#I’m head over heels for 🧸
jgracie · 2 months
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masterlist | rules
❝ Can I request percy x daughter of Aphrodite? ❞ — 🧸
in which percy dates a daughter of aphrodite
pairing percy jackson x aphrodite!reader
warnings i had to break up percabeth for the plot im sorry 😞, one swear word
on the radio . . . love me like you do (ellie goulding)
When Percy and Annabeth broke up, all of Camp Half-Blood was in shock
In their minds, they were the couple. The one little kids would look up to and teens would pray to emulate. How could they possibly break up?
Percy wished he knew. I mean, he kind of understood why, but part of him was still confused
You see, it was Annabeth who’d ended things. Annabeth, who had been head-over-heels in love with Percy ever since they were 12. She was nice about it, luckily, but Percy was still hurt
The reason why she ended their relationship was because she wanted to discover herself, and she couldn’t do that with Percy by her side. She’d been stuck in camp nearly her whole life until Percy came along, and when he did, she spent years doing quests and fighting by his side
She felt like she knew who Percy’s girlfriend was, and who Athena’s daughter is, but not Annabeth. That’s why she ended things
Every day, Percy would mope around his cabin, his heart shattered. Annabeth was his first love. He was happy for her, of course, but a larger part of him was sad for himself
To make matters worse, the Fates seemed to be working against him, since he got broken up with just a week before his mother and Paul’s wedding. How was he supposed to attend an event celebrating love when he lost his?
Besides, now he doesn't have a date. Annabeth was still going to go, of course, but with her own ticket, not his +1. The seats were already booked and paid for though, so he couldn’t tell his parents to remove one
Which is why he was in his current situation. Standing outside of the Aphrodite cabin, debating whether or not he should walk away
Percy hated to beg, but he didn’t have much choice. The Aphrodite kids were most likely to agree to go with him, since they love everything to do with love, especially weddings
Recollecting himself, Percy knocked on the front door
“Oh, hi Percy!” Piper said, inviting him in. As soon as he walked in, the whole cabin went silent, all eyes on him. Out of all the people in camp, Aphrodite’s kids were the most interested in his breakup with Annabeth. Percy knew they didn’t mean any harm, as matters of love just genuinely piqued their interest, but he hated the way their eyes were always watching their every move
Quietly, he told Piper, “I want to ask your siblings something, if that's okay,” then, when Piper nodded, he addressed the rest of the cabin, “so… My mom and step-dad are getting married next week and I was supposed to go with Annabeth but she’s not my date anymore and I still have an extra invite so I was wondering if maybe one of you guys wanna come?”
The room, which was once so silent you could hear a pin drop, suddenly became awfully loud as they all argued about who should go with Percy. This didn’t last very long though, thanks to Piper
Eyebrows furrowed, Piper clapped her hands, immediately silencing her siblings, “before you all start drawing lots to see who goes, I’m going to check and see if Y/N wants to go. I think we can all agree she needs this more than anyone, right?”
To Percy’s surprise, there was no arguing regarding this. He’d heard about you in passing before - Aphrodite’s most beautiful daughter, favoured by the Goddess herself not just for your extreme good looks but for your warm heart, dating Annabeth’s half-sibling Ali - but nothing about you needing to attend weddings
Piper went over to a bunk in the corner of the room, one Percy hadn’t noticed was occupied until now, and spoke to you in a hushed tone. When she pointed at Percy, you turned to look at him, and he could see that your eyes were bloodshot
With your arm wrapped around Piper’s, you made your way over to Percy, unfazed by the eyes that were locked on you, “I’ll go with you.”
You spent the days leading up to the wedding getting to know each other, since neither of you wanted to attend a wedding with a stranger, and discovered you actually had a lot in common
Namely, both of you were broken up with by children of Athena. Turns out, you were no longer Ali’s girlfriend - he’d broken up with you a couple days after Annabeth broke up with Percy. Not a lot of people knew, since the news of your own breakup was overshadowed by Percy’s
When he heard that, he apologised, but you’d smiled at him and told him it was fine, since you didn’t want much attention on the breakup anyway. That was Percy’s first time seeing you smile since hanging out with you, and he felt as if Eros himself had shot an arrow right through his heart
He couldn’t fall for you though, not now at least. Both of you were healing from breakups
The longer you met up with Percy, the better you felt. You were absolutely devastated when your now ex had broken up with you, saying something along the lines of, “it’s not you, it’s me,” when you begged for an explanation
You knew the truth, though. People in camp didn’t see you as anything other than Aphrodite’s favourite daughter, a pretty girl who just cared about her makeup and romance novels. While you loved both things, you weren’t anywhere near that level of shallowness
So, they date you just to say that the most gorgeous girl in camp’s dating them, then break up with you the moment you say anything remotely intellectual, challenging their masculinity
Usually, you didn’t care too much, since you know your own self-worth, but for some reason, your breakup with Ali really hurt. Maybe it’s because you thought as a son of Athena, with sisters who were also smart, he’d understand
You spent the first couple days after your breakup doing nothing other than crying in your bunk and reading romance books (which only made you feel worse). Your siblings, bless their hearts, had tried to make you feel better - doing your nails, telling you jokes - but nothing worked
Until Percy. You didn’t know if it was the fact that he was going through a breakup too, or the fact that he was still funny despite having his heart broken too, but he was the only person who knew how to make you smile, pulling you out of the pit you were in and allowing you to bask in the daylight
The week flew by, and eventually, it was time for the wedding. Your siblings fawned all over you as they did your hair and makeup, an Aphrodite cabin tradition. Usually, this tradition was only performed before first dates as a ‘good luck charm’ of sorts, but they decided to do it for you before the wedding
You thought they were just being sweet, forgetting that you shared a mother and therefore they of all people would know when you met the one. Your siblings saw the way Percy brought the glow back to your skin, and were eternally grateful as now they had their precious sister back
They were also grateful to him because you’d be gone for a whole day, meaning there was nothing stopping them from taking revenge on the Athena cabin :) Never underestimate the power of love!
“Hi Percy!” You said, waving, a bright smile plastered on your face. The dress you were wearing was a colour your mother knew suited you perfectly, and it cascaded down your body in waves, the lace detailing doing nothing to calm Percy’s rapidly beating heart.
The poor boy was genuinely afraid he’d pass out as he held an arm out for you, which you gladly took, wanting to be as close to him as possible, “you look gorgeous,” he said, blushing
“You don’t look too bad yourself,” you replied, the grin on your face growing. Your cheeks hurt, but something about Percy had you unable to stop smiling
Together, you left camp and headed for the wedding venue - Montauk beach
As a daughter of Aphrodite, you had a lot of experience with weddings. For some reason, wedding invites always seemed to find their way to the children of love, and so you’ve attended lots of them
And you adored every single one, of course, but they all paled in comparison to Sally and Paul’s. It wasn’t the most extravagant you’ve ever attended - just a small wedding with only close friends and family (and you) invited, but you could feel the love radiating off of the newlyweds
That alone made it your favourite, and as a warm, fuzzy feeling coated your body and soul while they were saying their vows, you turned to look at Percy. The corners of his lips were tilted in a smile, knowing how much his mother deserved her happily ever after
Would you ever experience a love like that? And if so, was there a chance it could be with Percy? Sure, you’d only properly known him for a week, but the two of you connected so quickly! Surely, that had to be a sign
You quickly pushed those thoughts to the back of your mind. Even if it was a sign, you knew neither of you were ready to date yet
So, when the wedding ended, you said your goodbyes and walked side-by-side in silence, unsaid words hanging in the air between you
That was until your heel broke. You knew these weren’t a good pair, having had many close calls before, but you’d hoped they’d last just one more wear since they matched the rest of your outfit so well
“Shit!” You said, stumbling as the heel finally gave in. Subconsciously, Percy grabbed you by the waist, saving you from an awful fall whilst pulling you closer to him. You felt your face heat up at this gesture, which wasn’t doing much to help your confusing feelings
He then let go of you, bending down to untie his shoelaces. Furrowing your brows, you asked, “what’re you doing?” Percy didn’t reply until he’d taken off both shoes, offering them to you
“You can wear these. I have socks,” you couldn’t believe your ears. None of the men you went out with before would even think to do something so selfless. You shook your head, about to tell him you couldn’t do that, when he bent down to put the shoes on you (PERSEUS JACKSON 😭🙏🏼). They weren’t your size, but it wasn’t the end of the world
Shyly, you mumbled, “thank you,” then, looking off to the side, you said, “we can still hang out at camp, right? You’re a really good friend, Percy. I haven’t felt this happy in a while.”
“Of course, Y/N, what kind of question is that? You make me really happy too!”
At that moment, a dove flew over and landed on your shoulder. You smiled, scratching his head. Judging by the fact that it smelt like perfume, it was pretty safe to assume your mother sent it
A good omen
After the wedding, you continued to hang out. In fact, you did everything together - you made sure your cabins were on the same side when playing capture the flag, you joined forces during the chariot races, you even started sleeping at Percy’s cabin every once in a while, on the days when your meetups went past curfew and you couldn’t risk leaving in case the harpies caught you
As the months passed, the gash in your heart healed, and you got to a point where you wouldn’t even think about Ali anymore. How could you, when Percy was right there? He didn’t feel challenged by your brains, he embraced your cleverness and encouraged you to share your thoughts at all times
Percy also started getting over Annabeth. He wasn’t ever upset at her for breaking up with him, but he definitely avoided her. He felt bad about it, but every time he tried to hang out with her again, his heart would ache
Now, their relationship had gone back to what it was before their breakup, and she’d even join the two of you occasionally. On one of her visits, she apologised on her brother’s behalf, to which you were elated to reply with, “Gods, I completely forgot about that!”
Annabeth would simply smile, knowing you had your eyes on someone else now
In fact, everyone seemed to know you and Percy liked each other. Everyone but the two of you
That’s why they’d orchestrated this. The Apollo, Aphrodite and Dionysus cabins, as well as a couple demigods from other cabins, decided to throw a party in celebration of… well, a holiday
The point of this was that there was no special occasion. You and Percy would arrive at this ‘party’ only to realise you’d been tricked, then stay because you just love being around each other, then the fireworks would illuminate the sky and you’d realise how much you love each other and share a romantic kiss under the stars
At least, that’s what your siblings thought would happen
So, news about the celebration passed around camp and eventually made its way to you. You weren’t going to go at first, since you didn’t even know what you were supposed to be celebrating, but then Percy told you he was going. Why would you pass up the opportunity to go to a party with him?
The night arrived, and you left your cabin alone. When you asked your siblings why they weren’t coming, they just started yapping about needing to iron their outfits and wash their makeup brushes, telling you they’d catch up with you later. You left, not questioning much
Hiding behind the bushes was a strange group: Pollux, Kayla Knowles, Piper Mclean and Annabeth Chase. The four had their eyes locked on where you and Percy were supposed to meet up, praying their plan would work
“Ugh, where are they? They’re taking forever!” Kayla exclaimed, quickly earning a chorus of shushes from the other three
“I’m sure they’ll come soon,” Piper told the girl, putting some charmspeak into her words so everyone would calm down
On cue, you and Percy arrived at the venue, your laughter dying down as you realised not a single soul was there. Looking down at his watch, Percy said, “I thought we were late. Doesn’t this thing start at 9PM? It’s 9:30 right now.”
“Yeah,” you replied. You had a feeling there was something bigger at play here. Shrugging your shoulders, you sat on the grass and patted the spot next to you, telling Percy to sit
“This area’s actually really nice, we should come here more often,” you said as you looked around. Percy hummed in agreement
Eventually, the four decided you spent enough time chatting, and Pollux lit the fireworks, which shot up to the sky as bright pink hearts. You checked your surroundings, demigod instincts on alert. Had a monster infiltrated camp? Was this their idea of a sick joke?
