#Adeline Kane dc
the-red-butterfly · 11 months
Ok i am so so intrigued by ur au. How did joey come to exist. Is addi a beautiful mermaid that happened to catch slades eye one day? Is slade a sailor or a lighthouse keeper? Does joey have any lil siblings. How does he live with slade if he does. If you have any more info/hcs on this au i would love to hear them!
Because you're the first to ask me about this AU, I will admit I went a little crazy and did a whole bunch of things instead of just ONCE doodle like I probably should've XD
Here's storytime for you thought 😌
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I forced myself to NOT think too much about what I was doing or worry too much about the end product. God know's it is hard for me to do!
Answer to your first two questions is up there✨
-Is Slade a sailor or a lighthouse keeper? Slade is just a regular old sailor. His house IS close to the sea though. But it's just a shabby, regular house.
-Does joey have any lil siblings? I HAVE toyed with that idea, and while things might change in the future, Rose does exists in this universe but she gives Slade crippling anxiety after "Joey dies." So he tries not to interact with her. The existence of Grant is still on the fence.
-How does he live with Slade if he does? Slade keeps him in the tub 👁 (Here's some visual representation of that and one of the first doodles I did of this AU 😂)
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-Any more info/hcs on this au? Ammmmm. My brain is a fired potato right now, I dunno 🙃
Oh! Wait! I do have two things to say. -Turning into a human when you are a merperson is extremely difficult and when achieved painful. So not only is Adeline a badass, she's smiling through being human like a CHAMP. -And yes, for anyone wondering, Adeline has just the ONCE dress he stole from some poor lady.
Thanks for the ask anon! I greatly enjoyed it and doodling out more things for my little world ✨
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damian-navarro-art · 2 months
SLADE: A Deathstroke Fancomic #3
Part I
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Hey guys! Im sorry for not posting anything all these months, this is the first part of what it is the 3rd and last issue I did for my fancomic series SLADE that i made a year ago, the idea was to make an issue for each of Slade’s child but unfortunately i never got to make Rose’s 😣, but at least here is Joey’s, or as most of you know… Jericho, i really hope this could be a nice introduction for the character if this is the first time you are going to read about him, Joey is basically the kind and heroic son of Slade, younger brother of Grant but older than Rose, but who unfortunately pays the direct consequences of his dad’s job , changing his life forever.
I hope you like it and that you could feel something reading it!
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ao3statistics · 5 months
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This is self-made. Date of creation: 27.01.2024
For all the Slade fans out there!
One reason (apart from their history together) why the numbers for Slade/Dick are so high is because the tag Slade/Robin was made a meta tag for Slade/Dick by Ao3, meaning that all stories with the tag Slade/Robin get sorted into the Slade/Dick category automatically, no matter which Robin is meant... Of course it Slade/Robin does in fact mean Slade/Dick most times but still.
Additional information: Adeline Kane Wilson is Slade's ex-wife and mother of his two sons (who both died, fun times).
William Randolph Wintergreen is Slade's oldest friend from the army and also his butler at some point (correct me if I'm wrong please).
I assume no guarantee or liability for the completeness, correctness and accuracy of this chart despite my best efforts.
Includes fanfictions in all languages available, NOT English only. Includes all fandoms on Ao3 connected to Slade Wilson/Deathstroke.
Percentages were rounded up or rounded down to natural numbers for easier comprehension.
Poly ships were not included.
More charts will follow. :)
Want to have a chart for different pairings, headcanons etc. in your favourite fandom? Send me an ask!
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autisticrosewilson · 11 days
What do the other Wilson family members think of Jason?
I assume you're talking about in the context of him being shipped with one of them, I've shipped him with all of them at least once so I'll go down the list! Tell me if you want specifics on a particular ship or au though.
Suggestive content ahead, the Wilson's aren't exactly known for being normal sex havers
If he's dating Slade:
Grant (if he's alive) - Frothing at the mouth mad. He thought Slade was homophobic this whole time. Particularly upset it's Graysons brother. Sidenote: I don't see Slade fighting the Titans without Grant's death as a factor, so Dick would be Grant's nemesis.
