#Also fun facts that I'm certain are completely irrelevant:
sprucestairs · 2 months
I stg if I have covid for the THIRD FUCKIN TIME-
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twinkle-art · 1 year
since you talked about sho's relationship with toichiro after the last comic, I'm curious about your takes on serizawa's relationship with him now (if you want to share)
ohhhhhhh boy do i ever have takes on what was going on there. for everyone's sake i'm just going to try to keep it to what my reading of the actual text is so. this is. that
the most surface-level observation that i think needs to be made here is that serizawa OBVIOUSLY adored him. he thought extremely highly of him and valued his words accordingly. 
i get why people tend to gloss over this part but. it’s incredibly overt and i think it does his character a disservice to ignore that he was both victimized by touichirou and complicit in a lot of what he did. he had his reservations and doubts about claw’s intentions from the beginning on account of Having A Moral Compass, so the number one thing that kept him in line was that touichirou had him completely wrapped around his finger. notably, it wasn’t through threat or overt coercion, but because he preyed on his desperation to feel seen and needed.
(a slightly more nuanced take on this facet of their dynamic is that while fear WAS a relevant component, i really, really don’t think serizawa was ever made to be scared of touichirou in the context of his capacity for violence prior to wd arc, and think that would’ve been counterintuitive to the particular way he went about manipulating him. he WAS, however, scared of returning to his life as a shut-in, and since he didn’t see any options for himself besides that and his dependency on him, it was in touichirou’s best interest to allow that fear to fester)
and.. at the risk of sounding like i’m playing devil’s advocate.. it makes COMPLETE sense to me that serizawa would feel this way. fifteen years is an incredibly long time to be isolated and have god knows how many people all resoundingly fail to help you. like. no shit he’s willing to ignore the sinister undertones of the only person who was able to save him from that fate, the first person who ever made him feel like he wasn’t alone. it’s easy for us as an external audience to go well, obviously that guy was the fucking worst, what redeeming qualities would serizawa even cling onto, but having that profound of a material effect on his life really can’t be understated imo. i think it’s completely natural and normal that on some level, he’d still feel a level of gratitude* to him for that, despite rationally knowing it wasn’t for his benefit. 
*idk how many of you are familiar with the fanbook blurb that states what i always assumed was the intended subtext more overtly. i actually translated the page it’s from myself, if you’re interested in that. i promise i’m not lying for fun on the internet i’m sure this information is available somewhere else by now
or to say all of that in much simpler terms: he loved this guy the way you’d love a meal that kept you from starving to death, even if it was poisoned
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(fig. a– girl what the hell is this)
(as an aside: i don’t necessarily disagree with anyone who focuses on reading discomfort into serizawa’s interactions with him but… as i said before i simply don’t think that renders the constant stream of admiration for him irrelevant)
now, obviously this is muddied by the fact that these feelings were born of truly heinous manipulation, but it’s also just observably true that they spend nearly all their shared screentime with serizawa fawning over him and hanging onto his every word. 
it’s because he felt this way that i think the role he adopted under his guidance stuck to the point where he took it with him when he left claw. like, he fully internalized this idea of being The Muscle as a perfectly normal way to express that he cares for, and feels an obligation to, certain people in his life. so while obviously it goes without saying that his relationship to spirits and such (or reigen specifically, if that’s what you’re in the mood for) is so much more fulfilling and respectful and real, you can still see that learned behavior present. i don’t think that’s a bad thing inherently, like, of course you want to protect people you care about, but i do find it……….interesting lol
but this has all been about how serizawa feels about touichirou, because obviously that’s way more important to him than the other way around. how touichirou feels about serizawa i think requires a lot more extrapolation and personal interpretation of the themes he’s here to deliver. personally, my stance can be summarized with two statements: 
on some level, he took serizawa’s betrayal personally despite claiming to be above human connection, because this series is committed to the truth that no one actually is
telling serizawa to let him go and learn his lesson because he never cared about him anyways, after all the violence/grevious child abuse/openly admitted exploitation/that whole mad king-esque breakdown still wasn’t enough to permanently sever his attachment, was the first and only kindness he ever showed him
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(fig. b– the manga omission i’ll be saddest about forever rip spare battery scene you’ll always be famous)
(sorry i keep making asides. but referring to the umbrella that he presented him with under the guise of it being a necessary tool as his weapon the second it’s turned on him is an incredible way to make him show his hand)
in conclusion mp100 is Oops All Parallels all the way down so you see echoes of these themes all over the place. it’s just that this is a strong contender for the most horribly mangled manifestation of a way someone can come to care for someone else in this entire story
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wenamedthedogkylo · 1 year
Idk if I'm gonna be able to put this in a coherent way rn, but to me it is incredibly fun and interesting to see all the different takes from the fandom on the fictional theology of Exandria, because that seems to me to be much more in line with the point of this campaign. Like to me, whether or not the endgame is to have the party save the gods or help get rid of them is completely irrelevant. I get why people are hung up on that, but I think that focusing only on what the tangible outcome will be—focusing only on what the party will actually end up doing—is missing the point.
The way I see it, the discussion itself of whether the gods are worth saving or not is the point or the theme. We know that the cast all kind of agree upon themes they want to explore before starting a campaign, and this is a pretty hefty one to tackle, but it's a very important one because it's generating conversation where there might otherwise not be any.
There are some pro-gods takes that have me—as someone who personally has had almost exclusively terrible experiences with religious people and certain gods—instinctively recoiling and shaking my head. But there is also validity to the takes that a lot of the anti-gods rhetoric coming out of the NPCs especially is of a very particular brand that most of us dislike almost as much as we dislike proselytizers and zealots. All of those angles being discussed in tandem, that is the point more than anything else as far as I can tell.
In fact, if I were to guess at what theme or point is being presented here, it's that this is not a simple topic and allowing one person or even a single small group of people to decide something as monumental as this for the whole world is categorically insane and unjust. The point is to get people thinking critically about their relationship to faith and gods in conjunction with understanding the relationships others have as well, and to work together to find a solution that is more amicable for everyone involved rather than a solution that makes assumptions for others or only caters to one set of beliefs. It's to understand that one voice should not be heard louder than the others when the fate of millions is at stake. Whether that one voice is the zealotry of Vasselheim or the zealotry of Ludinus Da'leth, because zealotry in ALL its forms is toxic and destructive.
It's not about "are you pro-god or anti-god." It's about "one person should not get to decide the fate of everyone in the world, and one set of beliefs should not get to reign supreme and control everyone's futures." And while I personally lean more in the direction of being anti-god, ultimately I don't care whether they all get eaten or not, or which route the party goes down or even if they find a different route entirely. What matters is that they, the people of Exandria, and the people watching this show all need to grapple with this together and come to a better understanding of one another, so that they can then work to topple any factions which seek to impose a singular world order on everyone else.
Again idk if any of that makes sense, but that's my take on it at least. And that's not at all to discount anyone's personal feelings about the plot or how it's going either! Good fiction makes us wrestle with things in a space that's safe to do so, and we're all wrestling with this together. Just hopefully this will give a slightly different perspective that maybe some people haven't thought of yet.
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just-my-type-x · 5 months
A statement from me to u
I'm currently waiting for my food to cool down and I had the idea of putting some things into place.
I'd like to start by saying that I'm so used to dramatic shit, that nothing in the celeb world actually surprises me, nor does it affect me. When I said I'm not biased, I really meant it. The fact that I don't care about certain things a certain celeb does and my reaction is completely blank and I'm not bothered whatsoever, doesn't mean I'm biased. it simply means I don't give a shit and that that thing doesn't affect me or it's not a matter of importance for me. And because it's not a matter of importance for me, it doesn't mean I or we as a tiny group that we're on this platform should be called delusional or that we're lying to ourselves in order to feed our imaginations on something that's not real.
Secondly, fans in general should have low standards when it comes to certain celebs bc not all of them are great. I'm not saying the band fits this pattern necessarily, but there should always be room for disappointment, as I also said in the past. Therefore, the whole Brad situation can be a great example. If u met him and didn't like him, why bother go around and try to explain to people why he's shit, just ignore him and the rest. Proof or no proof, his behaviour can depend on a lot of factors, this is why I find this an irrelevant topic. Everyone says bad things, he shouldn't be held accountable for something like this just bc he's famous and almost everyone expects him to behave how they think it's appropriate for a celeb to act like. And another thing I'd like to add here is that if u've made a bad impression about himself the 1st time, u're most likely to have a biased conception about him from now on, which will look like everything he does or says is wrong.
