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PIC INFO: Spotlight on cover art to stoner/DOOM/psychedelic/sludge metal magazine/fanzine?, "Bad Acid" tab #2 (published September 1998), zine founded by David Gedge, Poole, UK. Cover Art by Erik Roper.
Source: https://archive.org/details/thewitchesbrew_images.
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thehopelessexception · 2 months
save me lord(e) please save me
i struggle with the concept of religion because i've never quite understood the belief on an omnipresent something watching over you and giving you a path or whatever that's supposed to mean.
i went to church probably 15 times in my life when i was younger and i was bored all the time. i took the first communion when i was 10 because my parents made me do it. (i just wanted to taste wine and receive money from my family tho) but i remember that by that time i already rejected the concept of it. maybe because i was deppressed from the very age of 8 years old and i wanted to kms since then (im over it rn fyi), so the whole god thing it wasnt much enough to make me have faith in anything because i already thought i suffered more than jesus.
i've never been much close to my family, im a single child too. not to blame them really, but my parents did the bare minimum so i had to create my own moral codes from way too young. i teached myself, and educated myself on everything i know of since i was a kid. i took the responsibility of being the emotional support of adults as a child because they didnt know how to be parents nor communicate their feelings with each other (or me, for that matter). i hided my own. and when i was on my breaking point i took care of myself at 13/14 i think? and made myself go to therapy because i knew if i didn't i wouldnt be here today —i had to convince my mom, changing the reason i needed to go and i made her lie to my dad because he "doesnt believe in that" and so on—. my parents were clueless all the time 'till i grew up and told them my story on a crisis i had in the pandemic. they are still not the best parents you can find but i moved on from being resentful and made somehow peace.
i remember i was quite interested in the whole lucifer arc and the apocalypse stuff. when my catechist was explaining the 7(i think?) days of creation or etc i was reading the very end, fascinated as a kid reading the hunger games. probably my father's fault since he loved to watch the conspiracy shows in history channel about nostradamus and so on in the living room's tv. and also maybe because i loved chaos and i never fitted in anywhere so naturally i didnt even try.
i hyperfixated on greek gods if that helps.
at 13 i met the 1975, my favourite band (if it wasnt obvious at this point). and the first songs i listened to were girls, me, and antichrist. and i know it's very likely that you think im exaggerating but antichrist is doubtless the purest most real song i heard in my life. and i think about it a lot. the whole journey the band, and matty especially, made about religion made me think a lot through the years. i agree with him tho, but i made that entire journey when i was 9, as they said men do drugs once and discover the same things girls have discovered alone in their bedrooms at 13 years old. and today religion is a thing so foreign, and distant to me; sometimes i wonder if im missing something by not being part of that feeling.
i can't wrap my head around it, i cannot process faith because i don't find it logical. however when im lost i sometimes find myself asking for signs to "the universe", so it's complicated. i also think it's better for people that feel lost to find a communion of some kind than ending up being addicts or worse, liberals. and i also think some religions are waiting for people to have misery to sign them up on their cult.
what is religion really? what is god? is there one? or two? or millions? but what about science? the big bang? evolution? capitalism? media? how can all of that make some kind of sense altogether? i said already i am skeptical over probably everything, but the truth is that science is also a common agreement of stuff and "hard" evidence, but we don't have the certainty that things work like that in the whole universe, so technically it's not an absolute truth, it's just what works. but what is the whole universe? i trust science over anything ofc that's not what im trying to say, the thing is i lose my mind every now and then when i dig that up. because you end up thinking you are so tiny and irrelevant to the whole universe, the whole thing we live into. are we even alive at this point? is this reality real? and i know it's stupid deep thought thinking you have when you are a kid but i wrote something about this years ago in my diary and im going to quote it:
(i wrote it in my native language so the translation may suck a bit)
"(...) the human being is perfect, nature is perfect. the society is a mess but synchronously is perfectly designed to still work. what's the goal of humanity? some people believe in god, not me tho. i sometimes think people are simplistic and conformist with the unknown. weak deniers of the search of the truth. the systematization almost automatic that is used on people as individuals of each culture, each society; with the vague idea of making them believe on free will, and the freedom of choice. when there's something existing over us that influences us, dominates us, and drives us like cattle. but what is this really? (...) the different "types of control" influence all of us so we achieve an end to society. nobody question said unknown end, because they believe, they have faith; on themselves and their meritocracy, the destiny god prepared for them. to the reach of a post-civilization with all the answers, from the firm and fair science that at the same time is clinging to nothing, to the not knowing blindness. the problem with humanity is believing but not fighting for the answers. the problem with humanity is trusting in "what exists and what doesnt exist" as a concept; when you can find somehow the solution on untrusting and not believing on absolute truths, because all of those are influenced by human subjectivity. civilizations are built with absolute truths, "civilization or barbarism". the barbarism never was that much stupidified. do we live in a simulated civilization? i dont know, all i know is that i know nothing."
lately i've been thinking about religion as a support group for people, but the institution makes me yikes. i've been thinking a lot about lots of things.
and i find myself in the context where everything i know of is taking another meaning now. maybe religion is what conveys the society altogether, maybe it's something else. i don't know. the world was always at war because of religion, and the preponderance of one over another. noone can convince me that religion has nothing to do with the world war we're living rn.
i consider music as a support group, i have my own friends and we like the same things (i dont like people who i dont think somehow alike). and i like my music as a representation of my personality too. i believe one is what one consumes. i grew up here, on tumblr, and i know what i write now will probably resonate with you too.
what i know most of is possibly reading patterns on people. and what i am wondering right now is if we, as a whole, and our generation specifically, walked away too much from the "love your neighbor" premise. i may not believe in religion, but i believe in collectivism as a way to live, as a gear that sets society in motion. and me, personally, i am a hater of everything and everyone. but i can deal with it, i dont think society will. we can't make the bad people disappear, and we can't kill them all (sadly). so lately i tend to believe i have the knowledge and the wisdom to be the adult and choose to make peace with the evil, to stop fighting for making people change, and go build community, the safe space, the home, with the people who are predisposed to listen. because individualism will kill us all. and we cannot save ourselves alone.
lorde said explicitly "if you're looking for a saviour well thats not me". but here we are.
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happy easter to those who celebrate.
