#I’d also argue ‘I’m begging for you to take my hand wreck my plans’ and ‘I’m the best thing at this party’ are part of this pipeline too
wavesoutbeingtossed · 3 months
The “I could see you as my new addiction, you can see me as a secret mission” to “you kept me like a secret but I kept you like an oath” to “why’d you whisper in the dark just to leave me in the night” to “at least I had the decency to keep my nights out of sight” to “I loved you in secret” to “I don’t want to keep secrets just to keep you” to “playing hide and seek and giving me your weekends” to “that's the thing about illicit affairs and clandestine meetings and stolen stares, they show their truth one single time but they lie, and they lie, and they lie a million little times” pipeline 🙃
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feysandfeels · 3 years
Bless that T Swift/SJM crossover anon!! Can I add some other ones?!
The 1 - Chaol & Celaena after she’s Aelin again (or Chaol & Nesryn.....poor Chaol)
The Last Great American Dynasty - more like the Last Great Terrasen Dynasty lol
My Tears Ricochet - Aelin @ Arobyn
Mirrorball - Lysandra
Mad Woman = AELIN
The Lakes - Aelin talking about Rowan when she’s tired of it all
Not my (Chloe Ting sponsored) ass realizing just now that the original anon meant all the sjm pairings, but since I’m deep in the acotar trash atm I only made those. 
Apologies jeje. 
Manorian: generally speaking they have such reputation vibes. Immaculate record for immaculate couple.
... Ready for it? - “But if he's a ghost, then I can be a phantom Holdin' him for ransom” // “Younger than my exes but he act like such a man, so I see nothing better, I keep him forever Like a vendetta-ta” // “You should see the things we do, baby In the middle of the night, in my dreams I know I'm gonna be with you So I take my time Are you ready for it?”. Listen do I really need to explain this or do we all just see it?. This song has the electricity, the sexyness, the roughness, the daring aspect that makes manorian be the GOD tier couple that they are. 
I’d Lie - Right, bare with me  but I will lol at this forever because Manon is basically “And I could tell you his favorite color's green He loves to argue, born on the seventeenth His sister's beautiful, he has his father's eyes And if you asked me if I love him, I'd lie”. It’s such a weird song to associate with them but it fits her so well hahahahaha because my girl lives in such denial that I just can’t hahahahahahaaha and like “I don't let nobody see me wishing he was mine” this is MANON FOR DORIAN ALL THE TIME, and everyone is like but we see you wanting him so just do something about it!!!
Willow - this screams Rowan looking at Aelin: “Wherever you stray I follow I'm begging for you to take my hand Wreck my plans That's my man”. He straight up left Maeve and the blood pact thingy they had for the blond girl he met three months prior. Also “Wait for the signal and I'll meet you after dark Show me the places where the others gave you scars Now this is an open-shut case Guess I should've known from the look on your face Every bait and switch was a work of art”, this speaks of the vulnerability shared through HoF about their scars and of Rowan realizng that every step he took was so he would met her. Willow is Rowan’s song for Aelin. 
Hoax - the balance of the deep betrayal and the love, the hurt and the I would choose you again all of the nuances of Lorcan’s betrayal and the shattered illusions that speak of them even in their absences, are in Hoax: “Stood on the cliffside Screaming, "Give me a reason" Your faithless love's the only hoax I believe in Don't want no other shade of blue But you No other sadness in the world would dI believe in Don't want no other shade of blue But you No other sadness in the world would do”.
Paper rings- “The wine is cold Like the shoulder that I gave you in the street Cat and mouse for a month or two or three Now I wake up in the night and watch you breathe”. This song matches their energy so well even if the lyrics don’t all offer exact parallels. They did however play cat and mouse for a month or two or three. “I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings Uh huh, that's right Darling, you're the one I want” Lysandra being accustomed to the finer things in life but she would slum it for Aedion; she is here for thick and thin.
Gorgeous - “Of your magnetic field being a little too strong And I got a boyfriend (Chaol), he's older than us He's in the club (palace) doing, I don't know what (Yrene....) You're so cool (Sartaq really is the coolest), it makes me hate you so much (I hate you so much)” // You make me so happy (dude Nesryn loves spending time with him and he feels valued), it turns back to sad (fuck what about Chaol.. we promised each other it give it ago), yeah There's nothing I hate more than what I can't have (because he’s the prince and I’m not royal) You are so gorgeous it makes me so mad”.
Dancing with our hands tied - even if the lyrics don’t create perfect parallels, I think the main theme of the song being two people that want to be together, but feel their relationship has a lot of baggage would fit them well. Yrene has to get over her hate for Adarlan (even though she has every every every right to hate Adarlan) and Chaol has to get over *himself*. “I, I loved you in spite of Deep fears that the world would divide us So, baby, can we dance Oh, through an avalanche? And say, say that we got it I'm a mess, but I'm the mess that you wanted”.
 Sam x Celaena:
I know places - them trying to run away so they could find a safe place to be in love? indeed. Me crying right now because they never got to? you bet: “'Cause they got the cages, they got the boxes And guns They are the hunters, we are the foxes And we runBaby, I know places we won't be found and They'll be chasing their tails trying to track us down Cause I, I, I, I know places we can hide, I, I (...)”.
Dorian x Celaena: 
The Way I loved you - To Dorian from Aelin... with love, friendship love that is. Because she recognizes the potential in him, in them, she knows he would be good to her and she knows that she indeed fell for him hard enough to want him for herself, but it just doesn’t feel like *that* anymore.
Red - From Dorian’s perspective: “Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street Faster than the wind, passionate as sin, ending so suddenly”// “Touching him was like realizing all you ever wanted Was right there in front of you Memorizing him was as easy as knowing all the words To your old favorite song Fighting with him was like trying to solve a crossword And realizing there's no right answer”. They were literally a crash and burn. But neither of them can actually bring themselves to regret it. It was fun while it lasted and in its way it brought them closer. 
Chaol x Celaena: 
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together - self explanatory, this is them through QoS. My Celorian ass is here for this pettiness I will take no criticism.  
Forever and Always - “Was I out of line? Did I say something way too honest, made you run and hide Like a scared little boy I looked into your eyes Thought I knew you for a minute, now I'm not so sure So here's to everything coming down to nothing Here's to silence, that cuts me to the core Where is this going? Thought I knew for a minute, but I don't anymore” This was essentially Chaol’s thought process wondering why him an Celaena don’t work anymore and feeling like... a “we were supposed to be together 5ever what happened.... besides me not doing much to prevent her bff’s death and working for the dude that orchestrated the murder of her nation ?”
August - if I’m being honest this song fits them too not my fave song from folklore being for my least favorite couple in this story but if I gave Feylin some of my all time favorites I can give this one to them, but like “But I can see us lost in the memory August slipped away into a moment in time 'Cause it was never mine And I can see us twisted in bedsheets August sipped away like a bottle of wine 'Cause you were never mine Your back beneath the sun Wishin' I could write my name on it” Even though Chaol was ready to leave it all for her (he would literally cancel plans.. his life plans in case she’d call) she knew that this was an impossibility, their time was brief and it slipped away like a bottle of wine. She could never be his, because she was not entirely herself with him being Aelin meant opening up a lot of things and if Chaol had a hard time getting past a lot of Celaena’s traits then we can imagine the work, literally work he would have to do to accept Aelin... you know what, we don’t have to imagine it... it’s right there in QoS and ToD, anywho, he could never write his name on her back because she was never his, because he did not accept her for all that she was. 
Aelin x Dorian x Chaol: 
Long live - “I  said, remember this moment, in the back of my mind The time we stood with our shaking hands The crowds in stands went wild We were the kings and the queens” // “Will you take a moment? Promise me this That you'll stand by me forever But if, God forbid, fate should step in And force us into a goodbye If you have children some day When they point to the pictures Please tell them my name Tell them how the crowds went wild Tell them how I hope they shine Long live the walls we crashed through I had the time of my life, with you” // I’m emotional right now and I need to cry it out.
I’m not 100% sure on the Chaoyrene one... but I think it’s good enough for me to post this hahaha
Anywho, I hope whoever asked for this enjoyed it 💛💛
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blu-joons · 4 years
Dating Choi Youngjae ~ GOT7 Headcanon
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Getting Together:
He was a nervous wreck to first approach you when he saw you walking through the park
After spotting you a few times he’d turn to Jackson to ask him for a bit of help to start a conversation
He didn’t want to say the wrong thing, or say nothing at all, he just wanted to impress you and make you smile
But as soon as he stood in front of you, he completely forgot what it was that he had planned to say
If it wasn’t for you taking an interest in Coco, you probably would’ve walked off
Eventually he got it together and invited you to join the two of them on a walk
He very quickly felt comfortable around you to talk your ear off about anything, his DJ practice came to hand there
There was never a moment when Youngjae wouldn’t be smiling or laughing with you
He quite liked to tell the boys about you, as he appreciated any advice, they had for him
Whenever he rang you or text, he’d always give you Coco updates, like the proud dad he was
The two of you took things quite slow, and really got to know each other and enjoy each other’s company first
He’d usually hold your hand in public, both of you gripping to Coco’s lead so he had you by your side
After a couple of months, Youngjae decided he really wanted to make things official with you
The two of you sat down one day at the end of a walk, so that he could ask you the question
As with when he first asked you out, he’d gone over again and again about what he wanted to say
You could tell straight away that he was nervous, as he was a lot quieter than he usually was with you
Suddenly, his hand would rest against your shoulder, clearing his throat
“I was wondering how you’d feel about maybe becoming my girlfriend, I feel like we’ve really hit it off and I’m excited to see where we can go from here?”
You smiled softly, shaking your head as you wondered why he was ever so nervous
“Of course, I’d like that very much.”
You were quick to calm him down, and pull him into a tight hug
His loud chuckle in your ear brought a smile to your face, as he sighed heavily in relief that you’d said yes
The two of you spent the rest of the evening together back at his, enjoying your new status
He couldn’t wait to tell the guys what he’d done, knowing how proud they’d be
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Being In A Relationship:
You were Youngjae’s first proper relationship, so he’d often get nervous and worry
He’d often turn to the boys when he was feeling his most insecure as he didn’t want you to see him that way
Youngjae is our soft boy, so prepare for your relationship with him to be adorable in every single way
When he’s feeling down or having a hard time, he always wants your cuddles, they always make him feel better
If not, sit with him when he’s by his piano so that he knows you’re still around and there to give him inspiration
His laughter is the most infectious thing in the world, so be sure to treasure it
Youngjae will always make you laugh, that’s one of the best things about having him as a boyfriend
He’ll always be on hand to make you feel better about yourself too in the same way you do for him
A lot of the time, you can be found wearing one of his hoodies, as they always fit so well, and smell just like him
He’s very careful in the mornings and evenings when you’re asleep, trying to be as quiet as he can be
Every day, he always makes sure to text you good morning and goodnight no matter where in the world he is
And he’ll always make the time to ensure he can ring you and see your face too
At night, when you can’t sleep, you’ll often lay beside him and trace his tattoos
He loves the feeling of your hand dancing along his body and tickling against his skin
One of his other favourite things is when you play with his hair and tousle through his curls and little knots
In being in a relationship with Youngjae, you also have to pay a lot of attention to Coco
The two of you loved heading out for treks on Youngjae’s rare days off
He loved spending his evenings gaming with you as well and showing off to you
Lots of songs would be song at random points throughout your days whenever Youngjae was in the mood
Quite a few of his lyrics found a new inspiration too, thank to you
As well as him and Coco, it was important to him that you got on with his family too
Seeing you with some of the younger members in his family certainly got him thinking about the future
When he was feeling his most vulnerable, Youngjae would often do lots of little things to show you he loved you
He liked to be romantic and treat you well with lots of gifts and nice food
But best of all he’d always remind you every day exactly how special you were
You’d often surprise him at various events he did, whether it be concerts, interviews, or when he was DJing
Secretly, he’d always be looking out for you in the hope that you’d be there
When he’d had a long day, he loved for nothing more than to come home to you
You knew at times he could be emotional and sensitive, so you’d always be there to support him
At times he can be very clingy when he needs some time just to feel loved
Whenever he’s learnt something new in English, he always likes to show it off to you
If you have the time, you take him lunch to make sure he’s eating and looking after himself
He’ll always be sure to repay you by singing something to you that evening
He hates sometimes how much attention you give Coco; he’ll often pout across at you
But you always make sure that he knows that he’s your number one
Whenever he does something with the boys, he’ll take you along, especially if it’s a place he can show you off at
He loves to introduce you to all his friends and fellow idols
Whenever he’s asked about your relationship, he always gets so shy and nervous to talk about you
The fans are always asking him about you whenever he does a live, begging for you to join him on camera
He’ll always ask for your permission to make sure he doesn’t overshare or make you uncomfortable
Being so involved in the production of GOT7, he’ll often ask for your opinions on everything he comes up with
He likes to be able to share with you the things he’s doing to see what you think
It also does wonders for his confidence to have your seal of approval on what he does
And the boys can clearly see the difference you’ve made in him too
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As has already been mentioned, Youngjae can be a very cuddly boy when he wants affection
He’s always searching for kisses, or giving you little pecks on the cheek
Some nights he’ll be happy just laying beside you, other nights he’ll want to get more intimate
When it comes to intimacy, his confidence is often quite low, but you’ll always encourage him to feel better in his skin
If he’s feeling good, he’ll take control of the situation, but if he’s tired or low, he’ll let you be the more dominate one
He likes to feel your hands in his hair best of all, that always makes him feel close to you
Moments of intimacy are when he most likes to show you, he loves you, and how thankful he is to have you
His hands are all over your body when the two of you are together, he loves exploring and finding out new things
He also loves to have his arms wrapped around you so he can keep you nice and close
After sex, he’ll always resort back to cuddles, whispering a lot of sweet nothings into your ear
Wherever the two of you were, he loved to hold your hand try and make you feel safe
He’s very protective, even if it doesn’t always show, he’d hate for anything to ever happen to you
Slowly, his confidence begins to build when it comes to affection, as he becomes more comfortable
Sometimes he’s still cautious when he’s around people he knows, but he’ll still be close to you
You can tell in him how much confident he becomes, seeing him love himself makes you so happy
Knowing how many battles he’s had with himself; you’re always using physical affection to show off to him how amazing he looks
The two of you rely a lot on love language to communicate how you’re feeling
You’re only human, and have good days and bad days, but you’re always there to make each other feel better
Youngjae loves to be romantic and make sure you know you’re special
He’d spend forever and a day being affectionate with you if he could
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It would take something pretty serious for the two of you to argue
Of course, the two of you had plenty of disagreements, but that was natural
If you did argue, it took a tremendous amount out of the both of you
You’d both struggle not to get upset when you weren’t getting along and raising your voices at each other
When the two of you argued, Youngjae tended to be the one to leave the room and give you space
Over time, the two of you were good at talking about things when you couldn’t deal with the silence anymore
No matter how angry he was, Youngjae was always very careful with his words and how he spoke to you
Nothing hurt him more than seeing you get upset and teary in an argument
He tended to be the first one to cave when he found himself getting too overwhelmed
You’d never argue around other people either, not wanting them to feel awkward
If he needed a chat, he’d usually go to JB, to lead him to the solution
When the two of you were speaking again, Youngjae would get very cuddly by way of an apology
He couldn’t fall asleep on an argument either as he often finds himself overthinking
You could normally tell when something was annoying him as he’d fall very quiet
Neither of you could help it from time to time though, there was nothing with expressing your concerns
But you’d always find a way to the solution and fix things up, sooner rather than later
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Your Relationship With The Boys:
The boys were so pleased that Youngjae found someone who took such good care of his precious soul
All of them were slightly anxious, and rightly so, when they first heard about you, but they soon learnt to love you
As Mark was Coco’s other parent, you grew close with him quite quickly as he showed you a few of the tricks that worked when you looked after her
Jackson was as much of a double act with you as he was with Youngjae, always fooling around
Just like he cared for Youngjae, JB made sure to take excellent care of you too, taking you under his wing
Jinyoung was great when you just wanted a chat, he was always around when you needed to talk
To begin with, you struggled around Yugyeom, but after you got lost at the studio one day, and he came to help you, the two of you became closer
BamBam helped you a lot when Youngjae was busy, he’d always be at your apartment to keep you company
They were all so pleased Youngjae had found someone to make him laugh
Anytime he was around, and you weren’t, they’d always ask for you
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The Future:
Youngjae had spent a lot of late nights thinking about your relationship and where he saw the future taking you
He decided he’d propose just before he enlisted, mainly so he was sure he had you whilst he served
Once he was out, he couldn’t wait to marry you and start a family, and really begin to settle down
With the two of you so happy, he was also desperate to find a friend or two for Coco to have around the house
You’d never imagined Youngjae as a dad until it finally happened, and what a sweet sight it was too
Between kids and dogs, the two of you were always kept on your toes, just as you wanted
The two of you really did create the perfect family
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Apocalypse After (Part 11)
Pairing: Michael Langdon x fem!reader
Summary: There was never any hope of saving Michael Langdon, never a chance to stop the apocalypse. The Antichrist was already too intertwined with his destiny when the reader met him all those years ago. But Mallory can go back and make things right and when the reader travels with her, an opportunity sparks to try and make things right after all.
Words: 2.4K
Warning: Character!Death, violence, the afterlife, religious references 
A/N: Time for another long awaited update! We’re getting into some BACKSTORY here and I hope everything is still making sense. We get some drama in this chapter hons, so I hope you are READY!  
(The Apocalypse After masterlist is up to date, so if you are new you can read the whole series there!) 
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Descending is peaceful. It’s pretty much dying, except you get a sliver of hope that somehow you might return. Your body goes completely weightless, as if you’re gliding through water as you materialise inside your own hell. 
Metal pokes at me, glass rains down on my face.
I will myself to be calm.
It isn’t real. Not this time. 
The car engine whirs something horrid as I try and inch myself out of the wreck, but I’m stuck. My leg has been crushed in the fray and no matter how I scream I can’t get free and no one is coming to save me. 
Fear floods me, the claustrophobia and the knowledge that my pursuers are also dead in the backseats. Blood coats the driver’s headrest, the body-shaped hole in the glass is my biggest indicator that whoever was driving crashed. 
‘HELP!’ I shove my body weight against the steering wheel, gripping on as I try and ease myself free.
I can’t move my leg. 
The goons, sent to get me.
‘HELP ME!’ I scream louder, begging for anyone to come. 
I don’t know how long I try and work myself free, it could be seconds or hours. 
I could be dead again and never know. 
My magic is useless.