Percy placed a calming hand on your shoulder, “hey, I don’t think there’s anyone around. It’s okay.” The tension left your body and you looked up at the sky, your head on Percy’s shoulder as you watched the fireworks
There were too many signs
You turned to the boy, and found he was already looking at you
There were too many signs
You grabbed him by the collar and pulled him closer to you, feeling his breath on your skin. He let you
There were too many signs
You kissed him then, and he kissed back
Dating hcs now 🥳 I think that’s the longest backstory I’ve ever written
You’re a “if you do it, I’ll do it” kind of couple. Even without your charmspeak, you could convince Percy to rob a building just by saying you wanted him to
Sally and Paul were really happy when they found out you started dating. Even though it’d been almost a year since their wedding, they hadn’t forgotten the loving glances you’d take at each other
You tell them their wedding’s your favourite by far and they have to fight the urge to cry
Percy quite literally worships the ground you walk on. You’re not Percy’s girlfriend, he's Y/N’s boyfriend LOL. As your relationship progresses, you open up about all your other relationships and only your charmspeak could stop him from going and giving all those guys a lecture
He’s always hyping you up and reminding you of how you’re worthy of love!!! Even a daughter of Aphrodite needs to hear it sometimes
One day, the Gods seem to be smiling down at him, since he finally gets an opportunity to speak with Ali. Life went majorly downhill for your ex-boyfriend ever since you broke up, and while you’d never wish horrible things upon anyone, you couldn’t help but feel a little happy to hear it
Anyways. Percy was heading to the climbing wall when Ali bumped into him. The latter grunted an apology and Percy was going to just smile at him and continue his journey when he noticed who it was
Immediate scowl. If you listen closely you can hear the nearest body of water churning, mirroring Percy’s emotions. Ali attempts to continue going where he was going but Percy stops him, refusing to let him go until he gets an earful of how you’re the best girl in the world and how scum like him didn’t deserve to be anywhere near a queen like you <3
He thinks you don’t know he did this but one of your siblings was around and reported to you as soon as they saw you! They also told the rest of your cabin and from then on the Aphrodite cabin = official Percy fanclub
This boy loves listening to you talk. Your voice is so gorgeous, just like the rest of you, he can’t help it!! Your words flowed in a way Percy never thought words could
Gets you to read things aloud whenever he can. It’s really funny but also cute so you do it anyway
“Sweetie can you read this I can’t see it very clearly” “Percy that’s the camp entrance you know what it says” “No I think my eyesight is getting worse!!” “Okay fine, it says ‘Camp Half-Blood’”
Also random but you guys watch Say Yes to the Dress and other wedding related TV shows together. A wedding intertwined your fates so naturally you love watching these kinds of things
Always commenting on the dresses! You have an eye for beauty and at first he agrees with you just because you’re so pretty how could he disagree? But eventually you pass your tastes onto him and it’s like he can read your mind
After many of these episodes Percy’s mind can’t help but gravitate towards the theme of marriage and all of a sudden he’s planning your own wedding (WINK WINK!!!!)
This is especially bad in the middle of the night. Texts you pictures of wedding venues with the caption “do you want me to book this one?” Like okay sure for 5 years from now?!?!
Percy “wear whatever you want babe I can fight” Jackson the man you are <3
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luaveltarot · 1 year
🪞ᑭᗩᑕ🪞: ᗯᕼᗩT ᗪO YOᑌ ᒪOOK ᗷEᔕT Iᑎ?
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ᑭIᒪE 1
Chaotic Art Academia/ Trendy Dark 🧲💣
Lol your style is the complete opposite of your selection of image which is the red necklace. It’s funny but let’s talk about what you look really good in. Ok so you are my simple 90’s minimalist chic girlies.
You look best in black but your other wardrobe faves could be denim, white, tan, grey and light blue. Your black/tan statement flat or mules go with just any outfit so keep wearing them. I see you have the masculine boss look to you which is again ironical with the pic you’ve chosen (I’m sorry, i don’t want to sound like a broken tape recorder but you get it, right?). Your black bodysuit looks really nice with tan trousers. Your oversized blazer enhances your style even more. I get that people love your choice in handbags, sling bags etc. You can still wear your white shoes everywhere, it goes with everything.
You accessories your outfit less, one ring , a bracelet and a watch does the job on most days for you (which is a lot for you ik). Your hair looks best when you leave them as they are and don’t fret over it being perfect and neat from all sides. You look tamed even with wild hair so don’t stress about it. 
ᑭIᒪE 2
Colourful trendy/ oh so miss perfect 🧸🛍
You like solid colour outfits and co-ord sets. You have a light and warmth to your fashion. It’s breezy, flowy and one feels bright when they look at you. You have a thing for light shades.
You look so hot if you wear turquoise liner to your eyes. You have a good sense of eye make up. You look your best in off-white and cream coloured shades. Coral, rust, latte and peach; shades of sunsets at a beach kind. You look feminine and in your power in midi dresses or tucked tops and midi skirts. Turtle neck tops and parallel trousers/ short skirts with belt accentuates your lean figure and you look taller.
You should wear heels often, it looks good on you. I don’t feel you are much of an accessory fan may be just a classy earring, also I think you don’t need accessories since your make up holds all the glamour. Instead I get you are more into hair accessories like hair scarves and hats. You understand your style very well so I don’t need to say anything more.
ᑭIᒪE 3
The hippie baby/ colourful vintage 🎨 🗝
Colourful butterflies or should I say vibrant chameleons ( not in a bad way,I just feel whatever you wear , that colour looks good on you). I get aquatic kind of neon colours, something that catches the eye. You wear colours related to water, wellness and nature.
You look best in pink-orange colours and light blue- dark blue colours, shades of sea and candy pink. You look best in patterned clothes which have a boho edge. You look elegant and put together in skirts with crop tops and even an oversized jumpsuit. I don’t get any specific styles that you look best in because you have many styles, your mood reflects in your outfits and you like to dress accordingly. Though you could look great in floral patterned clothes, beach prints and abstract arts.
You are into accessories, you match your bags, footwear and glasses accordingly. You could like to wear rings in all fingers and if you don’t then you should try it, I feel it will make you more chic even if you choose to dress lazily.
ᑭIᒪE 4
Boss chic/ Flashlight on you 🔦 📸
You have Capricorn placements? A prominent mercury or a moon sign. You are a fashionista and have the model look,no matter your size, right, colour or hair texture. You have a look that turns people’s head. Your colours are silver, gold, purple, blue , yellow and red.
You look best in striped tucked button up shirt and dark blue jeans. You can have shoulder length hair and it looks exquisite. You can even wear a gold pendant or chain frequently or always which make you look dapper and elite. Your aura is really surreal with specs of silver and gold making you look beautiful.
You should wear boots often because that will accentuate your outfit. Try a kimono if you haven’t or leave your shirt unbuttoned and wear a vest underneath. Also a crystal ring or crystal bracelet covered in some metal will suit you. You look hot in two piece sets too.
ᑭIᒪE 5
Travel beauty/ ‘Who is that charming girl ?’ They say 🤳💅🏼
You are a true beauty even when you feel you look homeless. You have the, ‘who is that girl?’ Look, especially at airports and in grocery stores or even the girl who just passed by. You remind me of the meme where a guy who is with a girl has turned his head to look at the other girl lol. Your social media got many stalkers too haha.
You look the best in all white but if you want colours then wear a black top and red skirt with pencil heels. I also see that you look best in brown and black. You have an air of innocence in your dressing style which is draws in people like bees to honey.
For accessories your would look nice in caps, sunglasses, a watch but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to wear jewellery, you can wear earrings and necklaces but I just feel you look pretty in simple styles with light make up and branded high quality clothes.
ᑭIᒪE 6
Ancient witch / mythological goddess 🪄
You have a traditional look to you. You look gorgeous in your ethnic clothes or from the culture you belong to. I feel when you dress up in your social standings, you stand out. Then when you wear casual clothes for regular days people are taken aback by your transformation because one minute you looked so transitional and next you look like a model posing for brands in pictures.
You look best in traditional outfits as mentioned before, besides that you look really cute like kittens in dresses. You look pretty in sleeveless tops and relaxed fit straight jeans. Even a beach resort shirt with a sports vest and cargo pants. You look best when you have a sporty vibe to your personality.
You should leave your hair open mostly and a pair of earrings in accessories will accentuate your outfit enough to make you look just enough. Colours like orange and yellow look good on you too.
ᑭIᒪE 7
Fairy in the forest 🧚🏻 / Invisible crown Queen 👑
For some reason I feel that people find you unreal and unique in your fashion. You give off the severity vibes with the way you dress that people feel they’ve encountered a beautiful garden where there are many flowers and greenery.
You look best in pastel/nude colours and especially floral prints. You should wear the nude pink dress with little floral prints, even I feel enchanted by your presence. Even fur clothes make you look attractive.
For accessories, you should wear pearls because it will give you the moon glow and go well with your pastel outfits. If you have been feeling like colouring your hair then take this sign as a yes you can and also don’t cut your hair short. Your hair holds all the beauty.
ᑭIᒪE 8
Mermaid around the corals 🪸 / Angelic Baby👼
You look so sweet and dreamy. You look beautiful in shimmery clothes or see through tops. Crochet knit tops, trousers and skirts.
You should incorporate more of shiny pinks and turquoise colours in your wardrobe. Also purple is your colour. Clothes with shells or accessories with shells will enhance your personality
Stop being shy and dress as you wish girl. I feel you hesitate a lot in dressing authentically. Embrace your ethereal beauty, stop being the mermaid who hides in the abyss of darkness to protect herself from intruders. You can look beautiful and still be in limelight, please don’t shy away.
ᑭIᒪE 9
Bad bitch who is all money 💰/ luxury femme fatale
You dress expensive. You have all the trendy high brand clothes which most people can only eye. You have all luxe accessories and make up products.
You look best in everything because all your clothes screams money and let’s admit, expensive clothes look good on everyone. Your silver dress, silver boots with silver earrings will look best just in case you ever felt confused about what to wear.
Don’t forget to paint your nails red because you are the classy and elite chickkkk. Always and I mean always wear necklaces and a heavy ring because they are meant to be shown off and not to be kept in drawers.
