#Collaborative Activities
brenna · 1 month
Collaborative Activities
a Good Omens fanfic.
coworkers human AU
corporate retreat/team building
mildly creepy, (might give you the heebee jeebees)
smutty and plotty (waiter, there's plot in my smut)
sex pollen
art by @mirjam-writes
Event: Spring Is Here! High Pollen Count!
Category: M/M | Fandom: Good Omens | Ship: Aziraphale/Crowley Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 12,776 | Author: scullyphile
While on a corporate retreat, estranged co-workers Aziraphale and Crowley get teamed up together. They encounter something on their hike, something that brings a buried desire to the surface and transforms it into an unquenchable lust.
In that moment, Aziraphale knew his destiny. He was destined for a day of tiresome bickering with a devastatingly handsome and soul-crushingly insufferable man. If he walked out now, he could convince the young executive assistant in charge of the phones to give him his. She seemed to like him, maybe had the littlest crush on him. Once he had his phone, he would email his resignation to Gabriel and polish his resume on the plane home to the city.
Aziraphale did his best to smile, pushed away thoughts of fleeing his godforsaken job for good. A grown man, he was a grown man who could make it through one long weekend of asinine activities.
read on ao3
@voluptatiscausa, @malachitegrey, @adverbian, @meatballlady @kneelbeforeyourdogbabylon
@genderqueer-hippie, @goodomensafterdark
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Good Omens Fic Rec: Collaborative Activities
In that moment, Aziraphale knew his destiny. He was destined for a day of tiresome bickering with a devastatingly handsome and soul-crushingly insufferable man. If he walked out now, he could convince the young executive assistant in charge of the phones to give him his. She seemed to like him, maybe had the littlest crush on him. Once he had his phone, he would email his resignation to Gabriel and polish his resume on the plane home to the city. “Fell!” Aziraphale did his best to smile, pushed away thoughts of fleeing his godforsaken job for good. A grown man, he was a grown man who could make it through one long weekend of asinine activities. While on a corporate retreat, estranged co-workers Aziraphale and Crowley get teamed up together. They encounter something on their hike, something that brings a buried desire to the surface and transforms it into an unquenchable lust.
Length: 12,776 words
AO3 Rating: Explicit / Spice Level 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Best for: After Dark, Human AU, Mystery
Triggers: None
Read it here, fic by scullyphile
*Minor Spoilers* It's not often that I can write a rec post immediately after reading a fic, but I'm able to now, and more than that, I'm BUZZING to talk about this fic!! This was so good!!
In this human AU, Crowley and Aziraphale are coworkers at an advertising firm with a complicated past. Right off the bat, it's a setting that works perfectly. Aziraphale works on an upper level and Crowley on one of the lower ones, so it parallels perfectly to the canon of Heaven and Hell being different levels of the same office building. Aziraphale hates Crowley for reasons you'll find out, and when he is paired up with him for a company-mandated hike, well, he's not happy. I loved their chemistry, the banter, the stupid puns. Really, everything in the first half of the story kept me super engaged and fulfilled even if it had ended there.
But then we get to the next half of the story. Here is where it went into overdrive for me. It's a much more casual fandom for me, but I've been an X-Files fan since childhood. Usually, the plots of episodes are really hazy for me until I'm actually rewatching them. So, it took me a while to make the connection on the "loosely based on an X-Files episode" tag. Ohhhh, what a genius inspiration!!! This is a sex pollen fic, so expect some uncontrollable sexual urges. But more than that, expect things to not be as they appear. I simply cannot say more, you need to find out for yourself how this plays out.
This is so, so, so much fun. I loved this a lot. My only complaint is that it's not a million words long and it ended. Please, more X-Files inspirations/crossovers. Oh my god, I didn't realize how much I needed that. After dark read that I hope you guys also enjoy!
