#I think Eren taught history
Don’t know if anyone’s still active in this fandom but do any of y’all remember a cute teacher high school fic of Eren and Levi? They were both teachers, Eren was the lovable fun teacher while Levi was a hardass, but their students wanted them to get together anyways? Eren was also Mikasa’s guardian.
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cinellieroll · 2 months
☆ random aot headcanons!
eren, armin, mikasa, sasha, connie <3
cw: modern au, slight angst but nothing too graphic. there might be grammar errors too bc fuck proofreading honestly
small note: so the reason why i took so long to post is because i had to do a lot of things and my old draft got fucking DELETED and that affected my motiviation to write so...im so sorry 😭
- during armins childhood he used to be scared of dogs until he came over eren's house often. his fear of dogs eventually disappeared. (i hc that erens family had a dog that time and its a german shepherd)
- armin has had his own small shelf of books ever since he was a baby! he got his bookwork attitude from his father.
- meanwhile he got his manipulating skills from his mama (and no i don't mean this in a bad way. armins mom is a girlboss.)
- went to church every sunday when he was young till his early teens. eventually stopped because he became more and more devoted in school.
- every year he looks forward to vacations the most because thats where he gets to visit his other relatives in the province! they live nearby the ocean and armin always receives trinkets and seashells from them.
- if you ever get to live with armin expect a lot of magnets on the fridge. especially if they're beach related like seashells, squids and fish!
- always has chapstick everywhere he goes especially in school because he has a bad habit of biting on the skin on his lips.
- loaded with stationery bro like you name it, he has it
- he's kind of a picky eater and also has a few allergies like shrimp or a specific fish.
- had a lot of game merch as a kid. minecraft, fortnite, etc. you name it, he has it.
- very much a computer addict during his teenage years. his parents constantly scolded him for it and they eventually got tired of scolding him lmao
- has been sent to the guidance quite many times because of his recklessness. like every fucking school year you'll hear my boy in the guidance.
- the fact that jean has teased him way too many times because of it doesn't help
- one of those bitches who turns their pfp into a black screen and posts on his story "hiatus." then comes back the next day
- mikasa was mainly the one who taught him to drive, including levi
- road rage thats all im sayin
- during elementary and highschool there's never a day where he doesn't fall asleep in class. usually falls asleep in math or history
- always compares heights with mikasa to sew if he finally grew taller than her
- entered her goth phase once she reached highschool
- from other peoples perspective, they'd think miksasa would be a smoker but in truth she actually hates it. one of her main priorities are self care after all
- very strict with her work out routine. she can't miss a day of it unless it's her cheat day
- her cheat day is like once every 3 months bro
- but it's good for you because she lets you join her. if you're lucky she'll let you sit on your back while she does push ups ;)
- joined jujitsu and taekwando with eren when they were younger
- started walking to school by her own or with eren and armin when she turned 15
- always rolls her eyes or side eye people unintentionally
- very protective of her girl friends. if you're close enough with her she'll always accompany you everywhere like how she does with eren. she's constantly asking where you are on weekends and on school days she'll be waiting for you outside your classroom breaks.
- enjoys and i mean ENJOYS going to the mall and always look forward to cinemas. she'll invite all her friends for a good movie date!
- her favorite genre is horro and likes to watch conjuring with connie.
- her favorite color is purple and yellow!
- another one who falls asleep in class alongside connie
- after school convenience store hangoutd are very common when you're friends with her!
- if you're in a friend group with her and you feel left out, she'll most likely be the one to notice.
- no worries, she'll make you feel right at home!
- (istg this is the reason why ppl cry over her death i lub her sm..)
- very loud and obnoxious laughs but its okay because it's sasha
- is a basketball varsity student! to be honest he likes every sport where he gets to run and jump alot because it "fuels" something inside of him
- no school items whatsoever like he lost all of them after a month. he prays for the best and just picks up pens and pencils on the ground.
- always does bets with his friends. usually consists of who will treat everyone free food after school
- likes banana icecream / popsicles. like the ones where you peel it and stuff. also a slurpee lover. dude he just buys anything he finds delicious in the store
- sings out loud in the hallways when he's in an especially good mood. bro he got scoldes by the teachers once
- mainly teases jean out of all his friends but i feel like thats already canon
- also glides his hand on the ceilings when he gets the chance
- his bag smells like ass
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aengelren · 1 year
I’ve gotten this asked a couple of times, so I’ll pin it as an answer to why I love Eren so much.
Happy birthday, Eren
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A few years ago, I tried to convince my brother to watch Brooklyn nine nine. He told me he’d watch one episode in exchange of me watching an episode of Attack on titan. Reluctantly, I gave in, and the rest is history. The ups, downs, tears, laughter I’ve experienced with this story is beyond what I expected that night. But the thing I’ll hold most precious, is finding Eren: my favorite character of all time.
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He’s so full of emotions and he expresses them so vividly, it made it hard not to feel for him. I was immediately beholden by him. From that very first episode. In shock over his strong morality, the questions he had about the world. About his existential view of it. “Life has no meaning? I’ll create my own.” How he felt so strongly about his rights, about being caged, but mostly, how he acted upon those thoughts. It was simply inspiring. Not the actions itself, but how he went through hell and back for his goals. With his will alone. He wasn’t made that way, or taught that was. It’s his very nature. “I’ve always been me…”
Does freedom have morality? I saw an Aot analysis asking this great question. Is Eren not free because his freedom doesn’t align with your definition of it? It doesn’t matter that I disagree with his view, it’s his. And his blatant pursuit for it makes him free. He’s never been held back by authority, fear. While other people run from titans, Eren hurls himself towards them. Whereas a “normal” human usually has to fight to keep going, Eren always fights to hold back. He’s in a constant state of wanting to go all out, a maximalist. He learns to control his urges, to embrace his destructive nature and go after his desires. Even though he KNOWS they are wrong. But they feel right for him, so he’ll do it. He cries for his victims, yet he still kills them. He never denies being a monster, like Levi said in s1, “he can’t be caged. He will never submit to anyone.” Imagine being so free that no amount of destruction or judgment can change the path you want to follow. Having thousands of years worth of pain impose your brain in form of memories, messes you up. But even with all that, he kept moving forward. Making his limited time alive account for something instead of sitting back, accepting fate. Following the battle of Eren vs himself, exploring his hypocritical, contradicting, sympathetic mind, has been an absolute pleasure. I don’t think you can learn enough.
You know how you wish you didn’t care about what people thought of you? Or social norms? He never did. Even from a young age. The way his mind works and how he never shy’s away from his beliefs. There are many parts of Eren I look up to. Like how he’s always a raw version of himself. There are also many traits of his that I relate to. His anger, grief, his self hatred. The part I can’t relate to is the sheer willpower he has. Eren is a literal physical manifestation of pursuing his will. Not naturally intelligent like Armin, not physically strong like Mikasa. He moves forward, alone, only through the strength of his mind. He grew up in a loving home, yet killed ruthlessly as a kid. It’s the ultimate discussion about Nature vs nurture. I know he helped a lot of people like he did with me, the level of nuances are insane and there’s tons to discuss. But I just wanted to talk a bit about why i love him so much, even if it’s just for myself. One thing that i know many of us can relate to is how lonely Eren felt through his hardest times. Yes, he was surrounded by people but no one ever asked him what was wrong, even though he had visibly changed. And even though being alone is “what he wanted, we all know he wouldn’t mind a shoulder to cry on. Everyone has a limit. (My love for him is limitless.) There’s nothing I don’t appreciate about his character. Happy birthday, Eren ♡
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finecutvoidsalt · 1 year
reflecting on my education in middle and high school is fucking wild. like it's a miracle i didn't become some kind of fascist with how they were prepping me to fall down the far right pipeline. christian private schools will literally just teach you anything huh
like I just had a memory beam into my head of my history teacher teaching us that andrew jackson was actually totally cool and that he was only held back by those pesky laws that didn't let him genocide ALL the natives. like what the fuck is that. how did I hear that and think it was normal. trick question it's because i was a (undiagnosed autistic) child and my brain was squishy enough that I was still absorbing everything authority figures told me as absolute truth. even if something sounded wrong, everyone else around me says it's ok, so I guess it is?? type shit
thank fuck I had a genderfluid friend in high school. Eren if you're out there I need you to know you probably saved me from becoming an ultra far-right dumbass, you actually got me thinking about other groups of people as actually PEOPLE. we were already friends before they realized they were genderfluid and (very patiently) explained the concept to me. my autistic ass was like "wait people can feel like their gender? It's not just a label that's arbitrarily placed on you and you just accept it?" and THAT took me a hot minute to figure out (tbh I still don't really understand because I've never felt that strong of a connection to my own gender, but I understand enough that it is important to a lot of people and to be respectful and that's what matters most I think. so thank you for that eren)
but still, that was only my first, tiniest baby step out of the hyper-religious and conservative bubble I was raised in. i try not to be too angry at past-me for all the bullshit I believed in, I was very much a product of my environment and I did change once I was exposed to other people and religions, but. man. I was looking though old school assignments a while back (and yes I still have them because I have a weird fear of throwing away certain things like homework/paperwork, regardless of the fact that I'm no longer in school), and WOW that shit was racist as hell. holy fuck. WHY was I taught that the Catholic crusades were a good thing????
