#I'll probably revisit this after the finale
bedoballoons · 8 months
Hi! Could I request a bit of angst to fluff? Maybe Kaeya, Tighnari, Aether, and Itto when there s/o leaves without telling them to clear their head after an argument and they get worried thinking they left them? I'm not sure that makes sense, but I hope it does.
Thank you!
It makes sense!! Thank you so much for your request and I'm so sorry it took a long time to write for you!! I hope you still enjoy it though!
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃
{༻~Have you left me~༺}
CW: Angst to fluff! Past arguments but making up in the end! Characters think the reader may have left them! Kaeya drinks some wine to ease the pain! Very slight mention of the abyss twin in Aethers.
(Includes: Itto, Tighnari, Kaeya, and Aether!)
Itto combed a hand through his thick white hair, trying to make sense of how everything had went bad so quickly, how the two of you had actually gotten into a full blown argument...he loved you so much, why did he start yelling back, what was wrong with him. He sighed, not knowing how to make it better, he wanted to go after you, but you'd just left. What if you didn't want to see him, what if you didn't want anything to do with him... what if you no longer wanted to be his one and oni...
"Come on Itto, use that brain of yours. What do you do when you've upset someone? Apologize. Right right okay, gotta apologize. Flowers? Those are romantic...but maybe to cheesy! What if...yes thats it!" He made a plan out loud, hurrying to get what was needed before running out the door after you. He searched for hours, checking every spot he'd ever caught you in, asking around for you to every person he saw until finally...he found you.
You were sitting under the shade of a lavender melon tree, eyes puffy from tears and nose red from the cold, you looked heart broken...,"Hey, I know you don't want to talk to me right now, for good reason too but I have to talk to you okay! I'm not good with words, but I know how to say sorry...and I know how to say I love you and in case you don't believe me...I wanted to give you something..."
You looked up at him, eyes widened when you saw a golden beetle trophy in his hands...to anyone else this would have been ridiculous, but you knew it was something he cherished, probably even his most precious item, "What... why would you...that's the most important thing in the world to you..."
He shook his head, setting the trophy in front of you, "No you're wrong, you're the most important thing in the world to me and I'm really really sorry I made you upset. I'll do anything to make it better, you can throw beans at me, I'll give you all of my candy stash...I'll even give you my prizes beetles...I just want to be with you."
You started to cry more, which caught him a little off guard, but these were happy tears..."I want to be with you too...and I'm sorry for what I said...I love you Itto."
"I love you more"
Tighnari rubbed his eyes, trying to dry the tears that didn't seem to have a end, his ears droopy and you...the person he loved with all his heart, had just walked out without a word. Was it over? Was he never going to be able to hug you again? He just couldn't accept it, he needed you in his life and maybe he hadn't said that enough, but he'd say it as many times as you wanted as long as your promised to come back with him.
He quickly threw on a extra coat, he had no plan and no way of knowing where you had went, but even if it took all night, he'd find you just to apologize, just to let you know how much he adored you. He'd search the entire forest if he had to.
Thankfully it wasn't needed, after a few hours his ears perked up, the soft sounds of your sobs reverberating off cave walls, the place he had shown you one time while gathering herbs...it was by a waterfall that held glowing algae and he's been wanting to take you back for so long... he never would have thought the two of you revisiting would be at a time like this..
He made his way to you and sat down, feeling a pang in his chest when you scooched away, it hurt...fighting with you, "I'm...I'm so sorry. Im sure you don't even want to hear it, but I don't think I've ever been so upset with myself before. I love you and I have never wanted to make you unhappy...you...you are my person. My soulmate. The one. Please...I don't want you to leave, I don't want us to end...I can't...loose you."
His voice started to break, sentences getting harder to finish, he couldn't even picture his life without you anymore and the horrible thought that it could happen because of his mistakes was eating him alive...
"I don't...want to loose you either Tighnari... soulmates go both ways. I'm yours and you're mine and I love you,...I just don't want to fight." You swallowed roughly, trying to stop yourself from crying even more as he wrapped his coat around you and pulled you into him, embracing you tighter than he ever had, "I love you too, and I promise...no more fighting."
Kaeya took another sip from his wine bottle, trying to calm himself down...he almost never got into confrontations, in fact he always avoided them, preferring to smooth talk his way out of situations instead...,but what had went down between the two of you was anything but smooth. He'd said such hurtful things, he didn't even mean to, he'd just lost his cool and then you ran off before he could apologize and now...here he was, sitting under the stars trying to drink away his feelings when he knew full well it wasn't going to solve anything.
Then as he was sitting there, staring off into space...he caught sight of you, just barely outside the city walls, throwing rocks into the water with a satisfying splash while sniffling and holding yourself for comfort between tosses. Suddenly his wine lost any flavour, his mind drawn back to when he first met you, the way your eyes sparkled, the way your smile made his heart skip a beat...and how you laughed at his advances, completely oblivious to his feelings.
He picked himself off the chair he'd been sitting on, left his bottle waiting on the table for a cheery bard to find and then made his way over to you, more serious and determined than he had been in a very long time. The second he was close enough he gently intertwined you hand with his, spinning you for a brief second so your eyes would meet and your body would be close to his...the air felt cold, but he had a warm smile and before you could even attempt to push him away he kissed your lips.
It was unlike any kiss you'd ever had with him, it was passionate...slow...apologetic, it conveyed everything he wanted to say to you without ever saying a word and when he pulled back, his forehead rested against yours, he begged you to stay with him.
Aether was running, running past branches and shrubbery, past trees and jumping over rocks, he wasn't worried about what scratches or bruises he'd have by the time he got to you, all he was worried about...all that was running through his mind, was his apology to you. He didn't know what had even started the argument anymore, he didn't care, he just needed you to know he was wrong and that he loved you, that he didn't want you to go, that he couldn't let you go.
He frantically searched around, looking for signs of you while he tripped over sticks and stomped into muddy puddles, "Hello!!" He shouted for you, his eyes scanning the moonlit trees and then, in the distance, he saw a faint light. It was the lamp you had taken with you when you'd left without a word and his first sign that you were near him. He ran to it, knowing full well he looked like a mess when he finally caught up to you, panting and covered in dirt....he looked like he'd just been through a hurricane.
"Aether what the hell-"
"No n-no, wait let me start. I just, i-i just had to follow you because none of what I said was true, I love you. That's the truth. I'd r-run to the ends of the earth to tell you that and then I'd do it again to prove it if you asked me to. Please, forgive me. I can't go on without you, I can't loose you too..." He looked away, trying not to think about his sister...about what it would be like if he didn't have you in his life anymore...what reason would he even have to continue?
"Did you really run...all the way here?"
"Yes, I love you and I don't want you to go..."
"I love you too Aether...and it's okay, I just wanted to clear my head, I'm not leaving." You went to kiss him...but decided it better wait till after he had been cleaned, you'd never had someone run so far just for you before...
◥(•̀₩•́)◤☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 ☾𖤓~Have a nice day~*⁠.⁠✧
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the-kr8tor · 27 days
Sending a req for zombie apocalypse au like you asked!^^ (Crow anon but I aint signing hehe) I have two ideas for some fluffiness (if you wanna use em!) so I'll lay em out here- 1. As I mention in my daily hobie hc, you try to call his name but you can't get to him- maybe, we'll go 180 here and you manage to get to him/he remembers you, and its like a reunion sorta thing OR 2. You both are zombies and are maybe revisiting places you've had dates before- (wink wink abandoned building date wink wink) Silly fluffy zombie stuff
Yeess zombie au!! I chose the second one! And surprise surprise, it ended up being angstier than I thought it would be lol thank you for requesting! ❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader
Word count: 1.2k
Tags: use of Y/N sparsely, no specific physical description of the reader, CW gore, TW death, CW blood. Zombie AU, Angst.
Amidst the haze of death and the fog of rot, Yuri finally finds you. Her heart skips a beat at the sight of your sunken eyes and grotesque infected bite on your neck. Her trigger finger shakes as her scope roams around your bloodied clothes. Drying black splotches of blood marring the familiar jacket you always wore. A sob breaks through her body, tears blurring her vision, she finally found you but it's too late.
She's too late.
Yuri whispers your name, and you stumble out of the dilapidated record shop like you heard her. Out comes another familiar form after you, leather jacket all torn up, jaw unhinged and numerous bites along his leg. Yuri almost screams his name, Hobie. Her hopes are dashed at the sight of his undead body following you. She thought that he would be alive at least, that he's surviving somewhere, but she knows that he can't survive without you. That's probably why when Yuri moves the sniper scope downwards, she sees your hand bound with his. A rope around your wrist and Hobie's, tying you to him, tying him to you. It says everything, it tells a tragedy.
She hoped and wished that she would find her friends after the world ended, hell, she even readied herself that she would find them without a breath in their decaying lungs. But not like this, never like this.
You both shamble off into the streets, as if you're holding each other, as if you're both still breathing, hand in hand, like how she always sees you both. Yuri hesitates to pull the trigger. She remembers everything, from how you laughed at her joke, from how she met Hobie to the last gig with you two before the world went to shit. She misses you both, truly, she would always wake up wondering where you two ended up amidst the chaos. She even relished the thought of not knowing, her mind making up situations of where her friends would be.
Yuri has no idea how to tell Ned.
Her walkie-talkie cackles on her chest, the unmistakable voice of Ned sounds out on the roof she's perched on. “Yuri?” He asks, voice tired.
Yuri clears her throat but the tears still come. “I'm here.”
“Good, uh, I know we're looking for supplies but you know the drill. If you see any signs of Y/N and Hobie—”
“I'll tell you, I know.” She knows Ned's spiel already, it has been almost two years of trying to find you two, two years of Ned saying the exact same sentence. Two years of scavenging the city and the only sign you two have left was Hobie's guitar left on the floor of a pharmacy. That was six months ago. Two years of hope, two years of longing to find you both alive and well. And now that she has, she has no idea what to do now. Especially that you're husks what you and Hobie used to be.
The walkie-talkie cackles to life again. “...okay, thanks. No sign of them on my end.”
Yuri looks through her scope again, following you and Hobie shambles into the old pub where everyone in the band frequents before everyone got separated. Then she realizes, you were both going into places where you two used to go to. The record shop was where you met the rest of the band, where Hobie introduced you to them. She remembers how shy yet excited you were to meet them, and she remembers how Hobie held on to you like someone in the band would shoo you away. No one did, everyone else welcomed you with open arms. That was almost ten years ago now. Yuri wishes she could go back, but she can't.
Every place leads back to the past.
She weeps alone, gloved hand covering her mouth so the noise wouldn't attract the horde below.
Yuri has the urge to come down from her perch to take a good look at you and Hobie. But she knows that she wouldn't be able to pull the trigger once she sees your still intertwined hands closer. She hates herself for not being brave enough to come and say goodbye to her friends, she hates herself for not telling Ned the truth. She hates herself for not finding the both of you sooner.
As the sun sets and the undead below groans lowly, teeth clacking against the other, chomping into nothingness. The sobs Yuri let out has subsided, yet the heaviness in her chest stays. She wonders how long it'll stay.
Seeing movement inside the pub, she looks into her scope to spot you two walking out. For a moment her eyes betray her, she sees you both alive and well, clean clothes on your back, smiling at eachother and hands intertwined like always. Yuri blinks and all she sees is death.
With a deep inhale, she follows you and Hobie throughout your ‘day’. Ignoring James’ and Ned’s calls, she jumps from roof to roof, sniper tied on her back, and mind imagining that it's a regular day for you both. That maybe in your mind’s eye, that you're having a date with Hobie, that maybe in his mind's eye that he's taking you out for a nice day out after a hard week.
She hopes that's the case.
Yuri always thought that there's always a semblance of somebody's life left in them once they turn. You walking into the empty grocery store with Hobie in tow proves it. She wonders if there's a cure, she could possibly bring you both back to life. But the gaping hole in your neck and the angry wound on Hobie's leg says otherwise.
Jumping to another dusty roof, you and Hobie are a lot closer to her now. She could see you both clearly, she wishes she doesn't. From just one good look at the injuries littered around yours and Hobie's rotting flesh, she surmises that her friends have only been dead for two weeks.
Yuri fights a sob from breaking out of her aching chest. She was too late, her mind racing to all the what if’s. Shaking her head, she sees you two wander off to the pier. And she immediately knows where you're going. As you both disappear behind broken boats, Yuri jumps off the roof with a practiced landing. Barely making any sound or letting her knees take the brunt of the fall. A tear escapes when she remembers that she learned how to do that from Hobie.
Trainers thumping softly against the wooden dock. Yuri sees you and Hobie sitting at the end of it, barely moving, still not breathing as you two watch the sunset. Your backs are turned away from her, if you can even smell her from where you sat, you don't take notice of her. Milky white eyes glued at the orange sunset that slowly sinks down into the sea.
Yuri takes out her handgun, breath stuck in her throat as she aims shakily at your heads. Whispering your names, instead of looking over your shoulders to stare and lunge at her warm flesh, you place your heavy head on top of Hobie's shoulder.
Yuri shakes her head, exhaling, you both look so alive like this, peaceful, lives untouched by sorrow and death.
