#I could see a universe where given time it could have made a natural shift to a love story between Steph and Cass
cluescorner · 1 month
There's no feeling stranger than knowing that something is bad but liking it anyways. Not in a 'it's so bad it's good' way. Because that implies that it has become good. I'm talking like this thing is just kinda bad in the normal ways things are bad, but i like it anyways.
#honestly I'm talking about Batgirls rn#because like...it has its moments but I wouldn't call it good. it even has some of my own personal pet peeves#specifically the overabundance of narration boxes that aren't from a character and rather the author is speaking to us.#if I wanted an overabundance Authors Notes I would read fucking early 2000s fanfics#and Babsgirl existing but I've made peace with the fact that we'll only get an Oracle story in a Black Label or similar thing at this point#I love the art and it has among my favorite designs for both Spoiler and Black Bat#don't get me STARTED on the covers holy fuck. the 90s rewind in particular lives in my head rent free because ajlkdfjdsalk;fjdlsa;kf#it also has both moments of REALLY FUCKING BAD characterization and REALLY FUCKING GOOD characterization#Cass being like 'ok but do we HAVE to save Seer?' horrible! demonstrates an egregious misunderstanding of her. what the hell?#Steph being abnormally good at solving the Riddler's puzzles and knowing basically every cipher because of Arthur? then getting incredibly#upset at even the MENTION of him to the point that she gets fucking stabbed by the RIDDLER of all people?#wow thanks for actually addressing a very interesting part of Steph's character that is often left by the wayside. good job.#issue 14 is amazing and it makes me want to implode every time I read it. like I actually recommend it without any caveats attached#it is straight up good. it's the high-point of Batgirls and it's not even close imo.#and wow! there is almost no dialogue and NO NARRATION BOXES??#it's almost like the whole appeal of comics is telling incredible stories through art or something. and that when you have good art#and good art direction you should just fucking let it speak for itself or something#and that maybe using what words you DO have to let your CHARACTERS speak in a way they normally wouldn't is a good idea#even if the in universe reason is that Steph is basically leaving this note as a 'I am either dead or close to it' type of thing#like holy fuck how did they do that?? AND SO LATE IN THE GAME THAT NOBODY FUCKING TALKS ABOUT IT??#and obviously there is a conversation to be had about 'was Batgirls queerbaiting' but honestly since it was cancelled IDK#I could see a universe where given time it could have made a natural shift to a love story between Steph and Cass#I'm not upset about it but I get why other people might be. there are some panels that like...come on.#and as always I am most fascinated by missed potential. because Batgirls showed that it COULD be good with Issue 14#and arguably other of the better issues. the art was incredible and as the issues went on it felt like the kinks were getting ironed out#plus getting a series focused on 3 of my favorite characters was a dream come true for me. ESPECIALLY because we rarely get good#stuff for Cass and Steph.
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lollytea · 9 months
Just want to bring up a question about the Grom curse thing, this implies that a curse can be made by can be made per se by strong emotions. This also may have given Belos the idea of "the dangers of wild magic" he could've conveniently corrupted people who posed a great threat to him. just a thought
I'm hesitant to call Grometheus' fate a curse because I can't say for certain if that's what it is. TOH is kinda vague about how curses in this universe work or what defines them.
It's never clarified if Belos' problem is technically a curse like he claims or just some stupid shit he did to himself, without considering the possibility that the glyph/palisman magic might be uncooperative with his (at the time) human body.
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I don't imagine that what Grometheus endured was a traditional curse like Eda but rather, something more similar to Darius (and maybe Belos a bit too)
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Alright so, this is just a headcanon but I've always figured that this talent Darius has for shifting his whole body, flesh, bones and all, into goo mode wouldn't be like. Standard abomination magic stuff. This track is the study of controlling goo, not becoming goo. So, the stuff he's pulling off here is near impossible for any normal witch.
So, in my opinion, Darius is simply not normal. He was born with a capacity for magic that is far beyond that of a normal witch and equates to being extremely powerful. Anyway his mastery over abominations became so natural to him, as simple as breathing that his physical body went through an innate "transfusion" of sorts where he basically became one with his magic.
Cases like these are very rare and usually only crop up if a witch has bonded their soul to one specific area of magic. So if goo is what's making Darius' bile sac overheat, goo is what he's gonna be.
So, for example, another born powerful witch like Eda, who is a jack of all trades, wouldn't have developed something like this (even if her curse hadn't hindered her.) because there's too many spells and techniques being practised but no outright obsession that is being mastered enough to completely dilute her bloodstream.
Well, possibly. It's unknown if a witch can achieve this form with mixed magic. The condition is rare enough that not a lot of data has been collected yet.
Giuls and me have been exploring the same idea with Willow
(There's a lot more in-depth biological details about how this whole thing works but Giuls will probably talk more about all that at some point)
Anyway!! Grometheus!!
So, what I imagine is that Darius is an example of a successful fusion between physical form and magic, while Grometheus was an example of the same thing Gone Terribly Wrong.
See, in Darius' case, he managed to achieve a perfect union between his own sense of identity and the magic that had become part of him.
But in Grometheus' case, that did not happen.
They began as person who collected the essence of others for their research. They hoarded fears inside their own mind for years and years, maybe even decades. That's thousands and thousands of souls that they stole those fears from.
That's far too much for a normal witch to handle. But Grometheus was not a normal witch. They were powerful enough to endure it. Or at least they thought.
It was too much. Far too much. It was like deathly bacteria damaging everything inside of you. A slow and steady rot. Think food that's gone bad that's been there for months. That was the magic inside of Grometheus.
I dont imagine that this corruption was directly caused by Grometheus' negative emotions. But rather, those emotions weakened their resistance to the swarming fear that was consuming them. Maybe if they had been stronger or happier or had people around who reminded them why they were alive, they could have realized what was happening before it was too late.
There still would have been long lasting damages. But they may have been able to find the balance between themself and the magic and kept their identity intact.
But soon enough, the fear ate away at everything else that remained of Grometheus. They lost who they were. They didn't know who they had ever been.
They were no longer a witch who collected fears. They were simply the vessel for fear itself.
It's a little unclear what this ask means but I don't imagine that Belos was the one who corrupted Grometheus, if that's what it's implying. Although yes, he probably would have used this case as effective propaganda.
At the time of Grometheus' corruption, this concept of physical form and magic fusion was unheard of. No cases had been documented yet. So Belos could conveniently twist it as an example of the dangers of wild magic.
However, as times changed and studies continued, this condition became more well known in the Healing Coven as a perfectly natural (if rare) biological evolution.
Sadly, it had not yet been theorized that Grometheus' case was anything other than a reckless use of wild magic, rather than a condition that wound up destroying them because nobody knew enough to help.
The truth doesn't come to light until after their vessel was slain in the Hexside arena, but they were hardly still alive in there anyway. The truth is delivered by Gus Porter, who saw everything through their eyes during that one moment where he dissected them with his amplifier mirror.
So now, Gus has absorbed it all. The thousands upon thousands of fears all melted together into a sickening tarry contamination. Gus inherits everything that consumed Grometheus and now it resides in his own mind.
And that's where we currently stand and now the question hangs in the air. Can Gus achieve a successful physical and magical transfusion the way Darius did? Or is he in danger of losing himself to the rot?
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andreafmn · 1 year
Tricked by the Universe - Version 2
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Word Count: 10K
Requested: by @kloy344 “Could you do a rosalie hale x pack reader where reader gets overwhelmed by newborns and is nearly killed when the newborns use their strength to wound reader and all rosalie could do was watch as it happened”
Story Description: After a circumstantial encounter, (Y/N) imprints on the person they least expect, Rosalie Cullen – a vampire. They try as hard as they can to deny their feelings, but some things are just too hard to do. But the universe sure likes to play games on certain people. For better or worse.
Pairings: Rosalie Hale x GN!Reader
A/N: Finally got around to posting the happy version of this request because we all know Rosalie deserves her happy ending. If you read the first version just skip to a bit after halfway to read the new version 💖💖 I love Rosalie so muuuuuch!!!! My content will always be free, but if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can leave a tip on any of my posts to support me and my love of writing🥺👉👈. Hope you enjoy, and all constructive criticism is encouraged.
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It was true that you didn’t choose who you imprinted on.
Sometimes the universe liked to play tricks on people, and it just so happened that this time it had chosen two creatures of very different kinds. Neither had wanted it at first, fighting the pull they had felt since the first time they locked eyes. Vampire and shapeshifters being natural born enemies, they knew it was a match destined for chaos.
(Y/N) didn’t know whether they were grateful they had patrol that day or not, but it happened.
It had been quiet that sunrise, not even the woodland creatures that normally paraded the area weren’t awake yet. Given the calm environment, (Y/N) had concluded that nothing eventful would be reported. But nearing the creek that separated the treaty line, their eyes focused on a figure that had their back turned to them. From the smell alone they could deduce that it was a bloodsucker but didn’t know if they were a traveler or one of the Cullens.
The white furred wolf growled lightly, warning the creature of their proximity to their limit. One wrong step and (Y/N) would have a good story to bring back to the pack.
“Oh, there’s no need for such hostility,” a honey laced voice spoke out. The vampire swept her blond hair over her shoulder, not yet facing the wolf.  “I know well enough not to cross the creek, not that I’d ever want to.” 
(Y/N) couldn’t speak in her form, only growling at the creature to back away anyways.
“Right, wolfie can’t talk. Wouldn’t it be easier if…?” Finally, she turned. Locking eyes with the giant figure of the animal.
(Y/N) had only heard of how it would feel when they imprinted but did not think it would happen to them. Their (Y/E/C) eyes locked with the golden ones of the female before them. They felt the wind being knocked out of them, the pull toward the vampire too strong to handle. The gravity for them had shifted, the only thing that matters was to be next to the blonde beauty that stood at the other side of the creek. For the first time since they had learned what a vampire was, they didn’t feel a hatred toward their kind.
“There’s no way,” the blonde whispered before speeding away. The only thing the wolf could do was shift and head back to Sam’s house.
The boisterous talk from the men inside the house made (Y/N)’s bones tremble. The mind link they shared being a complete nuisance in the moment – they knew the other members would chastise them to no avail.
“It’s no use to wait outside,” Sam’s voice had the young beta jumping. “We already know. All of us – it’s not something you can help.” 
“I’m not going to see her.” 
“That won’t last for very long, (Y/N).” Sam sat next to (Y/N) on the steps of the porch. “Telling you from experience, avoiding your imprintee does not work. It’ll only be worse in the long run.” 
“Sam, she’s a vampire,”  (Y/N) sighed, dragging their hands across their face. “How can I be with the enemy?” 
“At least it’s a Cullen, you know. They’re not as bad as the other bloodsuckers,” he chuckled. “The guys will probably be on you about it – I can’t promise they’ll go easy on you. But whatever you decide, I’m on your side.” 
“I don’t think I can do it, Sam. For the longest time we’ve only been taught to hate the cold ones, how they are the reason we are the way that we are. How am I supposed to forget all that and stand with them now?” 
“I can’t help you there, (Y/N). I don’t have the knowledge in this topic, but we’ll take it one day at a time.” 
For the coming weeks, that’s what they did. With the help of Sam, they were able to avoid the jokes and comments from the others. The alpha had always taken a liking to (Y/N). Ever since they had phased, Sam had always treated them as a sibling, protecting them from the other members that had a tendency of being too overbearing. But the fellow betas knew that at some point Sam would have to be apart from (Y/N).
(Y/N) had become irritable and short tempered during that time, snapping at anything and everything. Their fuse had become shorter than Paul’s, which could only mean that one of these days they would break catastrophically. They could control their emotions better than most of the pack members, but the imprint link had been toying with their willpower.  
“Hey, (Y/N). Sam’s out on patrol today. What’re you gonna do now?” Paul taunted. “There’s no one to protect you now.”
“Really? I never noticed,” they sarcastically responded. “I can take care of myself. Unlike some people that need to be kept on a short leash.”
“At least some of us know to keep it behind enemy lines. Maybe we should start making rules for traitors.”
“I’m not a traitor, Lahote. You all know it’s not something we control,” (Y/N) spoke, teeth gritted. “Or are you just jealous I’ve found my imprintee and it seems like no one was made for you.”
“(Y/N),” Jared warned. He never joined in the teasing, and as second in command, did not allow it to get too out of hand. “There’s no need to take this to a personal level.”
