#Danse X John Hancock
mythacality · 2 years
The Ghoul and The Soldier: Chapter 1
A fucking, and I kid you not- a Danse X Hancock fic, also WARNING THERE IS SMUT
Thought about making this a one-shot but I want to make a chapter 2
John Hancock will never forget the that day Nate dragged a brotherhood paladin into Goodneighbor- he didn't know if he should of been angry at Nate for bringing a member of the botherhood here, or laugh at the paladins confusion and discomfort.
It wasn't long before John officially met the paladin.
"Heyyy Mayor..." Nate greeted Hancock awkwardly. John simply cocked his brow at him.
"This is Danse, Danse this is John Hancock, the Mayor of Goodneighbor!" Nate introduced.
Danse simply nodded at the ghoul.
"You're from the brotherhood right?" John inquired.
"Yes I am." Danse answered bluntly.
"You ever do chems on that blimp? Because that sounds awesome." Hancock asked jokingly.
Danse's eyes opened wide and his brows shot up at the question "N-no!"
"Hahaha! I'm kidding, I'm kidding... I figured as much..." Hancock laughed.
[Easy to mess with, noted...]
"So what are you doing here anyways?" John asked, re-composing himself.
"Just grabbing supplies, I wanted to make sure that you know know that Danse isn't going to bother anyone anytime we're here." Nate answered.
"Good to know..." John responded, eyeing Danse up and down.
"We'll be on out way now, come on Danse..." Nate said after a moment of awkward silence.
Every time Nate and Danse came around, Hancock tried to offer chems and alcohol to the paladin, wich Danse declined evey time.
"Come onnn... you're so stiff all the time, you gotta loosen up~" John teased.
"I'll have to decline, Mr. Mayor..." Danse refused.
"Danse, I told you more than once, John or even Hancock is fine, no need to be so formal!" Hancock laughed.
"I have to go now, Mr. Hancock..." Danse said, walking over to Nate.
[Well it was a small improvement.]
John learned that Danse was incredibly easy to make blush, and he didn't mind flirting with that man at all- he would stop and apologize if Danse looked uncomfortable, he wasn't that kind of ghoul.
Here's the thing, Danse didn't look uncomfortable whenever John flirted with him, more slightly annoyed and definitely flustered- wich Hancock found hilarious. It also made Danse stop being so formal towards Hancock, wich he enjoyed.
"Heya big guy, welcome back~" John flirted.
"Hello Hancock..." Danse responded, flustered- trying to repair his power armor.
"Where's Nate?" John asked curiously.
"I'm here on my own today..." Danse answered as he finished what he was doing.
"Oh? So... I have you all to myself?~" Hancock said, stepping closer.
Danse blushed, and then let out an annoyed grumble. John chuckled at that.
"Excuse me, I'm going to get something to eat before I leave..." Danse said walking past Hancock.
"Awww leaving already?" John pouted.
Danse rolled his eyes , continuing to walk as John followed right behind him.
Hancock managed to convince Danse to let him pay for his food and for them to eat together.
"Heh, it's like we're on a date~" Hancock teased.
Danse's whole face turned a lovely shade of red.
[How is he so easy to tease...] John thought to himself.
Danse look frustrated for a moment, and then re-composd himself before he spoke up "Hancock...." He sighed.
"Ah shit, I'm making you uncomfortable aren't I?" Hancock said, getting up from his seat.
"No- it's not that..." Danse said, standing up as well.
"Well then, what is it?~" Hancock stepped closer.
"....your flirting....is...working...." Danse mumbled quietly, embarrassed- blushing hard.
[HOLY SHIT, WHAT] John gasped, as his mind screamed.
"Are you fucking with me? Did you lose a bet or something?" John laughed, there is no fucking way.
"John-" Danse stuttered.
"Holy shit... you're really serious..." Hancock met Danse's eyes.
"Please don't tell anyone..." Danse mutterd.
"I won't tell a soul..." Hancock reassured.
"Really?" Danse sounded relieved.
"Yeah... really...." Hancock assured.
Danse took in a deep breath, calming himself as his heartrate slowed down.
"Thank you..." Danse smiled, his voice calm and steady again.
"For what? Being a damn good flirter?" John joked.
Danse then suddenly grabbed Hancock's hand and lead him to an alleyway nearby.
"What are you-" Hancock started, before Danse shoved him against the alleyway wall.
"Shuting up that big mouth of yours..." Danse grumbled and kissed the ghoul.
After a few moments, they broke apart and stared into each others eyes.
"You really like me huh?" Hancock smirked.