When Yuri returns back to base with Ned frantically running towards her, eyes full of worry, he knows immediately the reason why her eyes are red, and why there's tears flowing down her tear stained cheeks. He knows, and he crumbles to his feet.
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imtrashraccoon · 4 months
Whew! It's over...don't mind me but I'll probably be taking a few days off writing again. Thank you so much for coming along on this journey with me! I learned so much and had so much fun! It's definitely given me so many ideas for future projects...
There will probably be an announcement post coming soon... (゚⁠ο゚⁠人⁠)⁠)
First Day & Previous Day.
Bad Sansuary: Free Space - Snuggle
Word Count: 3,301
Feat. Everyone!
You were relaxing in your room with a book you'd borrowed from the library after dinner. This high fantasy series Nightmare recommended was seriously good and once you'd started, it was incredibly hard to put down. Well, unless someone interrupted you that is...
There was a playful knock at your door, pulling you out of the story and back to reality. You knew exactly who had chosen to bother you and a part of you wanted to just pretend you had gone to bed early so he'd leave you alone. But...that wouldn't be very nice and you could always read later on before you did actually go to sleep.
With a sigh, you slipped a book mark made from laminating the pressed flowers Axe had given you between the pages and hauled yourself off the comfortable couch to go answer the door. The knocking grew more insistent until you finally threw it open and fixed Killer with your most exaggerated grumpy face.
"What's so important that you would drag me from the realm of Middle Earth just to see you?" you grumbled.
Killer shoved his hands into his jacket pockets and smirked. "hm? oh i was just bored out of my mind, angel face~"
You sighed and ran your hand down your face. "So, you want me to help you?"
"What? Then...why did you come see me?" Now you were really confused and you stared at him for a few seconds, waiting for him to break and claim he was just messing with you.
"i wanna have a movie night and almost everyone else has already agreed. so...?" He wiggled his bonebrows in a playful way until you finally relented.
"Alright, I guess that sounds like it could be fun."
No sooner had you agreed did Killer take your hand and nearly drag you into the common area. You protested from the suddenness, but he only laughed and barely slowed down at all. It seemed you'd have to revisit Middle Earth another time.
"she said yes!" he announced to the other three skeletons.
Axe and Dust seemed to have been trying to figure out which movie to watch, but by the looks of things, they hadn't been able to come to a decision. Nightmare was casually lounging on one of the couches watching the two of them. All three looked up at the news and Axe smiled at you.
"guess i could whip up some snacks. do ya wanna help, lil' chip?" he asked.
You shrugged and glanced over at the tv to see what they had narrowed the choices down to. "Sure, but what movie were we going to watch anyways?"
Dust, Axe, and Killer glanced at each other before saying different titles at the same time, none of which you'd ever heard of before. They then proceeded to start arguing over which was the better movie.
Nightmare sighed and shot you a look that seemed to say "See what I deal with?" You gave him a sympathetic smile before clapping your hands to get the other's attention.
"Why don't we watch all of them and just turn this into a movie marathon night?" you suggested.
Thankfully, your idea seemed acceptable and they nodded in agreement. Even Nightmare seemed suitably impressed which made you quite happy to have solved the argument.
"guess we should start on those snacks then," Axe hummed and started for the kitchen.
"dusty and i could go pick up some pizzas and pop if you're fine with that?" Killer suggested and glanced at the aforementioned individual, who merely shrugged.
"sure, do what ya want," Axe rumbled, not even bothering to stop and look at them.
The two disappeared to presumably go get the food and you went to follow Axe into the kitchen, although not before glancing back at Nightmare. He gave you a bit of a disinterested look before getting up and leaving the common area.
You frowned and started to go after him to figure out if something was wrong, when Axe called out for you.
"ya comin' lil' chip?"
"Yeah, I'll be right there." You hesitated for a moment before hurrying to the kitchen. It seemed you'd have to check in on him later.
You helped make some buttered popcorn, cut up some fresh fruit, and arrange some cookies that Axe had made earlier on a plate. By the time you were done, the other two skeletons had returned with a couple of still hot pizzas and two bottles of pop. You didn't question where they'd likely pilfered them from and neither did Axe, as the answer would likely be either unpleasant or exactly what you suspected they'd done instead of paying like proper monsters.
Just as you were helping to arrange the food where it would be easily accessible, Nightmare reappeared with his arms and tentacles full of various cushions and blankets. While you were a little surprised, you were also glad to see that he was interested in participating in the fun afterall.
It didn't take long to make the floor by the tv extra comfy and get situated. Axe was content to lean against the couch where his large frame wouldn't be blocking anyone. Dust claimed a beanbag chair, which practically swallowed him up, and you were pretty sure he wasn't planning on moving anytime soon. Killer, being the absolute gremlin that he was, went about stealing as many pillows as he could to make a makeshift pillow nest for himself. At first, Nightmare chose the couch, but when you all but insisted that he should join everyone else, he relented and eventually chose to copy Axe, leaning against the couch instead.
Two problems quickly became apparent though. Problem one was that no one could agree on whose movie choice to watch first. Problem two was that you could tell each of the boys wanted you to sit with them.
You really didn't want what was supposed to be a fun evening devolving into a jealous fight. So before anyone could actually get upset, you decided to try and take charge.
"How about this... To keep things fair, I'll just swap places for each movie so that I can sit with all of you in turn," you suggested. Unfortunately, your attempt at a solution wasn't nearly as effective as you'd hoped.
"sooo...who gets to have the cutie to themselves first?" Killer asked. He had a dangerous look on his skull as he spoke and while his tone sounded light, even like he was almost teasing, you knew him well enough by now to know that he wasn't playing around.
"definitely not you," Dust growled and sat up a bit, his gloved hands digging into the bean bag.
Even Axe seemed to stiffen up and his good eye socket narrowed into a harsh glare at his loud-mouthed colleague. His clawed phalanges twitched slightly, as if aching to wringe a certain someone's neck or curl around the handle of the weapon of his namesake.
While Nightmare remained silent, you could tell by the way his tentacles were twitching restlessly, that he was at the very least mildly annoyed by this situation. His cyan eyelight flicked to you and the intensity of his gaze was almost enough to make you want to shrink into yourself. His expression held something else though; a look that you couldn't quite place but one that seemed to suggest he was scheming about something.
You swallowed and managed to tear your eyes away from his piercing gaze. Raising your voice again, you cried out, "No fighting! I have another idea...you should all play rock, paper, scissors to determine the order."
They glanced at each other but no one protested. After playing a few rounds, an order was established, minus Nightmare, who claimed he didn't care when his turn was. Killer won each time making him first, Axe was second, and Dust was third, much to his frustration. Nightmare was content to go last, which of course nobody protested over.
Killer was all too happy to welcome you into his nest. His arms fit snugly around your waist, teasingly close to your pelvis, although he otherwise kept his hands to himself and just continued spooning you during the first movie.
Speaking of, the movie was one of those corny horror movies. It was full of gratuitous violence with plenty of obviously fake gore. Still, you couldn't help but cringe whenever the monster attacked the very doomed side characters. Killer was quick to soothe your nerves with soft whispers of encouragement and occasionally making fun of the many cliches present in the film. Overall, the experience left a sort of thrill coursing through your veins and you were admittedly a little disappointed when the movie was over, a sentiment Killer seemed to mirror, although he attempted to hide it.
Axe had picked a tamer movie, although that wasn't saying much as there were more jump scares than the previous one that never failed to startle you. Still, Axe was also very good at comforting you and multiple times throughout the movie, you felt his eyelight watching your reactions just to make sure you were okay.
You ended up snuggled up against his left side with his hand around your back and resting on your left hand which was on your thigh. You wrapped your right arm around his broad back and laid your head against his ribcage, which inadvertently meant you could listen to the soothing hum of his magic that emanated from his soul.
At some point during the second movie, you glanced over at Nightmare and were a little surprised to find that he seemed a bit bored. It was odd because you had assumed he'd actually get some sort of satisfaction from witnessing how terrified the protagonists of the film were.
He sensed your gaze and glanced over, tilting his skull in a silent question.
"Are you okay?" you mouthed.
His eyelight flicked back to the screen and he shrugged. "It's manufactured fear... I can't gain any benefits from attempting to absorb it," he murmured. When he glanced back at you though, a subtle smirk formed across his skull and he went to say something but stopped himself when Axe took notice of the conversation.
You were momentarily fascinated that there was that much of a difference. Would it be any different if it was a live broadcast and the actors didn't know what was going to happen? You'd have to ask him about it sometime.
You glanced at Nightmare a few more times throughout the movie and occasionally caught him looking a little amused. The boys weren't easily spooked but the rare times one of them was seemed to coincide with those little moments. You figured he was the one who hadn't exactly wanted to have a movie night, however he'd seemingly decided to go along with it anyways. Probably under the guise of this being a group bonding activity like any good boss would host. The thought was actually kind of funny to you now that you knew them all a lot better.
Dust's movie of choice was definitely a thriller, and while you didn't mind the change, it made you feel really anxious, which you hated. It was about an old cop trying to solve a series of murders apparently perpetrated by the one criminal he had failed to bring to justice years prior. The plot was certainly intriguing at points and you could see why he had picked it.
You'd been right on the money earlier when you'd assumed he wasn't planning on budging from the comfortable beanbag for a long while. That was fine of course since he didn't really need to move in order to actually cuddle with you. His idea was for you to sit in his lap so you'd be as close as possible, which you'd expanded on and chosen to sit side saddle. It meant you could both hold each other and he'd get to watch your face, so he didn't protest at all. You wrapped one of your arms around his shoulders and he sort of mimicked the gesture, except he supported your back, leaving your other hand free to hold his other one.
By the time of the fourth movie, which was a classic monster movie about a mad scientist and his creation, you noticed something strange. Save for yourself and Nightmare, everyone else seemed to doze off, almost at the same time too.
Turning to the only possible perpetrator, you narrowed your eyes suspiciously. "Did you...put them to sleep?" you hissed under your breath.
His grin seemed only to grow more smug and even without him saying anything, you knew your suspicions were correct.
"Indeed~" he purred. "It is said that good things come to those who wait. They had their fun, so now I get to have mine..."
Your heart skipped a beat at the deliciously dark tone of voice he'd used. It was at that moment that a flock of butterflies decided to assault your insides with their delicate wings. You'd managed to control yourself with the others but now that you were technically alone with him...well, you weren't sure if that was possible anymore.
He pressed his skull against your hair and growled low in his throat. "I had to watch them hold you so close all this time... Have some empathy, dear..."
A chill went down your spine from the possessive tone of his voice and your tongue felt heavy like it was made of lead. Even if you could complain, he probably wouldn't even listen to you.
Nightmare pulled you into his lap yet again, which seemed to be his preferred method of holding you for whatever reason. Maybe it was because he could cage you in with his arms and tentacles so you couldn't escape. Or maybe he just liked the feeling of having you so intimately close to him. You tried not to dwell on it, partially because you liked it too.
Neither of you said much of anything for a little while, being content to enjoy the closeness and intimacy of this rare moment in time.
He was the one to break the silence first. He seemed to grow restless the longer you went without saying anything and his tentacles twitched with pent up energy, leaving you wondering what was really on his mind today. Then his clawed phalanges hooked under your chin, gently turning it so he could make eye contact and ensure he had your full attention before he even attempted to say anything.
"My dear, I cannot see into what the future holds, but I believe with all my soul that you'll fit in here. You've won over each of my boys in your own way and they've come to care a great deal for you in return."
He paused to take a breath before continuing. "I'm not normally a very...romantic person... But, even I can admit that I care a lot for you. No matter what you think, you matter to us and you've made a difference in our lives...for the better. I hesitate to use the word 'love' as I don't, and maybe can't, exactly feel that...but you will always be safe under my care."
He drew closer to you, his touch growing more tender now, and his tendrils slowly undulating against your clothing. "I promise, dear..." he murmured, almost against your lips, before closing that final distance.
For a moment, you were frozen in place as your brain tried to process what all he'd said. You caught on quickly though and wrapped your arms around his cerebral vertebrae so he wouldn't pull away too soon. You felt him stiffen ever so slightly but he soon relaxed into your embrace and actually deepened the kiss further.
It was over much too soon. You had to separate to catch your breath, although he didn't seem winded in the slightest. There was a soft cyan glow colouring his otherwise dark cheekbones and you could also see a small spark of what you thought might be true happiness in his eyelight.
Neither of you said anything for the short remainder of the film and you snuggled up against him as close as you possibly could get. Your soul was practically leaping for joy in your chest at the implications of what he'd said. You'd been assured by the others, but now you had definitive proof that he really did like you afterall.
Whatever magic he'd used to put everyone else to sleep seemed to fade as the end credits began to roll. One by one, the boys stirred before waking up, although you could see they were still a bit drowsy from the effects of the spell.
"Nice of you all to join us," Nightmare remarked with a chuckle and lightly squeezed your body against himself one last time.
They could only seem to respond with a cacophony of various tired grumbles, which even you had to admit was a little amusing.
