#Charles Halstead
ragingphantom666 · 3 months
DC Dimensions project plan: The Hellblazers (Vol. 1)
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This series is not an assured project. It is a concept that can still be changed or scrapped.
After years of fighting demons wanting to take his soul, John Constantine has found some semblance of a happy life. He lives in Shadowcrest Manor with his wife Zatanna, his son Zachary, and his adopted daughter Rachel. However, a forgotten enemy has returned to torment the family by putting them into a fantasy
John Constantine - A retired occult detective and former member of Justice League Dark. He has many enemies on Earth and in Hell.
Zatanna Zatara - A retired stage magician and former member of Justice League Dark. She is the inheritor of Shadowcrest Manor.
Rachel Roth/Zee Constantine/Raven - The daughter of the interdimensional demon Trigon. She was adopted by John Constantine and Zatanna. She used to be a member of the Teen Titans.
Zachary Constantine - The son of John Constantine and Zatanna. He has a talent for the magical arts and an interest in the darker side of magic.
Charlie Halstead - A villain that once crossed paths with John Constantine and Zatanna. He is a telepath and was humiliated by John, who defeated him just by knocking him out in one punch. He has returned to get revenge by trapping Constantine and his family in a pleasurable fantasy world created by the Black Mercy.
More Information
The inspiration for this story did not come from Marvel Studios "WandaVision," but rather the episode "For the Man Who Has Everything" of DCAU show "Justice League Unlimited."
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cherrymov · 9 months
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"Ah, the sense of fear and dread in the air. It's glorious!"
-Psycho Pirate, Lego DC Super Villains
I've always thought Psycho-Pirate has a lot of untapped potential. I wanted to give him a more pirate-y look, combined with some theatrical influences. I ended up using Venice Carnival costumes and Commedia Dell'Arte as influences. Turns out, masked witty characters that break the 4th wall are incredibly appropriate for a character known to be tragically self-aware of his fictional nature.
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halsteadlover · 1 year
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❝ Some stories may be 18+ as they contain smut and/or detailed descriptions of content that may be upsetting, so if you’re underage and see a mark next to a story please do not read. I’ll always try to carefully highlight the warnings before each fic but it can happen I forget some of them, in that case feel free to notify me with an ask. ❞
➪ 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐉𝐀𝐘 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘
• ℭ𝔥𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔤𝔬 𝔓𝔇
☾ 𝐉𝐚𝐲 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐝
☾ 𝐀𝐝𝐚𝐦 𝐑𝐮𝐳𝐞𝐤
• ℭ𝔥𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔤𝔬 𝔐𝔢𝔡
☾ 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐫 𝐑𝐡𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐬
☾ 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐝
• ℭ𝔯𝔦𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔞𝔩 𝔐𝔦𝔫𝔡𝔰
☾ 𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐧
☾ 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐢𝐝
☾ 𝐀𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐞𝐫
• 𝔉𝔬𝔯𝔪𝔲𝔩𝔞 𝔒𝔫𝔢
☾ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜
☾ 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬
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amsgrey · 2 years
Big Brother Hugs Part Two
Requested by Anonymous
Will Halstead x sister!reader x Jay Halstead
Synopsis: everything gets too much and you finally get what you need.
Not proof read so I apologise in advance for the inevitable mistakes.
Warnings: Mention of Depression, talk of depression and unhealthy habits, anxiety, mention of anxiety, panic attack.
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gif credit to @xofeno
It didn't take too long to convince Will that you were feeling better, after you had sought him out you stayed at his house for the night. He'd made you promise you would talk to someone, even if it wasn't him he offered to call Dr Charles. You had refused, telling him you would see the school counsellor who you had already spoken to once or twice. After that night you realized you had to do a better job at keeping it hidden, your brothers were too busy to worry about you and you could handle yourself just fine.
You knew in the back of your head that Will would be disappointed to know that you were lying to him about being fine, but you saw how he looked so relieved that you were feeling better. You couldn't demand more attention and time by coming clean. So you forced yourself to present as fine, every day when Will text to ask how your day was you would reply about how it was tiring but better than the last. You fell into a sort of routine, you would drag yourself out of bed for school every morning. When you did, Jay and Hailey would most of the time be at work already, sometimes they left breakfast or a hot chocolate on the bench for you. You would take a couple of bites to feel less guilty about not being hungry, then throw it in the bin outside when you left for school. After you got home you would go back to bed, only leaving when Hailey and Jay came home. Will would text you at the same time each night, sometimes it was photos of Kohl or supportive little messages. They only made you feel more guilty.
