#Giyuu Tomioka hurt/comfort
mamayan · 9 months
Giyuu Tomioka x GN! Reader
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Giyuu is always gentle and firm when you need it.
tw: Fluff • Cuddling • Reader is described as “soft” • Hurt/Comfort • Depression • Please do not read if seeing descriptors of depression is triggering to you. This is meant to uplift not harm. Do not read if this does not seem supportive to your journey.
The day passed by again, and yet, you couldn’t bring yourself to move.
The thought of doing something as simple as bathing left you feeling exhausted.
You felt the dread filling you up inside, like the tide rising, and you were drowning once more in silence.
No one liked to talk about it. Reality was far too nasty an image to allow for others to see, so it was smashed down to avoid the light of day. Except, as you woke again in the middle of the night, you realized maybe it was all of you avoiding the light of day. Shamefully hidden away from prying eyes, hushed whispers of servants as they quietly performed their chores in the early morning when you finally went to sleep. Your eyes glanced at the empty bed beside you, numbly noting he still wasn’t back.
Was he dead?
The thought filled you with nausea even as you lay limp.
A divider moved, alerting you to a presence.
“I brought you food…” the voice which spoke was small and unsure. Your eyes were all which moves, seeing the silhouette of a Kakushi, their features hidden like always.
“Thank you…” it was the first time you’d spoken in nearly a week. You forced yourself to sit up, even as tears pricked your eyes as the Kakushi shuffled into the bedroom, placing a tray beside the bed even as your stomach pleaded not to do this. It was lying to you, you knew it was, but you were struggling—
“Tomioka-sama is back!” It was a distant cry, carrying into the room through an echo.
You flinched, cringing inward on yourself as the Kakushi beside you seemed to light up. You didn’t share the excitement, despite your relief flooding you at his safe return. It wasn’t as if you didn’t want to see him. It was the opposite in fact… what if he didn’t want to see you?
They were going to report on you. They always did, nothing deeper than the loyalty of those within the ranks of the corpse. While Giyuu wasn’t the most beloved amongst the Hashira themselves, he was still adored and respected by all the others. His dedication and hard work undeniably charming as he risks his life every time he takes a mission.
Where did that leave you? While he fought for his life and others away you were rotting like someone already—
“Tomioka-sama, welcome home!” You hadn’t even heard his foot steps. Your head snapping up to stare blankly at the stoic face of your lover. While his face didn’t give much away, his eyes seemed to swim with worry as he entered the room you both shared cautiously. He nodded absentmindedly at the Kakushi rushing out, likely overjoyed to no longer be baby sitting you. You looked away, feelings of shame and anger somehow muted beneath the metaphorical water which kept you submerged in your sorrow.
He was quiet. Even as he moved the tray of food to the side to sit beside you, before setting the tray in his lap, hardly any noise passed.
With your head down, you had a perfect view of the chopsticks entering your field of vision. The war with your stomach won, as you open your lips to allow him to feed you. Even as tears slid down your cheeks, Giyuu didn’t hesitate to softly wipe them away as he fed you each bite of food until the tray was nearly empty.
You no longer felt as nauseous, the burning in your stomach gone as well. Giyuu had a hand against your mid-back, keeping you from pulling away as he helped you drink the water brought with your dinner.
“All of it,” his voice a bit husky as he hums in approval as you do as told. Finishing all of the water before he relents and moves the tray completely out of the way.
You sniff, feeling better and worse all at once because you had certainly needed the food but absolutely did not need the shame which followed. It should be you feeding him, he’s the one who’s been on mission, risking his life and who knows what else out there. You knew logically this would pass, it’s not your fault, it’s not anything new but—
“Shh,” he’s so gentle as his lithe arms wrap around you and encourage you to lean into him. He’s gentle as he cups the back of your head and lets you rest your cheek against his collarbone. He releases one hand to lightly trail down your spine and back up, letting you feel his presence but not overwhelming you.
“I’m sorry you have to deal with me like this,” you whisper in confession. His arm squeezes you, his grunt making a small smile tilt on your lips. You could image his brows are furrowed.
“You have nothing to be sorry for my love.” His words released a damn inside of you though, as your tears welled and spilled freely.
He pulled back, cupping your cheek and looking shaken and panicked as you sobbed. “I do though— I’m like, like this, and I, I don’t want to be,” you’re nearly inconsolable, even as he tries to hush and kiss you. Your heart physically aching inside the confines of your chest as you grip his haori tight and cry.
“I don’t know why I’m like this—!” Your world spins just as the words finish leaving your mouth.
You huff, startled out of your tears as you look up at Giyuu, his face stern as he grips your jaw with one hand, the other beside your face keeping him above you.
“You are everything to me,” his voice is deeper, clearer as he speaks now, “and I know just how suffocating this state can be.” He forced your head up, making you look into his eyes which you feared held resentment towards you.
They don’t.
His dark blue gaze is only filled with patience and kindness, breaking your heart and yet somehow repairing it too.
His weight descends as you struggle to fight back more tears. His weight solid and comforting on top of you as you soak in his warmth and the scent he carries which smells like home. He is your home. And you were his.
You wrapped your arms around him, spreading your legs and allowing him even closer. It was intimate yet not sexual, as he circled one arm around your waist and another beneath your head. Your soft body pliant beneath him. His breath fanning over your cheek as he left small kisses on your skin.
So gently.
Whispering words of love to you.
“I’m so lucky to have you…” his lips felt ticklish.
“Thankful to see you after every mission.”
“Always fighting to come back to you…”
“I love you,” you’re nearly asleep in his arms, surrounded entirely by Giyuu as a blanket of safety envelops you.
The sun might rise and fall tomorrow without ever seeing your skin, but that’s alright.
He’s home again and by your side through it all.
Words of love from me to you. I know it might not be possible to leave the bed today, or tomorrow, and the thought of eating or waking might make you sick… but I promise your body needs it. If nothing else, let a gentle Giyuu encourage you through the day. Let your f/o be there for you. Heck, drop in my inbox if you need another character— don’t let yourself suffer in silence alone♡
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bee-writes-n-spins · 7 months
the mask goes on the minute other people look.
make eye contact. too much, look away. now smile and nod. stop bouncing your leg. make them like you.
those are his thoughts. because too many people have called him weird. too many people have pointed and laughed. too many people made fun of him for just being himself.
oh, but you..
you remind him it's okay to unmask. you smile, listening to him ramble about his interests. you could listen for hours and never get bored.
when you notice his discomfort in a crowd. when you help him communicate when he's too overwhelmed to talk.
with you, the ribbon that holds the mask together comes undone. with you, his mask falls to the ground.
POE, RANPO, dazai, GIYUU, kenma, l lawliet, near, WANDERER, AL HATHIAM, kaveh, LYNEY, and any of your autistic favorites!
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
Hi!! I hope you're doing well🌸
Can I please request Kyojuro, Tengen, Giyuu and Tanjiro reacting to their s/o taking almost lethal hit? On the battlefield or in hospital butterfly mansion
Thank you <3
Hey! I'm doing good, thank you<3 Hope you are doing fine as well!
Sorry it took so long for me to write your request. Still, thank you for sending in one!
Characters: Kyojuro Rengoku; Tomiyoka Giyuu; Tengen Uzui; Kamado Tanjirou
Content: gender neutral reader; established relationship; blood and injuries; poison; hurt/comfort; not proof read
Word count: 2,4k words
Hope you enjoy reading!<3
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Kyojuro Rengoku
He was out on a mission when he got the message that you were currently at the Butterfly mansion, your condition gradually getting worse
He quickly arranged for some other Slayer to take over for him, then made his way to Shinobu's abode as fast as his feet allowed him to
The entire way over there, he was praying to whoever god was willing to listen to him, that you would get better. That the gods would not take you away from him this early
He knew first hand that the work as a demon slayer was a dangerous one, the impending doom of death always right around the corner for them
every little job, let it be the easiest one on the planet, could lead to their death and everyone was well aware of that
it was precisely for that reason, that Rengoku always thought he would never involve himself in matters of love, the inevitable heartbreak too much for him to handle and he also wouldn't want to put that burden onto anyone else
but as it always is, life got different plans for him, he met you, another fellow slayer, and fell in love with you
Both of you knew about the risks coming with this line of work, so every second spent with the other was the greatest pleasure any of you could ever ask of
Rengoku thought about you the entire way to the butterfly mansion, kept replaying all those happy memories in his head. He couldn't loose you, not yet
When he arrived at the mansion, it was already sunrise. He walked past anyone that came to greet him, he had only two destinations. Your room, and Kocho. Whoever came first didn't matter
And luck seemed to be somewhat at his side, when he saw his fellow Hashira exit a room and taking a deep breath in front of the now closed door
He immediately made his way over to her, asking her about your condition
"They are fine, considering the cirumstances. They lost a lot of blood and almost didn't make it, but they pulled through. Recovery will be long and rough however, so let them rest for now."
Rengoku couldn't even begin to describe the immense feeling of relief that flooded his chest upon hearing this
You would be fine...
He thanked Kocho a good thousand times, before they parted ways and he entered the room you were residing in
You were still unconscious in the bed and you looked pale
He grabbed a chair and placed it next to your bed, gently taking one hand of yours into his, placing a soft kiss to the back
"I'm here, my dear.", he whispered, scared that he somehow could wake you up from your slumber
There were bandages wrapped all around your abdomen, already dyed a red colour again, and you were breathing somewhat heavily
Like Kocho said, you were recovering, but it would be a long road ahead
For the entire time, Rengoku would stay close to you, only accepting missions close by to the butterfly mansion, that he could complete within one day and/or night
The first time you opened your eyes again, he began crying and pulled you into a careful hug
He was so scared.. but now that you're finally awake again, it would only get better..
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Tomiyoka Giyuu
This man...
This man is a hard one to crack
Because, even if he was in love with you, he would not show his infatuation with you in the slightest
partially because he can't imagine that someone like you would ever be interested in him, so he just keeps his thoughts and feelings to himself
You would have to insist, constantly enter his own little bubble he created, for Giyuu to warm up to you
Still, the confessing part would fall onto you, because he would stay silent about his feelings his entire life if he had to
He was surprised when you confessed to him and almost turned you down, one reason being this dangerous job, the other reason that he thought he wasn't good enough for you and that you deserved better than him
But in the end, you managed to convince him, and the two of you were a really happy couple, with Giyuu slowly but surely opening up to you more and more, while becoming a bit more expressive around you
So why was it, that now, as the two of you were tackling a mission together for the hundredth time, you got injured under his watch?
The demon you were fighting was a cunning bastard, using poison to quickly deal with his victims. And somehow, during the hectic of the fight, you got stabbed in the chest and and injected with the poison
As Giyuu saw that, he immediately paniced and rushed to your side, getting you out of the dangerous zone
He wanted to run away with you right here and now, to get you treated as quickly as possible, but he also couldn't let that demon continue to run amok in this city
Luckily, they stayed in relative contact with Shinobu due to the demons choice of weapon
Giyuu quickly shouted orders at his crow, telling it to get her as quickly as possible
In the meantime, Giyuu continued to fight the demon, hoping to take it out soon so he could rush over to Shinobu's estate and meet her halfway
He managed to pull it off and behead that demon after some amount of effort and without getting hit by it, but he didn't have time to breath
Giyuu rushed back to your side, realizing that your breathing got a lot more shallow and with more pauses in between
The panic from before returned with full force and he wasted no more time, quickly rushing to get you the help you needed
Luckily, his crow did it's job very effectively as he met Shinobu half way and they rushed you back to her estate to get you treated
She had to test through quite some antidotes until she finally got the right one, managing to get rid of the poison entirely
After that, you slept for a week straight, not waking up even once. And Giyuu stayed by your side the entire time, only leaving your room to get something to eat or use the bathroom. He was too worried about you to leave your side for any longer
He totally blamed himself that you got hurt this badly, you have to reassure him once you wake up again that it wasn't his fault. But he can't help it, he doesn't ever want to loose you
A lot of crying and a lot of comfort is gonna happen when you open your eyes again, so better prepare for that
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Tengen Uzui
Three wives were already hard enough to keep up with as it is, so Tengen never even considered the possibility of a fourth spouse joining them in their lives
And yet, when you came along, he almost instantly became interested in you
Not only because of your looks, but you were strong as well, despite not being a slayer for very long yet, and he respected that
however, he didn't want to start anything behind his wives backs, so after some time passed where he got to know you even more, worked on some missions with you, he went to the three of them with a proposal
They were surprised to say the least, not expecting that of him, since he never gave them the impression that he was interested in you in that way
But, as it so happened, they didn't mind it all that much. In fact, they were also quite interested in you. So, the four talked about it for some time, before they all approached you together
You were as surprised as Tengen's wives initially were and needed some time to think it through. Though in the end, you agreed and now, it wasn't four anymore, but five
Under his care, you also quickly rose up in the ranks of the demon slayers, making all of them even more proud of you
however, as always in life, it often makes a turn for the worst just when it seems to be going well
on this particular day, Tengen and his wives were out on a mission, leaving you behind to watch after the estate
The job had been easily dealt with thanks to their combined power and they were soon on their way back, ready to reunite with you
but, as they approached their abode in the dead of night, something felt off to them. No lights were to be seen at all in the house, nothing that indicated you were staying in there
Feeling uneasy, they rushed to get back and were shocked, frozen in place as they entered
The entire interior was a mess, it looked like a fight had taken place
they found you in the living room, blood pooling around your body. Your heart was still beating, but it was weak and the blood loss didn't contribute to your well being
"(Name)!", they screamed as they rushed to your side. Makio and Hinatsuru started examining your body, trying to locate the source of your bleeding, while Suma craddled your head in her lap, trying to get you to wake up
She did succeed, long enough at least for you to tell them what had happened here
"(Name)! What happened? Who did that to you?"