Thanks for reading. Have a lovely day or night wherever you are. Sending you love and healing energy:)
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non-stop-imagines · 7 months
Hey Meera! ❤️🩷I'm the 🏎️ anon who talked about my first request with Charles. Thanks a bunch for your enthusiasm and support! So, my idea is to have Charles dating a younger and hyperfeminine Black Reader. The backstory is pretty simple: Charles and the famous reader have been an item for a while now. She's this super girly and bubbly person who's all about pastels, cute stuff, and beauty/fashion 🦢🧸🪷. Charles is head over heels for her. They even make videos like "my boyfriend's voiceover on my makeup routine" and "rating my outfits," where he showers her with praise in his casual and dominant way, showing attention to details and asking if she's comfortable with the content. He's always using terms like "beautiful," "cute," and "adorable" to describe her, and when she jokingly asks if she looks sexy in one of her outfits, he just laughs it off and moves on. She doesn’t think much of it until the videos blow up, and some comments question how Charles can find her sexy when she's all like that, comparing her to his exes. It hits a sensitive spot since she's faced ridicule in the past and not being taken seriously by people that were once close to her due to her style :( . As the story evolves, our poor baby begins to look back and over these few yet delightful months they've spent together, Charles has consistently placed her pleasure above all else ( fingering or eating her out). However, they still haven't had sex yet. Charles has refrained from letting her reciprocate or even pleasuring him. Every time she's raised the topic, he's waved it off, reassuring her that her satisfaction fulfills him completely. Yet, doubts creep in now. Self-consciousness takes root as she starts to question whether Charles is truly sexually attracted to her. Consequently, she takes matters into her own hands. She shifts her attire towards darker, more mature outfits and adopts a more reserved demeanor like his exes. Charles quickly notices the shift but remains silent until one day she presents herself in dark lingerie. He gently questions her, maybe saying something like, "Mon amour, I know you’re uncomfortable in this. You know I adore your cute underwear’s ." That word triggers her and perhaps, after Charles gently confronts her, an argument unfolds (I love a good old hurt/comfort 😩) and she manages to anger him by saying that if she looks like his exes maybe he’ll actually fuck her/ find her attractive ( oop- 🙃). Unbeknownst to her, she has innocently and obliviously been driving Charles crazy making himself hold back from ruining her. He asks her to change into one of her usual pretty underwear’s but after she refuses, Hard dom Charles comes out 🫠 Perhaps smut with a few things like corruption kink, tummy bulge or face-fucking .Maybe something a long the lines of “ I’m going to fucking ruin you... “ “this is what you wanted?…” “fuck you like the little slut you are…” AAAH do yo thing 🙈. I know Charles is a soft boy but him being a Hard Dom makes me go feral . For the fc I was thinking of one of my favs 20 y/o creators brinathedoll on Instagram 🍦English is not my first language so excuse my grammar ! I know this is long, but you mentioned that you like how specific people get and I figured that it’ll be easier for your writing process. Thank you 🌸
Hi! Here it is!
Also this was an absolutely perfect request honey! You have no idea how many times I went back to reference it because whenever I got stuck I was just like "What does the request say?" 🤣 But, my 🏎️ anon, thank you for your patience and your care. I hope this fic is good because you deserve it my love 💕
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teddysudeikis · 10 months
Teddy Bear 🧸
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Summary: I had a long day working at Keeley Jones’ PR firm and felt so overworked, stressed, and the instant need to cry my eyes out. I come home to find Ted who’s there to comfort me after a long day. He is the perfect boyfriend who knows how to cheer me up with comfort and cuddles.
Relationship: Ted Lasso x me (I inserted myself)
Before you read: It’s my first fic that I’ve written in awhile. I appreciate any feedback and love on it. It’s mostly fluff 🧸 so there’s a lot of cuddly Ted and some light NSFW (I’m so bad at writing those) 😭 but I needed something cuddly to be comforted.
My thoughts spiraled into an endless pit of despair, full of anxiety. When’s the last time I hung out with Keeley and Rebecca? Why have I become so introverted and distant from everyone? What happened to me? And most importantly, what about Ted? Have I been tiring him out?
I felt guilty letting work take over my life being such a perfectionist but I really wanted to help Keeley with all that she’s been through. She’s the closest friend I have and I felt even more pressured to perform to the best of my ability with her as my boss. The last friend she hired let her down and I didn’t want her to think less of me, especially with how important this job was to me.
Feeling a slight tug at my heart with Ted on my mind, I felt so selfish. It’s been awhile since we’ve last went on a date and been intimate really. I know it’s not fair to keep doing this to him.
By the time I reached the door handle of my flat, my hands were shaking with the fear of Ted being home when I just wanted to cry myself to sleep. I didn’t want him to see me like this. I was so stressed and overworked, I couldn’t stop the tears from streaming down my face.
I heard footsteps by the door, hearing the doorknob twist before I could turn it myself. An excited Ted Lasso flashes a big smile my way, making my heart flutter at the sight of him.
His hair was disheveled, his little tendril of hair over his forehead, and chest hair peeking out from his unbuttoned white polo collar. He was wearing the signature AFC Richmond navy sweater on top of it. His sleeves were pushed up, exposing his forearms. He looked so handsome and cozy.
“Welcome home sweet cheeks, been wonderin’ where you were,” Ted beamed, his cute dimples showing.
Just like the day I fell head over heels for him, I was in a daze, taking in the sight of him. I just wanted to cry in his big warm chest to forget today even happened.
“How was your…” Ted started but stopped in his tracks when he noticed my red cheeks from crying.
He stood there for awhile, examining me with his big, bright brown eyes. His smile turned into a frown, wiping the tear from my cheek.
”Darlin’?” he asked concerned, his eyebrows bunched together. “What happened?”
My lip trembles, angry at myself for being so sensitive. “Ted, I…I…just…” I stammered, struggling to get the words out. “I…had a really…bad day.”
I felt even more embarrassed he had to see me like this and started crying again, feeling like I was falling apart right then and there.
Ted was so kind and compassionate, he never judged me like anyone else did. He was always there for me.
I just didn’t want to push him away too. My worst fear was him getting sick of me and leaving me when I needed him the most. I’ve known the feeling of abandonment from people all too well.
“Sweetie,” Ted says, holding his arms out for me. “Come here.” He pulls me into his warm arms.
Feeling so pathetic right now, I just kept crying more into his chest. He runs his hand in my hair, hoping it would comfort me. He kissed me on the head, whispering sweetly in my ear, “It’s okay, let it all out. I’m here now.”
He helps me out of my coat, placing it on the coatrack nearby. He then takes my hand, guiding me to the couch. He puts his arms around me tightly, letting me get comfortable and snuggle into his neck.
“I…just…feel like…I’m not good enough,” I manage to choke out between sniffles and cries. Ted listened as he rubs my back and arms tenderly to soothe me.
“Good enough for who? Me?” Ted asks, furrowing an eyebrow, saddened at the thought of me not being good enough for him.
“Darlin’, you’re everything to me, I love you,” he assured me, making me tear up.
“That…and…Keeley. I feel like a failure,” I cried out.
“Darlin’, you’re not a failure. Heck, you’re the best at everything,” he assures me with full confidence. “You’re the smartest and most hardworking gal I know. And she knows that too. She’s lucky to have you.”
“And you’re the best thing that’s happened to me,” he continues, making me instantly blush with the endless praise and heartwarming compliments to cheer me up. “I couldn’t imagine life without you.”
My breathing starts to relax a little at the comfort of his touch and words.
I tilt my face up at him, making his mustached lips curl into a warm smile. “Am I too much?” I shyly ask, feeling overwhelmed with all the love that I felt like I didn’t deserve.
“Baby cakes, of course you’re not. Why would you say that?”
“I just…well, I…” I stammered, getting lost in his pretty brown eyes.
“Sweetie, if you think I’m ever gonna give you up and let you down, then I’d be pretty darn stupid,” he says with a twinkle in his eye. “I love you so much, I’m not goin’ anywhere.”
He tenderly tucked my hair behind my ear, making my face flush red even more. I didn’t even tell him what was on my mind and he managed to heal every painful feeling in me.
He shushes me, feeling my hands being shaky again, hoping to calm me down, knowing a lot was on my mind and bothering me. “Just take a deep breath, it’ll be alright,” he whispers.
He could feel my heartbeat race, hoping to calm it down.
“Please don’t worry, it’s okay,” he whispers.
“In…out…” he nods, guiding me to follow.
I follow along with him, making him smile coaching me through it. “In…and out. There ya go.”
I take another deep breath, closing my eyes for an instant, trying to calm down. I was feeling so many bottled up emotions coming at me all at once.
I felt more at ease being there in his arms. A big, warm hand tickles me as it makes its way under my sweater against my back. He rubbed it in gentle strokes, the warm feeling making me less tense and more relaxed.
“How are ya feeling, sweet pea?” Ted asked gently, rubbing my back even more. “Better?”
I nodded in response, opening my eyes to see the beautiful sight of him again. “That’s my girl,” he beams with delight in his voice. “You’ve had a long day, you deserve some rest. I’m here now.”
My eyes traveled down his big puppy dog eyes to his handsome smile. Then they made their way to the unbuttoned shirt, eyeing the chest hairs poking out from the neckline.
He takes me by the hands, lowering them to my sides, raising one brow at me. “How about you get cozy and settled in while I finish up the batch of biscuits I whipped up for ya.”
I nodded, feeling flush red in the face for letting my mixed emotions get the best of me. I just needed him right now more than anything.
I could smell the sweetness of his warm biscuits nearby. “T-Ted, that’s really thoughtful of you,” I smiled.
He cups my chin in his hand, giving me a gentle kiss. “Let’s get you all warmed up too with a nice hot bath, how does that sound?” he suggests.
I nodded, smiling from the warm kiss. “C-Could you…” I stammered, feeling shy and anxious again.
“Mhmm?” he asks, patiently waiting.
“C-Could y-you…help me out of these clothes? I’ve had a long day,” I shyly asked, wanting to feel his warm touch again. I couldn’t stop thinking about his hands on my body. It made me feel so…good.
“Why of course,” his mustached lips curling into a playful smile.
Without hesitating, he pulls my pink sweater over my head, tossing it aside. His big hands then pull me by the hips making me squeak from our faces inches apart as he teasingly unzips my jeans while pulling them off my legs slowly.
He tossed my jeans aside next to my sweater, hungrily looking at me in my bra and underwear. “How’s that?” Ted smiles, gently massaging both of my thighs slowly.
I gulped, feeling my heart in my throat. The room felt like it was heated just with how intense it felt right now, drowning in his pretty brown orbs.
I smile as I look up at his big brown eyes, his lips leaning into mine for another kiss. “Perfect, Teddy.”
He smiles instantly at the nickname, feeling all warm and fuzzy inside everytime I said it.
“Do you need any other assistance today, ma’am?” he asks, his hands diving down into the loops of my underwear, playfully toying with the bands on my hips. He loved my curves so much.
Goosebumps rise up, making me lose my breath for an instant. “I-I’m okay for now.”
He chuckled to himself, knowing how nervous I get around him especially when it comes to sex.
I was so inexperienced to it still and he knew that. He never pressured me into it, he wanted me to be comfortable when it came to that. He loved every opportunity to be intimate though, he’s been craving it for the longest and so did I.
“Well hop on to it then,” he gets up and winks at me, lightly smacking my upper thigh making me squeak and jump. He gestured me to follow him but I just sat there in amazement and stared at him from afar on the couch.
He happily strides his way over to the bathroom, drawing a nice hot bath for me. He stands in the doorway with his hands on his hips, raising an eyebrow at me. “Well don’t just sit there, c’mon in when it’s hot and ready, babygirl.”
I got up, blushing bad from head to toe when he’s in Coach Lasso mode.
He watches me undress, smiling from ear to ear when he catches a glimpse of my breasts and shaved mound. He picks up my undergarments watching me get in the tub slowly.
I stop for an instant holding the sides of the tub before sitting down fully, seeing him in the doorway enjoying the view.
“Teddy Bear,” I innocently say.
“Could you get my phone?” I asked, biting my lip. “I think I left it in my bag.”
Ted crosses his arms, knowing me better than anyone else. “What for?”
“To check what time I need to…” I started but before I could finish my sentence, Ted shakes his head knowing it’s about work.
“Sabrina, if you don’t get in that bathtub I’ll throw you in there myself,” he says in his stern coach voice. “Don’t make me get the whistle now.”
My cheeks turned pink and I instantly slide my way into the tub till my butt hit the hot water.
I don’t know if it was me or the water but I felt like I became wet the minute he went into coach mode. I wonder if he would really bring the whistle if I…
“Don’t take too long darlin’, I’ll be in the kitchen if ya need me,” he smiled widely as he exits the room carrying my bra and panties.
I could hear him whistling from afar. He throws my stuff into the laundry hamper, making his way to the kitchen, tying back his apron on, getting back to biscuit business.
I giggled at the thought of him becoming full Coach Lasso especially in the bedroom. It helped my body unwind as the thought of anything Ted made me forget about what kind of day I had.
A few minutes passed by and I could feel his presence by the door, his disheveled hair over his brow again. “What’s all that gigglin’ I hear?”
