#But i can recognize the epic ness of it all
masked-alien-lesbian · 6 months
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Jesus...did anyone bang all of them?? Your jaw and privates gotta be sore, and I salute your thottiness!
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antianakin · 7 months
Didn’t get a picture but I saw someone on the internet claiming that
a. Ahsoka, unlike Obi-Wan, was actually good enough at combat to defeat Anakin properly at Mustafar and should have gone instead. (and just that she’s the best at combat out of all the Jedi or something along those lines) b. because of her training and goddess-ness it means she’s the Most Powerful Jedi now. I feel like your blog is a good safe space to express my complete annoyance with everything going on here. why. Why. I am so tired of this (and all the anti-Jedi people in the fandom as well.)
and also, I love all your analyses on Star Wars and they always brighten my day! Thank you!
Lollllll this is a VERY safe space to express annoyance at these takes.
For one, Ahsoka literally DOES go up against Anakin and she FAILS. Anakin punts her off the side of a cliff (it's technically a battlestation but they're very high up so whatever, I'm calling it a cliff) and she only manages to snag off a piece of his mask because she runs up behind him while he's distracted with Kanan and Ezra rather than because she's genuinely able to overpower him through skill alone. She gets LUCKY.
People seem to forget that Ahsoka does NOT recognize that he's Anakin for the beginning part of that fight on Malachor. Like technically, deep down, she probably DOES know, but she's convinced herself it isn't true and Anakin confirms that at the beginning by saying he's the one who destroyed Anakin, so Ahsoka can just... go at him with everything she's got with zero conflict at all. There is literally NOTHING holding her back here, this is Ahsoka at FULL FORCE and she fails pretty epically.
She doesn't really do any better once she DOES know it's Anakin because she's immediately refusing to go on the offensive at all, she's JUST defensive because she doesn't WANT to kill Anakin. And more than that, she REFUSES to kill Anakin. She feels guilty for what's happened to him because she's decided that it's her fault for having left him behind. That's the whole arc she's gone on in Rebels, it's why her line to him once she can't deny that it's Anakin anymore is "I won't leave you. Not this time." That's not the kind of thing you say to someone you're prepared to defeat and/or kill. Ahsoka is prepared to DIE here because she'd rather die than abandon Anakin a second time and killing him would ABSOLUTELY be counted in that category for Ahsoka.
So not only is she just not competent enough to have beaten Anakin, I don't think it's reasonable to argue she would've even WANTED to. If Ahsoka had been on Mustafar, Anakin probably would've killed her, and then he would've been able to capture Padme and the twins and who knows what he would've done if he'd been able to do that.
And even within the Ahsoka show, she goes up against Baylan more than once and loses EACH TIME. Baylan literally tells her that she CAN'T beat him. She just isn't good enough. And this is a FILONI-RUN SHOW, there are zero other writers on this show, so if Baylan is telling Ahsoka that she isn't good enough to beat him, then presumably Filoni himself believes that that's true, at least for now. I imagine that she WILL beat him eventually, but it may end up similar to her win in season 1 where she's relying on distractions from other people or assistance or something. Who knows. But either way, she can't even beat a regular Jedi like Baylan, so how the fuck is she supposed to have beaten a major powerhouse like ANAKIN when he would've been hell bent on her death and destruction?
Obi-Wan DOES defeat Anakin properly on Mustafar, he just can't full-on kill him because the narrative sort-of requires Anakin to survive. He does LEAVE Anakin to die, though, and if Yoda had succeeded against Palpatine, Anakin WOULD'VE died. Obi-Wan CHOPS OFF THREE OF ANAKIN'S LIMBS AND LEAVES ANAKIN TO BURN ALIVE, I'm not sure how much more properly defeated it is possible to get.
Also, the reason Obi-Wan defeats Anakin is almost never due to power levels. It's a combination of being centered/balanced in the Force and knowing Anakin so well that he can predict his moves extremely well. His win in ROTS on Mustafar isn't because Obi-Wan happened to be more powerful than Anakin, he's not. He just is aware enough of his surroundings to take advantage of an opportunity when he sees it and lasts long enough to be able to find it. The stunt choreographers also have explicitly stated that they intentionally choreographed this fight sequence with Obi-Wan consistently GIVING GROUND to Anakin in an attempt to give Anakin time to calm down and come to his senses. So not only is he just good enough to take advantage of an opportunity when he sees it, he's good enough to hold BACK for a while and still live through the fight. And if he's explicitly holding back in the fight, it means that there's even more power he could've been exerting and it's entirely possible that he might've been able to end the entire fight much earlier had he chosen to do so. There's never any kind of indication that that's true for Ahsoka during her one fight against him. She doesn't let herself get tossed off a cliff on purpose lol.
And of course in the Kenobi show, Obi-Wan wins in the flashback scene due to being SMARTER, not more powerful. In the final confrontation he wins because he's more BALANCED and is more willing to put everything he's got into his attacks and changes up his fighting style so he can take Anakin by surprise, so when he slashes off a piece of his helmet, it's not just because Anakin was distracted, it's because Obi-Wan genuinely fought Anakin down enough to make that hit.
Obi-Wan might genuinely be the ONLY person who could go up against Anakin and WIN by the time you get to the Rebellion era. And it isn't because he's more powerful than anybody else, he just happens to have an advantage against this particular opponent which means that the disparity in power-levels is canceled out by Obi-Wan's knowledge of Anakin and the fact that he is just straight up smarter in a fight than Anakin is.
Ahsoka, by contrast, was taught by a dude who tends to rely on brute force to win his fights, and so that's often ALSO how we see her win her own fights. Most of the fights we see her winning are against opponents who are far weaker than she is, like Inquisitors or Mandalorians. Occasionally she fights someone like Maul and has to be a little smarter about it, but most of her major victories are against weaker opponents. She's a brute force fighter, not a smart fighter most of the time, because she CAN be. But she's not more powerful than ANAKIN, and she'll never be able to brute force her way through a fight with him, and she's not smart enough to outwit him, even if she WAS willing to hurt/kill him.
I'm not sure what "training" this person might've been referring to, either, because Ahsoka gets 1.5-2 years of official Padawan training MAXIMUM and some of that would've been Anakin's bullshit blaster blocking training which isn't exactly going to help Ahsoka against ANAKIN HIMSELF. As for the goddess thing, while it's definitely sort-of in there and implied, it's not technically confirmed and so far nothing has really been shown about it that makes her exponentially more powerful than anyone else. She has to flee a fight against Baylan, she'd have died fighting Morgan and the zombies if Sabine hadn't stayed behind to help her, she'd have died on Malachor if Ezra hadn't jumped in to help her, etc. She doesn't seem to have any super special goddess powers that we've seen so far, so it seems a little early to be counting that in her power levels.
Not to mention that in the "Most Powerful Jedi Alive During the Mandoverse" competition, she doesn't have a shit load of competitors she's up against here. The only other options to compare her against that are currently confirmed to be alive post-ROTJ are Luke, Leia, and Grogu. All three of them are shown to be pretty powerful in the Force, but Leia likely isn't super well-trained and Grogu is still a child, and therefore it doesn't seem fair to compare them to Ahsoka at this point. But Luke? I have a hard time believing Ahsoka is MORE powerful than Luke. Close, perhaps, we know she IS supposed to be fairly powerful in general, it's why she was able to be a Padawan so early, but possibly not MORE powerful.
And power alone does not actually guarantee a victory. She could be more powerful than Baylan, but if he's a better fighter, he'll still beat her. As shown with Obi-Wan and Anakin, power alone won't win a battle if your opponent is smart enough to simply outwit you. Obi-Wan can beat Anakin, and Baylan can beat Ahsoka. Ahsoka can be an extremely powerful Force user and still not be able to beat someone with better training than her.
I'll also note at the end here that Ahsoka isn't even canonically a Jedi at this point. She's never once claimed to be in the Ahsoka show and she explicitly says she isn't one in Rebels. She makes comments about how there's more to being a Jedi than using a lightsaber, but that isn't confirmation that she CONSIDERS herself a Jedi or that she'd call herself a Jedi. So she can't be the most powerful Jedi if she's not a Jedi at all. Same goes for Baylan, Grogu, and Leia.
Which leaves us back at Luke as the most powerful Jedi in existence within the timeline of the Ahsoka show because out of all of our options, Luke is the single person alive willing to actually identify as a fucking Jedi.
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gabriel-xander · 7 months
I Wish You Died Instead Ch. 5
[Scaramouce x Fem!Reader]
A/N: I started writing this before all of his lore came out/Before the last Sumeru Archon quest, so there will be a handful of inconsistency later on. My advice to you? Just go with it!
{Also on Quotev, Ao3, and Wattpad under Gabriel Xander}
Chapter 5: Played Like The Cheap Kazoo You Are
One thing you can appreciate about Scaramouche is his guts. That man has nerves of steel like you wouldn't believe. And in an act of mercy, you were allowed to look away during his massacre.
"Help me gather them up."
".................I don't want to-"
"My Lord, with all due respect..." You grimace with judgement as he hauls the bloody boar over his shoulder with ease, "That's really fucking gross."
"Quit your bitching. I already did you the favor of not helping me kill these things," Scaramouche frowns, "I order you to help me carry these back to the camp."
You roll your eyes before grabbing the other dead boar by the legs, swinging it over your shoulder.
"It's a Goddamn miracle that I haven't beaten the shit out of you yet," The Harbinger comments while you whine about the blood.
You deadpan, "I must be blessed."
It was the next morning of staying with Isaac, Ivan, and Noah, the Treasure Hoarders that had been so kind to allow you and Scaramouche to stay with them.
Noah was a person of interest; he was one the Treasure Hoarder's that was responsible for your misfortune. He didn't seem to recognize you both as Fatui, hopefully it stays that way for a while longer. You two are hoping that bringing them food and furs would get them to trust you a little more.
You wince in pain and stop walking for a moment, breathing through your nose to calm your nerves. Your injury still hurts, you haven't gotten the opportunity to properly heal yourself yet.
"What's the matter with you?" Scaramouche turns around when he notices you stopped.
"Nothing, My Lord," You sigh, starting your walk once more, "Just wondering how we'll learn anything from Noah."
He frowns, "Any ideas?"
"I don't know, I thought... He showed, like... a fraction of interest in me, I thought I could use, like... my woman-ness on him?"
"...Your what??"
"My womanly charms! I don't know! Seduce him or whatever!"
"..." Scaramouche squints at you with disbelief, "You want to whore yourself out to get some intel?"
You scoff, "Well, when you say it like that-"
"-No, you're not doing that," Scaramouche protested, "Anyway, you can't do that even if you wanted to. I told him you were my girlfriend."
Oh, right.
You sigh, "And I thought I would be able to forget about it easily."
"And what the hell is that supposed to mean?"
You shake your head, "Nothing, forget it. I don't really have any ideas, anyway."
You adjust your hold on the dead animal as you two walk in angry silence. Not a day goes by that you wish you were literally anywhere else but here. Hopefully Scaramouche had a plan, you honestly didn't know where to go from here.
"You might have to whore out." He says suddenly.
"Ah, so like a normal day then."
"I'm joking."
You were not.
"I liked it better when you didn't talk," The Balladeer huffs.
"Honestly, me too."
You and your superior had to stay another night with the Treasure Hoarders as the storm came back that evening. Luckily, you were all able to relocate to a small cave nearby before it got too bad. That also meant you did most of the heavy lifting as you're a strong, independent woman who don't need no man.
Scaramouche sat close by the fire to make sure it didn't die, and to try and eavesdrop on Isaac, Ivan, and Noah. You sat by the fire as well, but you were more focused on the letter you were writing to your best friend, Kazuki.
Which is fucking stupid, Nao!! It literally means Pants! The Tsaritsa is epic and all, don't get me wrong. But fucking Pantalone??? She couldn't give him a better title?? This has been bothering me forever and I need to say it if no one else will!!