"Upper....moon..", was all you managed to get out before you fell unconscious again
Their faces hardened at your words, but quickly shoved that to the backs of their minds. They could deal with that later. Right now, the only thing that mattered was you not dying
Hinatsuru and Makio continued to put pressure on your wounds. It took some time, but eventually, the bleeding got less and less until it died down all together, so they were finally able to wrap you up with bandages
Then Tengen, who until now had made sure that the rest of the house was safe, carefully picked you up. They gathered a few essential items and then made their way towards the headquarters, where they would stay for the time being, since the estate wasn't a safe place anymore, and where you would be treated
Hinatsuru and the others did some good work on you. Thanks to their efforts, you managed to get back on your feet a lot faster than anyone had anticipated, but you were still out of business for a while
Though in the end, you didn't mind that too much if it meant that you still had a life left to live with them
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Kamado Tanjirou
Unlike the other ones, Tanjirou does not have a home base, a place he can always return to when in need of a rest
He is constantly on the move, travelling all over the country, wherever his missions are taking him
he doesn't mind this all that much, though he sometimes misses the comfort of a warm bed that he gets to call his own
however, having you by his side, as you travel with him wherever he goes sure does make it a lot easier
sure he is also grateful to Zenitsu and Inosuke, but it's not the same as with you. You just manage to make him feel better about his situation when he falls into doubt again and he appreciates that very much
so it's understandable that he's absolutely devastated as he witnesses you get injured in front of his eyes, taking a hit that was meant for him when he got distracted for a second
the demons teeth bore into your neck, ripping part of the flesh away and you scream in both sheer terror and pain
you instantly fall to the ground, hand pressing on the wound, trying to keep the blood from coming out, but it's to no use. The bite was too big and you're loosing a lot of blood
Tanjirou, after hearing your agony, slashes at the demon, who jumps back and creates some distance between you and the monster
he looks at the wound and he sees that you're starting to loose consciousness. He knows he has to deal with this demon quickly, otherwise you will die on the spot if you don't get proper care soon. And he absolutely can not let this happen
He asks Nezuko to please help him out and together, they are able to overpower the demon and take him out, but it still took them quite some effort to do so
However, there wasn't much time to celebrate the victory. When he returned to your unconscious body on the floor, a pool of your blood had formed besides your head, your breathing was slow and shallow, as was your heartbeat
There was no time left to waste...
The first thing you noticed upon waking up were the unfamiliar surroundings. This was not a place you have ever visited, a sense of dread starting to creep up in your chest
But then you turned to your side and saw a sleeping Tanjirou next to you, sitting on a chair while his head was resting on your bed. You felt a little more relaxed at the sight, because if he was sleeping here, then that must mean it was a safe place to do so
You smiled and gently shook him a bit, waking him up
Upon realizing that you were awake again, he was ecstatic. He soon told you, that he didn't have the time to get you to the Butterfly estate, so he settled with the local hospital in the city where you were
The staff there was able to take good care of you, your wound was healing nicely and they should be able to release you very soon if you felt up for it
And once you were informed about your condition, Tanjirou then began to profusely apologize to you. After all, that hit was meant for him, not you. He can't even begin to describe how guilty and horrible he feels about it
You have to reassure him that you're fine now and you would gladly take a hit for him again
he brings you in for a gentle hug and you stay like that for a few minutes, just basking in each others presence
After all, you would heal again and be able to tell the tale about how you survived this attack. If that wasn't a story for the books...
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xxlady-lunaxx · 2 months
Silent comfort | {ShinoGiyuu}
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Theme: Hurt/comfort?? 
Note: for no reason, i've suddenly been drawn back to ShinoGiyuu again-
Shinobu sat in a panicked state, her back pressed against the wall of her room, her hand to her chest. Her breathing was heavy and she blinked rapidly, trying to stop the tears from forming in her eyes.
Calm down, calm down, calm down.
It was like a mantra as she repeated it over and over in her head. 
Nightmares are for children. Calm. Down.
That was a lie. But the worse she felt about it, the more she would will herself to stop having them.
Calm down, you can't let this keep happening, calm down.
It had happened time and time again. Sometimes, she was afraid to sleep. To dream. She would stay awake, staring at the curtains barely containing the midday sunlight from seeping through. 
Count to ten, she would tell herself. She wished she wasn't so childish. So idiotic. Why was she like this? She only had so much time to rest, why was she wasting it on panicking? God, how incompetent was she? 
She vaguely registered the click of a door opening, footsteps. 
She let out a shaky breath, her bangs slipping over her eyes. Her knees were drawn up to her chest and she sat there, curled up. She felt constricted, her ribcage closing around her heart, her lungs, and then-
A steady hand on her upper arm brought her to a lilting sense of reality. She blinked up at whoever it was. At first, their face glazed from her gaze and she didn't recognize them. But she caught the green and yellow hexgonal pattern printed upon fabric that brushed her leg as the hand moved up to her shoulder, tightening comfortingly. 
She blinked again, tears she was holding back blurring her vision. 
"T...Tomioka-San?" she mumbled, biting her lip to keep her emotions from spilling over. Why was he here?
"Kocho...," Giyuu murmured. He had knelt down in front of her, eyebrows creased in worry. It was the most emotion she had seen on his face before and it startled her. She forgot herself for a moment, until she felt a drop sliding down her cheek. 
She mentally cursed herself, waiting for the inevitable nag from Giyuu to pull herself together. Only it didn't come. Instead, his hand rested upon her jaw, thumb grazing her cheek. She held her breath, slowly raising her gaze to meet his.
Giyuu's eyes were intent, the blue dark from the lack of light. "Are you alright?" he asked quietly. His hand still rested on the side of her face, drawing circles on her cheek. 
"I... What're you...?" Her question trailed off, unsure where it was going. What was he doing here? What was he doing?
"You told me to come for a check-up. Aoi directed me here when I arrived," he said simply, gaze searching her face for an answer to his own un-asked question.
"I'm... sorry," Shinobu said, letting out a breath. She had forgotten about that. She was being stupid, now. Humiliating herself in front of him, making him comfort her.
Her eyes flit down, not wanting to see his expression. It would be blank, no doubt. Uncaring. Or would it be mocking? Thinly-veiled disgust? She couldn't blame him. She was a Hashira, for god's sake. Yet here she was, crying over a stupid nightmare. Pathetic, that's hat she was.
"No... Nothing. Give me a minute, we can get to your check-up now," she mumbled, sucking in a shaky breath, trying to pull herself together.
There was movement, though she didn't know exactly what. Then Giyuu was sitting next to her, side by side. He took her hand, which had rested previously on her knee, cradling it. 
"Tomi... What?" she said, surprised. This wasn't the response she had expected.
She glanced at him, but he had drawn his knees up like she had, hands holding the one of hers tenderly. He entwined his hand with hers, clasping it gently.
She watched him, his face slack but soothing. She didn't understand. Why was he being so kind to her?
"You don't have to talk," he said quietly, noticing her staring at him. 
"Your... check-up?" she said meekly. 
He shook his head and said nothing more, his thumb circling on the back of her hand. It sparked a memory in Shinobu's mind, bringing her tears to the near edge.
Kanae, hugging her after their parents died. Kanae, telling her it would be alright before Final Selection. Kanae, holding her hand like this, comforting her after she had gotten injured. Kanae, her quite presence as her life slowly faded. 
Shinobu looked down, resting her forehead on her knees. Her breath was harsh again and she fought the urge to cry. She had embarrassed herself enough in front of Giyuu. 
Yet Giyuu seemed to notice this, lifting her hand so she turned her attention to him, pursing her lips together to contain herself. 
"You... don't have to hold back," he murmured. "It's okay."
And somehow, those words brought her to her limit, tears quivering as they slowly slipped down, creating crevices in the thinly layered make up she had put on earlier. 
Giyuu nodded then changed their positions carefully, scooting closer and drawing her onto his lap so she was curled up in his arms. He rubbed her back, resting his head against hers.
"It's okay," he repeated. "It's okay." 
She nodded to his words, silent sobs breaking through. And suddenly it wasn't because of her nightmares anymore. She didn't know what it was. But she felt safe there, for a moment. For once, after so long, she felt that he wasn't lying. The words didn't seem like an empty promise right now. 
His thumb, though hardened from the years of fighting, wiped her tears away so tenderly. She leaned her face into his palm, her eyes fluttering close. He led her through breathing, helping her calm herself. 
He breathed in carefully and she copied him, her breath stuttering with a hiccup. He rubbed her back, leading her through breathing out. In and out, in and out. 
She leaned against his body, his arms wrapping around her. 
"Thank you," she murmured. 
He didn't answer, instead placing his lips carefully on her forehead. It felt... right. She didn't know how, it just did. So she let him, let him hug her, let him comfort her. Let herself enjoy it, eyes closed.
"You should rest," he said softly.
She didn't protest, feeling somehow both emotionally and physically exhausted. As she drifted off to sleep, she thought she heard him say something, though she couldn't be certain of it.
"It'll be fine," he whispered. "I love you."
« Word count: 1144 » 
By far my favorite oneshot i have written recently :333
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myreygn · 10 months
Hey Rey! Congrats on the 500 milestone!!! Here's to many more coming your way!
This event is so lovely! If it's alright- I'd like to order a bouquet of Heliotrope, Holly, and Calla Lily with green ribbons and a wooden butterfly please :3
Address: Demon Slayer
Recipient: Sanegiyuu
I'm excited to see where you go with this (If you want to of course- if not I'm still wishing you a lovely event!) Please take your time and happy writing! <3 Thank you so much!
ahh thank you so much squiggily!! i had a lot of fun with your order (which should be obvious from the way ~500 words have turned into ~700 whoopsie) and i hope you like it!
slight spoiler warning for demon slayer as it's set post canon
No one has lived in the house for years and it shows. Sanemi isn’t sure whether he should be glad that most of it has been left untouched by strangers or sad to see it in such ruins. Though as his gaze wanders over the wall and falls onto the door hanging in the frame, remaining ripped to shreds even after all this time, an overwhelming sorrow overcomes him and he feels his throat clog up with tears. So the latter it is.
Walking across the rubble and dirt of twelve years feels like a fever dream. Coughing at the dust of twelve years as he brushes over the bed sheets and revealing the twelve year old blood stains in the process makes him feel nauseous. His throat is starting to hurt.
A hand carefully takes his and squeezes it softly. It’s cold, icy almost, but that’s just the way Giyuu’s hands always are and Sanemi all but clings to the one thing in here that’s familiar yet not painful to touch. The first sobs start to shake him.
“It’s okay.” Giyuu’s voice is so soft and his hands are so cold and he’s so there, he’s here with him and it’s not nearly enough to fill the void of all the people that should be here but aren’t. It’s somewhat of a start though. And besides, Sanemi is used to the void. It’s been following him for years. Although it’s never felt so heavy.
“Hey, just breathe, please.”
