slvttyplum · 3 months
oh thats not... yall who tf are they talking to. go wash your pussy and stop talking to me. YOU go write some, damn nobody wanna write about that old BURNT DECEASED man.
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robotpussy · 2 years
ppl on here will say "omg trans rights! blm! i do believe black ppl and poc and trans ppl have a right to exist and live!" and then when people from these groups ask for money to survive all of a sudden its a problem and people are dictating what others should do with their money and now if nobody gives this site money it will collapse the next day and we'll all lose our crops.
complaints about 'guilt trippy posts' that most ppl on here just scroll past and even make fun of but will fearmonger themselves and everyone on this site into thinking Tumblr is running on the budget of a shoestring and a ham sandwich and needs all the money they can get.
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soundbulb · 1 month
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To Pimp A Butterfly, Kendrick Lamar
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jayywesst · 3 months
I’m nobodies second option
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alwaysbewoke · 2 months
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arabian-batboy · 2 years
I feel like we’re witnessing a new trope in military propaganda media emerging and it’s the “lets have a whiny overly-dramatic white liberal girl say that killing innocent Arabs is bad on-screen” to send a message to the audience that being against the US’s military crimes in the Middle East is something that only dumb sensitive lefties with pronouns in their bio do.
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saintstars · 2 months
Our Antlers Tangled Interlude 1
Feathers & Fire for @feast-of-horns
Mairon stumbles across Eönwë
Rating: E
Chapter warning: intimacy
Follow the full fic on AO3
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Mairon runs. He runs until he is clear of the chaotic boulders and some semblance of order returns to the forest around him. He keeps running still, as if with enough speed he might leave his thoughts behind. That he might outrun what has occurred. What he himself chose to bring about.
He is so focused on inattention that he almost collides with the other maia suddenly in his path. He stops just in time and falls back against a rockery, dislodging small succulents from their placement as he scrambles to regain his feet.
‘You will not find much prey so far from Oromë’s halls.’
Eönwë stands before him, offering an unneeded hand. He withdraws it at Mairon’s look and returns to his seat on the low curving branch of a silver sycamore. His plumage is deep, dark brown - a far cry from his usual bright feathers.
‘Cheat.’ Mairon says, gesturing at them.
‘I did not have the advantage of flying.’ Eönwë smiles ruefully. He tilts his face up, searching the gilded skies.
Mairon stands, brushing himself down and trying to appear less disheveled than he feels. He looks at Eönwë properly; the defeated slump of his shoulders, the restlessness and longing that clings to his spirit.
Eönwë is turning a crystal in his hands, something shimmering between red, purple and blue, and quickly disappearing into his belt pouch when he notices Mairon’s eyes on it.
Mairon climbs up next to him and lays himself back against the crook of the white branches' curve, nudging Eönwë’s thigh with a toe.
‘Who do you await, this far from the others?’
Eönwë sighs, his gaze turning inward to memories.
‘Someone who I no longer think I can call friend.’
One who turned traitor for Melkor then. Mairon tries not to understand what could attract a maia to the fallen vala. He fails.
Mairon does not want to think about what just happened. He wants it gone from his mind, from his fána, from his ëala, everywhere where it still lingers.
He sits forward, smiling playfully.
‘Their loss is my gain,’ Mairon says, taking Eönwë’s collar in his fist and drawing the maia from morbid thoughts. ‘I claim your catch.’
‘What do you ask of me?’ Eönwë’s breath flutters against Mairon’s mouth, filled with the airy promise of rain and light.
‘A kiss.’ Mairon replies, brushing close enough that they almost do.
‘Only a kiss?’
‘I only demand a kiss, if you wish to offer more after you may do so.’
Eönwë smiles softly and leans in to grant him a sweet kiss. He is gentle but confident. A comfort between friends. So different from the last lips that touched his.
Mairon pours himself into the other maia, seeking Eönwë’s arms with his fingertips. They are sculpted with hard muscle from his constant training, still retaining his lithe, flight-ready delicacy.
Eönwë groans, his own hands finding Mairon’s thighs with assured passion.
Mairon grips at his wings, hard enough to tear feathers loose. There is nothing for Mairon to ground himself with here.
The taste of chaos still lingers in his mouth.
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cinamun · 9 months
Fucccccccccccccck! I just realized I pulled a starbucks-cup-in-GoT type of oopsie and if you should happen to notice when I post it, pretend you didn't. This shit is hard lmfao
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simbelene · 2 years
I dont feel bad for people like felixandre and harrie. Especially when their patreon stats look like this:
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That's earnings per month mind you! People who actually work for EA dont even make that much 🥴
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I know alot of people say they hate book 15 but it's actually one of my favorites :,3
Gotta say my favorite character from that book is definitely Pineapple ^w^
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bolontiku · 6 months
Work rant under the cut... it's a lot but if you need a little drama... this is months worth accumulated.
