#Confessions era
itsallmadonnasfault · 22 days
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Madonna 2006
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madonna-madness · 2 years
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y2kbrat-1995 · 2 years
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Yeah! - Usher featuring Lil Jon & Ludacris
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captainmera · 1 month
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Oh look! Some IBWR related art! :D
Studying some hairstyles for my fave girl Sally! :)
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yourgalgremlin · 11 days
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I 🩵 Maxence Danet-Fauvel (the Barty fancast)
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murk888 · 5 months
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(i can't find any other words right now. no thoughts only big shot. he occupies my mind. lives there rent free. leaves no free space at all. the big shot is very big indeed)
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lulublack90 · 1 month
Prompt 3 - Love Confession
@wolfstarmicrofic May 3, word count 670
Sirius loved everything about Remus. He loved the way his nose wrinkled when someone suggested something he didn’t want to do. He loved the way he bounced on the balls of his feet in excitement when Sirius bought him a new book, and he loved the dragon-like possessiveness Remus had about his chocolate supply. Sirius had bought him a small box that looked like a treasure chest as a joke one year, but it now held most of Moony’s chocolate supply. He wouldn’t tell Sirius where the rest was hidden. But the thing that Sirius especially loved about Remus was what he did when everyone else was asleep and the curtains around the bed were drawn and Remus would just—
“Oi, Padfoot, you up here?” James bellowed as he clambered up the stairs. James’s shouting pulled him away from his thoughts, cursing his best friend under his breath as the image of Remus towering above him was sucked from his mind's eye as he paid attention to James. “Ah, there you are, excellent. Wanna come down the quidditch pitch with me and shoot the quaffle around for a bit?” Sirius beamed at his best friend, his brother.
“Yeah, go on then. Is Moony in the common room?” James nodded.
“Yeah, he’s got that muggle book he’s reading and an enormous bar of chocolate.” James laughed. “Make it quick yeah, I want to get onto the pitch before it gets dark.” Sirius rolled his eyes. 
They’d never hidden their relationship. Sirius was far too loud to hide it for long away. Plus, he was proud to call Remus his boyfriend. James and Peter and the girls had been surprisingly alright with it. Not that he’d expected anything less from James. But they still didn’t rub everyone's noses in it. Remus would hate it if Sirius tried to copy some of the displays of affection other couples got up to in the common room. Even Sirius blushed at some of it. So they kept to holding hands and quick sweet kisses when they were around people. But alone, that was a different beast entirely. 
Sirius pulled on his quidditch gear and hurried down the stairs after James. 
He spotted Remus in the corner by the window. He’d pulled his favourite armchair from its usual spot and put it where he wanted it. He had his softest jumper on, the one Sirius loved to steal, and as James had said, was curled up in his chair, nose stuck in his book and only moving it away from his face to let in that enormous chocolate bar that he was taking giant bites of. The poor thing was littered with teeth marks. 
Sirius watched as the tip of Remus’s tongue darted out between his lips and licked up the small spot of melted chocolate from the corner of his mouth. That was when Sirius knew. Right at that moment. 
He stalked towards his lover and moved the book aside before hopping into his lap. He cradled Remus’s head in both of his hands and told him. 
“I love you,” in a soft husky voice. He’d never said it before, never let himself even think about it with anyone. He hadn't even thought he was capable of it. But Remus was different. That feeling swelled from his heart and coursed though his own body, changing him. He loved Remus and he always would. 
Before Remus could do anything, Sirius had closed the gap and pressed his lips to Remus’s greedily. He could taste the chocolate on Remus’s breath. But Remus didn’t kiss him back, instead he pushed him away. Sirius panicked. Shit what have I done? He probably doesn’t even feel the same way. Remus smiled at him. He leaned forward and stroked his thumb along Sirius’s jaw as he murmured his own confession into Sirius's ear. 
“I love you too,” Sirius’s heart soared. 
He never did make it to the quidditch pitch, but Remus certainly enjoyed peeling him out of those tight quidditch trousers.
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sinnbaddie · 3 days
Thinking about anbu Kakashi and his struggle with the amount of love he has for Gai. So I made a comic about Kakashi being presented with a rare opportunity
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Kakashi: … Gai…
Gai: mhm?
Kakashi: *stumbles off his back*
(At the same time) Gai: Kakashi! | Kakashi: … *incoherent noises*
Gai: what did you say?
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Kakashi: I said… I said I… I love you.
Gai: what?