With that said, yes. I DO want to wear a suit when we go see your sister in Sumeru soon. We should totally match, too. Maybe she'll think we're together and finally leave you alone about you being a lonely fuck.
Speaking of which, you know what Lord Scaramouche did?? The audacity of some bitches, I swear to the Gods-
"Hm?" You lift your head, making eye contact with Scaramouche who was across from you, "Yes, Kuni?"
He scrunches his nose, "Kuni?"
You look around, finally noticing that it was just you and him. "Oh, damn. Where did they go?"
"Gods, you're such an airhead."
You smack your lips at his comment, "Did you need something, Kunikuzushi?"
He rolls his eyes, "They left so I can attend to your wound. Get over here so I can clean it."
You sigh, setting down your paper and pencil while making sure it won't suddenly fly into the fire. It would be too inconvenient to rewrite it all. You start removing your coat and shirt as you walk around the fire to sit by Scaramouche.
He works silently and efficiently. You've never seen this man bleed or bruise before, and his body is a little abnormally solid. You doubt he's ever taken an injury based on his seemingly perfect skin.
And yet... You've never once had a wound so gently attended to the way Scaramouche is doing now.
"What were you writing? A report?" He asks, confusing you as he hates small talk.
"Uh, a report on my feelings and emotions, yeah."
"You keep a diary?"
"Ew, no," You quickly reject the notion, "I'm writing to Kazuki. He works under Lord Ch-erm, Lord Tartaglia."
"You should keep your work life and personal life separate."
"You're the one who asked, sir."
You had to bite your tongue as he cleaned your injury. The pain was bearable, but you were also a little bitch that likes to whine at any minor inconvenience. You hate the silence, and you wish you can at least hum to yourself, no matter if you're good at singing or not, but you know damn well that you already showed too much personality to this bitch ass man.
"The fuck?!"
You jerk around to glare at your boss with a flustered expression, "Can you not do that?!"
Scaramouche holds his hands up in confusion, "The hell are you talking about?!"
"You-When you just–" You mimic his previous action with your hands mid-air, moving your hands slowly in a similar silhouette of your own figure, "–The way you ran your hands up and down my sides! It-It was way too gentle!!"
By the look on his face, you can tell that even Scaramouche wasn't aware that he was doing it. He must've been lost in thought and did it subconsciously.
"-Some people are ticklish, okay!!" You huff out in frustration, "Next time you do something like that, keep that in mind!"
You can practically see the cogs turn in his head. You raise an eyebrow.
That... is not what he thought you were upset about. Whether you were saving him from the embarrassment of being caught admiring how nice your skin is, or you genuinely thought he did it by accident, he didn't know.
And frankly? He didn't have the guts to find out the truth.
"Uh, okay. I'll–keep that in mind..."
You nod in satisfaction. You look down at your side, poking at the gauze taped over your wound.
"You're done, right? Thanks!"
You stand up and reach over to grab your shirt when the Universe decides it wants to mess with you just a little more. Isaac, Ivan, and Noah enter the tent laughing with each other, though they quiet down when they see you without your shirt and only your arm covering your titties.
You all stare at each other in silence, the three men becoming more red and flustered the longer they stare, and Scaramouche gains an unreadable expression. Your gaze flickers to him, trying to remind him that "hey, you're supposed to be my boyfriend, probably do something?"
Reading what you had in mind, finally the Balladeer catches on and stands up with a pissed off look.
———— Two Months Later ————
You slam the empty shot glass down on the counter, your gaze mindlessly wandering off to nothing in particular as you try desperately to forget the things you've seen today.
Scaramouche is not known for his patience, and out of all the Harbingers, he's definitely the least likable. But there's something you didn't think you'd ever take for granted, and that was his strange consideration for your feelings when it comes to-
"Cheer up, [L/n]. It wasn't that bad."
You roll your eyes and motion for the bartender to come over. "Easy for you to say. Some of us have morals and values, especially when it comes to human lives."
The bartender pours you your fourth shot of the night, you're finally beginning to feel a little tipsy from drinking straight Fire Water. You knock it back like a champ and semi-slam the glass back down.
"Ouch, is that judgment I hear?"
You look at your temporary comrade with a deadpan look, "What do you think, Soto?"
He laughs at your words, not feeling perturbed at all.
Amatista Soto, a man born and raised in Natlan only to somehow get involved with the Fatui. You don't know his story, other than the fact he has a Pyro vision and is most likely a fucking sociopath. You don't doubt that the only reason he joined the Fatui was so that he could kill people under the protection of the Fatui and the Tsaritsa.
His skin is medium brown with a beauty mark under his right eye. His very wavy hair was always tied back in a low ponytail, but that didn't make it look neater. He always wore an Iris flower behind his right ear, too. You have to admit that it brought out his vibrant eyes, the color of amethyst. That's probably how he was named, too.
You hated that he was attractive with a tall, large build. Made you hate him even more because how are you going to be a hot motherfucker who's so evil-
Under orders of Pierro, Scaramouche was sent somewhere unknown. You tried asking the Balladeer of his soon-to-be whereabouts, but all he did was shake his head in response. In the meantime, he ordered you to assist any other Harbinger so that your skill isn't wasted while you wait for him to come back.
"And... when WILL you be back, sir?" You had asked the day he left, accidentally showing concern.
Scaramouche sighed and shook his head, "I don't know. But... My advice is: don't wait for me. I could be gone for a VERY long time."
"Oh... O-Okay," You nodded, "Good luck, sir. And be careful."
He smirked, "You almost sound like someone who cares. Don't let me catch you getting soft again, [L/n]."
"Hmph! In your dreams."
After dealing with Noah and the other Treasure Hoarders (a memory you desperately are trying to forget due to how it ended), you started working under various Harbingers (minus Childe since he was still in Liyue).
Well, every Harbinger other than Dottore, though. You don't understand Scaramouche's resentment to the second Harbinger, but you don't question his demands as he is your superior.
Currently, you are working under the Knave, or at least, you think you are? You haven't been given direct orders from her yet, and the most you have done for her so far is fucking paper work.
"I'm going back to the Zapolyarny Palace," You sigh, pushing yourself off the stool, "Then I'm going to pass the fuck out."
"Have a good night!" "Bah."
———— Two Months Later ————
You wait patiently by the door for La Signora to be finished talking with Pantalone about some fundings, Il Dottore was with them, too. You were about to head off to Fontaine with Arlecchino, but she tells you there's a sudden change of plans, and that she was handing you off to the Fair Lady.
You were so lucky that your mask was hiding your deadpan expression. You asked her why you were suddenly being handed off to the 8th Harbinger, but Arlecchino just dismisses you with "she needs a new assistant since her last one died in Mondstadt."
You were zoning out, a skill you learned in the Fatui so that you can be oblivious to the Harbinger's business. Unless it involves you directly, you don't want to know what their personal goals are.
You start to gnaw at your bottom lip. You are curious about this "Traveler" you keep hearing about, though. Apparently, La Signora has had an encounter with this blond haired person and their flying fairy while snatching the Gnosis from poor Barbatos. Barbatos... Barbie toes... Barbs... Barbara...
"Are you deaf?"
You blink rapidly and look at who's talking to you.
La Signora, Pantalone, and Il Dottore were just staring at you now. Pantalone and the Doctor looked amused at your obliviousness. La Signora? Not so much.
"Oh, my apologies. I was lost in thought," You hold up the small stack of papers, "Here is the proper documentation on my temporary recruitment. I look forward to working with you, my Fair Lady."
"Hmph," The 8th Harbinger doesn't bother with the papers even though she requested them, "The Balladeer spoke highly of your abilities despite not having a Vision or a Delusion. So tell me, what exactly is it about you that is so praise worthy?"
"I was surprised as well to hear how high he puts you in regards. I never heard of a Harbinger having this much trust in anyone, even more so in a low ranking Fatui," Pantalone comments, "Then we hear from the Knave that you are quite competent, even in her standards?"
"It is hard not to be curious." Il Dottore adds.
"To be frank, I am just his secretary more than anything else. I take care of all his paperwork, I'm his messenger, I'm the commander of his Skirmishers, and I give orders to the lower ranks on his behalf." You shake your head, "Very seldomly would I go out on the front lines myself. I can probably count the amount of times I went into battle myself on both hands."
Which to the normal person, that is a lot. But for a Fatui? That's practically zero. And in all honesty, for anyone else, it'd be unacceptable.
Scaramouche is not known for his patience, and out of all the Harbingers, he's definitely the least likable. But there's something you didn't think you'd ever take for granted, and that was his strange consideration for your feelings when it comes to violence,
Never once had he actually forced you to hurt someone if you didn't want to, and he never made you kill anyone either. Anytime you had to hurt someone, it was self defense. And anytime you kill someone...
Well, you do your best to repress those memories.
Working for the other Harbinger's made you realize you took that silent consideration for granted. Since all these fuckers want from you is violence.
"I see. So it's safe to say you are what makes him look good from the shadows," Pantalone puts a hand to his chin.
"Not at all. Lord Scaramouche has done a lot more than I. Really, I only take care of the boring things." You redirect your attention to the woman, "If I may, my Fair Lady, can I know why you have requested my assistance so suddenly?"
"Simple really. I haven't gotten the chance to personally witness what makes you so great. It'd be a shame if you went off to Fontaine for who knows how long before I got the chance to use you."
Mmmm pues.
"I-I see. Well, I hope I can meet your expectations," You force a smile, "Is there anything else you need?"
"Yes, pack your things," La Signora smirks slyly, "We're going to Liyue."
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destinyc1020 · 3 months
My Movie Review: "Dune: Part 2"
**Caution...May Contain Some Spoilers**
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Alright alright alright y'all.....
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Whew! Dune Part 2.... Where do I even begin??
Okay, FIRST of all.... FIRST OF ALL.... This movie was EPIC. Like, GRAND epic-ness. I haven't seen a movie this epic in a good while. The sound, the musical score, the acting, the cinematography, the costumes, etc... EVERYTHING was so on point! 🤯
When the end credits started rolling, I was sitting there liiiiike....
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I couldn't believe what I had just seen lol... 😅 I think I was a little bit in shock and just needed to sit there and contemplate/process all that took place in this movie lol.
Let me tell you all... Love the Dune movies or hate them.... These movies are SO well-done! Idk about other Anons/fans who saw this film, but I just felt transported to a totally different world while watching it. Seeing this film in all of its IMAX glory was amaaazing! 👏🏾 I highly recommend seeing this movie in IMAX if you have the ability to.
Okay, let me get down to the nitty gritty of everybody in the film.....
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The Cast First of all... Can I just say? This cast did an AMAZING job in this film as a whole. Like, EVERYONE was awesome in this. Everyone was pulling their weight, and was hitting their marks...even the background actors.... I was like, "damn!" There weren't any weak links in this film (imo).
Timothee Timothee BABAAAY....Timothee suprised me! I'll be honest, I've seen a few of Timmy's films before, but none of his roles (that I had seen) had really wowed me, you know? But Dune Part 2?? Oh...he definitely served. 👏🏾 He started off in the beginning of the movie being the same ol' Timmy I know lol....But by towards the END of the movie?? Hunny chiiiiile.... He had me believing his character was feeling his own hype lol. 😅🤣 Timothee really outdid himself with this movie. His voice didn't even sound the same towards the end of the movie. And the foreign made up language that he (and the rest of the cast) had to speak? Superb! Paul's duel at the end with Feyd was awesome (more on Feyd later). It really looked like they were fighting to the death. I'm glad the scene didn't last too long though, because it was pretty intimate and intense. Overall, awesome acting by Timothee. Loved his transformation towards the end of the movie.
