#Gotta finish my homework and I can play again
beehindthesceens · 4 months
While I’m still on my Palia high can we talk about how sweet it is that Auni and Hassian hang out like 😭🫶 in one quest Auni tells player that Hassian was talking shit about them while playing cards and it’s like first off, HES talking about ME!? Giggling like a little school girl. Secondly, THEY’RE TALKING SHIT. It’s such a fun idea to think about those 2 goofballs spilling tea together. THINK ABOUT IT
Auni: Y’know Nai’o’s been slacking lately.. crop sales have been down smh… Mom hasn’t been very happy cause of it!
Hassian: that’s cause he’s sneaking off with his lil girlfriend. I was talking to Kenli and you didn’t hear this from me, but I saw Kenyatta SNEAKING OFF. AGAIN.
Auni: NO!
Anyways yeah I love them a lot idk if you could tell. Also FANFIC WRITERS PLEEEEASSEEEEE RISE UP. QUALITY DOESNT MATTER WE NEED WORDS!!!!
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cas-writes-stuff-ig · 2 months
Part 3 of Cheering Her Up (A Float)
f!/nb! reader x regina george
Word Count: 3203
The morning after the party
You and Regina go spend time in the pool together (you brought a duck float)
Regina shoves you in the pool
a little bit of suggestive flirting
some comphet/internalized homophobia/weird mixed signals type stuff
you're bonding with Kylie (Regina's little sister)
very mild angst/one-sided pining (at least you feel like its one-sided)
Part 1 of Cheering Her Up
Part 2 of Cheering Her Up
Part 4 of Cheering Her Up (coming soon maybeeeee??)
sorry i've been missing in action for like 2 months, life's been sucky. Also I tried writing some smut for the end of this chapter but I decided to move it to the next chapter. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it (I'm not necessarily happy with this chapter I just was bullshitting around a little)
OH ALSO i'm like about halfway done with that wine drunk fic with Leighton do expect that soon :]
In the morning, since you were slightly hungover, you didn’t wanna cook and Mrs. George went out for some errands, so you and Regina went out to get breakfast. You gulped down two cups of coffee to help with your head, then asked her to drop by your house to get your school bag. “Gina I’m gonna take a bit, I’ve gotta find something. I’ll drive back to yours soon” You got out of the car.
“Okay, bye loser, I’ll see you there,” She said and then drove off. 
You walked inside and you had to explain to your dad you were fine and you just needed to grab some stuff to do homework with Regina. He was indifferent about what you did or didn’t do, he just cared that you weren’t arrested. 
"Your family gonna be out long?" You asked after about forty minutes of mutual silence on your phones. It was Saturday and you both finished the little homework you had over an hour ago, and you had this itch to take a dip in her pool again.
"Probably, why?" She asked
"I bought a pool float, just say it's for your sister. I'll leave it here" you said sheepishly.
She was unimpressed with your excuse "Mmhm, you know she can't swim well" 
"Precisely why I got one, now she can enjoy the pool" You argued back 
"Fine, let me get changed. I'll meet you down there" Regina got up and walked into her closet. "You've asked to swim in my pool so many times. At this rate, you should just join the fucking swim team" She said sarcastically, and you walked toward the hallway.
"Whatever, your pool is just nice to hang out in" You left her room and jogged down the stairs to your car.
Regina walked down the stairs after changing, holding two towels and water bottles, she saw you sitting on the ground in a sleeveless t-shirt and your boxer shorts, blowing up a fucking duck floatie. "Hey G" you were out of breath "I forgot my swim trunks"
She tsked at you “You brought a float, but not your swimsuit?" She left the glass door open.
"Uhhhh, yeah. I know I know it was dumb" She walked past you, flicked your forehead, earning an “ow” from you, and went to sit on the lounge chair. When you filled the entire float with air, you plugged the hole and held it above your head. "Success!" You put it in the water next to the edge of the pool.
It was a pretty big floaty, it could easily fit two people on it. You carefully climbed onto the float "Regina, get in on this" You put your hands behind your head and relaxed, closing your eyes.
"You look stupid." She said glancing up from her phone, she was taking a secret photo of you. Part of her wanted to replace your contact photo with this one, but she didn’t.
You opened your eyes and scolded her "Hey, you could've said no to the pool, just get on here. Don't let my hard work go to waste" She started playing music. Wordlessly she got up from her chair and sat on the float with you. "Wow, I didn't think you'd actually listen to me"
"I'm taking pity on you actually," She said conceitedly, you just flipped her off and closed your eyes again. So you both just laid there, basking in the last few weeks of warmth before the cold came in full force.
The float had drifted from the edge to the middle of the pool. You had about twenty minutes of peace before you felt Regina's hands under your back and she shoved you off the float when you were least expecting it. A short cry of surprise was quickly muted by your head falling under the water.
You resurfaced and quickly grasped one of the flimsy plastic handles along the edge of the float while she was calming down from laughter "That was uncalled for!" you said "You find too much pleasure in my demise, Regina"
She faked her remorse "I would never do such a thing" she tilted her head to the side.
"Then can you help me back on?" you asked.
She grinned mischievously and crossed her legs. "No" she waved her hand like she was dismissing you "Swim along little duck"
"Fine then" You started to claw your way back up on the float, bending one of the edges and letting Regina sink in the water a little bit.
"Hey, what are you doing?!" Regina exclaimed as half her body was underwater due to your uncoordinated efforts. You finally got back on the float, you were on your stomach, and your head turned toward Regina. She was slightly irritated, and you just grinned at her. “You’re so annoying,” She said to you.
“You coulda helped me back up, you know? And if I’m so annoying, why do you still let me hang around?” your voice was playful. You decided to push the flirting a little more “You sure you’re just hanging around because you pity me? Is it for homework?” You shifted to lay on your side, head resting in the palm of your hand. “Or do you have a crush on me?” Your tone was joking but you were serious in your head.
Whenever you insinuated that your relationship was a little romantic, she would become testy. 
Your words pushed on Regina’s nerves, but she didn’t let it show on her face too much. She rolled her eyes. “Dream on nerd, I could care less about dating anyone right now. I’m not really gay.” She hated when you’d say things like that because she felt turmoil in her chest about the relationship you had with her, she didn’t want to think about what it meant. 
You knew her words were bullshit, the things she did with you spoke louder than words, but it still stung to hear her say that. You hid your disappointment and just said “Uhuh, whatever floats your boat Gina” She’s been like this throughout the entire situationship. Contradicting herself, going between acting like you were the only one in the world who knew her, or like what you had was nothing. 
This wasn’t good for your poor heart, but you were a fool, a dumb, lovesick fool, and you couldn’t help it. You knew she cared a little though, so you clung to the moments she had let you in, where you held each other like nothing else mattered.
She deflected the topic of romance quickly, “Go check my phone, my mom and Kylie might be back soon”
“But it's all the way over there, and I just got back on” You whined but you got off anyway, since she had a point. You grabbed one of the handles on the float and tugged Regina with you to the edge of the pool.
Regina snickered at how quickly you complied “You’re so easy, baby” You tried to ignore her, but she continued. “So obedient” Her voice was suggestive and teasing, your face reddened and you felt her words go straight between your thighs. You glanced over your shoulder trying to glare, but it looked more like a pout.
You reached the edge, stepped up and out of the pool, and walked toward the lounge chairs, drying your hand off with a towel to not get her phone wet. You looked back at Regina, “She said she’s gonna be home in about forty minutes, and it was sent like 26 minutes ago”
“Mm, okay,” She sounded mildly annoyed since you only had the pool to yourselves for less than an hour. Regina wanted to thoroughly enjoy the last few minutes of solitude with you. She got off the float “Come here”
You walked towards her, stepping into the water again. Regina had a hand on your shoulder, and right when you grabbed her waist about to pull her in closer for a kiss, you heard Regina’s mom say loudly “Hey guys!” as she opened the front door. You both instantly moved away from each other and got out. Mrs. George was holding some grocery bags and Kylie followed behind.
You and Regina already dried yourself off quickly, you hung the towel over your shoulder and walked inside. “Hey Kylie” Regina greeted, and Kylie gave a curt “Hey” back and then walked up to you.
“Hi, Mrs. George. Hey little George” You smiled and then crouched down so you were closer to eye level with Kylie. You stuck your fist out and Kylie fist-bumped you. 
“Hi, Y/N” She liked it when you and Regina were around. Kylie went on about her day to you. Regina was a little further away, and you made eye contact, Regina pointed at her sister and you, then mouthed ‘Traitors.’ You had to hold in your laugh and divert your attention back to her little sister. “Oh! And we’re going on a field trip to the aquarium in two weeks” 
Before you could answer, Regina’s mom called you all over to the kitchen. “Kylie have your lunch” She placed a plate on the table and Kylie sat down. “You guys hungry?”
Regina looked at you, meaning it was up to you “No, I’m okay. Thank you” you said. 
“Okay” her mom always sounded enthusiastic “Why don’t you invite Gretchen, Karen, and the new girl Cady to hang out with you guys in the pool?” 
“Uh-” Shit, you blanked on excuses
Regina cut in quickly “Gretchen and Y/N aren’t really on good terms mom, I’d rather not get into it” Which wasn’t true, Gretchen was in one of your classes and you were good acquaintances, which is why you and Regina had to be extra careful around her. Her special talent for getting people’s information was really incredible.
“Oh, okay honey” She moved on obliviously “I’m going to run a couple more errands, do you mind watching Kylie, Regina?” 
Regina took a quick glance at her sister who beamed at the idea of hanging out with both of you. “Sure, Mom” She wouldn’t show it much, but she really did care for her little sister.
“Great! I’ll be back around seven or eight tonight” Ms. George leaned closer to you “You both are welcome to drink whatever alcohol I bought, it’s in the fridge” She picked up her purse and left quickly. “Bye girls!” 
Regina had taken out the margarita mix from the fridge and took out two glasses. Kylie finished her lunch and then grabbed a juice box from the fridge, “Hey little George, wanna hang out in the pool for a little?” 
“Sure!” She grinned and gulped down her juice box, leaving it on the table, then dashing up to her room to change.
Regina cleared her throat to get your attention, then held up the two glasses with ice, insinuating for you to drink with her. 
“Again?” You rolled your eyes, she poured you a glass and handed it to you. You took it anyway. “Fuck it, it’s Saturday” You downed it quickly and placed it down on the counter, Regina smirked and poured you another without asking if you wanted more. “You’re gonna be the reason my liver gives out in my thirties, Regina”
She began to walk away, bringing the glasses with her “You could say no, and I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to sip it, not chug it” She stepped back out to the backyard, and then Kylie returned in her swimsuit. 
“I’m ready let's go!” She skipped through the house and to the pool, and you followed behind. Regina had already settled on her lounge chair, drinking her glass. You sipped yours too, already feeling the burning down in your stomach. You heard Kylie gasp audibly at the sight of the float, then she whipped her head around to look at the both of you.
“I got you a duck float”
“Because you don’t know how to swim” Regina added under her breath, but Kylie heard her.
She defended herself “I know how to swim! It’s just hard.” You placed your drink down next to Regina and walked over to dip yourself in the shallow end, Kylie followed suit, and while the water only reached about a third of you, it went up over half of Kylie.
“Take it easy, you just ate okay?” You were trying to be mindful, and you pulled the float for her to grab “You can hold onto the float while you swim too, but your mom should really sign you up for lessons” 
Twenty minutes went by and you were trying to teach Kylie to swim more effectively, but you weren’t particularly great at it either, so you opted to teach her how to tread water. You were in slightly deeper water now so she could practice, but shallow enough that your feet still touched the floor of the pool. After a bit, you successfully taught her how to not drown. “Hey good job little George” She reached for the float handle to take a break. 
“You want to get on the float now?” You asked.
“Yeah,” she said and you held the float for her as she clambered onto it, she sat cross-legged, then you let go to float on your back, still holding the float to not drift away. “Y/N,” Kylie whispered a little, “How come you’re not dating anyone?” You were taken aback a little bit and shifted to stand in the water. 
“Uh,” you thought for a second, also whispering back despite being a good ways away from Regina “I don’t know, but I’ve been in relationships before. Why you being nosey, George?” You kept your tone light. 
“No reason, I like to know things. Do you like anyone then?” She pried.
Her intrigue about your life was cute, so you entertained her curious antics a little “Mmhm, do you?” 
She started to pry more “No, boys are stupid. What’s their name?”
You snickered at how similar Kylie was to Regina “You sound like your sister, Kye. Also, it doesn’t matter, you don’t know them anyway” you lied.
Kylie pouted “I won’t tell anyone, not even Regina” 
“Okay, their name ends with an ‘A’” You whispered teasing her a little.
Both of your voices started to rise in volume, “That's not fair, there are so many names that end with ‘A’, give me something else to work with.” 
“Nope, sorry Little George” She crossed her arms and frowned at you, “Oh come on, I bought you a float, you can’t be mad at me.” 
Before either of you could continue your argument Regina cut in “Why are you upset Kylie?” She now sat at the edge of the pool with her legs in the water. 
“They won’t tell me who the-” 
You covered Kylie’s mouth quickly with your hand and into her ear “Don’t say anything to Gina, I’ll tell you later, I promise” You took your hand away from her mouth and held out your pinky “Please.” You didn’t want Regina to push you away, so you lied to yourself and tried to convince yourself that you could keep this casual. You both convinced yourselves this was casual.
“Fine” Kylie took your pinky, and you connected the tip of your thumb to hers locking the promise.
“Kylie, finish your sentence,” Regina said. Kylie glanced at her and then back at you, you held a finger up to your mouth, and Kylie zipped her mouth closed with her hand and pretended to throw an imaginary key away. Regina looked irritated, but if she found out you liked someone, she would force the answer out of you.
She was about to ask you, but then you copied Kylie’s gesture by zipping your mouth closed. “We’re sworn to secrecy” 
She just rolled her eyes at you. “You’re such a child”
“Hey!” Kylie acted offended
You defended Kylie “That’s ageist Gina” 
Eventually, you went back inside it was about 5:30 now. “I’m showering first,” Regina announced “Use the guest bathroom to shower,” She told you.
“Okayy” You gave her a thumbs-up, she had filled your glass twice just 10 minutes ago, and you weren’t usually outwardly drunk, but your demeanor was more bubbly. Regina walked up the stairs and left you and Kylie alone.
“Hey you owe me” Kylie got your attention.
Shit, you should’ve just told Kylie you didn’t like anyone, or that you were still getting over your ex. “Kye, really?” You lay down on the floor, that last drink was hitting you, not enough to be visibly drunk, but enough for you to have a blabbermouth.
“Yeah,” Kylie sat down on the floor next to you. You heard the shower upstairs turn on.
“It’s a girl” You sort of liked playing these games still, it was mildly entertaining for you.
“Starts with an R”
“So my sister?”
“Don’t tell her little George. You get no more details” You whispered. You should not have been telling a little kid this, especially her sister. But you were tipsy and with no one else to confide in, you told her anyway. “If you tell her I’ll take that float back” You kidded.
She held out her pinky to you “I won’t tell, pinky swear” You locked your pinky promise again with her. “I kind of like this one guy in my class” 
“I knew it, you little liar.” You sat up and ruffled her wet hair “So Kye has a crush huh?” She gave you more details about her crush. It was pretty adorable. Kylie detailed her crush being put in the same group for the upcoming aquarium field trip. Eventually she asked you more details about your crush on Regina.
“Why don’t you tell her you like her? You guys are always together.” Kylie asked you.
You hesitated when answering her question “Highschool social hierarchy is hard to explain, but being gay isn’t exactly great for your social status, plus I’m not exactly popular. And your sister–no one actually knows we’re friends aside from you and your mom.”
“But you guys are close friends, as close to Regina as Gretchen and Karen. And I think you are more fun to hang around than Aaron”
You smiled at her “I know, little George, you’re so sweet,  but it’s hard to explain why I can’t tell her.” You couldn’t outright tell Kylie her sister was essentially very homophobic outside of the house. “Things between us are weird and complicated, but I don’t think she will ever like me like that, thats all” 
Kylie frowned at that, you placed a hand on her shoulder “Don’t look so down. Trust me little George, it’s better she doesn’t know”
You both heard the shower shut off. Regina was in her robe and she peeked down the stairs seeing you and Kylie were still sitting at the bottom of the stairs talking. “Hey, what are you doing? Get washed up already” 
You stood up, “That’s our cue,” you offered your hand to Kylie and helped her up “Go shower before the beast gets mad at us” Kylie let out a little laugh.