Right, breathing. He tries his best to follow the instruction and closes his eyes to focus. Big mistake. The images that flood his brain are anything but beneficial to him calming down; his mother, his siblings, the bed sheets are clean of blood, the door is intact and there are no graves in the backyard a ten year old boy dug with his bare hands.
An arm wraps around him and pulls him in, then Sanemi curls up against Giyuu’s chest and starts bawling. He’s been crying so much these past few days, weeks, months and yet it still feels like dams are breaking. It’s as liberating as it’s devastating and Sanemi can’t tell how long it takes for him to calm down. All he knows is that Giyuu’s hand steadily strokes his back all the way through and once his tears have stopped flowing, all Sanemi can do is mutter a weak Thank you. His boyfriend hums softly.
“It must’ve been lovely.”
“Your home. Feels like a place people would’ve been happy to live at.” Giyuu takes his hand off Sanemi’s back for a second to point at something on the floor.
The former wind pillar sits up, squinting to make out what it is. A piece of flower embroidery. He remembers this very specific embroidery on one of the shelves, placed there long before his birth and somehow always shining white, even though he had never seen his mother wash it. And although it’s as gray as all the other formerly white things now, the flowers are still clearly visible. Before he can grab it, he feels Giyuu tug on his sleeve.
“Look, matching plants.”
Sanemi’s breath hitches. A sprout pokes through the splintered wood of the floor and now that he sees it, he has now idea how he could ever not see it. It seems so misplaced, so hopeless, yet somehow so right- he feels his mouth stretch into a soft smile and there’s Giyuu’s hand on his back again, grounding him.
“Urokodaki-sensei told me nothing could ever blossom in a place where no love is stored.”
“That’s cheesy.”
“It’s true.”
Sanemi doesn’t respond, instead just quietly watches the sprout and imagines the hardships it went through to get this far up. Maybe Giyuu is right. He kind of wishes he had gone back home earlier, though deep down he knows that he wouldn’t have been able to recognize the love that’s stored here. To be honest, it still doesn’t feel like a loving home, not the way Giyuu described it. But that’s okay. Maybe, someday, they’d build a new one together.
[send in an order for the event]
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gaywiththesauce · 10 months
Wait one more thing oh my god I’m so sorry I was rereading your thoughts on my fic remembering Giyuu doing CPR on Sabito while I was writing I was like “wait his whole head got. Mega Smooshed. Why would he be doing CPR what is he stupid (yes)” but then. I pictured little Giyuu like dragging Sabito(‘s body) away from the battle and he isn’t an idiot he can tell he’s long dead but he just can’t accept it and tries and tries and tries and tries anyways bc he didn’t even GET to try with his sister so he has to try he has to and when he gets home to Urokodaki (alone) Urokodaki just takes one look at him sees all the blood on the sleeves of his little training robe thing and KNOWS because his eyes are so far away he’s just completely catatonic and doesn’t speak for like. Weeks probably.。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
Anyways. IM ANIME ONLY I DONT EVEN KNOW IF THEY EVEN WENT THROUGH FINAL SELECTION TOGETHER AT ALL so this is all just bullshit but. I’m so sorry please ignore me I just had to put that out into the world so it wasn’t torturing my brain anymore ok bye again I’m so sorry
I KNOW I WAS LIKE "did he??? did he actually?!!??!??" and I'm anime only as well but like they have the same pattern so that's my excuse. I say they went through Final Selection and now Giyuu cries alone :) also THANK YOU for sending me this bullshit, one person's trash is another person's food and oh boy is this the Good Bullshit!
I'm inspired for the angst after my long day today sooo
(No graphic description of violence or gore.)
Giyuu knows that it was useless to try. It was completely useless. Urokodaki's technique was only for people whose heart stopped beating and their chests stilled with the lack of breath. It didn't work for people who were bleeding out. It didn't work for people missing body parts. It wouldn't work for Sabito.
But, he couldn't give up. Sabito never gave up, so he couldn't either. The sun dawned on them for the sixth day, meaning things should get better now. The sun was a good sign, wasn't it?
His little hands couldn't move faster than the rate of the song he hummed to himself through broken sobs. The song Urokodaki taught him for the correct rhythm of a beating heart. Sabito's heart didn't beat like that right now. Sabito's heart didn't beat at all.
He couldn't give up despite his rational mind screaming at him the truth. It was right in front of his eyes, so he closed them and counted in his head until he had to force air into Sabito's lungs. Gently, he did so, but gentle wasn't in Sabito's vocabulary. He doubted if it would even work for him if he had a chance to save him.
Soon enough, his hands- entwined like he practiced on straw dummies- wouldn't go as deep as he urged them too. He didn't know what else to do. This was his only chance to try, he would never get another after this. He had to do something. The sun moved positioned and he could barely breathe with his efforts. He slumped forward, struggling to keep his eyes open as he passed out from exhaustion.
It was midday when he awoke again. Flies circled around both of them. Giyuu only had one thought in his mind. Sabito's body would not be eaten. He didn't have any tools other than his sword, so he went to digging a small hole in the ground. It was almost sunset when he made it deep enough to keep him level with the ground.
The shallow grave was covered with loose dirt and leaves. Giyuu did his best, he really did, but it was quite obvious that something was hidden underneath. He kneeled down, said a short prayer for him to rest in peace and to keep his body hidden, and turned around to face the moon.
Revenge wasn't his to enact, but one day, someone would be strong enough to decapitate the hand demon...
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aservantofgod · 7 months
Hello, my fellow fans!!
I am currently writing a fanfiction set right after Mugen Train, involving Tanjiro being completely traumatized from the dream world and struggling to overcome his pain. He hides it from everybody, but is suffering from his refusal to sleep, his accidental attempts to kill himself in his sleep, and crushing grief and homesickness.
I intend to have Giyu Tomioka play a huge role in this fic when he finds out what his little junior is going through and takes his hand to walk him through it.
I just wanted to know ya'lls thoughts on this cause I need some inspiration and possible some guidance.
How do you think Giyu Tomioka would react when he finds out about the whole disaster that was mugen train?
How would he go about getting Tanjiro to talk to him?
How would he take care of him? For instance working through his refusal to sleep or eat, due to he extreme stress and grief.
I know the show does not display it, but u can't tell me Tanjiro by passed extreme trauma and shock after Mugen Train. It was probably far more painful to leave his family, but far more soul destroying to have to commit suicide over and over again.
I can see him not being able to eat because he has basically started the grieving process all over again, and he is in mental and emotional shock from escaping that dream scape.
Which brings me to another question. How do you think his first couple weeks after the mission would have been, while he was in recovery? My thoughts were he would be in a state of shock or in a daze. But I would like to hear ya'll opinions on this.
In my fic, Giyu and the other Hashira won't find out the truth until about three months after it had happened. Tanjiro has been refused missions because Shinobu knows something is very wrong with him so he spends his every waking minute (day and night) training in Hinokami Kagura in an attempt to dull his pain and grow stronger.
Nezuko will be asleep until around the time everything comes to light, although we will see her now and then in the fic.
So, I would love to know what ya'll think about Giyu's involvement, how he would react and what he would do to help.
Even though he is so cold and stoic he really does care inside and I have always loved the idea if him being Tanjiro's friend and big brother.
This fic is strictly platonic, I do not ship them.
On a side note, would someone be willing to write a one shot on the scenario of either Giyu finding out about the dreamscape or Tanjir breaking down and telling him?
I ask because I noticed the Fandom out there does not have many fics that involve the dreamscape or Tanjiro facing his grief on them. I mean, I did find a couple, but having one with Giyu would be soooo good. And while I am writing one myself it's going to be a long work and won't be finished anytime soon. But reading a one shot involving Giyu and Tanjiro from someone else's perspective would both give me some inspiration and give me an idea of how Canon Giyu would react.
I don't see him being suddenly very talkative or pampering of the boy, but I think it would be accurate to say he would have some calm, understanding talks with him and would always be ready to support or embrace him when he is going through the worst? I think he would make an effort to be more ready to offer physical comfort, and would keep a close eye on him.
Anyway, please let me know what u think.
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justifiedthoughts · 2 years
A Bit of a Fever
Just a quick thing about Giyuu being sick while on-duty. Iguro & Mitsuri are there too. Also, it's kinda choppy because this is not only my first time writing for KNY, but I also forgot this was chilling in my drafts for over three months, haha.
Giyuu dashes forward, intent on finishing the conflict with the demon in an instant so that he may continue onward to prevent the possible deaths of many other slayers. However, the demon directs its Art upon him, forcefully displacing him dozens of meters above where he had been previously.
Breathing deeply, he ignores a twinge in his midsection, instead using the eighth form of Water Breathing to curb the damage that would have been caused by his fall. Landing mostly safely, he speeds back towards the opponent, who he can see has teamed up with other nearby demons.
If he’s not careful, he could end up back in the sky - he’s not certain if he’d be able to ignore the warnings from his body if he were to fall again. As such, he makes sure that he’s at least out of the line of sight of that demon, instead swiftly dispatching outliers, bolting in and separating their heads from their bodies before retreating back into the relative cover of the trees.
Soon enough, all that remains of the group are those that are knit together quite closely - including the demon that had transported him before. Giyuu pauses in his attack, recalling how there are usually at least two Hashira sent to deal with any reportedly grouped-together demons.
He wasn’t even called in for this one - despite his plans to turn in for the night, he simply could not leave his fellow slayers to die when he could do something about it.
Almost as if on a cue, he witnesses Mitsuri run in for the group, and he can see Iguro just behind her. Moving swiftly, he joins them in their spearheaded movement, splitting off when they’re in the middle of the group and immediately attacking the demon from before. Distracted as it is, its head easily falls to his blade this time, screaming at the realization of what had happened.
He turns away from it, already prepared to slice at another. However, in a last ditch effort, if only of revenge, it casts its demon art upon him - once more sending him high into the night sky. For a split second, he’s able to appreciate the cast of stars above him, picking out the constellations he knows. Quickly, his stomach drops, and he struggles with his spiking nausea as he orientates himself to prevent most of the damage from the drop. Using the eighth form once again, he lands on a different demon, automatically decapitating it. Distantly, he can hear Mitsuri cheering, but he pays her no mind, slicing off another demon’s head as he chases after a fleeing demon. 
Admittedly, chasing it is not his goal, but it’s a useful excuse for him to leave the other two Hashira behind. Only after its body decays does he stop, leaning to one side against a tree as he tentatively rubs at his stomach, swallowing down the saliva filling his mouth. He remains like that for a while, carefully listening for anything nearby as he tries to tend to himself. When it seems like there’s really nothing dangerous around anymore, he allows himself to sit on the ground, curling his arms around his stomach as he resists the urge to gag. That resistance doesn’t last long, as pressing a bit too hard at one point leaves him retching over the flattened earth, his throat burning as he heaves up his partially-digested breakfast.
It takes a while, but the vomiting eventually tapers off, leaving him heaving for air as his throat continues to burn, occasionally gagging emptily. He hears someone approaching, the cheerful tone immediately telling him that it is likely Mitsuri. However, he’s far too exhausted by that point to move much, slumping to the side as the cheerfulness is tinged with panic.
Half-conscious, he listens as another tone cuts in, this one calmer with a tinge of concern behind it. Likely Iguro, though why he would be concerned about him is beyond him at the moment.
Something soothingly cool presses against his forehead for a second, and he leans into it, mumbling a jumbled thanks as his consciousness slips fully. _______________________________________________________________________
When Giyuu stirs awake, the first thing he notices is a wet rag on his forehead. The second, the fact that he’s no longer in the forest like he last remembers. Instead, he’s in a room that he recognizes as one of the Hashira quarters in the Butterfly House.
Slowly sitting up, he removes the cloth from his head, placing it on a table to the side of the bed as he looks around the room for his equipment. On cue, the door opens, and he prepares himself for a round of Shinobu’s scathing remarks on his self-care tendencies.
However, it is not Shinobu who walks through the door; Mitsuri walks in, chatting cheerfully with someone behind her as she carries a bowl of soup. He watches as she continues inward, about to speak out for the table she’s about to hit when someone else stops her, pulling her back slightly.
Iguro eyes him for just a second, his gaze quickly returning to Mitsuri as she starts talking once more. “Oh, Tomioka-san, you’re looking better!” she squeals in delight, and he watches her needlessly fawn over him, placing the bowl on the bedside table as she rapidly speaks, switching from one topic to the next quicker than he can gather his thoughts to respond. All the while, Iguro is glaring at him as if he’s daring him to interrupt her, just to see what happens.