"Fuck off..." Danse groaned and pulled him close again, kissing him passionately, Hancock wrapped his arms around Danse's neck.
Soon enough, Danse had pulled away.
"I should probably go before someone finds us.." Danse muttered.
"Awww... okayyy~" Hancock said a little disappointed.
~~~a few of weeks later~~~
John was surprised that no one had caught on too his secret relationship with Danse by now, but he supposed that was for the better-
The two were cuddled up in John's room, wich he'd managed too sneak Danse into.
"Shouldn't you get going, handsome...?" Hancock said, nuzzling against Danse's chest- he didn't want the other to leave, but he didn't want Danse getting in trouble with the brotherhood.
"I can stay the night, they don't expect back until morning...." Danse assured.
"Really now?~" Hancock said, kissing Danse.
Danse hummed in response, grabbing the sides of Hancock's waist and deepening the kiss.
When the kiss broke, Hancock could see that Danse's cheeks were red and his pupils dilated- something now twitching against his ass.
"Someone's happy to see me~" John teased the bulge under him, making Danse tilt his head back and growl softly.
"Shut up, or I'm gonna take your clothes..." Danse growled.
"Is that a promise?" Hancock asked, his voice low, sending shivers down Danse's spine.
"Fuck, yes it is..." Danse growled.
He ripped off John's pants, flag and boxers off in one swift movement, tossing them aside, and then helped John out of his top layers as well.
"Mmm..." Danse moaned, running his hands over the ghouls scared body, John tilted his head back.
"I love how sensitive you are..." Danse whispered, causing a moan to escape from Hancock's lips.
Danse pushed Hancock onto the bed and stripped in front of him, the ghoul watch the show with glee. Danse leaned over John and kissed him agian, his hands roaming the ghouls body teasingly, and then pinning Hancock the mattress.
"Fuck Danse..." Hancock whispered.
Danse chuckled and ran his tongue across Hancock's lips, making the other gasp. Danse licked inside Hancock's mouth gently- Hancock moaned at the feeling.
"You ready?" Danse asked, breaking away, breathing heavily.
"Fuck yeah~" Hancock rasped.
Danse smirked and kissed the others neck and pushed his cock inside of Hancock.
"Ahhh fuck..." Hancock moaned, gripping onto Danse tightly as he thrusted into him, harder and harder, and faster and faster.
Danse held onto Hancock's hips, keeping their bodies aligned perfectly.
"Fuuucccccckkk..." Hancock whimpered, throwing his head back.
"Mmm fuck you feel good as always..." Danse grunted.
They continued on like this for several minutes. Then, Hancock began to shake, and moaning loudly.
"I'm gonna.... fuck..." John sputtered and whined as the pleasure became too much and he came hard with shuddering moans. Danse continued pumping his hips into Hancock, making him whimper and shake.
"I'm almost there....shit~" Danse groaned, his thrusts becoming desperate, Hancock's nails digging into Danse's back and shoulders.
"Fuuucckkkkkk..." Hancock yelled louder, shaking violently, his eyes squeezed shut.
"Ah FUCK!" Danse grunted loudly and finally buckled and he came inside of Hancock.
"DANSE!" Hancock yelled as he came again, breathing heavily.
"You okay?" Danse soothed, pulling put.
"I'm fucking fantastic big boy~" John huffed out, catching his breath "I'm gonna sleep good tonight, heh." He said
"Mhm~" Danse hummed in agreement, as he laid next to the other man and spooned him.
{End of Chapter 1}
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ohhyperbola · 2 months
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john hancock i will defend you with my life
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dorkofclanlavellan · 28 days
Sweet Doesn't Mean Naive (Fallout Characters)
Fandom: Fallout 4 Scenario: The characters meeting and falling for a reader who is very sweet and helpful and accepting. Initially they may think the reader is naive because of their nature but soon learn differently. Pairings: Cait x Reader, Danse x Reader, Hancock x Reader, MacCready x Reader, Nick x Reader + Copper Howard x Reader.
Notes: Zero uses of Y/N or Sole. I may do a part 2 for the other characters later, these are just the ones that I'm super inspired for rn. [Also this is based on me never being able to select rude options in video games unless I genuinely hate the character lol]
Trigger Warning: These may be slightly OOC as I'm still familiarizing myself with the characters (more so the FO4 characters than Coop)
Cait initially underestimates you, thinking you're too sweet and accepting to survive in the Wasteland. However, she's surprised when she discovers your savvy side, handling dangerous situations with intelligence and composure.
Your kindness and willingness to help others win her heart, and she admires your ability to adapt and thrive in challenging circumstances.
Cait falls for you deeply, realizing that your sweetness is not a weakness but a strength.
