspirational “sarahjaneification” … parallels with martha’s early-s3 complex of being unable to live up to rose, too …
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^the ship interface is saying this about eve, but it can just as well be interpreted in a metaphorical sense: rani is a child trying to be an adult, rani is trying to become sarah jane, and it will hurt her. funny how the ghost of doctorification haunts the narrative even in his absence, it’s that powerful. The Doctor is a sort of memetic virus that is passed down from mentor to student, and although its intensity diminishes over time, it can still be fatal. gwen wants to imitate jack harkness. jack harkness wants to imitate The Doctor. rani wants to imitate sarah jane. and sarah jane wants to imitate The Doctor
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^eve’s Not-Regeneration — proof of convergent evolution among time-active species? river song’s existence says “yes”. potentially, exposure to the vortex itself gives you the “golden energy emanating from your outstretched limbs” perk
also, from a lore perspective… eve’s species are fascinating aliens. a time-sensitive AND time-active people that’s not connected to the timelords in any way, we don’t see that nearly often enough! as for their backstory (being subject to a genocide as collateral damage because a race that can see the outcome of a conflict is dangerous to both warring parties), that’s definitely a main-show rather than kids-spinoff type concept. wonder what they were doing during the War, not the war on their planet, but the universe-spanning one. judging by the capabilities of their spaceships, the time technology they used is pretty advanced. eve may have been lying by omission: maybe the species that genocided them were none other than the residents of a certain planet that tries by all means to maintain a monopoly on time travel. they don’t like other species messing about with the web that they so carefully wove… ah, now THAT’S a plot seed for a short story in a faction paradox anthology if i ever saw one
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Old Rani’s plot was also all incredibly 73 yards. the more i watch, the more i realise just how intertwined ruby sunday’s story so far has been with various callbacks and parallels to sja… it’s gotta mean something? something something trickster pantheon something somehow one who waits
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*i almost hesitated to post this because the internet Hates people that analyse kids’ media with any degree of sincerity (im usually toeing the line anyway; the main show isn’t really Aimed At Adults either. which we sometimes forget)
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freefromthecocoon · 2 months
Gaslighting in the fandom
I have some very hot takes here that may piss off a lot of you, but I can't not say anything anymore.
I have been quiet for a long time about a certain member of the Caryl fandom. This person blocked me a long time ago when I dared to disagree with her and the collective because I felt like we did not know the whole story of what went down when TWD ended and the spinoff changed. But I have kept tabs on her misguided rantings though. I have long had a theory about this particular member of fandom. I believe this person had good intentions to begin with, but now it almost appears as an ego trip to prove that her theories were correct when almost all her theories have blown up in her face. (AI Melissa anyone?). I also question whether someone who spends as much time on Tumblr writing bad theories and answering an incredible amount of asks has true ties to the entertainment industry. I know there are others who feel the same way and if you choose to block me or ignore me I understand. I will rejoice when Caryl goes canon by myself if need be.
"You are absolutely right that, so far, what AMC is showing us instead is that they allow insecure men to punish talented women and gaslight fans who threaten their vision. "
A direct quote from her most recent post. I do agree that AMC marketing has gaslit fans at times and yes there have been instances when women have not gotten a fair shake. But I heartily disagree that they "punish" talented women. If you think that then you really have not been paying attention to the marketing for The Ones Who Live. Danai has been front and center in interviews and seems to have had full creative control over directions of the story for Rick and Michonne. Same with Lauren C when Dead City promo was going on. I truly hope we hear from Melissa soon, but I also know that Melissa has never been a fan of having to do press, most likely because she doesn't like all the attention. I hope that with the upcoming months we see more of her interacting in the public, but I would not be surprised if we did not.
Another quote: "That's not a show I can support. I admire Carol and Melissa because they rise above everyone who puts them down. I love Caryl because they represent the light at the end of the tunnel. Gimple, Nicotero, and Zabel are 100% NOT on our side and never will be, but I need AMC and Norman to show me that they are."
Honestly...I can't disagree about Gimple. I have been totally glad he has been far away from Daryl Dixon being distracted by his being showrunner on TOWL. But Nicotero and Melissa McBride are incredibly close and always have been. The rumors were rampant about tension on the set the last day of filming TWD and then a few months later, we got these pics from BTS.
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Along with Norman laying his head in Melissa's lap. All seemed very much at ease.
I know Zabel has not always chosen his words carefully but it also seems that he is very excited to be working with Melissa as well as Norman. As far as being shipbaity with other female characters....well he talks in typical showrunner speak about that. Let us not forget the whole 10C debacle with Leah being introduced in a 20 minute flashback scene. And that was EVERY BIT on Kang, so spare me the righteous indignation that a female showrunner knows best, because obviously Kang did not. Norman and Melissa both hated that storyline...it was not fun as Kang always likes to say it was. I am glad she is gone from the spinoff.
Well, I think I have said enough now to get the rest of the fandom pissed off at me, so I guess I will sign off for now. Believe what you want, but don't fall victim to someone who is trying to reclaim a self-perceived power position by claiming an authority she clearly does not have. Enjoy the show or don't. But I will be around to spread positivity as we get new promo and interviews with hopefully both Melissa AND Norman.
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lucysarah-c · 1 month
Frankly, I've always found it strange, myself included, why Levi never mentions Isabel and Farlan. For example we don't even see them in the flashbacks where he remembers his comrades. But if I had to think of the most logical reason I could think of, it's more likely that it's because they're not characters of Yams own creation. No Regrets is a script that Yams commissioned someone else to write for the Levi background, a spinoff that was not written by Isayama himself, and the characters there are not Yams characters, except for Levi and Yams characters.
In one of the interviews I read about No regrets, I read that Isayama wanted this story to be written/drawn because he wanted a spinoff that was more about how Levi joined Survey corps. That's exactly what it is, if I remember what was written correctly. Maybe you've seen it too. My point is this, Perhaps the reason Isayama never mentions Farlan and Isabel in his own story is because they are not his characters, but also because both Farlan and Isabel and No Regrets itself, are more of background tools on how Levi joined Sc.
Hi! How are you?
Yeah, I think that's a very possible and logical answer. I would 100% believe that would be the reason if other characters were mentioned more frequently. I would be like, "Why does Levi constantly talk or think in this or that character and not Farlan and Isabel?" But overall, I still kinda stick to my idea that we hardly even see any other "remarkable" characters as "flashbacks" from the veterans, and we never hear even Levi mention them. Not just Levi; almost all the characters do not mention other characters overall.
I dare to say that's mostly an "economical" situation. Probably Isayama wasn't allowed to have any extra scenes or do "fill up" chapters to showcase other characters talking about their lives, their thoughts, etc. Like, as an example, I can't recall a single chapter in the manga or anime where Erwin talks about Mike, for example, and it's well-known that they were very close. Hange is the same. I hardly think that Levi or anyone actually actively thinks or mentions other characters in the story unless it's an "emotional or plot-wise" moment, like recalling fallen comrades, like Marco, etc.
I think that was mostly my point of view on the issue. Levi doesn't think about Farlan or Isabel, but because Levi or any other SNK character thinks or mentions other characters beside strict plot-wise necessity, and it's obvious that Farlan and Isabel aren't "plot-wise" necessities. I personally think that most of the "relationships" between characters can be "assumed" by how they interact in "spin-offs" like chibis and "junior high." I think they serve a bit to fill up that void with also the "game's extras stories etc."
Which, and this is already me rambling, I had always found it strange that it's showcased in official art, chibis, junior high, etc., that the veterans were rather close, but during the Uprising Arc, Levi mentions Kenny to Hange and they knew absolutely nothing about him. I think it would have been a nice touch, not only for Hange but for any "veteran," if Levi decided to be "100% honest" about his childhood, like telling being raised by Kenny, they could act like, "You mentioned before a bit about it but I never imagined you were talking about Kenny the ripper." A sort of "oh, you told us a bit about your past but never in detail and now that's plot-wise important, we get the details, we understand it a bit more because we are close to you than the rest but that 'extra information' isn't important enough for the reader to be aware of it but my knowledge about it showcases my closeness to you" sort of thing? I don't know if that makes sense; that's what I mean that for me Isayama lacks a bit in the writing relationship departments because those little details are so subtle but mean so much.
Anyways, the good thing is that we can fill that void with fanfics!
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sapphire-weapon · 4 months
Honestly, I don't think Capcom would dare to remake RE6. The game has a lot of flaws, and the over-the-top Fast and Furious action style isn't even the worst of them.
The story in general is a fucking shitty mess, the villains are a joke, specifically Simmons and his stupid obsession with Ada and his ridiculous transformations (who the hell thought a fly and a dinosaur were good ideas?). Not to mention that Jake and Helena must be among the most forgettable characters in the main saga; to this day no one can explain how Wesker had a son, or what was the point of making so much hype for a character we'd never hear from again despite being the son of the most important RE villain.