The apartment was surprisingly full of life when you got home after school, you almost double-checked you were walking into the right apartment. When you walked further down the hall, you realized the cheerful conversation was from the intelligence unit. All of the team minus Sergeant Voight were sitting in the living room, dressed in full blues.
"Hi," You waved, a little shy at how they were all sitting in front of you.
"Hey, Kiddo!" Hailey grinned, gesturing to the empty space on the couch next to Jay.
You hesitated, not moving to sit down, "I, uh, got a lot of homework to do for tomorrow..." You took a few slow steps back, pointing to your room, "Sorry."
You walked as fast as possible to your room, trying not to seem desperate to avoid a conversation but trying to leave before Jay could call you back. You quickly shut the door, locking it and leaning your back against it as you tried to catch your breath. You never felt nervous or shy around the team before, but your day had been long and tiring and you weren't expecting anyone to be home. You almost tripped over your feet as you tried to clamber to your bed. It was too much effort to climb onto it so you just sunk to the floor. You slowly lay down, trying to calm yourself as you cried and struggled to breathe. The floor was cold and uncomfortable but you had no energy to do anything about it.
There was a faint knock at your door, and then the handle jiggled. You couldn't hear any voices, your ears were ringing and it felt like the entire world was spinning. You grasped at your chest, trying to force your lungs to slow down, to take a slower breath. It was to no avail, it felt as if the oxygen was being sucked out of the air around you and you were slowly suffocating. The door handle rattled a bit more violently, whoever was on the other side would definitely be able to hear your sobs and strangled breaths.
Your bedroom door slammed open as Jay came barrelling through it. He looked around the room frantically before he saw you curled up on the floor, knuckles white as they grasped the fabric of your shirt.
"Y/N," He gathered you off the floor, helping you sit up with your back to the bed. He gently cupped your face, brow furrowed in concern as he tried to get you to calm down. You could see in the doorway the concerned faces of the team, Hailey was holding a phone to her ear talking and rushed into it as she stood just past the threshold of the room.
"Hey," Jay soothed, "Look at me, okay? You need to take nice slow breaths, listen to my voice, Y/N."
You shook your head, choking on hot tears and wheezing out an incomprehensible sentence. Your shaky hands gripped loosely onto jays shirt, trying to ground yourself as your head began to swim.
Jay gave up on trying to soothe you by holding your face, he leaned forward and wrapped you in his arms, pulling you close to his chest like he did when you were little. he soothed your hair and kept reassuring you that he was there, he wasn't going anywhere. For a glimpse of a second, you felt as if the panic clawing at your heart was subsiding. Then you felt your body go limp and then nothing at all.
Kevin and Adam ushered the paramedics into the room, the team stepping out of the way as they wheeled your unconscious form out of the apartment. Jay trailed alongside, holding tightly to your hand.
"I'll be right behind you," Hailey assured Jay, gesturing to him to follow you and the paramedics to the ambulance. 
The ride to Med was unbearable for Jay. He didn't even know what to make of the situation. He never saw you in such a state and now he was reeling to figure out what to do. Maggie recognized him immediately when he walked through the doors of the ED with the paramedics.
Jay couldn't find the words to explain the situation, just following the gurney through the ED. Will spotted his brother as he passed the desk he was working on. He called out to his brother, to no response.
You came around as you were being wheeled into a treatment room.
"Transfer on my count..."
You frowned, trying to keep your eyes open against the harsh lights of the room, "Where?"
"Hey, Y/N," You could feel yourself being lifted and then placed on a bed. When you finally blinked away the blinding white, you spotted Will standing at your side. He smiled and squeezed your hand.
"Y/N, remember me?" Dr Choi smiled. You felt a lot stronger, nodding and giving him a small wave with your free hand.
Dr Choi chuckled, doing his checks, "Can you tell me what happened, Y/N?"
You shrugged, "Couldn't breathe."
Dr Choi nodded, "Alright. Well, you sit tight for a minute, alright? I'm just going to talk to your brothers."
You hummed in agreement, resting against the pillows and trying to calm the anxiety racing through your heart. Part of you knew you couldn't make up a story to explain what happened, but you desperately tried to search for an explanation.
Dr Choi nodded to Jay and Will as he exited the room, the three gathering just out of earshot.
"Is she okay?" Will demanded.
Ethan nodded, "She's awake, lucid. We just need to figure out why she passed out." He turned to Doris rattling off which tests to order.