Read it here, fic by scullyphile
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mishapen-dear · 4 months
i love it when bad is very specifically a good roleplayer by giving other people good prompts. like casually bringing up wilbur now to tallulah. or when he put missa in the petting zoo. or all those times he Tormented the Lesbians so they could protect each other from him. its just so !!!! I love watching roleplayers be considerate of other roleplayers and gleefully hand over something they Know the other person's character can react to. i've seen cellbit do it, too (that time he handed his knife to bbh. oh my god). it's not a rare thing, and it's possible to be a good roleplayer without keeping that sort of considerate back and forth in mind, but its one of my favourite things to notice. foolish does it too, sometimes- i haven't watched him much, but i did take note of when he Made Sure to bring jaiden along with him on a cucurucho quest. and basically every interaction he had with bad when the eggs were missing. its just so so good
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johnconn · 6 months
The sheep betrayal makes me so fucking emo cause its like, there's a bunch of little homeless kids who help out a fellow kid, no questions asked, only to find out that kid is a powerhouse and he's agreed to tag along and he protects you but instead of feeling protected you get scared of him and the idea that one day he might realize his potential and leave you to fend for yourself once again. And you've seen his power so you know if he ever uses it against you its over. So you do anything you can to make sure that never happens. On the other hand there's chuuya who fights for these kids with his life and thinks of them as family and he's so emotionally attached that even after the betrayal there's no question in his mind about whether to continue to protect the sheep or not. He just does.
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A reminder to my fellow Swifties:
Taylor attending a comedy show presented by an activist and collaborating with an artist who is an activist does NOT mean that Taylor is an activist.
Please stop praising her for the work of other artists. If she wanted to, she could use her huge platform to engage with important issues. Instead, she chooses not to.
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maphel-n-doodles · 1 year
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Shallow are the pools we use to see our reflection.
Done in part of a collaboration for the @narutobigreversebang event with @uchihauahas. You can find the accompanying fic here on AO3.
I enjoyed every step of this collab, and I'm very grateful we got this out to the world. It's been a dream come true for sure!
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ohno-the-sun · 1 year
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Some little doodles of Sun and Freddy’s relationship before Moon
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miodiodavinci · 4 months
collapses to the ground like a deflated balloon
#my god#stage one is finally complete . . . . . . . .#if you can recall that poll i reblogged about passing out#that important contact i received was mr. seto of the vocaloid team#who messaged me asking about a collaboration and quite literally nearly caused me to pass out#i read the message preview on my phone#stood up#saw stars#and collapsed onto my bed and had to lay down for like. 10 minutes before my body would stop feeling distant and weak w#i similarly felt ready to pass out today when i sent a message to ask when the announcement tweet would be#and they tweeted it. immediately after w#no joke rice and i were scrambling behind the scenes to get our act together and figure out what we wanted to say KHGJGSJKFHGKJ#all the while screaming because yamaha said they'd be posting it on valentine's day and we thought they meant our timezone w#because the whole point of this collab was to get the zolas more well known in the english-speaking sphere w#EITHER WAY#i am. so so tired and now i need to pass out so i can get enough sleep before more internship tomorrow w#which is heating up because my seminar professor wants a detailed plan of my final project goals This Friday#but my mentor won't know anything about where to fit that in until Thursday at the earliest#and my supervisor just hounded me over email to coordinate with the two other people at my station and choose an activity to lead#but that requires. planning. that our mentors won't have until thursday........#perishing . . . . . .
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carpathiians · 4 months
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autogeneity · 1 month
what an incredibly odd interview. they did, like, 80% of the talking. I'm not sure if they were expecting me to like interject or say things in response or something? I don't think I got the job. idk. on the one hand just carrying on talking and not asking much more might be something you do if you already decided no early on and are just biding time. on the other hand idk why you'd spend so much time detailing things about the job to someone you've decided against rather than just ending earlier. I guess if you were kinda hoping to nudge them into saying something else? if so I definitely missed the hint.
they only actively asked, like, 3 standard questions (tell me about yourself, what languages have you worked with, and a project you are proud of). they spent probably like 15 minutes telling me about shit they do. occasionally they'd pause to be, like, "do you have any experience with that" mid-explaining, like they just remembered to check rather than, y'know, being in the business of interrogating me. which, like, I tried to answer with some details of things I've done with it but. yeah. there's only so much I can say about if I've used postgres.
and then we spoke about the assessment I'd submitted briefly; I think they were reasonably happy with it but were maybe expecting me to say more words? I dunno.
I was expecting more, idk, technical questions or something. for their software engineer interview, they made me go through how I'd process the data for a specific scenario, for instance.
struggling to tell what the hell to make of this, lmao. guess I just gotta wait and see. I definitely think I should have said more words, somewhere, somehow. but idk beyond that.