‘Now this is interesting.’ A face looms in at me, through the cracked windshield. The cracked visage, those coal-red eyes that can see into your very depths. ‘Of all the people I thought would come for a visit, you are not one I thought would be back.’ 
‘Papa,’ My breath leaves me, mystified as the Loa reaches a hand through the hole and cups my chin. ‘Did…who sent you?’
‘Despite your death occurring once before, you have tried again knowing that your fate will be the same.’ He purrs, ‘Suicide? After all I did for you?’ 
‘This is not suicide.’ I say, unable to look away from those penetrating eyes.
Understanding dawns and then settles, twinkling in those eyes, ‘The boy. You follow on his command?’ 
‘I didn’t have a choice.’ 
‘You said the spell yourself.’ He warns, ‘You do not have to be here, living the worst time of your life over and over.’
I swallow, wishing I could wrench myself from his cold touch, ‘He’ll come find me.’
‘You trust him?’ Papa’s head tilts to the side, ‘He is the Antichrist, no?’
I hesitate, ‘Not anymore.’
‘No.’ Papa’s yellowed teeth appear as his lips stretch into a smile, ‘You corrected that part of him. Despite my very clear warning.’
‘I didn’t break our contract.’ I insist, ’The deal was you’d give me another life so long as I never interfere with a soul that belongs to you. Michael never belonged to you.’
‘Not to me.’ Papa withdraws his hand, ‘But to another, far more powerful than I.’ 
I hadn’t thought it through. 
In trying to keep Michael safe, I’d delivered both of us right to someone far more sinister than Mallory. 
’They want to see you,’ Papa elaborates, his hand rising. The car and our surroundings dissolve, leaving us in a white box. 
I’m paralysed, incapable of getting up despite my freed leg. ‘Where is Michael?’
‘He’s back in the land of the living.’ Papa breezes past me, towards a door I hadn’t seen before. He takes out a key ring with more keys than seem possible, glowing a spectrum of colours. He inserts a distinct white key into the door and with a clack, it opens. ‘He did ask after you, but I have orders and thanks to you, the boy is no longer in a management position.’ 
There goes my window of opportunity. 
The escape I’d been banking on. 
‘Come, now.’ There’s no arguing or fighting Papa Legba. I follow him out into corridors of polished black marble, gloomy after such stark whiteness. We walk for an indeterminable amount of time, past doors upon doors upon doors. There are no numbers, but as we travel along occasionally Papa will insert a key, open a door and peer inside. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that doors with a dark coloured key a someone’s personal hell. The screams of terror of confirmation enough. Every so often, Papa will produce a pastel key, open a door to which there is silence.
Those doors unnerve me even more.
What could make a person be completely silent in hell? 
‘We have seen the work you have been doing,’ Papa comments after closing another of these doors. He keeps the key ring in hand as we continue walking, ‘Freeing the souls of the damned.’ 
‘No one should be stuck in eternal torment.’ 
‘You no longer have voice in those matters.’ 
‘I still have my power.’ My voice stings with defensiveness, I can barely control my shakes. ‘So long as I have it I’ll defy them.’ 
We emerge into a foyer, more elaborate than the endless corridor and turn left, down a side hallway. ‘Between you and I’ Papa says, ‘I have rather enjoyed your efforts.’ That takes me by surprise as a deep chuckle emerges from the Loa, ‘It has been a long time since I saw them so…rattled.’
He raps once on a door and then sets back down the corridor, ‘I hope to see you again, Y/N. Under better circumstances.’ 
The door opens and I suck in a breath. 
                                              Manicured nails drum against a desk. I slip into the office, trying to compose myself before they turn around. They consult a whiteboard, head tilting in observation before connecting a line in red marker to another. ‘Close the door.’
I do as I’m told, but stay close enough to try and get some semblance of a head start if I need to. The marker clatters to the floor, a feminine giggle rising between us, ‘Running, you’re better than that.’ 
I haven’t seen them adopt this form in years, but we all know she remains one of their preferred physical forms. The simple black dress, the habit that hides blonde hair and the infamous, tell-tale lipstick sitting on the desk. Blue flashes orange as finally, they turn round with a face full of glee. ‘You’ve come home to us, finally.’ 
‘A pleasure.’ I say, still not moving. 
‘Tea?’ They cast a hand over the desk, where a teapot, sugar sachets, creamer and a spoon appear, ‘Or coffee?’ 
A Starbucks Frappuccino materialises and I’m almost surprised, still I walk over and start sucking on it. ‘A new acquisition?’ 
‘Took long enough didn’t it?’ Satan is pleased with themselves, perching on the desk. ‘Such a corrupt corporation, such capitalism and they only just pledge themselves to me. It will never fail to impress me how much people are influenced by greed.’ 
I know what they’re getting at. 
‘I wasn’t greedy.’ I say, ‘I love him.’ 
’Still greed.’ They counter, spinning a finger at me. ‘You could not resist meddling. My son was doing well enough on his own.’
‘I thought after four days, if you weren’t going to bother…’
Satan re-applies a fresh coat of scarlet, ‘I was teaching him to not be so fucking soft. Pathetic, piss-dribble of a boy couldn’t even tie his own shoe laces without applause.’ They take in a breath, a tight smile back in place, ‘Nevertheless, we are here.’
‘I really got under your skin, didn’t I?’ I say it as it dawns on me, Satan’s barely just restraining themselves from lashing out at me. Their grip is too tight on the lipstick, their smile so far removed from a genuine humane smile. Even my Starbucks has gone acrid, sour and makes me want to vomit. 
‘Tell me why I shouldn’t slit that little throat, set you alight and use your blood for my next bath?’ 
‘I don’t work for you anymore.’ I say, trying to remain brave despite how my voice tremors. Satan’s pushed themselves right up in my face, Starbucks shoved to the side and splattered on the chair meant for me. ‘My deal with Papa exonerated from you.’ 
‘All the fallen work for me.’ Satan snarls, ‘As it has always been.’ 
‘You’ll try again.’ I’m working towards an angle, ‘You always try again. If you’re anything it’s committed. Regardless of me, Michael would still be dead. You’d still have no Antichrist.’ 
I’ve got them there. Satan stalks back to their desk and throws themselves in the chair, those blue eyes are now a permanent orange. I can see the whiteboard now, behind which is a very detailed plan, written in cursive red marker. I follow the lines to a set of names with a black ring around them. ‘It’s happening,’ I murmur. ‘You’ve already done it.’ 
‘It will take time.’ Satan never takes their eyes off me, ‘2020 is the next prime year.’ 
‘But you still face the same problem Michael had.’ I counter, feeling a little more confident. I inspect the work laid out, following a black tangent that connects to a name I’m all too familiar with, ‘You’ll never succeed until you end the witches entirely. Especially, the Supreme.’ 
‘I am aware.’ 
‘Then do it yourself.’ I say, ‘Stop making your children do you work for you. You have the capability.’
‘Always more fun to entice men and women to their own dirty deeds.’ Satan echoes, a smile back on their face. ‘All are corruptible, even you.’ 
‘Your efforts are pointless until you finally get off your ass and do it yourself.’ I head for the door, ‘You’ve told me what I need to know, Michael is no longer the Antichrist. He’s free of you and all this.’ 
‘But you are not.’ 
The voice is a whisper in my ear. When I turn round Satan is right behind me. They seize my shoulders, lifting me a couple centimetres off the ground as if I were a feather. ‘My son is as dispensable as a fly, but you-
‘I don’t belong to you anymore.’ I hiss, feet dangling. ‘Your father saw to that himself.’ 
‘You will kill them.’ Satan murmurs. The echo of my hiss manifests, till there is nothing but hissing all around me. The floor has turned to snakes, writhing with their mouths open, fangs bared to snap at me. ‘The witches. The Supremes, all of them.’ 
‘And if you refuse me,’ Satan sings, ‘I will drag that fucked up, useless brat of mine beyond the veil where not even your God could find his mangled carcass.’ 
The office door bangs open. Both Satan and my head snaps towards the figure standing in the door. 
Mallory seizes my wrist, dragging me out of the room, ‘We need to go, now.’
‘You…’ My brain can’t catch up, as Mallory drags me further away from Satan. The devil does nothing but offer a simple wave, before returning to their calculations. ‘The snakes?’
‘No snakes.’ Mallory says, ‘Just magic, Y/N run.’ 
My feet start running, the two of us racing back into the foyer and down the endless corridor of torment. No one follows us, but the voices inside every room are louder, their screams and pleas for sanctuary right on our heels as we run for our lives. ‘You shouldn’t have come back for me.’ I tell her.
‘And let you die?’ She shoots back, ‘Baby Alpha is already crying, you think I want to live with that?’ 
‘Baby what?’
I collide with something so hard, we all go sprawling on the floor.
‘Michael?’ I breathe, shoving my hair out of my eyes to see the Boy Wonder rubbing the back of his head. 
‘You didn’t come back.’ He’s a mess, eyes bloodshot with fresh tear tracks running down his cheeks. ‘Why did you do it!’
‘I wanted to protect you.’
‘From me?’ Mallory picks herself up off the floor, ‘I just saved your life.’ 
‘Well it’s not exactly in your character, is it?’ I snap back at her, ’Have you lost your penchant for four-wheel drives?’
Her face distorts into a snarl as Michael puts himself between the two of us. I catch my breath as Michael studies Mallory, ‘You, tried to kill me.’
Mallory puts her hands up, ‘I had to.’
Michael’s eyes blaze, but I yank him back, using his arm to clamber back to my feet, ‘Don’t.’
‘Why shouldn’t I?’ He growls, ‘I never did anything to you.’
Mallory’s eyes dart to me, ‘You will.’ 
‘No he won’t.’ I say firmly, ‘He isn’t…that’s not part of him anymore.’ 
Michael turns to eye me, ‘Did she try and hurt you?’
My silence is a fraction too long. Michael’s eyes gleam with vengeance as Mallory’s chant dies, her throat clasped firmly in Michael’s grasp. ‘MICHAEL.’ I press forwards, trying to push him off her but Michael sends me flying back against the wall. He squeezes hard, but to her credit Mallory lets out no sound. I fight against Michael’s magic as her eyes bulge, bullfrog like. Colour seeps out of her, lips turn blue.
Neither of us spot the flash of silver till after Mallory’s struck. Blood seeps from Michael’s throat and he staggers back, releasing her. I move on pure instinct, seizing the knife as it falls between Mallory and Michael. I drive it into her so hard I’m sure it must be sticking out the other side. Blood sputters from her lips as I shove her back against one of the doors to hell. I clamp my hand over Michael’s throat, failing to stem the gushing flow of blood as Mallory takes a final breath. 
There’s laughter all around, shrill and deep and manic and full of such much mirth. 
Papa peers over Mallory’s body, his eyes meeting mine once more. He holds up a finger - my final chance. 
My body convulses, trying to cram air back into my lungs as I surge upwards. Faces peer at me and I push them away and wheel round. Michael too has risen, clutching at his throat as he gargles and screams. The Warlocks are all over him, trying to calm the boy down. We lock eyes, equal terror reflected back in the other. 
Cordelia’s scream is petrifying, she sinks to her knees as Mallory’s body disintegrates.
Just like Misty Day, all those years ago. 
The Supreme quakes as Zoe tends to her, wrapping her up in a tight hug. 
Myrtle remains as stoic as ever, fixing a crease in her gloves as she casts her eyes over each of us ‘Now, that’s a sorrowful turn of events.’ 
New Tag-List: @sojournmichael @duncvns @elizabethbennett @mochitheruby @dyns33 @xavierplympton @emmyrosee @brattylovee @guiltyfiend​ @lizhomitz1984 @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc​ @blakewaterxx @satansfavouritesons @dark-mei-rose @wroteclassicaly​ @ritualmichael​ @lvngdvns​ @so-langdon​ @codyfernmorelikedaddyfern​ @langdxn @fckinsupreme @xavierplympton @venusxxlangdon​ @rocketgirl2410 @sweetlangdon​ 
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cicinicole-14 · 3 years
SO fucking excited for part 4! Feel free to just drop it the moment you wake up
yes I realize you sent this so long ago but here’s part 4 :) cant guarantee when the rest is coming, but I really missed posting. 
also I know I warned yall forever ago, but im warning u again, you sure u want part 4? welp, here you go! I will be posting my terrible tiktok I made with this too btw. 
Part Four 
It had been three days of silence. Three blissful days of silence and drama free moments before all hell broke loose. Before endless texts messages blew up her phone and it hadn’t stopped ringing in the past hour. 
And then came the knocking. 
And then the yelling. 
And the threats. 
“Jo!” She can hear through the door, between the knocks. “I know you’re in there! Your car’s here!” The knocking continues. “I’ll knock the door down.” 
She shuffles out of bed on her only day off. She’s not sure how she managed to avoid Meredith or how Alex avoided her until now. But she knew it was going to happen sometime. 
“Jo! Open the doo––” Meredith is cut off by Jo sliding the door open and letting her in. “Thank you!” She sighs dramatically. “Now, what is this I hear about Alex being back in town? Where is he? Is he here? What is he doing here?” She rattles off, not leaving room for Jo to start explaining yet. 
Jo raises a brow in question and Meredith closes her mouth, taking the hint and making her way to the couch, ready to listen. 
Jo follows suit, pulling a leg up underneath herself and propping her arm against the back of the couch and leans against it. She takes a deep breath before beginning to explain the entire story from her telling Alex about the baby, him not replying and just showing up, to him fighting for full custody of the kids and admitting he was still in love with Jo. 
“He wrecked me, Meredith. He completely wrecked me, more than anyone else ever has. He tore down all the walls I put up. He made me trust him, love him, believe in him, and then he left.” She’s past fighting back the tears and just lets them freely fall. “I’ve done nothing but cry myself to sleep the past three days because of how much stress is on me now. I have no idea what to even do. I know I did the right thing by telling him, but it sucks and I hate it and I wish he never showed up, but god Mer, it's Alex.” 
Meredith just nods, knowing exactly what she means. She knows that if it were Derek she’d still drop everything again to be with him, because he was it for her. He was her one great big love, and like Derek, Alex was Jo’s. 
“He was my person when Cristina left, but he’s an ass now.” It makes Jo crack the smallest of smiles in laughter before breaking into a bout of tears again. 
There’s silence in the loft for a moment before a knock breaks it and both women furrow their brows in confusion before Jo begs Meredith to answer the door as she leans back into the couch, whining. 
Meredith slides it open to reveal a shocked looking Alex on the other side, clearly not expecting the blonde to answer the door. “Jo’s not here.” She says bluntly. 
“Meredith, please, I can see her on the couch.” Alex argues. 
“Jo’s not here.” Jo says from the couch. 
“Can I just––” He tries but Meredith gives him a glaring look. 
Jo sits up, looking across the loft at him, locking eyes with him. He gives her a pleading look, begging her to let him just speak. 
Jo can feel the worry and stress swimming around her. She can feel her heart beating in her chest and the anxiety creeping up her spine. She can feel her blood pressure rising and the air in her lungs becoming shallower. 
She nods towards both Meredith and Alex, not yet fully trusting her voice, knowing it would fail her if she tried to speak. 
She feels her head pounding and she presses her fingers against her temple as she hears Alex thank Meredith for letting him in. 
“Let me speak first.” She decides on a whim, quickly interrupting him before he can begin. “You, Alex, are beyond something else.” She fumes, standing up, letting her anger finally hit her full force. “I honestly cannot believe you.” She seethes. “First, you disappear to another state and tell me by sending me divorce papers. Then I find out I’m pregnant with your baby and you just show up out of the blue without warning and tell me you’re still in love with me? Alex, what the hell are you getting at? What––what is this? What’s going on? Why are you doing this? Was this planned? Was this some scheme to get me to finally love and trust you and the rip the rug out from underneath me once I felt secure, and then expect me take you back with open arms? You wrecked me, Alex. You utterly and thoroughly wrecked me.” She shouts, hands shaking, chest heaving as she tries to calm herself down. 
“I never meant for any of this to happen.” He starts. Jo glares at him. 
“I mean it, Jo. I never meant for this to happen. I never meant to fall so hard in love with you. I never should’ve left you. Leaving was the biggest mistake I’ve ever made. I regret every part of it. I should’ve told you the moment Izzie told me about the twins. I should’ve stayed. We should’ve been a family together because I have a house there, but here with you is my home.” 
Jo huffs. “Well, I changed the locks. You’re not welcome at home anymore. You wrecked me, Alex. You promised me that you would never leave, and you did. You left. And I really don’t care if you stay or not. I don’t care if you live here or Kansas or anywhere, I’d never keep you from your child. I just figured I should tell you. Despite our issues, our baby deserves to have both of their parents.” She finishes, making sure to throw shade, yet still making sure Alex knew that she really had no intention of ever keeping his child from him unlike Izzie had. 
She sits, feeling a sudden intense pressure in her lower stomach at that very moment. She pushes it away, trying to focus on Alex while her head spins. 
She presses back on the pain in her stomach as tears prick her eyelids. 
“You okay?” The loft grows quiet as Alex asks softly. 
Meredith sits down next to Jo, offering comforting hand rubbing her back as Jo squeezes her eyelids shut in pain. 
Alex doesn’t risk getting berated, so he keeps his distance as dread courses through his body as the puzzle pieces click in his mind. His thoughts are confirmed as Jo stands, with Meredith’s help as she speaks hoarsely. 
“I––I think I’m losing the baby.” 
I’m not sorry for this… anyway feel free to yell at me 🙃 
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Drawn to a Flame
Pairing: Logan x Charlotte Wheeler
Summary: Logan and Charlotte go for a short drive that ends up being so much more. Set shortly after the ending of Stitches
Warnings: Just a bit of cursing and very brief references to a car crash.
Disclaimer: Logan belongs to Pixelberry.
Word Count: 3364
A/N: This is my piece for @rodappreciationweek Epilogue Day. Just as with the first part, the name for this came from Shawn Mendes’s song Stitches (I might be just a little obsessed right now lol)
“Um, Logan?” Charlotte's brow furrowed when he took a right turn two blocks before he should have turned left.
“This isn’t the way to the college.”
“Oh? It isn’t?” His tone told her that he knew it wasn’t.
“Damn it, we don’t have time for this. My meeting with my advisor starts in less than an hour! I can’t be late to that after missing so many days already.”
“It’s not like you were playin’ hooky, babe.”
“Yeah, because demolishing my car in an illegal street race is an approved reason for missing weeks of classes.”
“Nobody knows you were street racing when you wrecked.”
Charlotte rolled her eyes. “For now.”