Joey (if he's alive) - dating his ex boyfriends brother should be illegal. He used to babysit that little gremlin. Calling his mom to complain. Shaking crying throwing up. Keeps trying to get Jason to find someone else, anyone else.
Rose - HER EX BOYFRIEND ARE YOU BEING REAL. Betrayal on all sides. She gets over it eventually but that doesn't mean she's happy about it. Her brothers - if they're alive - being horrified by it make her warm up to it. She's a menace first and a person second. She's working closely with Dick to break it up though.
Adeline (if she's alive) - Heard about it from Joey, disappointed but not surprised. Sneers at it being a college boy, but after learning more about Red Hood she's mildly interested. She's impressed that anyone would choose to put up with Slade, but as long as he STOPS FUCKING CALLING HER she'll let it be. Could be persuaded into a threesome far, FAR in the future after a couple years with Jason has made Slade more tolerable.
Billy - smug, he TOLD Slade it would be more than just sex but no one ever listens to him. Also extremely tired, part of Slade being more tolerable is that the jobs he's willing to take slim dramatically. He gets huffy about it but he's definitely lowkey salty they haven't asked him to join yet.
If he's dating Rose -
Slade - Canonically their biggest fan. Jason has barely started flirting back with Rose before Slade is acting like he's already Jason's father in law. 50/50 on whether he's genuine or doing it to fuck with people. Shows his approval by challenging Jason to armed combat routinely and inviting him on jobs. Keeps asking when he's getting grandkids.
Grant - over protective but pretends he's not. GRAYSONS LITTLE BROTHER?!? Abhorrent. Is reluctantly bribed by Jason's cooking. Only starts warming up to Jason when he realizes that Jason is like, made of house husband stay at home dad material. Like an hour into a house call informed him that Jason is so hopelessly in love with Rose it's almost pathetic.
Joey - FUCKING FINALLY!! He's been here since day one, plotting, scheming. Carefully manufactured scenarios for them to spend more time together. Best man at the wedding, he wrestled Grant on the ground for it. Video called Dick with TEARS IN HIS EYES to tell him the news.
Billy - Normal father in law. Takes Jason on fishing and hunting trips. Reconnected with Alfred at the wedding and they're both ecstatic. You'd think it would be Slade who'd be gunning for the number one grandpa title and you'd be wrong, Billy is clawing his way to the top of that list.
Addie - Who? What? Oh. Fine. Reluctantly showed up to the wedding. Admittedly charmed by their dynamic. Mildly jealous at the sight of a non failing marriage but she's got enough self awareness not to be upset over it. Leaves the best gift by far, and she does end up trading recipes with Alfred by the end of the night.
If he's dating Grant:
Slade - Not exactly mad, but he is annoyed. He rolls his eyes but looks away when Red X is chasing the second Robin around Gotham, but he draws the LINE at his son giving up mercenary work to be Red Hood's lieutenant. Especially because it looks,,, serious, and serious means he'll be related to the bat sooner rather than later. 98% sure they're doing it to upset him specifically (he's wrong it's only like 25% for that)
Joey - In counter to Dick and Rose, he's actually pretty supportive. He thinks it's cute and he's glad that Grant has a good influence, but he'll be near the front of the line if Grant fucks it up. He's not as supportive about the pining stage they go through, mostly because he's the first person Grant laments to.
Rose - her bestie dating her BROTHER. Disgusted, betrayed, plotting their downfall. Absolutely thinks Jason can do better. She comes around to it faster than Dick only when she's entirely sure she can't do anything about it. Still bullies them both though.
Addie - Well. There are worse options. The real bonus here is her newfound connection with Talia. World's most controlling mother in law, loves Jason like one of her own sons though. Unfortunately that means he gets treated just like her other sons... Quality of the treatment is debatable.
If he's dating Joey -
Slade - Definitely the most upset in this scenario. That's undeniably his favorite kid and Jason... isn't the kind of person he thinks is good enough. Not that he thinks anyone would be. He doesn't go out of his way to drive Jason away per se, but he does put him through the most vigorous "tests". Begrudgingly respects Jason for passing most of them with flying colors.