“Oh, come on, Jared. It is personal!” (Y/N) croaked. “Ever since I imprinted on Rosalie everyone’s been treating me like I betrayed the pack for something I never chose. Destiny played a rude trick on me, and now I have to feel like my heart is being ripped to shreds every waking moment. Everything I do, as simple as breathing, is agony. I am battling heart and mind by being apart from my imprintee. All for you guys to mock me and open the wound further.”
“(Y/N), I…”
“Of course you didn’t know, Paul!” They yelled, the sound of their voice cracking with emotion. “None of you knows what it feels like to spend day after day away from the person that you were destined to be with. Feeling like half of your soul is tugging at you, beaconing you to get closer un order to mend itself. Instead, I endure your mocking, your jokes, your snarky remarks, and I stay with you guys. I chose to be by your side regardless of how much it hurt.”
“I know how you feel, (Y/N),” Jacob tried to relate. “If only Bella…”
“Gods, Jake. That girl doesn’t want to be with you! Every single time she’s chosen Edward,” (Y/N) retorted. “What you’re feeling is a sick puppy love that will go away any day. So, don’t for a second try to compare our situations.”
“You don’t have to be an ass, (Y/N),” Embry defended his best friend. “Hes’s trying to show support.”
“No, he’s not!” (Y/N) was growing impatient, filling the wolf try to burst through the seams. Their shoulders had already started to shake with anger, their breathing becoming heavy and staggered. “Funny enough, the only reason you guys side with Jake is cause if Bella ever decides to leave Edward for this one she’ll remain human. Meanwhile I get shit on for having imprinted on Rosalie. But if you guys want me out this bad, then fine. I’m going.”
(Y/N) needed to get out of that house. Their anger was boiling to the surfaced at this point, and phasing in the middle of the small kitchen. But the men inside never let go of a bone once they had it.
“That’s right, (Y/N). Run away like a little kid,” Paul taunted. “We all knew you weren’t cut out for this. You’ve always been one to dish it out but can never take it.”
“Shut up, Paul,” they warned.
“Sam’s not here, (Y/N). You got no one on your side,” he laughed, the others joining soon after. “What’re you gonna do about it?”
In an instance, before the group of boys a snow white wolf with bared teeth appeared. (Y/N) challenged Paul, getting closer to boy as they growled. At first, Paul felt intimidated, taking a few steps backward as the wolf stepped forward. But too many eyes were overlooking the scene and he could not allow them to believe he would ever back down from a challenge. Soon after, he transformed into the volatile dark silver wolf. Both animals squared off at each other, circling cautiously, neither striking first.
Hidden by the shadow of the trees both wolves snarled and nipped at each other, the other pack members trying to calm them down. Paul got tired of the stand off and pounded first. His teeth baring for (Y/N)’s neck. They knew the silver’s wolf every move and slid out of the way before the fangs came in contact with their neck. They lunged at his ribs quickly after, pushing Paul on his side with a loud crack. The blow did little to keep him down as he grabbed (Y/N)’s leg with his teeth and flung her on her back, the breath being knocked out of their lungs.
They were growing irate. The back and forth between them and Paul, a boring dance of give and take. (Y/N) would not continue to be mocked and laughed at by the rest of the pack – they needed to fortify their position against them. As Paul recovered from the last hit, (Y/N) went in once again a landed a blow against his ribs and before he could get up, they bit down hard on one of his legs. A loud whine came from the grey wolf as he tried to get up, and the white wolf took the chance to pounce on top of him. Their fangs in full display and a menacing growl coming from their blood-stained mouth. Paul whimpered from under (Y/N), afraid of the strength they were portraying for the same time. No one else dared to intervene in the fight – fairness wouldn’t ensue.
“That’s ENOUGH!” A voice roared from behind them. (Y/N)’s head snapped back, their scowl faltering as soon as they made eye contact with Sam. “Let’s talk, (Y/N).”
(Y/N) couldn’t handle what they had done. The fire that was clouding their vision dissipating as their alpha called their attention. They noticed the coppery taste of blood now, the burning in their throat from the snarling, the pain running through their body from the hits. For the first time since the fight, they became conscious of the wounds they were inflicting on their fellow pack member. The veil of wrath finally disappeared and all that was left was the aftermath of their emotions.
Looking at a wounded Paul, (Y/N) became overwhelmed feeling the silver wolf’s pain as well as their own. They were devastated at what they had done, the voices of the rest of the pack trying to calm them down, their own thoughts firing through her head. As tears welled in their eyes, the white wolf made a turn toward the woods in a desperate need of escape.
Their legs burned as they ran avoiding trees and obstacles in the way – one location burned into their head. (Y/N) didn’t know what to expect when they got there, but the pull was too strong to ignore it. Even though their limbs were screaming in agony, they pressed on until they arrived at the location.
It took only a second for (Y/N) to forget about all the pain and suffering they had just endured. All it took was seeing her once more.
Rosalie had felt the need to reach the treaty line that day, an inexplicable force pulled her toward it. Just like (Y/N), she had been avoiding the wolf, trying with every fiber of her being to not see the person she was destined to be with. Since being in Forks all she had done was vilify shapeshifters and all that seemed like their kind – their smell being repulsive was just a reason to stray far from them. But her hear had felt emptier than ever before, yearning to be closer to the wolf she had seen for mere seconds that day. The Cullens had tried their best to appease her mind about the imprint bond, a link neither had a choice in. Yet Rosalie remained as stubborn as ever, repressing whatever pain she was feeling and replacing it with an irritable attitude and sharp remarks. Not even Emmett could handle being in her presence for too long, and normally he was the one that was able to calm her down. Her patience was growing as short as (Y/N)’s.
She had thought about leaving the spot she had been waiting in for an hour, but a nagging voice in her head told her to remain still – waiting. It wasn’t until she heard the rustling of the leaves and the snapping of branches that she knew what she was waiting for… who she was waiting for. From the trees emerged the white wolf she had seen that day, this time with a light red hue around its mouth. The smell of wet dog didn’t fill Rosalie’s nose, instead a sweet aroma filled her sinus. She let a breath of relief out, even if she didn’t need it. Upon seeing the wolf, the knot around her heart loosened, a weight lifting from her shoulders.
The wolf felt the same relief the blonde did as soon as they saw her. Just being around Rosalie eased the heartache she had been feeling for days on end. (Y/N) could have never guessed that this is all it would take to make their heart stop hurting. They lowered their head, asking permission to cross the border. It wasn’t until Rosalie granted them passage that they jumped the division between the two lands.
In their wolf form (Y/N) towered slightly over the vampire, their eyes meeting at the perfect height. Rosalie took a step forward, closing the space between them, never breaking eye contact. She placed a hand on (Y/N)’s head, stroking their fur comfortingly. The wolf leaned into the touch, actually enjoying the cold hand on their warm skin. They had never seen as much love in someone’s eyes since Emily and Sam and being on the receiving end of that stare was a breath of fresh air.
“Shift back,” she spoke slowly. “You can use my coat to cover yourself.”
(Y/N) sat on the ground as Rosalie draped her coat over them. The blonde watched with curious eyes as bones shifted and fur turned to skin, revealing the person behind the animal. They pulled the clothing close to their body and closed the buttons to shield their naked body from view.
“You’re hurt,” the blonde mentioned, noticing the wounds scattered across their body. “Shouldn’t you be healed already?”
“They were inflicted by another wolf, so they won’t heal as fast.”
“You fought with another pack member?”
“Yes, but that is of no importance. We finally meet,” (Y/N) smiled. “Not that either of us wanted to change that.”
“I don’t think it’s much of a surprise that we weren’t too keen on the idea of being destined to our sworn enemies,” Rosalie chuckled – the sound a refreshing tune in their ears. “Although my family kept pushing me to reach out to you, my stubbornness wouldn’t allow me to. I have to admit I became a tad insufferable.”
“At least you had people that were supportive. All I got was taunted and harassed by the pack for imprinting on a vampire. Even if it is something I can’t control they branded me a traitor, and honestly for the first few days it was fine ‘cause I’m used to their rude jokes, but this time it was different. And it’s not like I sought for you that day, and it’s not like I somehow manifested a vampire to be my imprintee, and it’s not like…”
In that moment, Rosalie gave into her impulses and crashed her lips onto (Y/N), pausing the shape-shifter’s rambling. It felt like home, like there in that moment was where they belonged. Electricity burst between them as soon as the contact was made, and neither wanted to be the one to break away. But one of them needed their breath.
 “Sorry,” the vampire giggled. “You were rambling, and I didn’t know how to stop you.”
“Can’t say I’m mad about it,” they grinned at the blonde.
“What I am sorry for is what you’ve had to endure because of me – and I don’t even know your name.”
“It’s (Y/N), my name is (Y/N).”
“(Y/N),” she breathed. “I still can’t wrap my head around this turn of events – a wolf and a vampire, fated to be together. The universe truly knows how to play its tricks. I don’t even know where we go from here.”
“You and me both, Rosalie. I don’t even know if I will be welcomed back after the fight.”
“Come back with me,” she blurted.
“We have so much space in the house, and you need those wounds cleaned. So, until you feel like you need to go back, stay with me there.”
“I-I couldn’t… I wouldn’t want to impose. And I don’t think the rest of your family would want the smell of wet dog lingering there,” (Y/N) teased. “But in all seriousness, I don’t know how pleased with the idea they would be.”
“If I can come around the idea of having a mutt so close to me, I’m sure they will too,” Rosalie joked back. “But I know they’ll be okay with it – even if it takes them some time.”
The pair went back to the Cullen house where the family quickly acclimated to having the wolf around. The last one to get used to (Y/N)’s presence was Edward since he held such disdain for them thanks to Jacob, but soon enough grew to love them as much as the rest of the family. The Cullens welcomed the wolf as one of their own in the four weeks they stayed at the residence.
During that time, they invested their complete energy into learning everything they could about Rosalie – quickly falling for the pale girl, understanding why the universe had decided to pair them together. Forever wasn’t enough time to spend with her.
(Y/N) kept their distance from the pack, too ashamed to face them. It wasn’t until they were under threat of a newborn army that they saw the group again – with the added surprise that they had agreed to help the Cullens protect Bella and themselves.
The first day of training with the Cullens, (Y/N) walked into the clearing in their wolf form, instantly feeling the mind link shared between the pack. At first it sounded like static, their voices coming through a few syllables at a time. They shook in their paws, staying by Rosalie’s side the whole time for support. The blonde ran her hand through the soft fur giving their partner the reassurance they needed. (Y/N) had no idea how the others would act toward them – they knew how well the pack could hold a grudge.
The wolves walked out of the trees, some barring their teeth and growling, their eyes landing anywhere than on their possibly former member. (Y/N) couldn’t handle the pressure, lowering their head to avoid any accidental eye contact with the people she considered family once.
“They’re not angry,” Jasper whispered to the wolf. “They have been concerned about you, actually.”
“They say thank you,” Edward answered for the canine, the white wolf nodding their head in agreement. “The pack’s disdain is only toward us, (Y/N). Nothing to do with you. They don’t trust us enough to be in their human form.”
“They came,” Carlisle breathed. “That’s what matters.”
Sam took a step forward starting a meeting between both clans, Edward acting as a translator. Carlisle explained the procedures of the day, the strength and voracity of the newborns, and allowed Jasper to explain how to fight them. The long haired blond started his demonstration sparring with a cocky Emmett, throwing him on the ground in just three moves. Carlisle and Edward went next, and for a second it had seemed that the younger man had won, until the doctor sprung to his feet and had his son pinned to the ground.
Jasper then motioned to Rosalie to fight with him, earning a protective growl from (Y/N). The coach assured the mutt she would not be hurt, that this was simply for training purposes. The two vampires squared off, the female throwing the first punch. Jasper dodged every hit gracefully, anticipating every move. But when a soft punch landed on Rosalie and she backed away with a twirl, the white wolf sprung forward, only being stopped by the barrier their partner had created with their body.
“Don’t allow emotions cloud your judgement,” Jasper advised, earning another growl from the canine. “It’s the easiest way to make a mistake in the battlefield.”
“I’m alright, (Y/N),” Rosalie smiled. (Y/N) relaxed their stance with her words, the pack’s reaction not going without notice. As much interference through the mind link they heard, they were able to decipher that they still hadn’t come to terms with the fact that they had imprinted on a vampire. No matter how much time passed, the others still felt it unnatural for their kind.
