#Crimson Shadow
master-of-the-game · 1 year
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It was mentioned in Una McCormack's "The Crimson Shadow" that Cardassians grew fond of coffee and I think it is totally true. Also so-called ikri buns were mentioned. But the catalyst for me to draw this picture, however, was a scene that my mom saw in the street: an ambulance stopped near ice-cream stand and two EMTs went there to buy ice cream. We agreed that this certainly had Bashir & Parmak vibes and I got so inspired that literally next day drew THIS. The Cardassian version of ice-cream stand, but with buns and coffee, ambulance skimmer and two very serious doctors while on duty. And I wonder what else do they sell in such stands... Any ideas on Cardassian street-food? :) UPD: Now with fragments under cut!
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laismoura-art · 10 months
¡Sombra Carmesí!
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Can you believe I've only drawn Sareena once before?? Unacceptable!
And Bi-Han doesn't really fall behind as I drew him only 3 times, and one of these he was an anteater, lol!
Anyways, here's our favourite goths! Enjoy!❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤
Sareena: Say the word! Say the word!
Bihan: Mamacita
Sareena: *melts*
I've been thinking for a while what Bi-Han’s petname for Sareena would be. Well... I'm tempted👀
Also! I was thinking: if Sareena had an Animality, what would it be?
Personally, I would go for Komodo Dragon (Idk why, but I like the idea of a Komodo Dragon and an Anteater tagging along)
But I'm taking suggestions!👀
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mikka-minns · 8 months
Snowblind x Mk1 intros
(this is only part one, there Will probably be another)
The names in the parenthesis() are what the characters are refered to as in the intros themselves
Kinda messy
Also, there are some Ships implied, so beware. This is all just crack and headcanons, nothing serius
(this has been on my drafts for a month, so sorry i havent posted earlier)
@dinainwater @laismoura-art
Sb!Kuai Liang vs Sb!Hanzo
Kuai: Just like the old times, eh?
Hanzo: only this time,  you wont beat me
Hanzo: I hope i am worthy of this fight
Kuai: im still not used to these compliments
Kuai: i cannot understand how Someone can be so power-hungry
Hanzo: because you are the kindest of souls, Kuai Liang
Hanzo: You know, i actualy won our last fight
Kuai: no you didnt! I had you on chokehold with my legs-
Mk1!Bi han (sub zero) vs Sb!Kuai Liang (Kaui)
Sub zero: in your timeline, you are the lin kuei grandmaster?
Kuai: i was.
Sub zero: i can only hope my other self did better than i
Kuai: its not Just about our mistakes, but the ways we try and fix them
Sub zero: it is weird seeing my-
Kuai: younger brother be older than you? *chuckle* i understand
Sub zero: it is too late to make things right.
Kuai: only if you are truly heartless and i can see you arent
Kuai: even if they dont forgive you, you can all move forward
Sub zero: but is it together? Or did i doom our brotherhood?
Kuai: for the last time, Kenshi isnt a landowner!
Sub zero: all right! Cuz i am not paying double rent!
Sb!Kuai Liang (Kuai) vs mk1!Johnny Cage(Johnny)
Johnny: so who is this "Simone" chick Kenny keeps talking about?
Kuai: i dont think you understand. She is LITERALY a chicken
Johnny: so who is Kenny's other dad?
Kuai: i dont even know who is the first one?!
Johnny: alright, Rocky... or Batman?!
Kuai: You cant possibly make me choose!
Kuai: me? In a movie? You're as crazy as Johnny from my timeline
Johnny: If two of us cant convince you, then its you whose crazy
Johnny: dude, you are such a dil-
Kuai: do not finish that sentance, Johnathan
Johnny: holy shit, we are technicaly in-laws!
Kuai:*sigh* it could have been worse i guess
Johnny: never Thought a king of hell would be my sorta-father-in-law!