Addie - Mother hen in law. Planning the wedding since day ONE. What's the equivalent of like, a sister in law but for the mom's of the spouses? Is that a thing? Regardless, she gets very close with Talia very quickly. Bruce Wayne's third biggest hater, she makes his life HELL.
Rose - Better than Grant. Still not happy, but she accepts it more easily. Maid of honor but she swears up and down they're cringe and she hates it. Complains to Dick about it but they're both secretly fond.
Billy - Never booking a hotel without soundproof walls with them again.
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dcbinges · 5 months
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Tales of the Teen Titans #44 (1984) by George Pérez & Marv Wolfman
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dailydccomics · 6 months
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the American dream Deathstroke Inc. #15 art by Dexter Soy
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You know Slade using Dick's full name in place of his nickname I would expect.
Addie though?
Not mad about it though.
(Deathstroke (Rebirth) 024)
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scarletlunarosa · 9 months
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My version of the Wilson Family
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hopelessdreamer78 · 8 days
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hollow-keys · 9 months
Slade and Adeline: *forced Joey to learn how to fight and shamed him for any display of "weakness" because they're conservatives who believe in traditional masculinity, giving him issues into adulthood*
Some of y'all: Well obviously all of his issues about not being accepted for who he is by his family are all in his head.
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weathermanone · 1 year
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Waller vs Wildstorm 4 (2023) by Spencer Ackerman, Evan Narcisse & Jesús Merino
Cover: Jorge Fornés
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damian-navarro-art · 4 months
THE WILSON and this Flashback Scene
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It’s been a while since i still haven’t keep posting the things i made for the SLADE fancomic short stories i did a year ago, but i just remembered this little portrait i made for the 3rd story(which i promise you, i will share it this month!) , but thought it would be nice to share this too here anyways, i loved this flashback sequence and found really fun to make a portrait from it from Priest’s Deathstroke run , the few most happiest moments of Slade with Joey and Grant
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sladewilsonscurlyhair · 10 months
Slade Wilson likes girl dick
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autisticrosewilson · 4 months
JayGrant au where Grant, the newfound guardian of Respawn, is fighting for his life trying to raise a child but Jason "#1 mom" Todd has practically moved in with him within the week to help raise the kid.
And here's the thing right- Jason likes Grant. He's funny, and he's cute, and he's the only one who can even remotely keep up with him in a solid spar. He's the smartest idiot Jason's ever met. But even he was freaked out when he went to go pick up his favorite gym bro and a 12 year old with pure white hair and,,,, familiar green eyes opens the door instead.
He doesn't ask. Because he's a moron with a crush (and maybe a part of him still feels bad about focusing more on his revenge quest than helping Talia with Damian). So instead of asking any of the millions of, certainly valid, questions he offers to babysit.
And Respawn? He just adores Jason. Practically every other word out of the kids mouth is about how cool and funny Jason is, and when is Jason coming to visit, and when are you going to tell Jason that you love him-
Grant has had just about enough of Jason rushing to his apartment in the middle of the night because Respawn called him for something or other, homework he needs help on or a bad dream.
At first Grant is relieved that he's not completely on his own, then he's annoyed (and maybe a little jealous) that the kid has an obvious favorite, but eventually Grant starts seeing the benefits of all this. Like getting to eat Jason's food everyday and hearing Jason's laugh ring through every corner of the house and seeing Jason walk around the house in just sweatpants every morning-
Jason is... really starting to regret his decisions. Grant doesn't seem to like him and the worst part is that hasn't made Jason's silly little crush go away at all. Even though he knows it's a lost cause I mean, Respawn is already going through so many new changes and adjustments, having his brother/caregiver suddenly in a relationship wouldn't be fair.
(Respawn has a string board full of plans to get them together shoved under his bed, but it seems every time he's about to make progress there's a knock at the door or a bird hits the window or on one notable occassion Grant's mom showed up. Apparently she was called although no one knows by who. he's going to have to call... reinforcements if things don't start looking up soon)
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dcbinges · 5 months
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Tales of the Teen Titans #44 (1984) by George Pérez & Marv Wolfman
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forlornmelody · 4 months
Outlaws Chapter 3 – Teenagers
Rating: E (language, graphic violence. Smut in other chapters.)