Also I was exclusively taught that Capitalism Good and Communism Evil. we read Ayn Rand and were told that the invisible hand was awesome and that all governmental regulations on economics are terrible. also taxes are bad. poor people deserve to live the way they do because they are just Bad With Money and the government shouldn't support them financially because uhhhhh reasons. If I was talking to a Church Person they would follow that up with "the church should be the ones supporting the poor, not the government" and I would be like "so why aren't churches supporting the poor" and they'd be like "well not all churches follow the bible like Us, The True Christians" and then I respond "so who is supporting the poor if the government shouldn't be allowed to and the churches won't?" and they would say "uhhhhh why don't you go hang out with the other teens ahaha"
huge shout out to this one girl I knew in my old church, who managed to see past all the bs and was a very staunch feminist. girl I am SO sorry for all the stupid shit I said to you. I my brain was poisoned from all the indoctrination and steven crowder I was watching on youtube. Society IS fucked and I'm sorry I was so annoying about being like "um well, acktually, statistically—" god I was so fucking stupid. She's still out there being a leftist/feminist icon somewhere cause I heard her family being like "she needs prayers for her to Return To God". although there's also the chance she's a terf now or something, can't discount the fact that she was also raised hyper religious and to hate trans people, that shit sticks in your brain if you don't take steps to address it
ANYWAY all this to say, thank FUCK I escaped that line of thinking. so thankful to all the online communities that opened me up to left leaning politics and supporting LGBTQ+ people, and even more thankful to all my LGBTQ+ friends who have been patient with me (and welcomed me into the community!! shout out to my other aroaces) and answered my questions in good faith over the years, I'm genuinely trying to be better <3 I'm under no illusions that I'm finished learning, I'm sure there's still plenty of shit beliefs hiding somewhere in my psyche that I haven't figured out yet, but I'm staying open to change and to listening to others' experiences and beliefs!!
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Shingeki no Kyojin Part IV: Themes
Shingeki no Kyojin Part IV: Themes 
To continue, in this post I’d like to talk about some of the themes that are present throughout the story. I think entire essays could be written about these themes, not only talking about the anime but making analogies with the world's history as well, but by the means of this post, I won’t go that deep.
Spoilers ahead:
So, I’d like to start with one that is often associated with Eren: Freedom. 
At first, for Eren freedom is being able to live outside, to explore the world beyond the walls and not being forced to live like “sheeps”. But when the colossal titan breaks the wall and titans attack Shiganshina, we are tempted to believe as viewers that freedom may not be what Eren thinks it is. From the very first episode, Eren has to constantly face the true and dark nature of what he desires. For example, in season 3 when the survey corps were finally able to retake Shiganshina and it seemed like all titans were gone, they were “free” to go out and explore beyond the walls. There was a feeling of happiness, they’ll finally get to see the ocean as they’d dreamed when they were children. But for Eren it felt different. He was somehow aware of a darker truth that his friends and allies were not seeing. Eren then realized that their enemies were no longer mindless evil monsters. With his feet in the sea, the same sea he longed to see for years, Eren said “If we kill all our enemies…over there…will we finally…be free?” as he pointed to the horizon. Everything he had done at the moment was so he could finally be where he was in that episode, everything was done in the name of freedom. After finally achieving his goal, he came to realize that they were other people seeking to take it away from him and his loved ones. In his effort to preserve it, he became a monster as the only solution he found was to exterminate the rest of the world so his people would survive. Freedom is a concept that has evolved as Eren’s world grows and reveals itself as complex.
When we’re introduced to the outside world, we’re also introduced to racial themes. Eldians living in Marley are a great example of this. They are taught from birth that they must feel ashamed for who they descend from, they must repent for crimes they haven’t committed but they must feel honoured to ever become a warrior for a government and a society that despises them. They’re living in racial guilt. Another example of this is the comparison between Zeke and Eren when it comes to their idea of solving the conflict. On one hand, Zeke believes his own people must be eradicated to bring peace, and on the other Eren thinks quite the opposite as he believes it’s the rest of the world that must be eradicated for the sake of his people. That difference means Zeke is actually the one that acts upon what he was taught all his life in Marley, therefore he’s indoctrinated. As for Eren, well, he’s traumatized after all the suffering he has witnessed. 
Another interesting theme is morality. Firstly, every character in the show has done a pretty horrible thing or two, no matter how “good” they are (Armin). On the other hand, the characters that are “bad” are not really bad people, as from their perspective they had a motive for their actions (Gabi). Now, an example of the treatment of morality in the show is portrayed in the Eldia and Marley conflict. Eldians living outside Paradis are kept in camps and seen even by themselves as “demons”. They are taught to believe it’s justified and that they need to pay for the actions of their ancestors. The idea of eldians being demons forever despite their never-ending will to atonement is the core perspective of all society in Marley. Annie, Reiner and Bertholdt’s (and many others, actually, like Gabi) actions as warriors are the result of indoctrination. That’s the reason why they thought they were doing the right thing when they attacked Shiganshina, as they believed they weren’t attacking and killing people but demons as that was the way they could prove they were “good eldians”. Reiner’s breakdown when Marco died is the moment when reality hit him. He realized what he had done to a new-found friend, someone he could no longer see as a demon as he was taught to do. Marley lied to him and now look what he’s done. What was moral to them wasn’t for eldians in Paradis nor the audience, because we were not given their perspective from the beginning. After all, morality relies quite heavily on perspective. For the most part of the show, the audience sides with eldians as we know that they’re not demons nor guilty for the crimes they were not even aware of that were committed in the past. Marleyans think that the way they treat eldians is moral, as from their perspective, they deserve it.
Speaking of Marley, it’s also a good example of a false morality. As we know, King Fritz, the eldian king, used Ymir and the power of titans to conquer and submit nations such as Marley. Eldians were the oppressors for years and years until Marley overthrew Eldia and took control of most of the nine titans. As a result, many eldians and their king escaped to Paradis and built the walls to protect them. Many of the eldians that were left in Marley were transformed into pure titans and sent off to Paradis, and others were put into camps, segregated from the rest of society and oppressed. The very next moment Marley stopped being the victim it became the oppressor.
Finally, one theme I’d also like to discuss is violence. For me, it has always been interesting how violence is portrayed in films and series and the discussion that surrounds this topic (how it’s represented, when it feels like a glamorized representation, and so on). So, in AOT violence is portrayed as something inherent to nature and life, because it’s the way we keep on living. Eren and Mikasa are alive because they chose violence to survive the threat the men that killed Mikasa’s parents represented. The cycle of violence is in fact the cycle of life, as Mikasa realizes in that same flashback. Marley is another example of this never-ending cycle as they decided to oppress the descendants of the people that oppressed them in the past, instead of breaking the cycle.
That’s it for now. I hope I’ve been fair to this masterpiece, because it truly deserves to be talked about.
Francia Durán.
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meatmechapilot · 2 years
AU August 2022 Day 5 - Teachers
Remedial Health Class: Lessons
Summary: Eren skips health class and has to take make up classes with the history teacher, Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith is very seriously about education and gives Eren thorough lessons.
Eren trudged to the detention room after class, feeling very annoyed.  He didn't care about some health class.  In fact, he feels very strongly that he didn't need to take the school's health class since his father was a doctor, if he had any question, would ask his dad.  His parents, however, didn't feel the same and refused to sign the form to opt-out, so he had to get creative in skipping class.  Unfortunately, skipping class landed him in trouble, which is why he's on his way to detention instead of home.
Eren opened the door to Room 104, the designated detention room, and found that there were no other students inside.  That's weird, he thought, but sat down.  Maybe he can do some homework during detention.  Eren pulled out his books and attempted to do the assigned reading when the door opened, and the teacher showed up.
Eren thought the teacher was going to be Ms. Zoe, the science teacher who normally teach health class, but it turned out to be Mr. Smith, the history teacher.  Eren perked up.  Mr. Smith was a dreamboat and every girl in school had a crush on him.  According to them, Mr. Smith is mature and intelligent, and a perfect gentleman.  As a gay boy, Eren was inclined to agree.  He definitely had some naughty fantasy about his history teacher, him and his friend Armin both.
Mr. Smith had a brief case that he put on the desk.  Eren tried to look busy.  After all, it's kind of awkward being the only student there.
"So, Eren," Mr. Smith said, "can you tell me why you are in detention?"
Eren resisted the urge to roll his eye, "It's because I skipped health class."  He answered.
"You're a good student otherwise, why do you feel the need to skip class?" Mr. Smith asked, he didn't sound angry or annoyed at all.
"Because I already know the material." Eren answered.  It's true, he did know all about the human reproductive system, the mechanics of sex, and all sorts of horrible STDs one could get.  His father especially made sure the drill the information on STDs into Eren's head, as a way to scare Eren away from having sex in high school.
"Really?" Mr. Smith asked, though he looked nonplussed.  "Why don't you tell me what you know and let me assess if you've grasped the material?"
Now Eren did roll his eyes and proceeded to go through the spiel his dad gave him, every year after he turned twelve.  Eren didn't get why his father refused to sign the op-out form when he already taught everything he needed to know.
"That's very good, Eren" Mr. Smith said after Eren's recital, "you do indeed know your book material, however" here he paused and begin taking things out from his briefcase, "it doesn't seem like you have any practical, hands-on experience, correct?"
