anzukero · 3 months
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the start of domestic bliss 🥂
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shiftythrifting · 10 days
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some.... eclectic finds from a goodwill in OR
1. there were more of these letter stocking hangers but someone had taken the opportunity to make them spell EEP (hats off to them for making it spell 'eep' instead of the more puerile 'pee')
2. very cute corn teapot i would have bought had it not been very small (probably could fit 1 normal cup or 2 tiny cups' worth of tea)
3. the most sopping wet pathetically sad piggy bank i ever did see
4. children's bed sheets with an indiscernible Creature
5. frame that was donated with the protective backing still on the glass but also had a really good picture of someone's cat inside
6. authentic novelty shrek the third glass that i was going to buy to jumpscare our houseguests with until my roommate informed me these are the ones with dangerous amounts of lead in them
7. denture bunks: put your teeth to bed!
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kabutoden · 2 months
i love it when people introduce their coolass adult trolls like yes. this is slayer martin the cruel. five sweeps ago he killed his way through his enemies and earned the title of worlds best assassin. hes the most competent warrior with swordkind in all of alternia and he had to duel his matesprite to the death when he was 7 sweeps old so hes rejected love and compassion from his dictionary literally and its like so cool bc it’s like. wow. i love slayer martin hes just like a real cool adult troll he’s so badass and epic and his themes and story is so complex i love it!!! but when i make homestuck ocs its like:
this is my babydoll cringe mcpeeper she’s 6 sweeps and her talent is screaming. really into defying the system these days. yes thats an ankle monitor. she shaved half her head a sweep ago. her mommy does not love her
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lacecap · 1 year
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i saw you once in a dream
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loganslowdown4 · 5 months
Editorial Virgil is so 💜💜😭🥹🖤🖤😍😍😍
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citrus-kiddo · 25 days
Friends 💤⭐
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I've notice you guys like Eep and Yip a lot so here's some nom doodles of them :D
Also, fun fact!: Since the two have the same body, they have the ability to hypnotize prey via eye sight. Eep usually is the one who uses that to ensure their prey won't be rowdy while in they're in their stomach so they both get peaceful rest.
I do take requests so if you have a specific thing you wanna ask abt Eep and/or Yip, go ahead!
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squibo · 8 months
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prookal · 4 months
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"Where the deceptively beautiful creature's foot fell: the Earth died." ✨👑🪽
part six of the pencilcat art challenge is to design a character from a word generator
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tkdrawz · 10 months
Some of the TMNT fandom (and, frankly, society) really ain't shit.🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️
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[From left to right: Princess Fiona (Ogress Form) (Shrek) Eep (The Croods) Gloria (Madagascar) Dijonay Jones (The Proud Family) Luisa Madrigal (Encanto) April O'Neil (TMNT Mutant Mayhem)]
These ladies are female protagonists in their respective franchises. All of them have different body types that contrast from the default thin, petite body type that we're used to seeing. And all of them are BEAUTIFUL! 💖
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Three of these ladies became love interests that ended up in healthy relationships with partners who love them for who they are. Also, four of them are women of color. (idk if Fiona counts. While she is green, she started off white so... 50/50? 🤷🏾‍♀️) That part is especially relevant to this post because Twitter got me EFFED UP. I'M ON ONE, ON TWO, ON THREE TODAY!
So the concept art of Mutant Mayhem's April O'Neil was revealed by James A. Castillo, an artist who worked on the movie.
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And people are DRAGGING HIM LEFT AND RIGHT! Being disrespectful to both him and April's design. I can tell you right now not even a third of those quotes aren't positive! There is a vast difference between criticism and insults:
💛"I do not like this design. Besides the color yellow and her red/ginger hair, she simply doesn't read as April O'Neil." That's criticism. This expresses disproval of the design without any vulgarities.
💔"Rethink your entire career. "Artist" my ass! This shit is garbage! She looks like she sleeps in a van and smokes so much weed she reeks of it. You failed." That's disrespect. And I don't think I need to tell you why.