Dust was the first to move and his mismatched eyelights scanned the room before locking onto you. The intensity in his tired gaze was nearly breathtaking but you couldn't read what could possibly be going through his mind right now. He dragged himself to his feet and managed to shamble his way over to you like a dead man walking. He ended up collapsing half on top of you so that his skull was resting just above your knees.
As soon as Killer realized what he'd done, he dragged himself over to you as well, plopping himself down on your shins with his skull resting on one of his arms so he could still look up at you. Interestingly, the black ooze that always leaked from his eye sockets had slowed to a meer trickle now, possibly from sleeping?
You were slightly flustered by all this contact at once but there was still one skeleton missing. Glancing over at Axe, you saw that he seemed to be conflicted. His eyelight flicked from his two colleagues to you and back again, while his large hands clenched and unclenched at his sides.
You couldn't exactly reach for him but you motioned with your chin to try and reassure him that you didn't mind if he wanted to join in. That little push was all he needed to scoot over and wrap both you and Nightmare in a big hug.
The aforementioned god let out a low growl of annoyance at basically being smothered and his claws pressed into your waist in a vain attempt to keep you to himself. Yet, he didn't shove any of them away, even though he was plenty strong enough to, as demonstrated when he used his tentacles to move some of the boys and yourself into more comfortable positions.
You couldn't move even if you wanted to and definitely wouldn't be able to for a while. Your eyes were finally starting to grow heavy, but still, you resisted the tempting allure of sleep to enjoy what had turned into a snuggle pile.
It was obvious that all four of them felt strongly about you and if the events leading up to the movie marathon were anything to go by, this wouldn't be the last time you'd need to intervene. Each of them were equally stubborn and also quite dangerous when provoked, which could quickly lead to hurt feelings or injuries.
You would have to either get good at breaking up future arguments or simply pick one of them and stick with your decision. Unfortunately, you didn't want to pick one over the others as you liked each of them equally. You'd have to give this matter a lot of thought.
You were confident you'd make the right choice though...
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sitp-recs · 11 months
20 Harry-centric fics to read this month
What better way to celebrate Harry’s birthday than revisiting (or discovering) Harry-centric fics? If you feel like taking a deep dive into his character, here are my suggestions: short and long stories exploring his emotional arc, inner struggles, past trauma, sexual liberation and of course, his feelings about himself and about Draco. I couldn’t resist including some Draco POV fics because I love learning about Harry through his eyes. Pick your comfort food and enjoy Harry’s HBD week!
Still Life, orphaned (M, 3k)
Hourglass Heart by @bixgirl1 (E, 5k)
It only happened once — depending on how Harry counted.
Snug by @moonflower-rose (E, 6k)
Potter can't keep his hands off himself. Draco can't look away.
Life goes not backward by @shealwaysreads (T, 9k)
Harry still isn’t used to gifts, but this one is different. A story of coming home, finding safe ground, and the wild courage of putting down roots.
fine i'll hold my breath / til i forget it's complicated by teatrolley (NR, 11k)
Harry and Draco become friends with benefits, and Harry thinks it's more complicated than it actually is.
Let's Go Outside by cryptonym (E, 24k)
Harry's done with the sofa, the hall and the kitchen table, baby.
Famous by @fw00shy (E, 24k)
It's a couple of years after the war, and Harry's bored of models now, the same way he's bored of Ron's constant nagging, bored of his Weasley monogram knitwear, bored of the same fucking grin that greets him when he hands his fire-truck red Bugatti over to the valet every night. He wants to find—well, he isn't sure what he wants. Anything but models.
Expecto Patronum by @writcraft (E, 35k)
As Draco Malfoy negotiates his feelings for the wizarding world's brightest star, he becomes increasingly attached to Harry and unravels the secrets he keeps hidden from the rest of the world.
Unseen by @jackvbriefs (T, 47k)
Harry Potter finally has the chance to leave England and its expectations for The Chosen One behind for good. All he has to do is survive one Auror training conference overseas with Draco Sodding Malfoy.
Here's The Pencil, Make It Work by ignatiustrout (M, 49k)
Harry thinks "Why is Malfoy working in a coffee shop in muggle London?" is a much simpler question than, "Are you going to accept that auror offer and, if you don't, what will you do?"
Meet Me at Midnight by @the-starryknight (T, 57k)
Harry was beginning to wonder if he’d ever make anything again when Malfoy stormed through the door of Harry’s furniture shop. Now Harry’s got an impossible Ministry commission to finish, and even less energy than ever to deal with his elusive muse.
Modern Love by @tackytigerfic (E, 61k)
Harry Potter, of all people, knows that life isn’t always fair. And no one gets to be happy all of the time. But surely there’s something more—something better—than a rubbish Ministry job, and a lonely old house, and that feeling that everyone out there is doing a better job of living than Harry is.
Harry Potter and the elusive day off by pleasebekidding (E, 71k)
Auror Potter needs a fucking break. He is wiped. He is exhausted. He probably didn't intend to put himself into a magical coma but these things happen. And who cares, really? He is comfortable in a house where he has hidden away all the shit he can't deal with.
I Am Not Who I Became by mab_di (E, 93k)
Draco left England after the trials and has travelled the world meeting wizards and Muggles from different cultures and with vastly different relationships to magic, each other, and the natural world. Now he's a fisherman in Finland on commercial vessels. Harry has been struggling since the war and has become a recluse while trying to write his autobiography.
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them by nerakrose and dustmouth (T, 96k)
Malfoy is way too interested in coroner reports for somebody who's definitely not looking for ways to die, Harry wants to be friends with him, and Ginny wants to break up with Harry.
Who we are in the shadows by @quicksilvermaid (E, 99k)
What happens when you’re forced to become the very thing you despise? Ex-Auror Harry Potter, tossed out of the Ministry for something he had no control over, has been looking for a way back to his former life.
By the Grace by lettered (T, 140k)
Harry is an Auror instructor. Malfoy wants to be an Auror.
where all the veins meet by eight_of_wands (E, 146k)
It's the summer of 1998. The battle is over, and Voldemort is dead, but Harry still has more questions than answers. Who is he without a piece of Voldemort's soul in his head? What is he supposed to do now?
Away Childish Things by lettered (T, 153k)
Harry gets de-aged. Malfoy has to help him.
Can't Sit Still by wilteddaisy (E, 193k)
Five years after the war, Harry finds himself drawn to Draco Malfoy by memories that aren't his own. Or, in which Harry hates his Auror partner, Draco flips houses, Pansy sleeps around, Hermione is a magical creatures’ justice warrior, Blaise is getting married, and Ron is just along for the ride.
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bonefall · 5 months
I think Nightcloud's Thaw (assuming you keep that title) is a great idea not only because your Nightcloud is so interesting and because she as a character deserves more spotlight, but also because it would be interesting to see Crowfeather begin to change from her perspective. After all, you said it was a surprise he offered to help save Breezepelt at all- and what better way to show that than for us to not be inside his head when he makes the decision to offer to help?
I'm feeling more and more confident about it. I think BB!Nightcloud is absolutely the best choice of a character to observe the events of "Crowfeather's Trial," now Nightcloud's Thaw.
Nightcloud's Thaw is an okay title for now, but I want to bat around some more names.
It's meant to invoke the way her life begins to turn around, after Crowfeather's exile; beginning with that reveal, how Crowfeather's behavior reaches a breaking point in the Clan, her reputation turn-around, and finally accepting Crowfeather's help in aiding Breezepelt.
So "thaw" is one way to put it... but if I could capture something more related to the change of seasons or time, that would be good too. Nightcloud's Daybreak, Nightcloud's Horizon.
We can go through Nightcloud's process of unlearning with her.
The dread and fury at the reveal, the shock when Crowfeather actually sees a consequence, and the way that suddenly the Clan is sympathetic towards her in a way they'd never been
How this newfound empathy feels somewhat insulting to her, but, how it helps her start to realize that she DOESN'T deserve how Crow treats her.
Makes it easy to truncate most of OotS, can quickly be described as "they stayed together slightly longer, but if it wasn't dead, their relationship was quickly dying."
And really get to the meat of the story with how Crowfeather deflecting the blame of their son's Dark Forest training on her was the LAST straw. For everyone. Including Crowfeather himself.
(I think I'll actually change around the fight in the BOTTE to be Breeze attacking CROW, and Lionblaze STOPS him. Because killing his pathetic dad, in the end, wouldn't fix anything and would ruin his life forever. Really change it to stress that no one likes Crowfeather because of how he keeps treating people. If Crow wants to turn that around, he has to CHANGE.)
(Plus, something just feels nice about letting the two have a bond. Something about how they were both pulled out of the dirt at the Kitty Olympics and washed clean by Nightcloud, starting this deep, brotherly bond somehow. I'll have to revisit this.)
Nightcloud alone can link the way that Crowfeather is trying to change himself, AND the way Breezepelt is getting worse, in the way I want
She's cautious of Crowfeather, for good, obvious reasons. He hurt her, and has only ever used her good faith as leverage against her.
And she's charitable to Breezepelt, because she knows exactly what pain is behind his rash, emotional behaviors.
SO I can frame them both in the way I want through her eyes.
Plus, I need a place to put her childhood. If it's not here, I wouldn't have a good spot to put it.
I could link all the flashback segments with having Addersong pass away, since he would be VERY old at this point. It could be very bittersweet for her
She spent so much time away from her beloved mentor, who taught her so much.
She could have had so many wonderful years with him, his advice, and his songs. But now he's an elder in his last moons
All because she let her heart be hardened after the death of her family. Pain lead her astray so many times...
I'll probably rework a LOT of the stoat stuff. I know right away there's a lot of actions in CT I want to rip away from Crowfeather and hand over to Breezepelt; a lot of the loud, openly argumentative moments he has with Onestar for example. SHOW the way that Breezepelt interprets Harespring/Darkseeker's diplomatic responses as "sniveling and traitorous" to him.
Have Nightcloud be trying to bridge this gap between Breezepelt and his Clanmates with her new reputation, and it just not working.
Maybe shuffle Nightcloud's disappearance near the end of the book, around the time that the Kin appears. Show that his mother being suspected dead was a BIG reason Breezepelt made such an emotional choice to join the Kin, and bring his other allies with him.
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another-goblin · 1 month
Meeting the family
Just some Raturine ideas (it could have been a fic if I could write) Part 1. Aventurine takes Ratio with him to Sigonia-IV (a bit sad). Part 2. Ratio retaliates (less sad).
Part 1. On Penacony, Aventurine was forced to confront his tragic past in a rather abrupt and traumatic way. He now feels that, to make some semblance of peace with it, he has to revisit Sigonia-IV after all these years and face it on his terms. The problem is, he's not sure he'll ever be strong enough to do it alone.
Luckily, there is Ratio. Probably. They have been in a weird sort of relationship for months now. They clearly enjoy spending time together, but they'd rather die than talk about their true feelings. Both are stumped by overanalyzing this situation. For Ratio it's "Yes, he's being playful and charming with me, but I saw him act the same way with other people, he's probably just toying with me, I shouldn't embarrass myself by showing my true feelings." And for Aventurine: "Does he care for me in a special way, or is it just a part of his "I'll keep the damn gambler safe and emotionally stable because I'm a decent person" routine, am I a burden to him, is he deliberately being emotianally distant with me or is it just how he normally is?, I know that I'll never be able to tell him how I actually feel because he won't believe me, he'll think that I mock him, it'll just drive him away."
So, as a last resort gamble, he tells Ratio, in the most nonchalant way possible, that he's going to visit Sigonia, and Ratio can go with him if he wants. He fully expects to hear an indifferent "Why are you telling me this, why would you expect me to go with you?". Instead, Ratio is in shock.
He did do some research on Aventurine's past. So he realizes immediately how important this trip should be for Aventurine, and how real and vulnerable he's being right now, and what that offer means for their relationship. It's much more revealing than any confession Aventurine might have made. He realizes that it's also Aventurine's subtle, desperate test for Ratio's true feelings. So he doesn't even bother to say yes, he goes directly to planning.
They finally end up going to Sigonia. Imagine the most tragic road trip ever. "In this valley, most of my people were brutally massacred." "Behind that rock my mother died in my arms,"  "And that's where I said goodbye to my sister forever,"  "This is where I've been cought", "Over there are the ruins of the town where they sold me into slavery." Meanwhile, Ratio is quietly panicking: ("Veritas, you stupidest person ever, say something reassuring. Hold his hand. Do something")
At the end of the day, he would end up awkwardly putting his hand around Aventurine's shoulders. They'd just silently sit like this looking at the sunset.
(at first it ended here but then I decided to lighten the mood, so…)
Part 2. After that, Ratio would realize that it's time for Aventurine to meet his parents. He would introduce Aventurine as a "collegue", to his amusement. As far as I know, there is no info on Ratio's family, so the following is pure HC. I like to think that his parents are alive and well. They are weird and quirky, and they love their son in their way, and they are beyond happy that their son has finally found a "colleague".