(lowk i kinda hate this may or may not delete/archive this)
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pythonees · 1 year
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ ATTENTION — xavier thorpe
REQUESTED: @noneofyabuisnessmatey
WARNINGS: 18+, cock warming, chubby/soft bodied reader, teasing, my lack of knowledge in shooter games
A/N: y'all in my asks 'bout to me make me act up, short fic
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You don't know how long it's been since you climbed onto your boyfriends lap, bored out of your mind and looking for attention. He's been playing some shooter game he doesn't even like for the last hour, buttons of his controller clicking loudly as he runs around the map shooting people. You've got your head tucked into his neck, half asleep as you take in his warmth.
Every couple of minutes he's pressing kisses to the side of your head, checking in to see if you've fallen asleep. Whenever he's dead and waiting to respawn he's got his arms wrapped tight around you, or has his hands rubbing up and down your back.
Xavier has always been touchy, a hand on you at all times. His favourite place is your plush thighs, long fingers gripping and kneading the flesh like his own personal stress ball. Whenever he can he has you sitting in his lap like you are now, you soft body in easy reach for his eager hands.
It's a blessing and a curse that he likes your body as much as he does. You don't have to worry about his attention straying when he's got page after page of you drawn, when he's wrapped around you and smothering you with his love. But all the attention he gives you always gets you in the mood, and the asshole doesn't even notice he's doing it.
You can tell he's died again when both his hands settle on your hips, sliding down over your thighs before gliding back up again, fingers pressing into the skin so that it dimples around his fingers. Sitting across his lap has made your already short shorts ride up into the crease of your thighs, digging into your flesh and giving Xavier more skin to run his hands over.
Every time he's swipes his hand over your legs his hands would roam into your inner thigh, giving the plush flesh a squeeze before smoothing his hand over the area to soothe the skin. It was driving you crazy, panties slowly dampening with your arousal with his accidental teasing.
His hands move off of you to pick his controller back up, pressing a quick kiss to the side of you head before he's back in the game, playing as if his girlfriend isn't plastered to him. You hold back your sigh of disappointment, knowing this is partly your fault considering you said you were fine with him trying to beat Ajax's high score. And now here you sit, horny and frustrated in his lap because you didn't think it would take this long.
Resigning yourself to your fate, you shuffle around on his lap, trying to get more comfortable so that you can pass the time with a quick nap. As you move around you can feel Xavier start to tense up below you, the very familiar dying sound playing out from the tv behind you. Before you can ask what happened Xavier is pulling you into his chest, your hips sliding foreword and landing on the erection he's been trying to ignore.
"Oh," you gasp, looking down between the two of you to see his erection pressed up into you. Shifting back a little, you get a better look at the tent he's making in his pants. You drop your hand between your bodies, palming his erection through his sweats. He moans long and low, head turning to suck and kiss at your neck.
"Shit, don't know what I was thinking letting you crawl into my lap, been hard the second you wrapped yourself around me," Xavier confesses, hips rutting up into your hand to get more pressure against your hand, "gotta finish this though, if I don't beat him by tonight I have to do his homework for a month."
You laugh at his expense, cock still in hand as you give it an experimental squeeze, sliding your hand as much as you can over it. Xavier's hips twitch, head falling back to rest on the bed behind him. You quickly dive into his neck, sucking and biting at fading bruises while your hand works to push his waistband down so you can get your hand on him.
"Fuck, babe, I'm serious. I won't ever see you if I don't beat him in this shit game," he says around a moan, but makes no move to stop you. So you keep going, pushing his sweats to reveal he's got no boxers on, hard cock springing out from his pants.
"Don't worry, as long as your a good boy and sit still, I'll give you a reward for beating Ajax," you whisper into his ear, lifting up in his lap to give yourself enough room to take off your shorts and underwear, throwing them off to the side.
Quickly getting your hand back on him, you pump him a few more times, mouth watering as you watch pre leak from his tip. Ignoring the urge to get him into your mouth, you shuffle foreword until your right over him, rubbing his cock through your folds one, two times before your sinking down on him, pussy clenching desperately around him as you take him to the hilt in one go.
You give an experimental roll of your hips, both out you moaning loud in the empty dorm room as you both get what you've desperately wanted for the hour you've been there. It feels too good to stop, hips continuing their slow rolls against him that Xavier eagerly meets thrust for thrust. It's as the sounds of the respawn menu come back to you do you remember what your plan was, slowing your already slow movements as you ignore your arousal.
"Now hurry up and respawn," you say, rolling your hips one last time before stilling, your walls fluttering around him with the desperate need to move that you dutifully ignore, "you've got a Gorgon to beat. Then I'll ride you till you can't even feel your legs."
Xavier nods desperately, pressing a searing kiss to you lips before hooking his chin over your shoulder, hands fumbling with the controller before he's able to press the right button to respawn. Settling down against him, you give your pussy an experimental squeeze around him, smirking at the choked off whine he lets out.
The shooting kicks back up behind you, and you wonder how fast he'll beat Ajax with his new... motivation wrapped around him.
©︎ pythonees — do not, under any circumstance, repost, plagiarize, modify or translate my work.
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yudontknowmesblog · 4 months
Kenny: he would prob not get easily jealous
He’s definitely noticed when he did get jealous but not overly jealous
He prob just came next you and held your hand that time
But this time you made him jealous..
It’s so fucking cold “you want my jacket” some random guys tell you ohhh uhh…shit yeah sure but just for a bit *you take the jacket* “what’s your name” uhh..it’s y/n “nice my names Brandon” ohh uhh cool duuuuddee.. “you know your pretty cute” whaaat? “Yeah totally you wanna-“ he gets cut off my Kenny punching him. Oh my gosh! Kenny what the fuck “what he was being a fucking Perv” he says muffled by his jacket, yes but still that’s fucking stupid “what’s stupid is you taking his jacket” I have cold damn “could’ve asked me” he zips off his jacket and gives it to you and you see his blond hair, thanks Kenny your the best “yeah I know I am” you guys continue to walk to school and he steps on him while walking.
Stan: mmm he’s definitely a jealous type
He’s very clingy and needy
So good luck with that
Even if it’s a simple hi he think there flirting with you
As you were talking to the girls in class Mr garrison tell the class to be quiet and says there’s a new kid “is it boy?” “I hope he’s cute” “we need more girls” all the girls were talking about it and I was somewhat curious as well, the new boy comes in and everyone asks questions about him, what seemed to be an hour they finished the questions with new kid “okay your seat is right next to y/n” Mr garrison says, I smile at him in a friendly way and he sits right next to me (Stan to his friends the second new kid smiles back at you) “dude what the fuck is new kid doing” Stan says “he’s just being friendly” Kyle says “friendly my ass I know how it’s gonna be” “okay then Stan tell us how it is” “first he’s gonna be all friendly right then he’s gonna ask her to help him around the school then he’s gonna be like oh I can’t do this homework can you he-“ Stan gets cut off my Kyle “look dude it’s not that serious calm down” “fine fine but just watch” after class I walk out and new kid follows me (Stan ofc giving new kid death stares) “so I was wondering if you could help me around the school” oh yeah totally “sweet see you later then” as new kid is walking Stan grabs new kids arm “yo what the hell” new kid says “look new kid I know your new and stuff but like you shouldn’t trust that girl” “why?” “Ohhh sheeeee.. she bullies new kids like you” “wait really?” “Yes and your too stupid to know because your new and stuff” “mmm that’s fine with me she’s still cute” Stan pauses for a second and looks at him annoyed “what?” (They fought and ofc Stan won but you had to give him many bandaids and kisses)
Kyle: not a jealous type
He respects you and your friends
He understands there’s other boys
Honestly really chill
Not gonna make a story but I’ll say if he’s really jealous he would hold your hand or put hands all over your waist
A very respectful man!
Butters: is probably too dumb to understand all this jealously stuff
But he’s definitely been jealous once or twice
“Y/n and Clyde” Mr garrison said, he was giving out partners for a project
“So you should come to my house we have games and stuff we can play after the project” yeah that sounds good to me “alright then see you there” as your walking you see butters run up to you and hug you “oh geez sorry I’m just happy to see you again” aww I missed you to “s-so you got anywhere to be today?” Oh yeah I gotta go to Clyde’s, butters froze and his eyes were wide “why?” For the project butters “you promise it’s just a project?” And some games “what! B-but that’s a boy” yeah I know “and we are together this is weird!” Cmon butters it’s nothing bad I promise I love you and only you *you kiss him on the cheek* “o-oh geez” butters says with red cheeks and smiling and wobbilibg I’ll see you tomorrow bye butters I love you “I love you more” butters says with literal heart eyes (butters was talking to Clyde the next day)
Clyde: yeah me and y/n were
Butters: oh yeah my girlfriend
Clyde:..uh yeah we were having so much-
Butters: oh yeah well me and her like have an amazing time everyday.. and get your own girlfriend
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adriennebarnes · 1 year
Dirty Little Secret
Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x Latine/Hispanic Normie!Reader
Summary: Xavier Thorpe has a normie girlfriend. The problem is, Y/N’s parents don’t know about him.
Warnings: Some Spanish with translations, Boyfriend!Xavier, some pop culture references.
A/N: first Xavier Thorpe fix ever, first fanfic on tumblr in a year or two, comment of you want more fanfics, I do requests
Y/N was in her bedroom doing homework on her desk while listening to music with her headphones on. She was singing quietly to “Tras de mí” by RBD.
“Una guitarra, mi niñez, la escuela y mi primera vez…” Y/N was singing while Xavier was outside her house, trying to figure out how to climb to the second story window without alarming her parents who were in the kitchen cooking.
Xavier started climbing the tree that was right outside Y/N’s window and jumped from the branch to terrace. Y/N took out her left earbud after hearing the crash, “hmm, must be the dog” she thought. Her dog was notorious for causing her parents to knock into stuff, they were small and always in the way. She jumped when she heard a knock on the window “ay, chingada madre (oh fuck)” and she turned around to see Xavier.
“Can you let me in? Your neighbors are staring at me and I kinda don’t wanna end up in a jail cell…again.” Xavier said as he rubs his arms to create some warmth. Y/N moved away from her desk to open the window for her cute yet dumb boyfriend.
“What the hell are you doing here? You scared me half to death, my parents are right down stairs!” Y/N whisper shouted as she let Xavier in. “I wanted to see my girlfriend if that’s okay. And I know, I saw them.”
“You could have at least let me know you were coming,” Y/N said sitting on her bed. “I did text, you were too busy listening to music.” Xavier said, showing Y/N his phone with all the texts he sent you.
“Okay, so you did, but…” Y/N was interrupted by her dad “Amor, quieres comer? Tu mamá hizo arroz mexicano con costillas al horno! (Love, do you want to eat? Your mom made Mexican rice with baked ribs.)”
“Ahorita bajo papi! (I’m coming!) So I gotta go down to eat.” Y/N said as she was getting off the bed, but Xavier also got off “Oh great, I’m starving, what are we having?” Y/N rolled her eyes “well I’m having rice and ribs, you are staying here.”
“Oh come on, sweetheart, I missed dinner to come here, I’m hungry, please let me eat.” Xavier said, looking at you with puppy eyes. “Ugh, I’ll see if I can distract my parents long enough so you can make yourself a plate, just be careful with Sirius.”
“Your dog loves me, I’m pretty sure I’m safe.” Xavier said. Y/N went downstairs first so she could talk to her parents. She sees Sirius in his doggie bed, chewing his favorite toy. “Oye, puedo hablar con ustedes? Se trata del colegio (Hey, Can i talk to you? It’s about school)” Y/N did a hand motion while they went to the dining room to signal Xavier Can go into the kitchen to make himself a plate.
“Claro que si, princesa, qué pasa en el colegio? Tienes un problema con la tarea, con tus compañeros? (Of course, princess, what’s going on in school? Do you have trouble with the homework, with your classmates?)?” Y/N’s mom asked, as Y/N gives them an explanation, Xavier was serving himself rice and got two ribs from the baking pan, when he was about to go back upstairs, Sirius saw him and was wagging his tail, squeezing his toy so Xavier can play with him.
“I cant play right now, buddy, I gotta eat.” But as he goes upstairs, Sirius starts barking. “Oh come on man, i thought you loved me!” Xavier whined as Sirius didn’t stop barking. “Sirius, por qué ladras? (why are you barking)” Y/N’s dad asked as he was going to check on Sirius so Y/N got up to try and block him but she already saw Xavier gone. “Papi, es un perrito, ladra a todo, no pasa nada (dad, he’s a small dog, he barks at everything, it’s nothing).” Y/N sighed in relief as she sat down with her parents to eat. When they finished, there was another empty plate which was Xavier’s so Y/N grabbed it quick and put it in the sink to wash them before her parents would ask questions. After that, she went back to her room to see Xavier laying down, watching videos on his phone.
“The food was delicious, but the ribs need barbecue sauce.” Xavier commented, Y/N rolled her eyes “We’re Latino, Xavier, we will eat ribs with rice and that’s the end of it.” Y/N said as she sat on her bed next to Xavier. “You have no idea the panic you caused me when Sirius started barking, I for sure thought we were going to get caught.”
“Yeah, Sirius worried me too but he’s good, he just wanted to play though. You have no idea how hard it was to sneak out of Nevermore. The new principal is nothing like Weems.” Xavier said, sitting up. They both started talking about school and asked each other how their friends are doing. “Hold on, so Wednesday has a stalker now? That sounds very Pretty Little Liars and Control Z” Y/N commented.
“I still haven’t watched Control Z.” Xavier said, Y/N was going to say something until her dad knocked on the door, “Shit, hide in the closet.” Y/N said pushing him into the closet. “I’m 6’2, I don’t think I’m gonna fit.” Xavier voiced his concern. “Just squeeze in!” Y/N whisper shouted and opened the door.
“Hola papi, querías algo? (Hey dad, did you want something)” Y/N asked. “Sí, tu mamá hizo chocolate caliente para comer con el pan dulce que compró ayer, quiere chocolate caliente? (Yes, your mom made hot chocolate to eat with the bread she bought yesterday, you want hot chocolate?” Her dad asked, knowing how much you love Mexican hot chocolate. “No quiero chocolate caliente ahorita, papi, de verdad estoy bien (i don’t want hot chocolate right now, dad, honestly I’m fine)” Y/N said, hoping her dad got the hint to leave but he didn’t, “Bueno está bien, no mas que recuerdo que una vez dijiste que querías vivir en una casa de chocolate. (Alright, i just remembered that one time you told me you wanted to live in a chocolate house.” Her dad said, walking away. “Tenía nueve años, ya supéralo, papi! (I was nine years old, let it go)” Y/N closed the door and saw Xavier staring at her with a dopey smile.
“A chocolate house?” Xavier asked and Y/N just rolled her eyes but was also shocked that he knew that. “Hey, i was in normie school once, i took Spanish classes, I understood like…a quarter of that conversation.” Xavier said, walking towards Y/N to kiss her. Y/N tiled into the kiss. “If you ever want to meet my parents, you gotta know Spanish.”
“Well maybe if I had a hot Spanish tutor I will feel motivated to learn the language. I’m talking about you, in case you haven’t noticed.” Xavier said leaning down to kiss her again. “Yeah, I noticed. But you gotta go back to Nevermore before your new principal freaks out on you.” You said and opened the window for Xavier to leave. They kissed one more time before Xavier climbed down the tree but he moved his foot wrong and just fell off 4 feet above the ground, landing on his back with a thud. “I’m okay!” Xavier yelled, looking at Y/N with a thumbs up. Y/N closed the window.
Xavier rode Enid’s bike back to Nevermore and snuck into his dorm and was shocked to see Ajax on his bed. “Dude, what are you doing in my room?” Xavier asked. “Waiting for you, obviously. How did it go with your secret girlfriend? When will I meet her, man?!? Enid has been begging me to meet her so we can go on double dates like she has seen on movies.”
“You’ll meet her soon enough. And it went really well.” Xavier said with a dreamy smile on his face.