RE6 is still the mockery of the fandom, people still make videos making fun of how ridiculous and bad the game is, and I don't blame them. That's why RE7 was so abysmally different, because Capcom listened to the fans and they understood that RE6 is simply NOT what the fandom wanted. A remake of RE6 would also imply that Capcom has to redo the story of the game that almost killed their most important franchise. It's not just about polishing some flaws that the original story had or changing some events/scenes (as happened with RE2R and RE4R), it's about changing like 80% of the game to make it good. And I swear, if they make a totally original game no soul on this earth is going to complain, because the only good things people remember about RE6 is: hand-to-hand combat, Leon's perfect ass and Piers and his dynamic with Chris.
to this day no one can explain how Wesker had a son
i mean i can.
he put his penis inside of a woman's vagina and ejaculated while she was ovulating and used no birth control.
it's not that complicated rly.
but overall, what you don't seem to understand, anon, is that RE6 is one of the best-selling resident evil games ever released.
it has about the same amount of sales as every version of OG RE4 that was ever released combined.
they would be fucking stupid not to remake it. like, just absolutely smooth-brained drooling idiot in a dunce cap stupid to not remake that game.
and the way that it got there is because RE4 was a cultural phenomenon, which then turned RE5 into the best-selling RE game up to that point because it was billed as "RE4 you can play with your friends" -- and then when RE5 was released to financial, critical, and fan success, that reputation and that hype pulled in so many sales for RE6.
capcom can absolutely repeat that success and rake in shittons of money, now that they have managed to replicate RE4make being a cultural phenomenon that's pulled a brand new audience into resident evil, just like OG did. they would be so stupid to not keep that success rolling the exact same way they did with OG.
capcom is a business, and a business exists to make money.
we are getting an RE6make. as far as i'm concerned, this is not up for debate. they need to release another leon game in the remake timeline within the next five years to fully capitalize on RE4make's success -- regardless of how well RE5make does -- and RE6 is the only option, because it is the last numbered title he's been in. (and before you go: what about that operation javier game that just got hinted at -- that would be a spinoff, and that's not the same thing.)
capcom used to say that an RE2make would never happen. they were terrified to remake RE2. and they were right to be.
they were also terrified to remake RE4. and they were definitely right to be.
but i don't think they're scared anymore. they're going to look at RE6make as an opportunity, not a roadblock. RE6make is their opportunity to do it right this time and have that game bolster their reputation instead of tank it while raking in shittons and shittons of money.
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tervaneula · 1 year
I read the spinoff chapter and am greatful you didn't put deep flashbacks of usagi getting destroyed & F!leo suffering (because let's be honest he suffered enough).
In the preparation to get the portal open my ADHD thoughts went " wait, what about donnie or raph? " then i remembered i saw their ghosts and i was like " bruh i forgot ", the sentence where the ancestors didn't approve Usagi as a hamato kinda ashed my heart💔
I was in awe for Barry when he just glared daggers into F!leo saying " cause any more pain to my favorite child and you'll suffer more.
In the portal when i saw the red light i remembered that moment in the movie where leo got blasted by the prime Kraang which caused me to bite my lips remembering how i hated that.
They finally pulled Usagi back & am like " yes yes yes! " then i hear about him almost getting heart attack while bleeding fountain and am like " no no no! ", until the little champion medic leo & his twin/sidekick donnie save usagi!!🤩🤩
Finally reaching the sweet sweet BEAUTIFUL moment where the 2 idiots are finally together, tears falling, words get told (sweet words) and my heart goes " JUST KISS ALREADY!! " 🥺🥺
The extra end left my jaw a gap AND laughing like, you acknowledge of the " samurai rabbit " show!!🤩🤩🤩 and F!mikey not allowing little leo to date is just 😂 i can tell leo will suffer greatly if he dared to cross F!mikey after all that an older, much scarier Dr. D.T here
All an' all, THANK YOU A MILLION FOR MAKING THIS CHAPTER ❤🩷��💛💚🩵💙💜 The moment i read " Leo's heart doesn't feel whole... But it's full " made me feel giddy, warm & happy inside 💓 NQK strikes again to make my whole week beautiful 🩷✨
Thank you very very VERY MUCH
Oooooohhh my goodness DUDE WHGH. THIS COMMENT. OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU SM holy shit I've been just sitting here and reading this and giggling like an absolute dang fool
I'm so happy to hear all of this and yesss YESSSSS YOU GOT THE REFERENCE TO THE SAMURAI RABBIT SHOW I'M SO HAPPY I COULD HUG YOU!!! I'd love to reply in depth to each paragraph you wrote but I'm just here nodding enthusiastically at everything you said so it wouldn't be very coherent lmao. Just know that I'm holding every sentence close to my heart, your thoughts are very important to me!!
Gosh anyway THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! I'm so grateful that you enjoyed the fic so much and I'm especially glad that it made you feel warm and happy<333 In its core NQK is exactly about that (spinoffs and AUs of the spinoffs included, obviously) so I feel accomplished and thankful and
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essayofthoughts · 1 year
Feeblemind, but to twist it up, inflicted *on* Ripley
So uh. I may or may not have had an idea in this vein for a while, but I'm reasonably sure you won't like it, Blorb, as it's a spinoff idea for Delia AU. However, as you said to me that this was for my enrichment, I am going to write it. Due, however, to the fact that it is Delia AU and therefore features some deeply messed up Percy/Ripley, most of this will end up beneath a cut!
Very soon, it will all be over. Percy knows very well what the Briarwoods' recent absences mean: making peace in Emon to ensure no meddling as they finally complete their goals - and he can read the calendar that charts their plans for the solstice.
It'd be easier if he could just flee down into town - join the people and help the final rebellion - but he knows full well that if the Briarwoods have even the least hint that he and Delia are down in town they'll destroy anyone in their way to get them back under their thumbs. Percy can't allow that.
He also can't stay trapped in the castle, he and Delia little more than hostages to keep the peace.
It's a good thing he was given the task of assessing residuum's capacity for enchantment: it means he has access to some very useful magical items. It means he has access to a counter for what he's about to do.
It's easy to make his way to Anna's rooms - the route is so familiar as to be etched into his mind by now and he doesn't hesitate to let himself in.
"Percival," Anna says, looking up from her paperwork. She seems surprised. "I wasn't expecting you."
"No," he agrees. "I wanted to see you."
It's easy to paint a worried look on his face: how many times has he been truly fearful, all these years? And Anna tilts her head and frowns.
"Come here, Percival."
It is never not strange, even now, to be wrapped in her arms. To be safe - safe from anyone who might hurt them, safe even from her because if she holds him like this she does not truly see him - and to be so utterly, stomach-churningly angry and afraid all at once. He tucks his face to her neck and breathes her in.
"I had thought," she says quietly, "That with them gone you might be better-" and he shakes his head.
"Some days," he says. "In some of your absences, they were the only thing keeping Delia and I safe."
Her hand stills on the back of his head, metal fingertips pressed against his scalp. She understands, he knows she does. She dislikes Tylieri even now, for all the vampire has been far less trouble to them overall than Anders.
"Well," she says, pulling back from him, and he lets the wand slip from his sleeve and into his hand. "I shall see to it. How goes the work, Percival?"
She turns from him back to the desk, peering over the paperwork.
"Well," he says. "Ahead of schedule, even. I'm having to pace myself just to ensure we have enough to do."
She hums but doesn't turn and-
Well. No time like the present.
The incantation is hard to frame, the gestures complicated. Feeblemind is a spell beyond his own ability, but he has the wand and he has the knowledge of what it does and how it works, and the spell hits Anna just as she glances up to see what he's doing.
Conscious recognition fades from her eyes. As he watches she steps back from the desk, eyes wide and staring at him, retreating to press her back against the wall and glance around - afraid.
He doesn't think he's ever actually seen Anna afraid. Angry yes, annoyed yes, determined yes - but not afraid, and he slips the powerless wand into his pocket before stepping towards her.
"It's all right," he says, tone as soothing as he dares - as soothing as he'd use for Delia. "Anna, it's all right."
Her hand reaches out, trembling, and he takes it, gently pulling her close. She makes a noise almost a hiss, then one almost a whine but- she does recognise him, still, and without conscious thought he imagines she doesn't quite have the capacity to realise her current state was his doing.
Besides, he has no intention of hurting her.
"It's all right," he promises, and wraps his arms around her.
How many times has he wanted this? Wanted to be able to hold and comfort her as once she'd done him, wanted the power over her that she has so long had over him? It's a strange thing to finally have. Stranger still that, without Anna's usual perfect posture, she tucks just under his chin: Anna has always seemed taller than she is. When he slowly lets go of her, her hands stay clenched in his sleeves.
"We're not safe here," he says, tone urgent so that, with any luck, that much might be clear to her despite the Feeblemind. "We have to leave."
Celie is already waiting with Delia and the carriage, bags and trunks already packed and carefully carried down through the secret passages he's spent so much of the past few years identifying. Percy remembers the route to the family's summer hunting lodge, out in the Parchwood.