Cue all the most cheesy and stereotypical "meeting the parents" tropes. Them immediately referring to Aven as Ratio's boyfriend (you are not fooling anybody, doc). Them being a bit skeptical of Aven first ("Our little Veri deserves only the best"). Followed by the obligatory nine circles of humiliation hell for poor Ratio, with all the child photos and embarassing stories ("Here he's 5, he's dressed up as Nuos for the Autumn Spirit Festival", "And here is him getting his first quantum nanoscope for his 9th birthday (a photograph of an awkward lanky child with thick glasses and brackets)", "Veritas, dear, remember that time when you got accepted into all these prestigious schools you applied to and cried all night because you couldn't decide which one to choose"). Them besieging poor Aventurine with all kinds of questions about himself (he'd end up sharing much more about himself than he intended to). The parents getting absolutely charmed by Aven and immediately taking him under their wing ("Feel free to call us whenever Veritas decides to be difficult", "Visit us anytime, you can come alone, we know that our son apparently has more important things to do than visiting his poor old parents")
("Oh and here are socks Grandma knitted for you both when she heard that you were about to visit")
Meanwhile, aventurine.exe has stopped working 5 minutes after meeting them, not fully able to comprehend what's going on (these weird people are so unlike his own parents, yet being with them feels so painfully familiar, and this long forgotten feeling of being a part of something big, safe, and accomodating, is it what having a family feels like?, why are they so warm and welcoming to somebody they just met, and why is Ratio so comically embarassed, shouldn't he be the happiest person ever with parents like that?)
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btsgotjams27 · 2 years
this is us ~ jjk | masterlist
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How could you possibly forget him? You couldn't even if you wanted to. You wanted to extract core memories of the two of you and store them in a pensieve for safekeeping, so you could revisit them whenever you missed him, but magic isn't real, and the fairytale of you and him isn't either. You were just a writer caught up in your fantasies, living in daydreams, escaping reality, and projecting your hopes and dreams onto an imperfect person--what a fool you were. But yet, this is you. This is him. This is the story of us.
✨ title: this is us | completed (sequel to all grown up) ✨ pairing: jungkook x f!reader ✨ word count: 159k | ✨ rating: m/18+ | minors dni ✨ genre/au: drama, romance, angst, fluff, smut | est!relationship, age gap ✨ warnings: language, kissing, alcohol consumption, significant age gap (9 years), noona kink, recreational drug use (edibles), girlxgirl kiss, insecure reader, crappy mom, jungkook's nipple is pierced, cheating, toxic ex's (jk's & readers), talks of miscarriage/inhospitable uterus, flashbacks to 18-year-old jk, reader slaps someone, accidental voyeurism, heartbreak, time skip, eventual happy ending, there is a lot of emotional trauma and this story is pretty much a rollercoaster of emotions, love confessions, longing, pining ✨ smut warnings: jungkook + reader attempt to have sex in a hot tub and fail, allusions to sex, LOTS of teasing and touching, blindfold kink, masturbation(f), unprotected sex, oral sex (m,f), creampie, rough sex, rough oral (m receiving), 69, jungkook is a tease but so is reader, non-penetrative sex, fingering, breast play, light anal play, protected sex ✨ a/n: hiii, this is a sequel to all grown up! if you've read it here, then you can read the sequel :) this is probably one of my favorite series, and this couple has a special place in my heart. ✨ a/n 2: have a drabble request for any of my couples? drop them here and i'll do my best to fulfill them! ✨ read on AO3 & Wattpad ✨ playlist | ✨ quiz: which tiu character are you? | how well do you know tiu? ✨ tags: fic: this is us | tiu couples mood boards | tiu asks | tiu ramblings | ask my muse | tiu pin board | character profiles
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✨ one - this is how you fall in love | wc: 5.5k ➥ you start to fall hard for jungkook.
✨ two - back hugs and peppered kisses | wc: 4.3k ➥ when you're stressed, jungkook has a way to help.
✨ three - hot tubs and clubs pt 1 | wc: 10k ➥ you get to meet jungkook's college friends during a weekend getaway.
✨ four - hot tubs and clubs pt 2 | wc: 5.0k ➥ jimin and taehyung want to party before they leave.
✨ five - daydreams and stargazing | wc: 4.2k ➥ you finally talk to jungkook about the conversation you overheard.
✨ six - it's not all rainbows and butterflies | wc: 5.6k ➥ after a hard conversation with your mother, you learn some new things about yourself.
✨ drabble - girl's night | wc: 2.0k ➥ a fun girl's night with yuna and hyunie.
✨ drabble - the reveal | wc: 4.0k ➥ jungkook sees the photos you took with hyunie.
✨ seven - party of three | wc: 5.4k ➥ you find out yuna's big secret and reveal one of your own.
✨ eight - a blast from the past pt 1 | wc: 5.5k ➥ a blast from jungkook's past comes to stir shit up.
✨ nine - a blast from the past pt 2 ~ the college years | wc: 8.3k ➥ jungkook feels guilty about what he did.
✨ ten - a blast from the past pt 3 | wc: 10.3k ➥ jungkook finally admits what's been on his mind.
✨ eleven - the call | wc: 7.8k ➥ you receive an unexpected call.
✨ twelve - i do | wc: 6.3k ➥ you finally find hyunie, amongst other things.
✨ thirteen - heartbreak hotel pt 1 | wc: 6.6k ➥ after a few weeks apart, you have to tell jungkook what's happening.
✨ fourteen - heartbreak hotel pt 2 | wc: 8.6k ➥ jungkook makes a decision that will change the course of his life.
✨ fifteen - here comes baby | wc: 5.4k ➥ let's have that baby, shall we?
✨ drabble - it'll be okay (jk) | wc: 891 ➥ a small glimpse of life in LA
✨ sixteen - so maybe you're not okay | wc: 5.4k ➥ six months later and you're still not over jungkook, and when you finally hit rock bottom, you realize you have to pick yourself up because no one else can do it for you.
✨ seventeen - one year later | wc: 8.8k ➥ it's been one year since the breakup, have jungkook and y/n been able to move on?
✨ eighteen - you're seeing things, aren't you? | wc: 10.9k ➥ you're dreading the meeting in LA, but it's a big city. you're not gonna bump into jungkook, are you?
✨ drabble - dream bigger, darling | wc: 1.3k
✨ nineteen - together again | wc: 9.7k ➥ after three long weeks, you and jungkook reunite.
✨ twenty - ending credits | wc: 9.2k ➥ you finally get your happy ending.
✨ epilogue - us | wc 5.9k
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✨ TIU deleted scene
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➥ TIU Celebration | Podcast Episode
➥ drabbles 01 - jk + oc compete who thinks iseul will say mama/dada first 02 - jk telling his family he’s coming back home 03 - jk gives oc his photo album 04 - iseul's bedtime routine 05 - jk, joon + tae look after all the girls 06 - indie + hani meet baby iseul
➥ character asks - jungkook | oc | yuna | namjoon | hyunie | taehyung | jin
➥ ama
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griseldabanks · 4 months
Maybelle and the Beast
My contribution to the @inklings-challenge Four Loves Fairy Tale Challenge. This was my back-up idea for last year, so I was excited to have an excuse to finally write it out! Beauty and the Beast is my favorite fairy tale, and I have a feeling I may revisit this particular version again in the future, because I could definitely turn this into a novel ;) I'll admit to taking a lot of inspiration from Robin McKinley's retellings of this fairy tale.
Maybelle stared at the tall, imposing mahogany door. She felt just as reluctant to open it as if it had been the barred portal to a dungeon—like the cold stone chamber she'd explored early on in her stay here, which she expected had been a dungeon once but was now a wine cellar.
More to stall for time than anything else, Maybelle brushed off her rust red skirt and straightened her collar. It was a nervous habit, but in a way it also served to remind her of why she was here, because of who had given her these clothes. Days, weeks, months in this huge, empty mansion, alone except for one companion. The companion who had slammed this very door not half an hour ago.
Taking a deep breath, Maybelle knocked firmly on the door.
“Go 'way,” a muffled voice growled out to her.
Letting out her breath again in an impatient huff, Maybelle crossed her arms. “Are you still sulking, Agnes?”
“I am not sulking,” the voice insisted sulkily.
“Right. You're lying in bed at three in the afternoon, glaring a hole in the ceiling, for your health.”
After a heavy silence, a loud click told her the key had turned in the hole. Taking that as an invitation, Maybelle opened the door and stepped inside.
The heavy drapes had been pulled closed, leaving the bedroom in a stuffy half-light. The only illumination came from the embers of the fire dying in the fireplace. She could barely even make out the silhouette of a large bulk lying in the huge four-poster. It was like stepping into a sickroom.
Rolling her eyes at the drama of it all, Maybelle closed the door with a snap and made a beeline for the window closest to the fireplace. She pulled the curtains aside, letting a band of lazy afternoon sunlight stretch across the carpet, revealing the twisting patterns of vines and roses. After a moment's consideration, Maybelle decided not to open the curtains of the other window nearest the bed. Best not to annoy Agnes any further with a sunbeam in her eyes. She would probably just wave her hand and make the curtains close, then stick together so Maybelle couldn't open them again. Instead, Maybelle contented herself with throwing the window open and letting in the delicious scents of flowers and the buzzing of bees from the gardens.
“There,” she said, drawing in a deep breath of the fresh smell of spring. “Much better.”
With a grunt, the huge lump on the bed rolled over.
Maybelle walked up to the foot of the bed and stood there with her hands on her hips, just waiting. How strange, to remember how frightened she had been the first time she'd ventured into this room. Or how her knees had nearly given out the first time she'd dared to meet the gaze of the terrible Beast who was to be her captor.
It had been months since she'd ceased to be the Beast, and became instead...simply Agnes.
“Well?” Maybelle said, when it became clear Agnes wasn't about to break the silence. “Aren't we going to at least talk about this?”
The long tail lying on top of the blue bedspread flicked irritably, like a huge cat's. “What's to talk about?” Agnes retorted, her voice grumbling like a motorcar in her massive chest. “Clearly, you don't care what happens to me, as long as you get to go have fun without me.”
Closing her eyes for a moment, Maybelle sent up a silent prayer for patience. “Well, for starters,” she said, her voice coming out more sharply than she'd intended, “you called me an awful lot of horrid names, and I thought perhaps you might want to apologize.”
A long, pregnant pause. Finally, with a long-suffering groan from the bed, Agnes rolled over onto her back, her arms tucked up against her chest almost like a dog waiting for a belly rub. The long, black skirt did little to hide her bowed legs ending in sharp claws, and from this angle, her long saber teeth and curled goat-like horns were no longer hidden in her mountain of pillows.
Agnes sighed in resignation. “Sorry for calling you a selfish, bird-brained floozy.”
Maybelle nodded. “Apology accepted. And...I'm sorry too. For calling you a heartless, hairy pig.”
Their eyes met across the room. Agnes let out a snort, followed by a loud guffaw, and suddenly Maybelle found herself laughing as well. The tight coil of anger and bitterness loosened in her chest as she tipped her head back and let her higher-pitched laughter harmonize with Agnes' deep, hefty chuckles.
Still giggling, Maybelle crossed over and flopped onto the huge bed beside Agnes. She felt so tiny in this bed, like a doll. And yet, even though she was sure Agnes could snap her like a twig if she so desired, Maybelle didn't feel a shred of fear to lie a mere foot away from her.
For a couple minutes, they merely lay there, staring up into the canopy over the four-poster. Maybelle had just realized the stars embroidered there formed constellations and was looking for Orion when Agnes broke the silence.
“You were right, you know.” Her voice was a low, sad rumble like a locomotive rushing past in the night. “I am a pig.”
“Oh, no!” Maybelle raised herself on one elbow, looking over in alarm. “Please, forget those awful things I said. It was very wrong of me to call you that.”
Agnes turned her head aside, but Maybelle thought she caught the sight of a tear glistening in one eye. “You were only speaking the truth. Like you always do. I am heartless. Because I care more about not being alone than I do about you getting a chance to see your family. Even when all you ask is to go to your sister's wedding...I'm too selfish to let you go.”
Slowly, Maybelle lowered herself to her pillow again. She wasn't quite sure what to say, so she spoke slowly, picking her words carefully. “I wasn't thinking of you either. I'm sorry, Agnes. I know...I mean, I can imagine how lonely it must get here, in this huge mansion all alone. But it would only be for the weekend. Just enough to meet Edward and see Adeline off. I'd be back before you could miss me too much.”
“You...would come back?”
Agnes' voice sounded so hesitant and tremulous, Maybelle looked over in surprise, but she couldn't make out her friend's expression past the horn and the unruly mane of hair. “Of course I'll come back. That's part of the deal.”
The silence seemed to congeal between them. Neither of them had mentioned the deal Agnes and Maybelle's father had worked out, not since...Maybelle couldn't even remember. During the past several months, it had become easy to forget how all of this began. When Maybelle had first arrived at the mansion, she'd shut thoughts of home out of her mind as much as possible, to make her dreadful fate a little more bearable. If she weren't constantly thinking of the little cottage or trying to imagine what her father and sisters were up to, perhaps she could carve a small measure of contentment out of her exile. It was a small price to pay for her father's life, after all.
