#and i am tired of people asking stupid ass questions
trashmainblog · 2 years
oooh I'm feeling real burnout right now. i know i am bc i just. keep snapping at people at work. snapped at the executive chef. snapped at another bartender in the group chat. good gd.
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handmade-witch · 4 months
Another round of Incorrect Quotes Generator x Slytherin Boys:
Part 1 ☆ Part 3 ☆ Part 4 ☆ Part 5 ☆ Part 6
Mattheo: Sorry I'm late, I was doing stuff.
Draco: Hey, quick question. How petty am I allowed to be?
Mattheo: I’m not stupid, you know.
[Y/n]: Well, you’re doing a really good impression of it!
Mattheo: She's the girl of my dreams!
Theodore: You say every girl is the girl of your dreams.
Mattheo: I have a lot of dreams!
[Y/N]: *banging a pen on the table out of frustration*
Mattheo: Stop that. How would YOU feel if I banged you on the table?
[Y/N]: I—
[Y/N]: I don’t know the correct answer to that question.
Draco: I have an idea.
[Y/n]: A good idea?
Draco: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
*Draco is laying on the floor with their eyes closed*
Mattheo: Hey, are they sleeping or dead?
Theodore: Hopefully dead, I hated them.
Mattheo: Yeah, me too.
Draco, sitting up: First of all, fuck you guys.
[Y/N]: That sounds like a terrible plan.
Theodore: Oh, we've had worse.
[Y/N], texting Mattheo: Text me when you’re home safely.
Mattheo: I’m home dangerously.
[Y/N]: Stop it.
Mattheo: I’m home lethally.
Draco: Hey, what have you two been up to?
Mattheo: We were helping [Y/N] write their vows, but they kicked us out because Lorenzo was making inappropriate suggestions.
Lorenzo: How is “Theodore, I love your sweet ass” inappropriate?
[Y/N], talking about Mattheo: Is this a friend of yours, Draco?
Draco: Kind of? Not really. They're in my life and there's nothing I can do about it.
Theodore: What is wrong with you?
Mattheo: Loaded question. Elaborate.
Draco: Guess what I'm about to get!
Blaise: On my nerves.
Blaise: All of your existences are confusing.
The Squad: How so?
Blaise: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to any of you deeply upsets me.
Draco: How did you convince everyone to betray me? What did you offer them?
Blaise: I just asked if they wanted to embarass you and they all said yes.
Theodore: Hey, are you okay?
[Y/N]: Yeah.
Theodore: You don't look okay...
[Y/N]: Then stop looking.
[Y/N]: Ah ready for another fantastic day of being better than Draco.
[Y/N]: Kill me nowwwww.
Mattheo: Sorry, no can do. I need your help with my homework.
Mattheo: Lorenzo! For the love of god, please turn down that music. I have a hangover.
Lorenzo: *blasting the mii theme at full volume* That sounds like a you problem, not a mii problem.
Draco: You read my diary?
Blaise: At first I did not know it was your diary. I thought it was a very sad handwritten book.
Blaise: [Y/N] won’t come out of their room!
Mattheo: Just tell them I said something.
Blaise: Like what?
Mattheo: Anything factually incorrect.
Blaise, shrugging: If you say so.
[Y/N], arriving moments later: Did you just say the sun is a PLANET?
[Y/N]: If you got arrested what would be the charges?
Lorenzo: Theft.
Blaise: Disturbing the peace.
Theodore: Aggravated assault.
Draco: Arson.
Mattheo: All of the above. In that order, probably
Police: You’re under arrest for trying to carry three people on a single motorcycle.
Blaise, with Theodore and Mattheo behind them: Wait, what do you mean THREE?!
Police: Yes…three.
Blaise: Oh, my God— What the fuck!?
Police: Wha-
Blaise: Lorenzo FUCKING FELL OFF!
Mattheo: I said ‘No’ to drugs, but they wouldn’t listen.
[Y/N]: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I’ll wait.
Lorenzo: You and me!
[Y/N]: *tearing up* Ok.
Theodore: *yawns*
[Y/N]: Yeah, being that pretty must be tiring.
Theodore: Then you must be exhuasted.
Blaise: Will you two shut up? Some of us are lonely.
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tiredfox64 · 1 month
Hellooo! First of all, I love your fics, especially Tomas's. They are very entertaining and the way you write is just great ^^
This is more of a question than a request, although you can develop it further if you want.
How would the linkuei trio react to a s/o who says "I hate men... except you"
It came to me out of nowhere and I thought it was funny 🙃
There Are Exceptions
Prior notes: Hehehe I throughly enjoyed writing this. Also I forgot to say this with other people’s requests who gave me compliments but thank you so much for liking my writing! (*´∀`*)
Pairing: Lin Kuei Bros x Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: Men
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These dim witted, nitwit goobers who serve your husband are too much to handle. All they know how to do is punch and kick. They have no other survival instincts that can save their asses.
It’s so tiring being the one to try to help them with whatever. A woman can only do so much.
You tried teaching them how to sew only for them to say something stupid like it’s a woman’s hobby. Forget about cooking. You have never seen someone screw up scramble eggs so much that it doesn’t even form. How the fuck does it stay watery? And why are you the only one who knows how to fold clothes? Screw steaming out their wrinkles.
Your last straw today came in the nighttime when one of the clansmen came up to you and ask the most stupidest question you have ever heard.
“Uhm, some of the men were telling me that a woman’s period was when she peels her skin every month. Is that true? Cause if it is you hide it well.” This clueless assassin…oh goodness.
You just stared blankly at the young man. It had to be a joke, right? They can’t be that stupid. Actually, you don’t want to know if they are that stupid. You walked away briskly with one thing on your mind and you had to shout it out. The moment you walk into your bedroom you slammed the door shut and screamed,
“I hate men!”
Bi-Han was already in bed, waiting for you to come around. He stared at you with that grumpy expression he always has before folding his arms in front of his chest. A low grumble was being emitted by him.
How can you say you hate men when you are married to one? One that treats you like the queen you are considered you are the grandmaster’s wife. He is also one who pleasures you till you are fully satisfied. Course, it’s more like you have to go on until he is satisfied.
“…except you.”
“Mhm, that’s right. I should be the exception here. I am the grandmaster, I deserve your full respect.” Bi-Han reminded you of his role as if he doesn’t do so every day.
“And you are also my husband,” you walked up to him and placed a kiss on his forehead, “Now would you mind spooning me for tonight.”
“After that outburst, I am unsure if you deserve it.” Now he’s just being petty.
You pouted as you changed into your sleepwear. If Bi-Han looked for at least five seconds he would have caved. But he looked away immediately to prevent himself from changing his decision. You huffed as you slipped into bed. You went on your side and pretended like you didn’t care. You did because you always lost the idgaf war.
“Please, I love you.” You said over your shoulder.
Bi-Han let out a groan before turning over and wrapping his arms around your waist. Haha you win.
You may not like men but you love this man. You like this man because he’s your man.
Kuai Liang
Why does no one think of the logical answer to something?
You go out to the market all the time so you could help feed the Shirai Ryu. It helps lessen responsibilities for your husband. But even this simple task is made difficult and stupid because of some of the venders. More specifically the men.
You asked for watermelon and they hand you plastic containers with the funkiest bits of watermelon. They are discolored and are definitely past their ripeness. Yet they all tell you it’s fine. It’s not fine! It’s not good quality! Why even cut the watermelon in the first place you can do it yourself!
You want some mangos? Well you can’t fucking have any because they don’t got it. Oh what’s that? A BUNCH OF FUCKING MANGOS RIGHT BEHIND THEM! And they tell you that those are honey mangoes you didn’t specifically ask for those. They told you no because they thought you wanted Haden mangoes. Just give the woman a fucking mango!
You’re so over those male venders. They never even help you pack the carts up.
You’re too tired went you get back to the temple. You let everyone else pack the food away without helping out this time. You can’t be bothered. You take your shoes off, step into the temple, and sigh heavily.
“I hate men.” You groaned.
You didn’t realize Kuai Liang was coming up to you to greet you. You looked up and saw his face. He stared blankly with a bit of concern.
“…except you.”
You wanted to make it right so you ran up to him, giving him many kisses and hugging him.
“What has made you so hateful, my love? Did someone at the market bother you?” He asked with concern.
Kuai Liang was not at all mad at what you said. He found it odd which meant there was something wrong. His hands went up to check if maybe it was something physical. He would hate to find out you were hurt while out. What kind of husband would he be if he can’t protect his wife?
“Many people bothered me at the market today. Some people are unfortunate stupid.” You replied.
“Perhaps you can tell me all about it in bed. I’ll make you some tea to help with the stress.” He took your hands as you both walked to the bedroom.
Kuai Liang is the kind of man you need in your life. If only the men at the market had his intelligence. Though you do like being cared for when there is any sign of distress from you. It makes you feel like a princess.
To help train the Earthrealm champions is like trying to train a seal, a kangaroo, a bison, and a Komodo dragon to leap at least a meter out of the water. One will succeed, another will jump but not reach it, another one won’t try to jump, and the other will be too busy trying to mate with you.
They are all nice in their own way but Johnny is the worst of them all. You tell him you are happily married and it’s in one ear and out the other. Just because his marriage failed doesn’t mean yours has to.
Kenshi is alright he just has stubborn. He believes it’s nerves that wins fights. If that were true why does he keep failing to you. And when he is not going against you he’s going after Johnny’s throat. You get it, Johnny won’t give back Sento. But now is not the time to bust his ass.
Kung Lao just gets on everyone’s nerves. You have never seen a bunch of monks ready to implode and strangle someone. Don’t forget that you almost lost your head because he flung his hat in the wrong direction. All you got back was a small ‘sorry’ before he took his hat and ran off.
And Raiden…he’s fine. He’s done no wrong.
Yet no matter what you always have to return and help the fools. You give and give and what do you receive? Hell!
You are exhausted when you return home. You don’t talk to anyone you just go straight to your bedroom. You let out a groan the whole time and when the door closes you let that groan become words.
“I hate men.”
Tomas was already waiting for you in the bedroom. He was walking up to you to hug you until he heard those words. He looked concerned and even a little sad.
Well he’s a man, do you hate him? Did he do something wrong? He hopes he didn’t, he doesn’t want an unhappy wife.
Your attitude immediately went away at the sight of Tomas.
“…except you.”
You ran into his arms and hugged him tight. You could never hate a man like Tomas. He is your husband after all. You picked a good one compared to all the other men that you have seen.
“I’m guessing they upset you again.” He asked.
You nodded. The day is already over you don’t feel like talking about every single stupid thing that they did. Tomas understood and hugged you tight.
“Do you want me to beat them up?” He whispered jokingly in your ear.
