#FINALLY i have figure out why it bothers me so much hallelujah
actual-changeling · 6 months
this might be a me thing (probably is) but honestly i think aziraphale intentionally saying everything he did KNOWING what it was going to mean to crowley is way, way worse than him being unintentionally cruel.
carelessness can be fixed with conversation and understanding, if he really did not know better there's pain and heartbreak, yes, but also hope that you can move on from it.
but him intentionally saying those things to crowley? even as part of a trick or farce or double meaning? that means he knew exactly how to be cruel to him and then decided that it was either the easiest and/or the best option. i could not forgive that. there is ALWAYS a way that does not involve breaking the soul of the person you love.
so no, i don't think it was all a trick or that he was trying to secretly communicate something. i'd rather have aziraphale go through a genuine learning experience and properly talk to crowley about all of it than have crowley realise that it was all on purpose. that aziraphale looked at him and went "yeah, i'll say all that horrible shit to his face with a smile, this is definitely the best option and will have no consequences whatsoever".
there is always a way. always. i have been in situations with incredibly high stakes and emotional distress and being intentionally cruel is never the option you choose if you really love that person. you just don't. you rather bite off your own tongue than hurt them like that.
honestly, i would want crowley to walk away from him in that case because to me that's unforgivable and not fixable anymore.
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nugnthopkns · 3 years
dance me to the end of love (ii)
word count: 3.3k
warnings: fem!oc, alcohol consumption, cursing
series masterpost: here
a/n: part two baby! thanks for all the love on part one, it means the absolute world. i have so much love for this story and i hope people are enjoying it :))
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Life is settling into a comfortable rhythm.
After spending a good chunk of her young adult life being incredibly studious, Magdalene can finally have the social life of someone in their mid-twenties. Though she’s still spending a fair amount of time by herself in the basements of the University of Denver’s library, Bette convinces her to go out more. Magdalene tries to fight, citing extra work or a good book as an excuse to stay home, but it doesn’t work very often. The pleas of her friend are how Magdalene finds herself currently lounging poolside at Erik Johnson’s house on a Sunday afternoon.
“How’s the new career treating you?” Tyson asks. “I feel like we haven’t seen you in a while.”
Magdalene laughs. “I’ve seen Bette plenty,” she says, “She thinks I won’t take a lunch break unless she shows up.”
“Would you?” the blonde girl questions with a quirked brow.
“Probably not.”
“I rest my case.”
A small crowd gathers around as Magdalene begins to detail the specifics of her job, but she doesn’t feel as uncomfortable as she once would have. In the month or so since graduating school she’s found herself slowly being incorporated into the Avalanche family. It’s almost certainly because Bette and Tyson championed her case, explaining that she doesn’t have much of a support system beyond the two of them, but she doesn’t mind. A few of the guys ask her questions about her work, curious as to why someone would want to spend their life combing through piles of old things. Everyone stays engaged in the conversation until there’s a shout from the kitchen that dinner is ready.
Magdalene shuffles in line behind André, filling her plate with various pasta salads and a hamburger. Once situated with enough food for two meals she returns to the pool deck, sitting on the edge and dipping her toes into the cool water. Bette comes and finds her a minute later and the two of them begin to eat.
She’s still relatively new to the group’s dynamic, but Magdalene can’t help but notice that Ryan is never around. In fact, Magdalene hasn’t seen him since her graduation party. Taking a casual sip of her wine cooler, she asks her friend about the man’s absence.
“Why is Ryan never at these sorts of things?”
Bette shrugs. “Isn’t a huge one for parties. He was supposed to come today, but I guess something came up.”
“I’m not huge on parties,” Magdalene huffs, “But that doesn’t stop you from dragging me to every single one.”
“Unlike you, Gravy gets enough regular social interaction that his absence is permissible. If Tyson and I didn’t take you out you’d talk to your cat more than normal.”
She wants to fight back, but knows it’s pointless. Bette has a point – if it weren’t for her the only people Magdalene would interact with are her boss and her cat. Instead, she grumbles under her breath and changes the subject to the trip Bette is in the middle of planning. It’s coming up in a few weeks, and Magdalene wants to hear a bit more about it before she commits. Despite what she thought about taking time off so close to starting work, it was encouraged by June, but she's refraining from telling Bette that. If it doesn’t sound like she'll enjoy it, Magdalene is banking on being able to use the excuse.
Bette explains that she’s renting a large lake house that is perfect for a relaxing week away from adult responsibilities. The property has kayaks and a hot tub, which pretty much ensures that Magdalene will want to be in attendance. She’ll hold onto that information for a little while longer though, if for no other reason to make Bette squirm a little. At some point Tyson comes to sweep his girlfriend away and leaves Magdalene at the party alone. She makes polite conversation with some other players for a while before heading home herself. Ryan never shows up, despite how much Magdalene hopes he will. At the very least she wants to properly thank him for doing her a favour, though her hoping to see him is much more selfish. He intrigues her and she wants to know more about the tall man with the dazzling smile and a proclivity for wearing all black.
Barn Owl Book Company is filled to the brim when Magdalene approaches the store from the side street it annexes. She should’ve expected it – it’s the first of the month and their newest books are hitting the shelves. However, Magdalene doesn’t exactly have time to wait in line. June gave her only fifteen minutes to run and grab them coffee before they continue the massive task of digitizing a private collection that has just been donated to the university. She estimates it will take almost a month of extended hours to get everything done, and Magdalene believes it. There’s so much to wade through but she knows the end result will be satisfying.
Luckily the café line is fairly short, and Magdalene reaches the counter in a timely manner. “Hey,” she greets the barista warmly, “Could I just grab two medium iced cappuccinos?”
“Anything else?”
“No, that's everything. It’ll be on debit,” she smiles. Magdalene reaches into her backpack to grab her wallet only to find that it’s missing. Shit. The barista has already left to make the drinks, completely unaware that her customer is unable to pay.
Magdalene hears a voice from behind her say, “I’ve got it, don’t worry.” She turns around to find Ryan Graves standing there with a book tucked under his right arm.
“You’re a lifesaver,” she mumbles appreciatively. “I don’t know how my boss would take it if I showed up empty handed.”
Ryan laughs shyly as he pulls his card away from the machine. “I get it, everyone needs a little caffeine this time of year.” The barista comes back with Magdalene’s drinks, which she takes with a smile and a wish for a good day. The two of them head towards the exit, and Ryan pauses once they’re on the sidewalk. “Which way are you headed?”
“Back to work,” Magdalene says, nodding her head in the direction of campus. “I’ve got approximately five minutes to get there before June rips me a new one.”
“She’s my boss,” she explains.
Ryan nods in understanding. “I’ll see you around Magdalene,” he smiles, turning on his heel and heading the opposite direction.
In a moment of bravery, Magdalene yells at his retreating figure. “Will you? We never seem to cross paths.”
“I’ll be at Bette and Tyson’s this weekend, and I’m counting on your company.”
Magdalene finds it incredibly hard to focus the rest of the afternoon. She keeps thinking about what Ryan said, which makes her a rather lousy archivist. June sends her home just after seven even though they had plans to stay until ten, citing the fact that she’s scanned the same photo three times before noticing. Caligula’s meowing for pets when she gets home isn’t even enough to distract her from the comment. The absentmindedness continues for another day or so, and it’s becoming so bad Magdalene is worried that June is going to fire her for incompetence.
It’s only when Bette calls to invite her over for dinner and drinks that her mind levels out. “I was wondering when I was going to get the call,” she chuckles absentmindedly.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” is the response Magdalene receives.
“Well,” she explains, “I ran into Ryan at Barn Owl the other day and he paid for my drinks because I left my wallet on the table at work, and he said he expected to see me at your place this weekend. So if you never invited me I was just going to show up.”
Bette is smiling, that much Magdalene can infer by the lull in conversation. “I haven’t got the time to call you yet,” she concedes, “But consider this the official invitation to our house for a small party.”
“Anything we’re celebrating?”
“Nope. Have you ever needed a reason to party?”
Magdalene laughs. “Yes. Need one almost every time actually.”
The rest of the week passes fairly quickly. To make up for her blundering earlier in the week Magdalene offers to work a full day on Saturday, by herself, to get the project back on track. June accepts the proposition eagerly, and Magdalene lets Bette know she’ll be coming directly from work. Saturday rolls around and she spends most of her time getting lost in the past lives of the artefacts she’s dealing with. If someone were to ask Magdalene what her favourite part of archiving is, that’s the answer she’d give. There’s nothing more satisfying to her than holding a piece of history in her hands and imagining all the stories it would be able to tell if it could speak.
By the time she’s put in a full work day and finishes locking up the basement floor her department occupies, Magdalene is pretty sure they’re ahead of schedule on the project. She genuinely feels terrible about her misperformance and hopes June will be able to forgive her. On the way to Bette and Tyson’s Magdalene listens to the Leonard Cohen greatest hits cd that came with her car. The previous owner was presumably a big fan, and over the years Magdalene has come to appreciate the folk singer. She never got to see him in concert before his death but turns to his music when she needs to relax. Right now is the perfect time to listen to ‘Hallelujah’ on repeat because she’s seriously freaking out about the idea of spending the night talking to Ryan. Though she still wants to properly thank him and possibly become friends, something about him makes Magdalene nervous.
There’s no way for her to tell if Ryan is there when she parks in front of the house. She doesn’t know what kind of car he drives, or if he caught a ride with someone. Magdalene debates texting Bette to see if he’s there already but decides against it, knowing she’s an adult who is more than capable of pushing down nerves.
She doesn’t bother knocking and just steps into the respectably sized home. The music is loud enough that no one would have heard her anyways. It’s much more of a party than Magdalene was expecting – Bette invited her for dinner and drinks, not a gathering that could pass as a frat party. There are bodies everywhere, and she isn’t sure if she’ll ever catch a glimpse of her friend.
“You seem to be dressed for the wrong kind of party,” a voice chuckles from behind her.
Magdalene turns to see Ryan leaning against the wall, eyeing her business casual attire. “I came from work,” she explains, “And didn’t know it was this kind of party to begin with. I would’ve at least brought a change of clothes.”
“You look terribly out of place,” he agrees. “Can I grab you a drink? The hosts are too busy playing beer pong to, you know, be hosts.”
A giggle escapes Magdalene’s lips at the comment. Ryan seems to have a similar sense of humor to her, which will be beneficial for passing the time if Bette is already on her way to being wasted. “A glass of red wine would be nice.”
Ryan pushes off from his perch and heads towards the kitchen. The crowd parts for the six-foot-five hockey player, and Magdalene follows in his wake quite easily. Knowing the space as well as her, Ryan grabs a wine glass from the cupboard Bette keeps them in and pours the dark red liquid into it. He waits until Magdalene has situated herself on the island before handing her the cup. She takes it with an appreciative hum and waits until he’s grabbed a beer for himself before raising her glass in toast. Ryan does the same, and their glasses clink before each of them take a sip.
“What exactly is it that you do? I bet it’s something super cool and studious, but I seriously don’t know what the hell being an archivist means.”
Magdalene explains her job to Ryan, who is extremely interested. He asks nearly a hundred follow-up questions that she answers sincerely, throwing in a few jokes that luckily crack him up. Conversation moves to his career and then life. Magdalene learns that he’s from Nova Scotia, though he stays around Denver these days, and that if he wasn’t playing professional hockey he’d like to have a career in publishing. Ryan doesn’t press too hard when Magdalene refuses to open up about her family, which she appreciates. It’s a delicate subject that she keeps guarded close to her chest, and a friend’s kitchen in the middle of a party isn’t the place for her to divulge her deepest secrets.
The two of them get refills before exiting the room. Even more people seemed to arrive since Magdalene walked through the door, and the kitchen is no longer an empty safe haven. The music is so loud she can feel the bass thumping in her chest, giving the living room a club-like atmosphere, and it’s too much. Magdalene tugs at the hem of Ryan’s sweater to catch his attention. “Want to go somewhere quiet?”
“I doubt there is such a place,” he yells over the crowd going crazy over some early 2000s hip-hop track.
“Follow me,” she says with a smile, pointing over her shoulder in the direction of the staircase to the second floor.
It takes a minute for them to wade through the throngs of people, but it goes much faster once Ryan takes Magdalene’s hand and splits the crowd. A few boys, who don’t look older than twenty-one and almost certainly snuck into the party, notice where the pair are going and shout congratulations. Ryan shoots them a glare so sharp it could cut stone but doesn’t drop Magdalene’s hand. Once safely on the much quieter second floor, Magdalene makes a beeline for the bathroom.
“Are you coming or what?” she asks when there doesn’t seem to be footsteps following her.
Ryan hesitates. “I, uh, can just wait out here while you’re in there,” he stammers.
Magdalene’s laugh rings out through the empty hallway. “I’m not going to the bathroom. We’re going out the window.”
He isn’t sure how that’s any better, but Ryan follows the brown-haired girl into the room. It takes considerably more work for him to fit through the frame, but after some directions from Magdalene he makes it onto the roof. She sits down and pats the space beside her, encouraging Ryan to do the same. They stay out there, discussing anything that comes to their heads, until the party’s numbers dwindle drastically. Magdalene makes sure to properly thank him for both attending her graduation and spotting her coffee money, and she thinks Ryan might blush a little when she offers to get the next round. He asks about her love of The West Wing, and they launch into a long conversation about the show and cast. The sun fades to black and the cold sets in, and Magdalene finds herself wrapped in Ryan’s sweater without asking. It’s only when she notices it’s approaching midnight that Magdalene clues into how tired she is.
“I think I’m going to head out,” she yawns. Ryan nods in agreement and holds the window open for her to slip in through. Once downstairs, Magdalene goes to lift the sweater from her frame but Ryan stops her.
“Keep it for drive home. I’ll get it back next time we see each other.”
Still feeling bold from the alcohol that left her system hours ago, she reaches out to poke him in the chest. “And when will that be, hm? You seem to enjoy leaving our meetings up to chance.”
It’s Ryan’s turn to laugh. “Think you can swing an extended lunch break on Wednesday? I’ll be at Barn Owl all afternoon. Maybe you can join me for a coffee.”
Magdalene likes the sound of that and agrees. She leaves without seeing Bette or Tyson once, but she doesn’t mind. They’d be happy for her blooming friendship – or at least she’s pretty sure they will be once she calls to fill them in on the details.
Wednesday rolls around without incident, and Magdalene is given a full hour to eat instead of thirty minutes. Walking time has to be accounted for, of course, but she should have nearly forty-five minutes to spend with Ryan if she plays her cards right. There’s no crowd this time, and it’s incredibly easy to spot Ryan sitting in the window she loves to claim as her own.
“Hey,” Magdalene greets, “Did Bette tell you to sit here?”
He shakes his head, perplexed at the question. “No, why?”
“It’s just my favourite seat in the store, that’s all. I thought she told you how to gain some extra brownie points.”
“Should I be concerned about the amount of points I have?” Ryan teases, sliding a cup and pastry bag across the table and into her hands.
Magdalene shakes her head, smiling widely. “You’re doing alright so far. Keep up the good work.”
They eat at a comfortable pace, taking breaks to engage in interesting topics of conversation or take sips of their drinks. Ryan insists his life is boring, but Magdalene is enthralled by the stories he tells. It’s completely different from hers and she feels as though she can live vicariously through the tales of walking through the historic downs of the east coast and swimming in the Pacific Ocean on days off in California. After squeezing every story possible from the man Magdalene shifts gears slightly.
“So, are you going on the trip in a couple of weeks?”
“It’s looking that way,” Ryan shrugs with relative indifference, “Nate doesn’t think he’ll be able to come back, something about a development camp he’s running having the dates switched. He’s asked me to take his spot.”
His neutral mood confuses her. When Bette mentioned his probable attendance months ago, it sounded like he was enthusiastic about spending a week with friends doing nothing to swimming and drinking. “You don’t want to go?” Magdalene probes.
“It’s not that I don’t want to, but sometimes the group parties a little harder than I like to,” he sighs, raising a hand and running it through his hair. That’s something she understands completely, having spent a few too many nights being the sober one out.
“I’ll be there.” It’s Magdalene’s turn to shrug, but the comment holds an incredible amount of hope.
“Well then, that changes everything.”
Was Ryan flirting with her? She spends the rest of lunch thinking about the possibility, and truthfully, it occupies her brain for the rest of the day. However, she keeps her focus and June is none the wiser to the butterflies in her stomach. Work finishes without much fanfare, and her dinner is silent save for the few meows of conversation Caligula offers. It’s late by the time Magdalene falls into bed, cat snuggled into the pillow beside her. On a whim she decides to check Instagram and sees a message request from none other than the man who’s smile has been replaying in her mind. A follow request accompanies it.
Thought that maybe we could quit leaving our meetings to chance and plan something next time :)
He has to be flirting. There’s no other explanation for the witty banter they’ve shared this week, or why he’s reaching out to her on social media. The butterflies in her stomach multiply tenfold as Magdalene types out a reply.
I don’t know, it’s kind of fun being shrouded in mystery. However, I now have the opportunity to stalk your profile ;)
Before she can overthink her use of the emoji, Magdalene shoves her phone in the drawer of her nightstand and rolls over. A slight smile can’t help but appear on her features as she falls asleep, already curious about what his reply will be.
taglist: @scrunchmakar @marcoscandellas @toplinetommy @samsteel @lovethepreds (add yourself to the taglist!)
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The Other Side of Hollywood
Part Three
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Word Count: 4.5K+
Author’s Note: Ok, so, just a heads up! I was going to write a scene in this chapter using Perfect Harmony for Luke and Y/N but I just couldn’t, it’s Juke’s song. So, instead popped in a lil bit of Hallelujah, the Jeff Buckley one though. He sings it better. In case anyone has not been properly educated, listen to it here.
Again, let me know if you want on the tag list, this might be my favourite part of the story... So thank you for reading my nonsense.
Warning: Nada.
Part One here, Part Two here, and my masterlist here.... If you wanna catch up or find out more.
Whatever that boy did or said, remember this: love is weakness, and I don’t tolerate the weak.
The words floated around Y/N’s head all morning, and forced her to do anything, anything at all, to forget about Luke. She went about her daily tasks as usual after recovering from Caleb’s outburst: she made sure to clean up the rest of the glass and finish polishing tumblers for that evening, she buffed tables and prepared candle holders, she vacuumed and polished and dusted whatever she could reach.
She had to make up for her indiscretion, after all.
By the time the clock hit midday, Y/N was on her knees, scrubbing the dance floor clean, just trying something, anything, to occupy her time. And each time her mind wandered to music, to Luke? She scrubbed harder, visualising it as a stain on the floor that needed removal.
“You clean anymore today I think your fingers might fall off.” A friendly voice called over to her, and Y/N looked up to find sneakers right on top of the spot she just cleaned. She sighed, letting the scrubbing brush melt through her hand and clatter on the floor, pulling herself up to her feet.
“What do you want, Willie?” She asked, walking towards the bar as Willie took it upon himself to clear up the last of her cleaning supplies.
“Reminder to Willie: thank Y/N more often for keeping the club sparkling… I swear, this place would be a dust-ridden attic if you didn’t tidy up around here.” Willie poured the soapy water down the sink and rinsed off the scrubbing brush, only to look up and be met with a tired glare. “What?”
“You didn’t answer my question.” She replied, rubbing her eyes of sleep. She hadn’t slept after her time with Luke, she was too happy to sleep… Then Caleb happened, and she had spent every last ounce of energy on cleaning the club. She wasn’t in the mood for Willie’s habit of skating around his actual point.
“I… I need to talk to someone.” He sighed, sitting on the bar counter cross legged to the left of Y/N. “I need to talk to you.” He clarified, and she looked up at him. Those big puppy dog eyes, his tangle of dark hair: he looked like an abandoned puppy.
“Is this about you stalking Alex and the guys?” She asked, and Willie went red.
“Caleb told you?”
“No, Luke did… I bumped into him last night, complete accident…” She trailed off, and for a moment she could feel his hand on hers as they sat at the beach.
“Y/N, don’t you think we should-”
“No, no we’re not doing this now.” Y/N cut him off, harsh in her tone, and got up from her chair, ready to walk away from the conversation. Unfortunately, Willie was fast, and not taking no for an answer.
“What we’re doing is wrong… We’re hurting them, Y/N…”
“We’re doing our jobs!” She snapped back, taking a steady breath. “You’re acting like working here is some sort of prison sentence, Willie.” She ran a hand through her hair, clearly as distressed by the situation as Willie was, even if she wouldn’t voice it. Something was eating at her insides.
“Isn’t it?” Willie muttered, taking Y/N’s hand in his. “They’re branded… We should at least tell them why-” Before Willie could finish his sentence, a flash of light appeared on Y/N’s side, one Willie was all too familiar with. He had been watching the boys for days now, and had seen it happen to them too. Y/N coughed at the pain it brought, sitting herself down on the nearest chair. “You’re flickering… Why are you flickering?” He asked, panic in his voice.
“Because we’re talking about this, Willie!” Her voice was pitched high, interlaced with a cold laugh and a look that told him to stop being so stupid. “Caleb…” She started, taking a few steady breaths to cope with the residing pain. “I breached my contract last night, Caleb found out… It’s punishment, same as everyone else who breaks the rules. I’m fine, I’ll be fine. But you need to stop talking about this like we have options.” She muttered, getting up and walking towards the backstage area.
“We can’t save ourselves, but we can save them.” Willie called after her, still stood in the room’s centre, and Y/N froze. “We can help them cross over…”
“And what happens to us, Willie, huh? Have you figured out your purpose?” She asked, turning around to look at her friend, her best friend. Her best friend who had been keeping things from her since they both met that stupid boyband. “You realise that if we help them, if we tell them anything, the people going down for this are me and you? If Caleb wants them to join the house band, we make sure it happens… Or it’s our afterlife on the line. I won’t be the only one flickering.” She warned, pressing a hand to Willie’s heart.
He didn’t respond, the pair sharing one last look before Willie ran out of the club, leaving Y/N alone as another jolt hit her.
Luke, Reggie, and Alex had spent their morning a little differently.
