kamilhollis-blog · 1 year
Learn Programming Skills at Your Own Pace
If you're in search of a way to improve or change your career path in tech, I hope this can help you succeed.
Online resources for learning computer programming have become increasingly popular in recent years, with a wide variety of options available for individuals of all skill levels. Whether you are a complete beginner or looking to expand your knowledge, there are a few resources available that can help you achieve your goals. In this article, we will look at some of the best online resources for…
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rohisato · 2 years
SPOLOUS EX play courseA (スポラウスEX ルートA B2装備の下手くそプレイ)
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izicodes · 3 months
Hello, I’ve been following your blog because it’s interesting to hear about your journey for coding and the absolute joy that I see as you talk about it. S o I wish you the best! And i’m curious, currently I’m training to be a health administrator. Is there any starting coding programs or any subjects in coding or programming that I can pick up?
First of all, thanks so much for reaching out and following along on my journey (4 years going strong LET'S GO!). It truly means a lot to hear that you find it interesting enough - that's exactly the feeling I hope to convey!
Second, courses in coding/programming in regards to Health Admin; from the top of my head, I would presume that data would be involved, so any SQL courses online would help! SQL is a fundamental programming language for querying and manipulating data stored in relational databases. Getting good at it could be a plus! (Always looks nice on a CV/Resume anyways~).
Python could also be good for data analysis. Also, look into Medical Coding and see if that's something you want to go into later - it's like if you merged healthcare with programming! I don't know courses from the top of my head but you can find courses on Udemy, Coursea, or even for free YouTube (more for SQL and Python) or buy a course that gives you a certificate at the end to add to your resume or LinkedIn in the end!
Good luck! 🌷
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stylized-corpse · 4 months
Discography Deep Dive continues with Kylesa's sophomore album To Walk a Middle Course, a fantastic piece of prog and psych-infused sludge metal that retains some elements of the band's crusty past.
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neontapirguts · 1 year
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15th course
A commission for DuskToDawn__ over on Twitter.  Sometimes you wander into a restaurant, and the courses never end.  Maybe that's because terragons work there..or that could just be a coincidence. 
Posted using PostyBirb
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pumpumdemsugah · 2 years
What is your job title? I’m really interested in your shift into tech✨🤧
I don't really consider it tech but I am around alot of numbers, data and coding so I guess lol. It's more a data role than anything with finance and coding. Idk about saying my job title ( it's a pretty broad term and I might change my mind in the future) but I'm more than happy to tell you if you directly message me and answer any questions. I'm happy if any of my advice can help other women skip some of the nonsense I went through
I wanted to become a data scientist or UX designer but my brain was not having it lol and I just didn't have the skillset years ago to make the jump in a year so I had to figure out what my bridge job to that path would be. My previous job put me on a course for data science. I completed the dell data science associate and analytics, which helped and the benefit of doing courses is it will expose you to even more jobs involved in that sector. When I applied for my previous job, the job title was, data administrator but the title changed.
It got long sorry lol
When I was trying to go from customer service roles to office roles years ago, I looked up assistant positions for jobs I wanted and wrote out a list of the software, skills, achievement and main duties from the job specifications I kept seeing. This gave me a rough idea for a time line for how it will take to gain certain skills and what I'd be willing to do ( willingness is key )
Then I tried to figure out how to force my customer service job to give me opportunities to do lesser versions of these tasks, which was easy because I'm assertive and I'd just flat out ask lol. All customer service jobs usually involve admin tasks the key is figuring out what data or tech skill is similar enough that you can call those admin tasks " database maintenance"
YOUTUBE is actually really helpful for understanding what a specific skill looks like in action. It's one thing to read a duty for a job being, creating a database but you might not realise a spreadsheet is a database and that's how lots of people end up under-selling themselves. That way you can describe your skillset in a more accurate and flattering way
Going on indeed and searching for assistant versions of certain jobs and going on sites like https://www.prospects.ac.uk/ and looking up related jobs or career progression for roles can help you better apply for or find role titles, related to what you're trying to do because you might have enough skills to get entry level roles in close proximity to more data and tech jobs
Tbh data is much easier to get into but I'm in a data role so I'm biased lol
I've also tagged this and some of my other posts about this and jobs as "job blah". Hopefully something is useful and I really don't mind answering any direct messages. My job doesn't ramp up for a few weeks so I'm bored lol
However easy these YouTube videos make it sound that you can become a data analysis in a few months, ( it is possible with a good plan and Adderall) it's normal that it takes longer lol. My ADHD means everything I do takes longer.