Now, I like to think of myself as a patient person when it comes to certain subjects we approach and with people as a whole, especially if we're passionate about the same artists or topics. I don't know what that was a few days ago, if that was to test my limits or whatever, but I draw the line at being disrespectful. I want to apologize for that ask that I got which said that we should all go down together or whatever that shit said, bc none of u deserve such a statement from anybody. I should've stopped the anonymous asks right then, but I value all sorts of opinions and I am not the one to silence anybody, hence why I discuss every single topic with u guys. But to get to that extent, to which other people started sending me stuff about that ask, is disturbing.
From now on, whichever I feel like might end up like that conversation, will be deleted from my inbox. I also draw the line on that topic. I promise I'll do all my manifesting to meet Brad and give u a full-on review (😂 let's joke for a second cuz I don't like being so serious, and I'm also not making fun of that anon, I'm pretty serious also about that bc I know people don't talk just to keep themselves busy. I also leave a full-on possibility of the anon being right, wrong, being in the middle and so on).
Ending it in a light note, love u all and thank u for these years on this platform and I'm looking forward the next gossip session ♥️🌺
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I've been getting into baseball recently, and it's got me thinking about the weird push for Americans to get into soccer. (I'm not imagining that, am I? The weird disdain you see for people who prefer football?)
A lot of people in college would tell me that soccer was the only sport worth caring about, because it's so popular worldwide. I always thought that was a funny argument. Like, why should it matter to me that I'm watching the same game as someone on a different continent? Isn't it kinda cooler if there's a wide variety of games worldwide?
Baseball is the biggest in the US, I'm sure, but it's also huge in countries like Japan, the Dominican Republic, and Cuba... and that's really cool, I think! The fact that baseball resonates so much with the people there says something small, but interesting about both the sport and the culture and history of the area. And cricket is a big deal in India and Australia - it's not a sport I care about much, but I love how there are places where people do care. I just find stuff like that so cool, and it would really depress me to think that the only metric for how much a sport should matter is how many countries agree that it matters.
Not sure if this is anything you'd care about, sorry - just, booooo to globalism, I guess! Regional quirks are good for humanity!
So, first off, if you're just getting into baseball I'd enthusiastically recommend the PBS documentary Baseball by Ken Burns. I just started getting into baseball this year too (went to my first MLB game even) and it's a really great way to learn the history of the sport and why certain players and plays and teams and games are still talked about today.
Second, in America, soccer is the little known hipster Euro indie band of sports. It doesn't matter if it's good or not, it's just unpopular enough to be cool and it's foreign, so people who want to look down on American culture latch onto it. I don't really know why soccer never caught on in the US. It can't be because it's boring or slow, because baseball can also be boring and slow, at least before they implemented the pitch clock (which I think is the greatest change the game has even seen and I probably just made a lot of people very mad lol) and that's the third most popular sport in the country. It can't be because it isn't violent like football or hockey, because, again, baseball, and also basketball because basketball players are the literal softest athletes in the world when it comes to fouls and basketball is more popular than soccer. It can't be because there's too many white people--hockey--or too many non white people--basketball.
I dunno, I'm going off on a side quest here.
You're right, "the rest of the world likes this" is one of the stupidest reasons to like something. Hell, I vastly prefer the XFL over the NFL, and me and my husband are watching Slamball later on tonight. I've watched all kinds of combat sports, and things like Wipeout and American Ninja Warrior. I've watched pro wrestling and amateur wrestling. I've watched grappling fights. I've watched figure skating. Snowboarding. Sure, many of these I've only watched once or twice, but the sheer variety of sports that are out there, some regional, some not, is a great thing. You can always find something that appeals to you. Even if it's only you and a few other people watching. One of the great things about sports is its ability to connect a room full of complete strangers for a few hours. Whether that "room" is your living room, or a sports bar, or a backyard, or a stadium filled to capacity doesn't matter at all. As long as you're enjoying something and getting something out of it, that's all that matters. The "best" sport is impossible to determine with any objectivity. The most popular sport is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is what's fun to watch or play.
Besides, we all know the best sport is Blitzball anyway.
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tessabennet · 11 months
So. *wiggles eyebrows* You're saying if I ask real nice, you'll give me ALL the spoilers? I'm SO VERY tempted right now to ask a million questions and have you spoil the shit out of your own fic. 👀
But where's the fun in that? So much of the excitement of reading the series is in finding out how you're going to deal with certain events/characters/canon fuck-ups and how you're ultimately going to turn this ship around.
So, I will refrain (so generous of me, I know!). Still, if you feel so inclined, can I ask 25 & 35 for the ask game?
Also, since I'm writing this in a sort of vegetative state from my sickbed (yes, please pity me, thank you!), can I ask for a line/snippet from one of the future parts, pretty please?
Thank you!🥰
Noo, J, sorry to hear you're sick. Hope it's nothing too serious 😧
Your restraint is greatly appreciated btw, I know how hard it must be 😜😁 So, here we go with the asks:
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
Bucky's favourite drink is a Mamie Taylor. He never much got to drink it, because the places they usually went to before the war didn't really do cocktails (more like beer and hard liquor, you know?) He rediscovered it in the 21st century, by which point it had also become Steve's favourite - because, well, nowadays the drink is called a Buck.
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
Write what you know is the obvious answer. Like... no? Sir, this is comic book logic. I'm no brain surgeon or neurologist, I'm going on pretentious name dropping and wikipedia alone. I've only been to a tiny fraction of all the places I name in the series; I only know Brooklyn by google maps street view. I never once ran an international intelligence agency or worked as a black ops agent. How the fuck would I ever write anything if it was just me and my life experience??
The other thing I've seen as ""advice"" before is to not use semicolons. Which, fuck that. You can pry those from my cold dead hands because I need them and we're bound for live, it's a love story, etc etc.
As for the snippet you asked for, of course you'll get one! A long one even, right under the cut. It's from the latest chapter I wrote, only just this morning.
I really hope you'll feel better very soon!! Gute Besserung ❤️‍🩹
Because Steve moved back to the Heights. Once he'd found the place, he knew there wouldn't be another choice. He's just a few streets away from the place where, before the war, he was the happiest. Just a few block away from his and Bucky's old place.
A few years ago he probably wouldn't have been willing to pay for his new place. Able, maybe, but too stubborn to give in to the insane prices that a place in Brooklyn will cost in this century.
Except the prices have gone way down since the Snap. Fewer people in the world means fewer people with the kind of money that can afford a condo like this. In fact, the apartment Steve got here is probably way below the kind of place he could afford. He started realising way back when he first moved to DC that there's a whole new world of apartments that he could afford, way more luxurious than this one. He never cared for that shit, and he's not starting now.
This condo's more than enough, really. It's a quiet street, relatively speaking. It's only a short way to work. He's close to Cadman Plaza, which opened in 1939, when he and Bucky were still living in Montague Street. It feels familiar. Steve sometimes goes by the War memorial on his way home. Somehow, that feels way more sincere than the showy statue of Captain America in Prospect Park. After all, Captain America never lived in Brooklyn; he never set foot in it, not really. In Brooklyn, Steve's ever only been some guy. A mouthy one, yes, but nothing special.
Bucky would disagree on this. But that's not the point.
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I agree, but I am also curious to hear your reasoning as to why you dislike people making fun of words used in some spicy writing so much.
Well, let me tell you a story. When I was a young lad back in high school I read a book. It was called Lord of The Flies. I was a couple pages in and the writer used a substitute for eyes that made me wrinkle my nose because "omg that is so weird. This book is so pretentious, I'm definitely not going to like it". That ended up being my favorite book that year and kicked judgmental me right in the buttocks lol.
Imagine if the writer of Lord of The Flies was still alive today. Imagine if "teen that thought it was fun/funny to diss things" me talked to them before giving the book an actual chance and completely discouraged this writer, ignoring the fact they made a great and thought provoking novel just because they used a word for eyes I didn't like. Imagine if then, in any space people talked about writing eyes, I basically made it my mission to pull up examples and make fun of other people's work just because they use a word for eye I didn't like. Yeah, it'd be pretty damn shitty of me.
See what I'm getting at here? Except it's worse because sex and what turns people on is so vulnerable and personal. And, to hone in my main point more, I really want to directly point out the people who are being targeted by people being overly judgmental about word choice during sex scenes:
Sex repulsed individuals that still like writing smut but are made uncomfortable by certain words.
Trauma victims that are uncomfortable using certain words.
Neurodivergent individuals that connect with some wording more than others.
People in systems who describe sex differently because they feel sex differently with their alters.
People who genuinely find it hot and are being teased for harmless fun/interest.
The only times I think it's actually acceptable to diss smut language is when:
It's a case of men writing women's anatomy dangerously badly.
Bigoted language is being used.
Harmfully abusive behavior is being romanticized.
Also as an fyi, if a book is bigoted and harmful outside of a sex scene, then you don't have to make fun of a sex scene to point that out. Unless the bigotry is in that scene and its wording, it's irrelevant.