After Luke finally got the last of the lipstick off his cheek and persuaded the boys that there were more important things to focus on, being their gig that night, they had gotten comfy on the couch in the studio and started planning out the set list for that evening.
“Look, we add the echoes during the chorus, then when Julie comes in with the melody, it’s gonna sound perfect.” Luke spoke up after fiddling on his guitar for a second, Reggie and Alex putting a halt to their own casual practising to nod their heads in agreement with their songwriter. Luke was the one who could audiate the sound in his head, hear all the harmonies, piece a whole song together with just the words in front of him.
A thud distracted them from their conversation, all three heads looking over to see a familiar face peeking through the studio window, cracked helmet atop his mess of hair and all.
“Again?” Reggie muttered. It hadn’t been the first time Willie had stopped by to check on them, in fact it was coming on the fourth or fifth, but the skater never stayed, never talked with them. Alex sighed and stood up, poofing away to go follow him, maybe catch him for a talk, and Reggie and Luke shared a glance.
“You know, I’ve been meaning to invite Y/N to the show tonight… I could maybe check in with her, see if she knows what’s happening with Willie?” Luke offered, trying to keep it casual. He had only just got the guys to stop teasing him, last thing he wanted was for Reggie to start up again.
“Don’t stay out too long, we need you back here for rehearsal.” Reggie had a stupid grin on his face as he spoke, and Luke rolled his eyes, standing up and setting down his guitar. “Say hi to her for me, don’t go breaking hearts while you’re gone.” Reggie continued, just teasing now, and Luke disappeared with a roll of his eyes.
He landed down in the club a moment later, welcomed by the sound of an all too familiar opening guitar riff, and he walked round the corner to find Y/N alone, themed with the song in an Eagles band t-shirt, one Luke was sure he had in his own collection somewhere, humming along to the 1976 hit ‘Hotel California’. He stayed back, curious to see what she did in her time alone, and smiled as her feet glided over the dance floor.
Y/N couldn’t feel Luke’s eyes on her, too engrossed in the song to care much about anyone else, and spun and danced her way around the stage set up. She hummed slightly off-key, but it didn’t bother her much: she may have been on backing vocals for Caleb, but that was years and years of practising the same songs over and over. She didn’t really find her voice worked with other songs, though it didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy them.
Luke found himself taking a seat, sitting back to watch her as she moved up into the band stand: her fingers moved with confidence the same way his did when he played guitar as her hands hovered over each instrument. It was like she was looking for a match, something that would pair with the placement of her fingers on the air, and Luke raised an eyebrow when she finally stopped.
A cello.
He hadn’t seen the instrument the last time he was there, but it made sense that they had different instruments for different songs. Was she their cellist? It would be a pretty big thing to gloss over, though it wouldn’t be the first time Y/N had downplayed her musical abilities.
Y/N just stood there, looking down at the instrument. It happened every time she came up to the band stand, to dust, to polish, whatever, that weird feeling came back. It was only ever around that cello, and the piano on the stage’s other side, and she had never been able to figure out why.
25 years, and every time she walked past them, she felt off. She felt sad.
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” The voice startled her, and caused Y/N to jump and turn in its direction, her frown turning to a smile as she recognised the culprit.
“Denim… What do I owe the pleasure?” She asked, walking from the band stand in his direction, only to turn and grab a remote from a table, stopping the song that had become background noise to them both, for different reasons, just as it was coming to an end.
“You didn’t tell me you played cello.” He remarked with a gulp, suddenly finding it hard to get the words he wanted out of his mouth. He wasn’t sure where the comment had come from, but he decided to roll with it, walking over to the instrument and picking it up. “Wow, this is heavier than I expected…”
“I don’t…” Y/N quickly corrected him, following and taking the instrument from him, and setting it back down. “Don’t have the talent for the, uh, the practical side of it.” She said. “Sorry, why are you here exactly?” The initial surprise has faded, a frown settling back onto her face as Luke began walking the length of the bandstand. She was still processing her argument with Willie, his words now fighting for room against Caleb’s in her head.
What we’re doing is wrong… We’re hurting them, Y/N…
“Not that pleased to see me then?” Luke replied with a sweet smile, and Y/N looked back up at him, her eyes searching for a moment to find him sat at the piano.
“Sorry… Willie and I got into an argument this morning…” She said with a shrug, heading over to the piano with a sad smile on her features. It was clear something was on her mind, making her feel out of sorts, and while Luke wondered on the details of it, he didn’t ask for her to elaborate, instead just patting beside him on the piano stool, beckoning her to sit down. Y/N took a moment before giving in, planting herself a few inches from him, her hands clasped on her lap.
“You said you don’t really sing last night…” Luke offered the new line of conversation. The comment had changed her expression, Luke glancing over to find her attempt at a smile faded, her eyes boring into the black and white keys as she thought for a moment. “You don’t happen to not play piano as well, do you?” Luke asked, convinced she was just selling herself short on the musical ability thing. He had seen her perform after all, she kept perfect time, he had watched her sing.
After a few moments of silence, Y/N seemed to have come to a conclusion in her head, and reached her hand over to Luke’s, spreading his fingers apart and placing each on a white key. He let her move and mould his hand into whatever shape she saw fit, placing her fingers on top of his and pressing down on the first note.
Y/N continued to stay silent, still in a pensive state as she pressed each of Luke’s fingers down onto the keys in turn, starting him into playing an arpeggio. When she moved her hand back, Luke kept going, able to recognise the notes as they filled the air, the sound surrounding them. Y/N listened, her head coming to rest on Luke’s shoulder for a moment as he played the same four notes over and over again.
“Show me another one.” Luke asked after a minute, looking down at Y/N with a grin on his face. He had never needed to learn piano, after all he had guitar, but he couldn’t lie about his interest in the instrument: he had watched Julie play every once and a while, knowing her hands played the same chords and notes he could on his electric, but in a completely different way.
Y/N’s hand came back over his, moving his hands further up and pressing them down once more.
“C major, A minor…” He whispered to himself, remembering the chords as they went, committing them to memory. “F, G…” He stopped, glancing over at Y/N with a raised eyebrow. “Hallelujah?” he asked.
“You know the chord progressions?” She asked, and he shrugged, sure he could figure it out on the way with her help. “Then keep going… I like the song.” She urged, and he complied with her request, noting where the keys were and moving his hand down an octave.
“I heard there was a secret chord,” Luke began singing along, Y/N resting her head on his shoulder again, humming along. “That David played and it pleased the Lord, but you don’t really care for music, do ya?” Her hand reached over, guiding his as he moved into the next section. “Well it goes like this,” Luke found himself closing his hand into a fist, stopping the song from continuing, and Y/N looked over, removing her hand from his.
“Sorry… I didn’t mean to…” She started, but trailed off, not quite sure what to say. Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you play me a love song? Sorry, I didn’t mean to hold your hand like that? I didn’t mean to… Her thoughts trailed away from her, not keen on slipping up and giving something away by mistake, so opting to stay silent instead.
“It’s not that… I just want to hear you sing it.” Luke admitted. “And I promise not to tell another living soul about this, I won’t make fun of you if that’s what you’re worried about…” He started to ramble, and Y/N thought it over for a moment, quieting Luke by placing her hand on top of his once more.
“Don’t say I haven’t warned you… Play…” She said quietly, a smile bursting onto Luke’s face as he sat up straighter and began pressing the keys again, Y/N’s hands moving in time on top of his. She took a shaky breath, steadying the surge of nerves that had suddenly appeared.
“I heard there was a secret chord…” Luke didn’t stop playing as she struggled to match the key, the smile on his face didn’t waver when her voice cracked a little. Y/N found herself screwing her eyes shut at the sound, though her fingers still moved with Luke’s. “That David played and it pleased the Lord…” She continued, more talking almost on-key than singing. “But you don’t really care for music, do ya?” As she rolled her shoulders and let her head fall back, her voice suddenly found it’s place, and Luke glanced up.
“Well, it goes like this, the fourth, the fifth,” Y/N’s head dropped back down, her hands moving and guiding Luke to the correct chords, “The minor fall, and the major lift.” Another deep breath, and Luke found his hands moving back, watching in awe as Y/N’s took their place, pressing down on the keys. “The baffled King composing Hallelujah.”
In that moment, Y/N’s voice resonating in the air, it felt like they were both alive again. Her hands began moving of their own accord over the keys, playing the bass line arpeggios and melody like a concert pianist might do, and Luke slipped off the bench to grab an acoustic guitar nearby, happy to strum out the chords he had just learned moment ago on his preferred instrument.
“Your faith was strong, but you needed proof,” Luke began singing, his eyes on the girl at the piano as she began singing a sweet harmony line. Her voice was soft, airy, like something from a dream. Like when she spoke, Y/N pronounced every syllable as she sang with him, as if missing any would take away from the beauty of the music. “You saw her bathing on the roof, her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya.”
“She tied you to a kitchen chair, she broke your throne, she cut your hair. And from your lips she drew a,” Y/N took over the melody, pausing for a second to breathe, her eyes fluttering open as she sang the last word of the verse with Luke, “Hallelujah.”
Y/N couldn’t pull her eyes away, the way Luke’s eyes held her own made her heart flutter, her head spin, and her hands dropped from the piano keys.
“Maybe there’s a God above, but all I’ve ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who outdrew you...” She sang slowly, the raw grit and passion in her voice evident, causing her eyes to water, Luke accompanying her with the guitar and a look of awe on his face. “It’s not a cry that you hear at night, it’s not somebody who’s seen the light. It’s a cold and broken Hallelujah.”
With ever ‘Hallelujah’ of the chorus Luke sang, Y/N echoed him with a stunning variation, then proceeding a hold a gorgeous, ringing note as he repeated the chorus and played the song’s outro.
As the song finally came to an end, the pair were stood across the stage from one another, both caught in each other’s gaze, both shocked by what they had just created between them. Y/N looked down at her hands, at the piano, and backed away from the instrument with wide eyes, while Luke set down the guitar and ran over with a dopey grin on his face.
“I knew you could sing! And play!” He grabbed the hands her eyes were examining, with something between terror and fascination, in his.
“How did I do that?” She whispered, and Luke laughed.
“Well, you’ve been holding out on me, clearly. You no doubt play that cello amazing as well. I’ll tell the band; you could be an honorary Phantom!” He suggested in excitement, thoughts running through his head. He started piecing together the songs in his head, beginning to pick out the ones that would sound amazing with that added dimension when Y/N spoke up again.
“Luke…” the use of his name made himstop. “I’ve never played piano… Ever. Or cello. I don’t…” She pulled her hands out of his. “I don’t know how that happened.” Her life on Earth was a little foggy, but Y/N remembered the last 25 years of afterlife pretty well: she had never been able to play an instrument, never been able to sing: heck, she had to learn to dance just to be a part of the club officially. How could that have just happened?
“Well, I’ll tell ya something kids, it was magical!” Footsteps approached with the voice, Caleb coming through the front door of the club with hands clapping and a smirk on his face. “25 years together, Y/N, and you decided to keep all that hidden away?” He questioned, and she found herself gulping. “Hello Luke.”
“Hi Mr Covington!” Luke waved.
“You know, if you and the boys decided to join us, I’m sure we could find a slot in the night for you and Y/N.” Caleb suggested with a shrug. “if it picks up, make it a twice a week thing. I can see it now, quite honestly…” He continued, looking over at the faces’ of the two teens: Luke, with bright eyes and a smile at the prospect, Y/N confused and glaring his way.
“Mr Covington, that would be-”
“Luke was just leaving, Caleb.” Y/N interrupted before Luke made anymore promises to the man, earning a frown from the club owner. “Band practise, right, Luke?” She said with a fake smile on her lips, and Luke glanced at the time. He had been there almost an hour. The guys would be wondering where he was.
“Yeah, actually. It’s why I came by. We’re playing a gig tonight, at Julie’s.” Luke said, spotting a marker sat nearby. He rushed over, taking a second to pick it up from the table, and walking over to write the address on Y/N’s arm, the same way she had written her number on his only a week or so ago. “If you wanna come by, it would be really cool if you did.” Luke looked down, laughing through the blush on his cheeks, scratching the back of his neck in nervousness. “Oh, and Mr Covington! If you want to come-”
“Unfortunately, I don’t think either of us will make it…” Caleb looked over at Y/N, who suddenly felt a horrible pain in her stomach. “Y/N doesn’t look too well.” He finished as she suddenly ran backstage, Caleb starting a quick walk after her. “Nice to see you Luke.” Luke watched puzzled as the pair disappeared behind the stage, waving a half-hearted goodbye before poofing back to the garage, a little disheartened despite his high spirits after singing with Y/N.
The boys were back at rehearsal, working in preparation of the gig that night, running through some of the new stuff they had added to give their big number a bit more pizazz. Or, they were trying to. Luke wasn’t feeling his best after finding out Y/N couldn’t make it, but Alex… Alex was not happy.
Whatever had happened with Willie had led to the blonde trying to work out his feelings, rather angrily, on his drum kit. So much so, he completely lost focus on what they were practising, leading Reggie and Luke to hang back on the playing and check in.
“Alex, you alright?” Luke asked as Reggie tried to get the ringing out of his ear.
“Yeah!” Alex lied rather unconvincingly. “Yeah, yeah, why?” He asked, Luke looking to Reggie for some assistance.
“I know it’s tough, man. People say you never forget your first ghost. Maybe that’s true.” Reggie offered, with a weak smile and shrug of the shoulders. “But… I’m sure there will be others.”
“Yeah… Thanks Reg.” Alex tried not to be mean about it, he knew his bandmates were just trying to help.
“And, Alex, you’re a great drummer and a great guy, ok?” Luke finally offered something. “I wouldn’t let all that stuff get in between you and what you love.” The words were also a bit of a reminder for him: he had been distracted the past few days with Y/N… Since the night at the club in fact.
“I don’t know man. Sometimes a little fire can make things better on stage.” Reggie suggested with a wiggle of his eyebrows. “Like you and Y/N, perhaps?”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Luke asked, wondering if somehow Caleb wasn’t the only one who saw what had happened between him and Y/N earlier that day.
“Come on. Everyone can see how you look at that girl when you sing.” Reggie explained. “And the way she looks at you? You guys ooze chemistry…”
“You should never say ‘ooze’ again, but, yeah, I agree.” Alex added, standing. “You’re acting like you didn’t come home this morning with her lipstick on your cheek.”
“Or that you didn’t spend an hour with her today?”
“Ok, no. I have chemistry with everyone. When Julie and I perform together?” Luke was grasping at straws, but he wasn’t exactly sure why. He knew he liked Y/N, so maybe it was that he was unsure in her feelings for him. Alex and Reggie shared a glance, clearly not believing him. “Seriously, watch. Uh…” He paused for a second, finding the right lyrics, and making his way towards Reggie. “I believe, I believe that we’re just one dream, away from who we’re meant to be, Luke lifted his hand to pull Reggie’s face closer to his own. “That we’re standing on the edge of… great.” Luke met Reggie’s eyes, keeping his hold on him as Reggie gulped.
“Wow. I see chemistry.” Alex joked.
“That was pretty hot.” Reggie admitted, Luke kissing his fingertips before pressing them to Reggie’s lips and walking away, leaving his bandmate laughing nervously. “Girls, am I right?”
“Yeah.” Luke muttered.
“No.” Alex replied, sitting back down at his drum kit.
“Besides… After I sang with her today she was really weird, and I don’t even think she likes me like that… So we’ll keep it friendly.” Luke finally blurted out, glad to get it off his chest. He pulled his guitar back round to them front of him body, looking up for Alex to give them their cue, instead met with two shocked faces.
“Did you just say-” Alex started, and Reggie started pacing.
“He’s going to John Lennon us, Alex!” Reggie seemed to be somewhere between shock and worry. “And I liked her too! But then again, The Beatles liked Yoko Ono before she stole away John!”
“Reggie, Reggie, calm down!” Luke was quick to damage control, grabbing his friend by the shoulders. “I would never leave the band, ever.” He reassured. “It just… happened.”
“He’s blushing, you’re blushing because you’re thinking about her.” Alex pointed out, and Luke sighed, taking his hand off of Reggie and running them through his hair. “Gonna tell us what happened or?”
“I just… There was something about what happened afterward, it was weird… She said she had never played piano before, or really sang before… She was genuinely surprised she could do it at all.” Luke paused for a moment, letting a smile settle on his face. “But she can sing… I mean her voice is just… And the way she sings I just…”
“You know, the more you talk about her, the more in love you sound. Save this for when Julie gets back, she’ll want to hear all about her.” Alex suggested with a smile, glad to see his friend so happy even if he felt a little blue. “Why don’t we take it from the top?” He suggested, and with nods from both Reggie and Luke, he banged his sticks together. “Three, four…”
Part Four is here...
Tags: @im-a-writer-right​ @elioelioeli0​ @jenjen889​ @walkingonshunshine​ @parkeret​ @lolychu​ @leahstypewriter​ @j-mar-memester​ @sunsetcurve-h​ @musicconversedance​ @gracefulpenguin​ @shae-is-not-ok​ @talksoprettyjjx​ @xplrreylo​ @smol-book-nerd​ @lord-of-the-fried​
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When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.
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Summary: From an abusive father to taunts at Harvard, Rafael Barba had worked hard to stop being emotional. Too often, it gave fodder and power to those around him. That’s why when someone truly loved him, he had to hurt them first. That said, ending a life changes you.
Pairings: Rafael Barba x OC
A/N: Just a little thing based on Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen
I did my best. It wasn't much. I couldn't feel, so I tried to touch. I've told the truth. I didn't come to fool you.
“Rebecca,” he breathed, and he shouldn’t have been surprised she didn’t step aside to let him in. It was just before Christmas, and he was finally back in the city after the two years in Iowa. The nearly three years since seeing her. 
“Why are you here?”
“I needed to see you.” 
“You don’t get to come here like this.” Her arms were wrapped around herself, and she was crying now. He hated seeing the way her brow knitted together and her hands fisted the sleeves of her dress. That meant these were hurting tears. There wasn’t any reason for her to be happy to see him though. 
“I love you, Becca. I’m so stupid.”
“You don’t get to say that, Rafael. You left me. This is a mean joke.”
“It’s not a joke, mi corazón. I’m not cruel.”
He didn’t like this. He didn’t like the way his voice was cracking, thick, and desperate as he stood on her stoop. Ending a life will make you reevaluate a lot, even if you don’t think you did anything wrong. He’d never appreciated the way Rebecca had always described love to him, considering it as sacred as the crucifix above the door or mass they attended on Sundays. After seeing the love baby Drew’s mother had for him and for her husband, even after everything, he thought he could see it more. Religion was difficult for him; he believed, but he wasn’t sure yet that he believed in a benevolent God. Fifty was awfully late to e coming to that decision. Rafael’s relationship with paternal figures probably played into that. Still, he wore a cross against his heart, and he prayed often. But emotions? They made life messy and painful and complicated, and the hurt they caused him sometimes made him believe in the old testament God that was so full of rage and punishment. Still, he went to mass with mami and then Rebecca.
As a child, he’d fought to tamp them down to save himself from his father. The man was made of rage, and when his son expressed anything but gratitude, the older man would beat him down. In school, the other boys had made fun of him the few times the feelings broke through. If it weren’t for Alex and Eddie, he’d have had his ass kicked more times than he could count. For a little while, he’d been able to tell them how he felt. Los tres mosqueteros de Jerome Avenue gave him a defense and a camaraderie he didn’t have at home. He realized his openness about the situation at home and his feeling for people in their lives was given to the wrong person when he found Yelina in bed with Alex. His friend had known how in love Rafael was, how sure he was that upon graduation from Harvard he’d give Yelina abuelita’s ring. That’s when Rafael realized he couldn’t have feelings around anyone from home but mami and abuelita.
Then there was Harvard. He’d thought that once he left the Bronx, earned the scholarship he’d fought so hard for, he’d get the friendships other people seemed to have. Instead of acting as though the years seeing his father abuse himself and his mother, the torment from other boys, and betrayal from his friend didn’t bother him, there would be other people who fought as hard as he did to get there who he could forge emotional connections with. After Yelina, he found it hard to trust a romantic partner, but he also quickly had his illusions shattered as he realized no one at Harvard felt he belonged. He worked hard to temper the accent he didn’t know he had when a hushed whisper asked if he was even legal because he sounded too Cuban. A couple of times, he expressed his insecurities about his social status and background, but each time it became fodder for whatever the next competition was, so he replaced his jeans and sweatshirts with polo shirts and chinos and was careful to keep his accent as neutral as possible until he returned to the city. 
When he did, he found that he’d hidden down the emotional side of him sufficiently, only the smart mouth and snark that masked insecurity left. Rafael was conscious of his decision to ignore the trappings of love. In his experience, only two of the many people he’d loved, whether romantic or platonic, had not hurt him, and both were women related by blood. By the time he reached forty-five and met Rebecca, he’d replaced the love he’d always been desperate for with work and casual encounters with the men and women he met when working from bars.
Not since Yelina had he been so willing to follow someone to the ends of the Earth. He’d always craved love from his father, the friends he tried to make throughout school, and Yelina, the one person he was romantically interested in he ever let himself feel exposed around. Maybe it was because Rebecca was so raw, so unafraid of the way love could hurt. Where he’d carefully constructed a wall, unwilling to show his inner machinations to anyone, she cried openly and freely when they’d watched a documentary on Fred Rogers because she didn’t understand why people thought it was so hard to be kind. She was free like he couldn’t be, loving each stranger she met, even the ones most people found unlovable. It was probably what made her such a great teacher. He’d worked so hard to open himself up, to give her the same vulnerability, but he didn’t know how. 
Well, maybe there's a God above, but all I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who outdrew you.
He knew how he could be, and Rafael Barba should have known better that to act off of his first instinct given his history. Outside of the perceived safety of his friendship with Alex and Eddie, he’d only told Yelina about his father and the way rejection from his peers had hurt him. They’d been together that first year at Harvard, with Yelina promising to wait for him. She even knew how he cried when his father left, the realization washing over him he’d never have a happy ending with the man. Yelina had been supportive, but also reminded him he needed to move on and become a successful attorney. Within months, he walked in on her with Alex.  When he told Rebecca the same things after a year, she’d held him close and dried the tears he eventually let fall as she peppered kisses to his hair. She thanked him for trusting her, told him how strong he was for talking about how he felt and called Yelina callous for not appreciating he could be so kind. 
