astreyya · 2 years
for my beloved elle: 5, 23, 29, 45, 55
5) is there something they want to be known for?
I think she knows she's meant for something, like there's gotta be more to her myth, but she doesn't know what it is that she's meant to do/be. I think she wants to be known for exactly what she is, and for people to recognise her as she stands
23) in what moment did they consider themselves to be “grown up”?
The first moment that she did something that her mom(s) didn't think she was able to do. or thats the moment she considered herself like an independant person like 'Im going to do what I want and I can make things happen if I will them to be'. Semi-related but i think its funny to think she found herself her magic tutor because she was like Ma i wanna be a wizard and her mom like chortled and said sure go ahead kid (thinking she wouldn't be able to or that itd be to hard or theres no one/no where around there to learn that stuff)
29) what feelings do they internalize?
i feel like she doesn't really internalize a lot of what people say because she is So like. critical/analytical of waht people are saying at all times. like because shes so busy spending brain energy to like decoding what they mean and what it says about them and etc etc etc that she only really takes in information that she's like thoroughly vetted ig
if anything i think she would internalize something someone said and then make it her Mission to like prove them wrong before continuing on with her day
45) what lies do they tell themselves?
"I don't care what they think" is definitely the biggest one. and i think a second runner up is "they're not right about me" which. is debateable if its a lie or not, but go figure. secret number three is "I dont need them/anyone" which in her experience has been, for the most part, correct so again. not sure if thats a lie.
55) they’re seeing their greatest wish come true—what’s happening?
Im going to ignore the whole thing about her leg scars caus, although interesting, is ALSO boringggg. so uhem.
She wants to know what it all means, why she feels this dramatic pull towards the heavens as if theres something waiting for her to take her place, what else is out there for her to know or to be because. a mortal life is not what she's meant for like sure it Is what shes meant for and shes just kinda dramatic and dissociated from herself BUT. in the back of her brain is just the like smallest inkling of like a general base of like Luxon-esque ideals like the whole the life continues on before and after the person thing. So her seeing her greatest wish coming true is the feeling of everything making sense. Everything fitting together in just the way they're supposed to be, not in a like she completes the life the fates have woven for her but more of a she's completed it all, even proving fate itself wrong and the accomplishment of Doing it.
TL;DR its the hubris of it all
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lotusmoonbunni · 2 years
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Calypso Emberblade. The intersex half sibling of Raenjr and Esen's inlaw.
They use they/them pronouns and are divination wizard/wildfire druid.
Port city noble so I wanted a semi sea look for them.
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shinigami-queen · 1 year
OC Name Meaning
Hello again! So after being nagged mercilessly by @dotr-rose-love I decided to make another post about my OCs (you win xD).
This time I'm playing the name meaning game, which means I'm going to list the names of my main cast and their meanings. Finally, I'll add some comments on whether the meaning of the name actually fits the character and tell you if I had intended this or was actually caught by surprise.
-> Skye Ryuuko (she has 2 names because her father is Japanese)
Skye simply means sky xD It's apparently taken from an old Norse word meaning cloud. This is completely irrelevant to her, since she is a "firebender" (called Emberblade in my book) but she is the love interest of Noah weeeeeell you get it. Ryuuko, written as 竜子 , probably has many meanings but I chose it to mean "dragon child". It has to do with her extra powers, since she is also the Sun-blessed, the fire deity's chosen one.
-> Shishio (獅子王)
Skye's father, I picked the name to mean "lion king", a strong-sounding name for the Dragon General and one of the greatest Emberblades in history.
-> Noah
A Hebrew name, it means "rest" or "repose". I guess the meaning has a loose connection to him as a character but I didn't pick it for this, I just like how it sounds.
-> Aleksei (Alek for shorts)
This is a quite famous name, meaning "man's defender" or "warrior". Alek is the Moon-blessed, a "waterbender" (still working on their name in my world xD) and again, I just picked this name cause I like it.
-> Mateo
The Spanish version of Matthew, it means "gift of God". His name was originally Rey, but I changed it cause I wanted it to be more similar to his twin sister's name, Maya (so obviously the meaning has nothing to do with him). He is a Materialist and, together with Maya, a Naturalist, they are the Life-blessed.