Also I forgot about looking into credible certificates or professional certification you can pay for ( ranging anywhere from £300 to £2000 ) that you might need for certain jobs. Just make sure it's a credible provider ( LinkedIn certificates, udemy and most things on coursea don't count though it can help you learn more but jobs don't care about LinkedIn certificates)
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urmcm · 2 years
i wanna do like a coursea for something to like add to my resume but it just seem like it would be a scam
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baublefobbersleuth · 2 months
Don’t Mess with My Irrational Exuberance
I like its silky feel against my skin.It gets me through the days when Fury, Fearand Grief are signing autographs. Of coursea quality of underthings is theyneed airing. That’s what I came here to say. (c) 2023 JMN — EthicalDative. All rights reserved
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learntoearn07 · 3 months
Just know little bit about Python program !
What is Python?
Python is a computer programming language often used to build a websites and software , automate tasks , and conduct data analysis . Python is a general -purpose language , language , meaning can be used to create a variety of different programs and isn’t specialized for any specific problems . This versatility , along with its beginners – friendliness , has made it one of the most – used programming language today. A survey conducted by industry analyst firm RedMonk found that it was the most popular programming language among developers in 2020
Whats is Python used for?
Python is correctly used for developing website and software , task automation, data analysis , and data visualization . Since its relatively easy to learn . Python has been adopted by many non – programmers such as accountants and scientist , for a variety of everyday tasks , like organizing finances .
”Writing programs is a very creative and rewarding activity”, says the University of Michigan and Coursea instructor Charles R Severance in his book . Python for Everybody ”You can write programs for many reasons , ranging from making  your living to solving a problems to having fun to helping someone else solve a problems.”
Why is Python so Popular?
1. Its has a simple syntax that mimics natural language , so its easier to read and understand . This makes it quicker to build program and faster to improve on them .
2. Its versatile.Python can be used for many different tasks , from web development to machine learning.
3.Its beginners – friendly , making it popular for entry level coders
4.Its open source , which means its free to use and distribute , even for commerical purpose
5.Pyhton’s  archive of modules and libraries -bundles of code that third-party users have created to expand Python’s capabilities vast and growing.
Data analysis and machine learning
Python has become a staple in date science , allowing data analyst and other professionals to use the language to conduct computer statistical calculation , create data visualiziation , build machine learning algorithms, manipulations and analyze data , and complete other data – related tasks.
Python can build a wide range of different data visualization, like line and bar graphs , pie charts , histograms , and 30 plots . Python also has a number of libraries that enable coders to write programs for data analysis and machine learning more quickly and efficiently like TensorFlow and Keras
Web Development
Python is often used to develop that develop the back end of a website or applicants – the  parts that a user doesn’t see. Python’s role in web  development can include sending data to and from server processing data and communicating with database. URL routing and ensuring security. Python offers several framework for web development . Commonly used ones include Django and Flask.
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rveducation · 6 months
BDes course and its significance
A Bachelor of Design (BDes) course is a comprehensive undergraduate program that delves deep into the design world, offering students a dynamic and versatile educational journey. This degree equips aspiring designers with a strong foundation in various design disciplines, nurturing their creativity, technical skills, and critical thinking. Let's explore the intricacies of a BDes course and its significance in shaping the next generation of design professionals. Foundations of a BDes CourseA BDes curriculum is meticulously crafted to provide students with a multifaceted understanding of design principles, theory, and practical application. The course typically spans four years and covers various disciplines, including graphic design, industrial design, fashion design, interior design, and more. Holistic Approach to Design Education One of the primary strengths of a BDes course lies in its interdisciplinary nature. Students explore various facets of design, allowing them to develop a comprehensive skill set that transcends traditional boundaries. They learn to think critically, solve problems creatively, and communicate their ideas effectively, essential skills in the ever-evolving design industry. Hands-on Learning and Studio Environment A hallmark of a BDes program is its emphasis on hands-on learning. Students engage in studio-based projects, workshops, and real-world assignments that simulate professional design scenarios. This practical approach hones their technical skills and fosters a deep understanding of design processes and methodologies. Specializations and Electives BDes programs often offer a range of specializations or electives tailored to students' interests and career aspirations. Whether it's focusing on user experience (UX) design, sustainable design practices, digital design, or specific industry-oriented tracks, students can tailor their education to align with their passions. Industry-Relevant Curriculum
BDes courses are designed in collaboration with industry experts to ensure their relevance in the contemporary design landscape. Students gain exposure to the latest technologies, trends, and methodologies, preparing them to meet the demands of the rapidly evolving design industry upon graduation. Collaborative Projects and Networking Opportunities Collaboration is integral to a BDes course. Students often work on interdisciplinary projects, fostering teamwork, innovation, and the ability to collaborate across different design domains. Additionally, guest lectures, industry interactions, internships, and networking events provide valuable opportunities for students to connect with professionals and gain real-world insights. Career Pathways and Opportunities Upon completing a BDes course, graduates have diverse career paths available to them. They can pursue roles as graphic designers, product designers, fashion designers, UX/UI designers, and interior designers across various industries such as advertising, technology, fashion, manufacturing, and entertainment. Conclusion: Shaping Future Design Leaders
In summary, a Bachelor of Design (BDes) course offers a rich and immersive learning experience that prepares students to navigate the complexities of the design world. It equips them with a strong foundation, creative prowess, technical skills, and a holistic understanding of design principles. Aspiring designers emerge from these programs ready to make impactful contributions to the ever-evolving landscape of design, driving innovation and shaping the future of industries worldwide.