Danse is initially cautious around you, expecting you to be naive due to your sweet and accepting demeanor. However, he's pleasantly surprised when he witnesses your quick thinking and resourcefulness during a perilous situation.
Your kindness and helpfulness earn his respect, and he admires your ability to handle yourself in tough situations.
Danse develops feelings for you, impressed by your combination of kindness and savvy decision-making skills.
Hancock is amused by your sweetness and helpfulness, initially thinking you might be a bit naive about the dangers of the Commonwealth. However, he's pleasantly surprised when you prove to be street smart and savvy in various situations.
Your accepting nature and open-mindedness capture his interest, and he admires your ability to see the good in people while still being aware of the harsh realities of the world.
Hancock develops strong feelings for you, fascinated by your unique blend of kindness and savvy insight.
MacCready is cautious around you at first, assuming you're naive because of your sweet and accepting personality. However, he quickly realizes that you're more savvy than you appear when you show exceptional skill in handling dangerous situations.
Your helpfulness and compassion make a lasting impression on him, and he admires your ability to adapt and survive in tough circumstances.
MacCready falls for you, drawn to your kindness and impressed by your hidden savvy nature.
Nick Valentine:
Nick initially sees you as naive, given your sweet and accepting demeanor. However, he's amazed when you display a keen understanding of complex situations and handle them with grace and intelligence.
He finds your kindness and empathy touching, and he admires your ability to see through people's facades while still maintaining your positive outlook.
Nick develops strong feelings for you, intrigued by your combination of sweetness and savvy awareness of the world around you.
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When you first met, Coop was fairly dismissive of you. He thought you were just going to get yourself killed fairly soon. Your generous nature was a sign of naïveté in his eyes. So he wanted as little to do with you as possible.
Then you gave him a months supply of vials for free. And he decided to stick with you. Deciding the best repayment was to protect you from the dangers of the Wasteland and yourself.
That's when he learned just how much he'd underestimated you. You were kind and always willing to help absolutely anyone but you were not one that could taken advantage of.
And that's what really impressed him. The more of your acumen that Cooper saw, the more he grew to care about you. Including your altruistic nature.
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-playing fuck marry kill-
Sole Survivor: Preston, Hancock, and Danse? Easy. Fuck Hancock, marry Danse, kill Preston
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nukaberries · 1 year
Hey, could I have some reactions to the male companions *coughValentinecough* reactions to seeing a female Sole Survivor outside of their radiation suits for the first time?
This is actually a really cool idea!! and I'm loving the appreciation that Nick's getting right now (Bethesda make him romanceable NOW)
Male Companions React to Seeing Sole Outside Her Radiation Suit
(Includes: Danse, Deacon, Hancock, MacCready, Nick and Preston)
Paladin Danse He can relate to always wearing a suit that hides most of his appearance. However, Sole has seen Danse out of his power armour a fair few times while they've been travelling together, he's never seen Sole in anything but her radiation suit. He won't say anything at first, wanting to keep their relationship strictly professional, but Sole may catch him staring for a little too long from time to time, before snapping out of it and pretending nothing had happened.
Deacon He'd definitely already made his guesses on what Sole looks like outside of the suit. His personal favourite theory - that Glory and Tom got sick of hearing about - was that Sole had six heads and fourteen arms coming out of her stomach. Still, he can't deny that he's somewhat taken aback when Sole eventually does take her radiation suit off. He'll make a comment on how he's relieved she has a normal amount of limbs, to which he'll refuse to elaborate on. If they're in Railroad HQ, Glory will definitely smack him across the head.
Hancock While he never would've openly admitted, despite a few passing comments about Sole's 'interesting get up', Hancock was so curious about what Sole actually looked like under her suit. He would've never outright asked though, not wanting to come off as weird. When Sole does take her suit off around him, depending on how close they are, Hancock might mention how he prefers them without the suit. He won't want to make Sole feel uncomfortable though, especially if they're not very close, so he'll leave it at that.
MacCready He has no idea why Sole insists on wearing her radiation suit everywhere. The Glowing Sea, sure. Boston Commons, maybe. But Diamond City? If MacCready ever brings up Sole's suit, it'll be more about how he doesn't understand why they wear it everywhere. When Sole finally takes off her suit in his presence, he's initially just relieved it doesn't look like he's travelling the Commonwealth with an alien, then he realises how beautiful Sole actually is. It makes travelling with her afterwards a little more awkward - for him - often finding himself quite flustered around her. He just hopes that Sole hasn't caught on yet, or that she ever will.
