#the theme is: being treated like a dirty little secret fucks you up when you internalize it!
wavesoutbeingtossed · 3 months
The “I could see you as my new addiction, you can see me as a secret mission” to “you kept me like a secret but I kept you like an oath” to “why’d you whisper in the dark just to leave me in the night” to “at least I had the decency to keep my nights out of sight” to “I loved you in secret” to “I don’t want to keep secrets just to keep you” to “playing hide and seek and giving me your weekends” to “that's the thing about illicit affairs and clandestine meetings and stolen stares, they show their truth one single time but they lie, and they lie, and they lie a million little times” pipeline 🙃
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plzfeedmebread · 1 year
What Do I Tell My Friends Family?
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Word count: 5086
Pairing: HUMAN Miles Quaritch x Female NA'VI Reader Tags/Warnings: 18+ ONLY, rare pairing, possibly dark content, smut, adult themes, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, lust, older man x younger woman, under age reader (16), degradation, nsfw, dubious consent, dirty talk, orgasm, orgasm denial, foul language, choking, vaginal fucking
Author's Note: This came to me in a day dream. Listening to this song. Set in the same idea I have for Lie of Providence, where you're able to communicate with the spirit of Quaritch in a Dream. Though it's a bit different there. Won't be included in LoP. Have kept reader's appearance vague in some parts so imagine it as you will.
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You shouldn’t want this. You should not be feeling like this. Oh Great Mother, the shame is near unbearable. Yet you are powerless to stop yourself. You want him, this you know. He is a man. Not like the boys of the clan. Immature, stupid boys who know nothing. No, this is a man. You have no doubt he would treat you the way you deserve. Or perhaps, the ways in which you want to be treated.
It started as a childish crush; a flight of fancy. A silly little thing you were, developing feelings for a man you only see in a shared Dream. You enjoyed watching him flex those oh so strong arms, the expanding of that broad chest with each precious breath. Each movement deliberate, no energy wasted in the fluidity of his being. He was taller than you then.
But time passes and it brings with it changes you weren’t entirely expecting. Becoming taller than him at 17 was a given. You’re almost 7’5” now, and will surely keep growing till you’re at least your mother’s height. What you did not expect however, was the swell of your chest. The women of your tribe you notice, do not have such large breasts. They are small, extenuating their lithe form, the agile body of Huntresses. But here you stand, barely an adult, with tits bigger than your hands. Your hips are noticeably wider too.
As time made you older, so too did it make you bolder. You care not if his gaze meets yours as you shamelessly stare down at him when he trains. You openly watch him do any human ritual, especially when it involves him testing the limits of his physique. And you notice too, how his gaze lingers on you. His eyes travel up and down your form when he thinks you do not notice. You eat up the silent attention. You sure as shit weren’t getting it from the young boys of your tribe.
Sure, mother and father tried their best arranging future mates for you. But every meeting of the family, you seem to be the only one to notice the boys’ upturn sneer. To them, you were always a freak. Proportionally wrong. A half-breed.
Your friends tell you not to worry about it. Boys are stupid anyway and wouldn’t know a good thing even if Eywa herself was prostrated before them. Yet you can’t help the jealously that rips through your very blood when they speak of stolen kisses and secret rendezvous. They do not make tsaheylu, as that is sacred and meant for their future life mate, but that doesn’t stop them exploring their baser desires with equally eager boys. And as the days to weeks to months pass, the frustration of it all builds until you are bursting at the proverbial seams.
And when the dam finally breaks, so too does your rational thinking. You are sick of your feelings being rebuffed by these stupid, immature boys. And you are equally as sick of this bizarre dance you’ve entered with Quaritch. If his soul is going to share Dreams with you, and so blatantly eat you with his gaze, then by Eywa does he owes you some actual attention.
And so tonight you are going to put your plan into action. You adorn the least amount of beads and thread you possibly can, barely covering your nipples let alone the rest of your chest. You wear a loincloth with a thinner cut fabric in the back, it easily gets eaten into the swell of your ass. You’re sure Quaritch is going to like that, if his roaming eyes are anything to go by. The final touch are some pretty feathers in your hair which you let hang lose and un-braided. You take your ikran and fly somewhere else into the forest; you do not want to be disturbed this night and Eywa forbid your family asks about what you are wearing (or lack thereof).
You find somewhere suitable to lay your head for the night, the flattened top of a nearby tree. Your ikran makes themself comfortable elsewhere, far enough to give you privacy, but close enough to hear you call should you need them.
You sit on your haunches and take a big calming breath. You look up to clear sky. Eywa has blessed tonight with warm breezes and a dazzling display of stars. The forest is alight with bioluminescence and it brings you a sense of comfort. And with that, you lay yourself down and close your eyes.
The Dreamscape too, it would seem, has taken the shape of Night. As you have hoped, you are immediately in a Human settlement. You think it is perhaps Hell’s Gate, but something is different. You cannot tell, but it feels different. No matter. These are irrelevant details. You are here on a mission.
You let pure instinct guide you into and through a building. You are drawn to him and he to you. Finding him is never difficult. As you traverse the halls, you are thankful you do not have to bend as to not hit the ceiling, though were you fully grown it would probably be a problem. You immediately stop in front of a door. He’s in this room. You take a moment to steel your resolve. You do not want to back out now. Not when you’ve already come this far. You take a deep breath, then press button on the side.
Quaritch finds it strange. To know oneself is dead. To be a wondering soul, bound to The All Mother. To say he was surprised to learn she was indeed real, would be an unprecedented understatement. Yet she does not speak to him. But he can feel her influence wherever he wonders. Most surprising though, is You.
By Eywa’s grace, the two of you keep sharing Dream spaces. He’s sure you’re not dead though your spirit visits him often. And he’s also sure of one other thing; you must be sweet on him. Never in his waking life, and apparent afterlife, would he have foreseen something like this. A savage girl, the daughter of the traitor Jake Sully, developing a crush on him.
It was cute at first. When you were small. But you’re not a child anymore. And he has, to his disgust and pleasure, taken notice. He thinks of the way you tease him, swaying your hips with purpose when you jog ahead so as to walk in front of him. That damn tail flicking whichever way to draw his attention. When you puff out your chest when you show him how good you’ve become with bow and arrow. Oh yes, he’s sure you’re doing this shit on purpose. And you stare! You openly stare, and when he catches you, you don’t even try to hide it. The audacity of it all.
He’s not even sure if you’re considered an adult by your people’s standards. He never once cared to learn about the filthy natives’ culture. If he remembers correctly, you had mentioned to him last time he saw you that you were 16, coming on 17. You were complaining about some dumb teenage boy in your clan. Something or rather about not finding you attractive. He let you vent your frustrations by manifesting an appropriate sized gun turret in the shared Dreamscape for you.
You mounted the machine without hesitation, and shot at nothing in particular. Your frusted yells drowned out by the loud rhythmic expulsion of bullet rain. And while you had your cute little moment, he watched as your supple body jiggled and bounced oh so wonderfully.
It’s wrong, he knows it. To lust after such a young teenage girl. But you’re not exactly human.  
He rubs the back of his neck frustratedly; doesn’t even notice he’s manifested himself in his old quarters, a place of comfort.
He tries to clear his mind. Think of something, anything else. But it all comes back to you. Fuck you’re a God damn tease. A succubus sent by Eywa to torture him. God dangling a piece of Eden in front of him, just out of reach.
What he wouldn’t give to bury himself deep into that pretty little cunt of yours, a hand grabbing fistfuls of your hair as you cry out in pain and pleasure. He wants to leave pretty purple bruises up and down your skin. Mementos he hopes you carry out with you into the waking world. He wants every one of those pathetic teenage boys to know who you really belong to. Show them how a real man lays claim to what’s his. Typical savages having no fucking taste. There’s a tent in his pants now, and he’s about to reach in and relieve himself when the sound of the door sliding open catches his attention.
Speak of the Devil and so shall She appear.
When the door opens you stop yourself in the door way. There he is, standing in the centre of the room. He’s wearing that black singlet you love so much; the entirety of his arms are exposed as well as part of that divine broad chest. The giant window ceiling lets in the natural light of the night awash the room in gentle moonlight.
You’re blushing hard, you can feel the heat spread up from your neck and dust your cheeks. There is a gentle heat forming between your legs as you keep staring.
“Well hey there Sweetheart. Now aren’t you just a sight for sore eyes…” Quaritch is the first to break the silence. His eyes start from your face, and slowly he rakes it down to your loin cloth and back up to face; not before lingering on your chest you notice.
“Now you didn’t have to get all dressed up pretty for lil’ old me—or should I say, dressed down?” You smile shily, brushing some of your hair behind your ear. “Come closer darlin’, let me get a good look at’cha.” He’s smirks at you mischievously.
You obey without thinking and step into the room to stand before him, the door shuts behind you instantly with a quiet swoosh.
When you’re this close, the height difference is a bit more apparent. His head height is perfectly situated at your breasts.
He hums approvingly, then gestures behind him for you to take a seat on the bed. When you, he standing in front of you, arms crossed on his chest. You bite your lip noticing the bulge of his biceps, your tail flicks excitedly behind you. He chuckles when he notices.
“Now tell me, [Y/N]—” it takes a great deal of willpower to stop the whine threatening to escape your throat when he says your name in that delicious accent. You audibly inhale. “—what exactly is it, that you think you’re doing Sweetheart?”
You decide you to feign ignorance. It is far too embarrassing to simply come out and say it. You want him to say it; want him to be the one to admit it first. He wants you just as much as you want him.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Colonel,” you see the slight tense in his arms when you address him by his title; ‘oh he definitely likes that’. You place your hands in your lap, lightly squeezing your breasts together with your arms. You see his eyes shift down to stare at your cleavage, you can feel your nipples teasing through the bare fabric. He licks his teeth and you inwardly shudder at the action.
“Oh ho, I think you do, you little fucking tease. Now what I’m wondering is, does your Dear ol’ Pa know you’re here? Presenting yourself in front of the enemy like that.” Quaritch bends forward so he’s eye level with you. “I wonder how disappointed he’d be right now. Guess his sweet little [Y/N] ain’t so innocent after all, huh?”
“I do not want to talk about my Father right now Quaritch,” you huff at him frustratedly. You don’t want to think about your family right now, that’d be a sure-fire way to kill the mood before it’s even begun.
“Oh? Then, what is is that you want to do, [Y/N]?”
“You know exactly why I’m here Quaritch…” you avert your eyes, too embarrassed to make extended eye contact. You don’t see him lean closer, moving to the side of your head to whisper directly into your ear.
“Come now you’re a big girl [Y/N]. Why don’t you use your big girl words? Be a good girl, and tell the Colonel what it is that you want?” You audibly whimper. He moves to the front of your face again, grabbing your chin in his hand, forcing your face forward.
“Now I’ll ask again—What is it that you want hm? What is your plan here?”
“Eyes on me baby,” your ears perk forward at the new moniker, eyes immediately fixed on him. Oh Great Mother this man is going to break you.  
“You! My plan! You were my p-plan! It is you that I want! Please Colonel!” You all but yell when he commands you. You squeeze your eyes shut, the shame and embarrassment too much after such a declaration.
You hear Quaritch hum approvingly and can practically hear the smirk in his voice.
“Well, aren’t you just sweet?”
His lips crash onto yours suddenly. Both of his hands are on either side of your head, holding you firmly in place. He doesn’t move at first, testing to see your reaction. When he feels you tilt slightly to one side and gently push up into him, he deepens the kiss. You’re a mess of teeth, saliva and tongue. Hot breath mingling in each other’s mouths. By Eywa does he taste divine. Better than anything you could have possibly imagined. Heat pools at the base of your belly. The tiny flicker of a flame come to life. You stupidly wonder if the boys of your clan are even a fraction as skilled as he.
“I can feel ya thinkin’ about something you shouldn’t be, naughty minx.” He says when he breaks away from you. He pushes your collar bone forcefully enough for you to fall back onto the bed with an oof. You lean up on your elbows to look at him at the foot of the bed, your legs planted firmly on the ground.
He uses his legs to kick apart your legs and stands in the space between.
“Let me clear that pretty little head of yours…”
He leans onto the bed, presses his right thigh firmly against your sex, his hands are on your hips holding you in place. A pleasured gasp escapes you, the sudden unexpected feeling of pleasure sparks from your core through your entire body.
Satisfied that you won’t move, you can feel him move his hands up the expanse of your body, thumbs pressing into you as he traces the stars painting your skin. Upward he travels till he reaches your chest. Your breasts are exposed to the open are, your meagre coverings having fallen wayside when he pushed you back before.
He delicately traces the glowing pattern of one breast, before he gives you a gentle squeeze.
“Hmmm~” you murmur at the feeling, warmth pooling at the precipice of your legs. He grabs you, one in each hand, and starts kneading you firmly. The rough callouses of his palm causing delicious friction upon your nipples. He feels them peak into his hands and squeezes you tighter.
You can’t help but moan. You’ve never been touched like this at all by anyone else. It feels nothing like when you do it yourself. No, this is so much better.
He swings his left leg over you, resting on your side, his right leg presses harder onto your cunt as he leans forward. He kisses you roughly, forcing his tongue into your mouth; immediately seeking you out to fight for dominance. You feel the slick of your cunt coat your loin cloth.
He breaks the kiss to plant kisses on the underside of your jaw. Slowly he starts licking the dots there, tracing down your neck, and he sucks hard on the flesh there, catching the skin between his teeth. At the same time he pinches both your nipples between his forefinger and thumb roughly.
“Fuck!” You exclaim loudly, the pleasure in your body starting to burn. Each nerve is set alight in pleasured brilliance. You body demands more friction, so you rub your greedy clothed pussy up and down his thick muscular thigh, drenching his pants leg in your juices.
“Aww is that all for me? Well ain’t you just a peach,” Quaritch teases you when he feels the wetness upon his leg. He looks down and inspects the darkening hicky on your neck. Satisfied with his work, and continues to leave more on either side of your neck. Not content yet, he starts leaving them along your collar bone. All the while you grace him with the sing-song of your voice, openingly moaning in pleasured ecstasy at his ministrations.
You feel his hands vacate your chest, his leaves a wet trail as he traces his tongue along one swell. He gives your nipple an experimental lick causing you to make the cutest mewl. And when he takes your whole nipple into his mouth and starts sucking like a starving man, you can’t help the profanity that escapes your lips.
You push harder against his leg, enjoying the feeling of his strong muscles rub against your neglected clit. The pleasure from your cunt and tits pool together in your belly. A gentle coil of a promise starting to form. The build up stops suddenly when Quaritch moves his leg from your sacred conjunction. But before you can even complain, you watch as he moves his entire body lower until his face is between your legs.
Your embarrassment is renewed tenfold. You lay your head back and cover your face with both hands; too bashful to watch what’s about to happen. You aren’t completely ignorant, your friends made sure of that, sparing no detail of their escapades.
You obey his command, pushing yourself up on your elbows to stare down at the man poised at your nether region.
Quaritch laughs quietly at your display of embarrassment. He unties your loincloth with ease. When he takes in the sight of you, he cant help but suck in a large breath through clenched teeth. The stars painted on your cunt glow brightly in the moon light, the nectar of your arousal flows freely from your slit. A Waterfall of Eden before him.
“Now that just won’t do Sweetheart. Eyes on me, I wanna see those pretty eyes while I eat this pretty pussy.”
He nods approvingly and lowers himself once more, his eyes never break contact with you.
You inhale sharply when you feel him flatten his tongue against your slick, giving your slit one long slow lick up and over your clit.
Louder and louder you moan, there is no need to keep quiet here; there is only the two of you blanketed in soft moonlight.
He presses his hands into the groves of your hips to hold you down as he gets to work eating you out proper. Up and down he licks between your folds, sucking on your clit finally, in between. He cleans you up good, drinking deep of your honeyed nectar you so graciously give him.
He listens to every keen, mewl and moan. When the pleasure becomes too much you’re on the flat of your back once more, eyes closed in blissful ecstasy. Each hard suck on your clit pulls tight the coil in your core, the fire burning brighter with each passing moment.
And just when the tension on your belly threatens to snap in glorious orgasm, suddenly the feeling stops completely. Quaritch having ceased his ministrations.
“Delicious, thank you for the meal.”
You whimper unabashedly, tears threatening your eyes as you look down at him with a confused lidded look.
“So sorry Sweetroll, but the first time your cumming is going to be on my cock; no exceptions.”
You watch with bated breath as he undoes the belt around his waist. Eagerly does he free his throbbing cock from the confines of his pants. He’s already so fucking hard as he starts slowly pumping himself. He sees you bite your bottom lip as you drink in the sight of him. You lick your lips eagerly.
He feels himself twitch in his hand at the thought of you on your hands and knees as he throat fucks you till your insides are raw. But he’ll save that for another time. Right now the sweet musk of your cunt is beckoning him, and nothing is going to stop him answering the call.
He gathers some of your nectar to spread up and down his member, before he lines himself up with your entrance.
He looks down at you, eyes meeting yours.
“You ready baby? I don’t think I can be gentle,” you nod in response. He rubs his thick tip up and down your slick, gathering more of your nectar. When he finds our entrance, he slowly pushes in just the tip, gauging your reaction. Your eyes close as pleasure assaults every nerve of your body. You feel your cunt immediately drench, excited at the prospect of being utterly fucked full. He can’t help it, seeing your face like that, hearing you sing like that? His resolve all but shatters. In one fell fluid motion he pushes all of himself in up until the hilt, meeting no resistance.
The suddenness of him, feeling his long hard cock stuff the entirety of your pussy, you can’t help the scream that rips itself from your throat. There is a pleasure you didn’t think possible, but also a dull pain from the sudden stretch. You can feel the hairs of his crotch brush against your clit. He isn’t moving though, waiting for you to adjust to this new feeling.
“[Y/N]…Can I?” He’s trying to ask if he can move in between laboured breath. You nod almost immediately. The dull pain nothing you can’t handle.
“P-please move Quaritch,” you beg and he hums in response. You feel him lift both your legs, holding them up at the knees. He pulls out slowly till the tip, then slams back into you.
“Aaah!” You yell in pleasure at the friction gracing your inner walls. Quaritch takes in one deep breath, and he starts pumping into you with all the force he can muster. He is not gentle. He leans over your body, pushing your legs up and apart, granting easier access to your welcoming cunt.
It’s all too much, all too good. The pleasure is insurmountable. Touching yourself will never bring you pleasure like this. Each time he slams back into you, he crashes against your throbbing clit; lightning sparks through your veins, each nerve ending singing a chorus of pleasure, your body is burning in the flames of desire.  
You feel the coil tightening; the build-up of orgasm approaching far quicker than you anticipated.
“Fuck—fuck you feel so good baby,” Quaritch starts praising you. Despite the size disparity, you are tight, perfect, made just for him.
You can’t answer him with words, the only sounds escaping your swollen lips are sing-song moans. It strokes his ego something deep, to see you like this; folded in half, hair framing your face like a [h/c] halo, your face dusted in deep blush. And oh, the faces you make. You can’t be this cute. It should be illegal. If this was Earth, it would be illegal.
But he’s not on Earth. And you’re not Human. Such delicate sensibilities don’t apply out here 4 light years away. Besides. Eywa presented you before him oh so generously, and it would just be impolite to refuse such a gift.
“Q-Quaritch—I’m—” You can’t seem to get the words out, your orgasm approaching without mercy. He knows it though. The squeezes of your drenched cunt warning him. But he’s not ready for you to cum yet. He’s got one more little thing he wants to do.
“Don’t you dare cum [Y/N], you hear me? That’s an order,” he doesn’t relent his pace, the bastard. You close your eyes tight, trying through sheer force of will not to cum.
“Y-yes Sir,” he all but growls the moment you call him that, and you can’t help but smile cheekily. You feel his pace slow to deliberate thrusts. He doesn’t say anything but you feel his hands remove themselves from your legs and hear him fidget with something. You open your eyes in time to see him brandishing his belt in hand.
“Now hold still darling,” he instructs as he, without question, ties the belt around your neck, wrapping the leather around his left hand in tight coils.
“Do you trust me?” he asks as he smirks down at you. Your hand traces the belt around your neck, and your eyes meet his. You stare deep into those blue pools; he is brimming with lust, desire, and something so much deeper. You can’t explain it, but you trust this man with every fibre of your being.
“Yes…I trust you,” You give him the sweetest smile you can muster, and hold your left hand. He threads the fingers of his right hand through yours.
He picks up his pace, returning once again to that brutal pace before. He thrusts and hard as he can, pounding into your cunt with all the strength he has.
“Yesyesyesyes!” You chant eagerly, feeling your orgasm build up for the third time. Without warning, Quaritch pulls on the belt. It tightens around your neck, cutting off your oxygen.
Your eyes widen in sudden panick, reasling you can barely draw in any air. And that feeling, the leather as it bites into the skin of your neck, the tightness in your chest at the lack of air, it is delicious. Your cunt squeezes unabashedly around Quaritch and he huffs with a smirk.
He lets go of your hand then, you bring it up to your throat, grabbing the belt to try and relieve some of the tension.
“No you fucking don’t—!” Quaritch pulls tighter, and with his now free hand, grabs a hold of your tail—and pulls.
Your shut your eyes at the pleasure, tears falling freely down your face. Drool seeps from the corner of your mouth hanging open. No sound escapes your parted lips.
“Such a good girl, you take my cock so well [Y/N]! No one will ever fuck you like I do! Don’t you ever forget that, you God damn hear me?”
You are unable to form any words, the only sound you can muster is a strained moan. Good enough for him.
“That’s it baby—FUCK—Take it all of me like the slut that you are. Throwing yourself at those boys, knowing full well you belong to ME!”
That does it.
The coil in your belly snaps violently, your pussy grabbing his cock in a tight vice as your orgasm wracks your body in glorious ecstasy. You ride the high for all you’re worth. The only sound your able to make is a quiet choke as you struggle to breath, eyes rolling back into your head.
Black spots appear along your vision from the lack of air. But you don’t care, your cunt is still cumming and hard, gushing relentlessly, bathing Quaritch in your heavenly nectar.
You feel his thrusts falter as you continue to squeeze him without mercy. And after a few final pumps, he cums with a load growl. He’s coating your slick walls in his hot seed. He pumps a few more times into you weakly, his hold on the be belt slackens, rewarding you with glorious air once more. You gasp greedily, taking in long slow breathes.
You lay there for a time. Drenched in all manner of bodily fluids. The smell of sex permeates your senses, and you blush, embarrassed suddenly by the activities. You feel Quaritch slowly pull his softened cock from you, the feeling of his cum slowly seeping from your slit giving you a dull pleasure.
Your hole feels utterly abused, but the pain throbs pleasurably, you find you don’t mind the feeling. You feel Quaritch untie and remove the belt from your neck. He hums approvingly at the bruise left in its wake and plants a kiss to your sensitive skin.
He moves up over your jaw to your lips, planting soft kisses along the way.
He kisses you deeply, you can taste yourself on his lips and it almost reignites the fire within you.
When he finally pulls away from the kiss, he’s staring down at you. There is something unreadable in his expression. He opens his mouth to speak. But when you blink, he’s gone.
The room is gone.
Instead, your eyes are greeted with the blinding light of morning; your senses suddenly assaulted with the burgeoning life of the day.
You sit up and immediately notice your clit is sensitive. You smile to yourself; your body must have cum while you dreamt. You stand and stretch, feeling utterly refreshed. You feel a bit bad leaving so suddenly, but that was out of your control. You’ll be sure to apologise in the next Dream.
You call for your ikran, and make the short journey back home. You are trying very hard to remember to wipe the stupid grin from your face. You make your way back to the family nest in the trees, grabbing the extra garments you hid near where you leave your ikran.
Everyone in your family is awake already. You can hear the sound of idle chatter and the smell of breakfast hits your nose. Good, you are practically starving. You don’t bother trying to be quiet as you make your way up. Just as you pull yourself up and onto the platform, it is your brother Lo’ak who addresses you first.
“Ahhh look who finally decided….to…” his voice trails off when he looks up to you.
“What the—WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR NECK?!” Kiri yells as she immediately stands up and rushes over to you, cold hands immediately on you, turning you this way and that.
Your neck?
Oh no…
Author's Note: Thanks for reading!!! Hope it was to your liking! Apologies for any mistakes. It's 1am and I have working in the morning lmao TwT
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huihuiheart · 23 days
Masquerade - Mafia! Jongho
Ateez Masterlist
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Pairing:  Mafia! Jongho x Fem! Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut, Mafia AU
Summary: Jongho was the love of your life, and you his. Just because someone was that kind of love though doesn't mean they didn't keep secrets. The deepest darkest kind.
Warnings: Mafia themes, betrayal/lying, bullying ( a little briefly in the beginning), cursing, pregnancy of a side character, guns, kidnapping, death, blood, hospitals, poisoning, slight body worship, soft hard sex, oral, teasing, overstimulation, unprotected sex, cumming inside, foursome (with Wooyoung and San), some mxm action, possessive sex, hair pulling (Wooyoung’s), marking, slight degradation in dirty talk (called little slut by a bratty wooyoung). Let me know if I missed anything.
Additional Warnings For the Two Patreon Exclusive Smut Scenes: Appreciation sex (reader thanking Jongho for something - by choice), 69, cowgirl, bondage, mating press, breeding kink, spanking, sir kink, fingering.
Word Count: 15,248
Being a new student at a school was never an easy adjustment, especially for Choi Jongho. His family resettled often, that was the nature of his father’s business. Though now that he was older, they sent him off, a transfer student in a high school where he was sure his father was holding something over, most likely money. Still, the way that those higher up in the school treated him shined an even brighter spotlight on the new student. That and he was somewhere where no one knew who his family was, so instead of cowering away from him whenever they saw him as an easy target. Finding himself pinned harshly to the lockers his very first day, eyes wide as he looked at the male looming over him until his fist slammed into the metal next to Jongho’s head to let him know that wasn’t a good idea.
“Let me tell you how this works, new kid. I run this school, and if you don’t do everything I fucking tell you when I tell you … well, let’s just say you and the floor will have quite the relationship.” He sneers at Jongho, the others behind him snickering. 
Jongho keeps his head down and cowers away slightly, only to be jolted as someone rips the man off him. A shorter, feminine figure between the two of them now.
“Fuck off before I tell Nakamoto you’re telling everyone you run things.” You hiss at the man who just had Jongho pinned to the lockers. Jongho’s eyes widen as you don’t hesitate to square up to the much taller male. It works though, as he seems to flee like a dog with his tail tucked. Jongho, backing up slightly when you turn to him now, making you chuckle, “Don’t mind him, he is just overcompensating. Just threaten to spill his ego to Nakamoto Yuta, and he’ll leave you alone.” 
Jongho watches you walk away for a moment before snapping out of his shock and following behind. His footsteps gave him away even if he hadn’t said a thing. He stops abruptly when you stop and glance at him over your shoulder.
“Do you need something else?” You ask, raising a brow, but he simply shakes his head, “Well then... first-year classes are all down there.” 
He glances towards where you pointed and nods, speaking in just a whisper as he shyly looks at his feet, “I know.” 
“Then why are you following me?” Your question makes him shift uncomfortably as he doesn’t have an answer for you, stunned again when he feels you lightly ruffle his hair, having to reach up to do so, “Do you need a friend? Is that it?”
His silent nod makes you smile, leaning in to look him in the eyes, “Well, we can’t be friends if I don’t know your name. So what is it, new boy?”
“Jongho.” The way that you smile at him makes Jongho even more timid than your bold actions had. The thought of that alone made him argue with his father later to let him stay in this school once he found out what had happened to Jongho that day. 
“Nice to meet you Jongho. I’m Y/N.”
That’s how it all started for you two. Jongho seeks you out between periods to follow you and your friends around, often quietly. Only coming out of his shell in more private settings. Not one to use his father’s power often, but doing it now to make sure your lunch and free periods matched up so he would have more time with you, his new friend. Even if his father sent some others to keep an eye on him. Something that ended up being beneficial seeing as how there was one person who knew he was, Nakamoto Yuta. To him, Jongho was nothing but a threat. The two quickly become rivals, Jongho feeling more confident to stand up to him now that he has you and a few others there to back him up. Your friend group grows over the year, a mix of those from different years coming together to stand up for each other. 
You raise your eyes at one of the other girls in the group, “You want me to get someone from our group to ask you to the dance?”
“Well, not just anyone, someone specific.” She rolls her eyes playfully, before laughing with a little smirk at the way you seem to bristle at that, “Relax it’s not your Jjongie.”
You flick her off at the teasing but pause at her next words.
“I’ll get him to ask you if you help me.” 
As much as you loved the girl, you wanted to wipe the smug look off her face, “... who is it?”
“Mingi.” She chirps, and you raise a brow, that would be easy.
