#But I highly doubt anyone wants to hear about that XD
thank you so much for the ask!!
I decided to answer the second one first since talking about OCs might take a while…
Rambles (and art!!) under the cut :)
I have a few different answers to this one! I definitely draw Legend from linked universe the most, but my favorite to draw is Link from Skyward Sword (both his normal design and his linked universe one)! But that is just when it comes to faces! My favorite outfit to draw at the moment is ALTTP Zelda’s!
and now on to the dreaded topic of OCs… I have a LOT. Some are connected to a loz au I’m sort of working on every once in a while and the other’s are from an original story that’s been fermenting in my brain since middle school… their designs aren’t finalized and neither are their personalities for the most part. I guess I’ll tell you about some from each?
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ok! Here are Zelda and Link from my au! (These designs are months old and I’ll probably redo them completely at some point)
I don’t have much of the plot and personalities determined yet, with the exception of Zelda’s. She is pretty young and naive at the beginning, and is pretty timid too! She has to grow out of herself a lot and once she moves past her shyness she has a fiery spirit and a strong sense of joy at discovering the world around her. She is also a menace. You’d almost think she’d have the triforce of courage, but she still wields wisdom, though in a more decisive, instinctual way (almost like she is just following her gut) Sheik is a disguise she uses partly to hide from Ganondorf, and partly because she wants Link to think of her as someone more than the scared little girl he rescued a year earlier. Link, on the other hand, I have no idea how to portray. Much like Ganondorf in this au, his personality eludes me. I do know he is a bit grumpier and pretty serious, and has travelled all his life.
I don’t want to write too much, but I do have a lot of ✨thoughts✨ about them, if anyone is curious!
and as for my actually original OCs, I don’t have any good examples of their designs…
I don’t want to describe the entire plot, so I can’t explain most of the characters at all XD
my main villain however (tho he’s not exactly a villain), I can talk about! So the story is set in a sort of fantasy sort of medieval setting but the poor guy (I haven’t figured out a name for him yet) got sealed away for centuries… he used to be the chieftain of the nomadic tribe that dominated the island they live on, but centuries later with a king on the throne he is a bit out of place! (and also furious about losing everything he knew and loved) His main motivation is revenge against those who (to him) usurped his power and killed his wife and their yet to be born son. He is not at all aware that he is in the future and the very usurpers he seeks to destroy are his own descendants.
personality-wise, he’s a little out of his mind, and has a very sharp wit. He is very barbaric and a bit wild, but carries himself like a king. He has a lot of traits of the classic cool and calculating villain, but his main motivation is the love for his family twisted into a primal rage. When he’s angry he becomes hysterical and tends to speak almost softly, almost laughing, before exploding into anger.
oh, and he’s not exactly human anymore. He’s at this point, and through no fault of his own, basically sentient black mist that can talk and change form. He chooses to stay in the form of his human self however, but looks less so the more he gives up what humanity he has left.
he’s probably my favorite part of the story tbh.
ok! That’s it!! Hope I didn’t dump to much info about my OCs; I wasn’t sure how much to share…
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2ndstar-ontheright · 1 year
Autistic Jeremy Headcanons!
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🎮He canonically has trouble being social with others and understanding social cues. For example, he doesn’t initiate his conversations with the popular people (Chloe and Brooke) and didn’t really understand the whole “tall ass” thing. (“I’m not even that tall..”)
🎮Has trouble making friends/close relationships with others. Micheal was the only friend he had before he got the Squip, so…
🎮He stutters around people he doesn’t know very well and in unfamiliar situations. He’s fine around the people he knows, but when he’s around Christine and in the mall, that’s pretty much out the window.
🎮Scripting! If we’re going by the original Two-River production and the Book. He writes the letter to Christine to help him explain how he feels (but flushes it) and he uses the Humiliation Sheets when navigating school.
🎮Very socially awkward. Do I need to explain this one? Lol
🎮Gets confused easily and asks a lot of questions.
🎮Doesn’t always catch or read sarcasm. (“Is this where you meet for the play?” “No, this is where you meet for the swim team.”)
🎮Desperately wants to fit in and be seen as “normal.” The main reason he even got the Squip was so he could talk to Christine and be seen as “normal”.
🎮Gets overwhelmed/overstimulated easily. (I personally saw the whole scene in the mall & Upgrade as him having sensory overload.)
🎮Occasionally has a “one track” mind. Like when he was becoming more popular and he didn’t notice how it affected the people around him.
🎮Has a strong sense of justice, when it’s needed. Like when he was trying to stop the Squip from basically taking over the school/world and getting away from Chloe. (Technically, he was forced to stay by the Squip, but he tried to do the right thing at first.) It is still a bit skewed however, considering he okay with doing the more problematic things the Squip told him to.
🎮Feels isolated from his peers and his best friend. Where Micheal’s content with being a “loser”, Jeremy isn’t and doesn’t know how to explain it to him. He’s tired of being someone’s “player two”, y’know?
🎮Basically the entirety of “Loser, Geek, or Whatever. (Seriously. Go listen to that song and then tell me that boy is not autistic.) It helps get my point across much better than I can xD.
🎮Canonically has and hears voices in his head and has trouble managing them.
🎮Has a fixation on old Nintendo games and other “retro” stuff. Like Pac-Man and AOTD.
And yeah! This is all that I have so far where. when comes to canon evidence, but I have a lot more stuff that’s just headcanons. I just wanted to actually use proof before someone comes and says “OmG nOt eVeRyThInG is AuTiStIc wHy dO yOu hAvE tO RuIn tHe CoNtEnT aNd ChArAcTeRs bY MaKiNg tHeM tHaT wAy? NoT eVerYtHiNg hAs tO HaVe aN AgEnDa So LeAvE tHe ChArAcTeRs aLoNe. TheY wErE wRiTTen tO Be tHaT waY, nOt aUtIsTic.” And look, I know it’s a mixed bag when it comes to having headcanons about being disabled. I know it looks kinda sus and pandering when like a nuerotypcal person is doing that, but please know, I’m autistic too. And I highly doubt it that my tiny corner of the internet and my personal interpretation of a fictional character is going to ruin it for the rest of the fandom. I’m not trying to force anyone to agree! This is just me! Anyway, just wanted to preface that before people got upset or sm :3.
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the-king-of-nighmares · 5 months
Hello im lazysimpluna or you can call me Luna or Finley
Warnings for this blog
There will be death
There will be also unsettling scenes staring and such
Somone that gets hurt ect gore probaly too not sure eather that or puppet Gore as I call it be warned if any of these topics is nothing for you then don't click on it please thank you!
im not good at writing and my grammar isn't that great so forgive me for typos :'D I also didn't used Tumblr as much so I'm still
Important none of the stories are Canon to clowns og project!!
!! Boundaries!!
Yes you can
✅ make fanart absolutely tag me please!!!
✅ Im okay with interactions trough I can't promise I will do all of them I mostly do what I feel like and if I don't feel like it I don't do it it also might take a bit
Please no applecest no wallycest no proships!!!❌
Don't ship home with anyone please he's really toxic and absolutely not interested in any relationships he dosent care about feelings he dosent care about people 🙏❌
No nsfw im srs!!!❌
Don't do a Ai bot of him I doubt I do an Ai bot of him !! ❌❌❌
Don't message me privately if I don't know you please if I know you for a bit from my comment section you can ask me if you can message me and I might say yes , please have patients with me I don't feel comfortable calling you my friend so soon so I just call you a mutual if I know you for a longer while I might call you a friend! I had a really bad experience with an ex friend of mine I knew since my childhood and that left marks , I might get easily overwhelmed or exausted so I might dip or don't talk at all please don't feel like I'm ignoring you or anything I'm not I'm simply not feeling like talking or it is to much at that day for me!❌❌❌
🌟Things about me that are important 🌟
my pronounce are she/her, he him, im genderfluid and aroace ❤️
I have auditory processing disorder or called
(APD )
Wich makes me slower I might forget alot of things or I also have hearing problems sometimes like when somone calls me it doesn't end up in my brain I'm also very sensitive so sounds loud notices specifically
I also take a while to understand things so be patient with me
(HSP ) I am a highly sensitive person
I also have social anxiety
I'm really sensitive like I would say emotionally there are often times where I do take things too serious or something please tell me talk to me about those things if I understand stuff the wrong way
I'm 22 years old and German
I only speak English and German I can't speak other languages
I have 29 aus by now I might add more depending on what ideas I get ( idk for sure I know I have alredy alot and I didn't even developed alot of them enough I do want to put an line to it but I can't I love creating I love making it makes me happy so just be aware XD when I decide to do a blog for my other aus that I might not post alot about those depending on how I'm feeling ( maybe I post more when I get asks idk)
Socials : I have tik tok Instagram also yt I also have another Tumblr but I don't like that one as much atm it's more actually idk it was more meant for oploading ahit art and such but I don't feel the account anymore idk I'm weird xd so ig I might do a new main maybe?? Idk anyhow I'm the most active on tik tok name is lazysimpluna on all platforms!
Blogs I will tag once I posted this
🌟Ref of my silly🌟
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He will talk in red so you know
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asoulofatlantis · 1 year
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You know... I hate that Blitzball-Minni-Game and I only ever play the one game I am forced to play but I would love to kick those guys asses by beating them in that damn game at least once! I was close to winning one time, but got beating in the end anyway. I wish there was a cheat to win this game ^^’
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Yuna is a shy girl at first glance. Young and inexperienced. I would have never thought she would be able to stand up to Donna like this, even tho she was very polite, while doing it.
Also, you can tell that Donna is just jealous. Its no surprise that in the end, she is the summoner who gives up first, given how it looks like that she is more after fame, then actually saving or protecting anyone. Also... she is taking her boyfriend along, what do you think would have happened in Zanarkand, when she had to sacrifice him?
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That was an act to disgrace Yuna, which is pretty low, even for someone like Donna.
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Respect to Tidus for knowing how to deal with his overwhelming feelings. Many people would feel like bursting but would either not know how to deal with those feelings or not fare to just scream out loud while other people could hear them.
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Bahamut is in almost every flashback that Tidus has.
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As I said before, you get one shot at this. One freaking, fucking shot and either you nail it or any lousy chance of winning that game in the tournament that you might have is gone down the drain. This really sucks. Of course you can always go back to a previous save, but it still shouldn’t be this damn hard.
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I... I... I freaking did it. The first fucking time. Wohoo! (Tho I was lucky. A lot of just pressing A was involved this time.)
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Yuna herself said she met Jekkt (I was sure he was written Jekkt and not Jecht before, but that could be a german-translation thing... anyway, I keep calling mit Jekkt XD) the day her father left on his pilgrimage. However, Yuna talks rather fondly of Jekkt and Jekkt too in one of his recordings talks about “Little Yuni” like they have become fast friends. I just have no idea, when exactly they had the time to bond or when Jekkt was able to talk about Zanarkand or show the freaking Jekkt shot. As far as we know... Braska got Jekkt out of Prison and they left shortly after. There are no telefons in this game and Yuna was said to stay in Bevelle (with however...) so it doesn’t seem like there was any other chance for them to meet and talk then that day the trio left. Braska surely also did his entrance-trial in Bevelle so there was hardly a need to come back. If anything, they might have passed Bevelle on their way back from Besaid and Killika and so on. BUT something we find out in the Jekkt spheres is that Braska wasn’t exactly very liked in his community - likely because he married an AlBhed - so not sure if he really was going back there, even for Yuna. Especially given that Jekkt and Auron too were likely not very welcome there either. But... you know... game-sins and stuff XD
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I have to do another round of game-sins here XD Given what happens at Yunalescas place I highly doubt that ANY guardian ever came back alive. Even if, Yevon would have had silenced them quickly so they wouldn’t blabb. Which means its likely no guardian ever returned - not even as an immortal. Which also means that one should question why Auron was still alive and hardly should believe Jekkt survived either. Not to mention its been 10 freaking years and Yuna doesn’t seem to have much trust in the man that guarded her father, if she though he never would search for her and check on her? I know if Yuna just wanted to be nice here, but she sounds sincere and I don’t think she would have added those words if she didn’t believed them - in fact, I think she also asked Auron about were Jekkt was later. Also... Auron took care of Tidus after the calm started, but no one ever questioned how that actually happened until way later. And while Wakka might not have believed Tidus for most of the time. Yuna knew the truth, so should she not have wondered how it was possible that Auron was able to take care of Tidus and Jekkt wasn’t but was still alive? Sounds odd.
Now I think something that we must clear up here is that games (especially back in the day - this was made like 20 years ago or so) weren’t meant to be questioned like that. Plotconviniences or oddities were always there and Logic often didn’t apply all the time in those games either and that was normal and okay and accepted. Because in a fantasy world with monsters and magic and some religious mumbo jumbo you don’t usually question a games logic. HOWEVER... times have changed AND while when you play a game like this for the first time, you might not even notice stuff like this, when you play it for the tenth time or so... and have all that information you have, you can not help but wonder about stuff like that and criticizes it a little. HOWEVER, those things don’t make the game bad or the gaming experience less fun. Its just... that you are done with analyzing the story and the characters... so you move one to the details and in most games, they do not always make sense. So what I want to say is: Just like with Game-Sins, this is just for entertainment, not to make the game look bad or anything.
In any case... I haven’t come as far as I could have and should have, but this is it for me today.
0 notes
bloody-bee-tea · 3 years
Have a fluffy thought for distraction: discussion conference at Cloud Recesses, sect leader Jiang has not returned to the talks after a break and no one can find him. Hours later someone goes to feed the bunnies and finds him in the meadow, covered in bunnies. Maybe he's asleep, maybe he's awake, either way he can't move because that would disturb the bunnies and you don't disturb animals that picked you as their seat :3 he lives in the meadow now.
A field of rabbits
Well it certainly distracted me into writing XD <3
When everyone files back into the conference room and Jiang Wanyin is nowhere to be seen, Nie Mingjue doesn’t immediately panic. 
This is the Cloud Recesses after all, and it’s highly unlikely that he got attacked or ran into some trouble here. After Wen Xu managed to burn the Cloud Recesses, they made sure that it’s one of the most fortified places right after the Unclean Realm and possibly Lotus Pier.
Jiang Wanyin might be a magnet for trouble, and he might look for fights more than anyone else Nie Mingjue knows except himelf, but the chances that he found either here are slim to none.
It’s much more likely that there was an emergency with his Sect that he has to deal with before he can come back to the conference. 
It happened before and it will happen again; after all, they are all Sect Leaders here and there are always issues the second in command can’t deal with on their own.
Nie Mingjue has the utmost understanding for that.
But when Lan Qiren steps into the room and frowns, before worry visibly clouds over his face that’s the moment unease makes itself known in Nie Mingjue’s belly.
If Jiang Wanyin had to deal with something else, then he would have notified Lan Qiren, there’s no doubt about that.
Jiang Wanyin has the utmost respect for Lan Qiren and he would never be late or miss a meeting intentionally, not without telling Lan Qiren or informing him otherwise.
But it doesn’t seem like Lan Qiren knows what happened to Jiang Wanyin either, and that’s cause to worry.
People are already starting to whisper about his absence and Nie Mingjue clenches his fist.
Jiang Wanyin has been leading his Sect for over three years now; bringing it back from the brink and restoring it to much of its former glory and still people are talking about him as if he’s a helpless teenager who doesn’t deserve their respect or fear.
Nie Mingjue hates it with every fibre of his being, because Jiang Wanyin has stepped up for his Sect in a way not many would have been able to and it itches him to snap at all of them.
It’s only Lan Qiren who catches his gaze that stops him.
“Sect Leader Jiang has been delayed by an important issue. He is requesting for Sect Leader Nie’s assistance, so if you would, please,” Lan Qiren says with a meaningful glance towards Nie Mingjue and Nie Mingjue nods his understanding.
Lan Qiren has no goddamn clue where Jiang Wanyin is and he wants him to look for him.
Nie Mingjue will more than gladly do that.
There is no real danger here that could have befallen Jiang Wanyin, but Nie Mingjue still worries.
He has never seen anyone with eye rings that deep or black, especially since Jiang Wanyin is otherwise almost deathly pale and the concern that he might have just dropped dead is a real one.
Jiang Wanyin is pushing himself far too hard.
Nie Mingjue asks every disciple he sees if they have seen Jiang Wanyin but he only gets vague answers in return.
It seems like Jiang Wanyin vanished like a shadow.
Nie Mingjue feels frustration rise in him when he makes his way through the entire Cloud Recesses with no sign of Jiang Wanyin.
“You think the rabbits will be mad that we didn’t feed them?” Nie Mingjue hears a disciple say suddenly and he frowns. 
“I think better the rabbits than Sect Leader Jiang,” another voice replies and before Nie Mingjue can inquire about what they mean, they are gone.
But he finally has a lead and so he follows the path that leads to the meadow with the rabbits.