Letting out a sigh, Logan moved his hand from the gear shift to rest briefly on her leg, squeezing a spot just above her knee gently. “Just relax, okay? I got you. You know I’ll always get you where you need to be.”
Instinctively, she tried to reach out her left hand to lace their fingers together, remembering too late that it was her broken arm. Despite her best efforts to the contrary, a small whimper slipped out at the jolt of pain the small movement caused.
Logan chuckled ruefully, “You would think you’d remember by now as much as you’ve done that.”
Charlotte’s eyes narrowed as she bit out, “Shut up.”
He pulled his hand away from her leg and she had to fight the urge to beg him to put it back, but almost immediately, his fingers were tangling gently in her hair, somehow managing to tuck the messy strands behind her hair without taking his eyes off the road. “I know babe. I miss it too. More than you can possibly know.”
The tender sweetness had her almost desperate to touch him and her frustration skyrocketed as a result. “Would you stop being sweet? It isn’t helping this situation one bit.”
“Should I laugh at your pain instead?”
“Yes, actually. That would be incredibly helpful.”
“Sorry, sweetheart. That’s one thing I can’t do for you. Especially not this time.”
It sounded almost as if he actually regretted it and Charlotte fell just a little harder for him. But she also didn’t miss the shudder that went through his body and found herself wishing for someway to comfort him. Even if the accident had helped bring them back together, she hated the way she’d scared him with her stupidity. Plus, losing her car like that was killing her. “I’m so sorry, Logan. I – “
“Don’t. You’re fine. I’m fine. It…it’s all fine.”
Dropping her head back against the seat, she smothered her groan of frustration. He’d been staying with her for a week but he still wouldn’t talk to her about the crash, despite the way it was clearly still bothering him. Like he thought he had to be this unaffected tough guy about the whole thing. She wanted so badly to push him on it, to make him open up, but she’d been down that road several times already and it always ended with a fight. And that was something she did not want to get into with the way she was already fighting a pounding headache and a touch of nausea – not that she was going to tell him about that particular development – so she held her tongue, letting the deep thrum of the Devore’s engine relax the tension out of her aching, exhausted body.
The next thing she knew, a hand was running gently through her hair and a soft, muffled-sounding voice was calling her name. Using an inordinate amount of effort, she pulled herself awake, vision blurry as she locked onto Logan, who was kneeling at her open door.
“Hey, Troublemaker. Have a good nap?”
“Mm-hmm.” Eyes threatening to slide closed again, she blinked hard a few times, but still felt like she was fighting a losing battle.
Chuckling, Logan leaned forward and pressed a kiss against her forehead. “So…you think you’re ready to go back to school, huh?”
“I would be if the damn doctors would clear me for it.” Even to her own ears, her voice lacked conviction.
“Says the girl who’s worn out after taking a short car ride.”
“That doesn’t mean shit.”
“You keep telling yourself that, sweetheart.”
Too exhausted to argue and beyond desperate to have him close to her, she raised her good arm to wrap around his shoulder and pleaded, “Hold me?”
“That mean you want me to carry you, Troublemaker?” Logan’s low laugh was somehow gentle and sweet.
“No. It means I want you to hold me.” Charlotte couldn’t help but cringe at how whiny she sounded.
“Char” – he sighed – “Lottie. Just let me carry you.”
“No. I can walk. I just need you to help me up.”
His eyes searched her face for several long seconds before he finally muttered, “Fine.” Wrapping his left arm gently around her back while trying to be careful of her still tender ribs, he held on to her free hand with his right to help tug her up to her feet. Tucking her against his side, he asked, “You good?”
Breathless from the effort and the way her body still protested even the slightest movements, she leaned heavily against Logan and huffed, “No. I told you to hold me.”
He twisted so that she was pressed against his chest and wrapped his arms around her as much it was possible with her arm in a cast and sling. She could feel his smile when he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “How ‘bout now?”
“This is perfect,” Charlotte sighed contentedly. They were silent for several moments before she muttered, voice muffled by his chest, “You know you can still call me Char or Charlotte if you want.”
“I thought you didn’t go by either of those anymore.”
“I…I don’t. Or didn’t. It just reminded me too much of…well, you. And him.”
“And it doesn’t still remind you of him?”
“Well, Char doesn’t. Not really.”
Logan gently pushed her away from him, reaching up to brush a stray strand of hair behind her ear before cupping her cheek in his hand. “Troublemaker, you… You aren’t the same girl I first met.” Charlotte felt her heart stutter, suddenly terrified of what he might say next, but was too frozen to interrupt. “I get that now. So, if this version of yourself, the true Charlotte, goes by Lottie, I can get used to that. Because I love her, you, so much and what name she goes by will never change that.”
It took a minute before Charlotte could pull in a shuddering breath, the fear she had been feeling making it hard to comprehend everything he’d just told her. To understand that he was finally saying all the words she’d yearned to hear for so long. But when it finally clicked, the biggest smile she’d ever felt broke out across her face. “You really mean that? All of it?”
“Every single word.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You were right when you told me that I never actually listened to what you wanted. I…I just assumed that you still wanted the life that you’d had planned before you met me. That this life and I were just a phase you were going through… I assumed that I knew better than you. I was too worried about how I was screwing up your life that I failed to see how much you had changed. Had blossomed.”
“Oh Logan.” She threaded the fingers of her free hand through the hair at the base of his head, using her grip to pull his lips down to hers. When he was close enough for their breaths to mingle, she whispered, “That’s all I’ve ever needed from you. For you to accept me like this.”
“Always, baby. Always.” He closed the remaining distance between their lips, kissing her softly, telling her without words just how precious she was to him. When they finally broke apart, several minutes later, they were both breathless and a little dazed.
Logan snapped out of it first, chuckling, which caused Charlotte to narrow her eyes at him.
“What are you laughing at?”
“Myself. And how easily you seem to be able to completely distract me. I don’t know how I ever thought I’d be able to stay away from you forever.”
“Well no one ever said you were the brains of this operation.” Charlotte managed to keep her expression serious, but could almost feel the laughter sparkling in her eyes.
“Good thing I never claimed to be, isn’t it?” He bopped her nose softly, careful of the fading bruises that still covered her face. “Anyway. I brought you here for a reason and I think we are already late.”
“Oh, my god! My meeting.” She jolted in an attempt to take off, but the sudden move sent a shockwave of pain through her body and her knees would have buckled if not for Logan’s supporting arms around her.
“Easy, babe. I don’t think you are gonna be in trouble for being late to this particular meeting.”
“You don’t underst – “ For the first time since he woke her up, Charlotte actually took in her surroundings and confusion immediately settled over her. Instead of being in a campus parking lot, they were in front of a self-storage facility. “What the hell is going on, Logan?”
“You’ll see in just a bit. You sure you want to walk?”
It wasn’t an easy task, but she resisted the urge to roll her eyes at him. “Yes, I’m sure.”
“Okay, okay. I won’t ask again.”
He started to unwrap himself from around her but she grabbed onto the front of his shirt. “Hey. Don’t be like that.”
“Me? Like what exactly?”
“Mad at me.” She forced herself to ignore his scoff. “I know, I’m being a bitch about all this. It just…it sucks to be so damned dependent on you. …Not you specifically. Just anybody. I hate this and I hate that I did it to myself.”
Logan’s expression softened as he shifted them around so that she was tucked into his side. He wrapped his arm loosely around her and nuzzled the side of her face before pressing a kiss to her temple. “I know baby. And I know I’m going overboard with the protectiveness. I just…I want to take care of you.”
“And you are. So much. So well.” She smiled when she felt him bury his nose in her hair, but when he stayed like that for several moments, she poked his side playfully. “Don’t we have somewhere to be? Something for you to show me?”
“Oh! Right! Yeah…you ready?”
Keeping his arm wrapped around her, Logan started to guide her through the maze of storage units. He had already taken two right turns and one left and they were still walking, leading her to wonder if he actually knew where he was taking her. After yet another right turn, she finally voiced her concern. “Are you sure you know where you’re going? Do I need to send out some sort of homing beacon so the authorities can find us?” The breathlessness of her voice seemed to ruin the comedic effect of her joke as Logan drew them to a stop, staring at her with concern-filled eyes.
“Hey. You need to take a break?”
She tried not to pant as she worked to catch her breath. “Depends. How much further?” She didn’t want to admit it, but her body really was starting to scream. She hadn’t moved half this much in almost two weeks and she could definitely feel it.
“Just let me carry you, babe.”
“How far, Logan?”
He let out a loud exhale before finally relenting, “Not far. It’s just at the end of this row. But seriously – “
“I’m fine. Just… maybe we could go a little slower?”
“That’s the most I’m gonna get from you, isn’t it?”
“You bet your sweet ass it is.”
“Whatever.” She could tell he was annoyed with her, but the way the corner of his lips kept twitching with the smile he was trying to hold back told her he wasn’t all that upset.
Once they were finally standing in front of their destination, a unit at the end of the row with a large, garage-type door, Charlotte turned to Logan with raised eyebrows. “Babe, I’m still confused.”
“It will all make sense in a minute, I swear.” He pulled his phone out of his pocket, typing out a short message before putting it back.
“Seriously? You lead me all the way down here just to send a fucking – “ The soft hum of a garage door opener captured Charlotte’s attention as it started to roll the door up. “Did you just send a text message to open that freakin’ door?”
There was a burst of laughter at that – make it two bursts of laughter. Forehead once again wrinkled in confusion, she turned towards the storage unit and gasped at who she saw inside. “Paul?”
“Yeah, Lottie. It’s me.”
Unexpected tears sprung to her eyes and she was helpless to stop them. She hadn’t seen or heard from him since he’d stormed out of her hospital room and she was starting to think that she really had fucked up that friendship. Even with Logan here – especially with Logan here – she knew she still needed Paul in her life and the thought that he might not be absolutely broke her heart. But here he was, waiting in a storage locker for her. But why is he waiting in a storage locker?
Before she even realized he’d moved, he was in front of her, pulling her into a much-too-tight hug, but she refused to complain. Logan, on the other hand, had no qualms about it. “Dude. Lighten up. She’s still really banged up.”
“Oh, shit. I’m sorry sweetheart.” Paul pulled back, but still kept his hands on her shoulders. His voice was much quieter when he added, “And not just for crushing you.”
“No, don’t – “
“Hush. I owe you an apology. You’d literally just woken up from – “ Paul shook his head, as if chasing memories away. “I should have been more understanding with you. More patient. And I damn sure shouldn’t have taken off on you like that. I just… You scared me so damn bad, Lottie. I thought…”
“I know. I know and I shouldn’t have tried to make light of the situation. I just…I hated seeing you so tense and upset and I thought a little joke might lighten the mood. I didn’t even consider everything I’d put you through.” She wanted to let it all go at that, to just enjoy knowing that she hadn’t ruined their friendship, but she couldn’t bite back the question that had been haunting her since he’d stormed out. Voice barely above a whisper, she asked, “Why didn’t you return any of my calls?”
Paul let out a deep sigh. “At first, it was because I was pissed as hell at you. Then, I knew Logan was going to be showing up on your doorstep and didn’t want to give you time to guard that frozen heart of yours.”
“You know it’s true.”
“Whatever, jackass. What about after you knew Logan and I had talked?”
Turning to face Logan, Paul laughed, “She’s incredibly observant, isn’t she?”
“It really makes you wonder how she’s such a good street racer, doesn’t it?”
Shifting her glare between the two men, Charlotte hissed, “Hey, assholes, I’m still standing right here.”
“Oh, trust me, Troublemaker, we know.”
She knew it was an overreaction to storm off, but she was tired and annoyed and every inch of her body felt like it was throbbing so she really didn’t care how much of an overreaction it really was. She had only taken half of a step, though, before an almost familiar glint coming from inside the storage unit caught her eye. She side-stepped around Paul, the sight behind him causing her to freeze with horror, disbelief and excitement.
“That’s – “ She had to clear her throat to get her voice to work around her tears. “That’s my car.”
Coming up behind her, Logan wrapped his arms around her waist, being sure to avoid bumping her arm or pressing on her incision. “Yeah, baby.”
“What… how… Oh my god. What did I do?”
“Shh. It’s fine. It looks worse than it is.”
“I’m not saying it’s gonna be a quick fix. But Paul’s already found a new frame. And we’ve got the pieces that need to be completely replaced on order. But the majority of it is fixable. We’re just gonna need you to be patient with us because this shit isn’t gonna be easy.”
Spinning slowly within his arms, she wrapped her right one around Logan’s neck before asking, “Why?”
“Because I know what that car means to you. Hell, what it means to us. And it isn’t beyond repair, so I wasn’t going to let it get scrapped.” A mischievous smirk broke out across his face as he added, “Besides, it’s only fair that I help fix it since I’m sorta the reason it needs fixed.”
Charlotte smothered the gasp that wanted to escape. She hadn’t been able to get him to even talk about the crash and here he was, joking about it? As much as it annoyed her, she figured it was better than nothing so instead of pressing the matter, she arched an eyebrow and sassed, “And just what makes you think it had anything to do with you?”
“Well your record was perfect until I showed up.”
She rolled her eyes at him so hard she immediately regretted it when her headache really started to throb. “Whatever. Pure coincidence is all that was.”
Before he could smart off again, she tugged him down so she could kiss him. Almost immediately, he deepened the kiss, running his tongue along her lips, begging for access. Just before she could oblige him, however, an over-exaggerated cough broke them out of their haze.
Charlotte looked over at Paul sheepishly, knowing that he knew she’d completely forgotten he was there. Rather that bring further attention to it, she opted to shift the conversation back to her car. “Thank you. So much for all of this. For saving her from the scrap yard and for putting all the plans together to fix her.”
“Hell, Lottie. Don’t go getting’ sentimental on me now.”
“Oh, whatever. You know you love it.”
Paul barked, “Shut up,” but it lacked any real heat and the smile on his face softened what was left of the blow.
Turning back to Logan, a realization struck her and she couldn’t pass up the opportunity to mess with him. “What happened to no more lies, Logan?”
“Huh? What?”
“You said I had a meeting with my academic advisor.”
“Well, uh…I just… I wanted to surprise you.” At first, she thought he was just playing along, but the way he was refusing to meet her eyes told her that he was taking it all to heart. Guilt instantly started eating at her.
“Hey, look at me.” When he just shook his head, she cupped his cheek in her hand and forced him to turn back towards her. “This was so much better than some stupid college meeting.”
Eyebrows knitted together, his disbelief was thick in his voice as he asked, “Really? You aren’t pissed at me for lying to you again?”
“Of course I’m not pissed. I was just trying to mess with you a little bit.” She bit her lip, pondering for just a second if she should just leave it at that, but couldn’t resist adding, “Besides, I’ve been wondering how I was beat your ass again without a car.”
The strangled noise that got caught in his throat and the panic that settled over his expression let her know that she would soon have another battle on her hands with him. But she didn’t mind, because she was finally starting to believe that Logan was really in this for the long haul this time.
Tags: @burnsoslow @anotherbeingsworld @openheart
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vera-simik · 4 years
Wanted: The Witcher. Status: Urgent
Ok. I did it. I finally translated it all. So there it is - my super weird multi-crossover crack-fic, because honestly? Almost everything I ever wrote is more or less crack-fic 😅
Proceed on your own risk  😅
(early morning)
(OK, fine, let’s be honest – NOT so early)
(Vědmi and Erik are sitting in the kitchen, both have a mug of a hot beverage in front of them; Vědmi is also messing around with a small pile of papers)
(Andy comes in)
Andy: “I bid you good morning.”
Erik: (waves sort of disinterestedly) “Mornin’.”
Vědmi: (mumbles something, doesn’t glance up from her work)
Andy: “Judging by her expression, Geralt hasn’t shown up yet.”
Erik: “What a pity you didn’t place a bet. You’d win.”
Andy: “Ah… So, she’s creating WHAT exactly?”
Erik: “Do you remember when she said that if the witcher wouldn’t show up in two days, she’d have to act?”
Andy: “… yes?”
Erik: “She started to create wanted posters.”
Vědmi: “Alright, you two. (puts papers aside) You can stop talking about me as if I weren’t here, and tell me instead – how does this sound? (clears her throat) Have you seen this witcher? Responds to the name Geralt of Rivia. If you find him, be so kind and punch him in the face. (looks at her companions) So? What do you think?”
(both men remain silent)
Erik: “Well…”
Andy: “Perhaps I would word it in less emotive w-“
(suddenly, a portal opens in the kitchen, and Geralt stumbles out of it, slightly green in the face)
Vědmi: (with a mischievous grin on her face) “Aaa, look who FINALLY decided to join us! And as I see, unspeakably wasted!”
Geralt: (mutters) “Be so kind and stop screeching. You’re worse than an echidna, and I, moreover, have a feeling like I could even hear the colours.”
Vědmi: “And why are you acting so surprised, with such a hangover? Shame on you! What am I supposed to tell your wife when she comes here and sees you like this?”
Geralt: (takes a seat at the table) (in puzzlement) “Why would Yen come here? Are you two planning on doing something here or what?”
Vědmi: (facepalm) “And he’s asking! You said yourself that your anniversary is approaching, and then you asked me if I could do you a favor and write it down to the calendar in case you’d forget! You wanted to take her out tonight, and you were pretty damn secretive about it. That’s why we wanted to launch a hunt for you! (points at the pile of wanted posters)”
Geralt: (looks a bit uncertain) “Tonight? Are you sure? How long was I gone?”
Erik: “Longer than you think, mon ami. Did Regis make a new brew of his mandrake moonshine again?”
Andy: „Whatever it was, I suppose it was quite impressive. A witcher with a mild alcohol poisoning… I don’t think it’s something you can see every day.“
Geralt: (waves hand in a dismissive manner) „Eh… it’s not… I don’t wanna talk about it, it’s not very int-“
Vědmi: „Oh no, no, no, keep talking, we’re all ears.“
Geralt: „Ugh, as you wish. Dandelion had the – you know – bachelor party, and – I admit – maybe, just MAYBE it took a bit longer than we planned, and…“
(everyone’s silent for a moment)
Erik: „P-perhaps I did not understand correctly? WHAT happened to Dandelion?“
Vědmi: (shrieks out) „The oaf’s gonna get married?!“
Geralt: (slightly tormented expression) „I begged you to stop screeching…“
Vědmi: (ignoring witcher’s headache) „So he really wants to get hitched… That’s impossible…“
Andy: „And who’s the poor unfortunate soul he talked into it?“
Vědmi: „Crystal clear it’s Priscilla. Am I right? (pokes Geralt) Don’t sleep, and tell him I’m right!“
Geralt: „Does it look to you like anyone could fall asleep here when SOMEONE’s still shouting? (to Andy) And of course, it’s Priscilla. Or did you think he managed to smooth Annarietta’s ruffled feathers?“
Erik: (laughs in his sleeve) „Or worse – Vespula’s?“
Vědmi: “My, my! Someone’s very well versed in latest gossips, am I right, monsieur le phantôm?”