Mk1! Johnny Cage (Johnny) vs Sb!Hanzo
Hanzo: I just hope you're better than most of my in-laws
Johnny: so you and Kuai, huh?
Hanzo: what about us? We're on good terms
Hanzo: So you're the Johnny Cage Kuai told me about?
Johnny: first name basis? I think i see whats going on!
Kenshi: you seem like a good friend of my other self
Johnny: You are a king?! Awesome!
Hanzo: its not as fun as you may think.
Mk1!Johnny Cage(Johnny) vs Sb!Kenshi
Johnny: I dont know if you're old enough to know the truth
Johnny: so who is this "Simone"?
Kenshi: oooh! You gotta meet her, she's great!
Johnny: gee, Kenny, how come big Kano let you have two dads?
Kenshi: he... What?
Kenshi: how did you get ahold of Sento?
Johnny: it was easy. Keeping it was hard
Johnny: duuude, no way you never watched Rocky!
Kenshi: we dont have movies in the wastelands.
Mk1!Kenshi Kenshi vs Sb!Kenshi
Kenshi: You fight the black dragon on your own?
Sb!Kenshi: had Kuai not shown up, i wouldnt be here
Kenshi: your mentor sounds like a wise man
Sb!Kenshi : he threw a melon at me
Sb!Kenshi: You never chase chickens as training?
Kenshi: *chuckles* your mentor sounds like a fun guy
Sb!Kenshi: You dont know who Simone is?
Kenshi: i've never met anyone with that name in my life
Kenshi: hearing of the wastelands, i am gratefull for Liu Kang
Sb!Kenshi: realy? Well i think he could've done better
Scorpion: i can tell you and that scorpion arent brothers
Mk1!Kuai (scorpion) vs Sb!Kuai
Kuai: i think everyone can
Kuai: so in this timeline, you are scorpion?
Scorpion: i see even within my other selves i am different
Scorpion: what happend with your Bi han?
Kuai: retired. Kind of. He mostly just judges my tastes now
Scorpion: You area farmer? Just like Raiden!
Kuai: Raiden?
Kuai: You seem fond of your Raiden
Scorpion: he is a great ally and an even greater friend
Kenshi: Kuai still wont tell me what your promise was
Sb!Kenshi vs Sb!Hanzo
Hanzo: then i wont disrespect him by talking behind his back
Hanzo: I would never hurt Kuai Liang
Kenshi: i cant trust you on just your word
Kenshi: so what are you the king of?
Hanzo: hell, Neatherrealm, ga-
Kenshi: why does everyone think im Kuai's son?
Hanzo: You arent?!
Sb!Kenshi vs Sb!Kuai
Kenshi: i still havent thanked you for saving me
Kuai: there's nothing to thank me for
Kenshi: what is that promise about?
Kuai: nothing that concernes you, dont worry
Kuai: for the love of god, dont befriend anyone named Cage
Kenshi: why? He's such a cool guy!
Kuai: so, Johnny showed you some movies?
Kenshi: Yes aaand now i know where you got the ideas for our training
Kuai: you're lucky you cant see the terrible costumes in ninja mime
Kenshi: but it sounds so fun! What is mime?
Liu kang: im glad Hanzo and you are allies in your timeline
Kuai: You can call us cousins too, since you already started with that shit
Kuai: what the hell were you thinking?
Liu Kang: only of whats best for earthrealm
Shang: You aged so gracefully
MK1!Shang Tsung (Shang) vs Sb!Kuai
Kuai: say that again and you wont age at all
Shang: if that Hanzo ever brothers you, i can always help
Kuai: you are the only one bothering me. Back. Off!
Kuai: dont you dare come anywhere near Kenshi!
Shang: your mistrust wounds me, Kuai Liang
Kuai: If you dont shut up yourself, i'll make you!
Shang: coming from you, that doesnt sound bad at all
Smoke: what do you mean Hanzo isnt a kid?!
Mk1!Smoke and Sb!Kuai (these are some inside jokes i have with a couple of mutuals😉)
Kuai: have you never seen a child?!