He used to come here a lot with Lan Xichen when they were both younger and less burdened but ever since the Sunshot Campaign neither of them have the time for this anymore.
His feet still remember the path well though, and it’s not long before the first rabbits come into view.
The rabbits and a figure clad in purple.
Nie Mingjue breathes a little bit easier just for having found Jiang Wanyin but then it registers in his mind that Jiang Wanyin is splayed out on the ground, not moving or talking, and the worry comes back with a vengeance.
Nie Mingjue stealthily makes his way over to Jiang Wanyin, but as soon as he gets closer he realizes that Jiang Wanyin is breathing easily and deeply and he seems more relaxed than Nie Mingjue has ever seen him.
He just fell asleep then. That’s good.
Nie Mingjue has to bite back a smile when one of the startled rabbits makes its way back onto Jiang Wanyin’s stomach, where it promptly falls back asleep.
Nie Mingjue is unsure if the rabbits climbed on Jiang Wanyin and prevented him from leaving, causing him to fall asleep, or if Jiang Wanyin fell asleep and the rabbits claimed him as their bed, but it doesn’t really matter.
What matters is that Jiang Wanyin finally got some rest.
Nie Mingjue carefully sits down next to him, but of course Jiang Wanyin startles awake. It seems like the war and the stress are still too close.
“Relax,” Nie Mingjue lowly says, taking care not to startle the rabbits any more than Jiang Wanyin’s violent waking up did and Nie Mingjue watches fondly as the same rabbit as before makes its bed on Jiang Wanyin’s stomach yet again.
It seems to be a particularly good spot for sleeping.
“What are you doing here?” Jiang Wanyin asks him and his voice is rough enough to suggest that he at least slept for most of their break.
That’s good.
“Looking for you,” Nie Mingjue lowly gives back and puts a hand to Jiang Wanyin’s shoulder when he tries to get up. “Relax,” he says again and Jiang Wanyin does sink back into the grass, but there’s tension in his face now.
“The break is over,” he whispers, sounding horrified and Nie Mingjue nods.
“It is, but don’t worry. Lan Qiren has your back.”
“What did he say?” Jiang Wanyin asks as if he fears the answer.
“That there has been an important issue. You asked for my help, if you’re wondering,” Nie Mingjue says easily and then lays down on the grass as well. “And I like what you’re doing so I’ll join you.”
“Sect Leader Nie—” Jiang Wanyin starts but Nie Mingjue doesn’t let him speak.
“Mingjue. Nie Mingjue if you must,” he corrects him and then closes his eyes as the first curious rabbits start to explore him.
“I’m sorry,” Jiang Wanyin whispers after a long moment and Nie Mingjue blinks over to him.
“What for?”
“Missing the conference. Making you miss it, too. You can go back if you want to, and I’ll follow soon.”
Nie Mingjue eyes first the rabbit on his own stomach and then the numerous ones on Jiang Wanyin and raises an eyebrow at him.
“I don’t think either of us will. You don’t move if an animal has chosen you as their sleeping spot. It’s just not done. Believe me, I know. Huaisang has many birds who like to sit on me and you’re simply not allowed to disturb them. It’s an unwritten law,” Nie Mingjue tells him and reaches out for another rabbit to add it to the ones already on Jiang Wanyin.
“And would you look at that, another one chose you. You can leave even less now.”
Jiang Wanyin is staring at him with wide eyes and Nie Mingjue is absolutely unprepared to see tears well up in them.
It seems like Jiang Wanyin wasn’t prepared for that either if the panic in his eyes is any indication and Nie Mingjue does the only thing he can think of.
He plops a rabbit onto Jiang Wanyin’s face.
The rabbit doesn’t struggle like Nie Mingjue expected it to and instead stays on his face for long, long moments, and Jiang Wanyin doesn’t make a move to dislodge it either.
“I’m sorry,” Jiang Cheng finally croaks out again and Nie Mingjue sighs, before he crosses his arms behind his head.
“There is no need to be. You’re pushing yourself too hard. Lan Qiren and I worry. It’s good for you to take some time off and where better to do it than here. Lan Qiren will inform us if there’s anything important, but you should know how these things go by now. Sect Leader Yao will think he’s the most important man in the room until Jin Guangshan reminds him that he is in fact the most important man in the room and by then it will be evening. It’s not like we’re going to miss much.”
“True,” Jiang Wanyin says with a snort, which finally makes the rabbit move off his face.
There are no more tears in his eyes, but Jiang Wanyin seems bone-deep exhausted.
“Rest some more. I’ll make sure no one disturbs us,” Nie Mingjue lowly says and Jiang Wanyin closes his eyes with a sigh.
“I shouldn’t be this weak,” he mutters under his breath and Nie Mingjue rolls his eyes.
“You’re human,” he gives back. “And your body has needs. Sleep is one of them.”
“I don’t have time to sleep,” Jiang Wanyin whispers but he closes his eyes.
“You do now. So make the best of it,” Nie Mingjue advises him and he’s pretty sure Jiang Wanyin falls asleep before he even finishes talking.
Nie Mingjue stares at him for a moment longer—he didn’t quite realize that Jiang Wanyin was so tired that he would basically drift off in the middle of a conversation—but it’s not really a surprise, not with how exhausted he looks.
He watches Jiang Wanyin for a while, looking for any kind of movement, but he seems to be deep into sleep already and so Nie Mingjue turns his head back to look at the sky.
He’ll have to talk to Lan Qiren so they can figure out how to efficiently help Jiang Wanyin lessen the burden of leadership.
Jiang Wanyin is one of the good ones and it would be a shame to lose him to stress and sleep-deprivation this soon.
Nie Mingjue will make sure that he leads a healthier lifestyle than Lan Qiren and Nie Mingjue did back when they took over their respective Sects.
And the first step for that is to let Jiang Wanyin sleep in a field of rabbits. It seems like a good start.
Link to my ko-fi on the sidebar!
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itspillowtime · 3 years
Do you have any teaser for your fics to share? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hello Anon! I’m very late but if you’re reading this, thank you for waiting patiently. Life has been a tad hectic as of late but I’m hoping things return to normal soon.
Anyway, here you go. Enjoy! :D
Note: Chapstick, My Best Friend’s Little Sister, and Pleasure Lessons are all ongoing IR fics, and some of the snippets below contain suggestive or mature themes. Edit: the E rating stands for “explicit,” not “everyone” xD
Chapstick (rated M for future scenes)
Making his way past patrons and tables to exit the coffee shop, he stopped outside the large cafe windows, bringing his phone up to his ear so he could hear her better.
“Hey, midget. What’s up?”
He could practically hear her glaring at him through the phone, her irritation making him smirk. “Nothing, you jerk. We’re about to head over to the theater but Renji had to take a call, so I figured I’d make one as well.”
“Everything going okay so far?”
Rukia sighed. “Yeah. We haven’t talked about it yet, but I’m planning to after the movie.”
“That’s good. Don’t get too stressed about it while you’re watching the movie.”
“I’ll try,” she promised. “Are you writing today?”
She knew him well; “Yeah, I’m at the Tully’s by my place. Gonna try to get some done but some guy was being an asshole, picking on this girl.”
He heard her tsk through the phone. “That’s not good. Did you break it up?”
“Yeah, she was pretty freaked out but he left eventually. So now I’m just waiting for my drink, which they insisted on giving me for free even though I didn’t do much.”
“I’m sure you’re her hero,” Rukia teased, and he knew she was wiggling her brows at him on the other end. “Maybe you’ll be on a date soon too, hmm?”
“Right,” he said dryly, “I highly doubt that considering she looked like she was about to faint just looking at my face.”
“Told you your face is scary as hell!”
“Shut up,” he grumbled. “You obviously like seeing it all the time.”
He could hear the smirk in her voice; “I don’t like it, fool, I’ve just developed a high tolerance for it. The way some people have built a tolerance for arsenic.” She snickered on the other end and he scowled, despite her being unable to see him.
My Best Friend’s Little Sister (rated E)
As she scooted a bit closer to me on the bench to add some to my plate, her thigh connected with mine under the table. I jumped a bit at the sudden contact, my knee nearly hitting the table when I felt her soft leg pressing against mine.
I caught myself just in time—I’d almost moved away but that would’ve been weirder; it’s not like we were in elementary school anymore and I was some kid afraid of cooties.
Not to mention if I were being honest, the very last thing I wanted to do at that moment was move away from her warmth and the sweet scent of her skin.
If only Renji weren’t sitting right across from us.
I could feel myself starting to grow hard again in my pants—fuck, this was becoming a problem—at how close she was, her arm extended in front of me barely a couple inches away as she leaned over me. The neck of her sweater had slid off her shoulder at some point, exposing her bare skin to my gaze.
I was unable to resist, my eyes darting down to roam over the small curve of her breast beneath her thin top, reminding me of her silhouette I’d seen outside the tent...
Her thigh pressed even more firmly into mine as she started peppering the far side of my bowl, making sure it was distributed evenly. I was nearly fully hard now and jerked away in panic; if she got any closer her leg would practically be draped over mine and she would definitely feel it.
Then—for the briefest moment—I felt her calf rub slightly up and down against mine.
Pleasure Lessons (rated E for future scenes)
She took a step away from him as he continued to come toward her.
“I wasn’t doing anything,” she denied again hotly.
“Oh no? It looked like you were enjoying yourself...unless I was mistaken?” he laughed, his bright eyes boring into hers. “That was pretty amazing, Kuchiki. Never would’ve thought our class rep was so wild.” He continued walking her away from the desk until her back was pressed against the wall, the cold glass of the window piercing through her thin shirt and making her shiver. “But I guess even the class rep needs to blow off steam once in a while, huh?”
“Are you going to tell anyone?” she whispered, both unable and afraid to look away from him.
She watched as his lips drew into a lazy smirk. “Hmm,” he drawled, looking amused. “That depends. What do I get out of it if I don’t?”
At that, her expression hardened into one he was more used to seeing on her, making his grin widen. “Don’t think you can try to blackmail me.”
“Blackmail?” he chuckled. “You think I’m that kind of guy?”
“I know you are!”
“Oh you do, do you?” He lowered his face close to hers and she flinched at the sudden proximity. “I’m flattered, didn’t realize the class rep was paying so much attention to me. Tell me, what else do you know about me?”
“That you’re always getting into fights,” she spat at him. “And you don’t care about any of our school rules.”
The edge of his mouth quirked up at that. “Oh, but rules are more fun to break than follow,” he murmured, his canines glinting soft and dangerous in the glow of the setting sun. “Don’t you agree?”
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mcrmadness · 3 years
This is just me talking about (my) asexuality and aromanticism and mainly about how I figured I'm aroace. I'm from Finland and recently turned 30 so my experience and "lgbt+ history" might not be what you know it as, especially if you are not from Europe, or if your native language is English.
Also this is highly personal, so I doubt anyone here will have 100% same experience. But that's fine because remember: we're all individuals here and these are NEVER universal. You're still valid even if you wouldn't relate to what being aspec is to me.
It might be IS a long post so beware, but I've just been feeling like writing down some thoughts so here we go...
What I have been able to track is that I was 17, in 2008, when I first stumbled upon the term "asexuality". I don't remember exactly how, but I just remember reading about it and immediately going "yeah that's me". But what I do remember is that no one talked it being about sexual attraction. Basically how understood it was: asexuality = sex-repulsion.
I was 17, and somehow I knew I was sex-repulsed, but at the same time also thought I'm just a minor, so it's normal to be sex-repulsed. But even after turning 18, I don't recall ever feeling sexual attraction. I didn't think of myself as a "late bloomer" but just as someone who just has no interest towards sex. At some point I became really anxious of men, however. Nothing has ever happened to me* but still I, for some reason, developed terrible fear of men. I'm afab and just did not want to be seen as an object, and it made, still makes me, terrified to think someone might look at me and have Emotions. I know that we can't control our brains, I mean, I can't look at someone and force myself to feel attraction - just like those who do feel attraction, can't force themselves to stop feeling attraction. They can only control their actions. But yeah, I also had horrible (sexual) intrusive thoughts due to my generalized anxiety disorder at some point, which did not really help. They got a bit better when I came into terms with my asexuality and aromanticism, but sometimes they still come at me and it's never fun, but at least they're not as strong as what they used to be.
*(Unless if you can count that as sexual harrasment when, CW, I was 11 and a classmate was "into" me and tried to touch my face and talk "sweet things" to me but made it into a show despite me being uncomfortable and usually crying cos as a neurodivergent I didn't know how else to react.)
But anyway, back to the topic. So for years I understood asexuality as sex-repulsion, but I guess it's because I, well, am a sex-repulsed ace. So if I'm sex-repulsed, why would I then look at someone and feel something if I'm repulsed by the thing anyway? Like, it probably can't get any simpler than this :D And I know today that it's not as simple anymore. But that was 2008, at school (in ~2005) they only talked about gays a little, on one page in a sex.ed. book that otherwise was maybe 100 pages long. Only one page. About gays. And it was basically "Some boys like boys or some girls like girls and it's totally fine." and that was it, but the overall assumption was that everyone likes someone. And also there were no romantic orientations. Liking someone = both sexually and romantically. Not liking = not a thing except when you were depressed or otherwise mentally ill, or autistic or mentally disabled (which is a SUPER ableist take btw). I don't remember teachers ever talking about this, but it could also just be my adhd, maybe they did mention, but I just don't remember. At least in my notebooks there is no mention of this, everything was very much heteronormative and amatonormative, and also there was only two genders. I don't remember ever hearing about transgender people, apart from foreign documentaries and in them they were always portrayed as some shocking freaks of the nature, and loads of wrong terms were used. And this is still the mid and late 2000s we're talking about!
So this takes us to the other part aka aromanticism. Back then asexuality was not only sex-repulsion but also merged together with aromanticism, because people didn't talk about romantic orientations yet. So asexuality was not only sex-repulsion, but also you simply just not wanting a relationship. Again, nothing about attraction, just someone who did not care about sex nor relationships. A "forever single", if you will.
This was already annoying me a lot back then because I was really annoyed by sex "running the world". I was so angry because why is asexual the only sexuality that doesn't like sex? All the other sexualities had the assumption of them always wanting to have sex. Like, even think about someone who is straight, you hear that someone is straight, and you automatically assume(d) that oh they're into sex too cos why wouldn't they be. This was really driving me nuts because I was sure there are people who want to have a partner, but never want to have sex! I was still experiencing crushes, and I knew for sure it was nothing sexual, so it annoyed me that just because I'm asexual, it means I can't have crushes. That's why I actually called myself as "asexual bi" for a while, because "bisexual" indicated I would have not been sex-repulsed and I wanted to point out that I'm NOT into sexual things, at all - and remember that this was still the late 2000s or early 2010s and I had not heard of romantic orientations yet! So I was up to something, there just were no terms for that yet! Today that would be called bi-/panromantic asexual.
I haven't been able to track the exact date or even year when did I figure out I'm aromantic, or when did I hear about romantic orientations for the first time. From the messages I've been able to find, I was already in my early 20s. Aka somewhere around maybe 2011-2013. In those, I have still been wondering what I am or if I even want to have a relationship, not being really able to tell what I wanted or didn't want. Again, no one told me romantic orientations are about ATTRACTION and not about whether you have commitment issues or not (this as a half-joke, cos I have severe commitment issues with everything :D I need to feel free!).
Anyway, I do remember my key moment with aromanticism, or the "aromantic awakening" as you could call it too, was when I was 17 or 18. Or maybe I was older? I don't know, I have time blindness. Anyway, I had this one online friend I had a "crush" on (I think it was just undiagnosed adhd's person hyperfixation) and I even told her about it. Everything just is super shady, from those years, I was not really on my best and there are so many overlapping memories that feel like different alternative universes instead of memories on a same timeline. Anyway, I just remember at some point thinking about this girl and I thought about some "romantic" stuff, like kissing, and I just remember my brain going "NOOOOOPE!" I had wanted to meet with her some day so bad, but when I started thinking about actually meeting with her, I started to nope the fuck out. All I had in my head was awkward embarrassing "first kiss" scenarios from movies and I just was not having it! I basically went "lol I guess I'm aro too, then XD" but I still don't remember when did I have this realization. Was I 17? Or was I, say, 22? I guess I need to go through my old MSN Messenger and Skype convos some day to investigate this further because I really want to know. I couldn't even find anything from my Tumblr from those times (I registered here in 2011), but I don't know if that's just me not tagging or Tumblr search functioning normally (aka it never finds anything).
