#I'm just so tired and I've had a splitting headache for hours
trashmainblog · 2 years
oooh I'm feeling real burnout right now. i know i am bc i just. keep snapping at people at work. snapped at the executive chef. snapped at another bartender in the group chat. good gd.
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laurfilijames · 8 months
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Even When...
Pairing: Pete Dunham x reader
Words: 1.5k
Warnings: The flu. Mention of lack of appetite/nausea/eating. Taking aspirin. Small reference to sex. Some kissing and cuddling.
Summary: Pete gets home from work to find you sick with the flu.
A/N: I've been battling the flu all blasted week and would really love some Pete cuddles right now, so yeah, this is for me to escape and feel better. He is my official comfort character 💗
Pete confidently jogged up the steps of the dimly-lit stairwell two at a time, whistling the tune of ‘I’m Forever Blowing Bubbles’ as he went.
Even though his flat was nothing worth bragging over, he was always happy to come back to it at the end of the day, especially knowing you would be walking through the door only a couple hours after him once your workday was done.
He fished his keys out of the pocket of his jacket and quickly unlocked the door, still whistling as he pushed it open and walked through.
He abruptly stopped as soon as he stepped inside, seeing you curled up on the sofa with a blanket disguising all of you but the top of your head. Despite him being as quiet as possible, the noise made by the latch on the door as he closed and locked it made him wince, and he glanced over his shoulder to make sure he hadn't disturbed you.
You didn't move even the slightest, and though that was his goal, he felt nothing but worry.
You had intended to go to work today, he was sure of it, thinking back to seeing you cleaning your teeth in the bathroom in nothing but one of his West Ham shirts early this morning, having seemed yourself aside from being a bit tired which he assumed was his fault by keeping you up later than normal.
Everything else in the flat appeared as it usually was as he glanced around, giving him no indication as to what was wrong, making him frown as he slowly made his way over to where you lay unmoving.
Reaching his hand out to smooth up along your side, he perched on the edge of the sofa, watching your brows knit together tightly as you started to wake up.
"Hey, love," he whispered, "what's happened?"
Your eyes slowly blinked open, your eyelids feeling so heavy, the headache that was splitting through your skull intensifying just from that.
"I'm sick," you croaked, your voice brittle and small and revealing how depleted of energy you were.
"Why aren't you in bed?" he asked, fully aware that his sofa was not at all comfortable, and even less so when feeling poorly.
"I don't want to give it to you," you explained, "I'll just sleep out here."
Pete chuckled, "Don't be daft, I'm around all those snotty kids day in and day out, my immune system is good as."
You sighed heavily, "I don't think I could even move if I wanted to."
"Right, come on," he encouraged gently, standing and removing his jacket.
He extended his hand for you to take, helping you slowly sit up, his eyes flickering over your peaky-looking features as you tried to get your bearings.
"I'm okay," you fibbed, feeling completely nauseous and dizzy as you stood.
Luckily, Pete was standing tall right in front of you, acting as a pillar of strength for you to grab onto as you swayed on unsteady legs.
Before you could register how you'd gotten there let alone protest it, you were scooped up in Pete's arms and being carried through to your bedroom, tucking your head in the crook of his neck appreciatively.
He set you down in your bed carefully, the back of his hand coming up to feel the temperature of your forehead after he had pulled the duvet up around you.
"Christ, you're on fire," he muttered.
"But I'm freezing," you whined, trying to bury yourself beneath the covers even more.
Pete frowned and exhaled heavily, wishing he could take this away from you.
He kissed your forehead and gave your arm a reassuring squeeze through the thick duvet, "Hang on, I'll be right back, yeah?"
He walked through to the bathroom, opening the cupboard door to rummage through for anything that would help, finally locating the bottle of aspirin.
Assuming you hadn't been able to eat anything, he popped a piece of bread in the toaster when he crossed through to the kitchen and filled up a glass of water, knowing the aspirin would make your empty stomach turn.
His fingers drummed impatiently as he waited for the toast to pop up, his mind racing to think of every possible thing that could help you feel better.
Finally, he made his way back to your room, setting the plate on the bedside table along with the bottle of pills and water.
"I need you to eat a bit of this," he instructed, seeing your one eye pop out from under the blankets to see what he was doing.
When you responded with a groan, he continued. "I know, love, but you need to take something for that fever and you haven't eaten all day, have you?"
You shook your head 'no', the thought of trying to keep anything down seeming like the biggest chore.
"Do what you can," he urged, taking his pillow and propping it up behind yours to make it easier for you to sit up without actually having to.
"Thanks, Pete," you spoke weakly, feeling on the verge of tears.
"'S alright, love." He leaned down and kissed you softly on the lips, then again on your forehead before walking back to the kitchen to put his work things away.
He grabbed his phone and rang up Dave, trying to think ahead of what you would want when you were actually able to eat something proper again.
"Hey, mate…yeah, good. Listen, does your Clair have any of that soup she made tucked away in the freezer? Sweet. Would you mind bringing it 'round? I'll leave the door unlocked, you can just pop it inside. You're a legend. Cheers mate…yeah, next round is on me." He laughed as Dave began giving him shit, telling him he'd believe it when he saw it, and hung up. A smile continued to dress his face as he thought how lucky he was to have such great friends who didn't think twice to help out when asked, and he knew your best friend's famous soup that you always went on about would make you happy and help give you the strength and energy to feel better when you eventually felt up to eating it.
Pete strode back to your room, lifting his jumper over his head as he walked through, giving you a nod as he set it on top of the dresser.
"How'd that go?"
You shrugged, "As good as it could, I guess."
He took the plate with the half-eaten toast on it from the bed and set it back on the nightstand, assessing you with silent worry as he unfastened his belt and unbuttoned his trousers.
"Can I get you anything else?"
"Hmm, no," you murmured, tucking yourself back into the bed as deeply as you could.
"Right," he said, "shove over."
"Nah, nah, I won't hear it," he stopped you, climbing into bed in just his boxers, his body radiating a warmth that yours severely lacked.
You immediately curled up against him, wedging yourself as tightly as you could to him, smiling faintly into the side of his chest when he wrapped his arms around you and held you close.
"Comfy?" he asked, his lips moving against the top of your head when he spoke.
"Mmm, yeah."
You closed your eyes and breathed him in, feeling marginally better just by having him with you, the feel of his warm skin against yours bringing a bit of life back to you.
"I'm sorry you're sick, darling," he whispered, shifting slightly so he could kiss the side of your face.
"Pete, seriously, I don't want to get you sick," you moaned, though through a smile.
"Seriously, I'll be fine," he mocked, making more of a point by kissing every part of your face that he could until he landed on your lips. His hand reached up to cradle your cheek, continuing to kiss you tenderly until you forgot for a moment that you were sick at all.
"Let's get you better, yeah?" he vowed, his blue eyes filled with a mix of concern and hope as he searched your features.
You flashed him another weak smile as he let his fingers linger on your cheek, trailing down so his thumb rested on your bottom lip.
"I love you," he said, his tone serious.
You looked up at him, the urge to kiss and touch every part of him overwhelming and making you feel more frustrated that you were ill. "Even when I'm poorly?"