Of course, people have different tastes and that is 100% okay. But anytime I see people diss the language used when it isn't harming anyone, my immediate thought is "get over yourselves". There is a difference between saying, "so this is why this language doesn't work well for me personally" and going "lol why don't you just use dick though? Omg this is so stupid" or something. It'd be nice if people stopped making writing spaces unsafe just because they wanna have a laugh at someone using the word "sword" or something instead of dick. It's unnecessary and just mean spirited. If you don't like it, then just get out of the bedroom, it's that simple. There are so many other smutty books, fanfictions, and scenes you could be reading that fit your tastes better rather than being rude about the one's that do not.
Thanks for asking! /gen
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koko-soko · 8 months
Let me guess. You’re a Zenos enjoyer and that’s why you hate Zero. Because she got exactly the story you had hoped for Zenos. For him to learn how to be around people and go on adventures with you, but instead of him, his voidsent got the story.
Neat, my first ask on this account.
Oh dear lord I would have quit the game if they gave my sweet precious boy Zenos this story. Zenos is perfect as he is, and what you're describing is literally the plot of 6.0.
The patch story is, like, really bad.
1. It's clearly just a trial story, which is fine, but because they called it the msq, they felt they needed to take up a certain amount of playtime. So they invented these completely contrived, fake problems that give us an excuse to waste a ton of time talking to NPCs in Garlemald and the First who really have nothing meaningful to say.
2. The solution to their contrived problem, at least in Garlemald, flies in the face of the themes of the decade-long msq--selflessness, self-determination. It's literally just the propaganda line for 21st century colonialism??? "Garlemald, this poor sweet darling baby 🥹, its people are desperate not to improve their conditions, but to really feel like they've earned it 🥹 ! I know, we'll stop providing aid and instead let them sell off their natural resources to Thavnair for pennies, y'know, for the spirits of the people!"
3. E v e r y t h i n g just felt so god damn forced. The Golbez / Durante stuff was played up for tears, but we literally only just last patch learned who the fuck they are and their back story. Zeromus is completely irrelevant to the plot and was just an excuse to give us a trial. They literally were like "sorry, wol, you missed the story cuz you were just roleplaying a nuke, here's an echo flashback of what the *real* heroes were doing".
4. **Zero.** Counter to what I think you're implying, I never really had resentment toward her *in the context of Zenos*. Zenos had his ending. In fact, he had three endings if you're counting the high school AU. I love him, I love his character, I'd love to see more of him, but if they're done with him, I'm satisfied. **On the other hand** Zero just whines the entire god damn time, in the same exact way, about how she doesn't understand non-transactional relationships until suddenly it clicks for her in 6.5. There's no development, it's like they had an *idea* for the development and direction of the character, but they forgot they had to stretch it for two years worth of main story, so they just....had her repeat herself until her gigantic 180. It's not *shown* how she's transactional in nature or changing, it's just that she literally tells us every patch that that's how she is. It's so god damn boring and dry. It's like reading a 14 year old's fanfic.
5. The constant, unrelenting fellatio of FF4 also doesn't help. I have nothing against it, but they went *hard* with the "inspiration" this time. Makes everything feel disposable and predictable.
6. And since you brought up Zenos, like. Zero went *out of her way* to bring up Zenos in conversation, out of nowhere, four patches in a row. They were clearly angling to draw a contrast here, but it was never made. She never accepted or rejected Zenos view on friendship, she just ... WANTED TO SAY WORDS I guess. God I fucking. That went nowhere.
7. AND SPEAKING OF THINGS THAT WENT NOWHERE 6.1 was full of neat little lore about the voidsent and souls and what it means to devour someone. This all went absolutely freaking nowhere. Just thought we'd bring it up I guess????
8. So much, SO MUCH of Endwalker's story--main, patch, and side--revolves around the theme of companionship. At the same time, the game that story is in is progressively turning into a single player action rpg. It leaves the stories feeling hollow and fake. Like, okay, I should make friends and that's where the fun of the game should be. How should I do that? Uh...sit in limsa I guess? Cuz everywhere else is either silent (DF), communication forbidden (PvP), just soloed by the community (v/c dungeons), or positions other people as either warm bodies or hindrances (PF). FUCKING ENDWALKER man. They started off so strong with the msq and fucked it up every single step of the way.
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strangefellows · 2 years
I am also suffering from 'can't work without a prompt' so I'm here to put one in your inbox but I don't know any guys from your animes so you'll have to pick which one to write about for this one l: “I picked a bad time to become a decent person.”
HILARIOUSLY i was just poking at thoughts abt a character who this would fit perfectly, so here have some thoughts i’m trying to put together through a drabble
It was, for a moment, incredibly tempting to throttle the woman in front of him. Deeply so. And yet, for some reason, he didn’t.
(He knew the reason. But if that man could be a world champion of denial, so could he.)
“Why are you like this,” he asked instead, voice flat and hoarse from disuse, with an undercurrent of irritation despite his best efforts (or maybe due to them, he wasn’t certain anymore). “Why.”
She just grinned at him. “You know the answer to that,” she teased. “I’m incurably reckless and terminally diagnosed with Hero Syndrome. And maybe I just like messing with you.”
“I don’t think I would say maybe,” he snapped. “You could have died, you realize. I could list the ways it could have happened, but I’d have to choose whether to do so chronologically or in order of severity, and we would be here far, far too long.” 
She had the gall to raise her eyebrows. “Because you’re just dying to run away again, right?” She asked. “I mean, I’m actually looking at you straight on this time! That’s new.” She paused. “When was the last time you had a shower?”
“First of all, that’s completely irrelevant,” he told her. “Second of all, where are your Servants? Where is--” A pause, hopefully too brief to be noticed, though he has little faith it slipped her nosy insight. “--Kyrielight?” 
By the widening of her grin, that slip had been caught. Damn it. 
“Mash and everyone are around!” She reassured him with a laugh. “This isn’t exactly a Lostbelt, remember? It’s just a holiday Singularity. I’m allowed to wander off!” She had the grace to, here, at least look sheepish. “I...maybe should be more careful where I step, though. I’m learning self-defense but those chickens were definitely the nasty, out for blood, peck me to death kind. I mean, though, seriously, where did the evil chickens come from?? The first time I saw them was Luluhawa, though, so probably--”
He groaned. “The origins of the homicidal farm animals are beside the point,” he grumbled. “They could have killed you. And had you fled in the other direction, it would have been right into a nest of chimera. Do you have any spatial awareness at all?” He grimaced. “Really, I’d assumed the Singularity had been dealt with.”
“It has,” she said with a grin. “You should know these things last a few more days after we de-Grail them. Let me have some last ditch summer fun, okay?”
...alright, no, he really was going to throttle her. His hand connected with his face hard. “And nearly getting pecked to death by angry roosters is your idea of summer fun these days?” He asked, voice faintly muffled. “Why did I bother? I should have let you die. It would have served you right. You need to learn that actions have consequences.”
“Why didn’t you~?” She asked, leaning forward. “I mean, you’ve been pretty hands off and all so far.” She paused, looking insufferably smug; she must have picked up the expression from the King of Uruk, ugh. “You care. You caaare about me, don’t you?”
He looked at her with as much disgust and annoyance as he could muster. “I do no such thing,” he said, attempting to sound disdainful, though it only managed to come off as defensive. “You’re all idiots. It--” He huffed. “It would be a damned pathetic end to this if you died being eaten by a chicken in one of these low-risk, inconsequential, ridiculous Singularities. That’s all.”
“Mmmmhm,” she said, disbelieving. “You like us idiots, though.”
“I do not!” He snapped, startled at the fact he’d raised his voice. “You-- tch, I picked the worst time to decide to allow myself a bit of basic decency. I’m leaving.”
She beamed at him, undeterred. “Awww, saving my life is ‘basic decency’, you really do care!”
“...and I will let you get eaten next time,” he told her flatly. “See if I don’t.”
He spun on a heel to depart, already casting the spell that would take him outside the Singularity -- he had places to be, after all, there were still two Lostbelts remaining -- and still he heard her behind him.
“You mean like the time with Sheba and the leopard?” She asked sweetly, and his breath hitched in surprise before he could catch it. “She told me about that one a while back.”
Well. He had nothing to say to that, save to finish his spell and leave. Damn it all, that woman was impossible. Absolutely impossible.
...why did he always end up fond of the impossible ones? That man had no explanation to give, either, and in all his wisdom, that was one of the few questions that remained unanswered...one of the riddles he couldn’t solve, so to speak. If he had to be sentimental about it. 