"If we go now," he says to Anna, and he sees some semblance of her usual determination despite the lack of full awareness, "We can be safe. Come along."
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universestreasures · 4 months
Extension / Spinoff Of This Thread With @shacchou
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The vibration from his pager in his pocket was sudden and out of nowhere, but he reacts to it as effortlessly as he did anything. Tasuku, along with Jack who was back in his card form, both move away from the other members of the Buddy Police that had gathered to arrest the criminal they both apprehended. His face shifts to one of concern as he presses the button in the center, immediately connecting the human to the youngest of the two Kaiba Brothers.
"Mokuba, are you okay?! Are you hurt at all?! What's your status?!"
"Tasuku...I'm...I'm okay. I'm not in danger or anything. I just...didn't want to contact you through...normal means."
"Oh..." He can feel his heart rate slow with that confirmation, but he still remains on edge. "Well, I'm glad you're not hurt. Didn't expect you to use the pager for a non-emergency, but that's no matter. It's clear you called me for a reason through these means. So, please. Say what you want to say. You...don't sound like yourself."
"Y-Yeah...I...I kinda have a big favor to ask of you."
"I see... Well, all you need to do is ask me, Mokuba. I'll do my best to help you in anyway I can. I promised you that the day we met, and that offer still stands now."
"Thanks, Tasuku."
The officer can hear Mokuba taking in a deep breath next. It was clear as day something was up. The way he was speaking now reminded him of how he was during the period his older brother was in a coma, when he was in agony over his brother's condition despite what Seto Kaiba had done to him. He was a caring and loving soul, Tasuku knew that much to be true.
"I...I wanted to ask if I could...stay with you for a while? I...I need some time away from my house, away from...away from..."
"You don't need to say it. I already can understand what probably happened. In any case, you're more than welcome to stay at my place for as long as you need. It's no trouble at all."
"A-Are you sure? I wouldn't...be burdening you at all? I know how busy you are with your work."
"Of course not. Friends and family are never burdens." He makes sure to emphasize that for him before continuing. "And while I'm an important part of the Buddy Police, I'm not the only officer on duty. Besides, Mr.Takihara was going to have me go on forced vacation for a few weeks now that the Rare Hunter situation is handled anyway. So, it really is no trouble at all."
Ruby hues widen once the sounds of sobbing reach his ears. The sounds of crying where among his least favorite noises, but not because he found it irritating. Crying often was a signal someone was in pain. Pain was a form of suffering, and as someone who wanted to rid the world, especially children, of suffering, hearing it made his heart ache and his ranger towards his assumed source of it grow.
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"How...How dare he..."
The thoughts echo in his mind as he clenches his free hand, it shaking in his righteous anger. Seto Kaiba was already someone he didn't exactly like for several reasons, but to think he'd do something again to hurt his brother after the stunt he pulled at Death-T? Did he really learn nothing after almost losing everything?
Whenever he runs into that bastard again, he's going to give him a personal taste of Tasuku's own brand of justice. No one, no matter who you are or what the circumstances, should treat the only family they cherish in such a horrible way. He didn't even need to know the full details to know just how bad the situation was. Mokuba's tears he can hear through the speaker spoke volumes.
"It's going to be alright, Mokuba. I'm going to help you get through whatever it is that's troubling you. Just stay strong until I see you, okay? Know you're not alone."
"...T-Thank...T-Thank you...C-Can we meet at...the park?"
"Sure, no problem. Jack and I will meet you there. He can carry you back to my place. You did say you always wanted to fly on a dragon, right?" Jack normally wouldn't be too comfortable carrying someone on his back, but considering the circumstances, even Tasuku knows his Buddy wouldn't turn this down. The dragon cared for the young boy just as he did, after all.
"Mhmm. S-See you soon."
"See you soon. Be careful."
The transmission ends and his hand falls to his side. His teeth gritt in frustration, his breaths almost sounding like a dragon's growl. Despite his politeness and warm smile he tried to maintain as a part of his professionalism, he was still a rather emotional person. He felt thing so intensely, so deeply, that they threatened to consume his actions. And his emotions right now were screaming at him to go down to the Kaiba Mansion and personally give Seto Kaiba a piece of his mind.
It's at that moment when he feels a warmth and sees a glow coming from his chest. Tasuku knows right away it was his Buddy calling out to him, no doubt sensing his emotions. He puts his hand over the pocket where Jack's card was stored, closing his eyes as he moves to communicate with him telepathically.
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"Tasuku... I understand your feelings toward the situation. You are not wrong to feel how you do. Your righteous heart of justice always cries out at the suffering of others, especially those you are close to. However, if you wish to truly help your friend with the emotional troubles he is facing, then you must calm yourself first. If you are consumed by your anger, then you won't be able to help anyone. Your friend is counting on you right now. Do you understand what I am saying?"
In situations like this, Jack really acted like his own consciousness. Everything he was saying was absolutely correct. Getting upset now would not help the situation. It would probably make it worse than anything. Mokuba was his priority right now, not his brother. All his focus should be put into making sure the younger Kaiba was safe and taken care of. In a way, he's to assume the role of an older brother for the time being, the role at this very moment Tasuku thought Seto Kaiba didn't deserve at this moment. And it's a role he will not fail at for the sake of his friend who reached out to him desperately, a friend who needed him and wanted his aid.
He would not fail.
"I...I understand, Jack. I know what must be done." He takes a deep breath then, trying to steel himself before he makes his next move. Tasuku reaches into his pocket to remove his Buddy's cards, holding it up into the air as he prepares for their departure. "Let's go to work."
With that, Jack's card glows, the dragon manifesting in his mini-form before the human. Tasuku grabs his deckcase, the Star Pulsar, from his pocket and shows it to the other. The red gem in the yellow case's center resonates with a golden glow of Jack's eyes, the deckcase eventually transforming into its true form, that of a yellow drone with four points sticking out of it.
The technological voice from his device is soon followed by a light burst of wind as Jack's Buddy Skill makes itself known. Two green rings appear at the boy's heels, their power causing him to start floating in the air. Once airborne, he wastes no time flying straight into the clouds towards his destination, with Jack soaring at his side.
It is during this flight that he informs his legal guardian of the situation. Mr.Takihara, being the kind of person he was, had a soft spot for children. So, of course he was okay with the idea. Tasuku had his own apartment joined with his, anyway. It was up to him how he managed the one-bedroom space. He gave the boy that kind of trust as if he were an adult.
Within minutes, the pair made it to the park. They sit on a nearby bench as they wait for the younger Kaiba to appear, Tasuku getting anxious as the minutes pass. Would he get there safely? Should he have just gotten him? What if he got mugged on the way here? All these thoughts rushed through his mind, and he was debating about going, until he hears footsteps approach and Mokuba comes into view at long last.
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"Hey, Mokuba. Glad you got here safe."
He offers the young boy a warm smile he hopes will offer him some comfort and relief. Ruby hues observe the other's response, Mokuba providing only a small nod. The bag he was carrying with him was quickly noticed as well. Seems he brought things with him. Good. It be difficult to be away from home without some of your personal items, after all.
"Got everything you-"
Mokuba then approaches the Buddy Police Boy Wonder, Tasuku remaining still as he watches on. It is then that Mokuba slowly moves up his hands until they find themselves wrapped around the older boy's waist, the other's head resting on his shoulder pad. Before he can make a response, he freezes in place at the all too painful sound of crying reaching his ears for the second time tonight.
Tasuku responds soon enough, wrapping his own arms around the boy and providing gentle pats on his back. This is not his first go around comforting a crying child. It was something he, unfortunately, had plenty of experience with, considering his line of work. Children were often targets of game-related crimes, but that was part of why he did what he did, to protect those who could not protect themselves. It was his life's mission and one he continues to get stronger for.
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"Mokuba...Don't worry. It's all going to be alright. Have faith in me, Jack, and your friends to help you. We'll be right there by your side to help you through this. I promise."
His grip on the boy tightens slightly then, a physical confirmation of his promise. He was going to care for Mokuba as if he were his brother, just as he would do for Gao or any of his friends should they need it. The selfless boy who was too desperate to become an adult would always shoulder the burden of those around him, being their rock when they needed it most...even at the cost of himself.
"Now, let's get going. You must be exhausted after everything." The Buddy Police officer speaks up once he hears the sound of the sobbing decrease, gently letting go of Mokuba and directing him towards Jack who was now in his true form. He lowers his body to the ground, allowing Mokuba to climb on his back safely. Tasuku will be sure to thank Jack for allowing this to happen, considering he was not a fan of being ridden.
Once secured, the three then soar into the air and into the clouds, leaving the town of Domino behind for the neighboring city of Cho-Tokyo, a place where Seto Kaiba had no power in. Hopefully, this change of scenery would help his friend recover from the emotional wounds inflicted on him, wounds that he should have never been inflicted on one so young, so innocent...like Mokuba Kaiba.