"You can go see her," He told the two hovering brothers. Jay quickly joined your side, making sure you were comfortable and warm enough. Will hesitated at the door, then turned back to Ethan.
"Hey, Ethan," He quickly grabbed Ethan's attention and pulled him aside, "Can you page Dr Charles?"
Ethan looked surprised, he frowned, "Is there something I should know about?"
Will sighed, running a hand down his face, "Listen, Y/N hasn't told Jay yet, but she's been struggling. I'm trying to help but..."
"Hey, I get it," Ethan reassured, "I'll get Dr. Charles down here. For now you should talk to Y/N."
Will nodded, "Yeah. Thanks, man."
Will entered the treatment room looking grim, and you immediately felt guilty for what happened. Will pulled you in for a hug, squeezing you a little tighter than he usually did.
"How are you feeling?"
You tried to wave him away and mumbled something about how you just got overwhelmed. Will didn't press any further but clearly looked displeased about it. Jay looked between you both, silently prodding for answers. Neither of you offered any answers. You didn't even know how to begin, how do you tell your brother how your life was falling to pieces. That getting up in the morning was torture and you felt as if it wasn't even worth it anymore. Nothing made you feel worse than hiding how bad it was from your brothers, but some voice on the back of your head keep whispering how if they cared they'd have noticed.
Dr Choi re-entered the room with his tablet, Maggie was on his heels holding something in her hands.
"Figured out why you passed out," Dr Choi smiled, standing at the end of the bed and nodding to Will, "You have extremely low blood sugar, when was the last time you ate?"
You shrugged, "I forgot to bring lunch."
Dr Choi frowned, looking at the tablet, "Just lunch?"
You shrugged again.
"Y/N?" Jay leaned forward, "Hailey and I left a bagel for you this morning, did you eat it?"
You avoided making eye contact with him, "I wasn't hungry."
Jay sighed, starting to get a clearer idea of what was happening.
Maggie placed the object in her hand down on the table at your side, a cheese sandwich, "Good news is, you get this for free."
You smiled weakly, taking the sandwich and taking a small bite to make them all happy. It didn't really taste like anything, but you forced yourself to continue to take small bites.
After you finished your sandwich, Will all but dragged Jay out of the room to talk to him. You were itching to get out of the hospital, but Will kept talking about how they just had to tick all the boxes before they let you go. You were exhausted from the whole ordeal, starting to drift off with the silence your brothers left behind. You were almost asleep when someone knocked on the door and entered the room.
"Y/N, how are you?"
You got such a fright you sat up straight in the bed, staring wide-eyed at Doctor Charles who immediately looked guilty.
"Sorry," He smiled, "Didn't mean to startle you."
"It's okay," You replied, settling back down against the pillows.
"So," Dr Charles took a seat on your left, "Will asked me to come talk to you. He said you've been having a hard time lately?"
God dammit, Will.
"I guess."
Dr Charles nodded, he didn't press anymore. The two of you sat in silence for a while longer. You knew he was waiting for you to say something first, but you were stubborn and you didn't want to admit you needed help.
"How about we start with today?" Dr Charles finally spoke, "What happened today to cause you to be here?"
"I just got overwhelmed," You replied. Dr Charles nodded, something about him reminded you of your dad. Maybe minus the Canaryville hard edge. It didn't take long before all stubbornness was gone and you were opening up to him. About everything, from what happened today and the weeks before then. Dr Charles nodded along and listened, reassuring you that he was going to help you moving forward.
"I have to go talk to your brothers," Dr Charles nodded, "Do you want to tell them...?"
You shook your head, "I- I can't."
Dr Charles nodded, "Do I have your permission to tell them myself?"
You nodded, twisting your hands together to try stop the anxiety looming over you.
"Alright. I'll check back in soon."
After everything you had felt in the last couple of weeks, the pain you went through to hide how you were feeling. It felt good to get it off your chest, to talk to someone without fear of hurting them. When Dr Charles returned, he was followed by Jay and Will. Jay looked like he cried, the signature red-rimmed eyes a dead giveaway. He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled you into a hug, holding you tighter than he ever had before.
"I should have known. I know I work a lot, I should have been there for you. I'm meant to be your parent and I can hardly be home enough to notice when you need me."
Jay gently wiped the tears from your cheeks, "I'm sorry."
You sniffed, "Don't be sorry. I should be."
Will sat on the other side of the bed, "No one should be sorry."
