#Brothers to the rescue
kybercrystals94 · 4 months
The Hostage (Part 1)
Read here on Ao3!
Febuwhump 2024 | Day 17 | Prompt 17: Hostage Situation
Rated: T | Words: 899 | Summary: Omega is taken hostage. [Character Focus: Omega, Hunter, Tech, Echo, Wrecker]
“Wait here, Omega,” Hunter says, catching Omega’s shoulder as she starts to follow her brothers through the doorway. Omega opens her mouth to protest, but Hunter shakes his head. “This isn’t up for debate. You’re staying out here.”
Omega pouts, crossing her arms. “This isn’t fair, Hunter!”
“I didn’t say it was, but it is safer this way. You’re on lookout.”
Lookout. Another way of saying left out. But Omega knows that arguing the point won’t change Hunter’s mind. Instead, she marches over to the wall and falls back against it, adding a hefty sigh for good measure.
Hunter gives her an unimpressed look. “You done?” he asks wryly.
Omega looks away and shrugs.
“We’ll be out soon. Don’t leave that spot. Got it?”
“Yes, sir,” Omega bites out.
“Good. Comm if you need us.”
Omega waits until Hunter is safely through the doorway before she rolls her eyes. She’s been with the Batch for months, has been involved in much more dangerous missions, and has even single-handedly gotten her brothers out of scrapes that they got themselves into. And yet, Hunter doesn’t trust that she can handle herself during a simple negotiation. It’s stupid. She’s not a tubie. In fact, she remembers when her brothers were in their tubes, when they were literally helpless.
She is so busy fuming over the absurdity of it all that she doesn’t notice the cloaked man until he is standing only a few meters away.
“You all by yourself, kid?” he asks her, voice low.
Omega scrambles to stand up straight. “No,” she replies, scowling up at the stranger, channeling all the heat over her situation into her tone. “My brothers are here.”
“They inside?”
“What’s it to you?” Omega shoots back.
The man smiles a wretched, rotting smile. He takes a step forward. Omega takes a step back, but she’s already against the wall. She reaches up to grab her bow, but bare, dirty fingers latch around her wrist, yanking her forward with shocking ferocity. She opens her mouth to scream, but another hand claps over the whole bottom half of her face, blocking her mouth and nose. Panicked, Omega realizes she can’t even breathe. She thrashes in her captor’s arms, kicking her legs wildly.
“Hold still,” the stranger growls, an unspoken threat in his inflection; however, Omega knows better than to listen. She struggles with all her strength, the bow on her back giving her some distance from the stranger’s chest, some room to twist and writhe in his grasp.
The hand on her wrist releases, and she uses both her hands to pull at the hand blocking her airways. Black splotches dance across her vision, her lungs scream for air. She tries to dig her teeth into the stranger’s palm; however, his hand is so big, it cups under her chin, holding her jaw shut.
Lack of oxygen weakens her movements. Omega’s eyes dart along the empty alley, searching for help, someone who might see something, might step in. But it is as barren as when they arrived, except for the stranger that suddenly appeared.
Her only hope is that her brothers come out…
The world around her is bled of color, turning a dull gray as her vision fades. Her last thought is that maybe Hunter was right.
Omega can’t handle herself after all.
The negotiation goes almost as poorly as the Batch had anticipated: hands hovering restlessly over holstered blasters, veiled and outright threats, unfair offers of payment followed by more threats. Hunter is glad he made Omega wait outside.
“That could have gone better,” Echo mutters irritably as they make their way up the narrow steps to the door.
“Could have gone much worse,” Tech quips, not even glancing up from the mission parameters that have been sent to his data pad.
“Least we’re getting paid,” Wrecker crows from the back of the group, “I get to tell ‘Mega what happened.”
“Nothing happened, thank the force,” Hunter says, pausing at the top of the steps to let the door slide open. He blinks rapidly against the stark daylight before turning to the spot he left Omega in her agitated mood.
She’s gone.
“Omega?” he calls out, glancing around the alley, sure that her curiosity had enticed her to wander.
Wrecker turns in a circle. “Where’d she go? Omega!”
Tech taps several commands on his data pad. “Her comm’s beacon shows that she’s just around the corner.”
“Of course she is,” Hunter grumbles.
Tech leads the group down the alleyway and into the busier main street, weaving them through the vendor stalls. Hunter’s eyes search for the familiar face of his sister, an uneasy feeling taking root. She isn’t here.
Tech stops at a vendor selling a myriad of electronics. “Her comm says she should be here,” he says, his matter of fact tone stilted by an edge of concern.
“Excuse me,” Echo says to the Rodian behind the booth, “have you seen a girl around here? About this tall? Blond?”
The Rodian eyes the group warily. “I don’t want any trouble.”