“Sam wants to speak to you before they go,” Edward announced to (Y/N). “Do you need me to stay behind and translate? I know the link is being shoddy for you.”
“No,” she thought to him. “Tell him I’ll speak with him in our land so we can both shift back comfortably.”
Edward related (Y/N)’s thoughts and placed in their mouth a bag filled with clothes to change into. He then joined the rest of his family and explained that the white wolf would be back shortly. Rosalie sent her partner a comforting smile and left alongside her family to wait for them at the house.
With trembling steps, the wolf followed behind their alpha until they passed the treaty line, hiding behind trees to phase into their human form. Beads of sweat formed on their forehead as they got dressed, fearing the worst would come from this conversation. A wolf without a pack was simply an animal with a target on their back.
“Come out, (Y/N),” Sam commanded.
“Are you the only one here?” (Y/N) questioned, not wanting to be the co-author of another physical confrontation. “The last thing I want is to fight any of you.”
“No one wants to fight, (Y/N). Regardless, I’m the only on here.”
They peaked their head from behind the tree to see a smiling Sam waiting for them. (Y/N) couldn’t contain themselves any longer and crashed into Sam’s open arms, engulfing him in a tight hug.
“I’ve missed you, little one,” Sam spoke into their hair. “You know, you didn’t have to run away.”
“I hurt Paul, Sam. Had it not been for your interference, one of us would probably not be here to tell the tale.”
“The important thing is it did not happen, and I’m sure you would have come to your senses before any fatal hit could be made.” Sam’s protective instincts took control. Seeing (Y/N) beating themselves up over such a trivial situation hurt him. They were carrying such a big guilt from something they had been pushed to do. “Paul had no right to set you off the way he did. It took you leaving for them all to understand how insensitive they had been. Needless to say, they’ve all had their punishment. They might not resent you anymore for having a vampire imprintee, but they now do for having horrible training sessions and long patrol shifts.”
“They have always been great at blaming others for their own wrongdoings,” they chuckled. “But, come on, Paul must still be fuming – I bit down on his leg for fucks sake. I would understand if he never wanted to hear from me again.”
“Actually, I wanted to apologize for what I’d done,” Paul startled them appearing from behind a tree. “I crossed the line between playful banter and just full-on being a dickhead.”
“I don’t think you’ve ever known where that line’s been,” (Y/N) teased, a playful smile toying on their face.
“Unfortunately, can’t disagree,” he chuckled. “But it’s time to come back home, (Y/N). Your place is with your pack, not with the cold ones.”
“He’s right, (Y/N). Your place is in the rez, not in Forks.”
“My place now is with my imprintee,” (Y/N) corrected. “Rosalie is not allowed to come into our land – not that I think she’d want to – and I’ve spent enough time away from here to know that being apart is worse. LaPush will always be my home, but my heart remains wherever she is.”
“So, you’re leaving the pack for good?”
“I don’t have any other choice. Now do I, Sam?” They smiled sadly. “There was a time where I believed I could have a normal life after I chose to stop shifting, where I wouldn’t have to turn into a wolf anymore and could live out the rest of my years growing old and whatnot. But having her in my life this past month, I do not want to imagine what it would be like without her. It’s not that I’ll never see you guys again, but from now to forever I’m choosing her.”
“There’s no changing your mind, is there?”
“The day you imprint on someone, Paul, you’ll understand the lengths you’d go through for them. It’s one thing to know of it, it’s another to experience the imprinting bond. It’s too strong a force to set aside.” (Y/N) spoke with love laced words only, any anger she held for her friend dissipated. “I would love to go back with you guys and be around the pack like nothing’s changed. But I don’t want to have to sacrifice my relationship with Rosalie in order to do so — I don’t think I could handle that pain again.”
“Well, you always have a place back home,” Sam smiled. “And on the odd chance that you’d like to visit with her, I think we can work around the treaty to allow her passage sometimes. You’re too important to us.”
“Thank you, Sam.” They wrapped him in a hug once more, joyous over the resolution. “I promise for as long as we’re in Forks I’ll come visit as much as I can. I might not be part of the pack, but I’m still a wolf.”
“Just make sure you shower before coming here,” Paul laughed. “Don’t think we could have you around for long with that smell lingering on you.”
“I will,” (Y/N) joined in the guffawing. “Before I go, I want to thank you all for being a part of my family and understanding why I must leave the rez.”
“You’re the closest thing I have to a sibling, (Y/N). No offense to the rest of the pack,” Sam beamed. “No matter what you had decided, I would’ve been by your side every step of the way. Even if these knuckleheads can’t stand it.”
“I can’t speak for the others, but – even if it takes some time – I understand that as much as it hurts to leave the pack, it’s worse to be apart from blondie,” Paul smiled. “I’ll see you in the next training session.”
“Be safe, (Y/N).”
“Always am, Sam.”
(Y/N) turned back with a bright smile on their face. The pack having their back was more than they could’ve hoped for. A month and a half ago, they probably could have disappeared from the face of the Earth, and none would have cared. But that afternoon, they had crossed the toughest bridge in their life – their energies could now be focused on the close approaching newborn army.
Only during training sessions did (Y/N) remember that the threat of the newborn’s was real. The days coming up to the fated day Rosalie and (Y/N) spent as if they were their last. From the outside looking in, no one would guess that in a matter of a couple of sunrises they would be facing life and death. And as much as the pair wanted to remain in their honeymoon bubble, the army was here, and the battle had to begin.
“Promise me you won’t do anything stupid,” Rosalie pleaded that morning.
“Like what?” (Y/N) laughed. Against all counsel, they still believed the newborns couldn’t be as strong as Jasper said.
“Taking on more than you can handle, for one.”
“You worry too much, darling,” they tried to calm Rosalie down. The blonde could only stare into the eyes of the person she had grown to love, a look of concern coating the usual gleam. “Alright, I promise to take the necessary precautions to make sure nothing happens.”
“Seriously. You don’t know the strength of these creatures until you finally fight one.” 
“ I believe you, darling.” (Y/N) planted a smiling kiss on the vampire’s lips, promising once more that they would not “do anything stupid.”
Soon after, Alice announced through the house that the newborns were nearing, prompting us all to head to the destined clearing for the battle. The vampires all huddled together, fronting as the only plan of attack, as the wolves hid between the tree line. The pack welcomed the white wolf, their link finally restored. But the salutations were cut short when zooming was heard from afar as the presence of the vampires was made known.
In a couple of seconds, both vampire clans clashed together. For an instance it seemed that the newborns would have the upper hand, crowding the Cullens faster than they could defend themselves. Then, Sam gave the order to push through the branches and attack.
The pack did as they had been taught. Teeth and claws gashing away at the heads of the young vampires, ripping through the bundle of immortal beings. The white fur that covered (Y/N)’s body was soon enough covered in the crimson red from the cold ones, a proud look on their face a they attacked as many as they could. The confidence quickly rushed through their body and they felt the courage to take on a huddle of bloodsuckers that were fast approaching. A mistake they would soon regret.
As (Y/N) sank their teeth into a brunette’s neck and ripped the head off, two other newborns pounced on their back and another ran into their ribs, knocking them to the ground. The wolf rolled on the ground, trying to shake them off but the young ones only sank their nails deeper into the animal. (Y/N) let out a pain full howl, still thrashing to people the vampires from their body.
“(Y/N)!!” Rosalie cried. She wasn’t standing too far away, but was fighting off a couple of newborns herself and could only watch as the red liquid dripped down the wolf’s body instead of coating the top of their fur. As hard as she tried to get closer to (Y/N), the more people she had to fight off.
The wolves and Cullens around (Y/N) tried their hardest to rid the foes from around themselves in an attempt to aid the white wolf, but the newborns were truly strong and were making the task that much harder.
The lone wolf fell on their back, crushing one of the vampires that had latched onto them, but they were growing weaker. Too much blood had left their body, painting their body a deeper hue as more of the liquid rushed out. And as soon as they got rid of the other one, came up from behind and dug his hands into the wolf’s side and pressing into their ribs, snapping a couple. A louder howl escaped the animal as the vampire threw them into the ground with a loud thud, knocking the air out of the wounded animal and their head colliding against a rock, their vision turning black.
Rosalie ripped the head off two vampire and sped to the idiot that had dared harm (Y/N). She grabbed him by the throat and strangled the vampire until his head popped off. Emotionally defeated, the blond fell beside the human form of her beloved, using her jacket to cover their body.
Around them the sounds had died down. The last of the newborns ripped to shreds. The present Cullens surrounded the blonde and the wolf, worry evident in their face. Sam approached (Y/N)’s body in his wolf form, nudging their arm softly with his snout, whining when their body showed no sign of response. The pack followed closed behind, knowing they were alive but unsure of the true damage.
The blonde had pressed their body to hers, stroking the strands of their hair in an effort to calm herself. As she cried dry tears as she searched for her partner’s heartbeat, unable to do so over the ringing that crowded her sensitive ears. She clung to (Y/N)’s limp and bloodied body, not even allowing Carlisle to check their status. So for the moment, they left them be as they started a bonfire to ensure the eternal death of the ripped newborns.
“The Volturi,” Alice broke the somber silence abruptly. “They’re coming.”
“How long?” Edward spoke up, appearing from the woods with Bella in hand, coming back from his own battle.
“A few minutes. Maybe ten.” 
“Pack needs to leave,” Edward warned. “The Volturi won’t honor our truce with the werewolves.”
As Jacob joined the group, an escaped newborn appeared prompting Leah to attack. The brown wolf was able to get the newborn off the girl who was clearly losing the fight. Yet, even though he had rescued Leah, the vampire had gained the upper hand and crushed Jacob’s ribs swiftly. His victory didn’t last long when Sam and the others pounced on the survivor, ensuring his death.
Jacob writhed on the ground, his body trying to heal but failing due to the cracked bones. Carlisle was quick to the boy’s side as the pack speedily clothed themselves. Checking his stability was far easier than (Y/N), who had yet to wake. The pack surrounded the wounded boy, carrying him back to Billy’s house where Carlisle would then check him. But Sam ran to (Y/N)’s side, placing his finger on her neck to check for the faint pulse he heard.
“I have to get them back,” he spoke softly. “You can join Carlisle afterward.”
“NO!” She sobbed. “I want to go with them.”
“The Volturi will notice that you’re missing,” Alice stated. “You have to stay here.”
“Alice is right, Rosalie,” Carlisle supported. “We can’t risk them getting into their land. Sam will take care of them in the meantime.”
“Promise nothing will happen to them,” she spoke, her voice barely audible.
“I promise they will be taken care of until you arrive.”
Rosalie loosened her arms, allowing Sam to take (Y/N)’s body into his arms. He cradled them close, quickly disappearing from the clearing and leaving a heartbroken Rosalie behind.
Although the others had gone to Billy Black’s house, Sam had opted for taking (Y/N) to his. There, Emily quickly made up a bed, clothed them, and helped her fiancé clean and cover any wounds they could see. The tears had not stopped streaming from Sam’s eyes since he had arrived at his home. (Y/N) was hurt, and he couldn’t help but feel responsible for not protecting them.
“They’re at Billy’s house right now,” Emily announced. She peaked her head into the room that Sam had yet to leave. “Carlisle should be here soon enough.”
“He’s taking forever!” Sam protested. “Jake was awake and (Y/N) is still unconscious. They should be prioritized.”
“I completely agree,” Rosalie peeked through. Emily had invited her in once she saw the girl debating on knocking on the door. “I couldn’t convince him to get here first because they have to always take Bella’s side. So they’re at Jake’s house whilst we know nothing of (Y/N)’s status.”
“All you can both do right now is stay by their side and wait for Carlisle to arrive,” Emily reasoned. “The doctor will come here next. So, for now just stay by their side and make sure they’re comfortable. I’ll let him in once he arrives.”
Emily brought in a dining room chair for Rosalie and set it on the right side of the bed, inviting the blonde to sit close to (Y/N) whilst they played the waiting game. She then gave Sam a cup of warm coffee and set a muffin on the side, knowing that he needed to eat to gain strength. But he wouldn’t bring himself to part his gaze from (Y/N) for a second, thinking that in a split second everything could change.
“You really do love them?” Sam finally broke the silence.