“Deal. I’ll get Mingi to ask you, just make sure no one else gets Jongho.” You agree, and she laughs a little saluting you before you turn to leave the room.
What you didn’t know however is that she had set you up, not the other way around, calling Jongho as soon as she knew you were far enough away. Convincing him to ask you out before the day was up before meeting up with Mingi.
“Does she know?” He asked her, to which she shook her head with a smile. 
“They’re both clueless even if they refused to go with anyone else.” Her words make Mingi chuckle, leaning down to kiss her forehead in the empty hallway.
“Well done Mini,” She preens at his praise, watching him walk away. 
Only their plan didn’t work out quite as planned when you both kept things as friends throughout the whole dance. Trying time and time again to get either of you to say something before your graduation, to no avail. Mini setting you up at Jongho’s tutor over the next few years outside of your friend group still getting together on occasion. All of high school passed for everyone and still nothing between you two. Mini’s head falls to the table rather harshly, making Mingi wince across from her.
“I’m out of ideas, they're hopeless.” She whines making Mingi chuckle.
“You know what he’s afraid of better than anyone else.” He reaches out to pet her hair, “But trust me this time. I’m not out of ideas yet.”  
She hums, letting Mingi plan the next few attempts. Realizing rather quickly that maybe she should have let him do that from the start when a few weeks later he proposes to her with the help of you and Jongho who excitedly hug off to the side. You get a little emotional as Jongho chuckles, keeping an arm around you while his free hand comes up to gently wipe away the tears. It’s then that you begin to realize he’s no longer the shy little first year you saved, but a man now. Someone much more sure of himself… and much more firm than he had been in years past. A thought you distract yourself from by going to hug your other friends, congratulating them and already gushing with Mini about wedding plans. Mingi smirking at Jongho’s dazed look. 
“Man up and make a move already.” He whispers to Jongho, laughing when it earns him a smack even if the younger hurts when he does so.
The two of them call up you and Jongho at every turn of the way leading up to the wedding. Leading you and Jongho to spend even more time together. Only when it comes to who is walking together the two of you aren’t paired together. Instead, they put you with San, resulting in Jongho being slightly passive-aggressive with the friend paired with him. Not putting together that this was all a part of their plan. Not even when the rest of you went to the hotel that night only to be faced with a rooming mishap that Jongho was quick to rescue you from when suddenly you were without a place to stay that night. Jongho took your bags and led the way to his room, only to step in and remember that there was only one bed. Jongho is antsy at the thoughts it results in, biting his lip.
“What’s wrong Jjongie? Are you uncomfortable?” You ask, gently placing a hand on his arm. However, his pride quickly leads him to shake his head in denial. 
“Not at all.” He insists, shirt stripping off as he moves to change into sweats in front of you, still shirtless. Getting in bed as you gawk at him, “What, are you uncomfortable? If so, you can always join San in his room.” 
The way he hisses out the other man’s name makes something click for you as you crawl onto the bed towards him, “Choi Jongho. Are you jealous?”
He huffs looking away as a flush takes over his exposed skin, “Maybe…”
“You have no reason to be. Not when there’s only one man I want and it’s you… it’s always been you.” 
The two of you found yourselves tangled in the sheets together that night, and that’s when your relationship changed. No longer just the friends who always had one another’s backs, but something more now. Something you both had wanted longer than either of you was likely to admit, even if everyone else in your friend group knew it.  One night turned to two, then two became more, before becoming a date, and so on. Jongho is attentive to your preferences even if not verbalizing so. It is apparent in how you always had fresh flowers at work and at home. Never the same bouquet as previous, but always combinations of your favorites. Date night snacks are always your choice over his, no matter how often you told him to get his. Still, there was no denying the fuzzy feeling it gave you when he remembered such things. Besides, it gave you a reason to spoil him in return, loving gift-giving, especially to your sweet Jjongie. Often finding yourself giggling at how intimidated of him others often were when your boy couldn’t even hurt a fly.
Time flew by until Mini and Mingi were helping you two move in together. In awe at the place Jongho had gotten you both. A new place, a penthouse with a floor of its own in a high-security building with all the amenities and even its own formal restaurant. It dawned on you more fully that Jongho really was a business heir. The man smiling bashfully at you when your stunned gaze makes it to him.
“Surprise?” He giggles going over to kiss your cheek, “I hope you like it, I looked over your wishlist before choosing it.”
“I do. I love it, but isn’t it a bit much?” You inquire as he takes the box from you.
“Not at all, though I do want to get your signature on the paperwork and all,” Jongho adds, making you furrow your brows.
“But you wouldn’t let me help pay.” 
“So? That doesn’t mean I don’t want your name on the paperwork. I didn’t do it for some power over you, I did it because I wanted to for you… for us.” He assures you with a soft smile.
Not to say that you didn’t know you loved him before, but in that moment you realized just how deeply you felt for him. Something you were intent on showing him that night once everyone else had left, no matter how the move had exhausted you. Your bold actions at the start make Jongho giggle as a flush creeps up on him. 
You didn’t stay with Jongho to be spoiled, just like he didn’t stay with you for that reason either. It was merely a side effect. Though the deeper into the relationship you got the more that began to shift.
“Love, I think that you should quit your job.” Jongho brings up out of the blue over dinner one night.
“What? Why?” You inquire stunned by the suddenness and wondering if there happened to be a cause.
“You hate your job and we don’t need that income to survive. I’m not opposed to you working at all, but if you’re going to, I want it to be doing something that you love.” His words stun you further, leaving you to stare at him for a while. 
“But that will be a lot, I’ll need schooling and there aren’t a lot of locations here to hire me after.” Your practical side finally speaks up. 
“I know, but if that’s what you want then do it. I’ll help you through school and we’ll get you a nice storefront. Baby, we can make your dream happen, so why shouldn’t we?” Jongho insists, not knowing how dangerous the fluttering in your heart had become due to him at this point.
“Are you serious? You think I should?” You feel the need to confirm yet again. He chuckles but nods without an ounce of hesitation and that’s all that you need, “ Well if you are sure, I’ll look into it and let you know.”
Which is how you ended up in business classes despite Jongho's offering to help you get a handle on that. Though you would allow him to be your in-home tutor. You did also allow him to connect you with the resources he had to find a place and remodel it in preparation. Your shop soon takes shape with a few walls of shelves. Also, shelves hung from the ceiling, lined with books, and cornered with hanging greenery. The tables set below are a good place to settle with your new book and a hot coffee from the bar along the one wall. Jongho supported your business as it took shape. Soon it became a hub in the city, a warm space to retreat to and catch your breath.
With your lives and businesses thriving, Jongho felt he couldn’t wait any longer and soon he was down on one knee. Mingi and Mingi are excitedly on the other side of such an occasion now. Mini is ready to step up for you and your plans the way you did for her during wedding planning. As if you hadn’t already planned the whole thing in your mind long ago. Jongho letting you take the lead with that while he covers the honeymoon preparations. Something he kept a secret from you to the point that Mini had to be the one to pack for you ( something that you would have to get her back for when you took note of just how many scandalous items of clothing there were). A month traveling across Europe with your husband is exactly the romantic, refreshing trip you would have hoped your honeymoon to be.
Coming home to adjust back to daily life when Mini busts through the doors of your shop, startling a few new patrons, but not the regulars or employees used to this from her every so often. 
“I need to talk to you!” She announces marching her way into the back and missing how you roll your eyes before following with a fond smile. 
“Yes? What is it?” You take a seat waiting for the dramatics.
“I need your help… I’m scared to tell Mingi.” She’s a little shaky now which you aren’t used to. Watching as she pulls something out of her purse only to reveal a positive pregnancy test a second later. 
“Well did you -”
“This is the third one, all positive. Yes, I checked.” She tells you a lip between her teeth.
“Okay, take a breath. Then when you’ve figured it out tell me why you’re scared to tell Mingi.” You sit her down, trying to get her breathing to settle.
“I’m scared that things will change.” She finally answers softly.
“Of course, things will change, you’re fucking pregnant. That doesn’t mean that Mingi will go anywhere. You both want this even if it’s sooner than planned. So you don’t need to be afraid. Schedule to see the doctor and then tell Mingi so he can go too. All the other steps can wait alright?” You assure, moving to hug her until she calms down more.
“Okay, I’ll make the appointment before he’s back from work. Then I’ll tell him tonight.” She agreed after a few moments.
“Good, let me know how it goes, and if you need something then just call.” You remind her before helping guide her out now.
Shaking your head with a small chuckle knowing that it would be an even more interesting nine months now. If only you knew how interesting it would truly turn out to be seeing as how four months later Nakamoto Yuta walked in as you were preparing to close up. You not having seen him since high school. You hadn’t fully recognized who he was at first now that his look had matured. His smug nature and smirk were just how you had remembered however as he walked up to the counter.
“Can I help you?” You ask, raising a brow as he leans against the surface you had just cleaned.
“Oh, no sweetheart. See, I’m here to help you.” He licks his lips as if it would hide the mischief in his smirk, pulling out a manila envelope, “After all your beloved husband has been keeping secrets.” 
You scoff and roll your eyes, “Am I supposed to believe that?”
“Not my words, but the evidence yeah. If you decide not to though, that’s on you.” He shrugs, tossing the envelope onto the counter as he stands full height again, hands in his pockets, “If you decide you want to know all of the truth though my number is in there.” 
Despite how you scoffed and returned to cleaning something in your gut refused to allow you to throw out the envelope. This weird, anxious, gnawing feeling. Assuming that it would pass though you stashed the envelope in a locked drawer of your desk, waiting it out. Only instead it drove you crazy. After two weeks of restless nights, you caved, and out came the envelope. You took a deep breath before opening and dumping the contents. Only where you had expected simple documents, hopefully, fabricated, there were pictures and more. Pictures of Jongho at the docks with shipments, but not of claimed business goods. Instead, it was weapons and more. Documents show how the family company was a front for much more illegal activity. Not just that though, Mingi was transferred to your school all those years ago because he was involved. Evidence of Jongho recruiting your friends one by one littering the table. The only one not directly recruited is Mini who became involved late in her relationship with Mingi. It dawned on you that the entire group knew. Everyone knew. Everyone except you. 
The realization that everything was built on a lie hit you hard. Hard enough to throw off your usually level-headed mind. Once you had settled slightly again you noticed an address with most of the meeting pictures. Packing the envelope back up and heading there. Hesitating when you didn’t notice a single familiar vehicle. Still, you were determined and so into the building you barged. Which likely wasn’t the smartest decision in hindsight, but you were pissed.
The sudden sound startled Yunho there enough that he pulled his gun on you, only to nearly fumble it in shock a moment later. The man stammered as he put the weapon up, not sure what to say next, but you’d deal with him later. For now, you saw red focused on one person in particular. Yunho’s point directs your rage toward your current target. Those in the upstairs room turn to look at you as you enter. Jongho went from looking as though he was going to tell someone off to having had seen a ghost in a split second. 
Mini shakes her head as she leans back, arms crossed, “ Oh you’re so fucked.”
Jongho shoots her a glare before turning back to you, “Baby-”
“Don’t you baby me Choi Jongho! What is all of this?” You demand answers as you slam the folder down onto his desk.
“I just wanted to keep you safe, love.” Jongho softly tries to appeal.
“ No, you don’t get to do that Jongho, not after treating me like a joke. What, have all of you been playing me this whole time? Wanting to laugh at the one clueless girl who couldn’t put it together?” You see Jongho going to counter, but beat him to it, “If you’re gonna say something then you better choose your next words very carefully.”
“Sweetheart, you’re too good for this world. I wanted to keep you out of it… far away from it.” He tries again only to see you’re still unwavering.
“Our whole life. Our whole relationship. Everything was all built on a lie and you think that that is enough? Cause it’s fucking not.” You scoff, shaking your head.
“I warned you that you couldn’t keep it a secret forever. Besides it’s fucked up.” Mini finally speaks up from her spot, making you turn to her and miss the look Jongho shoots her.
“And why didn’t you ever tell me after you found out?” Your frustration gets redirected for a moment, watching how guilt eats at her, but also how she keeps nervously glancing at Jongho, “Oh my god, did you fucking threaten our friends?”
“He-” Mini starts before getting cut off.
“Don’t you fucking dare!” Jongho hisses out making Mini shrink back some and Mingi shifts his body to put her behind him now.
“Jongho… did you threaten our friends?” You ask again more forcefully now.
“I mean… It’s not like that… It’s just that I told them there would be consequences for telling you.” Jongho tries to pick his words carefully, but it does him no good.
“I can’t fucking believe you Jongho. You’re not at all the man that I thought.” You shift to leave only to jerk away faster as he reaches out to you, “Don’t you dare touch me! I’m leaving and until I come to you, you better stay the fuck away. That and you better come up with a good fucking explanation if you ever actually want anything to do with me.”
“Y/N.” Jongho tries again, but you’re already walking out the door. Only to hear him then yelling at someone else.
“Y/N.” It’s Mini’s voice this time and you sigh, but stop for a moment.
“Don’t try to convince me to stay.” You tell her, heartbroken but firm.
“I won’t try to do that to you. Here, take this.” She hands you a phone and chuckles at the confusion on your face, “It’s a burner, Jongho can’t track it. Not without my help anyways. So everything can be on your terms for sure. Get things in order and if you need a place to hide out let me know. I got one Jongho won’t find. Well not easily anyways.”
“Oh…” You’re stunned for a moment, overwhelmed by such concepts still, “Thanks Mini, I’ll think about it.”
Think about it you did, finding yourself texting her to take her up on the offer once you had settled business stuff. Mini quickly comes to pick you up and take you there herself in yet a different vehicle. 
“So make it your own, just ignore the mess I left. I’ve been taking advantage of this place more than usual too. Also for safety reasons now that you know stuff, do not open the door for anyone you don’t know. There’s a gun in both bedrooms in the bedside table and one by the door. Point. Shoot. Don’t hesitate if you need it.” She tells you, handing you a key, “We’re the only two with keys. I’ll leave this car here, don’t trust taxis or Ubers. Don’t get things delivered. It’ll be dangerous and let him find you.” 
Your eyes widen at all the information, “Is it really that dangerous of a lifestyle?”
Mini sighs and nods, “It is, that’s why even though Jongho’s actions were fucked up I agreed with wanting to keep you away. Especially now, because as much as I hold my breath every time Mingi goes to handle something I’m even more terrified to have a child involved in this. It’s not something you want people you care about a part of. Of course, I’ve also just gotten good at disappearing since Mingi has been an absolute menace lately and it’s been driving me up a wall.”
You can’t help but chuckle at that, “Well you don’t have to stay away 'cause I’m here. If you still need to hide away just pop in. Though you probably shouldn’t scare Mingi like that so often.”
“Meh, he deserves it.” She brushes off with a wave of her hand and a teasing smile.
“You know… I’m not even going to ask.” 
You stayed at Mini’s safehouse for quite some time. Her being the only one in and out for anything you needed, along with all the communication with you and the business. The pregnant woman crashing there along with you yet again tonight.
“Why did you do it?” Your question shocks her out of settling in a spot in the home. Though you get up to help her before pushing it anymore.
“I don’t think it was for any one reason. I wanted you to know and I knew it was wrong, but I was scared. I didn’t want him to give Mingi more dangerous tasks because I had spoken up. Plus, he said it was to keep you safe, and so I thought that if I said something and you got hurt then it would be my fault. It also felt like something you deserved to hear from him and he kept saying that he would tell you.”  Her answer makes sense to you even if upsetting, but raises another question.
“How many times did he say that he would tell me?” You’re almost scared to ask but need to know. 
“At least once for every milestone and it's always the same excuse, but we all know the truth. He’s not scared you’ll get hurt by others. He’s scared the truth about him with scare or hurt you. He couldn’t ever live with that I don’t think.” You hate the way her words make you soften a little, but it doesn’t change the way you currently feel about him.
“It couldn’t possibly hurt as much as knowing that everything was a lie.” You sigh with a shake of your head.
“Who says that everything was a lie? We didn’t tell you like we should have, but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re my friend. You have been this whole time. We all feel this way. Plus Jongho isn’t the soft man who married you unless you’re in the room. Not because it’s a lie, but because that man is mush for you.” Her words make you feel warm deep down and a part of you hates that with how angry you still are. 
“Doesn’t make keeping things from me right.” You cross your arms, pouting a little in a sulky way.
“Oh, absolutely not! And should you decide to give him the opportunity to make it up to you then you better make him work for it after all of this.” Her words make you chuckle, but you know that she wholeheartedly means what she said. “Now let’s forget about the way these men be driving us up a fucking wall and eat with some movie with hot actors, yeah?”
“Nope not yet. I’ve had my therapy session and now it’s your turn. You’ve been showing up more and more so what’s the deal with you and Mingi?” You prod, your maternal instincts driving you to look into this with how often she has been coming at six months pregnant when she should be home resting.
“Mingi doesn’t understand that I’m pregnant, not bedbound. I get that this is new for both of us and he’s worried, but he’s taking it way too far no matter how many talks we have. I’m trying to meet him halfway, but some of it is just ridiculous.” She sighs, leaning back and running a hand through her hair.
“It can’t possibly be that bad, what is he insisting on?” You inquire, stuffing down your laughter at the incredulous look she gives you.
“Listen at first it wasn’t. Like he asked me to bathe instead of shower so I wouldn’t slip and fall, and he wanted to help me out when I was done. Fine. Makes sense. Now it’s like… I’m banned from the entire kitchen because there are too many risks. I was using a butter knife the other day and the man about had an aneurysm. I couldn’t help paint the nursery, the one task I wanted most. Not because of fumes, but because he didn’t want me on a step stool, which I already had agreed I wouldn’t do. Like I get that he means well, but he’s going too far.”  She tells you and you find yourself agreeing with some of her frustrations.
“Okay, but how many times has he called since you left the house?” Your question makes her feel slightly guilty.
“... 76 times and he’s texted over 100…” She admits quietly.
“Worrying him more won’t help with anything. Why don’t you have him come and try another talk, and this time tell him if he can’t take a breath I’ll be helping you through the last three months. That should get his attention.” You offer and she nods, sending Mingi a message. 
It took Mingi some time to get there, not because it was far, but because he was being careful not to expose the location, or so he thought. However, when there was a knock on the door not long after you all finished your talk everyone tensed. Mingi puts a hand on his gun as he goes to check it out, Mini following behind his form much to his displeasure. Though she seems to put together who is at the door first, slipping out from behind Mingi to throw the door open.
“What do you think you’re doing here?” Mini’s question is firm and you tense at the implication behind it.
“Let me see her!” Jongho is demanding, nearly pushing Mini out of the way before Mingi moves her behind him and takes the force of it.
You move to settle her before peaking around at Jongho, “I told you it was on my terms not yours, now go away.”
His bloodshot eyes widen drastically at the sight of you, “Wait! We don’t have to talk, just please let me see you. I need to be sure that you’re okay.”
The raw distress and sleep deprivation on his features has you nodding at Mingi who moves to let Jongho take you in. The man visibly relaxed some at the sight of you.
“Thank you … I love you.” He says softly before conceding and moving to go back to his car. 
Mingi moves to kiss Mini’s forehead, “ I’ll go make sure he goes home.”
Mini nods and locks up before the both of you go back to settling in for the evening. Only to be startled by a loud bang on the door not even a half hour later.
“Oh ladies~ Open up!” A mocking voice that you haven’t heard since high school calls through the door.
“Is that Jeno?” You whisper hiss at Mini who simply nods in response. She’s quick to cut the lights and grab the gun from by the door, tossing the keys towards you.
“Message the boys and follow their directions on where to go. I’ll make sure the back is clear and we can slip out that way.” She whispers to you, leading the way, only as she’s peeking out the back they bust down the front door, “ Run and get the car as fast as you can.”
You follow her directions knowing that she’s the only one who understands what to do in this situation. Jumping at each gunshot that is set off. You pull the car over only to see them shoving her into a van, one you could easily hit to deter them, but not a risk you were willing to take while your friend was pregnant. If they had her alive though then Jongho could send a rescue after her. So you speed straight to the address the boys sent and follow Yunho’s directions into another car to get to a safe house. Jongho and Mingi are already waiting there. Watching Mingi’s heart shatter as he notices Mini isn’t there and pushing past Jongho to him, pulling him into your arms. 
“She’s alive and unharmed. We’ll get her back because Jongho is going to have a rescue happen.” You assure him, stroking his hair despite the stretch as he cries in your arms.
“Wait, I-” You cut Jongho off before he can counter at all.
“It is his number one priority.” You say, shooting Jongho a look as if daring him to argue. It effectively shutting him up. 
“Yeah … we are gonna do that as soon as the intel on them gets back.” He meekly agrees.
“I want to be involved.” You insist, shooting Jongho another look when you see him open his mouth, “ You lied to me and then led them to us so that I had to witness my friend get taken. Keep your mouth shut.” 
“I just want you safe.” He whispers and you’re one of the few who hears.
“I’ll stay around you guys and not do dumb shit, but I’m not about to sit here like nothing is happening. Those days are over Jongho.” You shut him down yet again.
“Well, I guess we better make use of the time we have then.” Jongho sighs, firmly grasping your wrist and leading you off to a stash of weapons and a gun range in the basement, “If you’re insisting then you will have to learn to use one of these.”
The new two hours were spent practicing, with barely any progress. So Jongho came up behind you, putting his hands over yours.
“Slowly squeeze as you breathe out, a calm, smooth motion.” His direction had you finally nailing the target, “Good, just like that at whoever is your target.” 
You must have hesitated too long, because he sighed, “I know you don’t have this in you. To kill a man if it comes down to it. Remember you don’t have to do this.”
“If it comes down to it, I’ll do what I have to to protect the people I love.” You counter firmly before nailing the target with a shot entirely on your own, “Now tell me how we’re going to get Mini back.”
“Yeosang is across the stress with a drone right now getting thermal. Let’s get you a vest and stuff and we’ll go.” Jongho goes to get you ready, making your brows furrow.
“What about your vest?” You ask and he chuckles.
“I don’t use one. I hate the feel of it.” He shrugs before jumping when you smack his arm.
“Jjongie put one on.” You watch how he practically melts at the soft nickname, too stunned to move at the moment, but you snap him out of it quickly, “ I’m not about to watch you get fucking shot out there.”
“I won’t get-” All it takes is one more look and he shuts up, grabbing another vest. Putting his hands up in surrender with a chuckle when you check his the same way he checked yours.
With that, you’re all loading up to go. Hongjoong is with Yeosang on the rooftop across the way. Usually, that would be where Mingi was, but Hongjoong replaced the jittery man as a snipper so that he could go get his wife personally. Mingi finally seems to pull it together when the car stops, taking this very seriously now.
“Y/N you stay with Wooyoung and Yunho clearing our escape. The rest of us know what to do.” Jongho tells you before turning to Mingi, “Stay focused and go get her back, the rest of us will bring them hell.”
That’s all it took for Mingi to be out the door of the van and rush in. Gunshots came shortly after that.
“Come up to the passenger seat with me and keep an eye out. Yunho can wait for them by the back door,” Wooyoung encourages you, putting his hand out to help you up, “It’s kinda gross back there anyways… because of San and stuff, not me. So anyways, since you’re pissed at Jongho and all. Just so you know you can call me if you ever need a … release.”
“Is now really the time, Woo?” You raise a brow, “Besides, he’s still my husband and don’t you usually go home with San?”
“Well, I mean like if y'all are on break or something. San likes mixing people in, it is purely a physical thing after all.” Wooyoung shrugs, “As for the timing… This is as good a time as any in this line of work. Especially if it keeps your mind from overthinking everything.”
“That is Wooyoung’s specialty. Distractions.” Yunho chuckles from the back of the van reminding you of his presence. 
Wooyoung’s antics helped for sure, but not enough to stop you from being antsy in the passenger seat. Easing a little more when San comes through the door, followed by Mingi holding Mini against his side, Seonghwa close behind, and finally Jongho. Yunho slammed the doors behind everyone as you climbed into the back right before Wooyoung floored it. Needing to pull Mini away for a moment to see for yourself that she was okay before turning to do the same with Jongho. The man made a poor attempt at hiding the smile that the act brought to his face.
“Where are we going?” You ask Jongho quietly, leaning against him as the adrenaline wears off and the van jostles you around. 
“Another safe house, farther out and more well hidden. Big enough for everyone though. It’s safer like that for a few days after something like this.” He tells you, hesitantly reaching up to massage at your nape, gently playing with your hair. You knew internally that you should put up a bit more of a fight over it, but as it lulled you to sleep you found that you didn’t care much.
Waking later to the smell of food, finding yourself in a bed. Stretching you get up to follow the smell. Finding Jongho sleeping on the couch along the way. Then seeing Hongjoong placing pizza on the counter. Gently shaking Jongho to wake him so that he could eat as well. Snickering as Mingi frets over Mini moving to stand and insisting that he’ll get it for her.
“Let Mingi spoil you for now. You and the baby have been through a lot, so just focus on recovering from that.” You side with Mingi, shaking your head while Mini playfully rolls her eyes at Mingi’s proud smirk in response.
“You’re going to feed the complex.” Mini laughs softly but doesn’t argue. 
“We all will be for a while after what happened.” Seonghwa counters, ruffling her hair in passing only to chuckle at her complaints.
The interactions remind you of Mini’s words about how not everything was a lie. Seeing the same interactions as always, just with the knowledge of their true work situation now makes you believe her words. Most things were the same, just more dangerous than you thought. Not who they were as people though. Sure, you still needed time, and to build trust, but knowing that not everything was fake felt good. In a way, it reassured you as well. Maybe, here, with all these people could still be your home. Maybe you could still have that future that you always envisioned. That was something that you could discover with time though. For now, you were going to enjoy this moment after not being around people much.
Wooyoung smirking cheekily as you passed by to go to bed, that was enough of a sign that something was coming, “If you get lonely remember my offer.”
You notice Jongho tense at the words and wink sent your way. Shooting Wooyoung a glare and following behind you as you shake your head at Wooyoung’s antics. 
“Do you need anything else? Or?” Jongho awkwardly asks from where he’s standing just within your doorway.
“I’m okay Jongho.” You assure him, starting to get yourself settled in for the night.”
“Oh… okay… well um if you need anything… I’ll be on the couch.” He hesitates and you sigh, stepping closer to take his hand. 
“Don’t pay any attention to Woo’s antics. Unless you were down for something like that I’m not about to let him in my bed just because I’m pissed at you.” You assure him, “Especially not when I’m still trying to comprehend this whole situation. Just …. Give me some time.”
“As much as you need,” Jongho speaks softly, kissing the back of your palm before finally leaving the room.
In three days when it was finally time to leave the safehouse, you took a deep breath trying to settle your heart and mind as you walked up to Jongho.
“I think I’m ready to go home. I’m not ready for things to go back to how they were, or to stay in the same room again yet, but I’m ready to go home. I want to go home.” You tell him, watching the man who had been intimidating and scowling at people this whole time nearly cry at your confession. 
“Yeah, of course!” He agrees verbally as if there had been any doubt that he would, though he does decide to test the waters a little as well, “Would you be comfortable having dinner together?”
“Like a date?” You raise a brow at the bold question.
“Yes, like a date, but I promise not to push anything.” He insists, no, pleads. Willing to agree to nearly anything if you’ll just say yes to him now.
“I thought you said everyone would still need to be careful about going out for a while?” You continue questioning him, in part to see his reaction.
“I did. Leave the details to me. I won’t put you at risk just to fulfill this desire of mine.” Jongho assures you, moving to try and get your things into the car for you.
“Fine, we can have dinner.” You agree, getting into the car with a smile as the man tries to contain himself.
When he gets you both home later he gets your stuff into the bedroom you had been missing. Then getting his stuff and moving it into a guest room. The closest one told himself it was in case you needed anything even though it was really for him. 
The rest of the day though Jongho seems to be pretty much gone. Only catching occasional glimpses of him every so often. Until about 6 pm when he’s in the doorway dressed in all black, a few of his buttons undone and his sleeves rolled up.
“Dinner should be ready in a half hour.” He tells you with a smile, making you raise a brow at how quickly he ran with what you had agreed to.
“Am I supposed to dress up?” You can’t help but mess with him a little.
“Only if that’s your desire.” He answers like he always would whenever you ask if you should dress up for a date. Which was sweet if not a tad infuriating of him. 