He doesn’t, of course, patiently waiting for Mitsuri to run out of topics to speak her mind about. As soon as there is a pause as such, he speaks, drawing her attention directly to himself. “Sorry, for being a bother.” “Oh, it’s really no problem! But, you really had us worried back there; you should really take better care of yourself!” He tilts his head slightly, staring at her quizzically for a moment before looking away, taking the bowl of soup and placing it in his lap.
Watching Mitsuri start up a conversation with Iguro, worry already fading to her usual joy, Giyuu hides his slight smile behind a spoon.
It’s nice, to be cared about.
_______________________________________________________________________ Afternotes:
- Iguro was totally worried. After all, what sort of demon could cause a strong Hashira like Giyuu to slump over like that? (Even after realizing it was a fever, he was still worried) - Giyuu phased in and out of semi-consciousness several times on the way to the Butterfly House, but he doesn't remember those times. - Mitsuri originally wanted to get Giyuu something sweet, but Iguro reminded her that he might not be able to keep it down.
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 1 year
My AU Introduction
My AU introduction by ElfCalledJAN
So these are some introductions and headcanons about my AU. I will start posting stories about my AU but in longer versions.
Words: 1183, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), Shall We Date?: Obey Me!, 鬼滅の刃 | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Anime), Assassination Classroom, Sonic Boom - Fandom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Kaminari Denki, Toga Himiko, Tomioka Giyuu, Agatsuma Zenitsu, Shinazugawa Genya, Hinatsuru (Kimetsu no Yaiba), Kanzaki Aoi (Kimetsu no Yaiba), Shiota Nagisa, Miles "Tails" Prower, Mammon (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Luke (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)
Relationships: Kaminari Denki & Toga Himiko, Luke & Mammon (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Shinazugawa Genya & Tomioka Giyuu, Agatsuma Zenitsu & Tomioka Giyuu
Additional Tags: Angst and Hurt/Comfort, multifandom, Family, Mama Denki, Drinking, Underage Drinking, Angst, Trouble, introduction, Not a full story, My AU, no hate please, a little fluff, family love
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47330635
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 1 year
My AU Introduction
My AU introduction by ElfCalledJAN
So these are some introductions and headcanons about my AU. I will start posting stories about my AU but in longer versions.
Words: 1183, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), Shall We Date?: Obey Me!, 鬼滅の刃 | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Anime), Assassination Classroom, Sonic Boom - Fandom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Kaminari Denki, Toga Himiko, Tomioka Giyuu, Agatsuma Zenitsu, Shinazugawa Genya, Hinatsuru (Kimetsu no Yaiba), Kanzaki Aoi (Kimetsu no Yaiba), Shiota Nagisa, Miles "Tails" Prower, Mammon (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Luke (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)
Relationships: Kaminari Denki & Toga Himiko, Luke & Mammon (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Shinazugawa Genya & Tomioka Giyuu, Agatsuma Zenitsu & Tomioka Giyuu
Additional Tags: Angst and Hurt/Comfort, multifandom, Family, Mama Denki, Drinking, Underage Drinking, Angst, Trouble, introduction, Not a full story, My AU, no hate please, a little fluff, family love
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47330635
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kakushino · 8 months
I'm married, Miss
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Tomioka Giyuu x Fem! Reader
Your husband is a changed man when drunk.
Tags: fluff, alcohol consumption, post-Muzan era (so minor KNY spoilers?) Word count: 0,8k
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Giyuu and you had gone on your customary monthly date night - to the lively izakaya you had first met at, introduced to each other by Tengen. It was a place that also served good food, other than the good alcohol, which was a definite bonus, but you were not thinking about any of the details of how or why you became a couple.
How could you, when Giyuu seemed to be deep in his cups and looking cute enough to eat?
A slight flush overtook his face some time ago, making you admire him with a bright smile. Your husband was so handsome, wasn’t he?
He took a small piece of food from the shared plate of assorted meats you shared, still a little clumsy with his left hand. He had an adorable frown marring his brow, his lips set in a pout, before he finally managed to successfully bring the bite to his lips, his expression relaxing as he chewed. 
He truly was a changed man when drunk.
“I love you,” you told him, still staring at him with a wide smile on your face.
Giyuu paused, blinking a few times, as if he’d just noticed you were there. “I’ll have you know I’m married, Miss,” he retorted neutrally, stumbling over his words a bit, the frown from earlier returning.
His answer surprised you. How much had he had to drink? Before you could tell him you were his spouse in question, he started to speak.
“I’m afraid you have no chance against her. She’s the best thing that has ever happened to me.” He jabbed his chopsticks in your direction, as his coworker Obanai used to do with his finger, accusatory. “You might be pretty but she’s prettier.”
Laughter bubbled from your throat. “Is she? Tell me more about her, please.” 
Giyuu’s frown was replaced by a completely neutral face, the only indication to his intoxication the blush on his cheeks. He was dead serious about ‘his wife’, it seemed. “She’s amazing,” he said breathily, adoration clear despite his expression. “My pearl, gods, what I wouldn’t give to hold her right now…” He looked down on his hand, still holding the chopsticks as it rested on the table, looking like a sad puppy. “She’s so-” he gestured oddly in the air, snapping his chopsticks as he concentrated, “she’s so comfort-shaped.”
Warmth bloomed in your chest, your smile turning lovesick as you took in your drunk husband. He was just so adorable, wasn’t he? He loved you as much as you loved him. 
“She’s my treasure, flashiest treasure - she’s always got this glow, you see?” Giyuu leaned forward as if he were telling you a great secret. “She’s beautiful.” He nodded sagely, agreeing with himself.
You couldn’t help but to ask him a personal question that had weighed on your mind for a time while he was out of it. “Oh, what about her bad traits? Surely, every human has a bad trait? Like, does she snore, or is she annoyin-”
“Absolutely not!” Giyuu looked offended at that. “My wife- my wife and annoying? No, never. Never ever-” he slurred his speech a little, waving his chopsticks threateningly in your face. “And how dare you say she snores! My pearl only ever releases the sweetest sounds known to man, but you-” he pointed at you angrily, “-you are hurting my wife’s honor, and I will fight you for that.” As if to prove a point, he jabbed his utensils into one of the meats on the plate and ate it, glaring daggers at you.
You were pleasantly surprised at the valiant defense of your character; it only made your husband more endearing, and you really, really wanted to continue teasing him - especially knowing he would remember this in the morning - but your bladder felt too full to sit still for much longer.
You excused yourself, which Giyuu ignored, still munching on the food with vigor. You kept giggling under your breath as you went to the lavatory, a sense of light schadenfreude making you grin wide, knowing he would suffer in the morning and regret his choices. Now however, you would enjoy the situation.
When you came back, your husband greeted you warmly, recognizing you at last. “Heyyy, my pearl,” he smiled warmly, leaning forward against the table to be closer to you. “I missed you - so much.” 
“I just had to go to the toilet, dear,” you reminded him with a soft laugh.
His flushed face scrunched up into a pout. “There was someone insulting you while you were gone. I defended you though.” Giyuu sat up straighter, preening a little, waiting for your compliment.
“Thank you, dearest,” you could only grin at that. Oh, you so would enjoy him remembering the night come morning.
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dividers made by the amazing @benkeibear
Network: @enchantedforest-network
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miss-yn-ln · 2 months
Darling - Giyuu Tomioka x Fem! reader
In which you and Giyuu have a rare, passionate night together before he leaves for a mission.
“Shhh, please don’t cry. I’m right here, darling.”
Warnings: emotional reader, crying, comfort, soft sex, creampie. Word count: 1.6k NOT PROOF READ
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Giyuu's hand was warm as he stroked your side lovingly, gently slipping your night dress up in the process so he could appreciate your bare skin, peppering sweet kisses along your neck and shoulder. He was always so caring when he initiated your love making, but at that moment he was so tender it almost hurt your heart in the most beautiful way.
"I love you," he whispered into the skin of your neck as his hand slipped into your underwear, cupping your heat whilst you gasped. A finger caressed your clit in soothing circles, applying a precise amount of pressure to get you breathing heavily, he was keeping a steady pace that never wavered, allowing a familiar tense feeling to build up in your stomach. He kept the sweet kisses at your neck as your hips bucked wildly, squirming to attempt to ease the burning tension heightening inside of you.
Your eyebrows furrowed and eyes snapped shut in concentration, both of your hands were clasped onto Giyuu's muscular arm (which was supporting him to lay on his side) in a death grip to ground yourself. There was a second when the heat inside of you was scorching, burning your body that was as taught as a string about to snap. "Giyuuuu," you whimpered at the sensation, head thrown back into his toned chest, you needed him to keep going, to sooth the commotion in your belly before it overtook you and burned you alive.
"I know, y/n. I know." He whispered in your ear. The deep rasp of your name from his lips was the extra pull that put too much pressure on the string, because the second you processed it, the string snapped. The ferocious build up was soothed, leaving an array of shivers and tingles to travel along your body as you rode your high out, hips dancing along with Giyuu's hand to prolong the euphoric feeling for as long as possible.
You let out soft sounds of relief that made his body burn up as you finally relaxed into him after your earth-shattering orgasm, panting for breath. He pulled his hand out of your underwear, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you back into his toned chest, you giggled breathlessly causing the usual stoic male to smile.
"You okay?" The raven haired male mumbled into your skin, a short kiss pressed to the same spot after.
"Mm hmm," you hummed, running your hand along his arm, tracing the veins. He could almost hear the smile in your voice. Moments like these were the times you cherished. Being with a hashira meant you were rarely with your partner at all; he was dedicated to the Demon Slayer Corps and couldn't give you all of his time, so the small fraction of time you got with him was held dearly to your heart.
The small moments you cherished most, the things normal couples take for granted: the touch of his skin against yours, his voice when he whispered sweet nothings, his voice when he merely said your name, waking up to his beautiful face, staring into those godly, breath taking eyes. Every little thing about him: the way he breathed, the way he laughed, the way he moved.
You knew he had a mission tomorrow that required him to stay for a few nights; you could handle a few nights away from him, you could busy yourself. What you can never handle is the gut wrenching fear of him not returning. In the midst of your thinking, you didn't pick up on your emotions getting the better of you, not until you felt the hot drip of tears sliding down your pretty face and the soft shaking of your shoulders.
Through your misty eyes you could make out Giyuu hovering over the top of you, one of his hands cupping your cheek as he gazed at you with those gorgeous blues coated in concern. "What's wrong, talk to me y/n." His thumb wiped a stray tear, caressing the dampening skin with the utmost care.
"I-" you chocked on the next words and let out a little sob, hands coming to cover your face in embarrassment. His eyebrows pinched together as his worry escalated - had he done something to hurt you? Was he somehow too rough? He maneuvered himself to sit at the side of your bed, legs dangling off the side; his calloused yet gentle hands brought you to sit on his lap, your soft thighs on either side of his muscular ones.
You immediately found comfort in tucking your head into his neck, hands gripped into his clothing as if it would stop him from leaving you tomorrow.
"I-" you took a breath and tried again. "I r-really don't want you to leave tomorrow." You rushed the sentence out, your voice shaking throughout. The second you were finished the sobbing started again, you shook with each heart wrecking sound, latching onto Giyuu tighter.
"Oh, darling." He whispered, heart crumbling at the thought of leaving you. It was never an easy task but the way you were sobbing in his arms just made it almost impossible. He brought a hand to stroke your hair, shushing you gently. He was never good at comforting people, he's never been good with people actually. But you, his sweet girlfriend, were an exception. The years spent together made it easier for him to love you how you deserved, to comfort you, to treat you.
You're sobs turned to quiet sniffles upon hearing the pet name. Giyuu was never one for nicknames, he didn't throw around words like darling. That one word, that sweet little name, brought you so much happiness and comfort than any others could.
You don't remember how long you both sat there, basking in the comfort of one another, but at some point you had both disregarded the clothes you were wearing during long passionate kisses, and now you were hovering over Giyuu's length, his hands on your waist to guide you whilst yours were wrapped around his neck tightly.
He helped you sink down on the tip, eyes closing in bliss for a second at the feel of your welcoming warmth. Slowly, he guided you down until you took all of him, sitting atop of his thighs as your legs quivered. You felt so so full, he was reaching depths he'd never explored before in this position, already brushing against that sweet spot inside of you.