Feelings don’t make you weak, Rafael. They make you strong.
Rafael was lucky she was as patient as she was. She’d told him with confidence that she loved him three months in. He couldn’t bring himself to say it back to her, a knot weighing his belly down as he explained to her he’d only said it once, and he didn’t want to again until he felt secure she’d stay. It made him feel as stunted as he was; years after Yelina and he’d never met anyone else he loved? Maybe if he’d given someone more than the one night. Then again, if he had he wouldn’t have Rebecca. Once he opened up to her, he slowly mentioned things to the Manhattan SVU squad and forged a friendship with Olivia. Things were going well until Rebecca started talking about Al, another teacher. They were going to lunch together. They were going to chaperone the field trip together. She just adored Al. 
The only thing Rafael Barba knew was that the last time he trusted someone, let them know all the scary parts and given them the power to hurt him, they had. It all came to a head in January of 2018. If he’d known how badly he’d need her soon, maybe he’d have been able to temper the fury and hurt that radiated off of him in waves. He wasn’t his father. He didn’t lash out physically or even raise his voice. Instead, as she got excited to tell him about the plans she’d made with Al to prep for the semester, he’d snapped, latent insecurity finally bubbling to the surface. His voice, to his credit, was calm, though his words aimed to hurt her before she inevitably found someone better and hurt him. Someone who wasn’t emotionally stunted and would cry at movies with her and didn’t take a year to say I love you. 
Just get a fuckin’ room already.
Raf, he’s my coworker. We’re friends.
You know exactly what he wants from you, and you want it too. 
What are you saying? I’m a slut or something? You know you’re it for me.
A spade’s a spade. 
The impact her hand made with his cheek stung, but the look on her face made him feel like the villain, which he supposed he was. He had to be for sweet, loving Rebecca to slap him. Her wide hazel eyes always sparkled, but they were suddenly dull and overflowed with tears. He’d never seen her hurt before, and he wanted to crawl into the sewers or walk off the tallest building in the city. Without a word, she’d taken her purse, dropped the glass she’d been holding, and marched out. From his window, he could see her cry as she talked on the phone. Probably Al. He left voicemail after voicemail, and wasn’t surprised when he found a three page letter underneath his door. Instead of a scathing rebuke, as he’d prayed for to make the loss hurt less, it was full of kindness. Promises that she loved him and wasn’t angry, but that she couldn’t do this. Apologies for slapping him because she knew that probably brought up traumatic memories. That if he’d get help learning to handle the swarm of feelings she’d come back to him, if that was an option. Al was just a friend. Hell, Al didn’t like women, but she understood how hard it must have been after Yelina. She knew it probably felt like the same thing was happening. Even after what he’d said, she loved him and knew he’d find happiness when he took care of himself. He couldn’t love anyone else until he loved himself enough to do that.
You say I took the name in vain. I don't even know the name, but if I did, well really, what's it to you?
Rafael Barba had spent so much of his time fighting his feelings, but he’d come to realize that love was sacred. It was the one thing that had the power to hurt and heal him, whether it was said with all the reverence he’d whispered it into Yelina’s hair, the adoration he’d said it to Rebecca, or the brokenness with which he’d  just said it as he stood in the snow on her stoop. He didn’t know that before, had bastardized something Rebecca viewed as so holy. She’d always made it apparent that while she thought all of her feelings were blessings, even when they gave someone the power to hurt her, she thought love was what could bring you the closest to God. It was, according to the verses from 1 Corinthians that he’d noticed were exceptionally dogeared in the bible she kept at the desk, patient and kind. It believes, hopes, and endures all things. He hoped she still believed the latter. When he thought back over his life, he realized the love he felt was easily angered and certainly did envy. It kept account of wrongs. All these things were so directly expressed as what love was not. 
But ending a life changed you.
Rafael had spent the years he’d been gone working on himself, as her letter had begged him to. Therapy helped, but so did his ruminations on the verse he knew she loved so much. He’d bastardized love, letting his jealousy and hurt tangle with it and pull it further from the holy feeling Rebecca always described and therefore further from the love God felt for his flock. Maybe God was good after all if love could make him feel that way one day, if it wasn’t too late. She felt jealousy, he knew. She wanted to keep scores and would start to want the things others had in their love, but she could step back. She’d write it out or talk it out and go back to being so implicitly loving. In his time rereading the lines he knew she loved, he found another that resonated for him:
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. 1 Corinthians 13:11
When he was young, he thought repressing his feelings made him a man. He now realized that repression was the childish act. He hadn’t been a man yet, wasn’t ready for a healthy love like the one she offered. Mami had heard him ramble on about it during one of the late night phone calls when he’d had too much whiskey too early in the evening. His therapist had made him acknowledge that he’d lashed out at her. The therapist had also made him remember she wasn’t perfect. Rebecca had her own shortcomings, but he found them beautiful because they were the extreme of what he craved. She cried so easily, and sometimes he was jealous of that. The inability to build any kind of defense, however, meant she was always at the brink of a come apart. Quick to feel the martyr, though he supposed she was. Maybe he could be a man now, put the jealousy away and be there for her, patient and kind.
“It’s been years, Rafael. I tried to call you when I learned what happened. You didn’t answer me.”
“The press and people who consider me a murderer got my number. I had to change it.”
“Still. You had mine. Just because you weren’t well doesn’t mean the responsibility is all mine for us to reunite.”
“I’m on your stoop my first time back in the city, aren’t I?”
“Because I love you.”
“Why am I supposed to believe you?”
“You aren’t, I guess.”
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bumbleberrysky · 4 years
alexa, play candyshop (bass boosted) | 02
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pairing: gabriel x reader genre: soulmate au, canon divergent around s13, hurt/comfort, humour, future smut (probs) wc: 3.7k rating: sfw warnings: same as before, wounded gabriel & removal of those stitches notes: the fire under my ass burns as strong as ever, hallelujah
You knew there was a reason some divine power brought you to the Winchesters all those years ago, but to this day you still have no idea what that reason is. It’s something you’re destined to find out soon though, especially when you return to the bunker after months away and find not only a new face, but one that belongs to someone who up until that point you’d thought was dead. What does his return have to do with the changes you’re suddenly experiencing in yourself? Will you finally find out the reason you’d been brought here in the first place? Maybe…
Chuck works in mysterious ways after all.
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Much to your regret, your plans the next morning to continue being a nuisance to Dean are thrown in the bin at his decision to leave early and meet Castiel somewhere a state over for a case that the angel had found. Something about vamps in a mine or something, you’re a bit hazy on the details. You’d only half-listened when Sam filled you in upon your arrival in the kitchen, a good hour after Dean had already departed the bunker.
While you would like to say Dean is completely to blame, the truth is that once you passed out last night you slept like a log and didn’t wake up until mid-morning today, which classifies as a sleep-in of sorts for you. You love sleep, but your body is wired to wake up not long after sunrise, unfortunately. It’s that hunter lifestyle you love to hate.
Sam had huffed a laugh at your face when you found out you’d missed Dean, but otherwise had kept to himself with his healthy breakfast as you went about making yourself a coffee. You tend to be a bit nauseous in the mornings, so a coffee will be enough for you for a few hours. It’s likely your stomach won’t roar in hunger until a bit after midday, as it is wont to do.
“How is your arm?”
Sam’s question breaks you out of the dissociative state you’d slipped into as you sip your coffee, grip on the mug tightening in reflex. It takes a few blinks before your eyes focus back on him, a small smile on your lips.
“Much better, thank you doctor,” you answer, before mumbling into your coffee as you take another sip. “Despite apparent attempts at making it otherwise…”
Sam snorts, not even bothering to comment on that. “I’m glad. Did you have anything planned for the day?”
A contemplative hum escapes you, your gaze wandering to the ceiling. “No, not really. I kind of went hard for a while there, one case after the other, so I’m due for a break. Not much of a fan of burnout.”
Your eyes move back down, meeting his own. “I’m probably going to just hang back, for a bit. Recuperate. I mean, I didn’t get any injury besides my arm, but I’m just… tired, I suppose. Didn’t get much sleep the past few weeks.”
“Of course you didn’t hurt anything but your arm,” Sam rolls his eyes, taking a sip of his smoothie—you’re not a fan of the green tinge it has, but if he likes it then you suppose it must be alright, at least. “You and your stupid good luck. Dean is still mad about last time, you know. When he got splattered in monster guts that just missed you by a centimetre.”
The memory yanks a giggle out of you before you can stop it, almost spilling your coffee as a result of the abrupt movement. “Oh, that was good. I wish I had a picture so I could scrapbook it.”
Sam laughs around a mouthful of food, swallowing it down before he continues. “Dean would kill you.”
“I know, but it would be worth it.” You place your cup down, deciding it a better course of action than continuing to hold it and risking spillage. “Also, I know you think my luck is really good all the time, but it’s kind of just good occasionally. All other times, it sucks.”
“It kicks in when you hunt, though, so I suppose that’s all that matters,” Sam muses, flicking through an article on his phone somewhat distractedly. He hums to himself before turning the screen off and angling his body to you properly, meeting your questioning gaze.
“I’m… I’m gonna need your help,” he says, appearing somewhat sheepish. “With Gabriel.”
You try not to let your sharp intake of breath show, but from the look that flickers through Sam’s eyes you figure he catches it anyway. Your teeth worry your bottom lip for a moment before you can muster a proper response. “Alright. What are you thinking of doing?”
Sam adjusts once more, pushing his plate away, cutlery stacked on top; it’s only now that you realise he’s finished the meal and the only thing left to consume is his smoothie.
“Well, I’m not… entirely sure yet.”
You huff a laugh, attempting to regain a sense of normalcy. It isn’t that you’d forgotten about the battered archangel hiding in a room a few doors down from yours, but it’s moreso that you’d made it a point not to think about it so early in the morning, lest your mood be ruined for the entire day. Thinking of Gabriel… it kind of hurt. You’re not sure you’re ready to sit down and analyse exactly why you’re having such visceral reactions yet.
“I don’t think we can really plan much, here,” he says, features softening with empathy. It reminds you that when it comes to Hell and being tortured, the youngest Winchester isn’t as unfamiliar as you might hope. A pang of something hits against the confines of your chest at his tone and the passing look in his eyes; as always, there’s the useless feeling, the wish you could take away all the bad memories and experiences and make it all better. You know you can’t, nothing can, but you hate seeing your friends in any modicum of pain.
You suppose that includes Gabriel, if the sensations whirling within you at the thought of him are anything to go by.
“We’ll just have to take it as it comes,” you say, taking your mug into your hold and downing the rest of the drink in one go. “Alright! I’m gonna shower and then… I guess we go see him.”
x   x
 Unlike the Gabriel you were once so familiar with, this Gabriel is decidedly not fond of visitors.
Sam had gone and prepared some things while you’d showered and dressed, and by the time you reappear outside your room you hear shuffling from the direction of the library. Curious, you make your way down the hall, peeking your head in and blinking in only minor surprise at the sight of Sam, his shoulders heavy.
“What’s up, Sam-o-saurus?”
Sam looks up and gives you the closest approximation to a bitch face that you’ve ever received from him, clearly not fond of the new nickname that came to you on the spot like a divine enlightenment. He takes a moment to close his eyes and breathe, though, which is probably for the best considering your mission for the day. It would do none of you any good if he went near Gabriel while all riled up.
“Gabriel is, uh,” he clears his throat, placing down a sterile steel tray in the shape of a bean and small surgical scissors, along with a scalpel. Your gaze strays to the side and sees that it was the first aid box he’d been ransacking as you arrived. “Not very open to visitation from me right now. I think I might be a bit… bit big. He doesn’t really even see me when he looks at me, so I don’t think he realises who I am.”
You wince, trying not to dwell on the information longer than needed to file it away for later consideration. “Oh. Sorry, Sam. You want me to go see if I can bring him out?”
“Please,” the tall man says, gesturing to the tools on the glossy oak table. “I figured we could start by getting rid of those stitches over his mouth, if nothing else. I don’t think he has enough grace right now to stop infection so we should try and reduce the risk.”
His words sadden you, but you know the truth they hold. Your limbs feel a bit heavy as you push away from the doorway.
“Alright. I’ll be right back.”
Gabriel’s allocated room isn’t all that far from the library, and the note on the door sticks out like a sore thumb so you don’t have to worry much about getting lost on the way (ignoring that at this point you know most parts of the bunker like the back of your hand). Once outside his room, something gives you pause though.
Are you ready to see him in that state again? Or is it that a small, tiny part of you fears he won’t recognise you, either?
Ridiculous of you, really. You take a moment to admonish yourself for the thought. If you take a second to factor in the difference in time spent in hell, even without considering all the time he was missing, Gabriel had to have been trapped and tortured for over a century at the very least. Centuries and years might mean nothing to a celestial being who has been alive for millennia, but over a century of fear and torture is a lot even for someone with such impressive mileage.
You shake your head, attempting to clear your thoughts and emotions so you don’t enter his room with an overwhelming aura. Okay, showtime.
A soft knock echoes as your knuckles meet the wood, a moment passing before you speak, attempting to keep your voice as soft and nonthreatening as possible.
“Gabriel? It’s y/n, I’m going to come in now.”
You allow another moment to pass before you ease the door open, blinking in surprise as your eyes are greeted by light—it seems the archangel has every bulb in the vicinity burning its brightest. Understandable, since you presume he wasn’t exactly kept in well-lit conditions.
For a second, you think he’s not in the room. You don’t see him anywhere, and you’re about a split-second away from turning and calling Sam when you catch a glimpse of something shifting in the corner, behind the bulky side of a wooden dresser. You think for a second that you’ve forgotten how to breathe, chest painfully tight, as you realise that the small form huddled and curled in the corner is, in fact, the archangel Gabriel.
You hate that you’d noticed him only because of the filthy scraps of material that stick out against the dark décor of the bunker.
“Hey, Gabriel,” you say softly, keeping the door open so he has a route of escape and moving over as slowly and cautiously as you can. “I’m just gonna come over and sit in front of you, alright?”
You figure that even if he’s not entirely listening to everything you’re saying, it’s better to announce what you’re doing before you do it, for his benefit.
Something painful ricochets off the inside of your chest as you grow close enough to see him around the dresser and you’re confronted with his beaten, bloody and battered figure once more. His gaze is anywhere but you, and the way he presses himself into the corner is like he’s trying to make himself as small as possible. It takes all of your willpower to squash down the unexpected sob that catches low in your throat. What is wrong with you?! You need to get a grip.
“Oh, Gabriel,” you find yourself saying before you can stop. “I’m so sorry…”
The closer you get to him, the lower you try to make yourself in his peripheral. It wouldn’t do any good to startle him by appearing big and threatening. It makes you frown when you remember just who it is that you have to think this way about. It’s sad, you think. The Gabriel you’d known was prideful, glaringly bright and loud in his presence, both as a trickster and an angel, and that he’d been reduced to… well, to this? It made your chest feel heavy.
Slowly and as quietly as possible, you ease down onto your knees in front of him, doing your best not to rush anything. It’s hard—you’re a hunter, used to moving with speed and a sense of urgency. So to take your time and really be in the moment for each of your actions is definitely an odd change from the usual autopilot your brain resides in.
He doesn’t acknowledge your presence once you’re still in front of him, not really. You had expected as much though, and as much as he seems unresponsive you do see the occasional flick of his eyes in your direction before they dart away, like he couldn’t believe he’d dared to look at someone instead of the floor.
For a few minutes, you simply let him adjust to your presence, your company. Ever so slowly, you see the tiniest bits of tension ease from his shoulders, his eyes no longer darting around like a frantic squirrel. You take the opportunity to take in the wounds and sores littering his body, doing your best not to get too upset by what you see. Dirt and grime coats him in layers, and you mentally note that your next goal with him would be to get him in a damn bath.
It can’t be comfortable, sitting in all that grime…
“For the sake of transparency,” you begin when he seems like he will be open enough to listening. “I’ll tell you why I’m here. This is your space right now, and I don’t want to intrude on it unless I really need to.”
He doesn’t meet your gaze, but you sense you have his attention. “Given that right now you’re low on… strength, and not healing as you usually do, we need to take care of some of the worse wounds you have. If we don’t, it’s a risk of infection, and we don’t know how well you would fight that off in this state…”
You clear your throat, attempting to keep yourself on track. “So, if you’re able, we’d really like you to come out just for a moment, so we can fix up some of your sores. I promise that you can come right back in here afterwards, and that unless we have something really important we’ll leave you alone. Sound good?”
He doesn’t nod, doesn’t really move, but the way his eyes move to yours and hold your gaze for a bare second longer than you expect, you gather he’s not entirely against it. You offer him a smile, oddly proud of him. You’d seen firsthand how hard it can be to get out of these mindsets, even just for a moment. Effort is hard and that he’s making it means everything.
“Perfect,” you say, shifting in your spot so you can stand more easily. “Alright, I can help you up, if you’d like, or you can stand on your own if you want. What do y—”
Your hands had already begun to outstretch as you spoke, and you’re taken by surprise when before you even finish speaking his hand is whipping up to grab your wrist in a sort of monkey grip. You’re left blinking as you help him up, moving on autopilot. You expect him to release you as soon as he’s standing, but it adds to your surprise as he wobbles in place and retains his grip, if anything shuffling a little closer.
“Okay,” you say, angling your body and adjusting your grip so that it’s loose and as nonthreatening as possible. “Let’s go. Thank you for cooperating.”
Of course, there’s no response and he’s silent the whole way to the library. You remember that Sam is in there only as you approach the threshold, but unlike what you feared, Gabriel doesn’t seem to react too poorly to him like he apparently had earlier. Risking a glance his way reveals that actually, amongst the frayed and almost manic energy, he seems oddly… grounded, just for the moment.
Well, this is certainly going better than you’d anticipated.
“I went to bully Dean this morning, but he woke up before me and left before I could get to him.”
You’re in the process of cleaning the wounds around Gabriel’s mouth and removing the ugly stitches that have been sewn into his lips. As something to distract him as much as you from what you’re doing, you’ve begun chatting idly to the archangel, unbothered by the lack of response. Sam sits a metre or so away, researching for Dean who had apparently called earlier when you were coercing Gabriel out of his room.
Still Gabriel doesn’t hold your gaze, eyes averted as he leans forward in the chair for you to reach his mouth, but you can tell from the way his eyes occasionally flick to you as you speak that he is listening, somewhat. It’s enough of a win that you’re willing to take it.
He winces each time your alcohol swab goes over the entry point of a stitch, but doesn’t flinch away too badly. You’re pretty proud of him for that, actually, because it must hurt like a bitch.
“You got him yesterday, though,” Sam pipes in from the side, amused as he recalls your arrival. “Barely an hour after you got here and he was quitting and heading to bed.”
“It’s hard being so naturally talented,” you say, placing the swab down and reaching for the small scissors and tweezers. “I’m an absolute delight, and Dean should appreciate that!”
“Has anyone ever believed you when you told them that?” Sam asks, presumably referring to the ‘delight’ bit.
“Why wouldn’t they, Samuel?” you ask, giving the massive man a light spritz of stink-eye. “Do you have something to say to me?”
“Nothing you don’t already know,” he snorts in response, turning a page in the tome he currently has in his lap.
You bite your lip to hide your amused smile, turning back to Gabriel. You place your hand softly on his cheek to let him know that you’re about to go back in for the stitches, before raising the other tool and bringing it to the first of the thick threads woven through his flesh. Wincing, you try and snip it as delicately as possible. Now seems like a better time than any for more distractions.
“If you think I’m bad, you should be glad you never met my grandfather,” you inform the youngest Winchester, successfully severing the first stitch and beginning the icky job of pulling it out. Gabriel makes a muffled noise of pain but remains still, and you pat his hand softly in support. “He could stir the shit out of anyone, man. Like, I’m not even kidding. The bastard gene I got from him was actually watered down by the time it got to me, so count your lucky stars.”
Sam makes a noise of contemplation, like he really is taking the time to thank whatever powers that be— those apparently being Chuck, as you’ve heard— that you’re not more like your grandfather. Honestly, you’re not kidding—they really should be grateful. You loved your grandpa but you’d never met anyone so quick to stir whatever pot may present itself before them. An opportunist with bastardous tendencies, one might describe him.
In the silence that follows, you jump to another topic for the sake of distraction once more—you’re about to move onto another stitch.
“So, now that your mother is here, are you guys actually eating like normal human beings?” you ask, tongue pressed between your lips in concentration as you try to snip the thread as painlessly as possible by manoeuvring the small scissors. “Like, balanced meals with vegetables and shit?”
You hear Sam pause in the motion of turning a page, a scoff turning into a laugh as it climbs his throat. “What—homecooked meals? Our mom? Dude, she’s worse than Dean in the kitchen, and I really didn’t think that was possible.”
You pause your ministrations to face the tall man, squinting. “What? No way. No way is she worse than Dean—”
“We’ve had to replace the fire alarms twice already,” Sam says, meeting your gaze with a look that is full of both fondness and exasperation. He lets out a laugh at your flabbergasted face. “Dude, I wouldn’t believe it either if I hadn’t seen it for myself. You’ll see, whenever she gets back with Jack. She can’t cook but it doesn’t really stop her trying.”
“Another terrible chef joins the ranks,” you proclaim dramatically, pulling the stitch you were working on out and going in on the next one. “Oh, to be able to cook. I suppose this Jack kid is our last hope.”
“He’s not even a year old, y/n,” Sam says, deadpan. “I wouldn’t count on it. Also, you can cook, you’re just lazy.”
You shrug, making a face; he has you there. “I will neither confirm nor deny these allegations.”
Once more, you feel Sam roll his eyes behind you—he should get that checked if he’s rolling them so heavily you can feel it yourself. They’re not even eyes that are in your own skull, man.