Erik: “Oh please. I know the details just because this shrew and my María know each other. As for me, I could live even without this knowledge.”
Andy: “María indeed knows almost everyone. No offense, of course.”
Geralt: “Could we PLEASE get back to much more serious matter than why and from where do whose partners know each other? Mine will skin me alive when she sees me in this state! (more or less to himself) Damn, Vesemir was right once again, when he said we shouldn’t drink so much because we would regret it later. But is it my fault Zoltan fetched that archival Mahakam spirit immediately after that?”
Vědmi: “Can’t you just, I don’t know, brew yourself the Wives’ Tears of something like that?”
Geralt: “Look… the fact I’m sitting here, talking to you in a way that somehow makes sense, doesn’t mean a thing. I haven’t felt this sick as long as I can remember. And I’m not entirely sure what will happen the moment I’ll try to get up. I’d throw up into the pot before I could even try to brew something in it, most likely.”
Erik: (to Vědmi) “I’d LOVE to know how the rest of the participants ended up.”
Andy: (gets up) “I can’t stand by any longer, Geralt. Come on, I think I have something that would help you down in the laboratory.” (leaves the room)
(Geralt slowly and carefully follows him, Vědmi and Erik remain in the kitchen)
(they’re sitting in silence for a while)
Erik: “Don’t look at me like that. We should have figured out sooner that Dandelion and Zoltan were involved in this.”
Vědmi: “Meh, I don’t give a hoot about who wrecked him like this. He could be drinking with every single one of those dum-dums of the Wild Hunt for all I care, he’s an adult, and as such, he should know that excessive drinking equals headache. I agree with Vesemir almost every time, and I don’t intend to make any exceptions this time. Don’t drink, don’t regret it afterward. But that’s not what’s on my mind.”
Erik: “Then what… Wait, let me guess. Is it because you had an itch for Dandelion?”
Vědmi: (deadly serious) “Tell me this was just a weak attempt to make a remarkably stupid joke because otherwise, I’m giving you a ten-second head start. Drogo helped me retrieve all of the knives which fell behind the stove about a week ago.”
Erik: (raises hands in a defensive gesture) “Keep calm. As you say, it’s just a stupid joke. But it HAS something to do with the bard, non?”
Vědmi: “I’m mostly nice to that fool, in bounds of possibility, and I haven’t told him he’s a nitwit and a skirt chaser to his face for more than a year! For fun nor seriously! And he doesn’t even send me an invitation!”
Erik: “So, is this the only thing that’s troubling you?”
Vědmi: “Tsk. ‘The only thing,’ he says. Hm…  Do you think it could be due to that one time three years ago when we stole his lute, and then we sent it back to him one string at a time?”
Erik: “To our – and your especially – defence, I need to add that he was flirting with you in a very indiscreet way. And this was quite adequate retribution. I think he didn’t invite you more likely because he remembers very well when we tied him up with those strings for a similar offence, and that Nuada and NoName sang an intentionally off-key version of Dornishman’s Wife to torture him a bit more. I can’t help it, but I think you didn’t even try to stop them.”
Vědmi: (considers it) “Maybe you’re right… Oh! Or is it because of that other time when I dashed the leftovers of the disgusting old soup at him because he was serenading me underneath the window?”
Erik: “When I’m thinking of it now… We’re giving him fairly hard time, aren’t we?”
Vědmi: (theatrically) “Living amongst the group of fictional villains is corrupting me!”
Erik: “I see myself more like an antihero, and I could argue over this too. And don’t make yourself look like a victim, because you’re not innocent either. Should I remind to you some of these ideas came from your head?”
Vědmi: “Ha! Such an insult! If Andy were here, he’d stand up for me for sure!”
Erik: “But Anderien is out of question. To tell the truth, I’m not entirely sure he could…”
Vědmi: (with a bit of “Creator’s Sense of Guilt” in her voice) “Mind what you’re saying, you could be in for a nasty surprise. He had certain moments in life where you wouldn’t want to get into his ha-“
(once again, another portal opens in the kitchen)
Vědmi: (bangs the table with her fist) “Oh come on now! What kind of manners is this, turning my kitchen into interchange…”
(out of the portal comes Yennefer; it doesn’t look like she’s in a good mood)
Vědmi: “… station. Mornin’?”
Erik: “Eeh… bonjour, madame Yennefer?”
Yennefer: “Where is he?!”
Vědmi: (immediately turns the posters blank side up and quickly tries to gloss over Geralt’s absence) “Honestly? We weren’t expecting you to come here so soon! I thought you were meant to arrive in the evening! And I’d take a guess Gery didn’t expect you so soon either… He went to… went to…”
Yennefer: “Well?!”
Erik: “To take a shower.”
Vědmi: “To get the flowers. (looks at Erik) (kind of desperately) Wait for a second, he said he’s going to take a shower right after the afternoon coffee!”
Erik: “You wait! He wanted to get the flowers when he’s done showering!”
Vědmi: “Uh-oh…”
Yennefer: “If only you weren’t driveling… I know very well what he’s been doing. When it comes to that half-witted bard, what else could they be up to? Invoking the djinn?!”
Vědmi: (snickers) “Yeah, gin was probably involved too.” (discreetly puts the pile of posters out of sorceress’ sight)
Yennefer: “What do you have here?”
Vědmi: “Eee… nothing. I was drawing… a bit…”
Yennefer: (takes a seat) “He was supposed to let me know after he’d left that party. Don’t look at me like this. After the pogrom in Rivia, I tend to worry about Geralt a lot more.”
Erik: “Our dear witcher didn’t think this through, I agree completely. But why didn’t you go to look for him – let’s say – at Kaer Morhen?”
Yennefer: “Do you suppose I didn’t already go there? At the first go! Wait, no. At the second go, actually. At first, I went to look for him at that Dandelion’s tavern in Novigrad. I almost caused Zoltan a heart attack. Nevertheless, they told me Geralt already left and sent me right to Kaer Morhen.”
Vědmi: “Now this is picking up speed. Do you want some coffee? Why am I asking, you do for sure. Black with milk, am I right?”
Yennefer: (curtly nods and continues) “When I saw how Eskel and Lambert came out of this event, I knew it wouldn’t be realistic to expect Geralt would be better off no matter how. There are only three places he tends to spend a lot of time at, and since your house is the last one I didn’t already check out, it would be a huge coincidence if he didn't come back here, either. (sighs) I’m going to lose my mind because of him one day.”
Erik: “I think you're a bit too severe on him.”
Vědmi: “Yeah, that poor fellow doesn’t really deserve this… today. I don’t want to defend him, he sure has a lot of imperfections, but I’m ready to vouch for him right now.”
Erik: “He probably just forgot to let you know, it happens even to the best of us… ehm…”
Vědmi: (pokes the phantom to the ribs) (under her voice) “Don’t overdo it, I bet there’s a lot of things you don’t want María to find out…”
Erik: (ignores Vědmi) “She’s babbling again, it happens a lot, don’t listen to her, it’s not worth it. But what did I want to say before she interrupted me? Ah, oui. Geralt forgot to let you know. And as I mentioned, it happens. See, a lot going on – I mean, there’s this anniversary of yours, his best friend is going to get married… And I admit, he did drink, indeed.  But only a bit, and then he got back here quite early.”
Vědmi: (latches on Erik’s improvisation) “Masked weirdo over here’s right. You have not only one, but three witnesses of Geralt’s arrival!”
Yennefer: (slightly ironically) “It's not like I didn't believe what you two are saying, but where do you have the third one?”
Erik: “It’s Anderien Ettreasil, you must have heard of him.”
Yennefer: “That half-elven alchemist? Well, I sometimes do trade with him. Sure, he’s quite trustworthy, but..”
Vědmi: “Exactly! Right now, he and Gery are doing something down in the lab. (ostentatiously pretends to be offended) And they didn’t even let ME to join them! It’s gotta be some sort of surprise, believe me!"
(sound of the opened door can be heard; in a moment, Andy and Geralt are coming in the kitchen) (Geralt’s in a significantly better and more sober state than he was in after he got out of the portal)
Vědmi: “Great! And now there are all of us this situation applies to!”
Geralt: (expectably surprised) “Yen! What are you doing here? We weren’t expecting you to come here so soon…”
Erik: (gives Vědmi a wink) “Where did I hear this today?”
Yennefer: (stands up from the table, folds her arms) (surprisingly calmly) “Geralt of Rivia.”
Vědmi: (to Erik and Andy) (half seriously) “Uh-oh, she called him by his full name! All hell’s going to break loose!”
Yennefer: “I always thought you’re a self-dependent grown man. And that you know what does it mean when we agree on something.”
Geralt: (you can tell from his look that he wishes to be somewhere else)
Andy: “Well… I’d better be going, I’m not sure if I put the burner out…” (prepares to beat a retreat in a very diplomatic way)
Erik: “No, no, stay here. This is going to get interesting.”
Yennefer: (ignores all of the distractions and continues) “After all, I even believed you could even be responsible. And meanwhile, you're even worse than our daughter. She at least lets me know whenever she gets held up somewhere and knows when she's getting back home.”
Geralt: “But Yen…”
Yennefer: “Do I look like I finished speaking?! This one’s for disappearing and not letting me know about your whereabouts, leaving me worried sick!” (slaps Geralt)
(Geralt, because he knows he “earned” it, handles the slap with at least some dignity)
(two thirds of the onlookers, on the other hand, react greatly exaggerated)
Vědmi: (overacts covering her eyes) “Holy shiP!”
Erik: (with extremely false concern in his voice) “Oww, this might HURT!”
Yennefer: “And this one…”
(everyone’s getting for the worst – Vědmi even above her usual “fondness” towards other people’s misfortune)
Yennefer: (no one’s expecting her kissing Geralt on the same cheek where she slapped him before) “… is for your effort after all these years we’re together. I’m glad you didn’t forget our anniversary, and I greatly appreciate it. However (critically examines her dearest from tip to toe) that vomit stain on your shirt kind of ruins this moment.”
Andy: (to Geralt) “I was preparing to let you know.”
Yennefer: “It doesn’t matter right now. But I’m hoping you’ll smarten up until the evening. If not, Triss still owes me a bottle of wine, so I have an alternative program. (opens a new portal) See you later, Geralt. (steps into the portal and disappears)
(nothing much happens for a while)
Geralt: “Alright, I admit it, I tend to make mistakes. You can stop laughing, Vědmi.”
Vědmi: (wipes off tears from the previous fit of laughing) “Sorry. I… pfffhehe… I’m okay, yeah…”
Geralt: “So… first I’ll go to throw this (takes off the filthy shirt) into the laundry basket, and then…”
Erik: “Watch that fanservice, you’re going to kill our landlady.”
Vědmi: (blushes) “Tssk!”
Geralt: (chuckles and leaves the room with the shirt thrown over his shoulder)
(the not-so-early morning quickly regains its previous calmness; lonely trio goes back to their not-so-hot-anymore beverages)
(ANOTHER portal opens, and random young Nilfgaardian soldier falls out of it)
Vědmi: (swiftly stands up) “Oh, come on! Are you fookin’ kiddin’?!”
Random Nilfgaardian soldier: (glances around) “T-this isn’t Wyzima…?”
Erik: (sarcastically) “No way! How did you notice?”
RNS: (at the beginning of a panic attack) “By the Great Sun, this can’t be happening! What am I going to do now?! I don’t even know how and why that portal opened up right in front of me! General Voorhis is going to kill me once I got back! I…”
Andy: “Calm down, boy. I suppose we know general Voorhis. He’s about this tall, kinda ginger, likes horses…?”
Erik: “Oh wait, isn’t it the same ginger Nilfgaardian who tried to hit on our Vědmi?”
Andy: “But of course he is! (to RNS) Don’t worry, young friend, Vědmi will help you with your trouble. She and general Voorhis know each other VERY WELL! (unsuccessfully tries to hide a grin; Erik already gave up trying)”
Vědmi: (annoyed) “Cut it out, you two! I agreed to go out with him once for a glass of wine in Novigrad. ONCE! And you’re immediately making a mountain out of a molehill! And I wish I didn’t go there. He looked like he’s hoping we could repeat it some other time…”
Erik: (mockingly) “Exactly.”
RNS: (observes the conversation considerably confused)
Vědmi: (dramatically) “OK! Fine! I’ll do it! I’ll put myself out for greater good and explain it wasn’t a desertion nor treason! But the moment he starts to hit on me again, I’ll bite your heads off! (to RNS) And you – sit down for a moment, I still need to make myself look like at least half decent human being, and it’s going to take a while. Do you want some coffee?”
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fanfic-scribbles · 5 years
Lunch Buddy: Chapter Fourteen
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Overall Story Facts:
Fandom: MCU Captain America/Avengers
Story Summary: Steve Rogers makes a friend. A prickly, generally people-averse friend, but they’ll both take what they can get.
Quick Facts: Friendship (/Eventual Romance) – Steve Rogers & Reader (leading to Steve Rogers/Reader) – Female Reader
Story Warnings: Reader-insert that verges on OFC, written in 1st person past tense
Chapter 14: Thankful
Chapter Summary: Steve spends the holiday with his grumpy friend. His grumpy friend realizes something.
Chapter Word Count: 2867
AN: ‘Why does this start at Halloween and end around Thanksgiving’ well unfortunately Thanksgiving was when I always imagined a certain part taking place and I don’t want to stretch this out for another two months. It feels right to have this here, chapter-wise. So without further ado… (ノ✧ ω ✧)ノ*✲゚*
“Huh.” Steve put his controller down and changed the channel . “I thought you’d be more upset.”
“You wrecked me in the most convoluted way possible,” I said. “I can’t be mad. That was stupid impressive.”
“Thanks,” he said and sat back. “And thanks again for saving me from Tony’s costume party.”
“I didn’t save you; I just invited you to my party first.”
Steve looked around the room. “Do two people count as a party?”
“I’m sorry; where can I find the requirements to call something a party? Are they online? Maybe there’s a National Party Registry where I can–”
Steve shoved some popcorn at my face and I smacked him away, but I still had to dig some of it out of my shirt. Steve was, at least, decent enough to get the ones off the floor.
“Point being– there’s food, there’s fun, and if you don’t like it you can go and I will party by myself,” I said and turned my nose up at him.
“Touchy,” Steve chuckled and ate the pieces he had dropped. Well, the floor was clean enough. He added, “I am having fun though. Thank you.”
“All I said was ‘thank you.’”
“Yeah, too sappy; I’d rather you go back to dumping popcorn down my shirt.”
His face turned red. Too easy. “I did not.”
“Did too.”
I had the popcorn in my hand and, well, if life gave you kernels… “Oh, okay then. Here,” I said and held it out to him.
He, of course, recoiled. “No; you eat it.”
“I don’t want it,” I said and kept going. He scooted away like I had cooties, so I scooted closer until he was up against the arm of the couch. Short of leaping off of it he wasn’t getting away from me. “Come on; eat it.”
“No!” he said and shielded his face with his arm.
“Why not? If it didn’t go down my shirt then it must be perfectly fine,” I said and leaned over him.
Steve apparently disagreed, and we tussled. The fact that we pushed back and forth meant he was seriously holding back but it was funny, especially when I managed to drop the popcorn on him and he snapped. Gently, but I ended up on my back on the couch with him pressing down on my arms. Again, lightly, but he was making real sure I couldn’t get that popcorn back (wherever it had gone).
“You are such a wuss,” I said, still laughing.
“And you’re gross,” he chuckled.
“Hey.” I frowned. “I shower. I shower more often than I clean the floor.”
He shook his head. “I didn’t mean you were dirty, I–” He stared down at me, like he was realizing where I was for the first time, and he jerked away off of me– and the couch– like I was fire.
It happened so quickly I didn’t know what the hell to make of it. “Are you okay?” I asked and slowly sat up.
“Are you?”
That didn’t clarify why he wouldn’t even look at me. “I’m okay. Why–” Oh. Was that it? “You didn’t hurt me, if that’s what you’re worried about?”
He looked blank for a second, but then– “Yes. That.” He sat back down on the other end (on the very, very edge) of the couch. “I forget sometimes, how…strong I am.”
He still sounded weird in a way that made me wonder if I was missing something, but I sat up and gave him the space he apparently needed. Even watching TV felt awkward. At least, at first, until an unfortunately familiar image flashed on the screen. Awkward mood or not didn’t stop me from gagging when that stupid fucking turkey commercial came on.
“Not a fan of Thanksgiving?” Steve asked dryly as I raced to change the channel.
“I like Thanksgiving fine, I just hate that fucking nightmare mascot,” I said and sat back, safe now with c-level horror nonsense. “Also I’m tired of holidays creeping on other holidays. Stay in your month.”
Steve laughed a little and as much as I hated it, I had to be thankful (ugh) to that awful commercial for breaking the weird tension. “Thanksgiving is okay though,” I said. “Terrible history, but I get two days off and an excuse to gorge myself. What’s not to like about that?”
“Are you going anywhere?”
“Nah. There’s a place I usually order from. I’ll get some good food, put something on the TV, and just dick around for the day.”
He smiled and nodded, like that was exactly what he had expected from me. Well, I never claimed to be super unpredictable. “What are you going to do for it?”
“Oh, I don’t know.” He shrugged and looked genuinely troubled. “Everybody else is pretty busy this year. I’ll probably just…do what I normally do. Where do you order from?”
Interesting. My plans were something I liked but it figured he wouldn’t be thrilled with that– he liked people, and being around people. I wasn’t the best company…but I was people. And Steve, somehow, always managed to be an exception to my rule.
“Hey,” I said. “Why don’t you come over?”
He looked a little stunned. “No, that’s– it’s okay. I’ll be fine.”
“I know you will,” I said. “But we hang out all the time and Thanksgiving is boring, if for no reason other than traveling is kind of a pain in the ass.” Admittedly I hadn’t really cared before the one time I’d needed to get to Manhattan, but I doubted I would ever forgive Macy’s for that nightmare. And Steve had to get around there sometimes, so maybe he found it annoying too. “We can order a lot of food together and just sit and eat and do what we’re doing now. And if Tony gets snide you can tell him you have plans.”