Eren see the items that Mr. Smith pulled out of his briefcase and his face heated up.  There is no way, he thought, this is like something out of his wildest fantasies.  "I don't think I should get hands-on experience of this subject from my dad, Mr. Smith."
"Indeed, that would have been most inappropriate." Mr. Smith agreed, "but as your teacher, it would be remiss for me to not address the holes in your education."  Eren perked up, this was not fantasy, this was really happening.  Armin was going to be so jealous.
"Let's start with condoms," Mr. Smith pulled out a pack on condoms and passed on to Eren.  "Since we don't have any bananas here, we are going to have to use the real thing."  Mr. Smith then dropped his pants, revealing an impressive length that's already hard.  Eren's face is the color of tomatoes right now, but he refuses to lose his nerve.  He was about to hopefully lose his virginity to the dreamiest teacher in school.
With trembling hands, Eren tried to put the condom on Mr. Smith's considerable cock.  Mr. Smith had to demonstrate for him first, but it finally succeeded.  
"The next lesson should safe oral sex," Mr. Smith declared, waiting expectantly.  Eren dropped to his knees and approached Mr. Smith with both trepidation and excitement.  His only experience with sex was a clumsy blow job with Reiner, a closeted jock, he hoped that it's adequate for his teacher.
Eren licked his lips and started tentatively attempting to take Mr. Smith's dick in his mouth.  He tried to take it all the way in only to start gagging.  He felt Mr. Smith's hand in his hair, pulling him back while he caught his breath.  
"Don't be so hasty," Mr. Smith said, "take it in a little at a time."  Eren tried again, this time, he stopped trying to take Mr. Smith's dick all the way in when it hit the back on his throat.  He doesn't know how he could manage to make it fit.  Embarrassed, he attempted to suck on it.  "Use your hands as well."  Eren did so, but he didn't know what he was doing.
Finally, Mr. Smith took pity on him and decided to change lesson plans.  "We'll work on your oral skills at a later date.  I will be going over the appropriate use of lubricants during sex now."  Eren stood up, and Mr. Smith mentioned for him to sit on the desk and remove his pants.
Eren obliged, despite the failed blow job, his own cock is also hard.  Mr. Smith pulled out a bottle of lube.  "What experience do you have with anal sex?"
Eren blushed, "I'm a virgin," he mumbled, "but I've fingered myself before."
Mr. Smith nodded and gave Eren the bottle, "show me what you know."  Eren coated his index and middle fingers with the lube and proceeded to finger himself, trying to find his own prostate.  Mr. Smith must have been impatient as well, because he too coated his fingers with lube and joined in.  
Eren's face was beet red, this was the first time anything other than his own fingers penetrated him.  He didn't have time to think before Mr. Smith started fingering him like a pro, working him open.  It felt weird and uncomfortable at first, but Mr. Smith quickly located his prostate, and the weird feeling was replaced by pleasure.  Eren moaned a little, while Mr. Smith added at third finger, stretching him wider.  It felt so good that Eren started absently stroking his dick, looking for relief.
Mr. Smith judged that Eren was ready and had him bend over the desk.  Then he lined his cock with Eren's ass and pushed in.  Eren tried to brace himself, but Mr. Smith's cock was a lot bigger than his fingers and it was quite painful.  Eren's yelped and his eyes teared up, he felt Mr. Smith make soothing motions on his sides and soon enough, he adjusted to the girth.
As soon as Mr. Smith felt Eren relax, he begins to move.  The pace was slow at first but increased in speed.  For Eren, the pain of penetration has long since been replaced by mind blowing pleasure, causing him to moan shamelessly, his voice ringing in the empty classroom.  He could hear Mr. Smith grunt occasionally, not as unaffected as it seemed.
After being pounded into the desk for what feels like ages, Mr. Smith's wrapped his arm around his waist and started stroking his cock.  Between the teacher's clever fingers and his cock hitting his prostate, Eren didn't last long and finally came.  Mr. Smith fucked him through his orgasm, but it didn't take long for him to reach climax.  
After long moments of panting, Mr. Smith pulled out.  He took off the condom and threw it into the trash and started gathering his thing.  It took longer for Eren to recover, when he did, he started putting his underwear and pants back on.  That was definitely not what he expected out of detention.
"This was a very productive first lesson and you did very well," Mr. Smith said, "don't forget, your detention is for every week for the next two months."  Eren grinned, he's actually looking forward to detention now.
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queerfics · 2 years
cute things about dating jasper as a human
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at school
sharing headphones during class
it took some convincing on your part, and carlisle still has some distaste for it, but he lets you copy his history homework. carlisle doesn’t object too much considering jasper hates his science classes and you end up doing a lot of that work for him, so it keeps jasper out of unnecessary attention
his family finds it funny that he goes back to school shopping with you. he lets you pick him out colorful notebooks and nice pens that he’s absolutely never going to use. they pile up in the corner of his room.
sometimes you’re able to convince him to take you into the woods and read to you while you eat lunch
he isn’t afraid to to drag you out of the school and into the backseat of his car
holds all the doors open for you:)
like edward, he wants you to fully experience life as a human, so he asks you to every dance with flowers. if you don’t want to go, he plans something more private for the two of you, like a fancy dinner or sometimes just a night in at his house
he doesn’t take his own notes, but he likes watching you take yours, and if the teacher goes too fast he’ll catch you up. your notes are a little jumble of two handwritings now
told you something not very well known about the war and laughed at your confusion when the teacher taught it wrong
he takes you to and from school. he knocks on your door, says hello to your parents if they’re there, and carries your books out to the car. kisses you sweetly and opens the door for you. offers to get you some coffee if you seem extra tired and makes sure you’ve eaten breakfast. if you haven’t, he definitely takes you back to his house, and he and esme will make you something to eat
the teachers all think he has some sort of anxiety disorder and you find it a little amusing, considering how cocky he is literally anywhere outside of class
outside of school
he had a rough upbringing, so he (and the rest of his family) are very grateful that he finally gets to experience being a teenager with you
takes you to bookstores late at night (i hc that he loves to read)
purposefully messes up his outfit so you will pull him to the side and help him fix it
climbs through your window late at night with a goofy grin, pins you down and kisses you like his life depends on it
he is definitely seen a lot more around town now that you two are together. most of the time it’s with you, but he’s started to develop a small friendship with the old florist that he frequents
i think jasper does really well in most family situations, especially if you’re siblings are all like 12+ and less rowdy. parents like him because he’s polite, and he knows how to entertain people in conversation
you’re obsessed with how his hair looks half up (think eren yeager bun). he doesn’t get it, but he lets you put it up when it’s just the two of you
jasper is absolutely not afraid to show PDA in front of his family. nothing too crazy, but he will whisper sweet things (that they obviously can hear. vampires. duh 🙄) to you, keep his hand on your back, kiss your temple, slip in some cheeky joke that has someone slapping the back of his head. no one teased him for affection though, they know how long he’s waited, and they know firsthand how deep your bond is
indulges in your silly teenage antics. he makes sure you’re safe when you decide to climb on the roof, takes you out to eat diner food late at night, takes you wading in creeks and shows you some pretty damn old rocks, leaves you simple love notes that make your hormone crazy heart swoon
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bestruction · 3 years
Falling in love with a marleyan pt1
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N/a: this request got me thinking a lot 😅 i guess that's why is so long and because of that, i'll be making a pt2 for Eren. I'm sorry for it, anon and thank you for sharing such great ideia with me💞 please let me know if you like it
(I inspired myself a little bit in this hc)
You can read the pt.2 here
- Reiner Braun
Since you were the daughter of an important general of the Marley army, you were always around in the headquarters learning about the military service. It was your dad's wish that you could bring honor to the family and for the country.
You never understood really well the importance of all that. You were just a kid.
So when he got busy, you preferred to walk around looking for something interesting instead of listening to hours of a conversation you didn't even understand.
And that's how you met Reiner.
One day, after picking up some book about the history of Marley and Eldia, you went to the patio to sit under the shade of a tree to read. Not long after, other children appeared, running and tired, and since you were behind the tree, none of them had noticed you until then.
“Take a breath and try to reach us later, Reiner. The commander will not like it if you don't finish the training ” said an older voice.
You heard footsteps drift away, and only the owner of the painting breath stays.
You were curious to know who it was since you had never seen children in the area. You came out from behind the tree with the tissue you carried in your pocket in hand to offer to the sweaty stranger.
He was astonished at first, and you noticed the golden armband on his arm.
He was an eldian warrior candidate.
Reiner stared at you for a few more seconds before accepting the tissue. He was afraid to offend whoever you were. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and bit his lips, not knowing whether to keep the delicate tissue or give it back.
The tissue dirty with the sweat of an eldian, but still the tissue of a Marley citizen.
"You can keep it if you want"
"thank you,"  He said almost in a whisper. "But don't you prefer that I take it to wash and then bring it back to you?"
"You don't need to bring it back, but if you want to, I'll be here waiting for you tomorrow"
Reiner ran again without looking back. He did not know how to act after that and when he returned home, he washed the white tissue hidden from his mother to return it to you the next day. He did not expect to see you, so when you came out smiling from behind the tree like the day before, he was more than surprised.
“You brought it! Thanks"
You told him your name and noticed his eyes widen when he heard your last name. It was hard not to know who your father was in the army. So you didn't find it strange and asked the boy's name.
“Reiner. Rainer Braun ”
You smiled again, which made you wonder what was so funny.