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depressopax · 2 months
From ABQ with love, Nacho
A Nacho spinoff & LCDP x BCS Crossover AU
Chapter 2
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Words: 1.6k Warnings: None? English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3
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“I have a plan” Four-eyes - that’s what I’ll call him now - says. 
I cross my arms and stare at him.
“What makes a person a villain?”
“Where do we draw the line? When does one become a villain?”
“I dunno… Maybe when robbing a bank?” Maybe I shouldn’t be such a jerk. 
Too bad I don’t care. 
“Not a bank. The Royal Mint, Ignacio.” He corrects me as if it matters. 
As the lunatic Four-eyes seems to be, he starts pacing the room. “And we’re not really “robbing”... You know about Robin Hood, right?”
I nod. 
“Of course.” Does he think I’m that fucking stupid? 
“That’s our plan. We’re not stealing. We’re printing our own money.”
“...That’s your big plan? To counterfeit some money? Amazing.” 
I don’t know why I’m being so rude, but what am I supposed to do? 
Blindly believe this lunatic to a man successfully will take over one of the most secure places in Madrid? And print money? 
“Ridiculous.” I stand up again.
“Do you have somewhere better to be?” Finally, he sounds annoyed. I shrug. “Do you want me to reassure you that your father is alive?” 
“How dare you talk about him?!” 
Four-eyes looks calm again. How can he be so calm? 
“Ignacio… Like it or not, but we’re allies now. I saved you, and now, I need your help”
“And if I don’t want to?”
“Then you’re on your own. I can’t save someone that doesn’t want to be saved.” 
On my own. I’d be stuck here, in a country I’ve never been to before. Stay, and wait until someone finds me. And knowing Gus right, knowing the cartel… They’ll make sure it’s a slow, painful death. 
“...I need to think.” I am just about to walk out, and once again - he talks. 
Damnit! Can he shut the fuck up already?
“How about 2.4 billion euros?”
I freeze. 2.4 billion. I can’t even wrap my head around how much money that is. With that money, I could go anywhere. I could start over, somewhere far from New Mexico. I could get a new identity. Never have to work another day. Never have to do anything criminal. 
And… I barely dare to hope, but… Dad. I can reunite with dad. I can bring him to a safe place. With the money, he’d never have to work again. He could retire early, and be the most rich damn old man ever. 
“I’m listening.” 
Four-eyes smiles and behind the thick glasses, I can see an entertained shine in his eyes. Finally - it says.
“Thank you.” 
He once again starts explaining, only this time - I listen. 
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After three days my new crew arrives - one by one. The morning when the youngest robber - Rio - arrives at the Toledo House, Four-eyes tells me:
“You need a name.”
“Like an… Alias?”
“Nacho.” I say. Professor shakes his head.
“No. A brand new one. A city name”
“No names, and no personal relationships. So what will it be?”
Oh, I know one. 
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The man named Rio can’t be more than 19. He seems disoriented. Poor guy. 
It reminds me of myself - when I first joined the cartel. I must’ve looked just like that - young, confused and out of place. I could feel sympathy, of course. But I just stare at the curly haired guy with skepticism. So does Berlin. His dark, dead eyes stare at Rio. Professor walks next to him. 
“Rio, meet your crew.” He nods at me and the fancy son of a bitch.
“Berlin” he says with a nod and then it’s my turn.
When choosing my city name, it felt obvious to be “Albuquerque.”
The past is already haunting me. Always will. So I’ll embrace it.
Reclaim it.
Our city named crew grows. 
Oslo and Helsinki. Two bearded men that must be almost 6.2 feet tall. Oslo is quiet and reserved - Helsinki is extroverted and impulsive. 
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One day, Professor drives me and Rio to an abandoned hangar. His hideout, and where he’ll stay hidden whilst me and the others are locked in the Royal Mint. 
It’s shabby and poorly isolated with rain puddles on the floor by the entrance. Other than that, there’s a table, boxes on the floor and a bunk bed. Four-eyes has a setup with two computer screens, a keyboard, headphones, speakers, a lamp and a red, retro phone. 
“What are we doing here?” I ask. 
“I need help setting things up for later.”
“But it’s five months left?” Rio questions
“Better to be on the safe side, am I right?”
Me and Rio glance at each other but don't question the Professor's words. He calls for Rio, who helps him set everything up and test the equipment. It takes at least 2 hours for him to explain everything to Four-eyes. It reminds me of all the times I’ve helped dad with his phone and computer. I wander the abandoned place restlessly. It’s not much to look at, and I don’t feel like interrupting the Four-eyes and the Computer-kid. I have nicknames for them all. As I walk through the shabby room, my eyes fixate on the corner of the room. At one point I accidentally drop a glass to the floor. The Professor flinches and looks at me. Rio grins. 
I used to despise clumsy people, and those who couldn’t focus when having an important task at hand. How the tables turned. But then again, I’m Albuquerque now. 
“Don’t worry about it.” Professor mutters and turns to the computer again. “We’ll be done soon.”
Yep. Now I really feel like a dumb kid. 
When we’re finally about to head back to Toledo, Four-eyes pulls me aside. 
“I am a man that keeps my promises. I want you to know that.”
The fuck are you talking about? I want to ask. But my words get stuck. He shows me a security camera, probably one that Rio has hacked for him. The camera shows an airport, and a line of people checking in to get on a plane.
Dad. He’s right there, handing his passport and ticket over to a lady his age. She checks it and hands everything back smiling. But dad isn’t smiling. He looks tense. Tired.
Of course. He thinks I’m dead. 
I sink into the chair that Rio just left. 
“This was two days ago. The airport in Santa Fe.” 
He scrolls through other cameras. The trip must’ve been hell. My father prefers to be at home and only travel to different towns, never further than two hours away. He was adventurous when he was younger - just like me. But the older and more anxious he got - the less he left the house unless it was for work. 
…And now he has to move to the other side of the world, because of you. 
The guilt washes over me again. The anxiety I can’t seem to shake off - ever. 
He changes planes two times. The last camera Professor shows me is him arriving at the airport somewhere in Canada. Where I don’t know - I don’t care really.
All that matters is that he’s not in Albuquerque anymore. The cartel, nor Gus, can hurt him anymore. 
“When was this?” 
“Two days ago. He’s safe, Ignacio.”
I breathe out. It feels like I’ve been holding my breath for weeks and only now can exhale. 
“Thank you.” Is all I can say. The cameras show the same scene over and over - dad getting off the plane. I continue watching it, until I finally believe my eyes. I could cry from relief. Not here. I blink the tears away and stand up.
“Well then. Let’s go back to Toledo.”
I shut my emotions off and walk out of the hangar. 
Dad is alive. And for now, that’s all that matters to me.
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“So… A jewelry thief, a hacker, an cartel man and us, two war veterans… Who else?”
Helsinki asks during an awkward dinner. Berlin laughs and I can’t keep myself from smiling. It indeed is a weird gang. But then again, nothing normal about planning a heist.
It’s raining outside. The house is cold, so Professor has lit up the wood stove so we won't freeze to death. I hate the cold. It must look ridiculous to wear a jacket indoors, but I don’t care. Even the food is cold, but still tasty. Or maybe that’s because I’m hungry. And I need the food. When I was on the run back home, food wasn’t my top priority. I’ve lost weight, and muscles. Now, when I have a heist to participate in I need to regain it. 
“Well… We have an ex-drug dealer, a thief, a robber and a money-counterfeiter. They’ll all join us later this week.” 
“And when we’re all gathered, what then?” I ask. 
“That’s when the practical part of the heist begins. I’ll tell you all about the plan and how we’ll successfully make history.” 
Make history. 
The Professor might be a damn lunatic, but still… You gotta be a bit fucked up to succeed. And he indeed is. He has confidence and, whether I want to admit it or not - a good plan.
My dad’s alive and safe, and if I pull this heist off, then I can reunite with him. 
Hope is a dangerous thing but for the first time in years, that’s what I feel.
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Thanks for reading! Please leave a like, a reblog or comment if you liked it! It does encourage me to continue writing on this story! <3 Have a good day!!
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luv-doritos · 8 months
Ryan "Taylor for men" Gosling
I have a friend let's call her Barbara (iykyk). I was hanging out with her boyfriend and his friends (whom I know since preschool) like that, playing a game we made where you have to pick between two things or else you would have to do an embarassing thing that the person nearest to you asks you to. Kind of like a spinoff truth or dare. So I asked Barbara's boyfriend "Pick one : Barbara or Ryan Gosling" and he was like "What is this dumb question !" Now I almost believed he would say "Barbara of course" but no the guy said "Ryan Gosling, anytime" then all his friends were like "Yeah Ryan Gosling woo" and I spat out the orange juice of my juicebox. So boys of Tumblr, do you all admire Ryan Gosling or what ? Like yeah us girls we have Taylor and Lana, but boys have Ryan Gosling ? It is out of curiosity you know every day you learn something new.