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thegolfcoursesofnyc · 7 months
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New York City Course Map
There are 16 public golf courses in New York City. Queens has the most courses (6), followed by the Bronx (5), Staten Island (3), and Brooklyn (2). There are no courses in Manhattan. This map depicts the outline of the property for each of the courseAs – the variation from site to site is striking. 
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kaobei-engineer · 7 months
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#純靠北工程師7es #純靠北工程師7fr 後續 ///// 把場館網路從家用分享器接管回 RouterOS 前,請 DMZ 工程師列出需要開啟的 port 列表,對方洋洋灑灑地列出了 20 (!), 21 (!), 80 (???), 1433 (!?), 5959 (!?) 與其他看起來滿可疑的 ports。 把固定 IP 撥接還有 port forwarding 設定好,重新讓 RouterOS 接管網路後,DMZ 工程師說他們的網頁服務都不通了。 看了一下 Cloudflare (對方所謂的雲端防火牆) 的錯誤訊息,看起來是 host unreachable,再看了一下連線紀錄,發現打進來的連線都是 443。 欸不是,那你開 80 port 是駭客友善通道嗎,區網上 (包括先前被直接接成同一個網路的訪客網路) 隨便戳一台電腦上去,開個網路鯊鯊就可以愉快收集個資了耶 :3 接著又說外網 SQL Server 連不上 (嗯?),FTP (死語) 也連不上,這樣日常維護作業會很困難。DMZ 工程師說他們公司都接政府標案,很重視資安,所有的布建都是照著那個列表開,每次都能連線,從來都沒遇到問題。 欸,接了一堆政府案子是不是某種 bad smell 啊? 看了一下那台被放在弱電機櫃裡做三溫暖 (對,旁邊小烏龜的殼甚至燒出了一個洞,可憐的烏龜) 的 Windows 機,FileZilla (死語) 設定是 active mode。 榮耀歸於 DMZ,而且那台家用分享器的 DMZ 還很勤儉持家,直接 passthrough 到 Active FTP 都會通。 我試著跟他解釋 FTP 至少要用兩個 ports 才能連線,而且 NAT 裡面應該要用 passive mode,更正確的做法是不要用 FTP 或開 VPN tunnel 來拉資料。但他很堅持只要開 port 21 就好,他們在 OO 局還有 OO 運動中心還有 OO 所都是這樣設定,連線都沒問題。 接著他遠端把 Windows 防火牆關掉,然後說「你看我防火牆都全關了還是連不上,絕對不是我的機器有問題」,對啊,因為 RouterOS 很盡責的擋掉了啊 (´・ω・`) 還沒等我處理完 FTP,他又說 SQL Server 也是只要 1433 就可以連 (FYI: MS KB 寫 named instances 預設使用 dynamic port,要只用 1433 的話需要先關閉 dynamic port 設定),堅持是我設定有誤,跟我說要開 DMZ 才能連。 ///// 我是不是該去接受一下專業的 DMZ 訓練啊,Coursea 還是 Udemy 有開課嗎,拜託各位大大帶路 QwQ
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salokaya · 1 year
Overview of the Nursing Profession and Career Opportunities in Delhi
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Are you looking to pursue a nursing course in Delhi? Are you searching for the best nursing college in Delhi? If so, this blog post is for you. In this post, we’ll provide an overview of the nursing profession and discuss the various career opportunities available in Delhi. We’ll also explore the top nursing colleges in Delhi, the courses they offer, and the skills and qualifications required to enter the field. By the end of this post, you’ll have a better understanding of the nursing profession and the various career opportunities available in Delhi.
The benefits of a Nursing Course
A nursing course in Delhi can open the doors to a fulfilling career in the medical field. As a nurse, you can provide vital care to those who need it most. There are many advantages to pursuing a nursing degree in Delhi that should be considered before embarking on this rewarding journey.
First, a nursing course in Delhi will provide you with a solid foundation of knowledge and skills in healthcare. This includes anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, nutrition, and other topics related to patient care. You will also learn about legal and ethical considerations related to healthcare. As you advance in your studies, you will build upon these foundational topics and gain greater insights into the nursing profession.