Tch. That man had left him more sentimental than he once was. He knew that. And still, it blindsided him at the worst moments. He had a duty to carry out now, again, and his messy, human sentiment would just get in the way. And yet...and yet, her laughter and her smile still lingered in the back of his head, as it always did.
(Perhaps one day, she would be the one to welcome him home-- no. A foolish notion, yet more unnecessary sentimentalism. He had no more wishes left, after all.)
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travlersjoy444 · 2 years
Saw ur reblog so uh 4, 16, 25, 35 and 39, ITS ALOT I KNOW BUT IM JUST REALLY CURIOUS, and i wanna learn from you cause you're one of my faves😭😭😭
I'm happy to answer! (And thank you, you're literally so sweet my dude! :))
4.) Q: What's a word that makes me go feral?
A: Hissed. I love how it can imply a very serious scene while also reminding me of a cat- like 'Hunter hissed' could mean he's in pain, but it could also mean he makes cat sounds when angered. It's just very amusing to me. My other top word is dreary, simply because of my love for rain, clouds, and the cozy gloom of writing on a dreary afternoon...(I know, I'm being overly poetic-)
16.) Q: What's the weirdest thing I've used as a bookmark?
A: Probably steampunk goggles. Or maybe that one steampunk Monster High doll. In case you couldn't tell, I like steampunk stuff.
25.) Q: What is a weird hyper-specific detail I know about one of my characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
A: Darling, I have a whole list! But to spare your time, I'll just share a few.
My OC, Finn Basilton, wears lipgloss instead of chapstick. He says it's more fun to wear, but would never ever tell anyone. It's like a really dumb secret.
Romina Aster -another OC- really wants a motorcycle. She'll get one someday, but long after the story is over.
(Y/N) in 'Masks and Bets' is much more focused on magic than combat. I also like to think their dad is a bard, but that's just because my dad would probably be a bard. (He has a huge collection of instruments and a personality like Gomez Addams. He'd love to be a bard.)
35.) Q: What's my favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
A: Whenever people say "don't use the word 'said'" I just...feel mental pain. 'Said' is an invisible word, much like 'he, she, they, etc...'. When you use another word, you have to mean it, because it isn't invisible. It stand out and means something, which is great in certain contexts, buuut.....
'"Hi, how are you?" She mumbled happily' vs '"Hi, how are you?" She said'
I can't stand re-reading my old works where I'd misuse words like 'groaned' or 'muttered'- just use 'said'. It's okay to use 'said'.
39.) A: What keeps you writing when you feel like giving up?
Q: Honestly, just the fact that I get ideas. Like, I'll have writers block, but then I'll see an awesome line of dialogue in a twine game and will just...itch to write! I have ADHD so motivation can be a huge problem, but I have too many ideas to contain in my head- like, you know when you find a really cool fact and just...tell it to everyone? (No? Just me?) Because if you do, then that's how writing is for me.
However. Sometimes I just can't get over a hurdle, or I'll hate how a story is going. For instance, my OtGW fic. I still love the fic, but I've learned to be okay with putting it on the shelf for a bit. I work on rewriting it slowly but surely, and maybe by next Halloween, 'Fleeting Austice' will finally be finished satisfactorily. In other words, I just give myself some grace and be okay with being a bit slow. At least I'm writing, even if it's just one sentence a day! I read some quote by Neil Gaiman- I don't recall the exact words, but it was something like 'Inspiration won't make you a writer, dedication will.' So when I'm miserable and uninspired, I just...add another word.
And *big secret*- 'An Oath to Keep' was one of the stories I struggled with. I was completely devoid of inspiration and absolutely sick of it- And I wasn't even past a thousand words. But I painstakingly added more, bit by bit- not even all on my laptop even! I wrote the face reveal scene on my notes app at a family diner because I was bored, and was later pleased to find out that it fixed a few plotholes and added a cool plotpoint- that was how I got the everlasting oath idea in the first place! I'm still not totally pleased with how it turned out, but that leads into my last bit of advice-
You're pretty much always going to be your own harshest critic. I'm 85% sure we all do that. But glaring problems through an author's eyes....usually aren't actually problems. Keep that in mind.
TL,DR: Just keep writing, just keep writing, just keep writing writing writing....
Thanks for asking! Sorry for how long the last answer was, I hope you find some advice that might help you!
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shiroandblack · 3 years
Finwë, the Progenitor of the 'Fins'
[Disclaimer: what you are about to read are basically my thoughts and interpretation of Finwë. So if you have different thoughts and opinions that's perfectly fine]
Oh, and I'm totally not doing this because I'm procrastinating on the Fëanor thought-vomit I have going on in my head. Pfft, absolutely not!
Finwë, High King of the Noldor, Daddy to Fëanor, Findis, Fingolfin, Lalwen, and Finarfin (not that kind of daddy, get yer minds out of the gutter), husband to both Míriel and Indis, the Ned Stark of the Silmarillion, (depending on who you ask) the Fin to Elu's Finelwë -
I should stop.
First of all, we have no idea where this guy came from (I think?). He just suddenly popped out as an ambassador who basically went out with his buddies (OG Goldilocks and Tall Boy) to scout Valinor and see if the elves should move there or not. Prior to that, Finwë is not mentioned anywhere. People are generally divided if he was Tata's son as was Ingwë being Imin's son and Elwë being Enel' or if he's Unbegotten. Some also headcanon him as an orphan with his parents gone via Morgoth Kidnapping which was why he was chosen as an ambassador. I mean, magical guy on horse saying he'll take their society somewhere? I wouldn't really send the heirs or chieftains, I'd send someone competent enough to be a diplomat but ultimately no great loss to the tribal society of Cuiviénen (my god did I spell that right) if magical guy does pull a Dark Rider. Personally I do think that if he was indeed an orphan, it would explain some things in particular, like his want for many children and just a big family in general.
Anyways, the three go on their joy trip to Valinor and come back and go like "come, come, there are two pretty trees and no Dark Rider". I personally would have gone because of the no Dark Rider part but hey, if you like shiny, glowing trees and that's your main motivation, no judgement. Right after that, we don't know what happens to Imin, Tata, or Enel. Working on the assumption that the three are different people to the three '-wë's then they could have become Avari since the Avari are Tatyar and Nelyar. Interestingly, the Minyar all go and there is no more mention of Imin despite he was chieftain of all chieftains and then suddenly Ingwë is High King of all Elves? I'm gonna go with @squirrelwrangler's Klingon route here from their story 'Of Ingwë Ingweron' because I think there should be more depth to Ingwë and on a completely irrelevant note I have had a crush on 'the boy who would be Ingwë' since I started reading. You probably didn't need to know that, but now you do :)
(As you can see, I'm being very objective.)
BACK TO THE MAIN POINT. THIS IS A POST ABOUT FINWË. So anyways, the Great Journey happened and for some reason he and Elwë decide to meet up in a forest to do what nobody knows. Anyways, Elwë got skadooshed by Melian and Finwë went to Aman forever regretting the fact that he never got to do Elwë - I MEAN DO WHATEVER HE AND ELWË PLANNED in the woods of Nan Elmoth.
There he got married. Now, this is where I actually stop making fun of Finwë (yeah, no) and give you my interpretations and analysis which none of you have asked for but I'm doing anyways. So right off the bat, even when Míriel is obviously tired from giving birth to the baby who is his own crematorium - sorry, I meant Fëanàro - Finwë goes like "oh he's so pretty, I'm sure our other kids will be just as pretty". Which goes to show us that Finwë likely wanted an armada of kids right from the start. Y'all know what happens next. Point is, Míriel's dead and gone and Finwë is understandably a Sad Boy™.
Now, he also exhibits a certain impatient streak after Míriel dies. Surely he knew that the more he bothered Míriel about "hey, when are you gonna come back?" the more obstinate Míriel would be about not returning. I say he is impatient because he is an elf. He technically has all the time in Arda to wait for Míriel to return, but curiously he doesn't wait. Now, Fëanor was born in YT 1169 and Fingolfin in YT 1190 and since one YT is about 10 solar years (I'm pretty sure it's 9.8 years ish but I suck at maths so please have mercy on me) that means that Fëanor was around 200 years old when Fingolfin was born and we know Findis is elder. 200 years for an elf is not long at all, hell to the elven perception of time Finwë marrying Indis is probably like someone going out dating after 40 days of abstinence after a break up. This means that he married Indis relatively quickly after Míriel died, which shows that he was very eager for the marriage to happen.
Why? Was it because he knew Míriel wouldn't return for a very long time? Or was it because he wanted more kids? Or maybe that impatience is just intrinsic to Finwë's character? I actually don't know what to make of his motivations regarding this, so I'd love to hear anyone's opinions.