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girlreviews · 2 months
Review #113: The Queen is Dead, The Smiths
Morrissey really turned out to be a disappointing and vile piece of shit, and it’s a damn shame. Went from being this quirky, pretentious, off-beat guy that you sort of tolerated because it was funny and the music was so damn good and you could let go of his holier-than-thou shit because you could never really tell if he was being totally serious, and every now and again the internet would gift you with a picture of him with a cat on his head. You were like “OH Morrissey, what are you like?!”, but over the years it got a darker and more insidious until it became abundantly clear that we weren’t dealing with some performance artist who liked to play with irony and push boundaries – we were dealing with a hateful man. The dude supports a political party that is too far right for Nigel Farage. I hand on heart did not know such a thing could exist, which is truly disturbing, but Farage himself described “For Britain” as “made up of Nazi’s and racists”. To be fair, Farage didn’t actually qualify that he thought that was a bad thing, so maybe Morrissey is still in appropriate company with that sorry excuse of a human.
Thankfully, The Smiths isn’t Morrissey, and Morrissey isn’t The Smiths. The other members have distanced themselves and made it clear that they don’t have any tolerance for anything center-right, let alone anything that flirts with fascism. One of my favorite moments in British politics is when then Prime Minister/Head Doofus David Cameron tried to be a cool dude in front of his in-bred private schoolboy cronies and said The Smiths were his favorite band. I assume he was not expecting the pure and utter humiliation of Johnny Marr, founding member and legendary guitarist of The Smiths publicly forbidding him to like The Smith’s music and instructing him to “stop saying you like it, no you don’t”. I believe I laughed for a solid 15 minutes. You can have all the power in the world (or the illusion of it), and someone can still just destroy you like that because you’re a fucking dillhole with no integrity, no spine, no chill and everybody knows it.
Anyway, we’ll get to the record and the songs in a second, but circling back to the time in life before we all had to really accept just how much of a turd Morrissey is, you know, we had this sort of whimsical Eeyore crooner type character that was pretty entertaining, truth be told. I had a friend that used to sing Happy Birthday in the style of Morrissey and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t look forward to it every year. There’s a particular delight in singing along and doing your best Morrissey impression or going all in on the “aaaah!” in This Charming Man. We’re grieving that Morrissey. But he’s gone, if he was ever really here. I actually saw him at the Ryman, and there was still some semblance of the witty weirdo that we put up with. He came on stage, took his shirt off, said in his ridiculous voice, “I wuff you!” and launched right into How Soon Is Now? It was pretty great. It really was. But still, fuck that guy, he doesn’t deserve to perform at the Mother Church ever again.
So if I’m being completely honest, I think I’ve gotten to know The Smith’s haphazardly over the years not through their “true” albums. They put out a few compilations that could have fooled me into thinking they were albums (and did), and so I do not believe I ever listened to The Queen is Dead from start to finish until now. It really epitomizes what people mean when they’re like, ugh, The Smiths are so depressing. I’ve never really felt that. I always found them to feel very upbeat, despite the content being undeniably steeped in misery. I always found that very funny and assumed it was intentional. But a lot of these tracks are just straight-up downers (I Know It’s Over, Had No One Ever). It really takes me back to this time, where we had not lived in England too long. We didn’t know anyone yet, and weren’t all that settled – for those of you who have never moved across an ocean to another country, which I’ve now done twice – that shit is hard and it takes so much longer than you realize to feel like you have any sense of belonging or feeling of being home. I knew that even though I was three, because on Sunday we would just aimlessly drive around in my Dad’s company car and try and find a pub that welcomed children (that was not the cultural norm in England in the 90s), and that was even open on Sunday at all. Often we would just end up driving around the countryside or going to a hardware store. This is likely why I associate both Sundays and hardware stores with immense existential dread. I totally knew we were lonely and outcasts as a family unit. It was also so grey and rainy looking out the car window and The Smiths was often the soundtrack. Bleugh.
Bigmouth Strikes Again changes the pace and gets to that upbeat misery that I referred to earlier. A song can get you up and moving even when it suggests that “you should be bludgeoned in your bed”. When I still lived in East London, my friends and I used to frequent this very funny club night, dubbed “Feeling Gloomy”, that was entirely dedicated to dancing your ass off to miserable songs that were catchy as fuck and had a great beat. It was rife with moody 80s serious synth music, and to the surprise of absolutely no one, it was one of my favorite places to go and let it all out. It was my happiest place to be miserable.
Once, after a particularly heavy weekend, I was in my office alone, not getting a lot done because I was… Struggling. Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. This wasn’t a glamorous or stable time in my life, and I did my best all told. As mentioned previously, I had some very unsympathetic and problematic upper management that imposed bans on my music habits. One of my three bosses was a half-decent human being and found my antics sort of endearing. He came in that day, and found me in a very sorry state. I was attempting to eat a banana, curled up on the floor, with There Is A Light That Never Goes Out meekly playing from my shitty laptop speakers. He laughed, shut my laptop, made me a cup of tea, and said “listen girlreviews, we’ve talked about this, you can’t listen to The Smiths when you’ve had a big weekend”. We laughed. On a separate note regarding this song. One of my closest, dearest, and oldest friends assigns this song to me, my life, and our relationship with each other:
“Take me out tonight
Oh, take me anywhere, I don't care
I don't care, I don't care
Driving in your car
I never, never want to go home
Because I haven't got one, la-di-dum
Oh, I haven't got one
And if a double-decker bus
Crashes into us
To die by your side
Is such a heavenly way to die
And if a ten-ton truck
Kills the both of us
To die by your side
Well, the pleasure, the privilege is mine”
Make of that what you will. It’s complicated, deep, and beautiful. The strings that accompany these words are complicated, deep, and beautiful as well. I don’t know what it is about this song but it captures a gratitude and a melancholy. Something that is, but also cannot be. It’s very special and I cherish it. I think it’s too easy to get stuck on the morbidity of it without realizing what it’s really saying: I’m so grateful to be here with you in this car. Even in the face of certain death, you make me feel safe. You’re the home I don’t have, and I love you. What a wild thing for two people to share. How fortunate am I to know and love someone like that, and know that they know and love me like that right back.
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athenswrites · 8 months
10 Songs Tag
Rules: Use your WIP playlist and put it on shuffle. Write the first 10 songs that come up and quote your favorite lyrics from each song and/or the lyrics that fit your WIP best (they might be the same lyrics), then tag 10 people.
@druidx tagged me in this and I'll tag... @delusionisaplace @wordswrittenbynight @nemaliwrites @missaddledmiss @lili-loves-whump @pga-books @downtoithaca @jubatuslucifer @from-the-depths-into-your-soul @fluffy-with-the-red-clouds and whoever else wants to play!