You find yourself humoring him a little and putting on something nice, and not black to specifically avoid matching. You instead go for something pastel, avoiding the colors he adores you in for being sexy. Going for something soft in comparison to his look. Waiting for him to come back to lead you to dinner. Going out the front door only to go up in the elevator instead of down. Confusing you even more as to what he had in mind. You’re quick to put it together upon arriving at the rooftop though. A single table set up overlooking the city while your flower bushes surround it, them having been perfectly maintained in your absence. A skill you were not aware that Jongho had. Roses and candles decorate the table as wine chilled beside it. You let Jongho pull the chair out for you, taking the lid off the plate before you to show your favorite meal from your favorite place to go. Something you hadn’t realized you missed so much until it was here before you again. Jongho poured you a glass of wine before taking his seat across from you. Jongho seemed very content in your presence while you ate happily. 
“I knew you must have missed that.” He smiles around the rim of his glass, rather proud of himself.
You put your fork down, raising a brow, “Show me your hands.”
Jongho is confused but does as you ask. Letting you look over them until you find what you’re looking for. 
“I knew you must have had no idea what to do with these plants.” You muse back, gently rubbing your thumb over the thorn pricks you find. Watching how the man flusters, shyly pulling his hands away only to instantly miss your touch.
“I figured it out.” He counters even if it isn’t firmly.
“I can tell, they look amazing.” You admire the plants for a moment before going back to the meal while Jongho preens at the praise.
The rest of dinner was filled with a few light, carefree conversations. Jongho is true to his word about not pushing anything. Still, he was working to be attentive to your needs throughout the evening. A blanket wrapped around your shoulders when the wind starts to pick up. Jongho eventually led the way back inside and to the bedroom. Nearly fainting when you kiss him before calling it a night and closing the door. 
This slowly becomes a routine for you guys. Dinner once a week on the rooftop and then when safe, out again. You find him caring for your plants on more than one occasion. Not saying anything about it for quite some time, until you finally grow too curious not to. 
“Jongho, what did you decide to take care of them?” You’re watching him trim one from your seat appreciating the warmth of the sun.
“Because it’s a piece of you. Caring for them felt like caring for an extension of you. It helped me feel that I could still do something for you. It was a way of having you here… especially when I was missing you.” Jongho speaks softly as if he’s afraid to admit that vulnerability to you. Not knowing that it was melting your heart to see that side of him.
“You did good taking care of that part of me.” You praise softly, only it allows him to tease a little bit.
“I took good care of the cats too!” He sounds playful, but you have a feeling that he’s looking for more praise.
“I’m sure you did. You’re a good cat dad.” You feed right into it giving him the praise he wants. Only to miss how he pouts when you get up a moment later. Coming back with lemonade and water after a few minutes, “ Here Jjongie, make sure you don’t get too hot.”
“I thought you liked me hot though.” Jongho teases getting up to get a drink, only laughing more when you smack his arm in response.
Only the atmosphere changed drastically in a few moments. Jongho’s cheerful nature disappears, changing to something more stoic.
“Get in the car. I’ll be there in a minute.” He says firmly, making your brows furrow.
“What? Why?” You ask, not moving yet, even if you’re on edge, flight response starting to kick in.
“Mingi texted a 911 message. He’s taking Mini to the hospital.” He tells you already moving, and now you are too, knowing that it has to be bad if they’re on the way there.
You wait rather impatiently for Jongho in the car. The man did not take long, just enough time to grab a bag and his gun.
“Do you know what’s wrong?” You somehow bring yourself to ask while he drives you both, but he only shakes his head.
Mingi jumps when you and Jongho call to him from behind. The man is struggling at the reception desk, making Jongho sign.
“Y/N, you and Mingi go to the room. I’ll get things sorted out here.” Jongho insists ready to pull whatever strings are necessary at this moment. Your heart hurts that such a thing might be necessary, but it shows you that Jongho does care about them as part of the family, even if he had threatened them in regards to sharing too much with you.  Not that you had time to analyze such care when your friends needed you right now.
Your heart nearly stops at Mini’s pained expression, tears welling in her eyes as she holds her stomach. You’re quick to go to her side and take her hand, brushing her hair out of her face, before looking up at Mingi.
“Take a deep breath Mingi, what’s going on?” You try to calm the man enough to share the details with you, but he’s too far gone.
“I’m having contractions.” Mini grits out, but you know it’s too soon for that, at least in ideal circumstances. Staying by her side as doctors and nurses buzz around. Watching in concern as Jongho and Mingi talk with one right outside, trying to keep your friend calm as little they have done has brought her relief. Mingi comes in after handing Jongho his keys, the other man calling someone on the phone now as Mingi takes your place beside his wife.
“They’re gonna give you something to help you sleep soon love, it’ll make you feel better.” Mingi assures her, before looking at you, “Go get some air and anything else you need, I got her.”
You reluctantly nod, before slipping out, waiting for Jongho to get off the call, and then the two of you head for some coffee, “So, what’s going on?”
“Her bloodwork came back and there were drugs in her system, but there’s no clue where it came from. The boys are on the way to the house to test everything, and see where it came from.” Jongho tells you in a hushed voice.
“You think someone snuck it in somehow?” You gasp before quickly hushing yourself again as others are around.
“Not sure, but it’s been too long for it to have been from when she was taken. So it’s gotta be from something more recent and something subtle enough to be undetected until now.” Jongho sighs running a hand through his hair, “They’re going to try and get her system back in check so she doesn’t have the baby too soon, but with all that’s happened it’ll be a miracle.”
“If someone did have a way into their house though, won’t they be able to tell something is up when they’re not there and the boys are?” You inquire innocently, but the way Jongho freezes you can tell that’s something he hadn’t accounted for.
“Fuck.” He pulls his keys out, “You should go home and lock in until we’re sure it’s safe again.”
“Like hell, I will Jongho.” You counter and Jongho sighs pulling you around the corner into a blind spot.
“You know that if this was intentional they could show up here and make things get messy real quick, right?” Jongho assures that you fully understand the situation.
“I do. I also know that if I’m anywhere else when shit goes down, I’ll never be able to live with myself. Besides, Mini is gonna need a woman around to help her with some of this.” You insist, watching Jongho’s internal struggle before he hands his gun over to you.
“Don’t let anyone see this and don’t leave it anywhere, but should something happen I need to know you have a way to protect yourself.” He takes a breath as you nod and carefully hide it away with your clothes.
“Why don’t you head back up? I’ll wait down here for the call from the boys.” Jongho encourages, knowing you’ll be antsy if you’re away from the situation for too long.
They soon get Mini calmed and settled, confirming that it was simply Braxton Hicks and not something more urgent. However, they decided to keep her for monitoring considering the most recent discovery. You and Mingi wait on edge while she sleeps, Jongho eventually and almost silently slips in.
“Her vitamins were tainted.” He whispers to you both, “The boys are trying to determine if it was at home or not.”
Mingi sighed, running a hand through his hair before sitting diligently beside his wife again, “When they find out who it was I want to know.”
“Of course, but for now leave that to us and focus on her.” Jongho assures his friend as he sits beside you, “And why don’t you try and get some rest, hm?” 
You nod feeling exhausted at the mention of rest now. Finding yourself dozing in the chair and leaning against Jongho’s shoulder in the process. Jolting awake when the man suddenly gets up. You feel somewhat rested, but still groggy as you attempt to piece together what’s going on. Looking around to notice that the power is out. 
“Stay here and stay quiet,” Jongho whispers before he and Mingi sneak out of the room armed.
“Y/N, come help me up.” Mini insists, calling you over. 
“You need to be resting!” You quietly hiss at her.
“Okay, and if they come through that door then I’m a sitting duck. Now help me up so that I’m ready in case something happens.” She counters and you sigh, but recognize that she has a point and so you move to help her. The woman then looks in Jongho’s bag to find a gun, something that makes you reach for the one you have hidden and pull it out too.
Mini quietly padded over to the door to listen and peak, only for her eyes to widen a moment later. Motioning to stay quiet and follow her as she sneaks out and across to the nurse’s station. Hiding you both under the table as you hear voices enter the hall.
“Check all the rooms, they have to be here somewhere.” You hear Yuta’s voice shouting through the hall before the click of a lighter a moment later, “Why don’t you girls go ahead and come out? We don’t bite. Well… not usually.”
“Just poison pregnant women then?” Jongho’s voice enters now, easing your anxiety some, but it also concerns you knowing how outnumbered he likely is.
“Ahh Jongho… you came too early! Spoiling the fun as usual.” Yuta muses, but what gets you to move is hearing the click of a gun safety. Standing and quickly putting the man behind Jongho in your aim.
“Y/N how good of you to join us. Now put that down before you hurt yourself.” Yuta tsks as if speaking to a small child.
“Not until he puts his down.” You counter firmly, making Yuta raise a brow.
He sighs looking at the man next, “Go ahead, she doesn’t have the guts to do anything anyways.” 
The next few seconds are a blur, so many gunshots ringing out. The gun was hot in your shaking hands as the man behind Jongho crumpled, but not before getting his own shot off. That bullet grazed Jongho’s shoulder, setting off a chain reaction. The other boys raced in moments later to ensure that they had control of the situation. Jongho’s focus is on your trembling form. Cautiously taking the gun and pulling you into his embrace. Laughing a little when you snap out of it just long enough to scold Mini for standing so long and involving herself in the danger.
“You always have to be the mother, huh? Even when you’re in need.” Jongho tries to ease the mood some, rubbing your back and waiting to move you until the mess in the halls is cleaned up.
“You’re one to talk, you got shot.” You counter and he can’t help but kiss your pout.
“It’s not bad, besides better to wait for the power to be back to ask for help with it.” Jongho counters before seeing the concern still on your face, “It’s okay, just barely got me thanks to you.”
You nod silently, letting him move you back to Mini’s room. Only leaving your side to get patched up and then he’s back to sticking to you like glue. Mingi somehow gets you time to process everything later on by getting Jongho to go with him to get you all some food.
“Does it ever get easier?’ You finally ask Mini, a tremble still in your voice.
“Despite what the boys would say, no.” Mini answers with a soft sigh, “You learn that sometimes it's unavoidable in this world, but it never gets easier.”
“How do you live with it?” You watch as this time she struggles to answer.
“Realize that we do what we have to to keep our family safe and avoid it as much as possible.” Mini eventually finds a response for you, making you hum as you consider it, “Why? Do you regret it?”
“A part of me does, but I absolutely don’t regret protecting Jongho.” You answer her even if you’re confused about such emotions.
“Exactly, whether you pulled that trigger or not someone was going to die. You just made sure it wasn’t someone in our family.” Mini shrugs, “I won’t say that makes killing right, but unfortunately that’s a part of this life. That’s why Jongho wanted you away from this.”
“I’m still pissed about that, but I think I’m starting to comprehend the reasons now.” You admit.
“Don’t tell him that yet. Speaking of though, what has he done for you? Anywhere near enough yet?” She asks, eager for the details and making you chuckle at her antics.
Still, you give in, thinking that you both could probably use a change of topic for your emotions. Updating her on things between you and Jongho now. Trying not to laugh at her reactions to everything.
“Ooo you should get a Fiddle Leaf Fig and see how he handles that.” She muses and finally gets you to laugh as well.
“Don’t be a menace.” You shake your head, knowing how much you both have struggled at attempting that plant. 
“No! You don’t understand! This is exactly the time to be a menace! Test that man’s patience! Get him the hell back!” She counters, making you laugh even harder.
“I think you need to calm down before you stress the baby out again.” You tell her, still chuckling along with her. Watching as she puts her hands up in surrender. 
The boys soon returned with food. Mini raises a brow and mouths ‘simp’ to you when she sees you resting on Jongho’s good side. Making you stick your tongue out back, even if you can’t deny it. It seems to get late fast and soon the three of them are urging you to let Jongho take you home to get proper rest. Allowing some of the others to stay guard for the night while you recover from the events of the day.
Only it couldn’t be that simple, because that scene replays in your mind whenever you close your eyes. Leading you to finally concede and fight it to sleep. Going to the room that Jongho was staying in, stunning him. 
“Can you come stay with me please?” You meekly ask, watching how Jongho scrambles and stumbles to come over to you.
“Of course,” Jongho tries to keep his excitement down knowing you needed comfort right now, not for him to add to the emotions. Letting you take the lead back to the bedroom and under the covers. Pulling you into his arms and against his chest, He even hums softly to try and help lull you to sleep even more. It is effective in getting you to do so for a while, eventually though you’re back to tossing and turning before you wake with a start from another nightmare. Jongho pouts at your panting, distressed form, getting your attention when he strokes your hair softly. 
He lets out a little shocked sound when you practically lunge at him, lips pressed frantically against his. He’s not one to complain, however, eagerly returning the kiss after being deprived of your touch for so long. Letting you take the lead for now, after all, he did say he wouldn’t push anything, and that included this as much as it made his head spin and his logic fade away. Looking into your eyes very dazed when you break away to catch your breath.
“What was that for?” He finally decided to ask, though quickly panicking as your eyes started to well with tears.
“It’s haunting me… not that man I shot, but that it could have been you. Every time my eyes close it’s you like that instead of him. Jongho… I… I need you to prove something to me.” Your hand finds his cheek as a few tears fall onto his cheeks from where you are slightly hovering over your form.
“Anything love. Anything at all.” Jongho agrees without an ounce of hesitation.
“Prove to me that you’re actually here. I need you to show me… to feel you… and to know that should anything happen I didn’t miss out on the chance we have right now. I don’t want any regrets looming.” Your words have Jongho’s eyes widening, but he’s quick to recover. Carefully he flips both of you around before leaning down to kiss over the few tears still on your face.
“I’ll do all of that love and more… I’m going to show you how truly I love you. I know I was wrong and that I still have so much to make up for, but I refuse to let you live with any doubts about how deeply I feel for you and after tonight you won’t.” He assures so certainly that you felt something already starting to bloom in your heart. Jongho is the one initiating the kiss now though it’s no less desperate or breathless. His hands are delicate as they start to trace under his shirt on your form, something he swore was sexier than any lingerie. Still, it had been some time and emotions were high, so he wanted to pace himself, truly revel in this moment as he took his time with you. 
Jongho breaks away from your lips to lean down and leaves a string of kisses over the skin he is slowly exposing as if mapping every inch of your skin with his lips. His touches are the softest you have ever felt in an intimate moment with him, not that you would complain about it ever, especially in such an emotionally vulnerable moment in which you both needed such reassurance. Eventually, he crosses the expanse of your skin and leaves to fully remove your shirt. He moves to trace his way back towards your bra, moaning against your skin when he feels your hands under his shirt. Taking his place as the one with a possessive touch, fingers digging in slightly as if you fear he’ll slip away, something he hopes leaves marks behind for him to admire. Hoping that it leaves him something that will prove your love for him hasn’t disappeared. Jongho decides that he wants to leave a few reminders for you as well. Leaning in with a purpose after removing your bra to reveal everything to him now. The most beautiful blank canvas just waiting to be painted in an array of warm and meaningful colors. 
“Jongho you’re going too slow.” You whine, squirming impatiently.
“No such thing sweetheart, not when I’m doing it to remind every inch of you of my devotion.” Jongho counters, chuckling darkly at the whimper you let out.
He seems to show you some mercy though, that or he can’t deny you after the way he had been craving you. Either way, you’re not complaining when his hand slips into your pants, his middle finger finding your clit and rubbing with light pressure. Enough to give you a taste of relief, but not nearly enough to get you where you wanted. Jongho visibly shudders at the sounds you’re making.
“Jongho I’m not gonna cum like this.” You complain softly between little panting moans. 
“Love it’s not supposed to make you cum. It’s just supposed to make you absolutely dripping before I have a taste.” He tells you, loving how you gasp at the lewd explanation of what he wants to do and the implications behind it.
“Okay, but … please… I’m so touch-deprived.” You admit in a quiet voice, flustering at the admission.
“Oh? You didn’t take Wooyo up on his offer?” He muses, nipping at your breasts again before starting another mark. 
“No. Never. You know I’m a good girl. I didn’t even touch myself.” You admit looking up at him with misty eyes.
Jongho feels his cock twitch, but he doesn’t know what affects him more, your revelation or your tears, “ You are a good girl. The best girl.” 
The praise affects you so much, and Jongho can feel it go straight to your core. He pulls away just to remove the rest of your clothes, letting you remove his shirt almost aggressively. Then he’s between your legs, giving you little time to admire his chest. Instead, you get his back and his face, well the part of his face that isn’t occupied. Jongho is very content to be between your shaky thighs as he worships your cunt. Intent on getting up every last drop of you as if he’s been deprived of water for days. The switch from nearly no stimulation to an overwhelming amount is almost unbearable, but this is what you asked for. Though it is so much after so long without and soon Jongho is trapped between your thighs as you hold him in place feeling your release hit. Jongho cooing softly when you finally release him from your trembling thighs.
“Oh love, I’m not done with my meal yet.” Jongho smirks at you before licking his glistening lips, “After all, we do have to make up for lost time, but don’t worry you’ll sleep once I’m done with you.”
Three hours. That’s how long Jongho was content eating you out. You’d feel more flustered at that level of attention on you were it not for how far gone you were. That and how Jongho came untouched after your third orgasm. It was all just too much for him to handle. He had paused just long enough to undress and let you catch your breath. Jongho leans in to kiss you softly now, bringing you back to reality and him, if not only to change that back in a few moments. His tip prodding at your sensitive entrance, slow to push in due to your sensitivity, and his even if he would deny it should you ask. 
“So good Jongho.” You moan out, drooling a little in your daze at the stretch. 
“Take it all in sweetheart, this is all for you. Always.” Jongho assures, leaning down onto his elbows on either side of you. He places a few sweet kisses on your neck before starting to move.
Jongho always fucks you with a purpose, but today his thrusts are a different kind of precise, a different kind of purposeful. As if he’s trying to prove that he still remembers everything about you even now, even after your time apart. The thought makes your head spin.
“Am I already losing you, love?” He asks, seeing how dazed out you are as you look up at him, lost in the feeling as he speeds up his thrusts. Fingers finding your clit again and you swear you’re seeing hearts when he leans down to lick away your drool.
“Oh my god Jongho! I love you!” Your words urge him to do even more, the pace picking up further as your confession sends him hurtling towards his end.
“I love you too… so much it’s crazy.” Jongho returns the sentiment. Spiraling as he sees tears glistening on your cheeks now, chanting out a mantra of love confessions and his name. It’s too much for him and he’s cumming before you, fingers moving intently on your clit to bring you over the edge too, though really the feeling of him stuffing you full of his cum is your demise.
You feel Jongho move to pull out, but you’re faster, securing your legs around his hips, “ Don’t you dare, stay with me like this all night.”
Your demand makes him chuckle, tapping your thigh, “At least release me so that I can make us more comfortable.”
You give in letting him go so he can carefully flip you both around, staying inside. Settling you against his chest before pulling the blanket over you both. Gently rubbing your back and humming, planning for that to calm you enough to settle in for some sleep finally. Chuckling when he realizes that you’re already asleep.
“I told you I would tire you out.” He whispers, kissing your forehead, “I love you.”
The rest of your night is blissful and allows you to rest enough to feel refreshed. Only to wake up and feel Jongho still inside of you, definitely with more than just morning wood. I guess that was to be expected though after a night of cockwarming.
He smirks up at you with a playful glint in his eyes, “Round 2?”
“Fine, but this time I have something to prove.” You say, pushing up off his chest to sit in his lap.
“I’d like to see you try.”
“Okay, what’s that look about?” You finally cave and ask Mini.
“You’re practically glowing. This is the happiest you’ve been in months.” She tells you, grinning a little from her spot, “I bet Jongho made it up to you real good.”
Her wink makes you blush, “Pfft…” You go to play it off until seeing her face, “Is it really that obvious?”
“Oh painfully so. You really needed to get dicked down that bad, huh?” She can’t help but take the opportunity presented to tease.
“Excuse me! Which one of us is currently pregnant? And you have the audacity to comment on my sex life.” You counter, though it only seems to make her laugh more. You go to say something else, but get quiet as the boys enter.
“Hi love, what are you talking about?” Jongho asks as you and Mini exchange a look.
“Just life.” Mini saves you by answering, to which you are quick to nod in agreement. 
“I’ve got to go. We got a lead on Yuta’s group and they’re pissed we have him. Stay here with Mingi and Mini. I’ll pick you up later.” Jongho tells you, smiling at your quiet okay before kissing you and leaving. 
“He’ll be fine,” Mini assures you after Jongho leaves.
“Will you stop making me feel obvious!” You sigh looking at her as Mingi chuckles and shakes his head.
“No, but if you insist on a change in topic I can give you one.” Mini offers, smiling as if she doesn’t constantly try to drive you crazy.
“What is it now?” You ask, but you can’t help but smile at your friend’s antics.
“We’re moving, someplace with better security, but I don’t trust the hooligans to do anything but the grunt work. Which for the most part is fine, but can you just make sure that the nursery ends up the right way, please? That way if I am here until little one comes there’s a place set up.” Mini’s words hurt your heart a little, but you nod assuring her it’ll be cared for.
“Of course, when do you need me to do that?” You ask and now Mingi answers, urging his wife to try and rest.
“Jongho is coming to the moving day, so he knows. I’ll be there too, so I know how it’s supposed to be.” He tells you, but that makes your brows furrow.
“Then who will be with Mini?” You worry looking over at your drowsy friend.
“Hongjoong. He’s good at keeping her occupied and he doesn’t want to do heavy lifting or install security, so.” Mingi tells you and you nod. 
“Should have known.” You chuckle, debating saying more but stopping yourself.
“I know Y/N. You don’t have to say it.” Mingi snickers.
“God damn it, not you too Mingi!” You huff at his ability to read you too, just as easily as Mini could.
Their moving day was the following week, meeting all the boys at the house early in the morning. Noticing Mingi’s conflicted feelings and going to hug him. You knew they loved this house, but also that their safety was more important. Helping load up the first car before heading to the new place and taking over there. Having Yunho help with the few rooms needing paint and unloading the necessities as they came. Wooyoung insists on helping in the nursery if not just to constantly be bumping into you.
“So I heard you and Jongho made up. Guess that means my offer needs to be revoked.” He muses, playfully batting his lashes at you. 
“Maybe you should make me an offer, it might get you somewhere,” Jongho says, entering the room just in time to hear Wooyoung and make him jump.
“I was just joking, boss.” Wooyoung chuckles nervously as he speaks.
“I wasn’t,” Jongho responds without missing a beat, settling down to start constructing some furniture. 
“You mean it’s a possibility?” Wooyoung asks as both of you look at Jongho rather stunned.
“It just might be. Though there is only one way for you to find out, isn’t there?”  Jongho doesn’t even look up from his task, speaking as if this is the most commonplace conversation.
You and Wooyoung are speechless as you go back to your tasks, not quite sure how to react to that. Not bringing anything about that up the rest of the day, or so you thought. What happened coming up as you and Jongho drove home that night? 
“Love, how would you feel about others joining us in bed?’ His words almost make you choke as you sip on some water.
“Oh my god… did Wooyoung actually ask?’ You look at him incredulously. 
“No.” Jongho chuckles, smiling as you breathe out a sigh, untensing slightly, “He had San do it for them, but I think it’s time someone teaches Wooyoung something.”
You gawk at him, “I mean they’re hot and I don’t know that I’m opposed. It’s just the thought had never crossed my mind as I was always happy being yours.”
“Well they’re on their way to our place, so if you change your mind then send them home, but otherwise.” Jongho glances over to take in your look of disbelief.
“What are you doing to teach Woo?” Your curiosity gets the better of you.
“That he can look, but not touch what’s mine.” Jongho almost growls out and that’s the final nail in your coffin. Now you have to see how this plays out.
You tried to settle in somewhat at home, despite knowing the boys would be arriving soon. Wooyoung is giddy as soon as he sees you, his smirk falling when San stops him from going to you. San and Jongho exchanged a look that made you feel like they had had a separate conversation. 
“You see Wooyoung… if you’re going to be here then you’re going to play by my rules,” Jongho speaks up and you hear him getting closer before you feel him against your back.
Wooyoung nods eagerly, eyes barely flicking to Jongho as he watches you, “ Yeah, of course. What rules?”
“No touching. Oh, and you won’t be cumming inside.” Jongho lays out the few, but powerful rules. 
You watch as Wooyoung processes what Jongho has said, jaw-dropping, “ I - what?”
“You heard him.” San is behind Wooyoung as he speaks in his ear, hand gripping his jaw, “You can’t agree to those rules? Then we’re leaving and you get nothing.”
You don’t feel like you should be as turned on by them as you are. Jongho seems to pick up on it though, chuckling as his hands run up and down your waist.
“It would be a real shame if you left, someone is all excited.” Jongho shares, smirking at how Wooyoung looks between you all biting his lip.
“I-I can follow those rules.” Wooyoung agrees quietly even if everyone can tell that it’ll be a challenge for him.
“Good. Then why don’t we all go to the bedroom?” Jongho kisses your temple, “ Go get settled love.”
You go off slightly ahead of the others, removing some of your clothes along the way. Sitting on the bed in just your bra and panties, taking a breath to settle some of your nerves. Only to tense when San enters the room first, the man coming over and offering his hand to you, which you take after a moment.
“You seem nervous. Is it the good kind? Or?” San asks, trying to gauge how you are feeling.
“No, it's the good kind. I just… I’ve never done something like this before. I never expected this from Jongho either.” You admit flustering when he chuckles in response. 
“Just because someone is possessive doesn’t mean they’re opposed.” San tells you with a chuckle, “I’m a prime example of that. I mean have you seen how I am with Woo?”
That makes you laugh a little, breaking some of the tension. Jongho and Wooyoung enter as you do. Jongho and San smiling as you ease up, but Wooyoung seems like the jittery one now. Not that it stops him from immediately blurting out what he wants.
“Can I eat her out at least? I’ll keep my hands to myself.” Wooyoung whines, squirming under Jongho’s gaze as San raises a brow at the interaction. 
Jongho removed his shirt before settling behind you and leaning you back against him, “Go ahead, but the second you touch her you’re done.”
That’s all Wooyoung needs to hear, crawling onto the bed to get between your legs as Jongho holds them open. Jongho only moves his hand to rip your panties off, Wooyoung whimpering at how soaked you are. Wasting no time to lean in and start lapping you up.
San tsks, joining you all on the bed, gripping Wooyoung’s hair earning a moan from him, “This isn’t about you slut, this is about her. Now make her actually feel good.” 
Wooyoung’s motions become more concentrated, and less sloppy, under San’s guidance. Jongho kissing over your neck as he keeps you still as if that would help stop your squirming. 
“Look at all the pretty marks Jongho left on her Woo, I bet you wish they were yours.” San gets under his skin, making him whimper against you. A feeling that you’re quickly getting addicted to. One that gets replicated a moment later when San pins down Wooyoung’s hand as it snakes your way.
“San just saved you from having to be stopped.” Jongho chuckles and you feel it deep in his chest as you lean against him. Reaching back to practically claw at him looking for something grounding.
“She’s losing it Woo, don’t break the rules now. We wouldn’t want to deny the good girl because of your bad behavior.” San eggs him on, Wooyoung squirming as he attempts to respond only for San to tsk and bury him deeper between your legs with a growled out ‘focus’.
Wooyoung’s whimpering and moaning send you over the edge quickly after. San gives him a moment to ride you through it until he’s tightening his grip on Wooyoung’s hair and ripping him away from you. Wooyoung looking just as dazed out as you do.
“She’s sweet.” Wooyoung practically moans out, squirming in San’s grip.
“Yeah? You gonna share?” San asks him with a smirk and Wooyoung doesn’t need to be asked twice, he’s quick to lock lips with San, sharing your taste with him. Making you moan quietly at the sight, already getting worked up again.
“Sweetheart, shouldn’t you thank San for making sure Wooyoung was good?” Jongho tucks your hair behind your ears, nodding at San who quickly undresses.
“What about me?” Wooyoung whines, picking up on where this is going.
“You can sit down, shut up, and enjoy the show. If you’re good, maybe I’ll be generous enough to let you cum on her face.” Jongho’s words motivate Wooyoung to listen. Well, for the time being anyway. The antsy boy moves to sit down and watch as you lean forward to get a taste of San. Easing him into your mouth, letting you both settle into the feeling. Jongho waits until you’ve fully taken San before his fingers ease into you, slowly working to stretch you out while you suck San off.
“Look at you please me so good while Jongho makes you feel good and gets you ready for his cock.” San praises, hands weaving into your hair, making you moan, but also alerting you to a trend of his, “Oh baby girl likes praise, huh?” 
“She’s obsessed with it actually,”  Jongho answers from behind you with a deep chuckle.
“You hear that Woo? Why don’t you tell her how good she’s being? Make yourself useful.” The way they would switch up, especially San between how they treated you and Wooyoung was giving you whiplash.
“You look like the prettiest little slut for them.” Wooyoung gasps out, gripping at the armrests to ground himself, or at least attempt to.
“Yah! Nice words Wooyoung!” San scolds, but doesn’t sound as firm as before with how you’re making him feel.
