#I can feel the awkwardness deep in bones especially babe's
disenchanted-youth · 5 months
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moonswolfie · 8 months
HQ!! Boys with a poet S/O
hey hey hey guess who's back with a super self indulgent piece of shit fic (i am joking, this is my humour)
also let's just say the reader does not write about cute lightearted things (but if you'd like to see a version where the reader writes cute stuff lmk!!)
so, yk TW for implied mental turmoil and an overall angsty hurt/comfort mood for these
Characters featured: Oikawa, Akaashi, Kageyama, Bokuto, Iwa chan
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OIKAWA honestly wouldn't believe that those poems were written by you at first. When you excitedly gave him some of your poems to read, he thought they would be cutesy love poems dedicated to him and only him, not this. "What...? Are they bad?" You seemed worried at his wide-eyed expression. "Baby, are you ...okay?" He asked out of the blue, the genuine worry in his tone knocking the wind out of you. "Hahaha, it feels so weird hearing you say that...!" You tried your best to not let any more laughter escape you. "What?! Am I not allowed to be a good boyfriend now?!" He was offended by your reaction, slightly clutching the poems in his hands. "No, it's just... unusual to see you this concerned about me." You said with a half-smile. You had gotten so used to Oikawa's light-hearted flirty attitude, that you sort of forgot just what kind of person he is. "Just what do you think of me?" He sighed, suddenly pulling you in for a hug. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" All you did was nod, feeling relieved that he understands.
AKAASHI 's eyes would widen gradually as he read the contents of your poem. You gave him 5, but he already feels horrible, and he's only on the first one. He almost doesn't want to believe you wrote this. He becomes worried about you, doing a deep analysis on your poem since he wants to understand every part before approaching you with his worries. The next day when you greet him happily, he simply hugs you. "I'm sorry for not noticing..." is all he says, and though it takes you a bit to understand what he means, you feel overwhelmingly relieved he isn't judging you for what happened. "It's okay, I didn't tell you, you couldn't have known..." you assured him, knowing your boyfriend's tendency to overthink, he would beat himself up if you said nothing. "Next time, please please tell me about things like this. I can't stand the thought of you suffering alone." He squeezed you tighter.
KAGEYAMA is confused. Reading and understanding poems was never his strong suit, but yours are especially confusing to him. You laughed a little at his concentration face, and he handed you your poem back, still confused. "What does this even mean...?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed. "Ahaha, don't worry about it too much... I wrote it like that on purpose." You made your poem vague and messy on purpouse, something you knew Kageyama probably couldn't understand properly. Awkward silence filled the room, and Kageyama silently hugged you all of a sudden. "I don't get why, but I got the random urge to hug you just now..." he mumbled silently, squeezing you in his grip. He must have noticed the sadness behind your voice and just doesn't know how to properly comfort you. "You said that out loud, Tobio." You smiled. "Shit..."
BOKUTO 's smile drops suddenly as he reads your poem. When he found you writing it, he insisted that he must read it no matter what. But what in the world was this? Why were you writing about all this sad stuff? "Babe...." his hands trembled slightly as he looked at you while you were smiling as you usually do. "Why would you say that about yourself?" He was very very saddened right now, and you weren't sure who's going to end up comforting who. You felt your bones being crushed in his impulsive hug. "It isn't true!! You're literally the best person I know!! So don't you dare say that again!!" He put his forearm over his eyes, tears stinging at his eyes. He has to be strong for you, he can't cry now. "Kou-" "I've decided! From today on, you're getting complimented every day!! No excuses!!" He looked very determined.
IWAIZUMI understood the content of your poems very well. And it angered him. Why didn't you tell him this happened?! "Idiot." He let the word escape his lips, clutching the paper in his hands. "You should have told me. I would have protected you." He looked to you. You weren't scared since you knew that your boyfriend was genuinely concerned right now, and that was just his way of expressing it. "Dammit, why do you always insist on keeping your problems to yourself..." he pulled you to his side, looking ahead. "I'll tell you next time..." you looked down to the ground. "You better. Or I'll beat you up." He huffed, but you saw the relief flashing in his eyes. He didn't really show it, but somehow, you could tell his heart sank when he read it.
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I'm okay :)
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matthewtkachuk · 4 years
how to be a heartbreaker: rule three - rafe cameron
Rafe Cameron’s privileged upbringing has let him get away with far too much, for far too long. Between his tormenting of the pogues, running his mouth without consequence, and arrogant attitude, it’s time someone knocked him down a peg. Breaking his bones didn’t work, but maybe you can break his heart.
co-authored with my love, freya @rekrappeter
pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader, unrequited!JJ x reader
warnings: angst, starting a relationship under false pretences, drinking and drug use, implied smut hehe
word count: 4.4k 
a/n: this one is my personal fave hehe, you’ll see what i mean when you get to the end. please please please leave us feedback, freya and i read every comment and cry hehe
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“And if that doesn’t work?” you questioned, eyes solely on JJ. He moved from standing next to the chalkboard to flaking on the couch beside you. He had an arm resting on the back of the couch, his fingertips brushing your shoulder. He had just gone through rule number two and you were starting to think that there was no way this could work. It sounded too cliche, too romcom teen movie.
JJ sighed, sitting up slightly, “It’s going to work, trust me.”
“Trust you?” Pope asked, “You haven’t even thought this plan through.”
“We actually spent hours going through these rules,” John B pouted.
“Any time JJ spent trying to find a word to rhyme with attached doesn’t count,” Kie quipped.
“Listen, babe,” JJ turned his body to you, your legs brushing as you looked at him nervously, “You trust me, don’t you.” 
Despite the inner voice in your head that sounded suspiciously like Pope telling you otherwise, you did. “I do,” you told him softly. 
He grinned, sharp canine teeth on display, “Once you’ve got his attention, you have to take it a step further.”
Your brows furrowed, a step further? Ever your protector, Pope piped up, “What do you mean a step further, JJ?”
“You know,” he trailed off dramatically, “You have to look him in the eyes and plant one on him.” 
Sighing in relief that was what he meant by a step further, before freezing and stuttering out, “y-you want me to kiss him?” You gagged a little at the thought of putting your lips on Rafe’s. How did JJ expect you to kiss Rafe Cameron, your friends’ biggest bully without immediately vomiting after.
“That’s disgusting, JJ!” Kie called out, arms crossed over her chest, “You can’t seriously be asking y/n to kiss him.”
“If there’s no action, this will be a very short plan, it won’t work without the kiss.” 
You glanced around the room at the prying eyes, waiting for your answer. You thought back to your previous late night adventures, some more questionable than others, and if you were comparing them to Rafe, looks wise, you concluded that you were getting somewhat of an upgrade. “I-I guess,” you replied hesitantly, wondering if it was too late to back out, but JJ’s brilliant grin at your words kept you silent. He clapped his hands together in excitement, muttering a quick ‘perfect!’ before continuing.
“Rule number three: leave them at the door, wanting more”
There was tension in the air as you lounged around John B’s living room. You were glaring at JJ, Kie was glaring at the new addition of Sarah Cameron, and Pope was glaring at the scholarship application brochure in his hand.
You, of course, were still pissed at JJ for his outburst at the club the other day. You didn’t understand why he was so mad at you when all you were doing was furthering his stupid little plan. Briefly, you allowed your mind to wonder if part of his frustration was related to jealousy, but you quickly killed that thought. You had loved JJ your entire life, and you were sure he had some inkling of that fact. Not to mention he was so transparent he was almost see through, unable to keep a secret if you paid him a million dollars. If he had any feelings toward you, you would have already known. 
The tension between Sarah and Kie was a little more hostile and you knew you didn’t have the whole story. It was something to do with Kie’s kook year, you knew that. You also knew there was something about a birthday party Kie had to find out about on instagram and something about the cops being called. It wasn’t really your business, and honestly their issues kind of overshadowed yours and JJs, which you were grateful for because you didn’t need the pogues sticking their noses in your business. Especially Pope, he would have a lot to say if he knew you and JJ were arguing because of your antics with Rafe.
Pope’s tension made the least sense. He was the smartest guy you knew, and if any one of you was going to get off the island, it was Pope through the scholarship he was currently glaring at. 
Wanting to break up the awkward tension, you were never one for awkward silences, you opened your mouth without a clear idea of what you were going to say when the silence was broken by Sarah first. 
“So, y/n...” you looked over at her in shock. Honestly, you weren’t even sure she knew your name despite having been clinging to John B for the past few days like a koala on a tree.
“Sarah...” you replied back in the same tone, dragging the last syllable of her name out. You weren’t entirely fond of having her here either, but you weren’t going to be as hostile as Kie.
“I didn’t know you were such good friends with Rafe,” she spoke and you almost choked on your own spit. 
“I- what? We’re- we’re not,” you stumbled through your words, confused at the sudden interrogation.
“Well he wants to know if he can have your number,” she shrugged a shoulder at you, trying, and failing, to look disinterested.
“Hell yes!” JJ shouted, clearly forgetting that the plan was supposed to stay between the five of you.
“Shut up, JJ” you glared at him, still having not entirely forgiven him yet. “Sure, Sarah, that would be okay.”
“Why the sudden interest in my brother?” Sarah asked suspiciously, despite her own issues with him, he was still her brother after all.
Suddenly in a panic, you struggled to come up with a good enough reason, so you blurted the first thing that came to mind - “I dunno, I'm bored and he’s hot.” Pope definitely choked on his own spit, and JJ shot you a funny look, his brows furrowing together. 
“You think he’s hot?” You weren’t sure if JJ was just playing along for the sake of Sarah or if he really was annoyed that you found Rafe attractive. 
“Well, yeah,” you replied, unsure of how to defend yourself, “He might be kind of an asshole, but any girl with eyes can see he’s attractive. Kie back me up here.” Kie gave you a look that read ‘what the hell’ and shook her head. Rolling your eyes, you just sighed and shrugged. “Are we going to watch a movie or not? I brought maltesers.”
Settling deeper into the couch, you grabbed the throw blanket that had ended up on the ground and covered your cold legs with it as John B messed around with the tv. You groaned when some cheesy action flick appeared on the screen, turning your head to glare at John B, “I thought we were going to watch Disney?” 
“You were outvoted,” he shrugged and sat beside Sarah, throwing his arm around her. You rolled your eyes at him, ripping open the bag of chocolates and tossing a couple in your mouth. You rolled your eyes for a second time when JJ’s hand stretched out his hand between the two of you on the couch. 
“Get your own maltesers,” you told him with a glare, holding the bag a little closer to your chest. 
The movie passed by without much excitement on your behalf, b-level action movies weren’t really your thing and you thought you were about to watch Tangled or something. You noticed JJ wasn’t really paying attention to the movie either, he looked like he was deep in thought for once in his life. Annoyingly, he kept turning his head to look at you, that same unreadable expression on his face. You decided if he did it one more time you were going to kick him, but the next time he turned to look at you, he scooted over until there was no space between your bodies.
“Do you really think he’s hot?” JJ whispered, his breathing tickling your ear.
“Who? Shia Labeouf?” You asked, eying the actor on the tv screen. 
“What? No I don’t care if you think Shia La-whoever is hot.” JJ replied tensely. His tone caused you to look at him again.
“Well, who do you care if I think they’re hot?”
“Obviously Rafe, stupid.” He snapped back. You couldn’t understand what he was so bothered for.
“Don’t call me stupid, and whoever I think is hot is really my business anyway, not yours.” You were starting to get annoyed again.
“Thinking Rafe Cameron is hot is stupid, y/n. He’s the enemy!” He whispered harshly back at you. Your eyes flickered toward Sarah to make sure she hadn’t heard him. “Maybe Kie would have been better at this plan.”
Your jaw dropped, and before you could think better of it you punched him in the arm as hard as you can, a satisfied smile gracing your features when he whined. “Stop being a dick, you’re supposed to be my best friend.”
“As your best friend, I’m just looking out for you,” he grumbled, rubbing his arm where you hit him.
“I’m a big girl, J, I can take care of myself.” You replied.
“Can you two lovebirds stop arguing?” John B called from across the living room, earning a distasteful glare from JJ.
Your stomach dropped at the disgust you thought you saw in JJ’s eyes, but you were saved from any self-deprecating thoughts by your phone buzzing in your pocket.
unknown number: hey
unknown number: shit sorry this is rafe, sarah gave me your number
“Well that didn’t take long,” you whispered to JJ, pretending like your earlier conversation didn’t exist. You shoved your phone in his face, smiling a little when he grabbed your wrist to pull back your phone so that he could read.
“You’ve got him right where we want him,” he replied back, not nearly as excited as you thought he would be.
“Do you still want to continue with this?” You asked softly, hoping he would call the whole thing off because you didn’t think you had the courage to tell him you weren’t sure you could do it.
“Of course, I didn’t waste my entire Sunday coming up with the rules for nothing,” he replies back, with a bit more life to him. 
Looking at him warily, your thumbs hesitated over the keyboard of your phone, you didn’t know how to respond, should you go with flirty? Disinterested? Sighing you eventually just gave up and replied simply:
you: hey
rafe cameron: are you busy later?
Scrunching your nose up at the text, you wondered if this was his lame attempt at a booty call or something.
you: depends what time
rafe cameron: i’ll pick you up at 7, text me your address
You weren’t sure if you should show JJ the message, it’s not that you were thinking about hiding it from him, you just didn’t want him to go off on you again. When JJ’s upset with you, it’s truly exhausting. That thought reminds you of how angry he was last time when you didn’t ‘keep him in the loop’ or whatever, so you turn your phone to him again. You nibbled on your bottom lip, watching his eyes read the message. His stare flickered to your face, vague of any emotion. 
“It’s six now, you better go,” he whispered to you, not wanting to let the others hear him. 
“But we’re watching the movie,” your brows furrowed close together. 
“Rafe Cameron wants to take you on a date, I wouldn’t keep him waiting,” when the words left JJ’s mouth, he turned his focus back to the small television in John B’s living room and that was the end of the conversation. Sighing, you resisted the urge to roll your eyes to heaven, and stood up from the couch, allowing the blanket to fall from your knees to the floor, earning the attention of Kie.
“Where ya going?” she hissed, wrapping her fingers around your wrist. 
“I have a hot date,” you stuck your tongue out, climbing over Pope’s legs that were spread across the floor. You ignored your friends’ questions, knowing JJ would fill them in once Sarah left the room, you didn’t want to disclose in front of her that you were going on a date with her brother, with the aim of breaking his heart. 
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Standing in front of your closet, it occurred to you that you didn’t know what to wear on a date with a kook. For some reason, you didn’t think ripped cut-off jean shorts and an off-the-shoulder crop top would be the most appropriate. Sighing you wondered why you were so concerned at all, it’s not like this was an actual date with a guy you were actually interested in. Rafe Cameron’s good qualities started and ended with his appearance. Finally deciding on a simple sundress, you figured you wouldn’t look too out of place wherever he ended up taking you. You took the time to braid your hair and throw on a little makeup, not wanting to look like you tried too hard.
You had finished getting ready right about the time your phone buzzed with a text from Rafe letting you know he was there. Shaking the nerves off, you quickly answered the door, feeling more than a little subconscious as his eyes took in the modest state of your home. You weren’t the poorest of the poor in the cut, but you knew your entryway couldn’t even possibly begin to compare to that of Tannyhill. 
“Hey,” you said simply, twisting your wrists nervously as his critical glare fell on you, eyes slowly roaming your figure up and down.
“Hey,” he parroted back, moving to follow you as you led him out the front door and locked it behind you. 
“So, where are we going tonight?” you hummed, stepping down off your porch and following Rafe to his truck. “Let me guess, some fancy expensive restaurant on the coast.”
Rafe looked over his shoulder at you, a smirk resting on his lips, “You’re not that lucky” he teased, absentmindedly reaching back to clasp your hands together. He’s been longing to touch you since he last saw you, and the electricity from your touch sent him soaring. 
Your heart beat a little bit faster in your chest, unwelcome thoughts betraying you again as his larger hand engulfed yours. Biting your lip, you let him lead you to the truck before he opened the door for you and helped you make the step up inside. You took a moment to collect your thoughts, eyes scanning the few belongings inside. There was gum in one of the cupholders, a blue iphone cord attached to the media center. You caught a glimpse of a photograph tucked into the sunvisor of the driver side and wondered briefly who would be contained within it. 
As he entered the other side of the truck, it occurred to you that the interior smelled like him, a distinct mix of laundry detergent and something you could only describe as soothing. As he started the truck, his last spotify playlist started to play and you smiled a little bit at his eclectic taste in music.
“You gonna rip on me for my playlist?” he asked, a ghost of a smile on his face as he took in your reaction. 
You mimed zipping your lips, “my lips are sealed.” He chuckled, throwing the truck into reverse and driving off. You sat in silence for a while before it began to feel awkward, “So if we’re not going to some fancy restaurant, where are you taking me? McDonalds?”
He laughed out loud this time, “Do I look like the kind of guy that takes a girl on a first date to McDonalds?” 
You pretended to think before shrugging, “I dunno, I don’t know what you’re into.” 
“You could find out,” he smirked at you and you were grateful his attention was on the road rather than your facial expression as it took you a solid five seconds to recover from his remark. Willing the intrusive thoughts away again, you had to keep reminding yourself that you were talking to Rafe Cameron, public enemy numero uno, and you were on a mission to break his heart. 
“You’re not gonna tell me, are you?” You asked, ignoring his remark. 
He shook his head and replied, “nope,” lips making a popping sound as he enunciated the ‘p’. You just huffed and sat back in your seat arms crossed. Looking out the window, you didn’t like surprises ordinarily, and you especially didn’t think you’d enjoy a surprise from Rafe. You were half certain he was going to kill you and dump your body in the woods somewhere.
Rafe took the opportunity to look at you as you pouted slightly, eyes focused on the blurring landscape out the passenger side window. He couldn’t explain why he was suddenly so drawn to you, sure he’d always thought you were attractive, and he loved to use you to get under Maybank’s skin, but he’d never thought about you the way he was now. Truthfully he always thought you and JJ had some sort of thing going on, that was why he had picked at that thread so often when it came to the pogues. And now, you were in his truck and going on a date with him. You, a pogue. He almost thought it was too easy to get you to agree to go out with him, wondered if it was some kind of trick, but he didn’t think you were the type of person to do that.
It didn’t take much longer to arrive at your destination, and you were confused when you stopped in some random field, Rafe having backed his truck up to where a sheet was pinned between two trees. 
“What? What’s going on here?” You asked him confusedly, a little worried that he was actually planning on murdering you, and was going to roll your body up in the sheet or something. 
He just chuckled at your expression, telling you to ‘stay put’, and you watched as he went to the back and rolled up the truck bed cover. You tried to crane your neck to see whether he was grabbing his murder toolkit, but you couldn’t quite see from your position. You waited another few seconds, seeing only his face and broad shoulders in the rearview mirror as he moved things about in the back of the truck. Finally, he appeared on the other side of your door and opened it for you, offering you a hand and helping you out.
As he led you to the back, you gasped seeing the back of the truck outfitted with what looked to be a very soft comforter and a few fluffy pillows. At one end of the truck bed sat a yeti cooler, filled with what looked like pop and snacks. It was then that you also spotted the mini projector and your mind put two and two together, realizing Rafe had put together a little drive in movie for just the two of you.
“Did you do all this for me?” You asked softly, brain trying and failing to reconcile the Rafe who would put this all together with the Rafe who had literally just beat your friends to a pulp and spoke about you so vulgarly.
“Well I actually did it for another girl, but she cancelled and you were next on my list,” he sassed back, causing a small smile to cross your face. This time you didn’t have to pull on some happy memory in order to fake it, the smile happened all on its own. “C’mon I’ll help you up,” he offered you his arm.
“Don’t you dare look up my dress,” you warned him, taking his arm and allowing him to help you up into the bed of his truck. His other hand lingered on your waist as he assisted you. You situated yourself against the pillows, watching him dig around in the cooler before tossing you a pop and a bag of maltesers. Your grin widened at the sight of the red bag, before you looked back at him asking, “how did you know maltesers was my movie snack?”
“A little bird,” he shrugged, and you realized it had to have been Sarah. The thought gave you a little guilt as you remembered her suspicious gaze and realized she was right to be suspicious of you. 
Settling in beside you with his own pop and snack, he sat close enough that you could almost feel his warmth, but not close enough to actually touch you. After he pressed a couple of buttons on his phone, the familiar beginning of the Little Mermaid began to project on the screen 
You couldn't believe that Sarah had remembered your argument with the pogues over which Disney movie was the best, and even more than that you couldn't believe that Rafe had asked her about it. You just blinked stupidly at him, and he responded with a small smile at your dumbfounded look.
As the movie played, you found yourself shifting closer until you were resting against his side, your head on his shoulder. He didn’t make a single move the entire movie, his arm just awkwardly laying there, and you had to admit you were surprised. Based on the way he acted and the way he spoke, you had assumed he would have been pushing the limits throughout the entire movie, but he had been nothing but respectful. Again you were feeling uncertain about whether you could actually go through with this plan, but a different pair of blue eyes, those belonging to your best friend, appeared in your mind and you remembered how they had looked with one swollen almost shut.
Deciding to up the charm a little, you poked him and whispered, “you can put your arm around me, I won’t bite... unless you ask me too.” His laugh was slightly strangled as he shifted his arm to wrap comfortably around his shoulders.
During the scene where Ariel and Eric are on the boat as Sebastian and the other sea creatures serenade the two of them to the tune of “Kiss the Girl” you noticed Rafe out of your peripheral vision watching your reaction and occasionally dropping his gaze to your lips. Feeling a surge of confidence, you lifted your head from his shoulder and pressed your lips to his briefly. It felt like nothing ever had before, electric and sweet. As you pulled away, you witnessed his eyes remain shut and, smirking softly to yourself, you laid your head back down against his shoulder.