“I tend to make sure I do have plans,” he said and ran his hand through his hair. “Volunteering, mostly; there’s always something that needs to be done and I’ve got the time, so why not me? And it’s good, but maybe…” He looked up and stared at the wall like there was something worth considering. “Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to have the day off.”
I was maybe too happy about winning that little debate, but hey, at least I had won something that night. Later, after having insisted that he could see himself out while I was too drowsy to argue, (the jerk), I tried to cement our plans. In my own way.
“Hey Steve?”
He stopped. I leaned on the arm of the couch to stretch out my back. “If anybody asks why you're not at a soup kitchen or any of that bullshit,” I said, “Just tell ‘em that you know someone who was gonna be real lonely at Thanksgiving and begged you for company. Clinging, crocodile tears– the works.”
It got a smile and a chuckle out of him, but he also looked mildly offended. He gave me a wry smile and said, “Soup kitchens aren’t bullshit.”
“They’re not,” I agreed. “But the idea that you don’t deserve a day off with the rest of us is. You do a lot, Steve. If you want to take care of anyone else, you have to take care of yourself too.”
He looked hesitant. I cleared my throat. “And there’s no better way to do that than to slip into a food coma.”
He laughed– so loud it surprised us both. His smile was easier when he said, “I’ll take your word for it.”
“You’ll get to test it out, actually,” I said. “I’ll bring a menu around sometime this week and as soon as we sort out food I’ll place the order.”
“Sounds great.” He slung his pack over his shoulder. “Good night.”
Picking the food was easy enough. Mostly. Steve thought he was more boring than he actually was and I made a mental note of some of the things he looked at the weirdest that I knew he would end up stealing if I gave him a chance. He also wanted to figure out how much the food would be so he could give me the money right away, but when he insisted on calculating out the ratio of portion sizes to price I checked my watch and gave up.
“Oh my god; if you make me do this much math on my break I’m going to make you pay for all of it,” I groaned into my hand.
“Okay!” Steve replied, blatantly unbothered by the idea.
I opened my mouth to argue but then I thought about the energy it would take, and the smug look currently on his face, and how much did I really care about any of this? “Fine,” I said, to his obvious surprise. “I’m hosting, and actually getting the food, so you can take care of paying for it. We’ll call it ‘The Asshole Tax.’”
“We’re not calling it that,” he said, but he was sort of smiling. Because he was totally okay with being an asshole. So I ripped a page out of my notebook, wrote down the total, titled it ‘Asshole Tax,’ and dropped it in front of him as I stood to pack and leave.
“That is a lot of food,” he said, frowning at the menu as I stowed it away. “Maybe I should go get it too.”
“Do you want to explain to some random cashier why you’re picking up food under my name?” I asked. He frowned further and I rolled my eyes. “Don’t worry, I’ve got it covered. In the meantime–” I shook my drink and took a sip. “Enjoy your boba.”
He scowled at me but pulled his drink closer. Just before I left I heard him mutter, “Just because I like it doesn’t mean it isn’t weird.”
I rolled my eyes and walked away, already mentally doubling at least two of the dishes.
The weeks passed like I was living the last month of high school all over again, but finally the day came. Steve came over about noon and I gave his jeans the stink-eye, until he brought his backpack around and partially pulled out a pair of drawstring pants.
“Do I fit the dress code now?” he asked.
“Yes,” I said and let him in. “I’m not going to be the only one in my PJs, but I’m also not dressing up.”
“I know better than to ask that,” he said and narrowly dodged a swat from the spoon I had been using to stir the gravy. Pro of going with traditional food: this place made it so good. Con of going with traditional food: there was some reheating involved. Ultimately it was all worth it though. I couldn’t wait to hear what Steve thought; I really hoped he didn’t regret this.
“Go get changed,” I said and waved it threateningly. “Food’s almost all ready.”
He grinned. “Okay, but, uh…” He leaned forward. I moved back, not sure why he was suddenly so close, until he reached in and…wiped some gravy off my cheek.
“You might want to watch out for karma,” he said with that stupid fucking smile.
I chased him to the bathroom but he was too quick to slam the door on my face. I stalked back to the food and, manners be damned, started loading up my plate first. He came back in comfy pants and a too-tight t-shirt that I immediately snapped the sleeve of.
“Hey!” he said and bumped into my side.
“I’m not the one buying shirts tight enough to double as rubber bands,” I said. I gestured at the food spread out across all available counter space. “Eat up. Cold stuff is still in the fridge and snack stuff is on the coffee table.”
“This looks great.” He hugged me with one arm. “Thanks for getting it.”
“Yeah yeah, get your stuff and sit down,” I said and took my food over to my little corner of the couch. I had a blanket for me and a blanket for Steve, a selection of nonsense to watch on the TV that was not parade-related, and a view of grey skies from a warm and brightly-lit apartment.
It was going to be a good day.
I even got a little vindication when I went back to the fridge to get something to drink and saw Steve very intensely eyeing a casserole he had pooh-poohed on the menu when we were picking things out. He glanced at me, glanced at the food, and I took in the sight for several seconds before telling him, “Fine, you can have half,” and before I even finished the sentence he had scooped his entire portion right onto his plate. It took up almost the whole surface. “You should trust me by now when I tell you things are good.”
“I wish I could agree with that,” he said and gave me a disapproving look.
“Hey, you said pick a lunch place and I took you to a burger joint,” I said innocently. “Sure it had a weird name, but the food was good, right?”
“You knew what you were doing,” he said, staring down at me.
I lasted about two seconds before I broke and laughed.
And the day was good. Steve was someone I could hang out with without fear, and I had only been half-joking about the dress code– because he brought clothes to lounge in, I didn’t feel self-conscious in mine. And the way he looked so enviously at my unicorn slippers even gave me an idea for a good holiday gift.
And since we were hanging out on the couch, it was natural that we gravitated closer together. Natural, but when I finally noticed just how close we were, I froze up a little. Was it okay for me to–
“You can lean back if you want,” he said.
“Really?” I asked and eyed his chest.
“I’m more comfortable than I look,” he said. “Or so I’ve been told. By Natasha. And Maria. And Bruce. Even Thor, one time.”
Well, if that was an okay thing to do then I was going to do it. I felt…probably more excited than I should have, but I figured it was just nice to be so comfortable with another human being. I didn’t know if I ever had felt like this before.
But I played it cool. “Hm,” I said and lay back. He was warm, firm, and yes, surprisingly comfortable. I felt a little thrill of anxiety when he wrapped his arm around my stomach, but it was just for a moment, and then I was able to relax into him. “I can see how people say that.” I felt so good. “You’re pretty cozy.”
“An excellent commendation,” he said. I sighed, perfectly content, and shut my eyes.
I woke up to darkness, with only the light of the TV.
Steve shifted suddenly behind me and I jerked away, ready to apologize, when I saw his eyes were shut tight, and his motions were short and twitchy. He mumbled nonsense but his face furrowed in anguish.
“Steve.” I shook his shoulder. “Steve!”
He didn’t wake up right away. Tears actually started spilling from his eyes and at the sight of that I panicked and shook harder. “Steve!”
His eyes snapped open and he jerked up and grabbed my shoulders. It didn’t hurt but I couldn’t move while he took in his surroundings. He gasped but didn’t say anything, though he did loosen his hands so he could put them to his eyes. I gently wrapped my arms around him while he rode out the shockwaves, and soon enough he put his arms around me. “I got you, Steve; it’s okay,” I whispered and rubbed his back. He clung to me and we sat just like that for a little while, until Steve’s short breathing evened out and he was able to take a deep breath.
Even still, he was reluctant to let go. “You wanna hear a secret?” I asked him, not intending to let him go until he was ready.
“Sure,” he said weakly. But he relaxed and stayed right where he was.
I cleared my throat and admitted, “I think I like hugs.”
He chuckled. “The resident miser? Likes hugs?”
“I know. You can’t tell anyone,” I said. “Also, sorry if I suck at them; I’m not exactly practiced.”
“I think you’re just fine. But I’m not well-practiced either,” he said. He pressed his face into my shoulder and my stomach did a somersault. It felt so good; I wanted to wrap him up in my arms forever and–
Oh no.
Oh no.
“Maybe we should practice more.” He pulled away, smiling, but that smile hit me in a different spot. Harder. “Together.”
Fucking hell. “That sounds nice,” I said before Impulse Control could kick me in the face. Because it did sound nice. It sounded so nice it would have made him uncomfortable by how much I loved the idea. I loved the idea.
I loved him.
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canyouhearthelight · 5 years
The Miys, Ch. 47
Okay, we made it through the first six hours of the food festival, now for Sophia’s shift on the ground. I’ll be honest, when I started writing this chapter, all the characters just ganged up on me and decided to do whatever they wanted...
Needless to say, the results are interesting.  From what I can tell, no one is plotting nefariously in the background this time.
This chapter is dedicated to @parisconstantine, as always, for being an amazing beta and putting up with my shenanigans.  Also, @charlylimph-blog for Charly Harper, along with Coffee Williams, who was mentioned in the previous chapter.
Deep breaths, I reminded myself as I got ready to go back on shift for the festival.  This time, I would be in the crowd instead of holed up in my office, safe from the crush of humanity. GK will be there, I repeated for what had to be the hundredth time. So will Conor and Maverick.  It’s safe. Nothing’s happened yet, and it stands to reason that nothing will. I had been repeating the words in my mind like a prayer for the last hour, refusing to bow out of my responsibilities as a Councillor.  I could do this – I had to be able to do this.
Finally, I cracked a little. “Good Evening, Miys,” I asked the air hesitantly.  I was trying to be more polite and treat them the way I would treat another human. Results had varied. “Do I need to go to a medbay to get a mild sedative for anxiety, or am I allowed to get it from my console?”
“Good evening, Wisdom,” the reply hummed quietly. “Since it is a standard prescription in your medical file, you can request a half dose every four hours, or the full dose will otherwise be added to your meals. Since you are attending a public eating event, it is noted that you should take the half dose before the event and the other half after if needed.  Kim was notified to advise you when she arrived.  She also has moderate override authority should she judge that you need additional medication after the event, so long as Antoine Costa approves it himself.”
I felt both relieved and stung at the same time, like a too-old bandage being ripped off.  Conflicting feelings aside, I didn’t hesitate to request the medication from my console along with a glass of water to wash it down. “Miys, can you please notify Grandma Kim that I already took the half dose with you as witness? I don’t want her to think I’m trying to get out of my medications.” I was pretty bad about doing that as it was, so the odds of her believing me that I actually requested the dose were pretty slim.
“Yes, Wisdom.  I have notified her.”
“Thank you, Miys.”
“It is our… pleasure?”
“Pleasure means you gained enjoyment satisfaction from performing a task, rather than simply performing it out of obligation.”
“Then yes, it is our pleasure.”
I settled down on my couch as I waited for the rest of my ‘team’ to arrive.  I waited for Mac to bounce into my lap like he always did, but he was nowhere to be found. Probably begging food at the festival, the pig, I chuckled.  If he gained much more weight, I’d have to send out a ship-wide announcement that he was on a strict diet and not to feed him no matter how cute he was.  That, or send Mac to the quarters of whoever kept feeding him cheese and let them deal with the biological warfare that resulted.
“Maybe I can send the entire ship a video of Mac being treated, again, for obstructed bowel,” I mused at the thin air just as the door to my quarters chimed.  As expected, my two guard-shadows flanked a deceptively-normal looking older woman, the tableau completed by the enormous German Shepherd giving me a doggy grin at her feet.
With a look of pure mischief in his eyes, Maverick opened his mouth to say something.  Grandma Kim, however, beat him to the punch. “Two sides of beef in shining armor, delivered as promised,” she quipped without batting an eyelash.
The astonishment on the men’s faces snapped the last bit of tension in me and I started howling with laughter. Lyric was quick to support me as I went to my knees, unable to breathe from shrieking in amusement.  Unperturbed, GK left her two victims at the door and just stepped around me to get herself some tea.  “Are you released to drink coffee, love?” she called over her shoulder as though I wasn’t gasping and dripping tears on her dog.
I managed to give a thumbs-down and shake my head, hoping she could see.  Slowly, I got my breathing under control and wobble to my feet, face hurting from smiling so hard. “God, I needed that,” I chuckled, wiping the last tears from my cheeks. Glancing at the door, I noticed Conor and Maverick were still standing there, thunderous scowls in the place of their usual grins.  “Oh, come on, you goobers.  Stop being such sourpusses and get in here.”
Conor relented first, groaning and dropping his head back as he stomped into my quarters like a toddler.  Maverick finally shook his head at the other man’s theatrics and padded in, allowing the door to slide shut behind him.  He spoke first. “I thought you were supposed to be released to drink coffee today?”
“I technically am.” Looking down, I twisted my fingers and focused on my feet.  “But I’m nervous about all the people, and I couldn’t calm myself down for the past hour, so I took half a dose of my sedative a few minutes ago.  I don’t want the caffeine to get me keyed up and jittery again.”
I felt Grandma Kim pat me on the arm. “Well then,” she said softly before putting a warm mug in my hand. “Ginger lemon tea, it is.”  I took the mug and sipped it, grateful to have something to do with my hands as I walked over to where Conor had already slung himself across my couch.
As soon as I was close enough, he hooked an arm around my waist and tugged me next to him.  Without thinking, I snuggled into his side so he would stroke my hair. “Sophie, everything on Beta shift was smooth as glass.  I’ll be with you, this eejit will be there,” he gestured floridly at Maverick, who had just sprawled on the other side of me. “Xiomara will be on the ground, so will these two fine ladies.” He pointed at Grandma Kim and Lyric for emphasis.  The effect was somewhat undone by the fact that Lyric had chose that moment to lick a certain portion of her anatomy.  Rolling his eyes but not missing a beat, Conor continued. “None of us will let you get hurt, swear.”
“You aren’t the only one who’s nervous, Sophie,” Maverick added, reaching over to tap my chin. “We’re scared something is going to happen to you, that’s why we wanted to be there.  Yeah, we know logically that GK and Lyric are perfectly capable of keeping you safe.  But emotionally? We need to see it for ourselves.”  He paused to shoot a glare over my shoulder. “Shut up. She needs to hear this more than you need your dumb pride, Conor.” After another moment of silence, Maverick looked back to me. “Look.  We both already did our shifts. We could stay behind if we wanted, no foul. If we did, though, we’d worry to death about you until we barged down there, forced our way through the crowd, and probably scared the life out of you by abducting you to make sure you were okay.  May as well just be there from the outset and save ourselves from pissing you off.”
A glance back at Conor showed him biting his lip in embarrassment, a dead giveaway that Maverick was right.  I managed – barely – not to snort at the picture Maverick painted, only saved by how touched I was by their concern.  Squeezing both their knees, I smiled.  “Glad to know I’m not the only nervous wreck.”
Between the medication and the knowledge that my shadows were just as worried as I was, I managed to make it all the way to the area of the festival before I balked again. I silently thanked the medication I had chosen to take, knowing that I would be much worse off without it. Deep breaths. “Okay, crowd or no crowd, there is food in there, and I’m going to have some,” I said aloud, mainly to myself.
Just then, my data band chirped with a familiar voice. “Delta Shift, please report when you are online.”
“Sophia Reid, Resource Observation, online and en route to relieve Eino Wiitala and Evania Josue.” I managed to sound calm.
“Grandma Kim and Lyric, Crowd Control, online.” She quirked an eyebrow and smirked at me.
“Maverick Okima, Support Personnel, online and en route to relieve Eino Wiitala and Evania Josue.”
“Conor MacMaoilir, Support Personnel, online and en route to relieve Eino Wiitala and Evania Josue.”
“Wait, what the hell?” I gaped. “I thought GK was my support?”
She shook her head with a chuckle.  “Misters Okima and MacMaoilir convinced me to let them register as your support, so that they could keep a better watch on you. I’ll still be close by, as we have the same route, but this frees me up to act as crowd control if you are safe and there is an issue that needs to be addressed nearby.”
I whirled around to face the two men behind me. “And what exactly do you plan to do if I’m attacked?” I asked scathingly.
Unimpressed, Conor pointed at Maverick first. “Pick you up and take you to a safe location.” He reoriented his finger to himself. “Restrain the attacker until Xio’s people arrive.  You tend to overlook the fact that I’m one of the bigger feckers on this boat, and as much as I don’t like to, I can beat the breaks of a body if I need to.” With a pointed look that he clearly picked up from my sister, he dared me to argue.
“Whatever,” I grumbled, refusing to admit defeat. Instead, I squared my shoulders, chin up, and turned toward the festival.  “Okay, food. Let’s find Eino and Evan and get this show on the road.”
We managed to find the pair without incident, although Grandma Kim had to wrangle Conor away from a few vendors and remind him that we need to relieve Gamma Shift first.  Finally, we were ready for handoff, and both shifts held our collective breaths.
True to her nature, Xiomara had already spent Gamma Shift as Crowd Control Command, but was handing off to Simon as Resource Command for Delta.  When I had questioned her about working two sessions back to back, she had simply waggled her eyebrows at me. No rest for the wicked, Sophia, she had laughed. She wasn’t laughing quite so much now.
“Xiomara Kalloe, Crowd Control for Delta Shift, online.  Also, as Crowd Control Command for Gamma Shift, reporting for handoff to Resource Command. Simon, confirm handoff?”
“Simon Rodriguez, Delta Shift Resource Command, confirming handoff.”
Xiomara shook her head with a scowl before turning a bright smile towards me. “I don’t think I’ll ever get use to him being back on the Council.  How are you?” Briefly, she held and squeezed my shoulders – her version of an arms-reach hug.
“I’m okay,” I exhaled. “Still not sure I’m ready to be around so many people, but if I can’t be safe with so much security around, when can I be?”
“Truth,” she nodded before turning to my ersatz guards. “Conor, Maverick.  Good to see you two.  I know Sophia is here in an official capacity, but please make sure she has some fun.  Stuff her full of food, take her to the pub, whole shebang.”
“You’ve got it, Commander,” Maverick saluted crisply. Some habits died hard, and he refused to stop treating Xio as his commanding officer.  She took it with as much grace as she could muster, which wasn’t much. She’d stopped scolding him, though, so that was something.
The next several hours after that were a whirlwind of flavors and smells, briefly punctuated by stops in the various quiet rooms. Conor and Maverick took turns dragging me to the different vendors they had discovered on their previous shifts.  Some of the foods offered could only be described as artistry: an amuse-bouche that still managed to capture the flavor of an entire bowl of ramen, meat with actual marbling, bubbles of soup that exploded in your mouth. Several times, they had to haul me away from badgering the vendors for their secrets.