I'm going to do this one for Not Your Typical Fairytale (a post-post-zombie apocalypse thriller-ish wip). get ready for a WILD fucking ride
1. The House of the Rising Sun -- The Animals
Oh, Mother, tell your children/Not to do what I have done/Spend your lives in sin and misery/In the House of the Rising Sun
2. Dead Mom -- Beetlejuice
Hey mom, dead mom/I need a little help here/I'm probably talking to myself here
3. DARKSIDE -- Neoni
There's no heroes or villains in this place
4. The Snake -- Eric Church
Rattlesnake said to the copperhead/"You know we were the original sin/And I bet my rattle against your copper/The bitch takes the apple again."
5. Unholy -- Sam Smith and Kim Petras
Dirty, dirty boy, you know everyone is talking on the scene/I heard them whispering 'bout the places that you've been/And how you don't know how to keep your business clean
6. Who's Ready for Tomorrow -- RAT BOY & IBDY
I think I need a hero (oh)/I don't have no ego (oh)/'Cause I'm spinning out now
7. The Devil Went Down to Georgia -- Zac Brown Band
The Devil went down to Georgia/And he was looking for a soul to steal/He was in a bind, he was way behind, he was willing to make a deal
8. Rasputin -- Boney M.
For the Queen, he was no wheeler-dealer/Though she'd heard the things he'd done/She believed he was a holy healer/Who would heal her son.
9. Survive -- Jorge Rivera-Herrans
You have hurt me enough/Six hundred lives I'll take/Six hundred lives I'll break/And when I kill you, then my deed is over
10. Hell's Coming with Me -- Poor Man's Poison
He wiped the blood from his face/As he slowly came to his knees/He said I'll be back when you least expect it/And hell's coming with me
Also just for shits and giggles, 1, 5, 7, 8, and 10 are all about the same person (and 9 is someone else referring to that person). @thetruearchmagos here's a little glimpse into NYTF's soundtrack that plays in my head
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corviiidaee · 1 year
generation loss generation 2 playlist analysis !!
hello !! this is my first actual post so sorry if there's any weird formatting ! i have not seen anyone analyze ranboo's playlist for generation 2 yet so i figured i'd fill the gap !!
now some history, i am a ghost fan and have been a ranboo fan since 2020 so it's really cool to see two things collide !! i re-hyperfixated on ghost at the start of their current tour and it lined up perfectly with the release of generation 1 to get me back into watching ranboo too !! to see him add these songs to the generation 2 playlist set my brain on fire, so this is exactly what that fire looks like
i am primarily a ghost fan out of the songs chosen on this playlist so i am going to have a lot more to say about the ghost songs and if i say something wrong about the other songs or anyone has anything to add please feel free !!!
*NOTE: ghost is an inheritly satanic band, it's their whole theme. if that or religious themes in general make you uncomfortable, please do not read this analysis !!!!
here is the link to ranboo's playlist if anyone wants to follow along :D https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1XubFgT0bpuQDSwlLrZGTP?si=134b2fff3ba24375
kaisarion by ghost: kaisarion is about an old mathmatician and astronomer named hypatia. she got stoned to death by the christian church because they thought she was a witch for being an intelligent woman. basically the destruction of things you don't understand and don't bother to. also tobias forge, lead singer of the band, has stated that the song is like a violent start to a new empire, a call to arms of sorts. the burning away the past to build something new.
spillways by ghost: spillways is about how if the darkness in you is put behind a dam, it will always find a way to come out, through the spillways of your own soul. the darkness will never go away but through accepting it exists you can be greater than it.
faith by ghost: faith is a song from the perspective of satan watching the world fall to the black plague. this song can also be viewed as the people dying because they thought that god would save them so they did nothing to prevent their infection. i will get back more to this theme in the later songs, especially to misery fell.
he is by ghost: he is is basically just a satan worship song disguised as a regular worship song. take that as you will !
kiss the go-goat by ghost: linking this song coherently to the rest by far stumped me the most because of the vibe of the song (iykyk). but i have produced two links: the creation of the anti-christ and something not being what it seems to be. the chorus says, "it ain't always what it seems when you cling onto a dream, it ain't always there to please you". so something that the protagonist is connected to, which i will discuss later in the other songs, is not what it looks like. there is an evil inside it.
square hammer by ghost: the song's title can be interpreted as "truth hammer" because of being "square" with someone. the album it's connected to, meliora, is the third record produced by ghost. all three albums to that point had an overarching theme between them, meliora being the reign of the anti-christ on earth. square hammer is encourging the people to look to satan instead of god and to swear to the devil and the anti-christ. the devil and the anti-christ in genloss gen 2 will be likely not directly the devil because that is way too on the nose, but i have a feeling this overseeing entity referenced by the devil/the anti-christ will act similar to hetch.
crucified by ghost: this song is actually originally by another swedish band army of lovers and ranboo has sent their version of the song before in the genloss ranmail !! this is just the version he put in and i know better, but both songs obviously have the same lyrics. the name of the song pretty much says all the song needs to say, so that's all i have to say about it !!
another believer by rufus wainwright: this song is originally from meet the robinsons but i'm gonna be honest i know nothing about this song and genius has nothing to say but from the title you can pretty much assume the meaning !
everybody wants to rule the world by tears for fears: everyone has heard this song but this is also one that i think the meaning ranboo went for is already stated in the title of the song !!
homage by mild high club: homage is also pretty self-explanatory !! the connection i can see is "someone wrote this song before and i can tell you where it's from" meaning an event happening in generation 2 is probably not the first time it has happened.
jesus he knows me by ghost: this song is originally by genesis but the ghost cover was added to the playlist again so that is what i will be covering !! the song is a satire on tv preachers who will try to sell you the idea of religion and god for profit, which means they do not follow what they preach.
you're at the party by lemon demon: this song is about a supernatural entity inviting you to the part of the afterlife and i'm gonna be honest i don't think that's the meaning ranboo wanted us to get so i'm going to look at some of the specific lyrics instead ! in the refrain the song says "(wake up, wake up) and it's a place you've seen before ... a place you've seen before you were born". so this relates back to my interpretation of homage, the place and story we will see in gen 2 has happened before. the bridge also says "you're at the party, you're not alone" so this again refers to the overseeing entity.
he needs me by shelly duvall: the song basically says exactly what the title means again, but you can interpret this using the other songs i have already explained. the protagonist of gen 2 is likely being manipulated by the overseeing entity.
misery fell by tally hall: misery fell tells a story about a town who was unhappy with their lives so they gave up their knowledge and experience to get the things they dreamed of and experience bliss. they had turned to a religious entity for any happiness. the chorus says, "town without love too much faith in above?" so the people in this town have devoted their lives entirely to their new religious entity.
cannibal by tally hall: this song is again exactly what it says but this one scares me a lot !! we can look at the metaphoric meaning rather than the literal meaning of the word though. the chorus is "i am the willing victim of a cannibal, she rips out my bones like i'm an animal. and right when i'm feeling like my blood is drained, she calls it a game, but the wound she leaves is unmistakable". again, the manipulation of the protagonist theme comes back. they have been subjected to this pain by this entity and they think it is normal but it is definitely taking a major toll on them. the entity thinks nothing of it however.
that's all i have to say for now !! and like i said before, if you have any additions please feel free to add :D and do not take this as concrete evidence of anything that will happen in generation 2 !!!! this is just my ramblings !! take it as you wish !!
and if you like the vibe of 80s rock go listen to ghost !!!!