"I spoke to your brothers," Dr Charles was still by the door, "We're going to get you on a treatment plan and I have a colleague who I believe will be able to help you. I'll get the ball rolling and start your discharge paperwork."
You felt like the entire world had been lifted off your shoulders, you smiled and agreed. For the first time in a long time, you had hope, your brothers were there for you, and you had the help you needed. Everything was okay, everything would be okay.
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windshield91 · 4 months
If this was any other doctor than Ripley, Charles would have talked the sister in agreeing. He helped the others over the seasons with family members and even walked the line sometimes. But he's treating Ripley as a patient, not a coworker, watching,questioning, and analysing every move he makes. Like Ripley is his responsibility and he has authority over him.
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felicitysmoaksx · 4 months
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Chicago Med Rewatch/Timestamp Roulette
↳ 1.01 Derailed
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kitweewoos · 3 months
An Incomplete List of Questions I'd Like to Ask the Chicago Med Writers
Where's Ethan's parrot?
What happened to Kol?
How come we never saw Claire Rhodes again?
How did she handle Cornelius' death?
What's Robin up to?
Is Anna Charles okay? I miss her.
What's going on with Denise Lockwood?
How come there's no queer doctors in your hospital?
Why is Crockett Marcel so fruity if you're not going to make him bi or pan?
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thena0315 · 1 year
Will’s Goodbye Speech + Manstead family reunion
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tommy-kinard-buckley · 2 months
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This is for chapter 2 of my arrow/Chicago Med fic A New Man.
Will tried to move Connor’s leg but found out that he couldn't get a good pulse while holding Connor’s leg down. “Mr Queen, do you know how to unhook the IV from a wrist?” Will used both hands to hold down Connor's leg, knowing how strong the man was, and looked at Oliver. “Yeah, why?” Oliver watched with worry as nurses, Doctors and Will tried to help a screaming Tommy. “I need you to unhook your IV and hold Connor's leg down so I can get a pulse.” Oliver unhooked the IV while Will moved the chair Connor was sitting in so he could get off the bed. Will checked Connor's pulse and found that his heart was racing like something scared him. “Connor, buddy what's going on? Talk to me.” Oliver held Tommy's leg and hand while Will held his head. “Will! My head hurts. Make it stop please Will, I can't take it!” Connor now realized that the pictures flashing behind his eyelids were his memories as Tommy Merlyn. “I know it hurts but you need to loosen your body a little so we can help you, okay?” Will paged Dr Downey and had a nurse page Ethan and Daniel while holding Connor's head gently. All 3 men took 5 minutes to get to Oliver's room looking worried. “Dr Downey, his pulse is quick but strong. Ethan, I need you to get a gurney and a room for him. Dr Charles, can you meet all of us there?” David ran over to Connor while Ethan and Daniel ran out to get what's needed. “Connor, can you tell us where you are?” David looked at Connor like a son and worried for his health. “My best friend's house.” Oliver remembered reading that an amnesia patient gets an excruciating headache. “Can you tell me what city you're in right now?” Oliver felt Will and David looking at him but ignored it. “Starling City.” Will and David looked at each other confused, not knowing why Connor said Star City, while Oliver smiled lightly. “I know it hurts but you need to open your eyes, Tommy. His past memories are coming back. In his mind he's at my house in Star City where we grew up.”
No pressure tags below
@alrightbuckaroo @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @rmd-writes @storms-s @firstprince-history-huh @thisbuildinghasfeelings @bullet-prooflove @paperstorm @goodways @carlos-in-glasses @reyesstrand @reeeallygood and anyone else who wants to play
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lnchicagosreads · 2 months
Main Accounts:
TV Show : @samantha-chicago F1 : @lnlightning81
I shall be reposting fics I have read on this account rather than on my main account so authors still get the credit they deserve without me sharing them over my own fics.
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saragarnier · 2 months
Requests are open!!
Formula One:
- Charles Leclerc
- Jannik Sinner
Chicago PD
- Jay Halstead
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kim-ruzek · 3 months
Just some tough questions:
Matt Casey or Sylvie Brett?
Stella Kidd or Kelly Severide?
Kim Burgess or Adam Ruzek?
Kevin or Trudy?
Mouch or Hermann?
Violet or Ritter?
April or Ethan?
Will or Connor?
Maggie or Dr Charles?
Sharon or Boden?
Hailey or Jay?
Gallo or Carver?