"Even when you're poorly," he smiled.
"I love you, too, Pete."
Tucking your head back into the space between his chest and his neck, you settled in against him, thankful to have such a sweet and caring Hooligan in your life to help look after you.
"Get some sleep, love," he hummed, his soothing words trailing off to allow you to focus on the sound of his calm breathing and steady, assured heartbeat.
Part 2
@stealfromthedevil @theesirenteller @inbar-thomas1980
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archives-of-camelot · 4 months
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Characters: Eli, Evelin (@nimue-hidden-lake)
Series: Evelin Anniversary
It wasn't looking possible. He'd been there for hours at this point, staring at the same screen for what seemed like hundreds of times. It didn't help that he was getting annoyed with each passing minute. This was beyond tedious...
What's going on? A boss. A roadblock. An obstacle. Eli was stuck on a game.
"What's going on?" Evelin asked ,peering in from the door, hearing his exasperated moans and groans for the last while now.
"Nothing...just this this annoying thing..." he pointed to the screen, where text that read 'try again' was present, with some kind of large insect-like creature behind it.
"You're having trouble?" she asked.
"Yeah...I hate bosses like these. Not only does it summon help, but the help it gets splits into more of them!"
He sat back on the bed, looking as if he was ready to give up. Evelin looked at the screen, than back at Eli, and thought for a moment.
"I'll be right back" was all she said before briskly leaving.
Eli was too tired and annoyed to question her motives. Instead, he retried again, his team readying to face the boss for the 100th time. The music started, and the meter filled up.
Standing before his team was a giant blue beetle looking monster, before it split off into smaller beetles. The little ones were tanky and hurt enough on their own, nevermind the headache the big one was capable of.
However shortly after the battle begin, Eli's attention was brought to the door as Evelin returned...wearing a cheerleader costume, pom-poms and all.
"Since when did you have that?!" he asked, wide eyes of disbelief.
"Since I've been waiting for an excuse to use it"
"And that would be...?"
"Two years ago" she simply answered. "You don't like it?"
"I-I didn't say that..." he said, averting his eyes with a red tint appearing on his cheeks.
"Good. Now...go go!" she said, waving her arms in the air with her pom-poms and doing a small dance.
"W-What are you doing?" he looked confused.
"Motivating. Go go! Fight-o!" she continued to dance and cheer.
Eli already found her stoic charm to be powerful enough as is, but now...it was at it's strongest.
A smirk started to form on his face. Never did he ever expect to see this. But it was working. He felt his grip on the controller tighten and he turned back to the screen.
Both the music, and Evelin's cheers worked wonders, giving him newfound strength.
So he tried one last time. Each turn whittling down the insect's health little by little, while trying his best to ensure his team's survival.
But even with Evelin's cheering, his team slowly started failing.
One teammate down...the boss was only at 80% health...
He kept going...his tank and support were still in the fight. This was doable still. As long as he kept up the pressure, and hope RNG was on his side...
Two teammates...the boss was at 40%...
Only his tank and support were left...that was fine...everything was fine...
His support was down...only his tank was left...he's been here before, countless times. He was so close, but so was his tank's HP. Evelin continued dancing and cheering.
"One, two! Go go! Fight-o fight-o!"
Eli was sweating now...20%...he could do this. All he had to do was not make any mistakes and- Eli's heart sank as he saw the boss charge it's heavy hitter sooner than expected and then...his tank went down...
Eli let out a heavy sigh, as Evelin stopped dancing for a moment before-
"I'm still needed..." was heard from the TV. His tank had activated his passive skill, letting him fight on despite being reduced to 0%.
"That's right...I never got this far last time...this is possible!" he said, taking the controller again.
"Fight-o! Fight-o!" Evelin continued to chant again.
And with one last turn...
Battle Finished!
The music faded out as the bug let out one large scream before disappearing. Eli had finally won.
"We did it!" he said relieved and excited it was finally over. Impulsively he hugged his girlfriend, despite her sweat. She hugged back, still wearing her pom-poms on her hands. "All thanks to you."
Evelin nodded, all too happy she could assist. Plus, it was a win-win. Eli finally got passed a difficult boss, and she finally got to use this costume for it's intended purpose.
"Hey, uh...you don't intend to wear that all the time do you...?" he asked after calming down.
"Maybe...whose to say?" she shrugged.
Full of surprises as always...
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sol-consort · 3 months
Greetings Shepard Commander or would it be Pathfinder Ryder?
How are you doing and/or how has this week been going? What ever you feel comfortable sharing?
I've claimed a paracetamol pill as my personal desk pet because I got too attached to throw it out. I pet it on occasion.
It's the end of the day, one hour away from my bedtime and fuck I am so tired and exhausted and sleepy. You really just wake up tired one day as an adult, and stay this way for the rest of your life, huh?
I've written a bit today, working on the salarian hug post and polished the Thane fic a bit more. By "writting" I mean debated for half an hour if I should make it a female salarian since I made the krogan a male to balance things out.
Which led to a looking up info about salarians and finding out their population is 90% males, leading to females having only the most important jobs. Also that Andromeda throws a bowling ball at the delicate champagne glasses tower that is the mass effect word building by making a single salarian woman work in a warehouse.
How their population stay alive, you ask? Their females birth clutches of eggs.
I decided to make it a guy in the end, might make the turian a woman then. Drell def guy bc I don't know what female drell are. Or maybe make it all guys? I want there to be a balance but I don't want to force it when I really wanted to write a guy so ehh.
I try not to talk about my writing process too much, it muddies up the final product. It's like magicians refusing to give up the secrets to their tricks. It's a very messy and clumsy process here back at the writing kitchens and I rather you think the finished piece was definitely well-thought out and made by a sane person.
Anyway so back to my pet pill.
I was cleaning my desk and apparently a pill fell out of a paracetamol sheet that I didn't notice until the next day. It's been open too long so it's contaminated by now and shouldn't be consumed. I was about to throw it away but I stopped and stared.
It's so...adorable?
The endearing oval shape, the lovely white colour. Flawless like a sheet of paper or a white daisy in a field. How much these little pills helped me through headaches. The cute cut in the middle of the pill to help you split it.
I have a vivid memory of the first time I have ever took paracetamol. I was young, around 7 years old and I had this migrane that wouldn't go away thanks to my dad passing me the genes.
My brother who was studying in med school at the time, gave me half a pill. I didn't know how to swallow pills yet, I choked on the first one and spit it out, only by the second time did I manage to get it down with so much water.
Look at me now, so used to meds I easily swallow 3 at a time with a small sip of juice through a straw. Sometimes down them with monster energy.
Anyway, so I took the half pill, which must have been like what? 250mg? If not less, because he might have just given me one quarter of a pill. 20 minutes later I'm fully out, slept through the entire day.
My blood was so pure back then, and resistance low. It was a fond memory, I got many headaches as a kid but I always suffered through them with a brave face and that was the first time I realised something as small as a couple grains of rice can bring so much relief.
I still suffer through the headaches, I try not to depend on pain killers too much since I don't want to build up an immunity and have to move on to stronger ones. I keep a balance yk? But today was unbearable and I gave in.