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ibbythebee · 1 year
Late Night Study
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»»————- ➴ ————-««
pairing: college!peter parker x reader
genre: fluff, such big fluff and smut
summary: Peter’s having trouble with his homework, and you help him out... in more ways than one. And a scene inspired by 'Fangirl' by Rainbow Rowell
warnings: 18+ content, because there is sexy time and tiny bit of swearing. No established relationship. This is protected sex, and vanilla, because it's my favourite flavour. Also consent is sexy.
words: 3.6k
You’re ready for bed. Skincare done, pyjamas on, teeth brushed and now melting into the mattress of your bed, sinking underneath the mountain of plushies, just enough so you can still see the computer screen on your lap, playing a movie. 
You finished your work for the night and felt accomplished enough to reward yourself with a lazy night in. As far as you were aware, your neighbours from your floor had dolled up to go out. At first you considered it, but Peter had just recommended you to watch the movie About Time, and you knew you were not going to get to sleep unless you fed into your curiosity.
Peter was right. The movie was amazing. By the end you felt so warm, soft and complete, that had you not heard the knock on your door, you would’ve been out cold.
You rub your eyes and don’t move for a moment. Maybe you were just hearing things.
The knock comes back, and this time there’s a rhythm to it. You smile, knowing the culprit.
“Come in!” You yell, “you know my door’s carded.”
Familiar brown curls peek from the door and then Peter’s there, closing the door quietly behind him. He barely sees you beneath the plushies and chuckles, immediately dropping his belongings by your bed. He speaks to you through his eyes for a moment, and when he goes limp you immediately tense up, knowing exactly what he's about to do.
He ignores your squeal, landing right on top of you and the soft objects. "Ah, so soft." His head buries into the blankets, fully aware of his dead-weight crushing you. 
“Get...” you squirm underneath him, pushing upwards, shifting your legs to try and escape, but to no avail. Giggles pass your lips as you squeal again, “get off me! I can’t freakin’ move!”
His laugh rumbles against your body, and after a few minutes he finally rolls off, reaching down to grab his bag from where he dropped it. “Alright, but for real, I was actually wondering if you could help me study for a bit?”
You both straighten up, to look over his work book. It’s a bit awkward for you, so you shuffle across your bed, and tug on his hoody till he moves to sit beside you, backs pressing against the plushies. 
“Well, what do you need help with? This is very unorthodox, Pete.”
He laughs, combing fingers through his hair. The action does little to keep his locks away from his forehead. They droop right back down and it takes everything in you not to reach up, push the strands to the side and kiss his forehead. 
Peter takes you out of your trance, flipping to a page of his notebook and then his textbook, resting half of it on your thighs. “This section.”
You gloss over the text, and then look at his notes. He’s silent as you do this, watching your previously playful expression turn quickly to concentration. 
Peter thinks you’re cute when you’re focused. Something about the way you seem to be in another world, the way you can recite pages of text about different technology, physics, designs, and be humble about your abilities at the end of the day. Bonus was, he could stare at your face for a while and you wouldn’t mind, because you just wouldn’t know that he was observing.
“I can help you,” you finally say, “but it’s like 1am.”
“I know, I know. I’m sorry, but I gotta get this done for tomorrow. My tutor’s been on my back about this since the start of semester.”
You make a face at him, “you have Flynn, right?”
“Exactly!” He laughs when you give a dramatic shudder of your shoulders. The older man was a good teacher, yet all anyone remembers from his class is the smell; as though he hadn’t showered in a month, and then tried to mask it with spray deodorant. “And you know what he told me? He said that you aced your exam, and that I need to come to you for help.”
“Nah, I don’t believe you.”
“He also said you’re like really pretty or whatever, so I have to come to you anyway.”
Your face feels warm, and you drop your head when you smile. You respond coyly, “yeah, now I believe you.”
“So, you’ll help me out? I can make it up to you.”
“I was gonna help you out anyway, but I’m listening. What’s my reward?” You had an inflection to your question, which you hoped Peter wouldn’t miss, though at the same time, hoped he'd dismiss as a joke.
He licks his lips, and then nudges your shoulder with his. “It’s a secret. Let’s study for a bit, and then I’ll give you your reward.”
Now, he definitely had meant something when he said ‘reward’. It sent a hot flush to your cheeks, and you press your thighs together subconsciously.
“Yes, sir.”
»»————- ➴ ————-««
“Historical uses of engineering. Progress is not made without recalling our past.” You were reading out loud, voice low. At first you would read and then quiz Peter to see if he remembered anything about what you recited.
It was no surprise to you that after a few minutes you both made an unspoken decision to let you keep reading without stopping for quizzes. There wasn’t enough time in the night for quizzing and Peter’s brain was like a sponge.
“Ancient era, middle era, renaissance era, and modern day--”
You cut yourself off, shifting uncomfortably. Suddenly your neck and back were all sore, and you found no escape for the pain. “Sorry,” you mutter, massaging the corner where your neck curves into your shoulder.
“Wait, what about this?” Peter moves a few of the plushies to your desk and situates himself right in the middle of the bed, his back against your pillows.
You move up to your knees as his legs and arms spread. A bold invitation, to which you accept without hesitation. Turning around you fall between his legs and press your back against his chest.
“Better?” He gently asks.
“Not quite.”
As though he could read your mind he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer.
“That’s better,” you add in barely a whisper, allowing your neck to rest by nesting your head on his broad shoulder.
He smells divine. A freshly showered kind of smell with remnants of his usual cologne by the collar of his hoody. It feels so good and safe here. You melt further into his warmth and twist around till you could feel the material of his clothes under the side of your head and your hair tickling the bottom of his chin.
Once you get comfortable you continue reading, catching yourself eyeing how beautiful his hands are, entwined together right by your rib cage. Not close enough to your breasts.
Another long half-hour passes and he just listens to you. His heart beating calmly underneath your ear, small breaths blowing against loose strands on your hair. At some point, you had both slid into the bed sheets and now you’re both lying on your sides facing each other. The book is the only thing keeping you from moving in closer.
From what began as your normal voice turned to a whisper as you read for another hour. You finish a paragraph on computer-aided design fundamentals, and look up at Peter, who's already gazing at you.
The silence is comfortable, yet thick. You press your knees together, feeling your tummy stir when his dolomitic eyes dip to your lips.
A sudden weight on your waist pulls you in, closing the gap between your hips.
You don't read on and instead close the book, all while keeping your gaze on his face. It's clear that there is only one thing on your minds.
His masculine hand comes down from your hip to grip the top of the book.
"I think it's about time I gave you your reward." You allow him to take the thick object out of your hands, placing it on the ground and turning to you immediately, hand tentatively resting back onto your hip.
You wiggle in closer, free from the obstruction of the book and hold onto the fabric of his hoody by his waist. "I have an idea of what it might be."
"Do you now?" He smirks, meeting you in the middle and closing the gap between your chests. "Since it's a surprise, can you please close your eyes?"
No hesitation, you do as told, excitement running through your body as you feel his fingers feather across your cheek, until they settle by the back of your neck.
Sheets shuffle as he moves with care, taking in the scent of you, the softness of your hair and skin under his hand and how long your eyelashes look.
Peter's breath fans over your lips and on instinct, your mouth opens slightly. With a final shift, your lips finally touch and you melt into him, tugging his hoody toward your direction, resolving to hook a leg over his and softly grinding your hips into his own.
He reciprocates your hungry action, cupping your jaw with both hands, and making sure to worship your bottom lip. It's so soft and intoxicating, he just has to kiss you there. He smooths his tongue over, muffling the gentle moan you emit.
Hands begin to roam while your heads twist with each kiss. Your fingers finally crawl into his locks and then it's his turn to make a sweet noise when you give a light tug.
He pulls away to look at you for a moment, drawing his hands down to your hips, before slipping his fingers just underneath the hem of your shirt.
"Can I?"
You nod immediately, taking a hot breath in as he traces over your belly, and then over your ribcage. Closer and closer, your shirt pooling by his wrist.
He watches you watching him, and smiles when your eyes meet. He's barely begun and your response to him is a clear invite to keep tracing up your bare skin.
The tip of one of his fingers touch your nipple and you realise you had been holding your breath. It hardens at the contact, sending electricity straight to your lower abdomen and your legs tangle further into Peter's.
With your mouth already open, he comes back to your lips. The kisses get wetter as he gives a squeeze to your chest. After a while, Peter pulls away from the kiss, with your bottom lip between his teeth. He's obsessed.
Your eyes open with the action and you share a smile, caressing his cheek as your lips disconnect. You run a thumb over his mouth, and then your other hand and fingers are there grazing over the skin of his face. They trace from his forehead to the tip of his nose, and then gently move over his eyelids, around his cheeks and down his jaw till they make contact with his Adam's apple.
He purposefully swallows his saliva to make the bump on his neck move. As soon as it does, your mouth is there and he exhales when he feels your tongue ease over it. You're obsessed. He's completely mesmerising. His jaw is sharp, but his skin is so soft. He's so masculine and bold, yet so boyish and sensual.
An abrupt moan escapes your lips and you slap a hand over your mouth. You hear a chuckle and then he's on top of you, hoody strings dangling over your bare breasts.
His fingers have curled into your pyjama pants while you were distracted with his neck, already feeling wetness there. The flushed look on your face is encouraging and he presses down on your clit, acutely aware of how your eyes cannot help but shut and your legs squeeze together.
"You're so beautiful," he says, voice low and smooth. "You don't have to hold back, okay? Everyone's gone out."
You're completely under his spell, and you barely whisper out a response, before he presses against your pants again, eliciting a hum. Your hands go to his arm, feeling the way his muscles work to ensure you respond with pleasure. While he rubs, you manage to slip your shirt off, letting it fall to the ground by your bed.
You watch with lustful eyes as his head dips to your chest, attaching his lips to your right nipple. Upon impulse your hands tangle into his hair, giving tugs when new waves of arousal wash over your body.
You suddenly feel cold as he sits up, leaving your breasts with the sound of a wet smack and removing his hand from your damp pyjamas. You almost whimper when he meets your stare and smirks, pulling his hoody over his head. You then help him with his shirt, pushing yourself up from lying down, and the moment the material hits the ground with a thwump, you're at his lips again, fingers roaming over every inch of his chest and waist.
Peter pushes you back with a firm kiss till your head meets the pillow.
He kisses the tip of your nose and hooks his hands under your legs, pushing against the back of your thighs, until your knees are facing the ceiling. "You comfy?"
Before responding, you guide his hands to your hips, where you help him grip the edge of your pants. Taking the hint, he shimmies the last bit of your pyjamas off, adding it to the growing pile on the ground. Then before he can even take a look at you, you're pulling down on his trackies and underwear.
"I'm comfy now," you giggle.
Both of you are naked and drunk with lust. There's no visible sense of discomfort on your face, but Peter is a gentleman and has been since he's entered your room, and so he has to check in with you before continuing. "You okay to keep going?"
"Yes, yes, yes, yes."
He laughs, sliding his hands along your thighs. "Well, thank fuck for that, because I don't think I can hold it in anymore."
Your eyes dip downward, a smirking playing on your lips. "I never would have guessed."
He gives you a face before leaning down to share an ardent kiss.
"You have a condom?" You enquire with a hushed tone when he pulls away, keeping your foreheads together.
"Do I?" He feigns shock and reaches into his backpack retrieving his wallet. Suddenly he reveals a handful of condoms which you question how they had even fit.
Your jaw drops at the amount, chuckling with a mix of surprise and arousal. Why is the sight of Peter holding a bunch of condoms so hot to you?
"I know it looks like I'm just out here having sex every other day, but the truth is Aunt May insisted I take all of these."
"She's a wise woman. Protection is very important."
"Absolutely, you never know when they'll come in handy.
"You can come in my handy."
He picks one out, tearing it open with his teeth. You've always fantasised having a guy tear a condom wrapper open with their teeth. Something about the action guarantees that you will be turned on, and with Peter doing it without being asked - without knowing how much of an effect he has on you - takes you into overdrive and you bite down a moan.
You watch with increasing excitement as he rolls over the latex. The sight of his beautiful, long fingers working is enough for you to feel that electricity in the bottom of your abdomen again.
When he's done he positions himself between your already trembling legs and begins to slide himself along your folds. You both sigh at the contact, and instinctively gauge at each other's dazed reactions.
"You're actually so wet," he breathes, a crease forming between his brows as every stroke forward and back already feels like heaven.
"That feels good... oh my- can you press harder?"
And he does. Boy, does he deliver. Hands planted on either side of your head, he hovers over you for a better angle. A few times you feel pressure by your entrance, which result in whimpers when he doesn't fully go in.
Unbeknownst to you, Peter's thinking the same and his patience is beginning to run thin with every stroke.
"I'm gonna put it in now, okay?"
Hearing him is like music to your ears, and you hum eagerly in response.
One of his hands come down to steady himself, and the other comes up to yours where your fingers intertwine. "Tell me if it hurts, or if you want to stop. I want you to feel good. This is your reward after all."
You give him a nod and squeeze his hand. There's pressure at your entrance again. This is it. You suck in a breath as Peter's hips slow forward and then the pressure is replaced by a full feeling. It's been a long time since you last had sex, and you thought it would sting a little, but to your pleasant surprise, Peter fit in perfectly and it feels surreal.
Yours and Peter's moans echo in your room when your hips meet. He pauses for a moment, taking a mental picture of you beneath him; the way your eyelids are drooped, the way your whole face somehow looks more kissable. As he dips his head down to meet with your lips, his hips begin to move again. In and out. Slow and steady. He leans on his elbows now, chest against chest, thumbs caressing your cheeks.
You have to put your hands by his lower back, squeezing his skin there when his hip dips into you. Such a simple action of the curves of his back drives you crazy and your toes curl when he hits a spot.
Peter muffles your pleasure-filled noise with his tongue, addicted with your taste and the vibration of your voice. Heat radiates off the two of you, as the pace quickens and you don’t realise that you’re getting wet in more than one place.
Peter’s groans fill your senses, as he sits back on his knees, pulling you back into him by your waist. If he wanted to, he could easily lift you up, move your body around to fit his sexual needs. You kind of wanted him to do that. To use you the way only he wishes.
As if reading your mind yet again, he scoops you up from the sheets, keeping you connected as you settle on his lap. A new wave of arousal washes over you with the new position. You were already close together while doing missionary, yet this position feels so much more intimate and sensual.
You wrap your arms around his neck and arch your back into him, finding a sweet angle which forces your head back in pleasure.
“Fuck,” he whispers with heat by your ear while his hands squeeze your bum, aiding your movements.
Sighs, moans, wet sounds and the creak of the bed all mix, echoing in your room and probably the hallway too, but either of you couldn't care less. The pleasure and the images of your movements were all you can think about.
Your hips rock into his at a moderate pace, the addictive feeling of him and the sounds he's making begin to increase the urge to climax and you rest your head in the crook of his neck.
Your voice by his ear consumes Peter's entire body and he starts to tremble underneath you, his thrusts becoming messy.
"Ah, think I'm gonna finish," he says at the speed of light, his hold on you tight and only tightening my the second.
"M-Me too," you respond airily, your head full of stars.
"Oh my God, Y/N."
His arms lock around your torso, pulling you flush against his chest. With your name passing Peter's lips and the beautiful messiness you're creating you spiral off the edge, squeezing your thighs and knees into the side of his hips.
Drawn out noises of pleasure escape yours and Peter's lips, as you share the moment. Eyes are shut tightly and heads are fill with ecstasy.
His movements pause for a second and then he's riding out the climax, thrusts slow but hard. His grip around your back loosens, and soon you're staring at each other.
His cheeks are tinted pink, eyes hooded and mouth open slightly to catch his breath. A few curls are slick on his forehead, and you don't think you've seen Peter look so attractive before. You drink in the sight, whimpering when he lifts you up, pulling himself out of you.
He sets you down against the pillows, brushing his lips over your own hot cheeks. You reward him with a breathy giggle as he traces up to kiss your nose. Then he's back down to your mouth, this kiss in some way more special than every other he shared; it's full of warmth, safety and complete adoration of you.
After when he stands to discard the condom, you feel so cold. There was no way you were going to let Peter go back to his room for the rest of the night.
"Hey, Pete?"
"Yeah?" He beams at you, throwing away some tissues from cleaning himself up and promptly returning to you on the bed.
You laugh as he flops right next to you, a hand over your waist. "Wanna shower together?"
"There's no way... that I'd want to do anything else right now than shower with you."