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Kakashi: you mean a lot to me and-and well I like being by your side. I like your laugh and your face. You give good hand massages, you’re really funny and you’re thoughtful… you’ve always been there, I don’t want you to go away. I like you Gai and I think-I think I want to kiss you
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extasiswings · 1 month
No because it can’t be about the cheating. Buck would be concerned about the cheating because it’s so out of character and Eddie going there means something is very wrong. But I don’t see that being something that results in Eddie feeling like he has no one/like he’s isolated even from Buck. Buck would do anything for Eddie. So what else would blow up their relationship badly enough that Eddie would feel isolated from Buck?
Thinking about Buck’s complicated feelings during the will reveal, the shades of anger and hurt that Eddie kept something so important a secret, especially when it was something it really would have helped to hear at any number of points when Buck was struggling before then. Thinking about Eddie’s romantic feelings being the last huge secret like that for which Buck remains in the dark…yeah…yeah…
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itsallmadonnasfault · 2 months
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madonna-madness · 2 years
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y2kbrat-1995 · 2 years
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bimoonphases · 2 months
@wolfstarmicrofic March 31 – prompt 31: Veritaserum – word count 383
Veritaserum - Forces the taker to tell the truth
It had been Peter’s idea to pinch a vial of Veritaserum from Slughorn’s supply room and use it to make the spin the bottle Sirius had requested for his birthday a bit more interesting. Even Remus had agreed to play, and they had been going around the circle of people Sirius had invited for quite some time now. So far, a lot of crushes from their first years at Hogwarts had been revealed, Peter had managed to make Evan Rosier blush, Mary had very candidly said she regretted never having gotten the chance to sleep with Remus, Regulus was learning way too much about his brother’s sex life and Barty had propositioned pretty much everyone at least twice. Still, James’s original plan, to somehow push Sirius and Remus to confess their undying love for each other and put everyone else who had to deal with their longing stares and complete lack of action on both parts out of their misery, wasn’t working as well as he had hoped. It was Lily’s turn again to spin and the bottle ended up pointing at Remus.
“I had a crush on you in first year and actually fantasised about our wedding,” she said really fast, blushing furiously.
This time, James knew Sirius had reached his breaking point a couple of seconds before he snapped.
“Are you all in love with Moony?” he exclaimed.
 James opened his mouth, but Regulus was faster.
“I don’t know,” he said, looking his brother in the eye. “Are you?”
“Of course I am, what stupid question is that?” Sirius blurted out.
A stunned silence followed, only broken by James and Peter high-fiving.
“You what?” Remus said in a strangled voice.
“I… Fuck,” Sirius groaned, hiding his face in his hands.
No one moved or spoke for some minutes, so James rolled his eyes. It seemed the job wasn’t quite done after all.
“I think he said he’s in love with you, Moony,” he paused then went for the kill. “Aren’t you too?”
“Of course I’m love with hi-”
Remus clamped a hand over his mouth as Sirius looked up from his hands.
“You are?”
Remus just nodded and Sirius shifted closer, delicately peeling his hand away from his mouth before leaning in and kissing him. The Common Room erupted in cheers.
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hi! I saw that pretty much all of the Harry Potter fandom confession blogs have been dead for years, so I decided a marauders confessions blog was in order. Send your unpopular/controversial opinions to my ask box
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xxlady-lunaxx · 2 months
hi, I'm not sure if you accept requests rn, but if you do, can u make a oneshot of sanemi nursing giyuu back to health after a near-death experience? like a demon, or maybe drowning, if not that's totally fine!
hhihi anon<3
Yes, I do accept requests from here bc I get considerably less on tumblr (which is a relief btw-), so I'll do it
I hope I wrote this quickly enough ;x; I think it took a couple of days, sorry
Thoughts of you | {SaneGiyuu}
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Theme: Floof w/ practically non-existent angst
Note: Aaaa there wasn't a lot of the 'nursing back to health' IM SORRY- bc it was mostly giyuu falling in love towards middle-end
Giyuu had worked himself to near-death quite literally. It wasn't on purpose, really! He had just gone... overboard. He'd gotten distracted. Which was unlike himself, unlike a Hashira. But it happened, and there wasn't any going back. He had trained from hour to hour, little to no stop, slept about two hours total in the last three days, and hadn't bothered to get any proper food. He supposed it was some prolonged adrenaline that kept him throughout the days, letting him trudge on. He had gotten another mission, at one point, after these days of totally-taking-care-of-himself, and had gone along tiredly. He had no time to rest, after all.