So that memory flashed through me when I saw that stray pill on the desk. I'll keep it there just to look at it, it feels like a friend.
I've been reading about the medicine and its history. Apparently, it targets different pain receivers than Ibuprofen, so the two of them could be used together for better pain relief. Also,
But it was very different at first and even toxic! It literally choked your body tissue cells by preventing the hemoglobin from binding oxygen and causing cyanosis. It was known as Antifebrin.
So, in 1877, it was officially synthesised as paracetamol, but it was only during 1887 that it was used on humans by Joseph von Mering.
funfact, to prevent your cells from choking out, all your body cells must be at least within 100 micrometers of a blood vessel for their oxygen to be delivered in time.
Funfact. This info is qouted directly from my memory and I'm currently factchecking it to try and find If it's actually accurate but no relevant results so far.
Funfact. Okay, I found this research paper that actually goes in depth about this and supports my funfact.
Also your red blood cells do not require oxygen! The only body cells that don't need oxygen are the same ones delivering it. HA.
Cells are the same size right? So an ant and a human have the same size cells, just different amounts. Correct so far.
So the thing with cancer is, it happens by probability. All of us get cancer multiple times a day and our immune systems take care of it. It's only dangerous when it slips by long enough to become a tumor.
Now, based on the laws of probability, the more cells the higher risk of an error in cell division aka the higher the cancer risk? Right?
For some fucking reason, bigger animals than us with so many more cells, have very very veryyyy low cancer rates when they shouldn't. Take elephants or whales for example. Something in their genes either overcame the cell division error prone OR made their immune system much better at detecting stray cells that refuse to self destruct.
Analysing elephant genomes like TP53 gene showed that elephants developed a suppresser to stop damaged cells from dividing and ending the hydra before it could grow another head. As side effects, it lead to elephants having more cell deaths and low DNA repair mechanisms.
Elcors come to mind. Is the fact they still communicate by phormones rather than sounds related to some bargaining chip they had to cash in order to accommodate for their big sizes? Like we humans, paid a shit tone of gene money and got in gene debt for our brains that took so many years to pay off. That's why only the homosapians are left.
Where did the elcor genomes cash in all the saved up unused evolution points? And how did they exactly evolve to be self aware when most animals with their line of evolution end up as herd animals with survival and procreation as their only goal? Was it a mutation that lucked out or did natural evolution actually saw it benfical for them to develop self awareness in order to survive?
Are elcor just immune to all diseases, maybe? Do they have an especially naturally high success birth rate without the need for surgery or medical intervention? Are their stomach biomes simply superior, and they never get stomaches?
And why do Krogans have tails?
Okay, I'm going off topic.
What was the main topic?
Ah yes me.
I really appreciate you btw, and the way you refer to me as "commander Shepard" in these asks.
The first time it happened, I was caught off guard and I loved it so much I didn't want to answer the ask because it meant I won't be able to see it in my inbox anymore. I wanted to keep a copy and frame it just to save my happiness, I was literally this picture.
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It's just so?????? Validating? Like YES I AM COMMANDWR SHEPAPRD YES THANKS JDQKJD <333
Then it happened a second time and I was oh my god oh my god oh my god!!!!♡!!♡♡♡♡♡
It's been a while since you dropped by so It completely left my mind. I opened my asks yesterday and I saw this and AAAAAA i love you so much.
Like for I moment I was like twirling my hair and giggling. Especially the addition of Ryder at the end. dude I am saving this ask. I've been opening my inbox just to look at it and feel happy. Like you noticed that I'm playing andromeda now? Kdjqojdakndos <33
Oh and I've been playing helldivers 2 lately! It's so much better than I expected. I never imagined a day would come where I'd willingly touch a coop fps, nor the day where I don't suck at fps. Dude all i knew before mass effect was far cry 4 and even then I used a bow! Dude I am not built for fps bc honestly mass effect is not the training you think it is. I played with a controller.
And yet...I'm actually good. It's like legit good! I am useful and my aim is good and I've helped people so many times. Plus, I have more to show up for than just aim like attention to details plus support capabilities, so I'm great in teams. At this rate, I might get deep rock galatic and join the public servers without fear of having shit aim while playing with strangers.
It feels...nice. Weird but nice. Almost like I'm invading someone else's community, even in mass effect I feel like I'm an outisder and it shows yk? Something in me just seems off in comparison to the rest of the community...but I want to stay and I want to keep writing for it. I want to keep trying even if no one is there because I genuinely love it. The mass effect universe and I'm starting to love shooter games.
I played moba like league a lot, I have experience with toxic coop so nothing fps games throw at me could compare.
I will carve myself a place in this fandom if I have to.
For every vent post I share, 10 go to drafts and 50 end up unwritten. There is so much emotions and I care more about reception to my writing than I let on. I read every reblog and post, I notice everything. I compare the numbers always.
I wish I cared less. I wish I cared like you guys cared. You all seem so happy, so unaffected. Do you just not show it, or is this your reality?
I'm better now anon. I was worse before I wrote this, and now I'm much better. Thank you for this chance. I can't repay your kindness, I just hope life gives it back to you in some way soon.
My mom's birthday is soon, I'm preparing for it. I'm a little sad because I bought her handmade knitted flowers, a full bouquet of them in her favourite colour. And she loves knitting but can't anymore. I thought she'd love them but she didn't, my plan was to buy her a bouquet every major celebration until the house is full of them. I don't know how to knit but, it stings less that it's not me who made them at least.
And the page had very cute knitted dolls! I might order one for myself. They make it by hand and sent me pictures of the wool before they made it, their prices is too good too! Like knitting is super hard and time consuming, yet they sell it as the same price as regular flowers? They should charge more for it, I was prepared to pay much more, double their asking price even because I understand the luxury of handmade stuff.
I refunded a steam game recently because fanatical added it in a bundle and it's cheaper there. It's the third game I refunded this week yet steam were very understanding! It's a nice surprise.
I want to write more but I don't have the time or energy. I'm afraid I'll lose my readers attention. I also feel guilty whenever I see my regulars reblogging and liking older posts because it meant they came to my blog looking for updates and found nothing so they reread past stuff instead.
Oh and I wanted to name my ship in helldivers 2 after destiny ascension :( they didn't let me :(
It was either dream of destiny or song of peace so I went with song of peace.
I got stuck under the map once, good times, good times.
It took me 2 hours to write this. Most of the time was spent factchecking the information I claimed above but still.
I'll go sleep, listen to some music. Fkhwkfns look at my title as commander shepard in you ask again and listen to some music while imagining fake scenarios where I am commander Shepard and I WIN!
I hope you sleep well anon! Take care of your.
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silentexplosive-diary · 5 months
It's the middle of the day but whatever, who really cares, not I, that's for sure.
I accepted to split a shift today even though I'm usually off on Sundays because I had nothing else going on, so why not make a little more money and get overstimulated and over-caffeinated all at once?
That's not my point here.
My point here today in this post are the Taylor Swift lyrics, "What must it be like to grow up that beautiful? With your hair falling into place like dominoes."