So, there is this kid at work, sweet child, 19yo. She's not all that bright and 'requires' to be told things over and over. I've let her get away with things as it wasn't my problem. "I just don't know" she'll say in a precious baby voice and they walk her through the SAME JOB (making coffee).
I know what she's doing. Seen it before. I don't care.
Until she began putting her items in my area.
She would dump her belonging into a cubby I hid product in to keep the truck driver from using it as a door stop. It was to the point that her purse and jacket would knock the door open and I would run into it with my knuckles or racks. I told her several times over the course of a few months not to put her stuff in there. She kept doing it. Managers and other associates reminded her to not get in my way. She would get in my way up to 10mins at a time, which when baking amounts to being put back in time. So, I started putting her stuff in the backroom (where employee belongings are meant to go). She kept using the excuse of "nobody ever told me where my stuff is supposed to go" and "I'm so sorry! I HoPe YoU DoNt HaTe mE" *pout* which grated on my nerves. Whatever. Easier to just smile and shoo her away.
Finally got her to stop that and she proceeds to leave her food on my ingredient supply rack. And if we were to get state inspection in would be an automatic critical as she always eats shit with nuts or allergens in it and places it above the other things. Finally walk in to find SHRIMP on the rack and I lose my shit when she comes running over to say "oh X put it there! I had no idea!" But she looks for it where it was before I placed it on the EMPLOYEE FOOD TRAY opposite the rack she sat it on. Literally- you don't have to walk from one side of the cooler, you just TURN AROUND. no walking or anything. I am LIVID as she trying to place blame on another associate but she KNEW exactly where it had been indicating she put it there.
I call over my food cost manager as I am about to lose my shit. I can feel my face heating up and as much as I try, my voice is rising. I finally tell her to just fucking walk away. The manager has to wrangle her out of my area and I hear other associates telling her not to be in my area as I have to MOVE and they don't do the same shit she does.
I have time to cool off and the manager comes over to find out what caused me to lose my cool. She's hiding around the corner listening. I have had the most patience with her. I have been kind. I have had enough. I'm telling him that I won't put up with willful ignorance cause she can just put on her pouty face and apologize and it's all forgiven and THIS FUCKING BITCH comes around the corner with a pout "I hOpE yOu DoNt HaTE Meee" 🥺🥺
"THATS THE FUCKING FACE!! AND I HOPE YOU FEEL LIKE I HATE YOU--" I nearly swing on her as he literally steps between us and hands her her fucking bag and jacket (back in the cubby again), telling her to go home (as she is off the clock) and that she doesn't need to be in the bakers area. He's trying not to laugh.
He comes back and tells me that she's not all there and we have to be patient... nahh fuck that bro, I won't put up with emotional manipulation. He stares at me. That pouty face? The fake tears and that fucking baby voice she uses- all aimed at making the normal person to feel bad (little bunny effect) and automatically forgive them for bad actions. NOT ME BITCH I've dealt with assholes worse than you and you can take your childish shit the fuck outta here!
Anyways. Days later and the manager comes to me and tells me that... she does do that. He's been watching her pout her way into making others "help" her and letting them do all the work. So he has literally been on her ass since that day. And everytime she comes near me he calls her away.
She did manage to get close though and she pouted at me- "I hope you don't hate me"
"Not really hate but I don't really like you. Get back to work I can't be bothered by a little girl like you"
She was speechless and he came around, calling her name cause she was supposed to be clearing the dining area of dishes why is she in my area bothering the baker?!
The other associates (my babies who work so hard) are about her age and have stopped talking to her. I told them not to treat her any other way cause of me and every single one of them said they hated her, but had been nice on account of me. I told them not to bully her and leave her alone, I don't want them getting in trouble cause of her.
Her jacket and purse are in the employee area and she has not brought food into my area. I really hate some people.
Anyhow. Thank you for letting me rant dear Tumblr diary.
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soundbulb · 1 month
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okay I made my top 15 rap albums (no particular order) while we're talking about it. don't say SHIT about my lil kim pick you weren't there. doechii drop this year please I'm begging you
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mettaworldpiece · 8 months
Blacks who live in a superpower are oppressed? Press x to doubt
“Blacks” shut the fuck up you clearly dk shit
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snickerzanddoodlez · 7 months
Update: episode 1 is entirely done aside from some editing and a few pieces of art
Also Update: babe wake up new art pieces for my game just dropped
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saintstars · 2 months
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you should read our antlers tangled for the ... uh... plot
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itsjustpoopeh · 1 month
if you had a coworker who was insanely racist to you would you forgive them just because they came out and then be happy with them dating your friend.
"insanely racist" 😆
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