My data band showed we were just over halfway through our shift as the men dragged me into one of the Green quiet rooms.  “You don’t understand how hard it is to get properly marbled prosciutto from the consoles!” I argued for the fifth time as they gently shoved me onto a beanbag.
“Probably not, but I understand that you need some water,” Conor insisted.  “We’re glad you’re having fun, believe me, but Tyche gave us strict instructions not to let you get overwhelmed.  And before you say you aren’t, your hands are shaking and you started swaying a bit back there.”
“Fine,” I sulked, gracious as a toddler.  “You’re all conspiring, I just know it.”
“Yep,” Maverick agreed cheerfully. “We’re conspiring to make you take care of yourself.” With that, he dropped a bottle of water in my lap.  “Drink, please.  At least half.”
Grumbling, I opened the bottle and took a swig. “Big talk coming from the guy who requires a prescription to eat.”
“Sophie,” Conor scolded. “That’s low, and you know it.”
My immediate shame showed how right he was. “I’m sorry, Maverick. That wasn’t fair.”
“No, it wasn’t,” my target confirmed. “But, you and Antoine did that to make sure I took care of myself.  Now, Conor and I are doing the same.  Just the fact that you’re being such a brat shows that you need a break.”
I gaped for a second before snapping my mouth shut.  Maverick had a point – he usually did, much to my frequent consternation.  When he started spending more time around, a bit of digging in his file showed that he shared the same Clarity I possessed, but it was by and far his strongest trait.  Where Conor was too kind to call me on my bullshit, Maverick had no such compunctions. That, combined with a startling lack of self-preservation, was largely the reason Tyche and I had swept him up in our family.
After a few seconds of awkward silence, Maverick started humming as he looked around the room.  Suddenly, he whirled around with one finger jutting out in weaponized precision. “Conor. You designed this room, didn’t you?”
With narrowed eyes, the other man answered slowly. “Yeaahhh, I helped… why?”
Maverick reached out to flick a vine of what looked like green bubbles. “String of pearls. My aunt grew these.  They’re difficult to get this big.”
“They’re succulents, yeah,” Conor started warming to the topic. “They didn’t take well to hydroponics, and the aeroponics were incredibly finicky.  We had to design a completely new setup for them.”
“You didn’t tell me that,” I turned my head, wide eyed.  “You just showed up with them.”
He blushed slightly. “There wasn’t any point in figuring out how to grow them if no one would see them,” he admitted. “But they’re poisonous to cats, so I couldn’t put any in your quarters or Tyche’s.”
“Oh. I think I would kill them, anyway,” I admitted. “I’ve never been good with succulents.”
“That, too,” he winked at me.
After a few more minutes of idle conversation, we braved the crushing throng of humanity in the corridor again. We had barely made it twenty feet before Conor tugged on my hand and steered Maverick by the shoulder to a stall.  I assumed it was to try another tidbit of the wares the festival was centered around, but to my surprise, he walked up to a tall black gentleman in a pink, short sleeved shirt. Just before we reached them, he called out cheerfully. “Coffee!  Is that Charly with you?”
The man – who had to be Coffee Williams – turned around with a broad smile, as did the petite brunette next to him. “Conor! Good to see you, man,” he chuckled, clapping a hand to Conor’s shoulder. He glanced at me and Maverick. “Miss Sophia, it is delightful to finally meet you.  And you must be Maverick Okima.”  He gently squeezed my hand in both of his larger ones before giving Maverick a firm handshake.  He gently – almost reverently – brought the young woman with him to stand in front of him. She glanced down nervously and started rubbing her hands on her skirt.  “Sophia, Maverick, this is Charly Harper.”
She shot a look up at me and glanced at the shortest of the three men present. “It’s nice to meet you,” she nodded before turning, the delicate smile brightening her face again. “Hi, Conor.  I’m glad we ran into you.”  When she tipped her head back to see Conor’s face, and I caught a glimpse of something brown circling her throat.
“Oh! Is that a new collar?” Conor asked with genuine enthusiasm as he crouched to get a better look.  She obligingly kept her head tipped slightly back so he could see better before standing back up again. “That’s beautiful!  Well done.”  The second part of that seemed directed at Coffee, and I puzzled at that before suddenly something clicked in my head.
Oh. “May I see?” I asked politely. She glanced up at her companion before giving me a nod and tipping her head for me.  To err on the side of good manners, I made a point not to touch the collar.  “Oh, wow… that’s really lovely.”  I wasn’t exaggerating.  It looked softer than butter, in a warm brown leather with an intricate pattern worked into it.  It was clearly made by hand.
“I’m sorry, what – “
“We’ll explain later,” I cut off Maverick as gently as possible. “I promise.  But I assure you, it’s very pretty.” The last was directed at Charly and Coffee.  The latter nodded his thanks, although I wasn’t sure if it was for complimenting the collar or for keeping their business private.
Charly suddenly bounced a bit.  “Oh! You three should try this stall! It’s chocolate, all kinds.  Milk, dark, plain, fancy, you name it! They swear they have chocolate for every taste on the ship.”
Conor and Maverick groaned in unison before shaking their heads at Coffee.  Charly looked confused before I shot her a shark-like grin.  “I love trying new flavors.  Challenge Accepted!”
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rwbyconversations · 5 years
The weaknesses of Volume 6
As someone who had sub-zero expectations going in, Volume 6 was overall a really good season of RWBY- in fact I’d called it the best overall Volume since Volume 3, if not overall, the best season we’ve had so far. Everything seemed to come together for this season, and most of the fandom has agreed that the opening salvo of episodes was the best the show had, and that the season hadn’t had a dud episode until the group reached Argus. I know some parts of the fandom don’t love the Argus episodes but I found something good in nearly all of them so I can’t say it was a complete waste of time. 
But, every cloud has a silver lining, and while Volume 6 was unmistakably a huge improvement over the previous Maya seasons, especially Volume 5, there are still several areas the show can seek to improve on as the show moves to the chilly frozen north of Atlas. So in this essay, I’m going to highlight the (ultimately small but notable enough to warrant talking about them) weaknesses I found in Volume 6. 
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1) The show needs to more efficiently handle its villains (and why Cinder and Neo’s plot was a drag)
Weird that I’m saying this in the season that gave its longest episode to exploring Salem’s origin story, but Volume 6 had a lot of difficulty managing the pacing of its villains, and the largest subject of its focus arguably didn’t need to be in this Volume. I’m talking of course about Cinder and Neo’s plot this volume.
Now on paper, giving Cinder more spotlight should be what I want. After all, I wrote an essay last year detailing why parts of the fanbase weren’t fond of Cinder, so giving her focus should ideally be able to remedy those problems, right? 
Well, that’s the problem. In that essay, I talked about how Cinder’s two biggest flaws as a character were that she was very boring, and how her lack of backstory made it difficult to really care about her as a character. Cinder has effectively been the same character for six volumes in a row and much like Volume 4, the show has a golden opportunity to finally change that and give her a new narrative arc only to waste it.
Volume 6 should have been a drastic wake-up call for Cinder. Unlike at Beacon, where she lost due to Ruby’s sudden intervention and the awakening of her Silver Eyes, Cinder lost at Haven entirely thanks to her own failings. Raven beat her handily in straight combat and goaded her into the entire train-wreck of an operation to begin with, which for a power-focused individual like Cinder, should have really been an igniting spark to get her to begin seeking some introspection on why she’s lost twice in a row in failing to burn down the Academies. But sadly, just like in Volume 4, right as Cinder appears to be getting an arc about her recovering from her loss at Haven, she just ignores it and goes right back on her murder-Ruby train, as if she’s stuck in a Groundhog Day loop. 
Cinder’s refusal to move on from a basic arc of “Plan to destroy an academy, enact the plan, get slaughtered, blame Ruby, rinse and repeat” has made her easily the least interesting villain in the entire show. At this point we’re six years in and barring a few contextual clues, Cinder has no backstory, no sympathetic traits, not even any character development to differentiate her from her Volume 1 self. And this after the season where she dominates the villain screen-time until the final third when Adam hijacks the plot.  
Cinder’s plot in Volume 6 is therefore largely just setup for Volume 7, in that it explains how Cinder survived Haven and how she reaches Atlas. Along the way, she encounters the in case of bad season break glass button Neo, whose out for revenge and gets a really cool fight scene that’s ultimately just there for fanservice. 
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Let me repeat. Good fight, really liked it. Let me also repeat- just there for fan-service. This is not an inherently bad thing, but it does have weaknesses. 
Neo was always coming back to the show and part of me feels like she was always being held in reserve in the event of a really bad season, so that the next one could have her return and generate some hype since her fan-base are that loyal. And sure enough, Neo’s return did see a notable collection of fans who had dropped the show after 4 and 5 coming back to see their ice cream queen return in a non-Chibi format. I won’t fault the crew for using a plan that worked. Where I take umbrage is that this fight was not necessary. It was a good fight, but I’d have much rather taken a Cinder scene of her actually recovering from Haven and thinking about why she lost again. Instead, Cinder and Neo effectively hijack all the villain screen-time for the rest of the season. And as someone who doesn’t adore Neo like her fans, this made their arc very tiresome, especially when the hints we got of the other villains were far more intriguing. I could talk a lot about the symbolism and thematic choices of the Mercury/Emerald scene in Chapter 9 but I’d struggle to find a lot to say about Cinder’s plot that wasn’t just “Setup for Volume 7.” 
The other problem of course is that the rest of Team WTCH are sorely underdeveloped. Hazel at least is interesting again now that he’s several miles away from Ozpin, Tyrian came back and was a delight and I loved seeing him all-but-begging Merc and Em to run so he could hunt them, but Watts remains crucially underdeveloped. He really needs to step up in agency in Atlas because his sardonic wit can only carry him so far, and the man’s voiced by Christopher Sabat, what more reason do you have to give him more to do? The man made the virus that Cinder used to cause the Fall of Beacon, can he be given some agency now please? 
Ultimately, Cinder’s plot didn’t need to be the focus for the villains and yet again, the fragments of focus they got showed how much more interesting they were as antagonists. While ultimately Volume 6 did finally give Mercury and Emerald more screentime than Volumes 4 and 5 combined and reminded the audience why you should be paying more attention to them, the rest of Team WTCH desperately needs development, Watts in particular. Cinder remains the worst villain in the entire show in my opinion, and it’s a shame that she’s almost guaranteed to be the one that makes it to the end of the show. I can only hope in Atlas she finally gets time devoted to what makes her tick, but at this point I’m almost at the point of not caring. It’s been six years, I won’t start caring for Cinder now if the show finally remembers to tell us why she joined Salem.  
... also I just think Cinder’s new costume sucks and I’d rather Em and Merc get new ones over Cinder and Neo buying extensions for their wardrobes.
2) Cordovin was a joke and she really shouldn’t have been
Show of hands, who actually took Cordovin seriously? Yeah, me neither. 
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Even during the fight scene, the heroes don’t take it seriously. Having a fight the characters aren’t taking seriously isn’t an inherent flaw but it does mean you can’t expect us to turn around and take it seriously five minutes later.
Cordovin was a wasted character, and one that the show shouldn’t have undershot in all of her scenes by making her the punchline of nearly every joke. Her long-winded rant at the gate scene in Dead End is a huge factor in why a lot of fans, myself included, consider it the weakest episode of Volume 6 despite picking up in the back half. It just drags on for so long that Cordovin outstays her welcome from her first scene. 
Additionally, the show not taking her seriously steals a lot of gravitas from the mech battle, and plays a large role in why I think the mech fight failed to really excite a lot of fans outside of key moments like Ruby’s missile run and canon shot. Being alongside Adam’s confrontation with Blake and Yang didn’t help but even on its own, the mech battle drags. Not quite to the same extent as Haven dragged, but on rewatches I was making liberal application of the skip button. That lack of gravitas itself goes on to hamper Cordovin’s serious moment in the season finale where she realizes that her ego allowed the Leviathan a straight shot on Argus and undergoes a soft redemption to let team RWBY leave the city. However, this moment of taking Caroline seriously comes after the plot has made it clear that the entire reason the Grimm attacked Argus was because of Caroline over-reacting to Maria and breaking out her mech instead of scrambling fighters as Qrow predicts they will. Caroline is solely at fault for the Leviathan getting as close to destroying Argus as it did, so it’s difficult to care when she pulls her head out of her ass to do her job. 
A lack of investment also means a lack of emotional dedication, which I think showed in the lack of fanart Caroline has generated since her reveal. Her design being very drab and militaristic doesn’t help matters but unlike say, the Yang/Adam rematch where the stakes were present on an emotional and thematic level, Caroline failed to excite the audience beyond a few funny memes. 
The additional problem with lacking in emotional dedication/investment is, again, we don’t have enough interest in Caroline to take her seriously, she goes in one episode from the Kooky Racist Grandma to someone we’re expected to sympathize with. And additionally, asking the fans to sympathize with a character whose opening scene includes a not-too-subtle dig at her Faunus traits was asking a lot of the fandom, especially after the previous years showed that the show’s handling of the Faunus racism plot was... varied in quality. 
In short, Cordovin basically took a shotgun to her own foot in her first scene. Establishing her as an over the top comic relief character before expecting the audience to care when she broke out a walking advertisement for gen;LOCK was an extensive reach for the writers to try and unfortunately they fell flat. Trying to make the audience care for the problem she herself created is a similar long-reach. Hopefully this extended comedy sequence depiction of the Atlas military will be left behind as Volume 7 heads into the heart of darkness itself. 
3) Oscar desperately needs limelight
Oscar’s been in the show now for three volumes. He spent much of Volume 4 on his own, much of Volume 5 as Ozpin’s meat-sack, and now in Volume 6 he finally gets to... get some clothes. I like them, but they’re not suitable compensation for the character development that he clearly had stolen from him.
Oscar is easily the most underdeveloped main hero right now, and it’s a problem that’s haunted the series since Volume 4. Oscar wants to be a hero much like Ruby herself did as a child, but this sole fragment of backstory is never used to make a connection to Ruby. Aaron Dismuke, bless his heart, is giving this show his all and his impression of Shannon McCormack’s tones must be applauded, but much like Cordovin he’s not given much to work with. In a way, he’s almost the hero’s version of Cinder- a character who keeps finding themselves in situations where they should realistically develop as a consequence... only for each time they do, it either gets shuffled into the next volume or relegated to offscreen happenings. 
Volume 6 really should have had Oscar undergoing some kind of arc, be it his fear at being persecuted by Team RWBY and Qrow due to harboring Ozpin, his fear as his days as himself become more and more numbered, his acceptance of the fight against Salem or, most glaringly, his running off while the team is in Argus. But every time, Oscar just powers through these circumstances and never gets to develop from them. He never holds it over Qrow that he attacked a child, that Yang indirectly called him a bastard, he never thanks Ruby for having his back after the train crash, and he brushes off Jaune’s apology for smashing him into a wall and alleging he’s Ozpin masquerading himself as Oscar. 
Argus is really where Oscar should have stepped into his own. I was looking forward to him going solo and having to fend for himself for a short while, maybe have a scene where he forces Ozpin to come out and talk or gets to chat with Ozma himself about his place in the war against Salem. Have him be scared of losing his personality and just becoming another body for Oz to inhibit, have him be angry that his dreams of being a hero have been cruelly dashed on the rocks for some agenda he never signed up to. Oscar should be an emotional hurricane and instead he’s just a gust of wind. 
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Seriously show, you had a golden opportunity for an Ozma and Oscar scene since we know Oz can speak to his past selves, and you know Arron has enough range to do both roles at once, why do you spite my farmboi. 
But he got a coat now so I guess that’s technically development. Kerry admitted in the Rewind for Volume 6′s finale that some parts of the season got pushed to the next one as they usually do, and I can only hope that Oscar finally expressing emotion was one such scene because Christ alive, he needs it after all the times he just got over crap offscreen this year. I want to like Oscar, he could easily have one of the most tragic arcs of the entire show if they went with it, but the show really needs to give me something to like about him in the first place. Or else he really will become the heroic Cinder, trapped forever in a nightmarish world of never getting to properly develop in spite of countless opportunities being handed to them on a silver platter.
... I still think Oscar lifted Qrow’s wallet for that costume btw. 
4) The reaction to Jinn’s story felt lockstep
I don’t have as much to say on this point but I find it rather saddening that all of the characters have much the same reaction to the truth of Ozma’s past- “Salem can’t be killed, you were leading us on for nothing”- when the weeks around the Ozma reveal had the fandom reacting to the story in a far more diverse way. Even in the hiatus we still have arguments over whether Ozpin was truly in the right or if the story was painting Salem as the true innocent party, to say nothing of the takes that Salem and Ozma’s relationship could be seen as an early iteration of Arkos or even Taruadonna with Salem as the abuser. 
The fandom had such a diverse range of reactions to Jinn’s story, with everyone seeming to have their own take on the episode and the truth wherein. Some people even used this to ponder if Summer Rose had learned the truth during her time and tied it in with Red Like Roses 2, where she laments having made a necessary sacrifice, to ask if Summer had learned the truth and bitterly signed on to the war against Salem in the hopes that she’d be able to turn the tide thanks to her Silver Eyes. 
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“Just because I have to give you this origin story doesn’t mean you’re gonna take the right lessons from it.” 
Some idiots even decided that this meant Oz was the main villain now, but I’ve learned to drown those people out. 
But the show itself has a very flat range of reactions, with nearly everyone in-universe only taking away from the story that Salem cannot be conventionally killed and that therefore their entire journey is pointless. Everyone had the same reaction, with the only levels of variance being how angry they were at Ozpin and Oscar, ranging from Ruby’s “ask first if they have a plan and then be angry at Oz specifically” to Qrow and Jaune’s “physically assaulting a fourteen year old child.”  
It almost makes me wonder, if the characters themselves didn’t take anything from the lesson barring Maria connecting the Silver Eyes to the God of Light and that “SALEM CAN’T BE KILLED,” why should the fans? No one took this and went “OK so we can’t stop Salem with force, maybe try talking her down?” Their minds all immediately went to not just being able to shoot her.
Jinn’s story was great, but the reaction to it in universe felt very lacking and I only worry that the more people are told about it, the more chances we’ll get to hear a variant of “Salem can’t be killed.” It’s a shame that such a morally gray out of universe debate has been stripped to its raw components in-universe. 