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nivekogresimp · 1 year
Japanese music > Korean music
Call me when South Korea makes music as half as good as Ningen-Isu, Geinoh Yamashirogumi, Yellow Magic Orchestra, Susumu Hirasawa, Boredoms, Tatsuro Yamashita, Tomoko Aran, GISM, Flower Travellin’ Band, Church of Misery, Les Rallizes Denudes, Acid Mother’s Temple, Sonic Flower, Shiina Ringo, Mono, Boris, Dissecting Table, Chu Ishikawa, Coffins, Far East Family Band, Yapoos, Guitar Wolf, The Stalin, Madame Edwarda, Eternal Elysium, Hantarash, Casiopea, Plastics, etc.....
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charlottan · 2 years
ok im working on a project a spreadsheet timeline of doom/stoner/space/psychedelic/jam bands to get into anyone have any recs i have the ones im already gonna listen to under the cut ordered by debut year
Saint Vitus - doom
Candlemass - doom
Kyuss - stoner
Cathedral - stoner doom
Sleep - stoner doom
Earth - stoner doom
Acid Bath - sludge metal
35007 - stoner
Electric Wizard - stoner doom
Acid King - stoner doom
Colour Haze - psychedelic jam band
Boris - stoner
Church Of Misery - stoner doom
Bongzilla - stoner (freacking duh)
Goatsnake - stoner doom
Sunn 0))) - doom
High On Fire - stoner
Ufomammut - stoner doom
YOB - stoner doom
Witchcraft - stoner doom
Assemble Head In Sunburst Sound - space rock
Earthless - psychedelic jam band
OM - stoner
Yawning Man - stoner
Asteroid - stoner doom
Øresund Space Collective - psychedelic jam band
Elder - stoner doom
Black Rainbows - stoner
Wooden Shjips - space rock
Cough - doom metal
Quest For Fire - stoner
Acid Witch - stoner doom
Blood Ceremony - stoner doom
Mondo Drag - progressive psych
Black Pyramid - stoner doom
Stoned Jesus - stoner doom
Samsara Blues Experiment - psychedelic jam band
Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats - psychedelic doom
1000mods - stoner
The Flying Eyes - psychedelic
Mars Red Sky - stoner
Conan - doom
Pallbearer - doom
Windhand - stoner doom
All Them Witches - psychedelic jam band
Goat - psychedelic
Frozen Planet 1969 - psychedelic jam band
Monolord - stoner doom
Elephant Tree - stoner doom
Valley of the Sun - stoner
electric citizen - stoner
Lucifer - doom
Wucan - progressive psych
Circles Around the Sun - psychedelic jam band
Spaceslug - stoner doom
Comacozer - stoner
Grotto - stoner
Green Lung - stoner doom
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sean-shifted-wake · 9 months
ok i’m starting a playlist called “forever bangers” where it’s all songs that a person who was middle school or younger when the song was released will still enjoy and know all the words to when in college. basically songs everyone knows and will sing along to. a few rules. only one song per artist*. songs must be at least 5 years old**. here’s what I have so far:
take me to church (hozier)
wrecking ball (miley cyrus)
starships (nicki minaj)
sk8er boi (avril lavigne)
i love it (icona pop ft. charli xcx)
wake me up (avicii)
safe and sound (capital cities)
glad you came (the wanted)
you make me feel… (cobra starship ft. sabi)
black widow (iggy azalea ft. rita ora)
i write sins not tragedies (panic! at the disco)
welcome to the black parade (my chemical romance)
sugar, we’re goin down (fall out boy)
basket case (green day)
bohemian rhapsody (queen)
uptown funk (mark ronson ft. bruno mars)
all star (smash mouth)
give me everything (pitbull ft. ne-yo, afrojack, and nayer)
yeah! (usher ft. lil john and ludacris)
good 4 u (olivia rodrigo)
misery business (paramore)
rocket man (elton john)
africa (toto)
low (flo rida ft. t-pain)
the devil went down to georgia (the charlie daniels band)
the monster (eminem ft. rihanna)
come on eileen (dexys midnight runners)
mr brightside (the killers)
viva la vida (coldplay)
new rules (dua lipa)
radioactive (imagine dragons)
shut up and dance (walk the moon)
counting stars (onerepublic)
royals (lorde)
bring me to life (evanescence)
party rock anthem (lmfao ft. lauren bennett and goonrock)
the reason (hoobastank)
*it doesn’t count as an artist’s slot if they’re featured
**every 20th song will be a “speculative spot” where i pick a song from the past 5 years that i think is destined to be a forever banger. good 4 u (olivia rodrigo) was my pick. the next one will be blinding lights (the weeknd)
please feel free to suggest more songs i should add. a lot of these initial ones are from when i was 13ish because nostalgia. don’t hate me if your fave isn’t here. i might just have not thought of it
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portaltothevoid · 2 years
hey friends! my collection of writings lives here. under the cut you’ll find an eddie munson vampire au one shot, an eddie munson x ofc fic (multi parts and chapters and she’s a total bad ass, you’ll love her), and a fic revolving around lore from the band ghost! if you take the time to read any of my work, you’re amazing and i’m grateful that you’re here. enjoy!
and don’t be afraid to message me i’m just shy
you’re losing me — Terzo/Papa Emeritus III x reader and Copia x reader — heavy angst with a sprinkling of smut (in progress) — ao3 link
You were in a years long relationship with the leader of the Satanic church, destined for greatness at his side. Or so you thought until he became a serial cheater. However, while your relationship with the Ministry's current Papa had been tumultuous for some time, you were finally pushed to make the choice you'd been avoiding - leaving him for another senior clergy member (and Papa's half-brother). This ignited a battle to balance the scales of power which Papa Emeritus III had tipped heavily in his favor to the point of abusing it. From there, you’re set on a cataclysmic journey that reveals your true self. Your current and former relationships are put to the test when your destiny, which is far more important to the church than you could have ever imagined, is finally revealed.
part i | part ii | part iii | part iv | part v | part vi | part vii | part viii | part ix | part x | part xi | part xii | part xiii |
Between Breaths (An XXX Perspective) — terzo x reader smut — ao3 link
You're the Head Witch at the Ministry. Arguably at times you hold more power than the current Papa, Papa Emeritus III. You've always hated him and you assumed the feeling was mutual. But what happens when he calls you out on it?