Blushing bad I giggled a little too loud for him to hear, I covered my mouth in embarrassment.
“Having fun without me now?” he teases, hinting I might’ve been doing something sneaky in there.
Caught off-guard by the thought of it, I was blushing even more. “I-I wasn’t doing…” I started, trying to defend myself.
“Mhmm hmm, sure, miss gigglypuff,” he chuckled in his Southern drawl. “Don’t take too long, sugar, or I’ll make you run twenty laps.”
He slowly walks back to the kitchen, unable to keep his eyes off of me as he exits the room again, letting me know he was onto me.
Comfort was his number one priority and he always made sure I was pampered with kisses, cuddles, and biscuits.
A half hour goes by and I turn off the water, getting out to dry off. I throw on one of Ted’s grey sweaters with the signature AFC Richmond greyhound stitching. I slid under the navy bedsheets making myself comfortable.
Ted enters the room with the biggest smile on his face, carrying a plate of his biscuits baked to perfection.
“Well aren’t you snug as a bug?” Ted jokes with a big grin, setting the batch of biscuits down on the bedside table.
I let out another giggle, blushing from head to toe everytime he made me laugh.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better. Seeing you gigglin’ and all. Been missin’ that gorgeous smile of yours,” Ted smiled widely, his gorgeous dimples showing.
“I don’t think I’ve ever felt this relaxed and happy in awhile,” I admitted, feeling much better. He really knew how to loosen me up.
“Ain’t that good to hear,” he smiles, lightly booping me on the nose with his finger.
I grab one of his biscuits, putting it in my mouth. That hit the spot. I softly moaned chewing it.
I blushed, feeling his soft watchful eyes on me.
“And I missed hearing that sound too,” he winks.
He walks out of the room, untying his apron and setting it on the chair.
I sit up on the bed, pouting seeing him walk off again. “I need my Teddy Bear to cuddle with,” I insisted, making him spin around to face me.
“Awe sweet pea, I’ll only be a minute. I gotta hop on out of these clothes unless you want to snuggle with the Pillsbury Doughboy,” he jokes, kissing me on the head.
He had sugar and dough on his pants and apron after baking biscuits.
He pulls out another biscuit, putting it in my mouth to taste. “Good, ain’t it?” he smiles.
“Mhmm,” I softly moan into the biscuit, biting into it.
“Help yourself, sugar,” he says to me. He walks over to the foot of the bed, taking off his clothes one by one.
I slowly stop chewing, taking in the sight of his strong forearms slowly pulling the sleeves off his sweater.
He’s doing this for me I know it. It was torture.
I bit my lower lip in anticipation, seeing his white polo shirt ride up enough to expose his soft tummy and happy trail as he takes his sweater off.
He has no idea what he’s doing to me. Unless he does know…
He sets it aside on the chair next to the apron, going for the polo next.
My eyes traveled up to the top of his polo, where most of the buttons were already undone and I caught another glimpse of the chest hair peeking out that made me feral. I always admired his dadbod but something about his chest hair was just so masculine and sexy. It was what made him such a cuddle bear too, it was soft and furry to the touch.
My brain is racing, making me giggle at the thought of taking him out of those clothes, pulling down those khakis to see…
“You’re having a blast over there, gigglypuff,” he joked, getting another irresistible smile from me.
“I think I caught you drifting off again like you did in that tub earlier,” Ted teased with a smile. I blushed hard.
“I…” I stammered, nervously sweating when his big hands reached for the zipper on his khakis.
“I’ve been putting on a little show for you, huh, sugar plum?” he chuckled, making my heart melt the more he lowered the pants off his legs.
I blushed so bad, I could feel my face burning red. I covered my face in the sheets, hiding my face for him to not see. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about, Ted.”
He wiggled out of his khakis, smiling at me hiding from him. “It’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” he smiles, pulling back the sheet to meet my eyes. “I don’t mind one bit.”
He’s in his boxer briefs and polo, crawling next to me in the bed. His strong arms pull me towards him from behind, resting his hands on my belly.
I felt his warm chest on my back, making me blush and smile again. I could smell his cologne on his shirt, making me feel more relaxed and at home than ever.
I nuzzle against his neck, feeling his arm around me, lowering down to rest at my hip.
“Thank you, Teddy. For doing this for me,” I gently whisper.
He looks down at me, giving me gentle kisses on my neck. “That’s what Teddy Bear is here for, I’m just glad to see you smilin’ again. I’ve missed that,” he replied.
I pouted, feeling like something else was missing. I still wanted the snuggle bear I’ve been craving. And by that I mean his warm snuggly chest hairs.
Ted was sometimes self-conscious about his body and even though I loved his dadbod, he still felt like he had to hide his belly and love handles when around me.
I wanted him to be comfortable too. I loved this man too much to hide the most beautiful parts about him.
I sat up in the bed, feeling his arms drop down next to me. He cocks his head to the side, wondering what I was up to now.
“Everything alright, darlin’?”
I turn to face him, rubbing my hands affectionally on his chest, making him grin a little.
I rub the chest hair poking out of his shirt, making his manhood harden in his boxers.
“Can I cuddle with my furry Teddy Bear?” I innocently requested, hoping he’d say yes. “Chest hair and all…I think it would help me sleep better. You’re so cozy.”
“Mhmm, you know I can’t say no to that, now can I, honey bunch?” he chuckled, equally blushing unable to resist my pouting. “I’ll let you do the honors.”
I excitedly bounce in the bed, giddily making my way to pull off his polo shirt. I grab the sides of his shirt, pulling it off his head to be face to face with his broad shoulders and chest.
Without thinking, I run my fingers from his belly to his chest hair, purring at the feel of it.
My nails dig at it, pulling a few of the chest hairs as I ran my fingers through it, somewhat clawing at them, pulling him closer to me.
Ted struggles to keep up with me and tries to catch his breath, surprised by how feral his body made me.
“Woah easy now,” he says.
I continued by planting small kisses from his chest to his happy trail. My hands caressed his strong, warm chest while praising him more, making him feel good about himself.
“I love you…you’re so perfect,” I whisper, kissing him on the lips.
He softly grunts into my mouth, craving the love and affection.
Unable to let go of him, I run small circles through his chest hair with the twirl of my fingers.
His tongue teases my lips and I tease him back by biting his bottom lip, making another giggle escape my mouth. After the kiss deepens for another moment, he pulls back, admiring me.
“Aren’t you the gigglin’ girl today?” he smiles.
“Mhmm. You’re hairy…so beary hairy,” I giggled.
He raises an eyebrow, liking the sound of this. “Am I now?” he grins. “I should take my shirt off more if I knew how much it would make you grin like a possum eating a sweet potato.”
Ted’s tongue traces my lips, then trails down my jaw, neck, and collar bone making me purr in response.
“How’s that?” he asks, hoping to satisfy me.
“Mhmm, so good,” I softly moaned, craving his warm touch.
My hands move up his chest, then to his broad shoulders.
His big, warm hands work around my waist, exploring my curves while pulling me closer to him. He caresses my cheek, pulling me into another kiss that had our mouths moving in perfect unison.
Feeling breathless, I reached up to his hair, running my fingers through them. He growls into my mouth, making me tug onto it in response.
When his lips move down my neck again, I couldn’t help but let out a moan I’ve been holding in, feeling a wave of ecstasy rush over me, coating my panties instantly.
His warm hands rub my protruding nipples sticking out of his grey sweater, making him smile enough for his dimples to graze my neck.
“Oh my god,” I murmured, feeling lost for words.
“How are you feeling?” he asks, his warm breath against my skin.
“M-Much b-better, T-Teddy,” I said, feeling my body tingle with his hands slowly massaging my breasts.
He pulls back, his brown eyes dark and full of lust. “Any other requests for Teddy Bear?” he grinned, hoping to pleasure me some more.
I blushed, feeling my heart race. “C-Cuddles,” I said, struggling to get the words out.
My eyes trailed over to his bedside table, spotting the pair of aviators, whistle, and white visor hat he left out, thinking it’s something he’s been saving for a special occasion: Coach Lasso. If I kept on teasing him, he would find a way to torture me with it somehow and he knew I would love it. He wanted me to feel good and he knew how to make me feel good.
“Anything for you, darlin’,” he whispers, kissing me on the cheek.
He tucked himself again in behind me, pulling the bedsheets over us, wrapping his arms tightly around me. He playfully nibbles on my ear, getting another playful giggle out of me.
“That’s my girl,” he smiles, running his hands up and down my arms. His hands explore my hips and upper thighs, making me blush even more.
He felt so warm and snuggly I couldn’t stop smiling around him. His legs are wrapped behind mine, tangling our bodies even closer together.
“I love you so much,” he whispers gently, giving me more tender kisses on my neck. His breath tickled against my ear.
“I would do anything for you, you know that?”
I giggled, feeling his impressive bulge rub against me. “I know you would,” I smiled.
“You’ve got a case of the giggles today, don’t you?” he chuckled, hoping to hear more of it.
“I can’t help myself when I’m around you,” I shyly admitted, feeling embarrassed he noticed the small details about me. But he loved it so much.
“I can’t either,” he whispered, making my heart feel full.
“I love you Tedbear,” I reply, feeling so comfortable in his arms.
He smiled, giving me more of a bear hug by squeezing me tighter. His hands felt so warm against mine, letting my body melt into his as he kept caressing my curves to help me drift off to sleep.
The more comforting and loving he was, the more my eyes fluttered into dreamland.
“I love you too,” he whispers in my ear, smiling and enjoying the beautiful silence around us. Worn out himself, Ted fell asleep holding me tightly against him smiling ear to ear knowing he made my horrible day better with him around.
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marvelmaniac2000 · 4 months
Summary:  💗 Blind Date (Valentine’s Day)  💗 🧸
Characters: hot neighbor x fem! Reader (Y/N), oc (reader’s best friend) 
Subject: Pure fluffy. Flirty, foreplay, intercourse, rom com type thing, Kissing, clit play , vanilla sex, male gaze, dominance sexual kink,  
Words: 1.2k 
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   “Hey are you ready for your date tonight?”  you look at your phone and scrunch up your nose. 
“Yep” you texted back and tossed your phone over across the bed and looked at yourself in the mirror. The dress you picked out made your body look just right. Maybe you thought the jewelry was a little too much, but who cares it was just for one night. 
   You weren’t sure who the date was going to be with but you had plenty of trust in your friend of course. You couldn’t think of the last time you had a good time besides hugging your wine and favorite tv shows every night. It was finally a breath of fresh air to have a new experience. There was a knock at your door and you froze in confusion.
Is that your date?  You thought to yourself. It seemed a little weird for them to come to your door already, but why wouldn’t your friend tell you that he was here already? Ugh. An awkward moment is already happening. 
  The big clamper of your heels tapped your hardwood floors as you stood in front of your door. You look through the peephole to try to get a glimpse of your mysterious date.  “You’re here pretty early” you giggled through the door. You gasped and notice the peephole completely black. “Well it wouldn’t be very polite of me not to show up on time would it?” You smirk to yourself. The voice sounded familiar, 
   “Also don’t try to look through the peephole, that’s cheating” the voice lightly tapped the door with his finger.
  You gave a hard grin and unlocked the door. 
   If you could melt into a million pieces you could. There stood a man well over your height, with broad shoulders and a very slim figure. He had big emerald green eyes and a handsome shaped face. His toned brown hair complemented his face. Your heart dropped a bit before trying to find your next words. 
  “Wow you’re..beautiful” he slid his hands in his pockets.  “Thank you” you leaned into the door a bit. 
“Um I’m Harris by the way” he didn’t leave eye contact with you. “ I’m (Y/N) you grinned. Did you want to come in? I still have to grab my coat” you sheepishly turned the door open for him to come in. “I think I’ll just wait right here, I think it’s too soon to come in your personal space and place..”