Fandom: Titans (2018)
Ship: Jayrose, Jayroy, Rose/Artemis, Poisonquinn, Bella Garten/Pamela Isley
AO3 Links: First Chapter. // This Chapter.
Summary:  Poison Ivy has agreed to help with the search for her copycat killer. Or is it a copycat?
Notes: Chapter title comes from the My Chemical Romance song of the same name.
“Where’s my cash?” She wraps her arms around her bare middle. Walking the streets and the alleys in these clothes is a lot easier in a Gotham summer. By now the trees have all but turned, and there’s frost whispering in the air. 
“It’s comin’, sweets. Things are just a little tight right now.” He’s plenty warm in his leather coat and silk scarf. And his beemer probably has seat warmers. If she plays it right, she might get to hitch a ride home. Well, part of the way home. She’d be a fucking idiot if she told this john where she lived.
“You promised me you’d have it by today.” Strangely, the plant behind them doesn’t seem to acknowledge the change of the seasons. It’s as green as spring, if not greener. It almost seems to glow. 
“Shit happens. You know I’m always good for it.”
“I need to pay my rent, Danny.”
“And Danny says you need to shut your fucking mouth before he breaks those pretty little teeth.” He wraps his big hands around her neck, lifting her off the ground. 
“Danny! I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry,” she starts to plead.
“Maybe Danny needs to teach you a lesson, bitch.”
The vines of the plant stir from their other prey, stretching out like spider silk.
“Danny, I–” she screams as Danny’s feet are snatched from beneath him. They envelop him like a net and then they squeeze until Danny’s screams stop.
“You cannot be serious.” Barbara fixes him a stare before rummaging through her desk drawer. Where’s that scotch when she needs it?
“She makes a point.” Jason shrugs.
“She’s terrorized Gotham multiple times.”
“And she’s more likely to know who the copycat is.”
“If it’s a copycat.”
Jason leans against the desk. Barbara is half-convinced he’s drunk already at 10 am. Tim told Dick as much after his crash course. Can she blame him, though? It’s a miracle the kid’s alive after all this. “You got any other leads, Babs?”
Scratch scotch. She needs something stronger. “I’m telling you Jason, something’s off. Ivy can’t be trusted.”
“I know.” Jason smiles softly. “I know her better than anyone on your team. She’s my baddie, remember?”
Barbara snorts. “You’re an ex-con yourself.”
“Exactly. I know how these guys–er–gals, think. I’ve got it handled, Babs.”
She sucks on her teeth, already feeling a familiar tension in her shoulders spreading to her neck and the back of her head. “Giving Dick free reign with Crane is exactly what got you into that mess.” 
Jason flinches, just for a split second before he recovers. But the damage is done. 
“I’m not Dick.” And there he is. The terrified teenager that Bruce picked up off the street, still trying to look braver than he feels. 
Barbara should say no. But it’s impossible to say no to family, isn’t it? “Fine.” Doesn’t make her hate herself any less, though.
The tension eases from Jason’s shoulders, and he sways ever so slightly before he catches himself. “Thanks, Barbara.”
“Don’t.” She wheels herself away from her desk. “This conversation never happened.”
“Never does.”
When Babs and Jason get to the van, the rest of the team is already there. Jason moves to get in the backseat, but the driver stops him. “Sorry. The inmate’s gonna go in the back. Arkham rules.”
Jason eyes the rest of the van while Babs maneuvers into the shotgun seat. He folds and hands over her wheelchair without a second thought. And then he sinks inside. There’s only one seat available if Pamela and her two guards are taking the backseat. And it’s next to Deathstroke’s kids. Donna meets Jason’s eyes and winks at him. Winks. Muttering under his breath, Jason settles in next to Rose, who doesn’t even seem to register that he’s there. In fact, she can’t even keep herself awake, despite the energy drink in her hand. The moment Jason buckles his seatbelt, she nods off, resting her head on her brother’s shoulder. Even though there’s at least two inches between them, Jason swears he can feel that familiar buzz of energy between them. Like sticking his finger in a socket. Fuck, this is going to be a long ride. 
“Is this really necessary?” Ivy shifts between a male and a female prison guard, flashing them her trademark smile.
“Standard procedure, Isely.” 