“More than I ever thought I could love anyone,” Rosalie sobbed. “I never understood what was missing from my life until I finally met (Y/N). I didn’t know I could love and be loved like this — I never thought it was in the cards for me.”
“You’re good for them,” he croaked out. “Not just because of the imprint bond too. I think, even if the link didn’t exist, you would be fated to be together — you ground them. And I don’t think I’ve seen (Y/N) as happy as when they are with you.”
“Thank you, Sam. That means a lot coming from you,” she smiled — her eyes always on (Y/N). “I know she values your opinion over anyone else’s. They’re lucky to have you.”
“They’re lucky to have you too,” he smiled back. At that moment, they weren’t divided by being a vampire and a werewolf. Instead, they were united in their shared love and affection for (Y/N).
The moment was interrupted as a knock resounded through the room. From behind the door, Carlisle finally appeared, medical bag on hand. He gave them both an apologetic smile and began to examine (Y/N) right away.
There was only so much Carlisle could do without his full extent of equipment available. Thankfully, he did not suspect any major head trauma and attributed the unconscious state to shock. He was certain they would wake up soon enough and started a morphine drip as he worked to close the wounds that required sutures.
“All we can do now is wait,” the doctor sighed, ridding his hands from the gloves he wore.
“But why aren’t they awake yet? Something else must be wrong.”
“When they wake up is up to them now, Sam. Their vitals are stable at the moment, and I’m sure they won’t change until they wake up and are able to feel the pain,” he explained. “Now, all we can do is wait.”
“Then we’re taking (Y/N) home,” Rosalie stated. “They should be there so you can monitor their vitals closely.”
“We shouldn’t move them right now, Rose. Until they’re awake, I can’t allow them to be moved unless absolutely necessary.”
“Stay,” Sam proposed. “I know how hard it would be to be away. So just stay here until they wake up.” 
“Are you sure?”
“You’re important to (Y/N), and they’re important to me. And I know that having you next to them could only help in their recovery.” 
Before leaving, Carlisle taught Rosalie how to supply morphine to (Y/N)’s drip, leaving the necessary tools to ensure that they didn’t wake up in too much pain. All they could do now was wait, and hope that they would gain consciousness soon enough.
For the next couple of days, Rosalie remained at (Y/N)’s side. Her eyes had grown dark in hunger, but she couldn’t bring herself to leave even for a second. She spent day and night monitoring them and making sure to provide all the medications Carlisle had brought over the first morning. The only people she trusted enough to be near them were Sam and Emily, the rest of the pack had only been able to visit once or twice — though they preferred it that way since the presence of the vampire was far too uncomfortable to be near for too long.
(Y/N) laid quiet and unmoving, giving signs of life through their breathing and nerve responses. The wounds had started to heal, slower than usual but enough to warrant the bandages to be discarded. Even Jake had recuperated at that point and was amongst those waiting for their friend to wake up.
It took four mornings and three nights for (Y/N) to start stirring. The first sign of consciousness was their hand squeezing Rosalie which resulted in a gleeful squeal from the blonde that alerted all those inside the house. Sam, Emily, Jake, Paul, and Seth rushed into the room to witness the sleeping wolf finally open their eyes. The others were out on patrol but were keeping an ear out for when their friend finally woke. (Y/N)’s eyes then started fluttering, a groan escaping from their mouth as the discomfort of their wounds was finally felt.
They were thankful that wherever they had woken had soft lights, the normal blinding from fluorescent white lights an uncomfortable sight to wake to. (Y/N) blinked away the fuzziness from their eyes, trying to focus on where they were and who was there. They could identify almost everyone that stood in the room except one.
To their right sat a beautiful blonde girl, with such perfect and pale skin that they could only attribute it to a vampire. She seemed happy, delighted that they had awoken. But how could a vampire be in their land and still have their life? 
“Sam,”(Y/N) croaked out. The alpha was quick to their side, attentive to whatever they would question. “What happened?”
“You don’t remember?” Sam’s voice didn’t portray the amount of worry he felt. Even worse when (Y/N) shook their head no. He could see in their eyes that they couldn’t recognize Rosalie. “During the battle, you were attacked by some newborns. One of them slammed you on the ground and you hit your head. You’ve been passed out for four days. Do you remember any of that?”
“I can’t say I do. Last thing I remember was going out for patrol at sunrise.” 
“(Y/N), you haven’t gone on morning patrol for almost two months,” Paul mentioned. “Do you know who is standing beside you?”
“I assume it’s one of the Cullens. Probably here to check my vitals and keep some morphine flowing,” (Y/N) answered nonchalantly. “I’m just surprised you wouldn’t call Sue.” 
“You really don’t remember me, (Y/N)?” Rosalie cried.           
“I’m sorry,” they remorsefully answered. They had finally looked into the girl’s eyes and instantly felt a wrench in their heart, but nothing to clue them in on their importance on their life. “I’m sorry, but I really don’t.”
“So, you don’t recall anything that happened these past two months?”
“I wish I had the answer you’re looking for but, I just don’t.”
Rosalie could not believe her luck. She was able to have the love she had yearned for her whole life, and in a split second, everything slipped from her fingers. She left the room, holding onto her chest and, for some reason, needing a breath of fresh air. There (Y/N) was, conscious and talking, but their brain had no recollection of the one they had imprinted on. The vampire wanted nothing more than to be able to cry and release the emotions that surged in a way that made her feel human. All she could do was scream and split a large rock to feel something — anything.
“Not doing a good job of keeping a low profile,” (Y/N) smiled as they wobbled to where Rosalie stood heaving. “I truly am sorry that I have no memory of you. Sam told me I imprinted on you, but somehow my brain doesn’t remember that. All I feel is a tightness in my chest — something like heartbreak — whenever I look at you, but nothing more than that.”
“I should have known the universe would play another trick on me,” she chuckled. “In two months, I fell in love with you only for you to forget in one unfortunate event.”
“From what Sam was able to tell me I think I also fell in love with you, and it was great up to this moment,” they sighed. (Y/N) grabbed Rosalie’s hand and led her to a log to sit, not being able to hold their weight for much longer. “I do want to remember, and I’ll try my hardest to regain those memories, as long as you’re by my side.”
“For as long as you try, so will I,” she beamed. “I promise I’ll use everything in my arsenal to help you remember.”
Weeks came and went, photos and home videos presented, and visits to special places. Even Bella’s transformation, the birth of Renesmee, and the visit of the Volturi came and went, yet (Y/N) had yet to remember the imprint bond and the moments shared with Rosalie. They had started to grow impatient and irritable, straining their brain to extreme lengths. Every attempt was futile.
They weren’t the only one growing restless. Rosalie had started to doubt that her partner would ever come to regain those priceless memories she held so close to her heart. She tried her hardest to provide (Y/N) with even the most minimal detail of their time together, but it was like their brain had been wiped clean of who she was — including the supernatural bond that had once linked them together. Their first glance, their first touch, their first kiss. All were wiped away by a simple blow.
Even now, as they sat in Rosalie’s room, perusing over the same stack of pictures they had seen for days on end, emotions were high as nothing was remembered. (Y/N) held in their hands a candid image of the vampire and the wolf sharing a laugh at the Cullen’s house back deck. The picture showed a vibrant Rosalie, her head thrown back mid-laughter, a hand on her chest, and the other on her partner’s arm. But what stood out was the love full gaze (Y/N) had as they witnessed the joy in the blonde girl. There was a particular gleam in their eyes, a spark they wanted nothing more than to regain.
“It’s not working!” (Y/N) stood abruptly, pushing the armchair they were sitting on backward.  “Doesn’t matter what we do, nothing is coming back!” 
“(Y/N), I understand your frustration, but it’s not a quick process,” Rosalie attempted to calm them.  “As much as I would want you to remember the love and time we shared, I can’t be mad should you choose to move on.” 
“NO! I just want to remember how I loved you then!” (Y/N) blurted. “How will I know if what I’m feeling now is real?”
“What do you mean by that, (Y/N)?” Rosalie blinked away at the realization behind what they had said, unsure if her mind was playing tricks on her. “Are you saying you might have feelings for me now?”
“That might be what I’m saying,” they responded, growing bashful. “There’s nothing that I want more than to be able to remember how I loved you then. But if you can accept my feelings now, regardless of the past, then I would love nothing more than to be able to form a future beside you.”
“The past doesn’t matter right now,” the blonde beamed brightly. “I would be more than honored to walk alongside you through life from this day forward, regardless of the past.” 
“Well then, I guess the daily memory exercises won’t be making an appearance in our daily routine anymore,” (Y/N) laughed. As they inched closer to Rosalie, their hands rested on her cheek, giving the cold skin a gentle caress. The vampire smiled at the person in front of her, closing her eyes as she leaned into the loveful touch of her partner. “The only thing I believe is important is that I know that I love you now, and I know I will for the rest of my life.”
Their faces inched closer, lips ghosting over each other, one teasing the other. They both smiled at the playful tease, forgetting the frustrations of memory loss. But Rosalie grew impatient and finally closed the gap between them. She had composed herself this whole time, keeping her urges at bay and respecting (Y/N)’s boundaries. This whole time Rosalie had been a stranger in their mind, and any physical displays of affection could easily discourage them.
Although (Y/N)’s hard work had not paid off, they were thankful for the process. During those long weeks, they were able to get to know Rosalie and understand why they fell for her in the first place, regardless of the supernatural links they shared before. As days went by the small things were what had (Y/N) falling deeper in love with the vampire — the way her eyes beamed when she recounted certain memories, how beautiful her smile was when she showed (Y/N) certain photographs, the love and care that was laced in every word she spoke. They wouldn’t be able to pinpoint a specific point at which they were sure of their feelings, but at that moment they were completely certain that they were completely and utterly in love with Rosalie Cullen.
 A year after that pivoting moment, (Y/N) had proposed to Rosalie, no doubt in their mind that she was the woman they wanted to spend their life with.
In less than a month the Cullens had transformed their backyard into a dream wedding venue. It was a small endeavor – only close friends and family.
“There was a time where I didn’t understand love,” (Y/N) started their vows. The expectant eyes of their soon-to-be wife stared into them, seeing through them and into their soul. It was a moment neither of them thought they would ever live to see. “For most of my life, I believed it to be a selfish and daunting task I would never fall trapped in. Granted, I knew that at some point imprinting would force me to think otherwise. And I guess it did happen at some point, but I have no recollection of that moment. Nevertheless, all it took was you.
This is no destiny or fate; this is not chance. Love has grown between us because we chose each other. We worked hard for our relationship. We went through obstacles not many can say they have, and we fell in love. For a long time, your love was enough for both of us. You carried the burden of our memories as I tried to remember what they were. I know I love you because despite losing my memory I am standing here with nothing but love in my heart. And I will continue to stand beside you for as long as we both shall live.
I promise to honor you and cherish you. To, from this day forward, carry with you our love and all the memories we shall create. You will never walk this life on your own, for I will be right beside you. Despite imprint links and loss of memories, it has and always will be you. ”
It took everything inside them not to kiss their almost wife. As Rosalie extended her hand to wipe away the tears that had stained their cheeks, (Y/N) melted into their touch, finding comfort in the coldness of her hand.
“My dearest (Y/N),” Rosalie said, a bright smile spread on her pale face. “I will admit that at some point in time, I thought I would never get a day like this. As the days passed and your memories did not return, I truly believed that was it for us. That one day you would walk away. And maybe in another life you did, but not this one.
In this life, I am lucky enough to be standing before you and our loved ones as a testament to the love that resurged between us. Our memories will never be a burden to me. It is a gift that I carry in my heart, and I guard for us both. And I will continue to carry it for the rest of eternity.
If I have said this once, I will say it a thousand times, I love you with everything that I am. And I promise to stand with you from this day forward, until the end of time. Through the good times and the bad, through the calm and the discord, my place will forever be with you.”
Carlisle smiled at the couple in front of him, warmth filling his unbeating heart at the raw evidence of love. He was proud of how far they had both come, overcoming the hurdles the universe had decided to throw at them time and time again.
He motioned to Renesmee, telling his granddaughter to bring the rings over to the couple. The final symbol of their everlasting love.
“(Y/N), as you place the ring on Rosalie’s finger, repeat after me,” Carlisle said. “I give you this ring as a symbol of my abiding love, eternal faith, and undying devotion.”
“Rose, I give you this ring as a symbol of my abiding love, eternal faith, and undying devotion.”