"I'm sorry. It's just that it is a name that suits you so much that it is funny. It means warrior. That's what you are ”
You responded by pointing at his armband.
Reiner blushed more than he wanted to admit. Never had a girl said anything like that to him, let alone a marleyan girl.
"It's a pity that we can't talk for more than a few minutes, Reiner. I was never able to talk to an eldian so closely ”
He nodded with his head, still trying to ignore the blush on his cheeks, but it was unsuccessful since you then proposed the last thing that would go through his head.
Your father was indeed a general, but he did not see the eldians as inferior beings. That had been the reason he had entered the military career, had the slightest chance of being able to change that view, that was the honor he wanted you to bring. So he taught you the same thing.
To talk to someone like Reiner was not repulsive, but something that you longed to be able to learn more about the eldians in a narrative that was not what you saw at school.
That's why you proposed that you exchange letters. Secrets so as not to cause any kind of problem for him. He would leave his letter in the hollow trunk of the tree, and you would do the same when you couldn't meet in those brief seconds of his training.
He accepted more for fear of you than willingly, but as you talked about each other's daily lives, about the details you observed in each other, and the disguised looks when you passed by the quarter,  this fear gave way to a sincere friendship.
And without either of you realizing in something else.
When he was chosen to inherit the armored titan, you cried for hours in your room in secret, hugging the box where you hid all the letters exchanged for knowing what that meant.
And then he realized that you had fallen in love with the eldian of the letters.
It all happened very fast. You didn't have time to go to the quarter to see if he had left something on the tree and then read in the paper about the group of warriors sent to the demon island.
You never forget about him.
The years passed, and when Reiner returned, you had just taken a patent for being useful in strategy in other wars and thanks to your family's name.
He didn't expect you to remember him, and after everything that happened, he couldn't even think about it much.
But that thought changed when you whispered to him as you passed down the hall without anyone noticing:
"Look in the tree"
Like when you were kids, you had left a letter in the tree, and for some reason that he didn't know how to explain, it brought a certain comfort to his heart.
In the letter, you said how much you missed him. You had written for the old days since you two could talk without bringing any problem to him because you were in the army too. You asked him to meet you in the most deserted building in the area to talk better.
Reiner went to the place, and after seeing you up close for a longer time, he was sure that time had made you a beautiful woman. You talked for a few hours, and it was as if the two of you had gone back to being a child without the traumas he suffered in Paradis and the ones you got on the battlefield.
Once again, time passed, with you two talking cautiously as a precaution, exchanging a note here and there, meeting when you could.
You were the one who gave Reiner the strength to continue.
• It didn't take long for the childhood crush to become love, and the more you two tried to ignore it, the more evident it became until one day on impulse, in one of the many meetings in that building you kissed him.
And he reciprocated.
Your relationship was not easy. It would be a scandal if anyone knew. That's why you rented an apartment farther from the city to meet with more privacy without anyone knowing.
It was not easy, but you loved each other.
Reiner was your first love and your first time, and even with all the disadvantages, you would never choose someone else for that.
And now you're pregnant.
You haven't been feeling very well in the past few months, but you didn't worry too much because you thought it was just a war result, thanks to the stress that started after Paradis. Now, as a commander, you had more work than ever.
But after throwing up your favorite food, you decided to go to a doctor.
The doctor wanted to share the good news with your father, but no one knew about you and Reiner, nor should he. So you just made up an excuse like:
“I want to tell myself. Please keep it confidential ”  
And went home.
Part of you is happy, and the other is unable to stop “what if?”
What if someone finds out who the baby's father is?
What if Reiner doesn't react well to the news?
Raising a baby is already a difficult task, creating a baby that should not exist in the eyes of everyone ...
You didn't know what to do.
You needed to speak to Reiner as soon as possible.
With the end of the war and Marley's victory, you met in the apartment you had rented some time ago.
You waited for him to lie down next to you on the bed, and while caressing your face, you said:
"I’m pregnant"
Reiner sat on the bed and ran a hand through his hair. He was serious, he didn't need to ask if you were kidding.
"How long?"
"Two mouths"
He got up and paced the room before looking back at you.
"What are you going to do?"
"So now is just me, hm?"
“That’s not what I mean, baby” He snorts heavily “I just don’t know what to say”
“Maybe a‘ I’m here with you' it'd be enough, Reiner”
"You know I’m"
"Do i?"
Reiner saw you cry a few times, but the image of you sitting on the bed where you shared so many moments with your eyes full of tears will always be the hardest to forget in his mind.
     He comes to you, and without saying anything, he cries with you until both are calmer.
     Leaving the subject for later was not the smartest decision to make, but for now, it was what you both needed. So you decided to talk after Willy Tybur's speech that was going to happen that night.
     That night, you expected to end up in Reiner's arms and not having to run to save yourself, Falco, and Gabi.
     And even less shouting his name in a random window to wake him up.
    It was your voice that woke him up to fight. It was your voice that made him overcome the desire to die. It was your voice that gave him hope to move forward, and for your voice, for you, he would find a way to work things out.
     You stayed by his bedside every day while he was in the infirmary, which generated a lot of rumors about your compassion for the eldian.
     When Reiner woke up plagued by yet another of many nightmares, he thought he started to dream when he saw your warm smile.
    On an impulse, you hugged him tightly, leaving Pieck and Pig shocked across the room.
“I knew it. I knew you’d be fine ”You said without let him go.
“I'm here for you, baby” He answered, hugging you back. "For you two"
"How did you get the commander pregnant ?!" You heard Porco's voice.
“Pock, I thought you already knew how these things work at that age” teased Pieck.
“Don’t act like you’re not thinking the same!”
“Let’s go outside, and I’m going to explain to you how mama and papa Galliard made you” She teased again by pulling him out of the infirmary and winking at you.
She knew. Of course, she knew. Nothing escaped Pieck's perception.
    You told your parents about the pregnancy, afraid to tell you who the baby's father was. They understood the situation and helped you both throughout your pregnancy.
    Reiner always showed up at your house around dawn to make sure no one saw him. He always wanted to know how you were doing and compensate you in some way for not being able to go out and see you as a partner would do.
     Many rumors arose about who your baby's father would be, but you tried not to care since it was all rumors after all.
When you went into labor, it was a mess. The initial plan was that he would not come to your house so as not arouse suspicion. Pieck and Porco tried to convince him not to go, but he ran up to your house and entered the back. He couldn't stop thinking about your face. He couldn't leave you alone in a moment like this.
     And honestly, you were more than relieved when you saw the blonde enter your room, hold your hand, and repeat the same words from the day of the infirmary:
“I’m here for you, for you two”
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animeniac-writings · 3 years
Titan!Eren x reader (sort of) Ain’t SFW
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This fic is in part dedicated to @ererokii​ who wrote about that titan tongue and sent my mind into making this. You are responsible. 
Anime: Shingeki no Kyojin
It was still barely the crack of dawn, before the sun was visible in the sky, before you had finished fastening the straps on your uniform, before the birds had even fully woken up.
Yet your door was flung open slamming back against the wall with enough force to wake up anyone who was still smart enough to be unconscious. 
“Good morning Commander Hanji, how are you this morning Commander Hanji?” You calmly continued buttoning your shirt while she waved off your snark with a look of undampened enthusiasm across her face.
Something that would surely put fear into some unlucky souls today, and it seems you should be the first one of them.
“Yes, yes, good morning, it’s morning?” She walked in the room past you to pace in the center of the room, mumbling in thought with gears almost visibly turning in her head. 
“Doesn’t matter! This is important, it could be a breakthrough in understanding titan shifters and priceless knowledge to use against them.”
You had slipped on your jacket and tried to brace yourself when she turns back to you, eyes shining with glee. 
“So will you do it? Will you fuck his titan? I would gladly participate in this experiment myself but Moblit says “That would be inappropriate” and “honestly rather disturbing” and “an invasion of privacy on the highest levels.” She rolled her eyes mocking Moblit’s words with air quotes. 
“Well, Commander, no disrespect but as his titan form has no genitals and his tongue’s as thick as a pig, no.” 
She deadpanned, face falling flat and starring at you sharply. “Look me in the eye and tell me you’ve never done anything nasty with those 15 meters.”
“Exactly! So you’ll do it?” There was no arguing with her plans, there never was. 
“You know, some of the stuff you come up with is really intrusive Commander.” 
“I’ve been told that many times!” She grabbed your wrist and was tugged you along with her down the hallway.
You stood beside the Commander in a small clearing, 3DMG prepped and ready, staring up at Eren’s titan form that awaited “A fantastic new experiment!” as far as he knew.
“So you want me to slice open his neck, crawl inside, and start jacking him off?”
Hanji was practically vibrating in excitement, gripping her notes clipboard tight enough you think it would break soon. 
Moblit was called to help transcribe the coming events but was standing off to the side looking like he’d rather Eren step on him.
The titan looked down towards you and huffed through his nose in question.
“Yes! That way we’ll know how disrupting the body inside the titan effects it’s actions!”
You’re rather impressed at how professional she can appear while telling you to give your boyfriend, her no. 1 specimen, a handjob.
Moblit seemed to have steeled his nerves and stomach walking back towards you both, you acknowledge and give him a curt nod. “Since all of history was black lined, I hope everything we do gets put into history books so people will read it and wonder what the fuck was wrong with us.” 