-> Maya
Maya can mean a lot of things apparently. It can mean "illusion" or "dream" in Sanskrit, but it's also an alternate name for the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune, power, beauty and prosperity. In the Maori language, it means "courage" or "bravery". The name is also related to the Greek word for "mother". In Roman mythology, Maia was sometimes considered the mother of the earth. She became associated with growth and expansion, lending her name to the month of May, which was appropriate since Maia was also the goddess of spring. Generally speaking, Maya is a name strongly tied to the divine.
Now this definition I found was a very pleasant surprise to me, who picked this name because I liked it only to find it fits perfectly with my Naturalist girl (especially the Roman interpretation). Her powers are strongly related to anything nature, from plants to animals, so she is indeed a mother of the earth and goddess of spring. The "courage" meaning also fits nicely, since Maya begins as a timid and shy girl, and slowly develops into a brave warrior and a strong leader towards the end of the story. Even the "mother" meaning fits figuratively, since she is the mother friend of the group. xD
-> Vincent
A Latin name, meaning "prevailing". Now this is my villain, so I believe the interpretation fits him well.
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xmindbrokenx · 1 year
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Mercedes Emberblade née Duskmoon
Minerva Everburn (Formerly)
Nickname: Mercy
Age: Adult, Born February 13th
Species: Ren’dorei
Status: Alive
The Mind Breaker
Mistress of Avarice
The Morning Glory
Servant of N’Zoth
Agent of The Black Empire
Art Dealer and Collector
Hit Woman
Servant of N’Zoth
Acrobat (Formerly)
The Ren’dorei
The Black Empire
Raean Everburn - Father
Lilith Dusmoon - Mother
Fernand Everburn - Half Brother
Medis Tinara - Adoptive Sister
Cyrus Emberblade - Husband
Eris Emberblade - Daughter
Companions: None
Portrayed By: Madison Beer
Voiced By: Bee - Helluva Boss (Ke$ha)
Accessories and Weapons:
Vi’nashta, Sinblade of Avarice
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Powers and Abilities:
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stormwindian · 2 years
This entry is dated for Spring of last year.
Madam Eva.
Before us was a weathered sage; she was arcane in her own way. Perturbingly—I want to place her voice as the one from my dreams, but I can't help but wonder if that means I should distrust her?
She wants all of us here. The others saw that much but instead of realizing why, they aggressed. I don't blame the ire; the heedful are often-sacrificed pawns.
But I know something dark haunts this valley. They're desperate for any help they can find and that's why they've reached out for us, using mysticism to oblige our steps to this moment.
The cards were the first signs; that's why she offered to read them.
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Your journey has brought you into the dark itself, to a land that now preys upon its people. You clutch onto steel and hope, but you are far from safety here.
Lost in the mists... where only the dead will find you.
She called my name first. I remember staring at her, tense.
I can't say I've ever truly believed in fortune telling—Not enough that I might ever try to design my choices around what a cryptic woman with a deck of cards might say—but, for this, I was well affected.
Each one struck a unique cord—Accurate, but provoking.
First—The 3 of Swords, the Soldier. "Disciplined & Driven." I would say it accurate, but I serve no causes that aren't my own and that independence has been my pride for a long time now. If I am a soldier, I am certainly no pawn or mercenary.
Then—The Four of Stars, the Abjurer. "Logic & Reasoning." I use these for clarity, but she thinks I have missed something important. Tell me to stay observant, but I will not pretend that I haven't poured myself over every scrap of information that we've stumbled upon in this hazardous journey.
Finally—The One of Swords, the Avenger. She spoke of righting wrongs—Justice—and that she expects I will right the wrongs enacted in this valley; My fate is "entwined" with it? She said, "The Shadow that rules over this land won it in blood and a mighty spirit suffers an unquiet rest," and I know who she means.
Argynstrasz, the Crimson Dragon. How many times have I seen him in my dreams now?
For as many appearances as he's made, I be maddened not to seek where he and his knights fell. The very spirit of his son has coaxed me to this place, has he not? Valastrasz—The wyrm whose bones were engraved by dark magicians to create a weapon—knows this place.
I found that runed Emberblade in Autumn. How long have they been playing with us?
Or is it all fate?
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Emerblade (Landkist Saga Book 1) Cover Art by Asahisuperdry
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jd-arts319 · 4 years
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Emberblade's truck form in Movieverse!!!!