Normally, I tend not to discuss such sensitive topics on my blog (religion, politics, discrimination of ANY kind, etc.) for my sanity and out of respect for others with opposing views. But today, I will make an exception.
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I would love to include Luisa, who alongside April was mocked and disrespected heavily for her appearance, but I wanted to speak on this matter from the perspective of a plus-sized African American woman. Luisa comes from an completely different background whose culture and standards I am not entirely familiar with. I can't speak on what I don't know. Respectfully.💜
In the black community, women are faced with colorism, texturism, constant comparison, and body image negativity on a daily basis. And a good amount of it comes from our own community! Our shade, our 4C hair, our weight, our attractiveness, our lifestyle! It's brutal out here!😭😭😭
However, in terms of media a plus-sized black girl is seen as ghetto, loud, and undesirable with a side of attitude. The best example I can think of is Dijonay from The Proud Family.
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This is the show I grew up on! The theme song, the characters, the Suga Mama, ICONIC! I love Dijonay to pieces, but as I grew up I realize that she was, in some aspects, a negative portrayal. She was always chasing instead of being "the chase". She was a horrible friend to Penny. And she sucumbed to a lot of negative stereotypes with barely any redeeming qualities. And this was very disheartening considering that she was the darkest one in the group. And the heaviest. And as a little chubby wubby in the 2000s with THIS as my representation? I have to give the writers a bit of the side eye. Was she any better in The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder? To that I would say.... meh. I love her in the reboot, but they could do so much more with her in my opinion. I still haven't seen them address the issue of colorism. 👀
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While she is not a human, Gloria is voiced by a black woman (Jada Pinkett Smith) and imitates the sass of a black woman so... yeah. She's included. Gloria was persued by two men. One was the suave, flexing hippo Motto Motto. And the other was her friend/neighbor from her childhood Melman. She chose the latter for good reason of course. Now in Madagascar, Gloria wasn't mocked or criticized for her weight. In fact, hippos are known for their weight. However, she was seemingly fetishized for it. By Motto Motto to be exact. And being fetishized is NOT better than being ridiculed.
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Unlike Dijonay, April was the chase, a love interest for Leonardo. I admit, I was SHOCKED that she was gonna be persued. Let alone that the writers wanted to try another Turtle/April pairing considering how April and Donnie went...😬. Now her backlash was on a completely different level. One that I wasn't even prepared for....
While Gloria and Dijonay are original characters, Mutant Mayhem's April O'Neil is a different interpretation of the character that has existed since the 80's. The same can be said for the Turtles, Splinter, literally everybody else! Every show and movie for that matter! And with every story, she changes. Design, motivation, relationships/dynamics, even race as of lately. All of it changes. And change isn't bad. In my opinion, it keeps things fresh and interesting instead of spoon feeding us the same story and concepts over and over again. Change challenges us. Change motivates us. However, some people don't like change nor want to accept it and adjust. And that's life. That's just the way it is. But change is necessary in order to progress.
She wasn't bad in the movie AT ALL. I absolutely adored her! And the dynamic between her and Leo wasn't akward or uncomfortable at all. It was handled really well. Ayo Ediberi did an incredible job bringing her to life! (GOD, I loved her in The Bear! Shameless plug lol)
That being said, I understand some of the sensitivity that fans have when a character changes so drastically you can barely recongnize them anymore beyond the bare minimun. (See also Sonic Boom's Knuckles) But the blatant discrimination, rude comments, and the boldness, THE AUDACITY, that some of these nasty Twitter fingers with their dirty fingernails have to type such disrespect to the artist that I can't repeat up here was wild af. Like, I can't believe we have to share a planet with some of them! Uggh!😷(But that's Twitter 24/7 so what's new?) Her and Rise April don't deserve the hate they get. You don't have to like them. Art is subjective. But to insult and harrass the artists and the people who look like the characters, then mask it under the umbrella of "tHaTs mY oPiNiOn" is 🐱. I said what I said. And I will say that shit again.