“With this ring, I marry you and bind my life to yours,” the patriarch continued. “It is a promise of all my tomorrows. I offer my vow to you so that my word and my love will always be with you, close to your heart. That I choose to share my whole life with you, knowing that in marrying you I shall become much more than I am.”
“(Y/N),” Rosalie beamed during her turn. “With this ring, I marry you and bind my life to yours,” the patriarch continued. “It is a promise of all my tomorrows. I offer my vow to you so that my word and my love will always be with you, close to your heart. That I choose to share my whole life with you, knowing that in marrying you I shall become much more than I am.”
“With the power vested in me by god and many states in the United States,” Carlisle chuckled. “I declare you married – you may kiss.”
Cheers erupted around the space as (Y/N) and Rosalie met in a passionate kiss. Their love filled everyone around them, witnessing true love staring at them.
“Ready for forever Mrs. (Y/L/N)?”
“Always have been, Mx. Cullen.”
Everyone that loved and cared for both Rosalie and (Y/N) were excited for the pair. As the reception took place, they gave their best wishes to the couple. Even unforeseen allies such as Paul and Jacob had been overjoyed at their union. If there was anyone that deserved a happy-ever-after, it was them.
“Could I steal away your wife for a second, (Y/N)?” Sam surprised Rosalie as she danced with her wedded partner.
“Of course,” they smiled. “I’m actually very thirsty at the moment.”
Rosalie took Sam’s warm hand and followed his lead in the dance. He had grown to be the couple’s biggest supporter from the start, and he had not unwavered for a second.
“I should have made a bet with you months ago,” Sam chuckled. “I guess I was right, huh. You two are made for each other, imprint bond or not.”
“Glad you didn’t,” she smiled. “I do have a question for you, Sam.”
“Ask away.”
“You always knew. Even before either of us could admit it, you always knew we would end up together. And regardless of our past and who we are, you encouraged (Y/N) to pursue me. Why?”
“I know (Y/N). I’ve known them their whole life. I saw it in their eyes,” he explained. His eyes were soft, filled with care and compassion. A gaze Rosalie never thought she’d receive from another shapeshifter. “After they imprinted on you, something changed in them. Call it destiny, call it the imprint link, call it whatever you want, but I knew that what I saw in their eyes was love. They didn’t even know your name and their heart had completely transformed.”
“But it had to be hard,” she whispered. “(Y/N) renounced to you all, to their family. Yesterday, today, and for all eternity. All for me. Without the certainty of the imprint bond, how will I know that this is what is best for them? That the life they could’ve had if they hadn’t chosen me wouldn’t have been better?”
“How do you know this isn’t the best version already?” Sam comforted. “They made this decision all by themselves because they know you are their forever. Questioning why or why not will not serve you now, Rosalie. They love you and they chose you. From now until forever, you’re stuck with them.”
“And I love them, with all my heart,” Rosalie beamed, her smile spreading from ear to ear. “I guess it’s just hard to know everything they had to let go of in order to be here.”
“Rose, (Y/N) will always be family. My family. Their marriage to you makes you a part of it as well,” he explained. He placed a comforting hand on her forearm and gifted her a smile. “If you fear that they will not be allowed into LaPush, you needn’t worry. Both you and (Y/N) will always be welcome there. Just give me a head-up.”
“Oh, thank you, Sam.” In an uncharacteristic move, she wrapped her arms around Sam, but it was the only thing she could think of doing. “You have no idea how much this means.”
“Good, because that is your wedding gift,” he chuckled.
“Well, look at this beautiful sight,” (Y/N) interrupted. “Never thought I’d see the day and alpha and a vampire would be hugging.”
“What can I say?” Sam laughed. “You’ve really mended the vampire and shapeshifter affairs.”
“That’s me, the Vampire/Shapeshifter Alliance ambassador,” (Y/N) smiled at the man they considered a brother. “Now, I will steal back my wife. You have your own to get back to.”
“Alright, alright, I’ll see you both later.”
(Y/N) took hold of their wife’s hand, twirling Rosalie into their arms. She giggled as she twirled, her dress swishing around her body. The blonde had not known happiness like this, never thought she would live to have it or deserve it. Yet, there she was, the love of her life wrapped around her and the thought of forever heavy in her mind.
“What are you thinking about, Rose?” (Y/N) whispered into her ear, their warm chest pressed flush to her back.
“How excited I am to live again,” she smiled. “And it’s all thanks to you, (Y/N).”
“We have forever to look forward to, my love.” They turned her around, placing a kiss on her lips and wrapping her in a tight hug. “Today is only the beginning.”
Months before the pair could have never imagined this was how their life would end up. The possibility of this future had seemed bleak at some point, another timeline breathing down their necks. Yet, their love persevered. Through wounds and hardships, the devotion that lived between them was enough to carry them to eternity. No trick from the universe could ever push them apart.
Taglist: @agent-anna @banterbanner @alitav99 @daniallh @catchmeupimgettingoutofhere @imaginetwilight2704 @mauvette268 @beefwhobarksandisalilmadalot @abelbai000 @ridiculous-creature​ @mikariell95 @gryffi-ndor @jules-bea2308 @comic-book-overload @winter-soldier-101 @jessicasunderground @mxyee @hey-you-therexo @witchy-obeyme-freak @xcastawayherosx @kortniec696 @slutforsainz @Blackbluerose666 @DyslexicCatterpillar @sunflowerleii @gypsymusiclover @byelannie @a-sifu-hotman @zheezs14 @minhaimaginacao @bluebirbnamedJay @sirenheadenby @mushroomelephant @swidkid @skyesthebomb @user0ur0mom @nogitsune-the @cometstail @volturiwolf @locokoca @esposadomd @this-is-a-bad-idea @nocturnalherb16 @rosalie-whitlock @nyctophilia710 @blueshoelaces @ems-alexandra @then-worship-at-my-altar @six-call @witchofhawkins @lovel-blog @sugajar @goodpeoplegotohellanyway @yuki254 @avis15 @honeylovemoon @wonieeee @baebeepeach @catgirlpwr @krazyk99 @klf1999 @sl-ut @adaydreamaway08 @cinffy23 @toomanythoughts33 @sugasthreedollarkookie @laylaskywalker @fandomonetwo @fruitylilfuck @a-slut-for-Loki-Bucky @honeywxter @haroldpotterson @revnamjinn @justamessandahalf @come-on-darling-honey @dove-chan32931 
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premenstrualhomicide · 5 months
2023 intentional feminism [SUCCESS]
hey ladies! about a year and a half ago i finally wrote a list of feminist goals for myself, and as of this month, i've completed them all. intentional feminist action is something that has become very important to me and has effectively improved my confidence, body neutrality, social awareness, and overall wellbeing. i'm really proud of myself so i thought i'd share my success with y'all and talk a little bit about the journey.
this was one of the first ones i completed, although getting comfortable with the change took a bit longer. i threw out all concealers, foundations, etc. shortly after writing my list of goals, and luckily my frugality saved me from going out and buying more in moments of low self-esteem. the hardest part of this goal was when, about 9 months after i had stopped wearing skin makeup, i developed a chronic illness that frequently flares up and is very visible. since then, i have had many days where i have to force myself to go out with blotchy, red, even bruised skin covering my face, and limbs. it's been difficult to adjust to strangers staring at me, but i'm really proud to say i've grown more comfortable in my skin as a result and have not given in to the urge to cover my symptoms with makeup.
eyeliner was a lot harder to surrender. in my teenage years, i wore a lot of eyeliner, often sharp and dramatic wings. i leaned heavily into the alternative style because i felt i wasn't attractive enough to perform femininity in the more traditional or conventional way. so for many months after giving up my concealer, i still wore eyeliner frequently. but in the year 2023, i've worn eye makeup a total of 1 time (with the exception of costume/cosplay makeup). it's a difficult thing to let go of, because almost all the pictures i have of myself as a teenager depict me with my eyes neatly framed with dark wings. and i'll admit it: it looks fantastic on me. but i've found ways to keep myself from falling back into that addiction, like not taking selfies of myself as frequently as i used to, not using social media, practicing body neutrality, and remembering the ultimate reason i'm doing this: to help other women feel comfortable in their natural state.
right now my wardrobe contains quite a few tiny skirts, crop tops, and other mobility-restricting, revealing articles of clothing. i'm slowly phasing them out as i shift my apparel to more oversized clothes, sweaters, men's jeans, professional suits for my career, and long skirts in which i can easily move. what has helped is a new job at a company that sells bras, panties, pajamas, and loungewear to women who want to be comfortable. we provide a less objectifying alternative to stores like victoria's secret, and so my employee discount has made it easy to stock up on unbelievably soft cardigans, pajamas, and wireless bras.
two things i learned after i stopped shaving: 1. there's a significant number of women who don't shave but have such fine/light body hair that it appears as though they shave regularly. 2. i am not one of those women. shaving had been a sisyphean struggle for me since the age of 12. my body hair is dark, grows quickly, and will do everything in its power to make "smooth legs" impossible. i remember years of researching different methods of shaving and hair removal, googling how to prevent "strawberry legs", buying various creams and lotions and exfoliants just so i could obtain that air-brushed look that seemed to come naturally to all the girls around me. giving up on shaving forced me to confront the truth: i am a hairy woman. i have hairy arms, hairy legs, hairy toes, i even have some visible mustache hair. while i will sometimes meet women at university who don't use makeup for any number of reasons (yay!), it is very rare that i see other women with hairy legs. and god have i been searching. in fact, i can only think of one time in this year and a half i've seen another female who visibly doesn't shave, and then i found out they don't even identify as a woman. very disheartening. i'll keep wearing shorts and being hairy in hopes that my female peers and younger girls will have a change of heart, but for now it still feels a bit alienating.
!!!!!!! very proud to say i had the opportunity to work for the Feminist Majority Foundation during this past election season. my state had a very critical piece of pro-choice legislation on the ballot in november, so my job was to canvass students on and off my campus, and to provide reliable information about the issue. so happy to have played a role in securing abortion rights for women in my state. for any women wanting to get involved with feminist orgs and potentially make some money, the FMF has a great list of job listings!
this is similar to goal #5, but i wanted to find a space where i could be away from men, but without the pressures of activism or employment. i just wanted a fun, preferably creative activity i could do with women! and this month, i was approved to join a feminist writing/art publication at my university! i'm on their design team, so i get to make cool t-shirt designs and will help with the aesthetics and layout of the publication once we have all of our submissions in. it's about 8 female students, all of which identify as women which is always a plus, and i'm having a blast so far. female separatism isn't something that's realistic for me at this point in my life, but having little groups like this away from males is really comforting.
like i said above, i'm no hard separatist. it's a dream that maybe i'll be able to reach someday when i have more financial independence, but for now i do frequently interact with men. i have a couple male friends, i have a good relationship with my brother and my dad, and there's always going to be men in my classes. this goal was intended to remedy the issue i encountered during my teenage years: i'd spent so long removing myself from the idea of womanhood that i barely had any female friends. for the same reasons i didn't feel like a woman for a long time, i didn't interact with women on a personal level for years. there's a few ways i have worked to fix this in 2023. first, i have made substantial progress in mending my relationship with my mom. we hadn't been close since i was very young, and the fact that i related more to my dad only further pushed us apart. i always had seen her as a traditionalist, because she had some outdated beliefs and didn't affirm my gender identity when i was identifying as trans, but post-peak reflection made me realize she was incredibly progressive for her era. she had a college degree, she waited a long time to have children, she was independent and competitive. i took time to apologize to her for the things i said in past years, and acknowledged her positive impact on me as a woman. we spend more time together now and are planning a road trip together in january :) i also try to prioritize making plans with the female friends i have made at university. it's fun to find events to bring them to, or just to have dinner together. in addition, i had the opportunity to travel abroad with three women, and the (somewhat terrifying) experience provided some wonderful bonding. two of the three are now some of my closest friends. finally, i now have a part-time job at a women's intimates store, like i said above. every employee there is a woman, and i'm the youngest, so it's given me a chance to interact with a wide variety of ages. some of them are grandmothers, some of them have never had kids, some of them are married, some of them are divorced. it's the sweetest group of women and i especially love talking to my manager, a tall, loud, 50-year-old misandrist who lives alone with dogs she's rescued from abusive homes and spends her money on travel and her passion for football. i really value time and conversation with older women now.