I woke up at six-thirty in the goddamn morning for a shift that didn't start until eight-thirty, but I wanted to be there by at least eight-fifteen so I could have some time to set up by myself. At six-thirty this morning, I decided to match my makeup to my top, which is like a black gray navy crushed velvet tank top. I spent around forty-five minutes on my makeup, which is pretty good time considering I could go much more detailed and take much longer.
But I'm only going to work for like, three hours. I'm not doing shit today because it's rainy and I have a headache. Why spend so much time perfecting my face? My appearance? I normally don't give a shit and go to work in whatever T-shirt and jeans were at the top of the clean clothes pile.
But I put in the effort today and I hate myself for it regardless.
Quick backstory for context about why I hate myself for caring so much and putting so much effort into my appearance. I was a model at 13, I quit at 15, became a makeup artist and model again at 20, quit again at 21, and has been struggling with self worth and external validation regarding my appearance the whole damn time.
I've been talking to my therapist about this too, don't get me wrong. We had a work dinner party a few weeks ago where I spent a week planning my outfit and hours getting ready before the party, just for the party to be a three hour affair. I told my therapist that it's exhausting to spend all that time and energy into something that no one else tries so hard for, so then I'm just left self conscious about myself trying so hard to be perfect.
I have a therapy appointment this week, I'll probably talk about it again.
Because, has anyone seen Euphoria? You know that whole episode where Cassie wakes up at four in the morning to do a whole routine to make herself as perfect as possible for Nate, and he doesn't even notice her efforts? That's what it feels like every time I get ready for any sort of social event that isn't just going to work. I spend so much goddamn mental energy and effort to make myself look perfect, and I say it's so I can appease my own standards for myself, but that's fucking bullshit. It's been fucking wired into my brain somehow that if I don't look perfect, if I don't act correctly and come across as flawless, then I'm worth nothing as a person. I have to look immaculate as possible, and I have to keep perfect posture the whole time and a fair face, no rude expressions allowed, or I've failed.
But what have I failed? Who's keeping score of all of this? Who in their right mind is keeping tabs of how I act and every little micro expression, or if I let my shoulders drop in the slightest?
No one, that's who. It's absolutely ridiculous of me to hold myself to these impossible standards, and yet I do it every single time. And no one notices. Because no one cares that much. So why do I try so hard?
I don't even know.
So, what must it be like to grow up that beautiful, with your hair falling into place like dominoes? It's fucking tiring is what it's like.
Thanks for letting me vent. Be back tomorrow probably.
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motleyfuckingcruee · 5 years
Hold On (Dirt!Tommy Lee x Reader)
I'm craving some Tommy goodness/angst
Accidental overdose, angst, fluff, GET THE TISSUES READY
Hold On
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(Your P.O.V)
"FUCK YOU!" You scream at Tommy. You storm into the bathroom, slamming the door behind you.
Tears stream down your face. You knew it was a mistake to confront him about the rumors you'd heard. He got mad because you don't fully trust him. But how can you? He's a rockstar. Chicks want to fuck him left and right. And Tommy can't refuse any of them.
You sit on the floor with your back pressed against the door. You pull your knees up, resting your head on them.
You can't hear anything, so you're guessing Tommy fucked off. Half of you is happy. You're glad the cheating fuck left. The other half is hurt. You want him to fight for your relationship. You guess that's not going to happen.
After an hour or so passes, you finally stop crying. You feel tired and have a splitting headache. You need some aspirin.
You pull yourself up off of the dirty bathroom floor by grabbing onto the also dirty sink. God you need to clean this place up. You pull open the mirror which reveals a cabinet. Multiple pill bottles litter the cabinet. You have no idea what's in most of them. Tommy's the pill popper. Not you. You stick to weed and blow every once in a while.
You finally find the painkillers. You take out four, feeling the headache get worse. You pop them in your mouth and swallow them dry.
You feel your headache go away instantly.
Huh, that's different that normal. You think to yourself.
That's when you feel your body start to go rigid. You feel your heartbeat pick up and you're having trouble breathing. You finally lose your footing. You collapse to the ground, instantly losing consciousness.
(Tommy's P.O.V)
I pull another beer out of the fridge. I pop the top open, just wanting to calm down. I've only had two beers so far, and I have a pretty high tolerance. I really don't want to be drunk when I go talk to (Y/N) drunk. That will only make shit worse.
I knew I shouldn't have gave in to that one girl. Now (Y/N) is going to leave me. I love her so much. I fucked up big time, and I don't see a way out of it this time.
I hear a loud thump coming from upstairs. I run up the steps, feeling like something is wrong. Of course, I could just be on edge from the fight.
I pound on the bathroom door. "(Y/N)? You alright." No answer. I feel bile rise in my throat. Even if we're fighting, she'll let me know she's alright. "(Y/N) OPEN THIS GODDAMN DOOR! CAN YOU HEAR ME?"
Still no answer. My heart speeds up. What the hell is wrong? I do the only thing I can think of since the door is locked. I kick it as hard as I can. The door flies open, revealing an unconscious (Y/N).
"Oh my God!" I yell, not sure what to do.
Call 911 dumb ass, My thoughts say.
I run to the phone we have in our room. I quickly dial the three numbers.
"911, what's your emergency?" The operator says calmly.
"M-My girlfriend is unconscious on the bathroom floor. I-I don't know what happened," I try to explain. My eyes stay locked on my almost dead looking girlfriend.
"What's your address, sir?"
I quickly gave her the address. "AND HURRY THE FUCK UP!"
"Sir, please try keep calm," The woman says. "Can you see if she maybe took something that made her pass out?"
I look at the counter, instantly finding the ecstasy I put in the aspirin bottle opened.
She took my ecstasy. That took a few moments to register in my head. SHE FUCKING OVERDOSED ON ECSTASY!
"S-She overdosed," I stutter.
Just then there's a knock at the front door. I look out the window and see the flashing red and blue lights. I hang up the phone.
I run down the stairs, throwing open the door. I lead the paramedics up to the bathroom where (Y/N) still lies.
I'm scared to touch her. I caused this. If I hadn't have gotten mad. If I hadn't have started yelling at her, she wouldn't have needed to take aspirin. I know she was crying hard enough to give herself a headache.
The paramedics take her out to the ambulance. I follow them in my car.
I don't even register what's going on around me, or even what I'm doing. My mind is on (Y/N). How lifeless she looked. Her beautiful (H/C) hair was tangled. Her skin looked so pale. Paler than normal.
Hours pass as I sit in the hospital waiting room. I'm guessing sometime during these hours I called the boys. Or maybe (Y/N) still has Nikki down as her emergency contact. They were best friends before we got together. Nikki wasn't happy with me there for a while, but once he saw how happy she is-was with me, he calmed down.
Nikki rubs my back, but I barely feel it. I feel numb. The woman I love is dying right now because of my stupidity.
At that thought, the tears start to fall. I don't bother to hold them back. What's the point? My love isn't beside me. I don't need to act strong.
I need her.
I feel Nikki, Vince, and Mick all surround me. They try to comfort me the best they can, but I don't even hear what they're saying.
"Family of (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?" A man in a doctor's uniform says.
I stand up with the boys behind me. They consider themselves her family. In a way, we're a weird little family. We've been through hell and back together.
