#Hobbit Battle
verkomy · 5 months
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I promise...
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idontcarecarebear · 7 months
I love comparing book Thorin and to movie Thorin especially when they first meet Bilbo and book Thorin lands flat on his face being crushed by Bifur, Bofur and Bombur, pulls out a beautiful harp that he’s been carrying the whole time to the shire and even after they leave the shire, gives compliments to Bilbo about being a generous host and talks about the hair on his feet and movie Thorin just saunters in looking like a sexy mysterious man in the night ready to whisk away poor Bilbo but his brain wasn’t working quick enough to keep up with the charade and insults Bilbo instead.
And I love both of them and would love it if they both met and thought the other version was a complete moron.
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midnightblue66 · 1 year
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If Thranduil saw Legolas fight in the Battle of Five Armies 
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alicebeckstrom · 2 years
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“While there was still a king [the Hobbits] were in name his subjects, but they were, in fact, ruled by their own chieftains and meddled not at all with events in the world outside. To the last battle at Fornost with the Witch-lord of Angmar they sent some bowmen to the aid of the king, or so they maintained, though no tales of Men record it.” ~ Prologue, Concerning Hobbits, The Fellowship of the Ring (Art: “Hobbit Archer” by Aleksander Karcz) 
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artbyleav · 2 months
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“In time all foul things come forth."
This time I chose Thranduil✨
Thank you @xxtoxicknightaestheticsxx @firelightinferno @meluiloth-of-rivendell for the suggestion, and thank you to everyone else that gave suggestions I go through all of them 🙏🏻
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elenthali · 2 years
we don’t talk enough about the fact that there was a period of time when bilbo was in possession of the one ring, the arkenstone, and a mithril shirt. that’s one hell of a collection and he was most excited about an acorn…
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Men will literally be like:
Thorin Oakenshield:
Farewell, Master Burglar. Go back to your books... and your armchair... plant your trees, watch them grow. If more people... valued home above gold... this world would be a merrier... place...
Bilbo Baggins:
No! No, no, no! No! Thorin! Thorin... don't you dare! [cradles Thorin, who has already died] Thorin... hold on. Hold on. Look. The Eagles. The Eagles. The Eagles are here. Thorin! [realizing Thorin's dead] The Ea - [breaks down and begins to weep]
Instead of fucking confessing their feelings.
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nolonger-roses · 4 months
Dwarves were unfazed
We have the king who married the hobbit and was insane and obssesive about him even when he had the dragon sickness
A young prince dating an elf who was banished from the elf kingdom
(At least they had Fili who was responsible when he had to)
And then Gimli came. Someone responsible, intelligent and amazing in every way and he ends up with the weird prince elf who is the son of the elven king that kept the company prisioners
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stephpotterart · 4 months
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The Triumphant Return
Final colour version of this piece, which has been living on my Patreon since July!
My Patreon is full of unseen art, and lots of perks only available there! Patrons also get discounts on commissions!
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Fix it for The Hobbit : Battle of The Five Armies
Thorin: I am Turing you greedily man away and ignoring you in your time of need
Bilbo: Who are you, Thranduil???
Thorin, going through the five stages of grief, the shock of being compared to Thranduil immediately kicking the goldsickness out of his body: I have changed my mind
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verkomy · 20 days
thorin accepting his fate
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movie-gifs · 5 days
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The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies (2014). dir. Peter Jackson
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mxliv-oftheendless · 4 months
Ok I know we all like to joke about how the Battle of the Five Armies is only a page long in The Hobbit but like. Sometimes I think about how what if Tolkien wrote it that way because he didn’t want his kids to hear about war.
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onearmedlegend · 1 year
Something I just want to bring up.
I’m watching The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies and when he’s saying goodbye to the dwarves, he says, “Don’t bother knocking.”
And I know that’s meant to be: “You’re welcome to just walk in and take a seat and hang out.”
But really, when we watch their introductions, they all ring the doorbell to show they’re at the door. Except. EXCEPT Thorin. He specifically knocks. He’s the only dwarf who does.
So in this essay, I will say:
Bilbo wants to keep in contact with the dwarves, but. He knows if he hears a knock at the door, he will assume it’s Thorin every time.
But when he’s older, he’s bitter when Gandalf knocks at the door. Most likely from forgetfulness and the Ring, but a piece of him remembers the feeling of why he doesn’t like knocking.
What say you?
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glamdolf · 1 year
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"I loved you in all the ways I could." - Sue Zhao
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idontcarecarebear · 6 months
My favourite thing about rewatching the hobbit an unexpected journey is hearing Thorin call Bilbo a traitor for saying they smell bad
Thorin can dish out all the insults he wants but he can’t take one even if it’s to literally save his life
I think he was angrier then when Bilbo took the Arkenstone
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