For once today you laughed. He always manages to bring a smile to your face. You wish you could let him but that would be a bad decision. Though it’s funny to think about. He was just happy to hear that wonderful laugh of yours. It just shows that he’s a good man to you. He can turn a frown upside down and make you see the good in men. Or at least the good in him.
After notes: Can you tell I got pissed off with Kuai Liang’s part? That shits a little too true. Those instacart tik toks be crazy. Here’s a little experience of when I hated men: one didn’t take no for an answer for YEARS. He still can’t take no even from other girls. But most of the men I know are good. Alright enough yip yap I must march on. Adiós!
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xetswan · 11 months
Youngest Shadow- Crash It
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One | two | three | four | five | six |
Today was the day of my 6th Volleyball game out of 14. It’s a Home game.
Every single game has been attended by Jacob, Quil and Embry. Sometimes Sam and Billy. Bella made it to about two. Clearly needing to do her own thing I understood. If I didn’t understand a sport I wouldn’t want to go either.
She makes me sit with her at lunch still, I got kind of close with Angela. She’s cool. She also comes to games but that’s to take pictures, helping with the yearbook committee.
Bella and I walk out of the house together. I see my bike is gone and remembered I had to give it to Jacob for maintenance. Since he offered I was getting it done for free.
It’s also raining so I’m kind of glad I don’t have to choice to ride it. Sometimes the rain drops hurt like a bitch. I lift my hood up, walking behind Bella as we go down the steps. “Great.” She mutters under her breath.
Charlie pulls in with her truck. “Dad I can drive us to school myself.” As we get closer to the bottomed step she slips and falls on her ass. Tripping due to not watching where I was going I go forward.
“You okay, Bells? [Name]?” Charlie climbs out of the truck, helping Bella up and then the both help me. I ripped a new pair of jeans, hissing in pain from my hands I wipe it on my sweater that’s not so new. Luckily I didn’t bleed at all. “Ice doesn’t help the uncoordinated.” Bella frowns at her own joke.
“Clearly.” I groan.
“That’s why I got you new tires.” Charlie points to the red truck. “The other ones were nearly bald.”
“You got me new tires. No one’s ever don’t that before.” Both Charlie and I look at her confused. “I mean… nothing.”
He glances at me, not getting it but he heads to his cruiser.
“I won’t make it to dinner or the game. I’m heading down to Mason County. A security guard at the Grisham Mill got killed by some kind of animal.” He explains to us.
“An animal?” Bella asks, confused.
“You’re not in Phoenix anymore, honey. They’ve been hunting it for a week with no luck. Thought I’d lend a hand.” He puts it simply. “Be careful.” We say in unison.
“Always am.”
“And thank you for the tires.”
I’d thought by now they wouldn’t be so awkward with each other but I am very wrong. The tension is so thick it couldn’t even be cut with a knife.
Change of pov
Rain was still hitting hard. Eric and Bella walk together into Biology. She brushes off her coat as he talks. “And yeah, prom committee is a chick thing, but I gotta cover it for the paper anyway and they need a guy to help choose the music. So I need your playlist.” Eric explains but before the girl can respond Mike comes up behind her. “Come on, Arizone. Give it up for the rain.” He shakes his wet baseball cap onto Bella’s head.
“Terrific.” She walks away, ignoring them to get to her seat.
She freezes once she notices Edward. She straightens her posture, striding to the shared table confidently. Dropping her books in front of him, ready to address him but instead he looks up at her and speaks.
She stops, automatically stunned. “I didn’t have a chance to introduce myself last week. My name is Edward Cullen.”
She’s too shocked to respond, she wasn’t expecting him to talk to her. “You’re Bella.” He stares, not questioning.
“I’m… yes.” She finally sits, feeling stupid.
He abruptly moves to the edge of his seat away from her. She’s baffled to say the least, smelling her hair as if she stinks.
“Onion root tip cells! That’s what’s on your slides. Separate and label them into the phases of mitosis. The first partners to get it right win the golden onion!” Mr. Molina holds up a gold spray painted onion but disappointed by the little to no reaction.
“Come on people, tick tock.”
Everyone gets to work. Edward pushes the microscope towards Bella, still keeping a distance.
“Ladies first.” She grabs it defensively and snaps the first slide in, adjusting the lens. “You’ve been gone.”
“Out of town. Personal reasons.” He was curt like her, short with his answers.
“Prophase.” She says, going to remove the slide. “May I look?” She slides the scope to him, he looks into it. “Prophase.”
“Like I said.”
He writes it down on the work sheet. He takes a deep breath, turning to her. “Enjoying the rain?”
“Seriously? You’re asking me about the weather?” She seems offended. “It appears.”
“No, unlike my sister I don’t like the cold, or the wet. Or the grey. Or the parkas. Or the turtlenecks.”
There was a small smile that played on his lips.
He actually seemed interested in what she had to say. He studies her like her sister did to him days ago. But she can’t tell if he despises her or not. “What?”
He shakes his head and turns to the microscope, switching out the slides. She continues to stare at him, appreciating his evident beauty. His cheekbones to his lips.
“Anaphase.” She snaps out of her daze to go back to giving a dry look.
“May I?” She mocks him for before, looking into the lens.
“Like I said.”
They change the slide.
“If you hate the cold and rain, why move to the wettest place in the continental U.S.?” He quizzes her.
“It’s complicated.” Simple answer, but he’s intrigued so he pushes.
“I think I can keep up.” She looks at him quickly then looking away back at the scope. He seems to be paying attention very intently.
“My mother remarried.” Another simple response.
“Very complex. So you don’t like him.” A statement, he doesn’t question himself.
“Phil is fine. Young for her but nice enough.” She tells. “Interphase.”
At the end of school she’s still holding the golden onion. She bumps into Edward on accident. “Why didn’t you stay with your mom and step dad? Or your sister?” He waits patiently for her to say something, studying her like before.
“Alright, Phil’s a minor league baseball player, so he travels a lot. My mother stayed home with me and [Name] but it made her unhappy. And my sister has always been a daddy’s girl. So I decided to spend time with my father too.” She explains everything. “But now you’re unhappy.” He states himself again.
“No I… I just.” She turns away, embarrassed.
Back to You
At the end of the day I stood beside Angela and Jessica. Since our game was today I don’t see a point in going all the way home just to come back to the school.
I watch my sister head for her truck, shivering. Once she got there she looked back, making little eye contact with me and then staring at the Cullens. More specifically, Edward? I think that’s his name if I’m remembering correctly.
Their eyes met then there was a loud screech only getting louder by the second. A van skids out of control, heading right for my older sister.
I felt frozen for a second, running over there immediately. The van comes to a complete stop after spinning out. Like something forcefully stopped it. I didn’t see anything as it had happened so fast. The van had only hit the back of the truck, leaving a dent that was definitely noticeable to the eye.
After milliseconds everyone went berserk, roaring into screams of trying to get help, calling 911.
Mike and Eric yell if she’s okay, I watched Edward who was once at his Volvo now leaving the scene. Wanting to ask him what happened I shake my head, pushing the two boys out of my way. “Bells, Bella?!” I cried out, falling down to her level, feeling the pain in my knees from earlier but ignoring it. I took her into my arms as she was obviously in shock.
I ended up driving her and the boy who crashed into her, Tyler a ride to the hospital.
I told him to shut up on our way there. Even sitting in the room as they got checked up on I sat there glaring at him.
Minutes later, Charlie rushes in. “Bells, are you alright?“
“I’m fine dad, calm down.” She assures gun but it’s not enough. “I’m so sorry Bella. I tried to stop.” Tyler apologizes.
“It’s okay Tyler.” Bella tells him and I scoff. “It sure as hell is not okay.” Charlie says, I nod agreeing. “Dad it’s not his fault.”
“We nearly lost you.”
“But you didn’t.” She says, I pull her into a hug since Dad is glaring at Tyler like I once was. “You can kiss your license goodbye.” He sternly tells the boy and I watch his body falter.
I notice Dr. Cullen approach us and if I didn’t know anything I would’ve thought he was a movie star. I didn’t pay Trenton to what they were talking about. I focused on his face, observing him as he talked. Just like I did with his foster kids. Then I heard Tyler apologizing once again, since I was closest I closed the curtain getting a fist bump from my dad.
“It would’ve been a lot worse if Edward hadn’t knocked me out of the way.” Bella says ignoring dad and I’s antics.
“Edward? Your boy?” Charlie asks only to not get a response.
Dr. Cullen adverts his eyes, I watch Bella press. I’m guessing she knew something that was making him uncomfortable. “It was amazing he got to me so fast. He was nowhere near me.”
The blonde man smiles.
“As long as you’re safe.”
We leave the treatment area. “I just have to sign some paperwork. You better call your mom.” He points to Bella.
“You told her?! She’s probably freaking out!” He just shrugs and walks off.
She pulls her phone out and I laugh, earning an eye roll. Then we both look down the hall, hearing an argument. “Stay here.” She orders as if I was so much younger than her. She gets a little closer to whatever was happening.
Not meaning to but the curiosity getting the best of me I do the same thing.
“This isn’t about you. It’s about all of us.” It was Rosalie. I raise an eyebrow but Dr. Cullen definitely saw Bella, taking Rosalie inside his office.
I sit for a moment, but I see Bella talking to Edward so I just walk the other way, pulling out my phone as I felt it vibrating.
It’s Jacob calling, shit.
I answered it quickly. I forgot all about my Volleyball game that’s in… 35 minutes.
“Hello?” I spoke to,
“Hey, where are you? Are you okay? I heard something about an accident with you and Bella?” He freaks out, i why shush him trying to calm him down.
“Hey, everything is fine. No damage was done. Bella was apart if it but no scratches, just a bump on the head. I’m sorry I should’ve called.” I told him, hugging my self with my open arm.
“Oh, I’m glad you’re both okay, I’m glad shes okay.” He sighs like he had just been holding in a long breath.
“Yeah, yeah. Everything is good. I’m just going to keep watch on Bella for a little. Could you let my coach know what happened. I’m sure she knows but y’know?”
“Totally understand, I will let her know. Call me later tonight?” He sounded hopeful and I smile to myself.
“Of course, I’ll call around 9.” I say
“Can’t wait…”
“Knock it off.”
I was going to ask what he meant by that but I hear the other guys in the background and I laugh.
I hung up, not seeing Bella come up to me, she grabbed my shoulder causing me to jump and almost drop my phone.
“Who was that?”
“Jacob. He asked if we were okay since he went to my game as usual. Seeing I wasn’t there freaked him out.” I take a deep breath through my nose.
“I completely forgot about that. We can still make it.” She says in a hurried tone but I shake my head.
“Coach wouldn’t let me play anyway. There’s no point.” I laugh, putting a hand on her arm.
“I’m sorry.” She frowns.
“No need, you should call mom though.”
She whines to herself, pulling her phone out again.
Charlie walks out and we go outside. I drove the truck home.
