sunnydust2003 · 4 days
To people who want watch Disney pilot show such as Amphibia, The Owl House, 7D and etc after Disney took some video down, here is link:
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klepher · 7 months
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Old house. Canon 7d-10mm
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sizzlinghottubdeer · 4 months
Привет! Я Айси! Я тут зарегистрировалась Недавно, мне очень нравится фандом 7 Гномов! Я из России! 🇷🇺 мне 15 лет! надеюсь я тут со всеми подружусь!, я довольно неплохо рисую, и надеюсь что вам понравиться мои хеды на персонажей данного фандома! <3
Hi! I'm Icy! I registered here recently, I really like the 7 Dwarfs fandom! I'm from Russia! 🇷🇺 I'm 15 years old! I hope to make friends with everyone here!, I'm pretty good at drawing, and I hope you like my images of the characters of this fandom! <3
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princess-unipeg · 8 months
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Random cosplay ideas
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thestickguy · 1 month
fascinating: fascinating animated projection of how a simulated tesseract rotates in 4D space
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7gnomovtopi-top · 2 months
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Мемы. Мемы с гномами. 😀💓
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Но это канон епт. 😀😀😀
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scotianostra · 1 year
As the Day Turns to Night by John Mac Via Flickr: Broughty Ferry, Dundee
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nebulosafanny · 7 days
Liliana Bodoc en nuestras lecturas
El proyecto que hemos llevado a cabo es un ejemplo de cómo la literatura y el arte pueden servir como herramientas poderosas para conectar con el pasado y comprender las complejidades de los eventos históricos. Durante estas semanas, estuvimos revisando nuestro recorrido lector, del que hicimos memoria entre todos -desde 1° hasta 6° grado. En el pizarrón quedó un mapa lector y pudimos visualizar el viaje de aprendizaje y las experiencias compartidas a lo largo de estos años. 
Reforzamos la memoria de los libros leídos y las historias compartidas, también despertó un sentido de comunidad y pertenencia entre estudiantes de 6° y 7° grado. Al recordar juntos desde el primer grado hasta hoy, construimos una narrativa colectiva que celebra el crecimiento individual y grupal. Además, un mapa lector sirve como un recordatorio constante de los logros alcanzados y nos inspira a seguir explorando nuevos libros y géneros. La literatura puede unir a las personas y crear un espacio de intercambio cultural y creativo en el aula.
Al recordar y discutir los libros prohibidos durante la dictadura militar en Argentina, no sólo hacemos memoria de aquellos tiempos difíciles, sino que también reafirmamos la importancia de la libertad de expresión y el derecho a la información. Entre los libros prohibidos recordamos algunos: Un elefante ocupa mucho espacio, La Línea, El caso Gaspar, La planta de Bartolo, El Principito, Mañana viene mi tío.
La lectura conmemorativa del día 24 de marzo, este año fue: “3.155 o el número de la tristeza”, escrito por Liliana Bodoc. En este relato, la autora aborda un período oscuro de la historia argentina: la dictadura militar que tomó el poder en 1976. La historia se centra en tres protagonistas que comparten algo en común: están leyendo el libro “Un elefante ocupa mucho espacio” de Elsa Bornemann, el cual fue prohibido mediante el decreto 3155. La elección del cuento como lectura de sexto y séptimo grado es significativa, ya que nos permite a los estudiantes conectar con la historia de nuestro país a través de la experiencia personal de los personajes ficticios. La obra de Liliana Bodoc es un ejemplo de cómo la ficción puede servir como un espejo de la realidad, permitiendo a los lectores de todas las edades reflexionar sobre temas de derechos humanos e identidad. 
Realizamos mural de dibujos, en donde representamos a los personajes de los cuentos reunidos en el escenario para acompañarnos en esta fecha. Además, al representar visualmente estos temas no solo ayuda a consolidar el aprendizaje, sino que también ofrece una forma de expresión personal y colectiva. El uso de técnicas artísticas como el collage para representar visualmente estos conceptos es una forma creativa de procesar y expresar estas ideas complejas. 
Gracias por escucharnos, es esencial que este tipo de espacio continúe, ya que promueve la conciencia y la comprensión, elementos cruciales para construir una sociedad más justa e informada.
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coffeenuts · 13 days
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a-gnzls · 1 year
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Andrew Renshaw. Nose Manual. 2022.