But it had been months since Maybelle had seriously believed that Agnes would have eaten her father. Not after she'd seen the delicate way Agnes handled the gardening tools when she tended to her enchanted rose bushes. Not after the way she'd cradled that finch's body in her enormous hands, huge tears rolling down her hairy face as she muttered spell after spell that fizzled out, unable to bring the tiny animal back to life.
Not after scores upon scores of cozy evenings by the fire, laughing together as Maybelle tried to teach Agnes how to knit with two iron pokers, or taking turns reading from one of the books in the huge library.
For the first time, Maybelle tried to imagine what life must have been like for Agnes in all the years before her father had shown up on the doorstep. Sitting alone in front of a guttering fire. Pacing the dark, dusty hallways, with nothing to hear but the echoes of her own footsteps. Wandering the grounds, able to turn the seasons at a word and the weather at a glance, but with nothing but the birds and bees to listen to her words. A library that magically seemed to provide exactly the book she wanted to read, but all the stories of friendship and adventure only serving to mock her solitude.
“I promise I'll come back,” Maybelle said firmly. “Deal or no deal. I won't leave you alone forever.”
A strange, strangled sound escaped Agnes, quickly disguised in a clearing of her throat. “Well,” she said gruffly, “good. But if you don't come back in three days, I'll die.”
Maybelle rolled her eyes. Always so dramatic.
It was raining when Maybelle returned to the mansion. Since it was midsummer out in the rest of the world, she hadn't thought to pack a coat, so she just ducked her head and hurried up the gravel walk to the great front doors. This wasn't a summer rain, either; the chilly breeze cut right through the thin sleeves of the flower-patterned dress Violette had made for her.
The front doors seemed heavier than usual. Normally, they swung open at the first touch of her hand, but this time Maybelle had to throw her shoulder against one to open it. Perhaps Agnes had left a window open somewhere and there was a draft. Though that seemed strange; surely Agnes would have either closed the window or shifted the weather instead of letting all this cold rain blow in.
Maybelle turned back to glance out the door. It looked like Agnes had fully committed to a dreary late November today. The bare branches of the trees clacked together while the wind howled through them, cold raindrops splashing in puddles that turned the walkways to mud. It made her wonder if the rain had kept up the whole time she'd been away.
Shivering, Maybelle heaved the front door closed again, picked up her bag, and started towards the stairs. “Agnes!” she called, her voice echoing around the huge entryway. “I'm home!”
She was halfway up the stairs, struggling with her free hand to unpin her hair and wring out some of the water, when she realized the lamps were dark. Her feet slowed to a stop in the lush carpeting, and she frowned up at the huge chandelier that hung over the open space. Every time she'd set foot in this hall—or anywhere else in the house, for that matter—candles lit themselves and lamps burst to life. At first, she'd found it frightening, especially when she would walk down a long, straight corridor with the candles flaring up in front of her and winking out behind her, leaving her in a bubble of illumination.
But after all these months, she'd grown used to such things. Doors opening at a touch, lamps lighting on their own, plates of food and cups of tea appearing on tables right when she wanted them, a bath drawn and waiting for her without even the hint of a servant in sight. It was all part of the magic of this place. Agnes' magic.
In the cold darkness and silence, Maybelle suddenly remembered what Agnes had said before her trip. If you don't come back in three days, I'll die.
A chill ran down her spine that had nothing to do with her soaked dress. Surely Agnes had just been exaggerating, the way she so often did. Like that time she'd said she felt like she'd been alone in this mansion for a hundred years. Or when she said she lived under a curse.
But still...where was she? After all the fuss she'd made when Maybelle had first asked to leave, why wasn't she waiting for her? Was she sulking in her room again?
“Agnes!” Maybelle called again, slowly climbing the rest of the stairs. “I'm back! Where are you?”
Nothing but silence to welcome her.
Her footsteps slowed as she reached the top of the stairs and turned to the right, heading for her room. The corridor was wide enough that there wasn't much danger of bumping into things, but it was all so eerie without candles lighting her way. She paused at the corner, where a tall window offered a bit of cold illumination.
Shivering, Maybelle looked out at the darkening grounds, still lashed by the driving rain. The rosebushes looked like they were taking a beating, magic or no magic. Even as she watched, the wind stripped leaves off the branches, and most of the brightly-colored petals were already gone. What on earth was Agnes thinking? Even in her most fickle moods, she would usually relent if she realized it would endanger her precious roses....
Maybelle frowned. What was that dark lump in the middle of the path? She hadn't noticed it as she rushed up the front drive, but from this higher vantage point, she could see it clearly. Was it a tarp caught under a wheelbarrow, knocked onto its side in all this wind?
No. Those weren't the handles of a wheelbarrow. They were horns. Two horns, curled like a goat's, rising from a big hairy head lying in the mud....
Dropping everything, Maybelle grabbed her dripping skirts and raced back down the corridor. She hopped up onto the banister as she'd done so many times before and slid expertly to the bottom. Laughing as Agnes tried to imitate her and toppled over the side in a heap.
She ran to the front door and heaved it open, letting go as the howling wind gusted in and slammed it back against the wall. “Last one inside's a rotten egg!”
The rain almost seemed to be falling horizontally, the wind was so strong. Holding up an arm to shield her face, Maybelle splashed along the muddy path as fast as she could. Walking along the path, crunching through the snow, leaving behind a neat row of shoe prints and paw prints side-by-side.
“Agnes!” Maybelle screamed, the wind stealing her voice, as she turned down an aisle between the rosebushes. “You were wrong when you said there was nothing beautiful about you, Agnes. Just look at your roses!”
There she lay, like a mound of dirt, one arm flung around a rosebush as if to protect it, the other curled tight against her chest. She wasn't moving.
“Agnes?” Maybelle dropped to her knees in a puddle by Agnes' side. Throwing her weight against Agnes' huge shoulder, she managed to roll her onto her back. But how would she ever drag her up into the house?
A weak groan escaped Agnes' lips, and her eyelids fluttered, then slid open. “May...belle?”
Hot tears stung Maybelle's eyes. “Thank goodness!” she cried, grasping Agnes' hand in both of hers. “I thought you were....”
Agnes slowly opened her hand, and Maybelle saw that it was cupped around a small, bedraggled red rose. Most of the petals were gone, and those that remained looked wilted.
“Last one,” Agnes grunted. “Not much...time now.”
“It's all right,” Maybelle said, trying to give her an encouraging smile. “We can replant. Once you're feeling a little stronger, maybe you can turn the weather back to spring and—“
“No.” A shudder ran through Agnes' whole body, and her face twisted in a horrible grimace of pain. “No starting over. No...No use.”
“What are you talking about?” Maybelle patted her friend's hand. “Of course we can start over. We can always start over.”
“But...we sh-shouldn't.” Agnes' voice grew fainter by the minute, and Maybelle had to lean closer to hear. “Just...go back home...Maybelle.”
Icy fingers of dread closed around Maybelle's heart. “What? No! I made a promise, remember? I'm to stay here in my father's place—“
“I release you.” Her big amber eyes rolled to meet Maybelle's, bloodshot and exhausted, but crystal clear. “It was...wrong. I...was wrong. To make you stay...against your will. So...I...re...lease...you....”
With that final whisper, her eyes slid closed, and her head lolled back onto the ground. A shiver, like a tiny electric pulse, ran through Maybelle's whole body, and she knew that some sort of spell had just ended.
“No, Agnes!” Frantically, Maybelle chafed Agnes' hands, patted her cheeks, loosened her collar. “Agnes, you don't understand! I'm not here against my will! We're friends, Agnes! I want to be here!”
The huge beast didn't move. This wasn't like the times Agnes sulked and refused to talk to Maybelle. She couldn't even tell if Agnes was breathing anymore.
Desperate to do something, Maybelle tried to heave Agnes into her arms, but the most she could manage was to cradle Agnes' head in her lap. Tears mingled with rainwater on her furry cheeks.
What if she were dead already? What would Maybelle do then? Go back to her family? But there would be no more strolling through the gardens in the evening, no more reading by firelight, no more long conversations or teaching each other games or trying to braid each other's hair or teaching Agnes how to dance or listening to her wonderful singing voice or laughing at each other's silly jokes or....
“Don't be stupid, Agnes!” Maybelle sobbed. “You're my best friend. The best friend I've ever had. No one knows me like you do. No one cares like you do. If I knew this would happen to you, I never would have gone away.”
Maybelle rested her cheek against Agnes' forehead, in between the horns, and rocked back and forth, holding her best friend close. “I'm sorry, Agnes...I'm sorry.... I never wanted to lose you. I just...I just wanted to keep being your friend. Always. Forever.” A painful sob ripped out of her chest as her best friend's body lay cold and still in her arms. “I love you, Agnes.”
Faintly, Maybelle was aware that the wind had died down, and raindrops no longer pounded down on her head and shoulders. The realization of what that meant only made her cry harder. Her fingers tangled in Agnes' mane of hair as she mumbled over and over again, “I love you, Agnes...I love you....”
“Love you too.”
Maybelle looked up at those gruff words, then gave a great start as she realized she held a complete stranger in her arms.
The woman she held was large, with broad shoulders and a squarish jaw. She was no great beauty, especially not with disheveled brown hair straggling all over the place or her body swimming in Agnes' oversized dress, but there was something comfortable and familiar about....
Wait. “Ag...nes?”
Moving stiffly, the woman held her own hands up in front of her face and turned them around, as if she'd never seen them before. Slowly, a wondering smile crossed her face, and Maybelle noticed this woman's front teeth protruded slightly.
Not too unlike the huge fangs that had curved from Agnes' lips.
Then she raised her eyes to meet Maybelle's, and there was no doubt. Those were the amber-brown eyes of her best friend.
They threw their arms around each other, and they were crying, but they were also laughing, and Agnes was trying to tell her something about a fairy and a flower and a curse, but Maybelle was too distracted by how small Agnes was in her arms. How high Agnes' voice was.
“How?” she gulped, pulling back and holding Agnes at arms' length. “How did this happen?”
“It's all you, silly!” Agnes laughed, swiping her sleeve over Maybelle's cheeks to dry her tears. She still moved carefully, as if afraid of accidentally swiping Maybelle with nonexistent claws. “True love breaks any curse, don't you know that?”
“True love?” Maybelle sniffled.
Tears spilled out of Agnes' beautiful amber eyes and rolled down her round, rosy cheeks. “What love could be truer than this?” she said with a shaky laugh. “That you'd still want to be friends with someone as beastly as me?”
“Oh, you're not as bad as all that.”
Agnes raised her eyebrows. “Really? Even after all those nasty things I said to scare you on your first night here? Or when I threw a chair at you and screamed when you went exploring in the west wing?”
“Well....” Maybelle didn't know how to deny it without completely lying, so she hastily changed the subject. “I don't regret anything, though. I don't regret coming here. I don't regret deciding to be your friend.”
With a watery chuckle, Agnes rested their foreheads together. “I don't regret it either.”
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starlight-tav · 6 months
Shadowheart and Religious Trauma
Warnings: MAJOR spoilers for Shadowheart's companion quest, religious abuse/trauma, anxiety, grief
Note: I'll probably revisit this one day when it's not so fresh in my mind and hopefully I'll make more sense then. For now, these are my thoughts, jumbled and raw
One of the most heartbreaking things for me while playing BG3 was Shadowheart's story and how analogous it is to religious deconstruction.
I was raised in a Christian cult – I won't go in depth about the abuses I suffered within, but I will say that the pain is always with me, much like the curse of Shar that lingers within Shadowheart until you make your final decisions in the House of Grief.
Shadowheart travels an arduous path from Shar's embrace to freedom; she's zealous when you first meet her, having been stripped of her entire identity. Shar and her followers have not only taken her name, her memories, and caused her immeasurable mental and physical harm; they have also taken her family, warped her only memory of her father into a source of paralyzing fear.
If you establish a bond with Shadowheart, you see her start to question the curse bestowed on her. She begins to doubt the "lesson" her goddess must be teaching her. And then you meet the Nightsong, the ultimate test of her faith.
If Shadowheart spares Dame Aylin's life, she turns her back on her goddess and the only community she's ever known up until the tadpole brought you together. She doesn't have to make this decision alone. She has you and your other companions standing with her. She spares the Nightsong and rejects the cruel deity she's spent her life serving.
Shadowheart appears more hopeful, more determined than ever. With your help, she's going to find her parents and save them from the goddess.
You fight side by side through the dark disciples and the Mother Superior in the House of Grief. You get the key to the dungeon. You find her parents. There's an impossibly brief moment where you think we did it. And then Shar shows herself.
She tells Shadowheart to make the choice between her own freedom and her parents' lives. This decision devastated me. I had to close the game. I had to take a breath and calm down. Because I had to make that decision too.
I had to decide between my own life and a relationship with the people who raised me. I could come out and reject everything I'd been taught, severing the bonds between myself and the people who perpetuated my pain; or I could carry on in service until it killed me.
When Shadowheart was presented the options, there was no question in my mind as to what I was going to choose. But I didn't know if that was because it was what was best for me or for her.
This is where Shadowheart's story diverts the most from my own. Her parents wanted her to be free. Their faith in Selûne would transform them, bring them peace, and keep them close to her. Knowing this, I urged Shadowheart to take their lives, putting them at rest. She did.