Later that night I call Jacob like I told him I would. He tells me about the game since they stayed due to Quil wanting to.
“It would’ve been a better game with you for sure.” He says and I could hear the smile.
“I know, I’m just so amazing.” I brag, playing with my tongue piercing as I hear his laugh.
“Maybe I shouldn’t have boasted your ego.”
“What ego?” I jokingly say.
I look over ti my clock, seeing the time and it was already 11:30.
I was surprised Charlie hadn’t come and told me to go to bed.
“Ah, we should go to bed.” I start to say, I heard a small thump from Bella’s room upstairs and I stood up carefully strutting towards the door.
“[Name]?” Jacob calls, I snap out of whatever trance I was in. Not hearing anything else from Bella’s room so I go back to my bed.
“Sorry I got distracted. Goodnight, Jake.” My voice was a little raspy from being tired.
“Goodnight.” He ends up hanging up the phone and I lay back in my bed.
Thinking about everything that happened today.
Chapter three, unedited.
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justcallmesakira · 5 months
Bsd men with a childish s/o:
Sypnosis: how they go on with their day with you :333
Genre: crack, low key fluff
Warnings: mention of roblox, McDonald's, LOADS of blasting stuff, torturing Mexican man, war flashbacks
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• one word, power couple (more like powerblasting the agency every couple of hours)
• he absolutely loves your childish demeanor, like bro you saw how he acts? He gives undeveloped 22 year old man and so do you🙃
•anyways he actually enjoys your company, your cute little childish acts and stuff
• ex: blasting the electricity cables of Yokohama, drawing silly little Sanrio doodles everywhere, going ":3"after cutely making the enemy go insane etc.
•honestly he would definitely take you to the playground instead of a fancy restaurant 😘👍
•probably swings with you on the swings •"Couple found playing in a children's playground before getting hit in the anal by lighting"
•bro he would go with your childish and stopid tactics😰😰😰
• "omg let's make a paper boat and ride it down the river😍😍🤩😘😘🥰" "anything for you babygorilla😏😈😈😈😽😼"
•like seriously though the agency actually worries, not for dazai but for when he gaslights you with a lollipop into committing double-plugging each other off
•he still enjoys your childish antics, you would go with a cute Lil face doing dumb stuff and he will just watch you with soften eye
•anyways you two have matching energy but unless your in real danger he's not saving you... He's joining you😰😰😨
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•he's so done with you
•you would act so silly and chilly that's he's gonna get literally WAR flashbacks (dazai I am lookin at you and your little lighter🤨🤨
•when ever he took you to McDonald's you would ask the employee for extra sauce and he would ask "why would you want extra sau- AND WHY ARE WE IN MCDONALD'S ORDERING HAPPY Meals????!!!" *slurps down every sauce packet* "it's for the toy, chuuya"
•he totally not traumatized by your tactics <33
•poor chuuya he just wants to have a nice romantic bath with you and there you are with rubber ducks and balls everywhere
•"darling Ily but why the hell did you stick rubber ducks on your body with Elmer's glue? 😃" -chuuya probably
•even during hard missions your so unserious😭
•it's scares him how goofy your are during a shooting..... *flashback*
•he wants to put like a dog leash on you so I don't wander off Dora the explorer live action (NO YALL NOT IN THAT Way) •chuuya=🙅 you begging him to buy a children's kitchen set= 💁‍♀️🔪🍳.
•he genuinely likes your sweet little innocent side
•whenever he's tired of babysit-- I mean taking care of you he takes you to kouyou and goes 🕳️🎢 'bye'
•he still cares for you especially when you are tired and fell asleep he would carry you to the bedroom and sleep with your head on his shoulder and him giving you a soft smile :)
•just don't remind him of a certain someone.... 🤕
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•he doesn't know why he picked up a street dawg like you
•careful who U call street dog before I leave you on the streets😃
•you and gogol would do stupid stuff in his room, run around playing tag all over his office and there he is with his silly little discord mod on his computer (fyodor please get your rusty ass off from that computer)
•you actually like his goofy cartoon mouse logo and made merch out of his organization 😘😘😘
•"myshka, why are you wearing my organization's shirt and a-" "shhhh- I am promoting your company" "what"
•he's just like chuuya but calmer and is questioning how you can act so carefree while he's brutally torturing a Mexican man
•still he buys you those kitchen set toys so you won't scream "shimmy shimmy ya" during the Doa meetings😃😃😃
•it's actually kinda sweet bcs of the dynamic you share like-- cold x cheerful
•you begged him to play roblox with you
•"I have work to do" "you can blast people in this game" "..."
•"yadayadaya safusafusafu" -you
•he likes your cheery mess but keep it at an extent before he sends you to the adoption center
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A/N: I am sorry this is bad but it's my first post so please be patient I will start a writing blog with rules and all ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
Divider crds: /@junkyukim on pinterest
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luvymelody · 8 months
the perfect pair by beabadoobee
bakugou did not think he would be here. in a grocery store, with an dirty apron and his shirt and hair half covered in flour.
because it all started with racoon eyes suggesting a bake off.
"the whole class should have a bake off!"
mina exclaimed to the whole class, that were either in the kitchen or the lounge area.
"what do you mean, what kind?"
"just like, bake a cake, whoever's cake the best is the winner and like mr aizawa can be the judge!"
"i'm sure he'll find everyone's terrible.."
"nah fuck that, that's dumb i'm not competing."
bakugou retaliated, standing up from his sitting position from the couch next to kirishima and already walking away to the elevator present in the dorms.
"why not???"
"'cuz i know mine's gonna be the best out of all you losers."
"don't worry about bakugou, he's probably too chicken to see that his cake will be the worst, am i right, kacchan?"
denki teased, sitting up straight next to kirishima, who was laughing next to him.
everyone got a partner from picking names in a hat, some were lucky and some were lucky, everyone yelled out when mineta got sato which was completely unfair, and denki literally laughed out loud but alo mixed with screaming when bakugou pulled denki's name out the hat.
denki was a lost hope, first of all he mixed the mixture too much which made it too runny, so they started again.
second of all, he added too much sugar and it disappeared into the mixture, so they couldn't take it out so they had to start again for the second time.
then icyhot accidentally knocked over their mixture because todoroki didn't see mineta infront of him and tripped onto mineta, pushing the table that denki and bakugou were using and the flour AND the mixture flew everywhere and that would mean that they had to start again a THIRD time. bakugou was just sick and tired.
so, bakugou chose a plan b.
"dunce face, i say i go to the store and buy a cake. we have failed making this mixture too many times so don't ask questions."
"what did i do when THEY ask questions about you being gone-"
bakugou made his way to the store, him getting funny looks but also looks of admiration as some people knew him from the sport's carnival, but why was he dirty in flour??
he went into a nearby grocery store and nearly ran into the isle with desserts, he browsed the isle and tried to find the specific cake they were all trying to bake.
"do you need any help?"
a voice called out to him from behind, he turned around to find a worker, wearing the corresponding blue to match the store's logo. he couldn't help his eyes from wondering to take in their facial features, hair colour, eyes and just them in general. he took notice of the name tag, y/n. y/n was really pretty.
"i couldn't help but notice your, attire."
they laughed a little and that made bakugou's face turn red.
"my friends were having a bake off, but my baking partner was too stupid and now i have to buy one."
"oh! i see, may i suggest this, (favourite/cake/flavour) is the best, everyone's loves it."
they reached around bakugou, who wanted to lean closer to the worker but fought his inner muscles. he couldn't stop thinking about how embarrassed he was for them to see him so gross and floury.
"yeah.. (f/c/f) is good."
he absolutely hated it with his whole soul, if he could make it disappear forever he would.
"is that all for today?"
bakugou snapped into reality again, while he was infront of the cashier to pay for the cake.
"uh yeah."
his eyes kept wondering to the worker that had helped him, who was now helping another, how he so wanted that person to be him again. he payed for the cake and was beginning to walk out the store, but then his brain made him whip himself around, going back into the store.
'what are you doing idiot?!'
y/n turned around to see him again, the same cute customer that they saw in the shirt covered in flour and apron wrapped around his torso.
"oh hi again! did you need help with something else?"
"uh yeah, i need help finding the- cutting board! my friend doesn't have one and it just slipped my mind."
of course the dorm kitchen have a cutting board which one doesn't?
the blonde hair customer's face was trying to be stoic, but his face was bright red and his eyebrows slightly furrowed, but he was maintaining eye contact with y/n so it made them nervous.
"ah! right this way."
y/n spun around quickly so the customer didn't catch the steam coming out of their ears and nose.
"here are the boards, you can pick whichever one you want, but just tell me if you need help, i'll be right over there."
y/n turned away, trying to contain themself, bakugou was yelling at himself.
'fuck they're getting away, don't let them!'
y/n turned around again,
"do you think i could get your number?"
"baku bro! why'd you take so long?! everyone's almost done!"
"don't care dunce face, here's your cake, i can't be bothered to wait for the winner."
bakugou shoved the dirty apron and the cake in the bag to denki once he ran up to bakugou, walking away to his room to have some peace. he shoved his hands in his pockets to feel around for the piece of paper in there.
once he got into his room, he pulled out his phone and typed in the number on the paper. ringing the number, after three rings, it picked up.
"hey again, i worried you gave me a fake number."
"of course i wouldn't."
"my shift ends soon, so call me, yeah?"
wc : 1015 words
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getosbunsblog · 1 year
Jealous Levi
Y’all were in his room about to watch some new ass show. You went down in his beanbag corner, face planting into your favorite one. You were exhausted. this is the fourth marathon this week.
“WAKE UP!! YOU NEED TO SEE THIS!” As he shook you. Ever since you two became closer friends he’s been stealing you and having you watch all of these shows. Not that your complaining. But sometimes it’s a bit much. “Levi, I think I should go to sleep, I’ll watch it with you tomorrow” he looked like a kicked puppy. You felt so bad. But you were exhausted. Suddenly he sat up and said “ok I will too, we can sleep in here” you chuckled “Levi you don’t ever sleep, It’ll be ok I’m just really tired” you rubbed his shoulder and exited. He blushed and watched you walk away. He tried to have fun but he couldn’t. He was utterly bored without you. Maybe he’ll check on you. Yeah. Make sure you made it down the hall safely. He started walking down the hall and creaked open your door. You were not there. “Oh my god, where did she go!!??!” He ran to mammons room because it was the closest and slammed the door open. “MC IS NOT IN HER BEDROO-“ he cut himself off when he saw you in mammons bed wrapped around him. Slightly jolted awake because of Levi. “WHY ARE YOU WITH HIM?!” He yelled. You sat up and looked at him. “Oh, He saw me walking past and called me in here for something real quick” Levi started fuming. You had time for stupid mammon but not HIM?!? Your best friend. Mammon pulled you back down “ignore him, he’s just bein Levi again” he said to you. He turned his head to meet Levi’s eyes “go to bed man, it’s like 3 in the mornin” Levi stormed out and almost gagged remembering that mammon sleeps naked. We’re you naked too. You had his shirt on though. Omg why were you wearing his shirt. Levi knew it, you didn’t see him as more than a friend. You were out fucking mammon of all people?!?