Zendaya Ahhh Zendaya! 😃 Zendaya's Chani was definitely the heart of this film as most reviews say. Her character was somewhat of a cynic, but only because she wasn't a "believer". I know Z's acting has been criticized in this film online, but I actually think she did a fine job? I was impressed by her action sequences and her portrayal of Chani's anger and frustration with Paul and those blindly believing in the Maud'Dib. I was SO happy that Z had way more screen time in this movie than in the first one. I also loved how she was given some action scenes/sequences!! I think this is her first action film on the big screen? She was shooting guns, fighting, etc. I was like, "Go girl!!" 👏🏾😃 Denis seemed to have a love affair with Zendaya's face lol, because I think she got most of the close-ups in this movie lol.😅 I actually thought that she and Timmy had pretty good chemistry in the film. It wasn't "passionate" or "sexy" chemistry, but they had good chemistry nonetheless. For those wondering.....YES, there is a love scene lol.... 👀 But it was tastefully done imo.
Rebecca Whew chiiiile, let me tell you... Rebecca scared me in this movie lol. 😅 I was liiiike....
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She put the "Mother" in Mother okay? LOL 😅 I always love Rebecca, she's a superb actress and infinitely amazing in EVERYTHING she's in. She had me believing she was the Reverend Mother okay? After she drank that holy life water or whatever it was, she totally changed into someone else lol. 🤣
Austin Lawwwd....this man... I didn't even recognize him onscreen okay? 😩 Austin did not come here to play, and he played Feyd Rautha beautifully. He was ruthless, cunning, yet charming, sexy, and actually had an honor code. During most of the movie, every time he came on screen, I didn't know whether to be scared or turned on... 👀🙈 The Gladiator Scene was like wow.... I always thought Austin was a good actor since "Elvis", but that Gladiator arena scene had me like: "Whoa...he's a good actor!" His acting with his eyes was amazing... Excellent job. 👏🏾 My only gripe was that he was in the movie for far too short of time! Believe it or not, I wanted more Feyd.... 😩 I'm so excited to see what's next in his career, because so far, based on what I've seen, Austin can really disappear in roles. Like chiiiile...this man.....I swear, I wouldn't have even realized it was him had it not been for his eyes and lips lol. 🤭
Florence Florence did an amazing job in the limited role that she was given. Although her role was small, her acting was on point. 🥰 Even Christopher Walken (who's the least Christopher Walken-like I've ever seen him in a role lol) was so subdued, but did a great job as well. I wish we were able to see more of Princess Irulan in scenes (I loved her costumes!), but I know she will have a much larger part in Part 3/Dune Messiah.
Javier LOL I loved Javier in this. He's always good in everything he's in. He had a much smaller role in Dune Part 1, so it was nice seeing him have a larger role in Dune Part 2. His character of Stilgar gave the film much-needed light-heartedness and some funny parts to chuckle at.
Everyone's acting was on point!!!
The movie had an EPIC vibe and really transports you to a totally different world
The music was haunting and amazing.... I LOVED "Chani's Theme"... Hanz Zimmer really created a beautiful score for this Dune World...I loved it 😊
The movie was 3 hours long, but it never felt boring to me. It was very interesting to me, and when the film credits roll, you're left thinking: "They're really gonna leave things like this???" I wanted MORE!! 😩
The film felt believable. I know it's sci-fi, but the way the film touches upon normal societal issues, it almost makes you feel that this type of world actually exists.
I loved that Zendaya had more screen time in this movie 🥰
There were just a few too many sand scenes lol... I kind of feel like Denis could have mixed up some of the scenes on different planets with the dusty sandy scenes on Arrakis. During most of the first hour of the film, I was looking at desert sand scenes like this:
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ROTFL!! 🤣 Don't get me wrong, it wasn't a bad thing per se, and it didn't detract from the film's greatness, but if I were Denis, I would have given the audience a bit of a break from the desert scenes a little sooner in. I would have given longer breaks in btwn the desert scenes at least 30 mins in lol.
I felt like Lea Sedoux's scenes were way too SHORT! She was like the Zendaya of Part 2 lol. I don't even think she had as much screen time as Zendaya had in Part 1 lol. And Chiiiiile...I wanted to see more of her interactions with Feyd. 👀 Their chemistry was hawwwwt.... 🥵 Austin and Lea had more sexual chemistry in their 2-minute scene together than Timmy and Zendaya had in the entire movie imo ROTFL 🤣 (SORRY Timdaya fans! 😅)
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Speaking of Feyd.... Denis didn't give us enough of him! I liked that he was somewhat of a complex villain. But I kind of feel like it would have been nice to have seen a bit more about his background (like, why did he kill his mother??🥴), or know what makes him tick. 🤔
I think it would have been nice to have seen longer scenes with Timmy and Austin together, but I haven't read the books, so maybe they only meet once and that's for the knife fight lol. 😅
It would have been nice to have seen more of Anya in this film, but she will more than likely have more of a role in Dune Messiah.
Overall.... Amazing film. 😊 I know I'm going to have to watch this movie at least a second time to really process everything.
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stupidphototricks · 3 months
I'm jealous of kids today being able to grow up with the amazing YA books being written now ("now" for me being within the past 15 years or so), but I still read them even though I'm not Young. Here are a few of my favorite YA authors and books, in no particular order:
Patrick Ness, The Rest of Us Just Live Here TW: mental illness, suicidal thoughts I adore that there's a whole epic fantasy battle thing that we see pieces of in the foreground, but the book focuses on the characters in the background who are dealing with their own stuff.
Alice Oseman, Radio Silence and Solitaire TW: suicidal thoughts, emotionally abusive parent (RS), self-harm (S), eating disorder (S) You might recognize Alice Oseman as the author of the Heartstopper comic and TV series. They wrote novels too! Really good ones, although that's not surprising. Solitaire's protagonist is Charlie's sister Tori, and its events take place a year or so after the start of Heartstopper (possible spoilers for season 3, who knows?). Radio Silence is set in the same town I think another year later, and Aled (who was in the comics, but was renamed and somewhat reimagined as Isaac in TV Heartstopper) is a main character though not the protagonist. Nick, Charlie, and Tori make very brief cameos.
David Levithan and John Green, Will Grayson, Will Grayson TW: I can't think of any major triggers in this book, I apologize if I missed something. Obviously both of these authors have independently written other excellent books, but this one is my favorite, mostly because I love Tiny Cooper and his musical so much. This is the lightest (i.e. not dark, and not heavy) by far of the books here. It's mostly really fun but occasionally serious.
Jandy Nelson, I'll Give You the Sun TW: bullying, homophobia, suicidal thoughts, death I read a review of this book that basically said enough with the artsy language and metaphors, so maybe it isn't for everybody, but I found it brilliant. It encapsulates a thought or an idea or a feeling in a way you'd never expect, but that you relate to immediately. Also I think that having the POV switch between twins, but two years apart (one twin at 14, the other twin at 16) with a major life-altering event in between, is an amazing way to tell this story.
Rainbow Rowell, Eleanor and Park and Carry On TW: bullying (E&P), abusive family situation (E&P), vampires (CO) Eleanor and Park is set in the 80s with all of the requisite 80s accessories, and characters that will make your heart break in different ways. Carry On is a sort of Drarry fanfic spoof (and supposedly written by a character in a different Rainbow Rowell novel!). But the characters are so well-developed and engaging that you stop seeing them as caricatures and start caring about them in their own right.
Jesse Andrews, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl and The Haters TW: vulgar talk (really just teenage boys trying to be gross), dysfunctional family situation (M&E&DG), death (M&E&DG) I can't overstate how much I love the writing style of these books. Always entertaining and often hilarious, it jumps from normal prose to an outline, to a film script, to a bulleted list, and always turns out to be the perfect way to show whatever is going on.
What's most important to me: In all of these books, the young adult characters are real people who are complicated, and surprising, and funny, and passionate. They may have serious problems but they can have fun and be silly. They screw up but they try to fix things. They love and support their friends, and their friends love and support them. Often there are parents who are also real people doing their best; I appreciate that in a YA book! For the most part these books don't have magically happy endings, but they do end in a good place, with hope.
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holeynightsky · 2 years
overthinking albums: scaled and icy
welcome to the first edition of overthinking albums, where i spew my brainrot nonsense all over the internet and attempt to make every song in an album connect to something within the same fandom!! this is a torment my brain will not cease haha fun game i've played with myself for years. counter-arguments, improvements, and other recommendations are all welcome & encouraged!!
today's album: scaled and icy by twenty one pilots, which can be found here on spotify. today's fandom: percy jackson.
good day - a cornerstone. captures the general light energy of the whole series. a good song, that's what it is. (for character matching, gut instinct says leo but that is based on nothing.)
choker - i mean, is there any clearer demigod anthem?? the angst, the hope, the general "fuck it i'll do it myself"-ness???? sdjfaksjd the demigods who go on quests and realize their godly parents aren't going to come save them + i see no volunteers to cosign on my fears / ... / nobody's comin' for me???
shy away - a thalia & luke song. not them together romantically, but come with me on this journey: this one is a theme that keeps coming up throughout the series, sometimes the way TTP played it, sometimes in a minor key, sometimes slowed + reverb. for thalia, it's a reminder that she broke out of the cycle of death for big 3 kids, a victory over her destiny. for luke, a darker, slower version with more bass: when you get home / you barely recognize the pictures / they put in a frame / ... / don't circle the track / take what you have / and leave your skin on the floor. he sees himself as the hero of the piece, breaking the cycle, but the audience can see bits of humanity flaking away as the ends justify the means. at the end of TLO, we hear a slowed acoustic version play as thalia sits in the ruin and luke is gone: when i get home / boy, you better not be there / you're long gone.
the outside - this one is a bit trickier, assuming you don't want to take the obvious track (percy theme, i am a megalodon, ocean's feeling like a pond / swimming like a beast, underneath they be clinging on). but more specifically, i'd argue this is a percy at new rome. even if he can't place what they are, he know he's done major quests (i'm pretty sure i've seen this one before / i've got a long drive, i'll tape my eyes / so i don't fall asleep again). being a child of "neptune" leaves him isolated, and forming an alliance with the other outcasts is what allows them to succeed. the little cogs got together, start a renaissance.
saturday - the lotus casino. is this on the nose? yes. do i care? no. i have strong emotions and i will listen to them like a good internet kid. as they say, these are my dancing shoes.
never take it - this one is debatable--either octavian or the gods. i lean towards the gods, personally--i could see it being an ethan nakamura-type anthem, raging against the lies and general neglect demigods are subject to. i mean can't you just see it in your head, him bopping along in an oversized leather jacket, headphones blasting? they're trying hard to weaponize / you and i, we'll never take it / they're asking for a second try / you and i, we'll never take it. and then, towards the end of his epic, cut-too-short story: they profit from a great divide / you and i, we'll never take it. don't look at me, i'm sobbing.
mulberry street - a solangelo song, in my humble opinion. but like... older, more comfortable in their skins solangelo? nico will never stop being an emo kid (keep your sunny days / leave us in the rain / ... / you can have your sunny days / we will live between them), and he shouldn't have to! he can be emo and still live a fulfilling life! but also, will's influence is there reminding him to enjoy every day. there's nothing wrong with this / we just wanna feel it all.
formidable - percabeth!!! are you kidding me?? yes. percabeth. you are formidable to me / 'cause you seem to know it, where you wanna go / ... / i'm just worried my loyalty will bore you. are. you. kidding. me. ??? all of the percabeth feels.
bounce man - grover and percy's bromance! it's the perfect anthem of "i know we haven't talked in three years, but i'd still die for you", which i would argue is what that friendship is. i feel like sometimes you get close enough, go through enough, that time stops really being a factor. there are friends i haven't spoken to in five years, and if they showed up with a dead body, i'd grab a shovel without asking any questions. also, such a grover line: oh boy, what'd you do? don't matter now / if you need a piece, i'll break it down.
no chances - a big battle piece, with verses serving as a chance to flash back to individual arcs! mm bada-dum bada-dum dum is slowmo overhead shots that sweep across the battle; we come for you, no chances is individual combat. during rapid-fire verses, we cut back to quick shots of little moments that changed our protags: leo standing in bunker 9, piper on the deck of the argo, percy looking at moonlace growing in the planterbox at his apartment.
redecorate - we started with a general demigod anthem, and we end with one too. is there any character who doesn't fit this, either? i don't want to go like this / at least let me clean my room / 'cause the last thing i want to do is / make my people make decisions / wondering what to do. leo, nico, piper, percy, reyna--everyone's got that nihilistic, is-this-how-i-go streak.
thanks for tuning in to today's edition of overthinking albums!!! please come scream with me about these books & this music, and share any hot takes <3
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schnellonline · 1 year
I cannot sleep right now, because I have formulated a simply epic dissertation on something that I've probably complained about before regarding the modern internet.