You take a deep breath and angle your gear ready to launch. “And molesting him would give better results than say, one of those tiny knee hammers? Poking him with a fork?”
She shakes her head as if you’re the ridiculous one. 
“Not enough physical stimulation for a definitive reaction.” She mulls over her thoughts for a short moment. “But you could cut off his leg while you’re in there?’
“Honestly, I’d rather not.” Your face scrunches at the sensation whiplash your poor boyfriend would get. “And the reason for not telling him what I’m going to do it because?”
She ignores your question, only briefly having said something before about the "element of surprise."
“You never know! This could be the perfect way to bring a titan shifter to its knees without killing them!” 
You cock your gear’s angle “...if this works I get a front row seat to you telling Connie and Jean this new, required protocol.”
In the blink of an eye your gear first hooks into the flesh of his hip, to his shoulder, then into each cheek with you safely perched on the bridge of his nose.
“It’s just me, okay baby? Hold tight.” His eyes focus on you and gives a an affirmative little growl. You pat the side of his nose and are off. 
You remove one of your blades after landing on his shoulder, taking a deep breath before carefully cutting into the flesh of his neck where Hanji had showed you on a diagram before.
Steam poured from the large slit but when you pushed the side you could see there was indeed as you were told, a small cavern sort of area around Eren, nearly in awe looking at how the tendons attached to his arms, his face, cocooning him only where it needed to attach.
“Just stay still Eren!” Hanji’s far away shout make you shake from the stupor, sheathing your blade and crawling in towards his body. 
The cut steamed and resealed shut after you had crawled inside, it was strange enclosed inside the titan, small but with enough space to move around. The dry heat was stifling but nothing like what poured out out of incisions. 
Eren’s leg moved slightly, you wonder if his titan had readjusted its’ stance? 
The space is cramped and strange in the way it surrounds your suspended boyfriend, but you move to be sat directly in front of his waist, observing how the tendons keep hold on him.
You can see his eyes, standing against the flesh to peek over the tissue, how they flit bored, his body poised that you know he’s waiting for something to be done. He has worked on endurance in his form, but still. He hates just waiting.
You trail your fingertips down his jawline, a ghost of a touch, and his head tilts. The titan’s head tilts. 
As you unbutton his pants you can tell he fells something happening, his mouth turns downward into a frown, his legs shift and you would bet his eyebrows are furrowed.
You unzip his pants and push down his underwear and you can tell he can feel exactly when you grip his cock in your hand. His posture straightens and you can feel the titan shift in copy of it. 
He’s hard in seconds of you freeing him, the most predictable trick he has and you run your hand up and down his length a few times, squeezing firmly near his base. Precum leaks generously from his tip and drips down for you to use.
His thighs clench and you place your free hand running over the tense muscle.
Your hand speeds up, fist spreading the precum across him and rubbing your thumb in circles below the head of his cock, you can tell he’s having trouble staying upright, a shaky breath and legs begin to tremble.
You leave him lacking for a moment and reach your hand below, slicked fingers rubbing slow and decisive massaging and pushing firmly against each of his balls and the whole being around you shakes as much as the one directly at your mercy.
A simple squeeze at the top of his balls and he breaks, falling to his knees and there’s a short weightlessness as the titan slams down to follow suit. 
You can’t seem to find it in you to care but the movement knocks you back against the wall of flesh and your grip on his dick yanks him harshly, a moan, a whine, from Eren above you and a growl resonating from the titan. 
You wonder if the titan’s eyes have rolled back the way you know Eren’s have.
It takes a second to re-steady yourself and Eren whines from the lack of attention, your hand goes around him again, barely touching around him before deciding to run your nails along the bottom of his shaft.
A moan spills out of him that makes the whole titan seem to shake with a growl and you quickly go back to jerking you grip up and down his length, precum slick and fast and you know he’s close, finally you can hear his mindless begging between breathless pants asking for more, please, wanting anything and everything you would give him.
Tightening your grip to squeeze around him every time you pull forward and he tries to follow but it stuck in place when his hips try to jut closer. 
His beautiful moans filling your senses and the distant sounds from the titan echoing his cries spur you on to make him finish. To watch how his jaw clenches from below and how be bites his lip enough to pierce the skin as his orgasm finally hits, your nails of one hand digging harshly into his thigh and making him see stars with the other. 
Your thumb presses directly over his whole while he cums, white pouring out around it and giving just too much stimulation rubbing in short, fast circles that makes him cry out to you with his whole body quaking in pleasure even while he’s held up securely.
With Eren truly spent, you watch in delicious satisfaction how his chest heaves with each breath, thighs still shaking and panting heavily. 
You almost can’t help it. This was to “test” him after all, right? You move your hand, still covered with cum and stick two fingers in his open mouth, his entire body goes rigid and you can feel the titan around you freeze as you drag down the expanse of his tongue and pull them out.
You’re not sure if he can hear you, he can from the outside but you rest a hand on the tendon holding his arm, lean close to his ear and praise. “Good boy.”
A shiver visibly runs down his spine and you grin. Moving your attention back to his pants, tucking him back into his underwear which are still soiled with cum anyway and buttoning him shut. But pulling the waist band forward so it lightly snaps back against taught pelvis for good measure. It’s still enough to make him jolt and the titan quake.
With a quick wipe of your hand down your thigh to get clean off what Eren would usually be up for taking care of, and your job here is done. 
Taking out your blade you start cutting approximately where you had entered, knowing you wont accidentally cut Eren makes it easier. 
Crawling back out is trickier, the angry steam hindering your vision making it hard to see where to grapple even with the titan still as stone. 
But you can hear Hanji shouting with excitement before you’re out of the cut, something about how amazing that was, incredible research, you’re sure if you tried you could hear Moblit moaning about what his life has become.
Once you’re safely on the ground you look at the damage you did from the outside. 
Eren’s titan is on it’s knees, craters in the ground from how hard he dropped. Arms limp and his head hanging down, mouth open and hair shielding his face much how Eren is inside. 
You never thought you’d see a titan be “disheveled” but that’s the only word that could truly describe how wrecked he looks. 
“Oh, YOU CAN COME OUT NOW EREN!” Hanji finally pauses her joyous dance to inform him, but the titan stays still. “Eren?”
You don’t think he’ll me moving on his own for another few minutes. 
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Betrayed... Again (Final)
(Eren Jaeger x Female Marleyan Reader | NSFW)
Part 1, Part 2, Series List
A/N: This story will have slight season 4 anime spoilers, if you have not watched it. For the last time, I am not pro-Marleyan, just a story that came to mind. Also I want to thank the people who supported my story. It will be great if you guys could leave feedback.
Warnings: Slight Spoilers, Angst, Smut: Female oral (receiving), Fingering, Rough sex, Over stimulation
Summary: Nurse Y/N thinks the people of Paradis are growing on her. Is it because of their ignorance? Or is it because she is in love with one of them.
*3,305 words*
Songs I listened to while writing:
TiO (Take it Off) by Zayn
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The commander would occasionally lift up their glasses as they read a book about Eldian history. They offered you tea but you declined because you didn't trust them; you didn't trust any of these people. You then wondered if there were others that were kidnapped just like you on this island. If you could find your people, you can probably come up with a plan to get out of here.
"How much do you know about Eldian history Nurse Y/n?" The commander asked you as they lifted their glasses for the nth time. You stayed silent. You didn't need to say anything to this devil. Also how come they didn't know anything about the Eldian history? Arent they technically Eldians?
The commander then spoke again, "Nurse Y/N, I think we can be friends and work together. Aren't you a nurse? Dont you want to help people?"
"Help my people, not you island devils." you scoffed and crossed your arms as your eyes traveled to the floor. "What do you want?"
"I'm curious to what kind of history you learned over in Marley to make you guys hate us so much." This made you look up.
"You seriously don't know." They stared at you blankly and that's when you knew they were telling the truth. "You're ancestors betrayed us Eldians in Marley." You said sternly, "We have been oppressed for thousands of years and you get to be hidden behind walls, unaware of the tragedies your ancestors have committed."
You were now looking at them and they splayed their hands across the table. "But that was a thousand years ago? What about the people now? The millions of people that lost their lives? Why did they have to die?" The way they innocently asked these questions made you sick to your stomach. You couldn't believe they were serious about everything coming out of their mouths.
Before you could say anything else, Levi walked in. "I'm taking Nurse Y/n back to her cell. Get some rest Ha-Commander." You heard him stuttered over his words, and you assumed he was trying not to say the commander's name.
Walking through the hallways with Levi back to your cell was silent, until you stopped and turned to him. "Levi, do your people really not know anything?" He continued walking and you rolled your eyes as you followed along.
You were now in your cell as you sat on the edge of the hard bed staring at the floor. "Even if what you know is true or not, it's not like that anymore. My comrades didn't sacrifice their life for this." Levi said and then left you with only the light from the candle flickering.
Your stared at the ceiling as you laid in bed, thinking about your childhood.
In Marley, once you turned a certain age, you need to start thinking about what you want to do with the rest of your life. Some thought about becoming a warrior or a teacher, but you decided to become a nurse.
The moment you chose that for yourself, that's all you were taught. You took history classes, but it taught you the same phrase that was pounded into you since you were brought into this world. "You must serve Marleyans if you want to end oppression" or "The Eldians on the island are devils."
