#Bob Mos
midchelle · 7 months
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In the audience during Bob Dylan's concert at the Isle of Wight Festival: Pattie Boyd, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, Maureen Starkey, John Lennon, and Yoko Ono | August 31, 1969 © Jeffrey Mayer
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attapullman · 2 months
I was thinking about this the other day, Reader in a sundress and Bobby just can’t keep his hands to himself.
Oh, Nonny, now I'm going to be thinking about this all day!
Those big, grabby hands? 🤤
He's a grown man with Navy discipline, he can definitely quietly sit and keep his hands to himself. Surely. But the longer he has to be out and about, and the hem of the skirt keeps rising along the soft skin of your thighs...that man is a goner.
At first it feels accidental. His hand on your waist while you're standing in the buffet line. Warm fingers skimming your knee when you sit down, pulling your chairs a little too close together.
But then you know he's skirting the line of public decency and indecent intentions. Thick arm slinking around your shoulders ("Aren't you cold, honey?") only for fingers to slip under the light fabric, teasing the skin of your shoulder. Holds your gaze with those wide, innocent, baby blue eyes when the measly strap falls down your shoulder. That wasn't him, was it? Sorry sweetheart, let me fix that.
You know you should go home. This is a work event. His superiors could see him. But you like seeing how far he'll go to have a piece of you.
The afternoon has turned into a faded sunset and Bob is lightheaded. Hours of watching the way your chest fills the neckline of that dress and he hasn't been able to touch once?
Deep in conversation with another of the couples at your table, your breath hitches when that warm palm firmly grips your thigh, the gingham tablecloth barely covering the scandalous amount of dress he's pushed up. Softly kneading your skin while working his way higher, the hand not on you gripping his knee so he won't touch himself.
You're trying so hard to keep your place in the topic of the table, but he's tracing the delicately sensitive skin of your thighs. Teasing.
"Are you alright?" Bradley's wife asks as warm fingers move from tracing over the soft satin covering you to pressing into you as much as possible, pushing the wetness within you to the surface and an inhuman whimper from your lips.
He's too quick on the draw. Bringing his unoccupied hand to your cheek and feigning concern. "You're a little warm. Did you eat something bad? I should get you home, poor thing."
Not a single eye bats when Bob helps you up, the unassuming WSO helping you straighten your dress like he didn't just have his whole hand against your core.
With the next morning will come the sweet texts of concern to your health that you'll regret responding to with lies. But that's not on your mind at all when, upon entering the darkness of the parking lot against his truck, Bob lifts that flimsy sundress over your ass and slips his fingers under damp fabric, groping wherever he can reach as he brings you to orgasm in his new favourite dress.
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Monster’s Ball (2001)
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soulknowledge · 1 year
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Mos Def.
Photographed by Bob Berg.
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thelettergii · 2 years
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One of the fashion collections I drew during my Tumblr hiatus! "Drag Names" was a series inspired by drag queens and their stage names.
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crepesuzette2023 · 3 months
Hello! A slightly different fic rec question if you don’t mind
Who are your fave authors and what do you think are their most underrated fics?
I don't mind at all; I think it's a wonderful ask! ('Most underrated' is both somewhat subjective and relative, of course. Still:)
@stonedlennon: ode to the silver beetles (A conversation between Jim and Mimi. A glass of milk, Mr. McCartney?)
@scurator: Un Interludio (everyone loves Pringo in "Where the Sailors Go," but what about John/ Ringo in Spain, '66...? That's right.)
@pauls1967moustache: When you kiss my lips, I'll get a thrill to my fingertips (Paul/Ringo during the first US Tour; John is busy with Cyn and Paul is overthinking, until...) • Still Mates (Paul/Peter Asher in '68) • Aninut (The Beatles deal with Brian's death).
@dailyhowl: I'm With You (John/Stu, early days, with letters & hot sex!) • Be It Fahrenheit or Centigrade (Paul/Stu) • Crawling to the Car (Paris; 1966. John, Brian, Paul, Maggie McGivern, original male character with dark furry thighs)
@pie-of-flames: In the Night Garden (John/Paul; they trip in '67 and there is no angst, only...sympathetic trees)
@eveepe: Drop Like A Stone (Jane/Linda is what we need; go mount some Margrittes, Paul)
@midchelle: Tell me all my love's in vain (Pattie/Maureen, 1964-1974)
@savageandwise: Red Light, Green Lights, Strawberry Wine (Paul/Linda/Denny in New Orleans, with J/P in the background; Linda POV)
@aquarianshift: On the Avenue (George/Bob Dylan) • How I Was Robert McNamara'd Into Submission (Paul/John/Cyn, sex pollen) • There Once Was a Band From the Sixties (Limericks; with @ilovedig)
@javelinbk: Fair's fair (1964, a helping hand after escalating press conference thigh groping; I hope this is an accurate summary...this one is actually very warm and sweet!)