This is very long and can come off as overly serious and preachy, but it's my blog so I can do whatever I want.
The internet being incredibly accessible nowadays is such a double-edged sword for any sort of idea or concept. Like, yeah, your idea can spread faster and farther than ever before. That's great for some things. But it means your thing can also burn out faster too without ever truly being digested by the greater internet audience. Like people noticed this stuff over a decade ago when it came to really simple things like memes.
People would just parrot them and absolutely run them into the ground without ever understanding the true meaning and origin for them. Was it important to know both of those things to enjoy a rage comic or whatever? Probably not. All memes or ideas are obviously made for humans by humans so there's this like this baseline understanding to them that we all get in one way or another. You don't always need context for a Troll face, but for some memes or jokes the context can like make whatever meme or idea like 100x more enjoyable or shed them in a different light. I don't know how to describe it to be honest.
I think another thing is how easily digestable everything is now regarding the internet. Everything is so absolutely streamlined and consolidated to a sickening degree. Short-form media consumption is just insane to me. Why watch a movie when you can watch a 15 min review? Or a 1 minute long TikTok? Or a 30 min video essay by a boring guy? Why put in the effort to actually learn about and engage yourself in a piece of media or literature or whatever? People have pre-chewed it and set it down on a nice little plate for you to easily digest. What if they got info wrong or their ideas or harmful? Who cares! Just move onto the next thing. Don't think about. The algorithm thinks you should watch this next! Keep scrolling and keep consuming the next piece of media without ever really thinking about it. Never question it. It's so absolutely bizarre to me. Maybe it's because I'm probably autistic or something. I personally like to know every single thing about a something until I'm satisfied and can move on. That form of media consumption where you're constantly taking in new things and shove them out of your thoughts to make room for other shit cannot be good for you. It definitely ruins your attention span. It's just information and sensory overload. It gives me a fucking headache sometimes when I'm scrolling through Twitter or YouTube. It is so absolutely mind-numbing.
Like for example: Iceberg explained videos. The whole concept of the Iceberg images was to rank the obscurity and niche-ness of certain things from most well-known to least. It was a natural progress from top to bottom. You knew the stuff at the top, but wanted to know more so you moved down. You saw things you didn't recognize as you moved down. It incentivizes you to do research. To ask around. To do more than just basic cursory Google searches. I found a lot of cool and niche communities through my research on these Iceberg charts and the mystique and inaccessible nature of them just pushed me more to do harder research. It made it exciting to take risks and explore the collective internet. It was exciting! I loved mulling over something for days so I could learn more about it.
But now there's like 30 min to 2 hr long multiple part YouTube video series breaking down that exact chart and EVERYTHING about it and ruining any sort of mysterious and fun quality to it. Why do the research when some boring podcast dude did all the work for you? Who cares if his info is wrong and is misrepresenting something important? Just move on. Consume the next thing. Fuck Wendigoon, dude. I hate that cunt.
It is just SO lazy to get all your info from shit like that. The algorithm chucks it at you, because you fit a demographic. It's consolidating culture. It's making these things blunt and explaining everything to you so you don't have to think. People won't believe you or take you seriously or care unless its popular and its been fact-checked by Snopes or whatever. Fuck that, dude. Bring back wild west internet.
Everything you like will become bastardized at some point. Those trendy late adopters who immerse themselves in the algorithmically controlled pop culture will ruin everything you love and permanently soil it. They will move onto the next thing and leave you there in the dust. They're like cultural locusts. The people/entities harbingering them are probably the worst thing to happen to the Internet and information.
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adamarks · 5 years
What’s with the scarf: yet another snowbaz meta
aka the long-awaited and much-anticipated knight/dragon dichotomy meta. 
Wanna know that the fuck was up with that scene where simon caught baz’s scarf? Welcome, you’ve found your new home. Let’s go.
Guess who’s back. Back again.
It’s me, bitch. Now here with their 5th goddamn essay on these goddamn books. Somebody stop me I’m a fiend. 
For this one i really do suggest you read my simon is a dragon meta, but if you don’t have time just look at this tweet. 
Now that we have that out of the way. Let’s get started. 
Point One: The Knight
I know what you’re saying, “what? I thought this was about the goddamn scarf? What’s this shit about knights stop.” I tricked you, fucker. The scarf isn’t until the end. (You save the best for last.) 
Simon Snow is the knight in shining armor of the world of mages. He’s given a sword and pointed in a direction and off he marches. He’s the secret weapon. He’s the bomb. He’s the one that came to save us. He’s the one that came to end us all. The poetry of Carry On is that he was the dragon he was meant to slay, and he gave up his “knighthood” (powers) to defeat himself. 
It’s true that Simon gave up his powers, but did he give up his knighthood? In title and in practice, yes, but he still acts the part. Let’s investigate the defining feature of knights: The Code of Chivalry.
To quote this website that words it perfectly: 
“ A Code of Chivalry was documented in an epic poem called 'The Song of Roland'. [...]   Roland was a loyal defender of his liege Lord Charlemagne and his code of conduct became understood as a code of chivalry.”
From The Song of Roland came a listing of chivalrous traits that all knights should strive to have. They are as follows:
To fear God and maintain His Church
To serve the liege lord in valour and faith
To protect the weak and defenceless
To give succour to widows and orphans
To refrain from the wanton giving of offence
To live by honour and for glory
To despise pecuniary reward
To fight for the welfare of all
To obey those placed in authority
To guard the honour of fellow knights
To eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit
To keep faith
At all times to speak the truth
To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun
To respect the honour of women
Never to refuse a challenge from an equal
Never to turn the back upon a foe
This is Simon to such a T that it’s a little bit alarming. Wayward Son is Simon’s struggle to reintroduce himself into civilian life after being a “boy soldier” since he was eleven. He’s a knight whose sword has been taken, armor melted down, and purpose rescinded. 
A knight can’t be a knight when the king’s been killed. Who, then, does he serve? Who, then, does he protect?
Simon has lost his purpose, his meaning. He has these traits that he doesn’t know how to funnel into something else. He’s a chess piece that’s utterly worthless. 
Not only does he feel purposeless, but he also hates an entire side of himself. and that leads us to our next point:
Point Two: The Dragon
Simon Snow was the villain of his own story.
He was his own dragon to his own knight. His own worst enemy. The main conflict of this story is a man vs. himself type. Simon hates an entire part of himself. He doesn’t just hate it, he vehemently denies its existence. 
“I’m not a DRAGON!” (Wayward Son, Chapter 35)
Of course, if you’ve read my wings meta you’ll know that not only is this him denying part of himself, but also his sexuality. And his love for Baz. But Rainbow writes layers upon layers into this delicious parfait, and Simon’s dragon-ness isn’t limited to being his sexuality. This is literature, after all. 
The knight needs to accept the dragon. Simon needs to accept the person that his trauma has turned him into. If you’ve been through any major trauma, you’ll know that you’re different afterwards. You’re still you. All of the most important parts are there- you did make it out alive- but you’re a little bit different. 
You’re more careful. You’re more anxious. You guard your heart just a little more fiercely. You don’t want to let people in quite so easily anymore. 
What is a dragon’s purpose in a narrative? To protect. To guard. To keep out. To keep in. 
The dragon is those behaviors that we learned to protect ourselves in those times of hurt, and while, yes, we need to unlearn some of those behaviors, certain ones may never leave. Once you figure out how to read micro-expressions on an abuser, you can’t just unlearn how to read a face like a book. The issue is figuring out how to manage those habits. How to keep them from hurting others that aren’t going to hurt us. How to... train... our dragons... (I’m sorry it’s my favorite movie.)
So, the dragon is simon’s shadow self and the knight is his light self, yes? Yes. But! Let’s put a magnifying glass up to these two concepts. 
If a dragon’s narrative purpose is to guard, protect, keep out/in, and be defeated, then what’s a knight’s narrative purpose? A knight’s purpose is to guard, protect, save, and defeat. 
These two concepts aren’t wildly different, they’re two sides of the same coin. Simon needs to stop seeing these two sides of him as enemies and instead recognize that they’re good and bad in equal measures. The dragon questions potential dangers; the knight helps all out of the goodness of his heart. The knight obeys blindly; the dragon knows to obey himself first. The knight is selfless in all things; the dragon is selfish and greedy. There are pros and cons to both archetypes. 
But fire and steel? The monster and the hero? How do you reconcile these two concepts? How do they fit into one person?
Well, the answer surprised me too. 
Point Three: Tarot?
I know, I know. Stick with me. I’ll explain. 
In every tarot deck there are the major arcana (unimportant for this meta) and, just like in a regular playing card deck, four suits. Each suit has a king, queen, knight, and page (also like a regular card deck). Each suit relates to an element: pentacles = earth, swords = air, wands = fire, and cups = water. 
We’re going to be looking at the knight of wands. 
He is a knight of fire and passion and spark. He is headstrong, impulsive, and reckless. This card is Simon in his entirety. To drive home my point, let me quote from the guidebook to The Enchanted Tarot by Amy Zerner & Monte Farber:
“The dark [Knight] of Wands rides into view upon his great, plumed charger, carrying a fire-tipped wand. Behind him the gray, dusky clouds swirl like smoke, against which his figure glows like red embers. His journey is carrying him into the unknown but he is a pioneer and filled with energy and excitement. He likes to take risks. An active, unpredictable and competitive disposition drives him forward. He radiates a very masculine energy, full of creativity and passion. His youth, however, sometimes impels him to be quarrelsome or overbearing if he feels his authority and leadership are in question. Somewhat self-centered, he is likely to think he knows a good deal more than he does...”
The knight of wands embodies both that regal nature of a knight and fiery passion of a dragon. Simon needs to stop thinking that these two sides of him are incompatible or that one is lesser. Simon is Simon and he is worthy to be called a knight, even with all of his dragon parts. 
Point Four: Courtly Love 
or maybe not so courtly?
Courtly love was a concept in the knight’s code of chivalry where a knight would pick a fair maiden from a higher status and dedicate all of his great deeds to her honor. Because the catholic church had a tight grip on everyone’s balls, though, this love was not sexualized. Well... it wasn’t supposed to be but we all know how that shit works. 
Agatha was supposed to be the “endgame.” She was Simon’s courtly love. His fair maiden to which he dedicated all of his noble deeds. 
But Agatha didn’t want to be a fair maiden anymore. 
And Simon didn’t love her. 
And then there was Baz’s hankie. 
In most Courtly Love relationships, there was a token bestowed upon the knight by the lady as a symbol of gratitude and affection. This token was, most often, a kerchief. 
I think we alllll remember that goddamn handkerchief. I remember that handkerchief. That handkerchief haunts my dreams.
Simon keeps that goddamn handkerchief in his drawer after he takes it from Agatha. He doesn’t even give it back. He so desperately wants to have this token of Baz’s love. His approval. His friendship. He wants something of Baz’s because he feels like he can’t have Baz himself. Baz is his real unreachable maiden. Baz is the one Simon doesn’t feel like he’s good enough for.