God Called In Sick Today — copia x oc, mafia au — ao3 link
When a mission goes south, Copia is left scrambling to figure out a plan to get the mayor-to-be in favor of the Emeritus family. That’s where Arianna Diodati, the Mafia Princess of his (very Catholic) rival, comes in. He plans to use her as a bargaining chip to get what he wants. Did he place the right bet or did he take more than he bargained for?
Console the Griever — Copia x GN!Reader — one shot where Copia gives reader the comfort they need to help them as they grieve loved ones.
Love Bites — Eddie Munson x OFC — Vampire AU one shot
Foolin’ — Eddie Munson x OFC — slow burn, angst, fluff (completed)
Kat Ramsay was forced to move to Hawkins for her senior year, which she planned to get through with her head down, so she can go back to her rock’n’roll life in Los Angeles. She never expected her world to be turned upside down as she learned to open her heart, let others care about her, and accept herself with the help of the Freak of Hawkins High.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 |
A Very Kat Ramsay Christmas Special — Eddie Munson x ofc — fluff (completed)
Kat surprises Eddie with an epic Christmas gift he’ll never forget.
Part One | Part Two
For Whom the Bell Tolls — Eddie Munson x OFC — established relationship, fix it fic (completed)
Eddie and Kat’s relationship is put to the test as they join forces with everyone to take down Vecna. (It’s season four, only with Kat, and Eddie lives.)
1. Lullaby | 2. Voodoo Dolly | 3. Chains of Misery | 4. Metal Meltdown | 5. Veteran of the Psychic Wars | 6. Warning | 7. Youth Gone Wild | 8. Crazy Train | 9. Detroit Rock City | 10. Living Bad Dreams | 11. Leather and Lace | 12. Somethin’ to Hide | 13. Road to Nowhere | 14. Got the Time | 15. Renegade | 16. Symphony of Destruction | 17. Run To The Hills | 18. Friends Will Be Friends | 19. Pull Me Under | 20. The Thing That Should Not Be | 21. A Forest | 22. Demon’s Night | 23. Turn on Your Light | 24. Break On Through | 25. Everybody Wants to Rule the World | 26. The Final Countdown | 27. Breaking the Law | 28. Never Tear Us Apart | 29. Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) | 30. Master of Puppets | 31. The Four Horsemen | 32. Die With Your Boots On | 33. The Last in Line Holding Out for a Hero | 34. For Who the Bell Tolls | 35. Spellbound | series playlist
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poweredinpeace · 4 months
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1Cor.4:13 Being defamed, we entreat. We are made as the filth of the world, the dirt wiped off by all, even until now.
So much for the “prosperous” preacher and his multi-millions dollar Church, with thousands dollar electric bill and the high dollar band along with massive broadcasting cost selling his prosperous message for his rich scheme.
James 2:5 Listen, my beloved brothers. Didn't God choose those who are poor in this world to be rich in faith, and heirs of the Kingdom which he promised to those who love him?
James 5:1 Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming on you.
Revelation 3:17 Because you say, 'I am rich, and have gotten riches, and have need of nothing;' and don't know that you are the wretched one, miserable, poor, blind, and naked;
The phrase “the filth of the world” is taken from the Greek word perikatharma, a compound of the words peri and kathairo. The word peri means around, and the word kathairo means to cleanse or to purify. The latter word depicts the removal of disgusting grime, like the dirty ring left on the sides of a bathtub when dirty water is drained. If that filth is allowed to remain on the bathtub very long, it becomes hard, crusty, and difficult to remove. At that point, getting get rid of that hardened “ring around the tub” requires determination and a lot of hard work. It means someone has to get on his hands and knees and scrub! Only after a lot of persistent, nonstop scouring can that hardened, grimy ring around the tub be eliminated. https://renner.org/
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nattensmadrigal · 4 months
Ghostbath is cool, Ninkharsag is a good one, Church of Misery is kinda rad, Deafheaven is shoegaze that makes me cry, Afsky is rad especially in winter, acidbath always in my top
You probably know some of them or all of them, but just a few I've been jamming to lately
Thank you for all of these recommendations, let's go thru them one by one together shall we? Get ready for a long ass fucking post, i take music recommendations people give me really seriously Also I'll give you some recommendations back, deal?
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First off: Ghost Bath I listened to Funeral, their 1st album release from 2014, picked out at random, really cool album art too!
Apart from the really goofy name that they had to like have the meaning explained on their spotify description seemingly too often misunderstood by the metal community (the last show i went to a lot of dudes over there seemed to love taking ghost baths), I really liked it, the second song in the album, Burial, kinda sounded familiar to me so maybe i've listened to this band before in passing on like a random DSBM playlist? Really deep sorrowful vibes, really liked the echo effects in Procession, the 4th song in the album, i would prefer more like actual lyrics instead of just vocal sad cries, i don't think they serve any real purpose, the instrumental already convey the feeling and emotion that the band wants to put out, but hey thats my opinion, maybe thats why i only like a handful of DSBM bands? 7.5/10 - If they make an instrumental album its definitely going to be on my album rotation!