But yeah, I am touch-repulsed. And kiss-repulsed, and romance-repulsed, too, (unless it's my OTP we're talking about). I'm still not exactly sure if I'm touch repulsed because I'm aromantic, or if I'm aromantic because I'm touch-repulsed. I only know that because of my sensory issues (I'm neurodivergent), I have never liked touching nor being touched. Even as a little kid I hated hugs and never liked sitting on anyone's lap. I only tolerated my parents, mainly my mom, because they were my safe place as an extremely shy baby/toddler/kid, who was especially wary about men. I can't explain the latter, but there was something about adult men that caused me (as a baby) to hide my face against my mom's shoulder if they talked to me. I did that to everyone I didn't know, but especially to men I didn't know. No idea why.
I also remember how my siblings loved to sit on people's laps and were always climbing onto their laps, and I didn't like this. And once my (late) grandma was so touched when she asked me if I want to sit on her lap (I was maybe 5-7?) and I agreed just to make her happy. I still remember how it felt, and I did not like it at all, but it still made my grandma so happy that I THINK she almost cried when she told my mom I actually agreed to sit on her lap. I'm not sure how real this last part of the memory is because I was so young. But I do remember thinking I do that for a change because I knew my grandma would be happy.
So yeah, my touch-repulsion is not exactly a new thing but just something that has been a part of my personality forever. But is that the core reason for why I only feel aesthetic attraction? I never look at people and feel like I wanna touch. More of the opposite, the idea of having to touch them or them touching me makes me go "eeewww". If you have seen that video of a gibbon shaking their whole body after seeing a rat in their exhibit? That's what I feel like when I think about touching or being touched, in just any way, also platonically.
The only time I feel "sensual attraction" is when I see photos or videos of animals. The urge to pet a tiger is insane. But the feel of another human's skin or muscle (or hair or whatever) is very repulsive to me.
I still remember how disgusting it felt to e.g. sit on a cousin's lap. We sometimes used swings like this, and somehow I was aware of it not feeling nice, but still not doing anything about it cos it also was okay? Only later I have realized I really, really loathe the texture of human skin. Or the warmth and overall feeling of a human body. For example, I was at least 7 or younger when I sat on my cousin's lap while we were sitting on a swing and STILL, after over 20 years, I have that all in my body memory. I remember how the thigh bone felt under my legs and how freaking disgusting the muscles felt inbetween. Also at school, on the 1st grade, we often had to walk in a line of twos after the teacher and hold the pair's hand so no one gets lost. My then-friend had so ridiculously dry skin that the only thing I could think of was how I felt like throwing up because the skin on her palm felt so damn disgusting. I still can feel that in my hand when I think of it. That's one of my "core memories" from 1st grade - how disgusting the human skin can feel like.
I don't think I have ever felt actual romantic attraction towards anyone. It's really difficult to differentiate because as I mentioned, I get those people hyperfixations easily. I guess it's the same hormones but I never really want to do anything with them? I guess it's the emotional intimacy that "attracts" me and what gets me excited, but I'm still not exactly sure what emotional intimacy means to me. I don't exactly fall into the QPR category either, in a way I wish I had a best friend whose best friend also I would be, and that neither would have anyone else who is "better" than the other one. But the only intimacy there would be emotional intimacy, nothing else. And I need my freedom so I wouldn't move in with any human being, either.
Sometimes I've thought my "ideal partner" would be a robot because if I get annoyed, I could just turn it off and stuff into a closet and leave there, and if I felt like not having a "relationship" anymore, I could just remove the harddrive and destroy the robot, or both. That way I would be the only one with the memories, and I wouldn't have to worry about someone out there knowing things about me, things that only the closest can know, and I'm really afraid of letting anyone close in case it won't work (also with regular friendships) because I can't stop thinking about how much I wish I had that MIB memory cancelling device so that they would again know almost nothing, or at least much much less about me. There's already one friendship that ended a few years ago and I still keep thinking about how I wish I could take everything back and how I wish they delete(d) all the files and drawings and stuff I sent them. There are so many things about me I wish I never told them, now as we are no longer friends. Back then it felt like "of course this is gonna last a lifetime!" but turns out that nope, not all friendships will.
I guess it's time to stop rambling. This post is really long already. If you read it all the way here: congrats. And thanks. You probably just wasted your time but... that's on you I guess :DDD But yeah, some thoughts from a 30-years-old aroace who has been aware of their identity for at least or almost 10 years now.
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I Love Him More
AU: Age Swap Au
Words: 2883 (i uhh XD this one got away on me lol)
Pairing: Hatake Kakashi/Tenzo Yamato/Maito Gai
Summary: While visiting Konoha with his friend, Tenzo finds himself in an awkward situation with one Maito Gai. Aka the man of Kakashi's dreams, and the most annoying person Tenzo could ever meet.
Konoha was quite a beautiful village when one got past all of the noisy people rushing down the streets. There were some stunning parks, and the river that cuts through the center of the village was well taken care of.
If there was ever a time in his life that Tenzo decided he wanted to settle down in a village, Konoha would be his top choice. Though, the chances of that happening were pretty slim. All his life Tenzo had been a wandering shinobi. Following Danzo-sama from hideout to hideout, only feeling like he had a home for a month maximum before they were forced to move once again.
Settling down simply wasn’t in his nature.
“We could race to the village!” Then, of course, there were some loud noises that he simply couldn’t ignore.
Having settled onto a nice rooftop with the Bento box he had ordered, he was just about to dig in when that ear-piercing voice interrupted him. Maito Gai, or as he liked to call him ‘Konoha’s resident weirdo’.
How someone like that had ever managed to convince Kakashi to be friends, he would never understand. Where Kakashi had an aloof, rather cold attitude towards other people, Maito Gai was friendly and energetic. Always ready to do something.
Tenzo hadn’t spent much time with him in the last three years since the fourth great shinobi war ended, but he knew more than enough about the man through those few interactions they had and Kakashi’s stories when they were travelling together. Maito Gai was simply not someone he would get along with. He had decided that long ago and avoided interaction with him where possible after that.
“Come on. It’ll be fun! I bet I can run three laps around the village before you even finish your first,” closing his bento, Tenzo placed a hand on his knee and pushed himself upwards, determined to find a new spot to eat. One that was a little bit quieter. “Don’t tell me you’re afraid to lose, Rival.”
Stopping in his tracks, Tenzo closed his eyes and took a moment to debate his next move.
He could leave. Find a nice comfortable, quiet place to eat his food. Enjoy the rest of his time in the village doing what he wanted without being a little snoop. Or he could follow that voice. There was only one person that Maito Gai ever called ‘Rival’ in his experience, and he’d be lying to himself if he said he wasn’t curious what Kakashi was doing with the weirdo this time.
Naturally, his curiosity got the better of him.
Doing a one hundred and eighty-degree turn, he scanned the area and thought about the few things Kakashi had said about the other man. Places he talked about them going together, the odd time he would mention things Maito liked.
His eyes zeroed in on the Dango shop.
The one thing Tenzo always remembered, regardless of what they were talking about when Maito was brought up, was his irrational love for Dango. There was no doubt in his mind that the man would have convinced Kakashi to go out for Dango with him even though Kakashi didn’t like sweets.
No doubt in his mind’s where Maito’s obnoxious voice was coming from. So, not wanting to waste another second, he leaped between roofs. Only stopping when he reached the roof directly across the street from the Dango shop.
From there he could see Maito and Kakashi with ease. The pair sitting at one of the tables just inside of the little shop, each holding a stick of Dango.
“Mah, I’d rather relax for a bit,” Kakashi’s voice finally reached his ears. A bored tone prominent, with the smallest hint of amusement, tucked away in his words. Hard for anyone to hear unless they knew Kakashi well. “Why does everything have to be a competition, Gai? I’m not in the village all the time. We should enjoy some time together before I leave again.”
Maito’s shoulders dropped suddenly.
“You’re not thinking of leaving already, are you?” The enthusiasm that had carried in his voice just minutes ago was gone. Replaced by a sadness Tenzo knew all too well.
A feeling that he shared whenever Kakashi spoke of his old childhood friend with fondness and admiration.
“You know how I feel about being here, Gai. Honestly, if it weren’t for you and my old team…”
“I know, it’s just…”
Silence fell between the two of them. Not the same comfortable silence that Yamato enjoyed in Kakashi’s presence every once in a while. This was awkward. Full of emotions and thoughts that neither of them seemed to be willing to vocalize.
“Kakashi!” A new voice cut through the air, pulling Yamato’s attention down to the street in front of the small Dango shop where a pink-haired woman stood waving towards Kakashi. “I finally found you. It’s time for that team picture.”
“Do I have to?” For a second it looked like Kakashi was about to argue, but with one look at the older woman, he quickly shut his mouth. No doubt it was the ‘scary face’ that he always talked about when his old Sensei was brought up. “Fine, I’m coming just relax. Sorry Gai, I’ll-”
“Don’t worry about it,” Gai returned his words with a smile. “I’ll be here when you’re done, and perhaps I won’t be alone.” raising an eyebrow, Tenzo started to scan the area for signs of anyone else. Someone who Maito might be speaking of. “After all, it would be nice to meet your other friend.”
Other friend?
Standing up from his seat, Kakashi made his way towards his Sensei. His eyes scanned up towards the rooftops, stopping directly on Tenzo. “He means you, Tenzo,” suddenly it felt like the world was crashing down around him. Human interaction? Kakashi expected him to “Get down here. He doesn’t bite…hard.”
The last word is barely audible when Kakashi turns his back to him and starts following his Sensei down the streets, but Tenzo still catches it lingering in the wind. It was a joke that his friend was trying to make, but honestly fell a little flat.
There was nothing scary about someone who bites. After years of training with Kakashi and being bitten by him more times than he could hope to count, Tenzo’s certain he’ll never find anyone who can make him fear being bitten. His body was desensitized to the pain at this point.
“I’ll get another stick of Dango for you.” before he could protest, Maito was gone. Off to retrieve the promised treat with the expectation that Yamato would join him down in the Dango shop.
He could make a run for it. Maito might be faster, but he was also unlikely to chase after him. It would be a waste of his time, and he had no emotional connection to Tenzo. Unfortunately, as much as he wanted to turn tail and run, his body refused to allow him. Instead, his feet directed themselves towards the Dango shop, and before he could stop himself he had jumped.
Committed himself to something he was certain he wanted no part of.
Damn it
He scolded himself as his feet touched the ground, shifting to absorb the shock of his landing. Straightening himself up, he glanced towards the table that Kakashi and Maito had been sharing just moments ago. Where he was expected to be upon Maito’s return, ready for a conversation that he didn’t want to have.
Why does Kakashi have to be like this? Since when is it my job to make nice with his friends?
He didn’t even like being in Konoha. It wasn’t his home. There wasn’t anyone here that he cared about. The only reason he ever came was that Kakashi wanted to. His spot was beside Kakashi, even if that led him into a village he wanted nothing to do with.
“You’re thinking hard about something,” blinking, Tenzo focused his sight on the man now standing directly in front of him. A smile cemented on his face as usual, and a stick of Dango stretched out in front of him in the offering. “You want to talk about it?”
Examining the stick of Dango, Tenzo huffed. “Not really,” he grumbled, turning his eyes away from the other man. “I’m just here until Kakashi decides to leave. If he wants me to keep you company until his return, I will. But as soon as he’s back I’m gone.”
“That’s...alright,” Maito’s shoulders started to shake, laughter bubbling in his throat while Tenzo tried to ignore him. Pleaded with his ears not to hear that cheerful sound Kakashi always talked about with such fondness. “No wonder Kakashi is always smiling when he’s telling me about you. You are as goofy as he says.”
Goofy? Was that how Kakashi was describing him? Of all the words he could use, he had chosen that one?
His mind screeched to a halt.
“Kakashi...talks about me?” He couldn’t believe it. Kakashi, the guy who never shut up about how much he looked forward to spending time with Maito whenever they were on the way to Konoha, talked about him. During those precious few moments he was spending with Maito, Tenzo was still on his mind?
There was a warm feeling blooming in his chest all of a sudden. Not an unfamiliar feeling, but usually one that he only got when he was spending time with Kakashi. Just the two of them sitting around a campfire, or laying under the stars.
He had never expected to feel that warmth while standing in front of Maito Gai, the man Kakashi spoke so highly of. Who kept him tied to Konoha, even when he refused to call the village his home or even visit it when he couldn’t be guaranteed that he would see his old friend.
“Of course he talks about you,” laughter gave way to a soft, wounded look. “Don’t most people talk about their boyfriends?”
“I-i’m not…” Swallowing past the lump that had formed in his throat, Tenzo stared at the other man with wide, confused eyes.
‘Lie’ His mind screamed at him. ‘If he thinks you’re dating Kakashi, then he can’t ask him out.’
“It seems pretty obvious,” Gai spoke before he even had the chance to form a response. “Whenever he talks about you Kakashi looks, happy. Clearly, you’re very important to him.”
It was strange. Hearing those words from Maito, Tenzo couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness deep inside of his heart. Even when he knew he should be celebrating. Planning out the perfect way to finally ask Kakashi out now that he had at least a hint of confirmation that the other man might feel the same feelings of love that he had been trying so desperately to ignore for the past two years.
Yet, no matter how hard he tried to focus on that happy moment of discovery, he couldn’t help but recall the look in Kakashi’s eyes whenever he spoke about Maito during their travels. The way that his eyes gleamed with excitement whenever he told Tenzo about the latest thing he did with Maito or something they had done together when they were much younger.
How his voice got soft, and a fond smile stretched across his lips whenever Maito’s name was brought up around him.
If there was anyone that Kakashi was in love with, it was Maito, and it burned Tenzo deep inside his soul to have to admit it.
“We’re not dating,” snatching the stick of Dango out of Maito’s hand suddenly, he turned his attention to the small balls of sweetness. Examining each one of them as if they held the secrets of the world inside of them. “He has his eyes set on someone else.’
Maito didn’t have to know who that someone else was.
“Oh,” peering over the sweet treat, Tenzo watched as Maito went through a process of realization. Confusion making itself evident with the slight furrow of those ginormous caterpillar-sized eyebrows, only to be replaced seconds later by realization before he finally settled on excitement. “Well, if that’s the case then I can ask him out.”
Is he being serious right now?
“Well, it’s only fair,” Maito continued. “If you’re not dating him, that means I still have a shot.”
Kakashi had been right when he described Maito as ‘determined’, but this was a new extreme. Just seconds ago the man had thought Kakashi was already in a relationship with Tenzo and now he was ready to ask him out?
His head was spinning from the whiplash caused by Maito’s sudden shift in perspective. His fickle mind was a wonder that Tenzo would be happy to dissect if he had more time.
“I don’t recall saying that I wasn’t intending to ask him out,” he argued, putting aside his thoughts about Maito’s strange shift for the moment. “I’m just planning it out. It has to be perfect.” It didn’t matter that he was lying through his teeth. If Maito was going to make it a competition, he was going to fight to win.
“Oh is that so?” Placing his hands on his hips, Maito leaned in close. His face was mere inches away from Tenzo’s when he finally stopped. “Well, you’re not dating him so that means that whoever asks him out first wins.”
“And if he says no?”
“As if he’d say no to either of us,” Maito responded with a roll of his eyes. “I’m a ray of sunshine, or you’re adorable.”
Tezno’s brain screeched to a halt, unable to focus on anything but that last word Gai had said.
Adorable? Me?
Opening his mouth, he tried desperately to come up with a response on the spot. Unfortunately, thanks to the lack of human interaction he had while working under Danzo, he wasn’t exactly used to having to respond to such compliments on the fly.
So he just stood there, mouth hanging open, staring hopelessly at Maito as he tried to understand his reason’s for saying what he had. After all, no one would compliment someone they should be viewing as competition.
That’s not how things like that worked.
“You’re both hopeless.” dragging his eyes away from Maito, he levelled their intruder with a glare, only realizing his mistake when he saw who it was walking into the Dango shop.
“K-Kakashi!?” Gai’s eyes widened.
“How much-” Diverting his gaze away from his friend, Tenzo instead looked towards Maito. The cause of all his current troubles and the one he hoped would be able to fix the situation. He was, after all, the more socially skilled one between them. “-I thought you were getting a picture taken?”
Sighing, Kakashi started walking towards the pair.
“Sakura-Sensei made sure that the photograph was nearby,” he explained as he pulled his hands out of his pockets. “And it was pretty quick once Obito stopped acting like an idiot.”
Somewhere in the distance Tenzo heard Obito yelling at Kakashi. Calling him names and no doubt being held back from charging into the Dango shop by Rin.
“As for you two,’ stopping in front of the pair, Kakashi’s eyes darted between them. Examining each of them while they stood there awkwardly waiting for whatever it was he had to say. “Instead of fighting over who gets to ask me out first, you could just work together on the ultimate date offer. I’m more likely to say yes that way.”