“But Gary, you know I’m harmless with this little accessory.” Arms bound; Ivy cranes her neck to draw attention to her inhibitor collar. 
“Rules are rules.”
“Stop flirting, Gary.”
“Just having some fun, Cheryl.” 
The guards drag Ivy to the backseat, and when her seat belt clicks into place, Ivy leans forward. “You mind?” Inexplicably, she has a tube of lipstick between her teeth. Roy shrugs and applies it to her lips with ease. Almost as if he’s done makeup before. Hm. Ivy eyes herself in the reflection of Artemis’s ax, smacking her lips with a pop. “Thank you.”
“Hey!” Babs snaps. “Give me that.” She holds out her hand until Roy and the rest pass her the stick of lipstick. 
Ivy rolls her eyes. “You know the lipstick itself isn’t toxic, right?”
“Just take us to the crime scene, Carl.”
“Yes ma’am.” The driver gives her an idle salute as the van rolls down the road. 
“You teamed up with Scarecrow!?” Ivy shrieks. The van swerves. Rose jerks awake, her arm bumping into Jason’s.
“Ivy–” Jason starts to say–
“Scarecrow!?” she says, louder this time. Before anyone can say anything, Ivy continues. “That motherfucking, narcissistic, patronizing asshole. You teamed up with him?” 
“Look, I know it was a mistake–”
She manages a sniffle. “I thought I was your favorite.” 
Jericho snorts. 
Jericho’s lost track of how many times he’s hit the bag. He’s barely keeping track of the Queen album blaring in the speakers. Right now, Freddie Mercury’s belting about his love for “Fat Bottom Girls,” and Jericho Wilson is trying to locate the same joy in Freddie’s voice. But all he feels at the moment is rage.
Five. Fucking. Years.
A throat clears behind him, and Jericho misses the bag completely. “Your right hook needs work.”
Jericho stops, staring at Adeline pointedly–the punching bag swaying back and forth across his face. “Do you want to talk, or watch me train? Because I can’t do both.”
“It’s been a while since we had a chat.” Adeline Kane sits down on the weight bench, placing a tray with a tea kettle and two cups on the nearby bench press. 
“What do you want?” Jericho grabs a towel, drying his face. T makes it easier to look in the mirror. But it also makes him sweat like mad. Worth it. 
“How are you feeling?” She says it sweetly, but her eyes are almost devoid of warmth. Something happened to her in those five years. Almost like she’s angry with him for dying. Like it’s his fault, and not his father’s.
His hands stop. Adeline doesn’t waste breath. Not anymore. “Takes some getting used to, I guess.”
“It’s a miracle you’re alive, you know.” Adeline pours them two cups, handing him one. “It’s not easy bringing a body out of cryostasis.”
Jericho blows on his tea, not sure where she’s going with this. “Considering all this family put me through? Yeah. A fucking miracle.”
“Language.” Ripe coming from the woman who has likely committed war crimes. 
“The words you use shouldn’t matter. It’s how you use them.”
Adeline sighs. “Just spit it out, Jericho.”
He quirks his head, holding up the cup. 
“You know what I mean.”
“Why did you lie to me about my dad?”
“I was trying to protect you.”
“A son needs to love and respect his father.”
“You just didn't want me in the business!” Most would throw the teacup and shatter it, but even on his angriest days, Jericho prefers to avoid violence. So, he sets the cup, untouched, back on the tray, and storms out. 
“Have you slept?” The team medic, Doctor Maya Owens, checks the vitals of her least favorite patient. Her brow furrows skeptically as Rose yawns. 
“Nothing but, Doc.”
Dr. Owens eyes her through her glasses, pressing on Rose’s wrist for her pulse. “Have you slept well?”
Rose lifts her arm begrudgingly, so the medic can wrap the compression sleeve around it, as she considers the question. “Maybe?”
“Blood pressure’s low. How much caffeine have you had today?”
“Five cups. You think it would work better if I sweetened it with cocaine?”
“I think the cocaine would kill you.”
“You’re no fun.” 
“It’s not my job to be fun.” She sighs as she makes some notes in her chart. “Looks like you’re suffering from adrenal fatigue.”
“So, what drugs will you give me?”