You proceed to pull shit out of your ass as you take Gabriel’s mouth stitches out, the metal tin to the side soon filled with scraps of thick thread covered in dried blood and muck. The exit wounds where the thread had been have begun to well with blood, the wounds agitated by the removal of the stitches, and you bring a new cotton pad back with alcohol to clean them up. Gabriel hisses at the contact, and you rush out apologies under your breath as you finish up. You’d forgotten to warn him, and it’s only something small but you still feel bad.
“Alright, that’s done,” you announce, mostly to yourself. You look over him, deciding which wound to treat next, when your attention is drawn to the way he seems to be shaking a little on the spot. He’s not as grounded as he was earlier when he sat down with you, and even though you have much more work to do you can tell intrinsically that this is the most he can take right now. Dressing his other wounds would have to wait until tomorrow.
You turn to find Sam already giving the archangel a scrutinising look, apparently arriving at the same conclusion you had. He gives you a nod and you let out a soft breath, turning back to Gabriel and offering your hands should he need them.
“Okay, I think that’s enough for today. Let’s get you back to the room.”
You can only hope tomorrow will offer the same amount of progress as today.
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fizzingwizard · 3 years
Episode 26 already! I can’t believe we’re about halfway through... This episode seems to be end point for the current “arc,” or “mini arc,” maybe?? I’m not sorry to see it go but overall, this episode was pretty eh... Not bad, just kind of... I don’t get why we needed it. A fair few REALLY important things do happen! Those are awesome! I just think we could have got them in a more... interesting... way? xD Like, I didn’t hate watching it or anything, it just kind of felt like, with all the important stuff going on, shouldn’t there be more... oomph? (And I know we had a ton of oomph lately, it’s about time to wind down for a while... but then why pick now to spring certain things on us... anyway...)
Pic of the day!
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generic group shot that captures each Chosen’s individual fighting spirit!
Koushirou: *intent focus*
Sora: *look of concern*
Jou: *I must have learned something in school that will be useful here*
Mimi: *Jou thinking always makes me nervous and a little grossed out*
Recap below!
So last week I’m pretty sure I vowed to violently murder someone in a back alley (or something like that) if we didn’t get to see the gang eat some FOOD this episode.
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Well, looks like y’all are safe from me for now. Though I gotta say, I’m mildly concerned that they are eating Digi-eggs. Don’t those look like Digi-eggs? Other than the random very normal looking grapes...
Thank HEAVENS they are taking a BREAK.
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Taichi uses his telescope to remark that Cloud Continent is not only a continent in the clouds, but it sure looks small from down here. Leomon admits he’s not really sure what’s going on anymore either xD
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Leomon’s mainly weirded out by Patamon, who... I suppose just doesn’t fit the bill for what he expected the holy Digimon to be like :P lol
Ok so quick aside... I’m honestly kinda peeved that we’re still with Leomon’s silly group of clowns. I know that sounds harsh! And I love Leomon! But his army is... uh... well, he definitely made sure he’d be the coolest one around at all times xD It makes sense that he’d be hanging around because after all, getting to the Holy Digimon was one of his goals as well, but honestly he and his team just feel like replacement back-up for the other Chosen Children who are in the real world atm. AND FIZZ IS NOT INTO THAT. At this point I really do NOT understand why the kids had to split up and send some to the real world at all. I suppose it may be explained in the future but I also won’t be surprised if the answer is “It’s exactly like you saw, Devimon tried to separate them.” I would much rather have had the whole team together. I mean, if this was an excuse for Taichi and Yamato to get close... it really didn’t feel like that. At least not to a point where they couldn’t have gotten with the others around too.
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Anyway, break time’s over, because there’s an actual monster fight going on. It must be cool to watch - the way Ebidramon shakes Seadramon reminds me of the T-rex vs stegosaurus battle in Fantasia xD But then Seadramon has the last laugh and EATS EBIDRAMON’S DATA, enabling it to evolve to WarSeadramon. That must have been an epic meal
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Meanwhile in the real world, important things are happening, Koushirou’s using lots of Big Words with Kanji and Mimi is happy to get back at Jou for one-upping her last episode by correctly recognizing the roman letters this time. They are still sitting on the same bench where they’ve been for SIX episodes now. My butt hurts just thinking about it.
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Patamon is very informative.
Patamon: We’re all gonna die!!
Thank you Patamon. You are so cute.
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WarSeadramon decides Takeru and Patamon look like a yummy dessert after his meal, so he attacks them, only to be feigned off by our heroes. WarSeadramon gets pissy and says “Two on one is no fair! I have friends too!” and calls MetalSeadramon to join him. Apparently, MetalSeadramon can move on land :O This was one of the freakier things, I was actually like GAAH
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Taichi tells Yamato to take Takeru somewhere safe. Since he is clearly very tasty to Seadramons. Yamato doesn’t bother arguing xD
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Takeru: Hey! I’m your brother not a bag of beans!
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However they are both cut off! Stuck between a rock and a hard place!
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Meanwhile, Koushirou is literally a bad ass. He’s managing to reroute the rogue ships whose GPS have gone haywire by sending a signal from a second satellite, which the ships then pass on to the other ships.
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Thus helping them get back on course and not collide with each other.
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no seriously... I’d actually kind of LOVE it if that were a thing x’D Like the government goes to Koushirou’s house and tries to get him to come but his parents are like “Um no he is a child and he needs a childhood” and protect him :’< When will this show realize WE ALL LOVE KOUSHIROU
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Mimi: HURRY UP!!!!!!!!!!
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Mimi: H... Hikari... you were still here...? Ehehe.... um... *whisper* hurry up!!
so yeah Hikari is still here! Standing! Staring! Really creepy! I get that the others are very distracted atm but it seems like someone should be like “do you need help? are you lost? do you need a doctor since you seem to have gone catatonic??” Only Koushirou is actively doing anything, I think someone could be spared to at least let her sit on their lap!
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Back in the digital world, Garurumon is so distracted by the fight happening in front of him that he fails to notice the attack from behind, and Professional Self-Sacrificing Idiots Taichi and Greymon save the day.
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They predictably fall off the cliff wheeeeeeeeeeee
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It’s raining men, hallelujah
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Under water, Greymon gets his assed kicked until Taichi manages to swim to him
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which seems to give him renewed focus, I suppose, and he’s able to get away from the two Seadramon pals and get some air.
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However they almost immediately drag him back down. You would think Greymon would be REALLY bad in a water battle and at least need to evolve to be any use (especially given that both evolved Seadramons are perfect levels), but both Greymon and Garurumon never evolve this episode, so I think we’re supposed to assume that even after eating they’re just not recovered enough for that yet. GOOD
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Yeah but here’s what confuses me. Yamato does not do anything to help. Well, I shouldn’t say anything - whenever an enemy comes out of the water, he and Leomon’s team attack it from afar. But I mean, Taichi is in the water, being attacked by two Digimon who are both a level higher. WHY DOESN’T YAMATO GO IN TO HELP?!?!
We can’t even give him the excuse of needing to protect Takeru because 1) Takeru has Leomon’s entire team to protect him and 2) Takeru is fighting!!!!!!
I’m sorry but Yamato should be in the water. This is just crappy writing. He’s shouted “Taichi!” three times in the exact same way this episode and has very few other lines, so I actually sort of suspect that Namikawa Daisuke might not have been available to voice him this episode?? Maybe? So they just couldn’t give him too much to do for that reason. That’s totally speculation, I just don’t understand why Yamato does so little here.
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Back with Koushirou, his plan has worked and all the ships are successfully changing course woot
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Aww looks like a Christmas tree
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The way Garudamon carries Zudomon is A++
The partners inform them that the Zurumon are on the move...
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Jou theorizes that they’re off to gobble up more data somewhere else. Mimi’s like “ew?”
They decide they really need to get back to the digital world now. They’re finally worried about Yamato and Taichi and figure they’ll be more useful over there. I really can’t think of a reason why Koushirou could not have saved all these ships from the digital world so YEAH HARD AGREE. What even was this interlude?? Show us how cool a hacker Koushirou is?? We already KNEW that, he can do it from the digital world too, and watching the kids sit on a bench for six episodes was NO GOOD. Grrr. At least I needed them to do something really cool to justify all this but... nope! Can’t say it was necessary for Taichi and Yamato’s sake either!
There is one awesome thing that comes out of the separation...
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Hikari: Oh you want to go back to the digital world? Why didn’t you say so?
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Aaaaand they’re gone! Hikari included! :O
I kind of guessed this was gonna happen when Hikari first showed up, but I also sort of thought, it seems so early to have her join... I know this season is Doing It Different but we JUST got Takeru, I figured we’d spend more time on his story first. Also figured the lead in to Hikari joining would be more... Idk... this was just kind of anticlimactic, y’know? But whatev.
Now the only thing is... there’s no reason they had to go back to the human world for this. Hikari could have just come on her own. “It’s calling,” she says. Well, it could have called her regardless. So we really didn’t need this for Hikari’s sake. Bleh.
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Ok so injuries really are a thing now. I’m down. We don’t get blood but we get to see lots of sparkly data leakage.
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Still best boy, warts and all
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What I DO really like... that i think we saw this ep as well as the episode before last in particular, is how important the kids are to their partners this season. Greymon loses it when Taichi’s KO’d in the Devimon battle, and this time, when they were separated under water Greymon started to panic until Taichi arrived. That alone seemed to restore his confidence. And even though he can’t evolve further, Taichi’s still able to give him a power boost. That was the one thing in 99 Adventure - the idea that the partners were connected with their human partners and needed their help to reach the next level was always fun, but mostly left the kids just running around unhelpfully much of the time. Tamers added on to it with the card game boosts (which were just to sell toys to kids BUT I still thought was cool lol). And then Frontier just did away with the partners all together and made the kids the monsters which I did NOT like personally. (YMMV although that one ep where Takuya has a crisis and becomes Flamemon was a cool effect.) This season has found a good balance, I think, between keeping the kids involved and preventing them from being too involved, if that makes sense. Of course it still means they’ve got suction cups on their shoes and can hold their breath underwater for unusual lengths of time...
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Yay we won!!
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... Never mind, now there are four of them xP
(but really, did he think he’d beaten two Perfect levels just like that? A level below, under water, and two-on-one? Taichiiii)
Yamato’s still just shouting Taichi’s name like the girl in Forrest Gump. “Run Taichi run!”
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Then... Taichi hears a lovelier voice than Yamato’s!
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Taichi: Zudomon!! Why do you sound like my little sister?
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Bang bang Zudomon’s silver hammer came down upon his head
Bang bang Zudomon’s silver hammer made sure that he was dead
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The whole gang is back!!! YAAAAAYYYY the one reason to love this episode!
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So nice to see someone other than Greymon and Garurumon be a badass xP
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And then this!! Anticlimactic though it was, I’m really excited to have Hikari on the team. She’s joining about halfway through which is kinda similar to how it was in 99 Adventure, but 99 Adventure had a much better lead in... however this season still has lots of storytelling to do.
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Taichi is pretty amazed but not freaked, at least not yet.
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Hikari’s just like “I was called here” and yes she’s as freaky as ever. If anything she’s even more freaky. I’m down as long as she gets a bit of personality beyond “mysterious” and “adores her brother”
I mean Takeru’s had plenty of opportunities to be a baby BAMF so far, so Hikari deserves some too. I wonder how long she’ll go without a partner?
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Next week! It’s our first Takari shot!
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Also... ooooohh??
The group will go to a new continent. Exciting exciting. Though I ragged on this episode, I’m still overall enjoying this season. But yeah I’m so GLAD the team is back together and unless something happens to change my mind, I def think they never should have been separated from the beginning. Or at least it should have been a much shorter separation. Anyway they’re together again so fingers crossed for more good stuff to come.
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marie12141989 · 4 years
It’s A Cold And It’s a Broken Hallelujah part Sixteen
Pairing: Castiel x Reader
Word Count: 1166
You were sitting on the couch in the bunker when you heard the door to the garage slam open followed up by the sound of someone walking down the steps angrily. You put the book in your hands down and turned to see Sam storm into the room, Dean followed him a few feet behind with his head down. "Hey guys. What's going on?" you asked confused. Sam stopped and looked at you, you watched as several emotions crossed his face and eventually a look of anger came across his face and you knew it was directed towards you for some reason.
"Did you know?" he asked.
"Did I know what?" you asked, still confused.
"About what exactly Jack's got to do to kill Chuck. Did you know?" he asked through gritted teeth. You stared at him for a minute or two, you had no idea what he was talking about. You knew that there was some ritual or something Billie told Jack he had to do but you didn't know exactly what it entailed.
"Sam I have no clue what you're talking about. I mean I know that he has to do some kind of ritual but I don't know exactly what he has to do." you told him. As soon as the words came out of your mouth Sam's jaw dropped and the look of anger disappeared and it was replaced by a look of sadness.
"So I'm not the only one that no one could bother to tell the truth to," he said while he turned towards Dean. You looked at Dean who was looking away "Jack has to turn himself into a bomb. He's going to lure Amara and Chuck together and then he's going to go off like a fucking bomb and it's going to kill all three of them." he told you. Your eyes went wide and you felt your mouth slowly starting to open, you couldn't believe what you had just heard what Sam said.
"That can't be it. Why........why wouldn't Cas tell me? Why wouldn't Jack? Why the hell didn't you Dean!?!" you yelled while you turned towards him. Dean opened and closed his mouth a few times before he looked down at the ground, he didn't have it in him to have another argument with someone. "Where the hell is Castiel?" you demanded while standing up.
"Don't know. He won't answer his phone." Sam said while holding his up.
"I'm getting to the bottom of this. I'm going to demand to know why he couldn't be bothered to tell me what's going on." you said as you stood up and headed towards your room to grab your phone.
"He might not answer. He's trying to find an alternative and he hasn't been answering Sam's calls." Dean told you.
"Well he'll answer mine. I'll call him all night if I have to." you said as you stormed into your room. You would deal with Jack not telling you later, you figured that Castiel would have told you so the fact that he was hiding what Jack had to do from you hurt. You called his phone several times before he finally answered.
"What?" he asked and you could hear the annoyance in his voice.
"Don't you fucking what me Castiel! Jack has to turn himself into a bomb?!? And not only is it going to kill Chuck and Amara but it's also going to kill him?!? Yeah thanks for not fucking telling me!" you yelled into the phone.
"Y/N look I was going to tell you." he began.
"When? When the hell were you going to tell me? When I'm scraping parts of our son off of the fucking walls!?!" you shouted before letting out a sob. You had to move the phone away so that you could cover your mouth, you were not going to break down. Not now, you took a deep breath before putting the phone back to your ear. "I made a promise to Kelly before she died that I would take care of Jack. I told her that I would work with you to make the best possible choice for him. I promised her that we would always talk to each other about anything that had to do with him. I promised her! I sat at her bedside and I held her hand and I promised her while she was in agony that I would love and protect and do everything I could possibly do to make sure that the baby she was pushing out would survive and that I would do it with you!" you shouted before you sat down on your bed. You moved the phone away from your face again as you felt another sob getting ready to escape you, you felt like you were breaking the promise you had made to her three years ago.
"Well why do you think that I'm trying to find a way to keep that from happening?!? Do you really think that I want to lose him after we just got him back? I'm sorry that I didn't tell you but I don't know how much more time we have so I didn't have the chance to explain anything to you!" Cas yelled.
'Is this what parents normally do? Do they fight about their kids like this?' you wondered, you honestly had no clue. You had never seen your parents fighting, well each other anyways. Monsters had always been a different thing. There was a knock on your door and you looked up to see Jack poking his head in.
"Mom? Are you okay? I heard you yelling in here." he said. You quickly wiped your tears away and cleared your throat.
"I'm fine Jack. Your dad and I are just arguing about something. Okay?" you asked, giving him a fake smile.
"O.....kay." he said, still not sure. He started to leave the room when you showed that you had something else to say.
"When I get off of the phone with him I want to come talk to you about something Sam and Dean told me so go wait in your room." you said. Jack blinked at you in surprise before nodding his head yes and walking away. You wiped your nose on your sleeve and looked at your phone to see that Castiel was still there. You placed it against your ear one last time with a sigh "We're having a talk when you get home Castiel. No ifs ands or buts about it. This is not how our relationship is going to be." you said before hanging up. You didn't want to hear anymore excuses or attempts to change the subject from him anymore. You knew that he was probably going to be angry at you for hanging up on him but you didn't honestly care at that point. You got up from your bed and walked out before turning and heading in the direction of Jack's room.
15 notes · View notes
Shielded Away (pt 1)
““Jeez Fenton, what the heck are you doing?”
Danny stopped. “Just practicing for mime school, you know...just in case the whole astronaut thing doesn’t work out.”
Wes squinted. “Wait a minute...the news said they placed your parents’ newest ghost shield around all of Amity…”
Danny groaned, for what felt like the hundredth time today. “Are you kidding me?” He prodded at the shield, only to get stung again.
At that, Wes began to chuckle, which turned into an actual laugh, eventually becoming full-blown cackling.
Danny scowled. Not calming down in the slightest, Wes continued to cackle as he walked off into the distance.”
Or, my take on this prompt posted by @danphanwritingprompts
Word Count: 5,183
Read on AO3 or under the cut
Danny glanced at himself in the mirror in the washroom. The dark circles under his eyes seemed to have doubled in size since he last saw them. Not that he cared. He was too exhausted to care. It wasn’t even lunchtime yet, but he’s already fought seven ghosts today. A thin cool mist expelled from his lips. And here comes the eighth.
Outside in the halls, a familiar voice boomed, “BEWARE, I AM THE BOX GHOST!” Danny watched himself as his eyes became a vibrant green on instinct. Transforming once again, he flew out the washroom, sighting the box-loving spirit throwing cardboard boxes at students. He zoomed towards him, grabbing his ankle, forced them both intangible, and dragged him down to the school’s basement.
“Hey! Can’t you see I was in the middle of something?” the Box Ghost whined.
“Yeah? Attempting to traumatize people once again with boxes? How many times do I gotta tell you it’s really not scary?”
“IS TOO!” The Box Ghost angrily hurled a dusty box at Danny, who then fired an ectoblast at it to defend himself.
“You know, I could think of a hundr—oof!” Somehow Danny didn’t notice every single storage box in the basement hovering right above his head, before it was too late. Man, he really needs sleep.
He faintly heard the ghost laughing above him. Of all the places in the school, he had to lead the Box Ghost here. He’s gotta remember to use the roof next time. But this time, he knows he’d hidden a Fenton thermos somewhere around here…
In an instant, he turned intangible and phased through all the boxes he was buried under. His eyes searched wildly around the basement. Where was it?
“LOOKING FOR THIS?” Danny’s head shot up, finally seeing the thermos. Well, crap. “LET’S SEE HOW YOU LIKE BEING STUCK IN THE CONFINES OF A CYLINDRICAL CONTAINER!” Hearing the beep of the thermos activating, Danny gasped as he was slowly sucked into it. Since when did the Box Ghost learn how to use it??
“HA HAH! HOW DOES IT FEEL NOW?” the ghost yelled into the container, painfully vibrating Danny’s condensed molecules. “Now if you will excuse me, I WILL HAVE MY CORRUGATED CARDBOARD VENGEANCE!” Next thing Danny knew, he felt a harsh CLUNK to his everything as the thermos fell to the hard floor.
Outsmarted by the Box Ghost, he really was having a bad day. Well, hopefully, Tucker and Sam will find him. Eventually. He could just imagine Sam berating him immediately after releasing him. “You should have called us first! Of all places, why would you bring the Box Ghost to the basement?” Tucker would be laughing his ass off. Honestly, he wouldn’t blame him.
Each minute in the thermos always felt like an eternity. His form was squished to the point where all he could really do is think. And he’s come to realize how much he actually depends on his friends. He doesn’t appreciate them enough.
Except, they should be here anytime now.
Any. Time.
Wait. There were footsteps. The next instant, he was being picked up. Finally, they found him. Come on now, press the button Tucker. What was taking him so long? A fair bit of fumbling continued until fingers found the right button and he was finally released. Danny groaned and stretched, feeling an ache from being compressed for so long.
“You’re lucky I found you Fenton.”
That. Wasn’t Tucker. Or Sam. His head shot up, seeing a red-haired pain in the ass holding a stupid grin, growing wider by the second. Wes.
“Were you stalking me again?”
“Just gathering evidence. You should be grateful, who knows how long you’d be stuck in there.”
Danny scowled. His friends would’ve eventually found him. “Fine, thanks. Now if you excuse me, I have a job to finish.” He flew up, phasing through the ceiling. Invisibly weaving through the corridors of his school, he noticed two things. One, his ghost sense seemed to be picking up nothing at all. Two, the hallways were deserted. He peeked into a random classroom, empty. Same for the one beside it. He zipped through the ceiling to the second floor, stopping in front of the English classroom he left behind. Empty. Save for his bag tucked under his chair. He really should stop doing that, the number of times he’d left class forgetting his bag was too embarrassing. Picking up his bag from the floor, he walked over to the window expecting a routine gathering for a ghost alarm. Nope, the fields were empty too. Weird. Maybe they’re at the front. He was just about to check, but something about the far off view of Amity’s city buildings struck him as odd. He pulled out his phone. Dead. Right, never got a chance to charge it last night.
“Everyone’s gone.” Wes suddenly spoke from the door, almost a tinge of fear in his voice. Funny, he’s never seen Wes scared before. This should be good.
“You sure?”
“I checked everywhere, even the teacher’s lounge.”
Huh. Danny glanced out the window again. “Parking lot’s completely empty.”
“The entire school couldn’t possibly abandon us—we were only down in the basement for an hour,”
“Yeah, I was busy collecting evidence.”
“Okay, first off, you need a new hobby. Second, why didn’t you let me go earlier if you were there the entire time?”
“Hey, be grateful. I was contemplating not letting you out at all.”
Wes could be such a...ugh. There were bigger things at hand. Like the disappearance of his entire school.
“Give me your phone.” Wes eyed him suspiciously. He stuffed his hand in his pocket and brought out a small device, slightly bigger than the palm of his hand. Danny approached closer. “Is that a freaking Nokia?”
“Can’t trust smartphones, government uses them to steal all your information.”