“Ultimate date offer?” Maito spoke slowly, his eyes scanning towards Tenzo, looking at him as if he held the answer to what exactly Kakashi’s words meant. Unfortunately, he was just as lost as the other man. “I don’t…”
“You don’t get it, do you?” seeing Kakashi avert his gaze was odd. For all the years Tenzo had known him, he had never been one to act shy or uncomfortable. His confusion only worsened when Kakashi removed one hand from his pocket and rubbed it across the back of his neck awkwardly. “I’m saying that I’d maybe, prefer it if you both asked me out.”
“Oh!” returning his gaze to Maito, Tenzo couldn’t help but smile slightly at the thought. Sure, Maito wasn’t his perfect pick for a partner, but he couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief washing over him knowing that he wouldn’t have to fight for Kakashi’s affections.
That they were allowed to share them.
“Well, how about a training date?” Maito explained suddenly, throwing a fist out in front of him. “Nothing gets the blood pumping better than a good spar!”
“I think something more relaxing would be appropriate,” The thought of wasting a date away training made Tenzo cringe. “How about Sushi? Or perhaps a nice walk around the village?” Something more romantic than trying to punch each other in the face.
“Mmm, those are good ideas,” A contemplative look was not something Tenzo had ever expected to see on Maito’s face, and for good reason. It was uncomfortable seeing such a cheerful, energetic person so deep in thought. “How about both?”
“Now we’re talking,” Kakashi smiled at the pair. “Keep this up and you might figure out a good way to ask me out.”
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redrosesartcabin · 3 years
Self indulgent series: Part 2.1
Life: Part 1
(Kenji x female reader, authors perspective) (the reader is a singer) (also: Some angst in here. I dunno why, but I just love writing some angst with fluff endings xD)
“So, let me get this straight”, the interviewer said, bewildered by the story the singer and songwriter Red Rose had brought up, “you met your now husband, Kenji Kon no less, on Jurassic World as one of the kids who got stranded for five months?”
“That’s correct”, she said. She had answered that very question a million times, but she couldn’t fault them for it: It was an unbelievable story (though she started to wonder how not everyone was aware by now that she was one of the teens back than).
“It was in December of 2015. I was thirteen years old and exited to be one of the first teens to visit Camp Cretaceous. I have to admit, I wasn’t and still am not, maybe even less than before, the biggest fan of dinosaurs. I’m not particularly interested in facts about them, but I definitely was interested in seeing some Dino action! So when I won first place at the talent show of my school-“
“Unsurprisingly”, the interviewer interluded at which the audience gave a collective chuckle.
“-I was still very excited about going to Jurassic World. My parents never wanted to go and in retrospect I can understand why. But you know: I was a naïve thirteen-year-old and didn’t think much about the consequences of the past. What happened at Jurassic Park you know? I was convinced Jurassic World was different and all worked out. Boy was I wrong! We all know it now! But at least I can say that I got, besides trauma, lifelong friends and my amazing husband out of it”
“That definitely can’t be disputed”, the interviewer agreed. Red Rose found him quite pleasant. Although he was a chatterbox, he was still very respectful and didn’t poke too much into the Jurassic World story: Although she was, for the most part, over the trauma, it was still a work in progress and it’s not a time she always remembers fondly. On most days she remembers the good moments she had with her newfound friends there, but sometimes she could feel the adrenaline rush through her as she thought of dinosaurs trying to eat her and her fellow campers. She saw flashes of sharp teeth and could feel hot, stinking breath and hear growls drawing shivers down her spine.  Red Rose liked to focus on the human part of the experience, so she preferred being able to tell the tale of Jurassic World the way she wanted without being asked too much…
 “So, Kon helped you reach fame if I remember correctly?”, he asked.
“Definitely! Though, I mean: I was able to do most of what I’m doing. Teaching myself how to use certain programs. I taught myself how to sing and I’ve always written my own stuff…But I certainly wasn’t good at marketing myself or making myself grow.
Kenji and I became boyfriend and girlfriend when I was sixteen and he was eighteen. That same year we went on vacations for three weeks in the Caribbean’s. And “, she let out a laugh. The camera closed up on her and caught a smile and a glance that looked so touched by love anyone could feel how much she adored her spouse, “I remember how we went on the private part of the beach Kenjis father had purchased. I sat down on a hammock and a guitar and just started improvising and singing. Little did I know my boyfriend -gosh that sounds weird to say now- was filming me. He put it up on Instagram, and he already had quite a following back then, so it gained quite some attention. Though not necessarily because it was a nice scenery or any of that: But because people genuinely liked how I sing and the melody I had come up with. And well… it got wild from there. People soon requested I make my own Instagram page for making music.
A year later I was asked if I would like to produce some music and well… then my career started”
“That’s honestly such a cool and sweet story. Though how about an even sweeter reunion? Please welcome: Kenji Kon”
Red Rose got up from her seat with a wild jump, not as the eccentric, elegant yet kind of crazy minded artist, but as y/n Kon. As the wife who hadn’t seen her husband in person for a month because of the production of yet another movie starring him as the protagonist.
The crowd clapped in awe of him, as fans. She wanted to clap because her heart was clapping too. Her heart was dancing a tango inside of chest as though she was seeing her middle school crush in the hallway. His dark eyes, ridden with depth met her y/e.c. ones and all they could read in each other’s eyes was happiness and love.
This happened within miliseconds, but it passed by in slow motion for her, so she perceived herself running towards him with calm. For the rest of the world however she was perceived as looking like a golden retriever who had missed his owner whilst they were at work and were ready to play.
It was adorable. It was downright touching how the couple met each other halfway and gave each other a long, passionate yet gentle kiss (so that it wouldn’t be too inappropriate for life TV).
“Not to be giddy, but you really are a couple to die for”, the interviewer said. The audience half chuckled half yelled in agreement. She felt her cheeks blush in a deep dark shade of red and heard her husband chuckle in embarrassment. She looked down to her and whispered “Hello love”
 Kenji had, unsurprisingly, had found joy in being actor. Being dramatic and showing his face on camera all the time? Perfect!
And he honest to god was a great actor. Though it did get annoying from time to time that he was casted as either the pretty faced villain or the charming, perfect love interest. Sometimes he was even both.
Y/n didn’t like to admit it, but she was quite jealous at the beginning when she saw him kiss other men and women on screen. It took a big fight for her to admit that.
She wasn’t proud of that fight at all. She had been, without wanting to, been very critical of her then fiancé (it was about six months before they got married). She would call him several times a day when he was on set of a particularly spicy rom com and observe his socials every couple of minutes. Y/n remembers her friends teasing her about it in the beginning and then eventually scold her. “Don’t you trust him?”, they had asked and she had answered, “I do….”, and they knew she was telling the truth, yet there was more behind it.
Kenji soon caught up and noticed her strange clinginess.
“What is up with you, Y/N? You know I have work to do! You can’t call me that often on set!”, he had yelled when the topic came up. He had been visiting for the weekend before he would go back on set.
“Why not? Can a girl not talk to her fiancé?”, she had asked with a sharp undertone
“Of course, you can darling. But twenty times a day is simply too much!”, he argued, yet he tried keeping his tone softer.
“I don’t call that often”, she pouted
“Oh YES you do!”, he put his phone out and showed her the times she had called just the other day. She counted about thirty, “I was nice with that number!”
“And? So what? You can just put your phone on silent”
“Yes, of course I can. This isn’t about solving the notification issue it’s about solving your trust issues towards me. Why don’t you trust me?”, as he asked the question his anger had subsided and genuine hurt showed in his eyes in his voice, “you monitor me like I’m an inmate”
“I…”, she was only able to say, her throat suddenly seemed dry, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to… I…”, she couldn’t find the right words to explain it. It hurt too much to admit. She thought she had been over that thought pattern a long time ago, but it had returned to her.
“What? What have I done to deserve this?”, he asked, “Why are you even with me, if who I am disturbs you so much?”
And that… that sentence had hurt her more than that ugly thing inside of her she hadn’t wanted to face.
“You fool!”, she screamed in fury as the sentence he had uttered stung, her eyes filling with endless tears, “How could you ever think you disturb me? You are the most beautiful, wonderful human being I know, inside and out. And on top of that you are incredibly kindhearted. And that’s why I’m like this… I don’t want to lose you. And it’s not that I don’t trust you: I highly doubt you’d ever cheat on anyone. You are too kind for that. But I fear… I feared when you are together with all these good-looking actors you might not find me enough anymore. I know it’s stupid, but you see: The past haunted me again. When I was called fat. When I was called not-good-enough. When I read social media comments saying you’re out of my league and I don’t deserve you. Ugly words that ate me up inside when I was a child and young teen. I thought I was past that but I…I…”, now the tears were too many and her words died with hiccups. She felt his form surround her in a hug that felt so warm and yet sharp as knifes. She loved his touch but felt guilty for not opening up about this sooner. She had never wanted to be like this, but alas she had been too much of a coward to burden him or herself with this.
“Love”, he whispered after comforting her for a couple of minutes, “Look at me”
She lifted her head. Her eyes were red and puffy, her lips were dark pink, and tears had run streaks across her cheeks. It broke Kenji to have hurt her so deeply, yet he also knew that it wasn’t his fault. It was however his responsibility, to clear this up once and for all.
“Love listen”, he started, “I completely understand your jealousy. But we’ve been together for almost ten years and in all that time, I’ve never encountered a woman more incredible, deeply fascinating and intrinsically beautiful as you. No acted kiss could bring me away from you, no sexy actor could keep my mind from ever wishing for more than to be by your side. I’ve been by your side for almost six years: What should change now?
The monster from your past is, as already stated: Past. Their words were untrue. These people were in pain themselves when they caused you pain. You were a target to unleash the inner turmoil of others. It’s no excuse but it is the explanation. Those who feel they must hurt others are those who seek the most attention and power because they’d be devoid of having a self. I should know: I used to be similar to that. And I had my phase of jealousy as well, you know?”
“Really?”, y/n managed to ask
“Oh yes! I was in rage every time I heard you talk about any of your guy friends back in high school. Difference is I could hide it better because we were apart a lot of the time. I feared you would find someone who had more of a personality than me. I was no longer sure looks would cut it”
“Gosh love”, she answered, her voice love drunken, “you burst of personality. You aren’t just a pretty boy or well… pretty man. You have so much spirit and energy to give to the world. You are the definition of happiness and sunshine. And on top of that you are an incredibly talented man with so much to show. You wield the human mind and emotions so well you can convert yourself to be something other than yourself convincingly-”
“See?”, he asked, “and just like you love me like that and see all that good I sometimes don’t recognize, I see it in you… I always love you”
“I love you too. I’m sorry”
“Don’t be sorry. I’m so happy we had this talk. It was much needed”
“Yeah”, she hummed as her lips almost touched his and within seconds the couple found themselves passionately kissing
Ever since then they hadn’t had any of these kinds of self-worth problems. They’d say I love you on a daily basis and gave each other compliments whenever they could.
One thing the fans found especially cute was that, without fail, Red Rose would comment on each of Kenji’s selfies and comment “hey gorgeous, you single?” and he’d answer every single time, “Sure Sugar. Meet me at seven on your favorite street-corner”
One time they took a picture of each other on a nice-looking street corner. Kenji had called the picture “finally found the street corner. Been waiting to meet this lady for a while, apparently her name is ‘your wife’, which is peculiar but otherwise she seems nice”.
The picture even went viral and became one of the all-time favorite celebrity pictures of 2026.
  After the talk-show they flew back in his helicopter.
They were in New York city and y/n looked at the city landscape with a fascinated gaze as she observed the flickering lights of the big apple.
Kenji looked at her with eyes shining almost as bright. He loved her love for everything new she sees. He had noticed that the first time she had seen the watering hole. He wasn’t really interested in her that way yet. He was fifteen and she thirteen, that makes quite a difference at this age. But still he couldn’t but smile as she looked at the dinosaurs with big eyes. And he loved that she hadn’t lost that spark, even as she got older, even as they came together and grew and changed together.
Y/n noticed his gaze and shifted hers to look at him.
‘What a beautiful man. I’ve missed him so’ she thought to herself.
“I missed you”, he said as though he had read her mind just now. Maybe he had. They had been together for so long they were often able to read each other’s subtle shifts in expression. Quite a beautiful thing.
“I missed you too”, she simply answered, “did you plan this talk show surprise?”
“Yes and no”, he admitted, “I was meeting up with Donavan O’Connor, the director of the ‘Elaine, the one?’ series. When calling Donavan, he told me had been to talking to Ray (the interviewer) and he was casually pointing out the funny coincidence you were meeting up for and mention the funny coincidence, that you’d have an interview with him that same day I come to the city and well… needless to say I called Ray and arranged things... I just had to. Couldn’t miss the opportunity to surprise my beautiful wife”
She smiled at that. A shy and flattered smile that reminded Kenji of when they were teens.
 They landed on the roof of a nice-looking hotel. They had decided to stay the night here in New York before travelling back to Ireland… yes: Yes Ireland.
Most celebrities lived in L.A., but Kenji and y/n had preferred living a bit apart in an old mansion near the coast of south Ireland, close to the northern border. Although Kenji was a people person, he didn’t like the dishonesty and lying in the industry and wanted to get away from that with his wife who thought the same.
Besides: It was a beautiful country.
As they entered the room, they felt peace and happiness as well as a certain kind of tension arise.
Needless to say, there was another kind of reuinion going on that night...
(Sorry about that short ending, I had to heavily edit that ‘cause it originally was a... well... non Pg scene xD)
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solangelover · 4 years
Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better
Solangelo Week 2020 - god swap / body swap @solangeloweek 
Read on AO3 or FF.Net
A/N: (Ignore how late this fic is) I recently realized that I love the tag “crack treated seriously” and then I was like, wait is that what I write?? Oh well XD
“Ugh, I can’t believe this is happening.”
“Oh gods, what are we going to do??”
Will and Nico were behind the Hades cabin, but not for the reasons they’d like to be.
Currently, Will was looking at Nico and Nico was looking at Will, but they were also staring at themselves. Because they were in each other’s bodies. Because why not.
Nico pinched the bridge of his nose (Will’s nose?), sighing, “This is ridiculous.”
Will was a little more panicky than his boyfriend. “Oh my gods, how and why is this happening? We can’t be stuck like this! Can we be stuck like this? Oh my gods, what if we’re stuck like this???”
The boys had woken up from a nap together (a literal time of sleeping together) in the early afternoon, only to find that they weren’t quite themselves. They also found a note on the nightstand that said, “Don’t tell, or it’ll take longer to wear off!” signed with a simple red heart. The situation was pretty straight forward, but that didn’t make it any easier to handle.
“Solace, calm down. We’ll be fine. This is either a prank from the Aphrodite kids or Aphrodite herself. I don’t think any children of Aphrodite have ever had precise enough control of their power to extend the time of their curses, though I’ve also never heard of any body or mind swaps from them either…” Nico tapped his chin in thought.
“So you think this is directly from a goddess??” Will flailed his arms for emphasis. He had not been still since they woke up switched.
Nico held up his hands placatingly. “Will, I said to calm—”
“When has that ever made anyone calm??”
Nico’s eyes flicked to the ground behind Will, noticing some movement. He immediately recognized the shadows reacting to Will’s panic, swirling around his feet and slowly pulling upward like a barrier. Huh, so that’s what that looks like, Nico thought, finally seeing what other people saw. He could admit that it was slightly terrifying.
“Okay! Okay, Will, just, breathe with me. Remember, like you taught me?” Nico drew in a deep breath, emphasizing the movement with his hands. He exhaled loudly. “In 4, hold 3, out, like, 5. Right?”
“What, no, do you even listen to me? It’s in 4, hold 7, out 8. Like this,” and Will proceeded to do several slow breaths. Nico was grinning even as he copied Will. He also realized how different he looks when he’s not frowning while doing the exercise. He should probably pay attention to his facial expressions more.
After a few more breaths, Nico ventured, “Better?”
Will blinked a few times before letting out a chuckle. “Oh, I see what you did there. Sneaky Death Boy.” He smiled at Nico, which, again, was a very different sight to Nico. Not that he didn’t smile often, but for some reason, Will made his smile look brighter.
Instead of saying this, Nico replied with, “Well, actually I think you’re the Death Boy now, Sunshine.”
Will face palmed while Nico laughed. It was weird to hear Will’s laugh ringing in his own ears, knowing that Nico himself was the one laughing. Switching bodies was a real out-of-body experience.
Nico jolted and then groaned to himself. “Will, please tell me you don’t think in puns.”
Will immediately straightened up and asked desperately, “What was the pun? Please tell me, I haven’t thought of a single one this whole time.”
Nico sighed. “Just how this is a real out-of-body experience.”
Will burst into laughter immediately. “Oh, that’s a good one!” He wiped an imaginary tear from his eye. “Yeah, puns just pop into my head. I don’t know if it’s a gift from Apollo or what, but I love it and already miss it.”
Nico rolled his eyes. “I hate you. Or me. I hate this body and brain. It’s stupid.”