Nick Valentine With his own get up being rather unconventional - how often do you see a synth detective? - Nick actually appreciates that Sole only ever goes around in a radiation suit. It somehow balances out how unusual they both appear alone and makes him feel just a little less abnormal. Admittedly, he is quite curious as to what Sole actually looks like, but he'd never outright ask or make her feel like she had to show him. When Sole does take her suit off, he's pleasantly surprised, but he won't mention it, wanting to avoid making her uncomfortable, even if he does think Sole's a sight for sore eyes. Whether Sole decides to keep the suit off or she puts it back on right after, Nick won't mind either way, he's just happy to have the company.
Preston Garvey When Preston first met Sole outside the Museum of Freedom, he was almost dead certain she was an alien, seeing her take down all those raiders in her radiation suit. He's only ever mentioned Sole's choice in clothing a few times, mainly wondering how she got into that power armour when she took on the Deathclaw. He'd never actually ask Sole to take her suit off, worrying she might not feel comfortable enough to, so when she finally does, he's relieved that she trusts him enough to take it off around him. Sure, her beauty is a bonus, but he decides to keep that part to himself for now.
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wibbley-wobble · 1 year
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datsynthhoe · 2 years
Fo4 Companions and their Love Languages
Words of Affirmation
- Curie was locked in her cage for god knows how long, and really just wants to impress you. So when you say nice things to her, she gets all giddy.
- Deacon doesn’t like getting close to people, but he really enjoys your company. So when you tell him how you appreciate him, it really hits home.
- Hancock is like, lonely. Bless him, he doesn’t really have a lot of people around him, other than his citizens. It’s just nice to hear appreciation from someone who truly cares.
Acts of Service
- Cait doesn’t feel that she deserves good people in her life. So doing things to help her, no matter how small, she appreciates so deeply.
- Codsworth was literally built to please.
- Maccredy grew up really poor, so any time he receives gifts, he’s a very happy bunny rabbit. Literally healing his inner child.
- Strong like shinny thing.
- Gage, much like Maccready, grew up with nothing, so he likes to receive gifts. It’s also how he shows his appreciation and love.
Quality Time
- Nick feels comfortable when he is with you. You stop the random memory flashes, the fear of people judging him, and you make him happy. That’s all he needs.
- X6 isn’t really sure how to express his emotions. He has never been allowed to. So just being in your presence has helped him get a good start.
- Ada feels lonely a lot, so when you guys just sit and talk, she loves it. And she has A L O T to talk about.
Physical Touch
- Danse is literally just a big teddy bear. He loves cuddling with you and just basking in your presence. He’s a big ol baby.
- Piper hates it, but she’s severely touch-starved. She just loves being held so much, it’s not even funny. But if you tell anyone she’s a softie, she’s killing you.
- Dogmeat is literally a dog lol. Just a baby :)
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fallrimxreader · 2 years
Companions react to sole going AFK
Cait: Goes and leans against a tree or building. Keeping eyes open for anything alarming.
Curie: Stands by Sole and takes notes of what they do. (Nothing)
Codsworth: Begins to groom sole, cleaning them of dirt and brushing hair. Then checks the area for enemies.
Deacon: Depending on what sole is wearing, like a hat or jacket, Deacon will take it off sole and put it on himself. Then he will wait for sole to come back and notice. 
Dogmeat: He sits in front of Sole, looking up to them whining, his head tilted.
Danse: Keeps his guard up and patrols the area for enemies.
Hancock: Checks sole out, admiring the view. (If romantically involved he makes a mental note to make love to that beautiful frame.) Then starts trying to move their limbs to put them into a funny position.
McCready: Sits against a tree, takes a drink, then a nap.
Piper: Looks around for a new story, taking notes, leaning against sole as they are more comfortable than a tree.
Preston: Sticks right next to sole assuming they will be back soon. He’ll sit when his legs get tired, but usually he’ll just walk circles around sole.
Strong: He nudges sole trying to get them to move. But when he realizes they are an immovable force he will leave. Just to get himself some food, then he comes back to munch it while watching sole.
Valentine: He takes a seat, pulls out a book, and reads until sole returns.
X6-88: Times exactly how long they go AFK for. As soon as sole gets back he lets them know how long they were gone for and tells sole all the things they could have done in that time. 
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[Hancock is cooking]
Preston, walking into the room: Any chance that’s for me?
Hancock: It’s for Sole. I’m planning on making some bad choices tonight, and I need her on my side.
Danse: I never realized the forethought that went into being a disappointment.
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feralsynth · 1 year
ok, so we all probably knew nick valentine would win that last poll, but how about this;
this is completely subjective, so choose based on whatever reasoning you want
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imdoingaokay · 1 year
Do Romanced!Fallout 4 Characters like kissing on New Years?