You hated Marleyans, but you were taught that it was your ancestors fault so you had to serve them in order to atone for their sins. You always wondered if the traitors were the reason why Eldians on Marley suffered. Maybe if they all were dead, your people could be free.
You thought about how your mother would make sure you had your armband on before going out to the public. You have heard horrible stories about Eldians being punished for forgetting their armbands or wearing them wrong. You didn't know why you were crying, but you couldn't help the tears spill and run down the sides of your temples into your hair because you were laying on your back. You then heard someone whisper your name and your head quickly shot up. It was Eren.
Your heart leaped out of your chest as you stared at the man before you. He was wearing an olive shirt with black pants and his hair still in a bun. You threw your legs to the side of the bed and walked towards him. You wrapped your hands around the bars and pressed your face between the gap. "Eren what are you doing here?"
He walked closer to you, "I'm here to see you, now stand back." You noticed he had a key in his hand and wondered how he got it. He opened your cell and next thing you knew you were in his arms.
Your head smuggled in his chest as you involuntarily sniffed him and noticed he had an earthy scent.
"I'll be leaving in a few days," He whispered against the top of your head. You pulled away and looked into his emotionless eyes.
"Where are you going?" Your fists scrunched up the sides of his shirt.
"To finished what I started." You knew exactly what he meant, and before you could protest, he was kissing you. Then there you were again melting in his arms, as you pulled him to your chest.
Eren gently pushed you onto the bed and slid his hands under your shirt to circle his thumbs around your nipples, while squeezing the outside flesh. Your legs wrapped around his waist as you grounded against his clothed erection. "Eren," you said his name in a breathy tone when you felt him kiss and suck on your neck.
Your gown was now scrunched up to your waist as he kneaded your thighs with his huge calloused hands. His hands slowly maneuvering to your waist, teasing the band of your underwear. One of his hands slid over your clothed folds and rubbed it gently while his other hand played with your left breast. You started to squirm from his slow intimate touches. You just wanted him inside of you. "Eren please....I just want you."
"Just wait a little longer. I want to savor you." He took off his shirt and settled himself between your legs. He pulled your panties down your ankles and kissed your inner thigh. Eren brought his face to your heat and licked your slit up and down, then circling around your clit. You grabbed his hair and wrapped your legs around his shoulders.
He slowly entered two fingers inside of you, stretching you out slowy as you pulled at his hair. The man admired the way your pretty hole swallowed his fingers.
You felt his hair tickle the skin inside of your thigh as he continued thrusting his fingers in and out of you.
You pulled at his hair to let him know his fingers wasn't enough and that you wanted more of him. "Eren please...I want all of you."
He scissored your opening and met your pleading eyes. "Be specific" His voice slicked with lust, causing you to clench around his fingers.
"I want you inside of me." You whined.
"What do you want inside of you love." He wanted you to beg for him. He wanted to know if you submit yourself to him, all of yourself, no matter what.
"I want...I want your dick inside of me." As if a switch went off, Eren removed his fingers and pushed himself inside of you, giving you no time to adjust from his fingers to his girth. (Girth is such a funny word to me, I couldn't stop laughing)
You knew you were far gone as you watched Eren moved in and out of you at a rapid pace. Marley Y/n slowly crumbled at each of his thrusts. Your pride nearly faltered as he whispered dirty words in your ear and proceeded to kiss and suck your neck, marking his territory. You were his, you belonged to him. You were drunk off of Eren, and you didn't care.
Your brain was now fuzzy after having an intense orgasm that you didn't realize Eren came inside of you.
But he still didn't stop as pounded into you and rubbed your sensitive clit. You clawed at his back from the over stimulation and you could see the steam of him healing.
Eren collapsed on top of your body and slid his hands to your back. His ear rested on your chest as he listened to your rapid heartbeat; his breath fanning your exposed skin. "I love you." He said softly as you slowly drifted off to sleep.
You were startled awake as you felt cold water splash you. You were greeted by Levi holding a barrel that once had water. "Get up." He said coldly.
As you stood up, your legs almost gave out on you and last nights events came back to you and you felt your face heat up in response. You also noticed Eren was gone, he must've left after you fell asleep. "You've been asleep for half the day." He stated and you noticed he had clothes in his hands. "Put this on." He said and left the room.
It was another gown, you noticed, but this one was scratchy.
You and Levi were once again walking through a hallway in silence. But this time he was the one to speak up, "Eren's gone...Have any idea where he could be?" Your heart pounded against your chest at his words. He said he would be leaving in a couple days.
"No. I haven't seen him." You didn't know why you lied. Well it wasn't a whole lie you didn't know anything about Eren's plans.
"No need to lie if the evidence is all over your neck. " Your hand went to your neck instinctively and you knew it was because Eren marked it up. Before you could explain yourself, the blonde boy from earlier was running towards you two. "Levi!!" he rested his hands at his knees trying to catch his breath. "One of the rooms blew up and Chief Darius was there.." He paused and looked down, "He didn't make it." He then stood up, his breathing now calmed, "There were a few survivors but are wounded very badly and we need help." He then looked over at me, "Arent you a nurse?"
You nodded your head and he continued. "Can you please help?" You made contact with his blue eyes that threatened to spill with tears.
"I can try."
The man laid unconscious on the floor and you took note of the burnt patches that littered his arms, he was lucky there weren't any on his face, just a few scratches.
You kneeled down beside the man examining the intensity of his wounds. "He would heal soon." You looked around the room for any oils and noticed they didn't have any. "Do you have any oils or remedies?" The all looked at you in confusion as if you were speaking a foreign language. You realized that Paradis was not advanced in their society, the consequences of living secluded behind the walls.
"Do you have water and cloths." You had to resort to an older method that would probably take the healing process longer. After you received the items, you wrapped the man's arms with the wet cloths.
'Thank you," The blonde hair boy said to you. "I'm Armin." He held out his hand and you took it, you felt nothing hostile coming from the boy. Was perhaps these people were growing on you?
You sat out on a balcony alone (You didn't plan on running away after Levi threatened to slice your throat) staring out into the distance thinking. You thought about everything. You thought about if everything you learned in Marley was all a lie. The hatred that has been built into your brain to despised the people on Paradis. What if that was a reason to keep you all divided? You were just a nurse, you weren't a warrior, you wasn't capable of fighting. All you could do was help after the destruction not during.
You didn't realize Armin and another person walked in, until they sat in the open chairs on the side of you. On the right was a woman with black short hair and a scar on her face. She was so beautiful.
"Nurse Y/N this is Mikasa." Armin introduced her and you two greeted each other with a nod. "Have you heard anything from Eren?" Armin spoke and you looked away.
"Please, we know he was with you last." His eyes lingered to your neck and you both looked away blushing.
"He just told me he would be leaving in a couple days and that he had to finish what he started." You whispered, "And then we made love."
You noticed the the black haired woman clenched her fists after you said the last part. "Come with us Y/n." She then said.
As you three were leaving, you all heard a crash from one of the rooms, followed by shouting. Armin and the woman rushed towards it and you followed along. You were greeted by a blonde girl trying to stab another little girl with brown hair. Mikasa was quick to grab her arm while Armin snatched the knife from her hand.
On the side there was a little blonde boy laying unconscious, and you immediately recognized him. "Falco?" Tears threatened to spill as you rushed to his side. "What happened to him!" Half of his head was bleeding and you noticed he smelled like wine.
"I'm sorry, " You heard someone say from the corner. Why was there so many people from Marley here, you thought. You recognized the man that spoke, it was Niccolo. He would prepare dinner for the staff and patients in the hospital back in Marley. "Niccolo what did you do?" You said sternly. His head was now in his hands as he sobbed.
"He protected me." You heard the brown haired girl whisper.
"WHY!!! WHY DID YOU KILL HER!! SHE WAS NOTHING BUT KIND!!" The blonde girl screeched clawing at Mikasas tight hold.
As if the situation couldn't get worse, the devil himself, pranced in. Eren. It was as if time slowed down as you all watched him lift up his hand that was slit and had blood dripping from it. "Mikasa, Armin, Y/n, I have to tell you something."
"Eren." You breathed out his name.
You, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin sat at a round table with your hands on top because he threatened to kill you if you didn't.
"Eren what are you doing?" Armin spoke up first.
"I need to tell you guys something." Eren responded. You took this time to get a good look at his face. His eyes were cold as he stared at the blonde boy. He was slightly pale and looked like he haven't slept in days, but he looked fine yesterday you thought.
"What made you go attack Marley on your own Eren?" Armin spoke again and a lump caught in your throat as you remeber the tragedy that took place not that long ago. Eren stayed silent and his eyes now rested on the table. "Did Zeke and Yelena really trick you into joining them?"
"I am free." Eren finally said and me, Armin, and Mikasa looked at each other in confusion. "The choices I make are decided from my own free will."
"Eren don't listen to them, you're being manipulated." Mikasa spoke this time, her voice straining. "You killed kids and other innocent lives Eren!" Her deep black eyes flickered to yours. "And you even fell for one of them." You looked away tears threatening to fall. "I know you care about us more than anyone!" She was now out of her chair and pulled at her red scarf, "Eren you are kind! I know you're not like this! Remember when you gave me your scarf..."
"Hands on the table Mikasa." He interrupted her, "I had a brother to brother talk with Zeke and knows a lot more about titans than Marley."
-You furrowed your eyebrows, brother to brother? Zeke as in Zeke...Jaeger. Your mouth hanged slightly agape from this realization.