You weren't kidding when you said tough questions, these were SO SO hard. But here:
Matt Casey or Sylvie Brett - I adore Matt, I really do, and JS is one of my favourite CF actors, but Sylvie... just basically all of her scenes, I love and enjoy her so much.
Stella Kidd or Kelly Severide - oh this was SO SO hard, it was one of the most agonizing of them, but in the end I just had to chose Stella. I adore and love Kelly, but man, sometimes he really annoys me (especially earlier seasons - the time between Shay era and Stella era, that in particular).
Kim Burgess or Adam Ruzek - now THIS was my hardest choice. I love these two so much, I think I love others, and I do, but whenever I see either of them I get all heart eyed I swear, I love them. But inevitably, Kim is my girl.
Kevin or Trudy - you are truly, truly cruel having to make me choose between these two. I kept going back and forth with my answer here, but I finally landed on Kevin. He's my king, and Trudy is my sarcastic queen but Kev needs alllll the love.
Mouch or Herrmann - no offense to Herrmann, because I do love him, but Mouch is so iconic and I love him so dearly.
Violet or Ritter - THIS WAS SO CRUEL. I bloody adore Violet, and she's so pretty but Ritter, man. Ritter is my guy. I've been rewatching fire and oh my, I've fallen in love with him even more all over again. But in the end, I went with Violet, but only just. Honestly, this one I was the closest with just fucking it and calling it a tie.
April or Ethan - Ethan. I love these two the most when together vs individually (even though I am fond of both individually) but Ethan just has my heart more than April does.
Will or Connor - Connor is one of my most favourite characters ever. If you put him against most of med's cast, I'd choose him every time.
Maggie or Dr Charles - I stopped loving him as much after a few seasons, but I did really enjoy him (especially at the start) with Sarah. Maggie I do like, but she's not one of my faves and I honestly could take her or leave her.
Sharon or Boden - Boden, any day and every day. I love him so so much, and out of all the OC leaders, he's the one I'd most want to work under.
Hailey or Jay - I have a love/hate relationship with the both of them, but I've loved a lot more of Jay scenes then Hailey's.
Gallo or Carver - Gallo! Gallo is my boy. I do like Carver, but I don't 'love' him - I was sad at Gallo leaving, but if Carver left, I wouldn't be as sad.
Thank you for asking!! Sorry it took a while to get to, this was a really fun ask that I wanted to make sure I had enough time and energy to properly dedicate to it!!
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connorshalstead · 1 year
A few opinions about Chicago Med below unpopular, popular, I dunno, y’all decide!
Ava’s character had so much potential, but the way the producers wrote her relationship with Connor screwed her over.
As much as I love Rhodestead, I really, REALLY wish Manstead would’ve worked out. Albeit, give Will some therapy and teach him how to treat a woman !!
If we couldn’t have Manstead, we should’ve at the very least had Jeff Clarke with Natalie, he genuinely cares about her, but at the time, she was in love with Will. I wish they had more time together.
Elsa sucks. Period. I get, that it’s fiction and she’s meant to be quirky and not an average doctor? But she’s such an asshole to patients that I can’t respect her as a doctor.
Natalie should’ve had an arc where she was transferred to the peds department permanently. She would’ve thrived there.
I don’t like Nina. I understand people that do, but she’s personally not for me, I think her and Will’s relationship was… pointless? It was only to make Will realize he was truly in love with Natalie. Which, didn’t matter in the end cause of how badly their relationship ended.
The way Sarah left was absolutely insulting to her character and her relationship with Dr. Charles. Biggest punch to the gut ever as someone who relates strongly to Sarah.
Connor’s best arc was becoming a heart surgeon under Downey’s guidance. Their friendship was too short and underrated.
Lanik deserved so much more screen time. He was the best E.D. Chief and should’ve gotten more appreciation.
Maggie carries the show, I take not disagreeing on this one actually. /hj
April honestly deserves to be happy. She’s been through so much shit, and she and Ethan DESERVED that happy ending.
The “safe” drug use site was maybe Will’s worst decision. Next to Jennifer Baker and taking care of Burke.
And leaving Natalie in the dark ^
As bad as I feel for both Natalie and Will, she had no right to treat Will the way she did, having lost her memory or not.
There was a point where I DID NOT like Natalie. She was flat-out emotionally abusive to Will when he genuinely did care about her and tried to help.
That being said, Will still has faults. He should’ve absolutely given her space after the breakup and the Burke situation.
And I know he’s a highly secondary character but, I can’t help but feel bad for Owen? He saw Will as his dad, he was probably the first male figure he saw after he was born for… quite a while? It was shitty of Natalie to completely separate them. Especially after how much Will cared about him.