Of course. Danny grabbed the cell phone. It reminded him of a calculator. “Can you even text on this thing?”
“It’s not worth it. You can call though.”
Danny searched the deep recesses of his brain for his friends’ phone numbers. He dialed a number, half guessing the last four digits.
The dial tone rang...and rang, and rang once more…
A smooth automated female voice responded, “Hello, you’ve reached the voicemail of—” then there was a moment of silence. The automated voice picked back up, “Please leave your name and message after the tone.” BEEP.
He just hung up then. Sam never bothers checking her voicemail anyways. Dang, if only he remembered Tucker’s number.
“...should we just leave? Maybe everyone got sent home?” Wes hesitantly asked.
Something still didn’t sit quite well with Danny, but the idea of using the rest of the day to catch up on some sleep was too good to resist. He tossed Wes’ brick phone back to him and muttered, “Alright, see you around, I guess.” He didn’t waste any time in turning intangible and flying through the classroom window, heading straight for home.
On his journey back, it was oddly peaceful. Usually every time he flew in broad daylight at least one person would sight him and yell anything along the lines of “Hey, look! It’s Danny Phantom!” or “Screw you ghost boy!” He was still a very controversial figure in the town, even though the news seems to be taking his side now.
And well, Danny has given up on trying to woo those who still dislike him. No matter what he does, all they see is a ghost. Apparently it isn’t clear that his only intentions are protecting the town. It sucks that his parents are part of that special group. Their narrow-minded point of view almost killed him on several occasions (well...metaphorically, he’s already kinda dead).
Which is why he transformed back into human form as soon as he landed on his front step. The lights for the Fenton Works sign were off. Odd. His parents were adamant on keeping them on 24/7, despite constant complaints from all their neighbours. He dug for his key in his backpack and unlocked the front door. Stepping inside, he slipped off his shoes and shrugged his backpack to the floor.
“Mom? Dad?”
Nothing. He strode over to the kitchen and checked the basement entrance. Locked. They must be out. Sweet, nothing to distract him from his well-deserved nap. He grabbed a cookie from a jar and made his way upstairs. As he was halfway through that cookie, he passed by Jazz’s room. He failed to notice the absence of Bearbert Einstein from her bed.
He brushed off the crumbs off his hands and opened his bedroom door. Flopping onto his bed, Danny was just about to pass out until he remembered. He groaned and blindly reached for the end of his charger on his nightstand. Ugh where was it? Reluctantly peeking one eye open, he saw lying aimlessly on the floor. Ugh. Stretching to the point where half his body was off the bed (it would’ve been much easier if he just sat up), he finally grabbed the charger and plugged in his phone. Victory. Now, he could relax. He’ll deal with whatever happened later.
No, he swore he just closed his eyes a second ago. Just a few more minutes.
The vibrating stopped. Hallelujah. Now back to h—
The obnoxious buzzing continued once more. Several rounds later, Danny slowly blinked open his groggy eyes. He had to suppress the urge to hurl his phone at the wall when he finally grabbed it. Declining the call, he was just about to return to his slumber until he noticed his screen was full of notifications. 9 missed calls from his mom, 5 from his dad, 11 from Jazz, 17 from Sam...his stomach sunk. Danny almost dropped his phone on his face when it started ringing once more, this time his dad again. He didn’t waste a moment in answering it.
“Danno where are you? Did you get to evacuate with your school? Sam and Tucker say they haven’t seen you!”
“Wha—what? Evacu—”
“Hang on your mom’s here,”
“Danny sweetie, where are you? You’re not in the Casper High group.”
“Mom what did dad mean by eva—”
“And our tracker says you’re home, but you know we can never trust it since it sometimes locks onto that menace Phanto—”
“Wait a tracker?”
“Yes honey, we need to always know where you kids are, especially at times like these. Now, which evacuation group did you leave with?”
“Uhh...I’m actually home.”
The line went silent for a few moments. Danny heard his mom’s barely contained anxiety as she spoke her next words. “That’s...how did you...that’s alright sweetie. Can yo—was anyone else left behind?”
“Yeah, uhm, Wes Weston?”
“Okay...okay. Can you find him...and leave the town right away?”
“Mom, what’s going on?”
“Danny, please.”
“Call us once you’re out, okay?”
“Okay mom.”
“Love you sweetie.”
“Yea you too.” He hung up then, his earlier grogginess completely forgotten now. Right, okay, he just has to find Wes no—
A LOUD shrill noise accompanied the incessant buzzing on his phone. Danny’s stomach dropped even further.
“[11:00 AM] EMERGENCY ALERT: Due to the increasingly harmful and destructive occupation of extra-dimensional beings in the town of Amity Park, the state of Illinois in conjunction with the GiW has made the final decision to evacuate all residents. Please follow your nearest evacuation group and proceed to exit the town.”
It was 3:07 now. The entire town just left? While he was stuck in the thermos? And “increasingly harmful and destructive occupation of extra-dimensional beings”? Dammit he had it under control.
Just before Danny left the room, he made sure to grab his charger.
Grabbing his bag left on the floor by the front door, he nearly jumped when he saw Wes sitting on the living room couch.
“How did—”
“Chill Fenton, you left the door unlocked.”
“But wh...nevermind. Did you hear—”
“About the evacuation? Yeah let’s get outta here.”
He didn’t bother to look back to check if Wes was following. The annoying scruff of his sneakers on the sidewalk was enough to tell.
But twenty minutes later, he couldn’t help but wonder why Wes was left behind too. “So...why didn’t you leave?”
“You know nobody takes those ghost alarms seriously anymore, right? Oh wait, you do, cause you’re Ph—”
“What about the emergency alert?” Danny asked, cutting Wes off.
“What emergency alert?”
“You didn’t get it? On your phone?” Danny pulled out his phone and showed Wes the notification.
“Oh, heh, I don’t get those.”
“What do you mea—oh, right. Your dinosaur phone is too old to get them.”
“Hey, at least with my dinosaur phone, the government can’t spy on my every move. That seems like something you’d be interested in, Phantom.”
“If the government was spying on us, how did they manage to forget us when evacuating the town?”
“The government has bigger things they like to worry about.”
“Sure, like hiding Area 51 right?”
“Exactly!” Wes exclaimed enthusiastically. “Finally, someone gets me.”
“Dude, that was sarcasm.”
Wes deflated at that. “Screw you Fenton.”
“Yeah, I—” the next moment Danny slammed face-first into something that  stung. Quickly backing up, he saw Wes walking, perfectly unperturbed. Hesitantly, he took his index finger and slowly pushed forward, until he was blocked again. Ghost shield, great.
Turning intangible, he disappeared into the ground and tried burrowing under the barrier, only to get blocked and stung again. Dammit, he shouldn’t have told his parents about ghosts being able to get past their old shields that way. Returning up, Danny began to feel his way around the shield, attempting to find a weak spot.
At some point, Wes stopped, noticing that Danny wasn’t tailing him anymore. “Jeez Fenton, what the heck are you doing?”
Danny stopped. “Just practicing for mime school, you know...just in case the whole astronaut thing doesn’t work out.”
Wes squinted. “Wait a minute...the news said they placed your parents’ newest ghost shield around all of Amity…”
Danny groaned, for what felt like the hundredth time today. “Are you kidding me?” He prodded at the shield, only to get stung again.
At that, Wes began to chuckle, which turned into an actual laugh, eventually becoming full-blown cackling.
Danny scowled. Not calming down in the slightest, Wes continued to cackle as he walked off into the distance.
After Danny could no longer see the flare of his annoying red-hair, he sighed and glanced upwards, turning around until he saw the tower at the centre of the town, blasting at full strength. His parents worked relentlessly for more than a year on that tower. After trial and error with various other ghost shields, they finally perfected the ultimate model. Danny tried his best to help too, ghost shields were becoming more vital to Team Phantom as the days passed on (mostly because it stopped people from complaining about property damage). Often that involved sneaking down to the basement while they were out purchasing supplies, testing it out, and subtly dropping recommendations during dinner time. With governmental aid on their side, they were able to expand it into a town-wide defense mechanism, resistant against all ectoplasmic entities, even halfas in their human form.
With all the good their work has done for Amity, they are no longer seen as the town’s local kooks. Jack and Maddie Fenton are now revered as the country’s leading scientists on ghosts. That tower was a stark symbol of his parents’ true dedication. Every time Danny saw that tower, he felt a swell of pride for his parents in his chest. Except for this time. Instead, he felt dread slowly trickling down into the pit of his stomach. Why must everything his parents invent come to bite him in the butt sooner or later?
Plunking down beside the shield, Danny laid down in the grass and pulled out his phone again. Ignoring the even bigger clusterfuck of notifications on his lock screen, he started up a video call with Tucker.
The instant the call picked up, Tucker shrilled into the speaker “DANNY, WHERE THE—” which was then combined with Sam exclaiming, “Is that Danny? You got him finall—WHAT THE HELL DANNY?”
Shit, he didn’t mean to make them so worried. “Hey guys, I-I’m fine,” he said, sheepishly looking away from the screen.
Sam’s expression quickly switched from angry to concerned. “We didn’t see you when the ghost alarm went off...” she trailed off.
“Figured you were taking care of it,” Tucker added. “We had no idea—”
“Tucker it’s okay.”
“Wait, really? You made it out?”
Sam’s face took over the screen, expression serious. “Danny...are you still in Amity?”
A moment of silence passed, where Sam’s eyes widened and Tucker just walked off screen.
“B-but look, I’ll figure out a way out! I helped build the shield, I should be able to take it down, right?”
Tucker jumped back into the frame, “You were the one who helped make it indestructible, especially against yourself!”
“True but—” he was suddenly interrupted as his phone started buzzing again. “Shit, my parents are calling, what do I tell them?”
“Just say you’re on your way out?”
“But Wes already left!”
“Yeah, Wes, no time to explain—what do I say??”
“Just answer it!”
“DANNY!” Tucker and Sam both yelled.
He jerked as he hung up and accepted his parents’ voice call. Hesitantly holding the phone to his ear, he stuttered out, “H-hello?”
His mom’s worried voice crackled through the speaker, “Sweetie, where are you now? Wesley just came out and told us you were coming…”
“Uh…” He had to think up something. NOW. “Uhh...ghost!”
“Danny wha—”
“Can’t talk now, ghost chasing me—bye!” He abruptly hung up and shut off his phone. Heart beating rapidly, he stared at the black screen. His parents are going to kill him for this.
Well, if not already for being Danny Phantom. Ha.
Lying back down on the grass (at what point did he start sitting up?), he registered just how quiet it was. No vehicles humming in the background, no people; just a soothing autumn breeze brushing against the leaves, accompanied by an occasional chirp from a bird nearby. A lone cloud floated off in the bright blue sky. With a bit of squinting, it looked like a hoagie. At that moment, his grumbling stomach decided to interrupt the serenity.
Searching his bag, he found the sandwich he packed for lunch, which was now disgustingly soggy. Ew. Did his parents leave any leftovers back in the fridge? Nah...wait. His eyes locked on a Nasty Burger in the distance. If people had to evacuate, then they must’ve left their orders behind, right? Yeah, he would be doing the world a service by not letting that greasy burger goodness go to waste. Tucker would back him up on this.
Five minutes later, he phased out of the fast food joint with a bag of untouched, barely warm Nasty burgers in one hand and a Nasty soda in the other.
Danny was going back home to figure out a way to get past the shield. Not at all because of his impending food coma. So what if he decided to take a quick power nap to regain his focus? He’d get nothing done anyways if he was too tired to think.
And so what if that quick nap turned into him knocking out for 13 hours?
Startling awake in his bed, he checked the clock. 8:00 AM. Shit! He’s late for school. Stumbling out his bed, he immediately tripped over his backpack, falling to the floor in a harsh thud.
Rubbing his shoulder, everything came flooding back in his now clear mind. Fuck, how could he let the Box Ghost trap him in his own thermos?
Fuck, he has to get up. He has to find a way to get past that shield. Right now. His parents, his friends...they’re all waiting. Who knows what could be happening to them, they could be in danger, they’d need him. He has to before...before…
Before what?
Danny didn’t even realize he was doing his morning routine on autopilot until he was in the kitchen, halfway through a slice of toast. “Ergh!” he exclaimed as he spat out the almost cardboard-like excuse for breakfast onto his plate.
Why would they be in danger?
Glancing outside, he only saw a flock of living birds in the distance. Where did all the ghosts go?
Maybe because there’s no longer anyone to haunt. And as long as the shield remains, there’s no chance of even a blob ghost escaping.
Wait, there’s still Vlad in Wisconsin! No, he wouldn’t dare make a move while the Guys in White were watching. That’s one thing he knew for certain about the fruitloop.
So...what now? Danny leaned back in the kitchen chair as the realization slowly dawned on him. Everyone’s safe. A wave of relief came over him, washing away a suffocating feeling he didn’t even realize was always there. For the first time in months, he could breathe.
The next thing Danny does is turn his pathetic slices of toast into a triple decker PB & J sandwich. Another first in months.
Of course he had to be finding a way to get past the shield. His parents must be so worried. Jazz...he still hasn’t called her back. Staring at the black screen of his phone, he couldn’t bring himself to turn it on again. Talking to her would only worry her even more, right? Ancients forbid, if his parents called again...what could he even say this time?
Sam and Tucker could fill her in. They probably already did. He slid the inactive phone back in his pocket and got up to drop his empty plate in the sink.
Hours later, Danny was sticking his tongue out in concentration, trying to get past the Level 4 boss in Doomed. He honestly started up the old desktop in the basement fully intending to review his parents’ notes on the shield. After nearly nodding off on the eighth page, he decided that he deserved a little break.
Yet, that break was still going strong at 5:30am the next day. He was finally on the last level. So close...his bloodshot eyes locked on the final key, just within arm’s reach. Almost...there…
Except, a shot came out of nowhere, striking his player right in his chest, killing him instantly. And because he was on his last life, Danny stared in disbelief as the words “Game Over” appeared on the screen. He threw the computer mouse in frustration, unintentionally letting a bit of his ghostly strength through.
Well, crap. He needs a new mouse now.
Maybe he can stop by the store in the morning. Yawning heavily, his eyes wandered to the lab’s wall clock, widening as he read the time.
He...he should’ve been focusing on the shield! He groaned as he took another look at the broken mouse. There’s not even any store to stop by anymore! Screw this, he needs sleep. He’ll deal with this later.
Apparently later meant a week from then. He honestly doesn’t know how he got so distracted. He just knew the majority of the last week was spent binge-watching classic horror movies and emptying out his dad’s secret hidden stash of snacks. Jazz probably would be able to offer him some textbook explanation for this.
At some point, he’d managed to convince himself that everyone’s eventually coming back. Why else would he still have electricity? And his family left pretty much everything behind, except for a few ecto-weapons and the GAV. There’s no way this can be permanent. And why should it be? He still couldn’t find the true reason for the evacuation, news reports from earlier that week just cite the “increasingly harmful and destructive occupation of extra-dimensional beings.” Sure, Danny’s been busting his ass more recently, but it wasn’t like the town was about to be captured by Pariah Dark again. With that in mind, why should he expend any extra effort figuring out how to get past the shield? The shield he made sure worked against his very own biology?
Plus, he was happy to have a break from everything. At least that’s what he tells himself. He tries to ignore that nagging feeling in the back of his mind, telling him that he should turn his phone back on.
Anyways, his dad’s snacks have run out. Which is why he was standing right in front of the supermarket, currently in his ghost form. He’s just going to phase in, grab what he needs, and phase right back out. Easy. It’s fine, even if he sets off any security alarms, no one’s even here to stop him. Besides, a lot of that food’s probably gonna go bad anyways.
The first thing he noticed was all the flies. They seemed to be having a party in the (slightly smelly) produce section. Luckily for Danny, eating his veggies wasn’t really a top priority (sorry Sam). He grabbed a basket, floated over to the bread area, and tossed in a loaf. One of his greatest accomplishments in the last week was learning how to make a grilled cheese sandwich. That and the snacks are what have fueled him in the last week.
It seemed like the owners still left everything on after abandoning the store. The meat section was thankfully cool and fly-free. Danny eyed his options, recalling all the times Tucker shared his favourite methods of cooking each meat. Guess that knowledge is finally being put to good use. Bacon? Yes. Steak? Yup. Drumsticks? Of course. Sausages? Can’t say no to that.
Danny floated further along, grabbing various other items, including a couple boxes of frozen dinners and plenty of snacks.
He almost forgot about the mouse. Luckily, he passed by the electronics store on the way home.
After packing away the groceries, Danny thought he deserved a nap. After, he’ll probably try making the sausages for dinner. And maybe give reading those shield notes another shot since he had the mouse now.
At least, that’s what he told himself. Instead, he finally beat Doomed. Holy shit. He instinctively reached for his phone to text Tucker. They’ve been playing that game since they were nine! He…
Faced with his still powered-off phone, Danny suddenly realized that it’s been a week since he last spoke to Tucker. And Sam.
He really should talk to them. He’s been an awful friend, he’s gotta at least reassure them that he’s alright. Yet Danny couldn’t bring himself to turn his phone back on.
Eventually, an imaginary light bulb lit up above his head, and he logged into his email on the computer. However, the moment he saw his inbox cluttered with emails from his parents, he logged the fuck outta there. Nope.
While watching The Birds later that night and seeing Melanie lock herself in a phone booth to protect herself from the violent seagulls, Danny suddenly got another idea.
It was a clear night, with the moon shining in all its glory, softly illuminating the dark sky. You couldn’t even tell that the shield was there. Almost would’ve been perfect for stargazing if it weren't for the useless city lights that were still on.
A family of raccoons was crossing the road a few blocks away. And a crow cawed from above on a lamp post. Otherwise, the street in front of his house was completely deserted.
He floated up until he had a view of the entire town. During his nightly patrols, it’d never been this quiet. It felt like he was almost intruding on something, being out here now.
Using his powers to enhance his vision in the dark, he searched around for a payphone. Yes, he’s seen them before, although he can’t say he’d ever used one. It's gotta be somewhere.
He passed by an electronics store with a TV playing the news in the display. He immediately halted and did a double-take. His face was splayed across the screen, with the headline underneath, “RESIDENT GHOST HUNTERS’ SON MISSING AFTER EVACUATION”.
Before he could fully process that, he was knocked to the ground. Panicking, he struggled to get back up, but was pinned under something. Hold on, this seems famili—
“What have you done with our son, ghost?” Maddie Fenton demanded, pure hostility lacing her words.
Danny stared wide-eyed at his mother through the net, standing over him and holding an ecto-gun to his forehead.
“Speak now. Otherwise, you’ll find out just how quickly a blast from this will obliterate your vile form,” she threatened, pressing the gun right to his head now.
“N-nothing I s-swear! He l-left, with everyone else,” Danny sputtered.
“Lies. You attacked him right before he was going to leave.”
Crap. In retrospect that wasn’t really a good choice for an excuse. “That wasn’t me!” he exclaimed.
In that moment Danny realized his father was also there, standing a few feet behind Maddie. “Scanner’s telling me that you’re the only ecto-entity in Amity Park. So, ‘fess up ghost boy,” Jack said, glaring at his son.
Danny looked between them. His heart dropped when he registered how stressed they both looked. His dad’s face was patchy in places, obviously left unshaven for days. The bags under his eyes only accentuated how bloodshot they were. Danny couldn’t see much of his mom due to her goggles, but she was visibly trembling. This was all because of him. That same nagging feeling he’d ignored for far too long was now threatening to boil over and strangle him. Choosing his next words carefully, he choked out, “Alright yeah, but he left. I swear.”
“No…” Maddie whispered.
“Maddie, maybe the tracker’s malfunctioning again,” Jack suggested.
She looked back at her husband for a few moments. Then, she lowered the gun. Danny didn’t even realize he was holding his breath.
“But...we’ve searched all the groups, and none of the nearby towns are reporting him. Where else can he be?” she pleaded.
“We just have to keep looking Mads,” Jack answered dejectedly.
As soon as his parents started up the GAV and turned at the block, Danny made an instantaneous decision. He transformed to human form, broke through his parents’ net, and ran after them, forgoing all consequences. The guilt was too much to bear. He ran as fast as his “barely passing P.E.” legs could take him. He passed several blocks, adrenaline fueling him to keep going. When he slammed into the shield once again, he looked up to see the GAV stopped far in the distance, with Maddie outside, sobbing into Jack’s shoulder while he held her. They were too far for his screams to reach.
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leavaloo · 4 years
The Sweetest Lullaby
There’s too many amazing characters to write about in this game! Dear god, please help my poor, incapacitated soul. Have some fluff~
Piers x reader, singing, fluffiest fluffs, unova talk
Piers always had a lovely voice. Pretty much everyone in Galar knew this for a fact. No one could resist it, no matter how hard they tried. If he were in a gym battle, he could scream and growl just as fiercely as the Obstagoon he commanded. But the side that people didn’t see as often was the beautiful serenades he could give. Yeah, everyone knew that he could play about a million different instruments, but when he pulled out a classical acoustic guitar was when the night got really special.
Your dates with Piers were pretty simple. As a person, he was laid back, shy, but compassionate. Contrary to his concerts, he didn’t need a whole lot of extravagance in his daily life. The two of you had been cuddling on the couch, watching a little movie in your apartment in Circhester, his Obsatgoon laying back up, feet flopped to the side in front of a cozy little fire. Of course, the fire wasn’t real, but it sounded, looked and generated heat just the same. Your Sylveon comfortably lazed about on Pier’s lap, and he absentmindedly stroked the blue fur.
Though, the entire time, Pier seemed distracted. He wasn’t necessarily focused on the movie at hand, and neither were you for that matter. His gaze kept moving towards the closet, and you wondered if he was just bothered by it being open. Eventually, you just shut off the tv, and he sent you a confused glance.
“Something wrong, love?” he asked, eyebrows furrowed.
You shrugged with a little smile. “Neither of us seemed real interested in the movie, so I figured I’d turn it off.”
A little blush appeared on his face, and he laughed nervously. “I... Sorry. I spotted something in your closet earlier, and I suppose my mind kept drifting to it.”