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t4tklonoa · 1 year
WAAAIIT un restrain yourself id love to hear more about him:3 i used to love fnaf when i was younger but never got into fangames!
okay didjif unrestraining myself
so uhm.... the first popgoes game came out in 2016, and since then various concepts for a sequel and more games to expand on the story were made, but most of those were cancelled... except popgoes arcade 1 and 2
but. if you don't know, Scott recently hired various fangame developers to make their concepts licensed fnaf spinoffs, called fnaf fanverse. andd popgoes was one of them !!
due to this the story received a reboot and new designs for the animatronics and all, it also occurs (if I remember correctly) on the same timeline as five night at candy's, which is also a part of the fanverse
but. also. the storyline right now isn't very clear since, the only two games that have released and that occur on the current popgoes timeline, are kinddd of spinoffs of the spinoff ? they are remakes for popgoes arcade 1 and 2, they show some snippets of the story but. it isn't clear if the main story of the game could parody what happens in popgoes evergreen (evergreen being a remake of popgoes 1, which hasn't been released yet)
and. about popgoes... he doesn't have muchh? personality I dare say ? since he is silent (or talks very little, I don't remember) for the entirety of the remakes of the popgoes arcades since you play as him. most of what you can get out of him from those games is that he is nice and likes his friends... I know almost nothing about the original popgoes arcades but I think he is also a silent protagonist in those. he doesn't talk in popgoes 1 either (due to being based on fnaf 1, 2 and 3), and his mechanic doesn't imply much of his personality either. he just 3d prints parts of an animatronic and you gotta stop him before he completes the whole thing (unless you wanna count that as. him being nice and wanting to help shadow bonnie)
anddd the story. at least the og one (since we don't know much of the reboot) is v interesting :] in the first game u play as a robot named strings (altough. u don't know that till the sixth night) who retries and retries going thru the nights and leaves post-it notes for themselves to help passing them ^^
the og timeline also happens. in the universe of fnaf (but i think it doesn't count fnaf 4 onwards) so some characters are also from fnaf (and by some I mean. liek one). but at some point it gets pretty wild honestly, strings was created originally as a type of scarecrow for. the puppet
alot of the lore is. found in the scrapped content tho.... but imo it is very fun to look through it, and popgoes 1 does a solid job of explaining the story (from what I remember) so if looking at the scrapped content isn't ur thing, popgoes 1 still has lots of extras that esplains the story
if u want a more light-hearted story (as light-hearted as a fnaf fangame can get....) the remakes of popgoes arcade 1 and 2 are ñretty neat !!!! plus they give a bit more personality to the popgoes cast and introduce other characters (like manora, who is one of the most popular characters from scrapped content I think? she also seems to be romantically interested in popgoes)
(altough, another warning, scrapped and part of the used content depicts dreamcatchers and w--ndigos in not a respectful manner)
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hostilecityshowdown · 2 years
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Heartbreak Hotel: Put your loving hand out chapter three
18+ Exclusively.
spinoff of mango’s heartbreak hotel au
as always, co-written and edited by @sychosid. thank you to them and johnny
content warnings on AO3! i highly advise checking them out
No guests checked in all night, nor through the day. Diesel woke alone, comforter twisted around his legs and the pillows askew under him. His right shoulder was stiff and he turned onto his back, rolling his joints from his neck to his hips. He let those be and didn't dare tackle his knees yet, ever aware of the inevitable pain that would radiate up from his legs to his mid-back. Kneading his shoulder joint carefully, Diesel realised he was probably due for some tattoo touch ups; his ink was mixed with red willow and other ingredients the artist claimed had anti-inflammatory properties. He wasn't sure if that helped any, but laying in the cracked leather chair in the small, retro-modern studio owned by the only other person of the Ma'iingan-doodem he knew was better than a trip to the masseuse. The colour ink may fade more often using traditional materials, but it was therapeutic. It made him feel part of something, even if he'd never been able to integrate into his peoples' communities. It was that way for a lot of mixed kids his age, growing up.
His shoulder popping as it cleared the inflamed bursa during a rotation drew him out his thoughts, making him realise he had almost fallen back asleep. It was quiet. Birds were saying their goodnights, fading light filtering through the curtains, all the lights off save for the dim glow from the hall and the, seemingly endless, candles left to burn. The mirror mounted above the bed told him he was clothed only in his briefs, hair a curled disaster, a bruise blossoming on his left pec from Shawn steadying himself by placing all his weight on one arm. It looked like a heart surrounded by splattered blood, and it made his chest ache, the feeling too profound for Diesel to explain.
He was homesick.
"-No vacancies, sweetheart, you heard me. Aaaall booked out." A pause. "You're breakin' my heart. I get it, I get it… I know where you're coming from."
Shawn's voice was deeper than Diesel ever heard it out of bed. It was like he was trying to soften his tone but wasn't sure how. It sounding like the way whiskey tasted was enough encouragement for Diesel to force himself out of bed and down the hall. He had to do his shot, anyway.
"I wouldn't wanna leave a pretty dame like you out on the streets," Shawn's voice oozed with the same sleazy tone Diesel was used to hearing from Razor. He tussled his hair with both hands and shot Shawn a look of disapproval as he rounded the front desk, bending to pull out a lock box. Shawn blew him a kiss and pulled the key off the pegboard for him. "You blow through before sundown, you got a room… Only one we'll have open is the Honeymoon Suite. Flat rate, fifty bucks a pop-" Diesel rolled his eyes at Shawn punctuating his sentence by smacking his lips. "-alright, sweetheart? We look forward to seeing you. Thank you for calling the Heartbreak Hotline!"
The box was unlocked and the handset dropped back onto its cradle simultaneously. It was rare the cherry red rotary phone rang, but Diesel was hungry, mind was elsewhere; he wasn't going to ask. As he removed the vial and syringe kit from the box, Shawn dropped a new sharps disposal container beside it, swatting Diesel's hands away. He relented, leaning back against the desk and only hesitating in handing over the vial to check the expiration date.
"S'all good," his voice was a husky timbre from sleep.
"Course it is," Shawn chastised, speaking significantly more gently than usual. He was always like this about Diesel's transition and, frankly, Diesel never knew how to take it. It was normal for him, nothing special. Certainly not worth the care Shawn took to disinfect his deltoid and vial top with an alcohol pad and diligently sanitize his hands, to tear open the syringe and screw on the long, wide-gauge needle. Diesel never had to teach the hotel proprietor to draw air into the syringe before piercing the vial's lid with the needle and depressing the plunger. Shawn's focus was unbreakable as he flipped the contents in his hands upside down, extracted Diesel's exact dose, and aspirated the syringe. Gripped like a dart, Shawn sunk the needle into the muscle of his shoulder and pulled back on the plunger in one fluid motion. Satisfied with the lack of blood return, he injected the testosterone, produced a cotton ball from thin air, and pressed Diesel's skin down around the needle as he removed it. No blood, as always.
"You're perfect," Diesel rumbled, leaning over to kiss the top of Shawn's head as the shorter man dismantled and disposed of the biohazards in a flash. Everything locked back up and stashed behind the desk, Shawn melted into Diesel's arms, massaging his bare chest. He was dressed in a skintight, black tank top and blue jeans, a winged heart pendant hanging from a delicate chain and settling at the base of his throat. His gloves were blue and white, wrists taped, gaudy earrings replaced with glittering studs. His tan boots were kicked off in the corner and Diesel suspected his fret guitar-patterned Stevie Ray Vaughan socks were held up by his new garters, kaleidoscope sunglasses discarded on the desktop. "You look good. Going somewhere?"
"You implying I should, big D?" Shawn was tracing the bruise on Diesel's pec, full body weight against him, comfortably warm under Diesel's hands. His hair felt especially soft, cascading down his back in waves. "We got everything we need for a romantic date here, don't we?"
"I know somewhere you'd like," Diesel countered, giving Shawn a squeeze. He really had to brush his hair and teeth, dress, eat, work out - but Shawn was warm and draping over him like a cat. He wanted to go back to bed already. "Used to go with my best friend all the time, great-"
"I have a hotel to operate, in case you didn't notice." Interrupting, Shawn laid his hand over the bruise and pushed. When he looked up at Diesel through his thin lashes and honeyed bangs, his expression was stern. The pleasant tone had disappeared in a flash. "Twenty-four-seven." 
Each word was punctuated with another push until Diesel grabbed his wrist and gave it a gentle squeeze, moving Shawn's hand to his aching shoulder instead. Right. What was he thinking? Not that it mattered, he had to get himself cleaned up. He leaned down to capture Shawn's lips in a slow kiss, deepening it to run his tongue over his teeth when the tension drained from Shawn again. He still gave Diesel a smack on the arm for his bad breath, though, and shooed him off to pull himself together.