But more importantly, this brings us to the most important point of this meta:
Point Five: The Scarf
“The Mustang sounds like a bat on its way out of hell. And Simon is its getaway driver. Fourth gear on a gravel road, his blue eyes narrowed to slits. My mother’s scarf catches the wind and slips off my head. Snow whips out his hand to rescue it. He glances over at me, for just a second, holding it like a banner.”  (Wayward Son, Chapter 25)
I know I literally screamed the first time i read that. Simon is a knight saving his lady’s favor. 
But it’s not just that the scarf is a favor. Simon always gives it back. You don’t return a lady’s favor. 
“‘Oh, hey,’ he says like he’s just remembered something. He leans back to reach in his pocket, and takes out a wad of blue silk. 
‘That’s my mother’s scarf!’ I reach for it.
He opens his hand. The scarf threads through his fingers as I pull it away. ‘Sorry,’ he says. ‘I forgot it was in my pocket.’
‘I thought I left it in the hotel room.’
‘You did.’
I fold the scarf, gently. Snow watches for a moment, then looks away.”
(Wayward Son, Prologue)
Now, @theflyingpeach (hi bri) pointed out to me that the scarf probably represents Baz’s humanity, what with it being his mother’s and him leaving it at the hotel. And yeah she’s right you can read it as that. (and it’s quite compelling) But that’s another meta for another day.
Today we’re on that good knight shit.
That scarf is Simon’s heart. 
Baz says he always travels with it. He gently uses it to protect himself against the wind. Simon thinks he’s gorgeous when he wears it. Baz keeps thinking he’s lost it...
but he hasn’t. 
He’ll never lose it, as long as Simon’s around.
Go back up and read those excerpts and tell me you don’t want to burst into tears. 
Simon keeps returning his heart to Baz. “I’m broken. I’m bruised,” Simon whispers. “I’m a knight with no sword. I’m a dragon with no hoard. I only have this one last thing to protect, but instead I give it to you. I’d give it to you again, and again, and again. It’s yours forever. Even though I think you don’t want it, it’s yours until you explicitly tell me to take it back. My love is yours for however long you want it, Baz.” 
The handkerchief in Carry On also translates into being Simon’s heart. 
“I go to the drawer where the handkerchief is shoved in with my wand and a few other things, then I wave it in his face. ‘This one.’
Baz pulls the fabric out of my hand, and I pull it back because I don’t want him to have it. I don’t want him to have anything right now.” (Carry On, Chapter 50)
Simon wasn’t ready to give Baz his heart yet in Carry On, but it was still Baz’s. It still had his family crest embroidered right into the material. Simon’s heart has always been Baz’s and Baz’s alone. It’s just that now, he freely gives it. He freely returns it. 
“I’m yours, Baz. I’m yours.”
A knight could not go against his code and cross that barrier to be with his lady. 
But a dragon is selfish. A dragon can ask for what it wants.
And all Simon wants is Baz.
And Baz is just waiting for him to ask.
Thank you for reading yet again! I dedicate this to bri because without her the scarf thing would’ve never dawned on me. Also she kept bitching at me to write this. 
 Check out the mirror meta and food meta while you’re at it.
time for the tagging peeps
@singerofsimplesongs @carryonsimoncarryonbaz @krisrix @pastel-pink-death @lowcalcalzones @godmcfuckindammit @fight-surrender @simonsnoww @rareandbeautifulthing @neck-mole @basic-banshee (i know you’re not super into these but you had an anon about it) @birdybabybird @whitefire17draws @teaandinanity @watfordwallflower @carrybits @slaying-fictional-dragons 
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richincolor · 3 years
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Book Review: Infinity Reaper (Infinity Cycle #2)
Title: Infinity Reaper (Infinity Cycle #2)
Author: Adam Silvera
Genres:  SciFi, Fantasy
Pages: 592
Publisher: Quill Tree Books
Review Copy: Copy provided by Publisher
Availability: Available now
Summary: Emil and Brighton Rey defied the odds. They beat the Blood Casters and escaped with their lives–or so they thought. When Brighton drank the Reaper’s Blood, he believed it would make him invincible, but instead the potion is killing him.
In Emil’s race to find an antidote that will not only save his brother but also rid him of his own unwanted phoenix powers, he will have to dig deep into the very past lives he’s trying to outrun. Though he needs the help of the Spell Walkers now more than ever, their ranks are fracturing, with Maribelle’s thirst for revenge sending her down a dangerous path.
Meanwhile, Ness is being abused by Senator Iron for political gain, his rare shifting ability making him a dangerous weapon. As much as Ness longs to send Emil a signal, he knows the best way to keep Emil safe from his corrupt father is to keep him at a distance.
The battle for peace is playing out like an intricate game of chess, and as the pieces on the board move into place, Emil starts to realize that he may have been competing against the wrong enemy all along.
Review:  I initially thought Infinity Reaper was just a sequel to Infinity Son, but as I got about a quarter of the way through I realized I was wrong because Adam Silvera was packing in so much more drama into Infinity Reaper and that there was absolutely no way this was going to be solved in one book. Shifted my perspective a bit as I was at first overwhelmed with the addition of Maribelle’s and Ness’s perspectives but they were used to round out the story a bit more and sets up a complex and thrilling story.
To me the heart of the story is the two brothers Emil and Brighton. I really love Emil’s gentle soul and he continues to shine in this second book as he struggles with how his new power and new expectations contradict who he essentially is. However, he digs deep and works to do his best. The side effect of this is that he is becoming much more outgoing, much more open to other people, and is willing to take more risks. He’s starting to become a bit more like Brighton, just without the ego. I really like the emotional journey that Emil went throughout the book. So much so that he ends up in a love triangle and I honestly couldn’t decide which person I would love for him to be with because both bring out the best in Emil and have helped me become more accepting of who he is. Brighton, on the other hand, let me just say that I wanted someone to slap some sense in the boy. The novel starts off moments after he took the Reaper’s Blood portion, which I feel also changes his personality or either his sense of self dives off the deep end into straight narcissism. Either way, I did not like Brighton by the end of the novel. Not sure if this is setting up his villain origin story (which would be so complex and cool) or the start of a redemption story so I just have to trust Silvera at this point, but Brighton’s ego bothered me so much that I would rush through his sections and every time I saw a chapter with his name on it I would groan. And because Brighton was so unlikable to me, I struggled with getting through the novel. But like I said, it feels like Silvera is setting up the story to be a struggle between the brothers and I am here for it.
An aspect of the novel that I liked was that it is such a metaphor of the past few years we’ve been living in. Those of us who’ve lived it, experienced it, survived it, will recognize all the parallels, but  future generations who read this novel it will come off as a classic “good versus evil/hero vs. Society” epic story. The “racism” (for lack of a better word) that Celestials experience is truly heartbreaking and as a Black woman it resonated with me deeply. Silvera adds a storyline about “The Bounds” which is a specialized prison for Celestials and it is as cruel as you can imagine. The fact that their society puts Celestials there who are doing small crimes like burglary to survive, and then subjected to cruel and unusual punishment is a perfect metaphor for how our society penalizes People of Color and poor people for doing things to survive, then jailing them for it (think about the mother who lied where she lived to get her son in a better school, then ended up in jail for 5 years). These subtle call outs to our society ills, in such a fantastical world, is what make great science fiction/fantasy. And, it is another reason why I enjoyed the novel.
Lastly, and this is a purely selfish reason…this novel is all about Phoenixes, and as a phoenix lover, I truly loved the mythology and different types of phoenixes that Silvera created for this series. I just wished Silvera’s phoenixes were real.
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letterboxd · 3 years
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Together, Alone.
Together Together writer and director Nikole Beckwith talks to Ella Kemp about platonic love, pragmatic pregnancy, melancholic comedy and being inspired by Magnolia’s rain of frogs.
“The three of us were having our own platonic love affairs while we were making the film, which was very, very cool.” —Nikole Beckwith on working with Ed Helms and Patti Harrison
Back before vaccinations began, when we were still looking for glimmers of hope, the virtual 2021 Sundance Film Festival delivered us an abundance of joy: the family dramedy CODA, Questlove’s extraordinary piece of history, Summer of Soul, the delightful Sesame Street documentary and some precious smaller stories, too. One of those is the low-key revolutionary Together Together, Nikole Beckwith’s “visual representation of a warm hug”.
A platonic love story about surrogacy and solo parenting, Together Together stars Ed Helms as Matt, a single man in his forties who desperately wants to be a father. Interviewing women to carry his baby, he chooses twenty-something Anna, played by Patti Harrison, who completely nails her first feature leading role (she has previously appeared in A Simple Favor and Raya and the Last Dragon).
Over the nine months that follow, the pair boundary-shift as they navigate their unconventional relationship. They’re not together-together, but the bond between them is real, and strong. “Matt and Anna are loners, but they’re comfortable and functional in that space,” Beckwith explains. “And part of their connection is recognizing and respecting that in each other.”
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Ed Helms and Patti Harrison in ‘Together Together’.
Flipping the narrative on surrogacy stories, Together Together encourages audiences to think about family in a new way. “Matt is in this strange middle zone,” Beckwith explains. “He’s not part of a community with a ton of children, and he’s not out partying at bars or living the child-free life. So the key to moving out of that space is taking matters into his own hands and redefining his future, and his idea of and desire for parenthood comes from himself—not from wistful fantasies romanticizing the idea of having kids.”
Anna’s story is just as clearly drawn: positive, rational, generous. “The last thing I wanted was to see her looking at children, with her hand on her belly, thinking ‘How am I going to give this up?’,” the filmmaker says. “I think that’s a really dominant way into surrogacy stories, but surrogacy is positive, it’s additive, and Anna knows herself. She knows what she’s capable of.” It’s a rare depiction of pregnancy on screen. “When a woman becomes pregnant, they’re not completely eclipsed by that fact. It doesn’t become their primary identity. So Anna is being very pragmatic about that experience.”
Together Together embraces “alone-ness” in a reassuring way, especially coming after a year in which many of us have experienced solitude involuntarily. Originally from Newburyport, Massachusetts, Beckwith spends a lot of time alone, but is firm that loneliness and solitude are not the same thing. Her story about the ambiguous spaces we inhabit when we don’t have a partner has its roots in real-life relationships.
“We just couldn’t get enough of each other,” Beckwith says of one male friend who changed her life when she moved to New York, far away from the small town she had grown up in. “I was just totally electrified and excited by them, and it was so hard for me to figure out that we were falling in platonic love. I hadn’t realized that was a kind of love you could fall in and just thought, ‘how beautiful’.”
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The timelessness of non-romantic relationships is reflected in the film’s wondrous piano score, “a strange, poetic stream of consciousness” composed by Alex Somers, who also scored Captain Fantastic and Honey Boy. It is a hat-tip to Nora Ephron’s films, “those two-hander relationship movies in which the score is largely piano standard,” Beckwith explains. “We didn’t want it to sound old, while still having a whiff of nostalgia, while still feeling new, but in a timeless way instead of an overtly modern way.”
Beckwith looked for inspiration in all the right places. She nods to the dynamic between Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig and Maya Rudolph in Bridesmaids as a depiction of platonic love that set the bar for Together Together. For examples of a middle-aged man who oscillates between being alone and lonely, Bill Murray’s performance in Sofia Coppola’s Lost in Translation led the way. And in terms of the first film to light a fuse in her moviemaking brain, she has Paul Thomas Anderson to thank.
“I had a pretty incredible experience watching Magnolia when it was in theaters,” she remembers of the filmmaker’s 1999 emotional epic. "When the frogs fell from the sky, I was like, ‘So you can do anything?’ And then every time William H. Macy turns on his car radio and Gabrielle’s ‘Dreams’ comes on, for some reason that opened a pocket in my mind which was like, ‘These are decisions that somebody is making.’ And that was the first moment, with those two scenes, that I realized movies are made.