After the movie was over, he helped you get down and drove you back home before walking you to your door. “I had a good time tonight,” you said shyly, looking up at Rafe through your eyelashes. His taller figure engulfed your own as he grabbed your waist and pressed your lips together as you had done during the movie. Lost in the kiss, you wrapped your arms around his neck, leaning up on the tips of your toes to deepen it. His body pressed you into your own front door as he began to trail kisses down towards your neck, nudging your jaw with his nose to push your head to the side and allow him to suck a bruising mark on the juncture of your shoulder. 
Who were you and what were you doing right now? That was Rafe Cameron pressing you into the door and claiming your lips with his. You hated him so much, didn’t you? But your body was betraying you, leaning into his hot touch and kiss. 
Gasping, you pushed him away from you, the physical distance allowing your clouded thoughts to part and reason to break through. Breathing heavily and heart racing in your chest, you briefly pressed a kiss to his cheek and whispered, “goodnight,” before slipping into your house and pressing your back against the door. Thirty seconds passed and you realized enemy status be damned, you were attracted to Rafe Cameron and you didn’t want the night to end yet.
Throwing open the door, prepared to chase after him, you were surprised to find him leaning against your door frame, body weight held up by his thick arm. Smirking cockily at you for a moment, you just stood there and stared.
“I-”. Before you were able to get a word out, he was wrapping an arm around your waist and pushing you into your house. You let him lead you in, pressing you against the door to shut it behind you, and kissing you with a passion you hadn’t felt before. You made out like this for a few minutes, bodies pressed flush together, tongues exploring each other's mouths before you lightly shoved him and pushed yourself off the door. 
Reconnecting your lips again, you let your hands wander his body, stopping to squeeze his ass the way you had been day dreaming of that day on the golf course. Chuckling a little into the kiss, he responded by squeezing your left breast before trailing his hand down to grip your waist. You began to walk backwards, leading him to your room without ever breaking the kiss.
You squealed as he tossed you onto your own bed, before his warm body covered your own on top of the comforter. His arm wrapped around your back, lifting your body forward so that your head fell back against your pillows. Your hand wrapped around the back of his neck, pulling him down for another passionate kiss. His hand gripped the bottom of your sundress, slowly pushing the material up your body and caressing the skin he revealed beneath. Your own hands made quick work of the buttons on his button down before sliding under the material to push it off his chest. 
You weren’t thinking of the plan, or the implications of your actions, or even the reactions of your best friends as you let him rid you of your clothes, hands and mouth touching and tasting you everywhere. You didn’t think of the look that would inevitably cross JJ’s face as Rafe entered you slowly, groaning lowly above you at the sensation. You didn’t even think about how this was probably just Rafe’s endgame to his earlier flirtations - an attempt to bed you and he was successful. No, instead you spent the night thinking about how good Rafe Cameron was making you feel, damn everything else.
Tag list: htbah taglist (link to add yourself to the google form in the series masterlist!): @solllaris @drewswannabegirl @starrystarkey93 @httpstarkey @sweetlysilent @drewstarkey @dontjinx-it @ultranikilove @spencereidbasis @meaganjm @starlightstarkey @thortheestallion @jiaraendgame @idocarealot @tempestuousjj @pink-meringues @dpaccione @arianabrashierstuff @softstarkey @loveylangdon @xenagzb @teenwaywardasgardian @prejudic3 @nxsmss @canibeoneofthepogues @outerbanksbro @obx-direction-sos @nqbmf @digniteas @annedub @colorful-queen-of-the-roses @yesp0ny @loveniallandharryonedirection @fantasticpsychicfanfish @girls-breaking-hearts @beautyandthebleh @casper17 @mozz-are-lla @parkershoco @unfortunatekiwitrash @loverofmineluke @slutforjjmaybank @skiesofthesketchy @httpstarkey @sugarcoatedcalum @amorisxx @trinnwazheree @stargazingstarkey @obx-saltlife @juliarose21​ @hyperactive2411​ @sophiesshitshow @mcarignan​ @pizzapizza-Kira
rodeo rafe babies who said they were interested:
@royalmerchant​ @outerbankslut​ @honeyycheek​ @jellyfishbeansontoast​ @ilovejjmaybank​ @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless​ @girlsru1eboysdroo1​ @https-luna​ @butgilinsky​ @rae131415​
diverdcwn everything taglist:
@velyssaraptor​ @danicarosaline​ @copper-boom​ @x-lulu​ @prejudic3​ @downbytheouterbanks​ @ilovejjmaybank​ @bricksatanakinswindow​ @jellyfishbeansontoast​ @sunwardsss​ @rudyypankow​ @im-a-stranger-thing​ @alexa-playafricabytoto​ @maybankfullkook​ @sortagaysortahigh​ @socialwriter​ @bluesiderudy​ @anxietyandtacos​ @diverrdown​ @stargazingstarkey​
(if the tags dont work again im deactivating)
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i-may-be-stupit · 4 years
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Idk the horney got me, so here we are HAHAHAHA 18+ and kinda a bit of crack at times, ENJOY!!!!! Oh! And this is reletively gender neutral, babes!!
Your name is (Y/N) (L/N). And you've always been known as a good kid. That is until your father was murdered by a hero. He did a lot of dirty work, sure, but he did it for his family to survive. And when a hero took him down, everyone cheered. They never though about his family. Nor his place in the world. They saw him as dirt. The same way you started seeing heros.
To you, heros didn't care about the villians and didn't care whether they died or lived. They were savage beasts who needed to be taken down. You became a villian. You would assassinate hero after hero with the simple tittle of "Marrow." And that's when you met the League.
They had the same ideals as you and could help make your dream a reality.
You joined the League, but you were still you. You were a seemingly innocent flower that blossomed in any form of villainous mayhem.
Your quirk was known as simply bone manipulation. You could manipulate your bones however you pleased and you could even shoot them out like needles. But, you were at higher risk for osteoporosis.
Its been 6 months since then and you've made yourself at home with the LOV. Twice and Toga were your closest friends now, but Shigaraki just hits different.
You'd go out and have fun with your two close friends, and to be honest, you're pretty sure that you three had pulled every prank possible on Dabi. Kurogiri was like a dad to you now. He gave lots of great advice and made sure that you kept up with your online college classes in between villian duties.
But shigaraki was a whole other story.
I mean, he was usually crule and hateful towards everyone, but the League was his soft spot. He treats members like family. He cherishes them. Even if he doesn't say it. He almost always have been putting them first.
And it made you kind of...attracted to him.
Yeah, he was dryer than the Saharan Desert, and had a diet of strictly microwavable ramen and redbull, but he was actually a good guy. You caught yourself staring at him a few times per day and your crush on him was appearant to you as well as all the other members.
So here you were, staring in awe at Tomura as he and Dabi played against eachother in Mortal Kombat. (They'd fight at least once a day, so Kurogiri made up the idea of fighting in Mortal combat instead whenever they got fed up with eachother) You blushed, seeing Shigaraki so serious. Ugh, there's just something about him...
Toga walked into the room and sat down in the loveseat next to you. She smirked before loudly announcing, "Gee, (Y/N)! It looks like your boyfriend, Tomura, is winning!" You started choking her.
No, deadass.
You fucking wrapped your hands around her neck and violently shook her head back and forth like Bart and Homer Simpson. Toga just laughed and moaned, causing you to feel too violated to keep choking her. You let go and as you did, Shigaraki stood up and started making fun of Dabi for being a "Bitch ass loser."
You blushed deeply, eyes lidded while gazing at the crusty boy. All you could see was Shigaraki, hearts around him as he did his breathtaking victory dance in slow motion. His gorgeous, dehydrated body swayed and jiggled happily as he jumped a few times, white specs gently fluttered from his head. His dandruff glistening in the florescent lights, as you sighed, absolutely smitten. Dabi rolled his eyes at his boss before looking at you. He then smirked. This cant be good.
Dabi chuckled. "Oh okay, Shiggy, you beat me fair and square." Shigaraki looked at him suspiciously. "It's okay though." He smirked, "Because I'm sure that (Y/N) can give me a little pick-me-up!"
The white haired boy glarred at Dabi then at you. Dabi slyly slipped over to you and Toga. He grabbed you be your wrist and pulled you up to stand. You were too flustered out of your mind to even do anything. He wrapped both of his hands around your waist. "Isn't that right, baby?"
You laughed awkwardly, "Dabi, not to be rude or anything, but you seem like a heavy man and I don't know if I could manage carrying all of your body weight if I were to pick you up, I mean my bones are kinda brittle as they are and-"
He brought his face to yours and kissed your neck softly. "We're gonna have some fun tonight, right?" You fucking hit him with a suplex, a small crack being heard from your hip. God damn it, your fucking brittle ass bones! Everyone burst out in laughter (aside from Kurogiri who was facepalming). Dabi sat on the floor rubbing his head in pain. "Fuck, (Y/N)! It was a joke!"
You folded your arms and frowned. "Well don't joke around with me like that!" Heat rose to your cheeks, "Especially in front of T-Tomura..." You looked at your boss to see him still too busy laughing at Dabi getting backflipped. You smiled shyly, holding your cheeks and wiggling like the love sick shit you are. He's so dreamy~ oh my, is he coughing up blood from laughing too hard?
You looked in disgust for a moment before sighing loudly. Ugh, it's so sexy when he coughs up blood! Shigaraki looked at his hand before licking the blood back into his mouth like a fucking heathen-
Your fucking heathen.
Later that night, everyone was out and about, leaving you and Shigaraki alone. He was drinking a glass of rum and coke as you doodled in a little notebook. You looked up to see him staring at you already. You both quickly looked away. It's been rough lately, dealing with your crush on him.
And Tomura was catching on.
Well, kinda.
He thinks he's really ugly and unworthy of love, so he thinks you just stare at him because you're still taken back at how hideous (he believes) he is. He's been wearing Father on his face more often and been getting more easily upset at you. But, he was also confused because he was starting to like your fragile self.
He's scared that he'll break you with one tap of the finger. That's just how fragile you seem. Shigaraki smiled softly, staring deeply into his glass.
(Y/N) seems so fragile, but they're a god damn hurricane.
Shigaraki swirled his cup around, deep in thought. How can they fight so well when they seem so brittle? It's strange. It's unexpected... It's interesting. Your boss' cheeks turned a tint of pink. (Y/N) can pull off a suplex on Dabi. Their back bent so far... I wonder what (Y/N) looks like arching it for me... He looked over at your figure. You were awkwardly dangling your feet off the couch, seeming to be lost in thought. Tomura sighed and took another whisk of his drink. They're way too cute for me...
There's been a lot of awkward times with you two alone. And you could both feel the tension. Shigaraki left to his room with a small sigh. He hates basically everything. But you? He might just love you.
You two hung out a lot actually. You'd play videogames together and have small movie nights for the two of you. You vividly remembered cuddling up beside him one winter night. It was snowing and you two chatted while sitting on the floor making Smores in the fireplace.
But it got harder and harder to be around eachother when you both started liking eachother. It got...awkward. And the night that Tomura asked you if you wanted to watch a horror movie with you and got a concerned face from you was the night his heart broke. You just didn't want to accidentally grab him at a jumpscare and have him laugh at you for being a pussy. But he thought that you just didnt trust him.
You sighed, thinking about that shitty night, and walked to Shigaraki's room. You had to tell him about your feelings. You knocked softly and was allowed to enter. Shigaraki was sitting in bed, wide awake, just sitting there, staring at the wall in front of him in thought.
You sat awkwardly on his bed in a tense silence for a good minute as the man just stared awkwardly at you through the hand on his face. Shigaraki sighed when he noticed you werent going to say anything, and he set Father down on his nightstand.
"(Y/N), I feel uncomfortable with you staring at me all the time." Heat rushed to your cheeks and you stared harder at the  ground. "I get that I'm ugly, but you should know how rude it is to stare-"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" You glarred at him, anger boiling up. "The fuck did you just call yourself?!"
He glarred right back at you. "I said I was ugly, did I stutter?"
Yeah. Youre choosing to ignore that attitude. "Tomura, you're not ugly."
He rolled his eyes. "There is literally no other reason for you to be staring at me that much, mutt."
You folded your arms with a frown. "I think you're handsome."
He laughed.
He laughed hard as hell.
For a good 3 minutes straight.
"Oh thats a good one, (Y/N)! You know, I'm actually enjoying you-"
"I'm serious!" You poked his chest hard while getting closer to his face, your eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. "I think you have pretty eyes!" You poked him again, "You have a pretty face!" You poked him one last time, "And you're an amazing leader!" Shigaraki went silent with a blush and so did you. You twittled your fingers together, looking away timidly. "I-uh... I think I l-like you, actually."
Tomura chuckled breathlessly with concern for your mental health, eyes darting around uncomfortably. "Are you being...serious...?"
"Oh....okay." He awkwardly looked away from you with a small blush. Hes never had anyone like him romantically. Actually, not a lot of people even like him generally. And it made it extra weird with you being so damn cute and funny to him. 
You layed down on his bed, anxiety rushing through you. It was weird to tell your boss that you liked him. I mean, its probably gonna be awkward between you two forever! Tomura layed down next to you. His hands overlapping eachother on his chest. You looked over to him with a small awkward smile. "So-uh... do you like me back...?"
Tomura frowned. "Are you fucking dumb??" You winced and he just rolled his eyes. "It would be impossible to not fall in love with you." A small chuckle left your lips as he softly started playing in your (h/t) hair.
You frowned. "Did I say you could touch my hair?"
He rolled his eyes before lifting you up to straddle him. Heat rushed to your cheeks. And you pushed his chest away as your (e/c) eyes darted away. "T-Tomura, what are y-you doing?" You were speechless and flustered. And it wasn't helping that his hands were laying on your waist (pinkies up of course).
Tomura chuckled with a mischevious look in his eyes. He slowly moved his hands up and down your sides. "Let me play with your hair...and as a reward..." He kissed you softly on your lips. "I'll make you feel things you've never felt before...." He licked your ear and you thanked the Lord for that because it just made his mouth a lil less crusty. "Deal?" His breath tickled your ears and your breathing turned into aroused, airy breaths.
"Deal..." Shigaraki smirked before kissing you roughly, his hand engulfed in your (h/t) hair, leaving his middle finger up of course. As his tongue darted around your mouth, he pulled your hair harder, causing a wince of pain from you. His lips left yours quickly.
"Am I being too rough?"
You smiled softly at him. He cares! "Oh, just a little."
Shigaraki grinned before pulling your hair even harder. "You'll get used to that." Your eyes widened in fear and pain as he threw you onto the bed roughly. He kissed you harder, and forced your thighs open with both of his hands, pinkies up.
He laughed with arousal, pressing his clothed member against you. You sighed as he grinded against your bottoms while tongue kissing you. His hands left your thighs and brought themselves to your body. He sucked, kissed, and bit all over your neck and his indexes and thumbs twirled and pulled at your nipples under your shirt.
"Ah-!" You moaned loudly as the man sucked at your soft spot. "T-Tomura!" A small gasp left your lips and his connected to your skin. Mumbled moans came from you, your hand over your mouth. Tomura glarred the second he heard a moan muffled. "H-Hey!" He had grabbed your hand from over your mouth and tightly gripped it with four fingers, pressing it against the headboard.
He grinned widely out of nowhere, "You really thought you could get away with hiding those beautiful sounds from me?" He sat up, unbuckling his jeans. His eyes went cold as he took off his pants and boxer briefs. "I'm gonna have to get some type of...hm, whats the word?" He looked away in though before smiling and snapping his fingers, "Compensation! Yeah...and I know just what I want from you." Shigaraki push you off of the bed roughly. You fell to the floor and rubbed your arm. He sat on the king-sized in front of you with his cock in his hand. "Suck."
You frowned at him. Did he really have to push you off like that? You got on your knees between his thighs and took a good look at it.
Fuck, he's hung...
You covered your mouth with a huge blush. Where the hell did that come from?! He was a good nine inches and quite thick. You frowned at him and pointed at his cock. "The fuck am I supposed to do with this?" He frowned.
Shigaraki didnt say another word. He just grabbed you by the hair and placed it against your lips. You frowned before licking the tip softly, making him laugh breathlessly. "Fuck..." You sucked on his tip and his hand tightened around your hair, pulling a bit. He looked down at you, smirking while absolutely flustered. "Ugh, your little mouth was made for my fat cock, wasn't it, (Y/N)?" He chuckled and pressed your head forward, forcing a bit more of him inside of you. Shigaraki panted as you bobbed your head back and forth on him. "Youre such a fucking slut..." His cheeks was tinted pink as he stared down at you. Tomura started bobbing your head back and forth on him. He laughed as you gagged on him. "What? Is it too big?" Your face went even hotter. How can he be so fucking conceited yet self conscious?! The white hair boy held your face and was practically thrusting into your mouth at this point. He threw his head back and groaned as cum filled your mouth. "Fuck, (Y/N), you're good at that." He watched you like prey as you thumbed the white substance dripping down your chin. You licked your thumb and he chuckled. "How does it taste?"
You smirked at him minscheviously while getting back on the bed. You took off your bottoms and short then spread your legs. "It tastes good enough to deserve a tip, right?" Shigaraki licked his lips as he crawled in between your thighs.
He rubbed you, playing with your slit. "Did sucking me off really get you this turned on?" You flushed and covered your eyes with your forearm. Tomura smirked mischievously as he licked at you. You moaned quietly, his tongue swirling around and his finger going in and out of your hole.
He stuck his ringerfinger in and you squeaked in pleasure. "Mmm... Tomura, I-just like that..." He sucked and licked, getting more sloppy as his fingers pumped in and out of you. He pumoed faster and faster and your small groans turned into loud moaning as you orgasmed. "Fuck Tomura! Ah-!" You came in his mouth, immediately apologizing. Shigaraki just licked his now soaked fingers and you just stared at him, blushing hard as hell. You smiled softly. "H-How do I taste?"
His red eyes prowled your body as he got on top of you. Your cheeks got hotter when he strattled you. You sighed as he rubbed his manhood against you. Small, flustered moans escaped your lips at his teasing. "You taste like you were missing something." His warm breath tickled your ear, "But I'll fix that right up for you."
Tomura slowly entered you. He groaned out your name in ecstasy. You were a bit uncomfortable at first at his thickness. "W-wait, dont move yet..." You breathed in and out slowly, feeling yourself adjust to him. A groan left your lips, "O-okay..."
Tomura grinded against you, kissing your neck as your hands fiddled with his hair. He started off slow, savoring the feeling of you. He sighed into your collarbone. "God, (Y/N), you're so tight..." He cursed underneath his breath, fucking you a bit faster.
Tears pricked at your eyes. This was almost too much for you. Youve always fantasized about being with Shigaraki and now that it was happening, it felt almost too good to be true. He grinded into you deeper, filling you up fully as his hand held both of tour wrists above your head. The bed rocked as he started thrusting into you faster and deeper. "T-Tomura, you feel so good inside of me!" He groaned louder and you couldn't help but become flustered at all of his noises.
He fucked you even faster and harder. "Fuck, youre mine now, okay?" You nodded and moaned louder at him. "Oh fuck!" His white hair bounced as he pulled out and flipped you over. You were on your forearms and knees, begging for him to keep fucking you good as he thrusted in and out, his hand pulling at your hair as the other gave the occasional spank on your ass. Tomura's thrusts became sloppy as you reached your peak. You both moaned loudly, his cum pouring from inside of you. Shigaraki pulled out and immediately collapsed next to you.
You panted as his arms wrapped themselves around you. You smiled at him. "That was good, right?" He chuckled and kissed your lips.
"The best."
You two spooned as Kurogiri had an extra glass of wine, in utter disgust at when he was forced to hear.
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obxsummer · 4 years
With You // John B. Routledge
Tumblr media
word count: 2.6k
pairing: john b routledge x reader
warnings: near death experiences, yelling, cursing, topper being an ass
summary: you didn’t think breaking up with topper would end with broken bones and a concussion but then again, you never expected to fall in love with a pogue either.
requested: can you do a john b imagine where instead of him being pushed off the hawks nest it’s her?
a/n: reader takes sarah’s place in this scene. a few things are twisted around for this to flow so I hope that’s okay! thank you for 100 followers!! I’m so excited to see where this blog goes :)
ask me stuff :)
Midsummers had easily turned into a disaster quickly. Your dress flowed in the wind as you danced around with friends, sneaking in some alcohol whenever you had the chance. You hated the fact that you were here with Topper, especially when your mind was on John B the whole time.
Someone grabbed your shoulder and spun you around mid-dance. “JJ?” You asked as you recognized the blond in front of you. He was wearing a white button down with black slacks, looking quite dressed up for how he usually would.
“Yep,” He responded as he twirled you around. He held a folded piece of paper in front of you. “I got a, uh, note from Vlad.”
JJ cut you off by sushing you and pressing a finger to his lips. “Yeah.”
“From Vlad?” You asked as you continued to make it look like you were dancing with each other. “Okay?”
“Read the note,” JJ directed as he winked before he stepped away.
You smiled and turned to hide the note from the crowd as you unfolded the paper to read what it said.
Meet me at bag drop; Vlad
With a quick glance around you to see if your parents, or Topper was watching, you took off out of the crowd to walk up on the porch. Thankfully, the amount of people lessened as you approached the bag drop. John B was standing there in all of his glory, backpack on with a buttoned down shirt as usual.
“Vlad,” You whispered as you snuck up behind him.
He turned around at your voice, a smile forming on his lips as he saw you. “Wow. Um… you look beautiful.”
You laughed at the awkward nature before jumping forward to hug him tightly. “Hi,” You whispered as you buried your head into his neck while your fingers played with his hair.
“Hi,” He said back as he held you close. He was so grateful you were here, even in the midst of one of the biggest Kook parties of the year.
“Oh, my God. You would not believe what happened. As soon as I got home, I had to sneak past-”
John B held up his finger to pause you. “I-I I’m sure that’s great, but I-I gotta tell you something.”