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chaotictoon · 2 years
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'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
And no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike
You know it's thriller, thriller night
You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight, yeah
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mydarlingdearestdead · 10 months
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klepher · 8 months
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Amsterdam moon • canon 7d 10-22mm • hoya filter
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sitting-on-me-bum · 10 months
altered landscape #2
altered landscape #2 by Jon Downs Via Flickr: View Large On Black View Large On White This shot is my submission for Sliders Sunday. Happy Sliders Sunday everyone! ... or if you're not sliding then Happy Sunday! Here's altered landscape #1 Part of my trees in fields (Set) On Facebook On Twitter On RedBubble My (minimalist) site (not iPhone/iPad/iTouch compatible): 9876543210 © Jon Downs 2011 All Rights Reserved.
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disneytva · 2 years
On Disney+ you can always expect (and stream) the unexpected ..... except if you are library content, don't expect that..... Surprise. It’s NOT on Disney+.
It kinda sucks that in only 10 months the third largest streaming service worldwide dosn't seem to have any interest on adding Library content.... no really in terms of library animated content Disney+ only added Pepper Ann, 8 months later the catalog of drops of each month has been very low with only new series from Disney Channel & Disney Junior being the only ones to drop content regulary besides that, no vintage live action series,  no vintage Disney TVA series, Walt-Era films, missing some DCOMs, missing some Playhouse Disney/Disney Junior Library, Missing Muppets Series etc.. 
 It kinda sucks knowing that rival service Paramount+ does a better job on adding library content from Nickelodeon (Nickcoms & Nicktoons) than the freaking Walt Disney Company. 
The Buzz on Maggie HD footage cortesy of Bathroomshy and Nobien
 DC Studio Almost Live! With The Muppets footage cortesy of AppleBerry
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Hannah Hook's enemies;
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Name: Olga Hearts.
Age: 12 years old.
Reason they have beef: She cut Hannah's hair in preschool and Hannah punched her. Hannah is cool with her siblings though.
Parents: King and Queen of Hearts.
Allies: Macon West and Gauntlet "Gaunt" Gloom.
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Name: Barnaby Teach.
Age: 20 years old.
Reason they have beef: Hannah beat his dad in a poker game and won his ship when she was only 6.
Parents: Blackbeard.
Allies: His crew.
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Name: Raven Bog.
Age: 17 years old.
Reason they have beef: Because Hannah is Harriet's sister and her siblings like Hannah better.
Parents: Chernabog.
Allies: Queenie Bog, Wolfrick Wolf, and Kingsley King.
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Name: Kingsley King (1) and Queenie Bog (2).
Age: 18 and 17 years old.
Reason they have beef: (1) Because She's Harriet's sister. (2)Because Hannah is Harriet's sister and her siblings like Hannah better.
Parents: (1) The Horned King/(2) Chernabog.
Allies: Eachother, Wolfrick Wolf, and Raven Bog.
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Name: Wolfrick Wolf.
Age: 18 years old.
Reason they have beef: She's Harriet's sister and his brother likes her more than him.
Parents: The Big Bad Wolf.
Allies: The Big twins and Kingsley King.
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Name: Macon West.
Age: 12 years old.
Reason they have beef: He has a crush on her. Classic case of pulling the pigtails of a girl you like. They're more like frienemies tbh.
Parents: The wicked witch of the west.
Allies: Olega Hearts and Gaunt Gloom.
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Name: Gauntlet "Gaunt" Gloom.
Age: 12 years old.
Reason they have beef: She's friends with Evie's half brother and Evie so Gaunt doesn't like her because his parents were forgotten because of the Evil queen was more famous than his parents. Who caused alot of problems for the dwarves.
Parents: Hlidy and Grimm Gloom.
Allies: Macon West and Olega Hearts.
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Name: Warpaint Darling.
Age: 14 years old.
Reason they have beef: He's the child of a former lost boy and loyal to Neverland.
Parents: Slightly.
Allies: Chains and Shelly Darling. Other neverland kids.
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Name: Chains and Shelly Darling.
Age: 13 and 14 years old.
Reason they have beef:They're the kids of former lost boys.
Parents: The sons of the twins.
Allies: Other neverland kids including Warpaint Darling.
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Name: Unity/Bossy.
Age: 16 years old.
Reason they have beef: Hannah saw Lonnie's school of secrets videoes and her arguing against the vks being brought there. Needless to say, Hannah does not like her.
Parents: Doc's daughter.
Allies: Aks.
(She is also enemies with Frollo, Blackbeard, and Gaston).
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