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Next up is Ninkharsag I listened to The Dread March of Solemn Gods, released in 2021 According to the metal archives They're a melodic Black Metal band from England This is 100% more my style, i get some like Dissection and like Mgła vibes from the 2nd track onward, favorite Track was for sure Under the Dead of Night, the lyrics in this album are so good, like actual poetry like seriously look at this! This is an excerpt from Lunar Hex; The Art of Mighty Lycanthropy
The frozen kiss of aeons, the solitude of night The wisdom of the wolven arts, rise deathless The purity of shadows, the everlasting hunger The oath that binds forever more, rise deathless ones Before me, I see the endless frozen vistas Beckoning me on into realms beyond the dark
Amazing album will definitely listen to them more 10/10 - Mr Bones i would like to get off the spooky ride
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And then Mr bones dropped us off in The Church of Misery I listened to Master of Brutality, funny thing is, this isn't my first time listening to them, but i completely forgot the band's name, i only knew the album i listened to the cover was like a copy of Black Sabbath's Master of Reality's cover art, so thanks to you i found this band again lol They're more in the "i wanna die... but first i wanna smoke weed" spectrum of the metal Genre, nothing wrong with that mind you i've been dipping more and more in the doom stoner metal genre with bands like Merlock and Bongripper My favorite track of the album is their cover of Blue Oyster Cult's Cities on Flame with Rock and Roll, really liked how the vocals sound in that track
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Next up is Afsky, a one-man project from Denmark I've already listened to afsky before more specifically the album Ofte jeg drømmer mig død, but never really got around to listen to the rest of the discography, today i listened to Sorg an older album released in 2018, and its just more of that later album i actually listened to, really solid ambience, makes me think of dark humid dungeons, searching for the exit while some random cult is preparing a ritual in a chamber below My favorite track was Vættekongen not just because of the silly name (sounds like donkey kong's danish cousin or something) but also i really like the hurdy gurdy in the beggining, such a cool instrument and really just lends itself to a medieval fantasy-esque kinda of atmosphere 10/10 - The danish really need to invent a less confusing language though, my keyboard doesn't have that fucking o with a stroke through it
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I listened to Infinite Granite by Deafheaven, an American Post black-metal/Shoegaze band released in 2021 I'm fairly new to listening to shoegaze, 99% of my experience with it is Slowdive which i love, and giving my bloody valentine a shot, so i dont really have much to go on the genre, I've read somewhere about how some people listen to shoegaze because of the warm, slow sounds feel like a hug in your ears, and i can definitely can see where they're coming from, this album is really melancholic for sure but unlike that album by Ghost Bath, you can still see a spark of hope My favorite track in the entire record might be The Gnashing, i really enjoyed that solo, with Lament for Wasps coming at a really close 2nd 9.8/10 will definitely listen to more of them
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Up next was Paegan Terrorism Tactics by Acid Bath, same deal as afsky, only listened to When the kite string pops and then didn't bother to listen to the other album, what a bad decision, the other album is like a classic nowadays, but this one also carries his own weight, my favorite Track on it so far is Venus Blue, i also really liked their decision of making sorta like a "intermission" track with New Death Sensation, like something less heavy to get you ready for the next part of the album 9/10 - At least its not a killer clown on the cover right?
Ok so now what i would recommend to you?
Bell Witch - Four Phantoms
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The absolute GOATS of Funeral Doom imo, just really heavy, slow, less sorrowful like Ghost Bath, but more just pure ANGER
Black Shining Leather - Carpathian Forest
Trve Kvlt Norwegian black metal a real example of just complete like ghoulish sounds, with a really fucking kick ass cover of A Forest by The Cure in the end, really great album
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Bog Wizard - From the Mire
My intro to stoner metal, what i would show to someone if they asked me what it is, they're huge nerds just like me and I'm a sucker for D&D References in like anything
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Drudkh - Autumn Aurora
If you enjoy listening to afsky during winter, maybe this album by Drudkh could fit for your Autumn! i really enjoy it alot and it instantly popped in my head when finding for someone similar to afsky
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on a Bad Acid Records-issued "Taste the Pain" CHURCH OF MISERY band tee, and reportedly a UK thrift find, which isn't surprising at all considering Bad Acid was a Poole, UK-based label, meaning you'd be harder pressed finding stuff like this Stateside.
“We’ve all got the power in our hands to kill, but most people are afraid to use it. The ones who aren’t afraid control life itself.”
-- RICHARD RAMIREZ (1960-2013). the "Night Stalker" (American serial murderer)
Source: www.picuki.com/media/3144659011978535072.
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cavedwellermusic · 8 months
Church Of Misery – Born Under A Mad Sign (2023)
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We present a republication of Patrick Schober of Monster Riff’s review of Born Under A Mad Sign, the latest album from Japanese doom / stoner / sludge metal act Church of Misery Official, released June 16th on Rise Above Records.
Seven years removed since their last release, Church of Misery feels reinvigorated. Here, the production is sleeker than on albums like Master of Brutality, but the songs still hold that unpredictable charm that gives the band the freedom to write long, vaguely Psychedelic jams at Doom volumes.
Read Patrick's full review and listen to the album at the link below:
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loverockbottom · 2 years
music headcanons.
music artists & genres i think certain characters from things would listen to
includes: mortal kombat (erron, kabal, johnny) | devil may cry (dante, nero, lady, nico)
mortal kombat
erron black
mk11 i see listening to a lot of tom waits and maybe lead belly. not so much that trashy country about trucks and babes, but still country in a sense
maybe occasionally those poor bastards
really likes you gotta move by the rolling stones. likes the stones in general but that's his favourite
mkx i can't imagine him listening to too much country music. heavy rock, maaaaybe even punk rock, is more likely
metallica and/or mötley crüe probably
both mk11 and mkx would like happiness is a warm gun and run for your life by the beatles
honestly... rob zombie fan. he just is. he radiates average rob zombie enjoyer energy.
has at least one misfits cd. isn't one of his favourite bands but turns them on for nostalgic purposes
also was a really big nirvana fan when he was younger. still adores them tbh
guilty pleasure is lady gaga. you just can't deny her
johnny cage
dad rock, no doubt about it. like ac/dc, queen, that typa beat
also really likes boney m (got made fun of for that in high school)
devil may cry
he too radiates average rob zombie/white zombie enjoyer energy
obviously, his guilty pleasure is michael jackson
LOVES you spin me round by dead or alive. definitely likes the dope cover too
nine inch nails because i said so
church of misery
billy talent.
denies listening to the all-american rejects and three days grace but we all know he adores them
also probably green day
most songs off the bastards by palaye royale
stitches by orgy. he'd be all over it
90s rap ???!!
would probably like mindless self indulgence once in a while. at least the 'how i learned' album
evanescence probably
if she was younger in the now times (2020s), i could maybe see her listening to jazmin bean. maybe
you can't tell me she doesn't listen to country. as much as i love her, she listens to country. and nero & kyrie give her shit for it
maybe some green day, just because of nero. would like the song misery probably
going back to palaye royale, she would probably listen to boom boom room side a (and mayyyybe side b)
elvis. definitely elvis.
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doomedandstoned · 9 months
Warsaw's WEIRD TALES Return with Frightful Spite on Frenetic 2nd LP
~Doomed & Stoned Debuts~
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WEIRD TALES are back with plenty of new steam to burn in the provocatively titled, 'Second Coming, Second Crucifixion' (2023). Throwing all fucks to the wind, the stoner-doom trio from Poland present their second full-length album this weekend, and today Doomed & Stoned readers get an advance listen.