Shadowheart is free from the Lady of Loss now. But she grieves. She'll never hear her parents' laughs. She'll never feel their comforting touches or receive their careful wisdom. That pain is real, and it'll never disappear. But the hope is that she won't be alone. She has your merry band of weirdos after all.
That's what has saved me too. My friends, the queer and neurodivergent communities, support from my therapist. It'll always hurt, but with their help I'll survive it.
Larian is such an amazing team. The care they've put into telling stories of survival, grief, love, healing, and tough decisions is so amazing. I'm grateful for their hard work and creativity. The moments of hurt and the moments of catharsis will stay with me for a long, long time.
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bomberqueen17 · 7 months
The Witch King
This is not like, a coherent review or anything.
Yesterday I was just like possessed with anxiety nonstop the whole day and everything I did seemed to make it worse and i just like spun my wheels and I got some things done but mostly felt worse and worse and more and more stressed, due partly to external circumstances but largely, i think, to nothing in particular. And finally after dinner I was sitting on the couch comfortably and realized you know what, fuck it, I am not going to "try to write" and wind up refreshing tumblr and chatting on discord all night, not while I'm already fretting and stewing like this, i'm going to be miserable and probably get in a fight or something and i don't want that. Fuck it. So I went to the tab I already had open in my browser, which I'd had open for weeks but the time was never right, and I bought the kindle version of Witch King and read it right there in my browser, the whole way through, did not click away or put it down or move or do anything else, and you know what it was fantastic.
I'd read a preview and been like hm i don't know what this is about and read a couple of amazon reviews that were like this was really confusing, some of which concluded so i didn't like it and some of which concluded so i super liked it, and like, I've been a fan of Martha Wells since she put the Element of Fire up for free chapter by chapter on her Livejournal when the rights reverted to her in like 2006 or so, so I knew what I was going to get and also knew that I would not particularly know exactly what I was going to get until I got it, and I also knew I was going to enjoy the ride, but I hadn't wanted to read it in stolen or exhausted moments lest the "this is confusing" bits prove too much.
In the end I found it not in the slightest bit confusing, it was a very straightforward interspersed flashbacks storytelling technique that i thought suited the story beautifully (not to be spoilery but we join a character in medias res with an action scene and it's him trying to figure out who has betrayed him in a complicated political scenario, and in the process of unspooling this he has to revisit the site of where the complicated political scenario was first set up, some sixty (?) years earlier, so he's retracing his own steps and it's really well done I think, introducing new bits of history right as they're relevant to the current storyline-- and just fantastically done, not at all forced, completely natural and compelling, and no the reader isn't told anything they don't need to know but you do get everthing you need to know, there's no unneccessary coyness at all).
So anyway i loved that, and I hope there's a sequel planned but it stands alone just fine if not, I'm already figuring i'll alternate my rereads and do every other chapter each time, so I can do All The Backstory first, then All The Current Timeline story, and that's such a fun way to eke out many many many rereads of a story that like all of Wells' works I will reread until I have chunks of them memorized (anyone who has read my works surely has found whole undigested bits of hers bobbing around in there because I do this so much; I found the phrase weary past bearing in something of mine the other day and was like oh that's moon when ember first shows up i stole that whole emotion wholesale out of the third raksura book yes i did).
Little side notes: Love the aroace qpr vibes with Kai and Zeide, also sort of enjoy the lowkey genderfuckery that comes with a demon who has his own gender then inhabiting bodies that had different genders. Great magic system too, and I love that we first get introduced to how Kai's pain magic works as a like totally fait accompli chunk of didactic worldbuilding and then in a later chapter we get to see the flashback of him inventing it and understand why it works the way it does, that was also so well-wrapped-up.
Anyway-- Definitely recommend this one but probably it is best if you can do it like I did, in one big binge-read. It took me probably three hours and I was trying hard not to read it too fast.
Yeah. Anyway. People assume I'm a big reader. I was, as a kid. I am not now. This is the first new book I've read since probably the spring sometime. I don't casually read things i only read them if I'm going to add them to my Pantheon of Rereads, and that goes for fic too mostly.
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Doting husband Bruce and meeting the parents?
"You really don't have to do this," you tell him. "They just want me to fix... whatever it is that's broken."
"I feel like I should probably meet them eventually," Bruce said, adjusting his sleeves as he watched you pull a tool box from the back of your car with a soft grunt of effort. "We live together-"
"Don't say I didn't warn you," you sigh, leaning against the door and looking up at your childhood home. Just outside the city. Not quite a suburb. In the vast stretch of nothingness that hadn't been encroached upon by city yet. An old subdivision built on coopted farm land left to fallow in the 30's. It was the worst kept house. Not crumbling but in disrepair.
"Careful where you step," you warn him. "Dad's got a thing for ferrets." And before you can run away- trying to avoid the demons you aren't fond of revisiting, you trudge up the steps.
And Bruce has no choice but to follow.
He makes his way up the steps after you, remembering to watch his feet. The smell of wood shavings and animal mixed with cigarette smoke hit his nose. And ferrets tumbled on the floor. Getting into things, scattering out of the way of unfamiliar people.
The disrepair on the outside mirrored on the inside.
"The dishwasher is leaking," he hears a woman say. Not looking up from a tablet.
"Mom this is-"
"Not now, honey," she said, "I'm about to win big-"
"Mom," you say slightly louder, your voice slightly sharper making her look up.
"Oh you brought a repair man," she said, "That's-"
"This is Bruce," you tell her, giving her a meaningful look, presumably reminding her to use her manners. "Bruce this is my mother Rayanne"
"Pleased to meet you," Bruce said, feeling awkward. Not sure what to do. She hadn't looked away, but she hadn't moved to return his handshake either and he took his hand back feeling awkward.
And like lights finally came on, he found himself awash in... he wasn't sure what. Alfred would probably call it prattle. But it was a vastly different experience from the woman he'd heard shouting at you on the phone.
He half turned to see if you were going to help him, only to find that he was at her mercy. That you'd disappeared somewhere into the sea of ferrets and cobwebs to see what you could fix.
He tried to focus and answer the questions, listening to see if you needed help- distantly he could hear tools and muffled swearing. But, he found out quickly that Rayanne didn't need much encouragement to keep talking. A discordant piece.
She didn't seem to care what the answer was. She seemed intent on LOOKING like she was doing all the right things. Saying all the things one would expect a mother to say. Twice she left trying to ply him with drinks and snacks- which he took to be polite. But only once did he hear her talk to you. And even then it was to snap at you to move your tools.
It felt weird. It was uncomfortable. And now he understood why you hadn't wanted him to come. Why you kept putting this off. And it hurt. Even worse was when you came around the corner. The dishwasher running in the back ground. And all you got was, "What took so long, sweetie?"
"Sorry," you answer. Your face bland. If it stung, it was hard to tell. "We'll get out of your hair, mom. Don't want you to miss out on your win."
"Oh alright," she sighed. "Too busy for me I see how it is."
"I'll see you next week. "Bruce are you ready to go?"
"You're my ride," he said smiling. Trying to cover how awkward he felt. "Unless I want to walk, we'd better get going."
And like the lights went off, Rayanne went back to her tablet. And you picked up your tool box to go. Leaving Bruce unsure of what to do expect follow you.
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booboodaddysblog · 3 months
Part two
Tumblr media
Warnings: smut, dominant Colin, long teasing, fingering, kissing
Words: 4896
Marg woke up alone in bed. She stretched and looked at her watch, it was after ten o'clock. Frightened, she quickly sat up on the bed... and immediately knew that this was not a good idea. She felt nauseous and managed to reach the bathroom at the last minute. She knew she wouldn't like being pregnant. Although from what she once read that nausea is usually only for the first three months, after that it's fine. The worst part is that she has to endure these three months hugging the toilet.
She returned to the bedroom and saw a note on the bedside table. She took it in her hand and began to read:
forgive me for having to leave you alone, but I was forced to go to work. Besides, you were sleeping so sweetly, I didn't want to wake you up. It's a beautiful sight.
I would like to ask you to stay at my house today. Rest, eat well and drink lots of water. Don't worry about being absent from work. I will arrange everything. Ah... and we need to find a good doctor to manage our pregnancy. I want everything to be fine. This is a big news for me. I have a flurry of thoughts. I need to start reading about it. I hope there is a book called "Pregnancy for the resistant". And I apologize to you for my behavior at night... I was, and still am, terrified of becoming a dad. It still doesn't get to me.
Have a great day and see you tonight.
- Colin”
She read the letter several times and felt the tears roll down her cheeks. It had been a long time since she had read anything so sweet. She got emotional, plus the state she was in doubled her weepy reaction.
Suddenly she got a notification of a new message on her phone. She reached for it and saw that it was Colin.
“Hey, my love… I'm thinking, you know how we talked about getting married..., that maybe we should think about it before the baby is born. It will be less of a hassle. I'll get the money somehow. Well, it's probably a little early to think about such things, but my overthinking makes me crazy and I had to write you about it. Just so I wouldn't forget.
I hope you feel better."
She smiled softly as she read the message.
"Hey, sweetie.... I understand you completely. I'm also thinking a lot about it. We only found out a few hours ago, and there are a lot of questions in my head that I don't know the answers to. Focus on your work, even though I know it's not easy. And I beg you not to tell anyone about anything at work. We don't need gossip right now. When the time is right, we will tell them everything ourselves.
I don't feel good, I feel terrible. I need sleep, that's for sure.
Thank you for your sweet letter xoxo"
He answered really quick:
"Okay, we'll talk when I get back. I won't bother you anymore. Rest and remember to drink water, I don't want you to get dehydrated or worse faint when I'm not at home.
See you later."
“See you later, Colin”
She went to the kitchen to get water and returned to the bedroom. Sleep came very quickly.
Colin was counting down the minutes until he left work. He couldn't wait to see his beloved again. He had a good feeling that everything would be fine between them. That maybe the pregnancy would bring them closer together. He cared about Marg. He loved her and could imagine a future with her. Now not only with her. He hoped she forgave him for his betrayal. They honestly didn't talk about it at night. No... it's not worth revisiting the subject. It's just that Colin needs to keep his dick in his pants and be polite and devoted only to Marg.
- And we are planning to get married.... oh my god... everything is happening so fast - he said to himself and hid his face in his hands, sighing loudly.
He was finally able to return home. He packed his documents and drove home. As soon as he got out of the car, he felt excitement. Marg was at his house waiting for him. It had been a long time since he had felt something like this.
He crossed the threshold of the house with a smile and closed the door behind him.
- Marg? I’m home! - announced his arrival and hung his coat on the hanger.
- Oh Colin - Marg came out of the kitchen. She went up to him and hugged him tightly - I missed you and out of this longing I cooked dinner for us - she smiled broadly.
- That's great - he kissed her on the cheek - I see that you feel better.
- Yes, it's better, let's hope tomorrow is just as good. Go wash your hands, we are about to eat.
- Yes sir - he saluted her and went to the bathroom.
He smiled at his reflection in the mirror. He felt relaxed. The very proximity of Marg had that effect on him.
- Something smells really good. Is it chicken? - he walked into the kitchen. He approached Marg and embraced her from behind, kissing her neck - You also smell beautiful - he closed his eyes savoring it.
- You guessed it, it's chicken. Pass me the plates, please.
- I can see that you feel really comfortable in my house - he laughed, handing her what she asked for.
- You know, I spent almost the whole day in here. I rummaged through every cabinet and drawer - she said with a serious face.
- You're kidding... - he felt himself getting weak.
- Yes, I'm joking - she laughed out loud - geez, I scared you - she laughed even louder.
- Do you think it's funny? I wonder how you would feel in my place?
- I have nothing to hide - she shrugged her shoulders and carried the plates to the table.
- Actually... then I have nothing to hide either.
- Then why did you get so stressed? Suspicious - she laughed again - let's have dinner, I'm hungry.
They passed dinner with pleasant conversation. They really had a lot of new topics to talk about. The pregnancy, the wedding... Colin's work had now faded into the background. He himself felt good about it. He didn't like to talk about his work. It made it impossible for him to relax. Everything that happened during the day came back to him like a boomerang and crushed him to a pulp. The only thing he dreamed of at the time was going to bed. But now he felt free and light. The smile did not come off his lips.
- You know what... I think so, when I look at you now, that you will look really sexy with extra pregnancy pounds - he smiled broadly at her.
- Stop, I don't even want to think about it. I don't want to get fat.
- I think you have no control over it. It's rather natural that your body will change. Certainly for the better - he said with the smirk.
- Don't you like my body? - Marg raised an eyebrow.
- No... that's not what I meant. Your body is perfect, and it will be even better. I love your shapes, especially your breasts and buttocks.
- You are lucky, because I already wanted to be offended - she showed him her tongue.
- Oh, don't show me your tongue. It has a bad effect on me.
- Oh, really?
- Yes, my dirty thoughts are raging.
- Ah, yes... your overthinking... sometimes it's probably not so bad - she said with a smirk.
- But, back to your body. You will always be beautiful, no matter how your body changes after pregnancy.
- You're cute. You will definitely be a good dad.