Told ya'll.
Happy New Years BTW.
This will probably be the last thing I write for this year. But don't worry! I'm still working on writing more for you all~!
Cait: Yes, it’s sloppy though because she’s literally pissed drunk. 
Curie: Yes, but it’s a quick peck on the lips while she’s all giggly and going “hehehe” to herself
Danse: Big yes, but he’s blushing, he pulls you away from the party and gives you a nice little smooch.
Deacon: Yes, in front of everyone. Hopefully, both of you are in front of Carrington, who pretends to vomit.
Gage: No. Not in public. Not in front of the rest of the gangs… the second he gets you away though… He’s doing more than kissing.
Hancock: YES. And it’s great. He’s also drunk, but he’s holding his liquor a bit better. So it’s a bit more gentle.
MacCready: Yes, he’s happy to give a lil’ kiss to you. He’s totally all over that and checks his breath three times minimum to make sure it smells good.
Nick Valentine: Yes, it’s very romantic. He stops paying attention to the countdown a focuses completely on you, the second the clock hits zero he gives you the most breathless, sweetest kiss you can imagine. Totally takes off his hat and uses it to hide whatever kissing you two are doing.
Old Longfellow: Also piss drunk, also kisses you, smells so bad though.
Piper: Yes! She loves that New Years' kiss! She does something where she gives you kisses all over your face first, then goes in for the actual kiss.
Preston: Like Curie, he’s all “hehehe I get to kiss the General” and totally bounces on his feet waiting for the countdown to be over so he can give you a kiss that has your foot popping off the ground. Also uses his hat to hide your faces.
X6-88: Kinda lame, he doesn’t kiss you on the lips, not right away. He kisses you on the cheek and when you get upset, he pauses and gives you a proper kiss.
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mythacality · 2 years
The Ghoul and The Soldier: Chapter 2
The Danse X John Hancock fic
Chapter 1 if you missed it
No warnings for this chapter, I might make chapter 3, idk yet- also this chapter a little shorter than I usually make.
Hancock thought he could deal with keeping his relationship a secret, but it had been two whole months and he was bursting to tell someone, anyone about it, but he knew that telling anyone was a horrible idea- the brotherhood would definitely disapprove of their relationship... loudly.
Hancock nearly fell off his office couch when Nate slammed his doors open.
"Sweet Atom, fuck! You scared the shit out me!" Hancock exclaimed, then seeing the worried look on Nate's face "What wrong?" He asked concerned.
"Have you seen Danse? I know he's been coming here a lot." Nate huffed, he was out of breath.
"I haven't seen him today... why...?" Hancock inquired, starting to get worried himself.
Nate took a deep breath before, and started to pace around Hancock's office, looking like he'd seen a ghost and muttering things like "It's all my fault..." and "Their gonna kill him..."
"What the hell happened?!?" Hancock said in a panicked voice.
"Danse is a synth and Elder Maxson told me to find him and kill him!" Nate blurted out, tears in his eyes "I'm not going too, of course- but I need to find him and get him as far away from the brotherhood as humanly possible..."
Hancock stood there completely a taken a back by the bomb shell just dropped on him.
"Danse is a synth?" He repeated weakly.
"Yeah..." Nate replied, looking up at Hancock, only to see him tearing up.
"Wha-" Nate started.
"I'm coming with you." Hancock said sternly, voice shaking a little.
"Why...?" Nate asked confused.
"Danse and I... have been an item for a couple months now..." Hancock replied.
"Oh holy shit." Nate said, taking moment to pull up the map in his pip-boy "come on then, I have another place I can check." He says, showing the location.
The both of them where nervous wrecks on the way to the bunker where Danse might be, but when they got to underground part of the bunker, and saw Danse through a window, John stopped in his tracks- he had no idea what to say or how to act in this situation.
"I'll let you go first, I need a second..." John whispered.
"Okay..." Nate responded quietly.
Hancock listened in on the conversation between Danse and Nate, jumping into action when he heard Dase say he needed to be the example not exception.
"TO HELL WITH THAT!" He shouted.
"John! What the-" Before Danse could finish, Hancock ran into him and hugged him tightly.
Nate gave Danse and look "I'm not going to lose a friend Danse, I've already lost so much already- and their are others who care about you... obviously." He said.
"I- I'm sorry... I wasn't thinking straight... I didn't think how my death would affect others... I'm sorry, John..." Dase said, returning the hug
"Clearly..." Hancock mumbled onto Danse's chest. "Now let's get you the hell out of here."