“Well, whatever it is, go and grab it! I wanna see what has piqued your interest so heavily.”
He smiled, standing up and making your Sylveon merp in protest, the pink eyes glazed over with drowsiness. After rummaging through the closet for a little bit, Piers emerged with a familiar case; a guitar case that you had long forgotten about was sitting in his hands, and he eagerly sat down and unzipped it. You had never heard Piers gasp before, but the one he made was so audible you were sure you were going to hear it in your dreams.
“Is this... what I think it is?”
He gingerly pulled out the guitar from the case, almost as if handling a bomb. A wide grin appeared on his face as he set the case on the ground and looked at the guitar in full. It was an acoustic guitar, but a beautiful one at that. The wood was all purple hart, and every little bit of metal had a brilliant, golden luster. There wasn’t a dent or scratch on the entire thing, and Piers seemed to be making sure that that was still the case. The fingerboard, instead of being purple hart wood, was a deep ebony wood, with the whole thing coming together with the signature of Roxie, the Unovan Poison type gym leader.
“This is... amazing.”
You giggled. “I had almost forgotten that was there. It was a gift from Roxie herself.”
His head whipped around with the biggest grin. “From Roxie?! How come you never told me? She’s one of my biggest idols! How did you even come to meet her?!”
Through giggles and countless questions, you explained to Piers that you weren’t actually from Galar, you were from Unova. Just like Piers, Roxie was a huge celebrity in Unova, and when you were an up and coming singer, she took you under her wing and gave you some lessons. This guitar was a parting gift from her when your family suddenly had to move to Galar for a job your father got. Piers was on the edge of his seat the whole time, like he had suddenly seen an angel.
“You have never told me about this... Why?”
You shrugged. “I figured that it was a long time ago, and that it wasn’t really going to come into play again.”
He looked at the guitar, and then back to you. “You... can sing?”
A swarm of butterflies suddenly arose in your stomach. Oh man, how long has it been since you’ve sung? Years, probably. All those lessons that Roxie had given you must’ve worn off by now. You sheepishly looked away, a small grin on your face that was mostly out of nervousness. It was the same feeling you had gotten when you first sang in front of Roxie but this was... different. This was the man you so dearly loved. And this man just so happened to be the top music star in Galar. How the hell was he going to react to you singing?
“I... I can, yes. It’s been a really long time, though. I don’t know how good I am anymore.”
You heard a small laugh from Pier’s direction, and looked up to see a sympathetic grin. If anyone knew anything about anxiety, it was him. You returned the grin, and he lightly patted the wood of the guitar.
“Do you mind if I play?”
You shook your head, adjusting your sitting position on the couch to watch him work his magic. He too adjusted to get comfortable with the guitar, and it felt like it just swayed to it’s will. Almost within seconds, the guitar was tuned properly, and he was strumming a familiar tune. Hallelujah was the song he chose to play, with his own little spin on it of course.
You found yourself closing your eyes as he began to sing, the guitar mixing beautifully with his voice. It was low, slightly gravely, yet held the same emotion as the song. But there was something... missing. A higher key. As the song went on, you found yourself humming along, before finally singing along with him.
Piers had finally found his angel. He didn’t dare stop you, because you sung so perfectly with him. Your voices danced around in a sensual tango, harmonizing beautifully with each other. You knew all the right words, the right notes, which notes to hold, which notes to put a vibrato into. It was... beautiful. Piers was entranced, so much so he almost forgot to sing at some points. The most beautiful voice was in front of him, her eyes closed and swaying in time to the music.
When you were done, the music left the air, but the magic didn’t. The two of you stared at each other, breathless almost, the silence indicating wonder and a strange new understanding. Something about music always brought two souls together. Piers lightly set the guitar back in his case, and wordlessly crawled over to you to give you the most passionate kiss he had ever given anyone. Thankfully, you didn’t protest. He needed you in this moment, because it was this moment that he knew he was going to bring you on stage sometime. And when he did that, he hoped that he would be able to introduce you as his gorgeous wife.
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xgryffinwhore · 4 years
Young Sirius Black x Reader!!
Stolen Star
summary: You and Sirius have been best friends for a while, but what happens when he gets sick of burrying his feelings for you?
warnings : fluff, liiiiight smut, i may have spelt words wrong?
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This was a regular evening you spent with your friends in the chilly Gryffindor common room, late November, gathered by the fire and goofing around as you all had done for years previously. It was your 6th year, finally. As the night rolled by, the laughter became more contagious, and smiles widened to what witty thing James was going to say next. Remus and Peter sitting on the floor laughing at him. Lily hiding her face, embarrassed of her choice of a man. And you and Sirius. Like always, together.
You and had grown up a few houses down from James, so entering Hogwarts wasn't lonely. He made friends quickly, but you didn't. You were very independent, that’s why most people found you intimidating. But James understood that and introduced you to the infamous marauders, who became your family faster than anyone imagined. The entire group was inseparable; you, Lily, James, Peter, Remus, and Sirius went everywhere together. But you and Sirius moved as one. But you and Sirius, you moved as one. From the moment he met you, he knew you were going to be important to his life.
You were sitting with James during dinner, it was the first night of Holiday break after exams, and your parents went to Ireland to go visit a sick fired, so you were forced to stay at school. James' parents learned fast that having James at school as much as possible was most beneficial to their stress levels, so he was also spending holiday break at school. You were eating your pudding, laughing at James’s fail of a paper snowflake when a small lanky boy with messy black hair sat across from the both of you. You looked up immediately, his grey eyes we're playful and guilty (of what, we do not know) and had was looking rather mischievously at James when you caught his eye. ”Mate” he threw a pea at James’s temple ”Whos that?” he side-eyed you. Are you joking? You were right there. ”Are you serious right now?” He snickered ”Yeah, yeah I am, Who are you?” Then you remembered. It’s Sirius Black, he pantsed a 5th year and got hung up on a flag pole. You’ve heard things about him; absolutely not one thing good. You smirked lightly and said ”I could tell you..” you trailed off and loaded for a spoon with pudding. ”Or, I could just” and you wanted the gushy chocolatey mess directly onto his cheek. James boomed milk out of his nose and hit the table laughing uncontrollably. You got up and walked away, hearing a distraught yet entertained Sirius equal ”Oui I like her, she's got spice!” All break, Sirius bothered you, trying to get to know you better. You eventually gave in.
And now here you are, years later and closer then magnets. Your personalities complimented each other, and you absolutely adored each other. Of course, you thought of Sirius as more than a friend, the sexual tension between you two was astronomical, but you knew he thought of you as a sister. As the night went on, Sirius’s arm never left your shoulder. This hand always found its way to your knee. And he was constantly looking back at you, to see your reaction to things he and his idiot friends were doing. It was late, you were tired ”Lils, I'm going to bed, come with?” you gestured at lily with your fingers, she grabbed them and you both waved goodbye to the boys. Giving them hugs and goodnight messages. ”Night Sirius, ill see you tomorrow.” He smiled at you and kissed your hand ”Goodbye doll, I'll be seeing you bright and early tomorrow, saving your seat.” And with a wink, you were up the stairs in bed, sleeping soundly after a long lovely night with the people you love.
*Sirius POV*
There she goes, the girl with the perfect wink, the perfect smile, the perfect shoulder to rest on, the perfect everything. Sirius had it for you bad, for years now, how could he not. All his mates knew, the people who saw you knew, and the ones who didn't, wouldn't take long to figure it out. He was going to tell you that night, he swore. After your foot disappeared from the stairs, the other three boys gave him quite the nag. ”I recall some cocky bastard declaring he was going to confess to a certain Y/n how he felt tonight, hm?” James poked at your rib. ”Yeah pads, it's killing us, and I bet it's killing her,” Remus said roughly. Remus and James passed an upset Sirius, bumping their shoulders with his and heading up their dorm. Peter followed quickly, giving Sirius an empathetic look. Sirius stood there for a minute, thinking how stupid he was, Y/n is a perfect girl, if she doesn't like him she doesn't like him and that's that. But it's killing him and everyone around them to see they're flirting goes unsolved. He knew what he had to do.
*back to reader*
You some up late the next morning, around 10. You missed breakfast, and Lily was sitting on your bed, looking at you and beamed when your eyes opened. ”Good morning Y/n, Sirius is waiting for you down in the common room, had said rake your time.” You rubbed your eyes and waved her off. You out on one of your casual skirts and your usual Sunday jumper, Y/f/c of course, it brought out your eyes. You pulled back your hair in a messy low bun, leaving strands out to frame your face. You skip down the stairs to see Sirius waiting on the couch. You tap his shoulder and are greeted with a bright smile. “Lauren” he grins standing up and picking you up, throwing your body over his shoulder and out of the portrait hole. “Sirius!? Where are you taking me” you begin picking his back and kicking. “Love, it would be so much easier if you just trusted me and waited” he patted your bum and you hit his spine. He set you took you up the astronomy tower. “So you mean to tell me you got me out of bed and carried me like a sack of potatoes, to a tower to be used during the night, in the afternoon?” You liked at him confused; “Y/n can’t I just have no excuse to hang out with you? is it that big of a deal that I just wanted hang out” he turned away sounding annoyed. You walked up slowly and put your hand on his shoulder and turned him around “Sirius is there something wrong? I’m sorry, we hang out all the time I just didn’t know why you brought me here” she looked at him, in a way that made his heart wrench. He took her hand in his and with the other brushed the strands from her face “Y/n” he looked into your soul with those grey eyes “I need you to close your eyes for my love, trust me?” you did, blindly. Closing your eyes was intimidating, the second your eyes shut, your heartbeat sped up, and you knew he could hear it. you felt his face grace your jawline and baby hairs and suddenly, soft lips were on yours. you were breathless for a second, so was he. this was it. you wrapped your arms around his neck and back and parted your lips inviting him in. he took the opportunity with a low groan from the back of his throat. his hands hastily roamed your waste and hips, bring them closer to his core. His tongue darted in and out of your mouth, teasing you. His right hand began roaming the front of you, but stopped under your breast and tremored back down to your stomach. you broke the kiss to move his hand back up to cup your breast ”you can do that you know” you blushed. He looked down in amazement then back into your y/e/c eyes ”doll, I’m in love with you.” “Sirius, I love you” you whispered, that set him off. he picked you up by your thighs and drove you up the stone wall, holding you up and kissing you monstrously. you but your fingers in his hair and pulled it. Sirius let out a weak moan as he began creating friction between your womanhood and his member. you could feel his heat, and you were sure he could feel yours. you pulled his hair harder, rolling your hips into his, creating a sloppy, moaning mess. you’d never had sex, but you were ready for him. you’d been ready for him. you began taking off your shirt, but to your surprise, he set you down. you looked up at him in shock and confusion, but before you could question him he put his index finger in front of your mouth and smiled “there’s no rush Y/n, I’m taking my time with you.” You spent The remainder of the day up in the astronomy tower, sharing stories of how you almost told each other of your true feelings, and the memories you shared that were romantic, and every thought or feeling that you’ve ever had with each other. you were in the middle of kissing, Again (why wouldn’t you be its mother trucking Sirius black) when you heard to victory giggles from the stairwell. “ FINALLY! HALLELUJAH!” James cry it out, well Remus stayed by his side looking giddy. James walked over to Sirius and punched him in the shoulder “ Atta boy, knew you’d do it, you too need a good snogging” Remus came over and pulled James away and began ushering him down the stairs.
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seven-oomen · 3 years
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Hi, Ben!  Hope you had a good day, and are finally getting some rest!  So, did you know there are sites that let you design your own ugly Christmas sweaters?  May I present the one that Peter’s husbands get him for a party?  Except then the jokes on them because he won’t stop wearing it EVERYWHERE (at least I hope the image shows?  It saved in a different format on the site I used for this.)  Also, if you were ever to actually make a shirt of it, I would suggest an image from the reaction GIF you used for the alignment/meta anon.  Because, my god, that smirk.  XD  (Also, they are totally right.  And it is hilarious to me that the two officers of the law are firmly [and accurately] on the neutral side of that axis.  XD )
And I’m still screaming over that latest preview.  He just wants cuddles and ear scritches, Noah!  The saliva will dry, he’s just showing his appreciation for your support.  XD  And oh, yeah I knew he would eventually get better, it was more me trying to decide how quickly I was hoping for it to happen.  My “I want it asap because I hate seeing them in pain” side was warring with my “but nightmare creature cuddles would be adorbs, tho?” side (and they are).  :D  Also, terrible thought brought on by working at my job too long: since I don’t think that form has a tail like a wolf (I don’t really remember noticing one, at least?), do you think that since he can’t wag, he starts doing the wiggle-butt thing like boxers and pits tend to do?  (sorry, the thought occurred to me and I couldn’t make it stop.  XD )
Also, how dare you put the image of Noah and Chris cuddling in the window seat watching the snow fall while the listen to Peter singing ‘Hallelujah’ as he finishes the dishes, in my head?  Or them sitting at the table having coffee and joining him for the choruses?  Or Chris singing along with Tony Bennett or Harry Connick Jr on the local Christmas station?  Or Noah singing along with Chris Cornell’s version of Ave Maria (or doing a damn good impression at least [song is available on Spotify, btw, if you’ve not heard it])?  My body was not meant to hold this level of feral screaming, dude.  XD
For the undecided alignment (that don’t involve spoilers), I would vote LN for Danny and CG for John.  No specific reasons, that’s just what feels right at the moment.  And I’m curious if Noah and the kids have been in the vault at all, because Malia would be able to access it.
And, yes, I am all for mutual body positivity support among the boys.  I remember watching some BTS thing a few years back, and Linden said something about how everyone was “running around without their shirts on, and I just feel kinda old and jiggly”, and my very first thought was “Oh, please.  You may not be I’ve-had-nothing-but-chicken-for-a-week-and-haven’t-had-liquids-in-three-days ripped like the other guys, but in no way will you ever convince me you are actually out of shape in the slightest."  Also, I’m just picturing a scene where Noah accidentally(/on purpose…?) looms over Chris, who just has this moment of "oh, yeah, that’s right, you’re tall now” immediately followed by “well, I am learning a number of new things about myself right now"  XD  On a related note, how do you think he feels about dip kisses after realizing this?  Although, I do hope Noah does not sweep Chris off his feet in quite the same way Chris keeps doing to him.  XD
On an unrelated note, that post about Artoo and Luke about killed me dead.  XD  Artoo’s propensity for shenanigans and Luke’s pervading issues with impulse control is just a complete recipe for hilarious disaster and total ride-or-die besties.  It also reminded me of the post about how Rogue One leads into New Hope and Leia straight up lying right to her dad’s face.  Which, while hysterical, also makes me think about how many posts I see about how Leia is very much her father’s daughter, but almost never see any that point out how much Luke is his mother’s son.  I just have a LOT OF FEELINGS about this, okay?  But I will contain that rant.  XD  (Star Wars has been an on-again-off-again love for me since I was 9.  It’s pretty much a guaranteed way to get an emotional response out of me.  XD )
And I’m glad Mo doesn’t bother the tree or anything, though the box thing is pretty funny.  But he does seem to have that very cat-like tendency to want to completely block you from accessing the keyboard or pin you in place because he’s laying on you and you don’t want to disturb him, so I think he’s catting just fine.  XD  I mean, I have some friends who one of their cats is immune to scruffing (the downside of this is that he’s also almost completely feral still [he was a stray that stayed], and at one point he got a UTI and needed antibiotics.  I’m pretty sure my friend had to get like a falconing glove or something to get his pills in him.  XD )
That America being huge vs Europe being old thing also made me laugh because there was the section about the "long bus ride” that was like two hours, and all I could think about was how often we drove four hours both ways to visit my grandparents, and how in high school we took a trip to Canada, and I don’t remember the exact length of the bus ride up, but I know it was between twenty-three and twenty-eight hours.
And I hope you’re enjoying the Spiderman game, or will when you get to it!  As best I recall, everyone I know who has played it has had nothing but good things to say about it.  And wow, I’m rambling again.  Oh well.  Anyway, hope you’re doing well, and sending lots of good energy for finishing the chapter to your satisfaction (I know the readers certainly don’t mind the longer chapters.  :D )  Take care!  *Hugs!*
Oh my god I am absolutely in love with that sweater. Why is this not a thing XD 
And yeah, they definitely gift Peter a sweater like that, lbr. No other way about it. It definitely backfires when Peter wears it every single year and to everywhere. Including PT meetings and the parent/school board meetings? I forgot the American word for it, in Dutch we call it ouderraad. I know we talked about them before where Peter starts a war with the ‘Karen’ and completely wrecks her. And how all the other moms fall in love with the three DILFS.
But yeah, wears it everywhere and every year XD. 
Noah’s deputies, including Jordan, have definitely snapped pictures and post them on every computer desktop in the station. Including pictures of Noah’s reaction faces of that sweater.
Because you cannot convince me, that a bunch of cops, would not be dicks about this.
Chris is infinitely grateful that he does not have coworkers like that.
And god that is rather good smirk to go with that line XD. And yeah I guess it is funny. But it’s also true and that’s wow... XD 
I did a character alignment test for Peter and came out on CN so that is what I’m going to stick with in any itteration for him. 
As for the wiggle butt thing, he does not have a tail and I already had a very lengthy inner discussion with myself before getting this ask and I can tell you, he does wiggle butt like a boxer in this form. Imagine a fucking beast like that just wiggle butting with happiness. The image is so bizarre that I had to include it in the full moon chapter.
Chris is definitely learning a number of things about himself when he figures out Noah can now loom over him and press him against walls. Also Chris has a thing for being bound or pressed against objects and when Noah figures that one out, well, let’s say Peter certainly doesn’t mind watching those moments.
There’s also a revelation when Chris says; I can easily get out of these handcuffs and Noah translates it too; Good, that means that as long as you don’t try to, you’re consenting to whatever I’m doing to you. Deal? To which Chris, enthusiastically agrees. It’s a very fun game. Peter disagrees because they tend to lock him out during the games with some ash, although he is invited back in after they’re done and then the attention of two Omegas is fully on him. So I suppose he doesn’t mind too much.
Something that is both funny and sweet though is that through Ben, Noah discovers how much he misses having little kids running around. And he has a few moments of; oh god I want another kid realizations in this chapter.
Of course, considering their situation this isn’t the time and Noah more than realizes that. But it gets conversations about the future going for all three of them.
Oh and to answer your question, Malia has not been to the vault, but she and her siblings will get to see it. If that’s with dad or with Derek I haven’t decided yet. But they will end up at the vault in this story. Gotta get Peter’s necklace back.
So far I’ve had a bit of a rough day but by answering this and focusing on headcanons, and that freaking sweater!!!!, I feel a bit better. So thank you my friend, this helped me a lot <3. 
And I agree, Leia is just like her father but Luke is all Padme and people don’t talk about that enough. <3
Lots of Love from me and Mo!
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mtvswatches · 4 years
Wynonna Earp 2x09 Forever Mine Nevermind
Click here for previous recaps!
Stray thoughts
1) The writers are actively trying to use Waverly to awaken the lesbian/bisexual in all their confused female viewers, right?
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2) Wynonna just fucking did a backflip WHILE PREGNANT and then proceeded to high-five her unborn child, and here I am, eating pancakes and struggling to reach the remote that fell under my chair.
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She’s quickly climbing up my favorite characters list, though.
3) Wynonna is not the only one interested in Doc’s ring, apparently.
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And this old demon dude reminded me of the old demon dude from Buffy? You know, the one that sliced Dawn up in the tower? Same creepy old evil guy vibes.
4) Dolls just gave Rosita a gift card so that she can take Doc on a couple’s retreat or something? Weird way to get rid of the competition, but okay.
6) They found The Creepster’s body, and I’ve never been so happy to see a carbonized corpse, hallelujah!
7) The Creepster’s sister is trying to make up excuses for his creepy, criminal behavior and Nicole is not having any of it but Waverly told her to stop... telling the truth? And I get that they’re not seeing eye to eye at the moment and I do not condone what Nicole did and I get that Waverly is trying to be respectful of the Creepster’s sister’s feelings, but… being dead does not erase all his wrongdoings and awful behavior, people do not automatically become saints once they die. If you were an awful person while you were alive, then you should be remembered as such. And the fact that his sister is trying to justify his behavior by saying that he loved Waverly “in his own way” is vile.
8) Doc bought the picture for Wynonna and the baby and I knew the old demon guy must have put some kind of glamour on him (or it?) because the painting did not look as creepy when he decided to buy it…
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9) Wynonna made dinner for Doc and she’s feeding him and he’s pretending it’s tasty and this is everything I have ever wanted.
10) And the painting keeps changing…? Is it alive?
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The freaking doll is straight-up staring at them. 
11) The cupboard just opened by itself when Wynonna said the third seal was Doc’s ring and I’m here wondering if it is just a coincidence or if some Paranormal Activity shit is about to go down. I’m hoping it is the latter, tbh.
12) Well, the reason Wynonna was trying to sweeten Doc up is that she wants his ring so that she can break it and release Clootie and release the demon that is WORSE than Clootie so that she can kill them both, while pregnant, I presume. Doc is less than excited, of course. And now the creepy doll is out of the painting and I’m 99% sure she’ll show up soon…
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13) Rosita invited Waverly to the spa and this is definitely one of the scenes I’d seen a million times on my dash when I hadn’t watched the show. I’m trying to figure out why? Is it only because it’s two girls wearing bikinis in a hot tub? Or does something relevant to the plot or to the characters development happen here?
14) And yes, something creepy is watching both Waverly and Wynonna.
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Wynonna is trying to convince Doc to willingly give up his ring so that she can destroy it and release both Clootie and the very, very scary unnamed demon, and he’s not having it. He believes destroying the ring would be his death sentence, and Wynonna argues that he’ll just be as mortal as any of them. Doc is truly terrified of dying, isn’t he? I guess the question is, does he love his agelessness more than he loves Wynonna…?
16) And now she called him selfish – which is kind of accurate, to be fair – but that’s not going to get you what you want, you impulsive doofus! He wants to leave but they can’t find the keys, and I’m 99% certain the little girl from the painting stole them. Yep.