    “Yeah.. you’re right..Just wait a sec” you left the door half open and went to retrieve your bag and coat for the night.  “Okay I’m ready” you closed your apartment door and looped your arm into his. 
    “Have a little secret to tell you” Harris admired you from his side view. “What is it?” you smirked. 
 “I don’t think you ever noticed me, but I’m your neighbor,” he chuckled. “Ohhh so that’s how I ended up with someone like you” you gently rubbed his arm. “So is that a bad thing or?..”
“Nope, not at all. I think she did a perfect job” your voice was a little low but faintly nervous. 
  “So uh where are we going for our date?” Your cheeks were so red you could almost be squeezed to a pulp.  “Maybe a movie? You seem like a huge fan”  
“How can you tell? Maybe the key chain gave it away” you chuckled. “Exactly” he grinned. “ We should get going, I'm sure it’s going to be busy since it’s valentine’s day week” “for sure” you agreed. 
    You both went to catch dinner at a cheap restaurant before catching a movie. You felt safe for some reason with him. Even though you both just met it still probably wasn’t best to fall for someone you technically hardly knew at the time. You move the arm chair and lean your head against his shoulder. 
His colon engulfed into your nose as you enjoyed the moment you shared being away and finally JUST being in the moment. Harris wrapped his arm around you and silently rubbed his thumb around your waist. 
  After the movie ended Harris walked you back to your apartment. 
  “You really should come in Harris, it's not a problem, you live right next door” you slowly opened your door and walked in. Harris hesitated before walking in. 
  You threw your bag and jacket off on the sofa and threw your earrings on the counter. “You have a really nice place… way better than the places I sold” he guided his hands on your waist. “Harris I think this date was amazing” you slowly kissed his lips and hungrily wrapped your arms around his neck. 
   He smirked and pecked your cheek. “Oh I could tell ms.lovely” you pressed your hand against his cheek and kissed him passionately. Harris trailed kisses down your neck and gently pushed your strap down off your shoulder. You roam your hand, through his sandy brown hair watching him love your body parts. A deep breath escapes your mouth as you feel him roam his hands under your dress. You guided him to your bedroom and unbuttoned his plaid shirt. You smirk admiring his pale chest taking him all in. Harris helped you take off your dress revealing just your bra and panties. Your legs almost gave in, feeling him leave wet kisses down to your core while you try to keep your stance. “Please Harris” you beg. Harris stood silent and took your bra off watching your bouncing breasts. “So beautiful” he gently sucked one of your nipples, sending you over the edge. You pushed his head further wanting him to suck on them more. 
 You moan feeling your core get even wetter. Harris gently pushed you to lay on the bed. Harris pushed your legs open and pressed his finger back and forth from your wet spot. “Not just yet, soft kitten” he whispered. He hungrily put his fingers in your panties rubbing your core. “I want you to show me how much you want it” He looked into your eyes dearly before tongue kissing you. You whimper harshly bucking your hips to his hand. “Good girl” he pushed lace underwear off and undid his belt. 
   His hardened member dripped of pre cum waiting for you. Harris guided his tip inside of you before stroking in slowly building up your wetness. You moan feeling him inside you. Your thighs grabbed hold onto him not wanting to let go of his tempo. “Harris” you faintly whispered as he nibbled on your hardened nipples. “Keep going baby” you beg. “Whatever you say” Harris kisses you harder, rocking your body. 
 Following Morning….
   The following morning you were a grinning mess finally going on a date with..your HOT neighbor. 
You still managed to make it to work on time and greeted everyone as usual. You went to your assigned desk at your office and a boutique of roses with a mini teddy bear was on your desk. 
   Your best friend grinned at you from the doorway. “Spill the details” 
My Card
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motelofmermaids · 14 days
- 🧸
i'm so jelly! wish i could see the clothes, i just know they're so iconic- like the red and white plaid and the denim skirts and the red, heart shaped glasses!! ms ldr would be so proud x
(also i just noticed a spelling mistake of mine :( in my last msg) i really need to find other stores which stock my style!! all i have is brandy melville and i can't exactly shop there regarding the latest documentary :(
anyway the reason why i wished to be your teddy anon is bcs i'm currently in a james kelly phase and i can't help but think about wanting to be his teddy, like ahh!! i don't even call him james anymore i call him jamie, just want to be treated as his (and be his) 🧸 🎀 like?? i could sit on top of his work bench and hand him any tool he needs and i'll do it in a milisecond bcs i'm so helpful 🤭 also this is so tame for me!! really holding back rn...
babes i REALLY recommend depop!!! i’ve been buying all of my clothes off of depop, and i’m so extremely happy because it has all the styles i ♡︎ (vintage americana/coquette, y2k mcbling, office siren…) i think you’d really like it if you don’t have it! you can also sell clothes too :)
that’s so cute. i’m genuinely (and it’s honestly so bad at this point) in love with him. oh my lord, i don’t know if ‘m so head over heels for james kelly specifically or hayden christensen. i don’t know, it’s so hard to explain & i probably sound a little crazy or delusional but it’s just!! he takes my breath away, and gives me feelings i’ve never really felt towards a man. i think about james literally ALL DAY, and it’s gotten to a point where i talk to bots because writing about him isn’t enough 😔 i really wanna meet hayden too… i don’t know! i jus’ adore him so dearly. i should stop yapping now because i sound insane but ANYWAY. my point was i heavily relate
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moonchildstyles · 1 year
Aster and Angel have a minor misunderstanding before their scheduled dinner, and she is simply going to her room, taking off her pretty kitten heels, and he is perplexed, "Don't you want to leave anymore, Angel?" Following her finding her hands on her skirt about to take it off "we are still leaving?" He gets closer to her "why won’t we?" Hands softly cradling her cheek "i thought cause we…you know" his thumb goes over her lips softly "i don’t?" Genuinely confused :( "I’m sorry I just- you said that they canceled your reservation and you sounded pissed at me and I didn’t wanna-"  her eyes going everywhere "at them angel. "I was pissed at them, not you" she’s getting worked up he can see it His hands go to her waist, pulling her closer, fingers running up and down her skin, trying to calm her down "But I was running late, so it’s my fault." He places a kiss on her forehead, leaning down until their noses are nuzzling, knowing it calms her nerves :( "so? Run as late as you want we can leave at 11 if that satisfies you, and if you need another hour to choose a pair of cute heels, I’ll wait right here for you." placing a kiss on her cheek, looking down at her, trying to meet her eyes "I-I just want you to know that I respect your time. I just want you to know that I’m grateful and-" h just can’t bear the sight of her water filled eyes "I know you weren’t running late on purpose, angel. We both got the time mixed up. and that’s okay" Her breathing slowly regulates "there are thousands of restaurants..." thumb tipping her chin up "surely there are ones that are open now, yeah?" She nods, hugging him :((((( sitting at the edge of her bed after picking up her heels </3 kneeling down :( "I’m not like them, baby" he looks up at her she’s all quite "never gonna get mad at you" putting on her heels for her "and it’s normal to be late and forget plans and even cancel on them" kissing her knees :( He wants to keep on going, re-teach her everything, but he doesn’t wanna ruin her pretty makeup :( he lays the side of his head on her lap, hearing the growls of her tummy "Uh oh, we've gotta leave now before the tummy monster eats us all, right angel?” she lets out a giggle “right” his dimple fully on display :( 🧸
BESTIE WAIT IM :(((((( SO LITERALLY....IM.......IM JSUT SO:(((((( I LOVE THIS BAD :(((((( like her just assuming they’re not going anymore bc shes too late and made them miss their dinner:( and like h is frustrated yeah and maybe he got a little short w her when she was asking what happened but hes not mad at her :((((( he loves her always :(((((((((( him catching her getting undressed and kicking off her shoes:((((((((((( and her telling him that she appreciates him and his time and doesn't want him to think otherwise like I could actually vomit and cry over that:(((((((((( but im the most like clinically obsessed w the idea of him helping her put her shoes back on and looking up at her that hes not mad at her bc hes not like them:( like her parents:(((((((( telling her that its okay that sometimes shes running late or misses plans or cancels them:(((( bc shes jsut a person and he loves her so much and its okay:((((( SNF HIM WANTING T RETEACH HER ALL THE THINGS HELP HER NOT BE SO HARD ON HERSELF :(((((((((( I just....need to cry
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urfavbasicbitch · 1 year
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Webtoons I read and recommend
So, nobody really asked to do it but I’m feeling like doing this post with my favorite webtoons or just some Webtoons I’ve been reading recent. Hope you guys enjoy it! (It’s not in order of favorites or not)
Can I take it back?
Summary: Hayan, a high school student, finally gathers the courage to confess to her crush. But somehow her confession ends up in the hands of another student named Bakha, who is rumored to be a bully and a womanizer. Hayan desperately tries to hide that she confessed to the wrong person because she is terrified by the rumors. Meanwhile, Bakha starts to take an interest in her, and opens up to her in his own way. Will Hayan be able to escape him and confess to the right person this time?
🥛 🎀 honestly this one is such a gem! It’s one of the cutest webtoons I’ve read recently and I totally recommend it! soft hours at its finest
My reason to die/What I decided to die for
Summary: Ji Oh, a senior in high school who was injured ahead of the National Taekwondo Competiton, is facing late puberty. Cha Gyeol, who met Ji Oh while having all sort of bad thoughts, is completely swoon over by Ji Oh with her dazzling smile. However, the people around Cha Gyeol are somehow dangerous for her to go head over heels with him. Her mind knows that she should be wary of him but she could not stop her interest towards Gyeol. Is it alright for her…to like him?
🧸🥛 oh honey, you gotta a big storm coming with this manhwa! If you want drama, romance and a little bit of spice on it, you should definitely read this one! 10/10
I Love Yoo
Summary: Dogged by pain and misfortune from the very beginning, Shin-Ae decides she wants nothing to do with people nor anything to do with romance. Although content with her unsocial, boring, loveless existence, her lifestyle is challenged after she ruins an unsuspecting strangers' clothes.
🤍🧸 what I can say about I love yoo? Oh god, this one is a hell of a ride but I love it, I can’t denied it. We’ve been through hiatus and a LOT but I’m still sticking around because the story is just so… ugh! Seriously, I could write a whole essay about I love yoo and why I love it so much! Despite fuzzy timeline, some unnecessary flashbacks and a bit of rambling I just love this webtoon, please read it and obsess over like I do
Act like you love me
Summary: 25-year-old Ji-eon is stressed, overworked, and penniless. When a mix-up at a temp job has her spending a day as famous actor Doyun Nam’s personal assistant, she takes her anger out on a doll… which turns out to have the magical ability to control him at her every whim. Now it’s her turn to be the boss.
🍦this webtoon is such a mood! Ji-eon is actually relatable lol y’all should read this one!
Should I do one more round? If you like it, I can do more recommendations!
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this one for iceheart's aria?
Ask Game
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🌋 How often do they fight? Do they usually playfight or only serious fights? How do they make up to their s/o?
They have their fair share of fights, but they do their best to work it out. They definitely playfight a lot though, and whether that's j wrestling for the remote to pick a movie or some friendly spars, it usually ends up in giggles. That or Honoré gets all pouty at Harper 'shooting' at him.
💬 How do they express their love and affection? Verbally? Writing it down? Actions? Do they ever say/Have they ever said “I love you?”
They're both verbal about it, but Honoré struggles to say it more. It's not that he doesn't love Harper, it's that he's afraid he isn't good for Harper or that he'll leave him once he has no more use. A lot of Honoré's love shows in his actions and the way he says "I cherish you."
🧩 When was the moment that really clicked for them? Like “I’m in love with them” or “This is the person for me”?