You stopped your story and took a step back. “Okay.”
“I found… the gold.”
You swore you could’ve dropped to the floor right then. “You found it?” You asked in shock as you grabbed his forearms.
“Yeah, and you’re not going to believe where it is. It’s at Tannyhill,” He explained.
You shook your head slightly. “Wait, what?”
“Sh!” He hissed as he covered your mouth with his hand. You mumbled an apology as you looked to make sure nobody heard. “Look, I got the letter translated. Okay? There was this coded message, and I-I need the plat map. Know what a plat map is?”
“Yes, I know what a plat map is!” You defended.
“Okay, it’s like a blueprint of Tannyhill and it’s in your dad’s office, okay? If I get in, I can find the gold, and we can, that’s fine!”
You leaned forward to shut him up with a kiss. Nothing felt better than just holding him in your arms, even if everyone else thought it was wrong.
“Hey, Y/N, is that you?”
At the sound of Topper’s voice, you shoved John B to the ground with a curse. “Shit! We’ve gotta get out of here.”
John B crawled along the wood of the desk to get out of view. “Meet at the Hawk’s Nest at midnight. Bring the map.”
You saluted him before adjusting your dress and hair to go deal with Topper. With a deep breath, you turned on your heel to walk over where he was standing. “Hey!” You greeted as you rounded the corner to stop in front of him.
“Y/N, what are you doing out here?” He asked sternly. He continued glancing over to where you had been with John B as if the Pogue was going to pop around the corner.
“Oh, um, Scarlet told me she had hidden some vodka or something. I couldn’t find it though,” You lied as you fixed the flower crown on your head.
Topper nodded but you could tell he didn’t believe anything you were saying. “Is that who you were talking to over there?”
Your stomach dropped as you knew he had seen you. Maybe not necessarily who you were talking to, but he knew there was someone else involved. “I wasn’t talking to anyone.”
“Was I just seeing things? I thought, like, I don’t know, I was watching you have a conversation over there.”
You shook your head. “I was talking to people from the party.”
“Hey, what’s-” Topper reached out to stop you from leaving. “What’s going on? I just feel like… I feel like you’ve been a little off tonight.”
“No, I’m fine,” You defended as you tried to get around him again, “I’m fine, Topper.”
He grabbed your arm again and pulled you back roughly as you gasped. “Seriously, seriously. I don’t want to make a scene. Just tell me what the hell is going on. Just tell me the truth.”
“I am telling you the truth!” You argued as you stepped back from him.
“No, cut the shit. Just tell me the truth.”
“Okay, fine!” You ripped your arm out of his grip. “I can’t handle the constant interrogation, okay?” You walked away without another word back towards the party. You made eye contact with Kiara as JJ was being dragged out of the building. He continued to make comments the entire way out, grabbing Kiara and Pope as he went. You could see John B at the edge of the chaos, waiting for his friends to follow along. You watched with a smile, wanting nothing more than to kick off your shoes and run after them, but it would have to wait until later. You had a map to steal.
After a brief lie to your dad to get the maps and promise that you were going to be spending the night at a friend’s, you snuck out of the house to head to Hawk’s Nest to meet John B. Your heart was pounding as you waited amongst the wind and the sound of a storm in the distance. You held the map tightly in your hand as lightning lit up the sky amongst the clouds.
You looked over as you saw something cross your vision to see John B climbing up the stairs. “Hi,” You greeted him as he walked closer. “I got the map. Do you wanna see?” You opened the folded piece of paper slightly.
“Oh, shit,” He laughed as the wind threatened to take the paper out of his hand. “Holy hell.”
You glanced up at him. “Did you tell your crew you were here with me?”
“Did you?” He retaliated.
You shook your head as you pulled your hair up to keep it out of your face. “No, I will, though. I don’t care. And.. I’m breaking up with Topper.”
He stared at you in shock, the lightning reflecting off of his face. “Really?”
You nodded. “Yeah. What, you don’t think that’s a good idea?”
John B was quick to shake his head. “No, no, no. Um, it’s.. it’s uh. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.”
A huge clap of thunder exploded over your head, causing you to practically jump into John B’s arms out of shock. “Oh, my God!” You laughed as you continued to hug him. “What are we doing up here?
John B held you closer as the wind whipped around you while he looked down at you with a smile. “I have no idea. You wanna go down?”
You rested your head on his shoulder as your fingers sorted through his hair. You pressed your lips to his neck gently. John B’s hands were warm on your back and you wished you could just stay here with him forever. “No,” You mumbled. You leaned back to look at him.
“Neither do I.” His hands pulled you closer as he kissed you roughly. Rain started to sprinkle on your face as you cupped his cheek.
“I knew it, Y/N.” You broke away in shock to see Topper standing in front of you, looking drunk off his ass. John B pushed you behind him, the two of you backing up slowly. “I knew you were lying to me.”
You felt no remorse for your actions and instead, this kind of solidified your decision to leave him. “Topper?”
“You’re a stupid, lying whore. You know that?” He shouted at you.
You shook your head, your anger getting the best of you. “Oh, so first I’m a prude and now I’m a whore?” The decision to not have sex with Topper always weighed you down, but now you wished you would’ve slapped him in the face instead.
“Topper, stop, man,” John B interfered as the blond attempted to hit him. “Hey, hey!”
You moved in front of John B to push Topper back but he continued to scream at you guys, “Tell him to back off, because I’m about to beat your fucking ass! I’m gonna drown him like your old man.”
“Topper, go home!” You shouted as he continued to fight against you. “Get out!”
Topper glared at you, “Shut the hell up, you bitch!” He moved to lunge for John B but you intercepted, stopping him short. The force of Topper’s arms sent you backwards as you fought to regain your balance.
There’s this saying that you don’t really have a fear of heights, but rather a fear of falling. You weren’t sure which it was, the only thing you could tell was that falling from a three story tower was absolutely terrifying.
You didn’t feel the impact of the ground, but you could feel the dirt under your fingers. Your whole body had gone numb. You groaned as you shifted slightly, feeling water pour over your face as it started to pour.
“Oh, my God.” John B’s face appeared above yours as he slid on the ground. You continued to blink, trying to clear the black spots from your vision, but you were so tired it hurt. He tapped your cheek gently as he pulled you in his lap. “Hey, hey. Come on, can you open your eyes, please? Come on babe.”
You groaned again, feeling the pain spread as he shifted you. “J, stop,” You mumbled as you grabbed his hand to hold.
“Hey, no, no, no. You’re gonna be fine,” He promised as he leaned down to kiss your forehead. “JJ! Somebody help! Pope! Kie!”
You let out a laugh at the name of your ex-best friend. “Kie’s gonna hate me for this.”
“Kie doesn’t hate you,” He reassured as he wiped rain drops off your cheeks. “I promise. You’re gonna be okay. You just gotta stay with me. I’m right here.”
The rushed sounds of his friends’ footsteps followed after a moment and suddenly, JJ’s face was looming over yours. “Dude, what happened?”
John B stood up with the help of Pope to make sure you stayed in his arms. “I-I don’t know what to do, we have to help her. Topper was trying to fight with me and-and she got in the middle and he pushed her and…”
“Where the hell is he?” JJ’s tone was angry as he looked around for the Kook.
“I don’t know, look it doesn’t matter!” John B snapped as he watched you. “Someone go get help, now!”
He couldn’t lose you, not when everything was just starting to come together, not when he was truly becoming happy with you by his side. You meant more to him than he would ever tell and if you didn’t recover from this, he would never forgive himself.
There were a few things you noticed when you woke up. One, was the annoying beeping noise next to your head that drove you crazy. Two, was the tightness on your left wrist that was itching nonstop. And third, there was someone’s thumb running across the back of your hand soothingly. You took a deep breath as you shifted slightly, forcing your eyes to open.
“Hey,” John B’s voice was quiet as he sat next to you, his hand in yours as he stayed at your side. He lifted your hand to kiss the back of it before standing up.
“Hey,” You returned as you tried to blink the sleep out of your eyes. “Where am I?”
He sighed, “St. Olive’s. You fell from the Hawk’s Nest. You have a concussion and a broken wrist.”
You looked over to see the black cast on your arm, already covered with John B’s scribble alongside a smiley face in silver marker. Despite the pain, you lifted your arm slightly to see his signature closer. “Did my dad find out?”
John B winced, “Kinda. He was here earlier but he said he wanted to hear the full story from you.”
You groaned, not wanting to explain any bit of what happened to your dad. He probably wouldn’t even believe you anyway, especially because of Topper’s influence in the whole event. You attempted to sit up, wincing at the effort.
“Whoa, whoa. Hang on,” He paused your actions. “Be careful.”
“John B,” Your dad interrupted the conversation as he entered the room. “Do you mind if I talk to her?”
John B shook his head and stood from his chair. “No, not at all, sir. I’ll see you later.”
As much as you didn’t want him to leave, you knew the conversation ahead wasn’t going to be fun. Despite the need for recovery, all you wanted was to be back in John B’s arms, loving the comfort and security he provided. Glancing down at the bandana tied around your wrist, you knew you’d be able to be with him again sometime soon.
You walked on the screened-in porch as quiet as possible. You were able to leave the hospital a couple hours after John B left you with your dad. You would’ve gone to him right away, but you were mandated bed rest at least for 24 hours, courtesy of your dad.
Walking through the door, you noticed the teen sleeping on the couch, completely oblivious to the fact that you were hovering over him. You held his bandana over his nose, just above his face. “Missing something?”
He startled away, his face smacking the piece of fabric in your hand. “Shit,” He mumbled as he realized it was you. “What are you doing here?”
You stepped around the couch to sit by his feet as you shrugged. “I missed you.”
“You missed me?” He repeated as if he didn’t believe you. You nodded. A smile formed on his lips as he reached forward to pull you with him, the two of you taking up every inch of the couch as you practically laid on top of him. You rested your head against his chest as he kissed your hair. “God, I missed you so much.”
“Yeah?” You asked as you looked up at him, kissing him softly. The warmth he provided melted away all of your aches and worries. You were just happy to be here with him.
He shook his head at you as you continued to kiss. He hoped this wasn’t a dream. He had waited so long to have someone like you in his life, and even though he never envisioned it to be you, he was so glad it was. Having you in his arms felt like home, and even if he was dreaming, he never wanted to wake up.
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chicgeekgirl89 · 3 years
A Tale of a Fateful Trip
Fandom: NCIS LA
Characters: Sam Hanna, G Callen, Kensi Blye, Marty Deeks, Nell Jones, Eric Beale, Otis the Sea Lion
Summary: The mate was a mighty sailing man, the skipper brave and sure. Four passengers set sail that day, for a three hour tour. The team sets out for an afternoon of fun on Sam's boat and gets in a lot of trouble.
A/N: This just demanded, DEMANDED to be written. LOOK AT THOSE LYRICS! THE STORY WRITES ITSELF! Enjoy the nonsense! 
“Ahoy matey!” Eric called to Sam as they walked up the dock. “Shiver me timbers and blow me down!”
“How many nautical references is he going to make today?” Deeks asked Nell.
“As many as he possibly can,” Nell said. “I’m pretty sure he made a list.”
“You can’t tell me that Eric works for the Navy and doesn’t know the difference between a pirate ship and fishing boat,” Callen asked.
“Oh he knows,” Nell said. “He just doesn’t care.”
“Deeks did you put my sunglasses in here?” Kensi called from behind them, having stopped briefly to search through her bag.
“They’re in the side pocket,” Deeks said. 
She dug around and pulled them out. “Oh thanks babe!”
“Wow, Sam, the boat looks great!” Nell said as they came aboard. 
In honor of completing his final renovations on the vessel Sam had invited the team aboard for an afternoon of fishing. They’d all seen the “before” pictures and Sam had truly outdone himself; Michelle’s name gleamed in the sunlight, water lapping cheerily against the hull. 
“Welcome aboard,” Sam said, clearly pleased at the attention his boat was getting. 
“Looks like you’ve got everything here in ‘ship shape,’” Eric said, looking around to make sure everyone had heard him.
Deeks and Nell exchanged an amused look while Sam rolled his eyes. “Sam you’ve really done an amazing job,” Kensi said, setting her bag down on the deck. “I can’t believe you did all of this yourself.”
“More like he didn’t trust anybody else to do it,” Callen said knowingly.
“You want something done right, do it yourself,” Sam said.
“Is that a new addition to the SEAL Ethos?” Deeks asked with a smirk.
Sam glared at him while the others laughed. “So, are we casting off soon Skipper?” Eric asked.
Sam raised his eyebrows. “Skipper?”
“Skipper. You know.” Eric broke into song. “Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip.”
Deeks joined in. “That started from this tropic port aboard this tiny ship!”
“This boat is completely seaworthy,” Sam said calmly. “We’re not going to sink and land on some godforsaken island.”
“Although if we did, the Skipper here would know exactly how to survive,” Callen said, slapping him on the shoulder.
“All right,” Sam shook him off. “Enough jokes. Before we get underway we need to discuss safety regulations and procedures.”
“Sam we work for the Navy,” Kensi said with a snort. “I think most of us are clear on watercraft safety procedures.”
The amused looks all around suggested everyone else was thinking the same thing. He silenced them all with a patented Sam Hanna glare. “Life jackets are located in the wheelhouse. If there is a water emergency you should immediately don a flotation device.”
“I’m sorry, are you a boat captain or a flight attendant?” Deeks asked skeptically.
Another glare. “All garbage and recycling should be thrown in the proper receptacles located at the front and rear of the boat. There is no smoking—“
“No one here smokes,” Eric pointed out.
“No discharging of weapons on deck—“
“You would be the most likely to do that,” Nell said.
“No excessive inebriation—“
“And no fun!” Callen finished up for him. “Anchors away Skipper!”
Sam folded his arms across his chest. “You know if I’m the Skipper that makes you Gilligan.”
Callen thought for a moment and shrugged. “I can live with that.”
“Hey, Sam, before we cast off, do you have a fridge on this puppy for the beer?” Deeks held up the cooler he and Kensi had brought from the bar.
“That depends. Is it regular beer or some concoction the two of you made up full of snails and seaweed?” Sam asked.
Deeks looked at Callen. “Was that this batch?”
“No this one is blueberry and cayenne,” Callen said.
Nell eyed them both. “Sometimes I really wonder about you two.”
“Don’t we all,” Kensi said, nose wrinkling at the thought of trying yet another of her husband’s beer experiments.
“There’s one downstairs,” Sam said. “Get comfortable, we’re going out pretty far.”
They all waved goodbye to Otis and within thirty minutes the shoreline had disappeared. Sam took his time finding a good spot and dropped the anchor, coming out of the wheelhouse to get the fishing rods ready. 
Deeks whistled the Gilligan’s Island theme song as he baited his hook. “Stop with that song,” Sam said.
“What, were you more of a Brady Bunch fan?” Deeks asked. 
“I would bet Sam watched a lot of Bonanza,” Callen said.
“Really? I would have pegged him for a Dragnet guy,” Nell said from where she was laid out, sunning herself on the deck in a large hat and sunglasses. 
“Would you all stop it?” Sam asked, setting down the bait bucket. “I didn’t watch any of those shows.” He cast his line. “I watched The Munsters.”
“That explains a lot,” Kensi muttered.
“What could that possibly explain?” Sam asked. 
Eric inhaled deeply. “Gosh, just being out here, the salty air, the wind in the sails—“
“Not a sailboat,” Callen said with a shake of his head.
“—makes me feel like breaking out my tap shoes and doing a little number from ‘Anything Goes,” Eric said.
“You sure about that?” Deeks asked. “You’re looking a little pale there buddy.”
Indeed, Eric had lost what little color he had in his cheeks and upon close inspection seemed clammy. “No, nope, I’m great,” he insisted, gripping the rail a little tighter as the boat swayed on the waves.
“Babe you should put on some sunscreen,” Kensi said, pulling a tube out of her bag.
“Don’t need it!” Deeks said. “Too many hours surfing the waves. I’m like a golden god.”
Kensi sent him the bemused look that she saved especially for him. “Deeks put the sunscreen on.”
Everyone was distracted by a retching sound as Eric turned and began hurling his guts out over the side of the boat. “Whoa hey, not on the deck!” Sam said, jumping up and rushing over to make sure nothing marred the boat’s new paint job.
“Yikes, thar he blows,” Deeks said, giving Nell a low five of sea related humor as he walked by. 
“I don’t understand,” Eric said, coming up for air, eyes wild. “I took a dramamine.”
“Yeah, well, sometimes that doesn’t help out in the deep water,” Sam said, patting his back.
“I think I packed some of those pressure point bracelet things,” Kensi said, digging in her bag once again.
“Who are you today, Mary Poppins?” Callen asked.
“It’s always good to be prepared,” Kensi said, pulling a bracelet out of an inner zippered pouch and handing it over to Sam who shoved it onto Eric’s wrist as he began to heave again.
“Ooh I think I got one!” Deeks said, his line pulling down hard toward the water.
Callen anchored his own line and came to help, both of them pulling and tugging. “Holy Blackbeard what is it a Great White?” Deeks grunted as it nearly jerked out of his hands.
“Just keep pulling!” Callen said.
Without warning the line snapped sending both of them tumbling onto the deck in a heap. Callen landed on top of Deeks’ chest, the wind knocked out of both of them. “Well this is awkward,” Deeks said when he could breathe again.
“Geez Callen, Kensi is right here,” Nell said. 
“Yeah if you’re going to make a move you could at least do it somewhere private,” Kensi said, neither of them moving to help the guys up.
“Ha ha,” Callen said as he got to his feet and held out a hand to Deeks. “Sorry Deeks, looks like it’s the one that got away.”
“Like Carrie Jenkins,” Deeks said morosely, staring at the water.
“Who’s Carrie Jenkins?” Eric asked, popping his head up briefly.
“My third grade crush. She moved to Boise and I never heard from her again.”
“How tragic,” Kensi said with a roll of her eyes. 
“Um, hey guys?” Nell said, coming out of her seat, eyes focused on the horizon. “Is it just me or is that boat getting really close, really fast?”
Everyone’s eyes followed hers to see a rather large boat approaching as a fast clip. “Could just be somebody out for a joyride,” Callen said as Sam procured a pair of binoculars. 
“There’s been a pretty big increase in drug running up and down the coast in the last couple years,” Deeks said, coming to stand next to Sam. 
“Can you see anything?” Kensi asked.
Sam shook his head. “Not yet. But they’re moving pretty fast.”
He handed the binoculars to Callen. “I’m going to go blast the horn.”
“They’re not slowing down,” Nell said as Sam hit the horn three times. 
“No, they’re definitely not,” Callen said. 
If anything they seemed to be speeding up. The realization hit all of them at the same time, but it was Callen who managed to get the words out. “They’re going to ram us! Everybody down!” 
They all hit the deck and seconds later there was a bone shattering impact as the other boat clipped the bow. “Everybody all right?” Callen yelled, the waves rocking them so hard it seemed like they were in danger of capsizing.
“We’re good!” Deeks yelled back, an arm thrown over Kensi’s shoulders.
“Fine!” Nell yelled.
“I’m going to throw up again,” Eric moaned.
“Sam!” Callen started to scramble to his feet only to come back down again as the rapid staccato sound of gunfire burst through the air.
“What the hell is going on?!” Kensi cried.
“There are weapons in the hold,” Callen said. “Cabinet next to the fridge!”
“I’m on it!” Deeks called, crawling to the stairs. 
Gunfire continued to rain down on them and then there were several short bursts and Sam reappeared from the wheelhouse, Glock in hand. “Can we assume the ‘no firing weapons on deck’ rule is out the window?” Callen yelled.
Sam spared half a second to glare at him before letting off another round. Deeks reappeared and tossed weapons out to the rest of the team.
It seemed their added firepower was enough to run off their attackers because as fast as it had started it was over. The boat turned in the water, churning up massive waves in its wake as it sped away.
Things seemed deafeningly silent in the moments that followed. “Everybody good?” Sam called.
“Good,” they all chimed in one at a time.
“We need to call it in,” Nell said, her voice less than steady.
“I’m on it,” Callen said.
“I have to check for damage to the engine and see if we’re taking on water,” Sam said. Even he seemed unusually shaken. It was one thing to be shot at in the line of duty, it was another to be taken completely by surprise on your day off.
“I’ll come with you,” Deeks offered.
“We’ll bag up the brass out here,” Nell said. 
“There’s uh, there’s bags down in the kitchen,” Sam said. “Gloves in the drawer next to the stove.”
Eric made another gagging sound and Nell pulled a face, pushing him gently back to the railing. “Let’s try to barf away from the evidence, okay?”
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wormstacheangel · 4 years
Day 25: Villain
Word Count: 1273
Summary: I just watched batman. I have a crush on Heath Ledger and the prompt was villain so this happened. Not a summary but this is just pure make-out fluff. Catch up on my suptober20 fics HERE
“What was that dumb quote you’re always saying? Oh yes. You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”
Dean spit out his beer before he started chuckling. Whipping his mouth with his sleeve while Cas looked at him in disgust. “Babe, you quoting from Batman movies now?”
“I just think that quote resonates with us.” Cas turned to face Dean a little better. Scooting in so close on the blanket that Cas might as well be sitting on him, which Dean would not complain about. It would make their stargazing date a lot more interesting. Cas reached over and wiped something off Dean’s chin. “I still can’t see myself as a hero. After all I have done it doesn’t sit right with me. So am I a villain? Do you think Chuck wanted me to be the villain in your story?”
Dean leaned into the touch as he covered Cas’s hand with his own. Looking back at the formal angel that didn’t meet his eyes. Instead zeroing in on his thumb that made tiny circles on Dean’s skin. Every touch still burned him like the first. Still new to them and yet so familiar after all these years of swallowed down words and pushed away feelings. Everything was out in the open now. Still so vulnerable but yet it felt like this is how it was always meant to be. Sam likes to say the bickered like an old married couple but act like a pair of awkward teens on their first date when they go out. He got a punch on the arm for that comment. 