Finwë supposedly fell in love with Indis when he was going to visit Ingwë and saw her singing and the light was golden and Indis glowed and yeah. Prior to that, they most likely met in Tirion or even in Cuiviénen as Indis was close kin to Ingwë so I highly doubt that this was their first meeting and Indis was in love with Finwë since the early days of when the Vanyar and Noldor still stayed together in Tirion. This does make me wonder that even when Finwë was married to Míriel, were there seeds of feelings towards Indis? No, I am not saying he had an affair with Indis while married to Míriel, but you can feel attracted to someone even while married to another. But considering Finwë's favouritism towards Fëanor, I don't think this was the case and he probably began falling in love with Indis when he saw her singing and being basked in golden light. I do wonder what would have happened if he saw her picking her nose instead but hey, elves don't pick their noses in the Silm because all the nose dirt is removed by the sheer amount of times they must've cried in the First Age. Snotty crying ftw.
Many people in-universe seem to think that his second marriage was a mistake, but I do not think his marriage per say was a mistake. To me Finwë had the right to move on from Míriel, but what I don't agree with was that the Valar basically locked her up in Mandos for eternity. But this is a point of conflict that I feel I should address in a separate post about the Valar. In any case, what I think was the mistake was Finwë's impactful favouritism of Fëanor and his failure to reconcile Fëanor and his children by Indis. As there are a lot of external factors to him being unable to make his kids get along, I will be focusing more on the negative effects of his favouritism.
Finwë's marriage to Indis seems almost like a spontaneous decision, I don't think he actually sat Fëanor down and explained things to him quite well. After all, in Fëanor's mind Indis is the reason his mother is forever dead which is not really the case. Finwë wanted to marry Indis and Indis wanted to marry Finwë. It takes two to make the relationship work, after all. But despite Indis giving him what he wanted which is more children and a big family in general, Finwë still favoured Fëanor. Now I do get favouritism because everyone has favourites, but Finwë's favouritism only served to create more strife between Fëanor and Fingolfin. With one child, he lavishes praise and attention to the point that it's detrimental to Fëanor's growth as a person and with the other children, Fingolfin felt ignored enough to tailor his entire life into proving that he is more worthy to be Finwë's heir to - for a lack of better word - get his father to look at him the same way Finwë looks at Fëanor.
I don't doubt that Finwë loved his kids. I think he did love both Fëanor and his children by Indis, but the thing is . . . his actions always show that he loved Fëanor more. And I think that must have been devastating for his other children and what was the worst in my opinion is that Finwë doesn't seem to realise this. This could be a form of selective ignorance on Finwë's part or it could simply be that Finwë felt that he was giving equal attention to his children and that Fëanor needed more attention because he didn't have a mother. This is a logical thought process for him, but just because something seems logical it doesn't mean it's the right thing. Personally, I think Finwë's feelings towards Fëanor revolve around love and guilt and that guilt over denying Fëanor a birth mother makes him put Fëanor on a pedestal above his other children.
Now I'm gonna dive in to the circumstances up to his death. Prior to the infamous 'point-a-sword-at-traitorous-half brother' incident, the Noldor already had factions brewing under each of Finwë's sons. Which means that there were different groups supporting different sons (I'm just gonna give this quick glance because Noldorin elf politics and succession matters requires its own post honestly), both Fëanor and Fingolfin's group were advocating for these two princes to be Finwë's heir while Finarfin's most likely stayed neutral as throughout the text Finarfin has shown no real desire for kingship as his brothers (well, little did he know that his mother-name would come true in an arguably sad way). What is very interesting is the fact that Fingolfin thought he could be king after Finwë to begin with, which suggests to me that Finwë hadn't formally declared an heir. Usually it is assumed that the eldest son is heir and there would be no formal declaration needed, but the thing is Finwë had sons by a different queen and what's more is Fingolfin and Finarfin were the children of the ruling queen. Why he didn't do a formal declaration, I do wonder, because while it may have embittered Fingolfin for awhile I do think that if Fëanor had been assured of his position then maybe the two could have had some semblance of a healthy relationship. Maybe he viewed it as causing a greater rift between his children?
Now we finally get on to the sword pulling incident. We all know what happens, so I'll just skip on to the aftermath. Fëanor is exiled by Manwë, Finwë views this as an insult to his authority. I do agree that this can be viewed as that because as a Noldo, Fëanor should answer to the king of the Noldor and Manwë is exiling someone who is not his subject. But the thing is, Finwë probably wasn't going to really punish him and that's why Manwë stepped in. Hell, we have no evidence of a trial going on for what Fëanor did. But the thing is, this isn't just a regular Fëanor and Fingolfin screaming match this was Fëanor actually threatening harm to Fingolfin in front of everyone. The guy literally sashayed into the room, wearing armour and drew a sword. This must have been the equivalent of a bank robber drawing out a loaded gun to the elves.
Anyways, ya know what good ol' Finwë did to protest against Manwë's interference and Fëanor getting exiled -
He incited the Fourth Shinobi War -
No, he just yeeted off with Fëanor. Look guys, I have neutral feelings towards Fingolfin I mean he is no victim (in general) because he has done some pretty presumptuous things (which is what makes him interesting, let's be honest), but I have never ever felt so bad for him before. Hell, this is an even worse 'fuck you' then making him cross the Helcaraxë because Fingolfin's main motivation in life thus far is probably to be equal to Fëanor in Finwë's eyes. I mean, he did leave Fingolfin regent (did he? Oh gosh, I honestly forgot) but still dealt an emotional blow anyways.
Right, so we don't get much of what Finwë did in Formenos but maybe this whole thing was just for him to get a holiday. And then Melkor comes and fucks shit up by killing Finwë. Now, I'm going to talk about Finwë's murder and why it is in my opinion the Inciting Incident™ of the Silm, the Chekhov's gun being fired so to speak, the equivalent of Ned Stark's execution in the Tolkienverse. Everything else, Melkor's lies, the creation of the Silmarils, the drama between the brothers, it was a build up to this moment. And everything after, the exile of the Noldor, the War of the Jewels, it was what happened because of Finwë's murder. Prior to this, there were already factions among the Noldor as previously discussed above but none of these factions actually openly made any moves against each other. Why? Because Finwë was still alive, because Finwë was essentially the lynchpin holding the Noldor together. Now, I'm pretty sure that Morgoth killed Finwë just to fuck Fëanor's shit up even more, but what he did was quite tactically brilliant. He has effectively wrought chaos among the Noldor in one single swoop.
And thus the Quenta Silmarillion happens.
In Mandos, he meets Míriel and tells her about his life. Because maybe it went something like this:
Finwë: so yeah, you know I was with our son all the way through and then I died. What have you been doing?
Míriel: oh, you know the usual things one does when one is condemned to Mandos for eternity.
Anyways, he gives up any opportunity for life for Míriel. Which is admittedly a nice thing to do since the reason Míriel is kinda stuck there is related to him, until you find out Míriel weaves the history of the House of Finwë instead of well, I don't know building the Mírindis ship? Yeah, she probably weaved Fingon getting his head smashed open by Gothmog and getting his corpse trampled. Oh and the 'If I Die, You Die' duel between Celegorm and Dior which probably wasn't as badass as Katniss' "If we burn, you burn with us" line from Mockingjay made it seem but more bloody and violent. Also Maedhros throwing himself off into a fiery chasm. Finrod getting mauled by a werewolf.
Good times, I'm sure.
But hey, at least Fëanor comes within a few seconds after stepping into Beleriand to keep him company.
So, I'm done with teasing my analysis of Finwë. Thank you for your time. Have a nice day.
Just keep procrastinating <3
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rampagingsuga · 4 years
[ you're lucky i'm nice ]
pairing :
classmate!kageyama x reader
warnings : none
genre : fluff , friends to lovers
synopsis : school holidays meant that you were always up late on your phone watching anime & switching between your various social media apps. but when a certain classmate of yours decided to text you, you experienced something you never knew you longed for.
a/n : helloo!! i thought of this at an ungodly hour and just couldn't get it off my mind so here it is :> i know not all schools are on break at this time but for plot convenience this is what i'm using !
time - 1.10am
your eyelids fluttered shut as the ending song of the anime episode you were watching began to play. normally, you would be fast asleep at this hour but you allowed yourself to stay up more now that you were on school break. you checked your messages one last time before setting an alarm for 8am. you wished you could sleep in but there just had to be holiday club activities that day.
after plugging your phone into the charger, you curled up in bed. just as you were about to drift off to sleep, your phone began buzzing non-stop. slightly annoyed by the buzzing, you picked up your phone and let the bright light blind you.
"who in the right mind spams at 1 in the morning?" you thought.