I wrote in the other post the moment Honoré knew. But there was also the first time they seriously fought side by side in battle. They were already established, yeah. But there's something about somebody willing to put their life in your hands. And Honoré has kept that life safe since.
🧀 How sappy and cheesy are they? Do they go for cliched things or do they try to come up with original ideas to impress?
Honoré isn't super sure what he's doing, but he's trying his best. Sometimes he goes for cliches because its the first thing that comes up in research. He tries to come up with original ideas though.. Which is how they end up with a lot of burnt dinner dates that end up in takeout... Honoré isn't extremely cheesy or sappy, but sometimes he can get clingy..
🩹 What do they do when their s/o gets hurt? Do they fuss over them? Nurse them back to health?
Honoré is the first person to wave Harper off when he gets hurt, and then proceeds to do everything in his power to make sure Harper is healed and alright so I mean.. Anyways nurse(doctor) Honoré real.
💍 Would they like to get married? Are they the type who likes a big dramatic ceremony or just go to the nearest town hall to get officiated? Do they plan their wedding or ask others for help?
They do get married!! Poly married with Darien lol. Honoré wears the wedding rings on a necklace around his neck. Their ceremony isn't massive or dramatic but it has their family and friends, a nice little event for them. Though the one Elysia throws for them is definitely.. Dramatic..
🏆 Do they play fairly, go soft on their s/o, or do they use affection to distract their s/o to win? (e.g., kisses, flirting, etc.)
Honoré isn't the one to do that until Harper does and then NOTHING IS OFF THE TABLE, NO BITCHES SAFE NOW.
🗺 How would they handle long-distance relationships? Do they wait for their s/o to contact them, or do they spam their messages with every little thing that reminds them of their s/o?
Honoré is busy as hell anyways so he doesn't spam, but he does note things throughout the day that he wants to tell Harper about and writes them all down when he can so he doesn't forget! Then he sends several big ass paragraphs lol
🧸 How spoiled do they act around their s/o? Alternatively, how much do they spoil their s/o?
Honoré spoils the shit out of Harper. He doesn't like being spoiled much cause he feels bad about it? But I know Harper spoils him too. It just flusters him soo much.. But he LOVES spoiling Harper.
📏 Do they like the height difference (or lack thereof) between them and their s/o? Do they take advantage of it?
There's not a huge height difference between them, but Honoré makes a point to wear heels just to be taller the fucking bastard. He loves hugging Harper and resting his head on top of his<3
🤪 Do they get second-hand embarrassment? Or do they join their s/o in whatever crazy ideas they’ve come up with? Alternatively, do they drag their s/o into their wild schemes?
Honoré does not know what cringe is. Let's just leave it at that.
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scandi-rose · 2 years
edelweiss with 🧸👀??
Aboard the Princess Maria Thresa
Summary: it's 1843, and due to various issues Basch has found himself above deck on an Austrian Merchant ship. Thankfully the seas are gentle but unluckily for him they've set course for Spain
The gentle rocking of the boat as the bobs along the calm waters underneath the light of the moon. Soft salty winds gently push into the sails punting the ship along its way. Smooth varnishes are wooden under his fingers as he leans over the side a sigh leaving his lifts, although he's not one for sea sickness, homesickness comes quick, makes his stomach froth and foam-like the seas bashing against the rugged coastline.
Gone are the snow-capped peaks of the mountains that give way to rolling pasture. ripening growth in summer, meadows thick with flowers echoing with the tinny ring of cow bells.
He hums to himself, his fingers tapping a gentle rhythm with the dips and swells of an old folk tune. The sea made him miss home, it always meant travel and long periods away.
He lifts his head a moment upon hearing footsteps approaching; the steps clicking against the boards of the deck. Once they come to a stop he clacking of a heel on the boards followed by a low chuckle. “Signore  Zwingli, come to enjoy the still night?” 
Clicking his tongue Basch turns to the man who’d just spoken. The tall Venetian is stood leaning popped up on his elbow glancing over the side of the boat that expense of moonlit water.
“Honoured guest, I apologise but the best cabin, the only cabin is the captain’s quarters.” he twirls the end of his ponytail around his finger, the Venetian had no care following the common trend for short hair now. Waves framing his face he looks s like a throwback to the century just past.
“Frau Dover last I saw had gone into that room,”  Basch grumbles turning to look out over the still ocean again. 
There’s a cough the sound of a shirt being brushed down. “I’m no dog, Signore. She’s  a valued member of the crew.” There is a tightness to his voice, he raises an eyebrow still not turning to face the Italian city. “No idea you had so low opinion of me.”
“Your son chases anything with two legs and a skirt.” That’s he’s started tapping on the varnished wood. He meets the dark eyes of Venice. The man frowned furrowing his brows.
With the rustling of fabric, Basch turns to notice Venice’s hand on the tip of his pistol, he stares at the Italian/ “No need for weapons.” he takes a step back hand rising in front of him.
“Do not make unscrupulous accessions at my son’s expense” His already dark brown has narrowed and appeared to be black.
“Apples and trees,”
“Signore Austria wishes to speak with you.”
“I have no desire to humour his request”
“Whilst your Italian, is impeccable, Switzerland. I said request to be polite.”
With a groan, Basch rakes a hand through his hair before readjusting his beret, He allows the ship captain to lead him below desks through the food store. He staggers a little bit the rocking of the boat a little more noticeable now.
He scratches at goosebumps that now have risen on his neck, it was the sea, that made boat travel displeasing for him. “Not fond of tight spaces?” the Venetian stops in his tracks turning to look over his shoulder at him with a smirk
“Vincenzo....taunting isn’t something I expect from you.” Groans the Swiss man puffs out a breath and leans against the barrel. It was that he’s certainly closer to the water and surrounded by it.
He knocks on the cabin’s door and waits for a muffed voice on the offed side to reply to him. standing to the side as he opens the door.
“Signore Switzerland, Young master Austria.” Vincenzo bows as Basch walks past the door closing behind. him.
Basch had found himself the window and thrown it open the moment he’d heard Vincenzo's footsteps trailing off. Had he been called here so Roderich could watch him flounder? He had no issues with sea travel until he couldn’t be on deck, this prissy brat knew this.
The gentle scratching of Roerich's pen over the course paper that lay on his desk, neatly stacked, leather-bound book standing on a shelf above the desk where a candle sat lighting the workspace. Basch claps his hand to the back of his neck the goosebumps were rising again.
“What is it you want,  Austria?” He drums his fingers on the windowsill, the tightness of the space lessens now he could gentle splashing of the sea. His nails scratch into the wood peeling the varnish,
A moment, 1. 2, 3. an uncomfortable grunt from the other occupant of the room whom he s resolving not to look at. 1, 2 3. the scraping of chair legs on the ground. 1, 2 ,3 He turns.
The brunette adjusts his glasses, and every muscle in his body is tense. “I called you-”
“Why?” before he could even finish the sentence, why was he being dragged along on this voyage. it had nothing to do with any Swiss business. “Is it a joke? a laugh at my expense?”
“What on earth are you talking about?” Roderich blinks his hands flying to his hips. 
“It’s not what, it’s who..” 
“Who? I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“The Latin whore...”
Uneasy silence returns, maybe he’d played his hand to open but this whole journey was a claustrophobic nightmare for him. “...captive sailing for Spain.”
“Basch....I think you misunderstand” Comes a frustrated sigh and he can’t help crow a  laugh dripping with venom.
“What misunderstanding?” How could there be anything to misunderstand. He has been stuck bound for Spain of all places for the past week. His hands curl into fists squeezing so hard his nails dig into his palms.
“Stop being unreasonable, Basch...”
“I have no business with you, good day.” He turns to lave the door, the boat is rocking more now and the close quarters has his stomach sloshing around worse than the waves,
He makes a hurried scramble to get back above desks again, fresh hair and open spaces. fuck it he hates boats so much. He can’t hear anything there’s rushing in his ears. His stomach flips and throws himself at the side of the boat.
“Neutrally out the window...I can’t be around him..” he mumbles dragging himself back, head swimming “Trapped, he’s trapped me...”
Had it always been this one-sided?
Sitting on the side of the bed, he looked out of the window that had been left open, eyes retracing the route Basch had taken to dive from the room the moment he’d gotten the chance. Roderich glanced at the mirror that sat on a barrel of rum in the corner of the room next to a bucket with the white flag that hung above it.
Getting up he brushes his hair from his forehead and glances into the mirror and an old scar that is just above his eye, much faded after centuries, His still manicured fingers brush over it, it’s thin. there’s another scar that dashes along his neck.
Moron be careful
The words flutter through his head as he looks at his hand seeing that at least three of his fingers are bandaged, and he misadventures whilst cooking. feels along the bridge of his nose, It never had set right again, after it had been broken last.
“Stupid, I’m not blind,” he mumbles to him laughing hollowly as he removes his glasses. “Jealously looks ugly on you, it always has.” He tugs at the stray cow lick he has. “I wish you wouldn’t jump to anger....it makes it hard to talk with you, Basch,”
Roderich’s cheeks tingle, “Latin Whore,” those were such pointed words, he hadn’t scolded the word choice, How would when Basch was just repeated words he’d once said himself. In anger just like Basch had.
Don’t get hurt
His fist limply hits the top of the barrel making the barrel wobble a little bit. He hadn’t meant merely careful of physical injury, had he? The words had been warning as soon as Basch has laid eyes on Spain.
“Damn you....Damn you...” His head drops down, so blinded by love he’d not noted the man’s warning.
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iv-aur-y · 2 years
₂ red dress
— my kind of perfect, jj maybank
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"WHY ARE YOU always writing in your books all the time, aren't they just for reading?" Sarah flips through her catalogue of books on her shelf, little papers sticking out from them, like bookmarks. She picks one up, fingers running down against the fore-edge of the book. Her eyes pick up the multiple colours on the paper, highlighting phoebe's favourite scenes, ones that made her cry, angry, and just feel really immersed in the book. "It's called annotation, right?"
The girl quirks her eyebrow at the blonde, briefly nodding and pulling her preferred shirt over her head. "The reason why I annotate is that it immortalises my thoughts and me in the time of reading, like keeping the whole experience alive. It's like people can understand the way I feel about a certain line, without me having to physically tell them."
"Heh, that's deep." Her phone dings and her lips widen into a smile. "Who's that?" Phoebe asks, grabbing her very worn out, but favourite, Converses. The blonde girl eyes her up and down, tossing her phone onto her bed. "The real question is, you're not really going to the party like that, right?" She frowns, looking down at her attire.
"What's wrong with this?"
. . .
Phoebe's grip on the steering wheel tightens, knuckles turning whiter than they naturally were. She turns her green eyes towards the younger girl beside her, she's touching up her makeup and reapplying lip gloss. Sarah smiles at her, beckoning her in her direction. Hesitantly she moves closer to her as the blonde girl applies the shiny pink gloss on her lips as well. "I really don't know about this, Sarah." She gestures towards her outfit—a deep red layered dress that falls to the floor, the V neck exposes a bit of her chest, and it stops a little past the valley. Spaghetti straps at either side and an exposed back with more straps (it was a nightmare to tie) that acted like a corset, only because Sarah had cinched it so tight. The dress was snug against her skin, leaving it no room to breathe. Phoebe didn't usually wear stuff like this. More because baggy clothing was just the right amount of comfortable.
Sarah rolls her eyes sarcastically. "Oh, please you look hot. I was surprised that you even have a dress like that in your closet." She started, stepping out of the car, Phoebe followed suit; grabbing her clutch bag and stuffing her car keys inside. "It took me so long to find, why was it at the back of all places?!"