You haven’t heard from Levi for a day, unusual for him and you. You knocked in the distinct pattern you always do. No answer. You opened his door slowly and saw him in his chair. He was playing a video game without headset on. “Hey, did you not hear me?” He didn’t even turn around “no, I did. I know you’d let yourself in, you always do” he sounded mad. You sat down in your seat he got for you and sat in silence watching him for 45 minutes, till you finally asked “Levi, what’s wrong?”
He whipped his head around and glared at you “go away please” you looked shocked, usually he tells you everything. You sat up and left. No questions asked. He clearly needed to be left alone. Maybe he’s just socially overstimulated or something you decided to hang out with Beel today. But it was one of those days for Beel too. He just decided to take it out on your cunt than yell at you. He pounded you till you couldn’t even walk, you slept the rest of the day in his bed where Belphie later crawled in. Sliding his cock between your thighs. Then I’m your spent hole. Cumming in you like Beel did.
Meanwhile asmo went to check on levi and asked what’s wrong “I know it’s MC. I can sense it, don’t lieeee” his face turned red as he screamed “she fucked mammon” asmo looked at him dumbfounded and bursted into laughter “well, duh. Did you think you were the only one. She’s been with all of us” Levi turned even redder and said “SHE FUCKED ALL OF YOU BUT NOT ME?!?” Asmo again looked surprised “oh, I thought, you both had already had sex” Levi screamed “CLEARLY NOT” asmo laughed again “well did you tell her you wanted too?” Levi tilted his head “I show her my things and we talk” asmo moved his hands “yes, yes, but did you make it known you like her?” Levi then realized his error.
Levi started looking for you. All around the house. Then he made it to the twin’s room. He saw your shoes but not you. He went to the kitchen defeated. There you were sitting on the counter eating a cookie. You looked at him “oh,hey Levi-“ he cut you off “Why won’t you have sex with me?! Am I not good enough?! Huh??” You looked at him and he covered his mouth in embarrassment. “Oh, I didn’t know you liked me like this that. Anytime I would try anything you would shut me down immediately and act all weird” you felt oddly happy. “I- oh. Um” he couldn’t form words. You were right. It did look like he only wanted to be friends. “Oh did it misread you just now?” You asked “do you not like me?” He got down on his knees and clung to your leg dangling off the counter “NO! NO I DO!…..so much” he looked up realizing you had no panties on you felt him grow hard against your leg and you giggled you pushed him off gently and he landed on his butt. You could see the outline of two cocks. You spread your legs on the kitchen counter for him. “You wanna try big boy?” He scrambled up and dove into your cunt”
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max-nico · 8 months
"Well, what do you like, Shadow?" Sonic asks, staring up at the cloud covered night sky.
Shadow finds himself pausing, his eyebrow furrowing in contempt. "I liked Maria."
"Duh, I'd be concerned if you didn't, Shadow. I meant what do you like now?" Sonic huffs through an exasperated grin. "Like–If you could only bring three things with you on a deserted island, what would you pick… or do you like dancing or are you more of a cooking type-a guy? What would your perfect day be like? If you had to choose between a cottage or a penthouse, which one would you buy? Do you prefer warm temperatures or cold?"
"As the ultimate lifeform my body temperature is always perfectly regulated, I have no need to think about that."
"It's not about what you need Shadow–" Sonic sighs, flippantly gesturing his hands. "–It's about what you like, about what makes you happy."
"What makes me…happy?"
Shadow thinks for a moment, his head now turned toward Sonic, who's still not looking at him. Though in all fairness, Shadow himself is more looking toward Sonic's direction than at the hedgehog himself. He's lost in thought, focused on finding something he genuinely likes on this godforsaken planet.
Shadow opens his mouth to answer.
"And don't say something that Maria liked, I'm asking about you."
Shadow closes his mouth. Back at square one he supposes.
It's hard to think of something he genuinely enjoys. He's spent so long preserving life for Maria, growing plants for Maria, saving people for Maria, eating for Maria, living for Maria. What begins with him and what stops with her is a giant mess. It's a tangled ball of raw emotions that he can't even begin to decipher, let alone understand.
"C'mon dude, I know you have some good memories in there." Sonic finally turns to Shadow, his whole face lit up in some amalgamation of amused and disbelieving. "Better than having no memories at all, am I right?"
To that, Shadow's introspection halts. His face flattens at the joke as he doesn't find it funny, and he remembers the absolute dolt he's talking to. God, this whole conversation is stupid, isn't it? He has to wonder why he's talking about literally anything with the hedgehog next to him, he's a moron on top of all other morons.
Sonic has enough emotional competence to at least be apologetic as Shadow gets up to leave. A hand coming up to stop him before he can get very far, and a repentant look to accompany it as well. Shadow simply deadpans in response.
"Too sensitive? My bad." Sonic looks down at the grass. "I've been trying to get better with… that."
Shadow tries to pull away, his counterpart doesn't let him.
"I won't make another joke like that, promise. Come sit back down."
For a reason unknown to Shadow himself, he complies. He takes the same place he was sitting before, Sonic is a little closer now, but it doesn't really bother him. The grip on his arm doesn't either. At least not enough to make him do something about it.
"Now, you still haven't answered my question."
"Have you considered the possibility that your question is stupid?"
"Humor me. Just a little bit longer."
Shadow sighs, rolling his eyes and looking back up at the sky. It's easy to fall back into his reappraisal and forget about the blue hedgehog all together. It's easy to focus solely on Maria too, but it's hard to think of himself. Not being able to answer Sonic's question makes him feel dumb in a way he's never experienced before, shame is probably a better word for whatever he's feeling, but it's even harder to admit that then think about himself.
He repeats the question to himself a few times, as if that will magically give him an answer. Repetition makes him irritated, God he's so irritated right now. Stupid ass hedgehog asking him stupid ass questions.
"I'm tired of thinking about this. Let me leave."
"Aw c'mon, Shads." Sonic frowns. It's an odd look on his face. It makes Shadow uncomfortable. "Look, I'll try and help. You like Rouge and Omega don't you? I've seen you walk out of Tails' garage before–which was a little surreal for me by the way–but I assume you enjoy hanging out with him, right?"
This makes Shadow think. Sure, he's okay with Rouge, grateful to her at least. He's been staying with her for the past few weeks, and though she lives on takeout, talks enough to make him deaf–don't even get him started on her attitude, and hoards like she's never had anything of her own before, he's truly indebted to her. He would never say this out loud of course, she would hold it above him and never ever let it go. Rouge is annoying enough without him giving her leverage.
She's oddly kind though, in her own special way. She doesn't touch his stuff unless asked to, makes sure to order enough take out for him to eat too, she's even allowed him to put up the few portraits of Maria he has. Rouge constantly gives out mixed signals because of this unfortunately, so it's hard for Shadow to get a read on her.
All of this being said, he wouldn't call Rouge a friend, but he wouldn't call her a foe either. Rouge is also way past the acquaintance stage, but not nearly close enough to be called family. Their whole relationship is completely out of Shadow's depth.
Omega's is easier to classify. Not with one word, nothing that simple, but it makes sense in his head. Simply put, he and Omega bond over their mutual love for blowing shit up. If they talk, they're discussing bombs and war tactics. If they're hanging out, they're testing explosives. Sending messages? You guessed it, they're talking about how funny it would be to bomb GUN.
They're like… bomb buddies or something. He thinks that's how Tails referred to them. Omega would think it's stupid a name though, which is fine, because Shadow also thinks it's stupid a name. They work well like that.
They're still not friends though.
Now, as for Tails, that's another complicated case. They both enjoy engineering and talk shit about Sonic when he's not around. They both enjoy learning, and find space fascinating. They both enjoy mutual silence as well, making talking to him easy with no pressure to keep the conversation going.
He still doesn't think Tails qualifies as an answer though, because the whole reason he even began to give the kid the time of day was because of Maria. Young, hopeful, naive, bright blue eyes, golden hair. He was like a bucket of water while being surrounded by wildfire. He still is, because Tails reminds him so much of Maria that it hurts sometimes, but the nostalgia feels like a reprieve from all the newness so the pain is welcomed. The pain is greeted, given a tour, and then shown its bedroom in his mind.
So sure, he'll give Sonic this one, the fox is his friend, he genuinely likes the fox, the kid is easy to talk to and incredibly sweet, sue him. He neglects to say this out loud anyway, both because it's not a valid answer, and telling Sonic he found companionship in his kid brother makes him want to keel over. He'd never hear the end of it, and the hedgehog already talks enough to power the sun.
"I think I like when it rains." He says instead, just barely catching a distant flash of lightning behind Sonic's head.
"That's a good thing to like, Shadow." Sonic accepts Shadow's answer easily, shrugging his shoulders. "I like the rain too."
"You hate the rain."
Sonic smiles, letting go of his arm. "Yeah, I just didn't want you to feel bad."
Annnddd that's it. This is pre-sonadow technically, but I wrote it with platonic intentions lol. This is pre all Shadow relationships.
I am incapable of not giving Shadow and Tails a wholesome relationship sorry not sorry.
Anyway, this fic is titled I Think I Like When It Rains on AO3. I posted it there a while ago so I decided to put it on Tumblr bc why not.
Please feel free to hit up my DMs or askbox, though if you're requesting I prefer my askbox lol. I am a multishipper if ships are your jam, but I mostly post Sonic and Tails being brothers (NOT A SONTAILS SHIPPER PLEASE DON'T TALK TO ME ABOUT THAT LOL)
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lovelybrooke · 1 year
Yandere Strawhats x Reader
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A/N: It's pretty obvious that I'm currently hyperfixating, and I really wanted to write this. These headcanons will only involve Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Chopper, Sanji, and Robin since I'm not caught up on the anime yet. I promise that once I am, I will write an updated version. It's also your choice on whether or not the relationships are platonic or romantic (except for Chopper, he's definatley platonic). Likes and reblogs are appreciated. Enjoy!
You knew you were in a for a wild ride when some goofy boy basically demanded you to join his rag tag group of pirates, but you never expected it to be this bad.
You barely have time alone once you join the Strawhat crew. Whether its Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper demanding you to play and joke around with them, Sanji wanting you to help him cook, Zoro wanting to train with you, or Robin and Nami wanting to read with you, alone time is a thing of the past.
Everyone is extremely overprotective of you. No matter how much train or how strong you are, they are always going to prioritize your safety above all else. Any time a fight is brewing, one of them is there to pull you away. You could be there, beating your opponent's ass, and they will still take you away from battle and finish what you started.