You rested your forehead on his, the both of you just gazing into the others eyes with the softest emotions. You needed to imprint this in your mind. A moment you'd never forget. "I love you," your voice was barley heard, the slightest whisper before it crumbled along with your exterior and you had soft tears dripping down your face again. "I love you Giyuu - don't leave, please don't leave," you helplessly whimpered.
"Shhh, please don't cry. I'm right here, darling." He soothed you, the hands around your waist began lifting you, using his strength to gently bounce you up and down his length. He was bobbing you with ease, as if it were no effort to lift your body weight at all, to him it wasn't - a pro of being with a strong hashira. He has never been a vocal man, but the change in pattern of his breaths and the few groans he let out were an indication of his pleasure.
All you could do was take the pleasure he was giving you, holding onto him like it would keep you sane, spluttering all sorts of phrases that made your lover smile at your hazed state, telling him he was "s-so pretty giyuuu," when you took the pony tail out of his hair, running your hands through the thick locks. Telling him how strong he was when he bounced you faster, telling him how big he felt when he brushed against your spot.
You felt your stomach start to burn; you were climbing up that mountain once again, desperate to reach the peak, but you'd already been there once and your body was exhausted with the efforts of going again - you started to doubt you were gonna get there. "Giyuu! Giyuu I c-can't!" You whined out desperately, hands shakily tapping his shoulders in your urgency. The flame was catching throughout your body, travelling with a ferocious speed, burning you inside and out. You needed it soothed, you needed that tense pain gone.
"Breathe darling, I'll get you there." He rasped in your ear through his deep breaths. He started to thrust his hips up into you, throwing his head back in pleasure when you started to bounce feebly on your own, desperate to get the sweet release. Now that he didn't have to lift you, he kept one arm wrapped firmly around your waist whilst his free one travelled to your burning core. The moans you let out when his thumb started swiping across your sensitive clit were a symphony Giyuu could never forget. The sweet sounds and the sight of your breasts bouncing, the way you'd call his name and gaze at him shyly, he was entranced and seconds away from giving you his seed.
After a few messy swipes of his thumb paired with his powerful hip thrusts, you were gone. Convulsing and whining, toes curling and cunt clenching, you were barley making sense. The second you felt his seed being pumped into you was when you completely went blank, the only thing you could get was whimpers of "love you" and breathless whispers of his name.
You both stayed in that position connected as one, panting and caressing each other in the post-orgasm bliss, kissing each other deeply, passionately. He stoked the bare skin of your back as he sleepily mumbled "I love you y/n".
You smiled into the skin of his shoulder, "I love you Giyuu."
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mikasa-imadebiscults · 11 months
KNY Hashira NSFW Hcs
(Characters Included- All the Hashira besides Muichiro)
(Warning: NSFW, orgasm control, ball gags, body worship, mutual masturbation, mirror sex, degradation, praise, mentions of lingerie, etc)
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🌊Giyuu Tomioka🌊
- When it’s his first time doing it he will be really nervous because he doesn’t want to hurt you. But as time goes by and you guys start doing it more he gets less and less nervous.
- He would be a switch.
- When he’s dominating he goes gentle and slow unless you want him to go rough then he’ll try his best to fulfill your needs.
- When he’s a submissive then he’ll want it from behind (it could either be your fingers, dick, any sex toys if you have any)
🦋Shinobu Kocho🦋
- She would like to have a lot of control during sex. Like when you orgasm, how loud you are, what movement you make, etc.
- She’ll act and sound very gentle but in reality behind that fake smile she’s plotting something mischievous to break you down into a spiral of pleasure.
- Like I said before in another post, she would be a dominatrix.
- It will be very very rare for her to be a sub. The only time she’ll ever be submissive is if she’s in dire need of comfort.
📢Tengen Uzui📢
- He will almost always dominate you unless you’re stronger than him then he’ll have no other choice but to summit to you.
- If you’re not stronger then him, well, there are occasions where you are the dominant one but it’s only if you’re upset or something and he wants to cheer you up.
- He’s into lingerie, it will turn him on quickly if he sees you wearing it.
- He likes to watch you get dominated by his wives because it excites him and he thinks your facial expressions look hot as hell.
🐍Iguro Obanai🐍
- He would be a switch leaning towards submissive.
- The first time you guys do it he was really nervous because of his mask. He was afraid that you would think of him differently because of his scar.
- It makes him really flustered when you show affection to his scars.
- He often turns his face away from you whenever he’s moaning so you’ll have to grab his face in order for him to look at you. He’ll still not make eye contact with you.
🪨Gyomei Himejima🪨
- He has a low sex drive so whenever you guys decide to do it he likes to take it really slow and intimate. He will never be rough with you, even if you want him to be rough he won’t.
- Before he takes off your clothes he always says “May I?”
- He’s a switch, it’s depending on if you want to be dominant or submissive.
- He’s really into praise, on the receiving end and on the giving end.
🌪️Sanemi Shinazugawa🌪️
- He would be really into gagging you all the sudden. For example he’ll be pounding and pounding into you mercilessly and then he’ll shove a ball gag in your mouth.
- He’s a dominant, mostly a rough dom where he degrades and breaks you down but he does have his moments where he’s soft and sensual.
- He chuckles whenever you squirm underneath him at every little touch.
- Likes to do it in a place where you two can easily get caught, it gives him a rush of pleasure. If you guys do get caught then he’s quick to cover you up.
🔥Kyojuro Rengoku🔥
- He loves to worship your body, whispering praises into your skin as he places soft kisses on any parts that your insecure about.
- He enjoys doing it in front of a big mirror so that you can see the stunning facial expressions you make.
- He can be a switch, but he’s mainly a dominant because he loves making you feel so good (in other words he’s a pleasure dom)
- He loves to do oral while he’s blindfolded so that his other senses can increase and it will be more fun and exciting.
🍡Mitsuri Kanroji🍡
- She gives you what you want and when you want it.
- She’s a switch. When she’s dominant she’s a pleasure dom and when she’s a submissive she is very obedient.
- Definitely likes a lot of praise from you it turns her on like no other.
- She has a somewhat high sex drive so if you’re out somewhere on a mission then she’ll touch herself while thinking about you.
- She’s also into mutual masturbation.
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xxlady-lunaxx · 1 month
Stages of love | {SaneObaGiyuu}
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Theme: Floofy angst !
Note: Is it bad i can't say no
Spoilers! + lil cw for thoughts of suicide/implications of sh
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For a couple months, Giyuu, Obanai, and Sanemi had dated. From outside view, it had come out of nowhere. One minute, Obanai and Sanemi were shitting on Giyuu, next minute the three were holding hands and prancing about like a group of princesses at a ball. But really, it had been a progressive year that led up to their relationship. There were the first peaks of interest in each other. It had started, perhaps, with Sanemi. He was the most brash of the three, as was known well, and in the same way quite rudely honest. Only, his honesty came in handy in some cases, such as this.
There was a time where he had to go on a mission paired with Giyuu. It had been a quick one, only taken to the task for the Hashira because there had been several Lowermoons in the area. But it was around that time when Sanemi noticed something different. Giyuu spoke to him only once throughout the four hours they had taken to arrive at their destination, kill the demons, deposit the injured to a safe place and bury the dead. Yet it was enough to spark an interest in Sanemi. 
Giyuu's voice was quiet and collected, usually without emotion. There was something about it, however, that was so... graceful, almost. His words flowed smoothly like water, whereas Sanemi spoke like a firecracker, ready to light on fire. But it wasn't the contrast about them that caught his eye—or ear, rather. Nor was it the words, really. If you asked him, Sanemi wouldn't remember what Giyuu had said that day. But whatever it was, Giyuu's voice seemed to stick into his head, repeating itself over an over. He tried fitting other words into Giyuu's voice. Sanemi. The name 'Sanemi' slipped over your tongue lightly, gently. It was mismatched, really, to the bearer of the name. But it fit Giyuu's voice, his mouth. Sanemi could imagine it, his lips parting to utter the name. It was like a calm river, a trickle. He wanted to hear it, suddenly. Wanted to hear his name spoken from the lips of the man he had detested since they day they'd met.
It hadn't hit him quite that suddenly, no. It came gradually. Giyuu's voice returning to his mind several days after the mission. He turned it over in his head, over and over. He came to the conclusion that he would press words from Giyuu's throat, he would force sound from it. He wanted to hear him again, hear him speak, hear him say his name. 
The name Shinazugawa was crisper. It was like a breeze that took a sudden turn, then returned to its peaceful state. It was alright, perhaps, to hear it spoken in Giyuu's ever-so-soothing voice. But Sanemi longed to hear his name. Sanemi. Sanemi, Sanemi, Sanemi. Giyuu's bluebell eyes flicking momentarily towards him, then back to the task at hand. Sanemi.
One day, Giyuu and Sanemi found themselves the last people to leave as the Hashira's disbanded from their second biannual meeting of the year. They glanced at each other. Giyuu was all but expecting Sanemi to shout at him again, or maybe regard him with contempt before leaving. But he got something considerably different and it caught him off guard, letting a small burst of surprise slip through his façade for a split second before his face settled to its neutral, slack expression.
"Tomioka, will you say something?" Sanemi had asked. He sounded gruff and, in future days, Giyuu would come to recognize that it was his tell-tale of embarrassment. His voice was almost quiet, maybe a shade brighter than Giyuu's. And it was so uncharacteristic of him that Giyuu was unsure it was actually Sanemi. But of course it was, who else would it be?
Giyuu tilted his head in Sanemi's direction, not responding. He didn't understand this request. Would he be chastised for having a quiet voice? Or be shouted at for not talking usually? What was the point of this question?
"Speak, Tomioka," Sanemi repeated, stepping forward. "Say something. Anything."
Giyuu, deciding that he couldn't think of any outcome which might come from this—and knowing full well he could simply leave—he spoke. "What do you mean?"
It was more than enough for Sanemi. He settled back, leaning against one of the pillars on the corner of the porch of the Ubuyashiki's Estate. His arms were crossed and his eyes glazed languidly over Giyuu's form, intent in his own thoughts.
Giyuu got no answer this time, which he considered as karma. People often complained how he rarely—or never—answered. He supposed he couldn't whine about it now, not when he always ignored others. But he stayed there, unsure of himself. 
Sanemi nodded once in response. Nothing more, nothing less. And it was all odd for Giyuu, of course. He didn't understand.
He would come later to identify this strange occurance, would he run it through his head once more.
"Nevermind," Giyuu murmured. Then, wondering if he should announce his leave, added, "I'll be going now. Goodbye."
Sanemi stood up, then, straightening himself. "Bye, then," he said, walking away.
Strange, wasn't it? Giyuu had gone home, mulling the day over, then had decided Sanemi was tired and acting weird and brushed it away.
Sanemi, on the otherhand, had found Obanai in his usual post on a tree. He had climbed up beside him, leaned against a branch, and stared off into the distance. 
"What do you mean? ... Shinazugawa? ... Nevermind. I'll be going now, goodbye."
God, and what was there of 'Sanemi'? He wanted it—needed it—and it came as a shock to himself, even. What was there of Giyuu? Other than his eyes and his voice—of course, he was nothing! Nothing, to Sanemi. Nothing to anyone. But even that wasn't true, was it? Giyuu was becoming something. He wasn't sure what. But it was there. This small, nagging feeling that Giyuu was going to be something... more.
That was the start.
Usually, Sanemi was described as using his words in an almost brutal way. He cursed every other word, he spoke more insults than anything, only uttered a compliment once or twice. In his life, perhaps. But there were times his words came off as sweet, a honeyed tone, peppered with love. This was rare, no doubt. Would it ever happen?
Yes, it would. 
It shouldn't have been a surprise to anyone that Obanai and Sanemi's relationship progressed considerably faster than theirs to Giyuu. They were friends, of course. Best friends, even. Both found the other easy to confide in, often going on walks together to clear their minds, sparring or simply being in the presence of the other. 
In this instance, Obanai had fallen first. And he had fallen hard. 
Sanemi was someone to admire, if you put him under the right light. He was strong, he was honest, yet somehow caring in his own, aggressive ways. He would manage Obanai's eating schedules as best he could, bring small snacks for him. He was trustworthy, too. He could keep a secret—keep a promise. It was evident that nobody saw this in him, save for Obanai. People described him as explosive, angry, like a morbid dog. Behind his back, they would call him names, but tremble in fear were he to glance at them. They didn't understand him like Obanai did. Nobody did, really. Nobody bothered to.