Second, to all of that, Philip was fucking pointless.
Ben was the best thing to happen to Maggie as well.
Jesus Christ, I feel like these people go through fiancés like cigarettes. (April with Tate, and in S5, Ethan)
And Natalie with Jeff, then Will?
Like, let people get married?? What is Dick Wolf so scared of? (Gay ppl probably)
Will deserves a STABLE RELATIONSHIP with a good person, not an ex-drug addict (who he fought with constantly and THEN SHE ASKED HIM TO GO TO LA WITH HER?), not Natalie, and Connor is gone so… :/ Idk, give him and Nina another chance even???
I really wish we got more “casual” crossover content. Like, I wanna see scenes of Casey, Severide, the Halstead brothers, Upton and maybe even Ruzek? Just hanging out at Molly’s :(
I really think Sarah and Connor were a missed opportunity. Especially with all the weird shit that happened in the first two seasons? It wouldn’t have been too far-fetched.
Better than Sarah and Joey 😭
Sarah deserved a love interest and someone to help carry her burdens. That girl had been through enough
Along with wanting Will to have a stable relationship, we should’ve gotten more Reesestead scenes…
Crockett is kind of a dick…? Especially to Ethan in his earlier episodes. But, he’s redeemable.
I really like Noah! But, I think he’s better suited as an E.D. doctor, not a surgeon.
Also, as much as I LOVE April and want to say she does no wrong, the way she treated Noah was extremely childish and unfair. He truly could handle himself and him becoming a surgeon goes to show that.
Finally, Chicago Med is absolutely shit at trans and gay representation. To the point of sometimes blatant transphobia in some episodes… (Looking at Claire…)
Thank you for reading, and remember that these are my opinions ! Feel free to disagree but remember, sending death threats is a crime !! Respect people’s opinions.
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halsteadlover · 1 year
꧁༺ 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 ༻꧂
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⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ 𝐌𝐲 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐈 𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐮𝐠𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬 ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊
❝ Some stories may be 18+ as they contain smut and/or detailed descriptions of content that may be upsetting, so if you’re underage and see a mark next to a story please do not read. I’ll always try to carefully highlight the warnings before each fic but it can happen I forget some of them, in that case feel free to notify me with an ask. ❞
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❃ 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 📖
⊱ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 💫
ꕤ 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 🖊️
⚝ 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐊𝐨-𝐅𝐢 ☕️
❥ 𝐀𝐬𝐤 𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 💭
✢ 𝐒𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 -> @halsteadloverslibrary
✧࿓☾ Thank you so much for the support you constantly show me, for every single like, comment and reblog, for taking your time to read my stories. I appreciate every single one of you and I’m so grateful for everything you do for me, you have no idea how a single comment makes me happy and motivated to always write. I love you all ✧࿓☾
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A Gentle Voice (Greg Gerwitz x Reader)
Word Count: 2,106
Pairing: Greg “Mouse” Gerwitz x Reader
Summary: You got kidnapped by members of an aggressive incel group, and thought that this was how you were going to die. But a group of the Chicago PD are able to save you; now you just need to help them find the group that did this. Only one problem: You can’t talk.
Warnings: Graphic details of beatings and abuse, mentions of blood, violence against women, and swears.
A/N: So this was based off an idea by an anonymous sender asking for more mouse imagines. And since I am on a break from work (i’m okay, I just work at an elementary school and its summer vacation lol) I thought I would get some writing done :) I hope you all enjoy, and if anyone else has ideas for imagines you want me to write, send me a message!
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I’m going to die.
You still remember the moment where you knew something was wrong when you were walking home from your job at the tech firm. It was late, not crazy late, but late enough where the street lights started to flicker on. The clicking of your footsteps soon stepped in sync with someone else’s, and before you could pull out your phone or your mace, a bag was thrown over your head and with a hard hit with something, you were out.
Now here you were, who knows how many days have passed, in a jail cell of a room, trying to anticipate when your kidnappers would come back for another round of smacking you around with the assorted weapons at their disposal. This group has been trying to extract some info about a set of code you had recently written to help one of the biggest banks in Chicago with their security; you assumed to rob it. You’ve also heard murmurings from outside your door about how they needed the money, for what though you didn’t know. 