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abalidoth · 1 year
Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and put one more thing on. Because maximalism kicks ass and Coco Chanel was a fucking Nazi.
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thursdayglrl · 2 months
I think it's funny that people took the word "parallel play" and declared its a neurodivergent thing. no it's a child development thing I'm pretty sure most adults understand the concept of "comfortable silence" and "wanting company while I do things, but not necessarily wanting to talk'
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ottiliere · 1 year
I love crawling out of the depths, opening up tumblr, and seeing your art. I love it.
it is quite interesting how social media can fall to the wayside, and people on the internet can just disappear forever if they really wanted to! I admit I struggle to keep up with "public accounts", they are uniquely stressful and I solute your hibernating tenacity. always lovely to see you resurface regardless, thank you very much for the lovely compliment...
I will say in case any of my dear followers were wondering where i've gone for the past month and a half, for weeks i've been pondering how to even broach the enormity of the topic that is: I made the mistake of thinking about my most favorite character for more than 2 minutes in one sitting. I intentionally go out of my way to avoid this and have many strategies to evade this occurring because every time I do enter a sort of hermetically sealed mental chamber where it's just me and him and his life and I begin to ignore all points of previously established social contact and also my health indefinitely. It's difficult to convey the emotional experience of this or its psychic magnitude. and it's hard to say "guys i really love this character!" because that's just words. you can't see it. the 10 years of obsessively thinking about some guy so intensely on&off cyclically until you've made 20 different worlds he's living in... how does one convey the depth of these without artistically depicting them as you see them to be...? i am trying to figure it out. currently planning a longform comic for my favorite and several smaller comics for others, but logically an individual can understand this takes a while... he and I have had multiple rendezvous over the past decade and I wish I had more "historical" art to show but for many of these years I have been a bit too physically disabled to draw, the past several weeks have been spent attempting to recreate his ideal form as he exists in my head. he is starting to come around!
I typed up three separate disquisitions last month to try and explain my feelings on him and none of them felt like the proper vessel to communicate this concept. which is likely for the best. the obvious answer is "just draw him". fine with this being the case, difficult when I have so many drawing ideas I'm now sitting on 100+ works in progress and they just keep accumulating since my brain generates these like an old laptop you leave in the corner of your room to mine bitcoin. in a way I'm content with this being a very "personal" experience thus far, shared with me and those in my inner social circle (really cannot emphasize to my readers enough how fandom can poison your constitution without self-checked moderation). however... I yearn to meet others who are as passionately involved with him as I am, because I think we could coalesce our ideas, and passion, into something beautiful...
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^dio brando
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afaramir · 1 month
hi abby!! you love talking abt your fics? well, as it happens, i LOVE listening to people talk abt their fics *high-fives you* so hereee u go: 8, 17, 23, 24, 33 and 40 :)
hiiii ria thank you <333 [high fives you back] this is a beautiful synergy we are living...sorry this took me several days i just kept not having a shareable last line. for every we're so back there is always an it's so over. we're here now and that's what matters LOL
8. share the last line that you wrote
you have kept me waiting, my lord steward, she says when his footsteps stop, his reflection hovering just out of reach of her mirror.
well this is NOT umbar fic OR condolences congratulations. one day i will learn to finish one thing before i start another. but it is set in a slightly alternate version of the same reality. this is the crazy forty years later everyone lives au where aragorn is king and denethor is his steward and finduilas is actually the one running the place. it’s just an excuse for me to write “what if we made our healthy loving political marriage a messier and more political v-shape because you just HAD to officially get back together with your situationship from when you were 25 and oh he just HAPPENS to be the king.” they are shockingly functional about it (i do not know if i could call it healthy. but it is Incredibly High-Functioning and They Are Having Fun. so who am i to stop them!). conceptually/vibes-wise this is the result of my mind stirring around "their wives know the steward serves the king, and sometimes that goes beyond matters of state" (like truly...WHOA boy. that knocked me flat. @bretwalda-lamnguin i WILL respond to that post eventually i have things to say they just have to marinate a little longer) + regent!finduilas as a concept and an Energy + finduilas's general pure concentrated "i can fix him" beam + also going on a tangent off of anna @potatoesandsunshine's "our marriage is already bad enough what if we ruined someone else's life with it" theory. and this came out.