"Armin you still visit Annie don't you?" He focused his attention to Armin and you noticed how his jaw flexed. "Do you think that's your own free will?"
The blonde boy's eyes were now blown wide while Eren continued, "If memories are what shaped people, part of you is Bertholdt...Within you is the enemy with feelings for another enemy."
"Eren." you croaked your vision blurry, but the tears wouldn't fall.
"You have been manipulated by the enemy Armin."
"Eren thats enough!"Mikasa shouted.
"You too, Mikasa!!!" He shouted back causing you to flinch. You gripped at your gown to calm yourself. "The moment I told you to fight your instincts were awakened...Your people were designed to protect Eldia's King."
"No, you're wrong...It was because of you Eren." Her mouth hanged agape as tears spilled from her eyes.
"Those who aren't free live like livestock." He paused, "I always hated you Mikasa. I hate you for living like a slave, willing to obey any orders I give. IT disgusts me. You disgust me."
"Eren!!!" The blonde pounced on top of the table with rage, but was then slammed to his stomach by Mikasa. The boy gasped as he looked up at her.
"Your entire life has been a waste because you didnt make your own choices." Eren spoke again but calmly and Mikasa let go of Armin as if she realized that what he has said so far may be true.
Armin took this oppurtunity to land a punch to his face. You quickly got out of your chair because the table flipped over. Before Armin could get another punch in, Eren hit him twice as hard and threw him against the case of wine. The whole shelf came tumbling down and you knew the blonde boy wasn't going to win. Eren continued punching his face with all of his strength and his face started to swell up rapidly. All you could do was watch. This wasn't Eren. "You know why we never fought before." Eren grabbed him by his shirt and kneed him in his stomach, "Because it wouldn't be a fair fight." He threw the boy to the ground. You could barely see his blue eyes anymore.
You don't know what compelled you to rush to the boy, but you found yourself checking his neck for a pulse. He was still breathing but was unconscious as you rested your hands on the side of his puffy face. "What is wrong with you?" you said, then looked up. Your tear filled eyes met with Eren's cold ones. "I thought you cared about us?" You rubbed the blonde boy's hair. "You're the real slave." You spit out and he scoffed.
"Who you calling a slave?" He clenched his fist, "You betrayed your home because you fell in love foolishly believing that I actually cared about you." Your heart dropped hearing his words. "Let's go." He said to a few people, assuming that they are on his side. "And bring the kid that killed Sasha." You forgot the kids were still here and you watched as the girl with brown hair was hauled away as she kicked her feet.
You watched as Eren left the room. The blonde boy head rested in your lap and all you felt was nothing. You weren't mad nor sad. You were just nothing. You wish you could feel one emotion, but you couldn't. "It was all a lie." The words fell from your lips as you replayed Eren's words in your mind.
You were betrayed...again.
Follow me on Instagram @//jungjaehoe127
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reikuto · 3 years
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WARNINGS! — mature content, cursing, sensitive topics
CHARACTERS! — eren, armin, connie, jean, reiner, historia, hange
A/N! — just cause bo’s special has been on a constant loop since it came out and i felt this needed to be done <3 these are just songs that i thought radiated their energy, but it’s purely a joke!
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all eyes on me: “you say the ocean’s rising like i give a shit. you say the whole world’s ending, honey, it already did. you’re not gonna slow it, heaven knows you tried. got it? good, now get inside.”
goodbye: “am i going crazy? would i even know? am i right back where i started fourteen years ago? wanna guess the ending, if it ever does. i swear to god that all i've ever wanted was a little bit of everything all of the time.”
how the world works: “the simple narrative taught in every history class is demonstrably false and pedagogically classist. don’t you know? the world is built with blood! and genocide! and exploitation! the global network of capital essentially functions to separate the worker from the means of production.”
unpaid intern: “who needs a coffee? 'cause i'm doing a run. i'm writing down the orders now for everyone. the coffee is free, just like me, i’m an unpaid intern!”
that funny feeling: “total disassociation, fully out your mind. googling "derealization," hating what you find. that unapparent summer air in early fall, the quiet comprehending of the ending of it all. there it is again, that funny feeling.”
30: “when he was 27, my granddad fought in vietnam. when I was 27, i built a birdhouse with my mom. oh fuck (oh), how am I thirty? (oh!).”
face-time with my mom (tonight): “i told my boys i need some space, yeah, imma face-time with my mom tonight. she’ll hold her iphone five no further than six inches from her face, yeah, imma face-time with my mom tonight. ”
comedy: “the world is so…fucked up. systematic oppression, income inequality, the…other stuff. and there’s only one thing that i can do about it. while—while being paid, and being the center of attention.”
sexting: “i'm getting hot at just the thought of what i’d do to you. 'cause in my head, i’m in your bed and getting through to you. they made the internet for nights like these. i love you, baby, send a picture of your tits, please.”
all time low: “from the moment i wake up, i, uh, i just get this…feeling in my body, way down deep inside me! i try not to fight it (describe it!). alright! a few things starts to happen: my vision starts to flatten, my heart, it gets to tappin', and i think I'm gonna die!”
shit: “wake up at 11:30, feeling like a bag of shit (oh no!). all my clothes are dirty, so i’m smelling like a bag of shit. go to pour my coffee, and i miss my cup, omg, that is just my luck. look in the mirror, say, "what's up, you useless fuck?"
white woman’s instagram: “a dreamcatcher bought from urban outfitters, vintage neon sign, three little words, a couple of doves, and a ring on her finger from the person that she loves. is this heaven? or is it just a white woman, a white woman’s instagram.”
welcome to the internet: “here's a healthy breakfast option, you should kill your mom, here’s why women never fuck you, here’s how you can build a bomb! which power ranger are you? take this quirky quiz!”
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afrival · 3 years
AoT Characters’ Special Interests/Fixations
I love thinking abt this shit and I have A LOT for most of these mfs so 😇 btw this is literally just copy and pasted from the conversation I had w a friend abt this 🥰
no warnings
- Video games but like the development and history on them, is a big geek for old Nintendo and Atari games
- Has probably played every video game in existence
- KNITTING AND EMBROIDERY!! Loves it bc her mom taught her how to do it
- Makes hats and mittens for the others, everybody has at least one personal hat she made them
- Weather patterns in various parts of the world, also just in general regional and geographical shit
- Knows a bunch of random ass facts about like every type environment on earth. He would also be really into cultural studies
- In canon he draws so YES he loves drawing. Enjoys drawing and practicing human anatomy
- Also collects vinyls for no reason other than he thinks they’re cool and he likes music a lot. He plays guitar
- Cartoons and animation. Adores Disney HJDJF. Also a big big big fan of Animaniacs
- He was so stoked when it got rebooted please
- OBVIOUSLY cooking, like she loves practicing and makes everybody special meals or treats on their birthdays or special events
- I also think she would really enjoy reading tbh? She prefers audio books tho. Loves the Warrior Cats and Harry Potter series (and Percy Jackson why not)
- Linguistics. I can’t explain why I just think she would enjoy learning languages and all about dialects and shit
- Probably knows several languages but she’s not fluent in many
- KINDA BASIC but she loves doing makeup, is so so good at it. Everybody lets her practice on them. She also loves watching beauty guru videos
- really into like bead jewelry making, shes made everyone bracelets
- Interior design. This man is SO GOOD at designing rooms and color matching shit. His apartment looks hella nice
- Will critique decorating skills absolutely unwarranted, he’ll just walk into a house and complain HDHDN
- Anatomy, loves learning about how the body’s work of literally anything creature ever
- Knows several obscure facts and probably has animal skeletons in her apartment
- UHHH art history? Specifically medieval and cubism
- He has a bunch of random paintings in his house even if he doesn’t really like them
- ABSOLUTELY into carpentry, loves building shit especially small figures and furniture
- Everyone has at least one piece of customized furniture by him in their house
- Insects and bugs bc he’s a fucking dweeb. Loves to go bug catching and bird watching. He will write down shit he observes in journals
- Painting and gardening, it’s really calming to her compared to like everything else she does NDNFJ
- Has a garden with Armin, Her side is better ❤️❤️But she helps him out
- Has like three pigeons that just hang out on his balcony bc he keeps feeding them
- Cars and computers vibes, is everyone’s like go to free mechanic. He builds computers for money sometimes
- I can also see him being really into true crime but in the like “well if I were gonna commit murder” way JDJFJ
- Fucking. Cryptids. Her favorite is Nessie. Porco got her a Nessie plushie and it’s her fave
- LOST MEDIA PLEASE she would be OBSESSED with that, tryna find like old videos or games that have just been lost to the internet
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sr-talks-snk · 3 years
The True weight of this moment ...
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Okay. So many people think Levi’s inner driving force in these scenes with Zeke comes from a place of revenge. He made mistakes because of his desire for revenge. He got angry, and then sloppy, because he wanted to kill Zeke to fulfil his vow but couldn’t at this moment.
These lines of dialogue though ... ‘I saved them. The lives of the children they would bear.’ Has anyone ever stopped to consider the implications of this to Levi personally? And I’m not talking about any Baby Daddy theories now - I’m talking in light of cold, hard, canon events?
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Look how passionate he is. It’s canon that Levi helped Historia save the lives of parentless children. Levi cares so much about kids that he even wants to save the unwanted, unloved and abandoned ones with nowhere to belong. Of course this is because he was once one of them himself, just like Historia. But this speaks volumes about his inner values.