The night started slow. The Heartbreak Hotel didn't boast any fitness activities, being on the low end of honeymoon resorts, but there was some equipment in the employee area. Taking advantage of the rowing machine, Diesel's thoughts wandered aimlessly. His Gold's membership should still be active, maybe there was one nearby he could visit. Usually, he used any downtime he had during hauls to keep in shape and, sometimes, that meant he had to dive into tiny gyms built in the forties and fifties in all the Nowhere, USAs around the continent. Admittedly, he liked the ones up in Canada just fine, but he couldn't remember when his last drive into the Great North had been. How far was the Heartbreak Hotel from the border, anyway? Could he identify his location on a map?
Diesel's thoughts grew increasingly more muddled, slowing in his motions until he came to a complete stop. The Blues track he was blasting from the radio, stolen from Shawn as soon as he smacked the retro television out front on, evoked a memory he couldn't decipher. The memory of a memory; he remembered there was something to remember, but not what it was. He rubbed his sweaty forehead and breathed out deeply, hand feeling far away. The sensation that he was not where he was began to creep up, and Diesel clapped his left hand around his right. He flexed his fingers and dug his thumb into his palm in forceful circles, breath hitching.
He was seated on the rowing machine, legs straight. He was in the cab of his truck, legs bent, one hand on the wheel and his free foot tapping to the beat. He was in the hotel. The road rushed by. Shawn-
The phone rang shrilly. Diesel jumped, damn near hyperventilating, tears burning the corners of his eyes and a painful pressure building in his sinuses. Shawn let the Heartbreak Hotline ring once before he picked it up, popping his bubble gum before he spoke.
"Caller, go ahead." His tone was playful. He knew who was dialing in before he ever lifted the receiver. Diesel's breathing began to even out, soothed by the sound of Shawn's voice. "Yuuup. Where you callin' from…? Payphone at the Sweetheart Corner? Not an easy trek, but you'll find it. Just start walking, I'll keep the bed warm for you."
The clatter of the phone hanging up broke Diesel out of his state. He grabbed his things and took off into one of the newly renovated blue rooms, breezing past his boss without a word. The blue rooms felt quieter, less suffocatingly seedy, the floors patterned in tasteful linoleum and free from the standard, nauseating parade of reflective surfaces. They were full of flowers, wax melt burners, and cream coloured loveseats. The one Diesel shouldered his way into sported a dove motif, and he was relieved by the understated lighting in the bathroom, especially. Sometimes, the hotel's lights burned so warm they cast a red glow over everything. Bordered on all sides by patterned tiles, flower petals, and the soothing scent of fresh linens, Diesel threw himself into a cold shower.
At first, the change in atmosphere grounded him. He was able to turn the heat up to room temperature, combing lavender conditioner through his long hair with his fingers, standing under the spray. The water pressure was never good in any room, the Honeymoon Suite sporting the strongest of any faucet on the property.
The asphalt was lashed with freezing rain, so cold he felt it seeping into his feet through the soles of his shoes. The rain pelted him on a diagonal, pooling in shallow puddles. His hands smelled like petrichor and leather. He opened his eyes-
-The guy on his basketball team who wanted to hightail it out of Germany at the first opportunity was between his legs, probing, asking questions. They were both soaking wet, Diesel standing with his back to the locker room wall. His teammate was on his knees, reminding him he wasn't into men for good measure before he ate him out. Diesel drew back his fist and screwed his eyes shut-
-His fist cracked the shower wall tile but didn't dislodge its edges from the calking. His hair smelled like lavender, the bar soap freckled with flower petals clenched in his hand, body coiled on the bottom of the scuffed tub. It didn't smell right. His knuckles were bloody, the water so cold he couldn't feel a thing. Why didn't the soap smell right? There was still dirt clinging under his fingernails, as if the handful he dropped on the casket was desperate to stay, refusing to finalise the internment. He took a deep, shuddering breath-
-No air. Head pushed underwater at a bathhouse in the City, a complete stranger tried to hide him from a police raid, but he was pulled off Diesel like a dog lasso'd around the neck. His nose burned as he fought to stay submerged, eyes screwed shut against the sting of the oils that seeped off mens' bodies and into the water. He was going to pass out. A double-gloved hand grabbed his hair and pulled, baton breaking the surface of the water thunderously-
-Lightning illuminated the tunnel looming ahead. His hazards flashed behind him, flare fizzing and popping in the rain. It was dark. It was cold, and he was-
-In the shower, slumped against the wall, barely breathing. Diesel lifted a shaky hand and checked under his nails for dirt. For the first time since she'd died, he smelled like his mother. Not the soaps and perfumes and colognes, the hair products and popurri she left behind that he refused to replace until they were extinguished beyond use, no - That only made him smell like her things. He buried his face in both hands and choked back a sudden sob, confusion weakening his legs until he slid to the tiled floor of the standing shower, the scent of his mother's hair clinging to his hands overpowering him.
When was the last time he'd visited her grave? How far was it, and what was the date? How long had it been since she'd died? Razor had bought her such a beautiful wreath for Mother's Day that Diesel almost gagged on the emotions that washed over him when his closest friend presented it to him. He needed to call Razor.
He couldn't remember where he left his phone.
The Honeymoon Suite was immaculate, but empty, by the time Diesel dragged himself from the blue room. His hair was wet and uncombed, skin freezing cold, fingers numb. Unable to remember why he was on the floor of the shower, he assumed he fell asleep, dressing in a haze and seeking out Shawn. Shawn was stability, Shawn was real and warm and would blow out his hair the way he liked Diesel to wear it. Staggering back down the hall to the empty front desk, he flexed his hand and squeezed his palm, anxiety and deja vu taking turns rolling his stomach. For the first time in a while, Diesel walked out the hotel's front door.
On the wrap around porch, arms propped on the lattice fencing, was Shawn, bopping to a beat and humming the bass to a tune only he could hear. Diesel gripped the leather jacket he'd given him both the night before and eons ago, not releasing him when Shawn turned, grabbed his waist, and started swaying him. He was chewing on a toothpick and he smelled like fresh bread. "Nice shower?"
"Not too good," Diesel intoned, dizzied by the swaying but not fighting Shawn's rhythm. He furrowed his brow and frowned, shuddering at the chill that washed over him. The last snatches of colour were draining out of the sky, soaked up by the treeline, soon to drown in the horizon. "Waiting for somebody?"
"Mm," Shawn hummed and stood on his toes to kiss Diesel's cheek, leaning closer. "A guest who could really use a little vacation."
In revelation, Shawn involuntarily let out a subdued 'oh!', a sweet smile quickly softening his expression. He traced circles on Diesel's waist. "Could you pick her up for me, Diese? She's on foot and it's gettin' cold. She might be a little…" He did his best impression of an angry cat, one hand curled into a threatening paw and all. His nails were painted a pretty, metallic red. "But she's gotta get a room tonight, capische?" 
Numbly, Diesel nodded. Shawn produced the keys to Diesel's '88 Bronco from his cat-paw-hand, folding Diesel's right hand around them. He didn't remember driving it to the hotel, a memory of locking the doors in the trucking company's lot illuminating in  far off corner of his mind, but Shawn was peppering his jaw in kisses and distracting him from his thoughts. "Hubby's a little busy. I should warn you, me and her got some history."
At a loss for words, he nodded, tilting his head to kiss the side of Shawn's mouth that was free of the toothpick. The Bronco was in the parking lot and, before he realised it, he was driving down Brewerton Road in Syracuse, New York.
One of the most beautiful women he'd ever met was in the passenger seat. She looked angry. Her hair was a mess, face smeared in what looked like motor oil, hands stuffed under the blanket Diesel kept in the backseat. Stunned, he stopped watching the dark road ahead to stare at her.
The Bronco jerked and came to a dead stop, Kimberly throwing her hands up to keep her head from hitting the dash. They were now in the parking lot, gravel crunching under the stilling tires. "What's the deal? You should have let me drive, if that's what you call parking."
"Kimmy?" Diesel was breathless. She frowned up at him, clearly annoyed by the nickname. Her expression cooled into something more haughty as she leaned back in her seat and crossed her arms over her chest, blanket slipping off to reveal her shredded jacket. Beneath it, scabbed roadrash. His heart leapt into his throat, terror seizing his muscles as adrenaline shot through him.
Before she could say anything, Diesel turned the key and forced the engine back to life despite its protests. He threw one arm across her chest, her seatbelt absent, and reversed so quickly the Bronco almost stalled. They were on the road in seconds, flying past Club 37's illuminated sign, merging onto I-87 southbound in record time. Kimberly was shouting at him, his arm having already been shoved away. She could have broken it if she wanted to, her voice bordering on a snarl.
"-Right now. I have to call my-"
"Kim," Diesel cut her, and the Ford he passed in the right lane, off. His hands gripped the wheel so hard, he thought his fingers would break at the joints. He didn't question why he felt like his old friend was in grave danger, his trust of his instincts fueled by the smell of dried blood. Even to himself, he sounded like a raving madman. "You know me- I know your husband; it's Diesel, I used to work for Dallas, remember? At the club? What happened to you?"