"That's us," I say, trying to keep my voice steady. "Will she be alright?"
"She'll be fine," He says, smiling reassuringly. I nearly fall back into my chair from relief. "We were able to pump the drugs out of her system before it got too serious. She's still asleep, but she should wake up soon. You all can go in."
He bids us goodbye, then walks down the hallway. The four of us misfits walk into the small room. My heart falls at how helpless (Y/N) looks hooked up to those machines.
She still manages to look gorgeous, though.
Nikki pulls up a chair next to the bed. He grabs her hand. They dated a year before we got together. I'm not going to lie when I say I sometimes suspect they still have feelings for each other. . .then again you can't exactly let go of your first love, now can you? Especially when you stay best friends with them.
"What did she overdose on?" Nikki growls.
Oh fuck. I forgot to tell him. He's going to murder me.
"Ecstasy," I say, feeling ashamed. "It's all my fault. She was upset about our fight and gave herself a headache. I was keeping the ecstasy in an aspirin bottle." The tears are coming back. "I shouldn't have gotten so mad at her. This is all my goddamn fault."
Nikki stands up. His chest is heaving up and down. I deserve it if he kills me. I'll take it without a fight.
"Alright, that's enough, buddy," Vince says, taking Nikki's arm.
"I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU, LEE!" Nikki yells as Vince and Mick drag him out of the room.
"We'll give you kids some time alone," Mick says, shutting the door behind him.
I sit down in the chair Nikki was just in. I grab her hand, rubbing the back of it.
"Baby, please come back to me," I whisper, fresh tears making an appearance. I haven't cried this much. Ever. "I want you so bad. I still need you. I love you so goddamn much. You're my everything, you know that? I'm sorry I'm such a twat. I'll love you better. I promise you that." I lean my head down and kiss the back of her hand.
"You better not fuck that promise up," (Y/N) says suddenly.
My head snaps up. My eyes are met with the most beautiful ones in the world.
"Oh, baby," I say, getting up and hugging her softly. "I'm so sorry, love. I didn't know you'd try to take those pills. I thought you only used the ones on your bedside table or else I would have told you."
She smiles the best she can, trying not to wince. I know her throat hurts. They probably stuck that tube down her throat to get the ecstasy out.
"I couldn't exactly go out of the bathroom, now could I?" She teases, her voice scratchy.
"I'm so sorry."
She shakes her head, cupping my cheek with her hand. "It's alright, Tom."
"No it's not. I shouldn't-."
I'm cut off by her pulling my head down to kiss my lips. I kiss her back, so happy to feel her against me. Alive and breathing. Not dead and gone like I thought she was not even thirty minutes before.
"It's okay, Thomas. If you want to make it up to me, show me how much you love me. Be loyal for once," She says. The hurt is evident in her eyes.
I caused that pain. I hurt the sweetest girl in the world. What the hell is wrong with me.
"I can do that," I say, kissing her again. "I love you so much."
"I love you too, asshole."
All fics: @the--blackdahlia @sugar-content @sharon6713 @siliwanoel @charlyallise
Dirt!Tommy: @2dead2function @horrorpxnk
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melloeyed · 5 years
Guys, I'm too lazy to finish the whole Aunt Mother horror story, so I'll just give you all a summary.
(Octavius Niccals, Gomorrah Niccals and Gallagher Niccals belong to @yoel-o-fellow)
I'm sorry.
Warning:Gore,phobia,violence,sexual moments,and nudity.
Octavius and Gomorrah need a "break" from Sebastian and Marvin, so they decided to give them to someone for a week. Eventually, Octavius bumps into Aunt Mother and ask her kindly to babysit Sebastian and Marvin for a week. Aunt Mother hesitates, but agrees to take care of them.
Meanwhile, lots of bad things are happening to Sebastian, but suddenly he gets a weird feeling that something might happen, then he gets really paranoid when he sees a sunflower on the front yard of his home.
Three weeks later, Sebastian and Marvin wake up early to go to Aunt Mother's house. She lives very far away ( in the middle of nowhere). Marvin was quite excited and curious, but Sebastian was worried and paranoid. He didn't know why.
A few hours later, the family arrived at Aunt Mother's home. Sebastian gets even more paranoid when he sees that her house is surrounded by a field of sunflowers.
When Gomorrah and Octavius leave (happily), Sebastian and Marvin are left with Aunt Mother. She welcomed them with open arms, making Marvin already trust her. Sebastian, however, is still suspicious of her.
Aunt Mother was curious of why Sebastian was uncomfortable near her. One night, Aunt Mother and Sebastian had a conversation in the bedroom. Sebastian was surprisingly honest why he didn't seem to trust her.
It hurt Aunt Mother's feelings, making Sebastian feel bad. Then Aunt Mother asks how was Sebastian and his family doing. Sebastian hesitated to tell her, but he told her anyway out of nowhere. Then he immediately start crying. Very hard.
Aunt Mother soothes him and tells him that everything is going to be alright and that she knows how it feels to be abused by your family. Sebastian suddenly feels better and Aunt Mother tells him that if he wants a better life he has to fight for it.
After that, Sebastian and Marvin had the best week ever. Aunt Mother made delicious meals, gave them soothing baths, and made them sleep onto the softest beds. Aunt Mother started to love the boys and they started to love her too.
Even Sebastian started to change. His grades got higher, he stared behaving at school, and he even started studying with MM and Ripley (which kinda scared them).
When, Gomorrah and Octavius returned, Marvin was bummed that they had to go, but Sebastian didn't want to leave. Aunt Mother waved goodbye to them and in the car, Sebastian kept looking back at her.
Bad things started happening to Sebastian again and he started to miss Aunt Mother. Marvin started to miss her too. Gomorrah overheard Sebastian and Marvin talk about how sweet and great Aunt Mother was, completely annoying Gomorrah. But what really made her mad, is when Marvin said that he wished that Aunt Mother was his real mom instead of Gomorrah and Sebastian did too.
Gomorrah felt replaced and jealous (green with envy. Ba-dum tush!) that an odd woman would be a way better mother than Gomorrah. Eventually, Gommorah had an argument with Sebastian and he completely roasted her, so Gomorrah drove to her house to give Aunt Mother a piece of her mind.
When she arrived, Gomorrah scolded Aunt Mother in the most saltiest and rudest way, leaving Aunt Mother very confused and offended. Aunt Mother tries to ask and reason with her but Gomorrah just scolded her and told her, "Go to hell!" and leaves.
When Gomorrah returned home, she sees that Sebastian and Marvin had a beating. Sebastian was completely sick and tired of bad things happening to him. So later that night, Sebastian and Marvin ran away to Aunt Mother's house. I almost took forever and they had to walk. They arrived at dawn and it was raining.
Aunt Mother ran outside with an umbrella. Sebastian runs towards her with tears in his eyes, along with Marvin. They both hug her. Sebastian tells Aunt Mother everything and that he hates his life. She calms him down at offers them to stay with her.
When Octavius find out he didn't seem to care, but he suddenly felt angry. He searched everywhere for the boys, then he made his way to Aunt Mother's.