Your eyes squint at him, as you give him a playful push. "You had me in the first half not gonna lie."
"No, I don't think I want to leave your room tonight. Or maybe ever."
There's a silent pause. At his answer, you're practically squealing and kicking your feet in your head, though all you explicitly express on your face is an ear-to-ear grin.
"You're so... ugh!" He attacks you with kisses. Your adorable, post-sex-glowy face is too much for him. "So fucking pretty. I can't."
With every kiss you laugh and your heart is so full and warm, you forget that you have classes to go to in the morning and that it's around 4am now.
"From now on come over anytime you need help with studying. Please," you say once you've settled from your laughter.
"You too. Call me if you ever need help. I've got more rewards up my sleeve."
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adelaidedrubman · 4 months
i was tagged by dears @g0dspeeed @cassietrn @direwombat @simplegenius042 @wrathfulrook to do a little oc interview, thank you dears! i decided to do this one for america’s sweetheart verse for acclaimed novelist jestiny ft. her long suffering publicist andrea who was mostly there to make sure there was some accurate information, then i decided to give her own spotlight. on that note, sorry for the length and needless preamble no expectation to read All That
“Ugh.” Jestiny grabs the wall to steady herself from stumbling at Andrea’s quick darting into the doorway to block her exit. “Are you fuckin’ serious? You’re really gonna tell me  — a grown fucking woman — I’m not allowed to go play until I finish my homework?”
“It smells like you’ve gotten to play plenty today,” Andrea retorts with a nod towards the disposable coffee cup clenched in Jestiny’s fist and reeking with the unmistakable stench of high proof whiskey. “You’ve put off doing a simple introductory questionnaire for three months now. You’re never going to hire a ghostwriter if you can’t respond to an information request that takes five minutes.”
“I don’t need a ghostwriter,” she mumbles in protest as she takes a sip from her coffee cup that has never once contained coffee, or fooled anyone into thinking it did. “Just a copy editor.”
“Three copy editors have quit because you started using them as ghostwriters. And whatever job title you want to give them, they need some basic biographical information about you to work on your memoir.”
“See, that’s the thing, is no they don’t. Not with the kinda thing I’m writing. It’s all just empty fluff, don’t you —”
“Even for empty fluff, they need a vague skeleton,” Andrea snaps. She pulls Jestiny by the arm towards her desk, pushing her down into one of her guest chairs before taking her seat behind it and clicking a pen. “I canceled the car you called and changed the passwords to all your rideshare accounts. And we both know you couldn’t make it out of the parking garage without getting a DUI. You’re not going anywhere until this is done.”
“Oh, that’s real fuckin’ nice Andrea,” Jestiny hisses. “Hold hostage the woman who just survived —”
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“jestiny ellen rook.”
“none. nope. never had one. never will have one. gotta say the whole thing every time. flaunt it in front of some motherfuckers who were too fucking dumb to ever figure it out.”
“again, andrea — i am a grown fucking woman.”
star sign
“how the fuck am i supposed to know that shit?”  without bothering to check her birthday, andrea writes down aries.
personality type
“america’s fuckin’ sweetheart, baby. kind, lovable, and humble. what else is there?’’  andrea’s hand moves of its own volition to scrawl out the words ‘dark triad,’ immediately scribbling it out to write down ‘istp’ and ‘8w7.’
“five foot five, ballpark.”  andrea gives jestiny a skeptical look.  “maybe closer to five-six, camera adds a half-inch.”   andrea, actually 5’6, sighs and writes down 5’4, covering it with her hand to hide from jestiny.
“c’mon, you don’t really have to ask that.” andrea dwells unwillingly on the menagerie of half-dressed strangers milling about jestiny’s home every time she steps into it. no, she doesn’t.  “or lie to the press about it, if that’s what you’re dancing around. it’s 2018! america’s sweetheart can be openly bisexual, right?” 
“again. america’s fucking sweetheart, baby.”
fave fruit 
“persimmons. don’t put that down, though, that information is for the fuckin’ benefit of your files, so you can get me a halfway decent fruit tray in my dressing room next talk show appearance. write some bullshit about how much i miss the fresh picked huckleberries of hope county and nowhere grows ’em better, or something.”
fave season
“awards! ha, we do have fun. gotta be fall, though. salmon run season. but pretend it’s for the sake of pumpkin spice whatever.”
fave flower 
“psh. whatever happens to be in the bouquets i receive from my adoring fans. but if i have to pick, i guess, uh… forget-me-nots, maybe. or — heh, or cockscomb.”
fave scent 
“whiskey.”  andrea looks between jestiny and her cup, wondering if she has told the truth for the first time.  “coffee, i mean.”
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: 
“i just said —”
average hours of sleep: 
“eh, who can really keep track of that?” people who have to plan their sleep schedule around preventing jestiny from having unsupervised access to social media can and must keep track of that. andrea writes down 3 hours.
dog or cat person
“ew. no. opossums. but write down dog, that probably polls better. andrea, should i get a dog?”   andrea vigorously shakes her head in the negative as she dutifully writes down dog. 
dream trip 
“heh. where do you have me booked for next? checked off a lotta the bucket list already. you’re looking at a dollywood gold pass holder. finally got to go there after a lifetime of dreaming, and it was —”  andrea notes the way jestiny’s eyes suddenly glaze over, her gaze growing hollow and flat as she pauses in searching.  “great. fulfilling. worth the wait. always ready to go back, or onto the next adventure. i mean, it’s such a fucking blessing, don’t you think?” andrea doesn’t answer, looking on with some concern as a hint of earnest joy creeps back into jestiny’s smile. “to have one’s full constitutional right to freedom of movement completely fuckin’ unrestricted?”
favorite fictional/real character
“uh, shrek.”
number of blankets you sleep with? 
“as many as i want, baby! that’s another benefit of freedom, don’t have to settle for a single scratchy, paper thin excuse for a blanket to curl up on my cot with. i get to enjoy my forty-winks on silk sheets and soft as a cloud comforter, on my casper mattress —”
random fact:
“i know how to do a bit of sleight of hand magic.” andrea feels a light brush at her ear, and looks to see jestiny pulling from behind it a matchbook with the number of a taxi company stamped in bright yellow.  “and for my next trick, i’m going to disappear.”
Andrea sighs as she watches Jestiny march out of her office yelling pick-up orders into her cellphone. It was successful for longer than she would have expected, she thinks, tapping the end of her pen against her bottom lip. 
She clicks her pen a few times as she shuffles the papers on her desk, staring down at a blank copy of the questionnaire she’d made in case Jestiny was in foul enough spirits to rip up the first in defiance. 
It would be nice, to have someone ask her things about who she was for once, she thinks, in an indulgent flight of fancy.  
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“andrea simmons.”
“...anal-retentive goldilocks, was the most recent one.”
“woman, she/her.”
star sign
personality type
“estj. 3w2.’’ 
“five foot six. empirically verified.” 
“lesbian, last i had enough free time to check.”
“american. primarily german and scandinavian ancestry.”
fave fruit 
“nectarine, left to my own devices. learning to appreciate leftover cantaloupe picked around on fruit plates.”
fave season:
“summer. warm, sunny, long days.”
fave flower: 
fave scent 
“lavender, jasmine, eucalyptus.” 
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: 
“coffee. at least three shots of espresso. oat milk. two pumps of hazelnut syrup, no sugar.”
average hours of sleep: 
“three. when you have an infant, you learn to sleep when they sleep.”
dog or cat person
“cats. otto curled up in my lap at the end of a long day is the only thing that keeps me going, sometimes.” 
dream trip 
“any trip. any trip alone. any trip alone without having to worry about what i will find when i come back. greece would be nice, i think.” 
favorite fictional/real character
“peggy olson.”
number of blankets you sleep with? 
“i have a weighted blanket and a quilt at home. and a fleece throw on my office couch that gets more use.”
random fact: 
“i considered going into politics, and interned on a few campaign teams during college. There are many days i regret not following through on that.” 
i know i’m super late to this, so major apologies for repetitive tags and extra no pressure out to the usuals @belorage @hctknives @fourlittleseedlings @galaxycunt @lordundying @florbelles @josephslittledeputy @afarcryfrommymain @poetikat @voidika @captastra @confidentandgood @deputyash @blissfulalchemist @shellibisshe @thedeadthree @nightbloodbix @miyabilicious @henbased @clicheantagonist @firstaidspray @strafethesesinners @jackiesarch @v0idbuggy @orionlancasterr @stacispratt @professorpineapple @strangefable @shallow-gravy @inafieldofdaisies @corvosattano @socially-awkward-skeleton opt in for tags on writing stuff here!
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steventhusiast · 4 months
STWG prompt 3/2/24
prompt: favourite childhood show
pairing/character(s): steddie + their kid
Steve's kicking off his shoes after getting home from work when he notices the noise coming from the living room. A distantly familiar theme song accompanied by giggles he knows oh-so-well.
"This is what Star Trek looked like when you were a kid?" He hears Lydia say through her giggles.
"Do not disrespect what I would watch on my Saturday mornings, little miss." Eddie replies.
When the giggles turn into squeals, Steve's finally finished hanging his keys and coat up by the door and has made his way to the doorway of the living room.
Eddie's got their girl tight in his grip as he tickles her tummy, and Lydia's flailing all the limbs she's got around as she squeals for mercy.
"I didn't mean it!" Lydia gasps through her laughter, "I'm sure it was great for its time!"
"For its time?" Eddie squawks back, and his tickles get more viscious, "this is peak television, Lydi-loo!"
"What's going on here?" Steve finally asks, hands on his hips. Eddie stops immediately, smiling at him innocently and letting Lydia squirm away to get the rest of her laughter out and catch her breath on the other side of the couch.
"How was work, darling illegal husband?"
Steve huffs out a laugh at that, but before he can even think about replying, Lydia's finished catching her breath and is ready to accuse her father with a grin on her face.
"Dad's forcing me to watch Star Trek again, but not even good Star Trek! The other one he showed me- the live action -was fine, but this?This is what you guys had to deal with in the 40s or whenever you were kids?" She rants, hands waving about as she goes.
(She definitely takes after Eddie with her dramatics and tendency to monologue.)
And Steve was going to play on her side five seconds ago, but the 40s?
"Eds. Did you hear what she just said?" He asks, one eyebrow raised at their twelve-year-old.
"I think I did. Someone's gotta teach her how to respect quality television." Eddie nods sagely, a smirk tugging at his lips again.
"The 40s, seriously." Steve mutters to himself and shakes his head. But then he has an idea.
"Uh oh." He hears from Lydia as he turns to look at his husband.
They have a conversation through expression only as Lydia watches on. And when they both turn to her with mischievous expressions, she stands from the couch.
"I think I'm just gonna go to my room..." She edges toward the doorway, "got loads of homework, you know how it is-"
"I think you need a visit from the tickle monsters first."
And with that, any post-work plans Steve had are out of the window because an evening-long war in the Munson household has begun. That's okay though. Productivity can wait till tomorrow, Steve's got family memories to create.
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SR Grim Ceremonial Robe Personal Story: Part 2
"Together like this forever."
(Part 1) Part 2
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[Ramshackle Dorm –  Anniversary Party]
Grim: Oh yeah, you remember that weird sound we all heard before the ceremony? Do you know whose voice that was?
Grim: …It was Trey, who got startled by Lilia! I don't think I've ever heard him shout so loud.
Grim: He was all, "Hey, c'mon, stop it," when we all started laughing at him.
Grim: And I thought that was even funnier, so I kept laughing…
Grim: But then Trey came up to me and whispered, "I won't make you any snacks for today's party."
Grim: How can I keep making fun of him if he says things like that!? That's cheating!
Grim: Lilia was just happy to be able to surprise Trey, though…
Grim: But then he realized right after that Tsunotaro wasn't there and jumped back in surprise himself.
Grim: "Oh no, I forgot to let Malleus know about the ceremony again!" he said, and just disappeared.
Grim: Man, that guy just appears and disappears whenever he wants.
Grim: Once, I asked Lilia what kind of magic that was…
Grim: And he just laughed and said it was a secret. Well now he's not just cheating, he's being stingy!
Grim: So then, Tsunotaro finally came to the ceremony as we were finishing up…
Grim: …But he was super angry, yanno.
Grim: I could feel my tail tucking between my legs. Lilia was laughing, but everyone else was scared stiff.
Grim: "Did you all forget about me?" he said in a real low voice… And the weather kinda was looking bad outside…
Grim: I bet we all woulda been in for it, if it wasn't for Cater's quick thinking. It's great that he was closer to the doors.
Grim: He just said, "Hey, the decoration we put out for Ramshackle'll get destroyed in the rain if you keep this up, you know?"
Grim: So then Tsunotaro just said, "Oh, you're right" so quickly, and the sky cleared, so whew~
Grim: Cater's a lifesaver, though. He's always kinda playing around, but he's definitely a smooth talker!
Grim: I should take a page from his book and learn how to quickly come up with better excuses.
It'd be great if you could learn something else other than that…
Grim: Something else? Bold words to say to the future greatest mage Grim-sama!
Grim: I'm a genius, so if I want to, I can basically do anything I want. Nyahahah!
1. Right! I'm counting on you, Grim-sama!
Grim: !!
Grim: Right, right? You can praise me some more, yanno!
Grim: Nyahaha! It's the greatest feeling when my henchie gives me compliments.
2. Then please do you homework tomorrow as well.
Grim: Eh! That's… That's a whole different topic!
Grim: I'm gonna have you give me the answers tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after too.
Grim: As the underling, you gotta do at least that much for your boss, right? Right? …...Right!?
Grim: Don't you think that we got a pretty good combo going on, the two of us?
Grim: Anything that you can do, you get it done.
Grim: And anything you can't do, I guess I gotta help you out.
Grim: See? We just gotta keep on working well together like this forever.
Of course. Thanks for everything.
Grim: Yeah! I'm here to help you, yanno.
[knock, knock]
Grim: Ah! Tsunotaro and the others are here! It's time for the party!!
Grim: I gotta make sure to eat all the good stuff. Don't just stand there, we gotta go, [Yuu]!
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(Part 1) Part 2
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gaybananabread · 1 year
Its been a rough few weeks, but I'm alive. I'm slowly going back through all my old fandoms, and right now it's MHA's turn. I love the KiriBaku pairing, platonic or not, so take this either way! I'm gonna split it into two parts, or else this is gonna be long as hell.
(Part 2)
Lee: Bakugo
Lers: Midoriya, Ojiro, Todoroki
Summary: 1A is competing to see who gets dish duty for the month. When it comes down to Bakugo and Kiri, they choose an interesting final challenge.
Warnings: swearing (it's Bakugo). This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!
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The 1A dorms were always chaotic, especially when it came to competition. Every month, the class competes to see which half of the students are on dish duty for the month. It had been intense, with betrayals, twists, and a sprained wrist. By evening, everyone had finished competing.
Everyone except Bakugo and Kirishima.
The two had been at it all day, neck and neck in every contest, trivia, workout and test. Even after twenty separate events, the two were still tied. Most of the class had gone already, homework and comfy beds calling their names. Only Midoriya, Todoroki and Ojiro were still watching.
They were currently in a handstand contest, three minutes in. They were both shaky and tired, the other events draining their stamina. The others thought it would finally be the end of this silly conflict.
At three minutes and thirty-two seconds, Kirishima's arm gave out, and Bakugo toppled backwards. They landed at the same time. Their classmates were less than thrilled.
Todo put his head in his hands, groaning. Modoriya started mumbling about the near impossible odds of another tie. Ojiro screamed into his tail.
The pair on the ground just glared at eachother. There wasn't much heat behind them, but it was more than annoying to keep tieing eachother.
Kiri smacked a hand on his face. "Dude. HOW did we fall together!"
Katsuki huffed. "You're a fuckin' copy cat."
Kiri poked his side, making him flinch away and swat his hand. A new contest idea clicked. Something he knew they wouldn't tie in. He stood up, grabbing Baku's hand. "What if we did a tickling endurance thing?"
The blonde's face lit up red, tugging at his hand. Kiri kept his grip. He poked Bakugo's side again, nodding as he flinched, seemly saying 'See? This could work!'.
His classmates agreed, much too tired and sick of the repetitive ties to care. Bakugo obviously protested the idea.
"Seriously? That's gotta be the dumbest idea tonight!" Lucky for everyone, Eijiro knows how the explosion user works.