Danse handed over his holo tags too Nate so he could pretend that he'd had killed Danse and they bolted out the bunker.
They all froze in their tracks when they saw Elder Maxson waiting there, Danse's hand grabbing Hancock's.
It was a tense conversation, thank god for Nate's ability to talk his way out of anything- Danse was now considered dead to the brotherhood and would be shot on sight, not great but at least he was alive.
"Now what?" Nate questioned.
"I'm going to lay low in Goodneighbor with Hancock... I'm sure he's either told you that we're a couple or you figured it out by now" Danse stated.
"haha, yeah he told me... I have to get going, but I'll check up on you as soon as I can." Nate said, looking like the weight of the world was on him.
"So..." John said, swaying his arm that's holding Danse's hand, as they walk together "That was a lot at once, you gonna okay Danse?" he asked.
"I... I don't know... I think I'll be... I just hope you'll... stick with me..." Danse responded, blushing.
"Of course I will be... you being a synth doesn't change that!" Hancock said.
"Really...?" Danse asks.
"Yes!" Hancock exclaims.
"...Why...?" Danse questions, stopping in his tracks.
"... because I love you, you big dense idiot!" Hancock yelled, letting go of Danse's hand and grabbing the sides of his face.
Danse's face lights up in pure joy and he kisses Hancock happily, smiling into the kiss.
"I love you too, John~" He says, breaking the kiss "Now, let's get going..."
The people took to the Mayor's hidden boyfriend thing and the fact he's a synth pretty well, some where disapproving, of course, but hell who cares- Hancock finally got to tell others.
"We gotta celebrate, Danse-y~" Hancock said, finishing up his cigarette. Danse gave him a look. "I ment just the two of us..." He says, putting the butt of the cigarette out.
"What would that entail...?" Danse asks, watching Hancock make his way to the couch.
"Oh... I think you might be able to guess~" Hancock says suggestively, sitting on Danse's lap.
"Mmm~" Danse purrs, kissing the crook of Hancock's neck.
As promised Nate came by the next day to check on Danse, he asked a few questions, made sure Danse was holding up okay and gave him a gift.
"What did Nate give you?" Hancock asked groggly, he had just woken up... and was half dressed.
"It's a care package." Danse responded.
"That's sweet..." Hancock yawned, stretching "Let's get breakfast"
"You need some proper clothes, first~" Danse replies, chuckling softly.
"Yeah, yeah..." Hancock said, kissing Danse on the cheek and went to get dressed.
A few minutes later and Hancock was dressed in his usual attire.
"Ready~" Hancock announced.
"Good, let's go." Danse said, smiling at the ghoul.
Finally a date that wasn't in secrecy...
{End of chapter 2}
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dorkofclanlavellan · 26 days
Giggly Sleepyhead (Fallout Preference)
Fandom: Fallout 4 Request: x Pairings: Cooper x Reader, Danse x Reader, Hancock x Reader, Valentine x Reader Trigger Warning: Tooth rotting sweetness.
Cooper Howard
His reaction depends on a couple of different details, honestly.
Pre-War!Coop would just find you adorable and smile as he totes or leads you to bed.
He'd make you giggle some more, both accidentally and on purpose. And of course he'd tease you a little about it.
If you're together after he becomes a Ghoul, he's not as amused by it. He'd seem annoyed and huffy though the longer you're in your relationship the more his annoyed demeanor becomes an obvious act.
He'd roll his eyes and pull you closer to him with a groan but the corners of his mouth would subtly quirk up.
This man would definitely raise an eyebrow. Sure Danse is familiar with some people being giggly when sleepy but he doesn't really get it.
He's not really grumpy when sleepy but he is more no-nonsense.
Although he can't deny that you are kind of adorable giggling and grinning for little reason. And your giggly nature has taught him how to tell when you definitely need some sleep.
The second you start giggling more than normal, he'd make sure to get you to bed and no funny business.
And he's learned to choose his words very carefully when you're sleepy. Otherwise you'll be cackling for several minutes at any incidental double entendres.
Oh he would definitely enjoy you being giggly when you're sleepy.
In fact he enjoys it almost too much. Absolutely revels in the knowledge and you're going to regret him finding out. In the best way of course.
He'd egg you on until you're clutching your sides and red in the face from laughing so much. You'd definitely end up out of breath.
Only then would he show you any sort of mercy and pull you onto his lap or closer to him if you're already in bed.
Then he'd start rubbing your back or playing with your hair and occasionally, usually right as your eyes close, he'd say something else that gets you giggling again.
He's aware that some people get giggly when sleepy but nothing prepped him for you giggling at everything while struggling to keep your eyes open.