Will hummed. “That’s not what you said last night.”
“Will, I swear to the gods, stop taking flirting tips from Cecil and Lou Ellen. They make no sense coming from you. I didn’t even see you yesterday!” Nico wrinkled his nose in disgust as he watched his boyfriend waggle his eyebrows suggestively with his body. “Also, don’t make me say or do dumb things. It’s wrong.”
Will’s face lit up, which really made Nico look his age instead of like the 80-something year old he truly was, and he proceeded spin around and flail his arms. Nico knew this to be Will’s version of dancing.
Will abruptly stopped and pouted at Nico. “No fair. I can literally feel your body being graceful even when I’m controlling the movements. I can’t make you dance badly if I tried!”
“Don’t test that theory,” Nico chuckled despite himself, glad to see that Will had calmed down and was actually having fun in this scenario. He’d hate to ruin the good mood, but, “How long do you think this will last?”
Will sobered up quickly, folding his arms in thought. “Hard to say. Like you said, we’ve never heard of this kind of prank being pulled before. So, if it really is from the goddess of love… then we just have to not make her mad so she lifts the curse, or at least, doesn’t extend it.” His eyebrows furrowed quizzically. “Why did she curse us in the first place?”
“I bet she was just bored,” Nico shrugged. “Anyway, her note also said that we can’t tell anyone, otherwise we’ll be stuck like this for longer. So…” he trailed off, unsure of where that left them.
“Basically, we have to be each other for however long, without telling anyone directly what’s happening.” Will swallowed.
The boys let that sink in. And then simultaneously groaned.
“I was supposed to teach a sword lesson in a few hours,” Nico grumbled, imagining just how much could go wrong with Will handling a sword. Granted, he’d be in Nico’s body, but still.
“And I have a shift at the infirmary through dinnertime,” Will ran a hand through his hair, distracted momentarily by the silky black locks he combed through instead of his normal wiry dirty blonde hair. At least Nico had helped in the infirmary enough to know what Will did and where things were. But he did not have the medical training and experience Will had. What might happen if a camper got seriously hurt?
They sat in silence for a bit as they thought this over. Could they pull it off?
“This is bad.”
“This is doable,” they said at the same time. Nico looked up in concern, thinking his boyfriend was overestimating his sword skills, while Will looked mildly offended as he thought Nico was doubting his own knowledge of the infirmary.
“Neeks! You can totally take a shift at the infirmary. My siblings will be there for anything major,” Will stated with his hands on his hips. He had to look up slightly since Nico was a few inches shorter than Will, which was definitely a new experience for Will.
“Okay,” Nico looked doubtful, but continued. “But I don’t think you can run a sword lesson. No offense,” he tacked on with an apologetic smile.
Will hummed in agreement. “Yeah, that’s probably true. We can cancel it, though, right? Or ask someone to take it over?”
“Ugh, I don’t know. I don’t want to cause suspicion or upset the love goddess for any reason,” Nico frowned. “… I think we might just have to… do this.”
They stared at each other for a moment more.
“Oh gods,” Will buried his face in his hands.
“Merda,” Nico glared at the sky, the bright blue like Aphrodite herself was mocking him. She probably was.
*At the arena*
“Okay, guys! Um, today we’re going to shake things up and have some fuuuuun!” Nico was absolutely going to kill Will for making him sound like an idiot, but he didn’t know what else to do. Six kids between eight to ten years old gazed up at him with varying levels of excitement and confusion. Will distractedly realized how much he’s sweating (though more from nerves than physical exhaustion) and understood why Nico did his usual training shirtless. But Will was highly unsure about being so close to his shirtless boyfriend’s body, regardless of who’s brain was controlling his movements. So, the shirt stayed.
“What are we doing that’s so great, Mr. Nico?” An eight-year-old Ares girl looked a little too excited about sword-fighting class for Will’s comfort.
“Um,” Will rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he spoke. He was reaching for any way to circumvent dangerously pointy weapons when an idea struck him. “Oh!” He smiled at the kids, who looked quite off-put by the expression. “Today, we’re going to discuss basic medical knowledge to know when you’re on the battlefield!”
The groans he received put a damper on what he thought was a very practical lesson that he’s immensely proud he came up with.
“But that’s what infirmary class is for! Mr. Will taught us!”
“Yeah, I wanna fight with swords!”
“Ah ah ah!” Will interrupted their grumblings before it got out of hand. “Mr. Will teaches what the medics do once you can leave a fight and be treated properly. This will be quick fixes while you’re still fighting. It’s important that you can quickly assess wounds and determine your next course of ac—”
“Ugh, you sound like Mr. Will!”
“Yeah, you never talk this much, Mr. Nico.”
“Maybe he’s not the real Mr. Nico.”
These kids were getting dangerously close to the truth, and Will almost wanted to tell them so they’d stop complaining. But no, couldn’t do that. Hm, how do I make them interested while sounding like Nico…
Will lit up when he finally realized what to do. Really, he should be better at this, he has so many little siblings. But he and Nico didn’t exactly behave in the same way. Nico didn’t like coddling kids in any way, especially not in his class. That’s probably why they loved him so much.
“Okay, okay,” Will said loudly, cutting off the students’ whispering as he sat down in front of them. “How about I tell you a story?”
Immediately, all the kids cheered and sat down as close to him as they could, stars shining in their eyes.
“Haven’t you fought werewolves?”
“Do you see ghosts?”
“You fought with Percy Jackson! Tell us about him!”
“What kind of powers do you have?”
“Oh, tell us about defeating the Titans!”
“Are zombies, like, super gross?”
Will laughed at how excited they all were. He almost forgot that Nico was a famous war hero instead of his dorky boyfriend. “Okay, listen closely. You may learn a thing or two from my heroic tales!” He puffed out his chest dramatically, drawing adorable giggles from everyone. He then launched into a story about one of Nico’s many battles, throwing in how he used his medical knowledge to patch himself up and continue fighting. Needless to say, everyone paid attention when Will brought out some bandage rolls for them to practice with.
*At the infirmary*
“Will, what in Hades are you doing?”
Nico jumped at Kayla’s voice sounding behind him. His head knocked into a shelf, spilling supplies on the floor. He was not hiding in the supply closet.
“Um,” he began eloquently. “Inventorying?”
Kayla rolled her eyes. “Bro, you did that yesterday. And we don’t have that many people coming in here, so I highly doubt we’re low on anything.” So maybe she was just exasperated with her brother and didn’t suspect anything weird was going on.
“Well, you know me,” was a phrase that Will never said and yet it’s all Nico could think of. He shrugged apologetically at Will’s sister.
“Whatever, come on, Cecil just came in with some burns on his arms. I’d say it was from the lava wall, but he probably exploded something in his face.” She led the way out of the supply closet and toward the front of the infirmary. Where Cecil, Will’s best friend, was waiting and would surely notice something off about Will.
“What are you going to do?” he asked Kayla.
She eyed him with some suspicion. “… What do you want me to do?”
“Oh, uh,” Nico was confused. “Um, nothing? Whatever you normally do?”
“… Huh.” (Will had definitely given her a task to do that morning.)
She was about to respond when Nico blurted out, “You can end early, if you want.”
Her eyes widened in surprise. That was not a common thing for the head medic to say, for sure.
“I mean,” Nico floundered for any sort of reasoning. “You’ve been working hard recently, and I just thought you might like a little extra free time.” He paused for a moment before adding, “And you’re taking the cabin to dinner tonight since I’m working, which is hard enough.”
At that, Kayla laughed and seemed to relax. “Yeah, no kidding. You want me gone? I’m gone, no problem.” Nico sighed with relief. Then he realized that if anyone came in majorly injured, he’d have no help. He thought about taking it back, but she was already out the door.
With another sigh, Nico headed toward the bed Cecil was currently lounging on, not concerned in the slightest about the mild burns on his forearms. He picked up his head as Nico approached.
“‘Sup, Will!”
Nico shook his head, feeling Will’s blond wisps tickle his face as he did so, and gave his friend an exasperated smile like he’d seen Will do a million times over. “Here again, Markowitz?”
Cecil threw his head back and laughed. “Markowitz? I thought Mr. Doom-and-Gloom was the only one who used last names like the old-timer he is?”
“Uh,” Nico fumbled. “Yeah, I was just… testing it out?”
“Okay, Doctor Solace,” Cecil rolled his eyes. “I just need the magic bandages and I’ll be on my way.”
Right, healing magic. Something Will should be able to do. But Nico doesn’t know if he can make his powers work properly. “Right, I’ll just… get some bandages.”
Cecil didn’t seem to notice or care about the healer’s apparent hesitation, simply leaning back on his bed. “Sure thing. So, how’s life, my friend?”
Nico scoffed, “Don’t we see each other every day? Multiple times?”
“That doesn’t mean I know how you’re doing. Is it so wrong I want to hear from my best friend, my buddy, my pal?” Cecil was so dramatic sometimes.
Nico just hummed in response as he came back with some bandages and burn ointment. Thank the gods he had helped out in the infirmary many times in the past. Will taught him the basics at least, and he’d taken care of minor injuries like this before. Hopefully, that was enough, and Cecil didn’t ask for any actual hymns.
“Soooo,” Cecil drawled. “How’s the boyfriend?”
Nico choked on air.
“Oh, come on, Will,” Cecil rolled his eyes. “You should be used to me asking by now. You know I’m nosy!”
“I, um,” Nico didn’t know what to say.
Luckily, Cecil continued. “Remember when you used to talk my ear off about Nico? I can’t say I miss those days, but it’s so much harder when I have to pry for information.”
Nico was suddenly much more interested in this conversation. “I didn’t used to talk that much… did I?”
“Oh,” Cecil sat up straight, jostling his arm that Nico was trying to wrap. “Don’t even give me that. You know you did. All I heard was Nico’s so cute and he’s so strong and did you know he used to play Mythomagic? That’s adorable!” He mocked Will’s voice and practically swooned at the end. Even while blushing furiously, Nico had to hold in his laughter. He’s not surprised that Will said those things, but hearing Cecil complain about it made it even funnier.
“I did not,” Nico said indignantly like he’d heard Will do so many times. He wasn’t a good liar.
“Yes, you totally did! Must I recount the many laments of Nico’s beauty and grace?”
Nico really hoped his smile didn’t come off as mischievously as he felt. “Oh, please do.”
Will came by the infirmary with a plate of food toward the end of Nico’s shift. The place was empty except for Nico sweeping the floor. Will had to pause in the doorway for a second, his mind still confused when he saw himself doing the sweeping. Is that what I usually look like? But, no, probably not. Because Nico was scowling hard at the floor as he worked, which was an odd look to see on the son of Apollo’s face.
“Knock knock!” Will called out, getting his boyfriend’s attention. Nico blinked a few times at Will, probably jarred in the same way Will was upon seeing himself.
Then he scowled again. “Don’t say that in my body—I look dumb.”
Will gasped in mock offense, then twirled around with his plate of food. “I think I make you look good, Sunshine.” He winked at Nico for good measure, who in turn groaned and dropped the broom where he was.
The boys settled down at Will’s desk, Nico taking Will’s usual seat in case anyone came in. They didn’t want any questions, no matter how innocent.
“So, do you think this body swap business is almost done?” Will asked as they started eating.
Nico could only shrug. “Hopefully. A day is the average length of a curse around here, but who knows?”
Will hummed in agreement. After a few more moments of silence, he asked, “How was the infirmary today? Everything went okay?”
Nico nodded. “Yeah, only Cecil came in with some burns.” He then smirked at his boyfriend. “He also told me some stories.”
“Oh no,” Will muttered as he buried his face in his hands. “About what?” He was afraid to know the answer.
“You know, just about you… and how you used to gush over me all the time.” Nico was fully grinning now. Will didn’t know he could look so evil.
“Ugh, whyyyyy,” he groaned loudly.
“I have so much blackmail material now.”
“I hate you.”
They lapsed into another brief silence before Nico piped up again. “So, did you kill anyone in my class?”
“Psh, I’ll have you know, I am an excellent teacher,” Will puffed up.
Nico raised an eyebrow at him. “Yes, but your sword skills aren’t exactly up to par.”
“Well then it’s a good thing we didn’t use swords today.” Nico’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but before he could say anything, Will leapt out of his chair and struck what he probably thought was a heroic pose. “I regaled your students with tales of your bravery,” he trumpeted in a deep, dramatic voice. “While also interjecting some medical advice and emphasizing the importance of field medical knowledge.”
A beat of silence, and then, “Please don’t tell me you said it like that.”
“Just like that,” Will replied, a cheeky grin on his face.
Now it was Nico’s turn to groan, cheeks flooding red with embarrassment. “Will! I have a reputation!”
“Which I have elevated, you’re welcome.” He bowed as he returned to his seat.
“I hate you.”
“I know.”
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littlemisssquiggles · 3 years
So Oscar is planning to kind of be a double agent and sabatage Salem's Inner circle. This could mean he might be planning to sow discourse within the group and let's be honest he does have experience seeing petty conflicts within the groups being with the heroes. And as we saw plenty of times the villians have there own conflicts with each other, the question is who will be easy for Oscar to either manipulate or switch to his side?
Hey Crystal. I think the answer to that question is pretty obvious, especially given the events of the last episode. I’d like to believe that as of now---Hazel Rainart, Emerald Sustrai and even Neopolitan are the most likely to make the switch from serving Salem.
 We know for a definite fact that Neo is obviously displeased by her experience at being a pawn for Cinder Fall. While Neo is used to being a lackey, given her history as Roman Torchwick’s right hand woman, at least with Roman, it was evident that there was more to their bond than that of the typical crime boss and loyal side kick dynamic. Neo cared a lot about Roman and he in turn cared for her when he was alive and definitely treated her with more appreciation than what she receives from Cinder Fall.
Then there is Emerald---since V6, Emerald has displayed doubt in her stance in serving the main villains. Based on what she told Ruby back during the Battle of Haven, we know for a definite fact that most of Emerald’s willingness to cooperate with Salem’s schemes is due in part to her loyalty to Cinder. As a matter of fact, I remember Emerald dead ass saying that she doesn’t care about Salem.
“…I don’t care about Salem but I owe Cinder everything…” 
I believe that’s what she said to Ruby back in V5. Therefore, Emerald bears no loyalty to Salem and mainly followed her out of her devotion to Cinder Fall. But as we saw last episode, I think based on her reaction to what Mercury said---I believe now Emerald is starting to see the truth in what Mercury told her. 
At the end of day, Cinder doesn’t care about Emerald. No matter how much Emerald does her best to prove her devotion to the Fall Maiden, it is never reciprocated at all. And given Emerald’s reaction to seeing Cinder being punished by Salem, I think that was her realizing that she herself has chosen the wrong side. I think what Emerald does next will define where she truly stands and I’d love to think---at least I’d hope to think she would chose the side that agrees to help Oscar thwart Salem’s schemes. If not for herself then…perhaps out of some twisted resolve to save Cinder from destroying herself further before Salem does, y’know what I mean? That’s how I see it.
And finally---there is Hazel. I’ll admit, I was worried about (and rightfully upset with) Hazel following the events of the fourth episode. It definitely bothered me a lot watching Hazel enact his vengeance on Ozpin through Oscar. However, after hearing Oscar voice that Hazel was “holding back” with him, it’s clear to me that while Hazel is upset with Oz---it probably makes him uncomfortable being forced to do so through Oscar---the eyes of an innocent child who honestly has no place in this fight.
It wouldn’t surprise me if Hazel sees a bit of his sister in Oscar since, according to him, she was “only a child” too when she went off to become a huntress of her own choice that Hazel still refuses to accept.  Not to mention that throughout the shared shots of Hazel with Oscar, you can clearly see Hazel’s apprehension.
When Oz confronted him on his choice to follow Salem, you can see that even through his rage at Oz, there was a bit of apprehension with Hazel due in part to Oscar. I think bottom-line, Hazel wants to avenge his sister but he doesn’t want to do it through killing another innocent child. 
If Hazel killed Oscar to avenge Gretchen over Oz, then how would that make him any different than the man he constantly accuses Oz of being?
Not to mention that when Oz brought up Salem bringing the Relics together, you can see Hazel’s confusion. One thing that I’ve always wondered is how much has Salem disclosed to her followers about the Relics. It wouldn’t surprise me if, much like Oz, Salem never told her followers the truth of what would ultimately happen should the Relics be brought together.
It wouldn’t surprise me if Salem has been manipulating her pawns on false promises---making them submit to the fact that the only way to achieve their ultimate goals in through her when in reality, all she really wants is to watch everything burn.
My hunch is that the reason Salem wants the Relics is so that she could bring about Judgement Day and have Remnant wiped from existence out of her own selfish desire to finally be able to rest. After all, in the Lost Fable episode, the Brother Gods told Salem that so long as the world turns, she shall walk its face.