He puffed his chest in mock pride, hoping to play to Bakugo's more competitive side. "I guess you're right. I mean, who would actually be able to do that? I'd probably loose in 5 seconds." And, as planned, he took it hook, line and sinker.
"Ha! I'll kick your ass! Game on, Shitty Hair!" He had his signature smirk on, eyes haughty and determined. Kirishima smiled, cracking his knuckles. Works every time.
Their friends huddled together. Once finished, Midoriya stepped out, laying the ground rules. "Okay then. You can't tickle eachother. One would be too tired when it's his turn to tickle the other. The three of us will test you at the same time. Safeword is 'Plus Ultra'. Whoever goes the longest without saying it wins."
Kiri was a little worried. He was kinda betting on the whole 'wear him out' thing. He can still win. Probably.
They flip a coin to see who goes first. Bakugo picked heads, Kirishima on tails. Kiri held his breath, his fate in the hands of a quarter. With a smack, Deku snatched the coin from the air. Opening his hands, the tails face greeted him. He let out a sigh of relief. Bakugo would go first.
They had the explosion boy sit in a chair, Ojiro offering to hold his arms up. Todoroki was on lower body, Midoriya on midsection, and Ojiro had free reign of what he could reach. Holding the timer, Deku gave a countdown.
"3, 2, 1..."
Initially, the blonde tried holding in his reaction. For about seven seconds, he kept it in. Then Ojiro remembered he had a really fuzzy tail to weaponize. He slid the fluffy tail end under his shirt, twitching it about on his torso.
Small titters escaped the explosion user. Ojiro went at it with his tail while the other boys tried their best to crack him.
Todoroki was surprisingly good at tickling. True, he was tentative, but he somehow knew exactly how to wreck the blonde's shit. He poked, pinched, squeezed, and skittered across his legs and thighs. He even took off his combat boots to get his feet.
Giggles began to spill out. It wasn't a huge reaction, but they were getting there. Bakugo cursed, trying to keep his laughter in.
The greenette was exploring Bakugo's midsection. He already knew where to go, but why finish it so quickly? He scribbled on his belly, pinched and poked his sides, squeezed hips, everything he could to wear him down. Finally, Deku pinched the spot right above his ribcage.
Bakugo broke.
"GAHA! DeheHEHEkuhu! FUHUHUCK OHhohoff!" Bakugo tugged at his arms, trying to stop the tickling without giving in. Ojiro held strong, keeping the boy's arms above his spiky head. Nearby, Kiri squirmed, knowing his turn was next.
Midoriya didn't let up. He stayed on the blonde's death spot, pinching and poking and prodding. The others followed his example, keeping up their torment. Todoroki was pinching his thighs. Ojiro had his tail brushing on his neck. His laughter was pitchy, all the spots combined driving him up the wall.
Bakugo tossed his head back and forth, trying to shake off the intense tickles. It didn't work, and really only made Ojiro's tail tickle more. He cursed and continued his pitchy laughter.
Damn, he wasn't expecting them to actually be good at this! Okay, maybe Deku, but the other two?! I mean, it's half-and-half! He was genuinely shocked, and starting to reach his limit...
Ojiro looked down at Bakugo's face. It was nice to see his grumpy, explosive classmate laugh like this. Plus, revenge bonus. He looked down at his neck, and got an idea. A cruel idea. A tickley, unfair, wonderful idea.
Ojiro moved his tail to the other side, leaned down, and blew an enormous raspberry on the blonde's neck.
Bakugo squealed.
That was so not fair! He jerked his head, unable to do anything. Both sides of his neck were being tickled, meaning if he blocked one side the other got worse, and vice versa.
The others looked at him, smirking. None of them were expecting that, but it was a pleasant surprise. They were relentless, giving everything they had to crack the explosion user.
It was too much. Reluctantly, the blonde called out the safe words. "PLUHUHUS UHULTRAHA!"
All three boys immediately stopped, backing off as Midoriya stopped the stopwatch. Bakugo curled in on himself, rubbing his neck. His face was flushed, and he looked... well, imagine a giant, ferocious tiger after catnip. It was adorable, but a bit unsettling.
Deku put a hand on his shoulder. "Nice job! You got 7 minutes and 26 seconds!" He shrugged off the hand, regaining his breath.
After a minute, he turned, and with an evil look in his eyes, he pointed to Kirishima.
"Your turn, Shitty Hair."
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pradaxstyles · 1 year
Alexa’s notes✨: this is a little self indulgent, but I hope you all enjoy some college! Ellie <3 let me know if you like this and I can always come up w some more for different scenarios 🌷
Thinking about college! Ellie and how she’d be hanging at your house for hours just sitting with you while you did homework/studied. Her classes finished early for the semester so she’s been nothing but supportive when it came to your studies. 
❃ “Come on baby, one more problem and we’ll take a break.”
❃ Your laptop and notes would be laid out messily, colorful pens and highlighters with caps mismatched (this was all Ellie, you hated when she did it) while she’s helping you go through your notes.
❃ “Okay, do you think you could tell me how to solve Hardy Weinberg’s Equilibrium formula? Or do we need to do a few more practice problems? Here, hand me that flow chart and we’ll go over it again.” 
Ellie would be really good at math, majoring in mechanical engineering so your bio homework is a breeze for her. She'd be all over you with the encouraging words, walking you through every step of an equation and explaining it. 
❃ ”No, no I don’t wanna hear it, you can absolutely do it. Just gotta put that pretty mind to it, you got it.”
❃ She’d be sitting next to you on your bedroom floor, playing some soft music from your shared playlist through your laptop, her knees pressed into yours while she waved a pen around.
❃ “What the fuck even is this? Why is this in biology to begin with?” 
She’d crack the stupidest jokes just to see your smile. She hated when you were stressed, and as final exams approached, it seemed as if you were always stressed, and she couldn't have that. 
❃ “Baabbbeeeee I have snacks! We’re gonna hunker down and study for your history exam and we’ll watch an episode of the office! How does that sound, my pretty girl?” 
❃ “Uhhh, why did henry viii have so many wives? What a whore.”
❃ She’d go on random tangents about people in history and how “I can’t believe they used to do that! Can you imagine if we did that nowadays?” 
And when you were really down on yourself, feeling like there was no end in sight, Ellie was right there, reminding you that you were so close to the finish line. 
❃ “I know, sweets. I know. You're almost there. You have no idea how smart and capable you are. You’re gonna crush these exams, and if you don’t, I'll crush your professors,” she’d say with a sly smirk on her face, resulting in you pushing her arm slightly.
❃ “No but I'm serious, babe. I know it seems like it’s all piling up and that it’s one thing after another, but you can do it. If anyone can, you’ll be the one to kick ass.”
❃ “My girl is graduating college in a few weeks. College. That’s fucking huge. I'm sososo proud of you, angel.” 
On exam days, she’d make sure you had a good breakfast, insisting on sleeping over the night before so she could make sure you ate. She’d walk you to class and send an encouraging text as you took your seat. 
❃ “You’re gonna crush it, babe!” 
❃ “Remember to take a deep breath and think each problem through.” 
❃ “No matter what the result is, I'm so fucking proud of you.” 
At the end of finals week, she’d pamper you the way you deserved. Ellie would plan a date night where she absolutely spoiled you and showered you in kisses and cuddles. Every time she looked at you or even in your general direction, her gaze was so full of love and pride. 
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dudefrommywesterns · 3 months
Title: Aw, C'mon
Ship: Mike x Bill Baker
Words: 970
Description: Mike is trying, and failing, to write an essay. Bill interrupts.
Mike spun their pen between their fingers. The ideas for this essay simply weren’t coming. Across a sheet of lined paper they’d scribbled vague concept after vague concept but none stuck. What about? No, that’s overdone. Then, there could be– that’s a stretch. On page 70…would that make a long enough essay? 
A knock at the door. 
“Come in,” Mike said, not looking up from their paper. 
The door opened. 
What was that term? Their professor said it at least twice…maybe it was in their notes. Where had they put their notebook? They spun their pen again. 
A scrambled bit of speech hit their ears. Oh, that’s right, someone had come in. What did they want? 
“You study too hard,” Mike heard finally. They looked up and found their boyfriend Bill, peering over their shoulder. How long had he been like that? 
“Mm, no, I never do enough.” 
They turned back to their scribbles. Now that their head had cleared, they realized it was an incomprehensible mess. They crumbled the paper and threw it in the trash can. They pulled out another piece. 
Bill tapped their shoulder. “What’s goin’ on in that pretty head? Hm?” 
“Nothing,” Mike complained. “Not a damn thing.” 
“I doubt that,” he said, with a chuckle. “You do more thinking than anybody.”
That was hardly true. Or, if it was, most of their thoughts were more useless. 
“Not any useful thinking.” 
Bill’s breath warmed their neck, causing a shiver down their spine. Why did he have to get so close? How could they do any thinking now? 
“You’re the smartest person on campus,” Bill said, without a hint of exaggeration or comedy. 
“You have to say that,” Mike said. “You’d be a terrible boyfriend if you didn’t.” 
“Doesn’t make it a lie.” 
No, but…
“It makes it biased.” 
“You know I’m not the only one who thinks that.” 
“Junior too?” Mike joked. 
“Sure. Your professors, too. If they don’t, they’re wrong.” 
Mike scoffed. “Are you trying to give me a pep talk or an inflated ego?” 
He wrapped his arms around their middle. They could smell his cologne…warm, a bit like amber…a knockoff of something… The fabric of his sweater warmed them, even through their blouse. He was soothingly, addictingly, warm. Mike’s skin, prone to chill, craved him. 
Essay. Due. Next week. Five pages. Handwritten. Still no topic. 
This boy was not about to tank their grade. 
They stared down at their new blank page. They closed their eyes, trying to imagine their finished essay. 
Lips ghosted their neck. Their eyes snapped open. What was he trying to do? Why was he here? 
“Bill,” Mike asked gently. “What do you want?” 
“You,” he said simply. 
That much was clear. 
“What do you want with me?” they pressed. 
He pressed his lips to their neck, as if to answer their question. 
“Take a break?” he asked, almost insisting. 
“Don’t you have homework?” Mike asked. 
“I’d rather study you.” 
Smooth. Real smooth. 
They rolled their eyes, fondly. “You don’t study hard enough.” 
“You, I do. Quiz me.” 
His lips brushed their ear. Mike waved their hand, like swatting a fly. 
“Unless you have an idea for my essay, the door is over there.” 
“Maybe a break’ll give you inspiration.” 
He moved away from their neck and sat on their desk. Boy, he looked pretty today. The smile playing at his lips, the dark green of his sweater. He was such an enticing distraction. 
Essay due…next week…
“Baby,” Mike pleaded, “Please go, I gotta write five pages.” 
Bill glanced at their blank page and pointed out, “Looks like you aren’t getting any done.” 
That was true. They hadn’t gotten a single useful word in the last hour. They had to, though. They had to write this paper. 
But Bill, oh, look at him. He leaned in, and their eyes got caught on his lips. They looked soft, plush. Did he want a kiss? He sure looked like he was begging for a kiss. 
“Aw, c’mon,” he teased. 
No, not that tone. Not the one that would annoy them if it was anyone else. It was adorable when he did it, somewhere between coaxing and pestering. 
“Kiss me,” he repeated, in that same tone. 
Oh, they wanted to. How often did guys look at them with such gentle eyes, pleading to be kissed? They knew now why everyone told them to stick to books and keep from boys. 
They put down their pen, and he leaned in closer. What was the point in resisting? Their essay could be written later, Bill was right here, right now. 
They pulled him into a kiss by his shirt collar. When their lips touched, they knew it was the right choice. They’d needed that kiss. 
Right after, came another kiss, much gentler. And another, and another. 
“You’re bad news for my grades,” Mike said, after they pulled apart. 
He smiled his world-ending smile, the one with teeth showing and eyes glittering. They could care later, when he wasn’t smiling at them like that. 
He slid off the desk, and came behind them again, engulfing them in a hug. They had no frame of reference, but they were sure that Bill’s hugs were their favorite. 
He took a deep breath. 
“How about we hug for a while?” he suggested. “I don’t know about you, but I could use a hug.” 
It amazed them that he could, so genuinely, want and need to be close to them. He genuinely seemed to desire their affections. 
“Okay,” Mike conceded. “Just a little while.” 
Mike stood, and he pulled them into his chest. They rubbed their face into his sweater, relishing in its softness. When they looked up at him, he’d closed his eyes. He hummed in contentment. Their heart swelled, and they squished themselves against him. Comfy, cozy, just right. 
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be-co-me · 9 months
Party Foul
Terushima Yuuji
A/N: I've had this in the works for two years now! I decided to finish it off tonight and will edit it later. Thank you all for being patient with me as I do write slowly. I have a LOT of things going on in my life between work and college, so I appreciate the patience!
5.6k Words
Summary: You meet the life of the party at your mundane coffee shop job on campus. You get invited to a party that takes an awry turn.
Your morning job at the most popular coffee house on campus proved useful as you needed money for your small time volleyball club, the money now going towards club tee shirts for rush week. The men's team was one of the most watched on campus, gaining trophy after trophy while your club hid in the shadows. It was a small time club, co-gendered, for the outcasts that couldn't be on a team and the men who didn't make it into the big leagues.
Your shift usually went from 6am to 12pm, and then you went to whatever classes the day brought on; volleyball club, and then home to binge watch whatever show sounded appealing at the time. Today was one of those busy days and hopefully tonight when you showed up to club, you'd be lucky enough to have a few more applicants. As of now there weren't very many people.
The morning shift was usually extremely slow. You served around ten people an hour, giving you time to slave away over your colossal amount of homework, occasionally serving coffees, teas, and pastries to sleep hungry patrons.
You were finally able to reserve the courts for your club to play. Usually the men's team ended up being deemed more important as their many upcoming tournaments required much more practice than usual, resulting in your club being kicked off of the court, late notice. Today you hadn't heard from the men's team's manager, therefore club tonight was still a go.
You leaned slackly onto the counter, daydreaming into your textbook, trying to finish whatever homework you could as early as possible. You'd like to think of yourself as a model student, a 3.75 GPA, only tainted by one extra credit assignment not submitted by your teacher in time, a last ditch effort to turn a B into an A. You were getting a master's degree, told that once you got your bachelor's, if you did well enough, they would pay for your master's degree and land you a job while you attended school.
A patient cough led you out of your daydreaming and you eyed the culprit in alarm.
"Sorry! Got kind of distracted there." you said possibly a little too loud, a nervous smile creeping its way onto your face.
"That's alright! We've all gotta find some time to do our homework anywhere that we can." he responded, a nervous smile laid across his lips as well, long fingers rubbing the back of his neck.
"Isn't that the truth? Anyways, what can I get for ya?" you asked, positioning yourself in front of the small outdated iPad deemed worthy of becoming a point of sales system.
He eyed the menu, seemingly wanting to stray from his usual order. After a few seconds of eyeing the menu, his eyes met yours.
"Um, I guess I'll have a cold brew please. And could you add some vanilla? And also oat milk instead of whole. Not a huge fan of milk." he said, a small laugh filling the otherwise silent air. His fingers continued brushing through to his hair.
"I'm not too big a fan of regular milk either. Oat milk is the best choice! Anything else for today?" you asked. His eyes, again, met yours for a few seconds, then glanced back to the menu. Your eyes lingered on his face, his attractiveness only now beginning to make itself known to you. His tongue peeked out between his lips, his tongue piercing making itself known as it clinked against his teeth. The feeling of butterflies began to pool warmly into your stomach.
His eyes met yours once again, his lips pursed almost as if he wanted to say something but wasn't sure if he had wanted to. It seemed he had finally decided to do so when his mouth opened again.
"Have you had a coffee yet? Or tea? It's quite early and you seem like you could use it." he said, hand removed from his hair, a long finger pointing towards your battered textbook.
Your eyes followed where he was pointing, meeting your textbook, before looking into his nervous ones again.
"I haven't yet, but I could always get one before heading off to class." you replied, waving off his question. Was he going to buy you one? He didn't have to do that. You could always make the excuse that you got them for free, so he didn't have to buy you one, but if your boss saw you taking a coffee, he would surely have an aneurysm. Then again, a hot stranger buying you coffee wasn't the worst your previously uneventful morning could go...