"Diesel?" She went quiet. The blanket was pulled back up around her, and she complied when asked to buckle her seat belt. "I… Wiped out on the chopper, that real low rider? I was, uhm."
She rubbed her temple, staring at her hand when it came away with blood. "I was calling motels so I could take her to the mechanic in the morning. How… What's going on?"
The leather under Diesel's hands groaned as he clenched his jaw and grit his teeth, eyes wild. There was hardly any traffic. "No vacancies, sorry Kim. Listen," -he sucked in a breath through his teeth- "I'm getting you checked out, then it's a straight shot home, okay? I'll take you all the way down to Miami proper. Hell, I'll put down the deposit on a new bike for you."
His passenger settled back further in her seat. Maybe shock was finally setting in or a concussion hitting, but she reached out a hand, clenching the one Diesel offered her in a vice grip. Her voice was softer than he remembered ever hearing it. "I think I'm hurt pretty bad."
Diesel couldn't find it in him to disagree. "Do me a favour: Do not check into the Heartbreak Hotel." 
Taking the first exit boasting a major hospital, Kimberly checked into the emergency room and Diesel slept in the parking lot.
Diesel woke alone, comforter twisted around his legs and the pillows askew under him. His right shoulder was stiff and he turned onto his back, rolling his joints from his neck to his hips, hands sore. When he lifted them to his face, they were covered in recognisable friction rashes, definitely from leather. He frowned and, before he even finished sitting up, realised something was very wrong. The hallway carried the lilting tones of Shawn's voice to him.
Bolting upright, Diesel jogged down to the front desk in nothing but his briefs. Shawn was on the phone and, as quickly as he could, he snatched it away from him. Shawn's protests, including his kick to Diesel's calf, went ignored.
"Hello? Hey-" Deafening static, then:
"This is a test of the Emergency Broadcast System."
Pulling the Heartbreak Hotline away from his face, Diesel stared at it, dumbfounded. Shawn rolled his eyes, plucking the handset from his grasp and hanging it up, other hand pointing. Turning, Diesel saw the familiar EBS insignia and text crawl on the television.
"I was about to call into a TV hotline and win some sweet concert tickets, you know," Shawn huffed, punching Diesel's arm. The blaring tone of the television was cut off abruptly by the remote, Shawn crossing his arms and tapping his fingers, eyebrows raised. He was chewing on a toothpick.
"I… I'm sorry. I thought-"
"You- Pardon moi, you what?" Leaning forward, Shawn's expression was a cross between enraged and incredulous. He removed the toothpick from his mouth and flicked it at Diesel's chest. "I don't pay you to think."
Somewhere, the illusion snapped, toothpick silently disappearing into the carpet. Diesel's breathing was uneven, eyes angry as he slowly raked them up Shawn's body until he landed on his face. An oil stained cheek, a tasteful tease turned ratsnest, and a bloody jacket assaulted his memory. His hair smelled like his mother.
"I need to make a phone call." The statement dripped enough vitriol to stun Shawn as Diesel lunged for the rotary phone, dialing Razor's number in frenzy. It only had to ring once.
"Who's th-" The line went dead as Shawn slammed his hand down on the switch, trying to pry the phone from Diesel's hands. He refused to relent and, with something akin to a roar, Shawn spun on his heel and kicked Diesel in the jaw so hard, he sent him sprawling backwards over the loveseat in the lobby. His shit was rocked; Diesel was too disoriented to discern up from down, head cocked at an awkward angle, shoulder braced against the floor. He was half draped over the loveseat and he struggled to drag himself the rest of the way and roll upright without breaking his neck. His lip was bleeding.
"What the fuck, Shawn-"
"You work for me, you big oaf! I tell you to jump, you ask how high!" The blond was yelling, voice rasping at a volume Diesel didn't think was possible, and he scrambled backwards across the shag carpeting to put distance between them before climbing to his feet. By the time he regained his footing, Shawn was perched on the back of the loveseat mid-vault, one leg over, and he cleared it the rest of the way with a jump. He didn't seem so small anymore when he stormed up to Diesel and jabbed his finger in his chest, forced to lower his voice to avoid it breaking. "You do not make a phone call without my permission, you hear me? You have a nice, cushy career thanks to me - You owe me."
Diesel opened his mouth to shout a response, preparing to rear up and tower over Shawn at full height. From the employee area, the factory standard MicroTAC ringtone cut through the sound of both mens' laboured breathing. The colour drained from Shawn's face, and he stood stock still as Diesel shoved past him, forcing open the Employees Only door with a shoulder and darting inside. He found his wallet, mobile phone, windbreaker, sunglasses - Everything he'd been traveling with November second, 1991, in the midst of the Halloween Blizzard.
Gathering up only the belongings he checked in with, he barged back out of the employee lounge. His big rig's keys were the only ones on the pegboard, and he snatched them off without remorse. On his way to the door, he grabbed Shawn's shoulder and spun him around, rage twisting his face. "What the hell did you do? What in the ever loving fuck did you do?" 
Slowly, Shawn looked up at him, an uncontrollable torrent of expressions flickering across his face. Everything felt darker, the air staler, dust particles drifting through the rainbow refractions shattered across the walls by the crystal beaded curtains. Shawn looked like he might vomit. "I… I'm stuck. I'm trapped here, Diese-"
He choked on his words and clutched the front of Diesel's leather vest. He didn't remember dressing, but he was wearing the outfit he arrived in, sans the windbreaker slung over his shoulder. It sounded like Shawn was going to cry, but no tears fell. His legs gave out from under him momentarily, sinking down before he hauled himself back up by his grip on Diesel's vest. He looked more struck by the bigger man not catching him than anything. "You can't leave me, Diesel. I can't be alone like that again. I- I need you, you get it, dontcha? 'sides, you're the manager and security, you got a good gig here, and you can't leave, you signed the papers. It won't let you, it won't let me-"
"Oh, yeah?" Diesel snorted. "Wanna bet?"
"You- you- can't, the hotel, it-" The argument died in Shawn's throat. He made a sound like a wounded animal when Diesel slid his sunglasses onto the bridge of his nose and leaned in, dislodging Shawn's grip with an upwards flick of his forearm.
"Manage this dump yourself, Heartbreak."
The truck's ignition fired just fine, and Diesel had no trouble backing up the abandoned Pennsylvania Turnpike and merging back on I-76. The storm had passed. Judging by his calendar and clock, he had plenty of leeway to make his delivery on time. As soon as his wheels touched interstate pavement, his CB crackled to life.
"What's your 20, BDC?" 
"This is Big Daddy Cool. QTH f-m-zero–nine-u-x, en route to New York and on schedule."
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taiblogcomics · 8 months
Her Own Story, Write or Wrong
Hey there, cruelty-free tuna. I think I mentioned we got our backlog refreshed, so we've got a ton of MLP comics to get to. Frankly, we might make it to next year with this amount of backlog. Now, I know normally we start with the main series, then work through all our spinoff books. But we're also big fans of doing two endings in a row around here, so let's finish one of these things we started~
Here's the cover:
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Bring it in, girls! I think this is just a nice snuggly way to end the story. All the March sisters in big floofy dresses. And, like… I guess that's it! Yeah, this is pretty much all there is to say about this cover. It's weird that I almost miss having an odd quote from ComicBookResources to dissect. But I guess it all balances out~
So, since it's been a while, who here remembers the plot? Trick question, it was the plot of Little Women, except we merely sent Beth (played by Fluttershy) on vacation. But in short, it's the story of the March sisters and their struggles in growing up. Particularly Jo (Rainbow Dash), who feels like she's been left behind a bit, since her writing career hasn't quite taken off like her other sisters' goals. Even her next-door friend Laurie (Applejack) has found a new thing to persue.
So don't worry about the gap in our reviews. There's been a gap in the narrative of the story as well! See, it was all planned and thematic and certainly not that I didn't get a shipment of comics for four months! I don't think the isolation's been very good for Jo, since she's set up proxies of all her sisters and neighbour friend, and continues to act out their old meetings and life reports. Discord appears to recap the rest of the cast's activities since the last issue, including Marmee (Pinkie Pie) finally coming back from surprising her husband (Cheese Sandwich) at the front lines.
On Marmee's recommendation, Jo decides to take a vacation of her own at a particular boarding house, which is mostly an excuse to give cameos of the Student Six. But the change of scenery has done Jo some good. In fact, she's doing so well, she doesn't notice somepony else in the street until she bumps into them. And to her shock, coincidence of coincidences, the mare she's bumped into is none other than AK Yearling (AK Yearling). This is like if I bumped into the Game Grumps while doing my grocery shopping: theoretically possible, but not likely to happen in a rinky-dink East Coast suburb on a Wednesday afternoon~
Despite Jo's awkward fan-girling and babbling, AK Yearling notes that she used to write for the same paper, then invites Jo over for some tea. Oh, this is like my fantasies meeting the Grumps. Still starstruck, Jo flits about in AK's home until she settles in for conversation. Naturally, she asks how AK came up with such a great character as Daring Do. AK gives this advice: good writing comes from the truth. Sometimes the truth is boring, and sometimes the truth is scary. Write what scares you. Not, like, horror necessarily, but the truths that scare you.