In addition, a nursing course in Delhi will give you an opportunity to hone your communication and interpersonal skills. You will interact with patients and colleagues on a daily basis, and as such, must be able to handle difficult conversations and difficult situations with grace and sensitivity. The ability to maintain composure under pressure and remain compassionate when interacting with patients is essential for any successful nurse.
Finally, a nursing course in Delhi will provide you with a platform to pursue further education in the field of nursing. This can include specialization courses, internships, or higher degrees. Having a good understanding of the latest developments in nursing will set you apart from the competition and give you an edge when seeking employment or promotions.
Overall, a nursing course in Delhi can be a great way to launch a successful career in the healthcare industry. With dedication and hard work, you can become a knowledgeable and experienced nurse that is capable of making positive contributions to the health and well-being of patients.
The nursing profession
Nursing is one of the oldest and most respected professions in the world. Nurses provide invaluable care and compassion to individuals who are in need of medical attention, as well as comfort and support for those affected by illness or injury. Nursing encompasses a wide variety of job roles and specialties, all of which require a strong commitment to patient care and a desire to make a difference in people’s lives.
Nurses can work in various settings, including hospitals, doctor’s offices, clinics, nursing homes, schools, hospices, and more. The scope of practice varies depending on the specialty and setting, but most nurses provide direct patient care, including assessing patients, administering medications, providing treatments, and monitoring their progress. In addition to providing direct patient care, nurses often coordinate care plans, supervise other healthcare staff, and advocate for their patient’s rights and needs.
Nurses must have a combination of technical and interpersonal skills in order to provide quality care. They must also be knowledgeable about medical practices and procedures and be able to work collaboratively with other healthcare professionals. A career in nursing requires dedication, compassion, and empathy, but can also be immensely rewarding.
Career opportunities for nurses in Delhi
Nursing is one of India's most popular and in-demand professions, and Delhi is no exception. Delhi has a wide variety of healthcare settings that provide nurses with many opportunities to use their skills and advance their careers. Nurses in Delhi can find employment in public and private hospitals, nursing homes, and home health services. With the right qualifications and experience, nurses can find high-paying and rewarding positions in top-tier hospitals.
Delhi also offers a range of educational opportunities for nurses looking to advance their skills. Several universities, such as Salokaya Nursing College, offer nursing courses in Delhi. These courses include Bachelor's degrees in nursing, post-basic diplomas, and Master's degrees. Additionally, nurses can attend specialized workshops and seminars to keep up with the latest advances in nursing care. With these courses, nurses can specialize in areas like obstetrics, psychiatry, and geriatrics to become more valuable members of the healthcare team.
Wrap up
As we came to know that the Nursing profession can really open doors for many opportunities in the future. So it is essential to pursue this course at the best college possible to enhance the opportunities even more. For this Salokaya is one of the finest colleges to pursue your nursing course.
Salokaya nursing college offers students the opportunity to receive a comprehensive education and hands-on training to become skilled and compassionate healthcare professionals. With experienced and dedicated faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, hands-on clinical experience, specialization options, strong job placement, career counseling and support, affordable tuition, and flexible scheduling, they are the perfect choice for students who are looking to pursue a career in nursing.
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midgardwanderings · 2 years
I have finished the Coursea course. Did so at the weekend, but there wasn't enough info about the gods to satisfy me. When I did one of the Egyptology courses last year, there were quite a lot of links to museum websites which had information on the various gods. I would have liked something like this with the Norse Mythology one. On the plus side, there are lots of written sources to explore when it comes to sagas and histories. In the early/mid 2000's, I did some adult learning courses with the University of Sheffield on Natural History and Archeology which were quite disappointing, especially the archeology ones because they hardly touched written sources. I have found a website with information on it and I plan to make notes from that - in a new notebook. I learn things better when I write them down. I also want to do research into prayer beads. I am unlikely to ever take part in blots because I am a solitary heathen - I've looked into many of the groups that exist, and most don't appeal to me because they seem to lean a lot into far-right tendencies. I don't always agree with left politics, especially modern socialism but the far right is worse in many ways so it's best avoided.
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the-crafty-hobbit · 2 years
Today I completed the Coursea course on Norse Mythology. It's an OK introduction, but I know from reading Kevin Crossley Holland's book on Norse Myths that there is some material it fails to cover. Idun's Apples is absent, as is the myth of the Volsung's and Loki's murder of Ottr the dwarf. It doesn't cover the building of Asgard and the story of Thor travelling with boys where he has to kill one of his goats to feed them and the goat comes back to life the next day. None of the stories of heros are covered. I suppose it's OK that Wagnar's Ring Cycle isn't covered because it is a more modern take on an amalgamation of the Volsungs and the Nibelungenlied. I think the lecturer goes to far with emphasizing Christian morality and he seems to have an obsession with Snorri, so it's not a perfect course.
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