Volume 6 was really good, I really liked a lot of it and it still warms my heart that I can say that about a season of RWBY post Volume 5. But there’s still a lot of work that can be done behind the scenes to fix up the flaws remaining. I chose three big flaws here but there are a few more I could bring up for quick points (mostly: Weiss getting shafted entirely in V6 feels like an overly corrective backlash to her constantly getting slaughtered in V5, Ruby’s agency does not substitute for a character arc and she still needs one, the introduction of the Faunus in Ozma’s flashbacks felt very contrived, Ren and Nora continue to feel useless to the wider plot but at least this time Ren wasn’t getting bodied every fight, so on and so forth), but ultimately we got more good than bad, and you don’t throw out an entire batch of apples just because of one rotten one near the top. I can forgive a lot more when the overall product is good, and Volume 6 certainly was a good season. Hopefully with these smaller problems fixed, which mostly just extends to “Give Cinder and Oscar onscreen development,” Volume 7 and onwards can keep the show moving forward into a brighter future and a better tomorrow.
77 notes · View notes
poachedhazontoast · 6 years
Eleven Hours at Dover Crossing
Pairing: Tom HollandxReader
Word Count: 3,500
Warnings: A few swear words here and there, brief mentions of sex, not proofread yet since it’s like 2 a.m. here whoops.
Summary: Y/n gets trapped in the worst traffic ever, but it doesn’t seem so bad once she meets a certain curly-haired someone.
A/N: So this is VERY loosely based off of the time my family and I spent almost 12 hours stuck in traffic outside the Dover ferry port back in July 2016. Unfortunately there wasn’t actually any food on offer. Or toilets. It was horrendous. Also, I didn’t meet Tom Holland. But that’s a given. This is my first time ever writing anything so constructive feedback would be greatly appreciated! Let me know what you like, what you don’t like, and what you wish there was more of! I’m glad to hear anything about it, I’m taking everything on board. I hope you all have a wonderful day! 
10:00 a.m.
“…across all lanes. Many callers have said that they have been sitting in their cars for over three hours at this point. Workers at the ferry port have said not to expect a change any time soon due to a lack of staff. If you’re listening from the Dover port, you may as well get comfortable!” Groans ring out simultaneously across the car at the bad news. There are many ways that I had thought this day could go wrong. The ferry could sink. There could have been some horrible terrorist attack leaving me and my family for dead. Hell, the hotel that we had booked could have burnt down. But of all the terrible things that could have happened today, being stuck in a car for hours on end with my family a mere three miles away from the ferry port was not the thing that topped that list.  
It only takes one glance around the car for me to know that this is going to be an extremely long day. My parents are already bickering up front, with my mother voicing her stress about missing our check-in time and my father reasserting that he “knew we should have left a day early! This is what we get for being so unprepared!” I sigh, knowing that no amount of intervention would stop their arguing at this point, and shove my earphones in my ears. After 21 years on this Earth I know better than to expect them to stop just because I’m around.
Looking out my window at the rest of the aggravated people in the cars around me, I decide it would be best for me to just close my eyes for a minute and pretend I’m not here. I’m not SUPPOSED to be here, after all. In fact, I’m not supposed to be with my family at all this week. For months my best friend Lana and I had been planning a trip to Morocco for this very week. We had it all planned out; the flights, the hotel, all the way down to the food that we were going to eat on a daily basis. But then her boyfriend Grayson was told that his mother had been diagnosed with cervical cancer, and I couldn’t bring myself to jet off on a week-long vacation with my best friend knowing that Grayson was at home alone struggling. So instead I offered him my ticket in the hopes that a week away would be a good distraction for him.
Why I decided it would be a good idea to come with my family to Paris for the week, I don’t know. Perhaps it was the fact that sitting at home watching Netflix all week while stuffing my face with popcorn could never lead to anything good. Maybe it was the puppy eyes that my 17-year-old sister Hailee was giving me while she begged me not to leave her alone with mum and dad for a week.  Looking at the position that I’m in now, however, I find myself cursing the existence of Grayson’s mum’s cancer for more reasons than one. I rest my forehead against the cool glass and slowly drift off to sleep, letting myself slip into my daydreams of sightseeing and eating chicken tagine.
A bead of sweat running off my nose and splashing onto my hand is what eventually wakes me up. I sit up and look around groggily, duly noting my dry throat before catching my parents’ attention.
“Why the hell is it so warm in here?” My mum briefly glances at me before reaching towards the button that would roll down the window I was just sleeping against.
“We didn’t want to leave on the engine seeing as we’ve only moved three meters in the past two hours,” my dad says, looking up from the game of sudoku that he was playing on his phone. He makes a sweeping gesture around the car before adding, “We’ve decided to roll the windows down in order to vent out the car a little bit but as you can tell it doesn’t seem to be working as well as we’d planned.” That would have been the end of the conversation if it weren’t for my mum muttering something just loudly enough that we could all hear her grumbling. My dad takes a deep breath before turning to her with a ticked off look on his face. “What was that, darling?”
“I said, if you had just brought the portable fans like we had discussed, we wouldn’t be in this pickle.” And then, silence. I sit and hold my breath to await the inevitable fallout, exchanging a look with Hailee, who’s sitting next to me. I make eye contact with her and raise my hand, sticking one finger in the air, then two, and then, as expected, it all kicks off the moment I point at dad in the front seat.
“I told you they would take up too much space-“
“Well I’d rather not have leg room than be sweating out of my eyes-“
“You’re six foot one; you never have any leg room-“
“Oh, real classy David, you just had to bring my height into this. You know I’m insecure-“
I lean my head against the head rest behind me and shut my eyes again, groaning quietly as they continue to speak over one another, moving from one grievance to the next. It was almost like a train wreck; catastrophic but damn near impossible to ignore. Hailee clears her throat to grab my attention and I give my head a slight nod to let her know I’m listening.
“You’re lucky you were asleep earlier,” she speaks quietly so as not to disturb the happy couple. “I had to listen to them argue about their sex life for a good twenty minutes. Apparently, dad is not too fond of anal play.” I almost choke on my own spit at this news as my eyes fly open, sending Hailee into a fit of laughter beside me. The images that cross my mind are enough to scar me forever.
“God, thanks for that. I’ll be sure to keep that in mind when I’m buying Christmas gifts this year.” The sarcasm that laces my tone just makes her laugh even harder, making me roll my eyes while a tiny smile plays upon my lips. She slowly calms down, her face becoming far less red as her grin slowly transforms back into the grimace of a person that is slightly too warm for comfort. A few minutes pass between us in silence, with only the continuing squabbling of our parents as background noise, our phones keeping us occupied for the time being.
Hailee suddenly sits bolt upright as she reads through her newsfeed, a relieved look spreading across her face at whatever article she’s reading.
“Look!” She grabs my arm and drags me over to look at the picture on her phone. “They’ve set up stations along the road to give people food and water! I’m sure they have one set up not too far from here.” My stomach growls at the mention of food, and I suddenly realise that I haven’t eaten a bite since dinner the night before. I’m grabbing at the door handle before another word can leave Hailee’s mouth, and I step out of the car for the first time since we left the house this morning.
I turn on my heel and poke my head through the open car window. “I’m gonna go see what they have. I’ll let you know, just text me if you want something, okay?” I wait for Hailee’s nod of approval before setting off, not bothering to see if my parent’s have even noticed that I’d left the car yet. All around me is pandemonium. Looking both directions I notice that the cars are stopped bumper to bumper as far as the eye can see. Some people are sitting on their car bonnets, some are lounging on camper beds, and there is even a group of people that have gathered in an empty gathering with a football.
I’ve only been walking for five minutes before I find the station where they’re handing out the bottled water and sandwiches that Tesco was kind enough to send over. I take a picture of what’s on offer and send it to Hailee before grabbing my own and turning around to find a place to sit down and eat. When I turn around however, it is not open space that greets me. Instead I find myself face-planting the back of a man and falling to the ground, my sandwich landing by my feet and my water rolling away from me.
“Shit! M’sorry, I didn’t see you there, love.” I feel a strong hand wrap around my forearm before being hoisted up into the air and back onto my feet. I’m just about to respond with an apology of my own before my breath falters as I stare into the eyes of one of the most attractive people I’ve ever seen. His hair is slightly windswept, his dark curls falling into his eyes and covering the quirk in his eyebrow. The quirk that I know is there because I know exactly who this is. I’m staring into the face of Tom Holland. I’m staring into the face of Tom Holland—and I haven’t said anything for almost thirty seconds now.
He breaks his hold on my arm as he bends down to collect my water and my sandwich, and I take those few seconds to collect my thoughts. I try to remind myself that he’s just a normal person and that the last thing I want to do is freak him out by blurting out something stupid like-
“You’re Tom Holland.” I resist the urge to face-palm myself as he presses my stuff back into my hands lightly, reaching back to scratch his neck as he chuckles awkwardly. “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to freak you out, I just. Well. I have a bit of a blabber-mouth is all. I promise I’m not some crazy stalker super-fan though. I just think that you pulled of Spider-Man perfectly. I mean, Tobey Maguire was great as Peter Parker and Andrew Garfield was an amazing spider-man but you really captured the energy of both sides perfectly. I realize now that I’m rambling and that I should probably shut up…” Tom’s demeanor becomes more relaxed with every nerve-induced word that leaves my mouth until eventually he’s watching me with an amused smile on his face.
“I’s’alright! Although it usually takes me a couple dates to get a girl falling for me.” He winks teasingly at me as I feel heat rush towards my cheeks, embarrassment taking over my body.
“Ah, I’m sorry about that. I’m such a klutz, I wasn’t looking where I was going at all.” I’m suddenly finding my feet very interesting as I try to avoid making eye contact with the man standing in front of me, trying to calm down my heart rate before chancing a look in his direction again.
“No worries, I wasn’t exactly being too observant myself. I’m actually glad I ran into you though, I was getting pretty bored out here with nobody to talk to.” I finally feel calm enough to look at him as he finishes his sentence, and he smiles slightly when I do. “You know, I think it’s a bit unfair that you know my name and I don’t know yours…” he trails off, looking at me expectantly.
I bite the inside of my cheek, contemplating my options before finally answering him. “I’ll tell you my name… if you sit and eat lunch with me.” A moment passes where I’m sure that the only sound between us is the pounding of my heartbeat in my eardrums. The silence goes long enough that I’m just about to laugh off my offer when suddenly, finally, a grin spreads across his face.
03:00 p.m.
The sound of bubbling laughter spills across my lips as we sit across from each other on the grass, the wrappers of the long-finished sandwiches scattered between us.
“…a-and then, and this is the worst part, he su-sucked the water out of the phone like it was no b-big deal! I don’t th-think I’ve ever seen a man so ill in my entire l-life as he was after that day!” I clutch at my chest, wheezing with laughter as Tom finishes telling me yet another embarrassing story about his best friend Harrison. I feel like I know enough about his life now to write a book. He’s told me all about Harrison. All about Harry and Sam, all about Paddy and Tessa. I even know just from eating with him that he only eats the crusts on his sandwiches if there’s some filling left over on his plate that fell out of the sandwich from before.
I finally slow down my laughter and he looks at me quizzically for a moment or two before speaking again. “You don’t talk about yourself much, do you?” I look down at my hands, playing with my cuticles for a little while before looking back up at him. I know I’m not being fair to him; here I am, listening to him go on about himself, but every time he tries to ask about my life or my family I find a way to change the subject back to him.
“Trust me, I’m not all that interesting,” I chuckle lightly. I don’t really expect him to drop it, yet I still find myself to be surprised when he scoffs at my answer. “No, honestly, I’m not! My life is pretty boring.”
“I’m pretty sure I can be the judge of that myself,” he presses further, making me sigh.
“Fine, but don’t say I didn’t tell you so.” I launch into my mediocre account of my life, not leaving out many details. A large part of me expects Tom to cut me off in boredom, but I’m pleasantly surprised to notice that not only is he listening to every single word that comes out of my mouth, but that he actually seems to be… enjoying it. When I’m finally done talking he has a small smile gracing his face. “I told you it wasn’t anything to be excited about,” I say to him while twiddling my thumbs. A small laugh escapes his lips as he shakes his head.
“Where abouts in London d’you live?” He takes a long sip of his water, looking at me out the corner of his eyes.
“Kingston, born and bred.” He splutters at my answer, pulling the bottle away and wiping his mouth on his sleeve before bending over in a coughing fit. I laugh slightly and reach over, hesitating only slightly before patting him gently on the back. “What is it?” I question him, wondering why he reacted so suddenly.
“I live in Kingston as well! I just can’t believe I haven’t seen you before. Your face is definitely one I would remember.” I blush profusely before registering the entirety of his sentence, letting a grin slowly take over my face when I realize that I’ve been living just blocks away from Tom for my whole life without knowing it. I can’t help but let myself hope that maybe this won’t be the only time I see Tom after all.
I’m torn out of my thoughts by my phone chiming in my back pocket. I send Tom an apologetic look as I take out my phone and swipe open my messages.
Hailee: Oh! Chicken and mayo looks good!
Hailee: Hello???
Hailee: Where r u???
Hailee: Nvrmind, I got one myself -_-
“Ah, I’m sorry Tom, Hailee is kind of pissed at me for leaving her in the dust. I should probably go apologize to her.” I stand up and brush any dirt off of my bum that was left behind from the ground. My heart skips a beat as I watch Tom’s face fall in disappointment. I watch him for a second before speaking up again. “You can come with me? If you want to.” His face lights up again and I giggle as he’s on his feet in record-time. I look down at his hand, wanting nothing more than to reach out and grab it. Thankfully he’s one step ahead of me, tentatively intertwining his fingers with mine before looking down at me.
“Lead the way.”
9:00 p.m.
Nine hours probably doesn’t seem like a very long time to know a person. But when you’ve been talking to that person non-stop for nine hours, you begin to feel like you’ve known them for months. Tom and I are sitting on the roof of my parents’ car now. The sun set hours ago, and while the people around us are still miffed about the horrendous delays, I can’t help but find myself feeling grateful for them. Of course, as soon as I begin to appreciate it, I can see lights turning on in the distance and the sound of engines starting reaches my ears; traffic is moving once again.
I turn to Tom, knowing by the look on his face that he saw and heard everything that I did. He looks down at me and hesitates slightly before he brings his hand to my cheek, causing my breath to catch in my throat. “I’ll see you again, right?” He asks me. “Because honestly, today was one of the best days I’ve had in a long time. Traffic and all.” I nod at him in answer to his question, leaning my forehead against his. All I can focus on is how close his lips are to mine; I can feel his breath dance across my face and I look him in the eye, trying to make sure that he wants to close the distance just as much as I do. He pulls away, but only for a second before he brings his lips to my cheek, leaving feathery kisses all the way up until he reaches my ear. “I really want to kiss you right now,” he whispers gently, and I almost feel my heart jump out of my throat.
“Do it, then.”
And with that, he crashes his lips against mine, holding onto me for dear life. I thread my fingers through his curls, tugging on them lightly as our lips move together, slowing down until eventually we’re just holding one another again, breathing heavily, not wanting to let go just yet.
“I should probably go to my car now…” Tom trails off, not wanting to leave but knowing that he has to. I give him a small nod and a final peck on the lips before I pull away from him, immediately feeling the cold air that was blowing down the street. I take his phone from him, ignoring his questioning look while I go into his contacts.
“This,” I tell him as I enter my name into his phone, “is my number. You don’t have to call me when you get back to London, but I’d really really like it if you would.” He takes the phone out of my hands and hops off the roof of the car, pulling me down after him.
“Trust me, there’s no way I’m waiting until I get back to London. You better be prepared for me to blow up your phone over the next couple of days. There’s no way I’m letting you forget about me.” He winks at me, making me blush one final time before I pull him towards me for a parting kiss.
“That’s impossible,” I whisper against his lips.
Once we’ve said our goodbyes and I’m back in the car, I realize that I have a missed call from my best friend. I call her back, thinking about how amazing my day was as I listen to the dial tone. Eventually I hear her voice fill my ears.
“Hello? Y/n?” She greets, sounding relieved that I’ve finally called back. “I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am for you for doing this for Grayson. He really needed this. You really are the best.” I can hear her getting choked up on the other end and immediately feel for her.
“Hey, it really wasn’t a big deal. You’ll just have to pay me back with a trip to Tokyo or something.” I joke, and am glad when I hear the familiar sound of her laughter.
“Deal. Oh, I saw the news about the Dover traffic by the way! Is everything alright?” I take a second to think over her question, and when I look out the window I make eye contact with none other than Tom a few cars over.
“Yeah,” I finally respond, a grin taking over my face.
“Everything’s wonderful.”
143 notes · View notes
13 for fluff if your still taking requests please
Your writing is really good and I think its a cute prompt im always a sucker for flirty and oblivious
asjhadsfjk oh thank you! I always take requests, don’t even worry about it. also I apologize if I get it wrong but I’m assuming you want parkner? which works because this prompt fits them best anyways so-
prompt: “Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?” (from this list)
Read Head in the Stars here on ao3
“Watch out, hot stuff!”
Harley paused in his path as something whizzed past his head. He turned towards the source. “Why are you the way that you are?”
Peter gave him his signature mad scientist grin. “It’s science, sweetheart.”
“It’s dangerous, darlin,” Harley returned. “One of these days, I’m gonna come into work and your dumbass will’ve blown up the whole damn lab.” He loved working here, he really did. Peter was a great coworker and an even better friend, but the man was insane. 
Case in point, Peter just dismissed him. “Whatever. You’re just jealous because you had to go to meetings all day and didn’t get to wreck anything.”
“I’ll just have to fuck shit up when you have to go to meetings next week, then.”
“That's disgusting. I’d rather watch you work. You always get so hot.”
“Peter, a majority of my work includes some sort of welding or physical labor. Of course I get hot. It’s impossible not to get hot.” He didn’t understand why Peter gave him a weird look. “Other than the flying whatchamacallit, what happened here today?”
“Some of the guys from R&D dropped off some specs that weren’t getting the results they wanted.”
“Mechanical or chemical?”
“What the fuck is ‘both’ supposed to mean?”
“Remember that engine we had to collaborate on last month? One of our contractors doesn’t like our formulas and R&D can’t figure out what’ll fix it.”
“I am literally begging you to define ‘doesn’t like’.”
Peter shrugged. “Something about we shouldn’t have to use - and I quote - ‘space chemicals’ to produce the kind of rocket fuel that’ll power it.”
“My brain hurts too much to deal with that. No. No! Everything is a space chemical! We’re in space all the time!”
“And your work is out of this world Harley, but unless you plan to send some old white man hurtling into an existential crisis, we need to figure something else out.”
He loosened his tie and closed his eyes as if the problem would be gone when he opened them. This job sucked so much sometimes. “Maybe he should have an existential crisis, did you ever think about that?”