“That one is alright, it makes her feel a certain way. She is a little dirty after all.” Jongho smirks having felt how the word affected you as he torments you just a tad with his slow pace.
“See she’s being good, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t like it filthy. I bet she’d love it if you made a mess of her San. It would be so pretty if you painted her face.” Wooyoung is leaning forward now, barely holding himself back. Lip caught between his teeth when San throws his head back in a moan, “You’re gonna make him cum Y/N. Go on, drive him crazy, make him lose it.” 
You miss the look Jongho throws San from behind you, but it has San regain enough control to pull out of your mouth, cumming over your face instead.
“Well Woo, this is what you wanted, so why don’t you go clean that up for her?” San words it as a question, but his tone gives you the feeling that it is more of a demand.
“Of course.” Wooyoung leans forward to playfully lick San’s tip before he pushes him away with a growl. Wooyoung standing to come to you now. Still heading the no-touch rule as he licks up San’s release, not leaving a drop behind. 
“Oh, so you can follow the rules.” Jongho quips, stripping behind you.
“Only when I want to,” Wooyoung smirks back, reaching out only for San to stop him. Pinning both of Wooyoung’s hands behind his back in just one of his. Meanwhile, Jongho is getting you on your hands and knees in front of them. 
“We’re here to enjoy the show. Don’t forget your place, Wooyoung.” San growls into Woo’s ear. Freehand gripping his jaw and making him watch your face contort in pleasure as Jongho bottoms out inside of you. 
“Such a pretty sight isn’t it?” San continues to goad Wooyoung, hand leaving his jaw to slowly pump Wooyoung’s cock, “Jongho making his girl feel so perfectly good. I bet you wish that it was you, don’t you?”
Wooyoung nods dramatically as he whines, “ Yeah, but she’s not mine.”
“Whose is she Wooyoung?” Jongho growls out the question, hands firmly gripping your hips. Thrusts hitting all the best spots as they talk over you, about you.
“She’s yours Jongho.” Wooyoung cries out in desperation, though you think that is mostly due to San’s actions.
“And who do you belong to Woo?” San asks firmly, picking up his pace to match Jongho’s. The two wind up both you and Wooyoung at the same time, at the same pace.
“You Sannie! Please!” Wooyoung whimpers, sniffling a little bit.
“You’ll cum when she cums.” San insists the two watch as Jongho brings you over the edge by adding his fingers to your clit, making you cry out, “Go ahead, Woo.”
That’s all it takes for Wooyoung to cum on your face. Jongho cumming only seconds later. All of you feel rather spent after that.
“Guest room.” Jongho nods in a direction as well in answer to the silent question San had asked. San nods and gets Wooyoung out and over there. Jongho’s full attention is on you now, carrying you to the bathroom. He gets into the shower with you, keeping you stable while your legs are still shaky and massaging out any potentially sore muscles. Cleaning you up to get ready for bed.
The night full of restful sleep, at least until Wooyoung barges in at crack ass o’clock giving you both a fucking heart attack, “EVERYONE GET YOUR ASSES UP! WE HAVE TO GO! THE BABY IS COMING!”
The way Wooyoung is losing his mind you would think it was his child coming. Still, you’re all awake now, scrambling to get everything you need in order and get to the hospital as quickly as you can. Finding most of the other guys already in the waiting room.
“She’s in labor, but last we heard the baby was looking healthy, just a little small since it's still kind of early.” Seonghwa updates you, smiling when you go to ask a follow-up question, “No complications with her either last we heard.”
“Thank god!” Wooyoung sighs out flopping down in a chair, “If my little niece or nephew comes out hurt those fuckers will be in for it.”
You chuckle, but feel similarly, knowing the danger they were just under. You may have stepped away for a while to process the truth, but they were still your family.
A few hours later, coffee runs later, and Mingi comes out, beaming. Clearly, he’s happy, so not too much to worry about, but you’re still holding your breath waiting for the actual news.
“Well you all officially have a nephew,” Mingi says, giggling a little from how giddy he is right now.
“I knew it! Pay up!” Wooyoung cheers, holding his hand out to San who’s pouting a little. A few of the other boys followed suit and collected bets.
“How are they?” You ask Mingi while they celebrate a little.
“They checked him out and he seems fine. They want us to stay for about a week right now to make sure he puts on weight and everything. She’s tired and will probably be ready to eat soon, but her focus is on him right now.” Mingi tells you, bringing you some relief, “You guys can go in, but we just need to keep the volume down. 
The words are barely out of Mingi’s mouth before Wooyoung is heading in, loud down the hall, but quiet the second his hand is on the door handle. The rest of you are not far behind. Smiling at the sight of the baby boy lying on Mini’s chest, all swaddled up and sleeping. Wooyoung stopped by the bed to stare at him in awe. 
“What’s his name?” Wooyoung whispers his question making Mini chuckle a tiny bit.
“His name is Hajoon.” She tells you all, proudly looking at the baby boy.
“I love him. I’m going to be his favorite uncle.” Wooyoung determines, making you laugh and moving him away a little so you can go to Mini’s side.
“How are you doing?” You ask checking in on her.
“I’m exhausted, but I want to hold him some more before I sleep.” She tells you and you nod figuring as much.
“Do you need anything right now then? Food or anything?” You change your question and she thinks this one over more before nodding.
“I kinda want something bad for me. I’m tired of hospital food …. Another blanket would be nice too. The IV they have me on is giving me chills.” She answers and you nod.
“I’m on it.” You head out, Jongho and Seonghwa tagging along.
“I’ll get the blanket,” Seonghwa says before heading off, leaving you and Jongho to handle the food.
Jongho handled the driving since you were the one who knew her orders better after the time together in the safe house. Doing the food run as quickly as possible to get it back to her. Laughing a little at how excited she got just at the sight of food. Mingi was going to take Hajoon from her so she could eat.
“Can I hold him?” Wooyoung asks, noticing the opportunity. Mingi laughs and hands his son over, only the boy wakes up and starts to cry making Wooyoung pout. A few of the other boys were scared of trying then.
“I’ll hold him.” Jongho surprises you a little by speaking up, delicately taking the baby who slowly stops crying as he looks up at your husband.
Jongho smiling at your stunned look, “What?”
“Just didn’t expect this is all.” You admit, watching them fondly. 
Jongho shrugs, leaning in, “Well if I’m going to make comments about breeding you all the time I should get some practice in with babies.”
He winks after whispering that to you, laughing when you gasp looking at him incredulously, and smack his arm.
“Oh, you’re done now. Give me the baby. You’ve lost privileges.” You say taking the little boy from him, but he doesn’t argue enjoying seeing you with the baby.
Sitting there all together in the hospital you realized you had forgiven them. Sure there was still a mix of emotions and an upset over some things, but you held no grudges.  No, you weren’t going anywhere anymore. This was your family, no matter what they did. You had to settle into this life still, and you had to repair bridges of trust and communication, but they would always be your family. Laying your head on Jongho’s head as you hold the baby, content at this moment. Content in this. Content having a home in them, in Jongho.
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andydrysdalerogers · 1 year
The ABC's of Nick Vaughn - "E"
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Pairing: Reader x Nick Vaughn (Before We Go)
Summary: Children its time to learn your ABCs. And Nick Vaughn is here to teach you the lessons. 26 glimpses in the world of you and Nick Vaughn
Warnings: S-M-U-T!!!! (under 18 please leave the chat!) descriptions of sexual activity including some themes of BDSM, loss of virginity, fluffy bits, pet name etc...
A/N: Happy Sin-day! I am finally feeling better and thought as a gift for returning from the metaphorical dead, I would give a little treat!
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
Divider by @firefly-graphics
Previous - D - Dirty Secret
ABC Masterlist - Main Masterlist
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E - Experimentation
For as long as you made Nick wait to have sex with you, you had never feared him in the bedroom.  Sure, sex could be rough and hard but he always made you feel safe.  
One night, he came in with an idea.  “Sweetheart, have you every experimented in the bedroom?” 
The question caught you off guard.  “No,” after a moment, “not really.”  
“Is it something you might consider?” 
“On what?” 
“What is it exactly are you wanting to try?” 
How you found yourself naked on your bed will remain a mystery as Nick used his weight to pin you to the bed and your legs were wrapped his waist as he teased a nipple with his fingers.  “Nicky,” you moan.  
He kissed around your neck and just under your ear and he whispered, “I want to wrap my hand around your neck.” You sucked in air, unsure of his intentions. “I want to hold you in my hand and feel your throat as I fuck you senseless.”  
You pushed him away from you, suddenly very scared.  You rush back into your cami and panties. “Nick...” 
“I won’t hurt you. It’s just to give a sense of control.  We’ll use a safe word.  You say it, I stop.  Full stop.”  He caressed your cheek. “I would never intentionally hurt you, sweetheart.”  
“I don’t know Nicky.”  
“How about we watch something that shows it?” Nick gave you that mischievous smile. “A little porn, if you will, so you can see what I mean.  If you don’t like it, we won’t try.  Promise.”  
The video Nick put on is sensual and turns you on as you watch the woman being held down by the delivery man and fucked into the mattress while he hled her by the neck.  The woman seems to enjoy it and its starting to raise your arousal. Nick, of course, can tell.  He can see the flush in your cheeks, the hard swallow in your throat. He begins to caress your exposed skin before pulling your silk cami over your head.  He leans down to take one nipple in his mouth before tilting you down to lay flat.  
The sounds coming from the video and inching your arosal higher and soon Nick is led over you. “Do you trust me gorgeous?” You swallow but nod.  “I need words.” 
“I trust you,” you whispered.  
“Safe word?” 
“Good girl.” Nick smiles as he kisses you, running his hand down to your hip, grasping the top of your panties and pulling them down.  As he comes off, he runs his hand back up your body and to your neck. He thumbs your cheek as he kisses you again to distract you as he lines up and pushes gently in. His hand slides down and cups your throat.  You tense, still unsure, but you don’t stop it.  He applies a little pressure as he begins to thrust in and out of your rather soaked pussy.  
“Nick,” you gasp as your orgasm comes on fast. Nick can feel it, the ripples of your core on his hard cock.  
“Fuck baby, that’s it, so tight, gripping me.  Cum for me baby,” he applies just a fraction more pressure as he lifts you other leg over his hip to hit your g-spot harder and faster. “Be a good girl and cum.” 
Your eyes roll into the back of your head and your orgasm washes over you with a force you have never felt before.  Stars, blinding lights, all the colors float through your mind and you can feel when Nick releases in you with a moan so loud you are sure the neighbors will call the cops.  
He lets go of your neck and kisses away the redness, no bruise left behind. He lets both of your hearts calm before he gently pulls out to take care of you.  Before he can walk away, you grab his hand. “Baby?” 
You smile. “I like your hands on me.  Everywhere.”  
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@patzammit @slutforchrisjamalevans @jennmurawski13-writes @firephotogrl74 @texmexdarling @tinkerbelle67 @atoosa22
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years
Too Young To Love You
Chubby!Bucky x reader
Run-through: You come home from uni to spend the holidays with your parents. And you find out that your feelings for a certain man named Bucky hasn’t died out completely yet. One look at him and the sparks and butterflies came to life again. However, there are a couple of issues which stand in the way. First, Bucky’s twice your age. And second, he’s your dad’s best friend.
Themes: age gap, smut, fluff, slight bratty!reader, language, dad’s best friend!bucky, dirty talk
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“Hey there, Buck!” you chirped as you walked into your parent’s kitchen.
He turned around, “Hey babygirl.” He gave you his usual warm smile which accentuated his squishy cheeks you secretly loved so much.
Bucky was your parent’s new next door neighbor. And to celebrate your homecoming for the summer, your parents had invited him over for dinner tonight – which he was also helping in making right now.  
You admired the handsome man from afar. Sure it was immoral and wrong, but you couldn’t help but develop a crush on Bucky Barnes – your dad’s best friend.
 It started when you first met him, a couple of years ago when him and his girlfriend at the time, Natasha joined you and your parents on a summer trip. He caught your eye immediately, despite the age difference. He was sweet and kind and so damn attractive and cute. He was funny as well. You remember how quickly you had gotten comfortable around him.
He made you laugh for hours on end at the lakeside while your family had barbeque nights almost each night that summer. His long dark hair was his best feature, you concluded. Then his sinfully pink lips. But you liked his built better. Tall and broad, soft around the middle, thick thighs and squishy cheeks. And those blue eyes… those damn blue eyes. You were young though, too young. Only eighteen at the time. And your naïve heart fell for him right there and then. He was magnetic, the kind of person you want to be around all the time.
But you knew there was no scope for you two. There was no way. So you took your secret crush on him and went off to university. But you didn’t entirely forget about him, the crush you had on Bucky diminished eventually as you began going on dates with boys your age here and there. But it didn’t die out entirely.
 Babygirl… the nickname Bucky had given you around three years ago still made you feel warm and tingly. You never knew when exactly did he decide to call you ‘babygirl’, perhaps it was that summer day, three years ago, when you and him went on a boat ride around the lake while his girlfriend and your parents were asleep at the cabin.
You remembered that day like it was yesterday. You remembered how his hair moved with the wind, and how soft he looked in that loose tank top, his hair tie on his wrist as he navigated the boat with expertise and marveled at the sunrise with you. You were convinced that that summer morning solidified your feelings for him. But there was nothing you could do. You were too young then. Too young to love him.
 “You need help with anything?” you asked and sat down on the stool by the breakfast bar. Bucky was busy making dessert, and he smiled and turned sideways to look at you.
“Nope, just keep me company. I got this.” He winked and your heart fluttered. How can a man be so wholesome and adorable but also so effortlessly sexy at the same time?
You took advantage of the fact that your parents weren’t home – out on an impromptu trip to the store – to rope Bucky into a conversation you were dying to have.  
“So,” you began casually, “How’s your girlfriend?” you asked, knowing damn well him and Natasha weren’t a thing anymore. They broke up early last year – you found out while you were scrolling through social media. But you didn’t want Bucky to know that you spied on him online so you played dumb for a minute.
Bucky chuckled and shook his head playfully. “No, no, no we’re starting with you! How’s your boyfriend? How many poor boys’ hearts are you breaking out there?” he asked, stirring what seemed to be chocolate ganache in a bowl.
You laughed. Oh well, your parents must’ve told him all about you and the boy you were messing around with.
“He’s not a boyfriend. Peter is just… you know.” your answer made him chuckle.
“Oh I know. What does he do?” Bucky asked, and he seemed genuinely interested.
“He studies music. He’s in a band on campus.” You answered, and added, “And we hold hands sometimes.”
Bucky laughed and set the bowl down, reaching for a napkin. “Good girl. Don’t you do more than just hold hands, young lady. You hear me?” he said playfully. He often did this thing whenever he met you where he pretended to be a strict adult advising you against young boys who could potentially break your heart.
You found it rather adorable. But today you felt extra confident, especially after you noticed that he had been ‘accidentally’ staring at your exposed legs – courtesy to the short plaid skirt you wore, and at your cleavage which was accentuated by the top you were wearing.
“Yeah? And what if I do more than just hold hands with the boys?” you asked, teasing. And if one were more attentive, one would surely catch the shameless lust hidden in your voice. Perhaps Bucky caught it too because he immediately turned around and gave you a look which you didn’t quite understand but liked nonetheless.
Even his slight frown was hot as hell.
“Those boys your age don’t know how to treat nice girls like you. They’ll end up just using you, so keep a safe distance.” He sounded polite, but still a little bothered – was this caused by the fact that you leaned back against the kitchen island, practically showing off your legs, chest and exposed skin because you simply wanted him to lose control for once and just touch you? Well, maybe a little.
Bucky wasn’t completely oblivious to what was going on. He caught the look in your eyes, a wild, indecent look – one he knew all too well. And as much as you were pretty and practically begging for his attention in ways which were sinful more than anything, Bucky couldn’t act the way you wanted him too. It was wrong, besides, you were too young.
“I know you do.” you said, seductively. And as ashamed of it as he was, Bucky couldn’t deny feeling a rush of excitement course through him as he heard the sound of your voice. You were basically presenting yourself to him, and he knew. “Why don’t you show me how it’s done? That way I’ll know who’s not worth my time.” You got off the stool and walked over to him, backing him against the counter.
Half of him wasn’t that surprised because, again, he wasn’t that oblivious. He noticed the way you acted around him, and how you dressed – always trying to get his attention. But Bucky had never crossed any lines. He wasn’t sure that would stay that way for long. Not given how you were behaving today.
You didn’t know where the confidence came from. You knew it would be another 30-40 minutes until your parents came back, so you figured why not just go for it now that you had Bucky alone all to yourself. And you could tell he was having a little trouble maintaining his composure.
Bucky chuckled nervously, lowkey surprised. “What do you mean, Y/N?”
You smirked, sensing his excitement and his nervousness at the same time. These were risky and dangerous territories you were stepping in, you had to be careful. Yet at the same time, all you wanted to do was carelessly pounce on him and deal with the aftermath later.
“You know what I mean.” You stepped closer to him. His body pressed against the counter and you left barely a few inches of distance between your body and his. You could feel his body heat radiating off him through his soft, cream colored sweater.
He watched you as you reached over and dipped a finger into the chocolate and lazily brought it up to your mouth, parting your lips seductively, pushing your finger past your lips and twirling your tongue around the tip of your finger. Licking the chocolate ganache off your skin as you held his stare. He hated to admit it, but something in him flipped like a switch right there and then.
“I want you.” you whispered, licking your finger clean. Something inside Bucky stirred. A raw need. A desire. A burning hot one. He almost reach out to touch you. Almost.
But then he stopped himself. No, this was wrong. You were just young and confused and you had no idea what you were doing. You were just a young girl. And Bucky couldn’t take advantage of you like that.
“Stop that.” he said sternly.
You smirked, knowing you were slowly but surely pushing him till right where you needed him. “Stop what?” you played dumb again.
He sighed. “You know what. Now to get some air outside and clear your head.” he sounded almost irritated. But you knew he was far from it. You could read people easily and Bucky’s eyes gave away that he was feeling guilty because you were succeeding in turning him on and seducing him.
He pushed you aside and tried to walk away to finish dessert but you grabbed his arm and pulled him back into you, pressing up against him. Smirking still. “Don’t run from me. What did I do that’s so wrong? I just said that I wanted you.” you wrapped your arms around his neck and he pulled your arms away from him gently.
He sighed again. “Don’t do this. You’re not thinking straight right now, okay? Just got get some air.” He persisted, resisting you even if every fiber of his body felt hot the moment you touched him.
You pouted, “I don’t need to get air. I need you.” you reached down and grabbed his hand and led it down your body, guiding his fingers under your skirt and in between your legs. Inching higher and higher until his warm fingers brushed against your bare, wet cunt.
He instinctively cupped you there and you hissed in pleasure. Fuck… he was only human too. And his primal, feral needs took over in less than a second. He still hesitated, and felt like he was being deviant by just touching you like this. Or worse, by liking the fact that he was touching you like this.
“See? You want me too.” You murmured and tried to lean in for a kiss. But Bucky pulled away from you, removing his hand from under your skirt and taking a step back.
“We shouldn’t do this.” He said in all seriousness. “Now stop being a brat.”
You tilted your head and raised an eyebrow. “No. But we can. No one has to know, Buck…” you purred as you took a step forward and pressed your body to his chest again.
“I can’t do that to you.” he whispered, and you noticed how he didn’t push you away this time as you snaked your arms around his neck. Feeling his broad shoulders under your touch, you smiled innocently looking up at him.
“Why not?”
“You’re too young.” his answer made you want to act up even more.
You chuckled, leaning closer. “Not anymore, Buck. I can show you I’m a big girl now.” you murmured, your hand discretely slipping between your bodies, down to his crotch where you shamelessly palmed him through his pants. You felt his semi erection; big, long and thick. You bit your lower lip as a feral desire coursed through you.
He hissed. “Y/N…” he said so threateningly. He was right on the edge of just saying ‘fuck it’ and giving into you as well you could tell, but he was also fighting it at the same time. The sound of your name leaving his mouth in such a lewd manner made a pleasant chill run down your spine.
“I want you, Buck.” you whispered again, hoping he’d see the desperation in your eyes. You were shamelessly begging. “I want you deep inside me,” he closed his eyes and fought the want to just take you relentlessly right there and then on the counter behind you. “I want to feel your big cock stretching me out,” you reached up and kissed him on the corner of his mouth. “I want you to fill me up with your cum and tell me you own my cunt-,”
You didn’t have time to finish that sentence as he growled and reached up to wrap his hand around your throat and pushed you backwards until your body was pressed up against the counter. Your words were making him all crazy. You smirked, despite being choked gently, at the sight of the raw hunger in his eyes. There was no going back now…
“Yeah? Is that what you want?” he whispered, running the tip of his nose along your cheek. He pressed his lower body further into yours and you whimpered as you felt his hard cock pressing against you right in between your legs. “What a dirty girl, begging for my cock like a good little slut…” he leaned in to bite your lower lip, tugging on it gently. His hand around your throat squeezed the sides of your neck gently.
You whined and your heart raced at how close he was to you. Finally…
“Please Buck… I’ll be good to you.” you murmured and he pulled away and smirked. You felt him press his body further into you, and you were convinced that your words were affecting him just like you wanted them to. “I’ll be the best you’ve ever had.”
One look into your eyes and he was done for. You were quite literally begging him to fuck you; lips parted, eyes wild and breathing heavily. Your body was hot with burning desire. How could he deny you what you wanted, especially when you looked like that? So ready and open.
“Really?” he teased, pushing his knee in between your legs and pressing his upper thigh up to your bare cunt. “You’re so desperate for my cock, aren’t you babygirl? You wanna show me you’re a big girl now, is that what this is?” he bit along your jaw and you whimpered, holding on to the counter behind you. “How fucking adorable…” he murmured against your skin. His voice deep and raspy and dripping with unrestrained lust.
You trembled against him. You whimpered when you felt his leg settling in between yours, pressing his clothed thigh against your bare, wet core. He applied just the slightest bit of pressure and you groaned. His voice, his words reverberated inside you and you whined; almost losing your mind due to how much you needed him in you already. He was edging you shamelessly and you could only take so much. “Please…” your plea made him chuckle darkly.
“Well first you gotta show me you even deserve my cock deep inside you, babygirl. Get on your knees.” He stepped back slightly, allowing you enough room to get down on your knees. “If you want my cock, you gotta earn it.” He spoke. You sank to your knees and then tilted your head up to look at him. You were so ready…
You hurried and unzipped his pants, then lowered his underwear to free his erected cock. The mere sight of his thick cock had you whining with need, but you decided to push your needs aside for now. Right now all you focused on was him, and proving to him that you did in fact, deserve to have his cock in you.  
You wrapped your hands around his throbbing cock and placed your mouth on his tip; your tongue slowly circling his tip. Bucky grabbed a fistful of your hair; tugging on it gently and slowly pushed himself deeper into your mouth. “That’s it, babygirl. Take me nice and deep like a good little slut…” he murmured, his words fueling the fire inside you. You bobbed your head around his tip; taking him in inch by inch until he hit the back of your throat. “Show me how bad you want me.”
You whined as you sucked on his cock. He closed his eyes and hissed, lips parted and gasping as he tilted his head back. He looked so good you could cry. “Fuck…” he moaned and you quickened your pace. He thrust his hips forward very gently into your mouth, and loved the sight of your mouth wrapped around his cock. You took him so perfectly.
Hollowing your cheeks, you felt a rush each time he gasped, or moaned, or growled. The sounds which escaped his lips made you squirm and it only added to the dampness which was forming in your underwear. You let his taste invade your senses; his scent and the velvety feel of his cock against your tongue was making you lose your mind.
You squirmed and clenched your thighs together, unable to take it anymore. You just needed some sort of release, quick. So you bobbed your head around him quicker, desperate to get him off so he could cater to your needs. He moaned and panted and tugged harder on your hair. “Come on that’s it, show me how bad you want it.”
Those words were all it took for you to suck on his cock until he came undone all over your tongue. He came with a moan and a sigh, closing his eyes and relishing the warmth of your mouth wrapped around him. You swallowed all of him, licked him clean and stood back up. He smirked and wrapped his hand around your throat again.
“You did good, babygirl.” He murmured and finally pressed his mouth to yours. He kissed you passionately, tongue pushing past your lips and stroking the top of your mouth. He hummed at the taste of him on your tongue; it was all too dirty and it made you whimper and tremble. Leaving you breathless with just one kiss.
He slipped his hand under your skirt and wasted no time in running his knuckles up and down your dripping cunt. He chuckled. “So fucking desperate, aren’t you?” his raspy voice whispered in your ear. “Bet those boys your age don’t satisfy you enough. So you need a man to show you how it’s done, isn’t it?”
You whimpered as he pushed his fingers inside you, gently stroking your walls and stretching your hole a little so it can accommodate his cock next. “Fuck… yes Bucky please,” you whined and threw your head back and moaned. His grip around your throat tightened a little more and he growled when he felt your walls clench around his fingers violently.
“Think you’re gonna be the best I’ve ever had, huh? Think you’re a big girl now, yeah? Fuck, you’re so precious, babygirl…” he murmured and sped up, his fingers slipping in and out of you so perfectly that you moaned wantonly. You were dripping all over his hand and possibly the counter as well, but neither of you cared.
You whined, unable to take the sweet torture any longer. You begged, with your words and your movements, desperately trying to grind against his hand. He chuckled, pulled his finger out of you, pushed you back onto the counter and got you to wrap your legs around his waist. Your grip on the counter grew tighter as you steadied yourself for his thrust.
Slowly, he filled you up; stretching you and had you whimpering under him. He chuckled at how responsive you were. He pushed himself into you rapidly. Bucky barely gave you time to adjust to his size before he started rocking in and out of you. You felt all of him, each vein, each stroke and every inch of his skin.
You felt his thick thighs press against your bare legs, flexing as he rocked in and out of you. He grunted as he gripped your hips tightly while he slammed his cock into your entrance repeatedly.
“Is this what you wanted, huh?” he spoke through gritted teeth, watching how you struggled to take his cock. “You needed a man to fuck you like a little slut, didn’t you babygirl? So fucking take it.” he sped up into you. His words fueled the spark in you. And your head fell back as you moaned at his actions and his words.
His thrusts were relentless. His mouth soon found yours and he nibbled on your bottom lip as you gasped. He was taking over all your senses and you were more than happy to let him. While he fucked you raw, his hand moved up to your throat again. His fingers wrapped around your throat and forced you to open your eyes and look into his. He fucked you relentlessly; earning more and more moans out of you each time his cock stroked your walls.
“You just wanted to be filled with my cock, didn’t you? You wanted me to stretch you out,” His hand left your throat and toyed with your breasts through the thin material of your top. Your back arched in pleasure as his hands grabbed you wherever he could. “You wanted me to wreck this little cunt and own it, huh?” His body slammed into yours repeatedly, and you could feel a soreness forming in between your legs already. “Who’s fucking you this good, babygirl? Tell me who’s fucking this cunt so good.” He growled.
A tear escaped your eye as you tried so hard to make his words make sense in your head, but it was so hard when his body was making you lose your mind. “You are…” you mumbled, whining and feeling so full of his cock it was unbearably good.
“Your wet little cunt feels so good around me, babygirl…” he murmured, voice low and hazy in pleasure. He moaned and gasped as he felt your walls milking him and squeezing him just right. “So good…” You cried out as he kept rocking into you, speeding up with each thrust. “Who owns this little cunt, huh?”
“You do…”
Each time he slammed into you, your back crashed against the counter, achingly. But the pleasure his body brought you made up for that. You whimpered as his pounded into your core. His pelvic bone smacking against your body, making you cry out.
You felt like you were losing your mind. The pleasure was overwhelming; the feeling of his warm body pressing into yours and the feeling of his cock ramming in and out of you, stretching you out deliciously; you couldn’t hold back anymore.
“Buck…” you moaned, your mind getting foggier and foggier with each passing second. He slammed in and out of you continuously, moaning and grunting in the process. Tears fell out of your eyes as the pleasure became too much to handle. But you still wanted more of him.
Your thoughts were a mess. You squirmed in pleasure as both his hands gripped your hips, pushing you into him harshly each time he filled you up. He growled and pushed his face into your neck, “Go on babygirl, cum for me.” He bit down on your shoulder and sped up even more. His thrust violent and animalistic. You moaned loudly and gushed out around his cock; gasping ad whimpering.
He moaned out loud when he felt your walls pulsating violently around him. His thrusts became irregular as he came right after you as well, shooting his load at your walls. He didn’t pull out even after the two of you came. He just kept his throbbing cock carefully buried in you.
He relished your warmth and kissed you; growling and pushing his tongue into your open mouth like he owned it. You felt his cock twitching and pulsating against you as your body clenched around him still as you recovered from your previous orgasm.