26 new messages from [ kageyama-kun 👊]
[ texting ]
y/n : kageyama?? do you realise what time it is??
k : yeah
k : i need your help with math
y/n : at one in the morning?? i'll help you tomorrow
k : but it's urgent!!
y/n : i know for a fact that it's not because we don't even have extra lessons during the holidays 🙄
y/n : and even if we did, you wouldn't bother going, mr i-need-urgent-help-with-math
k : ouch okay fine.. but can i call you?
y/n : no ❤️ i want to ✨s l e e p ✨
k : woi y/n boke let me call you
y/n : wow way to show respect kags. fine, but if i see a math worksheet i'm hanging up on you
k : fair enough
y/n : you're lucky i'm nice 😒
k : you can call me tobio btw
that last text struck you.
somehow, these few text messages with kageyama led to you gaining so much more energy than sleep would ever let you. maybe because he always came to you for help when he had friends that he was probably more comfortable talking to. or when he managed to help you accept your bad results in that one test by bluntly spitting common sense into your head.
you sensed a growing fondness for him. it was when he texted you that you felt needed. it made you feel like someone depended on you. you felt important with him around, though many saw him as bothersome and rude. you liked it.
"hi," kageyama's raspy voice greeted you from the other end of the phone.
"hi kag- tobio," you replied, stuttering at the use of his first name.
"ne y/n, what are you doing up?"
"i could ask you the same question. but i was watching anime,"
"i was.. mustering up the courage to talk to you"
you froze. mustering up courage?? to talk to you?? but he always texted you for the most random things. usually related to school, nonetheless, what could he want to say that took so much courage?
"oh" was all you managed to say.
"d'you know about the rumours that have been circulating about us?" kags asked.
"oh? rumours?"
"yeah, people keep saying you treat me like your child with how you always look out for me. and how i always ask you for help, like a needy child," he paused, expecting a reply.
"they think we look good together, y/n,"
this caught you completely off guard. you were speechless. you had heard of such rumours but had simply brushed them off as irrelevant remarks. partly out of fear that they would ruin your friendship with kageyama. and partly because you didn't want to accept the fact that you believed they were true. you wouldn't mind being in a relationship with him.
but there was also another rumour that kageyama had been crushing on another girl. it wasn't specified but she seemed so much better than you when you heard the descriptions people gave of her. surely you had no chance with him compared to her.
"so, what do you think of it?" his calm voice breaking your train of thought.
"uhm, i don't want to believe it," you lied.
"besides, tobio-kun, you like someone else already right? why don't you talk them?" you continued, hurting your own heart in the process.
you had to let him go.
"oh.. oh wait you know about that?"
"well that girl is actually you, y/n," he spat out.
so that's why he needed so much courage to call you this one time. you contemplated confessing your own feelings at that moment as well. but you felt like you wanted to toy with him a little. without saying another word, you hung up and set your phone down.
[ the next day ]
[ texting ]
y/n : tobio-kunn can you meet me at school today? at 2pm after i finish club activities for the day
k : sure
after club, you strolled to karasuno's main gate where a certain kageyama tobio was waiting for you.
"hi, wanna go to coach ukai's store? i'm hungry," you asked.
"yea..," he replied, still confused as to why you suddenly told him to come to school.
on the walk back there, you were telling him about the things you did in club. surprisingly enough, he listened attentively as you rambled on.
this lasted all the way until you were about to leave the store.
"tobio-kun, i actually want to tell you something,"
"i like you too," you continued with full composure.
he stared back at you for a few seconds before realising where you were coming from. the previous night's, or rather morning's, call. his shoulders immediately relaxed as he took your hand to pull you out of the store, away from ukai's burning glare.
"walk," he said.
so you did, walking side by side. your heart skipping a beat whenever your hands brushed against each other. somehow halfway through your journey home, kageyama felt a sudden burst of confidence.
he stopped in his tracks. leaving you to turn around confused. he signalled for you to come to him (a/n : yk like how kenma did it to lev JSJSJ). when you got close enough, he quickly pulled you into a hug. relaxing himself into your small figure. and you did the same. you leaned in and embraced his warmth.
"thank you for letting me love you," he said sheepishly.
"any day weirdo," you replied, you head still on his chest.
when you pulled away, you motioned to continue the journey home. the both of you walked in a comfortable silence. with you feeling grateful that you had waited to confess.
when he laced his fingers with yours, you knew you were in for a ride.
a/n : AKDJSKJD the ending is kinda sloppy but this was super fun to write!
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another-dr-another · 3 years
overlooked piece of evidence? i feel like that would be the plate, right? so i'm gonna try {overlooked piece of evidence} + plate in dining hall. also uehara i sympathize with you so much, i literally have no idea who did it -no braincells anon
Maeda - Now I understand!
Maeda - The overlooked evidence... have we talked about the plate in the dining hall at all?
Mekaru - Oh, you mean the one with all the food on it, right?
Hatano - Huh? Isn't it normal for plates in the dining hall to have food?
Higa - ...It would be, but didn't Kurokawa and Tsurugi clean up?
Iranami - I was careful to clean up after myself, and I think that's true of most of us.
Iranami - So... wouldn't they have mostly been dealing with leftover cooking things?
Yamaguchi - Well yeah, but then what's with the plate? Did someone just decide to make a mess?
Kobashikawa - ...The door. The dining hall door, I didn't really investigate inside, but before we found Maeda,
Kobashikawa - Otori and I obviously walked past the dining hall door.
Kobashikawa - No one had woken up until Maeda found Tsurugi, at which point he and Tomori got everyone.
Kobashikawa - Then afterwards, we looked for Kurokawa, but Ōtori and I were right behind Maeda, who was at the front of the group.
Ōtori - No clue where this is going, but I can verify it all.
Kobashikawa - I promise you, I'm almost done.
Kobashikawa - The dining hall door wasn't shut all the way, but no one could've gone past us and opened it without seeing Tsurugi, or without Maeda seeing.
Maeda - Oh! I remember this, no one went past me.
Kobashikawa - So... then the culprit would've left the door partially open, right?
Kobashikawa - Meaning they were in the dining hall to attack Kurokawa before the dining hall closed, then probably went back there.
Maki - That... seems solid, if lengthy.
Maki - Coulda just said the murder happened before the doors, but backing it up is cool.
Tomori - And I had noticed the door being open too, when we were still waking people up and checking on Tsurugi.
Tomori - Uh... I'm not sure I got this next but right though? Don't think I can explain my reasoning for the conclusion I found.
Tomori - So Tsurugi, would you mind?
Tsurugi - I can take over now! Imma go over the killers psyche, because the fact that they killed right then is super relevant!
Taira - ...We really just all automatically trusted you, someone who's optimistic about this and has experience with crimes,
Taira - And have bwen completely relying on what you think is true, when with how idealistic your mindset is, you could easily be pushed to murder with the right motive.
Maeda - Didn't we all agree it couldn't be Tsurugi though?
Taira - Oh we did! I'm not accusing him of anything.
Taira - But Maeda, wouldn't it be fun to see what Tsurugi would do with the right motive?
Taira - Wouldn't it interest you to see just how he reacts, what could make the SHSL Police Officer kill someone?
Tsurugi - ...Huh! That's... very odd, mildly upsetting, and irrelevant, so I'll ignore it!
Tsurugi - Okay! This is a pretty big thing, and what got me to work out who it was!
Hatano - Wait for real? Yeah! Thank you, Tsurugi!
Ōtori - Finally something straightforward...
Tsurugi - ...I feel guilty now, I was planning to just give you guys clues to what I knew.
Mekaru - The past tense, Tsurugi, please stay in it.
Mekaru - I am your teacher now, and I am calling on you, please give the class the answer.
Tsurugi - Oh I do wonder what's happened to our teachers... but anyways!
Tsurugi - If you guys don't get it after this, I'll explain everything, walking through my thought process until I reached the culprit!
Tsurugi - And I'll just say who it is then.
Uehara - There is a God above! Hallelujah!
Higa - Really?
Uehara - I've gotta take what I can get here, dude.
Taira - We've gone off topic enough now.
Maki -Tsurugi, get on with it already.
Tsurugi - Okay! So I worked out that this was a first degree murder carried out by... I'd say 11 pm.
Tsurugi - While premeditated and planned out since the release of the motive videos, the culprit was not certain on what they were doing.
Tsurugi - Leading me to assume that they were targeting Kurokawa, and knew that the meetup would be the best chance to
get her.
Tsurugi - So they were rushed, and likely still jittery over committing a murder, and all the risks of someone seeing them.
Tsurugi - Also, this was definitely a crime of passion, and they wanted to get out, bad.
Tsurugi - So there was a lot riding on them, and here's what I think that led to; more specifically than just saying "a lotta mistakes"
Tsurugi - First, they hit me too hard, both on the back and on the head. Kurokawas injuries were much lighter, but!