“Why would there be trouble?” Hunter asks, trying to keep his tone level. “We’re just looking for our sister.”
“He said to give you this,” the Rodian says, “That he’d be in touch. I had nothing to do with it, I swear.” He brings an energy bow and communicator from under the counter.
***I started this prompt knowing that I would probably have to finish it after Febuwhump! There is a small possibility one of the prompts later in the month will work to continue this fic; however, to be on the safe side, I’ll just say stay tuned for March when I can focus sole attention on the remainder of this fic ^_^’
✨Let me know if you’d like to be added to my taglist! ✨
Taglist: @followthepurrgil @isthereanechoinhere96 @amorfista @arctrooper69 @proteatook @mooncommlink @nagyanna424 @the-little-moment @merkitty49 @groguandthebadbatch
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hitwiththetmnt · 4 months
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(Book 1)
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deadsetobsessions · 5 months
Alley Drunk! Danny AU- Part 1
[Pt.2] [Pt.3] [Pt.4]
To not turn into a giant raging asshole hell bent on murdering people and destroying the world after everyone he loved died, Danny had ran from Amity with his chosen vice.
A bottle. That’s right. Even after Jazz’s talks about alcoholism as a poor coping mechanism as a form of self harm, he still chose alcohol. Or maybe that’s why he picked it, because it reminded him of her, right before the booze took the sting of grief off of her memory. He was never really all that good at listening to Jazz.
And now she’s gone, so it’s moot point. Danny really hated Nasty Burger.
Danny made it all the way to Gotham, bottle constantly glued to his hand. It’s better than Vlad’s creep-o-self looming over him all of the time. He bummed out on the streets, fitting into crime alley like a native. Danny learned to pickpocket. Not much, just enough for a bottle when his ran out. He stayed human. At first he tried to convince himself that it was because he didn’t want to be perceived as a meta in a city where Batman notoriously disliked metas. Then, as he sunk deeper, he admitted to himself in a shameful curl of a whisper that it was really because alcohol affected his human side much easier.
Ghosts need an ungodly amount of alcohol to even get slightly buzzed. Danny’s human side? Only one full bottle the shittiest tequila he could find could even hope to be more than buzzed. It sucked.
He’s spent two years being an alcoholic that didn’t actually get that drunk. Technically, underage drinking was a crime. But then again, so was being a vigilante ghost. So, whatever. He does what he can to dull the grief. Mostly, he slept on covered and hidden nooks on top of Crime Alley’s roofs. Gotham city had taken pity on him and cleared her smog clouds when he was awake at night. Stargazing helped, at least. It gave him a little hope. It gave him a little wish to change and better and live like he wants. But then the night ends and when the day comes, Jazz isn’t there. Sam isn’t there. Tucker isn’t there. His mom and dad are not there.
Danny always went back to the bottle, in the end. Not that it did much.
Which was why, when he saw three looming figures over a tiny child, Danny’s saving people thing flared with a vengeance and his surprised ectoplasm burned what little buzz he had achieved by downing most of the bottle away, leaving him stone cold sober and pissed.
Danny sighed, dumping the rest of the nasty tasting liquid out. There’s no point drinking that little.
He approached the trio, who were beating up an actual child. Ancients, he hated Crime Alley sometimes.
“Give me your shit, you little punk!” Asshole 1 decided to say like a typical mugger, raising his leg to kick the curled up kid below. Danny doesn’t let him land the kick, smashing the bottle on the asshole’s head before any of them clocked his presence. He pivots, pushing a bit of that extra strength he normally keeps on a tight leash into his hands, and punched the other two in a quick fashion, knocking them out.
With that taken care of, Danny turned back to the kid who was still curled up. Danny sighed again, the trembles in small shoulders plucking on his heartstrings.
“You okay, kid?”
The kid uncurls, and Danny stared. Holy shit, is he looking into a mirror? Blue eyes, black hair, and tanned skin. Holy shit, he’s even got similar jaws to Danny.
The kid flinched.
“Y-y’er the drunk,” the kid flinched again, eyes darting to the broken bottle still clenched in Danny’s hand. “I- I ain’t got money, honest. Please-”
Danny blinked down at the kid, brain connecting the dots after so long without actual interaction. He’s panicking and staring at the bottle in Danny’s hand like it’ll kill him. Danny raised the bottle and the kid closed his mouth with a click, terror worming its way into the kid’s eyes.
“I wasn’t going to mug you myself, kid.”
“But- y’er the- the Alley drunk.”
Danny blinked. Did he get a reputation without knowing again? Goddammit.
“I guess. Am I famous or somethin’?”
“Nobody- nobody fucks wit’ ya.”
“I also don’t hurt kids.”
The kid stared at him dubiously and with a sinking feeling, Danny realized that maybe the kid already had some terrible experiences with a heavy drunken hand. He promptly chucks the bottle further into the alley.