17) Wynonna just stopped Doc from leaving by baby-bumping him????
18) Doc told Wynonna how he hid and listened to his dying mother cry and beg and pray every night until she died, and you kind of understand why he wants to hold on to life so much, right?
19) Waverly just texted Nicole…
WAVERLY: “Dear Control Freak. I will talk to you when I want to talk to you. Until then, have a nice life hurting the people that you love.”
And now I’m afraid something terrible will happen to Nicole which will make Waverly regret sending this text.
20) Oh. I get it now.
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WTF Waverly! This is a million times worse than the text! Also, kind of love how Waverly got all hot and bothered with Rosita’s SCIENCE TALK. 
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22) And now he says that he came back to save her from his sisters? WTF, Frosty Creepster!
23) By the way, IS ROSITA REALLY DEAD?!
24) Wynonna and Doc are arguing about the ring and they’re about to physically fight and this creepy doll is responsible, right?
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25) Oh, shit, they weren’t dead, the creeper’s sisters were NOT DEAD!
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The widows stole their faces?! I guess they probably wish they were dead. 
26) Ugh, Wynonna and Doc’s argument really escalated and she’s saying some awful stuff and now…
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…which she said she would never do? I gotta believe it was the creepy doll’s influence.
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She’s been a revenant all along?!!!! Is that why Doc offered her protection when they first started working together? 
28) Dolls hung up on Jeremy because he was being annoying and Jeremy just threw himself in front of Dolls to save him from the Widow!
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29) Oh, no, Doc just said he’s always known Wynonna would be the death of him and threw the ring at her and…
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Phew, Wynonna shot the doll, but the things they said… they’re out there. And while they may have used the cop-out of saying it was the influence of the creepy doll, they basically admit that the doll might have brought those feelings to the surface but they were there, to begin with. Awkward, am I right? 
30) This is as close to an “I love you” as he’ll ever get, right?
WYNONNA: Doc, this is it's about something bigger than us.
DOC: The demon Clootie.
WYNONNA: Our baby. I mean, I need to do that on my own terms, but I promise I won't break the seal. Not until after. We we need a plan. But when that plan is in place, I will break it with you by my side.
DOC: Do you swear?
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Fuck, it’s almost as if he was proposing, isn’t it?
This show fucking plays with my emotions because I feel these two are not getting back together (I may or may not have seen gifs of Wynonna and Dolls as a couple... oops!) and yet they keep putting them in situations like this, and I feel like it’s baiting, you know? 
31) So…
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She paralyzed him, told him she’d be his girl, and proceeded to… eat him? I’m not sure I understand what’s going on.
32) And the other sister seems to have figured out where the third seal is. Coolio.
33) I KNEW IT! Waverly thinks she’s half-revenant!
34) OH FUCK!
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I knew that text meant Nicole would be in danger and Waverly would regret sending it! But why is the widow there??? That’s not where the third seal is, is it?
35) Fun episode, I really liked how the characters were paired up and sort of on adventures of their own but which are all connected to the main arc somehow. But it lacked the epicness of the previous episode, which is definitely one of my favorites so far. Of course, this one served to pave the way for the season finale as we quickly approach it. Can’t wait to watch the next one!
36) Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi.Thanks!
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songficsbyrissi · 6 years
Let Em’ Know (Part 2)
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Previously on Let Em’Know..... (click here for part 1) *click bolded words to see how characters look like*
  “That’s mine, y’all! Y/N Y/L/N belongs to Erik Stevens and y’all better remember that! I’m back!” You shook your head at his yelling traveling up the stairs and back to your room. Erik was still yelling and as much as you wanted to tell him to shut up, you didn’t. Let em’ know, baby. Let em’ know...... ************ “Ughhhh I’m gonna body myself!” You whined as you unravel one of the braids of your braid out. You were a whole dumbass for doing your braid out late last night when you had work in the morning. Because now, your hair is not even dry yet but you couldn’t find your scarf so you couldn’t wrap your head up and call it a day. To add insult to injury, if you didn’t hurry up, you were going to be late. It wouldn’t look good that the only black girl that works at Victoria’s Secret is running late. You decided to pick your hair out and wrapped it up in a high bun. You came to the top of the stairs and rushed down until you heard voices. It was your parents, JJ, and.....Erik? You had to eavesdrop. “Wow Erik. It must’ve been really terrifying. You are a very brave man.” Your mom spoke. “I learned a lot in the military and I would say I did it for my country but that would be a lie. It was for my dad. This country don’t care about my people.” You stifled back a laugh. Typical Erik. The nigga was a perfect mix of Huey and Riley Freeman. A black revolutionary hood nigga. You sure knew how to pick ‘em. You heard your dad chuckle. “You are completely right, my man.” JJ spoke up. “Mama, I wanna join the military.” “I will military whoop your butt if you do.”
You snickered at your mom’s response but ceased when you heard her talk again. “Erik, you should know that Y/N was really hurt when you left.” Your mother paused. “We are happy to see you but if you intend on leaving again, leave for good. I never want to see her like that again.” You choked up at your mother’s words and nodded. She was completely right and Erik knew it. “Ma’am, I’ve came back for good and I’m letting everyone know that. Your daughter still has my heart. She making me work for it but she’s worth it.” “That’s good!” JJ chirped with some attitude in his voice. “You had my sister crying in her room and eating all the cookies in the house. I got my eyes on you!” You finally made your way down the stairs with everyone turning their head towards you except JJ who was still mean mugging Erik. “JJ, why are you looking at Erik like he ate the last cookie in the house?” You sighed trying not to giggle at your little brother. “Because! He is the reason why you ate all of the cookies that one time!” JJ stepped closer in the older man’s face. “You owe me cookies, nigga!” “Jonathon!” Your mother gasped as your dad and Erik laughed in their hands. “Where’d you get that from?” “Alright guys! I’m leaving for work! Bye! I love y’all!” You ran out of the house and got into your car to prevent getting in trouble for JJ’s choice of words, which wasn’t your fault. The little negro needed to stop eavesdropping. As you practically sped to work, your phone rang and you groaned thinking it was your dad calling. You picked up without looking at the screen. “Dad, I never said nigga in front of JJ. It was one of those bad kids at his school!” “Girl, I ain’t your dad. But I am your daddy so you’re close.” You glanced at your phone seeing Erik’s name on the screen and made a sour face. “Yeah no. I only have two father figures. That’s God and my father. Hallelujah!” “Stop clowning.” Erik laughed causing you to smile a little bit. “Anyways, I was wondering where my princess is going.” “For the last motherfucking time, Stevens-“ “You prefer queen?” “Shut up.” You rolled your eyes pulling into a free parking spot and turned off the ignition. You exited your car grabbing your gold Michael Kors bag and locking your car doors. “So you just not gonna answer my question, princess?” Erik asked impatiently. “Ohhh look who has selective hearing now!” You cackled wickedly as you entered the Eastgate Mall passing the leaving customers. Erik sucked his teeth at your smartass remark. “You were too busy getting threatened by my little brother, I guess. I said I’m going to work.” “Oh shit! Look at you! Working and shit and you a college student. Ok my little Michelle Obama!” You couldn’t help but laugh at his antics. You could not stand this nigga, on God. “Where you work at, ma? Might come visit you.” “Nope. That info is only available to my nigga, sorry. Alright bye, I’m going to work now.” “Y/N-“ You cut him off by hanging up and smirked to yourself. Not only did you tell Erik he’s not your man, but you hung up the phone in his face. You were really teasing and testing the fuck out of him and it was fun. You deserved this after that little stunt he pulled. You clocked into work and began your shift by stocking perfume and folding panties. “Hey Y/N.” You turned to see Damien, one of your classmates from last semester walking into the store with a bouquet of flowers. You lowkey hoped those flowers weren’t for you. Damien was a nice boy who had a crush on you. He was Jamaican, 6’5, and captain of your college basketball team. He was cute with the nicest eyes. You started talking to him but realized you just wanted to stay friends with him. You turned him down nicely but he still flirted with you. You were a “persistent nigga” magnet. “Hi Damien!” You have him a side hug. “I’m surprised to see you here. How have you been?” “Ahh I’ve been alright and I was visiting my uncle who lives here in your city then I remembered you said you worked here. So I took my chances hoping you were working today.” He handed you the flowers. “These are for you.” You smiled nervously trying to cover up the fact that you were cringing inside. “Oh Damien, this is sweet but-“ “Hey princess!” Erik’s voice boomed throughout the store and you were wondering if you were relieved or annoyed he was here. Erik looked Damien up and down with his face scrunched up and pointed at him. “Who the fuck is this nigga?” You nodded to yourself. Yeah, you were annoyed. “Erik, this is Damien, my friend from college. Stop being rude, negro.” You glanced at Damien and gestured towards Erik. “Damien, this is Erik-“ “Her boyfriend! And I don’t appreciate you coming in my girl’s job trying to romance her and shit.” Erik glimpsed at the bouquet in the other man’s hands and chuckled. “You not even romancing her right, nigga. Y/N hates flowers. She finds them pointless and waste of money because those shits die.” Erik turned to you giving you a Wingstop container and you gasped, smiling wide as you opened it. Inside of the container was your favorite 6 piece Cajun wings with Cajun fries. “Peep how her eyes glowing at the food and not your raggedy ass flowers. I know her and you don’t so hang that shit up, b.” You snapped out of your lustful gaze and hit Erik’s chest. “Erik, apologize right now. That’s rude as hell.” Erik sighed turning to Damien. “I’m sorry you can’t have my girl.” You scoffed pushing Erik away. “Damien, I’m so sorry. Excuse him. He’s too much of a nigga to function.” Damien was visibly annoyed with Erik which was completely understandable. He wanted to fight but decided against it. Erik looked ready, not caring the man had 5 inches on him. Damien focused back on you, giving you a smirk and handing you the flowers. “It’s fine, Y/N. Please still take the flowers and when you realize this clown doesn’t deserve you, give me a call. I’ll be waiting.” He sent you a wink and left the store. You sighed deeply. You were not even gonna bother telling him that Erik technically wasn’t your boyfriend. Shit, maybe he’ll finally leave you alone. “I know this nigga did not just wink at you!” You turned to Erik seething. “Erik, what the hell was that? You embarrassed me!” “I’m sorry but not sorry, princess. I had to let him know what the deal is.” Erik explained himself causing you to groan. “Look, once we’re finally back together, I won’t have to do this because I know you got it but since you’re technically single, I gotta make sure these niggas back off of what’s mine.” You squinted your eyes. “You are full of shit. You are still going to fucking do it.” Erik sucked his teeth then began to laugh. “Yeah, I’m lying.” You shook your head holding back your smile. You lowkey wanted to laugh but you couldn’t let him know you were somewhat amused by his antics. “Whatever. How’d you remember that? My favorite wingstop combo and how I feel about flowers?” Erik touched your chin, lifting it up. “You’d think I’d forget that, shorty?” You raised an eyebrow backing away. “Wait, how’d you find out where I worked?” “You ask too many questions. I’ll see you later, princess.” Erik kissed your temple and walked his annoying ass out of the store. You turned on your heel making your way to the back to put down the food and flowers. On your way there, your white co-worker, Stephanie, grinned at you annoyingly. She was one of those wannabe black girls who was using slang and getting tans to resemble a lightskin woman. You would beat her ass but you liked working here. “Oooh I see you, girl. Is that your man?” “Don’t worry about it.” You answered with attitude and she put her hands up in defense. “I’m just saying. If you don’t want that fine milk chocolate man, I will gladly take him.” She smiled wickedly popping her gum. “Try it and I will gladly slit your throat.” You snapped smiling back sarcastically and continued to the back room. **************** Erik opened the passenger door to a black Volvo with heavily tinted windows and took a seat. The woman in the drivers seat side eyed him with her mouth twisted in irritation. “You stay having me wait long for your ass. What the fuck were you doing?” He groaned popping open the glove department to pull out a blunt and lighter. “Don’t worry about it. Just drive so we can do what we gotta do.” She glanced at his lap seeing your face as the lock screen of his phone. “Did it have something to with this girl you keep talking about?” When Erik didn’t reply, the woman snorted and continued. “You are a dumbass motherfucker. You are playing with fire and you are not the only one going to get burned. You know that, right? Keep it up and you on your own. I ain’t getting burned, Erik.” Erik took a drag of his blunt and blew out the smoke. “Ain’t shit getting burned but this blunt right here. My ex ain’t got nothing to do with anything, aight? If you were really with me, you would know that I got you. Stop bugging.” She put the car in drive. “Be careful. That’s all I’m saying.” Erik chuckled deeply taking another hit of the blunt. “When am I not?”
Tags:  @lifelover4u @dessianna1 @brattywriters-anonymous @marvelpotterlove @purple-apricots @blackpinup22 @ljstraightchaser @slimmiyagi @cancerianprincess @iamrheaspeaks @blowmymbackout @vibranium-chakra @nerd-lovely @chaneajoyyy @ohliyaxoxo @chefjessypooh @yourfavoritefavorite @airis-paris14 @ljstraightnochaser @quietstorm-73 @msincognito67 @sociallyawkward18 @mychemicalimagines @nerd-lovely @marvelpotterlove   @destinio1
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getoffthesoapbox · 6 years
[VKM Spec] Ridiculing VKM 18
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As expected, Hino’s obsession with dreary funerals continues.
Obligatory disclaimer for my anti-fans: This post is zeki criticism, vkm criticism, hino criticism, and anti ky. Please blacklist those tags accordingly.
Scanlations can be found in the usual places.
The Good
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Gotta give credit where credit is due!
Hallelujah! Kaien Cross bites the dust (literally) at last! Praise the heavens! At last, one of the cancers of this story has been eradicated! Screw you, Hino, for trying to make him more than oozing pustule he was. (And LOL @ that guy facepalming in front of his coffin, who the hell is that anyway, I want his autograph? XD)
Kaien’s melodramatic “woe is me, what a shitty way to die” and then his pathetic “oh a girl is finally crying for me after all this time!” dramatics were hilarious. Like...how sad of a person are you that you’re relieved any girl is crying for you at your death?
Ren is a girl. I repeat: Ren is a girl. At last we can put to bed all that nonsense.
Ren is null!Zero’s and Yuuki’s child. I repeat: Ren is null!Zero’s and Yuuki’s child. Farewell, fantasies of test tube babies and clones and in vitro. Not only that, Ren was clearly conceived in the usual fashion of conceptions, not via any Zeusian head-births or immaculate conceptions. 
Null!Zero lived to raise Ren. I repeat: null!Zero lived to raise Ren. At least the “null!Zero can’t have anything Kaname doesn’t get” rule no longer applies. 
Kaname is too much of a chicken to look at the photo album of a man who worshipped him. Methinks nu!Kaname has received some intimations about how much of a shithead he was in the past. Makes me think better of him.
Kaname is actually interested in someone from the past who isn’t Yuuki and what that person might think of him. Also that he actually genuinely seems interested in finding out how much Ai suffered from Kaien’s loss and is trying to empathize for the first time in his life. 
Ai finally showed up for a funeral. ‘Bout time, since she didn’t even bother to show up for Yori’s. 
The little girl the Prince was living with is not the mayor’s daughter, thank god. 
The mad scientist got a stylish cameo! 
And that’s about it!
The Bad
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Perhaps I should rename this section to “The Stupid”? I’ll have to consider it.
Hino forgetting her own lore and that pureblood blood can cure wounds and illnesses--see Shizuka with Ichiru. Ai was right next to Kaien--she didn’t need to offer him vamprism, she could have just fed him her blood. For him to die in such a stupid fashion, despite how great it is, is positively mind boggling given the established vampire lore in this story. 
Hino retroactively trying to act like Kaien meant something to these characters when he’d routinely fucked them over in order to rescue his precious Kaname. 
Yuuki boo-hooing over Kaien dying when she didn’t bother to spend any time with him during the 100 years of life she had to enjoy his company.
Kaname’s unexplained “curse” on Touma that came out of the clear blue nowhere with no foreshadowing or set up in order to “justify” Touma’s insane behavior. Hino’s just phoning it in at this point. 
Touma is the Prince, snooze. Boring and obvious and a narrative dud. 
The “Mayor” is useless and already under arrest, and why the hell does anyone even still care about him?
Kaien’s funeral was a joke and got more panels than Yori’s, which is ridiculous.
The timeline is fucked. Ai was acting last chapter like a bunch of time had passed between the mad scientist kidnapping and the Ren pregnancy being discovered, yet the little girl is still the same age. Either she’s a vampire or Hino has no clue what the timeline is.
Instead of talking about how excited they are to meet Ren, Yuuki spends most of her pregnancy screentime rehashing bullshit about Ai’s childhood with Ai. We already spent 6 chapters on Ai’s childhood Hino, you might want to give us some time to enjoy Ren for once yeah? 
Yuuki whining about Kaien and Yori not being there is a complete joke. Bitch, please, you waiting seventy years to get in bed with your side piece is the reason they’re not there with you now. You have no right to complain because this is your own fault. You squandered the time you had with your precious people.
Null!Zero’s apparently barely there as a father figure since Hino didn’t care to show him in more than one panel with his child. 
The Ugly
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All of the ugly this chapter was packed in at the end, appropriately.
Hino just completely excised null!Zero from the family. In the montage of raising Ai images, Zero doesn’t even get a panel with Ai or Yuuki--he’s separated in his own itty bitty panel as if he’s still an outsider in his own family.
No sex scene, no waiting for the baby scene, no naming Ren scene for Zeki. That’s a pretty low blow to make us wait all that time and then skip over everything, Hino. Fuck you, too.
Zero’s and Ai’s little argument at the end would be cute if we’d actually gotten some fucking answers as to why Zeki didn’t get together for an entire human lifetime, but no, Hino doesn’t care to tell us why, we can just make the answer up for ourselves!
Whether Hino intends to “make good” on this implication or not (and my bet, given how gross Ai and Ren act in the future, is that she’ll make good on it), it is utterly reprehensible that Hino made Ai have a sexual attraction to a fucking innocent baby. We all know the VK/VKM world has established that vampiric hunger the way Ai experiences it in VKM 18 is sexual in nature. Hino trying to act like it’s cute there at the end is not ever acceptable. It was not even remotely acceptable when Kaname did it, and it’s not at all acceptable now just because the girls are sisters. Just like slapping Aidou, child grooming is not appropriate or laudable behavior. Ai having a sexual interest in her baby sister is not okay.
And last, but certainly not least, null!Zero and Yuuki approving Ai’s interactions with Ren without having any concerns is deeply disturbing to me. Hino trying to play this off as a cute and normal happy family is even more troubling. I’m very concerned about how this all is going to play out in the future. 
General Aside
@vampireknightmeta brought up a few ways in which Hino might be able to salvage the story as it is now in our private conversations, but I will leave any public speculation on future positive developments to her should she choose to share them with the fandom at large. 
At this point in time, I myself have no interest in speculating about potential positive narrative developments because Hino has shown time and time again that she’s happy to sink lower than even the lowest bar I set for her. I’d rather be happily surprised by Hino saving this story on her own and just laugh at her bumbling in the meantime rather than investing my heart into trying to uncover the “secrets” of the story of a repugnant and morally bankrupt failure of a writer. From now on, I’ll only be speculating about worst case scenarios, the worst I can possibly imagine, and maybe Hino will do even worse than that just to prove to me that there’s no low she’s above sinking to. 
As such, if you’re looking for positive theorizing, you won’t find it here until I see some significant improvement in this sorry excuse for a story. Please look elsewhere for your hit of “positivity.” 
Crackpot Theory Corner
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Can’t end this debacle without some crackpot theories. Here’s what could happen that could make this story sink even lower than it has already sunk!
Null!Zero might actually get suspicious of Ai’s “attentions” to Ren, but he’s going to die before he can stop anything. =P Null!Zero does still seem to have some fatherly instincts.
Null!Zero is up next for being killed, probably next volume. We’ll probably have a funeral or two every volume, because that’s totally what everyone’s reading for!
In the chapter where null!Zero dies, we’ll have Ren dying in the future while protecting Ai or Kaname! Gotta kill off dem pesky Kiryuus!
When Yuuki meant “short time after Zero” when he died in VKM 4, what she meant to say was “null!Zero died 20 years after I screwed him and I put myself to bed for 900 more.” Hence, “short time.” Time’s relative, doncha know.
After Ren dies, Kaname and Ai will mourn, then resurrect Yuuki to ease their sorrow and the Kurans will live happily ever after. 
Yuuki never intended to marry Zero, and that’s why she let Yori die before getting together with him officially so Yori wouldn’t have to know Yuuki loved Kaname and not Zero (why, only Hino knows). The wedding Yori and Aidou were waiting for will happen after they’re long dead with Kaname and Yuuki instead. 
The baby from Yuuki’s dream is her second kid with Kaname, a boy who she’ll name Zero. Ai will imprint on her new brother and the horror will start all over again with a new generation, this time blessedly free of Kiryuus, who are all dead.
Oh, and the Vampire King will never be found, because who cares. ;)
Until next time, see you later!
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ikemen-obssessed · 5 years
‘A Whole Other Extreme’(part 2)
Written by: @ikemen-obssessed
Edgar had, for some reason, set the wedding a week later, claiming that Jonah ‘had to prepare’ for it. And, for another weird reason, he had invited all of the Black Army officers too. And you can guess the trouble that came with the invitation Edgar had sent. For one, Jonah’s little brother Luka was pretty much left dumbfounded when he had read the invitation the other officers had been hiding from him for the past 3 days. Well, at least that was one way to describe it.
“Edgar and Jonah are getting married. If you don’t come Y/N will lose it. Can’t wait to see you there. Meet you at the Garden at 3:30pm in 7 days. Edgar Bright.” Luka read out loud.“Huh, guess he finally proposed to her.” Luka carefully folded the invitation before placing it in his breast pocket. As soon as he did, though, the other officers happened to enter the room.
“Luka!! Sirius said he’s making pasta today! Get your butt down to the kitchen already!”
“Keep bursting in every single room telling the soldiers to behave or ‘no pasta’ and I’ll be shoving tomatoes on your plate instead” Sirius let out a long suffering sigh, unhurriedly walking towards Luka. “What’s that you got in your pocket?” Seth curiously asked.