He had arrived on time, luckily, and had decapitated the demon within the first ten minutes. There was a couple other demons, which took longer to kill because they were hiding. Once finding them, he sapped up the strength he had left and killed them as well. He found, however, that he had used up any energy he'd had left, and tipped over. He wobbled, trying and failing to regain his balance. Then next thing he knew, he was submerged in water, arms aching as he attempted to swim to the surface. He hadn't realized there was an ocean here.
Then he realized there had been some sort of river, maybe. Connecting to a waterfall? It was either considerably deeper than he'd imagined or he was simply too exhausted to get up. He was floating upside down, his eyes shut tight to prevent water from entering them. He felt something sharp grazing his arm and flinched away before realizing it was his katana. He struggled for a moment, trying to sheathe it, but failed. He didn't feel like moving. His body felt like lead and he didn't know if he would ever move again. He felt the breath being drawn out from his lungs, replaced by water. It stung and he coughed, then realized that struggling would only worsen the pain. He stopped, allowing the water to enter his mouth, ignoring the throb in his lungs and the impulse to cough it out.
And suddenly he was flying. Rising? What was happening? His senses had long since faded to a low dull but he felt strong arms wrapping around his torso, lifting him up and out of the water. He felt heavier, the water that had soaked into his clothing weighing him down.
"Damn you, Tomioka..." a distant voice from above him said, annoyance and concern lacing the words.
Giyuu coughed pitifully, the air hitting him like a gust of arctic wind. He was placed down, grass poking at his skin. Hands pressed on his chest, making his cough more, water slowly forcing his way into or out of his lungs. He felt like he couldn't breathe, and didn't make a move to try. He vaguely registered lips against his own, the blissful feeling of air in his lungs again, before blacking out, his senses going dark.
He woke up, eventually. It hurt to breathe and he struggled to draw in a steady breath. His hand stung and he recalled having cut it somehow. His head throbbed like a lightbulb, fading in and out. He sat up slowly, dizzy from the blood that rushed to his head. He blinked. He was laying in a futon, a blanket draped over his body. He lifted his injured hand and found it bandaged. He looked around. He didn't recognize this place. It was unfamiliar to him, and he hated it.
His breath was constricted, though, and if he couldn't breathe well there really wasn't any chance of leaving. He coughed, the unsettling feeling of water still in his lungs making him want to tear them out.
His coughing had brought attention to him and he heard only a minute later he heard a clattering sound of something wooden falling, then footsteps making their way quickly to the room. He went to pretend he was asleep but was a moment too late when, to his shock, Sanemi entered. 
He walked to the futon, kneeling down. "You're an idiot, Tomioka, you know that, right?"
Giyuu didn't respond, wondering if this was Sanemi's house then—or if he had simply been put up to the task of helping him.
Sanemi let out a breath. "Fine, be it your way. Does anything hurt particularily badly?"
Giyuu considered this and shook his head. No, nothing did. It stung when he breathed in and his hand and head hurt, but none of them were bad. He'd definitely experienced worse before.
"Good," Sanemi said with a nod. "Now, tell me what you were doing tipping over into the water on your mission."
"I'm sorry," Giyuu mumbled. He didn't know why he had let down his guard, let himself fall. He honestly didn't.
"You better be. Also, I had Kocho run some tests on you too. Turns out you haven't eaten or drunk enough water in the past few days or so, also you've had not even close to enough sleep, and according to your crow you haven't stopped training to do much in the first place," Sanemi said, an exasperated sigh leaving his body. "You're an idiot, Tomioka. Take better care of yourself."
Giyuu hesitated. "She can see that much from a test?"
Sanemi lifted a shoulder. "It was also just eyeing you. Those eyebags were enough indication in terms of sleep."
Sanemi nodded.
"I feel better now, I can go home," Giyuu said, starting to stand.
Sanemi pushed him back down. "No. You're staying here and sleeping until you get better. I don't want to see you getting up for anything except the bathroom, alright?"
Giyuu frowned. "But-"
There were no more arguments to be said. Sanemi left to go make some food and Giyuu was on his own again, fuming.
He looked down at himself and realized, for the first time, that he wasn't in his own clothes. Had Sanemi changed him?