While curled up in a corner, trying to prepare yourself for the inevitable; that you were not going to make it out, you were shocked by a big BANG that shook the walls that surrounded you. You could here shouting, many voices echoing around as the scuttering of footsteps getting closer and closer to where you were being kept. You tried to push yourself further into the corner, and as the door swung open your hid your head in your lap with your arms over your head for protection. 
Slowly, you raised you head and squinted as a flash of light caught your eyes. In front of you was three people; two men and a woman. They had guns in their hands and bulletproof vests labeled with POLICE.
“Ma’am? Ma’am are you okay?” The taller man asked, his brown hair slicked back and his blue eyes looking at you with concern. With a shaky nod, the woman cop slowly comes over to you and kneels down.
“Are you Y/F/N Y/L/N?” Another nod, and the woman cop looks to her friends then back at you, offering her hand. “I’m Detective Lindsay, and we’re here to get you home.”
A flood of tears well up in your eyes and you reach out and grab her hand, her grip firm and comforting as she helps you up and out of your nightmare.
Hours have passed, and Detectives Lindsay and Halstead are standing outside a hospital room where you were sleeping off the meds the doctors had given you. Erin and Jay watch you through the window as the doctor walked over to them, clipboard and your chart at hand. “Detectives?”
“Yes.” Erin said, straightening up. “How is she?”
“Y/N is sedated now, but looks like she might be here for a couple days. With contusions on her legs, two broken ribs and a concussion, we would want to keep an eye on her before sending her home. We also had to administer a rape kit after seeing the bruising on her legs.”
“These guys really worked her over.” Jay murmurs, looking at you again before turning back to his partner.
“When she wakes up, please give us a call. We need to ask her some questions about the people that kidnapped her.” Erin hands the doctor her card and is about to turn and walk away when the doctor’s voice makes the cops’ stop.
“That might be an issue.” Erin and Jay turn back around and walk back to the doctor, looks of confusion present on their faces. “When she got to the hospital before being sedated, Y/N stopped answering any and all questions presented to her.”
“Like she’s refusing to talk? Why would she do that?” Jay asked.
The doctor shook their head and pulled their clipboard to their chest, “The head of psych, Dr. Daniel Charles, believes that Y/N has developed Psychogenic Mutism. Basically because of the trauma Y/N has endured, her mind has shut off that part of her brain that allows her to communicate. It’s not that she is choosing to not speak; it is that she feels physically unable to.” They explained, glancing over in your direction as she progressed.
“How long will that last?”
“It could be days, weeks, or it could go on for years. This type of trauma response is very unpredictable because we are not just dealing with the health of the patient. We are dealing with their mental health and it they feel safe and secure enough that their mutism can subside.”
Erin looked over at you again and sighed, hating that not only had the people responsible hurt you and taken away your feeling of safety, they also somehow took away your voice.
Over the next few days, it was explained to you that an investigation was open on your kidnapping and subsequent abuse. A Dr. Charles also visited frequently about what he called your “mutism”. He ended up giving you a whiteboard and marker so you could write, but whenever he brought up your attack, it was like your brain would shut down. The first time it happened, you woke up to Dr. Charles standing over you, telling you that you had a panic attack and passed out. After that, Dr. Charles and others were very careful what to bring up around you.
Eventually, you were released from the hospital and given your own police protection detail just incase those guys tried to take you again. The Detectives that found you, mainly Detective Lindsay, would visit and say how you were, and if you had thought of anything useful to help the investigation, but it was no use. One one day, you were asked to come to 21st District to look at some pictures of possible perps, and you were dreading it. It was the first time you had left the house since being released from the hospital and you had made your apartment your safety bubble; essentially everything in the bubble was good, and everything outside was dangerous. But some righteous part of you wanted to see the people responsible for your attack put to justice, so you got into the police cruiser of one of your protection detail, and made your way to the 21st.
Inside the district, you were met with a sturdy-looking older woman behind the desk of the main floor. She looked like the one in charge, her eyes never wavering even when you walked over to her. The officers with you, you think their names were Burgess and Roman, explained who you were, and you were buzzed up to the upper level which was explained to you that was where the Intelligence Unit was. After arriving to the office space, officers Burgess and Roman were called over their walkies, the sudden noise making you jump. 
Officer Roman moved to answer the call as Burgess moved closer to you, “Sorry. It looks like we need to go. Lucky though you are in the safest place for you to be right now.” she said with a reassuring smile. “There is a civilian who works for the unit; he is their tech expert and used to work with Detective Halstead when they were Rangers. We’ll get him to come up and stay with you until the unit comes back.”