He smirked as he pulled away. “Better clean up before your parents get home, babygirl.” He whispered and looked down at your disheveled state. So hot and bothered, and fucked out.
You could barely breathe right but you still gave him a lazy smirk. “Not too young for you now, am I?” you teased, knowing he enjoyed it just as much as you did. He groaned and hid his face into your neck again.
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
Let’s continue with my favorite Arc from all I watched so far. The Yorknew City Arc!!I sadly couldn’t do it with all of the Phantom Troupe members because I had with some huge problems, either because I didn’t know them well enough yet or I simply don’t know how to imagine them as Yanderes😕.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, paranoia, delusions, manipulation, sabotage, sadism, mind breaking, gaslighting, kidnapping, killing
Yorknew City Arc Hc’s
Chrollo Lucilfer
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📖Somehow I can imagine Chrollo as a similar bad Yandere as Kurapika. He’s obsessive, possessive and manipulative. He has probably 0.003% emotions and that’s the really bad part on this. If you give someone like him, who never experienced much emotions, a person who manages to make him feel something you can bet that he’ll never let this person go. It’s almost too easy for him to find anything out about his s/o, they’re like an open book to him which he can read over and over again and still doesn’t get boring of them. He’s incredibly charming to the darling and will feed them daily with his sweet lies, trapping them slowly and ensuring that they can’t escape him. Also the aware type, he hasn’t much experience with feelings, but he knows for sure that they aren’t supposed to be this strong and he doesn’t care in the least bit.
📖Also the removal and isolating type plus the really lovestruck one. He wants to be the only one in his s/o’s life, the only one who owns their heart and he isn’t planning on being only one of many in his darling’s heart. And if he has to kill every person his darling cherishes and isolate his darling from every human contact to reach his goal then he’ll do it without a single regret. This guy sees in his darling everything he always wished for when he was younger and they’re the only ones who hold the key to his emotions. That makes him a clingy one as well, he only leaves his darling if absolutely necessary and makes sure that at least two of the other members watch over the s/o.
📖His possessiveness comes to a similar bad level as Kurapika’s so I would give you the advice to not even think about someone else because this guy will find out. Even though he’ll never show his jealousy the s/o can sense it because there’s this barely audible dangerous undertone in his voice that tells the s/o they just added another threat that needs to be removed to his already long list.
📖Do I even need to tell? It’s obvious that he’ll eliminate everyone who stands in his way of getting his darling’s love. This guy will most likely wip out every person who has and had somehow a relationship with the s/o in the past and present. Persons who insulted you, your old friends, your old bullies, the nice persons at your workplace, your old crushes, persons who were and are interested in you...Everyone!
📖I think he would at first try to court his darling into relationship with him and if we’re completely honest there’s no chance that this won’t work. At first nothing will look wrong for his darling since Chrollo seems like the perfect boyfriend, but slowly and surely Chrollo starts setting his trap to keep his darling by his side for all time. If the darling however possesses nerves made of steel and somehow manages to not fall for him then he’ll immediately kidnap them.
📖Terrible! That’s all I have to say to this. He’s ready to do unspeakable crimes for you and shows no hesitation. I can definitely see him as someone who will try to use a nen ability on you to make you fall in love with him. No chance in hell you’ll ever be able to escape since he and the troupe are always watching over you. If you somehow manage to escape then don’t feel guilty for all the lifes he’s going to take just to find you. The worst is that you might even fall for this guy despite all the bad things he does.
Feitan Portor
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☠️First of all I would like to congratulate you on messing your whole life up for making him a Yandere for you. Feitan knows for sure that his feelings aren’t normal and you can believe me when I tell you that he absolutely hates the s/o for making him feel that way. He hates that he loves them! I believe he wanted to kill the darling at first, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it what enraged him even more. He’s a stalker, choosing to watch only from the distance and trying to figure out what exactly makes him feel this way and also hoping that this is just a very strong crush that will eventually pass by. Sorry to disappoint you Feitan, it isn’t. Possessive as fuck, he never really had much in his life and now he wants something more than anything else, the s/o. He’ll make sure that they’re only his.
☠️A sadistic, cold, cruel and strict Yandere. He expects his s/o to behave and if they don’t do as he says he’ll punish them without showing mercy, no matter how much they beg him. He never shows any kind of affection towards them and will terrify them on a daily base, he wants to make sure that they know what’s their place, he wants to make sure that they know that he could just kill them. He would never admit that he couldn’t bring himself to kill them and he makes sure that they’ll never know.
☠️Possessive~ Don’t try to make him jealous, it won’t end well for you and the other person. The moment his darling feels his bloodlust seeping from his aura they know they have messed up big and everyone in a radius from at least 15 meters will start trembling with fear because of his aura. The fact that he doesn’t say a word during all of this is even more nerve wracking.
☠️Don’t try to make me laugh. This man will give them something much more worse than death. He’ll show them hell and the worst part is that you’ll witness all of it because either he’ll bring you along because you need to get punished as well or you’re able to hear the dreadfully screams of the poor souls.
☠️Feitan is a stalker and just watched the darling for a long time before deciding to kidnap them, realizing that his feelings for them aren’t just temporary. For the s/o it won’t be a pleasant experience because as soon as they wake up they’ll see Feitan sitting near the bed and watching them with an intense and scary look in his eyes.
☠️I don’t really have to tell, do I? This guy punishes you as soon as you do something wrong and will use fear to keep you in line. He makes sure that you’re scared of him the moment you first see him. You also need to find the right amount of affection to give him because if you give him too much he’ll hurt you, but if you don’t give him some form of affection at all he’ll punish you even worse. He’ll never tell you what you did wrong and tells you always it’s your fault for making him this way. But just like with Hisoka this all comes from the fact that he doesn’t know how to act on his feelings for you. But with a lot of patience and a lot of pain from your side he might warm up to his feelings and you and will start treating you better.
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📱Shalnark is a stalker and the obsessive type of Yandere. He can’t be near his darling all the time, but he’s always watching. This guy has most likely put cameras everywhere in their house to always be able to watch them and has for sure a tracker put in their phones to always be able to locate them. This makes it almost too easy for him to quickly gain every little available information of the s/o. He takes notice of the things they do and like, making sure to remember it all. Talented in lying and convincing his darling to do as he says what makes him the manipulative type.
📱He also possesses the traits delusional, clingy and lovestruck. He believes that the s/o needs his protection or else they would die in this world and he’s more than happy to give them his protection. I can also imagine him as someone clingy, even though he watches most of the time from the distance if he actually has time to spend with the s/o he’ll clinge onto their side as if his life depends on it. He grew up under pretty shitty circumstances and his darling completes him somehow. They’re like the missing half of him he never knew he missed until he felt the incompleteness when he couldn’t watch them.
📱Most of the time he watches the s/o from the distance, hacking himself into every security camera he can find to watch them. He gets jealous easily and will have an annoyed pout on his face whenever he sees his darling talking to someone else. Why would they do something like this? They only need him. If he’s with them at such a time he’ll have his slightly forced looking grin on his face and makes sure to whisper something at the other person without his darling hearing, his dark words not matching his beaming smile. I can also see him as someone who will start blackmailing other people or spreading some nasty rumors about his darling on the internet so that everyone starts avoiding him and he can be the only person they have left.
📱He relies most of the time on his hacking skills to ruin everyone’s life who he thinks deserve it. He’ll find out their dirty secrets and will spread nasty rumors, making sure that their whole life will break apart. If that somehow doesn’t work then he’ll resort to killing that person.
📱I believe that it won’t take long for Shalnark to kidnap his s/o, given the fact that he believes that they need him in order to survive. He’ll plan everything perfectly so nothing can go wrong when he takes them.
📱Shalnark is like sweet poison. His innocent smile doesn’t match his dark and threatening words! Don’t get fooled by his fake innocence! Shalnark is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, you won’t be able to believe that this grinning man can manage to do such terrible things. It’s useless to try to escape because this guy will find you wherever you go, he most likely has planted a tracker somewhere inside you so he can always locate you. His delusions don’t help either whenever you start throwing a tantrum he’ll just tell you that you need him to survive and you can’t convince him otherwise. That’s the reason why he isn’t afraid to hurt you, he’ll break your legs in order to prevent you from running away. He just wants to keep you safe.
Phinks Magcub
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👊Phinks is the possessive, clingy and touchy Yandere. He wants the s/o to stay by his side for all their lifes and would go to extreme lengths to ensure that this will happen. Extremely clingy and touchy he’ll always have an arm around his darling or touch them in some way. Overprotective, his position should make it obvious why.
👊He’s also the lovestruck and soft Yandere. He’s very keen on his darling’s happiness and that they feel comfortable with him and he would be honestly so heartbroken if they should feel scared of him.
👊This guy’s jealousy is more than obvious. The moment someone even looks in his s/o’s direction is the moment he starts boiling with jealousy. He’s the only one who’s allowed to look at them! That’s the moment the other person is doomed.
👊He’ll snap everyone’s neck if he has to. No one can take the s/o away from him and everyone who he sees as a possible threat for his darling or their relationship will be dead very soon!
👊Phinks wants a normal relationship with his darling and also knows to some degree that kidnapping his s/o would make them hate him. But given his possessiveness and overprotectiveness there would have to happen only one small thing that might endanger his darling and then he would instantly take them. He’ll be really apologetic afterwards.
👊Phinks is just a gentleman for you and would never harm you. But to everyone else he’ll be a nightmare because he’s fiercely protective over his you and if someone upsets you he’ll be upset too.
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💘I was so mad when she died and I even hated Kurapika for a while after that. She’s such a sweetheart, just why?! However, let’s start. Pakunoda is the aware type of Yandere, she knows that the amount of love she holds for her darling isn’t normal. Also the obsessive Yandere. She has a huge interest in her darling’s hobbies, interests and favorite things and with her ability it honestly won’t be hard to find everything she desires to know out.
💘I can also imagine her as the manipulative and overprotective type. She doesn’t have the best past, she grew up in Meteor City and has seen some shit which makes her more protective when it comes to her darling. She’s also very talented in talking her darling into staying with her, always mentioning the fact that she’s just so worried about the s/o and always managing to convince her darling.
💘She understands the fact that her s/o has other people in their life as well, even though she doesn’t like it that much. But she wants to see her darling happy so for their sake she holds on for as long as the interaction goes on. She has an angel’s patience and can hold on for a really long time and even when she gets impatient she would never interrupt, just tapping her feet lightly. But of course she steps in when someone’s getting touchy with her s/o or she senses that her darling isn’t comfortable with the other person.
💘Pakunoda doesn’t care for everyone except the troupe and her darling. But she doesn’t just kill everyone who comes to close to her darling, she only kills if she has a reason too. With her ability it’s very easy for her to find out who is an actual threat to the s/o or not and when she knows for sure that someone plans to harm or try to take them away from her, she’ll get rid of them. If the enemy is someone strong who she probably won’t be able to handle alone she’ll ask the troupe members for help, most likely Uvogin who’s the most eager to fight.
💘Pakunoda isn’t the type to kidnap the s/o. She wants to avoid to do this under every costs possible. She really doesn’t want to let her darling find out how unhealthy her feelings are for them. She’s more the type to spend a few days in her darling’s house if she’s concerned about their safety and well-being, making it look like a normal overnight stay to spend some quality time together.
💘Paku is such a sweetheart!! She’s very gentle and calm with you and always respects your choices and gives you privacy if you need some. She might be a Yandere for you, but she’s very careful to not show it, you most likely won’t even notice that she’s one.
Machi Komacine
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🪡Machi is a cold and harsh Yandere. She never displays much emotions and that counts for most of the time for her darling as well. She’s very harsh with her words, especially if her s/o did something stupid she’ll spit poisonous words at them whilst giving them a cold look. She is also aware of her feelings and was at first somewhat conflicted about it.
🪡Also the strict and overprotective one. She expects her darling to behave very well and will get very cruel with her words when they act up against her, but at the same time I can see her as someone overprotective over her darling. Because even though she’s pretty mean she deeply cares for the s/o and could never forgive herself if something would happen to them and she couldn’t protect them.
🪡She always has this annoyed look on her face so you’ll most likely won’t be able to tell exactly when she’s jealous. I can see her as someone who will react passive aggressive. She’ll be more hostile towards the other person who makes her jealous, slipping some pretty mean words here and there in about them and at some point this person will start to feel very intimidated by her harsh glare and also very self-cautious because of her cruel comments.
🪡She has sharp intuitions and is good at telling if someone could be dangerous for her darling or their relationship with her. So she’s willing to get rid of everyone who she sees as a possible threat. But of course she’s careful with it, not wanting the s/o finding out because this could scare them more away from her.
🪡Machi will only kidnap her darling if they would find out who she really is or if they break for some other reason every contact up they had with her. Then she’ll take her darling without a second thought and locks them somewhere up where they can’t escape her.
🪡Machi might at first look like a really cold one, but I guess over time she’ll warm up to you and show you a more softer side she doesn’t show everyone. Of course she’ll curse at you when you hurt yourself and call you stupid and dumb, but she’s quick to stitch your wounds, very careful with not hurting you. And of course she often insults you when angry, but is always your shoulder to cry on when you need comfort.
Shizuku Murasaki
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🧠Shizuku is the obsessive type, she’s normally very forgetful, but for some reason she doesn’t forget things like the s/o’s name, birthday, favorite color, hobbies and all this other stuff. Even if she forgets it she’ll always find it out again, showing a huge interest in everything her darling does. That makes her believe that her darling must be someone special to her.
🧠This leads us to the delusional type. She hears and sees only what she wants to see and hear and if they try to run away she’ll forget it. Nothing can change the ideal picture she has in her mind and if her darling does something to ruin this picture she’s quick to erase that memory. She also imagines things she and her darling did together that never really happened, but she’s convinced that it happened. Also the clingy type, give her all of your attention!
🧠Shizuku expects her darling to pour their whole attention towards her when she’s with them and gets jealous of whoever prevents the s/o of giving their whole attention to her. It won’t show on her face how she really feels about it and that’s the problem because the s/o won’t see how she feels. They just continue the conversation with the other person, making Shizuku more and more jealous without even realizing that they do.
🧠Shizuku might forget things fastly, but she won’t forget the person who took her darling’s attention away from her or this guy who got a bit too touchy with her s/o. Because of her more innocent look and air headed character most people underestimate her which is the biggest mistake they can ever do in their lifes. It’ll be also the last mistake they’ll ever make in their lifes.
🧠I don’t think Shizuku would kidnap the s/o because she believes that they love her just as much as she does and is very chill about letting the s/o meet their family and friends. But you need to repay that kindness later on to her in form of showing her affection or else she’ll start seeing your close ones as threats.
🧠Her delusions here are the worst and best thing at the same time. On the one hand she’ll never give up on the thought that you love her as well and she’ll always misinterpreted your words into what she wants to hear, but on the other hand she’ll always forget when you did something wrong and lets you wander around freely simply because she’s convinced that you would never leave her because you love her.
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🫀Uvogin is the overprotective and lovestruck Yandere. He’s almost even more protective over his s/o than over his troupe, especially when they can’t use nen. Then this guy will be like their personal guard dog. I can also see him as a lovestruck one, he becomes such a softie when he’s near his darling.
🫀Also a touchy and clingy one. It might be surprising, but he lives for his s/o’s attention and stays always, when he doesn’t have some business in the group, with his darling which is also connected with his overprotectiveness. Also an absolute fan of physical affection, handholding, cuddling, anything!
🫀He looses patience very fast, but most people don’t even dare to come close enough to his darling since Uvogin is very intimidating. If someone actually possesses the guts to talk to them, which is most likely when Uvogin is for some reason not beside you, then this person will sense the next person something big towering over them. They don’t even turn around, they just run like a frightened bunny.
🫀As mentioned most people don’t even dare to glance wrongly into the s/o’s direction because Uvogin is always with you. The only time someone would have the chance to somehow do something to the darling when he’s away with the troupe. But the moment he gets back and finds out that someone dared to flirt with his s/o or even worse, harmed them in some way is the moment he’s ready to rip this person apart. It will be anything, but pleasant.
🫀He trusts his darling enough to not try anything behind his back or try to run away from him. The darling doesn’t have much contact anyways since basically anyone’s too scared to come even near them, being afraid of Uvogin. That allows him to have his darling nearly all for himself, but he’s okay with it when they want to visit their family. Overall he doesn’t really like the thought of kidnapping them, something really extreme would have to happen for him to take this extreme step. One example being if his s/o nearly got killed whilst he wasn’t there to protect them. Then he would take them from their home, wanting to assure that he can always protect them.
🫀He’s one of the more softer ones from this list. It’s funny that this dude here is willing to become your personal big teddy bear if you ask him to. Also a Yandere who would never hurt his darling, under no circumstances. He’ll totally spoil you, getting you everything you desire.
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eonghwa · 3 years
code name is: mars
the brothers m.list 𖠵 secret agent and hitman au   𖤘 dverse tag — mr. park seonghwa ! mr. park hwaseong ! park seyoung
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cw: aged up seonghwa, brief mention of death, mention of scars, nsfw themes, gun kink
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mars is the oldest brother and also the illegitimate son in this messed up family. he is only known as mars, very few people know his real name and given his history he can’t use the family name. he joined the crime syndicate when he was young and he’s mostly known for his reputation as a fearsome hitman.
he is ruthless
he is 32 years old, 3 years older than the twins seonghwa and hwaseong
knows everything about the family and the brothers but they don’t know him
never had an easy or “nice” life
his mom died when he was young
went through hell all his life because is father never legally recognized him
his father hired some sort of caretaker to raise him
and give them a house and regular allowance
visiting them every now and then
and sometimes, after seonghwa and hwaseong were born, he even invited him over to his house to play with them
or at times, he made him join them for family trips
seyoung is the only one who always treated him like family even without knowing the truth (he was still a kid but enjoyed his company and treated him like an older brother)
but when he was about to start high school these encounters with his half brothers abruptly ended
instead his father made him join the organization
started the training to become the most reliable hitman
he is mad at this father for pretending to care about him and yet not letting him be part of the family
he was always treated like he was unworthy of being called his son
truth is mars is the only son mr. park senior ever actually cared about but the circumstances were bad so it is what it is
yet he tried his best to provide him everything he needed
if this wasn’t clear already mars holds MUCH resentment against his father and the world in general
he doesn’t hate his half brothers but doesn’t necessarily like them either
however doesn’t meet them often and they don’t know he is the same kid they used to play with
in general he just keeps a low profile and people rarely see him
hwaseong too only reaches out to him through phone calls
everyone only knows him for his reputation
he’s cool with seyoung tho (and lowkey he’s always been his favorite)
but doesn’t really like taking orders from hwaseong
though he acknowledges that he’s a better leader than their father and carries out his tasks without complaints
does all the dirty work for the syndicate
he’s not scared to get his hands dirty
and this costed him 2 scars on his back and 2 scars on his abs
doesn’t really care about them but also sees them as some sort of trophy for all the “fights” he won
stoic but also weirdly lively
the man of little shown emotions and words
the world is at his feet
but lucky for the world he basically lives in the shadow
has no insecurities
100% confident and oozes charisma
when he is in a more neutral setting, no work related, people just naturally like him
or are utterly intimidated by him
either way doesn’t care at all if people like him or not
and has complete control over everything
and you
though, his eyes have that special glint when things aren’t going to be easy for him to control right away
he has very good intuition when come to people character
he is fear and primal attraction
𖠵  in bed
gun kink and gun play are a thing
relentless pace and pounding 
has a thing for choking you - like gripping your neck from behind 
it’s his way of asserting his power over you 
also some good old nipple pinching for you
him rolling his hips slowly into you before fucking you
gripping your hips tightly and thrusting slowly but steadily
from behind of course
bacause he has always complete control over everything
but sometimes he likes having you facing him 
bonus point if you are doing some sort of /missionary/ and he can see his chains and necklaces slapping against your chest with every thrust  
his big warm hands resting on your hips
here’s the deal: you are both standing, he’s behind you
and you are bent forward with just your hands resting on the bed
imagine him adjusting his hips every now and then so he can reach deeper 
and have you let out the filthiest noise 
also imagine him smirking to himself whenever you let out said filthy noise 
loves hearing you say how far he’s reaching
and/or how *full* you feel
but other than that doesn’t like much talking in the bedroom
esp if you are just whining nonsense
hence the choking
laughs at your neediness
and at you losing mind for him so easily
especially when he’s suddenly taking you somewhere to have is way with you
“calm down, i’m going to fuck you alright”
in bed he’s even less of a talker
just tells you what to do, throwing some order around with his deep mellow voice
but he is always so ridiculously calm
again, seeing as easy as it is for him to have control over everything sometimes he’s up for a challenge
depends on his mood tho
he’s here with you to /let off steam/
not the type to get in a relationship of any kind
not even fwb agreement, just really casual sex
has no time to lose with these things
though he may or may not have some regulars warming up his bed when he needs them to
he is sexy, dominating, alluring
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a/n: me and @hoetaeseok did it again and this man is the result 
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writing-in-april · 3 years
Dr Jekyll or Mr. Hyde (3/?)
Part three: the gift
Spencer Reid x Female Reader
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Summary: The next meeting rolls around and Reader tries to get Spencer to open up in baby steps. Turns out he was more willing to let her in than she first expected.
Part One, Part Two
Series Masterlist
A/N: Heyyy this is my third part for Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde!!! It’s also the fifteenth installment of my 30 fics in 30 days for April event! The plot is finally about to pick up y’all!!!! I’ve got so many plans where this series is headed (though I don’t know necessarily where it’s going to end) and I’m really excited!!! This chapter brings in other references from non gothic literature as well which was fun to do- these references and metaphors are really fun to craft. I’m curious to see y’all’s reaction to this part- leave me an ask if you want here (I promise I won’t bite 🧛🏻‍♀️) Thanks for reading and hope y’all enjoy!!
Warnings: 18+, Smut, Soft dom Spencer that turns back into slightly mean dom Spencer, Public sex, Masturbation (F), Oral sex (M receiving), Face fucking, Reader has a nickname- I think that’s it let me know if there needs to be anything else
Main Masterlist Word Count: 4.1k 😱
A meeting of the classics was once again scrawled on the whiteboard when you entered the library. It had the usual time 7pm to 11:30pm written right underneath. Instantly you fell down the rabbit hole and into another world, reality was turned on its head whenever you opened those wooden doors. Every encounter you had in the shelves, in the reading rooms, and even at the information desk seemed like you were walking into a world crafted by a surrealist. Everything was just slightly twisted and turned to feel slightly off from the reality outside those doors. It oddly made you feel more at home than your own apartment.
Each time a meeting rolled around you’d get an email notification a few weeks prior, informing you as to what the theme would be. The book club was already more extravagant than any other you had ever heard before, adding to the surrealist nature of where you were located. Last time was a somewhat lavish affair, this time it was coated in fleeting luxury.
Sure, the 1920s theme with the undeniable tinge of influence from The Great Gatsby would always lend itself to luxury, even with cheap decorations. But, the way the decor around you almost felt real told you exactly what your monthly entrance fee was going towards. You could complain about the steep price of admission, it could burn a hole into your wallet if you weren’t so careful. At any rate it did not matter, you were sure they wouldn’t care if you complained, and besides this was the only thing you really every splurged on. Plus there was the added aspect of the person you would no longer be able to indulge in if you let your membership lapse.
It was nice to treat yourself, get a taste of what it would be like to live basking in luxury 24/7. Flutes of champagne were passed around like hot cakes, admittedly they were non alcoholic after an incident a few months prior before you joined with some whiskey. It could have been a rumor fed to you by some of the vapid attendees to stir the pot so the library may cave to make their guests happy. You were going to keep your mouth shut because truth be told you didn’t mind that they were non alcoholic. You wanted to be sober for this. You wanted to be sober for Spencer.
Normally whenever a meeting rolled around you’d gladly be mingling with everyone around you. Even if personally you viewed some of their insights on whatever book they wished to discuss as shallow, seeing another’s perspective was always intriguing.
Something, namely someone, lurking in the shadows had your attention instead. It felt strikingly similar to the night of your first encounter, his eyes piercing into you, undressing you with them. The only thing that had changed is that you knew his name with some small added details. You didn't even know what type of Doctor he was, let alone what kind of man he was. But, you hoped tonight might change your prospects.
You had gotten a peek underneath the mask each time, just enough to pull you in closer. Whatever might lurk beneath, which still may be dangerous, for right now made you thrum with excitement. Spencer was just as surreal to you as the rest of the library, though he was definitely more shadowy than the others. It wouldn’t surprise you if he wasn’t real outside of here.
He could possibly just be a ghost trapped to roam the halls that instead of wanting to scare you, pleasured you. It was a silly thought for sure, but until he divulged more you struggled to convince yourself that he was real, even though his touch certainly did. The world was very different outside the library’s doors and you’d be content to be locked inside of it, that is if Spencer opened his own doors.
You circled each other for a while, neither of you talking to anyone, just staring with lust in your eyes. Tired of this cat and mouse game that you were unwilling to break out of stubbornness, he set down an empty ‘champagne’ flute to weave through the crowd to meet you.
No small talk or pleasantries came out of his mouth when he started your first conversation of the night, “At least you fit the theme this time.”
He had gestured to the dress you had chosen, a simple fringed red dress that very obviously was inspired by the era. It definitely gave you a sense of allure that leaned dark along with your dark lipstick, giving you your own cloak of mystery to match Spencer’s. At least there was a cloak for everyone else; Spencer could read you like an open book even with all your secrets. Spencer just had the ability to speed read them faster than any other human.
There was still depth to you, seemingly boundless, and certainly much more than the staple embodiment of a 1920s woman at a party being eyed at by man. You were no Daisy Buchanan that’s for sure, and Spencer was no Gatsby from what you have seen.
“As I told you last time I did fit the theme, Spencer.” You kept your lips shut tight about the fact that you had partially chosen this dress for him, picking a much more historically accurate style within your budget. Skating around the topic with ease you then teased, “Was that your way of complimenting my dress?”
“No…” That definitely meant yes, just by going off of the way he eyed your curves.
“At least you have it easy, you only have to throw on a suit, which is boring.” He snorted at that and didn’t disagree with your stinging jab at men’s fashion.
“That’s true, I don’t think I would want to see you in a boring suit, Shelley.” Inching closer to you so he possessively put a hand on your waist. He was close enough now that you could feel his breath on the exposed skin on your neck, a shiver trickling down your spine at that. His next words had a different reaction from you, your panties getting damp immediately after, “A dress has easier- access.”
The conversation turned from your typical banter into innuendos covered in mystery just like you both, with Spencer’s not being an act like you were trying to put on. You could let him do whatever he wanted to you again, which you thoroughly enjoyed, but there was a lingering fantasy you hadn’t voiced that had been in your head since he pinned you against the shelves.
“You didn’t let me reciprocate last time.” You whispered into his ear, your dirty intentions hidden by innocent words. The people around you had no idea what was going on, still milling about while you leaned in closer, only a few people looking over at you both curiously before moving on. Your next move was bold, wrapping your hand around his tie to pull him in closer, so you could keep your request a secret for his ears alone, “Will you allow me to return the favor?”
By the way his face twisted up at your words you knew you were testing a limit. All of your encounters thus far had been him touching you, not you touching him.
“Thought you would have forgotten about that by now.” This was his attempt to change the subject, to move on and expect that you’ll drop it just like him.
Everyone you knew called you stubborn for a reason, gripping his tie even harder you then doubled down, “Will you let me?”
It was highly unlikely that you were going to get a verbal response to your request, most likely you were about to get rejected, hard. You had tested your limits throughout your small time together. This however was entirely different and potentially over the line as to what Spencer would willingly allow.
Instead of shutting you out and shutting down he surprised you by opening his mouth to form the word, “Yes.”
With that you started to tug him out of the room, discreetly of course to not attract any unwanted attention and you didn’t pull him by his tie. Your fingers were wrapped around his wrist delicately, his first taste of you touching him while you guided him to a spot for your clandestine affair.
Your eagerness made you too impatient to wait and find a better secluded spot away from the crowd. The corner you chose was beyond risky to say the least, only a wall separating the both of you and the club guests. If you were lucky and went quickly you’d avoid being caught.
You wondered how long it had been since someone had offered to do this for him, instead of him probably forcing them to their knees while he continued to control the encounter with their consent. His steadfast control over each time he touched you had never wavered up until this point.
“You tell me if you want me to stop.”
He gulped hard, giving you a look like he was considering stopping you. Ultimately he kept his mouth shut, letting you drop to your knees and begin to unbutton his slacks. You worked quickly, unsure how much time you had without being caught in this little corner barely off to the side you chose or how long Spencer would let you touch him with impunity.