So long as Remnant exists, Salem will never be free of her wretched curse. 
So I feel this is what Salem wants in the end. Not to become a goddess or rule Remnant (since she already achieved this during her time with Ozma in his second lifetime as Diggs) but to die. 
I think ultimately Salem wants to end her own curse and she’s selfish enough to take all of humanity and Remnant with her, just like she did long ago.
It makes perfect sense if that’s her ultimate goal given the events of the Lost Fable. But I highly doubt this is something that her followers know. After all, would you honestly be willing to follow someone who you know was working to end the world that you need to live in in order to achieve your goals?
It wouldn’t shock me at all if none of Salem’s pawns know the full truth about the Relics. All the more reason why I think it would be very easy for Oscar to make them switch sides using this info. I have a feeling Hazel would definitely be one to turn for sure. I don’t know what promises Salem made to him outside of revenge on Oz for Gretchen but I feel like Hazel would be among the first to side with Oz---at least, he’ll side with Oscar.
So yeah, to reiterate, I expect Hazel, Emerald and Neo to turn first. 
Mercury might take some added effort. But I think eventually he’ll come around too since deep down, I think Mercury cares more for Emerald than he lets off and being the Emerald Merc shipper that I am, I think it would be pretty sweet if Mercury asked Emerald to join him with Salem, promising to love and care for her in ways that Cinder never could or something like that. 
It’d be very sweet if despite his own abuse and hardships and despite growing up never feeling love from anyone, if Merc grew to desire to give the feelings he never got to someone who he sees shares in his loneliness. It’d be sweet to see Merc change for the better cause deep down he does genuinely care a lot for Emerald and it would be great to see her be the one to persuade/influence him since for the most part, Emerald has been a follower---not an influencer, y’know what I mean?
As for Tyrian and Cinder.
To put it bluntly, I thinkTyrian Callows would rather die than betray “his goddess” so he’ll probably follow Salem to literally the end of the world whether she kills him via Judgement Day or of her own hand. 
As for Cinder---Cinder I don’t know anymore. After watching her backstory, I don’t know what the showrunners plan on doing with her. While I’m still very skeptical about a Cinder Fall redemption arc (despite her history with Rhodes hitting me hard), I’m getting mixed signals on what the showrunners’ true intentions with her are. 
I don’t know whether to stick to my own theories on Cinder potentially usurping Salem at some point and becoming the new Red Queen and leader of the Grimm or…prepare to retrieve my jaw from all the way over in China after it plummets through the center of the earth at my mere unadulterated shock at the showrunners actually making Cinder a “good guy” after EVERYTHING this crazy chick has done over the seasons.
As for Watts---I’m sure he’ll cave faster than an avalanche once he learns that he can’t take out his bitterness and jealousy towards Pietro and Jimmy Ironwood from the grave.
So yeah XD That’s my answer to that.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2020)
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faelune-home · 3 years
FFXIV Write #7: Speculate
(a/n: Both me and a friend that I’ve been musing about ffxiv write stuffs with both agreed that this prompt felt like a Scion prompt XD very scholarly and thinky feeling for this prompt.
For this one, I went with a more npc focused fic, showing Alisaie doing her pre-Coils research. I know she’s less of the scholarly type nowadays to differentiate her more from her brother, but I still like to appreciate that she still went to the Studium and graduated highly as well. She’s still a very smart person that managed to sus out the Bahamut stuff on her own. It’d be nice to see it acknowledged again. ^-^
I worry this got a bit over wordy in some places, but I still feel confident in what I wrote. ^-^ I just very much like the twins and want to write them more, so I’m glad I managed to do a piece for Ali here at least.
Word count: 1106)
Alisaie was never fond of the aether reading goggles. Too big and unwieldy, but unfortunately, as every aetherology teacher at the Studium would insist and press upon her, they were the best tool for the job of viewing the surrounding aether levels. And loath as she was to admit it, they had a point, and Eorzea was a fine place to witness such changes, with the vast quantities that swarmed in the air and exuded from the earth.
She could almost imagine that the many sages and scholars of Old Sharlayan would be dying to study these lands, even more so after the Calamity struck five years prior, if they hadn’t long left it behind, too stubborn to return.
It was the Calamity itself she had decided to study, alone, wishing to avoid being associated with the Scions, at least officially. She kept in touch with Urianger for updates, and Minfilia was kind enough to call Alisaie a Scion all the same, allowing her access to whatever resources they would have if so needed. Although for her own pride, she had stuck to her own self thus far in her research, nothing more than some clunky goggles and her school teachings from home to guide her.
It was widely known that after the Calamity - the great moon Dalamud shattering into a million pieces during its descent, letting loose the mighty primal Bahamut, while the moon’s remnants tumbled to the land below - the already aether rich Eorzea became even more abundant with the clusters of corrupted crystals that rained upon the continent. Mayhap even Bahamut’s spirit upon his destruction added to the now plentiful aether that suffused the world.
Mayhap even her grandfather-
That would be the other reason Alisaie wanted to work alone. Five years ago, her grandfather had disappeared into the thick of the chaos, and not a single word was heard from him after. Barely anyone seemed to talk about him either, for all he must’ve been one of the key players in protecting Eorzea from Bahamut’s onslaught. What few reports she had heard from his Archons placed him on the frontlines at least. He must’ve been there, yet no other word of where he went.
Well, she could do that then. The mystery of his disappearance, of what occured during Bahamut’s fall. Alisaie wasn’t one to call herself a scholar, but she had plenty of knowledge and the desire to learn the truth, and she would use whatever scholarly puzzling she had at her disposal to do so. After all, she had graduated from the Studium as well, even if her brother liked to flaunt his oh so esteemed teachings more.
She would receive a breakthrough soon enough, not long after news began to spread across the land as a so-called Warrior of Light came to be lauded for stopping the 14th Legion alongside the Scions. Word from Urianger told her that it was the miqo’te woman she and Alphinaud had met at those showy memorial ceremonies hosted by the city states. An unassuming if cheery person, from what Alisaie could recall of her. And apparently a busy one since then, given the acclaim.
Initially, Alisaie didn’t give the woman much more thought, given that they hadn’t crossed paths yet and had no reason to do so. She continued on with her aetheric measurements, dull as it had grown with little changes across the land. Summonings and despawnings were noted, however only in small quantities, nothing that matched what few readings were taken of Bahamut’s awakening. The only suspicious measurement she had noticed was an odd surge in the aether sometime after the defeat of the Ultima Weapon, one that did come close to the readings taken that fateful day.
Then one day, while she was taking readings in the Sagolii Desert, beginning as another normal day with the same unchanging records, there was a spike. Fluctuations and variations that were so abnormal, compared to the monotony she’d seen thus far for days on end - with the exception of that one reading, which the new figures matched almost completely.
In a linkpearl call to Urianger to inform him of the readings, she also learned that that same day, most likely around the same time even, the Warrior of Light had been sent to fight off a newly summoned Ifrit. Maybe it was a coincidence or perhaps…
Alisaie had a theory now. Some few days later, she made for Coerthas, hearing from Urianger that Garuda had been summoned as well. Briefly passing through the Shroud on her way, she made a note of a smaller summoning, no doubt the errant Moogle problem that had also come up. However the pompous King couldn’t compare to the flurry of aether currents brought forth after Garuda’s defeat. Another shift similar to the great roar from before.
The final re-summoning took her to La Noscea, and gave her stronger proof to her speculations, as well as opening up another avenue for her to explore. For the defeat of Titan once again brought about the same patterns in the aether, matching the previous primals, and the readings from that one day. And along with it, a revelation pointing toward an unassuming Castrum tucked away just near Wineport.
A check with Y’shtola via Urianger informed her that it was Castrum Occidens, a research facility commissioned by Van Baelsar. One connected to a series of caverns deep beneath the earth, opened up by a great shard of Dalamud embedded into the land. With that, she had it; her link to the Calamity.
Perhaps she finally had a lead that could explain what happened five years ago. It would be difficult to gain access to the base on her own, as accomplished in combat as she was, being the one thing she had over her brother. And even after the Empire’s guards, there would also be traversing the deep caverns and whatever roamed within them. As much as Alisaie wished to continue working alone, she wasn’t a fool to ignore when she would need an extra hand. 
But Urianger could employ someone for that task. Meanwhile Alisaie could begin getting in touch with any family aids she knew were based in Eorzea. A large-scale expedition would need many hands on deck, but preferably ones easily sworn to secrecy. The city states only needed to know the basics, and even then when all the information had been collected.
The most important thing that mattered was that she could finally begin her search in full. The secret of the Calamity and of Bahamut’s sudden appearance that day.
And the mystery of her grandfather’s disappearance.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 3 years
7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 27, 35 & 39
[It’s a lot again 😅 hope you don’t mind :D]
I might be going way too far with these answers, so please bear with me ^^’
Sorry for the long rambles but these are my answers!
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Oof. This is hard. There’s actually a lot of paragraphs that I like throughout the writing process. I can re-read and just pick which is my favorite, it’ll be different every time.
But, I think the thing currently going on with TW:OPT can be summed up in this Once Upon a Time… (I was being dumb and I thought prose is just poetry without rhyme)
So, this drabble is written on the run. There’s not really deep thought and I can’t even remember why I wrote it in the first place. From the date I posted it on Tumblr it was in the middle of Octavinelle Arc.
But, in this small crappy prose-poetry, it has one of the themes in TW:OPT: happy vs sad ending. This is something that I want to build since in the early stage. The theme of TW:OPT is second chances for the reincarnated villains, giving them a happy ending, something way better than the original ones.
So, if you look for example the two lines about the Queen of Heart:  
The Queen of Heart was forgotten by Alice like it was just a bad dream
The Queen of Heart will always be remembered by Alice as his dear friend and the greatest queen
The first line is what happens to the original Disney Alice’s Queen of Hearts, while the second line is what happens to Riddle, the current reincarnation of the Queen of Hearts. It’s a good change for Riddle’s life.
However, like everything, there has to be something to balance it. 
After all, good endings cannot exist without bad endings.
Can the good guys really live with the bad guys in harmony? After all, all Disney movie always has “good wins, evil lose” theme. If the “evil side” wins, wouldn’t that mean the “good side” loses? Is that even a good thing or even possible?
After all, the One-Eyed Captain found his happy ending to sail away once again. What will happen to him in his next life?
This line becomes the question. What will happen to the already-set happy endings? Would they just disappear to change into bad endings to keep the balance?
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
I’m debating between many dialogues, but I think the one piece I’m most proud of is in Chapter 97. I'm cutting a lot of the narration and just focus on the dialogues because it becomes too long.
Riddle: What happens that day? The day when everything went downhill. Azul: Didn't anyone tell you already? Riddle: I want to hear it from your or Jonah's mouth. What happened that you must curse him? Azul: Pretty simple, really. I told him not to come here that day, and he did To make it worse, that boy was stupid enough to go back against our agreement. Riddle: Just that? Azul: Oh, please, dear Crimson Ruler. I don't want to hear that from you. Have you forgotten about your reign before? Riddle: I know what I did was tyrannical, but I want to be better. Azul: Because of the captain told you too? Riddle: No. This is my choice to change. Just like it was your choice to curse him. He trusts you, you know? He knows that you wouldn't go back against your own words, which was why he was willing to sign another contract with you. Azul: If he trusts me that much, why is he against me? If he trusts me, why did he choose to save his stupid friends than agreeing with me? Tell me, Riddle Rosehearts...Why does he choose you instead of me?
We all know what happened during Octavinelle Arc and I don't deny that this sounds cheesy or slightly ooc. And let me just say this, there's no intention of this become a love triangle or whatsoever.
There are two things I want to highlight in this exchange: Riddle's growth and Azul's decline.
Riddle, after everything happened in Heartslabyul and Savanclaw arc, finally putting his foot down on where he wants to stand. He wants to be a better person, more than just the feared Crimson Tyrant. That's why he's helping them. Not because the boys are breaking the rules, not because someone tells him to, but Riddle is willing to risk it all, even his unique magic (as we see at the end of this chapter and the next) to save his friends. Again, this might sound ooc and I apologize, but from my perspective, this is a logical step of development for Riddle.
Meanwhile, Azul is showing more and more decline from this until the end of Octavinelle Arc even Scarabia Arc. For Azul who knows how easy people can leave and mock when you have nothing, seeing Jonah leave him and siding with the anemones is basically a betrayal. He can't think rationally when it comes to the betrayal and we see how brash he can be with anything related to Jonah throughout the arc where all of their interaction nearly kills Jonah.
If Riddle-Jonah is a coming-of-age story, Azul-Jonah is a broken friendship story.
9. Which fic has been the hardest to write?
This is a hard one to write. You might think I’ll just answer with TW:OPT, but honestly, all multi chapters fanfic has their own difficulties, so I can’t choose which is the hardest.
For Twisted-Wonderland: Our Precious Treasure, where I do treat this as a novel-writing practice, keeping the consistency with the theme, plot points, and characterization.
For Private Tutor, Angel of Death, Philza Minecraft, actually coming up with new ideas is hard because I don’t based this on anything, and just write anything once a week. In addition that I’m still new in Dream SMP fandom so characterization won’t be the strongest thing.
For both TWST MC Hybrid AU and Magical Girl AU, giving the massive cast equal spotlight and actually not getting lost is quite a challenge. Both AU has seven main characters and I need to give them the same amount to screen time.
And don’t get me started with those smut. I won’t be talking about it because I’m keeping it family friendly. Those has their own problems XD
10. Which fic has been the easiest to write?
As I said, every fic has their own problems, even one shot. So, I’m looking through my works and trying to figure out which fic I wrote the fastest but had the most fun.
I think I’ll go with A Wish for a Proposal because the comfort in this fic with Ace going heads over heels for Deuce and being doki-doki all the time. And the kiss under a shooting star, AH! Poetic cinema~
I do enjoy when I wrote how Ace thought keeping a toy ring as childish but he ended up using it to confess to Deuce and thinking that it’s not as childish as he thought.
13. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
There are good writing advice that I had head, one of them came from On Writing: Great Character Descriptions! by Hello Future Me. He has so many good advices in writing and I highly recommend him.
He said that “when describing characters it’s good to focus on their movements that can tell the readers of who the characters are”. As someone who has many troubles in writing physical description, this is actually a great alternative, especially when you want to go thought the “show don’t tell”.
After watching the video I tried to write something. I ended up writing Jonah’s father, Benjamin, in Chapter 137
The owner of the inn was an old man who, coincidentally, also shared the 'Argentum' surname. Benjamin Argentum was a man with slouched back from the burden of the world, white strands on his reddish-brown hair and tired, but kind, black eyes. He walked slowly with his walking stick, claiming that his knees were never that strong since a cart accident during his younger days. The way he speaks was gentle like everyone's favorite uncle/grandfather, along with the delicious appetizer that he had prepared a few minutes ago on the reception table. The spices he used reminiscent of the spices Jonah used in his Ramshackle Kitchen. There was no way all of these were coincidences. Crowley wouldn't doubt if Jonah Argentum ever grew old, he would be looking exactly like the warm innkeeper.
I want to highlight how Benjamin is a kind old man ("He walked slowly with his walking stick, claiming that his knees were never that strong since a cart accident during his younger days”, ”The way he speaks was gentle like everyone's favorite uncle/grandfather”) but has his own problems (”a man with slouched back from the burden of the world”), and very similar to Jonah (”The owner of the inn was an old man who, coincidentally, also shared the 'Argentum' surname”, ”The spices he used reminiscent of the spices Jonah used in his Ramshackle Kitchen”, “Crowley wouldn't doubt if Jonah Argentum ever grew old, he would be looking exactly like the warm innkeeper.”)
It’s not the best descriptions, because most of the example used highlight only one most recognizable feature while my description highlight nearly everything. I still need some practice.
14. What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
“Write what’s mainstream”.
Here’s my problem with it: sometimes anything that’s mainstream is not my thing. I like to challenge what we are given and give it a spin. 
I mentioned before that growing up with Indonesian TV Series that only centers around love, riches, and cheating, I grew tired of it. That was why I once tried to make a script for a group of friends creating a classical music band and mental problems. 
I’m not the first one to make an adaptation of TWST, but I think I’m one of the first, at least in AO3, that make an adaptation with Male MC. Among the Female MC or Female Readers story with a hint (or too much) of Romance, I want to give something for the small group who wants Male MC or something more platonic to read.
I always want to push slightly further, trying something that I haven’t seen at first glance, giving varieties. I will admit that would always doubt whether me writing something different is even worth it or not. But when I saw that yes, this is worth it, I gain more confidence and become bolder in my twist.
Going against the mainstream is risky, but we'll see whether it's worth it or not.
16. If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?
Oh no... Does it have to be a romantic pairing?
Okay. I don't really have an OTP. I mean, I like ROnah and JonAzul, but I don't think I can't live with writing only about them.
