Just breathe…
You’re being tested. Focus. 🧠
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candlemouse · 2 days
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Today is the three year anniversary of the first chapter of Heir to Light! (My Fablehaven medieval fantasy fic with royalty, magic, and a strong Garreth/Kendra subplot)
So, three things!
The artwork above is something I made several years ago, but never posted because the scene was actually scrapped. However, Garreth does technically carry Kendra like this in Chapter XIII (unintentional). But since the fic is coming to an end, I figured now was a good time to post it...and I lost the license to the art software over a year ago so I wasn't going to be able to work on it anymore anyway.
I have written the last 8 chapters! It will add about 30,000 words. I just need to edit and publish. I will definitely have everything published by the end of July, but I’m thinking earlier.
Here is the chapter that I posted today!
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soundbulb · 2 months
marty's subplot: fuckkkkk man I can't stop cheating on my wife
rust's subplot:
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heron-iles · 11 months
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A redraw of the official chibi art of Norway!
I might do all the nordics but first I have to finish all my finals :(
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handbellanon · 3 months
Just passed my certification exam
Excuse me while I go turn my brain off for three days
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carmillalia · 3 months
gençlerin başına gelen en felâket şey aileleridir. sevgisiz büyümüş bir çocuğun psikiyatr olma olasılığı seri katil olma olasılığından daha fazla. ortalama bir ilişki yürüten iki temel faktör var, kadının orgazm taklidi yapması ve erkeğin insan taklidi yapması. Freud kendi ailesini bile anlatmaktan aciz bir takozdu ve eğer Dostoyevski olmasaydı herhangi biri olarak ölecekti. Acaba Pavlov'un köpeği de "her zil çaldığında beni beslemeye çalışmış pezevenk." diye düşünmüş müdür? gençliğe geçiş sancılıdır çünkü yetişkinlerin hiç de o kadar zeki olmadığını fark edersin ve o aldatılmışlıkla yüz yüze kalırsın. çocukluğun boyunca bu salakların söylediklerini ciddiye aldın, şimdi o zırvaları sisteminden atamıyorsun ve sürekli savaşman gerekiyor. acı. ve çok yorucu. güzellik ve yakışıklılık, kendi azgınlığımızı dışa vurmak için yarattığımız bahanelerdir. sanki hiç aklımızda yokmuş da onları görünce azmışız gibi standartlar yaratıyoruz. ki kimse garipsemeden yükselebilelim yoksa neden biri diğerinden daha güzel olsun ki? çoğu grubun şarkı sözlerinden anlattıkları duyguyu hiç yaşamadıklarını anlayabiliyorum. öpüşürken neden gözlerimizi kapatmak zorundayız sevdiğim insanı hiç öpüşürken göremeyecek miyim? o beni görsün isterim. neyi savunursanız savunun aksini iddia edecek bir kalabalık bulabiliyorsunuz. milyonda bir görülecek geri zekâlılığa sahip sekiz bin tane insan var. neyseki yukarıda gemim beni bekliyor.
cehenneme gidiyorum. geçerken bırakayım mı?
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summertimechasing · 8 months
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Về Hoàng Thùy Linh & Vietnamese Concert: Lửa hận thù đốt cháy kí ức hài tà, em khộng xạo chắc anh cụng như vậy mà. Lửa lửa và lửa sư tử, từ trong suy nghĩ nhân cách cái tôi cho đến lời ăn tiếng nói. Cụ thể là Sao thủy Sư Tử bảo trợ cho HTL một cách ăn nói trịnh thượng bề trên từ trong trứng, đặc biệt là đang giai đoạn những hành tinh đang nghịch hành như này thì dính phốt vạ miệng của HTL rõ là dễ hiểu. Sao kim Cự Giải đem đến cho HTL một chút cứng đầu khi bảo vệ người mình quan tâm, dù là thí sinh của The Debubt cho đến Hồ Hoài Anh thì HTL sẽ luôn có xu hướng xòe lông cánh ra bảo vệ. Nhưng rồi North Node Song Ngư của Phượng Hoàng chỉ khiến cô ấy thu mình lại, chạy trốn những tổn thương như những chú cá bơi xuôi dòng đi tìm 1 vũng nước sâu, mà đáng ra cô ấy nên quay đầu lại và đối mặt, bơi ngược dòng và đối diện với dòng nước dữ. Cũng tội phượng hoàng, có lẽ lần sau cô ấy sẽ có 1 bài học & rút kinh nghiệm cho sự mềm mỏng cần thiết của cung nước, hoặc ít ra là lên tiếng đính chính hơn là để cho phòng bán vé concert chìm trong biển lửa. (Từ một người tính mua vé). Viết chán rồi đi ngủ thôi
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mariamariamare · 10 months
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07.07.2023 || Bio-oil analysis by GC/MS at UFRPE - Part II
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lazysouprossini-blog · 10 months
Đm đang còn trong Pride Month đấy, mấy bà không thể làm thế với em được 😭
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Xeikon produzindo transferências térmicas na fábrica de produtos plásticos Alpha Plast em Pernambuco 💡 Saiba mais: https://www.apolo.com.br/XEIKON 📞 WhatsApp (11) 3164-9400 💬 Link: https://www.apolo.com.br/WhatsApp
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histhoughtslately · 2 days
Everything you seek, want, desire and even need is right there. Don’t lose what’s right in front of you…
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soundbulb · 6 months
it makes sense to me that maggie is the one capable of saying something cutting to rust, if only by being the only woman in his life who isn't dead. the whole crux of the conflict, in terms of the state of the soul of true detective, is rust and marty's denial that all men's weakness, sadism, beliefs, mistakes disproportionately destroys the lives of women and children, and the men who do it get to just keep truckin, sometimes with guilt heaped on. they just get away with it over and over and it kills women and girls. I think of rust's, "she sounds sad, marty, like a person on their last legs" about dora after visiting the bunny ranch. how dora was predated on by her father ("why wouldn't a father bathe his child?"), ended up with charlie lang, and was then marked as a target because charlie showed her naked pictures to his cellmate who he hated.