“You’re a damn hero, Cas.” Dean leaned forward so he could press his forehead against Cas’s own. “Who cares what that crazy nutjob wanted. You’re a damn hero in my book. One hot hero who quotes Batman movies to me.”
“Thank you, Dean.” Cas closes his eyes, a soft smile pulling on his lips as he nuzzles their noses together. “I was trying to have a serious conversation.”
“No you weren’t.” Dean let’s his lips graze of Cas’s own for just a second because he loved seeing Cas try to reach for him. A whine stuck in his throat as he licked lower lips. “I told you I had a crush on Aaron last night while we watched it and you just wanted to get in my pants.”
Cas chuckled as he moved just enough to place one knee between Dean’s legs and push the hunter down on the blanket that was slowly getting a little wet from the grass underneath it. “Am I so easily read?”
Dean looks up at Cas wide eyed as he has never been this forward before. Yeah, he’ll get a quick peck in the morning but if anything else was going to happen it’s because Dean decided to jump his boyfriend. As if he was still unsure on what he can and can’t do with Dean but this, being kissed dizzy as his boyfriend slides his hand up his shirt, is exactly what he wants from Cas. Confident and powerful as he lets his mouth drag down Dean’s jaw. Making Dean squirm once he feels hot lips suck on the side of his throat and then a tongue gently soothe the same spot.
“Did you just leave me a hickey?” Dean chuckled as he squeezed Cas’s hips, his skin hot under his palms. 
Cas looked down at him with his head cocked to the side and then his cheek’s started to turn pink as he sat back on Dean’s leg. Looking away from Dean’s teasing stare. “Was...Am I not allowed too?”
Dean pushed himself up with his elbows as he smiled up at his boyfriend who was looking shy and -there is no better word to describe him- cute. “I never said that.”
Cas looks back down at him with an almost pout on his lips. A hopeful look sparked in his eyes as he scratched the back of his head, a nervous habit he must have picked up from Dean. 
“We don’t have a case to head out to so the placement doesn’t matter but let’s try to keep these more hidden next time.” Dean gripped his shirt and pulled him back on top of him. “How about more practice and a few more batman quotes?”
Cas falls back on top of him and kisses him once. “Madness, as you know, is like gravity, all it takes is a little push.”
“Heath Ledger.” Dean shut his eyes as he nodded in approval. Chasing after another kiss as he mumbles between their lips. “Nice choice.”
“Yes, you said you had a crush on him growing up.”
“Who didn’t!”
Cas chuckled, deep and warm against Dean’s lips, before pulling back as he innocently asked, “Can I also assume you have a crush on me?”
Dean looked back at him with his heart hammering in his chest. They really haven’t said the big declaration of love. Never really needing to since it was obvious but still maybe it was time to be straight forward. To take that little push Cas was so gracefully giving him. Because he was sure that, just like everything else, Cas was waiting for him to take the next step. 
“No.” Dean reached over to take Cas’s face in between his hands, his thumb tracing over his cheek bones. “No, I’m too in love with you for it to be just a crush.”
Cas let out a heavy shaky breath as his shoulders dropped, all teasing and joking fell from his expression. All that was left is a warm dopey loving smile.
“This is usually the part where you say something, Cas.”
“I was gonna tease you about having crushes on the villains but now I’m feeling a little bit dizzy.” He quietly said in his usual stoic tone of voice but his expression he couldn't hide. 
 “Not what I meant.” Dean chuckled as he pulled Cas back down to him. Their noses only graze each other for just a second before Cas hungrily kisses him. 
He pushes Dean’s body down against the blanket with his own and makes Dean groan when his knee starts to really graze against him. That doesn’t stop Cas as he took that chance to taste Dean’s mouth and let himself fall apart when he does. They have done this before, plenty of times actually, but this felt more...raw. Open and Dean wasn’t sure but he thought he felt a wet spot on his cheek. 
From his tears or Cas’s own he wasn’t sure but that didn’t stop them. 
After a few more minutes of making out and grinding on each other like a couple of school boys they finally pulled away. Agreeing it was way too cold to take off any of their layers off but snuggling up in the blanket was enough. Especially when he has Cas gently tracing mindless shapes on his chest. 
“I love you too.”
“Oh now he says it!”
“I do think you have an obsession with villains though.”
“I mean there was Crowley and-” Dean shuts him as he pulls him in for a kiss. Cas fluttering eyes as he tried to focus on his words made him look lost and once again, cute beyond all reason. “And um...don’t do that I lose my train of thought.”
“That’s the point. Now shut up and enjoy the damn stars like we were supposed to be doing.”
“Okay, Dean.” After a few moments of silence Cas then adds. “I do love you.”
“I know. I love you too.”
Tag List @galaxycastiel
78 notes · View notes
His Little Witch~~Part 9
Part 8
Main Pairing: Tom Riddle x Reader
Background Pairings: Harry Potter x Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley x Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood x Neville Longbottom, James Potter x Lily Potter, Draco Malfoy x Pansy Parkinson
Tags: Swearing, Controlling!Tom Riddle, Controlling Relationship, Canon-Typical Violence, Possessive Tom Riddle, Soulmates, AU, CANON DIVERGENCE, Minister of Magic Tom Riddle, Out of Character Tom Riddle, nice Tom Riddle, Dumbledore and Tom get along, sane Tom Riddle
Taglist: @chewymoustachio, @peachsnyder138, @marvelous-glims, @ingeniouscollectionthing, @thedarkshiningknight
“Little Witch! Are you ready yet?” Tom calls from his study.
“In a minute babe!” You call back, peeking your head out of your bedroom.
“Love, we need to get going, it’s the first task of the Triwizard Tournament. The Minister of Magic cannot be late.” He repeats for what had to be the tenth time that morning as he walks back into your bedroom, where you’re finishing getting ready.
“Tommy relax. They aren’t going to start without you. And anyway it’s not even 10:30 yet, the task doesn’t start until noon.” You remind him gently. He was already stressed out about baby Grindelwald and it was the morning of the first task of a tournament that hadn’t been held in 20 years. 
But to be honest you think that he is more worried about you being out in public with Grindelwald on the loose. You hadn’t left the house in a week and you were going stir crazy. You had to beg Tom to let you go with to the first task and he finally relented after your incessant teasing last night. 
“You’re right, sorry, I’m just nervous.” He apologizes, pacing back and forth in front of the bed, running his hands down his face.
“It’s all going to be fine babe,” you say softly standing up and stepping in front of him, taking his hands in yours.
“You don’t know that. A million things could go wrong a student could be injured, Grindelwald could show up, you could be hurt-“ he started rambling.
“Babe, it’s going to be ok. Just breathe,” you try to soothe him but you know it’s hopeless. No matter what you say or do he will still be a bundle of nerves. 
“You’re right love, of course, you’re right,” he says after taking a deep breath, he forces a small smile trying to ease your concern for him. But you know it’s fake, Tom is still panicking no matter how much he tries to hide it from you.
“Hey, I love you, Riddle,” you whisper, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. He reciprocates, finally letting his shields down a little.
“I love you too my Little Witch,” he replies after you break apart. “Are you ready yet?” He asks, causing you to chuckle.
“Yes my love, we can go now, though we are going to be incredibly early.” You tease taking his hand in yours as the two of you walk to his study. 
“Better to be early than late. I am the Minister of Magic, after all, I do have a reputation to uphold,” he says as the two of you step into the fireplace together and Tom grabs a handful of Floo powder before shouting, “Dumbledore’s office!”
The fire flares up around you and sucks the two of you in before quickly depositing you in Dumbledore’s fireplace. The headmaster glances up from his position behind the desk, and a small smile creeping upon his face.
“Ahhh, Tom, Ms. Y/l/n, lovely to see the two of you again. Excited for the first task?” Dumbledore asks as the two of you step out of the fireplace and dust off your robes.
“Very! I am so excited to see Harry compete today! Though not as much as James and Sirius I’m sure.” You reply, your smile stretching from ear to ear. There was a small part of you that was worried about Harry’s safety but you knew that with Tom, Sirius, James, and Dumbledore there he wasn’t in any real danger. 
“Yes, I’m sure James and Sirius are thrilled about Harry competing. And you Tom? Are you excited?” Dumbledore asks carefully, his eyes twinkling with concern.
“Oh yes, I’m so thrilled that we are hosting a deadly tournament with barely legal wizards competing in. It’s not like this isn’t an international incident waiting to happen or anything,” he replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Don’t mind him, Professor. He’s just a worrier, deep down I’m sure he’s excited.” You cut in, shooting Tom a look that says behave. 
“I completely understand Ms. Y/l/n, Tom has always been one to worry. Mr. Crouch and Mr. Bagman shall be arriving shortly and then we can discuss final details about the tournament and the tasks.” Dumbledore says and you take that as your cue to leave. But of course, Tom refuses to relinquish his hold on you. His arm stays firmly in place around your shoulders and he shoots you a confused look.
“Where do you think you’re going Little Witch?” He asks, worry clouding his features.
“I was going to give you all some privacy to discuss tournament matters and find my friends. I wanted to wish Harry good luck.” You explained, patiently. You should have known he would question you. Tom was ridiculously overprotective and he hated not having you by his side.
“Alright, but I want James and Sirius to escort you. Albus, could you send them a message?” He asks, still keeping you tucked into his side.
“Of course Tom,” Dumbledore replied indulgently. He quickly summons his patronus and asks it to find James and Sirius and tell them to come to his office. While the three of you are waiting Dumbledore makes up some phony excuse about needing to check up on Fawkes, in order to give you and Tom some privacy. Dumbledore quickly shuffles off into his private chambers, just off of his office, as soon as the door closes Tom crushes you against him in a bone-crushing hug.
“Tom, it’s only for a little while, I’ll see you at the task.” You try to reassure him, though you know it’s pointless.
“I know love, but with Grindelwald out there I’m on high alert. This is the perfect opportunity for him to attack and I can’t have you caught in the crossfire. Promise me you will stay with James and Sirius until I come and collect you for the tournament?” 
“Ohh, I get to sit with the Minister of Magic?” You tease and he just glares at you waiting for you to answer his question.
“Of course love,” you promise knowing there is no point in arguing. Especially considering all the begging you had to do to even be allowed to come today.
“Thank you Little Witch,” he replies before capturing your mouth in a hard, possessive kiss. Only a few moments later however you are interrupted by a knock on the door that causes the two of you to pull apart. Sirius and James walk in with big smirks on their faces, Merlin will those two ever grow up?
“Hope we weren’t interrupting anything,” Sirius teases with a giant smirk on his face. 
“Sod off Black,” Tom growls in response.
“Touchy, touchy,” James tutts.
“Do you two want to be unemployed?” Tom hisses, his face turning slightly pink at their teasing. 
“Let’s go guys before you get yourselves fired.” You say, giving Tom’s hand a quick squeeze before heading for the door.
“You two keep her safe,” Tom commands as the three of you walk towards the door.
“Yes Minister,” they both reply, any tone of teasing gone from their voices. 
The three of you walk down in relative silence, feeling slightly awkward due to the lack of conversation you ask the one question that’s been on your mind all morning.
“How’s Lily doing?”
“She’s ready to lock Harry in a tower and throw away the key,” James replies, scratching the back of his neck nervously.
“I can’t believe she hasn’t done it yet,” Sirius says.
“What about you two?” You asked you knew that no matter how crazy and chill these two might appear, they were secretly just as overprotective as Tom.
“I’m excited for him, but part of me just wants to put my foot down and tell him he can’t compete. I know it’s important to him but this tournament...it’s so dangerous.” James answers, his face hardening at the thought of his son in danger.
“Yeah, I know he’s a great wizard but to me, he’s still just a chubby, clumsy baby.” Sirius jokes, but you can see the tension behind his forced smile.
“He’s gonna do great guys,” you try to reassure them, they both offer you smiles but you can tell they are still freaking out on the inside.
Once you reach the Quidditch Pitch which had been altered to accommodate a dragon’s nest, you rush over to Harry and the others. James and Sirius stay back to give you guys some time on your own, though they stay close enough to keep an eye on you and to protect you if the need should arise.
“Hey, guys!” You greet them with a smile and pull Harry into a big hug. “Good luck out there Harry. You’re gonna do great.” 
Once you break away from Harry you take in the looks on everyone’s faces. Harry looks slightly nervous but mostly excited, Ginny looks like she’s going to be sick, Ron looks enthusiastic yet slightly jealous, and Hermione looks disgusted at the prospect of students fighting dragons. 
“Thanks, Y/n/n,” he says with a soft smile. He puts an arm around Ginny who was shaking like a leaf to try and steady her. 
“It’s gonna be fine Gin,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to her temple.
“Champions to the tent please!” McGonagall’s voice announces over the loudspeakers. Harry gives you all one last wave before heading over to the champions’ tent.
“He’s gonna be alright Ginny,” you try to reassure her as you place an arm around her shoulders.
“Yeah, Harry’s a great wizard sis, he’ll be fine.” Ron agrees, trying to quell his sister’s worries.
“Y/n, I think someone is looking for you,” Hermione remarks, pointing over to where Tom is searching the crowd with a concerned expression.
“Oh, thanks ‘Mione. I’ll see you guys later,” you say before rushing over to his side.
“There you are Little Witch,” he greets you and you can see the tension fade from his face. Damn this man needs some calming drought, you think to yourself. He gives James and Sirius a nod, dismissing them from babysitting duty, at least for now.
“Hi Tom, how was the meeting?” You ask curiously. He wraps his arm around you and the two of you walk over to the teacher’s box. 
“Boring, it was just tying up some loose ends and making sure the French and Bulgarian Ministries were part of the task development process. We need to cover our bases and ensure a fair competition.” He explains as the two of you enter the teacher’s box and he guides you to your seats. You were sitting in the front row next to Dumbledore and the other headmasters. It was a little awkward being with all the teachers, instead of the other students. But you were just going to have to get used to it, being the Minister’s mate and all.
The task was incredibly high pace and very interesting to watch. Though it was also slightly terrifying to see your fellow students go up against a dragon and try to capture their egg. Harry ended up scoring the highest and getting to his egg the fastest, which placed him in the lead. He made sure to use his natural skills to his advantage, summoning his broomstick and then getting the dragon to fly after him in order to get it away from the egg so he could then swoop in and grab it. 
“I’m gonna go congratulate Harry,” you whisper to Tom right as he was being bombarded by reporters, all asking questions about the tournament. You knew he would be furious at you for wandering off on your own but you would deal with that later.
“Congratulations Harry!” You shouted giving him a big hug. His mom and Ginny were smiling but you could see the terror in their eyes. Sirius and James were off collecting money from their bets and Remus had his arm wrapped around Lily’s shoulder stabilizing her. Ron was going on and on about how incredible Harry was and Hermione was ranting to anyone who would listen about how absolutely barbaric the tournament was.
“Hey, guys party in the common room after dinner!” Seamus shouted, he and Dean both had faces full of Gryffindor colored face paint.
“Sweet!” Ron exclaims, he was always ready to party.
“Are you coming Y/n?” Hermione asks quietly.
“I wish, there is no way Tom will let me go without him and I don’t think it would be a ton of fun with the Minister of Magic chaperoning us.” You grumble slightly annoyed. You loved Tom but sometimes it sucked not being able to just hang out or party with your friends.
“There you are Little Witch,” Tom growled, looking absolutely furious with your little disappearing act.
“Hey babe,” you greet shyly, nervous for his reaction. 
“Ready to go home?” He phrases it like a question but you know better. Fuck, you were in so much trouble when you got home.
“Sure, bye guys!” You call over your shoulder as Tom leads you back to the castle. The entire trip back to Dumbledore’s office is silent and you decide it’s best to keep it that way until you get home. Once you are in Dumbledore’s office the two of you walk straight to the fireplace and Tom grabs a handful of Floo powder before shouting, “Riddle Manor!” The fire swirls around the two of you again before depositing you both in the fireplace in Tom’s study. Tom marches you towards your room before he slams the door closed and turns to give you his signature glare.
“Care to explain Little Witch?” He asks, the fury practically dripping from his voice.
Fuck, you were in trouble now.
Part 10
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banashee · 3 years
Part 2/2 of Tony setting the kitchen on fire for @hopelessly-me :D ♥
Enjoy ♥
...Honey, it’s still fucking frozen.
 One day, Clint finally caves.
 “Tony. You know I love you, but       please     - let me show you how to cook. I can’t take it anymore.” he tells him over ice cold dinner. The archer pokes a piece of meat with his fork to prove his point.
 Tony nods slowly, but he also says,
 “Last time it was burned. So now I cooked it for less time.”
 Clint blinks at him, knocking on his plate with the meat, which results in a solid noise.
 “...Honey, it’s still fucking frozen.”
 “...Okay, yeah.” Tony sighs, shoving the plate away from himself.
 “Sorry, I know the last few months of my cooking haven’t been pleasant. At least I didn’t burn the house down yet.” he adds, with a small smile to lighten the mood, but it is clear he is not happy with his results.
 “The alarm didn’t go off in a while, that’s progress, right?” Clint shoots back a lopsided smile, before he continues,
 “Honestly though, I don’t mean to be condescending because that’s probably how I sound, and I’m really sorry for that, but… I know you’re trying, and I know you don’t like help with things… In general, and I get that. But don’t you think that it would be better in the long run?”
 Their hands meet over the table, warm and solid as they squeeze and hold on, thumbs caressing each other. Clint and Tony have been home to one another for a long time now, and they know with a bone deep certainty that they can talk about things without making a personal vendetta of it, no matter how small or big the issue is. It’s just not how they work - what they have is easy going and it always has been.
 A casual friendship with benefits quickly turned into more, and after months of pining and awkwardness, they finally got a move on and figured out their feelings for each other. That talk had been halting and even more awkward than the weeks before, but it led to mutual three-word-sentences and a future full of happiness.
 Tony smiles, squeezing the other man’s hand as he asks,
 “So, you don’t mind having to show me basic shit like cooking eggs without burning them to a crisp?”
 “No, of course not. I love you and I love cooking - there really is no downside here if you ask me.”
 “Alright, then. Thanks, Babe.” Tony leans forward for a kiss, which Clint is all too happy to give him. The cold dinner on the table is almost forgotten in the next few minutes, but as it turns out, it is the perfect opportunity to start.
 “Okay, so, let’s put this back into the pan and crank the heat up. You want this to be warm and cooked through entirely. Then you - Tony… Please put down the salt shaker.”
 “I have salt and I am not afraid to use it!”
 “Yes I know, and that’s a problem! No, go away with that!” Laughing, the two of them tackle each other through the kitchen, until they end up pushed against the counter, foreheads touching and giggling like lovesick teenagers.
 “Will you give up on any harsh decisions regarding the salt?” Clint asks, in a mock-serious tone that is actually a pretty good impression of what Phil Coulson sounds like, and Tony grins at him, his dark eyes sparkling with mischief.
 “I      am     small and salty. Never.” he tries to snatch back the salt shaker, attempting to distract Clint with more makeout opportunities. He leans in, pulling Tony close with one arm and holding the salt shaker up over his head with the other - it’s a dick move, but it works. His boyfriends sputtering at the offensive act only makes Clint  laugh more, but they need to flip the meat in the pan before their dinner burns once again, so their bickering is interrupted.
 A little while later, their dinner is actually warm and not only edible, but really, really good at that. Tony is still surprised that they managed to save it, especially since there have been instances where this would have been simply impossible. But then again, he is lucky enough to have a partner who knows how to save messed up food, given there is a way left to salvage it in the first place.
 “What’s the worst that ever happened to you while cooking?” Tony casually asks another night, while he is chopping vegetables into accurate cubes - they’re making stir fry, and the task at hand is easy and repetitive enough to chat away. Besides, he is used to handiwork, so this is totally doable.
 Clint shoots him a knowing, amused look.
 “...I almost set my kitchen in the SHIELD bunk on fire. It was like three in the morning and I couldn’t sleep, so I wanted to make a dessert with flambé bananas. Well, let’s just say it didn’t go as planned and my neighbours fucking hated my guts for setting off the fire alarm in the middle of the night… That was about 15 years ago, and goddammit, some people      still    bring it up.”
 Tony laughs, loudly.
 “Well, thank fuck you know what you’re doing now - imagine the two of us being Fire Hazards together, the tower would have burned to the ground ages ago. Imagine SHIELD on our asses for it. Or worse, Cap.”
 Slowly, he shakes his head. No one wants to see Steve’s “I am very disappointed in you”-face if they can help it. To be fair, when it doesn’t come to cooking, and more like, battles or developing weapons, the two of them combined are still a fire hazard. But that’s different, really.
 Clint, however, stops chopping with his knife mid air, head crooked to the side as he gently lowers it onto the cutting board. Then, he asks, completely straight faced,
 “...Did I ever tell you that Fury has backup-plans, just in case the two of us should be going rogue?”
 Putting down his knife as well, Tony fixes his partner in a suspicious stare. Despite everything, this is news to him, and he is about 90% sure that at least on this occasion, Clint isn’t fucking with him. Also, this is totally something he’d expect Fury to do. The man is paranoid, and Tony definitely wouldn’t put such a thing past him.
 “Wait what? No, you didn’t. Spill.”
 With a laugh, Clint tells him,
 “Ever since Nat went undercover as your PA and it was clear that both of us would be part of the Avengers, Fury put protocols in place - covered a lot of hypothetical situations, actually, it was quite funny to read. I think the short version is he knows both of us and our, dare I say, slightly chaotic tendencies…”
 With a snort of laughter, Tony collapses against the counter. This is putting it lightly and they both know it, but he enjoys hearing the story.
