#Chimera Ants
laurearte · 8 months
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Emmène la juste sous l’arbre gros prouveur ✋🙄
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trashyvolty · 4 months
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Happy valentine to the only couple who matters !!
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stingray-art · 4 months
A Chimera Ant themed search and find colouring page that I initially made for @greedislandchallenge card #95, Secret Cape. It will be featured in Volume 1 of the Greedy Zine!
Answer key below the cut 👀
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Did you find everyone?
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ging-pegger · 3 months
Pls can u do ging x reader and reader is gon mother?
THANK YOU - ging x reader
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a/n: this prompt is almost two years old. i apologize for the wait and hope it was worth it. warnings: spoilers (chimera ant and election arcs)
summary: after hearing about gon's injuries, you rush to swardani city to see your son, and confront his father. word count: 1,133
the air conditioning system hummed loudly as you sat across from ging in an empty meeting room inside the headquarters of the hunter's association.
there was a feeling of uneasiness, and anxiety that plagued you. it had been years since you had last seen ging. thirteen to be exact.
you had made a heartbreaking departure from him and your son many years ago, due to circumstances outside your control. and now you sat here, heartbroken, looking the man you once loved unconditionally in the eye, now filled with anger and hatred.
how. how could he have let this happen? how could he be so irresponsible? how could he be so immature?
your son, gon, was currently in the hospital. not only was he beyond recognition, he was also in critical condition, facing death every moment with no one having any clue how to bring him back. the moment you heard, you left everything behind and rushed to swardani city, fearful that your son may die before you ever got to tell him how sorry you were for leaving.
you had spent almost every waking hour at his bedside, sobbing. sobbing so hard you thought your lungs would collapse, so hard that you had to gasp for air. crying until you were numb, and the hospital staff gingerly escorted you out of his room, explaining to you that visiting hours had came to a close.
"you have a hell of alot to explain to me, ging." your eyes were red and puffy, with dark circles underneath. it was clear that sleep wasn't something you had been familiar with the past few weeks.
"i dont know what there is to explain. i don't know much more than you do, and frankly i don't appreciate you pinning this on me." he hissed, clearly bitter. after so many years the only time you had made an effort to see him was now. and it was to scold him.
"how could you leave him?" you asked, your voice shaking, the tears began to well in your eyes, burning them.
"hey, i could ask you the exact same thing." ging took no time to remind you that you had also left.
"i left with confidence you would take care of him-"
"but you left so really what right do you have to turn up after all this time and ride my ass about things outside of my control!?" he snapped, his brown eyes were fixed on you, burning a hole right through you.
"at least i came to visit him, that's more than you're doing asshole!"
"did it ever occur to you that i CAN'T go see him." ging replied curtly. he wasn't one to outwardly express emotions frequently, but you could tell something was different this time.
once more the room fell to silence, the air conditioning unit the only sound to be heard, were you not in the middle of the concrete jungle that is swardani city, you likely would have heard crickets chirping.
"what do you mean you can't?? of course you can he's practically right next door!" you angirly hissed back in response. how dare he insinuate hes too busy to see his own son who was barely holding on to life as you spoke.
"that's not what i mean and you know it." his expressionless facade was fading, you were cracking through the mask he paraded around with to look tough. you were seeing a part of him nobody had ever seen, except for you.
you stayed silent, eyes trailing down to the faux wood grain table. waiting for him to elaborate. you knew from past experience this could take a matter of minutes or more. but you waited nonetheless for him to finally speak.
"i don't think you understand the guilt i harbor, ___." ging finally spoke up, his eyes locked onto yours the moment you looked up, not allowing you to escape his gaze of honesty.
"mito knew. . . she knew I'd always be the same guy. she filed for custody of gon, she said my line of work was too dangerous, and that i wouldn't be able to take care of him properly. and to my surprise, I sit here today and admit, she was right." ging spoke, his voice remained level headed and cool, he didnt allow the emotions to play part in how he spoke.
he took a deep breath in, eyes flickering to the ceiling. "despite all the training and trials i laid out meticulously for him to get stronger..." he trailed off.
"i don't know what i would do differently... had he been with me would this still have happened or worse? or would it have been avoided all together." he rambled on a bit longer.
"why didn't you just say all this before, ging?" you asked, brows furrowing, tears still falling softly from your cheeks.
"psh.." he made a face, one lined with disgust, a rare change in emotion.
"ging. it's not your fault."
his eyes darted back to you. "since when do you have a sudden change in opinion?"