Sanemi didn't mind insults. He only threw some back or ignored them. Obanai brought it up once and Sanemi brushed it off saying, quite reasonably, that people were going to say what they wanted to say and that was that. Either ignore them or waste your time being upset about it, it was your choice. And Sanemi chose to ignore them. He didn't give a single fuck what anyone said anymore, as long as they minded their own business and didn't bother him.
At one point in time, Obanai revealed his scar to Sanemi. They had gotten to the point where he felt he could trust him enough to show this one most intimate part of himself which only Kaburamaru had ever seen before. He figured that if Sanemi reacted badly, he would simply retreat from the friendship he had grown to love and keep to himself. He expected this to happen, in all honesty. He didn't expect much. But it went well, granted. Well enough for Obanai's eyes to open and take in all of Sanemi's cocky smiles, his tall form, his rough voice, everything. And consume it with all his heart, fall deep into waters of an ocean called Love, find himself too drowned in Sanemi that he no longer knew what had happened.
It had probably come in more than the instant it took for Sanemi to accept the scar. But whether it had taken hours or days or months, Obanai knew not. He only knew that he had sunken into this too deeply to get out in a matter of time. He was head of heels for Sanemi and he was not backing out any time soon.
Sanemi caught on, eventually. He wasn't an idiot. And Obanai was exceedingly obvious, flushing at any contact, averting his eyes when Sanemi pulled his top off during training, stuttering and stumbling over his words like Mitsuri. This was before Sanemi's eyes set upon Giyuu. So he considered it. He spoke nothing of his observations to Obanai until he was sure of his answer. Then he brought it up, so bluntly Obanai had all but fallen out of the tree.
"You like me, don't you," he had said one day. Not as a question, but a statement. He was gazing up at Obanai who sat in a tree, legs swinging slightly.
Obanai took exactly one second to register his words before he tipped backwards in his shock, barely staying on as his legs hooked around the branch quickly, making his body swing back and forth for a moment, blood rushing to his head as he hung upside down. Kaburamaru had gotten a more or less worse position, having fallen from his perch on Obanai's shoulders and was now struggling on the ground, tangled up in the grass.
Sanemi sighed and bent down, helping Kaburamaru up and standing back up. "One minute," he said to Obanai, who was helplessly trying to reach up and grab the branch.
He carefully placed Kaburamaru to the side then walked back to Obanai and tugged him down, carrying him to Kaburamaru and settling him down.
Obanai looked away, embarrassed, and quickly brought Kaburamaru back onto his shoulder, busying himself with the snake.
"How long have you liked me for?" Sanemi asked. 
"I never said I liked you..." Obanai mumbled, trying to defect the question.
"No, but it's obvious. You didn't deny it anyways," Sanemi said pointedly, crossing his arms. "Might as well tell the truth, unless you want me to throw you back onto the tree."
Obanai let out a breath. "Fine."
"Good. Now tell me," Sanemi said impatiently. 
"I don't know," Obanai mumbled.
"No? What about vaguely?"
"Since I showed you?" he suggested quietly. "I think."
"Showed me...?" Understanding slipped into Sanemi's expression. "Ah. Your mask."
"Got it."
"Are you annoyed?" Obanai asked tentatively. 
"Annoyed? Why would I be?" Sanemi said curiously, moving closer to stand in front of him.
"I'm sure you aren't into men," Obanai mumbled. 
"Nice assumption. You're wrong."
More silence. There was an awkward moment of staring.
"Then you're not into me, specifically," Obanai said quietly.
"Wrong again. How many times can you be wrong?" Sanemi asked, amused by this.
"...you like me?" Obanai asked, obvious shock lacing his words.
"No, I like Tomioka—of course I like you! Was that not obvious?" He paused. "No, I guess I can't ask you that, Mr. King-of-Obvious. You wouldn't understand subtlety if it danced in front of you naked." 
"Shut up," Obanai grumbled. 
"Mhm," Sanemi hummed lightly. "So, answer me, Iguro."
Obanai glanced up. "Hm?"
"Do you want to date?" 
There was some sort of shocked silence—mostly from Obanai.
"Do you want to date," Sanemi repeated. "You're not forced to."
"Oh- Oh, okay, yeah. Uhm. Sure," Obanai mumbled. 
Sanemi gave him a satisfied smile. "Alright then." 
And that was the start of their relationship. Romantic relationship, mind you. They kept it a secret. Neither wished to have publicity shined on their private lives. It started with smaller things but it fed to their affection to each other, making them grow closer. They found themselves entangled in each other.
Then Giyuu came along. Sanemi was, as stated before, the first to fall for him. Or at least find some interest that mingled—longer than anticipated.
Obanai saw nothing in Giyuu for the longest time. But Sanemi brought it up eventually, deciding he didn't want to dwell on it for too long. Obanai resisted the idea at first, which was reasonable. He gave in eventually, however, as he let himself try to shine better light on the man he usually hated. With this, he found his interest peaked slightly. He didn't see what Sanemi did, necessarily. He found himself more interested in Giyuu as a person, rather then why he was always so ignorant and bitchy.
It definitely took time to find himself fully immersed in this man—which was reasonable. Obanai's gaze was set on Sanemi and he refused to look away for even a second. But Sanemi's apparently sudden interest in Giyuu made him rethink a bit. He wanted, more than anything, for Sanemi to be content with his life. He didn't want to pressure him to stay with Obanai or anything that would make him upset. So he took the time to look into Giyuu. Maybe they could have some sort of relationship between the three of them, maybe it would make Sanemi happy too. 
To both his own and Sanemi's shock, Obanai found himself seeing some things Sanemi did in Giyuu. He found himself wondering how it would feel to run his hair through Giyuu's long locks. He was drawn to his eyes especially. The blue. It was beautiful, somehow. Not like an ocean that could swoop you away, no, but maybe like the little blue flowers that grew on the sides of roads, swaying peacefully in the breeze. Or like blueberries, small and sweet. Giyuu's eyes were a deep blue, like the depths of a twilight sky. He realized, over time, that he had fallen in love all over again. It wasn't as much as he had felt for Sanemi, that was for sure, but it seemed that in his attempt to please his boyfriend, he had ended up finding the humanity and Giyuu and things to like about him.
He spoke to Sanemi about this, after a couple days of wondering if he should throw away his pride. The conversation ended in both agreeing to talk to Giyuu first. After all, neither had been particularily... welcoming to Giyuu, so they figured that he would probably find nothing in them.
Giyuu, in fact, was positively shocked to know that the two Hashira who appeared to despise him most both liked him...romantically. But he welcomed the idea, saying that he could try to find something in both of them. It didn't come as a surprise—although it wasn't without its disappointment—that Giyuu didn't feel the same. Not at first, at least. So the three started spending a little time by themselves, away from prying eyes. The goal was, for Giyuu, to try and find interest in either or both Sanemi and Obanai. The other two—who had told Giyuu they were dating—only reveled in the time with Giyuu, not wanting to force feelings onto him.
But Giyuu, as Obanai had, quickly ended up captivated by the two. As he spent more time with them, he found himself immersed in their daily lives. It made him feel normal, too, not on the brink of death 24/7. Or at least that he could have a relatively okay life as of now. And with this, he could find the people inside Sanemi and Obanai which he had been mostly unable to see before. It was interesting, to say the least. And his interest was peaked.
He told them, after a couple weeks of mindless talking, that he had come to a decision. They were on a walk, it being a good day, and had finished sparring with each other some time ago. To cool down they'd gone outside—and it was nice, not too hot either. It had been a quiet walk, broken eventually by Giyuu who spoke up.
"Around a month ago, you asked me about... our... relationship? To each other?" he said, trying to remember the words they had used. 
"Go on," Obanai urged.
Giyuu nodded slowly. "Well you told me that after maybe a month I could decide whether or not I'd want to be anything more, or just not have anything to do with you."
Obanai let out a breath. "Are you going to keep us waiting?"
A ghost of a smile formed on Giyuu's face. "Sorry."
"Just hurry up," Sanemi said impatiently. He had been waiting longest, after all. Had liked Giyuu way before Obanai and had waiting for months for Obanai to accept this, then to fall for Giyuu too, and then for Giyuu to come to terms with his decision. 
"Right. I think... I think I feel the same," Giyuu informed them. "I liked spending the month with you two and... and I can see myself with you—romantically—if you'd still have any lingering interest in me." His words were delivered curtly, switching to his usual self as nervousness took over.
Sanemi scoffed. "Lingering interest? Bitch—I still feel the same. Stop being so fucking insecure or whatever it is," he said, crossing his arms.
Obanai mimicked his pose, nodding along. "What he said."
Giyuu's lips twitched into a supressed smile despite himself. "Alright..."
"So are you saying you're willing to date it, though?" Obanai clarified, wanting to make sure.
Giyuu nodded. "I think so."
"Think? Can you be more specific," Obanai huffed.
"Fine. Yes, I am saying that," Giyuu corrected. 
Obanai gave a satisfied nod and glanced at Sanemi.
"Then... we're dating?" Obanai said quietly, unsure if that's what it meant.
"Hell yes," Sanemi replied confidently, swinging an arm around Giyuu and another around Obanai before pulling them into an awkwardly uncomfortable embrace, laughing as they squirmed. 
"You're a lot nicer to me now," Giyuu remarked as Sanemi let go.
"What, do you hate it? I can be mean to you, if you want," Sanemi said, slapping the back of Giyuu's head.
"...I prefer you nicer," Giyuu mumbled, rubbing his neck.
Sanemi smirked. "Then don't complain."
"I wasn't complaining!"
"I feel oddly left out of this conversation," Obanai cut in, arms crossed.
Giyuu glanced at him. "Welcome to the club."
"Oh, shut up. You purposefully go out of your way to not talk to anyone. I don't do that."
"Fair enough."
Sanemi put a hand on both of their heads, patting them. "Let's go somewhere where we don't risk Uzui randomly popping up."
"We can go to my house?" Giyuu offered.
"Lead the way, Tomioka," Sanemi said and the three set off.
And then their relationship tilted and went much further in a spiral of emotions both sweet and bitter, leaving them in dizzying entrancements in the others' hands, lost in the darkest depths of their gaze. The relationship seemed to open up a lot of trust in each other, reopening past wounds on display for the other two to see. At first, it was a bit iffy and they tread carefully in the shallow waters of the shore of an ocean of trust. As time went on, their trust was built upon hundreds of many stepping stones. 
Obanai was, maybe, the first to depict his trust to them in obvious ways. Given that Sanemi was the only of his boyfriends to know about his scar, he had to make Giyuu turn away or force him to wear a blindfold in order to gain a kiss. It irritated him to the point he pushed away his doubts and showed Giyuu his scar. 
It had gone rather smoothly, such as Sanemi's. Giyuu still had trouble coming across with his emotions and tended to push them down or at least away from his expression. So his shock was barely there and he quickly recovered from it, placing a tender kiss along the rough crevice of skin along Obanai's jaw. Sanemi had been there to supervise, in case anything went wrong, but it all went by quite quickly and the three found themselves waking up entangled in each other's limbs, having fallen asleep in what would pass off as an embrace.
At first, they had kept their relationship a secret. But it got tiring having to restrain themself from throwing their arms around one of their boyfriend's whenever they met, so they stopped trying. They ignored any remarks about their relationship—though they weren't blind to them, knowing full well that the other Hashira were in complete perplexity over this—and went on with showing mild affection in front of others. They, of course, didn't want to put their full relationship in display, so kept it at minimum. 
Weeks crept past them, sometimes slowly, other times quickly. It was a gradual process of time that brought the three to a point which they felt they could depict the worst parts of themself and still feel safe in the comfort of their lovers' arms. Their ups and downs were experienced together and many times it was simply just the quiet presence of the other two that brought them feeling infinitely better.
However, its often said that good things never last. And it came quite suddenly, in fact. One minute, they were talking quietly amongst each other, slowly departing to their mission. Next minute they were admist a battle between Uppermoons, the loss of their master weighing them down. And last thing they knew, they were no longer three anymore. Sanemi and Giyuu found themselves the last remaining Hashira. 
For a couple weeks, they spent their time in the Butterfly Estate, crawling towards recovery. But neither felt much of the need for that, really. Obanai was gone. Everyone was gone. It was just them, now. The two of them, all alone. It really felt like that sometimes. And the silence of the makeshift hospital ward was deafening. There was endless time to be lost in thought but it often ended up with one of them in near tears, trying their best not to appear weak in front of Aoi who was much younger than them with many losses, yet pushing herself to the limits to tend to the hundreds of injured Demon Slayers.