 Clint continues,
 “Technically I’m not supposed to know that, but Tasha told me about it. She laughed for like, 10 minutes straight. Me, too, by the way.”
 “I bet - heh, sorry i can’t” it takes a bit for Tony to calm down enough to say,
 “I bet he put a lot more protocols in place ever since he got wind of us being an item. Honestly I’d love to see that list.”
 The corners of his mouth are still twitching, and he wipes amused tears out of his eyes as he keeps cackling away.
 “Oh hey, we should do a dramatic reading of that form!” he says then, and Clint is laughing too hard to answer, but he nods, vegetables forgotten on the counter for several minutes.
 He only barely manages to stop Lucky from stealing the chicken right off of the counter, which only makes him laugh harder as he tries to hold his dog back by the collar. Once again, Lucky looks like he is judging his humans - even his one remaining eye is pretty expressive.  
 Once they have calmed down a bit, they continue. Tony is about to put the vegetables into the frying pan, but Clint stops him.
 “Wait. Put in the onions and garlic first, let them get glassy and then add the rest of it in. One after the other. Hardest stuff first, softest last. That way you have everything cooked through without having some parts mushy in the end.” he explains, which is met with a surprised noise from his boyfriend.
 “Huh, that makes sense. Cooking       is     logical, after all.” Tony says, as if that’s news to him - truth be told, it probably is.
 “Of course it’s logical. What did you think?” Clint asks, even though he already knows the answer.
 “Magic? I don’t fucking know” Tony shrugs, but he looks very much satisfied. Even more so once everything is done. The stir fry turned out perfect, and the pasta only boiled over once - the kitchen is a mess, but the food is amazing, so it comes to no surprise that one after one, the other Avengers show up in the kitchen like a bunch of hungry sharks. Food always brings them together, especially if the delicious smells are wafting through the tower.
 Apart from the obvious - having to eat, having to help out and later on, hating the SHIELD cafeteria with a burning passion - this is why Clint learned how to cook in the first place. Food brings people together, brings in company.
 As someone who spent most of his life either lonely or socially awkward or both, Clint learned early on that if he feeds people, they will stick around - at least for a bit.  It is a long standing habit, and although he genuinely loves cooking and baking, because it’s fun and relaxing, the people aspect is a big motivation as well.
 Feeding people keeps them around and Clint recognizes that this might be a little sad. But he can’t deny that he likes doing it, one of the reasons being that, making food for someone shows that you care. As much as his social skills suck sometimes, Clint likes to take care of the people around him, especially loved ones.
 Lucky for him, there is almost always someone around, here in the tower, to enjoy whatever he spent the day cooking or baking. Especially if either Steve or Thor are home, he knows nothing will stay untouched for long. While those two will eat anything and everything that isn’t nailed down, Clint knows that Tony is usually a bit of a picky eater, but he will try everything Clint makes, because he knows from experience that it’s always good. He does have a bit of a sweet tooth though. Bruce on the other hand prefers savory things, which is why he himself is cooking a lot of spicy, indian food, but he will also happily go to town on a loaf of bread fresh out of the oven.
 Natasha, much like Phil and Pepper whenever they’re around, has a huge sweet tooth - whenever there are cookies or cake or anything else, she is the first to creep into the kitchen. Oftentimes, she steals balls of cookie dough and bowls with batter remaining in them. It gets even worse when Phil is around, because the two of them will team up to get all the sweet things - It’s highly classified, but you can totally buy Agent Coulson with sweet things.
 Clint knows all of this, especially since he’s known Phil and Nat for many many years. Therefore, he counts in whatever they are likely going to steal whenever he is baking - he’s known their systematic approach for ages now, but he doesn’t mind it. Not at all.
 Later that same night, Clint is sprawled out in bed, legs tangled with Tony’s and one arm wrapped around him. His head is pillowed on the other man's shoulder, face pressed into his favourite spot - the crook of Tony’s neck.  Restless fingers are lightly scratching his scalp, and the even breathing of his dog by their feet are almost lulling him to sleep. His other hand is lazily tracing invisible patterns on Tony’s back, fingers creeping under his shirt and against warm, smooth skin. The happy hum he gets in response causes small vibrations to travel through his entire body, even when he can’t hear it.
 They drift off to sleep like this, and when they are in the kitchen the next morning, Clint asks, as Tony keeps an suspicious eye on the scrambled eggs,
 “Do you want to bake bread with me later? We can use it tomorrow for french toast.”
 “...I’ll have to touch wet dough, do I?”
 “...Ideally, yes. But it’s fun, I promise. Careful, your eggs.” he adds, and Tony jumps to flip them - just in time - no harm done. He lets out a sigh of relief.  As it turns out, having someone close to help him get a hang of this really helps. Besides, Clint is a good teacher, and the whole love thing helps a lot. Just spending time together, really - and the compliments from their other teammates for last night’s dinner for example. All of it makes him want to keep going.
 “Okay, let’s do it” Tony says, and the happy smile on his boyfriend's face is more than enough motivation to say “yes” again the next time he asks if he wants to bake.
 As it turns out, baking is a whole different thing than cooking, which takes him by surprise. Especially since he needs to be a lot more accurate for this, while with cooking, there is at least a little bit of freestyling allowed. With baking? Not so much.
 “It’s sticky. Ew. Babe, why? Why did you do this to me?” Tony complains, making a face as he holds up his hands that are covered in admittedly clingy bread dough - he’s not quite sure he actually likes doing this.
 “It needs more flour - hold on.” Clint scrapes off as much dough from his hands as he can, carefully grabs the paper bag with two fingers and sprinkles a little bit more flour in both mixing bowls.
 “Try again, it should work itself out. If it cleans out the bowl we’re good.”
 “You said this was fun… Oh hey, that’s actually better now!” Tony exclaims in surprise, relieved that his bread dough isn’t nearly as sticky anymore - now, he can knead it with his hands without thinking of hacking them off right after. Truth be told, he is starting to see the fun part of this whole thing now.
 “See? You’re doing great by the way.” Clint tells him, a warm and happy feeling spreading out in his chest. He is incredibly happy to be able to have this - to have Tony by his side in the first place. Words can’t express how much he loves this man, and he hopes that Tony knows nonetheless.
 “I’ve got a pretty good teacher - you should meet him some time. He’s got amazing arms and an even better ass.” Tony is grinning over at Clint, absolutely not checking out those very much appreciated body parts while he does so. They have been together for quite some time, but the attraction to one another has not died down - not at all.
 “Oh, does he now?”
 “Very much so.”
 Cheesy flirting and easy banter is what they do best, and by the time their dough is covered and resting, Clint and Tony disappear upstairs and into the bedroom. They lose their clothes on the way, leaving a trail through the entire apartment until they fall into bed, wrapped tightly around one another and laughing in between kisses and wandering hands.
 There is plenty of time to pass until the bread is ready to be baked, after all.
Prompt 10: Teaching
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saeryuart · 4 years
Ikevamp Hugger Tiers
... Welcome to the first and last piece of writing I’ll likely ever post on here lmao. I couldn’t get this outta my head and this happened XD If your guy happens to be one of the lower tiers, sorry! 
The entire list is just how I think it would go, soooo yeah. Though funnily enough, the guys listed in the tiers themselves aren’t necessarily in order lmao. 
Includes Vlad and Charles! Because it’s gonna be a long af post, writing is under the cut!
-Honorary member #1 of the #GotThisSquad
-Man radiates big bro energy, and if you don’t know it right now, you WILL know it when he takes you in his arms. They’re warm, strong and protective.
The kinds of hugs he tends to give vary between being playful or protective. If he’s feeling playful, he’d probably hug you from behind and murmur teasing, loving remarks in your ear. He’s particularly fond of nuzzling his cheek in your hair.
-Man’s also got big hands, great for holding your waist, along with other things mhmmm~ ;)) they’re great for making you feel even more secure than you normally would, and that’s saying a lot
-With his hugs, he wants to tell you he’s not only protecting your body, but your heart and soul if you’re willing. They’re all encompassing, and are always gonna have you feeling safe, no matter what
-Sleepy hugs are arguably the best kind of hugs to receive from him though, bc all filters are off. Any reservations the man might normally have are gone as he pulls you into bed to hug the life outta you 
-Hope you don’t have any important plans for the day bc you’ll be stuck there with his face buried in the crook of your neck, nuzzling into you like a cat. 
-Please hug him, you won’t regret it. .... If you don’t have plans.
Overall rating: 9/10
-Leader of the #GotThisSquad, man knows what he is doing
-He’s super observant of people by nature, so he’ll know immediately what it is you want. You someone that’s more energetic and wants tight hugs? That’s what you’re gonna get. You’re a shy, hesitant bean that isn’t quite used to contact? He’s gotchu girl~ He’ll hold you gently but loosely, so you have the chance to step away if you want to
-but if he had it his way, he would put the person in the gentlest but secure hold. Especially fond of having his hands stroke their hair and back.
-Speaking of which, his hands are like magic, able to melt your worries and tensions away. They just coax you into relaxing in his arms
-He personally prefers to be the one doing the holding, but if you want to spoil him, you don’t need to work that hard to convince him - running your fingers through his hair is a surefire way to make a contented sigh escape his lips.
-It’s a bone-deep kind of satisfaction that Comte wouldn’t trade for anything in the world, cherishing the person in his arms
-It doesn’t matter whether you’re happy or sad, he’s your go-to person if you’re in need of a hug
Overall rating: Sugar Daddy/10
-Final member of the #GotThisSquad.
-Like a warm summer day, his hugs are super soft and sweet. Somehow, despite being a painter and hardly stepping out of the mansion, he smells like freshly washed sheets.
-His hands are gentle and soft, but a little calloused from constantly washing and handling his art supplies and paintings.
-While holding you, expect sweet nothings to be whispered in your ear. Man loves you so much, he has to make sure you know everything that’s in his thoughts, EVERYTHING.
-His fingers tend to absently trace all the little things he loves about you; your hair, your cheeks, your lips, the way your eyes shine when they reflect his own loving gaze in yours... it all makes him want to hold you more and never let go.
-Particularly fond of holding your hand while hugging you, intertwining your fingers together as naturally as breathing. Also enjoys touching foreheads with your own, staring into your eyes.
-He hopes he makes you feel as beautiful as he sees you.
Overall rating: Sunshine Boi/10 **sobs** 
-This man is a portable heater who can’t stand not being in your arms for 0.000001 seconds. Especially when he’s ready to take a nap.
-Great during Winters, but the Summer... welp. Run MC. Other than that though, he gives great bear hugs.
-He’s so huge, he literally dwarfs any and everything under that hugeass coat. TBH you’ll either hate it or love it, depending on how good your blood circulation is lmaooo
-Man likes giving back hugs when in a teasing mood, but when he’s feeling more romantic, he prefers you to be facing him. Odds are, he’ll be pulling you into his arms, hand tucking the back of your head into his chest.
-His bear hugs are reassuring, those broad arms and strong chest doing wonders in making you feel safe and secure. Depending on how tall you are, he’d pull you into his chest or the crook of his neck. ... And did I mention that chest? Damn Daddy.
-Odds are, he’s gonna smell like tobacco too. If you don’t like that sorta thing, that could be something of a turnoff. Man’s a giant too, so odds are you’re going to be an armrest half the time, rip.
Overall rating: 8/10
-Like his personality, his hugs are playful and endearing. He LOVES cuddles and by Jove, if Arthur Conan Doyle wants cuddles, he WILL get cuddles.
-Repeat after me. CLINGY. MAN.
-It’s practically canon that, like a puppy, he wants your attention on him ALL THE TIME. So eye contact is a must, lots of small kisses peppered across your face to make you laugh; your laughter never fails to make his heart skip a beat.
-Skinship is practically a requirement, it’s Arthur’s love language. Up there with gift giving.
-He loves holding your waist while breathing in your scent in the crook of your neck. He wants to be enveloped by you, your presence assures him more than anything. But that doesn’t mean the hugs are a one-sided thing, either.
-If in a particularly good mood, he’ll hum some random English tune while swaying you side to side. Sometimes, that swaying might evolve into a full-blown dance, with him twirling you around the mansion floor with laughter.
-With you, he always wants you to feel as good as you make him, for you bring out the best side of him.
Overall rating: 8.5/10
-0/10, momma didn’t raise you to fall for no shady man, wouldn’t recommend.
-KIDDING, I’M KIDDING. .... Mostly.
-Bc he’s such a shady man with little to no experience in physical contact, one would think a hug from him would be the worst idea one could have if they ignored his pretty face and bewitching eyes-
-Warning: Once he’s in love, his hugs are the singular most addicting thing besides his kisses. MAYDAY, MAYDAY, ABORT!! Man is dangerously attractive, and he knows it.
-Bc he’s always around flowers, he always smells great. Like nectar from the sweetest flower, his sweet, honeyed words would coax you over until, before you know it, you’re trapped within his arms.
-He’s not planning on letting go either, because only he deserves to see such beauty and tend to it. As far as he’s concerned, the other weeds he calls ‘men’ could be nipped in the bud ok that’s enough flower puns, I promise.
-His hugs are unbelievably gentle, but possessive. You’ll be handled so delicately, you’d wonder if he mistook you for glass - no, even glass was handled with less care than how he’s holding you right now.
-He has to have eye contact while holding you. No exceptions. He has to know, what are you thinking right now? If you feel like breaking away, surely he has other ways of convincing you...
Overall rating: Intervention/10
-Hope you have a strong back, because he won’t be able to resist glomping you over half the time.
-If he’s particularly excited, he’ll be playfully swinging you around after. You getting dizzy? Tooooo bad, maybe after a couple more minutes. As long as you don’t throw up, babe~
-Man may be a doctor but dammit, he has the right to cuddle his honey, too! Hmm, this sounds familiar. Must be a doctor thing.
=Nose boops and cheek rubs. All that disgustingly cheesy and playful shit that makes anyone watching gag from the diabetes. 
-If he’s feeling mischievous enough, he might bury his nose into the crook of your neck to blow hot air on your skin to make you squirm. It never fails to make him giggle.
-His main focus is making you laugh and have a good time, nothing else matter.s He likes the way laughter makes your eyes crinkle juuust right~
Overall rating: 7.5/10 bc his hugs will break someone’s back one day-
-A surprisingly decent hugger.
-One wouldn’t think him capable of giving hugs with such genuity and emotion, unless you were the person he were doing it to. These special hugs are especially private, reserved for the irreplacable person in Dazai’s life.
-Despite his appearances, he is a compassionate person deep down, and wants to see you happy. Especially as the one who taught him to care for his own life.
-Like Arthur, he likes making you laugh. With his arms encircling your middle from behind, he likes giving surprise tickles to make you squeak and jump, promting his own quiet chuckles. Your reactions never fail to amuse him.
-His hugs are literally breathtaking, because you’ll be too busy squirming with breathless laughter to escape out of his arms. It makes his eyes light up in a way that’s startlingly different from the smile he shows the others; the closest thing to a true smile.
-For more somber moments, he holds you like he’s never going to hold you again. You can feel how much he cherishes you with how gently but securely he embraces you. He likes doing it from behind so you don’t have to see the pained expression on his face as he holds your hand for comfort.
-The only real downside is that again these hugs are especially private, so no one else gets to see. A shame too, or not, depending on how you look at it. uwu
Overall rating: Soft sad boi/10 whoops I kinda accidentally turned this into angst.
-Awkward Blushy Boi #1.
-Bc he’s so awkward and shy, his hugs are gonna be stiff af at first. He might not even respond at all, depending on how startled he is. Or how fast you let go of him
-If you do let go first, he’s gonna be lowkey highkey disappointed.
-Good thing is, because his hands are so used to delicate work, his touch is gentle and precise. So if you’re sensitive to physical sensations, he’ll pick up on that. If he does manage to brush against a sensitive area, expect a ton of stammered apologies and red cheeks.
-At first, his initial touches are shaky and unsure. But when he starts to gain confidence, his hands are curious and careful.
-Give him some time to let the hedgehog bristles come down a bit, and you’ve got yourself a teddy bear. Unfortunately, his hugs are going to remain awkward for some time bc-
-wHAT IF HE HOLDS YOU FOR TOO LONG, WOULD YOU GET ANNOYED??? DOES IT COME OFF AS TOO CLINGY, WHAT IF- ***incoherent anxious screaming into the void***
-Error: Isaac Newton has stopped working.exe
-Once he gets used to you though, his hugs become super comforting. Boy’s a string bean, so his arms aren’t the most buff. But the way he holds you is so awkwardly sweet, you can feel the sincerity behind his actions.
-Please give him a chance, he’s so worth it T_T
Overall rating: 7/10
-Awkward Blushy Boi #2
-Similarly to Isaac, he’s super standoffish at first, especially with the whole ‘don’t touch me, you’ll get dirty blah blah blah’ spiel sHUT UP AND LET ME LOVE YOU.
-Don’t expect him to ever initiate hugs, not at first. It’s a long work in progress with this man. But pls stick with him, he is so, so worth it.
-Jeanne isn’t a person that gives away affection lightly, so whenever he hugs you, expect him to mean it. You will be weak-kneed at the sheer compassion and warmth behind his actions, even through his gloves.
-But if you do ever hug him, even though it’s hesitant, he’ll never fail to hug you back bc he’s a soft boi that doesn’t want to hurt your feelings.
-Despite having the tendency to push people away,his hugs are gentle and protective. They let you know you’re safe and not alone. Giver #2 of great comfort hugs.
-Once he’s comfortable, he’ll like the feeling of your bare skin against his palms, so he’ll start hugging you with his gloves off.
-Develops a habit of gently rubbing his thumb across the back of your hand; he likes how small they feel in his own. It makes him feel protective, renewing his vow of keeping you safe.
-Unfortunately, he gets points deducted for never initiating contact at first, as well as his hugs being rather stiff for a long time.
Overall Rating: 6.5/10 pls love-
-Hugging? When you could be WORKING?? It’s more likely than you think.
-Man is normally reserved, and not one for physical contact. But his touch is surprisingly gentle and reassuring. Particularly if you’re feeling upset or stressed.
-He’s fond of back rubs and closeness as he’s holding you. Tucking your head under his chin, his hold is gentle but firm, reminding you of your good qualities and what he loves about you. 
-Because he’s not as remarkable as the other men in the mansion, he might need some extra reassurance that he’s good enough for you. He’ll appreciate it if you rub his back, especially after a rough day. 
-Under those gloves, his hands are rough and calloused from his work as a butler, but the way he embraces you couldn’t be more deliberate or careful.
-Sebastian considers you his little miracle, the fact that you came from the same timeline as him gives him a new level of comfort as a piece of home away from home.
-Despite his strictness during work, he makes sure you know how much you really mean to him. While he disapproves of PDA in front of the residents, he doesn’t mind sneaking a cuddle now and then... in privacy of course.
-But despite these qualities, the problem with Sebastian’s hugs is that they hardly get a chance to happen.
-Man is too busy working himself to death helping the mansion residents, and has an 18-hour work schedule everyday to spend time with you. Someone save him bls. You’ll be doing both of yourselves a favor.
Overall rating: Workaholic/10
LOW-TIER HUGGERS (I’m so sorry)
-Ah yes, Hondje fetish man.
-Like his brusque personality, his grip may be a tad rough, but the way he holds you is protective and gentle. Likes holding the back of your head close to him, arm secure around your waist; he likes the feeling of you belonging to him
-Theo doesn’t really do comfort hugs. Unless your life was in danger or something, he’s much more likely to just pull you in when he feels like having cuddles hugs. Processing emotional depth greater than familial love is a bit of a learning curve for the man. He’s trying.
-His hold is possessive, but affectionate. He likes pulling you in close by the hip when in public; man claims he’s not big into PDA, but he’s proud of his girlfriend and WILL show that off, dammit. 
-Also claims he’s not clingy, but he’ll hold onto you for as long as physically possible until he has to let go. So you’d better not be thinking of going anywhere Hondje, not when you have your Master to please. Yeah, sure ok sounds fake but ok.
-He doesn’t initiate hugs often, but he likes holding you in quiet moments when you’re alone. Not that he’ll admit that out loud. Like Vincent, he likes touching foreheads with yours to stare into your eyes. They’re like the perfect works of art to him, a masterpiece he can stare at for hours. He likes how expressive they are, the way they light up in so many different ways whether you’re happy, angry or excited.
-Honestly, despite the loving shit I give him, he’s only barely in this tier for a couple reasons. But one of them is that he’s not really an affectionate kind of hugger. Theo’s the kind of guy that expresses his love through uh... other physical means. If you catch my drift~ >3
-All in all, his hugs are protective and strong, but also a little rough. Perfect if you want to be assured of your relationship and loved, but not really recommended if you’re looking for something comforting and soothing. 
-TLDR: His hugs are warm, but not versatile. Honest Tsunderes die if they are killed
Overall rating: 6/10
-Awkward Blushy Boy #3. The holy trinity is complete.
-Unfortunately, I’m gonna have to rank Mo as the worst hugger of the mansion guys for a couple reasons. One being his lack of human contact.
-Like Isaac, his hands are very careful. He cherishes you, and wants you to feel the devotion he has for you, so he often handles you as gently as he does his violets.
-But the stage to get there is unbearably long. Like, Jeanne kinda long. In fact, Mo is someone that, (even after he gets together with you), thinks that people only approach him when they have an angle, something to gain from him. But that doesn’t mean he holds back with you.
-His initial hugs are awkward at best, the but number of ways he hugs you is as innumerable as his compositions. A loving, encasing hug for a declaration of affection, a passionate intense embrace when recovering from a close call, entwining of fingers in a quiet moment... you’ll have it all. 
-He sometimes hums some songs in your ear while holding you, particularly if you’re upset. His hand will also be rubbing soothing and gentle circles in your back. Mozart is a passionate, empathic man deep down, and will accept nothing less than your complete comfort.