Dr. Owens rubs her forehead with her thumb, swiveling her chair to face away from her. “Just lay off the caffeine and try to relax.”
Rose shifts her spinny chair in arcs from side to side. “Not my job to relax.”
“Well, my job is to keep you alive.”
She snorts. “I’m not easy to kill, remember?”
“Death comes for everyone eventually, Rose. Don’t go around tempting him, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
“Daddy!” A five-year-old girl beams at Roy from his computer screen. 
“Hi Lian,” Roy smiles back, his hand shaking just slightly beneath his desk, where she can’t see. Damn, she looks more and more like her mother every day. 
How fucking dare you, Roy Harper.
I have to do what’s best for her, Jade. 
Taking a girl away from her mother? 
I’m taking her away from both of us. Making sure she turns out nothing like us. 
“Daddy?” Lian’s eyebrows crease. “You went away again.”
“Sorry, Lian.” Roy swallows, plastering what he hopes is a brave smile on his face. “Daddy’s just tired.”
“I love you, Daddy.”
“I love you, too.” Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t– “Why don’t you show me what you made class today?”
Lian holds up a monstrosity of a construction paper creature, all clashing colors. “Look! He has five teeth!” She holds up five fingers, beaming. “I’m five, too!”
“Yes, Li. Yes, you are.”
Lian’s bedroom door opens, and an apologetic middle-aged woman gently puts a hand on her shoulder. “Sorry, Mr. Harper. But Lian’s got school in the morning.”
Roy glances at the clock. “Oh, sh–crap. Right. Sorry.”
Lian’s foster mom looks up at him. “Same time next week?”
Sooner? Roy wants to say, but he knows they’re busy. Knows he’s busy. “Yeah, that works great. Goodnight Lian. Be a good girl for me, okay? I love you.”
“I love you too, Daddy.”
Ah, finally. Donna’s tea has cooled enough to drink. She shouldn’t have caffeine this late at night, but the chai was calling to her. And these leads on Poison Ivy, or not Poison Ivy, as the villainess herself keeps insisting,  aren’t going to follow themselves, are they? Just a little pick me up at the ARGUS computer, and Donna will be all set to go. Just as she’s going to take her first coveted sip, Donna hears a knock at the door jamb behind her. The tea comes this close to spilling onto her lap, and it’s only her reflexes and training that land the mug right side up on the desk. 
“Yeah?” Donna calls out after she stops reeling. 
“Can I talk to you about Rose?” Artemis chews her lip. How very un-Artemis-like. 
“Shit. Did she set the kitchen on fire? Hack the computer again? Booby trap Jericho’s roo-” Artemis stops her with a hand on her shoulder, and Donna, out of habit, violently shrugs it off. She might have accepted the other Amazon as a teammate, but they sure as hell aren’t buddies. Not now, not ever.
“She hasn’t done anything wrong.” Artemis clears her throat. “That I’m aware of.” It might be the hum of the computer, but she swears she hears a crack in her voice. “This is more personal in nature.”
Donna finally turns in her chair, staring at Artemis. “You’re asking me for relationship advice?”
“Why not? You’ve had lovers before, have you not?” Artemis leans against the door frame, her head nearly bumping against the top.
“I mean, yeah, but–” Did a largely un-acted upon whirlwind romance with Garth count?
“Then you can help me.” Artemis leans on the desk, folding her arms. Donna imagines it’s supposed to look confident, if not intimidating but even with the other Amazon’s muscles, she can still see the slouch in her shoulders and the crease in her eyebrows. Now this was not a look she ever expected from Artemis of Bana Migdahl. 
“How do I get Rose to–how do you say it– ”get serious” with me?”
Donna spits out her tea. “Rose? Wilson?” She sets her mug down, clearing her throat. “You’re kidding.”
Artemis, always completely centered in her gravity, shifts on her feet. “Is that one of your sayings or?”
“You know what she did to Jason, right?”
“She “fleeced” him for information, did she not?”
Donna snorts. “Mythology puns, really?”
Ah, there’s that trademark Artemis smirk. “We both know it’s not a myth.”
Donna rubs her temples. “Right. Okay. What I’m getting at is I don’t think Rose is…. all that romantic.”