Aunt Mother gave Sebastian and Marvin lots of love. She even asked them if they wanted to stay for the rest of their lives. Sebastian and Marvin said yes.
Then one day, Aunt Mother told the boys to hide upstairs. Sebastian and Marvin were confused why, but they did it anyway.
Octavius arrived at Aunt Mother's home, furiously. Aunt Mother started to play dumb and asked him what was wrong. Octavius just slapped her and demanded Aunt Mother to give his sons back, but she stood her ground.
Aunt Mother threatened him that if he didn't leave, she would call the police for child abuse. Octavius grabbed her neck and rammed her against the wall before she could do anything. Octavius suddenly felt bloodthirsty. He didn't know why, but then he snapped.
When Aunt Mother escaped his grasp, she tried to reach for the phone, but it was too late. Octavius impaled her with a fireplace poker. Sebastian heard Aunt Mother's choking and ran downstairs to help her.
But by the time he came, he watched in horror as Octavius strangled Aunt Mother on the floor in a large puddle of her blood.
Aunt Mother died.
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(Its a sunflower covered in blood.)
When Octavius realized what he did, he began to panic and tried to hide her body. He then buried her body in her sunflower field and forced Sebastian and Marvin in the car.
After the worst beating of their lives, Sebastian grows livid and stabs Octavius in the back with a pen, making him angrier. They got into a bloody fight. Sebastian went berserk and literally almost bit Octavius' ear off.
Sebastian cried for days after Aunt Mother's death, while Marvin didn't sleep for days. But, suddenly Sebastian grew afraid and paranoid that something terrible would happen.
A week later Octavius is still shooken that he killed Aunt Mother. He didn't feel like eating or sleeping. Gomorrah tells him that sunflowers started to grow in the backyard, making him even more paranoid. Octavius tried to wash the dry blood that was on his hands, but it never came off.
That's where it all began. Octavius began to see Aunt Mother hallucinations, driving him to the edge everyday. One night, Octavius couldn't stand it anymore and burned the sunflowers in the backyard, only for more sunflowers to appear.
The scariest experience he had is when Octavius was home alone and the phonograph started playing by itself and repeating:
"Here comes the boogeyman-"
"Here comes the boogeyman-"
"Here comes the boogeyman-"
"Here comes the boogeyman-"
Octavius began to scream and he smashed the phonograph into pieces, making his hands bleed. He never felt more terrified in his life. Then he heard a door close and hollow breathing.
With every direction he looked, he saw Aunt Mother's shadow, causing him to lose it. "GET AWAY FROM ME! L-LEAVE ME ALONE!" He shouted. He ran to his room and locked the door and turned off the lights.
He hid underneath the covers hoping that the hallucination was gone, but when he gets from underneath the covers, Aunt Mother is in front of him and she lunges at him.
Octavius later wakes up in the hospital. He doesn't remember what happened but, Gomorrah said that she was too scared to talk to him.
Gomorrah was next. She started feeling really paranoid. She tried taking care of the boys just for once, but they never wanted to talk to her.
But, one night, Gomorrah heard quick footsteps. She got up from bed only to see Sebastian. Annoyed, she walks towards him to go back to bed, but gets quite a surprise instead. She watched in fear as she saw Sebastian walk slowly into the garden as if he was drawn to it (like a zombie).
He began to pluck the sunflowers from the ground one by one. Gomorrah was terrified. When she called out to him, Sebastian turned around slowly and gave her the most horrifying glare ever. In horror, Gomorrah runs back into the room.
In the morning, Gomorrah wakes up to find that Sebastian and Marvin are gone. On the phone, she tells Gallagher what happened. He didn't seem to care much, but he told her that everything is going to be fine. Gomorrah didn't think so.
At the hospital, Octavius was having the worst time of his life. He had splitting headaches, insomniac moments, and lack of appetite. The doctors did everything they can to help him, but Octavius kept telling them that Aunt Mother was out there, trying to kill him.
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"Please, you don't understand!" He would say, "She's dead and she's still out there! She's trying to kill me! She's watching me everyday! She... SHE'S A MONSTER!!"
But, none of the doctors believed him. Octavius kept having nightmares that were actually real. There was one nightmare, that a young, pregnant, Gomorrah was watching him at the dark corner of the room at night.
She began to talk about how much she hated him and how much she wanted to kill him. Her body began to melt, her blood and sloppy globs of flesh would dangle off her bones.
Her bloated belly split open and two large bodies fell from inside. It was Sebastian and Marvin. Octavius would scream in his sleep and even tried to impale his other eye with a scalpel, but the doctors would run inside and strap him onto the bed.
Sebastian was guiding Marvin to Aunt Mother's home. Marvin asked him why. "I just want to put these sunflowers on her home. Just to honor her." Sebastian said. Marvin agreed with him and continued.
When they finally arrived, they placed the sunflowers on her porch, but to their surprise...
Aunt Mother walks outside.
Sebastian and Marvin runs towards Aunt Mother and give her a tight hug. They both begin to cry in joy and confusion. Aunt Mother is surprised and she hugs back.
"Oh, dear! My boys! Are you alright? Why are you crying? I've missed you both very much!"
Sebastian and Marvin had no idea how Aunt Mother were alive, but they didn't care. They both loved her very much.
When they stayed with her, they started to feel weird. They noticed odd things about Aunt Mother too. Marvin noticed that she had bruises on her feet. Sebastian noticed that she never bothered to eat or sleep. Aunt Mother would often walk outside and water the sunflowers. When she came back inside she would look tired.
Marvin asked her what was wrong and Aunt Mother replied in a gloomy voice, "I was watering the flowers."
Sebastian and Marvin insisted onto bringing her to bed. Aunt Mother protested and said that she didn't want to sleep. Sebastian begged her to go to bed and she finally agreed.
She went to bed, but she didn't fall asleep. Aunt Mother told the boys that she couldn't sleep because she had insomnia. Sebastian knew she was sad about something, so he asked her what was up.
Aunt Mother hesitated, but then she told him the really sad story about how she lost her husband and her son.
Marvin and Sebastian were very surprised. Aunt Mother smiled sadly, and told them not to worry. When Sebastian asked her what was her son's name, she just shook her head.
"He's probably Marvin's age (18) by now." She said.
Meanwhile, Gomorrah doesn't seem to care about the boys being gone, but as time went by she felt like she was being watched. She tried to sleep, but no matter how many times she tried, her eyes would immediately open.
When she walked in the living room, the power went out. She gasped in horror when she saw something in the dark.
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It starts to walk towards her.
Gomorrah began to scream and ran into the room. She closes the door and locks it. It bangs on the door from the other side. Then it stops. Water comes from underneath the door. Then she hears herself screaming from the other side of the door. Then it turns silent.
Water spills beneath the door. Then she hears a baby crying. Gomorrah opens the door and sees a baby Sebastian.
Baby Sebastian looks at her with white eyes and began to cry and ran away into the darkness. Gomorrah runs after him with tears in her eyes, only for green hands to reach out and grab Gomorrah's neck.
It was Octavius.
He pins her onto the wall, strangling her. Octavius' eyes were white and blood was coming from his mouth. His body began to shift.
It was Aunt Mother.