"Let me buy you one. I'm sure you could use it after working and also having class. It's my good deed of the day." he responded. Well... you'd be silly to not take him up on his offer. You responded with a nod.
"What would you like to get for me?" you asked. You didn't want to order your usual drink, while quite cheap and tasty, his drink of choice was a bit cheaper than your own. You wouldn't want to seem like you're high balling a coffee off of him. Especially after you've only just met.
"Get your usual. I'm sure you have one if you're working here." he responded, pointing around the coffee shop. You nodded, entering in your usual order, he insisted after all, also with an oat milk substitute.
"1468.36¥ please. (10.56 USD)" you said. He pushed a debit card across the counter and you picked it up, sliding it.
"Don't worry about the tip or anything. Just sign for me." you stated, turning around to make the coffees. You put extra attention into his own, more than the usual customer would get. You heard the small printer print it's usual slip of paper and he ripped it off, shoving it into his jacket pocket. Your poor attempt at "latte" art on the top of his coffee showed your attention and you slid it across the counter to him with the lid off so he could admire your work.
"Not too bad. I haven't had any art on my coffees yet, especially with the cold foam on top of the cold brew. I'd imagine that's pretty hard to do." he said.
"Yeah. It's a little difficult. A lot of popular coffee shops says it isn't possible, but you never know until you try." you said, the atmosphere's tension seeming to ease as your conversation went on. You exchanged a few more brief words with him before he eyed his watch, nearing 8:00, he shortened his goodbyes as he began his hasty rush to class, a "see you again" mixed into his sentence. You smiled.
Your eyes met the iPad he had signed on to see quite a hefty tip for a couple of coffees and a bit of guilt pooled into your stomach. You hadn't forced him to, even told him not to leave a tip, yet he had anyways. You smiled even wider, exiting out of the system before your eyes met your textbook once again, finishing off your reading assignment before your first class, sipping on your sloppily made coffee that you didn't put near as much attention into.
It was in your third class of the day, a large lecture hall full of people wishing they weren't forced to take a general biology course. You saw a blonde mop of hair, sipping on a coffee from the coffee shop, who looked eerily similar to the boy you had met this morning. Once he turned his head to ease into conversation with the boy next to him did you see it was, in fact, him. He was now rid of the jacket and scarf he had been wearing earlier in the morning.
You were sure you would have noticed someone like him before in class. You tended to sit in the back and observe. No heads could block your view of the board due to the raised level of your seat in the lecture hall, even if you did have to squint your eyes slightly to see the words.
His head cocked back to look behind him briefly and he turned to face forward again. Seconds later, though, his wide eyes met your own and he smiled brightly and waved towards your direction. You smiled and waved back, picking your coffee up so he could see it. He held a thumbs up.
"Terushima, can you please pay attention to the lecture?" the professor paused, and he abashedly turned to face the board, and you sunk behind your own laptop.
Once class had let out, as you packed your things, you noticed he had stayed behind, making his way up the steps through the throngs of people, to where you were seated. You made eye contact with him when he finally had made it a few feet away.
You stood, throwing your backpack over your shoulder, and walked out of class with him, throwing your now empty coffee cup into the recycling bin. You walked in silence for some time before he finally spoke.
"So... What are your plans after your classes for the day?" he asked. You stopped walking once you made it outside, his tall stature keeping the sun out of your eyes.
"I have club tonight. If we don't get kicked out of the gym again that is. But I haven't heard anything yet." you responded with a shrug of your shoulders. You were really hopeful that this week you could get a couple of games in as you hadn't had the chance to play for nearly three weeks.
"Why would you be kicked out of the gym?" he asked, shifting his weight onto his other leg.
"Well, I run a small volleyball club, because the women can't have an official team and the men who still want to play, but don't make it on the official team, join this club. We get kicked off the court pretty often when the official men's team has tournaments coming up though. I admire their persistence, but I want to play as well." you said. His mouth was slightly agape and his eyes had slightly widened at your comment.
"They really kick you off?" he asked, leaning ever so slightly closer to you. He sounded guilty.
"Yeah. But like I said, I admire their perseverance to win and play. I'm a little jealous of it in fact. I wish I could go to an actual tournament and play at some point in college. I wish they'd allow our team to." you told him. He nodded, quiet again for a few moments.
"I could maybe work something out for you. You said you have a meeting tonight right?" he asked, a sly smile finding his lips. You nodded.
"Can I come play too?" he asked. You shrugged, nodding once more.
"Sure, anyone can come try it out. We need some more people anyways. You'd do well since you're tall. You could block and spike. I bet you'd be good at that. Do you have any experience?" And that was the question to start it all.
"Let's just say, I've played a bit." he responded, that sly grin fully at its wake now.
Your meet up location was in the coffee shop, once your classes had all let up and he finished whatever his day brought to him, at 6pm. You rushed through the small plaza leading into the cafeteria's colossal range of fast foods and drinks, pulling the heavy glass door open.
You walked into the coffee shop area, giving a quick wave to your coworker once her eyes met yours. She returned an excited wave. You looked around the many patrons sitting amongst the many tables, scanning for the same mop of sandy hair.
You heard a whistle and looked towards it, your eyes meeting his. He smiled and waved you over. His sturdy frame leaned against a pole, discarding his cell phone into his jacket pocket.
"Wanna get anything to eat or drink before we go play?" he asked. You shrugged.
"If you want to. I ate a little while ago, so I'm not really all that hungry. If you'd like, I can repay you for this morning." you responded.
"I'm all good if you are. Maybe after we play we can." he stated, readjusting his bag onto his shoulder. You nodded, beginning your trek to the gym. It was about a six to eight minute walk through the large campus and you chatted idly about your boring bio lecture on the way.
You told him what your major was, and you were sort of excited to hear he had gone into a master's degree program as well. Even better though, you were both in the same year.
You opened the door to the old gym and pushed it further open behind you for him to enter. You walked through the hallway and into the gym, setting your things down onto the stage.
"Wanna help me put the net up?" you asked. No one from club had arrived yet as it was still a bit early. Club didn't start until 7.
"Yeah! I'll help you out." he responded. You walked to the other side of the gym, going to the supply room, which held the cart containing everything you would need to put up the net.
You pulled a heavy pole off of the cart, him doing the same as you anchored it into it's designated slot in the floor. You looked up as he did the same, making sure the pole was adjusted to the correct height. You then grabbed the net together, unfolding it and lining it up on either side and attaching it to the poles. You tightened it and looked up to make sure he didn't need any help. He did it perfectly.
You quickly attached the safety pads and the antenna, the doors revealing the first patrons to show up to your club. Hopefully everyone would show up tonight. You didn't have a coach either so it was really left to you. You quickly ran back to the storage room, grabbing the ball cart and pushing it onto the court. At least you had a ball cart.
You grabbed a few of the balls and began tossing them to the club members so they could warm up, together or in their lonesome. There was still fifteen minutes before club actually started. You grabbed one for yourself and eyed Terushima.
"Wanna warm up together?" you asked. He nodded, and you took your place across from him bumping and setting the ball across the court from each other. He was good at it and you began to get suspicious.
Eventually, it came time to start club. You had twenty people including yourself and Terushima, definitely better than the ten or so that usually showed up. You hoisted yourself onto the stage, whistling to gain everyone's attention.
"Welcome everyone! I'm excited to see we have more people joining us this evening. I was thinking today that we would split off into separate teams and play a few games. I know we haven't seen each other in quite a while, so definitely warm up first, but go ahead and pair up into teams. We should have three teams of six and one of five which I will join, pick your positions carefully." you finished, hopping off of the stage, watching as everyone paired up.
You began to practice and warm up with Terushima. You reflected on how interesting your day had become since he walked into the coffee shop that morning. Usually your day consisted of the same old things and it got quite boring, quite fast.
"So when did you start playing?" he piped up, setting the ball towards you.
"Well, probably towards the end of high school is when I got pretty interested in sports and playing volleyball, but I wasn't great. I made it onto the team but was pretty much a permanent bench warmer." you laughed, passing the ball back towards his direction.
"I'd say you play pretty well for pretty much a newbie." he responded. You set the ball towards him, a question brewing in your mind. Maybe you could get some answers to your suspicions.
"When did you start playing?" you asked in return. Now that you thought about it, you hadn't shown him how to do anything at all. He pretty much jumped straight in.
"Since grade school. I've been a fan of it since then." he responded. You passed the ball quietly back and forth until you were warmed up, everyone beginning to gather into their selected groups. Terushima, of course, was on your team.
"Alright, two teams to a court of course" you told them, everyone picking a court to play on. You could really jump into playing whenever you wanted. You set your team up and got ready to play. You always played back row and developed your skills in defense and setting quite well over the few years you have played. The role of libero fit you well.
Terushima started off with serving the ball and seeing the serve fly over the net was insane. You didn't know someone could serve a ball like that. You were scared, but also excited at the thought of possibly being on the receiving end at some point. The same surprise arose again when he spiked, completely clearing the blockers on the opposing team.
"What is up with you? You're really good at this." you asked. What was he hiding from you?
"Oh... I'm on the men's team." he responded, a little too casually. You stood in awe and bewilderment before responding.
"Why wouldn't you tell me that?!" his eyes met your own and he smiled, shrugging his shoulders. You continued playing and won the game by a landslide, the same events occurring until you finished your allotted time for the club. A bruise making its way onto your arms after receiving one of his spikes.
After some iffy fast food you ate ate the cafeteria, you parted ways. You had the same lecture together daily, so you were sure you would see him again.
The next morning, whilst you didn't have to work at the coffee shop, you still ran late to your lecture. Ten minutes late in fact. You hadn't been late before, but you fell asleep at your desk doing homework and missed your first two classes.
You were terrified to go into the lecture, around eighty people would stare at you as you walked shamefully to the back of the lecture hall. You wish you had stopped for a coffee if you were already going to be late anyways.
You huffed a deep breath, heaving the lecture hall door open as quietly as possible, making eye contact with your professor. You sheepishly walked through the lecture hall as quickly as you could. You felt as if everyone was staring, when in reality, they could absolutely care less than to spare a glance at you.
You looked up as you neared your seat and Terushima's widened eyes met your own. You smiled, your cheeks a bit red from the embarrassment, and sat in your seat. You quickly took your laptop out and pulled up the material the class was currently on.
About five minutes later, Terushima shuffled up to the vacant seat in front of your own. He donned two coffees on his desk, one eerily resembling your usual. Your suspicions were confirmed when he placed it on your desk. You gawked at him.
"I didn't think you'd show up." he said. You leaned down so you could hear him better and he could hear your own words.
"I fell asleep at my desk doing homework and didn't set an alarm." you whispered. Your eyes met the coffee now sitting on your desk. "Thank you for the coffee. You didn't have to do that. How'd you remember my order anyways? I never told it to you." you told him.
He pulled a receipt from his pocket and you realized when he paid he had gotten a copy of it and your order was printed neatly onto it. You looked up and the professor's stern eyes met your own. You slowly leaned back into your chair, picking the coffee up and hiding behind your laptop for the remainder of the lecture.
After lecture, you asked Terushima for the notes you had missed, catching up at the coffee shop with the coffees he had bought that morning. Once you finished, you really didn't know what to do for the rest of the day.
"So, uh..." Terushima said, his hand brushing behind his neck. "My fraternity is having a party tonight and if you aren't doing anything you're invited. It's pretty much your usual frat party, but we have a sand court and a pool so it'll probably be pretty big." he blurted out, awaiting your response.
You thought for a second. You didn't have any homework tonight, it was Thursday and you didn't have any classes or work tomorrow, and you really didn't have any plans for the evening.
You shrugged your shoulders. "Yeah, I'll go." you responded. He smiled, spouting out the details of the party.
You began to get antsy and excited. What would you wear? Did you have any swimsuits that weren't dingy? You didn't really swim besides with your family. What alcohol would you bring? Did you need to bring any at all?
You swooped into the liquor store on the corner of the street your apartment was on, picking up a twelve pack of whatever you had seen everyone raging about lately. You needed to contribute something.
You then burst into your apartment, telling your roommate it was all hands on deck and you needed to find something cute to wear, but also comfy as you were sure you would end up playing some volleyball.
Once you settled on your clothes, you found yourself in front of your mirror, the makeup you had previously applied quite faded. If it was a party where you would swim, should you wear any makeup? Would it look like you were trying too hard? Maybe a small amount that looked natural? You settled on that and quickly swiped some on.
You then came to your hair, scrolling through Pinterest for some cute hairstyles. Your roommate offered some help and settled on something half up half down. Your roommate looked at he master work and gave you a thumbs up. You eyed the time on your phone. You had thirty minutes before the party technically started.
You decided you would walk there instead of driving. You weren't one to drink much, but also hadn't been to a campus party besides something small for Halloween the prior year. You scrolled your phone as you walked through campus, making your way to the aforementioned fraternity house. Before rounding the street corner, you could already hear music blaring.
You walked to the front door, already open from the people who entered before you and eyed around. You texted Terushima, who had given you his number to send you the notes. A few minutes later, you eyed him shoving through the crowd and making his way to you. You smiled and stuffed your phone into your pocket.
"Finally made it. What'd you bring?" he asked, pointing to the twelve pack in your hand. You hoisted it up so he could get a better look. "Just whatever was popular. I've been wanting to try these anyways." you responded. He took them from your hands.
"Let's put them in the refrigerator so they stay cold. I'll show you around the house." he responded. You followed him, staying close behind and bumped shoulders with a few people, muttering apologies they didn't seem to hear over the music.
You fished a drink out of the box before putting them away, Terushima already sporting a bottle of some domestic beer. He gave you a run down tour of the three story house. It was nicer than you thought a fraternity house would be. You imagined a nasty house, as you'd heard many of the other fraternities had donned. You thankfully hadn't seen them in person.
He introduced you to a few of the fraternity members, who were all on the volleyball team. Then it was time to let loose a little bit.
You followed him around the party, meeting new people and seeing some familiar faces, from the coffee shop, classes, or just in general around campus. You bobbed to the music next to his side, sipping the drink you had occasionally.
You meandered to the pool area outside, which looked like it would sit behind a mansion. You wondered how a fraternity could manage to get such a nice pool. You'd have to ask about it later.
You were now brought into Terushima's conversation, being introduced to some of his team and fraternity members. You dodged people running or simply passing by as the pool took up much of the outside area, there wasn't much walking room.
The night mostly continued as such until Terushima had made his way to a patio chair next to the pool, sitting down. You did the same on the one across from him. They sat quite close to the edge. You would have to see if you could come over and work on your tan a bit.
"Having a fun time so far?" he asked. You nodded, taking another sip of your drink, gazing around the back patio.
"This is a nice house! Most of the fraternity houses are pretty nice, but you guys keep this one pretty clean." you responded. He chuckled at the comment, taking a swig of his own drink. You had to admit, this was a pretty fun party.
"Wanna dip your feet in the pool? It should feel pretty nice after sitting in the sun all day." he asked. You nodded and moved to follow him to the pool. The lights inside orbed rainbow colors as it was now night time. This house just got cooler and cooler the more you noticed of it.
You both stepped towards the edge of the pool, getting ready to sit and remove your shoes, but before your feet could touch the water, you felt a hard push from behind. Your eyes widened and you let out a surprised screech, reaching out to Terushima and trying to grab ahold of him, but to no avail, he was headed towards the water as fast as you were.
You didn't even have time to remove your phone and other things from you pockets before you hit the water with a large splash. Water rushed into your nose and mouth as you inhaled trying to shout about your phone. You were fully submerged. Your make up, your electronics, your clothes, your shoes.
You felt two strong arms envelope you and you were suddenly breaking the surface of the water, coughing once oxygen hit your lungs. You felt yourself being lugged quickly to the edge of the pool as you rubbed at your eyes to try and catch a glimpse of the person who knocked you in.
Terushima lifted you out of the pool to sit on the edge. You continued to cough, finally able to breathe normally. You weren't under long thanks to him. Once you could see, you caught a glimpse of his irritated expression as he scanned the crowd of staring people.
"Who knocked us in? Who was running along the edge?" he asked. The crowd was silent. No one spoke up. But the wide eyes of the girl a couple feet away gave you your answer and your eyes met her own. She had quite the grip on this boy's hand that seemed to be pulling her along. She didn't knock you in, he did.