Zeke just told him that those kids would be better off never having been born - so what was he doing with all this time spent helping them then? It’s like Erwin all over again - hey, that thing you’ve been fighting for, it’s all a lie. Except with Zeke, he can choose not to believe that and show Zeke that he’s wrong. Every single child does deserve to live, regardless of their birth, their background, their parents ...
Levi protects the future of children no matter the cost, cause of their strife or circumstances of their births.
Zeke wants to take that future away because of the parents these children would be born to - because they are born as Eldians.
I wonder sometimes whether Kenny ever told Levi that he tried to convince Kuchel to abort him.
‘If only you’d never been born.’
But Levi was born into this world. Just like Historia. Just like Eren.
Levi’s core values come to light in this scene, in a way that shows exactly how much of an impact his own upbringing has had on him. He vents his frustrations with Zeke the best way he’s been taught how to deal with his enemies, by Kenny himself - violence.
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He lives to understand why that decision to act with such violence was the wrong one. But maybe he won’t regret it, because it taught him something.
If only there was some way that this power they have - this opportunity for terrible violence given by the power of the Titans - could be taken away from future generations.
Levi’s development has been linked throughout to children and violence. He once said, he chooses the hell of people killing each other over the hell of being eaten.
What if there was a way to choose neither?
What if there was a way to remove the Titan curse from the world, bringing an end to the hell of being eaten, and time and opportunity to teach children the true cost of violence, and why history should never be repeated?
It all comes back to Levi and Historia’s shared ideology. The children who should never have been born. But were, anyway.
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Mikasa Ackerman - how a goodbye can save the world
** SnK 139 predictions **
In the snk chapter 138 we have Mikasa killing Eren and giving him a goodbye kiss.
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I think a lot of people misunderstood this panel, so I will discuss here why this was important to Mikasa's character and maybe it can be the key to stop the war in the snk universe.
In this panel we have Ymir watching Mikasa’s good bye to Eren. A similarity between Mikasa and Ymir is that both have difficult to let the other one go, Mikasa with Eren and Armin and Ymir with the world she has lived. 
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However, Mikasa was finally able to let Eren go, in the same way she did with Armin. First, we have a reluctant Mikasa to let Levi apply the serum in Erwin, as in the snk chapter 136 Mikasa was reluctant to kill Eren. Then, she understand Erwin was the best choice in terms of saving humanity, like she realize there was no options unless kill Eren. 
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Even the expression is similar when Floch told her she had act like an adult because she gave up in the end. 
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Through the history, we have a discussion of the adults’ role in the war. Both eldians and non-eldians has recognized hate and intolerance was the reason of so many deaths, cruelty and the Rumbling itself. 
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Some chapters before, when Mr. Brauss was told by Nicolo Gabi has killed her daughter and had the opportunity to have his vengeance, he chose to be the adult the snk world need. 
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Still in this chapter, Mikasa, an adult, acted like Mr. Brauss and saved a child, Gabi, from get killed by Kaya. After that, Gabi has finally understood the eldians aren’t like she has been taught before and that she was a victim of the war. 
Moments later, Eren arrived and maybe the most tragic scene of snk happened - Eren telling Mikasa he hate her, since he was a child. And this was their last talk. 
Back to the snk chapter 138, after the Rumbling stopped temporarily, Gabi, Pieck and Annie reconciled with their families, and Mikasa watched them. 
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I really like Gabi’s role here, because first Mikasa has gave her the warm she needed, and now it’s Gabi’s turn to show Mikasa, who has Eren as her last family left, to not let the hurt be the winning. 
With all this, it has to be Mikasa the one who will stop Eren, because Mikasa’s view is “The world is cruel and merciless, but it is also very beautiful”. Despite all the cruelty Eren has done, he still is the boy who showed her how beautiful the world can be. And Mikasa did her job as a soldier killing Eren, but their last moment wasn’t a painful one. They reconciled in their long dream, shared by Eren and Mikasa, because Eren was her family, after all. 
** My theory: Mikasa’s headache is because of this dream, which happened because of the paths. This is the reason it starts with Eren in the begin and finish with Mikasa in the end. **
And why all this is related with the end of the war exactly? Because Ymir, who is still attached to the world she left, saw the goodbye kiss. The kiss is the representation of the end of hate´s cycle. At that moment Mikasa was the adult that didn’t choose the way of the revenge, but of the love. It showed Ymir she can let the other go and this not necessarily can be a bitter thing, even if she only knew the cruelty part until now - Mikasa showed her the beautiful one.
My hypothesis for snk 139 is that Ymir will end with the Rumbling, the war and the Paths - so the Eldians won’t have the titan’s power anymore - and then she will say goodbye to the world she was attached for - just like Mikasa, who left Eren not in a hateful way, but a loving one. 
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toukatan · 3 years
Allthey ever dreamt of is running freely through those fields and live their life with their friends
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It is truly on those trivial moments we think life is the best, its not a matter of status or anything, we enjoy things and keep them close. God damn this chapter was a banger, and honestly teared me up, seeing Jean almost cry when hitting eren, telling him to stop being suicidal, he knows him best those two always were toe to toe since they knew each other
Reiner being ready to die in order to stop this, and everyone coming together
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And all leading to this, seeing Mikasas face and Armin being resolved to end it.
All i have os respect for isayama for capturing this so well, and im so grateful i get to enjoy this.
armin talking about ema and how maybe the reason he was born was so that three of them could just simply race upon hills towards that tree. made me deveasted— they’re such simply blissful moments that he treasures i cry
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armin talking about the 104th as well. them being your typical carefree and happy 15 year olds kids that wonder around town eating well and having fun as they should be
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i don’t need to say anything we call cried the moment armin said ‘these trivial moments might actually be precious’
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even though jean and eren were constantly irritating one another for just breathing— jean is one of eren’s first friends outside of ema, despite them butting heads and their rivalry. they care about one another and understand each other well and just seeing how conflicted jean was throughout this whole ass arc had me floored. you know he didn’t wanna do this, the simple look in his eyes is enough to say it all.
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yes, reiner being ready to risk it all even though it may cost him his life just to stop this. eren and reiner have always been similar, different but very similar. i think we’ll get a moment between them before the end— and reiner’s gottta live my dude out here with 9 lives he’s just gotta make it.
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tha last panel of armin and mikasa hurt me because ema, we all knew it would eventually come but god dayum i hate seeing pain in their eyes. yams always out here capturing pain through the eyes so well i hate it here
snk for sure will go down as one of the best series in history. it taught us so many things. we all basically grew up with these characters and now we get to see the end with them— i’m so glad we were all born in the right era to witness this amazing story.
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harostar · 3 years
Whatever one's thoughts are on AOT, I can NEVER for the life of me believe that the series condones fascism or genocide when Hange literally says, "Genocide is wrong!" with little contradiction. I get the whole "both sides" thing with Marley and Eldia doesn't look good but the story has characters call out the whole "sins of the father" mentality that lead to the whole story unfolding. I... just don't get some anti-AOT fans.
Making this public, which is hopefully okay!
I think there are definitely complicated discussions to be had about the series, and Isayama’s intended message versus how effectively he actually handled the material. His decision to borrow imagery from the Holocaust inherently makes it a difficult and sensitive subject, which I think could have been handled better (or simply.....not using a historical tragedy from another culture?). 
There’s also the undeniable stain from Isayama’s original attitudes towards Imperial Japan and its actions towards the world. I personally tend to be a little more.....forgiving, I suppose(?), because such attitudes and beliefs are often a direct result of the Japanese government whitewashing and denying their actions for decades. I think people on the internet, especially the younger generation, underestimate how much people are simply NOT TAUGHT about their own country’s history. And that starting to learn about it requires actively seeking out activist spaces, and specific sources of information that not everyone is automatically going to look towards for answers.
And I think another issue is that Attack on Titan started over a decade ago, with the eventual reveals planned back then. The world......has changed considerably since the series started. There’s been a wave of Fascist and Nationalist ideology sweeping across Europe and the United States, in particular. So there is increased criticism and concern over works that touch on those subjects. The rise of the Alt-Right and Trumpism in particular, as well as their cousins in Europe, have made people more concerned about works that use imagery and themes related to Nazi Germany.
Isayama has been clumsy in some of his handling of those subjects. I suspect a lot of it comes from ignorance of Western politics and history, as opposed to any malicious intentions on his part. I especially believe this in light of the very unsubtle themes he wove into the later arcs, in terms of decrying Militarism and showing the very horrible human cost of hatred and war, and the characters themselves discussing how our shared humanity is the most powerful thing and can overcome our differences.
On the other hand, YES the series has attracted a following from the Alt-Right. They seem to infiltrate and recruit heavily in geek spaces, especially Anime and gaming. So those people were of course attracted to story, especially based on a shallow surface reading of the earlier arcs. Glorious Soldiers! Fight! Defend your home! Germanic names! Hooray! ......and then the story became more complicated, and they had to focus on identifying with and supporting Eren even as he became the villain. Even as the story became about his friends making the choice to put him down like a rabid dog, for the sake of the world. 
Edgy Dudebros and Alt-Right types have always and will always be attracted to media while missing the actual point. There’s a REASON the “You missed the point if you idolize them” meme is a thing. These dudes think they’re Levi, when they’re really Floch.
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