Colin reached out his hand toward Marg and stroked her belly gently. He looked into her eyes.
- I can't wait to see you with baby on your arms, you're gonna be the best mom - he kissed her softly.
- I hope so - she kissed him back.
- And of course I'm gonna be the best dad, my sweet princess... I want to be here for the baby every step of the way, I wanna be here throughout the whole adventure in our way to becoming a family - he smiled at her - but... can I be honest and ask a question? Would you be offended if I'm too honest?
- Ask what you want - she kissed him again - oh I really love your lips.
- Yeah, I really like yours too, I love how they feel when they're teasing me - he chuckled softly as kissed her back - but anyway, I was wondering.... do you know that I can't wait to see you with a bigger belly? Would you mind if I was very curious about that?
- No, baby, I understand that you’re curious about pregnancy stuff. I’m so curious too. I guess my belly will be way bigger then now. Baby will grow up so need more space - she kissed him again, this time more passionate - oh my goodness, I can't take myself away from your mouth, my hormones are going crazy!
- Oh yes, the baby will grow... oh.... and yes, me too, your hormones and the way you look now.... I’m getting crazy just thinking about it, I really understand why you want more now.
- I need you so much right now, especially your lips… everywhere - she groaned.
- My lips, my hands, my arms, my... everywhere, right? - he chuckled and kissed her again, this time harder and more passionately.
- Yes, everywhere, Colin…
- Oh... now I know you're getting crazy... I think all your hormones have taken over your mind... what if I help you with that?
- How? - she sighed.
He smiled and put his arm around her waist, helping her up from the table.
- I think you'll like what I got in mind...
Colin pressed his body firmly against hers, leaned her against the wall and started kissing her again, making sure she didn't move an inch because he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable.
- What else do you have for me? - she interrupted the kiss.
- Hmm... I was thinking of having some fun, just the two of us - he smiled - and I guess we'd have to make sure that the baby doesn't feel anything, what do you say?
- Our baby is the size of a bean. Don't worry, it won't feel a thing - she laughed.
He laughed as well and kissed her mouth passionately.
- Good answer... so what's your answer on my question? Would you like to have some fun?
- You know my answer - she bit her lip.
- That's what I like to hear... let's not waste anymore time then - he grabbed her hand to lead her to the bedroom and start doing what they love.
- Colin?
- Huh? Yes, sweetie?
- You don’t need to be gentle with me today.
- Oh, you think so? Would you like me to be a little rougher with you? - he smirked.
- Do whatever you want with me - she groaned.
- Now, you’re talking…
- Yes, Colin… I’m all yours.
- Now I definitely love that way you're talking today, let's get to the bedroom, I have something you'll love to see...
- What? A gift?
- Hmm, you know that I love buying you nice presents, but this one is more... intimate, for you and I to have some private fun.
- Okay then, can’t wait to see that - she was really curious.
- Oh, you'll love it, I'm sure of that... - he led her to the bedroom and opened the door.
- Let me see it. What is it?
After letting her in, he closed the door slowly and stood right in front of her.
- Close your eyes dear, and don't open them until I tell you to, can you do that for me?
- Of course.
- Good, I knew I could count on you... now, close your eyes tightly and don't peek at anything until I tell you, okay?
- I promise - she covered her eyes.
- That's the girl I know, you're such an obedient one... are you sure you want me to trust you? - he whispered teasingly in her ear and kissed her cheek.
- Yes.
Colin chuckled softly with a slight sparkle in his eyes.
- Alright then, you can keep your eyes closed, I'll tell you when to open then...
He brought his hands slowly to her eyes to check if she hasn't peeked.
- Good girl…
- Yes, but I'm a good girl just for you.
- Oh, is that so? So if I wasn't here, you'd be a very bad girl... who would you rather be submissive and obedient to rather than me?
- Submissive and obedient.... just for you - she whispered.
- Good... that's the way I like my sweet princess. Now, you can open your eyes.
He smiled gently and put his hands on her waist, wanting to see her reaction to what he had prepared.
- Oh… you are… naked - she smiled broadly.
- Yeah, and just let your eyes slowly go down and see what I've got prepared for you... - he laughed.
- Oh… I really like what I see - she bit her lip.
- I was hoping you'd like it...
He moved his fingers over her shoulder and leaned her body against the bed, then moved a little closer to her face, looking into her eyes.
- But now, my second question…
He paused for a moment as he moved his body close to hers more.
- Would you like to do more than just look?
- I’d love to… oh Colin…
- I hope so…
He chuckled softly and whispered in her ear, teasingly.
- But now, we should have a bit of fun... I think you'll like what I have in mind, you will enjoy this...
- Go on, Colin - she whispered.
Also, he began whispering in her ear, stroking her sides and caressing her body with his fingers.
- I want you to just lay back, relax and let me do all of the work... do you think you can handle that, princess?
- I'll try, but I'm sure I can handle it - she kissed him passionately.
- Good... I was kinda counting on you handling this.
He rested her completely on the bed, then lay down on top of her and began to passionately caress her body.
All she was able to do at that moment was sigh loudly.
- Let me take your clothes off.
- Yes…
He did it very slowly, teasing her.
- I love to tease you…
- Colin…
He pulled her a little closer and pressed his body against hers, beginning to kiss her neck and all over her body, going down and taking his time to enjoy every inch.
- You’re so hungry, Colin - her back arched.
- What can I say? I get really hungry sometimes... you're just too delicious to me - he chuckled.
He grabbed her thighs as his kisses went down, and then he murmured.
- Now, I think I'm gonna take my sweet time enjoying all of you, so stay still...
- It's really hard for me not to move when you give me so much pleasure, but I'll keep trying - she sighed loudly.
- I know it is, but like I said... this is all about you and me enjoying ourselves, so you'll just have to let me handle that...
As he continued caressing her body, he suddenly stopped and whispered in her ear.
- Now, I think it's time for me to take this to another level...
- Do it, Colin… - she groaned.
He smiled gently, biting his lips, became a little more serious.
- Okay, now, I want you to stay still and not move at all, I'm about to do something I think will feel very good.
- Oh, I’m sure about that - she whispered.
He pressed her body tighter to the bed, moving on top of her in such a way that their bodies were completely connected. He wanted her to be completely vulnerable.
- I’m all yours… - she wrapped her arms around his neck.
- Good, now I want you to trust my hands completely, okay?
He grabbed each of her wrists and placed them above her head, leaving her fully vulnerable.
- I trust you and your hands - she smiled at him.
- I'm glad you trust me, because I'm gonna use my hands to make you feel so much pleasure... I want you to let these hands do all the work by themselves.
- I want everything, I’m waiting - she tried to move to get more pleasure.
- No, no, no, no moving at all, you stay still, let your body take all of the pleasure I can give you, okay?
- I’m so hungry, give me that pleasure, please - she moved again under him.
- Oh my god, you're not following my instructions at all... - he grumbled at her - you want me to give you pleasure? Don't move right now, not even a bit, or I'll stop.
- I will now be a good and hungry girl. I'm not moving, I understand - she moaned.
He smirked.
- Good girl... now, I'm gonna take care of you and see if you can handle my touch.
As soon as he finished saying this, he began to put his hands all over her body, exploring every inch of her body with his palms, stroking and caressing her skin.
She moaned loudly.
His hands started to trace little circles on her body, every soft touch feels absolutely divine, he's making sure that nothing is going to distract her.
- Colin! - she moaned again.
He felt heat all over his body when he heard her moan.
- Such a good and hungry girl... are you sure you're still not trying to move?
- I’m sure, I promise to be a good girl and hungry of course - she laughed a little.
- Good... you better not be lying to me.
He continued to let his hands explore her body, starting to go higher up her legs. He did not stop teasing her.
She moaned loudly once again.
The sound of her moans filled him with anticipation, the higher he goes, the more the moans increase... He stopped right at her hips and whispered into her ear with a smirk on his face.
- Now, I think you're finally gonna like what I have to show you, right?
- I already love everything - she moans loudly again.
He bit his lips softly as he continues caressing the sides of her hips slowly and passionately, but then he stopped, because he knew she likes it when she can feel his body heat.
- Colin… don’t stop - she whispered.
- Now I think I want to make you feel something even better... I want to make you feel something absolutely spectacular.
- Give me that, Colin!
He nodded softly and leaned back slightly, his hands slowly moved down her body, reached the junction of her thighs and began to caress her there, slowly and calmly, he took his time. She was so wet there and so soft.
- I'm gonna enjoy teasing you for a while... you can give in right now and accept what I'm going to do to you, or we simply can wait a bit more... - he whispered in her ear, squeezing one of her thighs tightly.
- I give in now! oh Colin I love everything you do to me! - she moaned lightly.
- Good girl... now, you wanna know what I have for you?
- Yes! Yes!
- Okay then, how about I just do a little bit more exploring and I show you that with my hands, would you like that? - he sighed - So, I think I'll start moving my hands towards...
- Yes, Colin I want everything you have for me! Move your hands toward…
He put two fingers inside her. And began to move gently.
She moaned even louder than before.
- Oh I know what you want - he kissed her passionately.
- I’m so hungry, Colin! - she bite his lower lip.
He smirked and then whispered softly as he stroked his other hand down her body.
- Then let me feed you exactly what you're hungry for - he inserted a third finger into her, trying to push them in as deep as he could.
- Oh… I’m so hungry for you! - she screamed.
- Love this answer. I’m so hungry for you, and only you.
- Oh Colin! Faster! - she groaned.
- You know this is what I was building up to...
He began to push his fingers into her faster, massaging her pleasure button with his thumb.
- Exactly there, Colin!
- Oh, yeah?
- Yes!
His movements became more precise and faster, more rhythmic. He liked to make her squirm.
- Oh don’t stop moving your hands and kiss me. I need your lips on mine - she tried to move.
- You're trying to move, sweetie, remember what I said I'd do to you if you didn't keep still? Please don't make me stop what I'm doing to you...
- I’m sorry, but you’re making me squirm - she groaned.
- Good, you're supposed to be squirming and begging for more, don't forget that you asked for all of this... - he smiled - Do you want me to stop?
- No!
- Good girl... Now, how about I just keep these hands going the way they're going right now and they'll never stop... Do you want that?
- Oh my God, Colin! - she screamed.
He smiled and gave her a passionate long kiss.
- Oh trust me... I never will... If it was up to me, I'd keep going until I had no more energy to move - he laughed.
- I know you have enough energy to pleasure me now - she kissed him back hungrily.
He moaned and kissed her back passionately and eagerly.
- I love your hands! - she moaned into his mouth.
- I love knowing that you like my hands so much... I'm sure you'd like them more by the end.
He continued to move his fingers inside her hot insides, while massaging her breasts with his other hand. He sucked on her nipples. He was so hungry.
- Oh! This is what I want! Exactly there!
He returned to gently biting her neck and licking her.
- You’re a master in this, Colin. Don’t you dare to stop - she moaned softly.
- I swear, I won't... I'd never stop doing this to you...
He hugged his body tighter to hers, and then pulled her body closer to his, continuing to touch her there slowly and passionately, his hands never stopping.
- I’m about to…, you exactly know what! - she almost screamed.
- Oh yeah? You're already this close, huh?
- Yes! - she started to squirm, and breathe heavily, she was so close.
- Keep still, let's see if you can stop yourself... - he kissed her - you can't move at all now, okay?
- I promise not to move, but don’t stop, please - she screamed loudly.
- Then don't move and don't make a noise, okay? - he whispered to her ear.
- It’s so hard to be quiet, you’re so good to me - she moans loudly.
- It doesn't matter... keep still and quiet, okay? Or I'm gonna have to use my hands in such a way that won't let you make sounds anymore.
- Oh make me quiet, Colin. It’s so hard to make no noises - she moaned loudly.
- You sure about that? It might not be as fun as you imagine... - he began stroking her lower lip.
- Do it, please! - she bit her lip to be quite.
Once again bent over her body, his face now right in front of hers.
- You asked for it...
He pressed his hands firmly on top of her mouth and started to cover her with his body, stopping her from making any sounds, he pulled back slightly.
- I'm not gonna let you make a sound until you beg me to stop.
She nodded her head as a sign that she understood.
He pulled back a bit and give her a deep and long kiss. He laughed and stooped making out with her for a second. He was breathing heavily.
- Now, we're playing that game aren't we? So, let me hear you, how far can you go without begging me to stop? Be honest with me, okay?
Again she nodded her head to confirm.
- Good girl…
He sighs softly and let's go from her mouth.
- So, what do you think? You can take more of this?
- I’m still hungry, so yes I do - she moans softly.
- Perfect response, that's what I wanted to hear...
He moved his hands back to her mouth again, covered them to shut her up and pulled her body very close to his, his hips are all up to her body now, he's going to move just a little bit more just to get her even more hungry.
She was breathing hard through her nose, her body trembling with delight.
- Oh god, you're trembling, I can feel it through my body... and you're breathing so deeply and quickly... - he whispered.
She sighed deeply and closed her eyes, waiting for more delights.
He leaned forward a bit more, starting to move his hands all over her body again, his hips now pressed against her.
Colin heard a loud moan of delight.