@bluewater9: Secret Passages (The Lennon McCartney children find naughty homemade movies at Cavendish)
@beatlessideblog: What You See Is Me (I Need You Darlin' extra; Jim's view on John and Paul's bond)
I hope there is something new for you here!
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twistedappletree · 11 days
can’t get over how manhua ouyang zizhen’s hair untied would just be…………. a bob ?
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lucky-cat-13 · 9 months
Lan Jingyi: We're going to jail!
Lan Sizhui: Or hell.
Jin Ling: Or hell jail!
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otiksimr · 3 months
I am sitting down on the number block carpet I want to hear about him
Bob is an eldritch monster (I've just been calling their species Worldeaters, I don't have any plans to change the name) that eats planets and rocks in general (Stars too but that's a rare snack).
He was laid on Earth sometime during the end of Precambrian Era. And hatched a year BEFORE the Cambrian Era officially started. His parents kind of just left him there (due to their species they can't exactly stay with him, they do visit sometimes though!) with a babysitter so he wont be completely alone growing up.
Bob's just kind of vibing on Earth until he reaches maturity :)
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livesincerely · 2 months
possessive davey? a little snippet mayhaps?
“You don’t understand,” Davey says, and his words distort and echo, like a thousand voices speaking at once. “You might think you do, you might dabble in it, but my kind invented possession. So, don’t say you know what it feels like—you have no idea what you’re talking about.”
He leans closer, close enough that they could be kissing, but instead they’re panting against each other’s mouths, breathing as one.
“Because I would carve my name into your bones, Jack Kelly,” Davey says, as fierce as any threat and as solemn as a vow. “I would hold your beating heart in my hands. I would sink into your skin, settle into your veins, and make a home in your blood for the rest of eternity.”
“Oh, god,” Jack breathes, transfixed and overwhelmed and utterly reverent.
Davey cradles Jack’s face between his hands, his thumbs stroking gently over his cheeks. “Try again,” he murmurs softly.
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uncorrectintamed · 1 year
Nie Huaisang: [after doing any form of exercise] If you need me, I'll be down here on the floor, dying.
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midchelle · 8 months
At one point Ringo broke up with [Maureen]. “I went apeshit,” she told me. “All I did was sit on the end of my own bed and rock. That’s all I did. That’s it. Honest to God. Meanwhile, those four days when he hadn’t phoned me, I knew he was with the Ronettes. They’d arrived in London and I bleedin’ knew he was with the Ronettes. Think about it. Sixties. In London. The Beatles. And the Ronettes were in town. Now work it out with a pencil!”
But after those four days he came back to her. “Are you ready for this line? He said to me, ‘I had to test our relationship, Maureen, whether I needed you or whether I didn’t.’ And I fell for it hook, line, and sinker. It’s not a bad line to use, actually. He said, ‘You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.’ And that’s how I got myself where I am right now—with three kids.”
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attapullman · 3 months
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BIG WINDOWS, SMALL KITCHEN | a Bob Floyd universe
The live-in boyfriend!Bob anthology set in the green bungalow you bought and he has made his entire personality.
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anniciox2 · 5 months
Have you ever seen cartoon shows besides Total Drama?
Ofcourse I have! I've seen:
Steven universe
The amazing world of gumball
South park
Bobs burgers
Dan VS (only the first and second episode)
helluva boss
My little pony
The powerpuff girls
Robotzi/ Mo si Foca
Family guy
And many more that I cant remember :(
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woliefairr · 7 months
Dylan Wang wallpaper pfv? ♡
✩ dylan wang ( ator ) lockscreens.
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☆ – se pegar curta, siga & reblogue !!
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anamon-book · 14 days
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チョコレート 東宝(株)出版・商品事業室 監督:マーク・フォースター/出演:ハル・ベリー、ビリー・ボブ・ソーントン、ヒース・レジャー、ピーター・ボイル、ショーン・コムズ、モス・デフ ほか
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