-Unfortunately, while his hands are beautiful and practically close to perfection in appearance, they’re awfully cold from poor circulation. Doesn’t help that he’s a literal vampire.
-The temperature difference is bound to make you jump a little, but he makes up for it with his gentleness. It’s also why he likes stroking your hair, entwining his fingers together around your waist so you don’t feel the cold as much.
-But the big reason points get deducted off is-
...... I see you reaching for the Purell, asshole. >:(
Overall Rating: Ice Hands/10
-D.... do i really need to explain this? ;;
-Don’t get me wrong, the man is very romantic. He never fails to whisper sweet words to sweep you off your feet. Hushed poetics and compliments flow out of his lips with ease, making you feel like a princess in his arms.
-However, like Mozart, his hands are cold from poor circulation. Not to mention... do you smell a hint of blood, coming from him? No, it’s just your imagination, he swears.
-Like the man himself, his embraces are very passionate. He loves holding you close by the waist, making sure your bodies are touching as much as possible. He’s rather fond of bringing a lock of your hair to his lips, kissing it with the flutter of a butterfly’s wings.
-He’s also rather... possessive. When he’s feeling particularly sly, he embraces you sensually from behind, resting his chin on top your shoulder. The way his arms slowly rise to curl around your waist feel like the sweetest trap you can’t bring yourself to escape.
-He’s also one that silently demands eye contact. As he keeps a hold of your waist, he likes to cradle your cheek tenderly, the mismatched wild yellow and blood red faze staring into your soul. The way he searches your eyes for your secrets steals your breath away, as the devotion he pours into the act belies any falsehoods he might’ve told.
-Again, this man is very devoted. Loves you to the point of obsession, really, But would I recommend hugging him personally? Aha ha ha haaa... gimme a while on that one. When the knife he has in his pocket isn’t poking my stomach. And NO, I don’t mean the one you want.
Overall rating: Romantic until someone dies/10 (I SEE those knives sticking out of your coat pocket Shakes, I want your arms, not the damn Iron Maiden).
-Man wants you as a guinea pig. Why would you want to hug that. 
-...  Idk enough of him to actually add more than that. Sorry lmao.
Overall rating: Death wish???/10
--- Wow, I am never doing that again sdlkfjsd. I think my wrists have died along with my sinuses making this post lmao. Hopefully everyone was relatively in character! If you actually managed to sit through all of this, you deserve a big round of applause, seriously. I think I’ll stick to drawing tho, kek.
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lichlover · 4 years
Okay so this a balance headcanon, and it is technically one I saw in a text post somewhere on tumblr that has been lost to the scroll of my dashboard months and months ago, but. The concept that the reason Barry was on the starblaster in the first place... was because he was some kinda undercover death cultist trying to kickstart the apocalypse... but then it happened and he was like "wait shit this actually sucks" and then has to figure out what to do
please consider donating to my ko-fi!
This was how it was written: Sildar Hallwinter would end the world.
Before his departure, they’d etched his name into the first of the sacred texts; his true name, five syllables destined to strike terror into the hearts of all living beings and their menial existences. It would all perish in the Apocalypse, of course. Everything would. But he and his fellows would ascend in death, as would every record that burned in the Great Blaze of the end times, and the universe would know their history. The true history. The history he would go down in as the Catalyst for the End of All Things, the Second Revelation, the Midnight Prophet for the Last Downfall of Mankind.
The gnome in front of him peered over the angular frames of his spectacles and said, “Barry Bluejeans?”
Sildar Hallwinter had also lost a bet.
But it was no matter, for there was no meager chronicle that would remember him as Barold J. Bluejeans, chief science officer of the IPRE Starblaster. He would be survived only by the destruction set to ravage their world in a matter of months, a Dawning so terrible that it would leave nothing of civilization in its wake. No one would know the name Barry Bluejeans. Everyone would know the name Sildar Hallwinter, and the thought made his stomach knot with such anticipation that he had to collect himself before he could respond.
“That’s me,” he said, and grinned a different man’s grin at the gnome—Captain Davenport of the IPRE, unknowing Chariot to the Catalyst for the End of All Things, the Second Revelation, the Midnight Prophet for the Last Downfall of Mankind. “Reporting for duty.”
Sildar was well accustomed to the dank, ash-streaked tunnels of the Fellowship’s headquarters beneath Ascendant’s Peak, but the IPRE headquarters were sleek and warm, drawing him in with rounded walls and high, arching ceilings. Everywhere he looked, another enormous set of windows opened to the landscape below, as of yet untouched by the Cataclysm Foretold. He wasn’t used to this much natural light, and he certainly wasn’t used to people smiling and waving as they passed. “Another poor soul for the Big One, Dav?” someone called, and the captain waved them off affably.
For an organization completely aware of the end times, and completely unaware of the fact that he, Sildar, would be responsible for their failure, they were all terribly… cheery.
“We’ve already gathered the other crew members,” said the captain, when they came to a halt in front of a nondescript door. “They’re just, uh, through here. We’ll start our first briefing in the next—next half hour, but for now, feel free to socialize. G-Get to know them. We’ll call you when we’re ready.”
“Thanks,” said Sildar, and the captain mumbled something under his breath. “Uh, what was that?”
“Oh,” said the captain. “Nothing.” He turned, and it was only then that Sildar’s brain registered the words; it had sounded almost like good luck.
No matter. Sildar opened the door.
Sildar yelped—actually yelped—and ducked aside just as a chair flew over his head and exploded against the wall. A shower of wooden fragments and very magical sparks hit the ground in front of him, and he sputtered, wordless, on the precipice of reaching for his own wand—was this an ambush? Had they discovered the truth of his presence already?
“Oh, shit,” somebody said, and a silhouette appeared through the smoke and magical residue. Sildar caught his breath. Perhaps he was dead, then; perhaps one of the wooden shards had caught him through the heart, and the Avatar of Renewal through Annihilation had come to meet him on the threshold of the afterlife. She looked like divinity, at any rate: tall and elegant, with waves of hair that glittered like finely spun gold and eyes that blazed with the last vestiges of power. Eyes that settled on him, and softened instantly. No, Sildar thought. She couldn’t possibly be the Avatar of Renewal, because she looked kind.
“Shit,” said the divine being again. Her ears twitched downward with concern—an elf, then. “Lucky break, babe. You okay?”
Sildar blinked, and found himself at a loss for words.
“Leave it to you to fuckin’ scare the shit outta the newcomer!” A voice like hers rose through the smoke, and as it cleared, Sildar made out four other bodies, all draped in the ostentatious red of the IPRE and squinting into the gloom. The one who had spoken, another willowy elf with even longer golden locks, lifted a hand in the air and snapped his fingers, and all the smoke dissipated at once. “You had to launch it at the fuckin’ wall, Mags!”
His companion, a human who stood taller than everyone else in the room and looked battle-scarred to the bone despite his youth, gestured indignantly at the aftermath. “But did you see how fucking awesome that was? And that was a whole science experiment! Setup—uh, hypothesis, trials, conclusion?”
“Which is?” The elf unspooled two letters into a long, drawn-out drawl.
“That this room was totally used for magic shit! And now we can do whatever we want in here!”
“Um,” came another voice from the window, and Sildar looked over to see a dark young woman with a head of platinum-bright hair, gazing nervously at the set of admittedly impressive scorch marks over his head. “I think if anything, that proves we shouldn’t do what we want in here.”
“Agree to disagree,” said “Mags,” with undue confidence.
“That’s—but that’s not what science is—”
The final figure in the room, a portly dwarf with flowers woven into his beard, shook his head and clicked his tongue. “Look at the impression you just made,” he said. “Going around, trying to kill people you just met—what kind of monsters do something like that?”
The divine being made a sound somewhere between a chuckle and a sigh and pushed a few loose strands of hair off her face. “You must be the chief science officer,” she said, and stuck out a hand. “Sorry for the accidental attempted murder. I’m Lup.”
“I’m,” said Sildar. “Uh.”
This time she really did laugh—a lyrical, full-bodied sound that he felt deep in his chest. “Tell me we didn’t just knock your name outta your head.”
“Oh, no, it’s, uh—” Lup. She looked at him with a smile so resplendent he had to catch his breath all over again. What did she know of Sildar Hallwinter, the Catalyst for the End of All Things, the Second Revelation, the Midnight Prophet for the Last Downfall of Mankind? What did she know of anything beyond all the light she cast in every direction?
“I’m, uh, Barry,” he said. “Barry J. Bluejeans.”
Here are some things Sildar Hallwinter learns about Barry J. Bluejeans:
He has a penchant for getting into character. Maybe that’s more Sildar than Barry, but there’s something so intoxicating about the drama of it all, especially when no one else knows he’s playing a role. Barry is a bit of a thespian, if he does say so himself.
That said, he’s sort of awkward. More of Sildar’s influence. When you’ve spent your whole life preparing to fulfill your divine purpose in the End of All Things, it’s a little hard to adjust to things like game night and brunch.
He’s smart. Really smart. The Fellowship hadn’t really encouraged science—everything else came second to the teachings of the Apocalypse—but not only is Barry-slash-Sildar naturally inclined for it, he actually enjoys it.
He can’t swim. Sildar can, and rather enjoys it, but it’s a little bit of flavor text he can’t resist.
He’s not half bad at making friends.
The crew of the Starblaster were, of course, a means to an end, and he would develop no meaningful relationship with any of them beyond what was necessary to keep up appearances. That was his mandate, at least. But it was hard. Much harder than he’d expected, really. And despite himself, he—Barry—found it all to easy to laugh at the dwarf Merle’s gods-awful jokes and stay up late to hear Captain Davenport recount tales of grandeur. He let himself be roped into more magic-powered “experiments” (in the loosest sense of the word) with the human fighter, Magnus, who actually seemed to enjoy death-defying stunts with the zeal of someone from the Fellowship. He got to know the soft-spoken but brilliant archivist, Lucretia, and her remarkably meticulous transcriptions. On one particularly reckless night, he joined the long-haired elf Taako on a quest to fill a particularly uppity supervisor’s pockets full of pudding.
And as the Appointed Hour approached, Barry found himself spending late nights in the IPRE labs with Lup, testing and recording speculations on arcane theory and downing enough coffee to drive them to hysterics by dawn. They were all a little nervous, a little sad, a little desperate to sort their affairs before takeoff, but Lup tackled new problems with the kind of determination that demanded solutions. She was the most ingenious person Barry had ever met. And when she sat back from an arcane reaction gone wrong, her hairline blackened with soot and grinning like a caffeine-tripped maniac, he thought she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
This was how it was until the Apocalypse arrived.
Barry woke the morning of with a planet-shattering hangover.
He crawled to the mirror and squinted blearily into the glass; thanks to the IPRE’s constant offerings of complimentary coffee and cake and Taako’s singlehanded banquets, he’d put on weight over the last several months, and he’d started to love the gentle resilience his body had gained. Sildar was clean-shaven and angular, but Barry was soft and stubbly. A few nights before, Lup’s gaze had caught on his chin, and she’d told him how nice he looked with a five o’clock shadow.
He’d thought she was joking, but that was just how she was—kind.
He went to his closet and started to mull over which shirt to wear.
The day was dark and still, the sky an unbroken slate grey, and it was just what the sacred texts had imagined: not a living thing stirred for miles beyond the horizon. Even the grass beneath Barry’s feet, as he followed Davenport to the Starblaster’s gangway, had turned an off-color, metallic shade. They said their goodbyes to the Institute, and to the enormous crowd at starboard, and in the eerie light they all looked like corpses risen from the grave. There was something hanging over their heads that felt nothing like the terrible glory the Fellowship had promised; instead it was unsettled, and sickly, and wrong.
Barry swallowed the knot gathering rapidly in his throat and followed his crew up the gangway. There was but one thing left for him to do now—him, Sildar Hallwinter, the Catalyst for the End of All Things, the Second Revelation, the Midnight Prophet for the Last Downfall of Mankind. And then the Hour would be upon them at last.
He left the others on the bridge and walked to the Bond Engine.
The explosives tucked inside his robe were light, and branded with the sigil of the Fellowship, although no one would be able to tell in the ensuing destruction. It was certain to be localized, of course; they were meant to damage the engine and nothing more. He could never deprive himself—or anyone else, for that matter—the opportunity to witness the Terror as it began its First Assault on the world of the living. No one knew quite what it would look like, or how it would feel, but the Fellowship had promised a beautiful ascendancy for all its members. And now Sildar would seal his fate. He would seal everyone’s fate.
Sildar fumbled an explosive, and it was almost the last thing he ever did. He whirled around, and there was Taako, waving him over from the bottom of the staircase. “What’re you doing?”
“Nothing,” said Barry, faintly. “Why?”
“Cap’n’port wants everybody on the bridge for the launch.” He flapped his arm at the bridge, looming above them against a wall of indiscernible storm clouds. “C’mon!”
“Uh,” Barry said. Suddenly the explosives weighed too heavily in his robe. “In a sec!”
“He means now, Barry! This storm ain’t lookin’ too good!”
No, no, no. Not yet.
But I don’t want—
What does it matter what you want?
Sildar Hallwinter gripped the hem of his pocket.
And Barry Bluejeans whispered a disarming spell, followed by a shrinking charm. Three marbles branded with the sigil of the High Fellowship of the Great Prophecy for the First Revelation rattled in his pocket as he jogged toward Taako and the bridge.
They escaped by the skin of their teeth. Sildar Hallwinter watched his world consumed by a force so uncaring, so unfeeling, that it couldn’t possibly be the Herald of Rebirth for All Things. He watched it rip everything apart—the IPRE headquarters where he’d met his crew, the ice cream parlor he’d braved with Magnus and Lucretia, the farmer’s market where Taako had taught him the difference between parsley and basil, the enormous lake Davenport had taken them sailing on for a weekend, the small garden Merle had kept just outside their dorms. 
The horizon, where he’d watched the sun set with Lup.
In the space between planes, Sildar Hallwinter was unmade. And when the threads of his body settled back into place, he caught his breath and thought, Never again.
This was how it was written: Barry J. Bluejeans would save the world.
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lover-of-skellies · 4 years
The Union
I'm borrowing some headcanons from here, in case anyone wonders about that at all :P
Anyways, ye. This takes place after Nep and Lust have been together for a while. With some encouragement from Betta and Gill (and Charm), Nep's ready to move forward with his partner. All he's gotta do is make the offering/pop the question
The lake dweller let out a deep sigh, standing up to slip his shorts on. He was exhausted, especially after everything that had happened last night. Images flickered in his mind of his adorable partner leaning over him, his hands in the bedding on either side of his head. Nep couldn't help but smile softly, his cheekbones turning a faint shade of teal; his mate was so beautiful like that... his face flushed purple, heart shaped eye lights, and those oh-so-perfect ivory bones. He was gorgeous. Even in his sleep, Nep had thought he was gorgeous. Nothing would be able to change that, either.
A pair of smaller arms wrapped around him from behind, fingertips gently tracing along his sternum, and he arched a single brow bone as he heard Lust yawn. Laying his head on Nep's back, Lust's voice was still laced with sleepiness as he murmured, "Morning, Angel Fish... Did you sleep ok?" Smiling to himself again, Nep hummed in confirmation, "Mmhm... Sure did, Shortcake. I don't think I've slept that good for a while, actually. What about you?" The shorter of the two smiled tiredly, "I'm glad you slept so good. I think I slept pretty good too last night." Nep delicately took one of Lust's hands and raised it to his face, murmuring, "Good... I'm glad to hear it."
Pressing a soft kiss to the back of the other's hand, he let his teeth linger for a moment before turning to face his still half asleep partner. Tilting his head and sighing, he continued to smile, gently cupping Lust's face and leaning down to steal a quick kiss. As he pulled away, Lust whined, making a face, "Nuh uh, mister. If you're gonna kiss me, it's gotta be longer than that." Raising a single brow bone again and snorting in amusement, Nep mumbled a half hearted apology, his hand still on Lust's face as he leaned down again, gently kissing him.
As expected, Lust was happy to return the kiss, his cheekbones dusting a pretty shade of violet as he pressed closer to Nep. Feeling the tip of Lust's tongue trace over his teeth, Nep pulled away from the kiss, his grin widening as he took a playful tone, "Babe... What was that?" The smaller of the two shrugged, clearly still tired yet, "What do you mean?" The lake dweller hummed, "I felt your tongue on my teeth. Just what are you tryna do, short stuff?"
Lust cuddled up to Nep, content as the taller wrapped his arms around him, "Maybe I wanted to make out with you a little." Nep laughed softly, his cheekbones turning a light shade of teal, "Lust, Sweetheart... Baby doll. You literally just woke up. If you wanna make out, we can do that later. 'Sides, we have some stuff to do today anyway." Lust let out a tired, exaggerated sigh, "Fiiiiiine. What are we doing today though? You didn't tell me we had plans." The taller skeleton made a soft sound of acknowledgement, "Yeeeeah, I know I didn't. It's a surprise though, I didn't wanna ruin it for ya."
Lust smiled tiredly, "Awe... Well look at you, being Mr. Romantic." Nep playfully scoffed, his tone clearly teasing, "Me, romantic? Pffft. In case you've forgotten, I'm still a human eater. A cold, soulless being like me has no idea what romance even is." Arching a brow bone, Lust hummed, an amused look on his face, "Uh huh, sure. For someone who's apparently cold and soulless, you sure do love it when I scratch the underside of your jaw. I had you purring last night when I did that, remember? And you were so cute, too."
Nep felt a rush of heat to his face and he flicked his tongue at his partner, only causing the shorter of the two to laugh softly. Lightly nudging Lust back toward the bed, the lake dweller made a face, "Yeah yeah, sure, whatever. How about you get dressed now so we can start the day?" Lust took a step backward, shamelessly stretching his arms above his head, "What? I thought you liked seeing me naked like this." Nep groaned, trying not to let his gaze wander over the other's body, "God, yes, I do. Ya damn well know it, Sweetheart. You gotta put some clothes on, or I have a feelin' we'll be down here for a while yet. You don't want my bro comin' down here and seeing you like this, do ya?"
Immediately noticing Nep attempting not to let his eyes wander, Lust smiled and hummed softly, "No, I suppose not. That'd be pretty awkward, in all honesty." The lake dweller made a sound of agreement, "My point exactly." Lust began to gather his clothes, shooting a final glance at his partner before beginning to get dressed. It wasn't long before both skeletons were ready to head out, making their way to the bunker's exit. As if he was trying to show off, Nep was quick to open the ridiculously heavy looking door by himself, holding it in place as Lust slipped past him. Once Lust was out of the way, he released the door and pushed it shut, re-implementing some of his magic to act as a lock.
They found their way back to the lake where Nep usually stayed, and after a short pause and some discussion, they agreed on returning to Lust's home to have their breakfast. Which, from Nep's perspective, was perfect. Crossing into Underlust and trudging through the snow toward the smaller skeleton's house, Nep stole a glance down at their hands, gently clasped with their fingers intertwined as they walked. His cheekbones became a faint shade of teal and he glanced at Lust's face, unable to keep himself from smiling sheepishly; now, all he could do was hope and pray that everything went according to plan.
As they stepped up onto Lust's doorstep, Nep slipped his hand out of his mate's grasp, instead opting to loop his arm around his waist, tugging him flush against his side. Lust let out a soft sound, clearly a bit surprised, and the taller monster offered a soft apology, pressing a kiss to the top of his skull. Of course, he was forgiven. All Lust asked for was a kiss before they went inside.
They shared a quick kiss before slipping into the warm, well lit home, which smelled of fresh bread. In response to the smell, Nep heard his stomach grumble, and his cheekbones dusted teal again as Lust cast a glance up at him and chuckled, having heard the sound. On the couch, Betta was curled up with a pillow, lightly leaning against Gill. Surprised to see the younger brother of his mate present, Lust cleared his throat, politely greeting the monster in question as they emerged into the living room.
Gill happily returned the greeting, and had it not been for Betta murmuring something to him, he appeared as though he would've leapt off the sofa to capture his elder brother and Lust in a bear hug. Nep excused himself, heading off to the kitchen where he knew Charm could be found.
Stepping past the kitchen threshold, Nep cleared his throat, "Hey buddy, we finally made it." Looking up from the pot of chili that sat on the stovetop before him, Charm offered the lake dweller a polite smile, "HELLO, NEPTUNE. IT'S GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN." Nep smiled sheepishly, glancing around the kitchen, "Yeah, you too. So... how's this gonna work out? Are we eating and then doin' the thing after, or?..." The UnderLust skeleton shrugged his shoulders, amusement flickering in his sockets, "WE CAN DO WHATEVER WORKS BEST FOR YOU. I KNOW THAT TO YOU AND YOUR BROTHER, THE OFFERING OF FOOD HOLDS A DIFFERENT MEANING THAN IT DOES TO MY BROTHER AND MYSELF. I... WOULDN'T WANT TO IMPOSE ON YOU OR SPOIL ANYTHING, SO IT'S YOUR CALL."
Nep let out a deep sigh, his cheekbones gaining a soft teal blush again as he smiled slightly, "Thanks, Charm... The consideration means a lot. Seriously. It's just... I don't think I've ever been this nervous in my life before, and I dunno what I should do." The taller of the two checked his pot of chili a final time before switching off the stove, sighing as he approached the lake dweller and placed a hand on his shoulder, "I UNDERSTAND, MY FRIEND. IS THERE ANYTHING I CAN DO TO HELP CALM YOUR NERVES?"
Nep was silent for a moment in thought before shaking his head, his voice softer than before, "I dunno... I guess I... What if he won't accept it? What if he says no?" Charm offered the shorter monster a gentle smile, lowering his voice, "Don't Worry So Much About That, Neptune. I'm Sure He'll Accept It. He's My Brother, And Seeing As I Know Him So Well, I Know How Much He Loves You. It's Clear Every Time You're Together, And He's Always Talking About You Whenever He's Chatting With One Of His Gossip Friends."