Obviously, you are very annoyed with this, since you spend so much time training with Zoro, only to never actually use what you learned. You've tried talking to Luffy about it, but it never goes anywhere. All he does is tell you not to worry and that it's their job to protect you.
Speaking of Luffy, it's well known that he's protective of his crewmates, willing to fight for any of them, however if it comes to you, it's like his protectiveness is 10 times more. Where you go, he goes, and vice versa. He's constantly watching you, even when on the safety of the Going Merry. Even when you're with the others, Luffy is still attached to your hip. You could be reading with Robin and he's hovering over your shoulder, constantly asking questions about what you're reading.
If you somehow not with Luffy, you're with one of the others. You spend a lot of Zoro either napping or training, both of which he considers bonding time. Alone, Zoro is pretty quiet, so you usually go to him when you want to do something that requires peace and quiet. If you're working on something that doesn't require his help, he will most likely fall asleep, but don't be fooled. He will definitely tell if someone else tries to take you away from him.
Nami is like your big sister, and you spend a lot of your time complaining about the others to her. She's proud that you trust her enough to tell her anything, but she's definitely telling the others anything noteworthy that you tell her. She likes to shop with you, and you're one of the few people she will spend her money on
You are Sanji's favorite person. He cares about you above all else, and whenever anything goes wrong, he always worrying about you. He's constantly giving you compliments, praising you about everything you do, even if it's something stupid, which most of the time it is. He takes any insult to you personally and will defend your honor with your life. He doesn't like it when his time with you is interrupted and will go as far as bribing the others with food to get more time alone with you. He likes to spend time cooking with you, since it's one of his favorite activities, and will constantly be cooking your favorite meals.
Usopp deep down is afraid that you will view him as a coward, so even though he doesn't like it, he is constantly lying about his abilities to you, even though most of the time you see right through him. He's actually fine with other people spending time with you while you're with him. Will he very much cares for you, he doesn't view you as an object to own and control, and he just wants you to be happy. Because of this, he is often the one who bails you out when you're tired with the others however he will team up with Luffy and Chopper when he wants to hang out with you.
Chopper knows he's cute and will use it to get you to spend time with him. Chopper loves that you don't view him as a monster, but also wishes he could protect you like the others. He constantly worried about you getting hurt, and constantly does routine checkups on you to make sure you aren't sick. Whenever there's a big battle you are the first-person on Chopper's mind, and even if you had no involvement with the fight, he is checking you over, making sure there is nothing at all wrong with you. Since you don't get involved in battles often, he teaches you a lot about medicine, viewing you as sort of an apprentice. He likes to infodump on you and appreciates having someone who listens. He knows he isn't as the others, so will often spend time with you when Luffy or Usopp is with you, even if he doesn't like sharing.
Robin wants to know everything about you, even down to the small minute details. She asks a lot of questions and expects you to give very detailed answers. Like Nami, she uses the fact that you trust he so much to her advantage and isn't afraid to use what you tell her against you. Unlike the others who like to horde information about you to their self, she will go straight to Luffy is she gets even a whiff that you planning to escape or leave the crew in any way. She isn't all that bad though, she won't spill all your secrets, choosing to keep some to herself just in case. In terms of hanging out, she likes to read with you. You've developed a book club with her and will buy books from the island you visit and share them with each other. It's one of the few things you look forward to. The others have tried to join, but Robin always refuses.
Most of the time, the Strawhats get along well, rationing out time together and working hand in hand to protect you. Sometimes you question why you even joined the Strawhats when you don't really do anything, but whenever you see Luffy come back from a fight, blood all over his face and a faraway look in his eyes, and he comes straight to you, asking for a hug, you understand.
There's been a few times when you were somehow hurt in battle, and in some ways it's more terrifying than death. All the Strawhats are willing to put their lives on the line for you and waste no time in eradicating anyone who lays even a finger on you.
Leaving the crew isn't an option. You have the world's most dangerous pirates obsessing over you, there's no chance of escaping. Even if you give a good reason, it's in one ear and out the other for Luffy. He just ignores you when you beg to leave and tells you that you're a Strawhat, and Strawhat's stay together.
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personwhowrites · 9 months
Common Sense
Task Force 141 (kind of?) x gn reader(platonic)
No use of y/n or any female/male pronouns.
Words: 2k ish something
Sense, that’s what they all told you in boot camp. If you want to survive in such a job, you need sense. Not just a ‘I felt that’ sense, but also common sense. It came to surprise when you almost put a sergeant in danger along with the squad you were assigned to. The base bussed with rumors about you, how you lacked common sense in serious situations and instead did stupid things. You don't like those types of rumors, it made you feel like you didn’t matter.
You did have common sense, you did know what to do in serious and tense situations.
“Are you done mumbling to yourself?” A voice spoke, finally you snapped back into reality and noticed you were sitting down in front of a man. “You’re a rookie, correct? Fresh out of boot camp?”
“Yes sir, I am..” You replied unsure why he needed to know if it was correct. “I want to apl—”
The apology was cut off short by the sound of him shushing you. You were taken back by this type of response and looked at his desk. There you found a label, his name written on it ‘Captain John Price’. You soon then turned your attention to Price, he didn’t seem so happy to have a rookie in his office, and his gesture made it clear he didn’t want any excuses or apologies.
“I have heard several rumors about you.” Price says looking at you, his face with a simple annoyed expression. “So, is it true you lack common sense?”
“No I don’t sir, I don’t believe that I do.” You reply is slightly hurt by his question. “I understand that things may seem like my fault but it isn't.”
“Yet it is your fault, you were the one crossing the enemy line.” Price adds and crosses his arms against his chest. “ I should be getting you fired and investigated., you could be a spy with all the actions you have done.
The word spy struck you like a truck, you a spy? How could he come to the exception that you were a spy? Could it be another rumor someone started behind your back that you weren’t aware of? Price cleared his throat, your attention back on him, your eyes slightly wide to his words.
“Are you a spy rookie?’’ Price asks you now, leaning back on his chair. “Your reaction makes me think otherwise..”
“I'm not sir, I was just taken back by your words..” You reply and look into his eyes now slightly scared. “I would never betray britain.”
“On that note do you lack common sense then?” Price asks, looking at you. “Looking at you makes me think that you lack common sense.”
“First of all I do have common sense.” You blurted with slight anger in you. “I understand that I might bebe violating some dress code with my piercings, butI do have common sense.”
Price leans back in his chair and sighs. He shifts his weight to the chair, you stare at him. It was clear he didn’t want your smart ass mouth talking anymore. An awkward silence rose between for a couple seconds before he finally sat back up.
“Twenty four laps around the whole base.” Price ordered as he reached for a file on his desk. “I don’t care if you get tired, I want them done before dinner.”
“That's in two hours!’ You exclaim and look Price. “That is impossible to do without breaks!”
“Dismissed.” Price bluntly said not looking on from his file. “If you did have common sense I would stop arguing and start now.’’
You looked at Price, he was being very serious about your punishment. You didn’t want to get a longer number so you left his office and headed down to the outside of the base. People around you were getting ready for missions, starting up cars and helicopters. The sunset was setting and you knew time was ticking down for you as you started to run. People gave you odd looks as you ran around the base, no one questioned you or even wanted to talk to you. Time became clear, it was so little so very little and you were just on lap seven. When you made your eight lap, Price was waiting for you, his arms crossed and a look of disappointment.
“Just eight how disappointing” Price remarks looking at you. “How bad of a rookie even you are?”
You look down at the floor, your hands on your knees as you're slightly slouching. Price hands you a water bottle and you immediately drink it. Price eyes narrow to the sight, did you really not take a break? You stand up straight and look at him, his cold gaze meeting your tired gaze.
“Who said you can stop now?” Price says looking at you now. “Go on, you had one of your water breaks.”
You look at Price and curse, even yell and tell him something but nothing escapes your lips. Soon you turn away from Price and start running again. Each time you finished a lap Price gave you a nod of approval and watched on. When you came around on your twelve lap, you saw three people standing besides him. They all watched you now. It seemed like they were trying to understand why Price is so interested in keeping an eye on you. Price stops you before you can runoff to do another lap, he hands you a water bottle.
“I'm surprised you haven’t decided to give up yet.” Price remarks and looks at you with some pity. “Call it a night if you know what’s best for you.”
You look at Price, unwillingly you walk away and soon start to run instead. You did see tall people next to him. One had a mohawk as their haircut was strange at first but then more looking into it did make his facial features pop out more. Another had a balaclava with a skull sewn into it, it gave you creepy vibes even more as you notice he was the tallest out of them. He definitely didn’t seem normal or friendly at all. A fellow male with a cap with a Union flag stood next to Price. They all seem to come from different backgrounds yet they seem to get along so well. When you came around on your thirteen lap Price stared at you. His gaze wasn’t threatening but more of a respectful look.
It took two more hours to finish up those twenty four laps. When you finished you collapsed onto the dirt. It was a sight, you were sweating and panting as you tried to regain your breath. Price kneeled next to you and looked at your shaking body. It was clear he was slightly impressed that you really didn’t give up like he expected you to. No one said a word, only silence and the cool night breeze hung around. Crickets chirped and the late night lights turned on, it was clearly late and you still needed to shower and finish your daily tasks. Finally after a couple minutes you regained your breath and stood up, Price stood up as well and crossed his arms. He had something in mind.
“Good job rookie, I honestly expected you to give up sooner.” Price beamed before handing you a bottle of water. “Follow me kid..”
You did as told, your feet ached but you couldn't stop then. When you followed Price the other three people did too. It felt like their stares wanted to eat you alive and know what makes you weak. You arrived in a building and saw a strange obstacle and Price stopped and turned to you, his gaze was now cold once more. Price handed you an L85A2, a rifle mostly used by beginners and people who fail to hold a gun correctly.
“I want you to do this obstacle and see if you really deserved to pass selection.” Price says and looks at you before pushing you forward. “Come one now, we don’t have all night.”
‘We’ the mention of it made you realize that the people earlier were going to judge you too. You heard the mohawk man snicker with the union flag cap man. Meanwhile the creepy tall looking man stared into your soul, definitely freaked you out. You held the rifle in your hand and tried to reject or say something but your body started moving. Your mind wanted to go against it and rest, but your body wanted to move and do as told.
When you finished the obstacle, a loud buzzer went off and you looked at them. Price had a semi pleased look on his face. He then grabbed the rifle out of your hands and looked at the union flag cap man.
“Gaz, you think they would beat your record?” Price asks them and the man chuckles, shaking their head. “No?’’ Price soon turns to the mohawk man and chuckles. “Soap?”
“You aren’t gonna call them a muppet?” Soap asks with a sly grin on his face. “That’s new for you captain.’’