2023 has been a year of purging. i've cleansed my life of beauty routines, body expectations, my ex-boyfriend (ew), and it's given me the strength to continue my self-improvement and feminist work. i started the year still struggling with eating disorder recovery, recently assaulted by my ex-boyfriend, and frequently having nightmares. now, my grades have improved, i often surprise myself with how little i care about my appearance, and i've stopped having sex with men.
for 2024, my goal is to continue my cleansing work and to make it a year of cultivation. i want to cultivate my education and to cultivate skills like sewing my own clothes, cooking, growing food, and writing fiction. in addition, i will cultivate the female relationships i've established. wish me luck, and happy new year! :)
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blossom-hwa · 1 year
Could u pls do san + a whispers of nature universe SEEING IT AS AN EXAMPLE PROMPT MADE MY BRAIN GO BRRRRR <3
well you see my friend. you're in luck because ever since I made that an example prompt I HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT IT WAY TOO MUCH so here is the result. hope you enjoy <3 <3
5 year anniversary drabble game: send me a Stray Kids/TXT/Golden Child/Ateez/The Boyz member + a prompt (check out the post for ideas) and I’ll write a drabble for you!
(check out the rest of the Whispers of Nature series here!)
Title: A Mountain’s Patience
Pairing: San x gender neutral!reader
Word count: 933
Warnings: n/a
When Mother Earth made the mountains, She formed them to be rooted, grounded to her core. Solid, steady, strong. 
And so very, very patient. 
The thing about mountains is that they are not slow, as so many choose to think. True, they do not move the way the wind zips past the trees, the way water churns down a river, the way flowers sway in the breeze, every shifting, ever flowing. They do not welcome sudden movement, they do not welcome sudden change. But they are not slow - rather cautious, silent, ever listening, ever waiting.
Which is why, when San feels footsteps climbing up the side of his mountain on a dark night devoid of the moon, he does not act, does not chase the intruding guest away. Instead, he waits. 
And come morning, when the sun rises and he emerges from the depths of the rock to observe the new presence in his woods, he feels the imminence of warm, warm magic settling gently into the earth, and he knows he has made the right choice. 
For despite your midnight flight into unknown territory, you are no intruder. Far from it. During the days you take to settle in, San hears no screams of trees felled without warning, no jolt of the earth or cries of the forest to save them from harm. He watches, silently, a thread of his consciousness attuned to the area of his mountain where you have decided to root yourself, but not once does he find you attempting to desecrate the land of his spirit. Instead, you pay him reverence. Respect. 
And magic. 
It is rare that Mother Earth bestows Her blessing upon mortals. To this moment San still doesn’t understand Her reasoning behind it, why She chooses one but not so many others - it has never made any sense to him. But what he does know is that these mortals are often persecuted in their own communities for reasons he also doesn’t understand, and that they are endlessly thankful and respectful of the safe havens they find. 
So a haven he decides he will remain, for you. 
He doesn’t intend to meet you. As far as San is concerned, there is no reason to - you’ve coexisted peacefully for some amount of time and you have never given him cause to worry that your presence may cause his mountain home harm. But one bright afternoon he decides it would feel good to feel the sun on his face, feel the waters of Seonghwa’s river flow over his feet, and during that long, meandering trek down the river is when he meets you. 
San hasn’t seen a mortal in a very long time, though from your expression, it seems that you’ve made somewhat of a habit of interacting with spirits. You recognize him immediately for what he is while San fumbles for a moment, surprise still a pinch in his heart. As he bows slightly in return for your respectful greeting, he expects that this will be the end of it, probably the only interaction you two will have in your lifespan. 
But you are pleasant, kind, and - comfortable, San thinks, in a way that he doesn’t quite know what to make of. The magic you exude does not burn bright and harsh but seems to shimmer softly around you, a sense of home in every small movement you make. With water rushing over your feet, the wind sweeping your clothes, a soft kindness in your gaze... 
As the afternoon flows on, San begins to understand that this will not be the last time you meet, not if he has anything to do with it. 
But a mountain is patient, and a mountain knows to wait. Several years pass before San decides to profess his feelings on a walk along the same river you met on, promising a love as steady and constant as his own roots to the earth. There is a surprise, not altogether welcome - you ask for time with a troubled countenance to your expression, an unfamiliar hesitancy in your voice that unsettles him, but San is a mountain. A mountain is patient. And even unexpected changes can be absorbed over time, built into the structure of his roots, accepted as the days and weeks and years flow on, no matter how it originally hurt. 
You explain, in time. A love that had turned sour when they discovered you were a witch, a love that faded when your village turned its back on your magic. San listens, understands the hesitancy that had plagued your words in that moment, and promises you all the time you need to process his own confession and choose whether to accept or reject it. 
He is prepared to wait again. Years, he’d told himself - even if you never answer, he will be all right. But San finds you a week later at the river, a new determination in your eyes as you look at him, smiling under a torrential rain -
I accept you, you say, warmth in your every word. I accept you into my heart. 
A mountain does not shift with the wind’s caprice, nor does it bow to the waters of the earth. It punishes sudden change, only eroding slowly over time. But it is not slow. It is not unmoving. 
It is patient, for a patient spirit, it knows, will eventually reap its reward. 
And with you in his arms, your hearts beating as one, San knows there could be no other reward in this world greater than this. 
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infectedpaul · 1 year
i like in mlp that there are villains that overpower discord, i know bronies are always complain that there are so many times he could snap his finger and be done with the brawl (i think the only time i rly agree with this in a petty kinda way is the movie, cmon man) but i like the idea that discord is only like. maybe a b or c tier bad guy in the universe solely based on power 
discord is a natural state of chaos but what about artificial chaos like the alicorn amulet or the love poison? what happens when the world becomes aclimated to the harmony and chaos dichtonomy and throws a wildcard into the mix like creatures that eat love or beings that eat power? suddenly theres a new being that maybe doesnt play by “reality” as the ponies know it or even that discord would, he was trapped in stone for 1000 years and he was concious but only to his surroundings, what stops this force from creating 1000 years worth of its own chaos to fill that plot? 
the pillars of equestria disappear, the crystal empire falls, luna becomes nightmare moon, and equestria changes from generations of a few young pony descendants of the founders that haven’t been gone for all too long to busy and homey towns, bustling and manic cities filled high with skyscrapers, a capital city where the ruler and actual God lives, ponies become simpler, its a beautiful time to be alive, to build, to make friends, and you feel so safe. something had to be made to balance out the world again, something to fight harmony in the absence of the living embodiment of entropy itself. 
discord is. insanely powerful, but i think he gets that power in our heads due to the atmosphere of mlp when his debut episode premiered - you have to remember mlp was much more of a slice of life with fantasy elements than it was the magical action-comedy fantasy thats much more involved in the magic than it was the lessons being learned and the cozier, realer lives of the characters. the only real major villain that wasnt some characters hubris, out of town honky or a creature of the everfree forest WAS nightmare moon, a character reformed by the end of the first episode (spoilers?) and after that...nothing? the rest of the season is pretty lax all things considered (understandably of course, lauren had a much different vision for the show SHE made so duh)
discord, a character who spat in the face of the ideallic cutesy pony lives and literally rips apart its world to match his chaotic psyche was such an insane shift in the series, and marked a turning point imo in building more of a rogues gallery in the show seeing as season 2 we got the flim flam brothers, iron will, and the most insane bitch SINCE discord, queen chrysalis, who are all iconic villains imo? 
but also dig on this, discord is so wild because he’s usually around a bunch of town ponies who for the most part like do magic, but twilight and starlight are the only ponies in this town who like. KNOW know magic like they study it and can match up to his powers. we know he can take over the world if given the right circumstances according to the season 5 finale but i think what makes discord so scary is he hopped on around season 2, JUST after the initial first run of near solely slice of life? and kinda has continued to run with it. he’s never scary after that, y’know? he’s definitely fun but if he does get to be threatening, he’s second fiddle with either tirek or the villain trio from season 9, there are newer threats than discord and if anything that scares me ! 
cause if discord has to be a B - C tier villain, and the villain trio (sorry sombra) are really only that powerful with someone else’s magic, and even THAT guy got his ass kicked by a just one of the ponies FROM discords original rule 
what’s one of the A tier equestrian villains/monsters?
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amphiptere-art · 7 months
Still not done with the crimple introduction. Remember you can just ask about them now. I'll be giving little tidbits of the introduction so you guys can at least see how they interact and work.
Here's what I got so far after today. Not too much different from last time but a couple more paragraphs.
Blue Moon was confused. They had been teleported randomly. He was in the daycare. Well, what they perceived as the daycare. It had the same jungle gyms and basic layout. The only difference is that the theme seem to have shifted. There was no more Castle. It looked like somebody had properly themed it with kids cove. Big wavy decorations with ships and sand. As if the entirety of the daycare was an island.
Thankfully this daycare was closed at the moment. So they did not cause a fright. Although the lack of a moon demanding where they came from was a little confusing. Then again they had been to many places. But no one had approached them yet. Certainly somebody was running the daycare? Thankfully they're question was answered as they saw movement.
The thing crawled out of the Play structure. Planting itself on the bridge. It looked strange. It crawled like a spider. Which wasn't the strangest thing they've seen, but this thing moved.. differently? It was reminiscent of a mini music man. There was more poking out though. It almost looked exposed. That there are pieces out of place. There was a snakey nature to it too. I like it slithered and crawled at the same time. It was very alien.
Description intermission- description at bottom of page.
Blue Moon caught its eyes. They were very interesting. Mismatched and moving in all the wrong directions. Well some of them were. They started to peep their head above the bridge sides. Their face was like a dog, but the more they crawled forward the more Blue Moon realized this was not the standard animatronic. It was a mishmash of parts. Two different heads. Too many arms. Not enough hands and legs to match. All of it was exposed to. The scent of metal filled their sensors.
Blue Moon flinched as they were addressed. Not expecting the almost southern, Australian sounding voice. The thing tilting their head to the side as the hand that was on where their head should go grappled onto the side of the bridge. Allowing the rest of the body to dangle.
“Well hello there. You don't look like you're standard animatronic. You got some height on ya buddy. Look like some sort of giant statue. Although I suppose those questions should be for later. Greetings are always a first. So hi buddy. I'm Crimple. The lovely caretaker of this fine place. Who are ya?”
Blue Moon could do nothing but stare for a second. The thing moved exaggeratedly. Hands waving wildly. Although there was a pose with every movement. It looked more like a performance. The hands and arms also extended. The little discs that made up the animatronics upper limbs and neck moved about so arms and legs could be made longer. It was like some exaggerated magic trick with how they were thrown about. Dancing around almost like nano machines extending and contracting a limb.
Blue Moon finally snapped out of their stupor. Cut off guard as the thing move the discs that made up a long arm into their neck. Stretching it forward to reach Blue Moon's face.
“Come on! Don't leave me hanging!”
A couple of the discs and a hand moved forward on the extended neck. Extending a shorter hand and arm right below their head. In a similar motion to a handshake.
“Blue Moon is what my name is. I would say it would seem strange but I feel it is inaccurate given what yours is.”
“Haha. You and me buddy. Strangest names in all the pizza plex. Although I would say you're stranger. You definitely don't look like anyone I've ever seen.”
“No you would have not seen me before. For I have opened many universes doors. Not on purpose as much as I wish. If I could have the control of others I would gleefully switch.”
“Ahh. You're one of those universe hoppers. Seen a couple, Although not many. Definitely not one like you. You're so big! What are you?”
Blue Moon was about to answer before they stuttered. The little thing finally jumping off of the bridge and scuttling over. All of their discs combining to make a very long neck. Hands and leftover feet hanging off the sides of it. They sacrifice one of their more normal looking limbs to the neck also. Finally meeting Blue Moon face-to-face. Where they could only stare into their eyes as they let out a small cackle.
“Dear goodness, 14 feet-ish. You really are a tall bugger.”
The Tower that allowed them to look Blue Moon in the eyes started to crumble. Discs falling off in an exaggerated fashion as a reformed back into the previous shape.
“Bet that's got to make life a pain sometimes. Wouldn't you like to be like me? Able to freely shift your limbs just in the right places. Who's got to be worried about being too tall when you can make yourself a snake.”
Some of the discs moved towards the smaller head. Lengthening its neck length while also giving it a tail without moving it. The whole contraption slithering comedically before it started to move back to the previous positions.