He'll set aside his work and usher you off to bed once he realizes what's going on.
He'll be shaking his head and suppressing a grin but he makes sure you're tucked in with a bottle of water nearby.
"If you don't stop giggling, I'll just have to read you all these reports and paperwork that I'm working on." It's a threat he ends up having to carry out every time.
And it works...almost every time. The more boring the reports, the quicker you nod off.
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Sole Survivor: Danse is really overworking himself again, I hope he gives himself a break.
Hancock: I hope he does
Hancock: *dies
Hancock: autocorrect
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nukaberries · 1 year
Fallout companions react to sole telling that they don't want to even lose them and then breakingdown. I need all the angst!
God, me too. As much as I say I hate angst, I'm definitely a sucker for it! This idea, especially, is super exciting for me since I feel like the Fallout 4 companions have a lot of opportunity for angst (I play through Nick's personal quest just to cry at the ending) Anyways, I hope you enjoy this one and it was worth the wait!
Companions React to Sole Breaking Down - TW: Mentions of Addiction and Suicide
(Includes: Cait, Codsworth, Curie, Danse, Deacon, Hancock, MacCready, Nick, Piper, Preston and X6-88)
Cait She isn't really sure what brought this on. Cait knows she isn't great at keeping herself safe or even having much concern for her own wellbeing, but she hadn't realised that upset Sole so much. Was it the chems? Maybe how she often charges head first into battle. Whatever it is, she admittedly feels guilty, not realising Sole cared so much about her. She isn't the best at comforting people, but she tries her best to make Sole feel better and reassure them that she isn't going anywhere. It may result in some awkward shoulder pats, but it's the thought that counts, right?
Codsworth It's probably not the first time that Codsworth has seen Sole break down. After all, he was the first living being they ran into after escaping the horrors of Vault 111. Still, this particular breakdown takes him by surprise, he didn't know he mattered that much to Sole. He's probably the best at comforting Sole, considering he knows them so well. Later on, he'll likely bring up how touched he is to know that he's important to Sole and promises he'll stand by them.
Curie She's extremely apologetic when she realises Sole's breaking down, at first thinking she'd done something wrong, before they explain that they can't stand to lose her. She understands where Sole is coming from, they're the most important person in her life and she doesn't want to begin to think what things would be like without them. She apologises if she ever scared them and reassures them that she's much more formidable than she seems
Paladin Danse He immediately panics when Sole starts to break down. Being in the Brotherhood, he's never known how to deal with his own emotions, let alone the emotions of someone else. He'll try his best to comfort Sole, but he definitely won't succeed. If he's still in the Brotherhood and him and Sole aren't extremely close - or romantically involved - he'll only insist that, due to his training, he's confident nothing bad will happen to him. However, if they're closer, Danse will go out of his way to make sure Sole knows they won't ever lose them, he loves Sole and he'd keep surviving so long as it made them happy.
Deacon He has no idea how to react at first. Sure, he'd been travelling with Sole for a while now, but he figured it was just out of convenience, since he was showing them the ropes in the Railroad. He'd figured his lying would've annoyed them by now and yeah, they were close, but he didn't know he mattered this much to them. He wants to crack a joke, but even he knows it's bad timing. Instead - because he understands how devastating loss can be, and he knows what Sole's been through - he actually does his best to comfort them, which he's actually good at, much to both his and Sole's surprise.
Hancock Like Cait, he initially thinks it's down to his reckless behaviour when it comes to chems and almost immediately promises you that he knows not to overdo it and if chems were going to kill them, they would've by now. He assures Sole that so long as he has them by his side, there's no way he plans on dying early, even though life hasn't exactly been kind to him in the past. Sole gives him a reason to keep going and he'd rather not ruin that.
MacCready Similarly to Deacon, he understands - maybe better than anyone - just how hard losing the person you love can be. The death of Lucy still haunts him, in spite of how much he cares for Sole, so he feels terrible that they share concerns he once had to suffer the aftermath of. He promises them over and over that they'll never lose him, no matter what happens. He even goes the extra mile and makes sure to be careful when they're outside the walls of a settlement, just to give Sole some peace of mind.
Nick Valentine He's better at comforting Sole than most, he knows a lot about their past and how they ended up in the Commonwealth, widowed and searching for their child. Besides, he's used to dealing with people breaking down in front of him - albeit, it's a little different since Sole means a lot to him. He knows he and Sole have grown close, so he understands completely why they'd be worried about losing another loved one. Nick will jokingly point out that if he's survived this long with only a few - a lot of - bumps and scratches, they have nothing to worry about. If Sole brings up their concerns again, he'll be more than happy to reassure them further.