The band's first major release since the pandemic is true night music, fit for dirty, windswept streets 'neath lonely street lamps and shuttered buildings, brown bag in hand, guts emptied for all the world to see.
When I asked frontman Dima Rasputin about the sinister monicker that accompanies the shocking album cover by artist Kriss, he told me, "Well, you know, people are so dumb. If Jesus Christ comes back they will crucify him again." As to the tone, thematically and lyrically, of the songs before us, Dima adds, "So overall an overall disappointed feeling is a big part of the album. With them noses in them phones, we are doomed."
Weird Tales make their intentions known straight away with "Disgusting & Mean." Guitars screech, fret, and snarl, while groovy bass and drums double team to pummel your senses, topped by forlorn vocals that decry the absurdity of dealing with jerks we encounter in this rat race.
I see your dirty eyes I hear your dirty voice I don’t like your lies You think you’re wise? Now look at me, come on! You can’t get what’s going on! Do you see this smile? Now you die!
”Dead People’s Shit” takes the tempo down just a notch or two for this churning doomer. Upon first listen, you might think this is a tale told by a ghost, but indeed it is about the living dead and told from the perspective of one confronting them. “You are dead, how can’t you see it?” Then he cries out, “Nobody listens, nothing is real. Can you even feel?” The song might serve as a critique of a world in which each person escapes into their own private dimension of addictions and distractions.
”Undertaker” is a dyed in the wool doomer, in the vein of Cough, that carries plenty of emotion. Some excellent guitar work on display, as well. The song reaches into the depths of the genre and pokes at its boundaries.
Following this, is Krokodil Blues, a reference to an easily synthesized homemade drug so horrifying in its effects that it was hard to believe that anyone would want to try it. Currently fent and tranq are doing much the same thing in the States. The ‘20s are shaping up to be The Age of Anxiety for everyone, as the artiface of modern civilization and high technology ratchets up its demands on all of us. Is it any wonder that people want to escape? These chemicals, however, are transforming the human being into the basest of animals.
Should I have to explain This shit drives me insane When the God talks to you There is no choice I’m warning you!
"Damned Lovers of the Swampire" is another standout track, with damning downtuned fuzz-covered riffs that reach inside of you and grab you by the guts. Five minutes in, the song breaks out into a groovy foot shuffle full of spit, bile, and blood, and the guitar burst at 6:30 is wicked bluesy, finally giving way to the screams of the damned. Then the album draws to a conclusion with the voracious 9 minute monster, “Acid Lobotomy.”
Second Coming, Second Crucifixion represents Weird Tales most concerted and terrifying effort yet -- lyrically and musically nihilistic to the core. Dima (guitar, vox), Kriss (bass) and Smoku (drums) have cobbled together a true soundtrack for the End Times. Look for the album to drop this weekend on Interstellar Smoke Records (pre-order here). Stick it on a playlist alongside Dopelord, Temple of the Fuzz Witch, Salem's Pot, Church of Misery, and Electric Wizard.
Give ear...
'Second Coming, Second Crucifixion' consists of six new tracks -- 40-minute riff-based dance music for psychopaths. On their most rebellious and edgiest work to date, Weird Tales are manifesting disappointment in humanity, friendship and love. Hatred from the deepest abyss of the heart is mixed up with the creepshow stories about schizos, drug addicts, and slaughter.
Starting as a stoner doom band, they incorporated proto-punk, psychedelic and noise to their music and amplified it with narcotic psychosis. Now they put it to your face straight from hell!
Harsh guitars, rapid, vigorous drums and dirty bass will fall on your head like a storm. Filled with dark psychedelic vocals and filthy lyrics it brings sardonic fun to all fans of heavy music, who are disappointed with life.
Like a stab between the eyes, Polish Warsaw trio Weird Tales deliver their outrageous new full length album via Interstellar Smoke Records.
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paracunt · 2 years
As emo nostalgia crests, Paramore returns, with a new sound and a healthy outlook
by Suzy Exposito
Twenty years ago, if you told Paramore vocalist Hayley Williams that she’d become one of the most influential pop singers in America, she might have offered little more than a scowl. As a DayGlo-haired punk sprite, miraculously gifted with the lung capacity of a Southern church choir, she couldn’t have seen it then — nor could her childhood friends-turned-bandmates, Zac Farro and Taylor York — but Paramore would go on to craft songs that would alter the trajectories of rock and pop. 
Artists such as Olivia Rodrigo, Demi Lovato and Willow Smith have all cited Paramore’s music as the blueprint for their own snarling pop-punk confessionals. For her 2021 hit “Good 4 U,” Rodrigo gave Paramore a songwriting credit, citing the verses of their 2008 song “Misery Business,” a scathing missive to Williams’ teen rival.
“What feels most merciful about it is that we didn’t know we were doing anything different back then,” Williams tells The Times inside the band’s North Hollywood studio, her neon locks now a mulled shade of amber. “I use the word ‘merciful’ because we could not have predicted that people would give a s— 20 years later. We were just eating peanut butter and living the dream.”
Behind a wall of Marshall stacks and assorted trunks of gear, Williams, 33, drummer Farro, 32, and guitarist York, 32, nestle into a leather couch. Williams’ charismatic goldendoodle, Alf, holds court in the studio: he tramples over Williams, curls his body around Farro’s neck like an exquisite wriggling scarf, then finally curls himself into a ball next to me. Williams, donning a white hoodie emblazoned with the words “Main Character” in rhinestones, chuckles at her dog’s audaciousness; “I’m so sorry. He’s such a star,” she says.
The band has officially just wrapped production on its upcoming album “This Is Why,” set for release on Feb. 10. The lead single of the same name — and the band’s first new offering since the 2017 album “After Laughter” — is a funky tapestry frilled with tambourines and angular dashes of guitar. Paired with a crisp “Mod Squad”-evoking video, directed by Turnstile frontman Brendan Yates, “This Is Why” weaves in tendrils of rock ‘n’ roll’s past but lodges the band firmly back into the foreground of pop’s present.
The band first teased “This Is Why” in September, with a photo of the players’ faces smushed against glass. It called to mind the stifling social restrictions brought on by COVID-19, and the residual hostility between people. “This is why I don’t leave the house,” Williams sings bitingly on the new track, “You say the coast is clear / but you won’t catch me out!”
“How sad it is that we’ve gone through this horrible thing globally, as humans,” says Williams. “Whether it’s racism, or conspiracy theories … I think about how the internet is supposed to be this great connector, but drives us further inward and further apart. I’ve watched people be so awful to each other. How could we go through these things together and come out worse?”