“Then again, it's not like you can freely change your shape like me. You have an interesting design nonetheless. Nothing wrong with it. Just unfamiliar to me.”
“yes… if I could inquire. What is your design's desire?”
“Why wouldn't ya- Oh right you're not from here. Ya ever heard of mangle? And I don't mean no Toy glam-rock foxy. I'm talking about good old toy foxy. The one that got ripped apart and renamed mangle. If you know who they are, The rest shouldn't be that hard to conclude.”
“I've heard of the name yes. But it seems like something the company would detest.”
“Ha. Perhaps. But mangle was the star show of the kids corner. It was a whole new thing that she could come apart Willie nilly. So the company just decided to make that kid safe. None of my metal is pointy, and snapping off my limbs won't cause me any harm.”
“But your bones are made of metal. All of it exposed. A tasty treat to me, but a danger exposed.”
“Don't worry about me smashing a kid. Casing isn't exactly the softest thing to be hit by anyways. I got control of me motors. Although what's with you calling me a tasty treat. You like what you see.”
Krimple widened their arms and leaned back dramatically. Attempting to show off the most of their exoskeleton. The site made Blue Moon cringe. But not because they found it appealing. It was because it was far to appealing as a meal. Shaking their head in firm denial.
“Ohhhh. You meaning that more literally aren't ya. Well trust me I got a couple of metal pieces to spare. It's not like I'm exactly keeping this whole body together.”
Crimple exaggeratedly disconnected all their discs. Their parts falling about in an uncoordinated fashion. it really looked like they were a tower of blocks that had fallen over. Although their pieces were still functional. They're Jaws opening wide in a smile. What hands had landed upright splayed their fingers. Even the feet wiggled their toes.
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justagalwhowrites · 11 months
i got heat exhaustion yesterday (i'm fine btw, i love coastal texas but coastal texas does NOT love me back) so it seems like a great time to start reading beskar doll!
*cut to me with the wiki open looking up every mentioned term or event because i know 0 about star wars and cant even pretend that i do*
writing question: i love that you give nicknames (doc/bambi/doll) to the reader/mc because seeing Y/N always takes me out of the moment. how do you come up with the nicknames and how do you know when you found the right one for that story? they always fit so well!
Hi Bestie!!!
Coastal Texas doesn’t like me either! Having grown up in Texas I can safely say most of the state doesn’t like me lol I hope you’re loving Beskar Doll!!
Thank you so much! I DESPISE the Y/N thing lol I will put down a fic for that and that alone, it glitches my brain and I will never use it. Not knocking anyone who does! It’s just my own personal ick.
The nicknames usually come to me as I’m crafting the character. I’m a character girlie, they’re why I write what I write and they’re always the first piece to a story and I craft their names from there, nickname or otherwise.
For Doc, I wanted something that 1) exemplified her ideal of caring 2) reflected the part of herself she was proudest of and 3) was something that felt natural for people to use. Doc was perfect. I also loved that she started as Kid when she had far less agency in her life but, when the world ended and she made the life she wanted in that trashed world, her name shifted into something more than that.
Doll came from wanting something that was representative of her relationship to the universe around her. I wanted something that could be both derogatory and a term of endearment because of the nature of her relationship to Mando and I wanted something that would reflect her as always kind of being a pawn in the larger machinations of the galaxy. She’s a badass but she’s never had much agency, it’s always been in the service of something else. She kind of reclaimed the idea of being a Doll - and released herself of expectation - while also finding something she wanted in the universe.
For Bambi, her central characteristics - at least at the start of the fic - is that she’s skittish and wild, very animalistic, and she’s always connected more with animals than with people. But she’s also a survivor, like Bambi who has to go on after the death of his mother. It’s kind of a false dichotomy of sounding fragile and delicate while really being almost feral and strong? This will also work well in reverse (I hope!) as she learns to reclaim emotional fragility and vulnerability after everything she’s been through.
I do the same for the real names my characters have for both fics (and yes, Doc has a real name, Bambi does too. Everyone knows Doll’s because it’s in the story, she just doesn’t use it) and books.
For example, in Ace (first book in my book series, first chapter is on here and I can share again if you want!) the main character is named Tenny, short for Tennyson. She’s named that because her parents are literature professors and Tennyson wrote on King Arthur, a great defender of his people. It seemed like the perfect name for someone who puts herself at risk to protect and inform the people of her city. Additionally, her sister is Brontë and her story is a tragic one - fitting, given some of the content of Brontë novels I think!
I also feel like this is a lot easier for me because I have a lot of very good friends where none of us use each other’s actual names lol My name on here (Kit) is from a friend like that. It’s got some ties to my real name but he mostly started calling me that because I had the bad habit of 1) not sleeping and 2) not taking off my eyeliner in high school, so I’d get shadows under my eyes and he said I looked like a baby raccoon - which is called a kit lol. He’s the one who got me into TLOU (and the one who’s reading Lavender ATM) so I was like “oh that’s the perfect name for this page” lol
Anyway, I hope that helps!!! I know it’s long but I could talk forever about writing stuff!!
Thank you for asking and for being here! Love you!
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classicschronicles · 1 year
Hi lovelies,
Okay so this entry, it makes me giggle so much, for so many reasons. In class last week we were talking about the role of the chorus in Greek theatre, and how basically they had a lot of religious significance. The concept of its religious significance then turned ino a conversation about the Gymnasium in Ancient Greece, and as a certified gym girlie I could not sop laughing. So yeah, today I am going to tell you all about the history and significance of the gym in Ancient Greece (all whilst I sit here literally trying to snort protein powder before my fast begins).
In ancient Greece the gym was, of course, a place used for physical activity but over time also evolved into a place of study and philosophical discussion. By the Hellenistic period, most gyms were of a standardised architecture and their function was considered intrinsic to a young boys eduction. Naturally, as many things were, they were adopted by the Romans in the form of Roman bath houses.
Quick bit of etymology. The modern word ‘gym’ is the shortened form of gymnasium. The original greek founding was from the word gumnos, meaning naked. This root word was used in the Greek as gumnazium, meaning to exercise naked. This then became gymnasium in the 16th century, and shortened to ‘gym’ today. But yeah loosely translated, the word gym means naked, and since finding that out I cannot walk into my gym and see a shirtless gym bro without pissing myself laughing.
The gyms early purpose was a place to train for war, as in war young men would have to lift heavy bronze weaponry. As it was used for training soldiers, some of the obvious sports included javelin throwing and (naked) wrestling.
Now you might be wondering why the word gymnasium originated from naked and that is basically because, in ancient Greece, only men were allowed into gyms and it was just the standard thing to be naked in there as a way of showing off and advertising your body. And the reason for this was for pederasty (the concept of older- erastes- and younger- eromenos- lover). One of the main places that erastes and eromenos would seek each other out would be the gym, and given that half the deal was sexual pleasure, exercising naked was just a convenient way for the eromenos to show that they had the best bodies for the best erastes.
Yes this was all incredibly ableist, but it loosely translated to if your body wasn’t the best then your erastes wouldn’t be the best, and this in turn meant your education wouldn’t be the best. Basically, a second class body meant a second class education.
By the 5th century BC the gyms purpose had evolved into the above, and there are many references to it in classical literature. For example, we know that there were gyms in both Plato’s and Aristotles’ academies. Aside from creating pederastic couples, the gym also served as a place to (as it still is today) hang out with the bros. Things like the days weather, political affairs, and even gossip were all discussed. In classical Athens gyms were, basically, like modern day universities, where gym goers could even listen to lectures. Of course, by the Hellenistic period, this was changed a little with a shift favouring younger generations and therefore acting more like a secondary school.
By the Hellenistic period, the gym had become a well developed and regularly visited institution. One of the main reasons for this was because Hellenistic rulers, conquering new territories, wished to mark the greek identity in these new areas and one such way was by created various Panhellenic games and sending in the best Greek athletes into these new territories.
However, the main reason this makes me laugh is because of the connotations it had on Greek theatre. The chorus was made up of 12 ordinary men picked by ballot, and we know that they were exempt for military service whilst practicing for the plays. This was because of the massive religious significance of Greek theatre (which I might do a separate post on), and so being in the chorus was also a huge huge honour and responsibility. That being said, if they were exempt from military service we can assume that they were young gym-going men. The thing about the chorus, however, is that they wore the creepiest costumes ever, they kinda looked like death masks. However, the Greek chorus did a whole lot of backflips and cartwheels and were basically the proto-circ du soleil. Basically, these fit young men were going to the gym to train to be acrobats in death masks and it makes me laugh I literally can’t explain why though.
Anyways! That was a freaky insight into the kinda shit I find funny, but I hope you all enjoyed reading about the history of gym culture and gym bros and hopefully I’ll see you all next week <3
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JessLeto + Just this once, the Universe responds.
I have no idea why my brain saw this and thought "let's write Choice-era impreg" but here we are. Other people have been doing that concept gorgeously lately and I apparently needed to pounce in. Rather NSFW and also on ao3.
It takes her nearly a year to make the decision that will change the course of her life forever.
It is winter when her lover suggests it the first time, cold even in their spaces, their bodies colliding under blankets and his hands in her hair after and she has learned to be quiet in these vulnerable moments. Most reliable form of affection, usually comments about how he enjoys her, always respectful, but this time a suggestion. This time a way forward for them that would, in his mind, with the information he works with, be less scandalous than other ideas.
It is winter again, the bitterness of the first real snowstorm of the year, when Jessica listens.
There is something comforting about their intimacies, she has been given enough time to learn, something deeply suited for each other. She had no preferences before this, no experience to compare to, and perhaps she has molded herself to be perfect, but-
If she has done so, if she has changed her nature to match the man she was given to, at least there is warmth in it. He treats her well, never intent to harm, at worst feather-light fingertip bruises on her hips by accident and rare occasion and the horror in his deep eyes when he sees the marks on her skin afterwards, this is how she knows she is loved, this is-
They circle each other, something playful to it, a mutual understanding that they have time to make this what they want. Kisses between touches, slowly undoing clothing, desire pooling where she wants it and this is real, she is not shifting her levels at all, she hasn’t had to in months, she hasn’t-
You could give me a son, his voice echoes in her head though it’s been weeks since he’s said those words. Always an offer, as everything is between them, no more pressure than the just as frequent suggestions that maybe she could wear more vibrant colors for certain events. She has seen the force of him but never directed at her, and she wonders how much intent is there, how much he holds back, how much-
“You seem too far in your mind,” he murmurs as he slips her outer dress over her head.
“Considering my options.”
She has made private vows in the quiet of night like the wife she knows she will never be, promises to herself of how she will honor this dynamic that has become the most important part of her life. She will not control, she will not lie, she will not intentionally wrong. Absolute loyalty and commitment, to one person above all else, to-
“Should I worry for you?”
“I couldn’t stop you,” she laughs. She adores him for a great many reasons, she’s started to accept, but how protective he is, this sort of… not quite understanding her, they both know that will never happen, but knowing just enough to-
“Then do say-“
“Nothing to discuss. Just… want you.”
They move in silence for a while, these rituals she suspect they could both do with eyes closed and often she does but not now, not as she knows where this night will end, not as-
She knows the theory of what she is about to do but not its practice, and she retreats into her mind to make sure it works, focuses into the sacred hidden parts of her body and selects-
That one, she decides. That one will be perfect.
She can only control so much. What traits her child will acquire from the other side are out of her hands. But she knows this man she loves, knows him enough to trust their bloodlines will combine well and their child will be the best of both of them, and that is enough, and-
Jessica feels the small release of possibility at about the same moment she is fully exposed, laid out on her back with her partner’s hand between her thighs to make her soft. He is thorough in this, in everything, just aware enough of what she needs and what she likes and oh if he doesn’t-
“Get up here,” she breathes. “Get-“
There is a certain pattern to their intimacies, mutually pleasant and aligned to their natures. The solidness of him above her, the breathless moment as he sheathes himself inside her, desire manifested, slow movements, one of his hands beneath her head and the other tracing patterns on her abdomen, almost like he knows, almost-
She could ask for it, she thinks. She could tell him what she has decided to do. She could-
She is all too aware that this is, at best, completely against protocol. Generations too early. The wrong child at the wrong time. She wants anyways.
She wants, and she rolls her hips against his and leaves crescent-moon fingernail marks all over his back and he likes when she’s like this, just the slightest bit more assertive than usual, visibly enjoying herself, visibly-
“Fill me,” she murmurs. “Bloom in me.”