He glanced around, not seeing his haori around. A sort of panic rose in him and he scrambled up, wobbling for a second, before making his way to the hall where he'd seen Sanemi go. He scampered through it, looking right and left. Had his haori fallen off or been ripped or?-
Sanemi stopped him, clear annoyance directed towards Giyuu. "What the hell are you doing up? I told you to stay down unless you needed the bathroom!"
Giyuu ignored him. "Where's... my haori?" he asked quietly, urgently.
Sanemi let out a breath. "If that was all, you could've just asked." Then his expression softened as he noticed the panic in Giyuu's voice. "It's fine. I washed it and it's drying now. You were soaked from the river, I wasn't about to leave you in those clothes and let you get sick."
Giyuu relaxed. He trusted that Sanemi wouldn't do anything to his haori—he didn't have any reason to, after all. "...thank you," he mumbled.
Sanemi nodded. "Now, back to bed."
He marched him back to the room, tucking him in. 
"I'll bring you your food. So cooperate, okay?"
Giyuu nodded.
Sanemi nodded back, gave him one last look, before closing the door and going back down the hall.
Despite Sanemi's usual arrogance, he was surprisingly tender when caring for Giyuu. There were times he reminded him of Tsutako, his hands gently wrapping bandages back around Giyuu's injured hand, feeding him food when Giyuu lapsed into some sort of fever for a couple days. It was soothing, almost, and Giyuu found great comfort from it. He didn't know that Sanemi was able to be like this but he loved it and hoped that maybe it would last a bit longer.
Though he was considerably kinder to Giyuu, Sanemi still found ways to berate him, getting mad at him when he tried getting up on his own during the fever. 
While carrying him to the bathroom, Sanemi would snap at him, saying that he was being stubborn for not letting himself be helped. It was ironic that he reminded Giyuu of Tsutako; they were complete opposites in every way possible. But it was what seperated him from Tsutako, it was what made him his own person. And it was what made Giyuu's heart throb almost yearningly around Sanemi. He didn't understand it, at first. He figured it was just a reminising of his past days as a child—those of which he could barely remember, he might add. And yet as time passed on, he found it wasn't that. He found he had fallen for Sanemi. Somehow.
He thought it would be a fleeting crush. Maybe just happy to be with Sanemi when he was being nicer. But it grew stronger as days passed. Then Giyuu was allowed out, he was released back into the comfort of his own home. Yet he went back to Sanemi the following day, offering him some food as a thank you. They sat together and talked, drank tea and had some mochi. It was wonderful.
He managed to convince himself, at one point, that he was only coming to thank him for it. That it meant nothing. But it became clear, and he couldn't deny it anymore, when he stopped by the following days, found himself around Sanemi constantly, and... And his thoughts seemed to trail to Sanemi no matter what. Oh, look, a dog! Sanemi likes dogs. A cat? Sanemi never cared for cats. There's a snake in that pet shop! Obanai has a snake. Sanemi and Obanai are friends, right? Obanai is one of the few Sanemi actually gets along with. Hmm, maybe some tea would be good. Sanemi seemed to like tea—or at least have it often with ohagi. 
No, yeah, no. Giyuu was in love.
Upon Sanemi's threats, Giyuu started taking more mind to himself. He tried to sleep at least a couple hours per day, tried to eat and drink more water, kept track of the time and his own body while training. He felt proud of himself for going through with Sanemi's words—then immediately felt childish for being proud. But he continued at it. Although if he hadn't, he probably would've been forced to by Shinobu or Sanemi in the first place. 
Usually, on his missions, Giyuu managed to avoid any injuries worse than a scratch. Except he had gotten distracted this time. His distraction had caught himself off guard and, as he hurried to get back to the present, the demon had managed to slash his leg where the uniform wasn't protecting him. It wasn't a particularily strong demon, so it didn't do much harm, but blood still dampened his clothing. Giyuu killed the demon quickly and then stumbled out of the village he had been in, avoiding people. His calf stung and he winced as he walked. 
He realized that the closest house he knew of that he could go to from here wasn't his own or the Butterfly Estate. Rather, it was Sanemi's. Figuring he could persuade Sanemi for, maybe, some bandages, he rushed over, ignoring the pain that stabbed his leg as he ran. 
He knocked on the door. Luckily, dawn was approaching, so Sanemi was home. The door opened and Sanemi rolled his eyes upon seeing Giyuu injured. He grabbed Giyuu by the elbow and tugged him inside, closing the door behind him.
"Are you going to keep injuring yourself and running to me for help?" Sanemi asked with slight irritation, searching through his drawers for something.