“I drink, yes. But I’m also not the kind of scum that would lay hands on a kid, let alone anyone that didn’t provoke it first.”
“Oh.” The kid uncurled more, looking at Danny warily, more at ease now that the bottle has left the chat.
“Yeah. I’m Danny. Stone cold sober, right now.”
Danny waited.
“Okay. Peters, do you wanna take their shit?” Danny pointed a thumb at the knocked out would-be-muggers behind him.
“Y… yeah, sure. What’s my cut?”
“All of it.”
Peters stared.
Danny shrugged and started looting.
"Y'er so fuckin' weird."
See, the thing is, Danny hadn't anticipated saving Peters- "'s actually Jason"- would result in having a duckling following him around. The kid, Jason, glared at everyone who even looked at them wrong. But that's not the problem, because Danny could take anyone who took issue with Jason's looks, it's more like there's a child following him around now and Danny doesn't want to be the reason Jason turns into an alcoholic. It's- well, it made him cut down on the drinking. He even got jobs- legitimate jobs that sucks out his his poor ectoplasmic soul.
Why? Because Jason's apparently homeless. While that's something Danny's okay with for himself, he can't ever condone that for an actual child. Jason's walking around in threadbare clothes and thin soled shoes in the middle of Fall, for Ancient's sake.
Danny grumbles as he piled a bunch of clothes into the shopping bag as he checked out. Gotham's Walmart is a different kind of hell, but Danny feels right at home.
Sure, the work might suck out his soul and he might hate being sober, but Jason's face every time he comes home to an actual place to live, warm clothes, and food was worth everything.
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holoemitters · 15 days
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everyone seems to forget that it's his loss too
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itsxroxannex · 8 months
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Dream and Nightmare belong to Jokublog
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kash-phia · 3 months
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baby pokemon trainers 🐣
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
Dp x dc AU where Dick adopts teenage Danny into his family with Kor’i and Mar’i
Mar’i had always wanted a sibling, all seven years of her life in fact!! Toys and play times with friends couldnt possibly compare to having a brother or a sister, and she knew this as a fact from some of her school mates.
So when her dad brings home a kid that was all cut up and bruised, and her mom patches him up because something about his “biology” was weird- Mar’i sees this as an opportunity in the making!
Danny is healing up slowly but surely in Nightwings house, and he feels like a total intrusion. He’s now seen their faces and it feels like so much trust has been placed in him with no way for him to repay it. So he’s moping a bit, hanging in his room reading a book based on his video game series when a small child walks in, her arms filled with board games and toys.
“Hello, will you be my big brother?” Is all she asks him with a straight face, her eyes incredibly serious for someone so small.
“Er, im just here until-“
“Want to play a game?” Mar’i changes the subject favoring a specific board game in her hands. Rule number one of negotiation is to never let them say no- her uncle Damian taught her that.
“…yeah, sure.” Danny accepts because honestly? He could at least repay Nightwing and Starfire by babysitting right? They play a few games and then dinner gets brought in and for once, Danny feels like he’s having a normal family meal.
Next time she comes into his room, he’s focused on healing one of his larger wounds from the power in his core- he’s floating and his eyes are green. Mar’i is ECSTATIC. He fits in PERFECTLY.
“WILL YOU PLEASE BE MY BIG BROTHER?!?” Mar’i persistently asks every single day. Danny laughs and smiles and pats her head.
Once he’s feeling better, he starts patrolling with Nightwing, just to pay him back. Not that he’s having fun bashing goons and getting solid hero advice for the first time in his life.
Then he goes to Tameran with Kor’i for a diplomatic mission (his royal ambdassadorship/ king titles tbd) to discuss the Infinite Realms and why they absolutely need to abandon their attempts to use ghost artifacts. Kor’i explains how proud she is of him as they fly home.
He gets invited to all their family outings now, and he is overwhelmed by how accepted he is. How much the Bats all seem to leave him space for boundaries but invite him to do things very much to his interests (they are detectives after all). Once its safe, Jazz comes every now and then from her Ivy League college to hang out with them all and spend time with Danny. She gives him the advice he needed to hear about accepting good things into his life and deserving happiness.
One day Mar’i has a bad day at school, and when Danny gets home from his own community college classes- he brings her into a big hug, makes her a cup of tea from her mom’s home planet and once she’s comforted and happy again he says “hey, what are big brothers for?”
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jell-o101 · 1 year
Hopeless romantic Mario from the '86 movie is living rent free in my head.
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I get so giddy thinking about this widdle man.
Tʜᴀᴛ ʟᴀsᴛ ᴏɴᴇ ɪs ᴘᴀɪɴsᴛᴀᴋɪɴɢʟʏ ʀᴇʟᴀᴛᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏᴏ.