Ironically, Paramore is gearing up to greet more people than they have in the last four years combined — this fall, they will hit the road for the first time since 2018. Kicking off on Oct. 2 in Bakersfield, the tour includes shows in L.A. on Oct. 20 and 27, and three nights at the sold-out pop-punk and emo festival When We Were Young, scheduled for Las Vegas on Oct. 22, 23 and 29.
Paramore will co-headline the fest with another essential emo group, My Chemical Romance. Yet there’s a catch: They may have to perform at the same time on opposite stages.
“They want war!” jests Williams, a longtime MCR fan. “We did not think there was going to be the kind of demand there is. We’re careful about how we engage with nostalgia; five years ago we would have said ‘absolutely not’ to this. But I think it’s significant that we feel confident enough to maintain the journey that we’ve been on and celebrate with these fans.”
Some of the fanfare hasn’t computed for Williams, who came to fame during a vastly different time for women in rock music. Paramore used to be relegated to smaller, designated female stages at festivals, such as the Shiragirl stage at the Vans Warped Tour. While still a minor, Williams was written off as sexual fodder by punk gatekeepers; and by her own admission, “Misery Business,” which viciously dressed down another girl, has aged poorly since the 2000s. Williams retired the song from the band’s repertoire in 2018, citing sexist lyrics like “Once a whore, you’re nothing more,” but the song briefly resurfaced at April’s Coachella festival, where Williams performed a course-corrected version with pop superstar Billie Eilish.
“It wasn’t cool to be feminine back then,” Williams explains. “I put a damper on that for my own confidence, because it was hard to go into a male-dominated space — not even as a woman, but as a little girl.”
“I think that’s why a feminine perspective is really important in this day and age of music,” offers Farro.
( For the record:
1:52 p.m. Sept. 28, 2022 Producer Richard Williams was incorrectly identified as a manager in an earlier version of this article. )
Williams’ dreams of rock stardom were realized early in life. After her parents divorced in 2002, Williams and her mother relocated from their hometown of Meridian, Miss. to Franklin, Tenn., a 30-minute drive south of Nashville. A prodigious singer-songwriter new to the Music City circuit, Williams was discovered by manager Dave Steunebrink and producer Richard Williams; she then signed a deal with Atlantic Records in 2004, when she was 15 years old.
The label primed Williams to be a solo act, in the same vein as pop-rock virtuosas Kelly Clarkson and Avril Lavigne. Yet Williams, already promised to punk, insisted on sticking with her band of friends: bassist Jeremy Davis, guitarist Josh Farro and his kid brother Zac. (York opted to graduate from high school before joining the band as rhythm guitarist in 2007.)
While Williams retained her solo deal with Atlantic, the label decided to release Paramore’s thunderous 2005 debut, “All We Know Is Falling,” via the Florida label Fueled by Ramen: a launchpad for pop-faring emo bands like Jimmy Eat World, Fall Out Boy and Panic! at the Disco. With the release of Paramore’s 2008 breakthrough LP “Riot!,” the band rose up the ranks of the Top 40, continuing with 2008’s “Decode,” their moody cut from the “Twilight” soundtrack.
However, the separate record deal with Williams, as well as differences in faith and lifestyle, sparked discord between bandmates. After releasing their 2009 album, “Brand New Eyes,” the Farro brothers departed in 2010, stating wishes to be closer to family. Davis worked intermittently between the years of 2005 and 2015; after his resignation, he filed a lawsuit claiming credit for songs on their 2013 self-titled record. (It was settled in 2017.)
The group’s remaining members, Williams and York, won the Grammy for best rock song in 2013 for Paramore’s guitar-gospel hit, “Ain’t It Fun.” Yet the two found it difficult to celebrate; Williams began floundering in the throes of what she’s come to understand as depression and PTSD, while York says he developed symptoms of acute anxiety. “I was struggling with agoraphobia before the pandemic,” he says, with a hint of levity.
In 2016, Williams married her partner of nine years, Chad Gilbert, lead guitarist in New Found Glory. The marriage ended the following year in divorce, due to what Williams has described as issues with his infidelity. She began a course of therapy thereafter.
“In retrospect, I can see clearly that I was looking for a family unit that I didn’t have,” says Williams. “I was angry about that for a long time.”
During this period, Williams exchanged messages with Zac, who had started his own projects, Novel American and HalfNoise, and relocated to New Zealand for two years. Zac returned to Nashville to record drums on the band’s 2017 album, “After Laughter” — a 12-track dance-off with depression that conjured the world-music infatuations of new wave groups like Talking Heads.
“Somehow we metabolize all these styles that we loved growing up, or that we randomly discovered, and it still sounds like us,” says Williams.
The band further indulges their sonic curiosities on “This Is Why,” which is accentuated by syncopated rhythms and jagged guitar rock riffs. The band absorbed the sounds of U.K. acts like Radiohead and Bloc Party, says their L.A.-based producer Carlos de la Garza; the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ 1985 funk-punk LP, “Freaky Styley,” also played a pertinent role during the recording process.
“You just have a new animal,” he says of the trio.
“It’s only lately that my outside and my inside world are kind of congruent, where I feel safe,” says Williams, motioning at Farro and York. “I think as more LGBTQ people [enter mainstream] conversations, people are now familiar with their term ‘chosen family.’ This band kept me out of a lot of trouble. It gave me a place to belong and identify with.”
Paramore’s live shows have served a similar purpose for its diverse fanbase. Prior to the pandemic, Paramore shows culminated in Williams picking a fan from the crowd to hoist onstage and sing along with the band.
On social media, people share videos of Black and brown Paramore fans — long marginalized in emo and the music industry surrounding it — shaking and crying with glee as they sing their favorite Paramore songs opposite Williams.
“I feel a very ferocious passion and want to protect people that don’t look like me,” says Williams, who used her Instagram page to platform anti-racist activists during the George Floyd protests in the summer of 2020.
“Not that there’s any comparison, but there’s something that we learned from not knowing where to fit in growing up,” adds Farro.
“We benefit from the joy of people feeling free and welcome at our shows,” says Williams. “I want people to see different fans onstage. If everyone had the same opportunities, I think we’d be surprised [to see] who would step up when given the chance.
“It is our responsibility to uplift new artists and young people,” says Williams, who has amplified indie artists like Phoebe Bridgers, Nova Twins and Pom Pom Squad on her podcast for BBC Sounds, “Everything Is Emo.”
“I’m stoked it’s turning around, that there’s more people of color in the scene, and so many rad new bands that are teaching bands like us,” says Williams. “We have to continue to make it easier and more hopeful and more equitable as a scene.”
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