"This is all your fault." Aunt Mother spat. Gomorrah's eyes roll back and black ooze runs from her eyes.
Gomorrah jolts awake.
She sits up, relieved that she's still alive, but when she's sees hand prints on her neck, she realized that it wasn't a dream.
Feeling scared to be alone, Gomorrah visits Aunt Mother out of paranoia. They talk for a moment then things get a little scary. (From the sneak peek.)
When Gomorrah returned home she calls Gallagher. Gallagher gets annoyed a tells her that he's coming over. Gomorrah panics and realized that Aunt Mother would hurt him if he did come over. Before she could warn him , he already hung up.
(I don't want this to be too long, so let's get this over with.)
Good Ending
Octavius escapes from the hospital and searches for Gomorrah. When he arrived, Gommorah warns him about Aunt Mother. They both realized that they were wrong for hurting Sebastian and Marvin and decided to take them back as parents.
When they arrive, Aunt Mother gets angry and attacks them in her true form. Sebastian and Marvin defend them and told her that it's was alright. Octavius and Gomorrah apologize and pleaded to have their sons back. Aunt Mother spares them. Sebastian began to cry and said one last goodbye to Aunt Mother as they leave.
"If you hurt them again, I will find you." She said to Gomorrah and Octavius.
They agree and immediately leave.
From that day on, Gomorrah and Octavius soften up on the boys little bit, but they're still a little harsh.
Octavius often visits Aunt Mother's house to give her a bowl of sunflower seeds to prove that he kept his promise of being good.
Everyone wins.
Bad Ending
Octavius tries to escape from the hospital due to madness, but the doctors find him and strap him onto the bed. Octavius then begins to laugh in a psychopathic way and decapitates himself with a bone saw.
Octavius dies.
Gomorrah is still alone in the house at night, scared for her life. When Gallagher arrives at the house, Gomorrah tries to warn him to not go in the house, but it was to late.
Aunt Mother was behind him.
She slowly kills Gallagher by throwing his body in the house. Gomorrah panics and hides under the bed and didn't come out until Gallagher's screaming stopped.
In terror, from underneath the bed she could see Gallagher's mutilated body staring at her, choking on his own blood. Sunflowers were grown into his body, through his mouth and his lower body was missing.
Gomorrah was in complete shock. She didn't come from under the bed until morning. When the police came that afternoon, they told her that Octavius was dead. When they saw Gallagher's corpse, they asked what happened, but Gomorrah remained silent.
The only thing she said was, "I'm scared."
Back at Aunt Mother's house, Sebastian woke up early and saw that Aunt Mother was making breakfast. When he finds out that Octavius committed suicide, Gallagher was murdered, and Gomorrah became mute, he immediately realized that Aunt Mother did it.
Aunt Mother gives him cold-eyed stare as Sebastian looks back with a stoic look.
"I'm sorry if it scares you." She said, "I'm rather a pacifist."
Sebastian smiled calmly...yet sadistically.
He immediately forgives her and helps make her breakfast, leaving Aunt Mother surprised.
(Whew, that was long! Did you guys like the story? And if you look closely, you can see a few easter eggs and some horror movie references! Which ending did you like better?)
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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Im feeling kind of sad right now. I had a breakdown earlier over something stupid but it was just to much. I am looking forward to sleep because its just been a lot.
I had a good day today though. I slept well. My headache was gone when i got up. So that was nice. I got up at 8 and put the heat on and slept another hour. Excellent.
When I got up i made a sort of schedule. Get dressed. Go to the store. Come home and make an omelet. Paint for a bit. Watch tv. Go to work. I wanted to be eating by 1015 and I accomolished that!
I felt cute. I like my haircut a lot. I biked over to the store abd got a few things. Mostly was out for soda. I biked home and made my omelet and toast and it was excellent. And i was just on time at 1010.
Sweet Pea wanted to go outside so I let him hang out there but then I ended up forgetting about him until about 11:15 I feel horrible because he came in and he was all cold and his tail was all puffy. So I loved on him and played with him for a bit after that but while he was outside I did a bunch of other stuff.
I change my outfit because I decided I didn't want to get flour dust from the clay we were going to make with the kids today all over myself and I get dishes and then I painted for a while. It was nice. I had a really chill morning. And I just felt really good about everything. I finally sewed Pockets into my black jacket and I felt really really accomplished.
I realized that sweet pea was outside and let him in and I felt bad. So I spent a little bit of time loving him up before I had to leave for work. I bike down to the bus stop but I was pretty early. I ended up having a really nice conversation with some elderly men that were hanging out there about being short, the one guy was only five two. And about that dad and daughter that murdered that lady. And about people falling in love with people in prison and how it's not the wisest decision. It was fun talking to them it was a nice interaction.
The bus came and I got to work on time. Well I got to work early. And I spent the next hour cleaning and organizing. I returned some stuff back to the supply closet. And I talked to Tiffany about strategies for group work and choosing tables. And the general was great. So no big deal and me and chelsi have a plan of attack for where they are going to sit.
Class was fun. We have a new student to add to our other new student from yesterday. His name is Michael. He's very very nice. And it was a fun time. We had a nice drawing time in the beginning and I brought my pink Furby and batteries. And the kids were so thrilled. Because she does a lot of different things. And so they were passing around all day. Enough that her batteries died. So if I bring her again I'll have to bring her new batteries. We went outside and it was nice. Some of the girls braided my hair and it was just chill.
Dinner was fine but I dipped out to go to the classroom to start measuring stuff because we were making Salto Clyde. Devon came and helped me and he was super helpful measuring things with the measuring cup. I realize that I screwed up the salt measurement but I don't think it'll matter that much since the salt is just a preservative. And I'm going to shellac all there pieces at the end.
And they had such a blast working with Clay. I had them all come to the back of the table and we talked about best practices for how to build something out of clay. Pinch pot, coil, slab. They all asked can we do it another way. And I tried to explain to them that these are really the three ways that you can only make something. And that what they're trying to do is essentially a pinch pot and that's totally fine. But it was funny talking to her about it. And then they just went to town making this clay. Each table got their own bucket and they all mixed up together and table number three to the best and got it the quickest. Table number one had the most roll. And ended up with almost no clay advance. But thankfully I made another batch to share with anyone who had trouble. And I'm going to keep all of it and make baggies of equal amounts for each kid. They're not building till Thursday so I got tomorrow to work on that. But it was really nice seeing how excited they were to work on everything. I'm probably going to bring in some tools for them to work with but today was really great.
The kids were originally working on plastic but it was the plastic that has all the old paint on it so it was flaking all in their class so they asked if they could take the plastic off the tables. That first Chelsea said no but then we decided it would be okay as long as all the kids cleaned. And they did and they did a really good job. And then at the end we talked about sensory and how working with this clay was a sensory experience. And they said that they used almost all their senses including taste because all of them tried to eat it because it was made of flour. Which was very funny. But it was a lot of fun.
The end of the day was fine and then I got on the bus without much issue. There was a weird guy at the bus stop who was very concerned that I smiled at him when I walk past. But it was fine. Until I realized I couldn't find my bike key. Wasn't in my backpack and it wasn't in my coat.