“I hadn’t ever thought of the rubber-to-the-road aspects of movies coming from someone specific. Being from a small town, I’d never seen a movie like that before. Those two moments really kind of made me think about it in a new way—it was very cool.”
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Writer-director Nikole Beckwith.
Just as Anderson has brought dramatic nuance out of renowned comic actors (most notably, Adam Sandler in Punch Drunk Love), Together Together also asks us to adjust our expectations of our modern-day comedy heroes. It is packed to the rafters with American indie comedy stars (Tig Notaro, Anna Konkle, Sufe Bradshaw, Julio Torres, Jo Firestone and many more), but plays for laughs only where it feels right. The tone is held throughout by Harrison and Helms, who were, says Beckwith, “grounded and present”.
Leave your memories of Helms as office nerd Andy Bernard at the door, and expect a softer Harrison than the acerbic comedy titan who greets you on Instagram or the TV show Shrill. It was a shot in the dark that such potent chemistry would materialize. “I mean, what is chemistry?” Beckwith says, when asked about the electric feeling her leads emanate. “It’s an elusive magic—you can’t invent it, you can’t count it. It just is or it isn’t, and we were so lucky that it was.”
“They’re both such gifted comedians that there was no doubt in my mind that we could take the things that fuel the stuff we know them for, and just switch it around,” says Beckwith. “I think in order to be a truly terrific comedian you have to be holding hands with all the difficult, melancholy things about being alive, because that’s where comedy comes from and that’s what it relates to—and that’s why it’s so ubiquitous. We need it.”
Related content
Selome’s list of indie pregnancy dramedies that de-center the nuclear family
Melissa’s list of films about daddy issues, single dads/fathers, being a dad/father, grandfathers
Follow Ella on Letterboxd
‘Together Together’ is in limited US theatrical release from April 23, and on VOD from May 11, via Bleecker Street.
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trensu · 4 years
Episode 27: The One where I Want to Punch Basically Every Sect Leader in the Face. Repeatedly. With a Chair.
And we start off back in the rain, AKA OUR ENDLESS TEARS
Wwx is like, do you remember our promise?
Wwx: i wished to stand with justice and live without regrets. But tell me now, who’s strong, who’s weaker? Who’s right and who’s wrong?
Lwj: wei ying! 
Oh god, his voice! HE’S DISTRESSED
Wwx: is this the promise we pledged our lives to keep?
Oh, look, lwj is doing the deathgrip of gay yearning on bichen again. We haven’t seen that in awhile AND I WISH WE WEREN’T SEEING IT NOW
Okay, but for real, how can lwj look so hurt here when the actor is literally doing nothing with his face??
I know i’ve mentioned that before, BUT C’MON, HOW?? HOW DOES THAT EVEN WORK??
Wwx: my only regret is that i didn’t stop the jin clan who took living people as bait
And now wwx is all, i missed my chance to protect wen ning before so now i MUST leave to save him
Oh no
Oh noooo
He’s pulling out his demon flute. We’re gonna get THAT SCENE
Wwx: lan zhan, if i finally have to fight them, i’d prefer to fight with you
Wwx: if i am doomed to die, at least i can be killed by you. That would be worth it.
Oh god, he’s doing the bichen deathgrip again
He tears his gaze away from wwx and turns to the side TO LET THEM ALL GO PAST
And now he drops his umbrella to the ground AS HE TRIES TO DROWN HIMSELF IN THE RAIN
And after all that emotional torture we get Plot Stuff happening
Blah blah wwx at the burial mounds blah blah sect leader banquet blah blah
Ugh, gross, they’re letting the idiot sect leaders talk again
They’re all blah blah wwx is evil blah blah he murders ppl blah blah we hate him blah blah
This whole part here is so difficult to watch. They’re literally just trash-talking my PRECIOUS SUNSHINE BOY
Jc, lwj, and lxc look visibly uncomfortable with what’s going down and they kind of sort of tried to defend wwx but they didn’t present a united front or hold their ground
Instead they let yao and ouyang run their stupid mouths
Here’s little itty bitty bits of almost wangxiantics in the middle of this mess
Jgs: yeah, jc, i know wwx is your trusted bro and all but idk if wwx actually respects your authority. Do something about it, maybe
Lwj: *subtly glares at jgs*
And then everyone joins in on dragging wwx’s name through the mud bc apparently that’s the hot new thing in the cultivator world
If you look closely while this is happening, you can see that lwj legit GRINDS HIS TEETH with how much he’s holding back. MY POOR BB HAVING TO SIT THERE AND LISTEN TO EVERYONE DISPARAGE HIS SOULMATE
Jgs: wwx totally doesn’t respect you, jc, my bro. Everyone here heard him say how much he thinks you suck or whatever
Lwj: No I didn’t.
Jgs: what??
Lwj: i never heard wei ying say that, nor did i see him disrespect clan leader jiang
And ugh, disgusting, jgy steps in to be all “oh, well, wwx said so many awful things that day, who can possibly remember the specifics?”
Lwj visibly swallows here, as if he’s choking back a response, and his lips are all pursed. 
That’s all the wangxiantics we get from that terrible awful sect leader banquet
Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute! 
This isn’t a wangxiantic
But it is an EPIC MOMENT that should be commemorated.
Because here we get…
*drum roll*
Jz: blah blah wwx kills our people indiscriminately blah blah
Mm: not indiscriminately
Mm: indiscriminate is not accurate
And everyone around her is like, confused and offended because they’re assholes
Mm: in this specific case, if the overseers did abuse the Wen prisoners and kill wen ning, then what wwx did was not “killing indiscriminately”
Ouyang: nah, the overseers said they never abused/killed anyone
(okay, she didn’t call him an idiot outright or swear, but it was totally there in her tone of voice and also ouyang is an idiot so there)
Mm: you all think you’re so smart and voice your opinions so loudly
And she throws down her jin robes and mARCHES RIGHT OUT OF THAT SHITHOLE WITH HER HEAD HELD HIGH
Lwj watches her do that and two seconds later follows her out bC HE RECOGNIZES BADASSERY WHEN HE SEES IT (and also she defended the love of his life)
And that badass moment ends
But the banquet of idiots keeps going
The jin clan needs to learn how to shut the fuck up
God, they just go on and on and on
Why are they torturing me like this
We see lwj and mm standing together on a terrace, talking to each other
Oh, side note to let you all know this direct quote from nmj - “that girl really has a backbone.”
Okay nmj, i’m slightly less angry at you now. I won’t try to beat you with bichen or a table or a chair.
(but now i kinda wish mm would join the nie clan. I think she’d do well there and also i want to see her carry a gigantic saber)
We get some chitchat with the Official Bros™ but idc let’s move on 
(tho i do appreciate the look nmj gives jgy, like, HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME lolol)
Ooooh, now we’re getting lan fam time
ANGRY lan fam time, uh oh.
Lqr: lwj, have you regretted it? I didn’t punish you when you broke into the Forbidden Chamber bc i thought you’d self-reflect 
Lqr: you shouldn’t have gone to qiongqi way and let wwx go. Should you make one mistake after another?
And lwj is kneeling in front of him this whole time with a blank face
Lqr: what’s the use of getting you to memorize the Great Big Book of Lan Fam Rules?? Tell me, what is rule 52?
Lwj: No association with evil
He answers immediately and without any inflection to his voice.
Lqr: did you forget what happened to your father???
Lwj practically gasps and lifts his gaze to meet his uncle head-on
Lwj: my mother, she…!
Lqr: hold your tongue!
And just like that, lwj shuts down again; expression flat and gaze lowered
Basically the entire lan clan needs to go to therapy, like, STAT
Oh, i just noticed, lwj has his fists clenched at his sides. He’s clenching them hard, too. I think they’re trembling a bit, actually…
Lqr: i’ve been taking care of you since you were a kid; you’re like my son.i was strict bc i wanted you to stick to the right path and avoid your father’s tragedy
Lqr: that’s what i wanted to say to you. I hope you choose the right path. You may leave.
Lwj still bows respectfully before taking his leave
And i’m sure y’all are wondering, hey trensu, why did you make us endure that angry lan fam time that hurt us deep in our soul?? That wasn’t wangxiantic at all!
That’s where you're wrong, my friends!
It’s actually SUPER wangxiantic bc lqr kept drawing parallels to lwj’s dad the practically whole time
You know, the dad that married their mother who murdered some guy and had the whole world turn against her. 
(Sound familiar?)
The same mother that dad loved with his entire being and did what he could to keep her safe from the ramifications of her actions? By marrying her? And hiding her in the cloud recesses?
Bc, you know, that’s a totally hetero comparison to make lol
Oh, now we get to see our favorite Disaster Het be less of a disaster
We’re not going into detail here bc we’re not here for hetero shenanigans, yuck (actually, i’m apparently weak to Pining Idiots of all kinds bc this whole jzx/jyl scene is giving me tender feelings)
Also, how the HELL did jzx end up being the one who was able to express his intentions clearly? He was all “please don’t go to the burial mounds, stay here with me so i can protect you from all who would want to hurt you”
Jzx accomplished this before you did, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED.
Huh, okay, i guess i did go into a bit of detail with that hetero nonsense. Oh well.
Now we’re at the burial mounds again with wwx
Lol, wwx is all if you don’t let go i’ll plant you like a turnip
And a-yuan plops himself down in the dirt like YOUR THREATS DON’T WORK ON ME, OLD MAN, I LIKE BEING IN THE DIRT
Then he asks wwx for 3 elder brothers and 2 elder sisters, awwww. He thinks wwx can grow them in the garden (like cabbage patch kids!!!)
Plot stuff happens
Blah blah wwx and wq share moment blah blah jc shows up blah blah
Jc sees that glowing talisman door thing and is like THAT SIGN WON’T STOP ME BC I CAN’T READ
And then whips it down with zidian
Now we get some feelings-laden Yunmeng bros time
A-yuan shows up and leg-grabs jc and it’s ADORABLE
But jc yells at him bc he’s a JERK
Wwx scolds jc and then is a Dad to a-yuan: don’t put your hand in your mouth, you were just touching dirt!
Awww, we get to see jc fight back a smile at this! HE WANTS TO BE AN UNCLE, I JUST KNOW IT.
Plot plot plot stuff happens
More plot stuff happens
And the episode ends with us still in the burial mounds with the yunmeng bros
And you know what, i’m just gonna focus on our BAMF mianmian moment bc quite frankly the rest of the episode either had me in tears of anguish or spitting mad. There was no inbetween. 
I’m gonna end up having blood pressure problems at this rate.
I’m too poor young to have blood pressure problems.
The Jin clan better pay for any medical bills I get because of them, I'm just saying
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eluviansandevanuris · 4 years
I absolutely love the music in Dragon Age.
In general i’m an absolute sucker for ballads, but the tavern music in Dragon Age hits all the right notes for me (puns!). It tells a story, the singing is beautiful, the score is entrancing and the lyrics are memorable, more often then not you can catch me belting out Enchanter whilst doing the dishes (much to my sisters displeasure). I love how the songs tell you stories, and show how your actions in the game might be interpreted and perceived by the outside of your inner circle. 
I also love the score for the game on a whole, the score creates moments of unease and horror, grandeur and pomp or even moments of just pure epic-ness. I have the entire soundtrack, including Descent and Trespasser and listen to them a frankly embarrassing amount. 
 I think a hallmark of how good your soundtrack is how recognizable your music is, think LOTR, and if you put on any score from Inquisition i’m pretty i’d recognize it immediately. I may not be able to name it, but I could definitely hum it. A really a good soundtrack can make a game, and I think in the case of Inquisition, it made it.
sidenote: I sang toss a coin to your witcher so much my sister threaten to punch me, whoops?
