#I'm back from the dead
tardxsblues · 7 months
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We've run out of time. If there was anything else I could do... but there's only one thing left. Well, then, do it. Hurry up and do it! What are you waiting for?
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fishfission-dc · 1 year
Batfamily Powerpoint Night! (Part 7: Damian)
<<Part 6: Steph    |    Part 8: Duke >>
Damian: I volunteer to present next.
Steph: Damian’s will either be really boring or really interesting...
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Cass (signing): Really interesting, apparently.
Bruce: Damian, is this appropriate?
Jason: This seems like a cop out for me-
Tim: We get it Jason we know you died
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Dick: Ohhhhh so this is actually thinly veiled love for us all.
Bruce: Hn. (disgruntled appreciation)
Damian: Absurd. I am simply planning you all to combat likely scenarios. For tactical reasons.
Steph: He loves us :)
Damian: Tactical reasons.
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Jason: Debatable.
Barbara: Not that debatable when you see the Gotham City Police Department’s record on his license. 
Dick:  D:
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Barbara: I’ll take that to heart Damian thank you for the concern.
Duke: Who taught Damian what girlbossing is?
Steph: Damian flawless use of that vocabulary.
Damian: Thank you.
Duke: Why did I ask when we all knew the answer.
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Duke: Did you dye your hair?
Steph: He’s a natural ginger but he’s just emo about it or something
[noises of violence]
Dick: You should consider therapy though like actually 
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Tim: MINE IS A WHOLE NOVEL? AND THE PICTURE??? This is not thinly veiled love this is blatant hatred. 
Damian: You simply have a lot of flaws, Drake.
Jason: Your picture makes me feel a little better about mine.
Dick: Damian is the implication that you’re going to murder Tim for.. being annoying?
Damian: Interpret as you wish.
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Steph: Wow. Fair, but wow.
Barbara: Is that a picture of you in a hostage situation?
Damian: The consequences of one of the aforementioned idiotic decisions.
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Cass (signing): I love you too, Damian. :)
Dick: I’m sensing some aggression
Damian: I sure hope so
Bruce: Hn. (embarrassed but knowing)
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Duke: Is this because of th-
Jason: Yes it’s because of the gang
Duke: I guess that’s fair.
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Tim: Valid.
Steph: Immortal until proven mortal.
[unanimous agreement]
Alfred (from the other room): Thank you, young sir.
<<Part 6: Steph    |    Part 8: Duke >>
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seo-changbinnies · 5 months
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my favorite binnie looks (253/∞)
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yeah-ima-nerd · 5 days
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Has my art gotten better? c:
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miss617 · 6 months
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Kyle had A Plan
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graveyardgremlins · 1 month
Tucker would for sure program every single eletronic he could get his hands on to play back from the dead, i'm back from the dead (by melanie martinez) everytime Danny walks by.
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parrlyn-4life · 4 months
No WiFi
Boleyn: Please say words of encouragement to me so I don't murder someone right now. Parr: There is no WiFi in prison. Boleyn: Thank you.
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pjo in orange and purple: a series of daily polls with only two choices
we don't need gray (reddish-brown) areas where we're going
here, we ask the question "which one is more true?" instead of "which one is true?"
reblog for sample size!
send a suggestion for something in the titan's curse to @drberfarious (guidelines here, please read
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boredcoldandhungry · 3 months
So, I'm Daydreaming (With My Chin in the Palm of My Hands) Chapter 18 out now!
Chapter Snippet:
"That's Drew's favorite movie? I've seen DC movies better than that," Nico said, full volume this time.
Will rolled his eyes, very aware of the hand still locked with his, still wondering where he got the guts to grab Nico's hand like that.
"Apparently she went to see if a few weeks ago and it just changed. her. life."
Nico giggled and sipped on the fountain drink he was still holding from the theatre. Will wondered if it was his imagination or if Nico was shifting closer to him as they walked down the street.
"Next time I get to pick the movie," Nico said, stopping them briefly to toss his cup into a garbage can.
"Next time? Not sick of me yet?" Will joked.Nico pursed his lips and made a mock thinking face. "No not yet."
Will smiled, "Thank God"
Nico giggled. And, yeah, he was definitely getting closer as they walked down the street, they were now shoulder to shoulder.
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riven-musa · 2 years
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women-are-hot · 8 months
currently reading my old fics and damn...
why did people like that 😭
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thieving0birds · 14 days
Been Rewatching spaidrman Atsv, so I've decided to redraw my spider-sona
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Look at him, all grown up
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lucysparks2468 · 1 year
Noodle Ninja au : Appearance
Guess who's back with more Noodle Ninja Au because I didn't want to just leave it at one post😃
So something that came up when thinking about this au was 'If Kai is Mk and Red Son's child, why does he look so human?'. This came up because I have a headcannon that Red Son looks more like his father but he covers it up with glamour and we already saw that MK had/has a monkey form in LMK season 4.
