reaper-chan666 · 5 months
Since the poll said longer posts with multiple types of Hybrid! Readers interacting with Taskforce 141, I'll start slow, and gain speed as I go. I'll start with Lioness! Reader, Bat! Reader, and go from there! I'm sorry if it seems short still!
Lioness Hybrid! Reader who doesn't like it when people assume they're weak, since they're smaller than the male Lion Hybrids, is automatically weaker. But they've never been allowed to go into the field to prove otherwise. Instead, they get placed on desk at every base, essentially becoming a glorified secretary, and it pisses them off. Over time they become irritable, then they start becoming increasingly agitated, until it gets to the point, that they're just flat out aggressive, and get traded around to different squads since people get tired of dealing with them.
Until John Price of Taskforce 141 sees their file, and decides to transfer them over to base. Immediately, all the personnel on base is put on edge. They've heard the stories of this hybrid, and they don't want to deal with that. Within a week of Lioness! Reader transferring, Price, Ghost, Gaz, and Soap notice that the hybrid seems agitated when they aren't put on missions or on regular training, so they have a small meeting, and decide to test out the abilities of Lioness! Reader. After Lioness! Reader is tested by doing the training regimen that Ghost follows, it's clear to the four men, that while the hybrid is smaller, they're faster and stronger than they seem, so Ghost makes it a point to read up on Lioness Hybrids, and comes up with a training regimen that will allow reader to train to their fullest potential. And it works, the hybrid quickly loses the aggressive behaviors once they start training with the four men, and soon they go on missions with the boys, getting results with brutal efficiency.
Bat Hybrid! Reader, who is forced into military sleep schedules, and gets sick easily because of the stress it puts on their bodies. Gaz is visiting the base that the hybrid is at, and immediately notices how bad it is, so he calls Price and explains what's going on, Price then calls Laswell, and there is an emergency transfer for the poor hybrid.
Bat! Reader is allowed to set their sleep schedule to follow their bodies needs, and it starts a discussion about meeting Hybrids needs in the military, and not always forcing them to conform to things, especially not things that will cause their bodies harm, like sleep, diet, and training.
Bat! Reader, who shows their strengths once they're recovered, being able to find things in absolute darkness, flying up to around 60 miles per hour on a regular mission, to 100 miles per hour in an emergency. Bat! Reader has an amazing sense of smell, and uses echolocation to help track targets and squad members alike, and being able to accurately differentiate who's who. But that sense of smell comes at a cost. Bat! Reader has issues with strong odors, causing the guys to get better ventilation installed in the barracks.
Bat! Reader, who likes to sleep upside down at times, so Price installs a pull up bar in their room, with a soft cushion on the ground underneath it, just in case they were to fall. They tend to get anxious alone when they're trying to fall asleep alone, so typically the guys will sit in there with them until they fall asleep, unintentionally starting a bunch of break times that forces the guys to slow down and breathe.
I ran out of ideas, it's almost 6 am and I have a migraine, I'll post more when my brain doesn't feel like mush.
Give me more Hybrid suggestions, or tell me if you want to see more Snake! Lioness! Or Bat! Readers again.
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stressedlilbean · 7 months
Tim Drake’s iconic ‘sleep is for the weak’ speech is a pun. And I am so disappointed that no one *cough* Dick or Jason *cough* every used it.
My thought is that he was left alone as a kid a lot, but still had tutors when he was little during the week, but that left his weekends free. He focused on whatever interested him then, but he hyper-fixated on it then, and didn’t sleep on the weekends. He slept on week nights though when he had school.
It wasn’t “Sleep is for the weak”, it was “Sleep is for the week.”
Is this true? Probably not. Is this fun to think about? Absolutely. Do I have evidence? Nope. But I said ‘weak’ and ‘week’ in the same sentence, heard it, and now can’t unhear it.
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heroicheroes · 5 months
Just have an idea and I want to throw some of what I've already gotten done out here. No idea how long it'll take between additions from me, but anyone who wants to add or continue to what I already have, feel free.
Basic Summary: Tim Drake finds Jason Todd after he crawls out of his own grave but before the League of Assassins and decides to take Jason home to Drake Manor. (Title may change)
Tim never thought he would ever actually be scared of Batman. But as he looked down on the alley below, Tim was terrified.
Batman was in a rage and he had been ever since he had come back from Ethiopia three weeks ago. Ever since he had come back alone.