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Emberblade 2nd truck form
Emberblade belongs to me
Transformers(all media types) @hasbro
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mrkurlybald-blog · 4 years
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Hour to spare , so coffee and a good book . #coffee #starbucks #reading #bookstagram #books #emberblade (at Greenwich, London) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8gD-3LgaIh/?igshid=18a5lo0ma1rmk
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ravenkult · 3 years
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Emberblade (The Landkist Saga #1) by Pierre Raveneau https://www.artstation.com/artwork/KrBbLR
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khorren · 4 years
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Rename time!
While they’re not changed in game because jesus hell, rename contracts are expensive, and they’re not played that much anyway, my kitty babies have been renamed. Should I happen to stumble on 1,600 gems I’ll change ‘em, but for now they’ll stay as they are in game.
Fae Emberblade is now Onyx Emberblade
Khorren Embergleam is now Reyna Embergleam
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guild-goofs · 4 years
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I'm never planning on changing anything about her
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shieldofdestiny · 6 years
Meet Cindrea
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► Name ➔ “Cindrea Emberblade” ► Are you single ➔ “Yes, my duties keep me rather busy.” ► Are you happy ➔   “I am surrounded by wonderful people. It is impossible not to be happy around such comrades.” ► Are you angry? ➔  “No.” ► Are your parents still married ➔   “No, my father died valiantly during the Razing of Silvermoon and my mother over the years has moved on.”
► Birth Place ➔ “Quel’thalas.” ► Hair Color ➔ “Platinum Blonde.” ► Eye Color ➔ “Gold.” ► Birthday ➔ “The Sixteenth of Spring.” ► Mood ➔ “At peace.” ► Gender ➔ “Female.” ► Summer or winter ➔ “Summer.” ► Morning or afternoon ➔ “Morning. I start my day right before dawn.”
► Are you in love ➔ “Does the Light count? I jest. No, I am currently not in love.” ► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “I believe love has many ways of entering our lives.” ► Who ended your last relationship ➔  “Our differences.” ► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ “Not intentionally, no.” ► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ “No.” ► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “My squire and I had a moment of admiration. He has come so far and I could not be more proud.” ► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ “If I knew then it would not be much of a secret now would it?” ► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “Many times.”
► Love or lust ➔ “Love.” ► Cats or Dogs ➔ “Dogs.” ► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “A few.” ► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “Out.” ► Day or night ➔ “Day.”
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ “As if I would ever.” ► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “Never.” ► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “No.” ► Wanted to disappear ➔ “Perhaps from awkward situations that I am forced into.”
► Smile or eyes ➔ “Smile” ► Shorter or Taller ➔ “Taller.” ► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ “Both.” ► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ “Relationship.”
► Do you and your family get along ➔ “I am very close with my family. There were tensions once when we had chosen separate paths but we have long moved past such trivial grudges.” ► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔  “...no?” ► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ “I never had a reason to.” ► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔  “Never.”
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “Of course not.” ► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “They are a piece of my life I would not want to lose.” ► Who is your best friend ➔ “My ‘other half’, Auroryn Dawnsworn.” ► Who knows everything about you ➔ “Auroryn though my brother, Caerithan, comes as a close second.”
 Tagged by: @wolf-among-lions @the-field-marshal (Ty!)
Tagging: @auroryn-dawnsworn @stromic-steel @eldonthatcher @zack-leingod @focusedwill @suncrest-legacy @themanwiththemagic @ellundil @centoridellanir @karidakdellanir @rencyth & anyone else who would like to!
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therealvagabird · 3 years
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Emberblade - by Pierre Raveneau
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hadesbeast · 3 years
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Artist Pierre Raveneau…Emberblade (The Landkist Saga #1) 😈 ~ßεศş†~ https://www.instagram.com/p/CWYTWa6Psr_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jd-arts319 · 4 years
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Rune/Runic sans my oc
Neo!Optimus prime & Emberblade
& of course~~~~
Neoformers,Emberblade & Rune belongs to me
Original Transformers(all media types) belongs to hasbro & the communities
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lotusmoonbunni · 2 years
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Sometimes I worry I post too many character designs but then I remember I don't really care
Have Raenjr Emberblade He's important to Esen
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