Tsurugi - We can also prove this by the bandages left by me. Monokuma never announced the infirmary was opened, but would've... had it been his decision, right?
Monokuma - ...
Monokuma - The Culprit Did Not Try To Hide That The Infirmary Was Open, So I May Reveal That Case.
Monokuma - The Culprit Forced Open The Doors, And Grabbed Bandages To Place Next To Tsurugi.  
Tsurugi - Which would be one of the times Monokuma had to talk to the culprit, with the second tying into this, but first!
Tsurugi - Did anyone check the School Rules recently? A new one has been added, disallowing us to mess with locked doors.
Tsurugi - Bringing me to the second thing!
Tsurugi - While the culprit did move Kurokawas body, why move it to the entry hall?
Tsurugi - They were trying to leave, and moved her body so no one would locate it before they could exit.
Tsurugi - I can assume that would be the second meeting with Monokuma, happening this morning,
Tsurugi - As the culprit gave up on escape last night, but questioned why they weren't allowed out still.
Inori - But didn't the rules say that the culprit can't be discovered?
Tsurugi - ...They did, but there's a number of reasons the culprit could've forgot, or still tried to escape on their own;
Tsurugi - I mean there wasn't a rule about the doors until then, so why not try?
Inori - I get it... stupid, but I can see people here doing that.
Tsurugi - Oh! I don't think it was stupid, especially if I'm right on the motive... must've been terrible...
Iranami - What do you mean? Didn't we all... get the same sort of motive?
Tsurugi - The culprit was fixated a lot on others, and how they responded to their videos, even mere seconds after getting their own.
Tsurugi - They ignored everything to see who seemed most distraught, the most hurt and panicked.
Tsurugi - In fact... I think it was because her video had such a toll on her that Kurokawa was targeted.
Uehara - Really? Christ...
Uehara - Uhm... this feels like a weird time to say this, but I am the SHSL Priest, soooo if anyone's fucked over because of the videos,
Uehara - Or just... feel the need to, I'm here for confessionals? You could like... say it fucked you up enough that you planned to kill me specifically because you hate me,
Uehara - And I wouldn't snitch! Any panicked reaction is safe with me.
Higa - You're gonna get murdered if you  let people with murderous intent talk to you in privacy.
Uehara - Okay? And? Bitch? What about it?
Uehara - Betcha half of 'em would just be people asking me to evaluate their plan to kill you.
Maki - Aaand breaking this up now, before Higa can reply, and Uehara can curbstomp him.
Maki - ...Maeda may be designated for punching people, but I think I just became designated "Ignore them, keep going" enforcer...
Tsurugi - We could use it, so thank you!
Tsurugi - Oh but anyways! That's the motive, we've got the mistake of them hitting me too hard, and I'll explain why they hit me and Kurokawa where they did later.
Tsurugi - Then they tried escaping without a trial, came back to the dining hall, evidently tried to have something to eat,
Tsurugi - Since I'll bet they didn't feel too good, and eating can soothe nausea, but they were too panicked to stick around.
Tsurugi - And then they grabbed me some bandages, and left. But even then, it doesn't end.
Tsurugi - They left the mess in the dining hall, didn't clean the signs of a struggle, used a non vague weapon, and picked a time when many people could have alibis.
Tsurugi - But worst of all, when trying to defend themselves, they brought up questions that helped me work out how they did it.
Tsurugi - By lying about why it couldn't be them? They showed me precisely what I needed to be thinking about.
Tsurugi - So! With it established that they've been lying a lot, I'll reveal what all they lied about!
Tsurugi - ...If you guys can tell what they lied about to try and prove their innocence.
Inori - Really? More fucking guess who?
Maeda - It just doesn't end...
Tsurugi - Cmon! Just throughout how we've narrowed it down, focus on what we said proved who it couldn't be,
Tsurugi - Then work out which reasoning doesn't hold up! There was a reason for each and every thing the culprit did,
Tsurugi - And working out what they lied about shows us exactly what they thought they could get away with.
Uehara - ...
Uehara - Christ, I'm so fucking confused.
Maeda, narrating - ...If... the culprit is someone who messed up a lot, and lied a lot...
Maeda - Then... couldn't it be...?
{They lied about timing making it impossible}
{They lied about not being able to drug Tsurugi}
{They lied about something else which proved they couldn't kill Kurokawa}
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crapitskizaru · 5 years
Are you still doing match ups? If not you can just delete me. Straight adult female. I'm 5 foot tall. Average build. Not gifted in the boob department ,enough for a hand full lol, but the booty is a different story. Capricorn, INFJ. In college for special education. I'm a general fan of nerd culture, art and music. Fairly easy to please. Feed me, nerd with me, anime or comics will do, cuddle me, be nice to me and were good as gold.
(also just a quick note to people who might want to send some matchup requests in the future - pls dont write about your appearance, i dont make those things based on how you look at all, i just skip it cuz its irrelevant in most cases. Tell me about your personality, your strengths and flaws)
Tumblr media
Congratulations! You got yourself a cute jelly bean!
Things you have in common:
🍩 How you spend your free time! This man is all about staying as much away from any type of spotlight as possible, especially when it’s escaping his family’s attention we’re talking about; he’d rather bunk down in his room and delve into all kinds of research
🍩 or, to watch movies that soon become his guilty pleasures - and the fact that he can have his small partner cuddled up by his side? It’s just perfect for this little donut, letting him bond with his lover while staying in his comfort zone
🍩 almost identical personality types! You’re both idealistic, sticking to your moral standards by all means - with him, being the one who can see into the future but pays more attention to present actions, and you, with a strong focus on the future events, you’d make a couple that understands and completes one another very well. Both of you don’t just settle for daydreaming; you are able to translate your visions and values into the world.
🍩 despite Mochi’s seemingly terrifying appearance, he’s an empathetic and soft man, but would never let go of beliefs he holds just to please someone - a valuable trait he shares with you, which would act as a magnet for bringing you two closer together
Things you would most likely argue about:
🍩 this man can get quite grumpy at times; it’s not that he’s annoyed, it’s just his natural behavior. However, it could create unnecessary tension in your relationship, making you feel as if he’s closing in on you and avoiding deep talk
🍩 with how stubborn both of you can get, it’d be hard to resolve conflict once it erupts; you won’t give up your take or opinion on a certain topic just to make your other half feel better. That’s why quiet days might become a common reoccurrence in your relationship
🍩 it’s challenging enough to approach the murderous jelly bean - after dealing with the rest of his overly-protective family and their powerful, cannibalistic mother - getting to know him deeper is even more difficult, given his secretive nature, which results in him posing as impenetrable and inaccessible to you
What he loves about you:
🍩 how sensitive you are when it comes to people or significant matters! It’s so attractive when his partner cares deeply about the world they live in, and they don’t want to just exist in it - they want to bring change, implement values and plans that could make everyone live in a better, more peaceful world. He’d nothing else than to fight with you by his side
🍩 that spending time with you is so easy and fun! With how stressed life can get for the donut, chilling in front of a good anime with the love of his life curled up on him is literal heaven and a great way to escape from daily dose of insecurities
How you would get together:
🍩 most probably on some sort of anime con in modern times, or during one of the secret missions of the jelly bean - he found himself desperately wanting to strike up a conversation with you ;)
Your Song: Monster - Lady Gaga
Bonus: he loves to have your small body laying on his chest during the relaxing times in his room; but what he loves even more is when you gently trace his scars with your fingers. It lets him realize that he’s made himself vulnerable in front of you and there’s nothing to regret - it’s like a burden lifting off from his shoulders, finding a person he can be himself around without a worry
You also have a lot of things in common with: Tashigi, Rosie, Mihawk and Hina
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
(different anon) But Sam having his own tv in his own room doesn't mean anything? Like I have a tv in my room but we do have a den area with a tv too. I'm just not sure "Sam has a tv in his own room, so him watching tv any other place in the bunker makes zero sense" is a strong argument? Like, does no one else hang out with your family in other parts of the house? I'm not trying to be a jackass, this one just has me baffled and doesn't seem based in normal human behavior.
Like…I’m not trying to even make a “strong argument” here with that single point. I assume you’re referring to this reply I made earlier today:
And you’ve selected one of the maybe two dozen different things discussed in all those linked posts in that other post to say, “this is the one thing I can’t wrap my head around.” I mean, you didn’t even reference the entire sentence I used to describe the tv in Sam’s room, let alone the short paragraph that supplied context for it:
Sam has a tv in his room and watches his nerdy documentaries and like… Beastmaster in there. Dean’s got a “Dean Cave” set up like a dive bar (which… we know is not Sam’s hangout of choice), where he’s probably gonna watch cowboy movies (like we canonically know he does with Cas, and which we canonically know that Sam is not a fan of).