“At least they don’t have a ridiculous codename like you when I first met you.” Price adds looking at you now. “Do you have a codename yet, rookie?”
“None..” You reply to price before yawning. “Why ask me that sir?”
“Oh you will get one soon when you're with us.” Gaz adds speaking for Price. “You are a rookie with common sense, correct?”
You let out annoyed sigh and nod to his words. It seemed like that common sense rumor would be sticking for a long time. Price ruffled your hair and chuckled, his whole attitude with you changed immediately and it seemed like the others as well. You looked at the four men in front of you, slightly confused about what's happening. Price soon dismissed you without another word. You left the building only to turn your head back around to see them talking like some sort of loving family. The scary looking skull masked man made eye contact with you. It sent shivers down your spine. Soap spoke, you couldn't manage what he said fully but he called the man ‘Ghost’.
The rest of the night was blurr, you found yourself eating cereal and looking at the table. You kept bobbing your head as you tried to remain awake. It wasn’t easy but you kept shaking your head hoping that would make you stay awake. The training for the day was a drag for you, already so you decided to sneak away hoping no one rats you out. You made your way into the busy hallways, buzzing with activity and movement of carts pushing items. You turned the corner of a hall and saw Price, he immediately saw you as you tried to duck behind a rack of boxes, he walked over and looked at you. He didn’t recognize you at first but soon did as you gave him a small awkward smile.
“Aren’t you supposed to be doing your rookie training?” Price says looking at you with a slight disappointed look. “A muppet like you really lacks common sense huh?”
There it was again, common sense..How come everyone you knew or well felt like you knew asked you such a thing. Have things become off after that mistake of yours? Did people really think you had no common sense no more or was it just to get under your skin?
“You done thinking? Because I still need an explanation.” Price says looking at you with a slight pity look. “Forget it, come with me I need to discuss something with you.”
You open your mouth to speak but Price had already walked away. You let out an annoyed groan and follow after him. He takes you back outside, past the other rookies and into the building from last night. There you see Ghost, Gaz and Soap all waiting for Price and you? Price pushes you up to them and they stare at him with some confusion.
“What is the rookie doing here? No offense..” Gaz says looking at you then at Price. “Thought this was private practice.”
“I did mention that I would be bringing someone here with us today.” Price adds before turning his attention to you. “You think that it’s okay to leave training and go sneak around the base. I think it should make some sense to punish you by making you train with them.”
Oh boy and training you did, Price made sure no one slacked off. Well mostly you didn’t slack off and tried to take a break. It did have its ups, you were training with a captain, two sergeants and a lieutenant. A normal rookie could never get that type of training, it wasn’t so bad in the end. They all gave you some slight pointers to better your skills and what not to do on a mission, for some reason they all had a good bond with you. Well except Ghost he moved away from you or scoffed as you tried to ask for his assistance or any tips. Soap told you he was like that to everyone so you shouldn’t take his actions to heart. Which you didn’t most of the time.. When lunch time you started to walk away from them.
“Where do you think you're going?” Gaz asked as he leaned against some pillar. “You have things to do or what?”
“Lunch, I don’t want to miss it and this training made me hungry.” You say looking back at him before Price shakes his head and chuckles. “What?”
“You don’t want to go out and grab a bite to eat with us?” Price says with a small smile on his lips. “You hurting us here rookie, we are a team after all.”
“Team?” You say confused before Price walks up to you. “We just don’t let some rookie hang and train out with us for no reason. You didn’t think this was a punishment.. Did you?”
“I mean.. You did say it was a punishment for sneaking away.” You say now embarrassed and confused by what's happening. “I should go back, I'm probably in trouble now..”
“Kid, don’t worry about that now” Soap adds, looking at his phone while leaning his weight on Ghost. “You’re with us now, so no need for some worry.”
“With yall?” you ask confused, Price sighs and places his hand on your shoulder,
“We really gotta work on that common sense..” Price says with a chuckle are you stare at him confused. “What do you feel like eating?”
You stare at Price unsure on how to answer, then look at the others. Then it became clear, they took you in but didn’t want to admit they did such a thing. You smile a bit, maybe just maybe you did need help with some common sense and they would be the ones helping you.
Authors note; it’s been a while since I written anything. I hope I can get back into the rift of writing. All feedback is lovely, please tell me on how I can make the ‘fanfics’ in yeh future more enjoyable for you all. I take in all options and tips 🖤
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rose-tinted-glasses671 · 11 months
Echo Chambers Inside A Neighborhood (ch. 1)
read the rest: masterlist
a/n: thank you to the beautiful @junosbugs for giving me a stellar idea for a forced proximity fic. ily.
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They say distance makes the heart grow fonder.
Fucking bullshit. Distance was turning your heart sour.
By the end of the day, he would be back on your couch, probably smelling of cheap liquor and even cheaper cologne. Maybe his hair would be disheveled, as if someone ran their hands through it, or maybe he’d have a lipstick stain on the collar of his hideous grey button-up.
But this was Ethan you were talking about. If anything, he’d go to lengths to cover up his tracks. Try to manipulate you into thinking it was all in your head, as if you didn’t have the proof sitting in front of you.
You happened upon the texts so innocently, yet you weren’t surprised that this had happened at all. And it wasn’t sadness that overcame you at the betrayal, but rather annoyance that you’d put with his bullshit for so long.
“Fuck.” You picked your phone up to see a couple of messages from friends but none from Ethan. But why would he text you? He didn’t think anything was wrong.
You were tired of everything. Your shitty job, your shitty flat, your shitty boyfriend. You couldn’t even muster up the strength to get yourself out of bed this morning, let alone bring yourself to care about how you were gonna pay for said shitty flat once you kicked Ethan out.
But you wanted to be done with him. Here and now. So you reluctantly rolled out of bed and in a split-second decision, started gathering up every one of Ethan’s belongings; clothes, shoes, socks, underwear, his stupid guitar that he didn’t even know how to play, and you dumped that shit on the sidewalk downstairs. Fuck it. People could take whatever they wanted; it wasn’t your problem anymore.
Another few trips up and down the building and now your closet was half empty and you felt a lot better. You sent the incriminating screenshots and a picture you took of Ethan’s stuff on the dirty sidewalk to him, the words ‘It’s over’ trailing along in the next message. You wouldn’t let him explain himself. It wasn’t worth it.
Half an hour later, with your phone blowing up with messages and calls, you sat at your windowsill with a cup of coffee in your hands, staring out at the street below you, quietly observing. You had anticipated Ethan coming back, and as you watched a familiar head of moppy brown hair in an ill-fitting suit charge down the street and into the building, you realized that this was all well and truly over.
The knock on your door a couple minutes later was aggressive, the voice calling out your name and demanding you open the door even more so.
Without haste, you set your mug down on dining table next to you and approached the door, opening it so that only your face could peek through.
“Hey stranger,” you smiled, peering at Ethan’s red face.
“What the fuck, babe!?” he shouted, an octave you recognized well.
“You’re gonna want to keep your voice down, babe. The neighbors might complain.”
“Fuck the fucking neighbors. Why the fuck is all my shit out on the road!?”
You really did try to hold back your laugh. Honestly. But the incredulity of his question stunned you, and you didn’t know how else to respond.
“Am I stupid?” you asked after your fit of laughter died down.
“Am. I. Stupid?” you reiterated.
“No?” Ethan stood up stalk straight, confused at your line of questioning.
“Ok,” you nodded. “So why the fuck did you think you could make a fool out of me?”
Ethan scrambled for a response, then decided to pull the dumbest one out of his ass. “No, babe. You’ve got it all wrong. That’s not me. I didn’t send those texts.”
“Right, and I’m assuming you didn’t send those videos of you jerking off your shriveled dick to those girls either?”
Ethan’s face paled, a heavy silence sitting in the air as he stared at you. He tried forming words, but you watched as they died a quick death on his tongue.
“I put up with your shit for a long time because I thought I loved you. But let me tell you something.” You leaned your head out the door a little further, as if you were about to let him in on a secret. “Even your parents knew when to cut you loose before you ruined their lives.”
You knew you’d hit the mark when Ethan’s face turned from anguish to fury. His parents cutting ties with him was a sore spot that he still didn’t know how to deal with. And you wanted to twist the knife until it hurt.
“Oh, and I’m keeping the X-Box. I paid for it anyway.” With those final words, you snatched the key Ethan was still holding in his hand and slammed the door in his face. You heard the faint voice of your neighbor echoing in the hallway, to which Ethan said something about everything being fine. And yes, everything would be fine. As soon as the tears stopped falling.
‘Room for rent. Urgently need a flatmate. Pls contact.’
You read over the ad to make sure all the pertinent information was listed since you hadn’t gotten any calls about it yet. It’d been up for a week now, and you’d been taking more shifts to hopefully cover the rent for next month in case you weren’t able to find someone to rent the extra room out. That also meant you had less time to spend on school, but finishing your masters was seeming less daunting than keeping a roof over your head. All for a better future, you told yourself as you took a drag of your cigarette.
“’Ey,” Sammy called out to you in his thick Scottish accent as he exited into the back alley where you were taking your break. “Busy day.”
“Understatement of the century. It’s a fucking fish market in there.” With the holidays approaching, it seemed like every family in the city wanted to frequent the restaurant you waitressed at. That meant more work, but hey, it also meant more tip money in your pocket.
“Can I bum off you?” Sammy questioned, holding out his hand for your cigarette.
“Smoke your own.” You reared back. “I’m broke and this is the only luxury I allow myself.”
Sammy chuckled and shook his head, pulling out his own pack. You watched the cloud of smoke exiting your lungs, taking solace in the shapes it formed as it dissipated in the air.
“Oi, by the way,” Sammy interjected after a few minutes of silence. “My cousin’s son ‘as a colleague who’s looking fer a new living arrangement in the city. Passed on yer number to the lad.”
"Really?” A sudden rush of relief coursed through you. You seldom felt so stressed out, even when you were working your way through undergrad. But now, it was starting to feel like if you didn’t get your shit straight, you’d have to drop out of school and move back home. And you couldn’t do that.
You had contemplated calling your mom a few times, but you doubted she had any money herself. It all probably went to the liquor and pills anyways.
“Thank you. You’re a life saver.”
“Sure. And just so ya know, the offer still stands.”
You shook your head. “Thank you, Sammy. But I can’t take your money.”
“It’s just a loan,” Sammy shrugged, taking a pull of his Marlboro.
“I know.” You dropped the remainder of your cigarette on the ground and stubbed it out with your shoe. “But I don’t like owing people anything.”
Sammy chuckled again, but thankfully dropped the subject. You couldn’t even bring yourself to borrow money from your mother, let alone a coworker.
Checking the time on your phone, you let out a long groan. “I’ll see you back in there.” You headed back into the restaurant, the warm air surrounding you like a blanket and the smell of steak making your stomach grumble. You should’ve opted for a snack instead of a smoke.