"It's not a big deal. I'm sure it was just an accident. A little water doesn't hurt!" you said, touching his shoulder gingerly. His eyes met yours and after a few seconds of what seemed like contemplation, he pushed himself out of the pool to rest on the edge next to you. After a minute, things seemed to turn back to normal.
"Hey, can you go grab us some towels?" he asked one of the pledges. The boy nodded and did as he was told. After a couple of minutes, the boy returned with two fluffy, olive green towels. You took one and thanked the boy, wiping yourself off and blotting at your face to maybe salvage whatever makeup had survived.
You kinda laughed about the situation.
"What?" Terushima asked, a smirk settling across his own face.
Your laugh deepened.
"Nothing, it's just kinda funny. You went all Mr. Serious-pants." you said in a silly voice. That got a hearty chuckle out of him.
"Here. Let's dry off and go get some new drinks." he said. You nodded and he stood up, offering his hand to help you. You took it and finished drying off.
You followed him to the same kitchen you had left your drinks before and he grabbed one out of the box you had brought, the same flavor you had been drinking on before. You thanked him.
You returned to the same spot next to the pool, sitting carefully this time. You continued to talk until the party died down, many people leaving as it was now the very early hours of the morning. You had stopped drinking not long ago as to walk home. You were pretty much dry now.
"Well, class tomorrow doesn't seem as great as our conversation, but we do still have to go. Need a ride?" he asked. You shook your head.
"It's okay. I can just walk. It isn't too far." you responded, standing up and wiping yourself off. He shook his head.
"Nope. I'm not letting you walk this late. Put your shoe son and follow me." he said. You nodded and kind of shrugged your shoulders. It was nice to not have to walk and maybe continue your conversation. Once your shoes were on, you did as he said, following him up the stairs and into what seemed to be his room.
You took note of the musky woodsy smell of the candle lit on the desk in the corner. Plants, books, coordination. It actually looked quite neat and put together in his room. The bed was made, no mess on the floor. You were even more impressed.
"Nice room." you said, leaning on the doorframe as he made his way to a bag hooked onto his desk chair and he fumbled through it, a pair of keys emerging from it.
"Thanks! I like it. I think it's the best room in the house. It's the biggest too." he responded. He blew the candle out and shut the light off. You followed him out and he closed the door, and you trekked downstairs.
He unlocked the door to his car, opening the passenger side and you got in. He jogged around the front, getting in and buckling himself in.
"Seatbelt." he said. You put it on and he started the engine up. He did the thing. Where he puts his hand around to your seat in order to reverse. You liked that thing. A lot. You smiled at the gesture as he began to drive forwards.
You continued your earlier conversation, occasionally peppering directions into the mix. It was about a four minute drive. He parked next to your car, which you chose not to drive because the afternoon was nice.
"Well. The night ends here I guess." he said. You nodded your head in silence.
"I realized I never got your number." he said, shuffling on his phone and handing you it, an empty contacts page pulled up. You typed your information in and handed the phone back to him. He smiled and locked it, setting the phone in his lap. You didn't really know what to do. You had such a fun time with him and didn't want it to necessarily end yet.
Soft fingers pulled you out of your trance, grazing your cheek and lightly pushing your face to his direction. He looked into your eyes and you just knew it was an invitation to kiss him. And you took it.
It didn't go much farther than that, but you laughed with each other and got out of the car, closing the door and walking over to his open window. You pecked his lips one more time, walking to the sidewalk in front of your door and waving at him.
"Let's do this again!" he shouted, waving. You nodded.
"Of course we will!" you responded. You waved again as he backed away, typing your code into your door. You put your things away and changed into pajamas, making a quick snack.
You picked your phone off of your couch and opened it, an unknown number popping up.
'Coffee tomorrow morning before class. 7:30. It's on me sweetness.' it read. You chuckled and responded.
'Better remember my favorite.'
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askthechronoverse · 2 months
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Dinner felt like a return to form for parent and daughter after the awkwardness. Kit talked excitedly about her day and how she couldn't wait for summer to finally begin. RJ in turn told Kit about more pleasant stories about his life as an adventurer and his former home of Apocalypseburg and Bricksburg. They went to the movie rental store next to the pizzeria and grabbed a movie for the two of them to watch, then headed home to finish homework and watch the chosen cartoon classic.
While the movie was playing, a generic guitar riff sounded from RJ's pocket. He moved to the kitchen to take the call, excusing himself to his little girl despite her focus on the show.
"Hello?" After a period of silence, RJ spoke again. "Calm down, babe. Whatever is wrong, I can fix it." It was this phrase that caught Kit's attention. She poked her head from behind the couch to listen in to her father's half of the conversation.
"So Unitron's decorated chief does want to drag me through a long trial? I know. I know. It doesn't mean he's -!... I have an entire kingdom that's willing to vouch for me. You can pick anyone off the street of the Unicapital." He paused. "I'm not going to Awntawp… by the way, Kit knows…. Yeah, she found out at school today. It'll make a discussion about a trial much easier… Please don't worry that pretty little head of yours. I'll be fine. They need Unikitty’s permission ta land in the Unicapital. He can't get me unless I leave… You know I love you…. Hang on. Gettin' another call. It's probably Emmet, since he would have been in the same meeting as you." RJ pressed the screen of his phone to change the call over.
"Hey, Em!... Yeah, Richie told me… He's scared, too… Don't panic! I'll tell you what I told him: I have an entire kingdom that's willing to vouch for me. This also happened a really long time ago. He doesn't have a legal leg to stand on to throw me in prison… See? If the queen has to write off on it anyway, the most that's probably going to happen is she's going to have to talk to me in person. You and I both know that a real conversation has been long overdue… I gotta go. I want to make sure that my daughter understands what I'm talking about, considering I know she's listening." With the acknowledgment of her eavesdropping verbalized, Kit turned her attention back to the movie, which was quickly paused by her father. He sat next to her on the couch and turned to her, face more serious than she had ever seen it before.
"I know you heard what I was telling your uncle and father. And yes it is about what you found out today. Sometimes, timing is… It makes you wonder if the bra… Man Upstairs has some literary timing." RJ shook his head. "Nothing is going to happen to me. More than likely, they're going to make me go to Syspocalypstar to present my case before Queen Wa'nabi and the chief of Unitron and…" He sighed. "There is a chance that they might send me to some place far away for a while. I'm not going to lie about that to you."
"Where would you go if they make you leave?" Kit tilted her head slightly, her horn flopping down to one side.
"There is a galaxy out there, a place called the Dryar System. It's a dark and desolate system, the most notable planet of it being a desert wasteland. A planet was found there a few years back that you may remember from the news reports: Awntawp. Unitron took it over and it became a prison, a place for only the biggest threats to the United Systems go. That might be my home for a while, if nothing goes well. I'm sure they'll let you visit, but I wouldn't want you to." RJ watched Kit's reaction and held her close to him when she looked like she was going to cry.
"Can Big Sister help you?" She spoke through warm tears.
"She might be able to. I know she will hear about this from any number of people. I expect her to be monitoring the skies for Unitron ships." RJ got to his feet now, walking towards the nearest window to watch the skies himself. Kit, after fishing out some tissues from her bag, rushed to her father to hug him, but no lights showed up in the night sky as the two watched.
It took what felt like a lifetime for RJ to check the clock. "Kitten, it's late. You still have school tomorrow.” There was a deep sorrow in the man's voice now, as if he was already mourning the worst timeline's outcome.
"Dad? Please don't leave me." The fear of losing her father left a heavy pit in Kit's stomach. The feeling that knowing her father's possible fate gave her made the anger of not knowing the truth of how he got there feel like a lesser issue.
"I will never. Kit, I will always come back to you." RJ led his child to her bedroom.
"Promise?" She stopped just under the doorframe, watery eyes looking up to her dad.
"I promise. Cross my heart." He knelt down and kissed his daughter's forehead. She nodded after a long moment of staring, giving her father as crushing a hug as a girl her size could. With a yawn, she disappeared into her bedroom and closed the door behind her. RJ stayed for just a moment longer, eyes boring into the wood. He whispered a silent prayer to beings he knew never were listening that things would stop getting worse before heading up to his room to get ready for sleep.
In the early hours of the morning, while the humans slept in the A-frame cabin, a signal came from the fist shaped ship in orbit around the planet. The signal held a single message, a single desperate plea: SOS. This plea was sent over and over again, waiting for someone who could accept the signal to hear, understand, and act. By the time the signal was even sent however, it was already too late.
When RJ awoke, he immediately looked at his alarm clock, which showed that it was almost 10 in the morning. He didn't remember his alarm clock going off, but he also didn't remember if he set it. He rushed down the stairs to wake his daughter, but saw she was missing. With a panic, he rushed to the house phone, where he noticed a note on soft, almost pastel pink paper on the refrigerator door. He grabbed the note from off of the door and subconsciously noted that it was written on the back of a flyer for a sale at some store in the local mall. The first thing he noted was that the handwriting was his husband's. That meant that he did get home sometime when he was asleep. The note read:
It will take a while for Unitron to reach Meraki. We do still have time to discuss a legal strategy, which will include hiring a lawyer. I got Catherine ready for school and took her. I should be home soon.
Dr Fox has granted you a leave of absence. She said that something occurred at the office that afforded you this leave. You will need to let me know what this incident was so I can have that be investigated.
Richard xoxo
The words caused a wave of relief to crash over him. Kit was at school. With his nerves calmed, he could hear a steady beep coming from his study. Three dots lol. Three dashes. Three dots. S. O. S. His radio was only tuned to one signal: the signal coming from The Rexcelsior.
"What now?" He muttered to himself with a muddy mix of fear and exasperation as he rushed to the garage to master build a ship that could get him up to see what the signal meant.
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luckyshotwrites · 1 year
Ch. 1 // Happy Pizzeria // Day 0
Contents (Warnings/Mild spoilers): Needed set up before the story kicks off next Chapter. Mentions of vore, size differences, and sprinkles of what is to come.
Wordcount: 4,100+
Side note: This will contain experimental writing, first person (Lynette's view) will be implemented alongside third person for the two other essential characters, (mostly) Alexander and (occasionally) Drake. For those third person moments all their text will be italicized and have the characters name in Bold at the start. There may be other characters I write for in the future using this method but we’ll see. Thank you and enjoy~.
(Sept. 7th, Wednesday)
"Shoot, I used the wrong spell!" 
I scrolled through the list desperately. I needed to find the right one to kill the Banshee. 
I ran in circles frantically to avoid its wails while I did so. "Wait, please-" I exclaimed as my phone began to ring. I jumped at the loud vibration on the table and paused my game. 
I fumbled to stop "livin' la vida loca" from blowing up in the break room.
I answered, "Hey, what's up, Charletta?"
"Lyn, are you off today?" Her cheer echoed through the receiver. 
I pinched my phone between my ear and neck and resumed the game.
"Nope, Tuesday and Thursday are my days off, so I can think about starting school?” My enthusiasm dropped. I wanted them to at least have hope that I could amount to something. 
"Oh! I should have called yesterday. Sorry, Lyn!"
"You're fine!" I said. "I'm on break for at least another five minutes. We can chat."
"Chatting with you, that's a rarity.” She joked sarcastically. I knew she was teasing me but I sank in my seat nonetheless.
"I mean to call more. I had tons of homework during my finishing my GED in the summer and my job's been running me ragged…”
"It wasn’t a knock at you," she replied, "I was teasing. Wicks has kept me up to date with how hard you’ve been working."
"I mostly get my motivation from him…"
“HEY!” Her voice leaped at me, "You’re the one doing the work.” She argued and let things lie. “I’m glad to hear your voice and know you’re doing well. I worry for you guys, especially Wicks knowing how he is.” 
"Don't I know it," I said with a chuckle, partially because of what I said and also because I beat the Banshee.
"I did call for another reason though…!" Her voice erupted in a burst of excitement again, "My wedding is two months away!"
I jumped in my seat, "right." I paused my game again and put the console into sleep mode, "I gotta request that day off."
"DAY!" She exclaimed. "You're the maid of honor. You need to be here for at least 4 days. If not the whole week!!" I felt the lecture coming on. 
"You know work isn't going to let me do that." I looked around at the few people in the breakroom, "I was already out for a week for food poisoning." I glanced over at the T.V. playing the news. "I mean, how was I supposed to know eating out of a dumpster was a bad idea!"
"WHAT!" There was a fluster of incomprehensible Spanish, at least to me, with the speed at which she used it. 
"Kidding, Charletta. It was that small restaurant called "duckys dining". I’m sure Wicks told you. Remember it made me super sick afterward." I said. 
She was quiet for a little while and continued, “Well, convince your work. You have to be here for rehearsal and the bachelorette party too. You also have to meet my fiancé and his family. Plus, Mom and Dad really want to see you-" She cut herself off. "Basically, there's no better than you!"
I smirked and moved the phone to face me as if we were on video call, "Wicks could pull off the maid of honor position."
"Lyn, I can't have him looking better in that maid of honor dress than me in my own dress!" She laughed.
I laughed along too. "I'll ask and see what they tell me, promise."
Her ecstatic chirps returned, "if you can only get the day…I guess I can go over rehearsal with you, but I expect you to materialize as soon as the clock strikes 12:00a.m. that Friday!"
I talked a little bit longer with her before I had to go. I doubted work would be lenient. I knew they’d make me leap through a bunch of hoops to get there, especially because I had only been working here for a month or so. 
I put my portable console away, made sure I looked presentable, and put on my best customer service smile. As long as I act my best, it’ll work out. 
He dreaded walking into the store, yet he had no choice. His new birthday present chewed up his HDMI cable when he was in the shower. 
The influx of smells within the store occasionally swayed him. I’m so glad I ate this morning, he thought. His desire would be harder to ignore if he didn’t. 
He made his way to the electronics section, dismissing a few of the more tempting people he passed. I have a party soon, stop being annoying. He grumbled audibly at his body.  
He booked it for the cables and when he got close enough his stomach immediately twisted and tightened. He slowed down and his gaze locked onto the redhead female worker assisting another customer.
He yanked his body to the next aisle over and crouched down to keep himself lower than the shelves he towered. 
His hand touched his softly growling abdomen. What the hell.
He reluctantly kept inhaling her sweet scent from the other aisle and his breath trembled out with each escape. He closed his eyes to calm down—it only worsened his problem. 
Alexander pressed up his black-rim glasses with his other hand and strove to focus on the headphones locked behind the glass next to him. Though, his ear keenly listened to her friendly demeanor and laughs with the older gentlemen. 
His poor attempts at focusing on something else also did nothing to soothe his begging stomach. Thankfully, its persistent cries were loud enough for his ears to hear alone. 
Alexander waited until she told the customer to have a good rest of his day. He stood up and made his way over to the aisle she was at. He made note of where she was and the rolling product card she had near her. 
She has to be stocking where I need to go.
He knelt down and maintained the little distance they had between one another. He searched over the HDMI cords she was stocking, and slowly his eyes drifted to her body. Less of her delicate features and form, simply focusing on her size. 
She was small and seeing her hand come up to stock another product made his mind wander. He, much to his frustration, imagined his mouth where her hand reached. He swallowed hard, her vexing aroma made him desperately want to know how she tasted and hoped she’d settle his hunger. 
Her voice suddenly swept him from thought. “Do you need this?”
He flinched and sprang up. She followed him and stood before him, holding out the cheaper HDMI cable. His eyes looked her up and down and he gulped back his temptation to grab and consume her. 
He adjusted his glasses out of nervousness. To her, he most likely seemed innocent. 
“Yeah. I didn’t want to interrupt your flow.” He said.
His fingers touched hers lightly as he grabbed the cable from her. 
"You're fine, sir. I'm stocking them anyway," she flashed him a cheery smile, he pushed himself to ignore it. “Is there anything else I can help you with?"
"uh-" His thoughts were slowly being consumed by his urge to fulfill his craving.
He fought not to do it, he was busy. Then, his eyes caught the logo of her uniform and it reminded him of the advantage he never used before. “Do you like your job?”
Her expression flickered, she went from awaiting him with a bouncy patience to confusion. It allowed Alexander to regain his composure as he towered over the five-foot-tall girl.
“It's work. Most employees are friendly, and they make it fun, but everything else depends on the days. A little more pay would be great." She said with her restored smile, "were you asking because you wanted to work here too?"