After they part, Jo returns home after a long absence, just in time for Laurie's graduation. She's greeted by snooty Aunt March (Discord), who still thinks Jo's writing will amount to nothing, and so leaves her her own manor home, Plumfield, to… Actually, I have no idea. Neither does Jo, which Aunt March also criticises. And Jo finally reunites with her sisters Meg (Twilight Sparkle) and Amy (Rarity), catching up with them. Since Meg's looking to open a school, Jo decides to give her Plumfield instead, since she can actually make use of it. That was a quick resolution!
And so Jo flits around the party, schmoozing with the other guests until finally Laurie pulls Jo aside into the little meeting place they first met. Laurie's a bit overwhelmed, especially with the whole "well, I graduated college, now what?" concept. As someone who didn't go to college, I can't relate! Like, presumably you went there for a reason, so you could get a specific degree and pursue some field of interest. I dunno what college was like in 1869, though, maybe this post-graduate listlessness was common. I guess we'll never know for sure~
Jo recounts her meeting with AK Yearling, noting the advice she was given is also strongly similar to something Laurie herself once told her as well. And even though Jo is now sure of what she's writing next, she pulls Laurie off for "one last adventure". The pair head out in the dark and goof around a bit. I can't even be sure if these ruins are real, but I'm pretty sure the pit of snakes isn't. The pair come back in, with the group wanting to take a commemorative photo of the event. Even Beth returns from vacation to get in on this. And so the comic ends with Jo starting work on her book, "Little Fillies", writing the very same Hearth's Warming that we opened with…
Well, all in all, I think that was very nice. I don't have any interest in (or experience with) the original story, but hopefully someone reading this comic is inspired to seek it out, if only for comparison's sake. It's obviously not a one-to-one adaptation, goodness knows they lampshade that they're putting their own spin on it often enough. But really, that's the point, isn't it? To not be afraid to tell your own story in your own way~?
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Ted Lasso Season 3 Review (Spoilers avoided):
Great writing involves connecting what is going on with what has gone before to give the sense it is all connected. Nostalgic writing uses call-backs as a way to illicit past feelings from previous scenes.
Ted Lasso Season 3 employs the later.
Some critics of the season have called it horrible (at least those in the British tabloid press who have very deservedly received many criticisms of their own from the series) while others have called it great. Ted Lasso Season 3 is neither.
It could have been great. I would argue it should have been great. But it was not. Ted Lasso Season 3 was good. Nothing more, nothing less.
A major issue were the storylines that were unnecessary. Leaving out one from the final episode to avoid spoilers (Kent and Tartt fans should know what I’m talking about), they are:
in that order. Strangely enough, this covers almost all of the new characters introduced this season, by which I mean those not mentioned or heard from in previous seasons.
The season also struggled with pacing and set up. No more did we see this than with Roy Kent’s personal growth (some of which was way too suitable) and where we find Ted at the end of the season. At times these changes were completely out-of-the-blue, or the set-up occurred so long ago to seem out-of-place in the moment.
That all said, I enjoyed every call back to the fullest. While it does not stand up to the incredible, amazing, and, dare I say, perfect first season, it was still good. I enjoyed the season immensely, and like previous seasons, continued to enjoy it on multiple watchings.
One of the things I loved was also what made this season problematic. This season delved into the lives of so many minor characters we’ve only seen a little bit of before. There are so many lovely characters, major and minor, in this show, and so many, especially Sam Obisanya, and it was a joy to see them grow throughout this season.
Before it began, there were debates as to whether Ted Lasso would continue after this season because 3 seasons was the original intended arc of this story. I would argue this show is not done yet, even if the story were simply continued in a spinoff series, which, in my opinion, should be named A.F.C. Richmond. Ending a show before things get stale is an honorable thing, but that’s not what has happened here. There are so many stories in Ted Lasso that haven’t finished yet. I, at least, still want to see where many of these characters will go. That’s a sign that things aren’t done yet for these characters.
Finally to the point of this review: the Gospel value. Ted Lasso, through all its ups and downs, continues to do an incredible job presenting the core and theme that has been with the show all along: Forgiveness. The power is that we start to see forgiveness being told and shared by other characters aside from Ted. We even see some battles with the devil, mostly figuratively speaking, where people struggle yet still come through, just like we do in our own lives. And, of course, we even get an episode where the voice of God gets credited as God’s Own Self!
The power of Forgiveness drives the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ. It drives Ted Lasso as well. This is why so many, like myself, have fallen in love with this show. It is why it will continue to speak for years to come.
There are many characters who continue to preach and live into forgiveness. I hope, whether as a continuation of this series or a spinoff, we get to hear more of those characters’ stories in the future.
Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️.7/5
Gospel: ✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️/5
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devilrosola · 2 years
Voting time
Okay so out of a few wips I’ve got stewing around, I have some choices on what to work on next and how to present them. {and yes, these have been sitting in my WIPs for over 2 years >.>;;;}
I want to know what YOU would be more interested in reading.
Both of them started out as xReaders, but would having an isekai-d persona OC be more enjoyable?
First option is waking up and finding you/mc are/is the queen of Sindria and this is a year before the manga starts. Knowing what will happen, you/mc have a different idea to gain world peace.
Second option is you/mc waking up as Kouen after the anime but before 2nd Balbadd arc. Conferring with Koumei, past events are the same as in the manga, the only difference being Kouen is the first imperial Princess, not Prince. As things stand to reason that things will play out like the manga but ‘fate’ can change, Kouen calls off the Summit since they already know about Alma Torran.
{a spinoff of the second option is fem!reader waking up in a male Kouen body so things seem like the manga, but then insist Alibaba doesn’t need to come to Balbadd, only Aladdin (so they can ask him about changing the rukh of Arba’s vessels). Aladdin comes but is accompanied by a fem!Ja’far and so a difference between the manga pops up at that point}
Previews below cutoff (in their original/unedited or fleshed out xReader format)
You open your eyes to see an alabaster ceiling far above your head. This wasn’t your room, but it sure felt like you were lying in a bed. It was snug and warm with comforting blankets over you.
“Ah, you’re awake!” an elderly gruff but gentle voice said. “His Majesty will be so pleased.”
“Majesty? Where am I?”
“Your room, of course. You’ve been in a coma for quite some time…”
“Coma? No! This place doesn’t look familiar. Who are you?”
“Why it’s me Douban. I’ve served as your physician for years!”
You look at him. Nothing seemed familiar at all. Well, the name seems a tad familiar, but it’s hard to remember where from.
He asks you questions and thinks over while another voice interrupts the conversation, “Your Majesty! I heard you awoke!”
The doctor gets up and blocks the newcomer. “Ja’far, now may not be the best time to see her, she just came out of the coma and is a bit disoriented.”
“But shouldn’t seeing the ones she loves help orient her?”
“Perhaps, but I should warn you first: she seems to have amnesia. Don’t take it personally if she doesn’t recognize you.”
“Ja’far?” you ask as you bend forward to look around the doctor.
Ja’far looks at you and his face lights up. Doctor’s jaw drops as he walks around him to greet you.
“My queen! It’s so good to see you’re alright!” He takes your hand in both of his. A shiver runs through you and you can see goosebumps rise on your skin. You look at him almost blankly, like you try to fathom him knowing you and glad to see you. He sees your confusion and hesitantly addresses, “Your Majesty?”
Douban grumbles, “Well, I did just say your name, perhaps she was just repeating it?”
“Okay, so you’re Ja’far. Then am I in...Sindria?”
“Yes that’s right,” Ja’far encouraged and looked at the doctor, “Perhaps a familiar face is helping her remember.”
“But she didn’t remember me,” Douban moans.
Lady Kouen
After Aladdin and Ja’far arrive in Balbadd, in a meeting room with Kouen
Kouen: Dare to touch me and I’ll give your arm to Hakuryuu.
Aladdin: AH! Don’t worry Auntie, I won’t! @-@
Kouen: Good. On to business. We can cancel the summit.
Ja’far: But why? You had us come with the expressed commission to escort you there.
Kouen: Let’s say I’ve had something you could call a vision. I’ve seen a possibility of how the future could unfold and I want to prevent that from happening. We don’t need to waste time on you (aladdin) telling us what I’ve already learned from that. Instead, I rather focus on avoiding war.
Ja’far: So you have a proposal to join the Seven Seas Alliance? You realize to join you would have to stop invading lands with your subjugation front.
Kouen: *breaks out laughing* I will not allow Sinbad any more power than he already has. The war I want to avoid is within Kou. One in which you will lose Alibaba.
When Kouen is alone with Ja’far, gets close to him, one wrist pinned to the wall
Kouen: Why don’t you kill me then? Kill me like you killed your parents?
Ja’far: *defensive inhale
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