The rest of your shift was a lot of the same, all fake smiles and rancidly sweet customer service voices. Running back and forth and back and forth, putting on your best act so you could get a decent tip. It was exhausting. You hated every second of it, but you weren’t in a particularly good mood these days.
When it finally came time to close, the Maître d’ allowed you to leave early per your generous request to be there bright and early next morning to help set up.
The walk home was frigid, the December air chilling you to the bone and turning your nose pink. It wasn’t a long walk back to the flat, but you were always cautious of your surroundings, holding your purse tight to your body and keeping a fast pace.
In your rush to get back to your bed, you almost didn’t notice your phone buzzing in your pocket. Against your better judgement, you took it out and saw an unfamiliar number flashing across the screen.
“Hello?” you said into the phone. The person on the line didn’t reply, so you pulled your phone away to see if the call had connected.
“Yes, sorry.” A gruff voice finally spoke up as you brought the device back to your ear. “My name is Simon Riley. I got this number from John. Said you were looking to rent out your room?”
“Oh, yeah. Hi.” You didn’t know why your voice was coming out flustered. “It’s still available, if you’re interested.”
“I am. Very much.”
You chuckled at the bored tone of his voice. He sounded anything but.
“Um, okay. Did you want to come see the place or something? See if it’s the right fit?” You suggested it to be polite, but really, you wanted to see this man to gauge whether he was the right fit. You could deal with messy, noisy roommates, but you would not let an unknown man share a space with you before deciding you were comfortable with him.
“Sure. Tomorrow?”
“Sounds good. I’ll text you the address.”
“Alright then.” With that, the line went dead.
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sailoryooons · 1 year
yoonkook crack. jungkook has still not exited his twilight phase and wants to be a cullen soooooo bad. yoongi, an actual hundred-year-old vampire, is tired of him.
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❀ Pairing: Human!Jungkook x Vampire!Yoongi
❀ Summary: Jungkook loves reading his smutty vampire comic and so what if he fashions himself a little bit after the main character. Yoongi finds it wildly offensive. Every day he has to watch Jungkook play at being ominous and spooky - and okay, maybe it’s a little cute. But it’s mostly offensive, and Yoongi would know. He’s a vampire, after all. 
❀ Word Count: 8,727
❀ Genre: Supernatural, coworkers to lovers, crack, pwp
❀ Rating: 18+ Minors are strictly prohibited from engaging and reading this content. It contains explicit content and any minors discovered reading or engaging with this work will be blocked immediately. 
❀ Warnings:Jungkook is whatever the weeb equivalent is to Vampires - a Veeb, if you will, a little bit of pining, Misc. Vampire Lore I Made Up, Sekhmet vampire theory makes an appearances again, explicit language, explicit sexual content including unprotected anal sex, oral (m. receiving) a lot of fluids and lub and come and spit, ass play (m. receiving), Jungkook cannot pick a position to fuck Yoongi, bottom Yoongi, top Jungkook, like? Random convos about predator/prey dynamic but not really you’ll see what I mean it’s there if u squint, Jungkook basically being a giant vampire nerd and cringe sometimes but it’s cute?
❀ Published: April 5, 2023
❀ A/N: THANK YOU TO M FOR REQUESTING THIS ABSOLUTE FUCKING GONG SHOW OF A FIC. This fic ame about… I actually do not at all remember how we got on this topic but basically we were laughing at the idea of Vampire Nerd JK losing it after finding out Yoongi was a vampire. Jungkook was originally supposed to be Acting More Like A Vampire but I realize it was more of I’m Kind Of Like A Vampire and The Authority On Them. Whatever, I actually like how this turned out and I REALLY HOPE YOU LIKE IT M I LOVE YOU AND WE ARE IN A COMPLETELY NORMAL, MONOGAMOUS, VERY ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP. ALSO WHOOPS I SLIPPED AND MY 1-2K IS OVER 8K I’M EMBARAZZARDDD
❀ Disclaimer: All members of BTS are faces and name claims for this story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are not representative of real-life scenarios.
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Min Yoongi hates Jeon Jungkook. 
No, that’s not entirely true. What Yoongi hates is Jungkook’s stupid fucking comic books. 
Jungkook slinks into the breakroom, eyes sweeping the mostly empty room until they settle on Yoongi and he smiles. Yoongi’s stomach flips at the small - perhaps imagined - light in Jungkook’s eyes as he pulls his backpack tighter and rushes over to the chair opposite Yoongi.
Slinging his backpack on the table, Jungkook winces when he knocks Yoongi’s thermos over. Yoongi catches it, lightning quick as Jungkook looks at him with wide, surprised eyes. He murmurs an apology and Yoongi waves it off, settling back into his chair as Jungkook sits down and begins shuffling through his backpack like a pack rat. 
Though Yoongi’s eyes are focused on the pages of his book, the letters swim before him as he observes Jungkook from the edge of his vision. He smells sweet, like honeysuckle. Sunshine. Warmth. He makes little sounds of frustration as he struggles to find what he’s looking for. After several huffs, Yoongi looks up, inky eyes looking at Jungkook who stares at his bag angrily. 
“There are Hello Pandas in the cabinet,” Yoongi offers gently. Jungkook looks up, blushing and chewing his lip. Yoongi shrugs as though Jungkook asked a question. “Saw them in there this morning.”
“Cool, thanks, hyung.” 
When Jungkook gets up, back facing Yoongi to go to the office pantry, Yoongi allows himself a small, secret smile. 
This shared routine of reading at lunch is Yoongi’s favorite. Every day they arrive in a pattern. Yoongi first, sitting at the table closest to the fridge and pulling the chair so it’s back is against the wall. He’ll pull out a book and spend the first five minutes reading, the loud noises of office life no longer a distraction after years of practice.
Second, Jungkook will come in. He’ll look around to assess who is in the breakroom, even though he always sits in the seat across from Yoongi. He’ll get his little snacks - usually Hello Panda cookies or a protein smoothie - and sit next to Yoongi and read his Fang Fucker comics, which he hides away with custom book covers.
So no, Yoongi doesn’t hate Jungkook. Not at all, really. But Yoongi does hate the way that he spots little vampire fang pins on Jungkook’s bags. Sees that he’s wrapped a red ribbon around one of the straps, smelling faintly of dried blood. 
Yoongi ignores the pang of hunger in his stomach as Jungkook returns, settling into his chair as Jungkook tears the corner of the package open with his teeth. He does everything with his fucking teeth, and Yoongi has told him dozens of times that Jungkook is going to damage them.
I have sharp teeth, hyung, was always the response, a secret smile on Jungkook’s face.
Now, Jungkook pulls out his book and cracks the spine, the sound whisper-soft against Yoongi’s sharp hearing. Jungkook slouches in his seat, popping a cookie into his mouth as his eyes become hypnotized on the page, book supported by his knees as he brings his feet on the edge of his chair, curled up.
Yoongi’s stomach turns to acid when he sees the comic panels. A crass, horrendous take on vampires, Fang Fuckers follows the story of two lovers separated by the laws of the supernatural. Belle, a human prone to accidents and drawing the attention of anything with a pulse forever pines after Eddie, a vampire always clad in jeans and who is effortlessly cool.
Glancing at Jungkook’s outfit, Yoongi presses his lips in a firm line. Today, Jungkook is dressed in jeans with the ankles rolled, a pair of dirty high-tops on his feet. His t-shirt is tucked loosely into the waist of his jeans, making Yoongi’s eyes linger far too long on Jungkook’s tapered waist. His tattoos are hidden by the sleeves of a jean jacket, worn and soft with time. 
Lately, Jungkook lets his hair grow out. It’s wild and wavy, trimmed somewhere between a mullet and a wolf cut. Just like Eddies, Yoongi notes with an eye twitch. Still, it looks good on Jungkook, the way most things do. 
The hair and the outfits aren’t the only thing that Jungkook imitates. Yoongi tries to focus on his own book instead of thinking about Jungkook’s little habits. The way Jungkook tells people he’s allergic to garlic, or how he has taken to walking as quietly around the office as possible. In a way, it’s a little bit amusing to watch Jungkook try to be mysterious and vague about how he spends his weekend. 
Just yesterday, Yoongi watched Jungkook flinch at the sun as everyone started walking to their cars after work. It had made him roll his eyes, but it is… sort of cute, this little fascination Jungkook has with the undead. The eternal. The absolutely ridiculous and not-at-all-accurate vampires in his little stories. 
But it’s also a little insulting. Especially when Jungkook argues with Taehyung about whether or not a stake would actually work on a vampire, or if vampires can see their reflections in a mirror. Yoongi has heard them whispering, tucked away in Jungkook’s cubicle next to Yoongi’s as they search Reddit threads about the best place to look for vampires. 
Taehyung walks into the breakroom. He’s in flowy tan trousers, a white t-shirt tucked in, and a soft-looking cardigan. He’s got multi-layered necklaces around his neck that clink as he goes to the fridge, asking what Jungkook is reading. 
Jungkook doesn’t look up when he says, “Spiderman.” 
“That’s nice,” Taehyung answers, a smirk evident in his voice. Yoongi knows Spiderman is their code for reading their little vampire porn. “New volume?”
“Uh huh,” Jungkook mumbles around a mouthful of Hello Pandas.
The snap of the cookies in his mouth sets Yoongi on edge. He glares at Jungkook, but the younger boy doesn’t notice, crunching away as he drinks in the colorful pages of his little book. Yoongi's jaw ticks. Jungkook’s brow is pulled together and he chews with a frown, the only sign that Yoongi has that he’s enjoying his snack and reading. 
There is a steady rhythm to the sounds of the breakroom. It’s Yoongi's favorite place at work. He’s always the first in, making coffee that fills the space with a slightly burnt smell. Taehyung comes in next, smiling and clothes swishing, always bright-eyed. Jungkook is usually the last in, quiet and avoidant as he snatches banana milk from the fridge and vanishes to his cubicle. 
The break room isn’t much. The linoleum is peeling, the fridge hums so loud that Yoongi can hear it at his desk, and there’s always a mysterious puddle by the sink. But his coworkers fill the space with their chatter. It’s where he learns about their lives. 
It’s where Yoongi learns that Taehyung loves to listen to jazz, humming Ella Fitzgerald while he uses the microwave. It’s where he learns that Jimin is dating Hoseok from product marketing, the room filled with their secret smiles and innocent hands brushing against one another. It’s where he learns that Jungkook liked to read Fang Fucker. Where he learns that Jungkook, sometimes a little distracted, communicates in soft noises rather than words. 
The break room is filled with the drama of coworkers and whispers. It’s full of humanity and Yoongi is well… not. 