- Let's see how much you can take, before I give you more of what you're craving... - he whispered to her ear.
She looked at him with wide-open eyes and nodded.
Again he began to massage her hot entrance. He pushed her rhythmically and continuously. Again he felt her trembling and squirming.
Her body trembled, she was close to fulfillment. She closed her eyes.
- Oh, you're close again, aren't you? I can tell... I know your body so well by now...
Her body arched as she reached fulfillment. She let out a loud and long sigh. She breathed hard trying to calm down after such a strong sensation.
He moved back slightly, no longer covering her mouth with his fingers, and let her breathe, watching her carefully, waiting.... waited for her to signal him that she wanted more.
Still breathing heavily, she slowly calmed down. She smiled at Colin, seeing the expression on his face.
- Don't look at me like that, so obscene, you made me tired. I don't even have the strength to move - she laughed.
He laughed softly and hugged her, his face has a satisfied look as he smiles softly at her.
- Oh, that was quite the reaction, I'd say I did my job well... do you want more or do you think you've had enough for now?
- That's enough for today. You really made me tired. But... Colin? What about your pleasure? You gave me so much joy, and all you got return was my pleasure - she smiled at him.
- Oh, trust me when I say this... It was worth it, I don't mind not getting much in return if it means that I get to give you what you enjoy the most - he kissed her softly.
- Oh, you are so sweet. I promise to make you happy soon too. You have so much stress at work, you need to relax - she stroked his head.
- I have all of the relaxation I need right here with you... It's always a good de-stresser after a long day at work... How about we just keep relaxing now? - he closed his eyes and hugged her.
- So you're tired after giving me so much pleasure? I knew it! You need rest, my lover. Let's get some sleep. But first, please get off me, you're heavy - she laughed and kissed his forehead.
- Sorry, sweetie... you're right, I do need some rest... and I can tell I'll sleep like a baby because of this...
He slowly moves away from her and lays down next to her. He closes his eyes and sighs deeply.
- I love you, Mr Zabel.
- I love you too, my dear.
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spacey-xannabelle · 1 month
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Fateful Encounter...
Last month, at around April 10th, I decided to revisit an old project I started months prior which was to polish up a test sketch of a comic page about Lucy encountering Lumi in the dreamspace. And after slowly making progress on this, I'm finally finished with this!
I'm gonna leave some artist notes under the read more, but overall I'm super proud of how this turned out!! This is pretty much my first serious attempt at making comics in general so this has been a very interesting learning experience!
Artist notes: So this is what the original sketch for this whole thing was. It was just me scribbling out a scene I had in my head for Startrails that I wanted to put on paper:
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This I'd say was made around 2020-2021 ish. At the time, I didn't really do much with it. Until several months ago, I thought of trying to redraw this page and expand upon it.
But my first attempt at doing this didn't quite lead anywhere. I barely got through the thumbnailing process and just gave up bc I lost motivation (and life/work stuff was Happening so yea I had to put this aside as I figured stuff out). Here's the first draft of the thumbnails:
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It was just two pages at the time and was pretty simple. I left this project sitting in my files for a while until I one day just, started binging videos from Thestarfishface on YouTube, primarily her webcomic guide videos. And I decided I'd give this project another go.
It was here where I began making a second draft of the thumbnails and this was what I had to work with:
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I wanted to experiment with the panels and get funky with the compositions this time around. The 2 page draft expanded to a 3 page thing. But I thought it would've been better if I added one more page at the end with Lucy waking up as a conclusion to wrap this whole thing together.
And in the middle of working on page 3, my friend had suggested to do a an impact frame page, which I hadn't considered during the thumbnailing, so 4 pages became 5. And this was the result!
I posted the pages as I finished them onto my deviantart so that's where a lot of my thoughts were journaled as I went along dfjsdh. To summarize my ramblings there, this project was a very fun (and a bit frustrating) learning experience! I'm hoping to keep practicing and improving my workflow, and hopefully one day make Startrails a full fledged webcomic :')
Additional ramblings:
The structure that Lucy finds Lumi in is inspired by an orrery.
For page 5, I initially didn't plan for much dialogue but as I drew it, it felt just a liiiitle bit empty, so I kinda just threw in some dialogue for Mira. But bc I was already in the inking process (and I just wanted to have this project completed), I didn't redo the page to even include Mira in it. So Mira's just out of frame sdfjskdh. If I had more time and energy to keep this up, I'd have made a revision of the page so I could include her.
This experience has taught me that I could seriously work on my rendering process a bit more, and that my layer management is just atrocious sdkfjksdfh
This has also taught me that while Medibang has the tools needed for me to draw these pages just fine, it also lacks some stuff that I personally need if I were to do a longer project like this. So I'll be experimenting with CSP next!
The dialogue throughout this whole thing wasn't all that planned out- I really just stuck close to what the initial doodle had which probably wasn't the best idea bc I just have like, 2 pages of Lucy's awkward sounding dialogue aaaa. I might do something a bit more dialogue heavy to help improve this skill next time.
Anyway, thank you for reading through my 1 am ramblings on this little project of mine shdkjhks
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ask-the-becile-boys · 4 months
The Future of the Becile Bots Askblog
So, where will we be going from here?
-I'm going to take one week off. This is mainly for me to get both parts of the epilogue done, which I plan to post on Feb 26th and 28th.
-After the epilogue, there will be no more In-Character responses to asks, little to no Lore added, no more story updates, and probably no more fics written by me (unless I get a REALLY good idea and want to revisit the AU). What happens to these characters in the future, I leave up to the reader's imagination. As far as I'm concerned, it's time for them to rest <3
-The askbox will remain open, but I'll mostly be using it for housekeeping, such as explaining the history of the askblog and private responses guiding people to the appropriate pages/posts.
-I will continue to post fanart and fanfiction that people ping me with, submit, or that I stumble upon and ask to reblog! People are also welcomed and encouraged to send in farewell messaages, if you want to give the gang a send-off. If it's sappy, I'll probably cry!
-If anyone wants to follow my next project, you can find it at @the-five-bright-stars and I'll still be at my main, @amuseoffirebane
Thank you all for joining me. Getting to give some of my favorite characters a hell of a finale and a hopeful ending was truly an honor, and I will be forever grateful for the opportunity and support.
Take care of yourselves <3
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otakween · 3 days
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Digimon Battle Spirit 2 - Final Thoughts
This game was so FUN!! I liked it a lot more than the first installment of Battle Spirit even though the games were very similar. They just added a bunch of little touches to this sequel that upped replayability big time. I still only beat it twice (and on easy mode teehee) but I can see myself revisiting this one in the future :)
I'm glad Frontier got a couple video game tie-ins despite the fact that it wasn't very popular. I think the quality of this game actually improved my opinion on Frontier somewhat. The sprites were so charming and each character's attack style was so anime-faithful. Very immersive for fans of the show.
There were digimon I didn't recognize in this? Who the heck is this rainbow one? This isn't the kind of game where you get digimon names on screen, so I was just like -shrug-
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This was my first time testing out RetroAchievements and I think it's really neat. Here is me getting an achievement for beating the Shooter game:
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I've given up on 100%-ing games but I'll definitely continue to use this feature just for fun!
I loved the little animation I got when I unlocked Lowemon of him jumping onto the character select screen, that was awesome.
I played as Chackmon and Fairymon, my two fave Frontier digimon and they both had such distinct play styles. I think I liked Chackmon's attacks more (it was really fun to perform icicle lala and freeze people by turning into stalagmites) but Fairymon was good for defeating Cherubimon because she could jump (fly) really high.
Even though it would be very annoying, I kinda wish this game had voice lines. I was mentally shouting "Brezzo petalo!!" when playing as Fairymon lol
There's a hacky way to win by hanging out in corners and stun locking your opponent, but I tried not to overuse that. It would be good for getting really high scores if I cared about that.
Speaking of scores, the tamer tags are such a good addition to increase replayability. You can get different tags based on the difficulty you play at and your final score. I can't be bothered, but if I was a kid with ample free time, it would be fun to try to unlock them all.
The shooter mini game was so fun! It was basically Digimon billiards. Of course, it was a lot easier to beat with save states because I lost many times lol. Fairymon kept launching me off the side of the board. It was funny to see the NPCs sometimes accidentally slide out of bounds and the digivolution mechanic was clever. This is the kinda casual game I could see myself playing just to kill time (like pinball or solitaire).
This game had way fewer digimon to play as/unlock? They probably only wanted to include digimon with human forms (I guess they could have borrowed Tamers characters for that). I could see this being a downside for some, but I was relieved. I unlocked Lowemon and had all the digimon just like that ;)
Cherubimon was very similar to Millenniumon, seemingly really hard at first, but you just need to learn the pattern. It was a little tedious still though because you had to get every move right. Not a battle you can zone out to lol. All the animations during and after the fight were very well done.
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captainmalewriter · 11 months
And now, please enjoy the third installment of me recounting about the men I've possessed:
Adam (aka Moltres)
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Whew! It's been a long while since I last made one of these hasn't it. Maybe like 7 months or more by now? I don't know, I can't remember anymore. But anyways...
I had spent a few months being a homebody with my last body Shawn. I had a blast lazing around while being the beefy, hairy, and handsome Shawn, but my next body prospect was calling. No seriously, I had downloaded a dating app just for the fuck of it when this hottie Adam hit my line. He thought I was pretty cute with my then current body and wanted to meet up. I would have to be a fool to turn down a twunk nerd like him!
I invited him over to my place and let me tell you, the pictures of this guy's hairy pits don't do them justice! We were supposed to hook up but instead we ended up with me worshipping him musky pits while he rubbed one out. I still remember how it felt to have his manly aroma fill up my nose as I nuzzled my face into his pits.
It was during the worship session that I transferred my soul into his body. I took full control of him as he shot his load and urgh it was wonderful! What I didn't account for was that my soul had taken on Shawn's bulky size and when I possessed Adam, all that body mass had to go somewhere. I accidentally turned a lean twunk into a husky pup but hey, as long these hairy pits are all mine, I'm not complaining!!
Edwin (aka Namor)
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Similar to one of my previous bodies, my next body was a gift. You can read the full tale here but I'll give a little summary of how I got my next body here.
It all started when I decided to revisit one of my old bodies for a little leisure time. But despite the change in vessel, I was still bored! That was when a strange client asking to takeover Shawn's body offered an all expense paid vacation as an exchange. How could I say no to an offer like that!?
Long story short- that client turned out to be a bit of a dangerous character. He had managed to figure out how to wield magical powers and he tried to brainwash me to unlock his full potential! Thankfully, his enchanted book summoned a pair of magic green shorts to save the day. Those green shorts forced themselves onto me while I slept, simultaneously transforming and pleasuring my body during the process! While I was busy moaning and writhing in orgasmic ecstasy, I was being transformed into a cosplayer's recreation of Namor!
Sure, Edwin might not be the iteration of Namor everyone knows, but I don't care. I was a buff, hairy in all the right places, magical being endowed with the same level of power (and I was hung like a seahorse). Becoming an avatar of the king and god of the Talokan people without any of the responsibility meant I was free to just float around the world's oceans at my leisure. I was living the life underwater, so peaceful and serene...
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In all honesty, as much as I loved being Namor, I might've overstayed my welcome living as the king of the sea. It was once again time to look for a new body.
I swam along the sea currents to visit several beaches throughout the world. I had searched high and low for a new body when finally, in some random beach in California, I had stumbled upon the perfect body. He was with a bunch of other guys, probably on a beach trip with his bros.
I waited until he got in the water to strike like a sea snake. As he swam around, I pulled out my dick and started jerking. After a minute or two of stroking, I shot my load out while still fully underwater. Then, using my magic, I transformed my cum to take on the form of white fish. I then endowed the white fish with my soul, and commanded them to swim to my target. I took off the green shorts as the fish did their work, undoing my Namor transformation. I lost consciousness momentarily, but thankfully it didn't take long for my soul to find its next vessel.
The white fish swam around my next body in circles. He was so amused to see the fish swim around, completely oblivious to what was about to happen next. A fish slammed into his naval, causing him to open up his mouth from the impact. With an entrance available, my cum fish started swimming straight into his mouth. His cheeks and chest puffed out as my soul fish entered his mouth one after another; the taste of cum flowing down his throat and the stimulation from full body takeover making him hard. Once he slurped up the last fish, my soul had filled his body, and I was now in full control. Another possession success!
Originally, I had intended to just laze around with my new body too. You can probably imagine my surprise when I found out that Jesús here was a pro soccer player AND he was currently competing in the Copa de Oro! I was annoyed, but whatever, I could probably benefit from the exercise anyway. Don't want to lose my magical capacity after all! So just know, the next time you watch a soccer game, you might see your favorite Captain possessing a certain Columbian American soccer player out on the field. Now then, if you'll excuse me, besides writing stories and playing soccer, I've got some "bro time" in the locker room with my DL teammates to look forward to... ;)
And that's the story of how I came to possess my latest three bodies! I'll update this running series of who the current Captain is once I go through another three bodies, whenever that happens. Until then, coming up next will be the toy capsule short stories! Stay tuned, and stay sexy. -Captain M.W.
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