"since we've made it to this point in the conversation. " you replied curtly, following suit of his answers prior.
ging mumbled under his breath. "from what i hear he's a lot like you. he's got your optimism." ging responded blankly, a pang sent through your heart as you were brought back into the blinding reality of why you were there with him.
"are you going to do anything to address the issue at hand amongst the zodiacs?" you questioned, checking the clock in the wall. the others could burst in at any moment. "you know its causing a lot of pressure on their backs during the election. many of the hunters are well aquainted with or know of gon, they expect answers and they expect you visiting him.
"it's none of their business to be frank. that's the problem with this whole association, ___. everyone believes theyre entitled to a slice of other people's lives. especially pariston. i'm sick of him being up my ass about this whole situation. " ging rambled on and on about his hatred for pariston but love for the hunt for a few solid minutes before switching back to the current topic.
"look, what i mean to say is, they can spread all the rumors they want, i'm not changing. and i'm not inviting them into our life."
oh ging... still as shy and stubborn as he ever was.
"wait. ___, before you go..." ging spoke, his face flushing and his nerves beginning to tie his vocabulary up in knots. "thank you." he said loudly, though the distance between you and him was nowhere near needing of such volume.
the air conditioning finally kicked off, leaving you in a room of dead air and space. you checked the clock again, the rythmic ticking began to inidicate the nearing of the next hour, when ging would be expected to meet with other zodiacs.
you stood up, pushing the chair you had been previously occupying in and gathering your personal effects. "i suppose it should be time for me to drop back in at the hospital. i hate being away for so long." you turned, reafhing for the door.
"for what.....?"
"coming back."
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punkgears · 3 months
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shaiapouf, but in hollow knight style!
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multitasker101 · 2 years
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Finally finished part 2 of the HxH characters!!
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dailymeleoron · 1 year
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oh SHIT moment
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sullimichi · 10 months
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you know i had to do it to em
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poign-ant · 1 year
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sketch+flat color
he's rocking that butterfly cut, isn't he?
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badhxhmemes · 5 months
Gon's pov in the chimera ant arc:
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snathark · 3 months
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rasta guy
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laurearte · 10 months
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Yeah so hyper specific regency era AU (?) somehow
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(Il a été reçu a l’académie francaise??,?,)
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trashyvolty · 8 months
inktober 25 : dangerous
i'm not crying you're crying
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Chimera Ant Queen.
Chimera Ant Queen (Hunter X Hunter) oh good lird I'd hate to see what that'd do to her offspring... is that why the king is green?
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hxhshiptober · 2 years
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Caption: Welcome to Hunter x Hunter Shiptober! The event will run Oct 1st through Oct 31st. Please post all submissions in the tag HxHShiptober. Our rules are as follows: Do not be a dick. Tag trigger and content warnings appropriately, or otherwise use the “choose not to warn” tag. Here is the prompt list:
Day 1 - The x Changing x Seasons 
Day 2 - A x Movie x Night
Day 3 - Carnivals x And x Clowns
Day 4 - Bedknobs x And x Broomsticks 
Day 5 - Bump x In The x Night
Day 6 - A x Secret x Meeting
Day 7 - Tall Tales x and x Legends
Day 8 - Flickers x Of x Candlelight
Day 9 -  The x Blood x Moon
Day 10 - A x Misty x Morning
Day 11 - Cobwebs x And x Cotton Candy 
Day 12 - A x Liminal x Spaces
Day 13 - The x Nightmare x Factory
Day 14 - Sharing x Campfire x Stories
Day 15 - A x Free x Day
Day 16 - It's x Sweater x Weather
Day 17 - Stars x And x Gazing
Day 18 - Hayrides x And x Corn Mazes 
Day 19 - A x Farmer’s x Market
Day 20 - House x Of x Mirrors 
Day 21 - A x Cold x Comfort
Day 22 - Pastries x And x Coffee
Day 23 - A x Little x Hocus Pocus
Day 24 - Spell x On x You
Day 25 - Dawn x Dusk x Day
Day 26 - Toil Toil x Boil x Bubble
Day 27 - Chilled x To The x Bone
Day 28 - It's x A x Secret
Day 29 - Costumes x And x Disguises
Day 30 - All x Soul’s x Night
Day 31 - Trick x or x Treat 
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bountyhunterxi · 3 months
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I know I disappeared for a long time but I haven't stopped drawing! So I'm going to share it with you!
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Hope you like it!
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