“Oh.” Artemis deflates, damn her. 
“Wait, hold on. Does Artemis of Bana Mighdal want romance?”
Artemis levels her a familiar glare “Is that so surprising?”
“It’s just…. you never seemed to stick with one partner very…long.”
“Never mind.” Artemis turns to leave. Donna grabs her hand, stopping her short. She looks up at her, all that fury and resentment of all their years pitted against each other still burning in her eyes. “What?”
“Have you thought about talking to her?”
Artemis doesn’t answer–-she just slips into the hall, letting the door close behind her.
The van pulls up to a drainpipe, teeming with greenery. Long, white, and spidery vines crawl over every plant in sight, trapping them like a net. One net contains a distinctly human shape. 
“Oh god.” Donna covers her nose, turning a bit green about the edges. 
Barbara must have completely lost her sense of smell by now. “Fresh crime scene. Have at it.” She waves in the body’s general direction as Jason puts her wheelchair on the ground.
They fan out, and Ivy clears her throat. Jason meets Barbara’s eyes, and her lips press into a thin line. “I better not regret this.”
“Best behavior, Ivy,” Jason murmurs, as he presses the deactivator on her power-dampening collar. 
“Always.” Ivy winks, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. 
She steps forward, turning back to look at them. “Hurry up, would you? I don’t have all n–” Ivy chokes on her next word, and then she doubles over. 
“Is she–?”
And then Ivy screams. She doubles over, falling to her knees. Gasping for air, she chokes out, “I should have had more time.” Her skin pales and glimmers with sweat as she shakes. 
“Ivy?” Jason frowns steps toward her. “You okay?”
Ivy sways as she stands up directly in front of him. The plants around her writhe as she spits out. “Your seas are rising, and your forests are on fire. What is the fucking point of this? As far as I’m concerned, you’re running out of ground to stand on, Robin.” Rose pulls out her swords, Artemis her ax. Roy reaches for his quiver. Even Donna readies her lasso. 
Jason swallows. “I’m not Robin anymore.” 
“Then why are you still acting like a fucking bat?” She glares at Barbara as she gasps for air. “Why are you still running around with pigs like her?”
Jericho steps forward, his eyes losing their color. Roy stops him with a hand. 
“Ivy. I know you’re in a lot of pain. And you’re angry. As you should be.” Jason holds up both hands, his guns still in their holsters. “But right now, I need you to breathe.” He counts to four with one hand, breathing in slowly, holding it for another four, and letting it out at the same count, and holding it for another. 
Ivy’s eyes lose their glow, and the plants around her settle. “Who taught you box breathing?”
Rose looks at Jason, but he avoids her eyes. “Did you see anything we could use to find who murdered those people?”
Ivy turns back to the glowing cuscata, feeding on the basil. She shakes her head, stepping toward it. “One moment,” she says shakily. Stretching out her hand, Ivy says softly, “Hello, little one.
“She talks to them?” Donna whispers to Roy. 
He shrugs. “Don’t ask me. I’m not her bestie like Jason is.”
“Something wrong?”
Ivy sucks the wound on her thumb, furrowing her brow. “I’m not sure.” 
“Aren’t plants supposed to be your thing?” Rose folds her arms.
“It’s like she doesn’t recognize me,” Ivy mutters, and then jerks her head in their direction. “HEY. They’re not just my thing! I am an agent of the Green–”
The amarbel shivers.
“That isn’t funny. I’m not being funny.” Ivy turns back to the parasitic plant. “What do you mean I’ve been here before?”
Jason’s eyes widen. 
“No, I haven’t.” 
Jericho looks at him. Had Ivy told them the truth or not? Was the former Robin’s faith in her misplaced?
“FINE. Show me who you saw here this morning.”
The amarbel unfurls from its meal, twisting and turning until it takes the shape of a woman, roughly Ivy’s height. She fumes, her fists white knuckled at her sides. “I already told you. It wasn’t me!”
“You gotta admit, Ivy. The resemblance is uncanny.” Roy murmurs softly.
Jason steps forward, stopping at her side. “What’s that on her head?”
That stops Ivy short, as if she’s truly taking in the form of it for the first time. “It’s a crown.”
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