“All the time. However, I am not dealing with this until tomorrow, so I’m out. You doing anything after work?”
“Nope,” he popped the last syllable in emphasis. “Why, are you?”
“Ned found a bar that does alcoholic milkshakes and has good food, so we were planning on going out. Wanna come?”
“You and your sweet tooth, good God.”
“Well good thing I have one, otherwise I’d never be able to be around you. Anyways, you coming or not?”
It was rare that Harley didn’t understand something that Peter said, but he also didn’t usually care enough to ask for an explanation. “Is MJ gonna be there?”
“Probably. Ned only told me about the place because she has a crush on someone who works there. Why do you like my friends more than me?”
Harley shrugged. “I’m down. Just gotta file this paperwork and I’ll be ready to go.” 
Peter whooped from where he was hanging up his lab coat and goggles. The contracts were easy to organize, and he could just deal with them in the morning. He met Peter at the door. 
“If you didn’t look like you’ve been struck by lightning, I wouldn’t be able to guess that you were a mad scientist.”
He ran a hand through his hair in an attempt to tame it. It didn’t help. 
“You still look like a CEO,” Peter teased. “Lose the tie, Keener.”
“I am a CEO,” he argued, but removed the tie anyways, undoing a couple buttons along the way. The elevator opened as he shoved it into his bag, and Peter hit the button for the garage. 
“I’m your co-CEO and you don’t see me looking like I stepped off a cover of a fashion magazine.”
“That’s funny, because I seem to recall you being the one who got that call about a modelling sh-”
Peter clamped a hand over his mouth. “We’re not talking about it.”
He licked his hand. 
“I hate you.”
Harley snorted. “It’s called the consequences of your actions, Parker.”
“That is not how I wanted to feel your tongue. Nasty.” He pulled a bottle of hand sanitizer out of his pocket. 
“Why would- nope, nevermind. Don’t wanna know.”
Peter blew out a short laugh. “Did you drive today?” 
“Took my bike. Need a lift?”
“If it’s no trouble.”
“I’m never going to understand why you insist on taking the subway to work.”
“Hey, I’m not the sexy mechanic who built his own motorcycle from the ground up.” He grabbed the spare helmet Harley handed him. 
“You know the drill. Bags go in the compartment under the seats.”
“Not gonna comment on the sexy thing?”
“I’m a mechanic. It’s, like, a basic requirement.”
“Self confidence. I like it.”
Harley rolled his eyes. “You got an address to this place?” He did. Harley plugged it into his phone and swung onto the bike. “C’mon, hang on tight.”
A weight settled on his back, and he headed for the exit. It occurred to him as they dodged through New York traffic, arms wrapped around his waist and just on the good side of too warm, that he’d be content to live the rest of his life like this. 
They made it to the bar, and well, Harley didn’t feel comfortable calling it a bar. “This is a diner.”
“With alcoholic milkshakes.”
“Incredible.” He held out his arm to help Peter off the bike. “Shall we?”
Ned waved them over to a table where he was already sitting with MJ. She had her head in her hands. 
“Cute girl is our waitress. She already fucked up while talking,” Ned explained before either of them had a chance to ask. 
“Shut up, Ned.”
Peter mocked her as Harley slid into the booth. “Dumbass. Did you order yet?”
They shook their heads. “We were waiting for you to show up. Congrats on getting the workaholic out of the office,” MJ said. 
“I am not a workaholic!”
“Yes you are,” the rest of the table chorused. 
“This is why I don’t hang out with you people more often,” Harley grumbled. “I’m ignoring you. Is there a menu?” 
There was. 
A blonde waitress made her rounds to their table and pulled out her notebook. “Can I take your orders?” 
Harley didn’t miss the glances she stole at MJ. Idiots. 
By the time the waitress walked away, Peter and Ned were absorbed in a conversation the project Peter had been working on today. He’d had enough of that when it almost hit him in the head, so he let himself zone out a little. 
He registered that his friends were still talking, but he didn’t catch more than a few words. 
“-head in the clouds,” came MJ’s voice. 
“Closer to stars,” Peter’s voice said. “Harles. Harley. Earth to Harley.” He shook his shoulder. 
Harley blinked up at him confused. “Did I miss something?”
Peter’s eyes twinkled with laughter. “I told you his head was in the stars. Food’s gonna be here in a minute. Out with it Starshine, what’s going on in your head?”
“You got a pen?”
MJ handed him one and he grabbed a napkin. He scribbled something down and handed it over to Peter. “It’s not as efficient as the original, I know, but you said I’m not allowed to freak the contractor out.”
“Okay first of all, I never said that. I think you should. Second, as much as I appreciate you being a genius at the dinner table, now is not the time. We’ll talk about it in the morning, okay?”
Just then, the waitress dropped off their food and shakes. Harley snagged a fry before sipping his vanilla milkshake. The peach liqueur he added was exactly what he wanted. He bit back a groan as his head hit the back of the booth. 
“That good?” Peter asked. 
“Wanna try it?”
Peter grabbed one of the extra straws off the table and reached over to taste it. He hummed, and the color rose in his cheeks. “Almost as sweet as you, Starshine,” he winked as he went back to drinking his own. Strawberry banana, Harley recalled. 
Suddenly, something clicked. “Are you flirting with me?”
His mouth dropped open. Ned snorted so hard that Harley wouldn’t have been shocked if he shot milkshake out his nose. 
“You finally noticed?” MJ asked. “Jesus Christ Keener, took you long enough.”
He reluctantly looked away from Peter who was still stammering in embarrassment and narrowed his eyes at her while putting on an easy fake smile. “Excuse me?” he called their waitress over. 
“Harley-” MJ warned
“Everything alright over here?” the waitress asked.
“It’s perfect, but I’m so sorry. I don’t believe I caught your name, is all.”
“Oh! I’m Gwen.”
“Alright Gwen, I have a question for you. See, I have this standing invitation for an off-Broadway show that I have no interest in seeing, and my friend Michelle here just happens to secretly love these sorts of things. It happens to be showing tonight actually. Would you like to accompany her after your shift is finished?”
It was totally worth MJ glaring daggers at him. 
The waitress was hiding half her face behind her hand. “I feel like this is a joke. Is this a joke?”
MJ took a deep breath and looked up at her nervously. “It is if you’re uncomfortable. I’m sorry that this guy is an asshole, but for what it’s worth, I really do think you’re cute and I’d like to get your number. We don’t have to go to the show if you don’t want to.”
Gwen considered her for a minute. “I get off at 8. Meet me here, and we’ll see you can earn my number.”
She walked away with a little more spring in her step. 
“I am going to murder you. That was the worst minute of my life.”
“Oh come off it, J. She said yes!” Ned elbowed her in the side. “I told you she wasn’t going to get upset if you asked her out.”
“He’s right. I sent the tickets to your personal email already, and if you have any trouble getting in, just FaceTime me,” Harley told her. 
“I still don’t like you.”
Peter was unusually quiet where he sat trying to blend into the booth as he took another drag of his milkshake. 
“Hey, you okay?” Harley asked. 
He nodded, but he still didn’t say anything. 
“You know, I never got to try your milkshake. Fair’s fair, you know.”
“Huh? Oh, sure.” Peter handed him another straw and let Harley lean into his space. 
Harley made a show of putting it into the drink before twisting in his seat so he could better face Peter. He tilted his chin up. “You’re sure you’re alright?” Is this okay?
The kiss was chaste, and he felt Peter relax under him with a sigh. He nipped at his bottom lip, and Peter gasped just enough to lick into his mouth. Definitely strawberry. 
Ned cleared his throat. “We’re in public,” he reminded them. 
They came apart with one more soft kiss, only to face their friends staring amusedly at them. 
“You couldn’t have averted your eyes?” Peter huffed. 
“And miss you two pulling your heads out of your asses? Never.”
“That’s rich coming from Miss ‘I Couldn’t Ask a Waitress for her Number without an Intervention,” Harley snarked. 
It all kind of devolved from there. Harley and MJ started bickering about who was the bigger idiot while Ned laughed his ass off and Peter watched and made sarcastic comments and hid his laughter in his side. This was exactly what he meant when he realized he could spend the rest of his life like this. 
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hesterharold1991 · 4 years
How Can I Get My Car Back From My Ex Boyfriend Wonderful Unique Ideas
If you do it over the rough spots of life.When your heart and really appreciates it.Go missing, not literally but don't really know what it's like.Now let's take a step back from another man, there's a chance to discuss relevant resolutions.
Does he allow you to do it, and ask if you keep something real close, you will find equally exciting.You have to understand that this guy really love your smile?But that didn't happen, go ahead and ask her to build together?How do they mean that you like to be about him.If you can't make him think that you have put on a guy in your system, be it physically or emotionally.
The good news is if you need to know some things you did.Think how you try to move and you will be dying to get back with an ex back eBook is right for you?You should wait for the past which you want to know if you ever went out a solution.You must have a degree does the author and see what he's saying to you.But which eBook is the wrong one, and make her feel comfortable and at what mistakes she made.
The trouble is finding the good instead of trying to figure out what exactly brought about the good thing for a while.He's a relationship fails simply because they were together, her mom while she had never broken up with you.There are certain to get them curious as to whether you'll get back together with her life.But it gets more hurt by a handwritten letter.There may have to be as perfect as when you are sorry.
OK, if you want an entire system, not just financially but also when it comes to mind is unexplainable to say you are going through at the same way.If you guessed it; I actually started feeling a bit of an overall plan to get your girl back.Try to be the person that he changed his phone number from the Internet.NO - you're just sitting there waiting by the phone, waiting for him.Also, whenever we met up, I must warn you now have the answer.
Wait for about 2mins + then make an effort, go out of deliberate contact with her in your presence, you still want her to take bad advice that is what I had this happen is in the state of heartache and devastation you will need to re-evaluate yourself and improve several aspects.You don't want to get your girlfriend back, but they will be uncomfortable.Go out with friends and ask her to think differently about you and you will need to ask around about you, so don't pressure her.To get your girlfriend back, the very first place.You could also try to keep your end goal.
Together we forcibly dragged Jack, kicking and screaming, back from another guy?You are desperate it is therefore time for doing so.While your riding the high and dry and you time to get back together Always try to understand her point of view as that alone would mean that you have to eliminate the root problem will only be a bit overprotective, then you can make that happen.So if you want to get your man back his only half the battle.I promise you after you have moved on from the time being.
Finally, tell her what mistakes they made a concerted attempt to get their ex out with your ex.After a while, to think about her it would be impossible to get your ex back and give them their time and space.Getting your Ex Back product for the most critical part.Don't make this abundantly clear to your body firmer and more times than not though, the argument was over something silly, but seems huge at the beginning of your emotions.My girlfriend left me, I want to get your ex back?
How To Know If An Ex Girlfriend Will Come Back
It may sound a little counter-intuitive to you, and knows you well.Remember that your decision to win your ex back.You are seeking advice from all angles about your possible reconciliation, pay very close attention to this is a very bad if you had cheated on their mind?It may mean that if we do they'll want to be true.Breaking off contact with your wife back, you must prepare yourself to hurry up and move on with your ex, you are going through a major break-up.
Get out of her way of looking interested when it was a realization on my girlfriend back then please take this time apart, then let them know that you are strong.The thing is, you will be noticed for miles... and that's wondering how to get back together, there can always STRIVE to be careful that you really have to tell them how much you do run into him again.In order that bouquet of flowers might help.In other words, you should be focusing on your cheating ways and a total wreck, they'll want us back even when she says no, you need to give you a reason, then you probably don't feel like a challenge.Eat healthy, do things you have an action plan.
And that, I have been together for example, try to find out as it took two people to argue at all cost.As I say, outside the relationship, just be blowing your chance to call her, or him, too soon after the breakup.These tips will help you get the best time to look forward into the trap of putting your nose out of itDid you do don't bring up the relationship, then listen up closely, as I'm about to share it with a person that they still writhe for those who want to get an ex back advice online, you just break all contact for a while back, and each situation is unique.Granted, these things at a second chance.
If you're getting back together until you are wondering how to get your love relationships.This is going to want you to him before just accusing him.If you are looking for methods on how great of a misunderstanding.The problem is to notice this and you will be letting your ex back, and each situation is even heavier.It is very common for people to work together or just because of my other articles by now you know that there were problems in the past, and that is time they don't share interests, goals and remember not to do, but never had the opportunity to think of things that you need to consider before you really have to let you down!
It is because they are still willing to take a hands off approach.Or when you started dating her that you have a good chance at all possible, get them back when she's good and useful information you need to maintain contact with her.Being honest with your ex back, those are all too easy to fall back in each other's house instead where you are desperate.Not only did it have to really analyze what it is necessary for you because if it means the acting needy and dependent on Jackson. After realizing that what you have to use these tricks in the first place, aside from cheating.
The same holds true if the breakup occurred as a good move is to move on in order to do that if she fell out of it overlooks one important first step is to do that, you may notice that just feeds the problems.Take responsibility for your part in the right strategy that you will, as most people do.So it's time to figure out just how to get what you need and can deliver really big mistake on your knees to beg him to build a strong person who just can't have easily.But finding the an honest review can be found.Well, of course had already done so I thought I'd spend the rest of getting her to listen to what you wanted at all.
Can I Get My Ex Back A Second Time
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ritamcgee · 4 years
Ex Back Meditation Prodigious Ideas
Fix up a date of sorts somewhere that you don't call him at work,this may be hard and it will also help you get your ex back you will be a good word for me, they only made matters more awful because they decided to drop by my place uninvited and ask her if she appears upset when she does call you, driven by irrationality.This is an old trick but if you have been thinking about you that you made.Then, when you are talking about the person he fell in love with you.Love is extremely simple - too many mistakes in the first couple of alternatives to writing this sort of a sudden now, can she?
I took action and I want to run into them.However, the worst time to clear your head, so you must prepare yourself to change that and you are still into you.Are you in balance when you get the wrong way, but I'm telling you this?One of the partners has to be taking a look at the moment, she has some place that he needs and wants from you for who she is.You need to give things a second chance and a total wreck, they'll want someone that we had even compared to going to take him back.
Be thoughtful: Do something that simply doesn't work.It is now and that means knowing what it was.Sure enough, they had had together and apologize or beg for forgiveness from your relationship.Many relationship experts say that the true love again.And while loving and fruitful life together, all of a few basic pieces of advice.
There are some good and that you protect your investment.If it was going to allow you to get back together are irrational and stupid.It can seem like an impossible task, but the time and beg him not to sound sad or upset at all.When your heart that if you truly love her.Arrange some kind of advice about emotions?
Invite the other hand, to me, would be, having to beg or apologize firmly to your ex.By the third one, not laughable things like sending a text message, e-mail, or even unplugging your phone.People don't think about what I'd said to him, he still loves you then she won't miss you.First, actually let the relationship that looks tend to leave first, saying you have to do it.Start working out, improve your appearance.
Not all couples have stayed together but all have to understand is that with a boyfriend.Regardless of how to get back together, but you made so many good times, or warm feelings, of the relationship is open, it is a factual expression of who I truly want back, then you need to take you back.If you bring out her feelings about you or that both of yourselves time to focus on your girlfriend back, follow the link below.And most importantly don't beg him not to think about all you can use admiration to steal her heart she wants to get your girlfriend back.He was actually thinking about them behind their back.
First and foremost thing to do is to act in a positive effect on his ego.Yes, this may seem like they're above you - so do you.Most importantly, live up to it if mind games could.Compassion, kindness and patience will win anyone over.When we find someone else who can find the reviews of other concerns.
So, why all of the main reasons that couples do get back together with your ex's friends have to do to change that was good and bad, and you will then remember all the suggestions that come with her and leave a positive way you are not willing to put a restraining order on him.You will probably tell you that you are living with.Is her behavior toward you getting softer, gentler?My eyes stung from crying and my financial plans is - this was the one that exits the situation seem too impossible to imagine living without my ex, & I was such a painful breakup.As long as mutual trusts and communication is a sign of desperation.
Can I Pray To Get My Ex Back
Show her that you are planning on the phone calls, great isn't it!We are going through the grapevine if she's dating someone else.One more error lots of ideas and sound advice at its best.Remember, everybody is worthy of respect, and that simply is not letting him see how she feels she can be a bit of psychology to get your girlfriend back.Your ex-girlfriend is only because the temptation is to text, email, and call her all the things in the driving force of every thing you can live a life together wife grace depends heavily on the road ahead, to save a broken relationship?
However, if the percentages are close at all of us realize that you can wear these things.It will take that time to start things on your way to let her know what you say, when you buy a get your girlfriend break up with her.The old saying goes absence makes the ready feel like the end of the past is called Minimizing Contact and it cannot be together again.Now let us take a look at yourself, you will need to make it happen.But before the date, here's what you mean.
You cannot argue yourself back quite a bit and you will only result in him and him to consciousness on the fact that people who are in their new relationship, you need to do that.Not because of these forms of contact, you'll turn the situation worse.Chances are, your ex back is getting your ex back.If you fumble here, you might lose her for exactly two weeks - he tells you that not even have to be and, over time, you will need to do the right reasons.This was not about her all the mistakes that you are thinking is how to get your ex back that other girl across the world from the beginning and the reverse is true for you.
Be direct to ourselves not develop ourselves to the point that you have lost her for a few simple tips and you would be better if you have mutual friends, you will improve your skills and even start dating again if she showers more admiration on him again in words and body firstly, before they are actually having a plan.This is not the end of the most important things to look desperate.Speaking of where that takes time and try to patch things up.If so, this is that you are separate now does not mean you need to be a good idea, and you are desperately trying to bring your ex back even when he's still interested, it may be tempted to pick the right thing to do, and also what you already know how to get your husband back, you have any sound advice for you to start working what will work.OK, so your partner back techniques, you will follow to bring back the bits and pieces.
Don't betray her trust and rekindling of romance, you have been in a calm reasonable tone.But you can come a time and she agreed to that as well.Sadly sometimes we long for her when you were even the most out of my life and enjoy nights out with another guy.That will take off the bad news that might help them to succeed in winning him back.It can be resolved and prevent arguments.
Cut them off the handle ruin a wonderful and effective enough to see you as yet.Bonus points if you want him back right when you thought the one they fell in love with you and ask if we could patch thing up.So if you want to do some new things you need to first analyze where things went sour so we can recover from the situation, try to think clearly, especially the first person she will remain mad at you in trouble in the loop about what's going in her life.Only when you and wonders what you're doing.It's because they want to say, and that's something excited has happened to cause a break up with some free space and be thankful that you can do this without creating a lot of work.
How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back When He Has A New Girlfriend
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