"For a second, I thought we'd have to go over to my house to find you something." she clicked her tongue. "Plus, your boobs look great. I'm kind of jealous." She cups her own chest, which was... Significantly smaller in comparison, making a pouty face. "Yeah, well, having big boobs hurts so it's not necessarily a good thing." Phoebe leans against her car for some support, her mother's three-inch heels weren't exactly her preferred shoes for tonight's party.
"Sarah! I can't walk in these!" She calls after her friend, but the blonde girl is already speeding away to the party hall. Once she reaches the stairs, she turns around, waving her phone at her. Promptly, after Phoebe's phone dings.
sarah🧸: topper will drop me off go get laid or something
Walking, or well stumbling, all the way into the party, Phoebe walked around a little bit, getting a hang of the heels. Her mother had forced her to dress up and go to a party one of the Kooks was hosting. The girl had only agreed to go with her friend, who had now left her to secretly make out with her boyfriend.
It hadn't actually mattered much, since she kind of expected that to happen. Plus, it left her to do whatever the hell she wanted. Her first thought was to go around say a couple of hellos to create her alibi, which her mother would no doubt ask for, and that she did. Her next thought was to go spend time out on the balcony, or in her car, playing games on her phone. which is what was about to do until she noticed one of Sarah's ex-friends.
Kiara Carrera, she recognised her. She was wearing a similar red coloured dress, and the neckline seemed to be bothering her. Phoebe had gotten a red tulle for herself to cover a bit of her arms since it was a bit chilly, whereas she didn't mind giving it to someone more in need. But when she offered it, the girl snapped at her;
"Aren't you just another one of those Kooks, you know a snob-nosed pillow-princess, who for the love of God cannot shut up about their summer fling?" Phoebe sucked in a sharp breath at Kiara's harsh words. John B shot her a glance, her face remained the same. though her smile soon began to fade, she nodded slightly, conflicted by the suddenness of Kiara's words.
Her Pogue friends had joined her, they were working as waiters at the hall. Like some sort of odd job for money.
Rather than that, she had heard from some people that Kiara had begun to hang out with the Pogues again. Phoebe didn't truly care about who she hung with though, but it seemed she thought she was one of them now.
Phoebe had gotten a really rude wake-up call tonight, but that wasn't going to stop her from feeling upset. Well, she thought that, but she couldn't help scrunch up her nose—a habit she did when she was upset, it helped keep the tears at bay. Her green eyes followed the Carrera girl's hands, where she held onto the tulle cover-up. She contemplated taking it back but decided not to. "Sorry, I'll leave. Enjoy your time here." The black-haired girl trotted away, trying to not seem shaken by her comment.
"Damn Kie..." Pope nudged her in the side as the girl rolled her eyes, "She has got to be the most bitchiest person in private, I just know it." She tugged on her dress, the scoop neck riding a little too low for comfort, still pulling over the mesh cover-up Phoebe had offered her a couple of seconds ago.
"You look uncomfortable, here! Like, mind your business, ugh." She repeated in a cheery high pitched voice, her comment was loud enough to reach the Vermillion girl's ear but she chose to say nothing of it. "Holy shit, this is Hermes, how rich is she?" John B raised his eyebrow as he caught the brand on the tag.
JJ, who had been quiet for the entire interaction, spoke, "Don't you know? That's Phoebe Vermillion, like Ward Cameron's neighbour." The two males urged him to continue. "You know how Cameron is like Kook rich, yeah? It's the same thing with her, but she's like old money rich."
"How much to get her laid?" Kiara's face lit up with a mischievous smile, a couple of other harsh things were said and the rest of the group continued with their banter.
Phoebe was still in earshot, so all of their comments were heard by her. Albeit her choosing to sweep them under the rug, it still hurt to think that people saw her as such a horrible person. Quietly, she slipped out of the party hall.
Goosebumps began to form on her arms without her cover-up, nevertheless, she wasn't ready to get back inside just yet. The wind was chilly for a summer evening, nothing too out of the ordinary. She knew someone was going to come and try to accompany her when she was trying to get some time alone (because her family was rich and some crooked Kook would love that), so she tried to keep her emotions in check.
Unsurprisingly, someone knocked on the door, followed by a short 'hey' she knew whose voice that belonged to, and it was the last person on earth Phoebe wanted to see right now. Rafe leaned on her right against the railing of the balcony, "Something wrong, princess?" She smoothed her hair down as the wind began to pick up before turning to face him.
"Nothing of interest, no." He shuffled closer to her whilst Phoebe leaned slightly into his stature, he was warm and there was no way she was going to let go of the opportunity.
He was clad in a baby blue three-piece suit, and there was no denying that he looked quite handsome in it. Gold cuff links sparkled under the moon, the sky was ripe, full of stars and a few clouds. For a lack of better words, it was a rather enjoyable evening, to say the least. Phoebe pursed her lips, before speaking, "You wouldn't mind lending me your coat for the night, would you?" She had to tilt her head back to catch the taken aback expression he made.
Wordlessly, he slipped the coat around her shoulders, he was close enough for Phoebe to take in his scent, her nose dipping into the crook of his neck, she suspected he was wearing expensive cologne, one she didn't mind the scent of. "Anything for you, princess." The look on his face was replaced with a smirk, satisfied with how the Vermillion girl looked in his clothing.
Pulling back, Phoebe faced the well-lit city beneath her. To her, Rafe was someone she constantly pushed away, on multiple occasions he had flirted with her, today would probably be no exception. Especially now, where she had straightforwardly asked to lend his clothing. There was no ill-intent behind her actions, but others could beg to differ.
They talked for a while, the music from the party room filling in the silence when they waited for each other's responses. And by the end of the day, he had gently placed his lips on hers, and she hadn't the energy or restraint to push him away.
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paperburrows · 3 years
hihi can you continue this: https://paperburrows.tumblr.com/post/655564818291605504/scarred-with-love?
Yes ofc! Thank you so much for the wait 🧸🫂💘
-> part one
“And you’re sure you know nothing of Villain’s appearance?” the detective pressed, pen poised ever ready over her notepad. “Nothing at all, aside from height and build?”
“No, nothing. I’m sorry.” Civilian wrung their hands together, willing away the tremors. “I guess I was too close to really see what was going on.”
The lie would have tasted bitter in their mouth, except . . .
Was it truly a lie? Civilian had really been close to Villain in the time of their captivity. Too close. Skin-on-skin, eyes-on-eyes, lips-on-lips close, and—
And frankly, Civilian could bring themself to remember nothing else.
Either the detective was calling their bluff or growing impatient, because Civilian found themself on the receiving end of a gaze sharper than the knife Villain had brandished in their face not too long prior.
“Our CCTVs show that you were were taken hostage around midnight. Gone the whole night. Then you reappear, not a scratch on you, and claim to have seen nothing.” Now the detective was uncomfortably close to Civilian, and Civilian’s heart was the equivalent of a jackhammer against their ribcage. “Is it possible that—”
“I believe my partner has already made their statement.”
Villain’s gave Civilian’s hand a reassuring squeeze, from where they next to them, and then faced the detective with a radiant smile—radiant, yes, but just barbed enough that Civilian bit back a shiver. In what world would this end remotely well?
“If you have no further questions,” Villain continued, one leg folding over another, “we’d like to take our leave. My partner didn’t have to be subjected to a grueling interrogation—they came to your office by choice.”
My partner. Villain made it sound so believable.
To the point Civilian could almost believe it themself.
The detective retreated into her seat.
“The last thing we want is to be pushy,” the detective said. “Villain is a very merciless, depraved person, as you well know. We’re just trying to put a stop to further suffering.”
“They are,” replied Villain, beyond the shadow of the smallest doubt. “And we want nothing more than to see Villain incarcerated as well. I just ask that you be considerate of Civilian’s mental health, that’s all.”
A quarter hour later, Civilian and Villain were walking out of the DA’s office, Villain was lighting up a cigarette, and the detective was none the wiser. The world was none the wiser. Only Civilian knew that the person standing next to them, reclined against a wayside tree and blowing into the chilly air, was the very person who’d come dangerously close to bringing the city to its grounds. And now it was Civilian Villain was stripping bare.
For once in their life, Civilian dug their heels into the ground.
“Why are you doing this?” demanded Civilian. At the inquisitive tip of Villain’s head they said, “A cover story to get them off your trail I get, but everything else. It makes no sense. Why aren’t I chained to your creepy dungeon?” Standing just a little taller. “Why aren’t you making threats on my life? Telling me to stay silent?”
Another drag of the cigarette. Then a most vague, “What do all captives have in common?”
Oh, great. Another riddle. Civilian crossed their arms. “That they want to stay as far away from you as possible.”
In the waning light, Civilian thought they caught the barest hint of a smile.
It was gone so fast they chalked it up to the aging sun.
“Something like that. But I haven’t really seen you try to stay away. No point in wasting energy on a non-threat.”
Civilian wasn’t sure what they’d been expecting to hear. Not that.
“In fact”—from the looks of it, Villain had taken their silence as a cue to step closer—“you don’t seem to mind being around me at all. You certainly didn’t seem to last night.”
Civilian’s cheeks smoldered. They put their hands against Villain’s chest and pushed, which was about as good as pushing against a brick wall itself.
“You’re such a bastard,” Civilian snapped.
“It’s because you have nothing else to go back to.” Demonstrably, Villain had made a rather irksome habit of ignoring Civilian’s responses altogether. “No family, no spouse. No surviving blood relatives. There’s nothing to protect. Nothing to guide you.”
It was true. Civilian knew. Still it stung to hear.
Villain wouldn’t let Civilian detangle themself from them. Fingers explored the welts under their worn shirt, coaxed their reluctant attention—and some bated breath. It was the last of Villain’s words that brought it all to a complete head.
“And that’s exactly what I want.”
When Civilian started to smell smoke, they knew they were in for a fire far, far bigger than that of a winking cigarette.
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kuroosweakness · 3 years
hi lia!!! i’m back hehe~ i have some more kuroo headcanons/scenarios just for you !
if you guys went out to a fancy place where you wore uncomfy shoes/heels, he’d bring a pair of sneakers for you in the car to change into afterwards so you’re comfy
he seems like the typa guy who would like to lowkey match w his s/o, whether it be buying matching converse (like the same color omg) or matching bracelets ;;
ok so if he’s on his phone and lying down on his tummy, he’d love when you lie down on top of him to see what he’s looking at on his phone. he’d also take this comfy position as an opportunity to take cute selfies w your cheeks smushed together :,(( i wanna hug him so bad pls
you two would have this ongoing game of calling eachother increasingly weird nicknames. he’d call you over like “hey, come here kidney bean” and you’d respond w “gimme a sec, my lovely lamp post” and you’d even do this around your friends (and they’d be used to it pls) (other nicknames he’s used for you include: lava cake, shortcake, etc)
for pet names, i stand by the idea that he’d call you angel, precious, pretty, or sweetheart 🤤
he’d ask about your opinions for the littlest things like which socks and tie to wear to work (tetsu pls your socks don’t even show 😩) and he’d want to help you pick out your clothes too bc he thinks he’s incredibly fashionable lmaooo
he’s def the type of guy to cover any hard surfaces w his hand if you’re bending down to pick smth up so you don’t hit your head :(( what a sweetie!!!