Also, just because she's black doesn't mean we can't have another white April O'Neil ever again. We know goodness well they could make another iteration of TMNT and make her white if they wanted to. Heck, I encourage them to explore other races and cultures too! New York is full of them! And it's not like all the other versions of April up and vanished. You can watch them anytime on Hulu, Netflix, Paramount Plus, etc.
One more point I'd like to make is that I am an African American woman who is currently on a weight loss journey. As a plus-sized girl, I had incredibly low self-esteem and picked up toxic, unhealthy eating habits from starving myself to overeating BECAUSE I starved myself. Also, I have experienced both sides from being disrespected and made fun of to being complimented and persued. I was at my biggest weight 2 years ago and I have made incredible progress to lose weight since then. People can lose weight. It is achievable! I went to school with some people who were way bigger than me that lost the weight by senior year! Just because she's big in this movie doesn't mean she can't lose weight by the sequel. Like I've said before, it's not wrong to encourage health and fitness!💪🏾 In life, they call this a glow up. A "remember how you treated them in high school" type of comeback. People can, and are allowed to, change. And it's not wrong to embrace your body and the skin you're in. It's all relative!💖
This post isn't to convince you to change your mind. And it won't make the bullies go away. I can't change the world overnight, nor am I trying to. At the end of the day, you're the consumer. It's your choice. Your prefrence. I can't tell you how to think.
I just wanted to spread a bit of awareness that plus sized people exist. And they will always exist. Everyone is deserving of representation in media in all facets. No matter their shape, size, shade, or sexuality. There are so many people from different walks of life who deserve to be seen and on screen. And the amount of visibility for black girls this year alone is amazing! And I want the same for other women of color, too!
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Be good to one another. Take care.
💙 -TK
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bwunnishit · 5 months
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edwinadaily · 2 years
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Charithra Chandran as Edwina Sharma · Bridgerton 2.07
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astrobei · 9 months
just had a dream that i wanted to remember something but i got a notification that the memory was locked unless i subscribed to Memory Plus for $9.99 a month or i could continue with the free version but watch a minute thirty of ads before getting to the memory and i failed my timed exam because it took too long to remember everything and i didn’t have my credit card on me (bc i was about to take a test) so i couldn’t subscribe to the premium version.
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stevesjockstrap · 9 months
After he’d dragged him out of the Upside Down, gotten them all to the hospital and everything had settled down, Steve appointed himself Officiant of Eddie Munson’s hair.
Eddie couldn’t raise his arms for weeks, and the original state of it was a literal rat’s nest of debris, dirt and dried blood. Steve appeared unfazed by the black suds as he diligently scrubbed his fancy expensive shampoo into it while Eddie lay helpless in his hospital bed.
When Eddie could start moving around more, Steve would prop him up in bed and run his fingers through it, detangling his bed head curls.
He would pull it back from his face in a braid, tying his bandana around his bangs so he could focus on exercising with the physical therapists.
Only once had Eddie (mostly jokingly) offered to just shave his head to make things easier on him. Steve had scoffed and said, “Absolutely not.”
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orionsmeteorshower · 6 months
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julien baker
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citrus-kiddo · 28 days
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They’re names are Eep and Yip!
They’re a type of plush sea dragon pred(s) that is flippable (aka they’re the same person)! Eep is the more calm and sleepy one of the two, prefer to nap than nom. If they do nom you though, you’ll find yourself in a snug plush tum similar to being wrapped in a warm blanket which smells faintly of blueberries that you can’t help but fall asleep.
Yip on the other hand is energetic and playful, nomming people to have a party in their tummy (their words, not mine). Their tummy is similar to Eep’s in texture but is much cooler with a smell of oranges that makes you feel energized!
These two are still in development but yeah! Feel free to ask abt another, even being nommed is on the table! Okay, Buh-bye for now! :D
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reinerispretty · 1 year
beneath the moon (sokka x f!reader) unfinished + abandoned
sorry :( (y/n) is yue’s younger sister and is opposite from her in many ways. except for how she might feel about the southern water tribe boy. 
start. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 
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