So my idea is that Kai does have a monkey/bull form. Its just hidden by glamour. Like 24/7. This obviously take a troll on Kai in the way that he needs to keep resting to get back the insane amount of his energy being used to keep up the glamour. What I'm basically saying is that he needs to sleep. A LOT of sleep. But being a ninja and seeing 'Evil never sleeps', this does not work well. So Kai is always tired but he pretends not to be. And he's mastered this unhealthy habit since for him he's been doing it all his life.
Also below is a picture of what I imagine Kai to look like when he's not using glamour.
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I can't draw and I could only use this but I personally thinks it envisions what I believe he would look like perfectly 🙂 Also headcannon that Kai's hair is more fluffy than Jay's when he's not using hair gel or glamour. Let's just say that when he's not using glamour or hair gel that the fluffiness of his hair is unmatched.
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beaboniim · 2 months
"to hope is to know. hope is the intuition of your soul. you hope and you pray. and soon your tomorrow turns into today and your past is ten years ago. and suddenly, with hope, you're pain hasn't been felt for what feels like a lifetime."
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soft-doorwoman · 16 days
Hey I got some cakes. Do you want some?
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"Oh my,I love cakes,so I accept,thank you!"
She seems happy and a bit confused
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doublerainbow-if · 9 months
Haven’t even finished reading the hickey reactions but I’m gonna ask, how would the RO’s react if the hickey turned out to be a big bite?
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M is so surprise that they can't help but to laugh. However, it's not of relief or happiness but bitterness. They try to hide the tears building in their eyes as they are hit with that still present possibility of you being taken away from them. Despite them leaving you first years ago, their heart lost a piece of themselves that fateful day of cutting all ties to their past life. A piece that belong to you and only you.
L doesn't mean to laugh but they never seen anybody get that big of a bug bite bite before. They will rib you for little while, calling you little affectionate nicknames and asking how it happened. All of their mirth and teasing though is a mask for the relief they feel in their chest. They could have lost you, someone so important to them that they don't envision a life without you. You notice them being more clingy and touchy in the following weeks, a desperation within in touch.
B is grabbing their portable first aid kit. All their spiralling thoughts halted at the sight on your neck. They couldn't care if you have someone who wasn't them, their relief pales to their need to help you. Even you try to show them away, they can't just stand idling by. They don't why they ignore your protests and excuses, maybe it's to feel it under their finger. So they can believe that they still have chance and it's not a fever dream. They hide their quick smiles behind their worried voice and careful application of aid. Maybe they do have chance still.
J needs a minute. They still send you away from their office but it is void of the anger from the previous scenerio. They can't think when you're around honestly, your presence will only muddle their racing thoughts. They rub the flowers on their arms, bleeding out all of their thoughts into each line and petal to set their emotions in order. These new emotions honestly terrify them. The rising negativity of having possibly lose another love, it's just too much for them. They wish they can speak of these feelings to you but... The flowers only stare back at them. What should they do? They don't know if they knew the answer yet
V is definitely going to use this against you. They may like you but doesn't mean they can't call you out on anything you do. But it's nothing malicious or truly mean, more like an inside joke they use at gatherings or private joke between the two of you. Sometimes though you will spot them staring you with happiness and fondness in their eyes during those moments. V is simply glad that they still have time to gather their courage and tell you their true feelings. Even though what transpired was amusing, they will take this chance to be better towards as well. They have to be better.
C shocked face had you giggling before their laughter soon follows yours. The two of you following together in a joyous pile over the amusing string of events. C tries to keep their relief under wraps as they bask in the atmosphere surrounding the two of you. No worries and troubles crossing your face as everything fades away around C. They have that urge to embrace the pure joy in your being, taking you in fully in this pure moment. But they stop themselves before they can cross that line. All consuming want to pull you closer is push back by your goal. Your soulmate. How could they compete, how could they want this, why did they have to fall in !ove?
Avery might have done a spittake or drop their cup in their surprise state. They scramble yo clean up as happiness fills their their heart. They can't quite look at you, all thoughts preoccupied with acting like such a fool in front of you. They are in their mid thirties for goodness sake. They shouldn't bee so immature but they can't help it. They know now. They know that maybe you do want them after all. Their hand brushes against yours gently as they clean the tables with napkins, looking up to see the fondness in your eyes. Maybe, their hand loosely holds yours as a smile widens across your lips, you do love them. Or at least like them. A full blush overcomes their cheeks at the most amazing sight before their eyes.
Kahula is going to hug you so tight, you might even have a few cricks popped with how hard they hold you. You can't see their face as its buried in your shoulder but you can feel something wet on your shoulder. Kahula though is warring between overwhelming happiness and loathing, wanting to finally say what they should have said in the first place. All of the possibilities of you disappearing from their life again, they can't deal with that pain again. But now not the right time. Especially since they cried into your shirt. They must look like a baby with their tears but they covered it up with wide grins and loud chuckles. They want you to still think of them as this badass rockstar. They hope this didn't ruin what they could happen with you. If they can go through with their confession plan already.
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