17. what is your favourite trope to write
NAMES AND TITLES AND MANNERS OF ADDRESS BABY!!! that shit is like drugs for me. whenever i'm messing around with it i feel like i am at the very height of caring about and understanding my own work i KNOW that sounds obnoxious as hell but like. aghhhhh. im in there THINKING. about specifically when and where and how one manner of address might shift to another and whether that is different inside the narration and out loud and what each name and title means in which situation. yeah im normal about hierarchies why do you ask.
23. where do you usually write
my beloved local coffeeshop down the street from my apartment! i am there as i write this. my regular barista often makes fun of me bc he sees me running for the train in the morning bc i am perpetually late for work. unfortunately the earliest i can make it out of the house in the evening is 7 and they close at 9 but it’s a good two hours. then it’s off to my friends’ apartment (they’re my downstairs neighbours i basically also live there) for like another two hours. yeah i do this every day. i am aware i am insane but it is the only way i get anything done.
24. which fic do you think is your funniest
hmm. i feel like im not often intending to be particularly funny. wait no its definitely open arms. “sokka, panicking: you like guys!” is literally in the description. i wrote it bc of a shitpost. WOW that is possibly the throwback of all time. that’s like the first fic i wrote back when i started getting really Good at writing because i was wildly hyperfixated on avatar and it was covid and i wrote 100k in a year. well well well
33. which of your fic titles is your favourite
ok i did do this one but im gonna give a runner up. TO THE VERY DEAR MEMORY OF [ ] is a personal fave for sure bc it's. idk nontraditional? well it's based off of this image and it took me a long time of testing different things before i figured out a way to appropriately represent that erasure of the name on the headstone by the water...the sensation that there Used to be something there, that there was Supposed to be something there, but all that is left is the water. and i'm very pleased by the effect of the brackets and how it looks on the ao3 page. it just brings me a lot of joy to let myself kind of fuck around and do whatever i think is cool. im trying so so so hard to internalize "get weird with it!" and its the baby steps out here.
40. pick one of your fics and share a quote to go with it (not a quote from the fic, but an outside quote that fits)
ooh ok a throwback. race for a hurricane (speaking of the titles/names/manners of address trope this is my BEST execution of it) + "the french have a saying: the fate of glass is to break. maybe the fate of spies is to just fade away. but with any luck, we leave something behind" -spectre, 2015. im getting that last line tattooed someday.
fic writer asks
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Solarpunk Music to Inspire Action with Thomas Cannon
On today’s episode, Ariel talks with Thomas Cannon about solarpunk music and his new album MESH NETWORK. What was the inspiration behind this work of solarpunk ambient music? What is solarpunk music, anyway, and how can it help us today to create the just, sustainable, and equitable future that we all want to live in? Join us for a discussion of the album tracks, artwork, instruments, the process of collaborative music-making, and more.
AlexisNicole / @blackforager on Instagram’s post on culturally-specific consumption of meat and veganism:
Food prices in Canadian north articles.
Country food definition from the Canadian Encyclopedia.
You can stream or buy MESH NETWORK at Bandcamp.com; bundled with the album purchase are the liner notes for each track as well as a beautiful art book.
EXCLUSIVE: Solarpunk Presents podcast listeners can get 50% off at checkout with the code “solarpunkpresents”
You can find and follow Thomas Cannon on his Bandcamp profile and at his personal website, thomascannon.me
Connect with Solarpunk Presents Podcast on Mastodon @[email protected], or at our blog https://solarpunkpresents.com/
Connect with Ariel at her blog and on Mastodon @[email protected]
Connect with Christina at her blog, on Twitter @xtinadlr, and on Mastodon @[email protected]
Support the show on Patreon or make a one-time donation via PayPal.
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ultramarine-spirit · 10 months
WMMAP's manhwa: Now in Thai!
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I'm a little bit late reporting about this, but WMMAP's manhwa will get an official Thai translation! The physical books will be released by SENSE T Publishing in collaboration with KW Books.
Translator: เฟริน (Ferin)
Price: 460 Baht per book
The books include postcards and bookmarks, and preorders will also receive 2 acrylic keychains (5x5 cm).
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