His blush darkened slightly further upon hearing Charm's words, and he nodded sheepishly, momentarily closing his sockets. Opening them again and releasing a deep sigh, he looked up at this AUs Papyrus, smiling nervously, "Thanks, buddy... That means a lot. I uh... Did you leave the container where I left it yesterday?" The skeleton in question eagerly nodded, smiling brightly, "OF COURSE I DID! I TAKE IT WE'RE DOING THAT FIRST, THEN EATING AFTER?"
Humming in confirmation, the lake dweller slipped past him and knelt on laminated floor, opening a cupboard, "Yep. Hopefully I don't chicken out or anything now." As he began to dig through the cupboard, Charm playfully scoffed and waved off his words, "YOU, CHICKENING OUT? I HIGHLY DOUBT YOU'D DO SUCH A THING." Nep laughed softly, tugging out a plastic container after a moment, "Yeah, yeah... That's a dumb thought, isn't it?"
Charm made a sound of agreement, taking a step back as Nep stood, nudging the cupboard door shut with his foot and setting the container on the counter. Opening it just enough to slip his hand in and withdraw the slightly dried and hardened piece of bread used to keep his offering fresh overnight, he looked everything over, and then tossed the bread in the nearby trashcan. He was still for a moment, before opening the container and completely removing the lid, setting it on the counter and revealing a batch of cookies. Lifting the container, he held it close to himself, his still flushed face becoming a slightly brighter shade of teal as he smiled sheepishly at Charm, "Oh boy, here we go... Wish me luck, pal." Charm offered him a reassuring smile accompanied by two thumbs up, and Nep began to slowly head for the open doorway, letting out a deep, almost shaky sigh.
Exiting the kitchen, he made a beeline for the living room, momentarily pausing in the doorway upon seeing that his mate was nowhere in sight. Meeting his gaze, Betta tilted her head and smiled, wordlessly nodding toward the stairs. Easily understanding what she was telling him, he offered her a grateful smile in return, changing his course and now proceeding to make his way to the staircase.
He ascended them in silence, wandering down the hall until he was just outside Lust's bedroom. Shifting the container of cookies with one hand and hiding them behind his back, he drew in a deep breath, releasing it as an equally deep exhale, before raising his free hand to lightly knock on the closed door. Only a few seconds passed in silence before he could hear Lust calling out from the other side of the door, "Yeah?"
Nep began to fidget, unable to stand still, "Hey Shortcake, it's me... Can I come in?" Lust's voice gained a light, cheerful tone as he replied, "Mmhm, you can come in if you want. You don't even have to knock, you dork." Nep smiled slightly and chuckled, grasping and twisting the doorknob before gently nudging open the door.
Slipping inside and nudging it shut behind himself, he tightened his grip on the container that remained hidden behind his back, his blush immediately darkening as he was greeted by the sight of his mate. Lust stood beside his bed, now wearing a clean pair of skinny jeans and a baggy tank top, some of his bones appearing slightly damp while droplets of water dripped from others. Ah, so he must've had a quick shower.
Looking up as Nep slowly approached him, a smile settled on Lust's face and he playfully arched a single brow bone, his tone teasing, "What are you hiding behind your back, mister? Is it part of the surprise you brought up this morning?" The taller of the two nodded sheepishly, his cheekbones still stained a deep shade of teal as he smiled slightly, "Well... Yeah, you could say that."
With a brow bone still arched, Lust hummed softly, "May I see what it is?... I'm assuming that's why you brought it in here, at least." Nep fidgeted again, his blush visibly darkening as he slipped the container of cookies out from behind himself, holding it out and offering it to Lust. The shorter monster blinked in surprise, his cheekbones gaining a soft violet blush. He was quiet for a moment before speaking again, "Did you make these, Neptune?... By yourself?"
The lake dweller nodded, sheepishly glancing away and mumbling, "Uh huh... I did." Lust fell silent again, and Nep began to worry, his gaze almost pleading as he watched his mate. Recalling what he'd been told by Betta and Gill, Lust felt heat rush to his face, his soft blush darkening before Nep's eyes. Understanding what was happening, Lust smiled shyly, reaching out to accept the offering, taking a cookie from the container.
Watching as Lust took a bite of the cookie, Nep's sockets widened in shock, teal tears threatening to drip down his cheekbones. Setting the container on Lust's bed, he wrapped his arms around his partner, holding him close and letting out a shaky sigh of relief as a smile began to slowly stretch across his face.
Though still just as embarrassed and shy as before, Lust finished the bit of cookie in his mouth and then lifted what was left of it, offering it to Nep. Despite the purr that began to rumble somewhere within his chest, he opened his mouth, being careful not to accidentally graze Lust's fingers as he took a bite of the cookie. They continued to share the goodie, until it was gone and Lust retrieved another, happily sharing it with the lake dweller just as they'd done before. Nep hummed softly, mindful of the containers location as he backed his mate up against the edge of his bed. He allowed Lust to finish what was left of his cookie, before proceeding to gently push him down onto his back on the bed, leaning over him and kissing him deeply. Happily returning the kiss, Lust smiled into it, a purple tear rolling down his face as he parted his teeth, allowing Nep to slip his ecto tongue into his mouth. Their tongues met and danced to some unheard rhythm, twisting and curling together, never losing contact.
As the lake dweller slowly pulled away, he began to purr just as loudly as before, gently nuzzling Lust's cheekbone and pressing a soft kiss to his temple, murmuring to him, "God... You make me really happy, y'know that? So, so fuckin' happy." Lust laughed softly, delicately cupping Nep's face, "And You make me happy too, Neptune. Really." Nep leaned into his touch, briefly closing his sockets and simply breathing in his mate's scent. Lust's eye lights flickered, becoming small hearts as he gazed up at his partner in adoration, his soul swelling with joy.
A moment passed before Nep sighed, pulling away from Lust and standing up. Lust sat up, his face stained with his purple blush still as he continued smiling, letting out a soft squeak in surprise as he was scooped up into Nep's arms, instinctively wrapping his arms around his taller partner's neck vertebrae. Grinning to himself as he carried his mate toward the door, Nep's face gained more teal blush, a single tear rolling down his cheek. Reaching up to gently wipe away the tear, Lust smiled softly as Nep turned his head, gently kissing his hand.
Now all that was left to do was to share the good news. The news that very soon, they would be married. Nep could hardly believe it; when he was cursed and turned into what he was now, the deity had told him he'd be horrifying, and essentially unlovable. Maybe he was still horrifying sometimes, but if there was one thing he wasn't, it would be unlovable.
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pauls0n-p0rn · 4 years
Request: Audrey X reader. Reader is shy and has to deal with being in the spotlight. Maybe she's in the industry but not attention seeking. She wins an award but doesn't realise it etc. Maybe Audrey has to go up with her or maybe she goes up stutters and thanks everyone and Audry. And Audrey crys.
Thank you for the lovely prompt! I say this all the time but I really hope it does you all justice and you all enjoy it, any feedback is grateful!
My rising star
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“Come on dear we’re going to be late!” You heard Audrey call through your bathroom door. “I’ll be right there!” You called back, putting in your favourite hoops that Audrey bought you and smoothing your dress out once more, you took a deep breath and tried to compose yourself. Tonight was the night of movie premiere that you and Audrey had spent so many long, gruelling months on. Sure, you were only working in the costume department, it was Audrey who did all the hard work, but it took its toll on your relationship without you both realising, and as much as you loved Audrey, you hated premiers. You hated the bright lights of the cameras that blinded you as you both tried to walk hand in hand. You hated the personal questions that were thrown at you, especially when they asked Audrey what they were doing dating a girl who works in the costume department, but boy did you love seeing the smile on that girls face when she won.
Another knock at the door pulled you out of your train of thought and you opened it to reveal your beautiful girlfriend standing at the other side, wearing the custom nude lace dress made especially for her by Versace herself.
“Audrey,” you sighed, “you look breathtaking.”
She blushed at the compliment as she took you in, “you don’t look so bad yourself” she teased. You could feel her eyes roaming up and down your body as she took you in, like she was a lion who had just caught their prey. “Come on, we’re going to miss the event.” She ushered you out of the door and into the car that was pulled up outside.
The ride was quiet, but not awkward. You began to fidget and crack your knuckles, something you always did when you were nervous, Audrey noticed and placed her hand on her knee. “Hey,” she soothed. “You’ll be fine. We’re going to have a wonderful night, I can feel it in my bones.” She joked, you offered a soft laugh in reply and continued to stare out the window. In the distance you could see the lights of the cameras, you looked to see Audrey’s costars walk up the red carpet, taking their time to stop with the interviewers and answer questions about the movie.
Your heart began to beat out of your chest as you pulled up outside the entrance, the paparazzi barely giving the car time to park as they swarmed the car, yelling Audrey’s name and throwing questions at her before they could even see her properly.
“Deep breath. It’s you and me darling. I’ll be with you the whole time.” She placed a soft kiss on your lips and you braced yourself for the doorman to let you out. You could feel your anxiety rise through the roof as cameras and microphones were shoved in your face.
“Audrey! Tell us about the movie!”
“Audrey who are you wearing tonight you look beautiful!”
“Y/N how does it feel to have this amazing woman on your arm.”
Normally Audrey would stop and answer as many questions as she could, but she could sense your nervousness and politely declined to comment on anything until after the viewing. She took your hand in hers once more and pulled you close, the two of you walking together into the building.
The place was decorated beautifully as always, you took a glass of champagne from the server and downed it quickly, Audrey chuckling as you did so.
“Don’t have too many of those Y/N, you want to make sure you make it through the night.” There was a twinkle in her eye as she spoke, but you couldn’t pinpoint why. You both walked to find your seats and get ready for the night to begin.
“Now tonight,” the director of the movie began, “we’re going to kick things off a little differently. I want to thank you all for working so hard throughout this movie. It’s not been easy, it’s had it’s ups and downs, but we made it through as a team and produce a wonderful piece of art and you should all be so proud of yourselves.” An applause rang through the room, you turned to see Audrey smiling a little larger than usual.
“Why are you smiling so much?” You joked.
“You’ll see babe.” You tried to ask what she meant until the producer began again.
“I know you’ve all worked really hard over the past year, and I’m so proud of you all. But, there’s one person I want to thank more than anything. Y/N” you heard him say, you felt the whole room turn to look at you, you turned to Audrey and gave her a puzzled look but she just smiled and took your hand.
“Now, I’ve worked with Y/N for many, many years now, and I’ve never met a member of staff who’s given so much of her all into her work. I’m so proud of the costumes she’s designed, she is a true asset to this team and tonight, I want to take the time to thank her with this award. Y/N, will you come up here and join me please?” He smiled.
Another applaud ripped through the room, your colleagues cheering and raising their glasses to you. You turned to Audrey again, “babe I can’t go up there, I’m terrified!”
“Oh darling you deserve this! You’ll be fine! I have faith in you. I love you so much.”
You gave her a kiss as you shakily rose from your chair, walking past the rows of people giving your thanks, you felt like Bambi in ice. The director came to meet you at the stairs, helping you onto the stage, you gratefully accepted and took your place by the microphone, award in your hand.
“Oh wow, I don’t know what to say.” You breathed, looking straight at your girlfriend who gave you her biggest smile and a thumbs up. “I want to thank you all for this, this is so unexpected,” you continued, “we’re all such hard workers here and I don’t believe that I should be the only one accepting this. I don’t see this as a job, I get to wake up everyday and do the one thing I love. I’m so grateful for the opportunities given to me each and every day, and I’m even more grateful as I got to meet the love of my life for doing my true passion in life.” Your eyes met with Audrey’s again, you watched as she wiped away a tear and beamed at you. “Audrey,” you began, “I’ve a feeling you’ve something to do with all this, and I just want to say thank you. Thank you for always believing in me, pushing me to be the greatest I could possibly be. Thank you for standing by me through all the meltdowns I had when I couldn’t sew a bead onto an outfit or find the right earrings to match the dress.” The crowed chuckled in response. “But mostly, thank you for loving me, especially when I couldn’t love myself. I love you so much baby, and I’m so proud to call you mine.” The audience jumped to their feet and cheered, you thanked your director once again as you walked back to your seat, Audrey taking you in her arms and kissing you passionately.
“I’m so so proud of you Y/N, we all are. You don’t give yourself enough credit for the work you do. I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
“My beautiful rising star.”
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jonsnowloversunite · 4 years
The Heart of a Wildling
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This is part of a revamped collection of short stories and other sexy pieces featuring Jon Snow. It's a balanced combination of sweet as honey fluff and sinful smut. I hope you enjoy reading this as much I as I loved writing it!
Background: Jon is presented to the King Beyond the Wall as a traitor of the Night's Watch. He experiences a strong attraction to a woods witch that heals his burned hand.
We sat quietly and listened to Mance tell the turn cloak about why he left the Watch to join us free folk north of the Wall. We had heard his story many times before, but never tired of listening. Mance was a gifted story teller and naturally commanded the room.
The "crow-come-over", Jon Snow, seemed to like the tale, hanging on every word, waiting for what would come next. I studied him carefully, especially those dark grey eyes which were almost black. I had never seen eyes with such conflict. There were notes of anger and defensiveness in them. Yet beneath the surface, I could sense a deep sadness. How troubling it must have been for him to carry such a weight.
Jon caught me staring at him and gave me a warm smile in response. I returned the gesture and turned away pink faced. Mance had never witnessed me fluster so. He examined my next move with a devilish grin on his face. Mance was quite the trickster.
"Mance," I finally spoke up, interrupting his tale. "The crow appears to have badly burned his hand. There is much scar tissue and maybe even some permanent damage, I fear. May I tend to his wound?"
"Is that so Jon?" Mance asked with curiosity. "Are you in need of treatment?"
Jon looked down at his hand, flexing his fingers. "I suffered a very bad burn not long ago. It's healing, but it still causes me pain and stiffness, especially in this bitter cold. It's my sword hand too, so it tends to tire easily." The words just poured out of Jon's mouth. He had not expected to say so much; I could tell by his surprised expression. It was like his voice had betrayed him. But Mance had a way of getting people to talk, and Jon Snow was just like the rest, crow or not.
"Very well Tala. Do what you can for him. We need him healed up as quickly as possible. I have an important assignment for him." Mance smiled at me with a little twinkle in his eye. He was curious of my interest in Jon, yet he had his concerns as well.  Mance examined Jon's face, studying his reaction and looking for any sign of falsehood or trickery.
"I will send for you in a few hours' time, after I have prepared your remedy," I stated, placing my hand gently on his shoulder.
"Of course, my lady- I mean Tala. Just Tala, right? Is that how to address you?" Jon did not hide his sense of awkwardness well and turned as pink as a newborn babe. I could not say if it was from his slip of the tongue or from my touch. Perhaps it was a little of both.
"Tala is the name my mother gave me. You may call me that Jon Snow." I said my goodbyes to Mance and left for my tent on the other side of the camp.
When Jon arrived at sunset, he had his white direwolf, Ghost, with him. It was strange to see such a sight, a Southerner with a wild beast as a pet. Jon Snow had more of the North in him than he knew. "Please come in, Jon Snow. The wolf may enter as well if you'd like." I welcomed them into my tent. I offered him a seat at my table and began to dish out the soup I made him. "You will eat this with your supper every night. It has many healing qualities," I stated as I placed a steaming bowl in front of him. Ghost stirred at Jon's feet as I approached. He nudged him with his boot, prompting the beast to stay put.
"It smells great. What's in it?" Jon questioned me curiously, breathing in the aroma. I sat down at the table next to him with a tray of hard cheeses and a variety of nuts and seeds. "You are kind, Jon Snow. It is a simple recipe, since we have so little of the things that we need here. I have cooked up some barley, turnips, peas, carrots, and onions in some bone broth."
Jon looked at me with interest. "How did you come by all this?" he asked, slowly sipping the hot broth. "Some through trading. But most is through raiding, I am sorry to say. I don't like stealing, but we must survive."
Jon looked up from his soup, smiling. "You are a good cook. Thank you for helping me." He blushed a little. I gently placed my hand on his and beamed at him. I could see that this made him a little uncomfortable. Still, he did not take his hand away. After a few long moments, Jon resumed eating his soup. He also snacked on the cheeses and nuts from the tray.
I brought out the rest of the meal for us to share; roast mutton with rosemary and sage, crusty bread, and a flagon of sweet summer wine we had acquired on our last raid. Jon fed Ghost some of his meat under the table, which he seemed to like very much. Jon and I shared many stories over our meal, laughing and enjoying each other's company.
"When we are finished eating, I will treat your hand with a poultice of herbs and flowers. It will need to stay in place for some time, so you will need to remain here for a while longer. I will also need to continue treating you until Mance sends you off."
Jon nodded courteously. "This is where I am meant to be it seems, Lady Tala."
"Tala will suffice, Jon," I replied with a chuckle. He was soon laughing too, and Ghost laid down at my feet, curling into a warm, furry ball. "He likes you!" Jon grinned, looking at Ghost under the table. "I like you too," he flushed, not sure how the words had escaped his lips.
I smiled at Jon warmly and said, "I am fond of Ghost. And I like you as well, Jon." He helped me clear the food away from the table. I sang quietly to myself as I set up for his treatment; melted beeswax, yellow and orange calendula flowers, bright purple lavender stalks, peppermint leaves, delicate chamomile flowers, soft cloths, and a bowl of cool water. He looked at me with inquiring eyes, but said nothing.
I mixed the flowers and herbs into the hot beeswax and waited for it to cool. "How did you burn yourself? This is one of the worst burns I have come across." I asked as I applied the paste to his hand.
"We were attacked by a wight. I couldn't stop it. So I grabbed a hot lantern. Fire seems to stop them." Jon winced a little when I wrapped his hand tightly with the cloth.
"They can't come back if they are ash, so we burn the dead." I closed my eyes and prayed to the gods to provide Jon with healing and strength.
A large gust of wind crashed against the tent, startling us. Ghost fretted to and fro until Jon let him out. When he opened the flap, I could see snow falling heavily and hear all the animals fussing; a terrible storm raged outside. Jon reluctantly let his wolf loose, knowing that he could not force him to stay. He sat down next to me again with a chill about him.
"I can scarcely see out there right now. I don't think it's wise to leave until the storm has passed," Jon said gently as he placed his hand on mine; his shyness was wearing thin. "I have plenty of pelts to keep us warm tonight. I will heat us some wine as well." Jon agreed, nodding his head.
Once I removed the dressing, Jon flexed his fingers with more dexterity. "It seems better already; it's less painful, and I am beginning to feel more sensation in my fingers," he stated confidently. "I cannot thank you enough for your kindness and generosity, Tala. You did not have to help me."
I poured the hot wine into two cups, one for each of us. "Who am I if I turn my back of those who are in need? I am here to serve others, and care for them the best I know how." Jon looked at me with those beautiful, dark eyes of his, revealing his vulnerability to me. I could see that his guard was down and was wide open for whatever would come next.
"We should sleep next to each other for warmth. It's going to get very cold tonight," I suggested as I hauled out the heavy furs from a basket.
"Yes, that would be wise," he replied favoring the idea. He helped me lay out the blankets on the bed. I could feel the tension building between us. "I have not slept in a bed since leaving Castle Black. I am rather looking forward to a good night's sleep."
We will not be getting much rest tonight, I thought to myself as I grabbed Jon by the hand. He pulled me close to him and wrapped his arms around my waist. Jon gazed into my eyes and whispered, "I want to do more than just sleep next to you." His soft, moist lips met mine. I could taste the wine on him as his delicious tongue tangled with mine. My body tingled with desire, spreading over me like wildfire. I giggled with delight as Jon kissed my neck, and nibbled at my throat lightly, leaving his heavenly signature behind.
"Come to me Jon Snow," I said lying down, legs parted. He soon met me there, his mouth locked with mine. Jon let out a quiet moan as I clutched the bulge in his trousers. The slit between my legs throbbed when I pulled out his manhood, stiff and thick. I urged him onto his back as I got on my knees, and my mouth tightly enveloped his member. I took in the length of him, and bobbed up and down hungrily on his juicy cock. Listening to Jon express his ecstasy made me want to fuck him all the more.
Jon grabbed me by the arm and brought me to his mouth to kiss him once more. I began to remove my clothes when Jon spoke quietly. "I, uh. I, um," the words were trapped in his mouth.
"What are you trying to say? Is everything okay?""
He blushed and spoke softly after a short pause. "I have only been with a woman one time before. I'm afraid that I won't please you."
I smiled at him tenderly and kissed his soft, red lips. "Don't be nervous. You are doing very well, Jon Snow. I know you won't disappoint me." As I undressed him, I could sense his nervousness fading; he began to release himself to the experience. We crawled under the thick layers of blankets for warmth, naked and hungry for one another. Jon explored my breasts, tenderly stroking and kissing them. I moaned when he latched on, flicking with his curious tongue and softly biting at my nipples.
I mounted Jon's iron hard cock, my entire body tightening when he entered. He held on to my hips and looked upon my face with intensity. After several strokes, I laid my body on his to get the angle I needed. Flashes of excitement overcame me when he kissed my neck and touched my breasts. I grabbed Jon's hand and showed him how to pleasure me between my legs. Jon was a tender and attentive lover; he had nothing to worry about. I continued to ride him until our bodies shook, screaming with ecstasy.
We laid in the warmth of each other's bodies, breathing heavily, and hearts racing. Soon the only sounds to be heard were the winds whistling and the wolves howling. Jon rolled over onto his side, pulled me close to him, and kissed me softly on the lips. Gazing into those dark eyes, I knew that I was falling in love with him.
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domesticsns · 4 years
Some NFSW?
I am going to cry because I was busy writing a really really good scene and It had everything! But then I accidently closed my browser and it is all gone...So now I am sad. 
Shit....I was really getting into it. This hurts. 