Unconcerned, Luka showed them the invitation. “My stupid brother’s finally marrying Y/N. She probably made him invite you guys. But I don’t get why she didn’t tell us directly, or why Ed wrote the invitation, for that matter.”
Luka raised his eyes to find every one of the officers staring at the piece of paper in a state of shock.
Looking like he’d rather be doing anything else, Sirius was the first to speak after what felt like an eternity of silence. “Luka, er….. you might wanna read the invitation again. Carefully,” he added, avoiding Luka’s baffled gaze.
As he reread the invitation, the first 3 words immediately confused him.
“Huh? This must’ve been a mistake. It says Ed and that idiot are getting married....”
“Actually,” unable to handle the silence, Ray was the next one to speak, “it’s not a mistake. Everything seems to be true.”
“Uh…. How?” By now Luka’s cheeks were blooming red, his eyes wide with bewilderment.
Seth let out a short sigh before unwillingly saying: “Because it’s definitely the Jack of Hearts’ handwriting. And he wouldn’t lie about Y/N. Not if it would hurt her.”
And as soon as he heard that sentence, Luka passed out, landing on the sofa he happened to be standing in front of.
“You could’ve at least let him make the pasta before you told him!” Fenrir added, before rushing with the others to check on Luka.
By 4pm, all of the stumped officers, (including Jonah and Y/N) had gathered at the table in the Garden with a cheeky looking Loki, a powerful wizard quite clearly in denial of it all, along with (for some messed up reason,) a delighted looking game keeper and a mad-looking kid in a green hat, seeming to be fed up with it all.
Unlike the others, Oliver wasn’t particularly interested in the whole affair. He guessed they would figure out what Edgar was up to. Eventually. After a heck of thinking between all the officers.
“I don’t see how you can be bothered to plan all this. Just tell that idiot instead of dragging everyone else into this.” And with that Oliver sat at the Ace of Spades’ chair, giving them all the ‘fuck off’ look before pulling out the new gun he was working on.
“As much as I hate to not grab that gun, I gotta ask, what the heck is all of this about?” being probably the longest he hadn’t willingly been able to speak, Fenrir finally cracked.
Everyone turned their attention to Edgar, who simply looked at Jonah with a pointed gaze.
“Ahem, I just need to say something to Y/N in private.” Jonah meekly claimed
“Oh, really now? I thought you didn’t have a problem with showing Y/N affection in public?”
Edgar you son of a bitch
Realising no one was going to take ‘no’ for an answer, (except for Y/N, but they were both outnumbered by a bunch of insane idiots by 2:11, minus Oliver and Harr,) a flush creeped up Jonah’s cheeks and travelled all the way to his neck as he rested on one knee on the floor in front of her.
“Jonah, what-“ what are you doing?! But he cut her off before she could finish, leaving her with only her eyes to widen in astonishment along with her now crimson face
“Y/N,” he spoke so quietly that she could barely hear him. He took a small breath before meeting her eyes with a bashful yet meaningful stare as his left hand gently squeezed both of hers, “when Edgar said he would help me get what I most desire, I didn’t think I could want anything more because, even if I lost everything, if I had you I knew I would accept it. But after I thought about it, I realised that I didn’t want an ‘if’. All I want is you by my side. Always. Which is why I’m asking…..will you marry me?”
A burning flame of desire lit up his amber eyes, leaving a single tear to roll down her cheek. She always knew this day would come. But it still left her motionless to actually witness it happening.
This left Jonah clueless about what to do except give her a tiny uncomfortable smile.
“Do I get an answer or are you just going to keep staring at me?” the look in his eyes made her notice that he was worried about her answer. Wanting nothing but to reassure him, she immediately found the courage to speak up.
“Really?” her voice was so soft that it was just about audible, carried to his ears by the soft breeze.
This question made his face give a wide grin as he said “Guess that depends on your answer”
“Well, unless I’m sure that this isn’t a prank, I can’t say that my answer would be ‘yes’.” Jonah’s teasing was too much for her.
“Doesn’t matter. I’ll take that as my answer then” Jonah said as he swiftly stood up, crushing her to his chest.
Still encased in his chest, Y/N could just about make the happy smiles all of her friends gave her. At the other side of the table, she could see the smirk Oliver was giving her.
As she turned to her left, Jonah’s cologne took over all of her senses until she saw Edgar beaming with the brightest smile she’d ever seen him wear.
“Edgar, thanks. But I’m still paying you back for the shit you put us through.” Although she didn’t mean it that way, she knew there could be no possible way to repay him, but she still promised herself she’d keep trying to figure that problem out.
“Well then I can’t wait to see what you come up with.”  Edgar knew what she really meant. But he just wanted his friends to find out what they both secretly wanted
“Edgar, I still have to get you back for the concussion you gave me!” Jonah huffily added, feeling left out of the conversation
As the whole Garden bust out in laughter, the relationship between two beings from two different worlds helped to bring two armies, two outsiders, a secret yet knowledgeable gamekeeper and a know-it-all kid/giant together. And hopefully in time, it would also bring two brothers who discreetly cared for each other back together too. Hopefully
Hell finally done with my first fan fic! It was so worth nearly getting a detention tho😂😂😂
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davidcarner · 6 years
Hotel California Ch 5, What’s Going On
A/N: So, I've been messing around with this, and I have two other chapters of this fic sitting on my hard drive and that's just not fair to Dillwg is it? Currently working on Chapter 8. I've noticed in the reviews some of you are wondering why Chuck is working at the hotel. Would you want to work at the Buy More, or a full time job with your friends, benefits, salary, and education paid for? Although I really think I should bring in Jeffster. This one got a little nerdy, but well, I am what I am….Welcome to Hotel California Ch 5, What's Going On
Disclaimer: I don't own Chuck, and despite what the critics say, I loved Justice League
Sarah knocked on Carina's door. Carina looked up, saw her friend, grinned, and waved her in. "Sarah, enjoying time with your new bff?"
"Carina," she began, then paused and shut the door. Carina's eyes widened. She sat back in her chair, ready to hear whatever was going on. She motioned for Sarah to take a seat. Sarah sat, composed herself, and asked a question whose answer she was pretty sure she knew. "Bryce got Chuck kicked out of Stanford, didn't he?"
Carina's grin grew. She crossed her legs, flicking a pen back and forth between her thumb and forefinger. "I thought I made it clear that was his story to tell, and not mine?" Sarah rolled her eyes. "Why would Bryce do that?"
"To get Chuck's security program?"
Carina answered in a voice that did not sound quite like her own. "Sarah Walker, you sound like a jealous ex-girlfriend who's trying to get even with Bryce for banging…what was her name again?"
Sarah's eyes narrowed but she grinned. "Never told you," she replied, now knowing exactly what Carina was up to. Carina shrugged as if to say, "I had to try." Sarah ignored the shrug but followed Carina's train of thought. "So, if I say what I think, I look like the jealous ex-girlfriend." Carina tilted her head to the side as if to agree. Sarah nodded, stood, and began to pace as she thought out loud. "However, Bryce can't fix what's wrong with the system because he didn't create it, leaving him in a conundrum."
"Quite a conundrum, quite a conundrum indeed." Carina watched her friend, and decided to give her the push she needed. "Plus, if you're the owners' kid…"
Sarah stopped and spun toward Carina, grinning. She placed her hands on the chair and leaned toward Carina. "The only way for it to work would be for the owners to see something was wrong and that the man who supposedly created it couldn't fix it. And if you were to say that, Carina Miller, who wasn't picked to be the General Manager, it would look petty." Carina nodded; Sarah was almost there. "So, he has to be exposed. It has to be seen by everyone that Bryce doesn't know how to fix the system, how to update it for today's problems, and that he doesn't understand how the whole thing works." Carina did a slow clap. "That bastard got Chuck kicked out of college."
"And slept with his girlfriend," Carina added softly. "Chuck's had a lot of trouble trusting women since then."
Sarah put her face in her hands. "Especially ones who double click an icon on their computer, call him, and scream at him like it's his fault?" Carina put her lips together and blew out her cheeks, not sure how to respond to that. But then she grinned, yes she did.
"Blondie, has Curls got you hot and bothered? Is that the only button you've double-clicked?"
Sarah looked up at her, her eyes wide, taking in the mirth on Carina's face. "Don't you have some furry porn to look at," Sarah deadpanned. Carina cackled with laughter. Sarah couldn't help herself and began chuckling. A thought ran through her head. "Carina, why did you think Bryce and I would be good together?"
Carina dropped her eyes to her computer, and for the first time since she knew Carina, she thought she saw Carina look ashamed. "Blondie, I used you a little," Carina admitted. Sarah stared at her. "I never thought he'd do this, I didn't. I didn't even know Chuck at the time. He's only been here a little over a month. I had heard stuff about Bryce, but not that he sleeps around more than I do."
"You don't sleep around as much as you like to pretend you do."
Carina attempted to look affronted, but Sarah had her. Carina grinned, and then it fell off of her face. "I will admit it pisses me off a bit that he swept in here and became the GM. He was driving me crazy, so I thought I'd make a few moves before he did something stupid professionally. I thought if I had you two together…"
"You would have someone in his ear he trusted," Sarah finished for her. Carina nodded.
"I knew professionally he'd do whatever, and I know sometimes you'll bend the hell out of a rule to get something done." Sarah smirked, having to agree Carina was right. "I mean, come on, he is pretty." Sarah had to agree with that. "But I didn't know he was this…"
"Asshat," Sarah offered. Carina looked at her. "Chuck's given him that title, and I kinda like it."
"It fits." Carina took a deep breath, time to get it all out there. "I really thought you two would be happy, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I misjudged you so much and what would make you happy. I enjoy a lot of fun, and I'm not saying you aren't fun, but when it comes to men, you care more about the person than the good time, and I lumped you in with me."
Sarah stood there nodding. She understood. It HAD been fun at first with Bryce. Bryce was exciting, and had style, and was charming, but that was it. All of it was just about presentation, when you got down to it, Bryce was as selfish as they came. Chuck wasn't, and she liked that. Chuck…she thought about last night and she winced. "I think I made a mistake."
"Did you sleep with Bryce?"
Sarah whipped her head up, her eyes nearly bugging out of her head. "NO! Why would you think that?"
Carina shrugged. "I mean he is pretty, you said you made a mistake so I thought maybe you went to him to get a little relief."
Sarah grinned. "If I wanted relief why would I go to him?"
Carina blinked, thinking about that. "Okay, I need the dirty deets. Are you saying Bryce is bad in bed?"
"I'm saying if you want to have any relief you better be ready to double click your own icon." Carina burst into laughter, and against her better judgement, Sarah couldn't help but join in. When they had calmed down, Sarah was sitting on the edge of Carina's desk. "I told Chuck that I couldn't date at work." Carina nodded. "I think maybe I messed up."
"Hallelujah!" Carina said her hands raised into the air with her shout. "She's almost admitting I was right about something." Sarah gave her a flat look but couldn't help but grin. "So, flirt with him, make him feel special, and then later tell him you changed your mind."
"I did make a deal with him that once this project was over I would have dinner with him, and I would revisit the no dating at work thing." Carina beamed. Sarah grinned. "He thinks I should change it to a no dating asshats policy."
"He's right," the redhead retorted. Sarah gave her a flat look, that Carina shrugged off. "So, do your thing, Blondie, he's crazy about you, I mean he thinks you're a little crazy, but he's into you."
"Thanks, Carina."
"No problem, now I just need to hear you say the magic words, I was wrong Carina, you were right."
"Nope," Sarah replied, heading out of the office. She paused at the door and looked over her shoulder at Carina. "Thanks," she said softly, and left.
"Anytime, Blondie, anytime," Carina said as she sat in her chair, slowly turning the seat side to side, grinning. She really didn't care about Bryce or getting him in trouble. She was happy that two amazing people were finally getting a shot.
"Hey, Sarah," Morgan said to Sarah when he saw her enter the kitchen. It was after four and there weren't many around. "I was about to come find you."
"Sorry, got hung up talking to Carina."
"Oh, did she say anything about me?" Sarah tried to figure out how to answer that without hurting Morgan's feelings, but from the look on his face he had figured out the truth. "Sarah, any advice for me tonight?"
"Be yourself, Morgan, because if she doesn't like you for you, then she doesn't deserve you," Sarah answered honestly. Tears were in Morgan's eyes.
"You know you have my blessing, right?" Sarah just gave him a look. "Oh, don't play that game with me. You're charmed by my boy and you have every right to be. Just be gentle with his heart."
Sarah wasn't sure how to answer him. Who was she kidding? She was interested, but Chuck thought she was half crazy, and if she went and told him she was…. "Morgan, he thinks I'm nuts, and I'll admit, I did act a bit crazy when we first met."
"Love will do that to you," Morgan said with a knowing grin on his face. "You two…I'm just so proud."
"I think you're a bit ahead of yourself, neither one of us are in love."
"Sarah, don't worry, your secret's safe with me." With that, Morgan headed to the back, humming something she never heard of.
She took the pizza box and headed down to the office she was currently sharing with Chuck. Before she got to his office, she stopped. She had to decide what to do. Going back on what she said would make Chuck think she was crazy, but there was nothing that said they couldn't be friends, and after the delegation left, she could tell him she was ready to redefine her dating rules. Being friends with Chuck Bartowski could be a lot of fun. She grinned and headed down the stairs. She saw Chuck sitting back in his chair watching a movie on the wall. Chuck looked like a kid caught in a candy store. He quickly hit some buttons and turned it off.
"Chuck Bartowski, what are you doing?" The smile on her face told him he wasn't in trouble.
"I have nothing else to do until this program is done running, so I'm watching a movie." He got up and showed her the projector. Sarah walked over to the wall and realized it worked perfectly for a screen and then noticed the couch that was sitting in front of the desk that she had been using. "This couch was gonna be thrown out and Carina said we could use it. I've had to come in after hours and fix things sometimes so I have been known to take a nap while needed."
"You geeks get all the toys," she said grinning. There was a strange smile on his face. "What?"
"Nerds." He was shrugging, it was a detail but she could tell it was important to him. "We prefer nerds."
"I do hope you'll accept my most sincere apologies," she said fluttering her eyelids at him, and stepping very close to him, quickly. Inside, she enjoyed watching him melt down. Chuck gulped, he was stunned by her beauty, her closeness, but mainly by just her. "Do you forgive me?"
He took her hands, surprising them both. "Sarah, I don't know how anyone who is human could ever not forgive you." She caught her breath. She wasn't sure how to respond. He licked his lips, and spoke. "I mean you can't help you're crazy." He broke out into the biggest grin, crinkling his nose, while Sarah pulled her hands away, and pushed him in the shoulder. "So, you wanna watch a movie on the couch with me?" She gave him a look. "You know what, I wasn't thinking. You probably want to go home, instead of sitting here all night." She started to answer, but he was in full blown spiral mode. "I mean I want you to know it wasn't like I was going to try any back seat bingo with you." He froze…back seat bingo? He'd heard that term maybe three times in his life. What was it about this woman that made him remember obscure 50s and 60s references?
"You sure know how to sweet talk someone, Chuck."
"I'm sorry, Sarah. I just know how you feel about everything, the dating and all of that, and here I go suggesting we watch a movie."
She walked up to him, took his face in her hands, and made him look right at her. "Chuck, we're friends, friends watch movies together. Also, we have a huge project, that you're staying here for, and while I could go home, this delegation is something I fought for so I need to be here. What I was trying to figure out is would you want to watch a horror movie?"
"Me, a horror movie? No, no way." Chuck was shaking his head. "I mean you'd have to hold me I'd be so scared."
Her mouth twisted into a slow grin on one side. She bounced a shoulder. "Your loss," she chirped. She walked over to the pizza leaving him a little stunned. "You have any plates down here?" Chuck broke himself out of his stupor and found the plates. There was a tiny fridge where he had some bottles of water stored. He grabbed a couple and headed over to the couch with Sarah. "What are we watching?"
"Justice League." For the next fifty minutes, Sarah watched the movie while on one side of the couch eating while Chuck was on the other side. They had both finished eating when the computer made a noise, and Chuck jumped up to work on the computer. Sarah turned to look at him.
"Chuck, who was the redheaded woman with Aquaman?"
"It was Mera, she eventually marries him and become queen of Atlantis." He paused, wondered what she'd think of his nerdiness, but decided to just be himself. "You know on the Saturday morning cartoon, it was always he talked to fish, but he has so many more powers."
"Besides being hot?" Sarah asked with a grin.
"I mean the actor's last name is more of the sound you make when you see him," Chuck admitted, shrugging. Sarah roared with laughter. She had her tongue between her teeth and fell over on the couch. "What, he's a good looking guy."
"Yes he is." Sarah had sat back up and was studying Chuck. "You know most guys wouldn't have the guts to say that."
Chuck shrugged, and continued to work on the computer. He saw her watching him and couldn't help himself. "Mera is the queen, but she has her own special set of underwater powers and is just as badass as Aquaman. They rule jointly, one isn't more important than the other. I've heard rumors of a team-up of her and Wonder Woman."
"Really?" Sarah looked intrigued. "That would be an awesome movie. The Amazons and Mera kicking ass. Bad guy ass. Bad woman ass." Chuck grinned and continued working on the next code. He yawned. "Do I bore you, Bartowski?"
Chuck laughed. "No, like I said, didn't sleep well last night, and this is just wearing me out, trying to find all this screwed up code. I usually drink some chardonnay while doing this, it's my thinking juice, but the last thing I need is to get drunk at work." Sarah laughed. Chuck finished what he was doing and headed back to the couch. He started to sit down on the far side, but she patted the middle cushion. He tried to sit down beside her but she spun him and the next thing he knew he had crashed down on the couch, his head in her lap facing toward the TV. She laughed uproariously.
"I'm sorry, I just thought this would be more comfortable," she eventually explained. "Take your shoes off and stretch out. You'd be at home, in bed, if it wasn't for me and this project." Chuck kicked off his Chucks. Sarah noticed them and snickered at Chuck wearing Chucks. What would he do if he knew she had an orange pair?
"I'd much rather be with you," Chuck said before he thought. He winced and tried to think of a better way to rephrase what he said.
"See, this is why I don't date coworkers." Chuck opened his eyes and saw hers looking down, dancing. She was smiling and enjoying herself. Chuck decided to fight fire with fire.
"You look like a cover stealer."
Sarah's eyes widened at that accusation. "Well, you'll never find out."
"At least I'll be warm," he quipped as maturely as possible and stuck out his tongue.
"Chuck," she said softly, running her hand through his curls watching him look a little frightened. What the hell, she thought. Go for the kill. "If I was in your bed, you wouldn't need covers to keep you warm."
"HIYO!" Sarah nearly fell over again from laughter, and would have if Chuck hadn't anchored her in place. Chuck was laughing, and then a yawn hit him so hard that he thought it would break his jaw.
"Go to sleep, Chuck."
"Yes, ma'am." Chuck closed his eyes wondering what he was going to do about this crazy woman who was making him crazy about her.
"Hey," he heard in his ear. "Chuck." He had never heard his name said like that before and he thought he might move mountains to hear it said that way all the time. He opened his eyes and there was Sarah peering down at him. "Your computer made a noise."
"Thank you." Another yawn threatened to dislocate his jaw. "Sorry." He sat up and tried to shake away the sleep. "How long was I out?"
"About an hour." Chuck got up and headed toward the computer and began working on it. "Hey, the guy that played Aquaman, is he in Game of Thrones?" Chuck stopped mid-type and looked at her. "What?"
"You don't look like a Game of Thrones watcher, that's all."
Sarah gave him a look and he threw his hands up in defense. "You wanna break that down for me?"
"I just didn't think you'd like all the violence, especially towards the wolves."
"I don't care if they kill everyone on that show, but if they kill one more of those wolves," she began, getting up.
"Whoa! Sorry to get you so wound up."
Sarah started laughing. "I like those wolves," she said with an almost pout on her face and Chuck found it absolutely adorable. "By the way, don't you dare start on another code tonight." His eyebrows went up. "You heard me. You've been at this all day. Email me what you have, I'll forward it to them so they can check it off, and you can start fresh in the morning. Then you go home and go to bed."
"I really want to say make me, so bad it isn't funny," Chuck said laughing sending the email to Sarah she asked for. He felt her come up behind him, and he froze. "Uh, Sarah?"
"Do you want me to make sure you get into bed, Chuck?"
"Uh, no, I can do it, besides my sister would have so many questions. Questions that no one is ready for."
Sarah gave him a hug from behind. "Chuck, thank you for doing this. I have a feeling this isn't easy for you, and I'm not asking you to tell me anything, or confide in me, but you having to do this is really an asshat move from Bryce." Chuck nodded, unable to speak. She kissed him on the cheek. Part of Chuck thought he would never wash that cheek again. "You didn't deserve what he did."
"Who said he did anything?" Sarah gave him a look.
In that moment he knew that she knew, but she wasn't going to force it, she wasn't going to say anything, she was just going to let it go. She went over and sent the info to the delegation, grabbed her stuff, and waited for Chuck to finish up. They walked to Sarah's car in silence, her chuckling to herself about him being so gentlemanly but she was sure if something happened she'd be the one protecting him. They got to her car and she could see his three spaces over.
"I did," she said, answering his question from earlier. She got in her car, winked at him, waved, and pulled away. Chuck watch her drive off. He was going to have to work with her very closely the next few weeks and then it would be time for their dinner, and Christmas. She stopped, and rolled down the window. "Hey, did you figure it out yet?"
"Haven't a clue," he answered, grinning.
"Huh. Well, guess we'll just have to try again tomorrow." With that she rolled up her window and drove off. Chuck watched her go, and when he couldn't see her anymore, he whistled and walked over to his car. He stopped short as he saw the brunette there, arms crossed, staring at him.
"Who was that?"
"Ellie, I can explain," Chuck said, scared to death.
A/N: I'm such a stinker…I mean there are times when Chuck has to say, really, who let David write me? Next time, dreams, Morgan, and oh, so much more…come on back for Chapter 6, Partners…take care…see you soon…til next time.
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