Giyuu healed first. His injuries were lighter, despite having lost half his arm, he had lost considerably less blood than Sanemi. He wandered about aimlessly, wanting to go back to Sanemi but knowing he would probably be met with his sleeping lover. Several points in this time, he would go to the Hashira's graves. He, with the occasional help of the Uzui's, would pick flowers and arrange bouquets or make flower crowns to pass his time. He would place them onto the graves of the Hashira, and sometimes on the rank-and-file Demon Slayers as well. And Obanai's. Especially Obanai's.
Kaburamaru had been deposited to Giyuu at one point, knowing that he had been dating Obanai before—Sanemi had been far too tender to give the snake to, having nearly crossed the line between life and death—and Giyuu would place Kaburamaru beside the gravestone as he arranged the flowers methodically. He would talk quietly to himself, imagining he was speaking to Obanai.
Obanai had never been keen on words, but he listened. He didn't mind, he said. As long as he didn't have to respond.
So Giyuu would continue going there by himself day after day. Given his many, many times of solidarity, he would have an unhealthy amount to himself to think. And his thoughts often subsided in the worst ways possible. He would speak his thoughts to Obanai's grave sometimes, trying to pretend that Obanai was in his arms, listening. But it never worked.
When Sanemi was let out, Giyuu considered telling Sanemi how he felt. But he denied himself the possibility. Sanemi would be disappointed, and he was probably dealing with worse as he had also lost Genya. So he would bury himself in Sanemi's chest, trying not to cry as guilt filled his mind to the brim. Why was he here? Why not Obanai? Obanai deserved to be here with Sanemi more than Giyuu did. It just made more sense. Obanai and Sanemi had known each other for longer—at least had been closer for considerably longer. They had even dated long before Giyuu had intervened in their relationship. So why was it that Obanai died? Why not Giyuu?
And Sanemi would be silent, unaware of the thoughts flooding Giyuu's brain. His arms would rest around Giyuu's shoulder, eyes closed and head tilted back. They would be like this often. Silent. In fact, Giyuu wasn't the only thinking like this. Sanemi's thoughts ran quite similarly, his mind working up the hundreds of different ways things could've gone differently, wishing he hadn't been so incompetent. 
The unfiltered thoughts got to their heads eventually. Nestling a small space in their minds and expanding their homes until all they could think about was how worthless they were. 
Their katanas had been put away, thrown into a closet of some sort. They didn't need them anymore but the swords had been such an intimate part of their lives that they couldn't bear to get rid of them. 
The katanas resurfaced, however. Unsheathed. The blades, pulling their skin taut. For a moment, it hovered over their arm, or their leg, or their chest, unwilling to make a mark. Not another.
But then it was done. Blood spilling freely. It came as a momentary relief. They were feeling pain, they deserved the pain. But then it only stung, a harsh reminder that they were stupid.
Neither knew of each other's own hurting, though both felt similarly. For a long time, they simply avoided the topic of the gradually growing amount of bloody bandages in the trash. The towels, originally white but now pink from stained blood. They spoke nothing of it. Not until Tengen came along to check on them. Both were tired and weary, momentarily forgetting everything they wished to hide from everyone but themself.
Tengen had walked in and taken one look at them. Then he'd excused himself to the bathroom, stalking back with a roll of bandages he's supposedly gotten from the counter.
He had been furious and it hadn't taken long for Sanemi and Giyuu to realize that something was about to happen.
He had confronted them about the blood, made both Sanemi and Giyuu admit that they were hurting themselves, hauled them to the Butterfly Estate, chastised them the whole time Aoi tended to their wounds, then promptly moved in temporarily in their house.
Giyuu and Sanemi were both, somehow, shocked at the revelation that their partner was doing what they were themself. 
When they had been let home, the two had cuddled for a bit, silence casting over the room as their thoughts mulled.
"Are you okay, Giyuu?" Sanemi murmured, after a while. 
Giyuu nestled closer against his chest, eyes closed. "Are you?"
"Should we really answer this?" Sanemi said quietly, closing his own eyes and resting his head against Giyuu's. 
"Not if we want an honest answer."
Sanemi hummed in agreement, tilting his head down to press a fleeting kiss on Giyuu's forehead. "I'm sorry I didn't notice before."
"I could say the same."
Sanemi tugged Giyuu up, opening his eyes. "Why were you doing it, Giyuu?"
Giyuu frowned. "Obanai."
Sanemi's jaw tensed at the name. "Be more specific."
"I feel bad. Obanai saved my life during the battle at one point. At another, I was too late to save him. If it wasn't for Inosuke or Zenitsu or Kanao or whoever had moved him out of the way, he would've died. I wasn't helpful, and probably one of the reasons he did die," Giyuu mumbled. He felt a small sense of relief upon speaking these words. Often in the past, only saying what was bothering him felt like a huge weight had been lifted from him. He hadn't wanted to bother Sanemi, so he'd said nothing. But now it gave him a sense of nostolgia, hitting him right through his heart. He let out a breath. "And for you...?"
Sanemi was silent for a moment. When he spoke, he had completely changed the subject. "You know... you're talking a lot more now."
Giyuu tilted his head up, blinking, confused, at his boyfriend. "Huh?"
"Did you know that I fell in love with you because of your voice?" Sanemi murmured.
"No... I don't know why you ever liked me," Giyuu admitted.
Sanemi huffed. "Don't be an idiot, there's plenty to like about you."
"You changed the subject, Sanemi."
"I don't want to talk about that."
Giyuu gave in. "Fine. Go on."
"Well, I liked your voice because it always sounded so... smooth. Elegant, maybe. It fit your breathing form—water. It flowed like water and I loved it. Do you remember when I asked you to speak?" Sanemi asked, nudging Giyuu's head up to kiss him gently.
"I was confused why you told me to. I thought you wanted to berate me for having a quiet voice or something," Giyuu whined, remembering his confusion.
Sanemi laughed softly. It felt awkward, his face moving with muscles he hadn't prodded in a while now. The smile faded from his lips slowly. "I would play your voice over and over in my head. I really wanted to hear you say my name."
"No. Sanemi. I don't know, it just... belongs more to me," Sanemi mumbled. "Shinazugawa is my family name, almost everyone calls me that. I didn't want to hear it from you."
Giyuu gazed at him. There was a sort of longing in Sanemi's voice, as if he had turned back to the past and found himself wishing the same thing as he had then. "I can say your name all you want, Sanemi," Giyuu said gently. "Do you like hearing your name? Sanemi? I like saying it." 
Sanemi's cheeks were powdered pink and he shifted, pulling Giyuu on top of him as he gazed up at the cealing. "I do like hearing it. From you, specifically."
There was a moment's pause.
"How did Obanai start to like me?"
Sanemi gave this consideration, heart throbbing at the thought of Obanai. He didn't want to think about this. But Giyuu asked—he wanted Giyuu to be happier. So he'd give him anything now. "I told him that I liked you. He didn't like you for a while, but he let me like you."
Giyuu frowned. "Did he ever like me, or did he just play along then?"
Sanemi shook his head. "No, no, he did like you. He fell for you too, eventually. But he never told me much about it. He just said he was starting to see what I saw in you. A bit after that we asked you out, and you know the rest."
Giyuu nodded. "Obanai never talked a lot so I didn't really know what he did or didn't like about me."
"Would you have changed if he told you his opinions?"
Giyuu shifted guiltily. "Maybe?"
Sanemi sighed. "I noticed you deliberately adapting to my wants. I was more talkative than both of you, probably. I'm not stupid, though. I could tell you were trying to change yourself." 
"...well I wanted the best for you," Giyuu protested.
Sanemi mussed his hair with his good hand. "The best for me is whatever's best for you."
Giyuu huffed but didn't protest any further. He propped himself up by the elbows, gazing down at Sanemi, his hair falling from his shoulders. "Sanemi?"
"I love you."
Sanemi's expression softened. "I love you too."
"I also love Obanai," Giyuu added.
"...I love him too," Sanemi murmured. 
"What is it?"
Giyuu paused. "You haven't told me why you were... that." He motioned vaguely to Sanemi's chest where scars much too recent creviced his skin in a raw red.
Sanemi's lips tugged into a frown. "It's... it's nothing."
"Sanemi! I told you why I was doing it, you have to tell me why you were."
"...fine. I'll keep it brief." Sanemi reached up, pulling Giyuu back down. "Genya and Obanai." 
"I understand where you're going at with your explanation for Obanai. If I think about it, I can pin point several times I could've jumped in which probably would've saved Genya's life—whether or not it took my own. Same for Obanai. Kanzaki was saying something about it, but I wasn't really listening. Survivor's guilt, she said. She said that sometimes it feels better to have died than to have survived." 
Giyuu nodded slowly. "It's not your fault, Sanemi."
"It's not yours either."
There was a silence—neither comfortable nor awkward. More thoughtful, both consumed in their minds.
"Do you wanna see Obanai's grave with me later? We can go to Genya's after," Giyuu suggested.
"...alright. Tomorrow, though. I'm tired."
Giyuu hummed in agreement, nuzzling his neck as his eyes fluttered close. "Tomorrow."
"I love you."
"Love you... both."
A pause. I love you.
Obanai's grave was covered in flowers, most colorful that could be found. Every day they were replaced with fresh ones, the old ones buried like Obanai.
I love you.
« Word count: 5563 »
When you write endlessly more than you'd planned to
this was supposed to only be 1k words! Wth 😭
I liked writing it tho <3
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flametrashiraarchive · 10 months
So, since @desi-the-blue-eyed-kakushi fed me real real good with her Muzan smut I wanted to write something in exchange, and as per usual I got carried away and the Giyuu "blurb" I promised became nearly 3k words of smut and feelings.
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Stay With Me
Giyuu Tomioka x F!Reader. Childhood friends to lovers. A lot of handholding.
NSFW below the cut. MDNI
It began innocently. 
You and Giyuu were just kids, given barely enough time to catch your breath and begin processing your grief after final selection when you were sent on your first mission together. The fight was messy and hard. Other slayers died. You survived, and that was a burden you both would always carry.
By the end of the fight, the pair of you were so exhausted you could barely stand. Giyuu's sapphire eyes stared at the snow-covered ground as the demon's body crumbled to ash and was lost to the wind. Your comrade’s bodies remained along with the guilt. The weight of everything sat atop you both, crushing and relentless; the loss and responsibility far too great for hearts so young to bear. 
You were hurting but so was he. Giyuu’s heart has been hurting since the day he emerged from that accursed mountain and stood unblinking in the wisteria grove. Back then you hadn’t known how to comfort that scared, silent boy, but as he sat beside you on that first mission, you reached out and offered him simple solace. You held his hand.
“Giyuu,” you said, “stay with me. It’ll be okay.”
His hand was small and trembling back then, calluses barely formed and skin peeling where the hilt of his blade had rubbed away the top layers. The skinned peaks of his little knuckles broke your heart, even though your hands were just as small and battered.
His hand just hung loosely in yours as you curled your fingers around it. But he didn’t try to pull away. He simply let it be. 
You kept a hold of his hand all the way back home.
“Thank you,” he said solemnly as you finally parted ways at a fork in the road. Those were the first words he had ever spoken to you.
As he walked down the road toward his village, your hand flexed around empty air. You missed the warmth. 
The next mission you were sent on together ended in much the same way. And the next. And the next. 
It became a habit. He would come to your side when the fight drew to a close, his hand nudging yours, inviting you to take it. He never spoke much– which you didn't mind at all; his presence was comforting enough for you. Some said he was weird. Others that he was too haughty to speak. You quickly silenced those whispers. 
Giyuu was just quiet and sad, carrying so much on his shoulders. And though you barely knew a thing about him, he was your friend. So, after every mission you found yourselves on together, after every death, you held Giyuu’s hand.
But the years passed and he climbed the ranks faster than you did. The silent boy became a stoic man; his hand feeling larger, rougher, and heavier after every mission. Before long your fingers couldn't surround his fully, but you still tried. And despite the strength of his grip on the hilt of his blade, he remained passive in the gesture, his fingers never once curling to squeeze yours.
Then, Giyuu became a Hashira, tasked with eradicating demons far stronger than you could even attempt to fight. Your missions together grew fewer and farther between.