Kuai: so do you only take old people as your students?
Smoke: How do we stop Bi han?
Kuai: my advice, pay his rent and spanish classes
Smoke: i bet i can guess your exact age!
Kuai: *sigh* of course you can
Smoke: ohhh, Who is Sareena? Your girlfriend?
Kuai: You trying to start a fight with both Bi hans?
Ashrah: You have no evil in your soul
Mk1!Ashrah and Sb!Kuai
Kuai: i am far from innocent
Ashrah: dont be so cruel on yourself
Ashrah: You are a great teacher
Kuai: i have a great student
(not himself as in other Kuai, but as himself himself)
Kuai: that is all i've ever known
Mk1!Shang tsung vs Sb!Hanzo
Hanzo: Im suprised Kuai hasnt broken all your bones
Shang: im suprised he didnt kill you already
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alphamecha-mkii · 1 year
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Star Trek: The Fall: Crimson Shadow Cover Art (German Edition)
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yarrystyleeza · 8 months
Daredevil and Crimson Shadow
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The lil vigilante lovebirds went on a night date fighting crime in Hell's Kitchen, they might have dinner later. 🍝✨✨✨
✨ Closeups ✨
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nerdasaurus1200 · 6 months
In my head Elena Evangelo is to Rapunzel what Flynn Rider is to Eugene. And Ramona is to Cassandra what Flynn Rider is to Eugene. And the Crimson Shadow is to Lance what Flynn Rider is to Eugene. What is Varian’s Flynn Rider, well, we may never know
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robertmisirian · 6 days
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My semester ended some time ago and I’ve got new drawings to share. I’ll try to keep posting until August when the next semester of college starts. For now, this is a headshot of Overlord from Leaving Megalopolis.
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eternalrhakjaves · 8 months
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yes 2 + 2, Papa. Sean, Emma Ruth, Kris, and Alyssa.
same father, same mother.
~emma ruth mccallister
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alfredajprufrock · 8 months
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which zodiac am i associated with: just gem-sag-pis.
others as addendum - can-tau-leo... but i really don't touch them because of my younger brother and younger half-sister and mother.
my hidden is an ophiuchus. though k has cetus.
for east. zodiac: rat-tiger-monkey. addendum - dragon-ox
~emma ruth mccallister
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dreams-created · 1 year
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First step the rogue becoming the Crimson Shadow
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fonmythenmetz · 1 month
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Sith Apprentice
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vampiricvirtue · 3 months
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laismoura-art · 5 months
Satoshi: This is for you, Uncle Bee!
Bi-Han: A sticker?
Satoshi: Not only a sticker! It's a sticker that says ✨️"me-wow!"✨️ :D
Bi-Han: Toshi, I'm a respected warrior...
Satoshi: Ow, ok... I'll take it back then--
Sareena: Oooh! What a pretty sticker!
Bi-Han, proudly adorning his armour with the sticker: Not only a sticker, Sunbird, it's a sticker that says ✨️"me-wow!"✨️
Sareena: Wooow!:O
@mikka-minns @running-with-the-feels @thedragonholder tagging and giving you all me-wow stickers cause you're all awesome <3
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mikka-minns · 10 months
@laismoura-art We always talk about "be my king" Bi han and Hanzo being mutual number 1 haters.
I got an idea. Imagine Kenshi somehow walks into the Neatherrealm a few hours after Hanzo and Kuai. (It wouldnt suprise me if he found a way)
Kenshi: There you guys are!
Noob: MOTHERFUCKER! You two had a child?! Hasashi im going to kill you for real this time.
Technicaly, Kenshi isnt adopted yet. But Kuai panicked🤷‍♀️
Noob: Not only did that asshole make my brother a child, he is also a deadbeat!
Sareena: wait... Children dont come out that size?
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shisasan · 21 days
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thealphavoidofficial · 2 months
Into the VanillaVerse be like:
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