So, romantically, I don’t know. But, this doesn’t help with platonically either because I find enjoyment in writing all relationship. Just pushing the limit of my writing, you know?
So, I don’t think I can answer this because I’m a coward XD
27. How do you feel about collaborations?
A mixed bag.
So currently I'm in at least 2 collab projects: TWST MC Hybrid AU and Arisu in Alternate Wonderland. In the former, I'm the group leader, while in the latter, I'm just a writer.
Both sidea are different experiences. With AiAW, it's definitely lighter because this is basically retelling TWST but with seven Yuus. However because of this freedom and the possibilities of anything, I cannot predict whether my oc action will affects in the future or how they would interact with other ocs in the project.
With Hybrid AU, since this is a fantasy au, anything can happen. Plus as the main writer, I can see and plan clearly which event will be important and setting the characters' arc. It's definitely harder to organize because of the various idea that we want to write.
So, yeah. Collaboration can be two things for me: a scripted roleplay or a freestyle roleplay
35. Would you ever kill off a canon character?
*looking at draft for TW:OPT Book 2*
39. Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
I remember when I was a kid, I wrote a fanfiction where it only features OCs, and someone gave a review, ranting about the lack of canon characters. I, of course, sulked a bit but then just keep writing.
However, what I usually do when it comes to comments is take them into considerations. During Scarabia Arc I got a comment that the Jonah-Azul therapy moment is kinda weak, and rereading it, I can see that. Which was why the next part of the therapy Arc I tried to connect them further. So compare the JonAzul scene in the last part of Chapter 124 with the first part of Chapter 126. At least for me, I prefer the latter because there's more intimacy.
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SEGMENT THREE of four cause it turned out segment three is so long I cant put it in one post XD
After Cruentus had left to make the tea, Hat curled back up onto the bed, was he as bad as Vincent…with his inability to ever truly let Acylius go?
Nuzzling against the pillow Flug used to lay his head on , Amadeus whimpered softly…no if his Acylius did not…could not love him in this new life, he would never make him do anything he didn’t want to do, he could never do what Vincent had done to Flug, ever.
Now that he was the one with power he knew one thing, he would protect Acylius from ever being hurt or harmed again, if someone so much as tried to he would destroy them without second thought.
Pulling the pillow to his chest he cuddled it closer, knowing he was down there, in the town in that little coffee shop, so close and yet so far away was far more heart wrenching than anyone could imagine, to have those eyes look at him and not recognise him…a small part of him wondered if he should be in his life again…after all he had been the final piece to fall into place to set in motion the events that would lead to Acylius’s death…
Oh he knew Acylius would tell him it was always meant to happen, that it wasn’t his fault…idiot man, he could have lived and left the Elderichts to rot…let him rot in the gutters with them, if all his kindness only ended up with him being killed for it…
Hat curled in tighter feeling the guilt of that thought twist in his gut, to think it was dishonouring all Lulu had fought for, all he’d done only had him curl up tighter, often he’d wished he’d been able to save him, be there just in time and be his hero…the irony of those words…yet being a hero…was not all what modern day society made it out to be with brightly coloured suits and pulling in fans…it was about doing the right thing and stepping up…as much as Acylius had his darkness…
In his own right, to the Elderichts…he was their hero, who kept his name quiet out of respect because it was what his stupid tree had wanted…if he’d had his way he’d have built a statue, had books written about him, the finest artists make portrait galleries out of him, made the universe aware of his existence, a proclamation of love for everyone to hear spoken across time and space…
But no…that was not his Doctor Flug; his Acylius whispered like the spring breeze through the blossom trees he loved so much only becoming a thunderous fearful storm when called for, he was absolutely ridiculous at times, daft as anything to when he was in the safety of his own home…he could not forget that first morning….
(Wavy scene and flash back music, shrugs I’m just like that and finally using an old ramble of mine <3) and I will let you know when the flash back ends ❤️
Hat looked himself over in the mirror, he’d straightened out his tie and suit, even though his ears were hidden under his top hat even brushed the fur on them, made sure he was as presentable as he could be, after all he did not know what half of these fancy contraptions laid out on his…was it his dressing table.
That idiot Legion Demon just came out of nowhere and was all here have a place to sleep, a room of your own, even though you’re in heat I won’t take advantage of you or even touch you, honestly what was he supposed to do with that, anyone else would have taken what they wanted and left him there.
Hat huffed, why was he so upset that Acylius…no no he couldn’t call him that, he was Doctor Flug, Legion Demon, a creature highly sought after, if he wasn’t careful about how he spoke to the demon he might push his luck too far and be kicked out, that would not exactly be something new but…this time…even if they’d just met yesterday, he found himself not wanting to leave.
He would do what he needed to do, to placate him, to sooth his temper if he had one, most of his kind liked sex after all right, he did too honestly but…when it was consensual, but he was not above doing what needed to be done to keep a roof over his head within reason…though he still couldn’t deny he was somewhat miffed Acylius had not come in last night and just taken him, at least he would have been one of the more attractive…
Who was he fooling, he found the Legion demon beautiful, and what was he?
(This is my story and I will have hat all dreamy about the tree like some romance novel if I want XD)
A short little thing that had crawled out of a heap…he knew he deserved more, that his kind should not be living such poor lives, to be used as food, as toys or experiments, but too many of them had accepted their fates and he’d agreed to leave knowing his determination of better to rise up would only cause them problems…and well they already had enough of those.
Black Hat looked over the room he’d been given, that bed was so soft he thought he might have sunk into it never to be seen again, the on suite bathroom filled with so many different bottles of this, that and the other left him overwhelmed, usually he’d had to share baths with those he’d stayed with.
Hands on the dressers edge, his claws digging lightly into the wood, this was his chance, his first real big chance to make his place be more than what he was, to prove to all these rich elitist snobs that you did not need to come from riches to belong, that everyone was equal when things were made even and equal.
Yes when he had his stand, he would show them but for now he was going to go downstairs and show the Legion demon the respect he no doubt felt he deserved, there was no possible way there was not a catch in all of this somewhere.
He went first to the kitchen, it was silent and well no one was around and the bin seemed to need changing, stuffed full of scraps of food...with the word recycle carved into it, well no one was there yet he could find himself a bite to eat out of it, it was unlikely Acylius or his butler would serve him anything but what came from here anyway right.
Lifting the lid he didn’t even flinch at the smell, he’d eaten from worse places after all, Black Hat had been about to reach a hand in when he heard someone clearing their throat at the door way, he froze, was this it the thing that would get him turned out now, he was only taking food no longer wanted…his fingers stretched then curled, hand falling back by his side and waited.
“Sir, if Acylius saw you eating from the bins it would upset him greatly…”
Cruentus walked up by his side briskly and shut the lid
“Why because I was stealing something no longer wanted?”
Hat returned looking up at Cruentus, his gaze defiant and shoulders drawn back, he was not ashamed of finding food where he could when he needed it.
“No, because the thought he’d let you starve or feel you would ever go without food here would mortify him.”
Hat blinked as he listened to the hellhounds sombre tone, well that was unexpected
“Oh and why is that?”
It looked as if the butler had wanted to tell but his maw was kept shut on the matter shaking his head
“That is not my story to tell, perhaps the master will tell you eventually himself…now what do you want for breakfast.”
“I doubt you would give me anything with bacon.”
Hat replied looking away…this place was odd indeed.
“Do you want it thick cut? Smoked or not? Crispy or not?”
Cruentus inquired walking past him again and tied on his apron
“Th-there’s more than one way to have it?” Hat answered completely lost at that answer
“I see, I will make you a whole selection then, I assure you the master would want you to be able to learn what you like, though be warned he might pinch a piece of the crispy bacon.”
Cruentus laughed setting out the frying pans.
Pinch a piece of food from someone else’s plate? A Legion demon would never do such a thing, not a high class creature like Doctor Flug, no…it wasn’t possib- and then he saw the tall, long legged demon entering the room, scratching at his head, wearing grey sweat pants and a jumper to match, looking nothing like the being he’d met yesterday, adorned with a five o clock shadow, his hair not even brushed and fluffy slippers.
Hat stood there, slack jawed as Acylius yawned, fangs bared a moment and then just looking sleepy but happy
“Good morning Black Hat, I trust you slept well?”
Damn it his voice was that deep soft rumbling gravel …he could have read him the phone book and his ears would have perked up just to listen to each soothing syllable that left those scarred lips.
(I described it once as being like James Spader’s voice you might know the voice of Ultron from age of ultron or Alucard from Hellsing)
Of course the first thing to come out of Hat’s mouth was not exactly the appropriate answer as he sputtered
“Is this!? I mean is this how you usually live?!”
Cruentus bit his lip; forcing back the laugh that swelled within his chest, ohhhh apparently this little creature was in for a wakeup call if Hat thought he was living with a snobby demon indeed!
Acylius looked at him then opened the cupboard pulling out something akin to the lucky charms cereal only in this world it had little devils and demons and pentagons all pastel coloured
“Not when I have certain guests over, after all some demons will not see you unless you put on airs, a display that you are high class, boring stuff really if you ask me.”
He shrugged pulling now the milk from the fridge and was about to drink from the carton
“Boy, what have I told you about doing that? Don’t make me tap your ears young man.”
Cruentus pointed the tongs at him that he used to turn the bacon in the pan, snapping them at him.
Acylius’s ears went down as he smiled sheepishly, cheeks tinting pink
“Sorry Papa, I know it’s a bad habit.”
Did Doctor Flug’s butler just reprimand him, was Flugs Butler his father….what the huh?
Hat shook his head, what in all of hell what going on, standing up straight he looked up at them
“I am a guest here you could at least treat me as such, I have done my best to be proper like the rich are and…”
Acylius loomed over him, looking much like those silhouette pictures you see in animations when they’re going for the threatening look
“Is this what you want Amadeus for me to look down on you, I do not take kindly to my guests, they know visiting me and one wrong word can put them in poor favour with me…”
His eyes glowed white there was not colour in them and in that mass of black his smile grew and grew, showing off bright white fangs thin and needle like, another one appeared and another all of them speaking as he prodded him
“IS this what you want Amadeus, for me to be the monster they expect me to be?”
Cruentus raised a brow, oh so Hat liked what he saw before him did he, it was pretty obvious with how transfixed he was.
Amadeus pulled off his hat and played with it in his hands letting it fall below the waist, doing his best to subtly hide something that showed he enjoyed seeing this darker side of Acylius, Cruentus of course only shook his head and continued on the bacon, oh lord he could see how this was going to go eventually anyway.
Acylius froze, cat ears, fluffy black cat ears …Amadeus had, he wanted to touch them so much, to run his claws over them and nuzzle into the soft fur, his display disappeared, back into the grey sweats and dishevelled hair, cereal and milk in his hands and then the softest look that made Hat want to reach out and touch his face and let him know everything would be alright.
“I am sorry if I frightened you Amadeus…but you are not a guest you are a housemate and I want you to know you can be relaxed here in this place in your home if you so wish it to be your home.”
He turned and went to sit at the table about to pour milk into the box of cereal when Cruentus placed a bowl and spoon in front of him
“Stop that I know you’re just trying to be this extra lazy to vex me.”
Cruentus chuckled tapping the top of his head
“Perhaps I am, but you like knowing I still want you to do little things for me now and again Papa.”
“What kind of Father would I be if I were not there for my son hmm?”
Cruentus answered affectionately before going off to serve up the bacon.
Hat, was still standing shifting on his feet.
“Can I sit to?”
Cruentus came along with the plate and literally picked hat up by the back of the neck right where he knew he’d turn into a kitten and curl up completely compliant
“Dumbass he said you’re a house mate you can sit whenever you want.”
He sat him on the seat across from Acylius and set the plate down
“Bon appetit Amadeus, being welcomed to stay in the home by Acylius is honestly a rare thing…very rare.”
“Cruentus, can you please not do that again, I abhor when that is done to me.”
Hat ground out between clenched teeth, hands balled up into fists and ears laid back, his hat sitting on his lap, the problem he’d had was now gone, placing his hat back on, he expected Cruentus to snap at him or punish him…after all he was still…a…a sewer rat to everyone who wasn’t one of his kind…there was no reason for these demons to treat him like he…mattered.
“My apologies Amadeus, I should not have been so forward in my actions, I will not do that again.”
Hat only grumbled and started munching on the bacon using his fingers to pick it up
“Fork, Amadeus and knife if you want to start appearing proper in front of polite company.”
“Yes sir.”
“My name is Acylius, not sir, master or Doctor Flug behind closed doors and out of the ears of others, I suppose if it makes you comfortable you can call me Flug if you do not feel on a first name basis with me.”
“Really, that is a little too personal do you not think Doctor Flug?”
Black Hat sneered, after all was that not the way of the rich, to act better, to be Impersonal.
“Honestly at this rate I will leave as your actions have been highly disappointing and not what I expected of a Legion demon such as yourself.”
Was he doing it right, was he acting like the higher class do?
The room fell silent, a fist hitting the table making the cutlery rattle
“Amadeus Black Hat, you will not talk to him like that, what are you going to do? Return to living in motel rooms, drifting from place to place to be used like a toy, the next house you go into you will not come out of…except through the sewers as faecal matter.”
Acylius placed a hand on Cruentus’s arm; his father huffed and turned away
“The higher ups out there, most of them couldn’t give two shit’s they would sooner kill you…if I had not arrived Amadeus when I did …it would literally be a matter of moments before their assassins ascended on you and left your corpse in the street…”
The legion demon poked at his cereal, it’d gone soggy now and honestly he’d lost his appetite
“I’ve assigned you as my being, by law and the ways of a Legion this means they cannot touch you but only when I am with you or Cruentus is with you…I promised myself I would never do that, but I know what you are trying to do and I have already been trying to help the cause.”
Hat’s breath stilled, those eyes the way they changed hues of blue fleeting through emotions, assigned himself, he’d already been helping what did that mean he would ask soon it was clear the doctor was not done
“Amadeus outside of this home I now belong to you in their eyes like a pedigree dog, it’s what they see Legion demons as, they must treat us at least with respect and some kindness if they do not want their fortune to fall, but in this home. I am what I have always been, Acylius Flug the Free Legion, those who are on our side will know this, but I am going to use my ridiculously high class to teach you to be a refined villain and to be like them if you so wish to be a monster.”
Ah so that was what assigned meant, to be his …good luck charm to be the reason the dice fell in his favour so to speak, he’d given up his freedom in a sense for him…
“Amadeus’s I would tell you to take your elbows off the table as it is considered rude but in this place I am going to live my life as I wish to, as I want to, I only want to run a quiet little coffee shop , perhaps find a partner and live a quieter life…”
Acylius leaned back and placed his feet on the table and Amadeus’s looked along the length of those legs, holy …they were long.
“How did you find me?”
Amadeus asked quietly.
Acylius pulled a cigarette from nowhere, his thumb lighting up with a blue flame to light it, it was not a thing humans could inhale, despite it‘s sweet lavender scent, scratching lightly at his stubble he took a drag and let the taste settle on his tongue and the warmth of the smoke swirl within his lungs before exhaling, they were also not toxic but used as a relaxant with nothing that could cause harm.
“You were not exactly subtle about your notions, you let too many of the wrong ears hear your plans, your thoughts about inequality, there is always a high caste group who will detest such on goings and try to keep what they consider balance, to them you’re dangerous Amadeus…the thought that could get your kind to rise up if they feel there is reason and hope to.”
He paused again to take another puff
“Your kind were not always in the sewers, but I have not uncovered much of your history but I see you as a kindred spirit, both wanting better for our kind, I do not expect you to help my cause, but I ask one thing, if you do become some great overlord that over throws them…free the Legions from the contracts they are bound to, let them always have free choice to leave if they so desire to…once bound we cannot be freed unless our assigned master allows it.”
“I give you my word Flug, if you can truly help me, and mean what you are offering I will do what you ask…and I…I am sorry, I have had the idea all high people were the same even in their homes I forget that even those who reign in gold palaces have hearts…and own personal problems…do you all hide behind those marble masks of cold in public?”
Hat replied, offering out a piece of bacon, after all Cruentus had said Acylius did like pinching off other people’s plates and it’d seemed the doctor had gone off his cereal, it was a crispy piece so far his favourite of the lot but he wanted to share it with him.
Hat’s heart raced as their finger tips came in contact and Acylius actually took the piece and thanked him for it before proceeding to munch on it happily
“Thank you Black Hat, I can only hope you will stand to that promise, I have willingly pledged my life to you…and to answer your question, most of them do not wear emotional masks they are just that up their own ass and that cold…perhaps you have seen me around before…”
With a wave of his hand his face was cleaned up and hair tidied as well as scars hidden away he pulled a face one would expect a cold creature to pull.
“Oh dear lord you’re the one Vincent would not stop going on about…I remember him constantly talking about you, literally has a shrine of you in his bedroom…he let me stay one night after I fixed his coat for him.”