It wasn't very hard for Tim to realize that Robin was dead. His Robin was gone. 
Tim pushed down the realization and bile it brought up as he dialed for emergency services. The criminal being beaten into the pavement below had only robbed a Walmart when he’d been discovered by Batman. Now he would be leaving in an ambulance. Tim only hoped that the sirens would be enough warning for Batman to get away.
Even as he waited, watching in horror, Tim began to think about how to save him. Bruce was a good man, damn it, and he was too lost in his own grief to realize how dangerous he had become. Batman needed a Robin. So Tim would find a Robin for him.
The ambulance arrived and Batman heard it just soon enough to disappear onto the gloomy fire escape above the alley. His form was nothing but a darker patch of shadow, but Tim had been following Gotham’s protectors long enough to recognize the tension in his gaze, the shaking of his shoulders. Batman was crying. 
His Hero… 
And then he was gone. 
Tim needed to get to work.
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
Mrs. Bennet: Is it Canon?
Mrs. Bennet is named Fanny
Fanon (I’m using this term to cover adaptations and JAFF), not canon. This one actually REALLY annoys me. Jane Austen almost always named first born daughters after their mother in cases where we know the mother’s name (Lady Maria Bertram - Maria Bertram, Mrs. Jane Fairfax - Jane Fairfax, Mrs. Frances Price - Fanny Price, Lady Catherine de Courcy - Catherine Vernon - Catherine Vernon Jr.). There are a few exceptions, like Lady Catherine - Anne de Bourgh, but that is probably because Lady C wanted Anne to marry Darcy, whose mother’s name is Anne.
With five daughters, Mrs. Bennet’s personality, and Jane Austen’s naming conventions, I find it nigh impossible that she has not named a single daughter after herself. Mrs. Bennet’s most likely name is Jane, followed by Elizabeth. 
Mrs. Bennet is old
Fanon, not canon. We are told that Mrs. Bennet was youthful and beautiful when she married. She has now been married for about 23 years, which probably makes her about 40. I honestly think the adaptations do her a disservice. My dream would have been a 40-year-old Kate Beckinsale. She did a perfect Lady Susan in Love and Friendship.
Mrs. Bennet hates her daughter Elizabeth
It’s complicated. While it is canon that Elizabeth is Mrs. Bennet’s least favourite daughter, however we never see her display any positive cruelty towards her. While saying that Elizabeth isn’t as pretty as Jane may seem mean to us now, people talk pretty frankly about physical appearance in Jane Austen’s novels. Mrs. Bennet is mostly talking about their relative marriageability. I think the idea is that Mrs. Bennet cannot understand Lizzy’s merits, and therefore she rates her low in prospects. However, Mrs. Bennet is indignant when Mr. Darcy insults Lizzy and defends her from the slight (in very foolish ways).
Mrs. Bennet is shrill/shrieks
Fanon, not canon. What Mrs. Bennet’s voice actually sounds like is entirely unknown. The point is that what she says is annoying/vulgar, not that she shrieks. Also, it’s sexist, frankly.
Like we need to sit down and think about the fact that instead of presenting Mrs. Bennet for what she is: someone who imprudently tries to game the marriage system and is hurting her daughter’s chances by not following the social rules of the gentry (mostly because she was raised lower class), 1995 P&P reduced Mrs. Bennet to shrill: “Ha ha, the stupid woman is annoying too!” 
Just what we needed to perpetuate the cultural problem of women not being listened to by men because it hurts their precious ears. No matter how you feel about her, it is galling that Margaret Thatcher lowered her voice by half an octave to be taken more seriously. One doesn’t have to have a low, masculine voice to be intelligent. I am a soprano and I actually express cohesive thoughts (I believe). Maybe it’s good ya’ll can’t hear my speaking voice...
Anyway, for all we know, Mrs. Bennet’s voice is a sexy alto. Also, if she sounded like that I really doubt Mr. Bennet would have married her. Nails on a chalkboard.
Half of JAFF’s start with some line like, “Mrs. Bennet’s shrill voice” or “Elizabeth heard shrieks” and I really feel like it needs to stop.
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quiltedpomegrantes · 2 years
Whitney Brainrot
Imagine helping them dye their hair blonde. Being invited over to their house, under the pretense of being a good slut. Oh sure, they'll fuck you senseless, filling you to the brim with their cum, leave your legs shaking.