You missed him; missed the weight of his hand in yours, the constant comfort of his presence, the deep blue shade of his eyes. A hollow, almost painful feeling surged in your chest wherever you thought of him, but there wasn’t time to dwell. There were demons to kill, lives to save. You took the ache and pushed it down, burying it beneath your responsibility. 
And then the time came when you were charged with leading a squad of lower rank slayers on a mission. Your quiet friend was engaged elsewhere, and at that point you hadn't seen him for months. Perhaps you never would again.
You tried not to think about him.
The mission went badly. Your entire group was wiped out. All of them, even the kids you'd silently sworn to protect from harm. The grief and the guilt were crushing. If only you'd been a split-second faster, if only you'd stood an inch the the left, if only your instincts hadn't told you to duck.
You sent your crow to fetch help, and tortured yourself with what-ifs, sitting on the earth in that forsaken forest. Waiting… surrounded by shrouded little figures. Two days later a troop of kakushi arrived to clean up and recover the bodies as you stood numb, staring… lost.
You were so close to disassociating entirely that you almost missed the glimpse of Giyuu's haori in the corner of your eye. Even when you registered what you had seen, you doubted your senses. Why would he be there? There was no need for a hashira; the demons were all gone. But no… your grief-stricken mind hadn't lied. He was there. For you. 
He approached you silently, standing by your side, his knuckles brushing against the back of your hand. A moment later he curled his fingers around yours, firm, reassuring, but so gentle.
"I heard what happened and came as soon as I could,” he said. 
"I should have protected them." Your voice trembled.
"I know it hurts. You can't blame yourself." His hold on you tightened. "Not even for a moment."
His lips parted for a moment at the sound of his name coming from your lips, but he quickly recovered his composure. "Come with me."
Down the mountain he led you, away from the horrors, his hand cradling yours the entire way. His grip never once faltered. Even when you reached a village tucked away among the foothills. He brought you to a house whose door was painted with a wisteria seal. 
He had the mistress of the house fetch a doctor to check over your injuries, which were miraculously minor, and told her that yes, you would require food and tea when you couldn't summon the words yourself. To your surprise, he knew exactly how you liked your tea brewed and what foods you liked, even though you had never talked about it. It seemed he had paid close attention to your preferences over the years. 
He stayed by your side, guiding you gently through that difficult day. When the time came for you to rest, your hands remained linked across the space between your futons.
The sounds of his soft, slumbering breaths lulled you to sleep. And for the first time you could remember, you slept well.
When morning came, you awoke to the warm, comforting security of his embrace, your face pressed to his shoulder, and his fingers still entwined with yours. Sometime during the night you had rolled across to his futon and burrowed into his arms. 
With a gentle murmur he began to wake and opened his eyes a little; a sliver of deep blue appeared half-concealed beneath his thick black eyelashes.
His breath audibly caught in his chest at the sight of you curled against him, but he didn't move. Neither did you. 
Giyuu's shallow breaths fanned across your brow as you gazed into his eyes, caught in the duality of wondering if you had unintentionally crossed a boundary and feeling as though you were exactly where you were supposed to be.
"Is this okay?" you whispered.
He nodded once, and his hand gently tightened around yours. "Please… stay with me."
Heart thrumming against your ribs, you raised your interlocked hands to your lips and pressed a slow, tender kiss to each of his scarred knuckles. “Always.”
A sharp exhale blew across your forehead. You heard him swallow before he mirrored the gesture, his lips brushing against your aching hands, as soft and tender as new leaves warmed by morning sun. And when he had kissed each knuckle, he pressed a long, slow kiss to the pulsepoint of your wrist, closing his eyes, pulling in a deep breath.
Outside the world carried on as normal; birds sang, people chattered, carts rolled down the streets, but in your shared sanctuary everything changed. You repaid the kiss to your wrist with a kiss to his shoulder. He gave you an achingly soft kiss to your temple. You pressed your lips to his cheek, and he exchanged it for a kiss to the very corner of your lips which curved into a smile to mirror his own.
You were both breathless, pink-cheeked and dizzy with trepidation as the space between you closed and he touched the very tip of your nose with his. The warmth of his breath against your lips stirred up butterflies in your stomach. The hazy, almost drunk look in his eyes made your chest tighten. 
Bringing up his palm to cup your cheek, he stroked his thumb along its curve. He closed his eyes and kissed your lips; softer and lighter than mist at first, then deeper, and deeper. You might have missed the quiet moan which escaped him if not for the vibration against your fingertips which pressed lightly to the hollow of his throat.
Kisses cascaded between you, each deeper than the last. Giyuu moaned again as you slid your tongue over his bottom lip, opening his mouth to permit your entry. With every new sensation he grew bolder, pressing his body against yours, sliding his hand down to your thigh to hitch it over his hip, rolling you onto your back with his weight and pressing you down, once more interlocking his fingers with yours.
The soft smile Giyuu had given you as you exchanged kisses faded, replaced by a silent intensity as he rocked his hips against you, shivering at the sensation. Both of you were clad in thin pajamas, and the shape of his body, as well as the heavy swell of his erection were unmistakable. He groaned as he felt the intoxicating heat of your pussy through your nightclothes, both of you desperately craving closeness in any form. 
“Please…” he whispered, the only word his mind could summon as he pressed his forehead to your shoulder, fighting with the compulsion to keep rubbing his cock against you.
Heat tingled on your cheeks as you nodded in consent. “Yes.”
You were no less desperate, wetness soaking through the fabric of your pajamas as he grinded against you again. 
You were both functioning on instinct as you pulled off your shirts, and Giyuu’s lips closed around your nipple, lapping at it with his tongue. He lifted his hips and the pair of you pulled down his pajama pants, freeing his erection. It wasn’t the first you’d seen, but it was by far the prettiest– gently curved toward his belly, crowned with a sweetly blushing tip and adorned with serpentine veins. It was also the largest you’d seen. By a long way. 
He must’ve noticed the widening of your eyes, or the trepidation written across your face at the sight of it, because he released your nipple and glanced down with a worried expression which made your heart ache.
“You’re big,” you explained, wrapping your hand around it and giving him an exploratory stroke. 
A choked cry burst from Giyuu’s lips as his cock twitched against your palm and a white rope of cum shot from the tip, spraying over your stomach. He hurried to clean it up with his pajama shirt and collapsed into you, burying his face against your neck, red with shame and arousal. “Sorry, I’m so sorry. Oh, Gods, I didn’t mean t–I’ve never felt anyone touch–”
“Giyuu…” You placed your hand on the back of his head and stroked his hair, gently and shushing him. “Stay with me, it’s okay.”
His breaths blew hot and heavy against your collarbone, each one accompanied by a ragged whimper until the sensation of your fingers threading through his hair calmed him. “I don’t think I’m done,” he said, lifting himself up and glancing down at his cock. He was still erect, a pearl of cum dripping from the tip. “I…don’t want to stop… please…”
“Are you sure?”
“Very sure. Please don’t stop.”
You smiled and spread the cum over the blushing head with your thumb, arousal flushing your chest as his face darkened and his eyes fluttered shut. As much as you craved his touch, watching Giyuu fall apart was the most beautiful and delicious thing you had ever witnessed, and a part of you wanted that again and again. 
But Giyuu’s fingers gave yours a reassuring squeeze and then let go. He drew back away from your hands to kneel between your thighs. Inch by inch, he removed your pajama bottoms, kissing every bit of skin he exposed; your lower belly, your hips, your thighs, down to your knees. He removed the garment completely and glanced at your rosy face before his gaze fell reverently to your pussy. 
His lips were maddeningly soft as he kissed your cunt slowly, his tongue delving into your entrance as his groan curled your toes. His eyes flicked up to you, gaging your reaction before he traced the shape of your pussy lips, with his tongue. After each experimental caress his eyes returned to your face, so desperate to please, to give you everything he could. 
He lapped his tongue against your clit and your hips bucked toward him. “Fuck, Giyuu– that... Gods, yes–!”
Oh, there was nothing of the shy, quiet boy in his eyes then. Seeing your reaction, knowing he was pleasuring you well, tilted his lips into a smirk before they returned to their newfound purpose of driving you to absolute ecstasy. The blush on his cheeks spread as he licked at your clit, breaking away to breathe and circle it with the tip of his nose before continuing his kisses. His hot, wet mouth against your slick skin applying such divine pressure you couldn’t help but place your hand on the back of his head and sink your fingers into his thick, black hair, silently encouraging him to go on.
His name tumbled from your lips as you fell apart, grinding against his mouth. He savored every drop of your essence. Everything was new and fascinating to him; the way your thighs tensed and trembled, the powerful throb of your muscles as you rode the waves of your orgasm. He adored it. He wanted to give you more. More pleasure, more kisses, more love. He needed it. 
 As you came back down to earth, Giyuu kissed your pussy with such affection and tenderness your heart ached. He desired you, deeply and truly.
“I want–” he began, losing his voice to his shaking breath. “I want to be closer to you… can I…?”
You sat up, still trembling, anchoring your hands on his shoulders as you kissed him. The taste of you remained on his lips, mingled with the comforting scent of him. You wanted it too. You needed to be closer, to feel him inside you. 
Pulling him back down, you stroked a hand up the back of his neck as the other pressed his cock between your folds, coating the tip of it in your slick before pushing it into you.
Despite the fact he had already cum, he was entirely unprepared for sensation of fucking you. His back arched, pressing his pelvis firmly against yours, bottoming out in you suddenly and eliciting a cry from both of you as his feet slipped against the futon for purchase.
“F—fuuuck,” he gasped, lowering his head and gritting his teeth as his arms trembled beneath him. It was all too much. 
His body pressed to yours entirely, craving intimacy and closeness. He didn’t thrust–he couldn’t– he simply ground his hips against yours, the base of his cock rubbing against your clit as he gasped and the crease in his brow grew deeper. He was hanging on by a thread, overwhelmed and desperate to hold on, to make it last, to–
“Giyuu,” you whispered, placing your hand on his, “stay with me.”
He nodded, intertwining his fingers with yours and pulling in a breath. “Always… always.”
You held each other’s hand; that simple, innocent gesture of love and comfort, now more meaningful than ever. For years you had shared grief and guilt, loss and loneliness and the sweet comfort and solace you found in each other. And now you shared this. 
Giyuu Tomioka, that quiet boy whose hand once trembled in yours, now held firm and just as securely as you did him.
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peachdues · 1 year
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Because at this point, I feel like I need one!
All current works are posted. Take a look at some future WIPs, if you’re curious 😉
Thank you for the banner, @renhoeku 🥺🍑🌸
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Sanemi Shinazugawa
Bundle of Joy (Sanemi Shinazugawa x Hashira Reader): Part (1), Part (2)
Y/N’s diagram HC
2. Daddy Sanemi HC
3. Sanemi analysis
The Thing About Genya: (Bundle of Joy WIP)
Veneration (Sanemi x Reader NSFW)
Illustrations by @stuckinthewrongworld
Sanemi x Y/N as new parents
Sanemi x pregnant Y/N
Sanemi finds out Y/N is pregnant
Where’s my love? (Sanemi x Reader one shot): here
The Wind and His Moon (Sanemi x Lunar Hashira Reader): Part (1), Part (2)
Stress Relief (Sanemi x Reader, modern AU): teaser
Seasons in Love (Sanemi x Reader, modern college AU; all the Hashira are besties):
Part One
Succor (Sanemi x Reader NSFW hurt/comfort)
Phantasmagoria (Tell Me to Stop, NSFW modern AU):
Wreckage (Angst)
Skin-to-Skin (hurt/comfort)
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Kyojuro Rengoku
The Bitter and the Sweet ( Rengoku’s Bundle of Joy:
teaser ;
Spicy teaser
@stuckinthewrongworld illustrations:
Rengoku sees Uzui and Y/N after the Entertainment District
Rengoku tethers Y/N to life
Rengoku & Y/N flashback
Cliff side argument
@candiedchiliarch’s illustration
Rengoku tethering Y/N to life
Red Dress (NSFW)
NSFW headcanons
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Giyuu Tomioka
The Great War (Bundle of Joy: Giyuu x F!Shrine Maiden):
NSFW teaser
Music inspo for teaser 2
Inexperienced Smut Prompts (NSFW)
Sweet noises (Giyuu x AFAB!Reader)
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Modern AU music tastes (Hashira)
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Multiple Hashira Requests
I Want You, I Need You (Sanemi • Rengoku • • Giyuu)
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