You hadn’t been able to really get a good look at his cock, either you had been facing away from it or it was trapped in the confines of the slacks he always wore. When you freed him from his boxers you could not help but admire it, even if only for a second.
Beautiful was an odd way to describe a cock, but there was no other word you could really find in the moment while you were on your knees. He was already hard, even leaking at the tip, and all from a few teasing words from your mouth. You’d have to test your affect on him more in the future, it obviously excited him.
When you held it in your hands and licked him from his base to tip, he had to bite on his fist at the suddenness of your touch. You pumped him a few times languidly before bringing the head to your lips and letting it slip into your mouth. He was allowing you to explore without fear of any repercussions. His hand that now rested at the back of your head being the only signal that he could take back the control anytime he wanted.
When you began to bob your head a wave of new precum hit your tongue. The taste of Spencer on your tongue was to put it lightly, intoxicating, you’d be content to taste him everyday if he let you.
Hoping too much would be your downfall if you let it, you pushed it out of your mind so you could be content with the baby steps forward you were taking. This right here, was him being vulnerable, even with you on his knees. You’d have to tread carefully if you wanted another crack in his mask to see even his darkest features, not a chink in his armor that would have him running away injured.
You weren’t sure what made the energy shift in the corner you were on your knees in, you suspected it was the soft caress of your hand along his thigh. He clammed up, suddenly wanting to take back control of the situation, no longer content with being vulnerable. It was quite clear to you that he saw giving up his control as a moment of weakness, just by going off of the once content look on his face that had twisted and seized up in frustration. Whatever he would let you do to him or whatever he wanted to do to you would always leave you wet with desire. It would however, be a lie to say that you didn’t want to see him back in a similar position one day. Getting him to be vulnerable for any extended period of time, even if it was while you were on his knees for him in a typical position for submission, was a form of progress. A little bit twisted, yes, but it still was progress.
Control fell back easily into his hands, now wasn’t the time to fight him on it; you’d be a good girl for now. The hand that had been resting gently on the back of your head tightened its grip to start controlling the pace.
You let your hand let go of his cock, resting them both on his thighs now instead. Your eyes were glassy as you tried to meet his sable irises while he began to thrust into your mouth. All you could really see was his Adam’s apple bobbing, curls falling as his head tipped back with his jaw slack. At first his thrusts had tested the waters, to see how much you could take. They then became more forceful when you gripped his thighs through his slacks and tried to pull him close.
The corner you had pulled him into was more exposed than any previous dalliance. Last time, even though it was out in the open, the stacks of shelves piled high with books shielded you along with his body pinned on top of yours. In comparison, this time you could hear the people laughing and mingling about in the next room over.
That only made you keen, moaning around him softly when you heard someone start a conversation close to the shared wall. Spencer, ever astute to your actions, picked up on what had you moaning around him. He forced your head down as far as you could go, your nose almost nuzzling the hairs at his base. He held you there harshly for a moment while he spoke, “You like it when we’re close to getting caught don’t you? That’s why you chose this spot isn’t it? You aren’t just satisfied with sneaking around, you want to get caught doing it.”
Before you could confirm or deny his questions you had to pull off of him so you could catch your breath. A string of spit connected from your mouth to the top of his cock remained unbroken until he brought his thumb to your mouth so you could continue to suck on something. He bent down to look at you, inspecting your makeup melted by tears and your spit covered lips. When he then moved his thumb from out of your mouth to grip your cheeks hard you whimpered, wondering what you did wrong, “Answer my questions.”
You scrambled to answer to avoid any type of punishment. You couldn’t make him feel good the way you wanted to if he was angry at you. Trying to muster up some conviction failed as your answer still came out shaky, “Y-yes! I-I liikeee it, Doctor!”
Satisfied with your answer and the amount of time your break had been he let go of the grip on your cheeks to resume. He slipped back inside your mouth swiftly, seeing no need to start out slow again. This time when you looked up, you found him meeting your irises with his own making you squirm underneath his piercing gaze.
“Touch yourself, we don’t have time for both of us.” With any other man you would have been irritated because mostly likely they were unwilling to finish a girl off. Spencer however, had proven he was consistently capable of that from you two previous interactions. He was also right, the place you had chosen was going to be flooded with people soon as they left the party. It was around this time that a group of people got bored and left which you didn’t understand. Why would they pay the money if they were just going to leave early?
You maneuvered your hands underneath the fringed edge of your dress, then bypassing your panties by pushing them to the side. There was no need to tease yourself, sucking off Spencer had you soaking through your flimsy lace panties. You pushed two of your fingers inside your entrance, curling them to deliciously hit at that sweet spot inside you. Even though you were enjoying the way he fucked your face in combination with you touching yourself, your fingers didn’t feel as euphoric as Spencer’s long fingers that could pull an orgasm out of you in seconds.
Spencer was nearing his release, his hips stuttering as it came closer. More tears prickled at the corner of your eyes out of frustration that you were having trouble reaching the edge with your own fingers. Spencer of course saw your frustration and began to coax you to the edge,
“Come on Shelley I know you can do it, I know you can make yourself cum for me.” Spencer’s words weren’t nearly as good as your fingers, but it did help that final push towards the edge. Falling over the edge together was a heady feeling, pleasure sparking through your veins while Spencer filled your mouth. You focused on swallowing it all down as best as you could, only a bit escaping the sides of your mouth.
When it was all said and done Spencer tucked himself back into his boxers, then rebuckling the belt holding his slacks up. He then outstretched a hand towards you, who was crumpled on the floor looking absolutely ruined. It was a simple gesture, taking his hand so you didn’t wobble on your heels as much. To you however it seemed like a weighted moment, subtly showing that you were willing to take whatever he may give to you.
He then suddenly pushed a book in your hands, which came seemingly out of thin air, only soon after you had cleaned up the corners of your mouth by licking your lips. You had been just about to clean the remnants of your makeup that was streaming down your cheeks with a makeup wipe that had been in your purse. He had other plans, putting the book in your hands and grabbed the wipe from you. He began to use the wipe to clean you off, caressing your cheeks softly this time. His movements were gentle as the cleanser in the cloth, every gentle touch that came directly after the hard made you want to fall into the dark abyss with him. You had almost moved forward to kiss him until he unintentionally stopped you by starting to wipe your smeared lipstick off. Once he was done with that you then looked down at the book he had forced you to take.
“What is this?” Your brows furrowed in question at the unexpected gift. Your relationship had a loose definition, really none at all, to get a gift felt like it was supposed to mean something. He had gifted you something in the past, the nickname you now couldn’t seem to shake, and you supposed the multiple orgasms could be classified as gifts to some.
This felt bigger than that, at least to you. But, how were you supposed to know what his train of thought was when you didn’t know anything about him. Most of what you did know contradicted each other anyway. There was no way to predict a man who had two distinct sides of him, neither of which he’d divulge more than surface level information about.
“I thought it was quite obvious, it’s a book.” His nonchalant response through you for a loop, causing you to stammer a bit. However, he did not let you form a complete thought, steamrolling you with sudden excitement, “An old copy of Frankenstein to be exact, Shelley.”
Looking down you traced your fingers over the spine on the vintage book. You weren’t sure how old the book was, you’d have to check that later. It wasn’t that you didn’t see the potential value in owning an old edition of a book, but the gesture still confused you. Instead of dwelling on a question that you weren’t going to get a straight answer for if you asked, you tried to tease him, “But I have already read it, you know that.”
He took your jab at his listening skills in stride and again was cagey as always with his response, “I do know that, that isn’t why I bought it for you.”
“That is for me to know, and for you to potentially figure out.” He was now moving to leave the corner, about to leave you hanging in the wind scrambling to figure out whatever he was talking about. You scrambled to follow, which caused you to almost crash into him when he abruptly stopped. “I’ll give you a hint, flip to page 56.”
Flipping it open to the page you noticed that it wasn’t a page of any significance, no famous quotes were highlighted or major climactic scenes happening.
“There isn’t anything in here.” Exasperation was evident in your voice, he was too hard to read, certainly not as hard as the book in front of you. His intentions were the hardest to figure out, he could be stringing you along in his web, bringing you closer until he devoured you like a spider with a fly.
The air itself was filled with monsters, more like potential monsters lurking waiting to reveal their intentions. The dark was often desirable, but it would be naive of you to trust it without question. There was still something about Spencer that made you want to blindly trust without question that his monsters had beauty in them. You couldn’t deny that being devoured by him sounded enticing.
“Look again.” And with a fleeting kiss on your lips that he was gone, slipping back into the party like nothing had happened. It left you to wait until he graced you with his presence next with no way to contact him. At least that’s what you thought until you followed his suggestion and looked again.
There, nestled in between two pages of the book rested a strip of paper. The handwriting on it was messy, slanted heavily in one direction and partially smudged as if written rapidly. You could still make out the ten digits written in navy blue ink, your breath caught up in your throat at that.
At the bottom there was a simple dash then right next to it read his name, Spencer. With no titles or anything else written.
The simplicity of his name written sloppy in pen ink made you want to clutch it to your heart in disbelief. The book already was too much, to big a gesture for what was supposed to just be fucking in the library while saying clever things. You wondered if he had thought this through, thinking that by the state of how it was written it was done impulsively without thought. Though you hoped that was just how he always wrote, it would be another small slice of information of who he truly was.
In reality who knows what he was thinking, a mask was still firmly over his face in front of you. It may have had cracks that gave you glimpses at the man underneath, but it would be a lie to say you even knew the slightest bit about him beyond his name. There were some dots you could connect that may lead to somewhere or nowhere. You didn’t even know what his job was, so you weren’t going to pretend that you could properly analyze his handwriting. He could even be lying about every piece of information given thus far, only using it to pull you in quicker by the spider’s silk he was potentially spinning.
All that was still locked up there in his mind, not unlike when Jekyll locked himself up in his laboratory. You only hoped this phone number signaled that he may be willing to open up his mind to you, even with the serum that could turn him into something dark. He could shut you out, insisting that what he had done was a mistake, then sealing the cracks in his mask closed. But, you were too curious for your own good, you wanted to shatter the mask, to pull away the shroud of mystery, to tell you about the monsters lurking. All you had to do was call him, and maybe he’d let the monsters free.
Part One, Part Two
Ask Me Anything
Tag lists (fill this out to join): Strike through means tumblr won’t let me tag you
All works: @shotarosleftpinky @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @s1utformgg @boxofsparklingmuses @takeyourleap-of-faith All MGG characters: @muffin-cup @willowrose99 @princesssmooshie @peterpanouat @anaagraceeberr @ashcakes1918 @reid-me-a-story Spencer Reid/CM: @calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss @slutforthegubes @onlyhereforthefanfics @jareauswifey @princesssmooshie @peterpanouat Dom!Spencer: @rainsong01 @evlfknb @jakobsdump @princesssmooshie @peterpanouat Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde: @rainsong01 @dreatine @secretpickleprofessordean @evlfknb
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wonderwomanfantasy · 3 years
Sero NSFW alphabet
I can write sero smut... as a treat. 
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He treats you like a god once he’s done with you. He’s a big fan of after sex massages. Sero also likes to smoke a little after sex but that usually leads to one of you getting horny and having sex again so like/ not really after sex more like mid sex. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He’s got such a nice jaw and he knows it. Please kiss his jaw and chin he will get so riled up. 
Sero likes your back, it’s got such a nice shape to it and he loves the little moles and freckles on your back. He spends a lot of time touching your back when you too cuddle/ looking at it while he rails you from behind
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
his cum is so fucking thick for no reason. He can’t really do cum shots because it’s too god damn heavy to fly off. it’s also like, sweet? not like a lot just a little sweeter than average, it makes going down on him bearable. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He takes so many practice nudes, Like he is so concerned you won’t like his dick pics so he takes a thousand and only sends you the best ones. this also leads to posing after he gets out of the shower. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I mean he’s had sex before but probably only one or two partners, its a bit of a learning experience for both of you. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
It changes day to day tbh on the one hand he likes fucking you from behind where you’re laying down, but he also likes it when he tapes your legs above you're head and he fucks you that way but also also he loves it when you ride him - or when He fucks you while spooning gah theirs just too many to chose from. for the most part though he likes positions where he gets to touch you and look at you as much as possible. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
...if you read kinktober day 31 you know what i think. Yeah he’s an absolute CLOWN do not trust this boy he will start humming the wee theme song in the middle of blowing your back out. He loves to see you laugh so he might fuck around and start tickling you while he’s eating you ot or something.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
This boy has a full on bush he is so fucking hairy. he has a thick treasure trail starting at his belly button and leading to his pubes wich are a mess tbh. he keeps it clean but like unless you ask him to trim he won’t think to do it. a lot of chest on his chest and his under arms too
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Like I said most of the time he’s a goof but hear me out- after like a glass of wine he gets so romantic. Please imagine tipsy Sero whispering soft praise in your ear and calling you pet names in Spanish while he kisses your neck and fingers you. 
something to think about idk
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
not often tbh, really only when you’re not around to do it for him but most of the time he’s patient enough to wait for you to be in the mood too. but if you ask he will send you a video of him putting, all those practice nudes pay off. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
food play- That one ask really did something for me AnYwAys. He liked feeding his partner, it really turns him on and he loves it when he gets to eat off of you, and he generally has an oral fixation and this feeds you. 
praise- please he is so soft, he loves to worship your body and tell you how gorgeous he thinks you look when he’s fucking you and he will go feral if you give him some of that energy back he loves it when you praise him
cum play- uhm. hmm, how to phrase this. He likes to cum in you and when he pulls out push the cum back in with his fingers until it’s all soaked up same if he came in your mouth
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
shower/ bath sex babie. He loves the feeling of water around you and it’s also super hot when both of you are sweaty/ dirty he really gets off on that. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
when you're clingy. he feels his soul assend to a higher plain of being when you needy and crawl into his lap to hug him. Of course if you’re not feeling it he can be a gentleman and keep his hands to himself but if you want to be even closer with him...
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
piss. Idk he just thinks it’s gross
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
you are his fucking world and his face is your throne please watterboard him he loves to give head you are just so yummy he can’t get enough of you. 
he likes getting head as much as the next guy but it’s really an after thought to absolutely devouring you and making your legs shake. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He likes to go slow and take his time unraveling you. His strokes are long and deep. it’s almost torture that he won’t speed up unless you beg him. Sero takes his sweet time building you up, and you hate it.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
pretty indifferent tbh. He likes them fine and he enjoys the risk of doing it in some place public but he’d prefer to fuck you properly some where he can take his time with you
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
meh he knows what a he likes so he can be a little hesitant to try something new but he’ll usually bend to your will and try something for you. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
pretty average, he can go for a while with out busting but after he cums he gets pretty tired quickly and needs a break in between rounds
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
like I said earlier he loves to tie you up and use his tape on you and he’s a pretty big fan of other toys too like vibrators and nipple clamps, anything to get you worked up really. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
mmm not really a tease in his actions but in his words. He likes to pick on you a little bit to get a laugh or make you beg if you really want something but he’s usually not the type to withhold pleasure, unless you’ve been really bad.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He is quiet but he talks a lot. Sero likes to moan in your ear softly, He’ll praise you and tell you how pretty you look right now and whisper how much he loves you but it’s all easily drowed out by the noises you make which he lives to hear. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
I didn’t have anywhere else to put this but he is a big Service top / Pleasure dom. He’s not really mean to you and he will do just about anything you want him too but he sure as hell is in charge and he reminds you of that fact by overstimulating you until you’re crying and can’t take anymore. 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
hee hee he’s got a big cock. I know it I know it’s big. hmm no thoughts just sero’s big cock. uhm anyways like pretty nice it’s long and thick with some pretty purple veins and a slight left curve to it
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
I mean. it’s healthy but not as high as say Kaminiari’s sex drive. little things get him worked up and that tends to build until it’s too much to take
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He will stay awake long enough to take care of you but he likes to cuddle pretty soon afterwards. 
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zellerysworld · 3 years
hii! can I request levihan headcanons? loved the vets trio one,, thank youu♥️
Levihan Headcanons
[A/n: Hi, Thank you for being my first requester! I’m a huge fan of Levihan myself and I’m drafting a fanfiction for them. I really hope you like my headcanons about the ship! Thank you :) ]
If you’d like to see more of my content, my inbox is open for fanfic commissions and headcanon commissions. I love taking request so request whatever you’d like!
Contains Sexual themes.
Pictures not edited by me. Credit to the owners.
Levi Ackerman
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Levi fucking a d o r e s Hanji.
Like he sits there and calls her names like shitty glasses and four eyes, but in reality he is screaming on the inside because he loves her eyes.
One time she didn’t wear her glasses at night and ran into a door. Levi showed his soft side for like 5 minutes because he actually got scared she hurt her head when she was just laughing about it
Usually when in public and she hurts herself, he acts unfazed. But in private he turns into a little mom-
But 9/10 when she actually does something stupid as fuck he seriously isn’t fazed anymore
When they take showers together, he really likes to wash her hair. He claims it’s satisfying because her hair is so soft.
Levi and her don’t sleep together much because they are always super busy, but when they do, Levi is a l w a y s the little spoon
But that’s okay because hange doesn’t mind being big spoon
One day he told her if she didn’t brush her teeth then he would never kiss her again and she got really upsetti spaghetti
But she did it anyways-
These guys FUCK LIKE RABBITS- like when I say they don’t stop; they just d o n t.
Like for some reason when they are together, it can go on for ages and they both still have fun
I mean yes they climax multiple times but these dudes just l o v e to fuck on another level that’s seriously scary
Levi lives for the fact Hanji is a switch-
One time Hanji slipped some weak whiskey into his tea, and Levi didn’t notice because he was too tired. He ended up plastered because he’s such a lightweight and she had to take care of him for the rest of the night
When they both get a day off together, they like to go for walks.
Hanji talks about Titans the entire time and Levi just sighs and listens
He doesn’t have much to talk about so he enjoys listening to her ramble forever.
Levi really appreciates the fact that Hanji is super intelligent. He himself isn’t too academically smart so being with someone who is that way is very refreshing to him.
He actually never dated anyone until meeting Hanji
Sometimes he fantasizes about marrying her to help him fall asleep/deal with his insomnia
When he sleeps with her, he sleeps like a rock and doesn’t get nightmares
He has definitely been cradled before by Hanji from having PTSD attacks
Hanji tries to make him tea but it never comes out good.
He still drinks it and pretends it’s the best tea he’s ever had-
But usually they are dead honest with each other. Hurting each other’s feelings in nearly impossible because they are both super sarcastic
Now that I think about it, their flirting would be through sarcasm
Loves to dance with Hanji to Classical music.
Levi relies on Hanji to spill tea about the drama going on with the kids in the survey corps
It’s literally how he knows everything about them- I mean yes he’s very intelligent in the matter of reading people but he’s a captain, he’s too busy to focus on them 24/7
But Hanji happens to figure out everything and blabber it all to him so it’s a win/win situation-
Hanji Zoë
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Dear god does Hanji love this man
She thinks she started to fall for him when he walked away from her when she started to talk about Titans.
Why that of all things? Apparently to her that meant she got to “chase her prey”
I mean Hanji is slightly insane so it makes sense to me
anYWHO- Hanji has been through really bad relationships in her past so she was scared of falling for Levi
But Levi treats her really well in bed and out ;)
She actually trusts Levi more than anyone
Hanji really likes to message his hands for some reason
She claims they are soft like baby hands
Levi gets really annoyed when she says that-
One time she brought Levi breakfast in bed on his first day off in over a month and it made him almost cry
Like he was so happy that she did that-
Hanji is actually bad at cooking but she tries super hard. Levi knows this so he eats her food no matter how bad the taste is
Honestly they were a match made in heaven because of the fact he grew up in the underground so therefore he can stomach anything and everything with an unphased look. Including hanjis food
She has fantasized about Levi being a Titan shifter and wOW
Some nights Hanji cries because she constantly thinks and overthinks things like if Levi gets eaten
But Levi always finds her when she does cry (she goes and hides in a secret place like a closet) and holds her
So yes, he has held a crying Hanji in his lap while sitting in a closet
She tries to hide when she cries because she thinks if Levi sees she has a weak side then he won’t love her anymore like her ex’s did
Poor baby 🥺
But Levi comforts her nonetheless because of the times she has been there to comfort him
Her favorite drink is when Levi makes her Tea and puts a spoonful of honey in it.
There was a time when they both got sick and they had to take care of each other
When on her period and cramps are worse than usual, she forces Levi to carry her around like a kid
Levi goes out to the market and tries to find carrot cake for her before she even ask for it because he knows exactly what she likes.
As a prank she bought Levi the most expensive and nicest of cleaning supplies for his birthday...
But he didn’t think it was a prank and actually loved the gift-
She ended up pretending that it wasn’t a prank and saving his actual gift for some other time
Has a tiny plant growing in her office that she named after him
Levi doesn’t like that she named her plant after him and gets frustrated about it
So instead she pokes jabs at his name by calling the plant tiny-
Everytime they brawl/train together, after a few minutes of going back and forth she does some dirty trick to make him lose attention and it works
Hanji usually ends up on top but he’s starting to get used to her tricks now
But it always ends with them having a massive make out session so-
She actually taught Levi how to slow dance
Okay that’s all. I hope you liked it!
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huihuiheart · 4 years
Kinktober D11: Limitless - Wonwoo
Pairing: Wonwoo x Female Reader - Friends to Lovers/Mutual Pinning
Warnings: Overstimulation, mild dom and sub themes, kinda playfully competitive? should this even be a warning?, oral (f! receiving), fingering, mentions of partying and being drunk, a little angst?, cursing, floor sex?, 
Word Count: 1,547
Tag List: @hyunsungcore 
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How your boredom had gotten desperate enough to lead to truth or dare you weren’t sure. You prayed that it would at least lead to something more interesting happening though, especially when the more scandalous topics started to make an appearance. You had your eyes set on Wonwoo if something were to happen too. It is no secret among the group that you found him the most attractive in that way, even suggesting that you two date if you both were so attracted to each other. Honestly, neither of you was opposed to the idea, it was simply that if things didn’t end on the best of terms the whole situation might end up awkward. So things stayed as they were, you both constantly joking around about the day when one of you would actually ask the other out on a date instead of pushing both your feelings off any longer. Times like these though sprouted feelings of another kind, evoking a craving to have his honeyed skin against yours behind closed doors completely enveloped in each other. Your attention snapping away from Wonwoo when it’s your turn to be asked something.
“So Y/N...truth or dare?” Junhui questions and from the grin playing on his face you know that no matter your choice it’ll likely be something dirty that comes out of his mouth next.
“Hm since I’ve done quite a few dares, let’s go with truth.” You respond casually leaning back on your palms from your seat on the floor, it’s not like your sex life was a huge secret from most of the boys anyways. You’d been drunk and partying around them enough times that it would have slipped one way or another.
“Okay. What’s the highest number of times you can cum in one go before you have to tap out?... I’m gonna guess two.” Junhui smirks thinking he put you on the spot with that question and that he’ll get something to tease you about.
You roll your eyes and scoff, “Please Junhui. I’ve never found my limit, but the most someone has given me at this point is four. Then he was done.”
You feel smug as a chorus of ‘Oos’ sound through the boys, feeling almost as if you defeated Junhui at his own game. Though little did you know that he already had a plan brewing, one that involved using your weakness against you...Wonwoo. The game flowed as usual until it got later.
“Alright, guys, last one. Wonwoo truth or dare?” Junhui asks, turning to the man holding your attention.
“Let’s end on something entertaining.....give me a dare.” Wonwoo shrugs, licking his lips and waiting for whatever the older could conjure up.
“I dare you to try and figure out Y/N’s limit when it comes to orgasms.” Junhui smirks looking between you two as your jaw drops, Wonwoo’s eyes practically undressing you already, “Don’t worry we’ll leave you two be now though....have fun.” 
Junhui gives you a cheeky wink as he ushers the other guys out, the rowdy bunch jesting and laughing about the last dare. Everyone knowing Junhui had done it to get back at you, but that you two wouldn’t have any qualms about it with your feelings for each other. Especially not when you had both been eye-fucking practically the entire game. Wonwoo turning to you as you both hear the door clicking shut.
“So?..... You actually want to?” Wonwoo cautiously questions watching you closely for your reaction.
You roll your eyes with a playful smile as you crawl a little closer, not intending to be seductive, but having that effect as Wonwoo gets a view of your chest while you do. 
“You already know the answer to that Woo...I’m just not sure if it’s a good idea. You and I both know that if we go down that road there’s not gonna be any coming back. We’re practically addicted to each other as is and that’s with us trying to avoid it.” You sigh plopping back down onto your ass beside him, “It’d be a fucking fantastic experience though, we’ve got the chemistry.” 
Wonwoo huffs out a chuckle as he thinks about what you said before finally looking you in the eyes, “You know what.....screw it. I’m done dancing around this any longer.”
The next moment his lips are on yours scorching with passion and lust as your lips move in blissful harmony. No longer having to wait on your desire as you both decided to finally take what you’d both desperately wanted for nearly an eternity now. Wonwoo shifting to nestle between the plush of your thighs, arms working to gently lay you back onto the rug you’d been sitting on. 
“I know it’s not the most romantic, but I figured we’ve both waited long enough at this point that it shouldn’t much matter.” Wonwoo’s chest rumbles as he laughs breathlessly, littering little lingering kisses in a trail down your throat only to become fed up when your shirt stops his progress. You raise up onto your elbows to help him slip the material off, your bra only lasting a second longer.
“You’re right it doesn’t.....though I do believe you had a little dare to complete tonight as well.” You muse though you couldn’t care less, as long as you were finally getting him tonight you’d be content with whatever. 
“Oh don’t think I forgot about that for a fucking second love...I’m gonna put you through quite a bit tonight. There’s so much I want to try after all.” Wonwoo smirks nipping at your pert nipple, teeth tugging on it slightly before kissing over to do the same to the other one, humming softly against your breasts, “ What would you like first though? My mouth? Or my fingers?”
“Mm well your mouth has seemed rather nice everywhere else, why don’t you show me what it can do down there?” You purr seductively, your hips lifting to help his hands work your shorts and panties off. Wonwoo nudging your thighs open to finally get eyes on your glistening center, slipping his own shirt off before laying down on his front between your legs to get a closer look. His fingertips dance up your thighs until they reach between them, thumbs spreading your lower lips to him, blowing lightly against your core, and watching as you clench around nothing.
“Look at that pretty pink pussy, so eager for me. Were you this desperate for the man who could only make you cum four times love?” Wonwoo inquires tongue rolling out to lay a long lick up through your folds as his fingers keep them spread for him, ending with a quick flick of the tip of it over your clit. 
“F-Fuck no! I wanted to think of you while he fucked me, but the whole time I knew you’d be able to do so much better.” You mewl, back arching a little as you try to press your hips towards him with little success. 
“Damn right I will love...I’m going to treat you like you fucking deserve.” Wonwoo’s growling against your entrance before he delves in with fervor. Content enough with your words to try and send your hurtling towards your climax as quickly as he can. Getting exactly what he was hoping to achieve as he has to pin your wiggling hips to keep you from squirming away from the pleasure he was selflessly giving, one particularly hard suck to your clit being what finally caused the cord to snap, blinding you with waves of searing hot pleasure tingling through your nerves in a rush. Wonwoo eases you down through it by slowly moving his pace to gently laps, before he slowly builds the speed again watching you closely for any signs that he was moving too quickly. His actions easing you through the slight sting of overstimulation and into bubbling bliss once again. Kissing up to your clit to ease a finger in, gracing you with something more despite the fact that his movements were somewhat languid even upon adding a second finger. His attention is still on your clit in his mouth, at least until he curls his fingers against that spot that has your pussy clenching around him a particularly loud cry of his name leaving your mouth. Him having a newfound vigor once he knows what makes you feel especially good, his pace relentless against that spot, sending a new splattering of spots dancing across your vision with each curl of them. Your nails find purchase on his shoulders as you grip them tightly to ground yourself, thighs trembling around his head. Until you're crashing over the edge again, surrounded in a cloudy haze due to the intensity. Blinking back to reality you watch Wonwoo suck each finger clean of your juices, before working on his pants the material getting far too restricting by now. 
Panting you watch with hooded eyes licking your lips, “Can’t you just fuck me now...or are you afraid you’ll cum before you can get two out of me?” 
Wonwoo chuckles a little knowing your teasing is playful, before returning it as he crawls over your form leaving a small peck to your lips nipping at the bottom with a low growl.
 “Oh, love....we’re just getting started.”
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mortedeveles · 4 years
BEAST. [Halloween Week] [P.1]
Summary: Throughout the years you’ve known Bakugou Katsuki, he’s never celebrated Halloween with you. This year seems to be an exception, and you’re not sure if it’s a good or bad thing. One day at a scare house unravels the secrets of the friend you’ve been pining after for months, and you experience horror and fear like never before. 