It takes a moment for him to process what she is suggesting, what she wants, what she-
“You would have me?”
“I would give you this. Give you-”
He shifts position just the slightest bit and their movements become even more pleasurable for her, pressure where she wants it, it was once believed that a woman must reach completion in order to conceive and she will do that now, she will-
Jessica turns up her senses even higher at the right moment, just for a heartbeat, just to make this even better, and everything is suddenly very warm.
Her partner follows soon after, as he always does, collapses against her with her name on his lips and she feels the processes begin, seed that will bloom not just be absorbed by her body, and she wraps her legs around his hips and she needs him to stay, she needs-
“You would have this,” he murmurs, no longer a question.
“You ask me for so little,” she replies. “The least I can do is-“
She turns her head to see his face better and oh she is familiar with every hybrid expression she provokes but she thinks she likes this one best, awe and adoration and-
“You would-“
“I will give you a son,” she breathes, and it sounds different in her voice than it ever did in his, this ultimate act of rebellion and yet so small, so-
He takes a kiss, soft sweet perfect, kisses all over her face and they are both terrible at speaking love but what are words compared to this, what are hidden emotions compared to-
“You would sacrifice yourself-“
“I already have, my love. The process has begun. I will be sure of it by morning, but-“
“You will tell me if-“
“I do not worry for it. I have chosen well. My body will take, and-“
More kisses, and any hesitation she still has is lost in the warmth of them. This is all her partner has ever wanted from her, all he has needed to ask for, she has otherwise responded to desire before it could be voiced but this, this is-
Eventually their bodies separate but she stays close, needs to stay close, needs this reminder of why she has done what she has just done. Love worth compromising herself for, love worth breaking the world for, love-
At some point, the both of them half-awake and one of his hands still tracing patterns on her hips, she feels something shift within the hidden parts of her body and-
Two have become three, she thinks. She has learned, in these past few years, how to love one person. She will have nine months to learn how to love another, a tiny presence she will become familiar with before it sees daylight, before-
“We are safe,” she murmurs against the curve of her partner’s neck. “Both of us.”
For now, at least. She knows just enough of what she has done, all the storms ahead, things unknown that she will have to do to keep her family safe and all of them will be worth it and all of them will be-
“Both of you,” her lover repeats, something new and warmer than ever in his voice. “All I have ever-“
“I know. I wanted… you have…”
She wants every moment of this, she thinks as her eyes close and she lets herself fall asleep in warm embrace. She wants the delight her partner will show in the months and years to come, how he will value this family of theirs, how he will protect, how he will love, how-
Nothing will change. Everything has changed. She isn’t sure how this will end. She has never wanted anything more.
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layaliahmed · 8 months
FAS3000- Primary images and narrative
Although, my initial concept was the history of the buildings and their story, along with the possibility of delving in to the fantastical building and clothes I have decided to shift my focus on to my environment more. I’d like to focus more on my surroundings like my garden and the buildings that I pass by on the way to University. I wanted to go with the overgrowth of plants, as I have plants that are so overgrown that they start to cling over my house and wall- shown in the pictures below. My neighbor’s garden also has a plant that’s overgrown onto their gate and slowly wrapping the wall as it freely spreads, which is also shown below. On the other hand, every time I pass by those old buildings it catches my attention as they stand there so abandoned and forgotten without any life left, yet the overgrown plants surrounds the building providing a protective layer against natural weather whilst also preserving it. The co-existence of plants and buildings drew me in as they look like they depend on each other whilst giving life to the abandoned buildings that were once forgotten- almost giving life and purpose to one another. Based on that I’d like my narrative to be on the co-existence of old buildings and plants. I chose the narrative of the coexistence of plants and buildings as they really fascinate me with their close relationship and coexistence between each other no matter their difference whether its shapes, colors, pattern or texture.
In addition, plants grow stronger with passing time engulfing anything in its way including old man-made things (i.e buildings) yet the old building though appears abandoned and weak still stands straight with the help of the plants as they both rely their survival and existence on one another.
Furthermore, old buildings provide a significant mark of the past history with the how they were once lively and filled with stories and so juxtaposes with how they are in the present- relying on plants to not crumble. Also, plants can co- exist with once lifeless and barren building by playing an important role in restoring, holding, and saving the old building. For example, specific plant species, such as ivy, can help protect old buildings by acting as a shield and reducing the impact of natural natural weather as mentioned above; they also act as a natural insulation. Plus, plants may be needed in old buildings as it not only gives life but also a second chance in surviving, whilst also attracting animals to live within it. The once lifeless and forgotten building would then not only be protected by the embrace of plants but also birthing new life with the attraction of insects and animals. With purpose being given to the decaying building it allows it to stand against time for a little more.
Lastly, I feel that plants and buildings are symbolic especially standing side by side. I see buildings as symbolism to many things including to us humans. I see and believe that different buildings evoke different emotions and personal memories, however, since I’m focusing on the relation and coexistence of plants and buildings I’d like to mention how they make me feel. Looking at them I see the building as something with a lot of emotions, emotions like they are about to crumble and wither away with a slight touch. I also see buildings representing emotional and mental journey where they have a lot of stories to hold and share, but feel that they may have stood for too long and might give up at anytime- showing the fragility of building without the support of plants. I could also see how the building might fall and break by the texture of the bricks/stones- reflected by its time standing. Though, I’d like to dive into the history of the building a bit I’ll be distancing from that idea and focus on the relation and coexistence of plants with the building as they relate to my narrative a lot more. As buildings grow older, it starts to weaken and so plants are needed to not only hold things together but rely on each other to protect and survive. This reflects my narrative of plants and buildings coexisting and holding each other no matter the juxtaposition between them. The embrace of plants wrapping around the building is symbolic to me as even though the plants are really different and free it still takes the initiative to protect and hold on to it. Henceforth, this shows the constant contrast of the building (dark, dull and lifless) and living plants (vibrant green tone), which can coexist and protect each other.
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I chose these photos as they clearly show the building and plants coexisting together and even relying on each other (shown in the last couple of images) by how the plants provide a layer as they grow on the building structure, whilst the building guide the plants with its shape in order for it to grow and survive. Going forward in my workshop, I will use these primary images as inspiration to reflect my narrative by the use of colours of the building and plants (mainly green and brown), the outline and inner shape of both, along with their surface texture and pattern to convey their coexistence.
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seemawrites · 1 year
24 Is Your Mid-Twenties
I sat here to begin writing my non-academic creative essay (first one ever), and I realized that majority of my writing has been me sharing extremely personal perspectives. Which makes sense, what else would I write about? It made me sit and wonder about the different writers who have written personal essays. They have obviously lived, traveled, met countless interesting people that ended up being used in fragments of their stories. I wonder when I will start writing like that. I have been given the chance to be talented, and I don’t want to waste it. Yet, I have come to learn that being a writer means finding time around your day job to sit down and write. And it’s kind of draining. I always imagined that I would have met countless people by now, and learning the ins and outs of how we operate and live with one another. But I haven’t felt that yet.
A few days ago (maybe a week now?) I realized that I’m no longer in my early twenties. I am now in my mid twenties. I didn’t feel panic about that, it was more like a “whoa, there was a huge paradigm shift of how I should view myself, yet I never noticed.” I may not have noticed, but society has sure as shit did. When my mother offered to help me and get me some new paint to clean up my room, it made me realise that I am at an age where I should have been on that myself. I have always been okay with living like a uni student, but I haven’t been a uni student in almost three years. Which means, I should be looking into doing things differently. It’s interesting that you’re never guided into these things, you’re kind of just thrown into the deep-end, like those kids swimming lessons where the instructor just tosses them in there. But the difference is that those babies have instincts to swim, where as I, do not have a natural instinct of what it is like to be an adult. I’m adaptive, which is good, but the thing with being adaptive, is that you have to notice the environment around you is changing. And this isn’t the environment around me, it’s the society and how it will begin viewing me (or maybe even has already began to view me). Sometimes, I forget that I am 24 years old. I forget that when an adult looks at me (I guess at this point, it’s just another adult) they see a “grown-up”. And I realise, maybe I haven’t done enough growing. I spent most of my teen years trying to not unalive myself, that I never really planned what “adulthood” would look like. I never thought about the type of house I wanted, or where it would be, or what I would be doing. I only started to think of these things in recent years, maybe even during university (the end of my first year maybe?).
One thing they don’t tell you about being an adult, is that you have to actually act like it. And it’s not “hmm what current events are rocking the world right now” or “I should go home and sleep instead of blowing my money on liquor” it’s more like “I need to get new furniture because the couch is getting torn up, and “the shower head stopped working, I need to find a good plumber who’s affordable that can help”. And as much as I love living in Ethiopia, it’s really hard to find those things on your own. Like you can’t just do a quick google search on “plumbers near me” (if they’re online, chances are they’re way too expensive), you need to know the know or know people who know. I wish there was a blueprint like they have one in school, where they say in order to get an A, you gotta do these things. And I’m not saying life should be completely structured like school, but having a rubric never hurt anyone. But I guess having a “one size fits all” rubric for everyone wouldn’t really work. We’re all way too different from one another. Man, I’m rambling. But my point still stays the same.
Working through the wits and ways of being an adult causes a lot of self-reflection, and could potentially turn to self-hatred, especially if you have no idea how to go about it. I wasn’t allowed to be “independent” until I made it happen for myself at uni, and even then the UK had a lot more convenience of these things than Addis does. It’s just a matter of finding ways of life that work for you, and I need to find the time to do all that, and more. Till next week guys.
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moon-cycling · 2 years
hard time falling asleep on 8.31. took until 1 am probably. just woke up around 3:40 am totally awake. had to pee. Itched a bug bite on foot which irritated it. twinge of tightness in my left hand and right calf (right side). Had a lot of anxiety and racing thoughts right before bed.
I want to examine my negative emotions and be honest with myself about what my ego is trying to tell me and the narrative it wants to write and for me to identify with.
I suppose I had some dreams about someone who gives me anxiety. Because I thought of him when I was watching the bachelorette earlier. Someone I was with who stalked me a bit, they were looking into our house in the dream. He texted me I could see it on my phone, he did this to my friend in real life too and she told me. (The text, desperate reaching for human connection). I should have more compassion for people like this. Because I do the same thing and probably resented him for it because I could tell it was ingenuine. And maybe why we got along so well at first. Both desperate for human connection, auto regulating and trying to co regulate with each other. Me lacking appreciation and care for the people closest to me, and him lacking time with his child.
That time a year ago exactly was peak chaos in my life and maybe that’s why a year later all these thoughts are hitting me. I’m reflecting on how this affected my relationship with my best friend and where we are at now. My thoughtless carnal urge for that oxytocin spike or whatever my true love gave me that summer, came between myself & the person I have coregulated with for a really long time! And all this has made me come to a conclusion on is am I having a reciprocal relationship with her & how in the past have I put my codependency issues onto my friend. Which is a deep hard thing to consider but I asked god to take away all of my healthy attachments and show me a way out of them! So I suppose I shouldn’t be upset that he woke me up and kept me awake to give me some peace within my own mind.
This trip has given me tons of god moments and downloads as they say (and they are not the same people). My leg feels less restless. The bug bite itch has subside tho tickly. My eyes are starting to want to shut.
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This just appeared on my phone. This app actually listens to what I say and type I think and shows words accordingly. These were from the last day, very very relevant to me.
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Affirming that my only focus should be my response to things, which is what I was feeling inside. And my response is really to do nothing and let things unfold. End the vigilant compulsive nature of my actions and attempts at human connection and redemption in relationship. As I respond in this way, and put compassion at the center of my heart while still looking at my ego, my experience will completely shift and has already.
I am where life needs me to be and do not doubt my journey for a second. I surrender fully to the universe experience life through me. It is a gift and all the tribulations are just there to bring me closer to god. It’s not some endless cycle of negativity and there is nothing wrong with me. I am a human being subjected to human emotions, in a female body at that with naturally cycling hormones that shift my experience constantly in order to have a creative life force and enjoy the dropping of masks, the revealing of reality through stronger emotion. Energy in motion! I accept my energy and do not identify or blame myself for it.
I really aught to take a look at those prompts from polysecure again. The A in hearts, attunement, I believe. The heart of the hearts framework. Heart is a really beautiful place to be and I continue to live in the heart space.
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