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happygolucky1803 · 4 years
Wonder women!
She is the creator of manhood, she is the creator of kindness, and if we put it this way, she is simply the creator of man (hood) + kind (ness) = MANKIND.  Yes, she is no one else, she is a woman. But, do we really consider it as a fact or just a thought? If we consider it just as a thought, do we ponder upon it and if we consider it as a fact, do we really believe in it?
Feminism, Women Empowerment and Women Safety are about ensuring dignity, health and happiness of women and to assert their equality and human rights. From the epic sagas time till now, woman have always been objectified. From Draupadi, being a wife for five husbands, pledged like a chattel at a game of dice, disrobed and harassed in front of her husbands, to this day woman, every female is still objectified and harassed, either physically or mentally. I had always wondered why almost every Hindu god had two wives. What was the example that our religion values or the epic stories teach us? Sita was so loyal to Rama, went to the forest with him, remained calm when harassed by Ravana, and still she was asked to walk on fire to prove her chastity. Is this the kind of precedence that we or our future needs to grow up with?
The crimes against women are many. Eve-teasing is almost considered as a right by most men in India. Dowry deaths still take place. Minor girls are being yoked into matrimony at the cost of their health, happiness and dreams. And now, crimes like brutal rape, acid attacks and honour-killings seem to be becoming almost a fashion! And the easy excuse for this is that our culture is getting spoiled. And the culture is getting spoiled because women today wear short clothes, use mobile phones, go out at nights, and go to pubs. Nobody stops to think that our clothes and manners are ‘result’ of cultural change, not the ‘cause’ of it. How ironical it is that in a country that worships girls as goddesses, female foeticide is still a norm in many regions. And even when girls are allowed to take birth, they are denied the right to live with dignity and pride and to choose their own way of life.
Where are we heading to? People think that women are denied that freedom only in backward rural regions. But that is not true. Even in urban areas and in educated families, girls and women are told at every step what they should or should not do. Wear this, don’t wear this. Go there, don’t go there. Talk like this, don’t talk like this. Do this, learn this. Don’t fall in love. Get married in 20s, have a baby. Even if a girl has studied hard to establish a good career, she’s supposed to give it all up if her in-laws or husband don’t like her working or her baby is needed to be  taken care of. And if the girls don’t follow the established rules, they are indecent, immoral, selfish and so on. She is being criticized for everything. Many girls are denied even that basic right of education. And lack of education shackles them forever to the dependence upon their family and male relatives. If she does not have a career or is so dependent, she can easily be treated as inferior and not deserving of the respect and dignity that men readily consider as their prerogative.
The magnanimity of the issue faced by women was seen in the #metoo campaign. Former Congress MP Renuka Chowdhary said that the casting couch is a reality that exists across sectors and even Parliament is not ‘immune’ to it. With increase in the number of rapes and domestic abuse at all fronts, what is more needed for a woman? Many feel that sex education must be a part of the curriculum. Teach your sons to respect a women and teach your daughter to be self-confident, independent. Teach her a martial art so that she can protect herself. Stand against movies that show a hero stalking, abusing women, or passing derogatory remarks or jokes. Talk to your daughters and make them understand that they should not feel embarrassed to talk about any harassment or untoward incidents which happened to them. More than all of this, the mindset of the people has to change. Yes, I accept that there has been many changes and women are treated with respect in many places. Still, we have miles to cross before we can pat on our backs. Right to choose is what empowerment and safety means to me. Freedom to be able to choose, knowledge to be able to choose well, power to follow and explore my choices and decisions, a safe environment where I can walk on without fear and an opportunity to be respected for who I am and what I achieve, not for who I belong to.
Everyone needs to understand the fact that, changing women’s life style will not bring a change, but changing the opinions about women will do. If a woman earns more than her husband, a man should feel proud in it, not insulted. In this 21st century, women are not only running a household, but running big-big businesses. They are playing vital roles to run our nation and our world. They are no less than a man and gradually but surely, men are also recognizing this truth.  Our lives can only improve when we all move forward hand in hand. The mantra to success lies in giving women the wings to fly and explore, to run and fall and to stand again.
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hell yeah thankyou!!! [2, 5, 17 been answered]
(3) maple - is there a hobby / skill that you’ve always wanted to try but never did?
i’m that theatre gay who’s never Really been in any theatre production. and there was an archery place like 10 min from where i grew up and i was like “ooh archery how cool” b/c i’m a gay but never tried it
(7) amber - share an unpopular opinion that you may have.
hardly unheard of but i Don’t Like the approach to astrology that ppl have been getting in the past few yrs like. the Joke someone on twitter had that we’re like, on the verge of some astrological discrimination lawsuit……..and idk ppl get like pseudo-christian-style Smug about it like, don’t apply this to everyone??? and it’s just strange to like. tell people what they’re like. or explain their characteristics via this really strange westernized vague concept of astrology rather than like, tell me about the life experiences that affect the way that you are. like it’s almost condescending and ppl are being way too serious about it sometimes in (see: the on the verge of the lawsuit thing lol)…..anyways and i guess some of my Killjoy tendencies make me like, haha i’m the Hater b/c idk i’m real opinionated. but a lot of the times it’s not Really b/c i hate other’s joy or some shit, it’s just crap along the lines of like, “these ideas abt love which are meant to be Very Romantic actually strike me as being the Less ideal interpretation of love between people and the potential therein? and colder? and unhealthier / more unpleasant / not as nice / etc etc etc as my ideas on romance which i guess seem like i’m wanting to just shoot down some Lovely Concepts but i’m like. that doesn’t seem lovely. i’m on the very of launching into another essay abt Isolation Isn’t Romantic and Romance As Very Human And Ordinary And Even Mundane Seems A Lot Better Than The More ~Magical~ Approach and did i mention romance should be the Opposite of isolating and yet it’s so taken for granted sometimes that you’ll know it’s True Love when you [bass boosted DIE FOR EACH OTHER] and stop giving a shit about anyone but this one other person and etccccccccc [me screaming for hours]”
and a lot of times things that i guess are would-be Cute / Charming / Wholesome / Positive / Etc start to grate on me if i have to see it too much and i’ll probably end up hating or resenting it but like, not because i hate happy stuff, but b/c it just like. is like, i like things to be Genuine, and it will just feel like this is Performing genuine…ness………..which i don’t like. b/c it’s being Not genuine to try to appeal on the grounds that it’s genuine? yknow. which also extends into the realm of “i hate this Cute music over this cute animal video. don’t tell me how to feel about it” and when something tries to be Surprising in the realm of like, pseudo-dissonant like. oh this is a cute harmless white girl on the ukulele but she just said “fuck” and “std’s” or some crap!!! whaaaaaat!!!!! like, i hate this actually? can i die
i could give a ted talk just showing vines that make it into plenty of people’s compilations and being like “this is why this vine is Not Funny (Enough)” 
(also i do sometimes hate Having Fun. doge speak was so awful. of Course gop congress adopted it briefly in its original heyday. even now i hate the derivatives. i’m not about to rb something that contains the word birb. can i die)
also i think star wars is boring. i think cargo pants are fun and fine. 
(11) orchard - share one thing that you’d like to happen this autumn.
we get confirmation that any Winston Footage is filmed for billions s5. soph i know that like, fitting in almost 3 hrs of subway travel / going into nj and back / probably having to do all this on a weekend / having like a 5 second window maybe makes it difficult but we all agree it’d make another epic gamer moment if you got to see lihn
(13) bonfire - describe your dream house.
lol being in my teenz in 2008 i haven’t thought about it much tbh. i think i’d like a pretty cozy (smallish) bedroom and just a lot of physical Niches yknow. i like to frequent very specific spots which are not too out in the open. and really everything would be kinda Cozy Smallish but not the kitchen. get some space there, and like, raised counters like for julia child being 6′2″ b/c Standard Height is not comfortable for me either at my tender 5′11″ or 6″ness. and i always think that those sitty spaces that are like, Depressed into the floor are fun. i know there’s a word for that, but whatever. there’s a bunch of very disparate color schemes i’d think i’d like, so like, idk if i’d just go for totally different Aesthetic Approaches from room to room to try to cover all of them lol
(19) pumpkin - do you think that humans are inherently good or bad?
i mean i think it’s more important to recognize that anyone is entirely capable of Doing good or bad, and arguing about what they Truly Are In Their Hearts is beside the point. but i also think the idea that like oooh if Polite Society crumbles enough we’ll all just be roving in bloodthirsty packs, looking to kill each other and loot / probably eat the corpses, etc etc ~dark gritty bold~ apocalyptic material that’s like wow yeah that’s really confronting the Uncomfortable True Nature of society. like, capitalism is already a brutal and inhumane situation to exist in, but it’s not some emergent expression of Human Nature like, oh, life is just like this, empty and alienating and unfulfilling unless you [physical violence b/c it is Genuine], or that people would turn on each other if we were in survival mode, like…..no. survival mode always entails helping others to survive like. yeah not for necessarily Every individual? but that’s just more of anyone’s capacity to Do good or bad. but humans as a species are not solitary, we’re social b/c that’s how we all exist in relation to each other, society is innate to us and not some Luxury that distances us from our True Natures. we communicate with each other and want to work together even beyond helping each other survive and want to connect to each other and total / imposed isolation is Bad for anyone. and i think that love and altruism are Human Nature too. like, it’s weird when it’s treated like some evolutionary mystery why humans (or individuals of other species) would exercise altruism and/or self-destruction (or the risk of it) for the sake of others? like “but it doesn’t make sense b/c for us survival means Passing On Genes, we protect ourselves and our ability to exist and procreate, and we protect those most genetically similar to us, down the line to favoring your most distant cousin over a random stranger,” etc etc What A Mystery Why We Are Altruistic!!! but it’s not?? like? we don’t just see ourselves as individuals and we recognize the self in the other, and that we are all just Arbitrarily the self that we happen to be, and are all The Other to everyone else’s Myself…..and why would humanity not Preserve itself beyond just individuals looking out for just their individual existence? we just like. don’t only prioritize the preservation of our own genetic code. why should it be a less Survivally Successful approach for any individual to look out for any other individual? of Course we give a shit about other randos who don’t have any familial or even any other personal connection to us at all b/c we just care about the survival of other humans. 
anyways! no yeah so i think that Love and Altruism are intrinsic human nature. like creativity and communication. we aren’t like, always doomed to destroy each other b/c That’s Humans For You. denying the humanity in others inherently requires actually just reducing one’s own humanity, yknow??? re: human nature anyways. i know we’re all still technically human regardless of how we act. and that the self-destructive destruction of others is a feature of humanity, but i don’t think it’s one which is Inherent or Inevitable. i.e. the Self-Destruction thing. capitalism is out here threatening everyone’s existence and just so happens to require placing the Wealthy Few above the worth of the lives of all the rest, who are the cheap labor force rather than Just As Human as the richest. anyways. mostly Good! but the point is still that anyone can do Bad regardless so like, who cares if you have some good in your heart, bitch we all do.