Pairing: Werewolf! Bakugou Katsuki x fem!reader
Themes: Horror, teens pining after each other jhdjhsd, fantasy!au [ONE-SHOT] [HALLOWEEN WEEK]
TW (PLEASE RED): Jumpscares, body gore, werewolves, graphic violence, cursing.
Word Count: 3.2K (aprox 3,265 words) 
A/N: i had such a hard time coming up with the title DEBWEBKAW!! You might’ve noticed I was scheduled to post about All Might, not Bakugou, but I’ve been having a hard time writing for All Might so I decided to write Bakubitch. and i just whipped this up today, so hopefully it’s okay ;;
This is PART 1!! WILL BE RELEASING PART 2 (and final) TOMORROW (or in 2 days)! If anyone’s interested in P2, lmk to make a taglist! 
This fic is part of HALLOWEEN WEEK, which you can check out HERE! Please support the event <3 please check out my other HALLOWEEN WEEK FIC (todoroki shouto) which is LINKED at the END of THIS FIC!
If you enjoy, please leave a REBLOG, COMMENT, LIKE AND/OR FOLLOW!! REBLOG > LIKE 
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Bakugou hates Halloween.
It's not the holiday he exactly hates, not at all. Although he won't admit it, the laughter of children around the corner, the ''spooky'' decorations and the hint in the air of new fall spices humors him. It's still a somewhat foreign- Western concept to him, but it doesn’t bother him, so he thinks it’s alright.
What he hates, is how you're so insistent on going trick-or-treating on Halloween. Every goddamn year, you're trying to convince him with those sweet, pleading eyes of yours, your pouty lips, and sad little voice. And there's been several times you almost win him over, but he has to put his foot down. 
Halloween is the bane of his existence, the only day he loses control of his body. Bakugou spends it sitting in a cold, musty dungeon, held down by chains. 
Sometimes, he'll briefly remember you, and that you're probably out in a cute, skimpy outfit, smiling and bouncing with other guys. It makes his blood boil. 
But it's the way it is, even if it leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. He would rather put your safety and keeping his secret over enjoying the holiday outdoors, with you. 
And this year, just like the rest, was no different. Right after the school bell rang, and the students began to shuffle out of the U.A. academy, you walked up to him.
''Bakugou!'' your quiet but determined tone reached his ears. On any other occasion, he would've basked in it. But it was October 31st, which meant that you came to attempt to convince him to spend Halloween with you.
''Yes, Y/N?'' He grumbled. You smiled as the two of you walked out of the school hallways and onto the entrance.
''I was wondering...'' you twiddled with your skirt. ''Do you want to go trick or treating with me?'' As soon as he opened his mouth to protest, you stopped in your tracks and pressed your hand on his chest. 
''-And before you say no, hear me out! It's a scary house, we can go at five pm, we'll spend an hour or two there and then you're back at your house, just in time for your bedtime! God knows you appreciate your sleep,'' you snorted, shaking your head in amusement. 
Bakugou groaned. He gently pushed off your hand, shaking his head and walking straight ahead. You whined in annoyance and trailed after him.
''C'mon, Baku!'' you tugged at his shirt sleeve. ''Please come with me. I'm... I'm having some problems with my friends, and...'' he slowed down at the sudden bitter tone in your voice. 
''They’re going to ditch me on Halloween, and now I don't have anyone to hang out with. You know how things are with my family, and I'd...I'd really appreciate it if you could hang out with me, even if it's for a while.''
The way you lower your head makes his heart ache with pain. Bakugou knows you don't have an idea, but you've got his heart and soul around your finger, bound and desperate to make you happy.
He lets out a quiet sigh, before shoving his hands into his pockets. ''Tch. Fine, I'll go with you to this shitty house, or whatever.''
His heart leaped at the way your manner changed in a blink of an eye. The loneliness in your eyes was swept away and you smiled widely, leaping forward and wrapping him in a tight hug.
The blond barely had time to react, letting out a surprised oof! before being smothered by your hug.
''Thank you, thank you!'' You nearly wagged your nonexistent tail in excitement. The way you beamed at him made his face warm, even though he knew the rest of his departing classmates were staring at him. Frankly, if this was what it took to make you smile, he'd do it all over again.
''Whatever...'' he growled. Bakugou glanced at the sky. It was light blue, with little to no clouds. The moon was out of sight. For now, he thought bitterly.
''Just promise me something.'' You raised your eyebrows expectantly. 
''We have to return before eight o'clock, nine at most. You hear me?''
You shot him a toothy grin that made his heart stutter. ''Sure thing!'
                             ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You're not entirely sure how you managed to convince Bakugou- but you sure as hell won't question it. If you do, you might risk him not going at all. And that would just be the cherry on top of your melancholic week, the trigger that would make you fall apart and burst into tears.
But for now, you tucked those feelings into a corner. The Halloween costume you were going to wear was a top priority. Shifting through your small closet, your eyes drifted back and forth. Money had been tight this year, and you weren't sure what to wear as a decent Halloween costume. Buying a costume was out of the question.
When your eyes settled on a gothic dress, a grin spread on your face. It was a blood-red and black lace, with three-fourths sleeve and beautiful designs. It had a blood-red ribbon around the waist and reached around your mid-thigh. 
''Perfect,'' you whispered with a wide grin. In a matter of a few hours, you texted Bakugou the location of the spooky house, showered, dressed, slipped on a pair of black flats, and did your makeup. Since the dress was gothic looking, you decided to dress as a vampire.
All you had to do was do some simple makeup, apply some fake blood- which you learned to do last year, and buy a pair of fake fangs on your way to the scary house. And if you were lucky, buy a cheap but nice looking black cloak.
Even though you told yourself to not think about it, you couldn't help but wonder what made Bakugou change his mind this year. Although the two of you had been friends since meeting during your first year at U.A. Academy, he had always opted out of Halloween. 
The fleeting and conflicted thoughts swarmed your mind as you walked out of the local store, having bought the fake fangs and cloak. With them, your costume was complete.
Feeling happy and confident with yourself, you arrived at the spooky house in a matter of minutes. You noticed that your neighborhood was long behind you, and the house was in an abandoned area. It was the only house. Other than that, there was a road and on the other side, a huge, dark forest that made you shiver. 
The spooky house was tall, with three floors, creaky and old wood, and a wide yard. Tall weeds and dead plants surrounded the house. The house was painted a dirty grey, with cobwebs in the corners and an empty swing creaking on the doorstep entrance. The house had gates surrounding it, easily double your height. 
''Oi, fangs,'' Bakugou's gruff voice pulled you away from examining the house. You glanced at your left, and there he was, leaning on the house’s black gates.
The blonde stood a few feet away from you, wearing a simple black tee-shirt and jeans. And yet, he looked irresistibly good. 
''He....'' you swallowed nervously. You had to keep your feelings down. ''Hey.'' 
Bakugou nodded in acknowledgment, and the two of you lingered in front of the house. The gates’ paint was chipped, and the two gate doors were slightly open, but something held you back from entering. Why weren’t there any other people?
''So... this the place or what? It looks too fucking shady for a spook house.'' He snorted, and you couldn't help but agree with his statement, even if you didn't voice it out.
''Yeah...'' seeing him in an informal outfit had left you breathless. ''Yeah, this is the house. Let's go in.'' And without further ado, you pushed the gates open. They creaked loudly and you grimaced.
The two of you walked side to side in silence, shoulders slightly brushing against each other. When you reached the doorstep, you craned your neck and peeked on the window at the right. It was musty and covered in dust, but you caught a movement or two. You weren’t sure if it was comforting.
''Well...'' you breathed shakily. ''Here we go.'' 
There was no one inside. The house was barren, with grey walls and a banner on one of them with the bold words; “WELCOME!’’
You didn’t see any actors or customers. It was unsettling. Slowly, the two of you stepped inside the house, tensing as the wooden floor creaked beneath your feet.
The house was too eery. Even though the website said that once you stepped inside, no one would be there, you couldn’t help but feel that neither of you was supposed to be there.
As soon as the two of you were completely inside the house, the front door slammed behind you. You jumped, and Bakugou flinched. The two of you glanced back at the door and then at each other.
‘’You better fucking hope this is the right house,’’ the blond grumbled. ‘’Or we’re in serious trouble.’’
You decided to remain silent. The two of you surveyed the room; all of the doors were closed and upon further inspection, locked. It was dimly lit with one small, flicker lightbulb.
''Bakugou...'' you whispered, clinging onto his arm. ''Are you scared?''
He snorted. ''Of course not. Knowing how these cheap-ass places work, they’re probably going to scare us from behind or something.'' 
You heard a ball drop on the floor. It came from behind, rolled to your feet, and you flinched.
''I don’t think we should-'' you couldn't even finish your sentence, as the floor beneath you two disappeared. A scream ripped from your lips as Bakugou and you fell into complete darkness.
''Fucking hell!'' The blonde shouted. You gripped his hand and his free arm moved wildly, desperate to grab hold onto something. 
''Hooly shiit!'' You screamed. The wind howled briefly in your ears and a few seconds, you stopped falling. With a loud thump, the two of you fell on a soft surface. It was still dark, and you could barely see a thing. Then a few torches lighted up on the walls, and you strained your eyes to adjust to your surroundings. 
''Jesus fucking christ...'' Bakugou rose from the ground, and it seemed that the two of you had landed on a black, wide cushion. He patted down his clothes and scowled.
''Where the fuck did you find this house, Y/N?''
You smiled sheepishly and rose from the cushion. ‘’Google?’’
He sighed in disapproval. ''Whatever. Hurry up, I don't want us to take long.''
You nodded and followed him. It seemed that you had fallen to an underground passage of sorts. The walls were rocky and cold, a rocky wall behind you blocked passage south and there was an empty trail ahead of you. Torches were on the walls, but they weren't enough to light the entire way. Farther than ten feet away, it was dark. You weren't sure if the path continued or not.
''C'mon,'' Bakugou began speed walking away and you had to jog to catch up with him.
‘’Hey!’’ You protested. ‘’Slow down!’’ With a grunt, he reluctantly slowed down. Just as Bakugou and you reached the end of the trail lighted by torches, he walked towards the wall and plucked one off the wall. 
He gripped your hand and surged forward. You followed after, feeling your face erupt with warmth at his bold actions. On the other hand, he didn’t even flinch, and you wondered what the hell was he thinking.
It seemed that the trail continued forward. The torch lit the way, and it seemed that the path narrowed the farther you walked. There was an uncomfortable and questionable silence between the two of you, mainly because of your hand-holding. Katsuki was one of your closest friends, and although he had been your crush for months, there hadn’t been any noticeable changes or romantic insinuations.
After a while, he cleared his throat. ‘’It’s so… we don’t get lost. I don’t want to have to find your dumbass if you get lost.’’ He grumbled.
You smiled. ‘’Okay, Bakugou.’’ 
Every once in awhile, you’d hear a scream or a roar that did not sound human. You’d flinch and cling onto Bakugou, but nothing ever happened.
It felt like hours passed by until you reached the end of the path. Or at least, what seemed to be the exit. The trail had been narrowing until the two of you could barely fit, shoulders, and hips brushing against each other constantly. It was safe to say your face was hotter than a teapot.
‘’I don’t think we’ll need this anymore,’’ Katsuki released the torch and placed it on one of the wall’s torch handles.
There was a white, wooden door ahead. 
‘’Do you think this is the exit?’’ You murmured. Bakugou shrugged. He pushed you behind him, and slowly opened the doorknob, kicking it open once it clicked.
‘’Who’s there?’’ He snapped and placed one foot inside, moving the torch and attempting to observe his surroundings. You trailed behind him, hand still in his.
After hearing and seeing nothing, the blonde grumbled. He pulled you forward and the two of you stepped into the room. This time, it looked similar to the design of the house’s first room. 
There were two old and ripped couches, a TV that was turned on, emitting static and disturbing noises. The lightbulb flickered. At the farthest and opposite wall of the room, there was another door.
The two of you slowly stepped forward, glancing from side to side. As you passed by the first couch, something wrapped around your ankle and you screamed. Just as fast as it seized you, it slithered away. Bakugou whupped around, and the two of you raced towards the door. Just as your hand wrapped around the doorknob, you heard a gut-wrenching scream behind you.
‘’Shit!” Both of you shouted in surprise.
A low groan echoed in the room, and Bakugou gripped your arm and swung the door open. The banshee was gone, and the two of you raced inside. As soon as you were inside, you realized too late that it was a tight hallway. Quickly, the two of you raced forward, and you yelped when you felt hands, hundreds of them, grab desperately at your clothes. None of them pulled you back, but it was enough to make you scream in terror.
Bakugou tightened his grip on your hand and before you knew it, you saw light ahead of you. The two of you raced forward, only to freeze when you saw a body hanging from the ceiling. It resembled a young boy, with his eyes gouged out, his stomach ripped open. You hoped the guts that spilled from his body were fake. Dried blood stained the floor. With trembling legs, you followed Bakugou, who was leading the way, even though you noticed he was frightened as well. 
Besides the dummy, there was nothing else in the room. Instead of a door, there was a wide hole, and you could see a rope from the other side. The exit.
‘’Is-is it fake?’’ You couldn’t help the tremble in your voice.
‘’Yeah, it is.’’ But even Bakugou sounded uncertain of himself. 
Slowly, the two of you stepped forward, walking around the body. As you were halfway towards the exit, a roar echoed and the floor ripped open in the middle. A monster crawled out of the floor, and Bakugou and you raced towards the exit. He pushed you out first, and you wildly grabbed the rope, even as it scratched at your hands as you slid downwards.
Bakugou followed suit and the two of you landed on soft grass, panting heavily. You had escaped in time. It seemed that you had finally reached the exit of the spooky house. There was a tall, towering forest surrounding you. Trees swayed and crickets chirped. The sky was already dark, and you could see the moon slowly setting in the sky.
Slowly, the two of you rose from the grass. 
‘’Oh god…’’ you mumbled. ‘’I’m never going to a scare house again.’’ As you regained your breath and muttered about how frightening it was, you noticed that Bakugou was eerily silent. His back was turned to you. 
''Y/N...'' Bakugou's voice was oddly strained. You frowned and glanced at him. He slowly turned around. Veins were popping on his forehead, and he was digging his nails into his palm. Why was he acting so strange?
''What time is it?'' 
With a frown, you fished out your phone from the cloak and turned it on. The screen read 10 PM.
''Um...'' you froze. Nine o'clock at most. You hear me? Bakugou's previous words echoed in your head. Oh god, he was upset that it'd taken too long and would never hang out with you again-
''Y/N!'' He barked. You staggered backward as Bakugou dropped on the floor, curling into a fetal position with a low groan. The more he groaned, the less he sounded like himself, and sounded more... inhumane. His pained groans shifted between growls and whines.
''Go away. Go home, Y/N. Get the fuck away from me.'' The blonde managed to rise on his feet for a few seconds and spat out the words, before tumbling to the ground again. 
''What?'' Disobeying his wishes, you stepped closer to him. ‘’No. You're clearly not feeling well. C'mon, grab onto my shoulder, and I'll take you to the nearest hospital.''
''NO!'' He flinched when you grabbed him and stepped away.
You frowned, feeling your heart sting at his actions. ''What is going on with you Bakugou? Stop being so prideful for a second, and let me help you!''
He opened his mouth to respond, and with a gasp, you noticed there was something wrong. 
He had fangs.
Not the type that you were wearing, transparent and cheap-looking, fake fangs. No, the fangs that sprouted on both his canines were sharp, large, and gleamed dangerously. Your heart stopped for a second.
''Ba...ku....gou...'' With wobbly knees, you took a step backward. His eyes gleamed with frustration and panic, and just as he reached out for you, a sharp howl pierced the wind.
Both of you glanced at the sky, and you felt your hands tremble as the full moon stared back at you.
‘’No.’’ Bakugou whispered. He stared at his hands in disbelief, before falling to his knees. He groaned loudly, gripping at his head.
‘’Are you feeling okay? Let me help you-,’’ He pushed your hand away and growled. 
‘’Go home, Y/N! Get the fuck away from me. You’re in danger. GO!’’ 
You were startled to hear bones cracking and popping from Bakugou. What was going on? Was he hurt? Why did he want you to go?
‘’Wha-,’’ Before you could complete your sentence, you watched in horror as your friend rose and became a beast. His spine grew, his arms and legs were covered in fur as claws sprout from his nails. Bakugou’s jaw elongated, the fangs you had previously seen only grew longer and his eyes became a near pitch-black, void of any human soul.
You fell on the ground from the shock, feeling your heart stutter in fear and knees tremble.
''What- what are you?''
The beast you called your friend growled in response. 
A werewolf. Your friend, Bakugou Katsuki, was a werewolf. And the fact couldn't terrify you any more than it already did.
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If you’re interested in P2; send me an ask/DM!
Taglist: @sandwichez01​ @ur-local-simp​
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tipsydipsydo · 4 years
The members having a crush on you! [their indecent thoughts🔞]
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Hey my Dears💜
Here we go again into the second round of the "When the Members have a crush on you!"-Scenario(s)!
It's not necessary but still useful to read the first part of the scenario to understand some "connections" (it's kinda a little storyline for each invidual member I'd say? 😂😅)
The link to the first scenario could be found here! [It's gender neutral so everyone can read it!] 💚
This part about their dirty thoughts is in general the same scenario just customized for the specific gender of the reader 🤗💕 (quick reminder: this here is for female readers!😂💗)
The scenario for the male reader could be found here! 
My Imagines!
My Masterlist!
Then... I don't have anything to say anymore so let's go!
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「© tipsydipsydo」
These following headcanons are my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.
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the reason why Jin is suddenly so shy to you is...
...that with his increasing romantic feelings for you, others... certain feelings and thoughts enters his mind too
thoughts that makes him feel drawn to you and not just for hugs and cuddles ...
...these indecent thoughts that you shouldn't have about a very close friend.
how your body could look like under your tight-fitting clothes
what kind of underwear covers your beautiful breasts and your perfectly round ass
Jin hardly dares to think about how you could look in lace lingerie otherwise he would have a problem
...in his crotch.
Cooking with you is such a challenge for him sometimes
when he gives you a spoonful of dessert so you can taste if it needs a little more sugar
and you lead it between your soft lips, lick very carefully all of the dessert from the spoon, rolling your eyes full of pleasure and moaning how delicious his dessert is.
Jin has a problem down there in no time.
And not a small one...
how can you let such sinful things come over your lips and look so innocent?!
this unintented sensual moan haunts him, doesn't wants to get out of his head.
he is terribly embarrassed when he mastubates for the first time with the thoughts of you and your sweet voice
he had never cum so quickly
you drive him completely crazy
the more dirty fantasies he has about you, the more shy he'll be around you.
Jin's Adam's apple starts bobbing nervously as you bend down to tie your shoes while sticking your butt out towards him
he would love it to put his big hands on your ass and grabbing it firmly Since then, he has been troubled by fantasies of taking you from behind and ruining your pussy, placing his hands on your soft, perfectly round buttcheeks and pulling them apart to see how well his cock goes deep into you, fills you up and elicits sweetest moans from your lips
you do all of this to him without even having the slightest idea what is behind this (from you) so-called "sweet" shyness.
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there are reasons why Yoongi advoid you and locks himself in his room/studio
he wants to choke off every opportunity where he could see you in those damn cute blouses that has sometimes (in his opinion way too often) deep cutouts
seeing the swell your breasts in the white border of your lace bra is too much for him
oh how he hates that you act like you don't know what kind of effect such an outfit has on him! (Although you really have no idea) sometimes he thinks that you only do this to annoy him and to play with his feelings
he knows that he has no chance with you anyway and that he doesn't deserves to touch such a beautiful girl
nevertheless, even with the best discipline, he cannot prevent himself from certain fantasies they're caused by unfulfilled desires arising in his head
he wants to be the one who can eat your so well that you'll push his head even further between your thighs so that his tongue can fucks you even deeper
he wants to be the one who can fingers you until you squirt and let the whole house know that it's Yoongi who let you see spheres where you have never been before he wants to be the one who can stretch your walls so damn well and in all the perfect places, who can make you think of nothing but him and his thick, perfect cock and never want to feel another person in yourself again
what frustrates him most is, that he can't even work normally.
realize that his newly produced tracks are mostly that kind of songs that he wants to be played in the background when he fucks you. they're slower than usual, with a seductive melody and his rap is deep and husky, making countless promises to you of what things he wants to do with you.
the fantasy that absolutely kills him is when you would kneel between his thighs in his studio and spoil his thick cock with your sinful lips, take him completely into your mouth and let his tip slide into your throat while looking at him with big, innocent eyes
when he's about to come, he would pull away from your lips and want to cum on your bare breasts
...deep down in his mind he wants to make a mess out of you and ruin you with his filthy desires.
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When Namjoon realizes that in addition to his romantic feelings for you he also develops certain thoughts and fantasies, he tries his best to avoid them
he is afraid to sexualize you in his fantasies
you are not just a sexual object for him,only to satisfy his desires, you are so damn much more for him!
he doesn't want you to feel uncomfortable with his, sometimes not so unobtrusive, looks at you
but how can he resist when you are so damn beautiful and everything in him feels attracted to you
he learns from Taehyung that you've read Fifty Shades of Grey you wanted to understand the hype surrounding these books
you said that while writing style and characters weren't your cup of tea, you found the topic of the book really interesting
that is: Dom/Sub-Themes and BDSM
he asked Taehyung countless of questions
if you told him other things about whether and what your preferences were
but he was silent, smirked at his leader and chuckled
"You have to ask her yourself. I'm her best friend, I can't take advantage of her trust and reveal her secrets, who do you think I am, hyung?!"
since then the abstinence of mastubation was over, countless fantasies about various kinds of play sessions with you offered him the necessary satisfaction of his needs
when you pick him up from somewhere and he sits in the car just with you, that's pure horror for Joonie
because he doesn't have a driver's license himself and doesn't trust himself to make it too, he thinks it's pretty attractive that you can handle all of this stuff
especially your focused, serious look at the road and how your hands are holding the steering wheel has somehow an attractive effect on him
instinctively he would like to slide his hand under your skirt and tease your plush pussy lips through the thin fabric of your panties
before he pushes the fabric aside with his fingers and would fingers you
turn your serious gaze into a lustful one, let your fingers grip the steering wheel even more tightly out of pure ectasy
while you have still full control and your focus on driving
he doesn't understand himself, he doesn't even want to think about developing something like a "car-driving" kink maybe it is your charisma and self-confidence that turns him on
gradually he loses faith in himself thanks to you.
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Since he knows how your current partner is treating you and they seem to give a shit about your feelings and needs in this relationship he wants to be the one who gives you the attention you deserve  
you saved money for your partner's birthday present for months and he only took a quick look at it when you give it to them
you mumble in frustration that you should've rather spend the money on yourself, preferably on new sex toys
Hobi didn't believe his ears at first and looked up at you in confusion, asked what you mean by that
"We only have sex when he feels like it. When I try to seduce them in new lingerie or even ask them if we could have sex, then they makes a dismissive gesture and is pissed off that I should go out of the direction of the TV... It's been like this for a few months since I started shopping online for sex toys out of frustration. Sometimes I really wonder if I'm addicted to sex and I'm a nymphomaniac ... it's normal to want sex two or three times in a week?"
To see you so insecure about your own needs for closeness and just normal sexual activities, so that you start wondering whether you are morbidly addicted, breaks Hobi's heart
he tells you that you are not weird at all and your sexual needs are completely normal and that your partner didn't treat you as you deserve
but unfortunately he couldn't say more, it would have been very strange between you if he had said how he would treat you if he were your partner
the following days and weeks Hobi are plagued with indecent fantasies about you, his best friend
what would he have given only to know what toys you have and how you use them on yourself
and generally, all of these things he could do to you to give you the best orgasms in the world and make you feel like a goddess
he would love to be the servant for your unpleasured desires
to be the one who gives you the feeling of being Cleopatra in Person.
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it happend accidentally and unintented that you have become a part of Jimin's erotic fantasies
he took care of his needs and jack off like usual to his favourite fantasy that always makes him cum
but not this time
it seems like it wouldn't work that day, he thought it could be stress or pressure that he just couldn't cum, no matter how long he's going to jack off and teasing the most sensitive parts of his cock
he was about to give up when you jumps right into the fantasy
now it's you who's bouncing on his cock, rolling ypur hips in the most sensual way
playing with your nipples, massaging your breasts while his hands are placed on your hips, gives your body more stability so Jimin can thrusts slow but unbelievable deep into your pussy, hitting your G-spot, let come the cutest and sexiests moans over lips
you have to support yourself on his muscular chest, whine about the different angle that makes you even more sensitive
whimper his name over and over again like a Mantra
babbling dirty things that comes into your sex-focused mind
"Oh my god, oh my- Jimin, oh god, your cock feels so good in my pussy, w-when you going to fuck me like that I'll be able to cum without touching my clit, oh fuck! Please, keep fucking me like that, that feels so good, I've never get fucked so damn good, I love your cock!"
Just the thought, those words could come over your lips makes him cum so hard and so much, that his cum is spread all over his bare, sweaty chest
he needs some minutes to calm down and to catch his breath again
then he realised what he has done
he literally fucked the shit out of you and wrecked your pussy in this fantasy and he came so freaking fast only because thinking that you're the one riding his cock
at this point he already knew it's not going to change anymore
how the heck should he behave around you, when you're coming over tonight?!
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like I said in my first post, everything started with innocent... well not so innocent dreams
at first he didn't even remember the content of his dreams
but with every time it happens, he remember more and more of his fantasies
one particular is, when you're tied down to the headboard under him, all whiny and squirming while he fucks you with slow deep thrusts, hitting that sweet spot in your body all the time
then he takes the hitachi massager next to you in his hand and press it onto your clit, watching you in pure fascination when you're about to reach your high within seconds
but then taking the vibrator away and hold his cock still in your pussy until you calmed down again
and then the game starts from the beginning...
...his boxer briefs and pyjama pants are wet and stained in the mornings, sometimes he came so much in his dreams that even the bed sheets are ruined
the boys are confused why Tae starts changing his sheets so often
but when they asked he just spat back at them that's not their business
but after some time he came to Jimin and ask him for advice how to deal with this situation and that he feels helpless and ashamed
that he has such thoughts about his best friend
and then in dreams where he can't control these fantasies and his body too
but Jimin didn't laugh, he listened patiently and carefully to Taehyung
then he tried to calm him down, that these things just happen and you can't do anything against it
Jiminie blush a little bit and then reveal his own story when it comes to indecent thoughts about a person you like (a little bit more than usual)
"I hope it doesn't sounds weird to you... but maybe you can stop the wet dreams a little bit when you... when you take care of your fantasies properly before you're going to sleep, you know?"
"You think, I should jack off to my best friend?"
"Well, we all see two miles away that you developed a crush on Y/N. That's why we're all not surprised that you wash your sheets so excessively , we're not stupid and knew pretty fast it's because of unpleasant thoughts at night."
"Wait... all of them knows about it?!"
"Yep, Tae. We all know it, but it's completely fine. We all dealed with it while puberty and when someone has a crush on somebody... well, let's say, everyone here experienced that problem too. By the way, Hobi gave me this tip to jerk off before going to bed. Maybe it'll works dor you too?"
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he's the youngest of them, that's why I think he'd be still the one who is the most badly affected by flirtatious or playful alluring outfits, dirty jokes etc.
just an example: you stay over the night in the dorm, coming in the morning into the kitchen to get a glass of water for yourself. You think everything is fine until you hear someone chokes badly behind you... poor Kookie chokes on his cornflakes because you're just standing infront of him in a top and (in his opinion) super short pyjama-shorts...
compared to the others he could get erotic thoughts pretty fast without wanting it
like really.
he's suffering and don't know at first how to deal with it
thinks having such thoughts about an other person is super rude and try to avoid them
feels like a Deja-Vu with his puberty where sexual hormones sexualize literally everything
and that's a sensitive spot for him, he's sick being always the "baby of the group" (he knows he'll always be anyway bc he's the youngest)
he wants to be seen as a mature grown up man finally, that's also why he works out so much
there are two fantasies that makes him instantly hard:
1. Imagine you riding moaning and whining his muscular thigh and whenever he flexs this thick thigh muscle, your clit grinds right over it. Your hands wandering over his defined abs and pecks, try to find a spot to support yourself, seeing your eyes full of lust and desperation, seeing this hunger for a real man like him in your eyes...
that keeps him always going when he works out and push his limits
2. this Scenario in his head kills him always: He's fucking you right into the mattress, finding all these good spots of your pussy to tease the shit out of you... plus his stamina is legendary, you'll end sobbing and crying that you can't cum anymore, that your pussy and your clit is oversensitive... the cherry in top would be, when you try to keep hold of all this pleasure and grip his flexing biceps tightly as if you're drowning and whining his name...