Piper Wright She understands that with her line of work, she's a lot more likely to meet an untimely demise, but who doesn't die young these days? She's surprised she's made it this far with the amount of attempts on her life. She can stand seeing Sole cry though and instantly wraps them in a hug, telling them that as long as she's got them by her side, she'll be fine. Piper trusts Sole completely to protect her, just as she'd protect them. It breaks her heart to see them so torn up though and she almost feels guilty, deciding she'll find a way to make it up to them soon, even if she hasn't necessarily done anything wrong.
Preston Garvey As someone who often struggles with seeing the meaning in his own life, Preston is completely taken aback by Sole's worry towards his wellbeing. He instantly feels terrible for having any thoughts about taking his own life and apologises profusely to Sole, insisting that nothing bad will ever happen to them. He hasn't had an easy time recently, but having Sole by his side has helped more than he could've ever imagined and if they care about him enough to want him to keep fighting, then he will, without question.
X6-88 To nobody's surprise, X6 doesn't really know what to say or do. He simply clarifies that coursers were designed to be near enough formidable, so the likelihood of anything happening to him is extremely low. He does show some genuine concern, by asking if Sole would benefit from speaking to someone professionally, it's not enough to comfort Sole, but he's trying his best.
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fo4-hellhole · 2 years
Fallout 4 romanced companions with a S/O(The sole survivor) who was a pre war singer? Like they were featured in pretty popular songs on diamond city radio they even had billboards and posters along with magazines with them strewn in boston they even promoted fashion items and more popular brands they were basically a big shot or should I say they were the face of Massachusetts known as "Mrs./Mr./Mx Massachusetts" back before the bombs dropped.
Even too this day in post war boston they're recognized by the pre-war ghouls even some citizens who are a big time fan of their music and the occasional obsessive collector.
Basically romanced companions dating a pretty famous singer from pre-war america also can it be GN?
I dieded but now im back
He’s never really paid any attention to the billboards he’s come across while traveling with the Brotherhood. So he might feel like he’s seen your face somewhere before, but doesn’t realize who you are or where he’s seen you.
He doesn’t actually learn about your history as a pre-war star until he and you meet a pre-war ghoul who recognized your face. Probably just says “Mr./Ms./Mx. Massachusetts, huh? Interesting.” lmao
Lowkey wonders what it’s like to be a celebrity. He might ask you one day.
He probably jokes about it at some point before he realizes you were alive before the war. Says you look like the celebrity on the billboards and jokes that you’re them, without realizing that you’re literally them. If you tell him or if another person points it out someday, he’s genuinely surprised.
Had definitely made some “Hey, you see that that person on the billboards? The one that looks like you? Yeeeeeaah, them and I were in some movies together before the war. We were basically the biggest celebrities around,” kinda comments in the past.
Probably notices the similarity, but doesn’t think you’re actually Mr./Ms./Mx. Massachusetts. Probably jokes, “Y’know, you look just like the person in those old billboards. The pretty one in the Nuka-Cola ads.” But when you explain that, yeah, that’s you, he goes, “Huh, you’re being serious? I’m not tripping right now?”
Totally brags about you sometimes. And if a pre-war ghoul recognizes you, he’s super smug about it, like internally all “Yep, that’s my partner.”
Notices the similarity, but doesn’t point it out at first. When you share that you were around before the war, he’s all, “Hey, you’re not… the person on the old prewar billboards, are you?”
Literally thinks it’s the coolest thing ever.
Probably starts asking you questions about prewar life, and what it was like being famous. Sometimes he asks you really stupid questions like “What was it like before electricity was invented?” lmao. It’s kinda like Preston’s Bunker Hill comment
Notices immediately, but doesn’t say anything, cause he assumes you just look like the person on the billboards, or maybe he’s just remembering wrong. Though, once you start traveling with him and you both run across a billboard, he’s mentally like “Ok this is weird, you definitely look EXACTLY like them.”
When you mention that you were born pre-war, that’s when he points out when he noticed the similarity. He’s genuinely surprised when you explain that it’s you, and he probably mentions a memory of OG Nick hearing about you on the news.
He doesn’t actually notice at first, but when you guys eventually pass by one of the billboards, he’ll point out how much you look like them. When you tell him that it’s you, he’s genuinely pretty shocked. But he’s kinda like Mac, he thinks it’s super cool and will probably bombard you with dumb questions about prewar life.
He probably asks you the most about what it’s like being a celebrity. He asks you about how you ended up being Mr./Ms./Mx. Massachusetts, how did you end up on the billboard, were you ever on television, stuff like that.
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