Okay. So it went like. (I had this all written down damn it) 
Naruto came home from work and saw Izuna was playing video games. He sat down, watching him a little, talking about games. He hears Sasuke call him in the bedroom. He says he is going to come in a minute. But Sasuke tells him to come now. Izuna jokes that the ice queen had summoned Naruto and Naruto chuckled at this. They had talked a little about their days and Izuna mentioned how Sasuke was pretty annoyed at work and how he was ‘slut’ shaming him for sleeping with this cop named...He forgot the name. Naruto laughed a little at this and headed to the bedroom where Sasuke had called him.
He expected to get some lecture of how he badly folded the laundry or something, but the moment he opened the door. He got pulled inside by Sasuke and pushed against the shut door. He opened his eyes, muttering how he expected this was the day Sasuke was going to murder him and hide him in the crawlspace in the basement of the building. 
Sasuke tells him to open his eyes and stop being a fucking pussy. 
Naruto opens his eyes and sees his husband in some pretty sexy lingerie. He stares him down up and down and back up and back down. Sasuke first mutters how Naruto thought of him as a murderer, but let it slide. He kissed Naruto on the mouth and neck and whispered how Naruto should stop talking and he wanted to hear him moan.
Now this was surprising odd behaviour from Sasuke, especially since Izuna moved in with them for the time being their sex life was kinda dead. Sasuke felt too awkward doing it with Izuna in the next room. He was shy. Naruto understood this and the walls were pretty thin and even though Sasuke can be very quiet...He could not.  But suddenly...With Izuna in the living room...Sasuke wanted to do it and asked Naruto to moan. Hmm...Suspicious, but...He didn’t think too much of it. Besides, when you have Sasuke in a sexy mood...You don’t question it, you just enjoy the ride. 
Sasuke ripped Naruto’s shirt open and Naruto was kinda killing the mood, by stating that was a good shirt and Sasuke saying he hated the shirt anyway. Naruto muttered the shirt was funny because it said  “Tea-shirt” and had a tea bag on it. Sasuke backed off and gave Naruto an annoyed looked and Naruto zipped his mouth and thus Sasuke continues, kissing Naruto and biting Naruto he played bit down Naruto’s collar bone and nipple and was squeezing his ass. he moves his way down, leaving a trail of kisses up to his lower abdomen. He kneeled down and took Naruto’s pants off and rolled his eyes looking super unimpressed by the briefs Naruto was wearing. 
Naruto jokes that Sasuke knew what he was getting into when he married Naruto. 
Sasuke looked at the doctor Who underwear that had the Police box on the crotch saying, “It gets bigger inside”. He wanted to tear them off like the shirt, but Naruto stopped him saying he really liked this. So Sasuke just pulled them off and looked up from Naruto’s erection erotically saying, “It does get bigger inside.” and he placed a soft kiss on it before taking it in his mouth  
(This was where accidently excited the browser...I had this all written out..Anyway, I was planning. On the scenes so I am just gonna summarize them because, I am lazy. And it still pains me to think about my lost effort.)  
So Sasuke gives Naruto a blow job and Naruto wanted to grab Sasuke’s hair, but Sasuke pushed Naruto’s hand away. Keeping up his slow teasing way. Naruto doesn’t protest as I said before ‘he was ready for the ride’. Every touch felt so good and amazing, it was very hard to fight back his animal instinct for quick release. Sasuke stopped sucking him off and fondling his balls and demanded him to get on the bed. Naruto takes his pants and briefs (and socks for those who wondered) off and laid down on the bed like the obedient man he was. 
Sasuke grabbed lube and a special box Naruto had not seen before and was going to ask about it, but then Sasuke got on top of him, looking sexy as hell and Naruto kind of forgot about it quickly. There was some hot making out and Naruto’s hand moved over Sasuke’s hips to his butt, to his back and over his torso and Sasuke pulled away from the kiss as Naruto moves his hands over Sasuke’s thighs, giving him a little apologetic look. 
“What, I just think you’re really hot and I want to touch you.” 
“It is not what I had planned.” 
Naruto had a little pouting face on and Sasuke said he had five minutes. and Naruto took those five minutes. He pinned Sasuke down and kissed him all over, he took the most advantage he could in those five minutes he got, but Sasuke was a men of his words and five minutes meant five minutes and as soon at they were over, which felt like only a couple of seconds to Naruto, Sasuke pinned Naruto back down and used some silk ropes his hand to the headboard. 
“Precaution really?” Naruto looked at Sasuke. 
“Just making sure you’re not going fuck up what I had planned.” Sasuke says giving Naruto a little kiss on the mouth, Naruto tried to recapture Sasuke lips but it didn’t work. 
Sasuke got off him and Naruto protested a little. He saw Sasuke grab that box again and he looked curiously on what it was, still not getting much wise when the item was released from the box. 
“What is that?” Naruto asked. 
“Don’t worry about it babe.” 
“Doesn’t sound like good communication...” Naruto argued. 
“Shut up you love it.” 
“Damn it I do, it like really good porn...With better lighting.” Naruto feels Sasuke press his finger against his lips again, indicating him to shut up. Sasuke grabbed the lube and put some on his fingers he stroked Naruto’s cock and slipped a finger inside of him, and soon another. He fingered him and jerked him off teasingly, not too much for Naruto to cum but enough to keep him just on edge. He grabbed the mystery toy and Naruto looked curiously. 
“It’s called a 3-in-1 Remote Control Prostate Massager Vibrator with Penis Ring and Ball Loop, 9 Speeds Rechargeable Anal Sex Toy Waterproof ....The reviews were pretty good.” Sasuke says, holding it up. 
“Sure...Never heard of a  3-in-1 Remote Control Prostate Massager Vibrator with Penis Ring and Ball Loop, 9 Speeds Rechargeable Anal Sex Toy Waterproof..Before.” 
Sasuke had a little smile on his face, finding the conversation a bit funny. He looked adorable, pushing his hair behind his ear as he usually did when he was flirting with Naruto all the way back when they were dating and he still everted his eyes, feeling a little shy. 
So he grabbed the remote, turned it on the lowest setting, moved it a little up to setting three which seemed to be the right setting for Naruto. Hearing his husband moan. He put the remote down on the bed and teasingly sucked on his husband’s erection. He sat on his husband’s hips, reverse cowgirl style, and he leaned in to take his husband in his mouth while given Naruto a pretty good ass view which was greatly appreciated. He started of slow and builded it up, allowing Naruto to move his hips up and his cock inside Sasuke’s mouth. His movements got more rougher and desperate and he was moaning so loud. Sasuke sat, up looking over his shoulder at his husband’s flushed face and he moves his hand to jerk him off. They made eye contact and Naruto moaned his name loudly. 
Sasuke encouraged him greatly. Telling Naruto to say his name and how good he could fuck his husband. Naruto being a moaning puddle does this. Sasuke tells him to say he did not use too much tongue at all and Naruto, while still flustered and moaning from the stimulation, gave Sasuke a pretty weird out look before asking if Sasuke was projecting something and Sasuke just took his words back and said, nevermind... 
He let took Naruto’s dick in his mouth again, moved his position a little and Naruto’s moans were getting really loud and he came very hard and pretty unexpected Sasuke hears Naruto still moaning his name, a bit more desperate now. and Sasuke looked over his shoulder at his husband asking if he was fine and Naruto, the poor soul he was at the moment, tried to say that the toy moved from a low-medium stimulation to a the maximum and Naruto’s legs are spasming and he is going to pass out. 
So Sasuke quickly got off him and looked the remote, those few minutes that passed trying to find it..Made Naruto kinda forcefully cum again. and Naruto is pulling on the ropes, but they were too tightly bound and eventually Sasuke found the remote somewhere hidden under the sheets and turned it off and he looks at his husband who is taking deep breaths and he looks over at Sasuke and asks why he just didn’t remove the toy instead of searching for the remote. 
“You’re legs were moving all around I thought it would hurt if I forcefully took it out.” 
“I don’t know!  I see black...I am going to pass out.”  Naruto says. Sasuke carefully removed the toy and got on top of his husband giving little kisses on his face apologising for accidently turning the toy into max. and Naruto says it was alright besides...Those were some pretty intense orgasms. Sasuke continued kissing Naruto all over his face. Saying he was sorry again and he was going to be more careful with where he placed the remote and he finally untied Naruto before his arms got numb and Naruto wrapped his arms around Sasuke and hugged him and said he must be living dream, passing out from sex. Sasuke chuckled at this  stroked Naruto’s hair. Naruto looks up and Sasuke looks back at him and Naruto asks him if he could ask him a question.
Sasuke said sure, but he knew he was going to regret it. 
“What was that about using too much tongue? Why did you want me to say that you do not use too much tongue?” Naruto asked, moving his torso up. 
“Uhm....I don’t know...Heat of the moment?” Sasuke shrugged. “But like...Wouldn’t kill you to say....Y’know...Loud enough for the other room to hear.” 
“I should have known it had something to know with Izuna.” 
“Did you tell him I use too much tongue when we...Y’know, make out.” Sasuke asked, sitting up himself. 
“I never said that. You know I wouldn’t say that behind your back. I would say it in your face.” 
“Right?” Sasuke looked convinced.
“You use a little much tongue....” 
“You’re telling me this after thirteen years of being with me!” Sasuke shouts. 
“But I like it. I mean in general, yeah there is a little too much tongue, but I like it.” Naruto says, “I wouldn’t be complaining about something I like.” 
Sasuke groaned a little. 
“Come on babe, don’t be grumpy.” Naruto moves in on Sasuke, holding his chin with his index finger and thumb. He moves his thumb over Sasuke’s chin wiping a little bit of his cum away that was still there. 
“I can make you smile, believe it.” Naruto says, kissing Sasuke’s forehead. His head filled with the things he wanted to do to Sasuke, especially since he looked sexy as hell in those lingerie. But then he felt Sasuke wrap his arms around him and lean his chin on Naruto’s shoulder and they sat like that for a few minutes. 
“I was thinking something else...” Naruto muttered.
“You know I think it is awkward to fuck while my cousin is in the other room.” Sasuke pulled away, patting Naruto’s cheeks before getting up. 
“But....But...You did me? Twice by accident.” Naruto says, watching his husband take off the lingerie and put on a oversize hoodie and some shorts. 
“Yeah, because I was proving a stupid point to my stupid cousin.” Sasuke says, “An apparently...I do use too much tongue. I am bitter about it because I assumed I used the right amount of tongue.” 
“Babe. you given off sociopathic vibes right now.” 
“You thought I was going to murder you when I pulled you in here, so yeah I do know how you feel about me. Clean up, go to living room..Tell that bitch I am the best piece of ass you had, ever.”
“I need a little more time for my legs. I still can’t feel them.” 
“Good. I might use a little too much tongue, but I do one hell of a job getting you off.” 
“That you do...” Naruto admits, looking at the sheets. 
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Chapter 6 - Feels Like The First Time
Seattle Washington, February 13 1988
(Andi is 18, Chris is 23)
ANDI: "Andi... girl, come out with me. You stay in this freaking room all the time playing your guitar and you never come out with me to actually play, play y'know?"
Xana La Fuente stands in my bedroom of our small two bedroom apartment in downtown Seattle, facing my full length mirror that hung behind my bedroom door. She pulls up her long golden curls into a high ponytail on top of her head, and adjusts her black long sleeve crop top, turning in the mirror to check out her brand new black leggings . I'll never understand how she can wear the least amount of clothing in the dead of winter.
I had just moved to Seattle back in September, on a scholarship to Seattle University for a major in Marketing with a minor in Musical Performance. I wanted music to be my major but my father had convinced me to go for something more substantial, that would guarantee me a job to make good money since he couldn't bare to see me struggle with a musical career like he did. Even though I was reluctant to do so, I eventually agreed to apply for Marketing, since I could still use that in the entertainment field and still study music, my one and only vice, the thing that keeps me sane and centered, the only thing that keeps the time slips at bay.
I graduated from Etobicoke School For The Arts in Toronto with honors - early - and received a scholarship for two semesters at Seattle University. I worked my freaking ass off and it definitely paid off, especially since I've had no time slip episodes since that night of my parents fight.
I met Xana the day that I arrived in Seattle, in a café downtown while I was perusing the corkboard of ads for apartments available. We hit it off immediately and since we were both looking for a place, we decided to look for one together, that way it would help us both out with rent costs and what-not. She is the complete opposite of me - outgoing, energetic, fun, not shy whatsoever but we've become so close in the short while we've known each other. Considering the fact that I have no friends, which did make it easy to move to Seattle. I just hate being away from my father.
"Only because I'm not that great around people," I say as I flip my curls out of my face and go back to plucking the strings on my Desert Sunset Burst Gibson Les Paul, a remake of the original 1959 model that my father gave to me as my graduation present. When I opened the case, I outright cried and hugged him so hard. He spent his savings to get it for me since I was eyeing in the local guitar shop in downtown Toronto ever since I was 13 years old.
"Andi, it's ok... I mean everyone's a little shy most of the time, that's what whiskey is for. It gives you that courage that you wouldn't otherwise have. C'mon, come out with me and Andy," Xana pleads, placing her hands on her hips as she turns to face me.
"I don't know," I say as I continue to play away at the strings, my dark curls falling in my face.
"Y'know... I know someone who would be perfect for you, and we're also hanging out tonight after Andy's gig. Come on... come out with me. You always say 'no' so just this one time can you just say 'yes'?" Xana says as she drops to her knees, shuffling over to me with her hands together pleading. I glance at her as she does so, and giggle as I keep my guitar across my lap.
"Ok, ok...jeeze, I'll come out ok? You're so dramatic," I giggle.
"Uh huh and it always works," She laughs as she gets up from the floor. She then moves over to my closet and starts going through my clothes.
"Xana what are you doing?" I ask as I unplug the patch cord to my guitar and lean over to switch off my amp.
"I am looking for something for you to wear and - jeeze Andi, do you have anything that's not just ripped jeans and band shirts?" She says quickly flipping through the hangers as they squeak with each flick.
"What's wrong with what I wear?" I ask as I stand up from my bed and move over to set my beautiful Gibson down on it's stand.
"Nothing... as long as you plan on becoming a biker in the next coming months, it's perfect," Xana says still flipping through.
"Hey," I wasn't exactly hurt by that statement but I resent the fact that she's judging my beloved attire.
"Well... here we go, why have you been hiding this? It's perfect," Xana pulls out a little black mini 3/4 length sleeve lacy dress.
"I haven't been hiding it, I just haven't worn it yet," I say as I wrap up the patch cord.
"Ok, well you're gonna wear it tonight, and then you have to let me borrow it after cause it's freaking sexy,"
"It's like 10 degrees outside, I'll freeze," I say as I set the patch cord down on my amp.
"But dude, you'll look hot wearing it," Xana says and I giggle as she tosses the dress over to me.
A short while later, I find myself standing in front of my full length mirror, in my little black lacy mini dress scrunching my damp dark curls with leave in conditioner to keep the frizziness away. I already finished my make-up - a black smoky eye, and once my curls look decent enough, I slap on my silver studded wrist cuff and move over to my bed to tie up my black soft leather Doc Marten's.
"How do I look?" Xana says bursting through the doorway to my bedroom, in the same black long sleeve crop top only this time she changed into a white mini skirt and let her golden curls fall down around her shoulders.
"Amazing," I say suddenly feeling self conscious.
"Thank you," She smiles and as soon as I stand up from my bed Xana's eyes practically pop out of her head.
"Holy fuck, Andi..."
"What? It's too short isn't it?" I say as I look down at myself, and pull down the bottom of my dress. It felt like it was barely covering my ass but when I look in the mirror, it's actually not that short.
"No, it's not that... it's just... damn he's gonna have a heart attack when you meet him,"
"When I meet who?" I ask.
"You'll see," She winks at me and disappears out of my bedroom.
"Xana, who am I meeting?" and I follow her, grabbing my leather jacket from my reading chair and close the door.
The Central Tavern, Seattle Washington
"Ladies, ladies... welcome to the most amazing dressing room this side of Seattle,"
Andrew Wood opens the door, dramatically leaning against the door frame. His wild blonde hair all around him, wearing tight fitted ripped jeans and a Seattle Seahawks football jersey with a colorful scarf draped across his shoulders.
"Oh, babe," Xana smiles as she leans into him and places her lips to his.
The lead front man of the band Mother Love Bone, who looks like a mixture of David Lee Roth and Axl Rose with the flamboyancy of the former, takes her in his arms as they continue their 'greeting' while I stand behind Xana, feeling just slightly awkward.
"Hi Andi... how are you?" Andy says once Xana breaks away from him and he leans in to give me a hug.
"Hi," I say shyly, as I hug him back. I've pretty much grown close to Andy as well over the last few months since Xana practically has him over to our place almost every night. He is just the sweetest guy and perfect for Xana. I'm not even going to get into the fact that I can hear them in her room since our rooms are beside each other. That's usually my cue to turn up my guitar and pretend I don't hear anything.
"Damn, you're looking hot tonight though... what happened?" Andy says when he pulls away from me, his brown eyes glancing over me as Xana heads in. I shyly look down at myself and back up at him.
"I have no idea," I giggle and he laughs.
"What'd you think of the show? Was I entertaining enough? Did I live up to your expectations, given that you're such a goddess with that guitar of yours?" Andy says as he attempts his Elton John impersonation that he sometimes does.
"Um, thank you," I say shyly and he just looks at me breaking character.
"But yes, yes you always live up to my expectations, you know that," I giggle and he chuckles shaking his head at me.
"C'mon love, lets have a drink, what would you like?" Andy says taking my hand and leading me into the room.
"Um... Jack and Coke?" I'm not that much of a drinker, but I've pretty much figured out that Jack and Coke is my drink of choice. That sour Tennessee Mash just always hits the spot.
"You got it," He says and heads over to the mini bar fridge towards the back of the room to make some drinks.
"Hey guys! Has the party started yet?!"
Jeff Ament and Stone Gossard come through the door with a few other guys and girls following in with them. I have to say, that this room has become filled full of people quickly which once again made me quite nervous.
Ok, Andrea, just center yourself. You're fine.
"Yes it has, and you guys are the guests of honor," Andy says as he hands me my drink and I take a sip while everyone greets each other with laughter and smiles. Andy doing his usual dramatic and flirtatious welcoming, hugs each one of them as they enter the room.
"Chrissy!" Xana exclaims excitedly as she quickly runs over and wraps her arms around a very tall, dark and lean but toned, blue eyed Adonis with his dark curls flowing passed his broad shoulders.
"Hi Xana," He says, his voice mellow and deep, a coy smile spreading across his pouty lips. He breaks away from Xana, flipping his gorgeous curls out of his face and glances up to see me, unable to take my eyes off of him.
"I have someone for you to meet," Xana says sweetly taking his hand and leading him over to where I was standing. I could feel my heart start fluttering immediately as he came closer, those incredible blue eyes of his already flicking over my body. To calm myself, I take a sip of my Jack and Coke that Andy made incredibly strong but it's still so good.
"Chris, this is Andi... Andi, this is Chris Cornell... he's the amazing front man of Soundgarden," Xana introduces us and Chris smiles at me so sweetly, his eyes still wondering over my body and I'm wondering if the dress I'm wearing is somehow sending the wrong impression of me.
"Hi," He says so sweetly with a coy smile, his eyebrow raising slightly, his eyes looking right into mine.
"Hi," I say shyly, feeling my hands becoming clammy and my cheeks flushing to a pinky shade of red. At least I can pass the blushing off as just the alcohol hitting me.
"Soundgarden? Cool," I say trying to be sly about it.
"You've heard of us?" He asks.
"A little," I smirk.
"Andi here is an incredible guitar player ... she pretty much spends all day playing - "
" - Xana," I cut her off and raise my eyebrow at her. As much as I appreciate that she's trying to help the conversation, I didn't really want her to.
"Sorry, I was just... well anyways, I need another drink, JD Chris?" Xana turns asks him.
"Sure," He grins and I swear I thought I was going to faint.
"Green Label right?" Xana asks and makes her way over to the mini bar fridge.
"Uh huh," He says, pushing a few curls from his eyes and glances back at me while I take another sip.
"So um... you still have that '59 Sun Burst Gibson?" Chris asks raising his eyebrow at me, shifting a little on his feet, his silver ring attached to his necklace sparkling in the overhead lighting and for a moment I was confused.
How does he know I have that guitar? Xana must have told him.
"Um, yea I do," I say shyly and take another sip.
"I know you were um... so happy when you're dad surprised you with it," He says looking down at his feet for a moment, then back to my eyes.
What? I never told Xana that it was a gift from my dad.
Xana comes back and hands him his drink, she pats him on his bicep and heads over to Andy and the rest of the guys.
"Um, yea... how did you - ?" I start but he moves closer to me, leaning in and he whispers in my ear.
"I'm not really supposed to say this, 'cause you told me to go easy on you but... I'm so fucking happy you're here. I've missed you so much,"
With the smell of his incredible cologne lingering, I can feel the warmth from him and his voice sending shivers all over my body. I close my eyes for a moment as he moves away from me, taking a sip of his Jack and Coke. I flick my eyes open and he takes a sip of his drink, his blue eyes looking into mine.
He knows me already? Ok, Ok when did I time slip? The last time slip I had was back in the summer... did I slip without knowing? Damn, I would remember if I met him before I mean, dear fucking god he's absolutely gorgeous! We must know each other really well if he's missed me...
"You um, you look amazing by the way," He says, once again giving me that coy smile and taking another sip of his drink.
"Thank... you," I say and smile back pushing my curls behind my ear. I then move closer to him and lift myself up to whisper in his ear.
"I'm sorry, I don't remember um... meeting you before,"
"That's 'cause it hasn't happened yet... for you anyways," He whispers back.
I move away from him and take another sip of my drink, and he smiles. I smile back as we catch each other eyes once more, his glance embracing me in a comfort of familiarity though I haven't even experienced it yet.
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