Alexander pulled his wallet out. “No.” He picked through the cards in it. The company card was handed to him a long time ago. What should I say? He internally groaned. What does that flirty bastard tell them? “My work would benefit from having someone cheerful and friendly run the registers.” He offered her the faded and slightly bent card. “It’s a pizzeria not that far from here.”
She smirked seeing the cartoon pizza slice that read, “Happy Pizzeria” on it. The writing at least was legible after these few years. She didn’t look completely sold on the idea. 
He turned his head away and continued to speak. “It pays $100 an hour, offers medical the day you’re hired, plenty of va-”
"$100 AN HOUR!" her voice squeaked with its raised pitch. She tilted back to the card, embarrassed, "s-sorry. Continue."
"Plenty of vacation time, dental, and vision." Alexander explained. The two of them fiddled with their respective objects, her with the card and him with the HDMI cable. 
She looked up at him questionably, "They’d pay me that much to run a register, why?"
"The owner's a retired multi-millionaire who decided one day his passion was making pizzas." Alexander said and also muttered under his breath, "he doesn't care much for his wealth."
"And there's spots open?"
"He only accepts interviews from employee recommendations."
She pointed to herself, “and you’re recommending me?”
I am, aren’t I? His eyes fell back on her and he fought not to lurch at her. It’s… “Yes.” He couldn’t meet her gaze anymore. 
"I’ll definitely look into it, thank you!”
Alexander ran his hand through his hair. "y-yeah. Call the number on the card later this afternoon. I'll put in the recommendation for you, uh…."
"Lynette." She responded.
He nodded. "Got it-uh…" his legs didn't want to break their distance unless it was to get closer. He sheepishly chuckled, "sorry, I'm Alexander." He instinctively put out a hand. Her soft small one met his larger one. Don't. Don't pull her in. I have the party in an hour.
He quickly shook hers, successfully pulled back, and forced himself to turn around. "Hope to see you hired soon…Lynette." He clutched the HDMI cord to his chest and got as far away as possible. He couldn’t take being around her anymore. It was the longest and hardest conversation he had with a human in a while. It only served as a harsh reminder how hard it was to be so close to them, especially when her scent nearly overtook him.
Once I got home, I studied the card. That was such a weird interaction. She threw herself back on her couch. What are the odds that some stranger invited me to join a job like that as soon as I'm struggling to start school ? I got out my laptop, and checked over the site. It looked legit with a 4.7 star rating from tons of reviews. Those pizza’s look so good! 
I looked over the number on the card again, then pulled my phone out. My finger hovered over the number pad. I'll get Wicks’s opinion first. I hoped he'd answer while away on his business trip.
He answered with a few huffs. “What's up?”
"Is it a bad time?" I asked. 
"NO, no, uh-they had me getting everyone coffee, so I was running around doing that.”
I didn't let my mind wander too much as he kept panting and there were harsh bangs like construction in the background.
"Okay…I was at work today, and I got offered a better job at a pizzeria. The pat seems outrageous, it's-"
There was a loud bang from his side of the phone.
"Wicks! Are you sure this isn't a bad time, where are you?"
"Don't worry, just-." His voice strained like he pushed against something. "Trying to carry some boxes!"
I pursed my lips. I could hear the lie hidden behind his nervous giggle. 
I sucked it up and spoke back fast, "nevermind, tell you later. I LOVE YOU. PLEASE BE SAFE!"
I hung up the phone to let him deal with his business.
I clutched it with one hand and looked at the card. This could be my perfect opportunity, don't squander it. 
I called the number, feeling the vultures known as anxiety picking away from me like I was down for the count. 
As it rang and rang, a female finally answered.
"Hello, this is Sandra with the Happy Pizzeria office line. How can I help you?"
"Hi, my name is Lynette Wayland. I'm calling because I talked to one of your employees earlier today, Alexander-" I don't know his last name, shoot.
She interjected, "Ah, yes. Alexander didn't have your last name when we spoke about your possible call." She cleared her throat. "We're currently hiring for a cashier position. Have you worked at a pizzeria or any fast food establishment before?"
"I'm currently working in the electronics area, which requires me to occasionally work the register…." I corrected it. "Food experience, no." I didn't think to mention my month working at Mickey D's in high school.
She was quiet for a moment, then continued, "any cashiering experience is better than none. Plus, you'll learn everything else you need on the job. And sorry if I go silent, I'm writing down your information for our owner."
I gave her my date of birth, spelled out my name, and a few other things, not my address or social security. We were done relatively quickly.
"So, how soon can you be here?"
"Apologies if you're not busy at the moment; Mr. Clemente is still in, and he can see you for a face-to-face interview."
I looked down at my dirty work clothes and patted at my hair which needed a wash.
"Miss Wayland?"
"Yes, I can come in for an interview in the next hour!” I hope I don't sound too desperate.
"Great!" She said, "I hope to see you soon, have a pleasant drive here!" She hung up.
I hurried off the phone to the shower, brushed my teeth, and sent the address to Wicks in case. I was glad to see it was only a twenty-minute drive from our apartment. 
It wasn't hard to miss either, as it had a smiling pizza icon inviting people in.
How have I never seen this place before? I thought. Wicks would get a kick out of it. 
When I parked, it was lively, and probably one of the biggest pizzerias or restaurants in general that I had ever seen. It was the size of a two story grocery store. I wonder if it has an arcade.
I got to the door, and the lovely cheesy, and meaty smells blessed me. If I get this job, it's gonna suck, smelling like pizza all day. I got hungry the further inside I got. Whether I get this job or not I should get the pizza. 
I looked around while I waited in line. The person at the counter answered customers with a deadpan expression. There were a few people dining in the clean, stylized atmosphere while soft jazz played in the background. While the others waited or grabbed them from a giant heated machine for their online orders. I swayed back and forth, running hypothetical questions I might be asked during the interview. I didn’t bring a resume! 
"Ma'am?" The cashier's voice called to me. 
I perked up, "oh gosh, sorry. I'm Lynette here for an interview?"
He raised a brow, then nodded, "Yes. Right back here." He gestured to the space to slide behind the counter. He pointed down the hall through the kitchen. "Down that way, it'll be the hallway past the kitchen on your left. There is an office at the end marked "Mr. Clemente.""
"Thank you," I said with a bow of my head.
"No problem, and good luck." He said to me as I passed. I expected a messy kitchen as most food places were in the back. But it was clean and more importantly HUGE. It's like you had to either be super fast or a giant to work here. Then again, most people are giant to me. I sighed. 
I briefly saw another who looked around my age rushing back with an older woman in the kitchen. They looked in their zones. 
I got to the hall he mentioned, then went down toward the office. I passed two other doors on the way across from each other. One said infirmary, and the other said record keeping.
It's good of them to have an infirmary. 
I exhaled outside the door to the office and calmed my jittering nerves. I knocked and heard a male voice beckon me inside. 
I expected a grand giant office to match the very expensive appearing Pizzeria interior. But, I was greeted with an average one. It had a bookshelf, a desk with a comfy-looking head chair, a computer, a framed picture that faced him, and two equally nice chairs across from him.
"Lynette Wayland, nice to meet you." He stood up and walked over to meet me. .
He looks wealthy. He had a very flawless complexion and his clothes were neatly tucked. He wore an all-black, freshly pressed business suit with a red cloth in his pocket and white gloves over his hands. I shook the hand he offered me. He’s about the same height as Wicks…and looks maybe around the same age as Charletta? 
"My name is Edgar Clemente. You may call me Edgar. It's nice to make your acquaintance." He introduced himself. A firm handshake followed. However, what caught my eye was his oddly colored ones. They looked a little redder than a normal brown hue. Almost with a tint of purple. "Is something the matter?"
I shook my head and moved to the seat he offered across his desk, "you have very nice eyes." I tried not to make it sound weird.
"Thank you, they were a gift from my parents." He chuckled as he sat back in his. "Before I start the classic interview questions, Lynette, I need to ask, how do you feel about pizza?"
"Pizza? I think it's good. I enjoy it." 
He put a hand to his chest, "I started this place as a passion project. I don't know why, but the impulse to make pizza was too great to ignore. There's something I find so relaxing when I make them." His grin made it hard to tell whether or not he was joking, "and it's kind of become a ritual of passage for me to ask those interested in being hired about what it means for them" He folded his hands over one another, " how do you feel about pizza?" 
Should I lie? I asked myself. I could say something like, “I’ve always had a passion for pizza too!” and yet my mouth wouldn’t let me.
"Honestly, sir, I don't have a giant passion for making pizza. I find it good, don't get me wrong, but not in the same way. I heard the amount you pay your employee’s and I think it’d be a great way to save up as much money as possible so that I could pursue another passion and not have to worry about…not being successful.." I said and lowered my head after.. "It's probably not the answer you wanted."
Chin up. I nudged myself and adjusted my posture in my seat. No mopping, you’re not out yet. "However, if I’m hired, I will work to the best of my ability to bring the cheer your customers need when they come inside this pizzeria!"
I maintained eye contact, partially intimidated by his silence. He moved a gloved hand to his mouth and I saw a smile peak on his lips. 
"Most people tell me what I want to hear. A time when pizza sparked their "hearts."" He placed air quotations over the word. "I’m glad you don’t look ashamed that you answered with sincerity. I would be after the money in your position too." He chuckled and sat back, "unlike you, I would have lied though."
He opened his desk and placed down a packet of papers labeled "Happy Pizzeria Contract." 
"As you are in it for the money, Lynette, how about I offer you a proposition." He flipped to the second page and wrote on the bottom of it. He flipped it back to me. "The pay is $100 an hour, you are allowed up to a month of vacation paid after your first week, and as a bonus, if you stay here for six months, you'll receive $500,000."
My eyes widened, "wh-what-" I was too stunned to say anything else. 
He raised a pointer finger, "and if you stay loyal to this pizzeria for a year, working hard, following our rules, I'll raise that bonus to four million dollars."
My heart felt like it skipped a beat. I leaned back in my chair and held it.
He bent his desk and his face looked worried.. "Are you alright, dear?"
“I-yeah, just…four million…” I uttered to myself. "A year? That's it."
"If you can last, yes. And I'm sure that'd help with your money problems? On top of your $100 an hour." He handed me a pen, "oh, and we offer some of the best medical coverage around, as well as dental and vision once you start."
I pulled myself up and looked at the contract, "am I selling my soul or something?"
He snickered and gave a shake of his head, "no, no. I simply have more than enough money for my family, not including how much my wife makes."
I took the pen he held out. "How many hours and days would I work a week?"
"Five days a week, two days off a week, given that your recommendation was Alexander, he'll be training you. And you'd have Tuesday and Wednesday off." He held a finger up, "If possible, you'll start tomorrow."
"That works great." I replied, "what about lunch break and-"
"You receive two fifteen-minute breaks and an hour lunch break. A break after two hours, a lunch break after two more hours, then another fifteen before your last two hours. Your work hours will also be the night shift. 2 p.m. to 11p.m. is that alright with you?"
"Yes," I said. 
I couldn't find anything to disagree with. I skimmed the contract. I was in too much shock to analyze every word. After a few more small questions, I signed it, and Edgar took it back. He told me to go to the infirmary for the rest of the information, he walked me into the hall, and directed me inside.
He and the nurse were apparently switching places because a few employees were out. The infirmary room itself had beds of various sizes. I didn't understand why they would have ones that looked to fit at least six people on them. 
I sat at the seat in the far corner and waited. I glanced over the books lying around and then to the medical supplies. A woman walking in drew my attention to her instead. 
She introduced herself as Sandra, the woman I spoke to earlier. 
She had a pale yet beautiful complexion, and her ears were sharper than most people's. It actually reminded me of Wicks and our family. I think Alexander had them with a small point too?
She escorted me to a scale and height machine. Took that down, gave me a small physical, questioned how I had been feeling lately, asked about my medical history, and informed me that she would be contacting my doctor soon.
Her voice during all of it sounded very rehearsed as if she had done it at least a hundred times. 
She gave me a uniform from a cabinet full of them. It came with a hat, name badge, red shirt with black trim, and black jean pants. Then stacked me up with a second pair of everything. The fabric felt stretchy and thin yet sturdy.
The mascot pizza slice on the hat next to the words, Happy Pizzeria and the little guy was also on the breast pocket of the shirt. 
Sandra warned me how dirty they would get throughout the day, precisely at Lunch. Probably because everyone eats the pizza here. 
Later I returned to the apartment teetering on excitement and unease. This is way too good to be true! I sank back on the couch with a cup of tea and let myself relax.
I sat up and gasped, “wait! Dang it,” I nearly spilled my tea when I pouted. “I didn't even buy one of their pizzas!” 
Thank you for reading! :D Have a Gouda Day! (Re-edited 1/29/2023)
Next Chapter
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What I’d do for a Livable Income (Synopsis/Chapter - List)
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bvannn · 4 months
Weekly Update January 26, 2024
I am still very sick. I just took my second increased dose of the medicine, hoping it will help. Whatever stomach issue I was having a bit ago appears to have returned as well, or it could be more side effects from the surgery. Or something else. I don’t know. I tried fasting on Wednesday and felt physically better but also guilty, and I don’t want to keep doing it because I know it’s dangerous. I’m still a healthy weight for my height so I can probably get away with doing it like, once a week, but I don’t want to accidentally lose too much weight either because I’m already a 22 year old adult who buys clothes in the kids section I don’t need to be any smaller. I’ll figure it out, I’m trying to focus what I am eating on fruits and nuts, hoping it’ll detox me a bit.
I did a couple drawings this week. Kinda. The one I posted was actually sketched back before the surgery I just hadn’t digitized it yet. I only posted the one drawing because I want to hold on to the other for a bit because it’s part of that epithet prompt set I made. I’m fully not expecting to do every one of those prompts, but I figured hey since I missed a few I can do a batch of the missed prompts and release them at once. I sketched the one for this week and planned on finishing it on Wednesday but I got sick again. Once I’m feeling better I’ll try to focus more on drawings. I think I gotta scrap the big animation project I was working on due to circumstances beyond my control, which sucks but theoretically I can try other animation things too. I’ve been sitting on an idea for a short Detective Conan animation, maybe I’ll do that. Or maybe I’ll stay sick. Idk. I kinda want to figure out how I would animate Shaun, since he’s a ghost so I’d have to deal with both transparency and glow effects, plus certain aspects of his design that were meant to be more flowy, like his shirt-tail-thing. I could poke after effects again but it seems a lot more tedious than I had hoped.
I did review over comic stuff this week too, although I haven’t made any progress since I really started getting the surgery after effects. I like how it’s flowing for the most part, but I’m probably going to have to do second drafts of a few pages. Kinda sucks that everything feels so rushed, since I want to fit the whole introductory chapter into ~32 pages, which I’m totally able to do but I have to hold off on some little dialogue exposition conversations that I think people would like. Any story with ghosts is going to have people wanting to fully understand how the ghosts physically work, especially when it becomes relevant, but some of that can be put off until later because character moments are more important. Whatever, I can always keep going.
I feel super bad about not being able to do anything but I’m still so screwed up. I want to take another stab at music, and maybe I will, but I need to sit upright to play piano which screws with my stomach, and in order to pick out VSTs I want on a song I need to be able to have a midi that resembles what the final will sound like and I need to be in the headspace to listen to music without going into sensory overload. I’m pretty sure all of this is sleep related, I have the weekend to hopefully catch up on sleep, but I need to do some homework as well. And I need to stop waking up in the middle of the night. I’m afraid to double dose on sleep medicine because even though I know it’s safe after 6 or so hours, I don’t want to be reliant on sleep medicine because that’s how Michael Jackson died. Might have to wait for my surgery bs to subside before I can try to detox though.
I don’t know what to do with myself right now. I feel awful, I feel like my insides are rotting, but I know they’re not since I’m not in pain from it (or at least not enough pain to really believe that). Plus surgeon looked at me before I moved back to Uni and seemed really impressed with how quickly I was healing. Even though I probably disobeyed her ‘don’t lift more than 20 pounds’ rule. Like a lot. I did feel better this week than I did last, so I’m hoping I can bounce back pretty quick. I’ll give it another week or two before I ask my primary if I need another medicine. I’m hesitant right now because both she and the surgeon seemed to agree beforehand that I wouldn’t, and I want to trust them. I don’t know. Time providing I’ll try to do more drawings this week.
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