You nodded as Burgess and Roman walked down the stairs back down to the main flor of the district, leaving you alone for what feels like the first time in weeks. You took a seat at one of the desks, and fiddled with your hands as the silence around you started to press down on you. 
I’m alone...The last time I was alone I was taken...I-I don’t want to be alone...I-I-I
Suddenly the room felt like it was moving, a swaying motion that didn’t bring you any comfort. Your lungs felt like they couldn’t get enough breath as you tried to get more air into them, and slowly your brain realized that you were hyperventilating. You were so concerned with trying to breathe that you didn’t hear someone enter the space you were in or how they moved closer to you quickly. It wasn’t until there was a hand falling on your shoulder that made you jump out of your seat and look up.
In front of you was a man with combed back brown hair and striking blue eyes, wearing a spotted black-and-white button-up shirt and jeans. The look he was giving you was full of concern, but not edging on pity which was mostly what you’ve seen since your attack. It took a second to realize that his mouth was moving and words were leaving his lips.
“-ear me? Hey, can you hear me? You need to breathe, okay? Match my breathing.” He said, his tone calming and rumbling like a faraway thunderstorm. Slowly, you were able to take deeper and deeper breaths, your heart slowing down until the panic attack subsided. Tears started to drift into your vision as a wave of exhaustion encompassed you all the way to your bones. “Its okay, its always a bit overwhelming after an attack like that.”
You nodded as you wiped away your tears to try and regain some composure, but the man didn’t seem bothered by the tears. He gave you a small smile and patted your lap before getting up and heading to the side kitchen. There was noise of ceramic clanking together and the sound of water, and a couple of minutes later he came back with a cup of tea. “Tea really helps. I have a cup after I have my panic attacks and its a nice calming drink to help ground me.” He explained, handing over the cup.
You sip from the cup, the smell of flowers of some kind and the taste of some kind of sweetener warmed your chest and let a small smile appear on your face. The man smiled at your calm exterior before pulling over a chair and sitting next to you, “Officer Burgess explained they were watching over you but had to leave, I’ve been helping the unit on your case so I know you can’t speak. That’s okay though. I’m Greg, by the way. Greg Gerwitz, but everyone calls me Mouse.”
You look over with a confused look on your face, which made Mouse laugh, “Its a very long story, trust me you don’t want to hear it.” You smiled again, a little bigger than before, and you two spent the next few minutes in conversation. Well, with Mouse talking and you listening, but it was the closest to a normal conversation you’ve had in weeks. 
“-and then Jay, Detective Halstead, started running around like crazy, shucking off his shirt in the barracks looking for the spider.” Mouse said, laughing at the memory of Jay freaking out because of a spider. You were smiling and before you could even notice, your mouth was moving.
“What happened after that?”
Mouse turned to you in shock, and you stared back wide eyed as your hand came up to your mouth. “Oh my god.”
“Did...Did you just speak?” Mouse asked, his full attention now on your next move. You paused, thinking that you had both imagined that, but then went to try to speak again. 
Mouse’s shocked expression turned into a smile, “Hi.”
Just as the two of you were in the middle of a moment, the gate leading to the bullpen downstairs clanged shut with the follow up sound of multiple footsteps coming up the stairs. Mouse and you both turned to see Detective Lindsay, Detective Halstead and a few others walking into the room. 
“Y/N, sorry for making you wait. I hope our tech expert Greg wasn’t that bad of company.” Jay said jokingly, giving Mouse a smirk. Before Mouse could open his mouth to reply, you stood up.
“N-No, he was great company.” You said as you watched Detective Lindsay and Halstead’s jaws drop at the sound of your voice. “He even helped me find my voice.”
“So you can talk now.” A voice said as an older man walked out to the front of the group. Clearly he was the Sargent Voight Mouse had mentioned to you earlier, the head of the Intelligence Unit. “Does that mean you’ll be able to help us with your case?”
You looked back to Mouse who gave you a reassuring smile, then turned back to the unit, “I’ll tell you everything.”
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windshield91 · 4 months
Archer and Charles went against patients' wishes before so not judging Ripley quickly.
It's time to explore Charles mistakes as a young doctor too.
Why is Med forgetting Halstead was a surgeon before becoming an ER resident?
Ahmad has a lot to learn: manners, figure how to navigate hospital protocols and help patients without losing her license.
Marcel needs to be more firm with the residents. It's nice he's friendly, but them respecting his authority is more important.
Will had more experiences than Ahmad. Hope her character is more than being another Will.
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