Because you can’t just pick and choose out of context statements and declare the entire basis for discussion invalid based on that, as if the five additional posts I linked there didn’t exist to support the bigger picture read based on the actual themes, subtext, and repeated text we’ve been given to interpret this with.
Now, that doesn’t invalidate a different reading than the one I presented, as my personal theory and read on the potential situation. When presented with a list of several dozen facts, you can’t point at half of one fact and say, “well, that doesn’t seem right to me” and summarily ignore all the rest as therefore irrelevant.
In no way did I say the thing you quoted:
I’m just not sure “Sam has a tv in his own room, so him watching tv any other place in the bunker makes zero sense” is a strong argument? Like, does no one else hang out with your family in other parts of the house? I’m not trying to be a jackass, this one just has me baffled and doesn’t seem based in normal human behavior.
I never said that Sam having a TV in his room means that Sam would therefore never watch TV anywhere else in the bunker, because you are right. That does make zero sense! If there were a tv in the war room, or the kitchen, I don’t think he’d say, “oh gosh, but I have a tv in my room! I can’t be unfaithful to my room tv, so I’ll refrain from watching these other tv’s!” That’s… beyond moronic to assume.
But speaking as a real human, who typically exhibits “normal human behavior” under most circumstances, I live in a house with two other “normal humans” as well as two televisions and multiple other electronic devices capable of receiving television programming (three laptops, an ipad, and each of us have a phone and netflix and all that). There are certain things all three of us watch together (the evening news, Jeopardy, etc.). There are certain things that only my husband and I watch together (TWD, NCIS, the Amazing Race). There are programs that I couldn’t give a flying fuck about that he wants to watch, at the same time I want to watch something else. The kid watches all sorts of things that neither of us watch. In this amazing age of technology, we don’t all have to huddle around the family tv and watch the one program airing at that moment.
And CANONICALLY, Sam couldn’t give a flying fuck about cowboy movies. He’s referred to Dean’s love of them as a “fetish,” while rolling his eyes. And Dean made fun of Sam’s personal movie collection in 13.05. There have been NUMEROUS times over the last 13 years where each of them has pointedly referenced the other’s taste in films and television in a negative way (Sam mocking Dean’s obvious interest in Dr. Sexy, telenovelas, Sam’s complete obliviousness to Star Trek movies to Dean’s dismay, as well as Dean making fun of Sam’s enjoyment of foreign films, documentary type things, etc). We know there are still a few things they BOTH enjoy watching together (the occasional sportsball event, GoT, etc.). This is all CANON. So… for the most part, I find it strange that they’d mostly even WANT to watch the same things…
(and remember, these are two people who spent most of their lives and essentially their entire childhoods trapped together in terrible motel rooms with a single television that if they were lucky had decent reception and several shows to choose from at any given time. I can imagine arguing over whose turn it was to get to pick what to watch, you know? My sister and I had similar arguments for YEARS when we were kids, back in Ye Olden Days when most households really did only have one tv.)
So now that they’re adults, and now that they HAVE their own rooms and aren’t forced to spend every last second locked in motel rooms together or else escape (mostly in Dean’s case as canon tends to prove out) to whatever local dive bar was within walking distance of their shitty motel of the week just to have a sense of their own space… don’t you think they’d kind of revel in that a bit? Hell, I did when I finally moved out and had my own space.
Not to mention the fact that this is Supernatural. This show isn’t a demonstration, generally, of “normal human behavior,” just on the surface level. But also IT IS A TELEVISION SHOW, and NOT REAL LIFE. Things that have meaning in storytelling don’t necessarily translate to real life, and vice versa. So when a character decorates a room in their secret underground bunker, and it’s filled with little meaningful things from his past, subtextual nods to who this character is as a person, and then he names that room after HIMSELF, he’s staked a claim on it. Not as the “family room.” He literally calls it “The Dean Cave.” Not the “Sam and Dean Cave.” Right? That fact has meaning in storytelling.
But all of this is entirely beside the point, which is that you took my quote out of context, and additionally implied further information that I never did in my original post. That’s cheating. :P
Go back and reread the first chunk of quoted text, which is what I *actually* said, copy/pasted word for word. Then ask yourself if your question reads as if you were trying to be a jackass or not.
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orionsangel86 · 6 years
re: the last two episodes - that's how we know destiel wasn't an unintended by-product of cockles. when they don't want the ust, they act without it. like, I'm losing hope Saz - I've never seen them so flat around each other. it's like they don't even know each other. remember that comic on how Dean wouldn't let Cas go to the bathroom alone after he got him back? yeah, apparently that's not happening. they're going nowhere with this.
Oh nonny, I am so sorry you feel this way but I am really struggling to see what you mean? When were they flat around each other? 
I think you need to be careful about looking at the destiel content on tumblr and then expecting it in the episode. Whilst I can understand that you feel disappointment that Dean didn’t fight for Cas to stay a bit more, because the comic and all of fandom was poking fun at Dean’s mother hen routine and speculating him being really clingy with Cas following his death and resurrection, I actually really liked that Dean trusted him to go and do what he had to do. It’s a sign that they are in a relatively healthy place.
In fact it was really interesting seeing Dean actually use the right freaking pronouns for the first time ever. Not once in that scene did we get Sam’s view. Nor did Sam even get invited along. It was literally all about Dean and Cas:
Dean: Alright, well let’s go
Cas: Dean you can’t accompany me. My contact is already anxious about meeting and won’t speak in the presence of a stranger.
Dean: So introduce me, then I’m not a stranger. I’ll bring a six pack.
Now aside from the fact that Cas’s next sentence is kind of irrelevant and nonsensical to this argument (how does swearing to protect Jack have anything to do with not bringing Dean along? Thanks Bucklemming for that nonsense) this is the first time that Dean and Cas use pronouns correctly. Sam is sitting RIGHT there and there isn’t a single “we” or “us”, in sight and Cas uses the singular “stranger” as well. They NEVER do this because we have been consistently frustrated over their use of the plural pronouns when we KNOW they MEAN the singular form.
Like Sam assumed Dean would want to team up with Cas alone in 13x06, here both Dean and Cas assume that Sam isn’t part of this discussion and don’t even consider if he would come along or not. (poor Sam - He would hate the UST anyway).
I will agree that Cas was kind of cold here. I thought he was kind of cold in 13x06 as well. There is fond exasperation and then there is a lack of care and Cas seems very focused in on Jack right now which is why I am side eyeing him at the moment - but I don’t want to get into the why’s and what’s of that because any meta about Cas on tumblr right now will just blow up in my face cos everyone has been super sensitive about Cas since the season 12 finale so sod that. Pfft.
Dean however is still acting perfectly in character and I thought his acceptance of Cas asking him to let him go was excellent character growth. Dean trusts Cas completely, and honestly it is a massive indicator of his love for the guy when really, Cas hasn’t been a very trustworthy husband recently (though I blame first his depression and secondly Jack for that).
I am in no way worried that this scene some how disproves destiel. Just because Dean wasn’t fighting Cas more or acting more worried about him going off on his own again. I thought it was an excellent moment for them and honestly nonny, its rare that they have moments of full on UST nowadays. I recently re-watched season 4 and holy smokes every single deancas scene oozes sexual tension and makes me squirm from the intimacy. It was all eye sex back then, but nowadays they have settled down, they are an old married couple after all. They don’t have eye sex anymore they have tender eye love making I mean did you SEE the end of 13x05?!?
Also this:
“that's how we know destiel wasn't an unintended by-product of cockles. when they don't want the ust, they act without it.”
is a GOOD thing. We don’t WANT destiel to be an unintended by-product of cockles. We want destiel to be a conscious thing that they act out purposely because it is written into the script and the direction they are given is to act like lovers/husbands etc. They have proven this point though for years. Dean had no sexual tension with Jimmy Novak for instance. He didn’t have any sexual tension with Casifer either, and I can guarantee that when Asmodeus takes Cas’s form, there will be no tender eye love making between them and Dean will figure out straight away that this is not his husband. Destiel is not created by Misha and Jensen having some major attraction to each other. Whether or not that is true, they are both professional actors who are able to keep it in their pants until the camera stopped rolling. 
I’m sorry that you are losing hope hun, but look usually we all feel a little bit down after a Bucklemming episode (and confused and exasperated and annoyed and sometimes furious), but I don’t see anything that is a concern for destiel here. In fact I am almost certain that come the second half of the season we will all be screaming about something or another that they did. In season 12 we got an “I love you” AND a mixtape.
I can’t ever say for certain that they are gonna go there. I can only analyse the scenes I’ve been given and come to a conclusion which is my own interpretation, and we all see things differently, but right now I am so not worried. IMO Destiel is endgame, and I happen to think that we are still right on track.
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