...what ultimately change into "Daddy"... that would gives him such an Ego-Boost, that he's your Daddy, that he's your man and not only "cute boy" anymore!
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lord-explosion-baku · 5 years
Yandere!Hawks x fem!reader
Warnings: yandere, yellow sour fruit, dark themes, semi dubious consent, swearing
A/N: I started this before Halloween and just never fucking finished it but I figured that if I got one post out, might as well follow up with another. It was a bit rushed and the smut is short because it’s my bedtime but HEY! I’m DOING things!
Your keys clanked inside the glass bowl you threw them in as you sighed and walked into your apartment, holding dirtied white heels in hand and wearing disappointment across your face. The night’s events hung heavy on your shoulders which you tried to rub away while flopping down on your living room couch, but the tension was persistent. You had decided to go out, how very unlike you, but seeing as it was Halloween and it had been ages since you’d even spoken to your friends, you had figured that it might’ve been good to at least socialize a tiny bit. They took you to a party at some venue you’d never heard of, in a neighborhood you’d never been to, and the moment the crowd of costumed drunkards swallowed your friends was the moment you knew you wouldn’t be seeing them again.
You’d been left so alone, so exposed in your short white dress you’d thrown on just to look cute, the one you thought only your friends would see before they told you about the party. A sinful angel was the joke you were going for, but your joke had grabbed the attention of a few too many people and you were left to be incredibly uncomfortable. Friendlier celebrators were too touchy, brushing up against your exposed shoulders and offering you knowing smiles, as if you and any lingering stranger shared some sort of secret. One of your secrets was that you were distressed and didn’t want anyone you didn’t know to even look at you, your heels hurt, and the beer stench wafting through the air was giving you a headache. You really had to give yourself credit for how long you stuck around even though none of your friends were there to bear witness, but now you had to pay for persevering with sore feet and the feeling of being, well, lonely.
Lonely. You snorted. How you could feel isolated after receiving, what, attention?, was laughable. It was that sort of feeling that got you glancing at your window, waiting for movement. It wasn’t all the time you’d spot him, or maybe you’d gotten used to your outside disturbances, but ninety-nine out of a hundred times you did see something, you’d immediately pull your curtains together, however you thought that… perhaps… had you seen movement, you’d leave your curtains drawn apart.
Movement, however, didn’t come. That wasn’t uncommon. Your stalker, if that was what you could call him, was a very busy man, and on a night like tonight, it would be likely that he was on duty. It was either that, or he finally gave up on you, which would be a win for you for sure, but that didn’t stop you from walking to your balcony door, standing there for a moment, and sliding the glass open.
Cool air enveloped you as you walked barefoot onto your patio. You traced your fingers along the metal railing that kept you safe at ten stories high and glowered down at the busy street filled with teetering, costumed night crawlers. You glanced back inside to the empty loveseat that was practically calling your name. What was a lonely night if not one that involved relaxing indoors with a cool breeze blowing in while you had a nice drink in hand. Rubbing at your shoulders once more, you turned back inside. You told yourself close the door behind you, close the door behind you, but you gilded into your kitchen without touching the glass panel, leaving your unspoken invitation open.
Swiftly you poured yourself a glass, grinning stupidly at yourself for using something expensive. It was a ‘treat yo-self’ kinda night, wasn’t it? You adjusted the elastic straps that kept the white feathers strapped to your back and danced back into your living room, humming slightly as you took your seat.
You curled your toes around your soft throw and lightly dipped at your beverage as goosebumps appeared on your exposed legs. It took less than two minutes for a loud thud! to break your peace, although that wasn’t entirely unwelcome.
“You’ll catch a cold if you leave your windows open all night long.” The upbeat voice rang out from your patio and a second wave of goosebumps met your skin— that wasn’t from the cold. Boots sounded off the approach of your intruder, and you pulled your throw farther up your legs, already second guessing yourself. Hell, you knew it was bad having him here, you knew he was sick, and you knew that letting him keep you company wasn’t helping him in the slightest… but the other secret you’d kept to yourself at the party was that even though you were vastly uncomfortable, you wanted the attention, you wanted to be touched, you wanted to feel good, but you just didn’t want to be around people you didn’t know. Hawks knew you, at least, Hawks was familiar to you. As horrendous as it was, he was the easy route. He’d provide you with anything you would ask for if that meant that he could be near you, and sometimes you couldn’t help but take advantage of that, especially when you were feeling vulnerable.
Hawks’ head appeared out from the dark, a grin already playing at the corner of his mouth. Once he was inside, his crimson feathers ruffled, twitching off the residual cold of the night. His face was flushed, whether that was because he’d been flying in such brisk weather or because of the circumstances playing in his favor, you didn’t care.
“But that was intentional, wasn’t it?”
You sipped your beverage, not bothering him with a reply. You could tell by the look on his face that he already knew, and even if he tried to hide it, his excitement was strongly apparent. He pushed his visor off his head and placed it on your shelf, already making himself comfortable.
“Do you want me to make you a drink?” You offered, staring down into your glass. You shifted in your seat, noting the sudden warmth that flooded your body. God, you were a disaster.
“Do you want to make me a drink?” He asked as he shrugged off his coat and crept closer to your couch. You looked up to him, at his stupidly handsome face, noting how big his wings made him look to you even though he had a smaller, unintimidating frame. You shook your head. “Then I don’t want a drink.”
How he could still be there with you when you were showing the least bit of hospitality baffled you. Even still, letting him in was better treatment than how you’d handled him in the past. You’d screamed at him, threatened to out his behavior to the world, and continuously shot him down, but of course, he’d always look forward to these one percent days.
“No plans tonight?” You pulled your legs inward to make room on the couch. “You’re not dressed up.”
“Nah, I’ve just been out and about. Lookin’ for trouble,” he said as he folded his wings in and plopped down beside you, his knee brushing up against your foot. “I was at a little club earlier this evening. What was it— The Cove?”
You gulped, damning him and cursing yourself. That was the name of the party’s venue. “Hawks, you can’t keep doing this.”
“Hm? Doing what? Making sure you’re safe?” He lazily rolled his head at you, chocolate eyes scanning your form. You inhaled deeply and pushed your legs into his lap, your throw falling to the floor. “Making sure nobody touches-“ he grinned “-my little angel?”
You sighed as gloved hands founds your knees and his thumbs began tracing gentle circles into your skin. There was no use arguing with him, you’d done so countless times before and that was when you weren’t in need of some company.
“I love the costume, by the way,” he said, reaching up to touch your phony feathers. “I’m kinda honored by it.”
You scoffed at that, though it was fervently ignored.
“-but if you wanted to fly, you know I’m always here for you.”
His hand trailed down to your shoulder and up to your neck. You winced before leaning into him, into his touch, the tension in your back only growing more obtrusive. You closed your eyes and rubbed your shoulders.
“You okay?” His hand met the back of your head and tugged on your kicks like he knows you liked.
“Don’t worry about me.”
“Of course I’m going to worry about you, Y/N. I’m in love with you.”
“Stop.” You groaned and pushed his hand away.
“Do you want me to stop?” Hawks brought his hand to his mouth and bit his fingertip, pulling his glove off. “Or do you want me to give you a massage?”
You furrowed your brows. That sounded so nice and by the dreamy look in Hawks’ half-lidded eyes, you could tell, he was not going to take no for an answer. “Let me take care of you, hmm?”
You let up, reaching for the uncomfortable straps for your wings, but Hawks worked his hands faster, hooking his fingers around the elastic and pulling down your shoulders slowly, taking the time to run his thumb down your arm, relishing the prickling goosebumps you were unwillingly giving out at his contact. You were touch starved and he knew it.
The cheap wings were discarded to the floor and Hawks made a circular movement with his hands, ushering you to turn over for him. He pulled your legs out and sat on your ass, brushing his hands across your back.
“The lotion is-“
“-in the bathroom cabinet. I know.” Hawks wasted no time clambering to and from your restroom and soon he was back to the best seat in the house. Shamelessly, he unzipped the dress, taking his time to admire your back, bare and beautiful to him. Cool, lotioned up hands pressed into you and you couldn’t help but let out a low groan at the contact you hadn’t known how much you yearned for. He hummed in approval as he covered your back, making sure to smooth his palms over your pressure points. His hands cleared up to your shoulder, eliciting a moan from your as he palmed that area you were keeping your troubles.
“So tense, angel,” he mused, pushing down harder on you, “you should really let me do this more often.”
“Don’t push your luck,” you shot back, though your voice was muffled by a couch pillow. He snickered and rubbed you down, stopping right above your ass to massage circles into the sides of your tailbone.
Hawks touched you with languid pleasure, lingering on places you gave him more of a reaction. At the pace he was going, you were sure you could have fallen asleep while he touched you, and maybe that wouldn’t have been such a bad thing, but that would be impossible when your stalker had a one-track mind.
Hawks gripped hard onto your sides and pulled you up to press his bulge into your ass. Beside yourself, you rolled your hips to you rubbed against it, prompting Hawks to let out a groan.
“God, that’s hot,” he breathed, lifting your dress so your ass was on full display to him. He gave it a slap, compelling you to yelp out to him. He chuckled and squeezed your cheek, grinding against you. “You want more, baby?”
“Don’t call me baby-!” That rewarded you with another spank, causing your body to tremble against him.
“Aangeeel,” he drawled, stroking your pussy through the dampened material of your briefs. “You want me touch you?”
He hooked his fingers into the sides of your panties and pulled down, sighing at the sight of his ultimate pleasure. Fingertips slid up and down your glistening folds, making you twitch before he baited your entrance.
“Hawks,” you whined, dipping your hips to try to catch your desire, “don’t tease.”
“Tease?” He swiped right past your clit, snickering when you hissed. “I’d never.”
Both of his hands brushed down to you thighs while he rubbed his scruffy beard against your cheek, humming as if he was doing nothing, as if you weren’t wet and waiting for his tongue, his touch, his anything.
“Tell me you missed me, baby,” he purred against your slit. You moved to to catch his tongue, but he only snickered at your lame attempt, squeezing your thighs and clicking his tongue. “Ah, you give a little, you get a little amiright?”
He raked his nails across your skin, enjoying the sight of your fragile flesh reacting to him. “So go on. Why don’t you tell me how badly you’ve craved me since I’ve been away?”
“That suggests that you’ve been away,” you growled into the pillow in sheer defiance. You knew, you knew what game he was playing. He was going to taunt you until you were so desperate, so needy for him, until you were sopping wet without him even touching you. It’d happen plenty of times in the past, and you were already letting him do that now. You couldn’t let that happen. You didn’t care. Nothing was going to change the way he felt about you, nor you him.
You hoped he couldn’t hear the roll of your eyes as you finally muttered, “I missed you. I craved you.”
He clicked his tongue disapprovingly at your lack of enthusiasm and you felt the heat of his presence disappear. Fuck.
You turned to see him leaning against the opposite arm of the couch, arms crossed, waiting for your attention.
“Hawks?” It was stupid, it was childish, but you knew he had a point when he said ‘you give a little, you get a little.’ He did give you a back massage… and he didn’t even have to come in the first place! God, he was playing brat and you were letting him get inside your head. If you weren’t so needy…
You found yourself crawling over to him. It was exactly what he wanted; you giving him a pathetic and desperate display and though you hated yourself for it, you could drink about it later. You ran your hands up his chest, leaning against his neck as you say, “I meant it.”
You nuzzled yourself within the crook of his neck, peppering him with kisses. “I missed you. I really did, Hawks. And now, I want you so badly that it hurts. Please touch me.”
“You don’t mean it,” he said, though his hands caressed your back. “You’d rather me leave.”
“Hawks.” You brought your hand up to his face to turn him towards you. You gave him a light kiss, but he didn’t return it, still his hands ran across your body. It was a facade, he was playing you, and you were letting him. Your hand slid down his torso towards his trousers, not surprised to find his hardened erection poking out a tent in them, you began to stroke. “Keigo… please.”
A grin struck his face. Bastard. Finally, he leaned into your kiss, and you let his tongue explore your mouth while he undid his belt. You pushed your hands past his boxers and firmly grasped his cock. Hawks cooed. Like an actual coo, just how birds do. You could laugh if you didn’t actually get turned on by it.
You pressed into a more deeper kiss, gasping when he seized the back of your head. He nips at your bottom lip before pulling away and saying, “then show me, angel. Show me just how much you want me.”
He looked to your lips then down to his cock. You pouted. He smirked. “I can just leave.”
Yeah. You could. But you didn’t want that. You wanted him to fuck you. Beside yourself, you slid off the couch and took a position between his legs. You kissed his thighs, and using your tongue, you ran a hot strip up to his shaft. His wings bristled at the contact, encouraging you to lay your lips over the head of his cock. You lulled your tongue over him, enjoying the sight of his chest rising as you took your time pleasing him. His hands went to your head and he tried to push you down, but you sent him a death glare, opting to lap at his head before taking him in on your own accord.
“Mmmmm, you know exactly how to suck a cock.” He sighed as he gently massaged your scalp, while your tongue swirled around him. “Such a dirty girl, ready to please me when I give her a simple nod, isn’t that right?”
You hummed at the praise, not even minding the degradation. You dug your fingernails into his thighs and bobbed your head up and down his length, his subtle groans egging you on to take him in deeper.
“That’s right, you’re a good little slut for me.”
You moaned, the vibrations of your voice making your job all the more pleasurable for him. He weaved his fingers through your hair, hissing as you picked up the pace. He continued to curse at you, to dirty your name while you opened your throat up to him, taking him in completion.
“Fuck,” he growled, “waitwaitwait, ahah…” He pulled you off of him by a fistful of your hair and you scowled in disbelief back at him.
“Come here.” He pulled you into his lap and forced his lips onto yours. He kissed you with fearless passion, lips molding to lips, teeth colliding with teeth. You tried to share you voice, to ask why he stopped you, but your words are lost to him. You felt his cockhead rub against your slit, and you know— he didn’t want his influence anywhere but inside your heat.
You dipped your hips and broke your kiss by moaning at his swollen member pressing into you.
“Oh fuck yeah, that’s my good girl. You know how great that feels? How tight you are for me? God, I missed this, babygirl.”
You rolled your hips, grinding into him, your pussy squeezing his cock with every word he spat in your direction. He felt incredible and you felt so hot while riding him, that you couldn’t help but laugh while wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
“Look at you enjoying yourself. I love seeing my angel happy. You know this could happen more often, if only you’d let me in.”
You had to remind yourself: Hawks was dangerous. His feelings for you were dangerous. Every time you let him into your home, into your body, you were allowing his delusions to grow to something more profound than they already were. You panted and stilled, raring yourself to pull off of him, but he grabbed you by your hips.
“Hawks,” you warned, scared he’d see both the reason and the fear in your eyes.
“I’m not letting you go anywhere.” His tone took a darker timbre, his eyes growing wicked. The corners of his lips twitched up, his canine teeth appearing to be sharper, more sinister than usual. Slowly he leaned towards your ear, his hot breath sending a shudder down your spine as we ever so calmly whispered, “you’re mine, do you hear me?”
In one swift movement, Hawks picked you up and threw you to the opposite side of the couch, climbing on top of you before you could even think to move, caging you in by not only his arms, but his wings as well. His lips latched into your neck, his cock pressing right back into you as he sucked a red hot mark into your flesh. “Mine.”
You moaned and pulled at his feathers when he began pounding into you. He looked at you, drinking in your conflicted expression and returning it with one of sheer adoration, affirming you with sweet words as he completely ruined you.
“You’ll always be my girl,” he growled, his cock stretching you out while his thrusts grew more violent. Besides your knowing fear, beside the pain you felt as he slammed into you, you felt your stomach grow tense, you felt pleasure building up, and you couldn’t hide how great you felt because of it when you allowed yourself to whimper for him, displaying your dishonorable satisfaction by incomprehensible blurbles. “Say it, angel.”
“Yes, hah~hah~ baby.” You mustered out, not following his demand. He chuckled at your pitiful attempt and reached up to squeeze your mouth between his hand.
“Say that you’re mine, sweetheart. Say it and I’ll be good to you.”
“Mmmmpph Hawks~!”
Hawks grinned and shoved his tongue into your mouth, reaching down to cup your sweat-covered breast. He bit your bottom lip with bruising force—you might’ve even tasted blood— and pulled back. “Baby, my name tastes so good on your tongue, but that’s not wanna hear right now.”
“Hawks!” your cunt pulsated around him, massaging his ruthless cock. God, you were close, so close you were practically writhing underneath him, and all you had to do was say one little thing. You’d let him win once already tonight, a second time couldn’t be too harmful. “I’m yours, baby. Yours. I belong to you. Nobody can make me feel like this. It’s like we were… made for each other.”
“You got that fuckin’ right.” He reached down to rub furious circles around your swollen clit and that was your tipping point. Electricity seemed to shoot up from your toes and flare over your core, waves of pleasure dancing out from there. You cried out for Hawks not to stop and he obliged, making sure to swallow your mewls, placing sloppy open mouth kisses over yours.
He chased your orgasm with his own, but not before you begged him not to do it inside you. He groaned, but respecting your wishes, he pulled out at the last second, spilling his white hot seed onto your chest, hissing as he did so. He vocally panted as he took in his handy work, wiping the sweat off his forehead, grinning wickedly down at you.
His body fell on top of you, mushing the mess between your shared embrace. It was nasty. It was hot. It was trouble.
His fingers tip-toed across your arm before reaching behind your back to push room for him to climb behind you. He held you close, whispering in your ears sweet, delightful, dangerous things, praising you, loving you, owning you.
It was the bitter truth; you’d always be his. Since you finally admitted to it, he wasn’t ever going to let you go.
TAGS FOR EVERYTHING: @ayeputita @yandere-inamorata @dee-madwriter@unboundbnha @rizamendoza808, @rubycubix @smbody-stole-mycar-radio@zellllyyyy @sarcastictextstuck @kpanime @captain-sin-allmight-queen@psionicsnow @wickedlewicked @ghost-of-todoroki @kattariapenn @im-an-adult-sometimes @bnhya @local-senpai @eggpienutbuttercroissant@usernamekate94 @reyvenclaww @hi-ho-and-hello 
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thebad---catholic · 4 years
My problems with AOS
Well here I am, 10 years late with an opinion no one asked for, but I have to write this down and throw into the void so that I can be at peace. I’ve been salty about this film franchise for a very long time now. This will mostly focus on Star Trek (2009) with the other two movies sprinkled in.
1. Starfleet
Honestly where do I even begin? In TOS, Starfleet was modeled after the navy (idk how accurately, but Roddenberry was in the air force so I’m assuming he’d know how all that works). You can get a feel for the chain of command, and everything feels natural with character ages and things like that. There’s a procedure for everything.
AOS Starfleet feels more like a high school club than an interplanetary exploration organization. Jim is supposed to be twenty-five when he gets the rank of captain- after he was almost expelled for cheating. He has no idea how to operate or run a starship. TOS Kirk moved through the ranks of Starfleet and was promoted on merit and leadership skills- he worked for his position.
Why was Jim the only person who knew what was happening when Nero showed up? Was there any requirements to joining to Starfleet other than get on the shuttle? Why did the linguist not know the difference between Vulcan and Romulan when they’re the linguist? How did Pike bypass the chain of command to appoint Jim Kirk as First Officer which was an obvious show of favoritism to someone was about to be thrown out of the academy? Why the fuck was he allowed to keep the title of captain? What the fuck?
Speaking of Jim.
2. Jim Kirk’s Character
I...don’t like Jim’s character in this film. It’s not terrible for a younger version of Kirk, but like I said though, there’s no reason Kirk should be this young. And in this one he’s just kinda a douche.
We know from TOS that Kirk gets around, but he genuinely cares for his exes, and in general respects women. He uses sex appeal as a strategy, but more than anything this comes off as a subversion of the femme fatal trope bc Kirk is a man. In the movie, he’s just a standard action movie protag who has lots of sex just because.
The scene when the Orion woman says she loves him and he replied “that’s so weird” is just...so weird? Like I can’t imagine Kirk doing anything in that situation than backing off and explaining that he doesn’t feel the same way. The scene continues with him hiding under the bed when Uhura walks in. Watching how the camera angle makes Jim out to be a voyeur made me uncomfortable then and it still does. It could be explained that Jim is trying to figure out Uhura’s identity or that he’s listening in and people look at who they’re listening to but like...she was in her underwear. You shouldn’t look at people while they’re getting undressed, especially when they don’t even know you’re there? Is that a hot take? Apparently.
In TOS there’s this really nice scene in This Side of Paradise(S1E24) where the whole crew is high (again) and has abandoned ship, leaving Kirk to tend to things. We see Jim move around the ship with a little clip pad and make the proper checks. This is a captain who knows his stuff. That is the Kirk we should have seen if we’re going to see Jim become captain.
AOS kirk goes through a standard “stop being an asshole” arc commonplace for male protagonists, but this happens well past the point he should stop being an asshole. Either the AOS series should’ve been a prequel with Jim becoming captain at the end of the trilogy, or he should’ve been older with a completely different arc- maybe coming to terms with his rank? Imposter syndrome? Learning to trust his crew and building trust with them? Building a friendship with Spock and McCoy? There’s a lot to work with here.
3. Spock and Uhura’s relationship
Why. Like why. For what. Por Que.
I like giving Uhura a bigger role, I don’t like making her a love interest to do that.
It doesn’t make sense for either of their characters. Lieutenant Nyota Uhura, linguist expert who handles all transmissions to and from the enterprise- an icon of black women’s representation is now demoted to Spock’s nagging girlfriend. This bothers me more than a little bit.
It manages to make even less sense for Spock. A hallmark of Spock’s character is his duality. He struggles to combat his emotions and the human half of him. His repeating character arc in TOS is coming to terms with humanity while upholding the Vulcan way of life. Having him in an established romantic relationship before this arc is supposed to happen just makes for a boring romantic subplot about a relationship that shouldn’t happen and that I don’t care about.
TOS Vulcan culture is kinda shitty. Explicitly patriarchal and stuff, and also kinda racist against humans. The source of Spock’s inner conflict is not himself but a society that views him as lesser for being half human. However, one thing that I can certainly understand from a “logical” (logic in quotations bc racism and sexism is fucking stupid) people is ritualized arranged marriages. It just...makes sense to me that Vulcans would simply have their mates chosen for them and then marry that person and be done with it. Neat. Logical. Conformity.
This makes Spock and Uhura’s relationship even stranger. Why would Spock go so against conformity that he dates someone before he truly comes to terms with himself? Even if they throw out ponfarr and arranged marriage, it still doesn’t work but now it especially doesn’t work.
My personal theory is that Spock and Uhura’s relationship was established purely to make shippers shut up. It’s no secret Spirk is the most popular ship from TOS. I have no doubt they knew this while writing the movie. So to quietly wrap a no homo on Spock and Kirk’s friendship, they use Uhura as a prop to do so.
The teacher/student dynamic should only be relegated to fan fiction and the throwaway line about oral sensitivity makes me cringe. Every. Time.
4. McCoy
Karl Urbans performance is easily my favorite part of this movie. He captures DeForrest Kelley so well it hurts. He made Leonard Nimoy cry. His chemistry with Pine made McKirk go from the most underrated triumvirate ship in TOS to rival Spirks popularity in AOS. His scenes with Zachary Quinto are just *chefs kiss*.
So why doesn’t he have more of a role? The triumvirate is missing a third.
In particular, there’s a scene where Uhura, Kirk, and Spock make their way down to a planet to talk to a Klingon. I can’t remember which movie it was or why, but Spock and Uhura were bickering and Kirk remarks “can we do this later?”
The line was funny. It would’ve been golden if it was McCoy and not Uhura.
A fantastic performance by an underutilized character in a movie where that character should’ve been at the forefront.
5. Representation
I am skeptical of any movie that advertises diversity. Nonetheless, it made me happy to know Sulu was going to be gay. This is Star Trek after all, known for its diversity and large LGBT fan base, and an homage to George Takai who’s a gay man irl. So whatever.
The fact that I wasn’t expecting much says a lot about the current state of LGBT rep in media but this blink-and-you-miss-it shit is really starting to get to me.
I mean he jus- he doesn’t even give his husband a KISS. Like why.
6. Destroying Vulcan
WHY. Oh god why.
This isn’t Star Wars, JJ. We don’t do that here.
Imploding Vulcan was the most god awful shock value bullshit plot device I’ve ever seen in a movie and it was done entirely to make Spock sad. Besides the gaping plot hole of “why did Nero go back in time to destroy Vulcan when he could’ve just saved Romulus” I’m just grasping to find a purpose for this particular event. New fans don’t care at all about Vulcan while I was enraged that they would do Amanda that dirty.
It’s not just that they did that, it’s more that they did it like that. Vulcan’s destruction should’ve caused a federation wide meltdown as the biggest catastrophe in the entire franchise. If they were gonna make the stakes so pointlessly high, they should’ve treated the destruction of Vulcan exactly how they would treat the destruction of earth. There a million ways to treat that event with more gravity and million better plot lines that don’t involve G E N O C I D E
7. Miscellaneous petty bullshit because I’m a baby
-lower the fucking stakes Jesus Christ
-Don’t like the set. It’s bright and white and boring and gives me a headache. You don’t need a remake of the old set but like have fun ya know? Shit looks like an Apple store.
-Christine and I are the same in that we are both soft and are thirsty for Spock. Imagine my surprise to learn she wasn’t fucking there. Same with Janice but I’m more pressed about Christine. I don’t even remember the name of that blonde doctor lady who is Not Christine but i didn’t want her.
-The costumes in AOS look boring but still don’t feel like a uniform either. I deadass think Chris Pines outfit in the SNL skit looked better than the actual movie (minor adjustments needed)
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-I didn’t notice this at first but someone pointed out that women’s uniforms don’t signify rank and now I can’t not see it. I don’t...think this movie treats women good? Or McCoy? Or just people who deserve better?
-Lens Flare
-I get why they did it but I don’t like that they misquoted the opening theme to say “no one” instead of “no man”. I probably wouldn’t have even notice except they gave the line to Uhura. Comes off as just a touch too “yay feminism” which is really rich coming from that treated Uhura like an object to be looked at when she wasn’t too busy being Spock’s emotional support gf, and completely cut two women from the main cast.
8. Conclusions
If I could describe these movies in one word it’d be generic. Which sucks because Star Trek far from generic.
They’re fun to watch but not think about. It was nice that I got to see a Star Trek movie in theaters. I just wish it as the same Trek I saw on TV.
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bigbagofgabriel · 4 years
ok I promise this will be my only serious supernatural post for the rest of time. this is it. then back to shitposts.
The issue isn't with Misha, any of the actors, hell, I don't even fully blame the writers, I blame the network. The issue with 15.18 and the episodes following is that it is a continuation of a dangerous theme not only on the cw but in media as a whole. The fact that fans are made out to be crazy when looking for representation is asinine. If your audience is trying to see themselves in your characters, why silence that? If there are people out there who love your work, and see a reflection of them in it, why wouldn't you capitalize on that? Give the fans something to believe in.
By having Cas's confession go unacknowledged, you are telling the very people who find solace in your work that their struggles, and things that mean the world to them and take extreme courage to do, are shameful. The network treated Cas's confession like a dirty little secret that had to be hidden. That's what hurts. When you actively isolate a large portion of your viewers, of course we're going to be mad. Then the spanish leak happened, and we were given the crumb of representation that we wanted, only to be gaslit by the cw shoving Misha into the flames.
Growing up, Supernatural was a huge part of my self exploration and growth. I saw Charlie, living as herself, being openly gay and thriving, being heroic, helping save the day. I saw myself in her. Then they killed her off screen and dumped her body in a bathtub. That was my first exposure to the trope, I was young and projecting onto this character, only to see her die. So I moved on, I found bits of myself in other characters along the way, and Castiel, the queercoded character he was, was the one I latched onto. To see him treated that way, and to see Dean deprived of the chance to speak his truth, whether that be reciprocal or not, hurts like hell. Thirteen year old me who was unafraid to face the world honestly because of these characters and their representation (because it was, Canon or not) would be so hurt by this. 20 year old me can take it. what I can't take is them showing us that once again, lgbtq relationships are still being hidden away like a shameful secret.
Looking at it from a filmmakers perspective, it makes no sense to go about it the way they did. They erased 15 years of character development, the family the Winchesters fostered was ripped away, there was no conclusion to their story. I'm working under Canadian film covid restrictions now, and there is no excuse for the joke they let air. They dashed the hard work the cast and crew put in over the rocks and are shocked that there's backlash. no forethought, no mercy.
un fucking believable.
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