So I get pretty upset. And when I got off the bus I don't my backpack out and it wasn't in there. So I had to just walk to my apartment. I had planned on going to James but now I was tired and it was 6:30. And I didn't want to be walking all the way to his apartment and all the way back. So I just told him I was going to come. And I was upset but it was fine. I couldn't find the spare key that I thought I had and that frustrated me. And I dump my backpack out to see if I have had missed it and realize that my clock furby was making a horrible horrible grinding sound. And this is the one I just got that I spent too much money on and that actually works. And the screen was frozen on all fives and was making horrible noises on every Saturday. And I was so upset and then I couldn't find a screwdriver to open it up. And I called James and I absolutely flipped out. I was sobbing. And I know it was because I was overwhelmed by everything I was just so angry. I was mad at myself and I'm not about this apartment. I don't want to live here anymore. I just want to move out I don't like the space I'm too cold all the time. It's too much money. And I just don't want to be here. I really feel like I can live in apartments one year at a time and that's basically it. Because every place I've lived as soon as I hit that year-and-a-half Mark I just I'm so disgusted by the space that I'm just super unhappy. But maybe it's also because when I get to that point I know I'm almost out of the apartment? And like I am dealing with moving by just despising the place I'm in? Unclear but I was really really upset. I ended up hanging up on him because I couldn't keep looking for a screwdriver to open the stupid Furby and be on the phone. So I hung up on him and I was able to find a pocket knife that had a small screwdriver I want it and was able to get the batteries out and I fixed it and it was fine. And then I was fine. I just felt super hollow inside and tired. But I wasn't upset. I felt embarrassed but I wasn't as upset as I had them. I called him back and I apologized and told him I punched a wall and split my knuckle open. And he said he would stop me from doing that in the future and that he was really sorry that he couldn't have been more helpful. My mom had also sent me a package with keychain Furbies that made me smile because she didn't have to do that and she went out of her way and it helps when I feel alone out here to know that they're back they're thinking of me. and now that everything is calm down I'm really just ready to go to sleep. don't have class tomorrow but we do have a PD at noon. I can't do anything about my Bike today or tomorrow. So we just have to wait and hope that it all works out quickly. That my bike key is just in the storage classroom and I'll find it on Thursday when we go back. Or James will have to get a bolt cutter and cut my bike off the pole. But for now I'm going to sleep. Good night everyone stay warm
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sweetlittledivine · 6 years
JC#6 part 1
August 24, 2018 " Friday" (5 pm)
Today we had like this event in our school filled with games, parties, and performances showing us the different kinds of ethnical dances from different provinces around my country.
On this day too I brought three milk teas (one for my friend, one for my guidance counselor who asked me to buy her, and to JC who also asked me to buy him) and since my guidance counselor was on of our guests for the party I gave her milk tea when we came to her office. Another guest for party was our adviser (let's call her MM) so i had to go to the faculty room to fetch her, so i knocked; said good morning and asked if i could talk to MM. I saw JC in his desk (which was literally in front of the door where i waited) and when I saw what he was wearing I laughed sO HaRD tHaT I cHoKeD and i told him that his costume looked like something from this show that airs in local channels aND POINTED A TOY SWORD TO ME AND TOLD ME I WAS MEAN he also asked me where was his milk tea I told him I'll give it later.
After our party I went to his advisory class WHich WAS IN ANOTHER BUILDING and jUsT TO FIND OUT HE WASN'T THERE and like we had to move out of our rooms and head to the venue of the event. So i didn't bother checking the faculty.
When the whole highschool department headed to the venue (which we call it the SPACE) we watched the different kinds of dances from differenct provinces in my country and one of those dance JC pErfOrmEd lIke i sAw HiM dANciNg aNd alL AND HE LOOKED SO FUCKING CUTE AND HOT AT THE SAME TIME LIKE HIS ASSIGNED ATTIRE FOR THAT DANCE WAS SO LOOSE THAT I SAW A PORTION OF HIS CHEST AND HE LOOKED SO SERIOUS AND GRACEFUL until he made a mistake and one of the male teachers (lets call him E) in that dance made a mistake so he laughed and i laughed.
When the event ended we had to go back to our classroom for lunch and like after an hour we had to go back to the SPACE for the games. During lunch my class and I prepared ourselves so we can support our batchmates who were taking place in the games. While preparing myself JC dmed me in twitter asking me where was his milk tea (such a demanding pain in d ass) and i replied to him saying that i was making it cold.
Lunch ended and as I went to the SPACE I was finding JC so i could give it already. I spotted him with another teacher in the middle of the venue hE WAS ONE OF THE EMCEES FOR THE GAMES SO OBVIOUSLY I couldn't give his milk tea that time because I don't want to make a scene. So I had to wait for the games to end.
*skips d games*
When it was finally over the teachers had like a game too so me and my friend walked around the campus for a bit and I waited. Around 5 pm I went to the highschool building and to the faculty with the milk tea in my hand. When I saw the faculty was dim I knocked, asking if JC was there and one of the teachers said no so my last option was the SPACE and I saw him eating with his colleagues and the idea of knocking and asking the teachers if I could talk to JC flew out of my head because I didn't want to make a scene so I stood in front of the door (which was open) and started to wave my hand like crazy AND THE SPACE WAS ALREADY DARK SO I HAD TO WAVE IT SO HARD and thank fuck he saw it and went out side. I gave his milk tea and I needed to leave already because my bus was there but i wanted to see his reaction to the milk tea (he has drank milk tea but this was a different brand) so i ended up choosing the latter.
I asked him to take one sip and he kept telling me later later because he just ate and he's full but I kept begging to the point I was using the puppy dog eyes AND DURING THIS I LOOKED LIKE A SUGAR BABY/BABY GIRL BECAUSE MY HAIRSTYLE WAS FOR KIDS AND PINK RIBBONS ON MY HAIR, I HAD RIBBONS ON MY WRISTS AND A PINK RIBBON LIKE CHOKER. JC sighed and he muttered "the things I do". He made a hole in the cover and took the first sip and he jumped. I asked "how was the tea?" And he answered me "very good". I started to complain to him and this is how our conversation went:
Me: I've walking, trying to find you for hours and I have a killer headache and my feet hurts. *glares*
JC: hey I messaged you in twitter earlier so you can give it to me when it's still cold. *pouts*
Me: Your milk tea was in a cooler filled with ice that time I have been making it cold for two hours!
JC: *laughs*
Me: you know I liked your performance earlier but you made a mistake and kept smiling. Tsk tsk.
JC: Because E made a mistake!
Me: so what if E made a mistake you were still smiling.
JC: I was smiling because I saw your face while dancing.
Me: Wow you're eyesight is so good! I was far from the stage.
I SAID THIS WITH ALL THE SARCASM I HAD LEFT AND HE JUST LAUGHEDlaWlwksksmwnw. Then he asked me what time was I going home I told him right now since my bus was there already and asked why? He told me that he wanted to go to the faculty with me so he can get his wallet and pay me back and I told him no need and that he can pay me next week. We said our good byes and I ran back to the parking.
This is very long I'm sorry that's why I'm splitting this because this isn't the end.
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