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puppetmaster13u · 1 month
Meme Prompt 10
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lililibrik · 1 year
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hope they show us crosshair's reaction when omega tell him about Tech :(
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straight ships that are actually really sweet and meaningful and both characters have solid arcs outside of their ship mean everything to me.
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turtleblogatlast · 2 months
[ cw: dismemberment / ]
I think a lot about how Leo’s rescue could have easily ended in him losing a leg as the portal snaps shut on the Krang still clutching the limb, or, alternatively, only having Leo’s right arm make it out, still held dearly in his brother’s hand as the rest of Leo is left behind. (The latter hits even harder, as it directly parallels his future self in the worst of ways.)
I think a lot about how so many things could have gone wrong during the course of the movie with even a little bit of a change, but it really is harrowing how much of a coin-flip the entirety of the Prison Dimension rescue was.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt leo#rottmnt headcanons#rise leo#dismemberment /#if literally any part of the prison dimension rescue was different it would have ended Very Badly#mikey came in clutch for doing the impossible in the first place#raph grabbing leo and not once letting go was vital#and donnie directly hitting the krang was essential#hell leo having the ability to reach out at all in the state he was in was a miracle#listen I think about the prison dimension a lot if you couldn’t tell#for the next tags:#strangulation mention /#physical trauma induced mutism /#potential death mention /#potential sibling death mention /#barely it mainly focuses on if he lives but /#I also think about how Leo’s trachea could have easilyyy given out as Raph (krangified) was choking him#can you imagine the last words raph hearing from his little brother being I’m sorry?#he’d likely live as the hamato bros are built different but imagine if he straight up can’t talk again after#the bros having no idea what Leo’s plan is but they suddenly feel him disappear with the portal#or also#imagine all he gets out in his hoarse voice is to beg Casey to close the portal before his family HEARS the sudden silence like a knife#even if he gets saved his voice may be wrecked or even gone for good#what am I writing wait-#also for my point on leo losing his arm paralleling his future self#imagine fate being a thing in this world but a VERY situational thing#imagine it makes it so that leo has to lose a limb#but not just that - it also ties his presence directly with the Krang’s - so if the Krang’s somewhere else…so is he
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keferon · 3 months
Oh man….now I know how concept of spark twins works………..
Look at them. I love them
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Also. Perceptor is so epic in this comic it’s . A.
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waty-art · 3 months
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“Hi, nice to meet you.”
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wickedcriminal · 2 months
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An alternative direction for Stryke Out where Elder gets stuck in a cage, Toothless is the top competitor for more than a few dragon fights, and— what's this? By Thor, there's a colorful mood dragon here, and she can speak Norse! What are the odds of that?
Little does Elder know that wherever this mood dragon is, Camicazi will be close behind.
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wingedblooms · 4 months
The dreams that are answered
When they were children, the Illyrian brothers dreamt of wielding the legendary sword, Gwydion, to slay wyrms and rescue damsels.
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And the stars who listened answered those dreams. Feyre slew a wyrm and rescued Rhysand. Nesta rescued Cassian in their book and now, with the release of hofas, has slain a wyrm. These patterns tend to come in threes in Sarah’s writing, like a Welsh triad, so it wouldn’t be surprising if Elain defeated her own wyrm (or better yet, if it yielded to her, like the scaled creatures yielded to Bryce) and she rescued Azriel in their story.
The Starborn blades have been returned to the Night Court for a reason. Nesta has her own trove of blades, and Azriel clearly cannot carry them by himself…
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He hasn’t even unlocked the full potential of Truth-Teller’s blade after possessing it for years.
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Vesperus, the Asteri in the Prison, makes an interesting comment here that reminds me of the Illyrian brothers’ childhood games. She accuses the Fae of playing with weapons they don’t fully understand. Their minds couldn’t hold all the possibilities at once. But we do know someone whose mind might be able to hold multiple, if not all, possibilities at once: Elain, the seer.
It was Elain who appeared out of nowhere, out of shadow, with Truth-Teller:
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She may have opened a portal into nowhere, the void, with her power (which, like the Harp, might influence time and space) while linked to Truth-Teller, allowing her to appear exactly where she was needed, when she was needed to protect her loves ones.
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Our damsel made her moment with a legendary weapon count. And it wouldn’t surprise me if we learn that—with her heightened, Cauldron-blessed senses—she can hear the blades singing to each other, tugging at her hidden powers.
And perhaps, when they explore the powers of those legendary blades together, Elain and Azriel will open a portal and travel the space between to places she’s only seen in her dreams.
Because the stars do listen—and dreams are answered.
Special thanks to @willowmeres, @offtorivendell, and @psychologynerd for their inspiring reactions to and thoughts about these connections.
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