(23) ghost - is there someone that you miss having in your life?
still a bit effed up on missing the theoretical concept of an in-person group of people who are consistent in genuinely enjoying / being enthusiastic about time spent with you. one reason it’s theoretical is that i’ve never Really had a whole in-person friend group exaactly. and it’s theoretical b/c idk, it’s not easy for me to feel comfortable Being Myself around others and like, i like being in groups as a rando amongst strangers really easily, but if it’s like, we’re all in a group and talking and stuff, i can just go into [stifled mode] real easily, idk, it’s hard to say whether the times i’ve been Uncomfortable in groups like that is just like, it not being the right people, or that i just will always like smaller groups or just one-on-one or smthing i dunnooooo. either way i get depressed about Wouldn’t It Be Nice though so idk? i guess i would still ideally seek it out. but i also can’t feel like i can actually expect this to happen. on a related note i forgot to mention Briony Atkins as this minor character who is very like me in being someone who is outwardly v withdrawn and quiet and comes across as not speaking b/c she has nothing to say but in reality she’s a passionate and boisterous person who just rarely shows / expresses it around others. i’m out here never talking (and getting the chance to talk aloud and it’s like a mile a minute all at once trying to compensate) and being pretty quiet and people get surprised when i have An Opinion even though i’m super opinionated lol and i just find it really hard to be myself around others unless i’m operating completely on my own and beholden to no one, but even then. anxious
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mrsmess · 5 years
Meta season 4 - part 1
This season ranks second on my list (number one just has to be season 2), partly because of Rory’s in between-ness, which highlights the reasonable flaws in the character, and Lorelai’s bold innkeeper journey, and basically every other character having really interesting and plausible arcs.
Ballrooms and Biscotti - Such a great episode, I’m laughing constantly AND finding out that Stars Hollow does celebrate Groundhog Day! (obviously)
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The Lorelais’ first day at Yale - Copper boom. Need that on a t-shirt. Such an iconic episode. I remember watching it when it first broadcasted thinking, this is me and mý mother, me and my family. It could have, should have, been a defining moment for Rory; it’s going to be very difficult being Christine Amanpour broadcasting from Tehran with her mommy. You only get one life, and there are so many interesting paths for you to choose, just, you can’t possibly do them all, and sometimes, loving and needing your family is a gift, not something to overcome, but something to build your life around. To invest in the fact that you are a better, richer, person with them around. That’s what I realized at that same point in my life, anyhow. And poor Luke. His pain is so entertaining though.
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The Hobbit, the sofa and Digger Stiles - An interesting episode.
Rory Gilmore subscribes to the Stars Hollow Gazette! Having her become Chief Editor in AYITL might have been one of the brightest decisions for the revival, at least if they had bothered exploring it for a bit. (They could’ve cut the inexplicable With a Little Help From My Friends-scene - copied right out of Across the Universe, if anyone has missed that - and given me more Rory Gilmore gets The Gazette up and running instead.)
And Emily and Paris being two peas in a pot! “Don’t you want people to owe you?” Until Paris decides she hates the party persona she’s trying on anyway.
Rory has to defend her staying in her room with a book; she’s not hiding, she’s actually enjoying it. I’m torn on this. Lorelai is great for reminding our girl to stay in the moment, but I also think that Rory has a point, and that she should be allowed to take on the world in her own pace and her own way, me and my mother have a similar dynamic. But sometimes I think Lorelai is a bit stuck on Rory experiencing all these big absurd things (biker parties, barn burnings) while she is real uptight about her experiencing more plausible things for her age; love, sex, more realistic and ultimately necessary adventures. And then it struck me that Lorelai herself didn’t really get to have those adventures, since she got pregnant so early.
Tana is adorable.
Jason is really interesting and actually my second favorite love interest for Lorelai, but more on that later. He’s like a combination of Logan and Christopher with some actual guts, not that it works out for him but it doesn’t for the other boys playing it passive either. And Emily recognizes the danger entering into business with him.
Rory puts off telling Emily what she really thinks about her buying stuff for the dorm room, adopting Lorelai’s way of dealing with her.
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Chicken or beef - Rory has cut her hair. Like everything monumental on this show it doesn’t happen on screen.
Dean is getting married, which I do not need to mock, right? Repetitive and redundant.
I love the Zack and Brian dynamic. Also, them referring to Dave going off to California - Hilarious! And Rory schooling them on schooled rock ’n rollers - priceless!
Gosh darnit I have a weak spot for Dean, or more specifically: I’m really into the character arc. It’s so elegant and sh*tty. How he starts out a pretty decent guy and could’ve gotten to think that about himself that way his whole life if he just hadn’t fallen for our girl. He’s the perfect example of how love can wreck a person, and not even in an epic- but totally mundane and kind of icky way. I dig that (his happy ending in the revival was sort of a cop out). Jess actually has the opposite arc, which of course I dig even more.
Oh goodness! It’s Dean with crappy friends. Now, see, that’s plausible, him having stupid friends, quantity over quality, kind of like Logan (yes, I have issues with Finn and whatever the other guy’s name is, can’t believe they made it to the revival! With a little help from someone else’s friends... *smh*). One of the things that gets to me the most from Swan Song is how Jess can get away with his lie about the football with a buddy. He does not have friends outside of fictional characters and it always makes me sad that Rory buys into his bogus explanation when her obvious reaction should be: “What buddy?”
Oh, and that’s Leo, and Schmidt!
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And Luke is the best. I’m getting teary thinking about how he’s a real mensch to just everyone and so rarely get credit for it. Love Luke.
“Why didn’t she love me?” I feel so bad for him, but then he marries Lindsey without dealing with anything.
And Rory just takes Luke’s word and doesn’t go to the wedding. A level of trust, or maybe she was looking for an excuse.
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wabbitseezonarchive · 5 years
would you be cool with sharing some of those entertainment headcanons you mentioned in your singing daffy post? :D
Oh my gosh, yes! This took me a while, even though I’ve had this question in my drafts for soooo long lmao! I’ve been wanting to answer this question for a while! And this is actually my last draft until I’m all caught up, so—ending on an awesome one lmao.
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—yes. Of course I have to cover this.
I don’t have the post that was mentioned originally in this ask (bc this was sent in soo long ago! my bad!) but what it basically mentioned was how: Daffy’s at his peek happiness-level whenever he’s performing, and I mentioned it being because he’s ‘fulfilling his purpose’, and I wanted to go into more detail on what I meant with that!
During the height of a performance, Daffy gets so beyond exhilarated. He honestly lives for those moments, and is almost constantly striving for them. It can be with anything, singing, dancing, acting, even getting shot at if it’s part of the routine. In those moments, he completely forgets himself and becomes fully immersed in the role. He doesn’t care about competing with anyone, or proving himself in any way, it’s all about the performance, and the act of performing and then seeing  from the audience that he made them happy, it’s the best feeling in the world; and I think the ‘feeling’ that a lot of toons strive for. It’s their entire purpose, to make people happy, after all!
For Daffy, it’s like an itch that needs to be scratched—which is also why I hc that he gets so frustrated when he doesn’t get a reaction from the audience. Because that ‘itch’ isn’t being scratched, and he’s not fulfilling his purpose as a toon if he can’t be entertaining!
This idea was basically inspired by that one line in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, where Roger is pleading with Eddie to convince him he was being framed, and he said: “I could never hurt anyone! My entire purpose in life is to make people laugh!” (and me being the nerd I am and having read the Roger Rabbit comics, incorporating a few other things from them into this idea lmaaao 👀 )      
So a toon having a ‘purpose’ (usually to be ‘entertaining’, or to ‘make people laugh’) is a big thing in and of itself that I’ve never really discussed on this blog, but that I always think about when I’m writing lol!And I love thinking about it, because I imagine that concept plays into the society a lot. I bet it leads to a lot of inequality, and that humans use it as an excuse to mistreat toons. Because it’s simply ‘their purpose’ to entertain them, and so a lot of humans still don’t recognize toons as ‘people’; which probably leads to a lot of protests and stuff for ‘toon rights’ in this universe and stuff too lmao. WHICH IS A WHOLE OTHER TOPIC AS WELL, BUT IT’S SO COOL TO THINK ABOUT! And I’m always looking to expand ideas too, so I’d love to hear yours too if you have them, and I’ll probably incorporate them lol!
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But yeah, especially in the older days, when toons weren’t trusted as much (and especially so after the whole Judge Doom incident) a toon was given a ‘purpose’ that they would feel compelled to strive towards. This was partly because humans knew how powerful toons could be if they had complete and total free will. Doom’s ‘purpose’ probably wasn’t established, or he somehow broke away from it, or he was created by a negative human; but for whatever reason, he didn’t feel that call to ‘make people happy’, and only wanted power for himself. Most toons are created with the sole purpose to entertain and bring joy to humans. And that trait has been emblazoned onto them from the moment they’re being conceptualized as a character on model sheets and stuff by their animators, before they’re even fully created.
So from the first moment they’re ‘flesh and blood’, conscious and fully-aware, they’re purely  their ‘purpose’
The earlier toons, depending on how much they were re-modeled and everything (which can drastically alter a toon’s appearance and personality suddenly) generally grow out from their inherent purpose and personality that was created for them by their human creator(s). And as they grow as individuals, and expose themselves to the world and have more experiences and stuff, their own personality develops like a human’s does; adapting to their environment and the situations around them. This explains why Daffy went from being just a complete loon, uncontrollably hyperactive and crazy lolol, to developing his own personality over the years as his situation changed.
But deep down, that one inherent purpose remains like a driving force that they can’t shake for their entire lives.
Like I mentioned earlier, with Daffy, his underlying, intrinsic drive is to entertain others. And when that drive isn’t fulfilled, it’s like an itch that can’t be scratched, that only gets worse until it is. Annnnnd—if I wanted to get angsty with it (bc you know I always have to add angst lmao) and to add another layer of urgency  to a toon needing to work and be ‘useful’ and entertaining——imagine if, when a toon’s purpose isn’t fulfilled, then they begin to ‘fade’.
Which is just as bad as it sounds lol.
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When they no longer can fulfill their purpose, and their influence on the public begins to waver and they begin to be forgotten, then the toon will begin to ‘fade’. Like a very, very slow death for a toon. Which also takes into account ‘population control’, so that not every toon to ever be created is around for eternity lol; but the ‘forgotten’ ones just… fade away; which kept the population down before the invention of Dip. Dip’s just a lot, uh—quicker.
I also know that the Epic Mickey games have something to do with ‘being forgotten’, but I’m not that familiar with those games, so if anyone who is has ideas on how to incorporate that, then again, I’m all ears! I freakin’ love collaborating ideas so much lmao 👀 it’s what i’m here for tbh!!
So, if you look at it like that, the need to fulfill their purpose is like a survival thing among toons. Especially if they get into a particularly desperate situation, where they’re at risk of being forgotten because they can’t get work, or something. Which is unfortunately common for toons, because a lot of them are created for a single show, and often can’t find work later on.
Daffy’s been lucky enough to never have to had worried about fading, but the frustration that comes with being unable to fulfill his purpose drives him crazy sometimes. It’s why he gets so snappy and jealous and bitter when he doesn’t get applause, or gets one-upped onstage. It’s not that he’s upset at his coworkers (unless they’re Donald) he’s frustrated that he isn’t scratching that itch. When he doesn’t get a laugh, or he feels unappreciated, or replaced, or whatever, it’s frustrating because he needs to feel useful and funny and entertaining.
I have ideas on how this developed over the years, and how  he transitioned from being such a hyper, carefree bundle of unbridled energy—to being bitter and jealous and a total diva lmao!
I actually can’t believe I’ve never talked about this, but man, I should go into more detail on that, because I have it all thought out, even tying it into real world history, like WWII and how that factored in and stuff lmao!
But this is already getting super long, so I’ll TRY and sum it up quickly!
While over time, Daffy’s convinced himself that his ‘diva-ness’ is justified for many reasons, such as: he believes he deserves more respect than he’s getting, he believes he’s at least equal to the other toons at the studio, despite the ‘second banana’ routine he’d fallen into with Bugs over the years—–it’s not really about any of that. It’s not about the applause, or the cheers, or the awards, or anything like that! It’s really, way deep down, truly about being able to fulfill his purpose. Feeling useful as a toon, and knowing that he’s bringing joy to people. That people benefit from him being around!
When he performs, he wants to fill the audience with as much joy as he possibly can! He gives everything of himself when he performs; and the height of that moment, when he’s just lost in the act of fulfilling his purpose? It’s the best feeling in the world to him.
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