marty's whole hang up is just a classic cop one. he's the good guy and he hunts the bad guys. rust doesn't think he's the good guy, he's just another bad guy hunting bad guys, but that's still denial. when he passes a tide of hallow rationalizations to maggie, they suddenly sound like exactly what they are. normally rust has been monologuing to male audiences -- papania, marty -- who balk and seem defensive or quietly suspicious, but when maggie is the audience you realize rust actually sounds exactly like marty giving his stupid "you gotta decompress" schtick. she's not hung up on any of his actual ideas, doesn't take a single one seriously, because it turns out they're a baby blanket. in rust's phrasing, they're just the encouragement of illusion so he can get through his reality. that scene coming so soon after rust saying, "when I think of my daughter, what she was spared." he just can't do it yet. despite all his efforts, he just can't look at anything head on, not until the end, when he's in that syrupy blackness experiencing his loved ones. he only edges up to the truth, keeping himself mostly at arms length. he gets right on top of it in that same monologue, "she spared me the sin of being a father." the death of women in girls in this season are redemptive; the childress' seem to use them as some kind of baptism. when they're not around to destroy, the men who destroy them are spared of being the men who destroy them.
marty is always under the impression his intentions are good. "was that a down payment?" and marty chews him out for "joking" about his moment of decency, but it was absolutely a down payment. rust clocked it correctly, most of the reason marty was mad was because he was attracted to beth, and he started blustering some rhetoric and then gives beth a twenty, hissing out a white hot, "do something else," like an accusation. but marty goes through all the motions of a hero, so to beth he looks like one. he slaps his daughter and calls her a slut for doing the kinds of things he does with women. he beats on the men she was with so he can feel like a Father and a Hero then vomits in front of his car because it was all just clumsy violence and cowardice. rust knows he isn't doing any good, but he still wants some of that redemption; he tells maggie his little screed about man-woman drama because he wants her to accept it. he knows the women and girls pay more to live in the same world, they don't get away with just existing while men get away with it all, but knowing that doesn't bring him any closer to looking at it head on. he's still asking maggie for something: accept it, get on the same page, spare me, and maggie says no, at least right then. eventually she does, then ultimately she doesn't.
anyway, I think it's interesting how different it feels to hear rust say what he says in that scene. you suddenly realize exactly how his words fall on the ears of reality. "at the end of the day you duck behind rationalizations just like the rest of them."
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p-k-h-2-4-0-9 · 1 year
Từ khi nào mà bản thân lại biết yêu một người nhiều đến vậy?
Có phải là vì đã gặp đúng người rồi hay không?
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wpdesigns · 2 years
Medical Health Care and Clinic WordPress Theme https://visualmodo.com/theme/medical-wordpress-theme/Especially for an industry that needs minimal, medical practices, dentists, doctors, surgeons, hospitals, health clinics, pediatrics, psychiatrist, psychiatry, stomatology, chiropractor, veterinary clinics, and other medical-related practices #webdesign #HTML5 #CSS3 #template #plugins #themes #WordPress #onepage #medical #responsive #retina #website #clinic #health #medic #clinical
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hanathelorekeeper · 1 year
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"Do not cite the OGL to us, Hasbro. We were there when it was written." - Paizo
Based on the post from here. Feel free to spread this meme across the internet. :)
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frostiifae · 17 days
whoops i started taking hrt again and went from being so tired and depressed that focusing on creative endeavors is impossible, to being so full of boundless creative energy that i suffer paralysis of choice and can't get anything done
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