if you two are visiting your family, he knows he has to tone down his pda :,) although it’s hard for him (bc he seems like a physical touch typa guy), he wants to be respectful around your parents. he’d hold your hand under the table, or keep his palm on your back, kiss you quickly on the top of your head, or hold on to your belt loops if he wants you close. your parents would find him so endearing and respectful <3
also speaking of visiting your family, i feel like kuroo would do his best to fit in and get along w everyone in your family. i think he yearns for the type of love that comes w being a part of a family since his home life as a kid wasn’t like the other kids. he’d play w your siblings and learn about their lives, talk to your parents like they’re his own, and internally vow to give his future kids a loving family :,)
if you come home in a bad mood or tired, he’d quietly come up to you and wrap you in a warm hug :( and then he’d massage your temples as you sit in front of him and tell him about your day. he’d also take this time to comb his fingers through your hair so you can relax
he’d try to get you flustered by bending down to listen to you when you’re talking >:( and it would work >:( but you get him back by quickly kissing him on the cheek, catching him by surprise >:)
my brain is only full of kuroo now :,) but i hope you enjoyed these, lia!!! and i’m so excited for sumi’s new plushies yayyy (the giraffes are so CUTE) i’m off to bed (hopefully i dream of kuroo so i can come back w more headcanons for you <3)
- [🧸anon]
OMG HI AGAIN your headcanons are also so good :' i love reading these >:(( so much
oh but he totally would :'( but before that, of course he'll have to do some teasing like "you sure you'll survive in those heels tonight?"
yes!! lowkey matching bracelets, shoes, rings, SOCKS. i just know he has a pair of lucky socks 👀
AWW squished cheeks selfies are way too cute :' laying on kuroo's back would be one of my favorite things to do ever
AHAHA THE NICKNAMES PLS "kidney bean" somehow, coming from him, it doesn't sound too bad :D lava cake and shortcake are so cute :'
yes 😌 and of course he'll have unqiue nicknames of your name that he made up :)
YES AHHH definitely picking out the ties and socks!! he likes to make his ties and socks match >:) and of course he'll do the model walk right after you help him pick his tie out
he's so sweet :(((( the way he'll always look out for you :'
YES YES toning down pda in front of family out of respect!! your headcanons are always so good >:( YES !! the little subtle touches~
pls our parents would adore him :'
YEAHH he'll definitely communicate with his s/o's family members like family of his own! his special bond with your parents and siblings :' he knows how to make himself completely irreplaceable >:)
:((((( why. is. he. so. perfect. and. where. can. i. get. him.
AHAHA PLS he'll be on the hunt to fluster you 24/7 and when you fluster him back, he'll be like (⋆////⋆) the whole rest of the hour
thanks to you, my brain is filled with him too :' OF COURSE I DID, i had so much fun reading these and thinking of more <33 hehe sumi's new plushies are ADORABLE. the giraffes aaaah, maybe she'll start having favorites 👀
i hope you dream of kuroo too so you can share them with me :'DD have a lovely rest of your day, 🧸 anon! <3
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Chronically ill Tony and nurse Peter so,,,,
🩸 Due to the trauma and PTSD from having the arc reactor put in his chest in Afghanistan, Tony refuses surgery to have it removed. He would much rather suffer slowly than go through surgery again. So, he becomes chronically ill due to his heart and arc reactor and is hospitalised.
🩺 Stephen is Tony’s doctor, and the only one who can get the stubborn and rude patient in room 454 to behave and not cause so much trouble for the nurses. But, Stephen can’t be with Tony 24/7 and the nurses debate constantly on ‘is this bad enough to call Strange?’. And then, when all the nurses on the cardio ward are at their wits end with Tony, there is a new nurse transferred to their ward and his name is Peter.
🚑 Tony falls head over heels for Peter and starts purposely abusing the alert button on his bed. He will do anything to have the cute nurse’s gloved hands on him, checking his IV drip and ramping up his oxygen. Suddenly, Tony is very content with laying in his bed, daydreaming about his favourite nurse and what he would do to him if he wasn’t so ill and bedbound.
🧸 Peter sort of gives in. How can he not? He knows Tony’s story, it was all over the news, and he feels bad. But, he also knows that what Tony needs is not sympathy. The man wants some fun. He needs the banter, snarky remarks and the mind games to keep himself from rotting from the inside out. So, when Tony pushes his alert button for the fifth time that morning, Peter waltzes in with a dramatic tone.
💐 “Yes, Mr Stark? Are your pillows not fluffy enough?” Tony looks amused at that and sits up slowly. “Actually, now that you mention it... No, but seriously I need to get up, so get these things off me.” “I just helped you to the bathroom twenty minutes ago!” “And I need to piss again! What are you trying to do? Give me a UTI on top of it all?” “If I wanted to torture you, I’d just turn off your morphine.” “Oh, you little shit...”
🌡 If Tony needs to have a minor procedure or test done, he will not behave unless Peter is there. One time, the nurses were so close to giving him a sedative to knock him out fully before his heart gave in, but then Peter had walked in. The nurse had apologised for being late and gave over to stroke Tony’s cheek. “How’s my favourite patient?” Tony melts like butter in the sunshine that is Peter’s presence.
🚨So far, Tony has managed without surgery, but after three severe cardiac episodes in just two weeks, Stephen decides that they cannot avoid surgery any longer. The arc reactor must be removed, or Tony will die in six months with how his heart is tearing itself up. After hearing the news, Tony has a full blown panic attack, and Peter helps him through it.
💊 In the aftermath of the panic attack, Tony reveals tearily to Peter that he is terrified of surgery because of what happened in Afghanistan. Peter talks to him about it one night, and manages to convince Tony to consent to the surgery. But, Tony has one condition, and that is that Peter stays with him the whole time. Peter makes that a pinky promise.
🔬 On the day of the surgery, Tony is woken up at 5 am to start preparing. Peter helps him through pre OP with all the washing, medication and with transport to the surgical floor. While waiting, Tony has another panic attack and begs Peter not to force him through this, but the nurse just shushes him and asks Stephen to increase the sedatives to help ease Tony’s anxiety. Stephen even whispers to Peter that he can go now, that he has done more than is necessary, but Peter stays. He made a promise.
💉 In the OR, Tony starts panicking a bit again, but Peter is quick with the anesthesia mask and starts feeding Tony oxygen and anesthetic gas. The nurse instructs his patient on how to breathe calmly and strokes his cheek almost lovingly. “It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m right here, you have nothing to worry about. Just breathe for me.” Tony drifts off and some tears escape his eyes when they close.
🩹 The next time Tony wakes up, the first thing he sees is Peter being illuminated by the late evening sun, like an angel. For a second he thinks he died, and went to heaven, but then he feels the ache in his chest. This is all very real, but so is Peter’s soft hand on him, checking his bandages. While letting the nurse fix everything, from the nasal cannula to his bedsheets, Tony manages to speak one sentence hoarsly. “Thanks, kid... I knew you’d stay.” Peter smiles softly and whispers him to get some rest. Like a good patient, Tony obeys and closes his eyes.
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
I’ve been thinking about older h helping his pretty girl a lot :(( him kneeling down just to help take her heels off :( she’s lifting one leg at a time his lips on her thighs as he takes her heels off gently :( her hand on the top of his head balancing herself on him :( he takes his sweet time with each leg slowly unwrapping the strings that are wrapped around her ankle:( planting kisses all over her exposed inner thighs making her jittery:( and when her dress doesn’t ruffle up when he takes off her other shoe he does it himself :( just the sweetest man to have ever existed:( once both her feet touch the cold floors she’s ruffling up his hair kneeling down to kiss him :( he’s wrapping his arms around her waist holding her tightly as he stands up pulling her with him :(((( she’s all giggly from the kisses :( anddddddd when he lays her in bed just looking at her :( she’s trying her best not to fall asleep :( and he’s such a pest pinching her thighs gently to wake her up “gotta get ready for bed, baby. Can’t fall asleep on me” punching up her mini dress until her underwear comes into view her eyes fully closed now “help me, just wanna sleep” pouting and whining:( and ofc he can’t say no to his sleepy girl he crawls on his knees her body in between his legs lifting her up slowly to pull the dress over her head her hands feeling his warm chest :( “cuddle?” She asks so sweetly h kissing her cheeks and hair “after pjs” she’s humming feeling the bed move and it gets quite she’s literally falling asleep in her undergarments laying on top of the blankets:( she doesn’t hear when Harry comes back :( she just feels his cold hands on her thighs which startle her making her eyes wide open:(((( “sorry pretty baby, I’m sorry” her eyes going everywhere until they land on his hand seeing the shorts and top he has that she once left after a sleepover :( “dress me?” Voice so sleepy begging him with her eyes “don’t have to even ask” kissing her cheeks :((( laying the clothes beside them taking the thin top over her head and before he slides it down her hands hold his in place “no bra please it hurts” he nods pulling her closer into him her head falling on his chest pecking it :(((( he unclasp the garment that’s been digging at her shoulders :( pulling the top down before her bra falls of her body he hears giggles when he slides his hand under her top to finally take it off :( and she’s all :( cause he’s so good to her it hurts :(( kissing his cheeks slowly inching closer to his pretty lips finally kissing his lower lip her hands around his neck trying to pull him closer :( “shorts first then we can continue this” pecking her lips “don’t want shorts” pulling him back but he doesn’t give it to her “gonna wake up freezing on me, sweetheart” she’s kissing his neck softly :(((((((( “cause I want you to keep me warm” and before he argues again she throws the shorts as far as she could and with her sleepy state they only reach the end of the bed and h is a laughing mess kissing her cheeks “okay no shorts boss” as he gets under the blankets pulling her with him :( 🧸
BESTIE:(((((((( this has lived in my head all day:(((((((((( like him putting her foot in his thigh as hes helping get her shoes off kissing her knee and her thigh and moving her dress so he can bend her just right before putting her pretty shoes just perfect next to his:(((((( and him helping her get dressed for bed :(((( SLEEPY KISSES HE HAS TO STOP SO HE CAN FINISH GETTING HER READY:((((( and he knows shes going to get cld bc she always asks for him to open his window at night or put a fan on or something just bc she likes having that chill at night under warm blankets so having no pants on at all even just shorts is only going to make her colder but he can't stop her when she says its an excuse to cuddle him and even when she throws it like 2 feet away hes not stopping her :((((((( hurt:(
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
https://at.tumblr.com/nostragic/696925386494377984/qe990o1e28jy LOOOOK I literally just thought of angel being a rabbit this Halloween and this popped up!! She’d wear the stockings (just cause they are pretty and she has them anddd h loves them) and a white mini dress her makeup all pretty and the ears sitting on her head :( and I can see her sitting at her vanity calling for h “yes baby” and she’s all dolled up her outfit isn’t on yet she’s wearing a comfy robe but her makeup is done an an eyeliner in her hand “can you please draw a little nose and some whiskers on me?” Just so sweet looking at him with her pretty glittery eyes he takes the eyeliner shaking it to get the ink ready he’s smirking at her the tip of the eyeliner touching the tip of her nose holding her chin as she’s looking at him “you look very focused” she giggles he gives her a look “I’m an artist, bunny. Need to do my best for you” and she so :( <3 <3 he turns her face softly to draw on three whiskers ink cold against her warm skin as he finishes the other side he takes a step back admiring his work “the prettiest bunny I’ve ever seen” kissing her forehead to not mess up his drying art she gives his cheek a kiss thanking him:(🧸
WAIT BESTIE:(((((((( her dressing as a bunny for halloween and having him draw her nose and whiskers yeah im distraught:( no I can def see her w the white stockings and her little tennis shoes or cute heels depending on what they’re doing for the night and her little white mini dress like maybe its a little like what she wore for her angel costume but this one has pink and fluffy bits on this so its more bunny:( and theres a puffy little tail pinned to the back just over her butt :( but shes got her hair all pretty w her headband and bunny ears on the top of her head w her makeup all finished but she needs h to finish it;((((( obsessed w him taking it so seriously holding her face in his palms all focused w his tongue sticking out a little and she can feel the ink going over the tip of her nose before drawing on her cheeks:( "I'm an artist bunny" EVERYONE STOP:((((((((((((( im jsut sosososososoososososo obsessed w this I cant even think:(((((
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