“Bah that daft obsessed Rabbit demon, often I have thought of putting him in a racing track and letting hounds chase after him, I wonder how he would feel about me then.”
He let the illusion fade and returned back to his dishevelled state letting a ring of smoke drift Hat’s way, the angle he was at made it circle the rough top hat perfectly, his ears perked up
“Ahh yes there it is, your organization shall be called Black Hat Organization, Evil is our business, and business is good!”
With a flick of his wrist a white card stood between two finger tips, he tossed it to Amadeus who caught it and saw the image, a silhouette of a top hat and a black ring with the business name under it.
“Now before we start any kind of business I will need to train and guide you and awaken such powers within you, not even you could imagine.”
End of Flash back
End of segment three
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fantastic-rambles · 3 years
Here's a lil input on the discussion about Reki.
I do get what you're saying about "got it" being more of a consideration than a promise(tho i perceived it as more of a promise at first), i don't think that actually matters because the reason behind Reki's behavior isn't Langa breaking his promise(and nor it is him being jealous of Langa's abilities). All of that stems from him losing his sense of self-worth. He was aware of Langa's potential before, and was absolutely ecstatic about it. Also i think he would've been pretty chill if Langa "broke" his promise to him if he wasn't doubting himself so much. Reki making Langa promise him not to skate against Adam is out of pure concern at first. Like, as much as it can be infuriating to the receiving party, if a person thought that doing X would make smb dear to them potentially harm themselves, they sure as hell would do anything to prevent that, even if it's smth that that smb wants. Later tho I believe Reki thought that Langa breaking his promise served as further proof of him not having any worth as a skater, and he's not angry at Langa but rather at himself(him yelling at langa not to apologize to him during their fight) for being so upset with Langa (and at this point wanting him to stick to that promise is sorta Reki's attempt at trying not to get left behind. He thinks that Langa deciding to skate against Adam means that he doesn't need Reki anymore).
As to him avoiding Langa at all cost and breaking his own promise to Miya of not disappearing on him, I also think that that kind of behavior is a given considering how he feels about himself. Interacting with a group of people(especially Langa) phenomenally good at what he himself loves so much but can't be as good at is straight up painful, so naturally he'd try to avoid them as much as possible. He does realize it's a shitty thing to do tho, based on how he ponders about what to say to Langa("how i acted so terribly against him") when he goes to meet him. Him not being able to apologize out loud is another thing lol. But i think Langa at that point already had an idea on what was going on with him, so Reki actually hearing all the truths from him that he himself had forgotten was much more important. That being said im actually pretty satisfied with their reunion :D I just really hope Reki apologizes to Miya later.
Anyway i hope this makes sense at least a bit, cuz Reki's character is written so well too imo. Him eventually breaking despite his happy-go-lucky personality and then finding himself again is GOOD stuff lol :D
So... I’m not opposed to justifying Reki being a jerk as long as you’re not opposed to justifying Adam being an asshole. -blink-
I’ve been trying to keep my content in line with the majority fandom (anti-Adam) argument that problematic behavior is problematic behavior regardless of the reason for it since I don’t want to deal with hater drama for my love of Adam, but that means I’ll look at all the characters with the same critical eye, which is why I can’t gloss over how problematic Shadow is either. But I’m not going to be hypocritical and apply one lens to characters I like and a different one to characters I dislike. (Or at least, as much as I can, I try not to, though I obviously have my own preferences and biases.)
So if we’re gonna talk on the premise that people’s backstories/traumas/mental states are valid reasons for the way that they act, then yes, Reki’s actions are understandable (if extremely obnoxious, to me, because again, I don’t generally like child/teen characters).
Reki obviously loves skating, and from the start, he has an inflated sense of ego, such as when he’s bragging to Langa about how he learned how to do an ollie faster than average. So it’s all the more crushing when he sees how fast Langa picks up skateboarding and when he completely loses against Adam, who didn’t even take him seriously. He legitimately thought that he was a “good” skater, but after Adam shows up, in addition to the appearance of Cherry and Joe, as well as a parade of others including Miya, Shadow, etc., his confidence is entirely shattered. Yeah, he’s probably a bit better than the average skater, but he’s clearly not at the level of the top skaters: Adam doesn’t even remember who he is because he’s so unremarkable. xD
And like any angsty teen who can’t deal with the reality that he’s not special, he lashes out at others and blames them for his failings. And that’s why he ends up being such a jerkass towards Langa and Miya. He is entirely selfish, not caring about what Langa wants, just to try to keep up his feeling of self-importance that’s crashing around him. He’s afraid of losing his new friend: not to injury (though that was part of it, when he first tried to persuade Langa not to race against Adam), but to more skilled competitors, and of being left behind, as you said. In school, at least, it doesn’t seem like there’s anyone else who is really interested in skating, so Langa’s the only one he can really talk to, share videos with, etc. But when he feels that Langa is slipping away and striving for a higher level, he gets jealous and tries to issue an ultimatum “me or Adam” and also tries to guilt-trip/gaslight Langa by accusing him of breaking a promise he never made (imo). And that has the exact opposite effect of driving a wedge between them. Again, highly obnoxious and toxic, but understandable.
And no, he’s definitely jealous that Langa and Miya are better than him. The whole reason he has his whole angsty “go hang out with your cooler friends” thing is because he’s not a top skater, even though he wants to be. And he struggles to accept that he’ll never be at that level, especially when he really did think he was special, so instead of confronting the problem, he chose to run away from it, no matter how much it hurt other people. It’s also not an uncommon reaction for people in general, to avoid things that make them uncomfortable.
But even though I understand all of this, I still don’t like him as a character. I don’t hate him as much as I did pre-episode 10, but he’s still not “likeable” to me because the way the situation was resolved was so superficial. I agree that he probably has the second-most characterization/development after Adam, and I am glad that he’s made up with Langa (and will probably make up with Miya), but he’s just such an... ordinary character. A typical, obnoxious teen who needed a smack in the face with reality more than Cherry. xD
Adam is a far more terrible person, yes, but I enjoy him because he’s entirely open about who he is and owns his actions. He doesn’t apologize for the things that he does--in part because he has no moral compass, at least currently--but also because he is absolutely truthful with himself and with others, at least when it comes to skating.
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black-wolf066 · 4 years
TUA Season 2 Thoughts
Okay, I know I’m extremely late to the game here, and I’m sure a lot of people have already touched base on the good and bad moments of this season; so I promise that the bad points that I do touch upon, will be short cause I do want to focus on what I loved.
First and foremost, I want to say that I did love season 2 with my whole freaking heart! I was ooooooh so very wrong with a lot of my predictions (and right in others *cough* Lila *cough*) but as I continued watching, I couldn’t bring myself to care (not too much anyway, there were a few things I was mad at, but meh).
 I loved seeing Hazel and I loved that the big oaf at least got 20 years with Agnes before she finally passed on. While I wish we could have seen snippets of that life and love rather then just flash backs to them in season 1; I’m still happy that Hazel got to live his life the way that he wanted to live it. Sure, I wasn’t happy that they killed him off, but for plot purposes it made sense—but on a lighter note, at least he could cross over into the afterlife and be happy with Agnes again. Right?
 Elliott is a hoot and I feel so bad that he died. All that poor man wanted was validation that he wasn’t crazy (which he got) and for someone to eat his damn Jell-O (I love ambrosia btw, but even I wouldn’t eat that ambrosia he made… sorry Elliott).
The sibling interactions between ALL OF THEM!!! JUST AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! It’s everything I could have hoped for and then some!!! The slap fight between Klaus and Ben on the street, Ben’s “You’re so independent, you fight your own damn battles”. Five and Luther reuniting “She’s too young for you” “Dad should have left him on the moon” (I snort laughed at both of these sentences). Then there’s Klaus and Allison reuniting, Allison not even hesitating to jump into the pool to hug her brother. OR THE WHOLE FAMILY REUNION!!! That Vanya and Allison hug! That hug as Klaus joined in and planted a kiss on the top of Vanya’s head!!!! The whole interaction between Allison and Diego “Can’t say Hi to anyone?” just omg, I could go forking on and on with this, because the banter and snappy comments from all of them are just total sibling culture and I relate sooooooooo much to it. (best believe I will jump on someone’s back like a damn spider monkey to protect my siblings, but I’d also sooner shank them too)
RAYMOND AND ALLISON!!!!! I’m ALLLLLLLLL FOOOOOOR THIS RELATIONSHIP!!!!! LIKE OMG!!!!!! WHY DIDN”T SHE TAKE HIM WITH HER!!!!! THEY ALREADY SCREWED THE TIMELINE UP ENOUGH BY JUST EXISTING THERE IN 1963 ANYWAY!!!! Like seriously, I’m actually upset that she didn’t take him with her, and now it looks like her daughter doesn’t even exist either… like omg Allison, sweet heart. Nooooooo.
I LOVE Luther’s development this season, the fact that he goes to apologize to Vanya, and actually takes blame for what happened, just makes me happy to know that the big lug is trying. Yea I know he took the gun with him, but honestly, I can’t blame him either. He was obviously scared and didn’t know what he would walk into, would she try and kill him again? Like we know the gun wouldn’t do sh*t to help him, but Luther wasn’t sure of that. Plus he never actually pulls it, his hand is constantly on it, but he never pulls it out, which shows that hurting her was not the end game. He wanted to actually apologize and he hoped that his sister would hear him out enough to allow him to do it.
I loved sissy and vanya. The friendship that turned to romance was cute, and while I’m still iffy with it because Sissy was married, I also understand to a small degree that Sissy truly felt stuck. Even without Vanya’s interference, I highly doubt Sissy would have been able to get a divorce and manage to keep possession of her son. Carl is an absolute bag of d*cks, and with Carl having a brother in the police force, who’s to say that they couldn’t spin something that would allow them to take Harlan away from her? I honestly can see a divorce between these two getting messy and none of the outcomes working in Sissy’s favor. She would have never been happy inside or outside of her marriage. But Vanya gave her the hope that she might actually find it. (IDK, I’m still really on the fence with it, and the infidelity, but I can’t say I didn’t enjoy Sissy/Vanya’s cute little moments while it lasted…)
Also, can I just say, Sissy blowing the scent of coffee into Vanya’s sleeping face, was truly and utterly adorable and such a dorky thing to do and I loved it.
Also, not going to lie, Odessa was a bad ass b*tch and I love and will protect that woman as much as I will love and protect Raymond Chestnut. I don’t even care that Odessa was only in a few episodes, that woman stole my damn heart and I truly would have loved to see more scenes with her and Allison and the friendship they had.
The elevator ride going up to the light supper, the freaking conch shell, and the siblings’ interactions during the whole thing (Allison rumoring Diego to punch himself, and Vanya’s cheeky “oops” after showing off her powers, just *chefs kiss*).
Ben and Vanya!!! I FORKING CRIED!!! I had to bloody pause the damn episode because my tears were getting in the way of me watching!!!! (trust me, there was a long moment of silence for Ben after that.)
All of them piling into Vanya’s car on her way to save Harlan. That entire scene was a masterpiece “Child get in the back” followed by Klaus just flopping on top of Diego and Allison, like OMG!!! And Luther… poor Luther “If I hear one fat joke, I’m out”
Everything to do with Five and Older Five was hilarious. I’m sorry call me immature, but the fart jokes were funny (even if they did start to get old after a while). Also, poor Luther, once more. We stan one lousy spotter but a brother who tried his forking best anyway.
Luther being a big (little) brother and covering Allison AND Klaus during the hail of bullets.
Klaus being observant and noting things long before anyone else. Like even at the end, when Vanya was taking her power back, everyone else was watching her but not Klaus. He kept glancing around himself while also taking in the scene periodically. There is something there, I can forking feel it. Between that pill scene in season 1, him looking up to the moon with no reason to do so, him spotting The Handler and Lila, him knowing/guessing that Lila can only mirror one power at a time—despite never actually fighting her himself—it all has to add up to something??? RIGHT???
I didn’t think I would like the Swedes… yet here I am putting them in this column. Still mad that they killed Hazel (but as Five told Lila, the job was a job, it was never anything personal). They hardly had any lines at all but their personalities alone and the little things we saw were just… what the hell but I still loved it. haha.
 I CAN”T WAIT TO SEE IF WE LEARN MORE ABOUT THE OTHER CHILDREN MYSTERIOSULY BORN!!!!! Like I wanna see the sparrow academy kids, but I hope we might learn about a few others too. Like how many of those kids didn’t make it? How many of those kids were born with a twin? Were their any triplets??? Like can you imagine that poor woman who had to give birth to not one child, but two that she didn’t have an hour ago??? (and possibly three even though I doubt there were any triplets… but what if there forking was!!!)
SPARROW BEN!!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!! I mean, I’m glad Justin is staying on the show, he’s awesome and I do like Ben, but I’m a bit sad that this won’t be the Ben we’ve seen in the last two seasons (I’ll still eat it up, don’t get me wrong, cause I’m curious to see this alternate Ben, but I’m still sad).
 Also that Vanya and Diego interaction at the end, neither of them having to say anything but still leaning on each other for support, just AHHHHHHHH
The sibling bonds that have begun to form between all of them is what really killed me this season and I loved each and every second of it!!!
 All the one-liners were pretty good too, like the “Ikea mafia” “Think of Batman than aim lower” “Is it too late to be un-adopted?” just efgjoiwengjowegnwrjngwe
Vanya actually using her powers to save someone, and Ben solidifying that fact by telling her she isn’t a monster. 
the music choices!!!! 
 I’m sure I will add more to all of this in another post, I’m still forking reeling over here and can’t get all of my thoughts straight, but goddamn I loved this season! Dysfunctional idiots—the lot of them. But at least they were making dysfunctional decisions together XD
Okay, now for the things I didn’t like…
Again, I’ll be brief cause I know that there are probably plenty of people who have touched on this already and I’m sure you all are sick of seeing or hearing it by now (so feel free to skip over it all together).
Klaus not telling his family SEVERAL TIMES that Ben was there.
Ben possessing Klaus without his consent (and Ben breaking the rules that Klaus had put into place as Ben nearly got frisky with Jill)---like I can’t even say I’m mad that he possessed Klaus at the light supper. I didn’t like it, it made me uncomfortable, but from Ben’s perspective I understood it. to Ben, he felt like he didn’t have a choice, Klaus had constantly taken Ben’s choice away by not telling the family he was there, so if Klaus wasn’t going to tell them on his own, Ben had no choice but to try and do it himself. I get that, I did. But the whole “Burrowed” scene in the elevator made me cringe something fierce.
The fact that we get Klaus looking badass in the first five minutes of the season, and then Klaus basically being useless the rest of the season, pissed me the ever-loving fork off. I mean, come on!!! EVERYONE ELSE FOUGHT LILA!! WHERE THE HELL WAS HE!??? I’m hoping this is all just setting Klaus up to be something greater in the next season, that maybe now that Ben is gone Klaus will have no choice but to relay on himself and tap into that “Potential” that Reginald had hinted at in season 1 (my fingers are soooo crossed that this is the case)
Not getting their reactions to Ben sacrificing himself (I needed more then just seeing Klaus lying forlornly on a bed, I’m sorry, but I definitely needed more than that). Klaus and Vanya’s interaction in the car did not make up for any of it either.
I don’t know where to put my thoughts on Lila and Diego. While I liked them in the beginning, their relationship kinda lost me the moment she spiked him and basically kidnapped him. I like Lila, don’t get me wrong, but that scene made me really uncomfortable too.
The interactions with the Handler and Five. Like okay, I get that the Handler isn’t treating him like a child because basically Five is supposed to be 58, but it’s still forking creepy to see her swaying her hips behind Five who is stuck in his 13-year-old body. Just… no.
The fact that we only see Allison mentioning her daughter 2 times. Like sure, she’s had 2 years to grieve, but I want to see that grief!!!!
How the show tied Sissy and Vanya’s story line up, and how they tied Allison and Raymond’s story line up… like nooooooo. How the hell would Sissy be safe in the past???? Carl’s brother was a forking police officer??? Does she seriously think his brother isn’t going to come after her when he learns his brother is dead????? Also how is Raymond supposed to explain that he suddenly doesn’t have a wife anymore???? These things don’t just fix themselves!!! Like I understand Five saying they couldn’t come, that it could change things beyond repair, but all seven of them existing in 1963 in the first place has already forked everything up enough as it was.
(Ignore me, I’m just salty that we won’t be get any more Raymond/Allison interactions…)
Anyway, negatives pushed aside, I can’t stress enough how i did love the season!!! And I can not wait to see where season 3 goes!!! I HONEST TO GOD CAN NOT WAIT!!! In the mean time, I will be attempting to write several things for season 2… fix-its, in between moments, whatever I can think of. Let’s see where that goes.
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