Afterwards, when they think you've passed out from their relentless pounding, you'll find them glancing in the mirror. Running hands through their hair, revealing overgrown brunette roots. A different side of Whitney is shown. One with insecurity. Even as tiny as overgrown roots, it's something new.
Something you've never seen. Vulnerability. A feeling overwhelms you. Your heart swells a bit. So you suddenly sit up, with a wince, and lead them shakily leading them into their bathroom.
They'd play it off of course. Asking if their slut wanted to be fucked in the shower. But you'd stay silent, just rummaging through their cupboards for some bleach. Rage and shame would twist and converge on their face, what were you implying? But then, a silent resignation as you snap gloves on.
Being able to touch their hair is a privilege. A privilege reserved for you and you only. Read the box for instructions. Rub the bleach into their hair. Roots will lift to a yellowish blonde.
They'll grumble, say that their scalp burns. That you're doing it wrong. But then, that night (after they lock you out of the bathroom as they try to tone it to their properly delinquent ashy blonde) you'll see them in the corner of your eye grinning. Not the sly malicious grin you're so used to. A younger refreshing one. Only for you.
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took a uquiz sorting quiz for syl and she got hufflepuff but i want to put her in slytherin, mostly so people think she’s a malfoy cause of her white hair. but she beats him up on the reg also it would be ironic from how her personality is in general. 
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phantasm-masquerade · 4 months
reblog for a bigger sample size if you feel like it
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bumbleboa · 6 months
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today's stream drawing was Zoro and Nami from @calysto1395 's modern AU, because I just love these two and their dynamic.
More drawings (and more writing) of this AU can be found HERE and HERE !
Fic is now also available HERE!
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cupcakeshakesnake · 3 months
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Got out of bed half awake to scribble this
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To the people saying "Jason wouldn't have jumped into tartarus for Piper, like Percy did for Annabeth" as a way to demean him. Jason, plunged into the sky from the grand canyon to catch Piper in the first few pages of the lost hero without even knowing who she was, and without the knowledge that he could fly. so he basically jumped to his death attempting to catch her. In the first few pages of his journey, he didn't mind dying to save Piper, and ironically, that's also what he did in the last few pages of his journey. Y'all just be making the most out of pocket claims abt jason fr
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correlance · 4 months
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"Fanon Alastor" vs. "Canon Alastor" by @madelezabeth (?), colored by me! I found the uncolored version posted to r/HazbinHotelMemes.
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astraltrickster · 1 year
When you say "even in canon this character is acting OOC" do you mean it as in "this character's canon dropped the ball on internal consistency with them" or do you mean "this character I normally relate to made a decision that I wouldn't have made" or do you mean "this character isn't acting like the fanon we developed by rotating them in our heads for 67295 combined hours away from the source material"?
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datrava · 12 days
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How i imagined svsss characters before i saw fanarts :)
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virusmeds · 6 months
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sorry guy but... i guess.... i coulnt fight the homestuck...😢😔💔💔
i have nothing to post rn and i noticed that i recently got like 3-4 homestuck fans following me SO THIS POST GOES OUT TO THEMM!!!!! shoot-out to u!!
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lilith-91 · 27 days
Damn atla fandom is always looking for the yin/yang dynamic and "soulmates" trope when in the canon series it's literally...... Zuko and Aang
I mean, Sokka IS absolutely Aang's best friend and brother, but the soulmates platonic bond belong to them
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Enemies to friends, opposite elements in terms of temperament, both related to Roku and Sozin, both have "restore my honor" thing, both have scars from Azula, "the Avatar bring Zuko hope" line etc etc
They are meant to be friends bonded by the universe (Roku and Sozin again, hello?) and their respective paths were constantly intertwined. You learn about their backstories BY PARALLELS, BY DREAMS
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“The storm” and "The Avatar and the Fire Lord" are two of my favorite episodes because it really highlights how their fates are intertwined
They are THE narrative foils of the series. From episode 1 until the very end you know they are connected
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I mean look at Zuko here
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You can’t tell me Zuko didn’t think about this convo/experience in general all the time before switching sides. He’s not angry or disappointed. He looks contemplative, like what Aang said really got to him, even if he doesn’t know it yet.
Aang couldn't never hate Zuko because he knew why Zuko was the way he was and Zuko was obsessed with him for 3 seasons.
In the end they are presented together side by side as the Fire Lord and the Avatar. Their union is what will bring peace
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But since it's not a "romantic connection" this relationship is ignored bruh
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grape-souffle · 2 months
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