Giyuu lifted a shoulder. "I didn't come to you the first time."
"Still." Sanemi turned, bandages and some cotton balls in hand. He knelt, having Giyuu sit on a chair, and rolled Giyuu's pant leg up, wiping the blood away then dabbing the cotton balls with something and cleaning the wound. He wrapped the bandages around it, tucked it in, then looked up. "Doesn't hurt bad, does it?"
Giyuu shook his head. "It's fine. The demon wasn't that strong. I just... got distracted."
Sanemi frowned. "So you're off forgetting you're also human and overworking yourself to half-death, then you're getting distracted and getting injured by a weak demon now?" he asked pointedly, a disappointed sigh leaving him. 
"...when you put it like that," Giyuu mumbled. 
"Why the fuck were you even distracted?" Sanemi asked, resting a hand on Giyuu's knee as he pulled himself up.
Giyuu hesitated. "I was... thinking."
Sanemi paused. "What?"
"Sorry, nevermind, nothing," Giyuu said quickly, standing suddenly and nearly knocking Sanemi and the chair over. 
"What the fuck do you mean, me?" Sanemi asked, stepping in front of Giyuu and stopping him from moving forward.
"No, I..." Giyuu shook his head. "Nothing." 
"...Tomioka," Sanemi said. 
Giyuu looked up. 
"Tomioka, do you like me?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"W...WHAT???" Giyuu asked, startled. He fell back onto the chair in his shock.
"God, why are you shouting now?" Sanemi said with a sigh.
"That was so random..." Giyuu mumbled.
"Yeah, well, you're acting like you like me. So either you clarify that you're not, or I'm going to keep you here until you tell me something worth hearing," Sanemi said, poising his hands on his hips. 
Giyuu let out a breath. "I can't clarify something that's not true."
Sanemi cocked his head to the side. "What?"
"You told me to clarify that I didn't like you," Giyuu said quietly.
Sanemi took a moment to understand. "Oh. Oh, so you do?"
Giyuu nodded slowly, looking away. It couldn't hurt to tell him, right? He would probably just act as he had before he had helped him. Angry and annoyed at him. 
And yet.
"Hm. That's unexpected," Sanemi admitted. 
"Can I go now?" Giyuu asked. 
Sanemi thought for a moment. "No."
"But I told you-"
"Yeah, shut up," Sanemi said with a huff. He glanced down at Giyuu's lap the promptly sat down, facing him. 
Giyuu flushed and tried pushing Sanemi off for a half second, before his hands fell to his side and he looked up at Sanemi. "What're you...?"
"If you like me, then would you date me?" Sanemi asked curiously, ignoring his question.
Giyuu considered this. "Only if you liked me too."
"Then will you be my boyfriend?" Sanemi inquired, sounding so casual it took Giyuu a moment to understand the question.
"I... Wha- You- I said if you liked me, only," Giyuu stuttered, struggling to comprehend what exactly had happened. 
"I do," Sanemi said. 
"But... what? How? What?"
Sanemi rolled his eyes. "Do you want to be my boyfriend or do you want me to slap you?"
Giyuu grew quiet again. "Fine."
"Fine what? Because if you don't clarify, I'm going to assu-"
"We can date," Giyuu interrupted, averting his eyes. "If you want it too."
Sanemi smiled. "There. That wasn't so hard, was it?" Then, abruptly, he kissed him. It was fleeting, but it felt like an eternity of bliss, somehow, and Giyuu longed for it again when he pulled away.
Sanemi stood, moving back to give Giyuu room. "Alright, now go back home and take care of your leg. Don't keep injuring yourself and being idiotic."
Giyuu opened his mouth to say something, then closed it, unsure. He stood and walked to the door. Sanemi saw him out, watching him leave.
Then, once outside, Giyuu turned back and walked back to the door. "Can you kiss me again?" he asked tentatively.
Sanemi raised an eyebrow. "Want a good-bye kiss?"
Giyuu lifted a shoulder. "Is that bad?"
"Not at all." Sanemi leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Giyuu's lips, moving back a moment later. "Bye, Tomioka."
Giyuu lowered his head in a quick bow. "Thank you."
Sanemi's mouth curved in a smile. "See you later."
"'Later," Giyuu agreed, walking back home.
« Word count: 2600 »
those oneshots where you like how it started and hate how it ended
smh I can never write something where I like the whole thing 😭
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itsallmadonnasfault · 29 days
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Confessions Tour 2006
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