A sudden hiss catches Yoongi’s attention. He smells the blood before he sees it. Taehyung is reaching for a rag at the counter, lemon left on a cutting board with a scarlet-painted knife. Yoongi works his jaw as he watches Taehyung wrap his hand, iron and salt blooming in the air, heavy on Yoongi’s tongue.
Jungkook goes rigid. Yoongi is distracted for a split second, eyes turning from Taehyung tending to his sliced finger as Jungkook launches upward out of his chair and bolts for the door. Yoongi raises his brow, watching it slam shut beside him as Taehyung looks up at the closed door, then swivels to Yoongi.
“Uhhh, can you get me a bandaid?” 
Yoongi nods, glaring at the door as he stands. “Sure.”
If there is one thing Yoongi knows, it’s that he is sick of Jungkook playing the part of a vampire. 
The love-hate relationship between work happy hours and Yoongi  is a complexity Yoongi has yet to unravel. He likes watching his coworkers unwind, sipping drinks through their little black straws and admitting they hate Jeffery from the data team. He thinks it’s sweet when he sees Hoseok get Jimin flustered by whispering something in his ear - something Yoongi wishes he didn’t hear over the roar of the bar but does. 
And yet Yoongi doesn’t like the press of people. Doesn’t like the way the sound of their collective voices buzz through him, or the way that he can feel their pulses throbbing behind thin skin, a hypnotic beat only he can hear and feel. It makes him feel crowded and irritable, but he likes watching the bright, burning flame of vitality and life here. 
It makes him feel human again, even if he hasn’t been for a very, very long time. 
Taehyung is pressed against the bar, telling Jungkook at hyperspeed how he met the very tall, very broad man next to him, who watches Taehyung with soft eyes and a dimple carving a hollow in his cheek. Namjoon. His name is Namjoon, Yoongi remembers. 
Yoongi watches over the rim of his glass, sipping his whisky as Jungkook’s finger traces the drops of condensation on his beer bottle, zigzagging around the label, ignoring Taehyung as he rambles on about Virginia Woolf. The movement catches his eye, and Yoongi focuses first on Jungkook's finger, long and slender. Then the tattoos and swirling ink that vanish under his sleeve, then the veins in his hand, pumping O positive through his body.
Though there is a unique note to each blood type, people smell different too. Taehyung smells like sugar, something light and spun like cotton candy. Namjoon smells like lemon and wax, something Yoongi would maybe find in a bookstore. And Jungkook…. Jungkook smells like honeysuckle, growing strong under a warm sun in the middle of spring. 
Yoongi’s mouth waters and he looks away, knocking back the rest of his whiskey and waving the bartender down for another. When he turns back to the conversation, Jungkook is scowling, brows pinched, mouth pouted. “That isn’t all I know about wolves,” he huffs in Taehyung's direction. His hands disappear in his jacket sleeves as he fiddles with the string. “And anyway, what would you know?”
Taehyung gives Jungkook a look. “About the same as you? We read the same comics.”
“Ugh, those aren’t the only source material.”
Yoongi puts together that somehow the topic of Virgina Woolf has led them to wolves and vampires. He fights the urge to roll his eyes, but he squeezes his glass a little tighter. Yoongi looks at Namjoon, hoping that Taehyung’s new boyfriend will help.
Instead, Namjoon sips his gin and tonic and cocks his head. “I’ve seen Tae reading those comics. Do they actually have any relevance to the historical lore of the vampire, or is it made up?”
“Oh a ton of it is deep rooted in historical and scientific studies,” Jungkook answers excitedly. Yoongi groans and Jungkook casts him a dubious look over his shoulder. Yoongi tongues the inside of his cheek and looks away. “The writer did a ton of research.”
Bullshit, Yoongi thinks but doesn’t say it out loud. 
Still, Yoongi listens to Jungkook drone on and on about how the pop culture depictions of vampires originate from the stories and myths of small villages in Romania, furthered by Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Now that makes Yoongi grin into his glass a little, agreeing that almost all of the media surrounding vampires rely heavily on European myths and stories. 
He watches the way Jungkook speaks, momentarily hypnotized. Jungkook isn’t an eloquent speaker, stopping often to blush and tuck a strand of hair behind his ear or find his words, chewing on his bottom lip. When he gains confidence, he speaks faster, using his hands more as he speaks, looking back and forth between Namjoon and Taehyung who are a loyal, captive audience.
Yoongi softens a little.
At heart, Jungkook is someone who is a bit of a fanatic. It’s harmless for now, Yoongi thinks. He’s always carefully listening to Jungkook, no matter how annoying it gets. Making sure that he can protect him, that he can pick up when Jungkook is in any real danger. 
“Historical research suggests that the first coven of Romanian vampires was called the Ouroborus,” Jungkook says. Yoongi goes rigid. Taehyung looks at Yoongi over Jungkook’s shoulder, tilting his head in a question, but the youngest of their group continues on. “That’s where Stoker got Dracula’s name idea from. It comes from the Romanian word dracul which is the devil but really it’s from the Latin draco for dragon. Really silly, because the dragon looks nothing like the serpent, but I think Dracula was a real figure who started the Our-”
“The Ouroborus are not Romanian, nor was that the point of origin.” Yoongi only belatedly realizes he says this out loud as the group turns to him. Jungkook’s flushed lips are parted and his eyes are round. Yoongi hears the way Jungkook’s heart speeds up, and senses his confusion. Yoongi clears his throat and diverts his eyes, shrugging it off. “That symbol means nothing.” 
“The Ouroborus symbol is for eternal life,” Jungkook says slowly, still recovering from the fact that Yoongi has bothered to entertain the conversation. Yoongi already regrets speaking up. The room is noisy and his throat burns. He’s a little hungry, and Jungkook, who turns toward him, smells a little too good. “And the confusion between the snake and the dragon makes perfect sense.”
“The Ouroboros is not eternity. It’s life and death.”
Jungkook frowns and sets his beer on the counter. “Hyung, no it’s not.” 
“Ah, whatever. It’s fine, forget I said anything.”
“No, hyung. You’re wrong.” 
And oh. Yoongi knows that expression that Jungkook is wearing. His jaw is set and sharp, lips pressed in a firm line. Jungkook stares at Yoongi, eyes intense and fist closed on the bar top, pressing into the sticky, lacquered counter. It’s cute when Jungkook looks like this. He’s determined and frustrated, and Yoongi hears the way Jungkook’s pulse begins to rush and sees the way his jaw flexes. 
Jungkook has never turned his argument face on Yoongi. There was nothing to ever argue about. Until now, Yoongi has tolerated Jungkook’s vampire fanaticism in silence. And yet the simple mention of Ouroborus has Yoongi on edge. 
“It represents infinity,” Jungkook insists. “The eternity of life of a vampire, the never ending cycle of immortality.”
“It’s the never ending cycle of death and life.” Yoongi’s tone is hard. He feels the overwhelming need for Jungkook to get this right. To not look into Ouruborus. To understand. “The Ouroborus originates as far back as Ancient Egypt when the god Ra created the goddess Sekhmet to destroy and punish humanity. She and her followers were immortal - the eternal representation of death and destruction. And when they couldn’t stop, Ra banished them to the darkness, never to walk in the sun again. Her followers took on the snake eating its tail to represent how their existence would always bring death and destruction.” 
Jungkook scoffs. “Vampires didn’t originate in Egypt. That’s not right.”
“They didn’t originate from anywhere, Jungkook. They just are. And they’re not all the same creatures, no matter what your little vampire porn book tells you.”
Yoongi regrets the words as soon as they’re out of his mouth. Jungkook recoils like he’s been slapped, his expression slipping from frustrated to hurt. 
Sighing, Yoongi reaches for Jungkook. Jungkook shrugs him off and throws cash on the bar before looking at Taehyung and Namjoon who watch in mute horror, bystanders to a car crash they can’t control. “See you guys later.” 
Shoving his way through the crowd, Jungkook vanishes. Yoongi can still smell him, though. Can hear the way Jungkook’s heart is racing, can taste the anxiety and anger rolling off of him. Yoongi wants to smack his own head against the countertop. 
“Well go after him,” Taehyung says, drawing Yoongi’s attention. Taehyung looks him up and down and laughs a little. “You’re hopeless.”
“What do you mean?”
Taehyung rolls his eyes. “You obviously hate Jungkook’s obsession with vampires for whatever reason, but you’ve spent the last three years at work circulating him like a little satellite. You think I don’t notice you stocking the cabinet with Hello Pandas? Or putting that nasty banana milk in the fridge? You hate it and yet you indulge in him. So go apologize for making fun of him and make out or something.” 
“I…” Yoongi trails off and Taehyung smirks. 
“You told Jimin to stop talking about his fascination with tarot two days in because it was annoying you. You’ve let Jungkook talk to you and around you about vampires for three years.” 
Yoongi scratches the back of his ear. He can’t blush, but if he could, he would be stained pink from his ears to his nose under Taehyung’s accusations. “Ah. Sorry to ruin the night.”
“Go,” Taehyung grins. “And at least make out for a little, watching you pretend not to notice one another during your little reading lunches is exhausting.” 
It’s a cool night, silence blanketing the mostly-empty parking lot. The sun has made her final descent and given way to the moon, which slowly climbs into the sky, bracketed by stars. Yoongi sees Jungkook standing near the entrance to the fenced-in parking lot, looking down at his phone as he toes gravel beneath his shoe. Yoongi hears the soft crunch and he sighs.
Jungkook doesn’t hear him coming. He never does, and this time Yoongi doesn’t announce his arrival or make human noises. Instead, he takes a second to drink in Jungkook. Jungkook is bathed in the halo of a streetlamp that buzzes loudly above their heads. It’s still early night, a little bit of color in the sky near the horizon, but Yoongi only has eyes for Jungkook, who sniffs a little and wipes at his face with the back of his sleeve.
An ache fills Yoongi’s chest when he realizes that Jungkook has been crying. Or at least has shed a single tear. He sees Jungkook swallow thickly, Adam’s apple bobbing. He adjusts his backpack, fang and bat pins reflecting in the street lamp.
“I didn’t mean to upset you.”
Jungkook lurches and cries out in alarm, jumping away from Yoongi and whirling around. Yoongi winces when Jungkook stumbles but catches his balance, pulse beating so loudly that Yoongi can’t help but drop his gaze down to where Jungkook’s blood rushes wildly through his jugular, artery pulsing. 
“Yeah, well,” Jungkook huffs, scowling. “You did.”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“Yeah right.” Jungkook turns away and looks at his phone. Yoongi can see him waiting for an Uber. 
“I get it,” Jungkook snaps. “You think I’m weird. You don’t like my comics, you don’t like that I find this stuff cool, and you don’t like me. Message received.” 
“I never said any of that.” 
Jungkook throws a heated glance his way. “Oh, so you do like my comics?”
“No,” Yoongi admits. “Because they’re wrong.” He sees the hurt flicker across Jungkook’s face and Yoongi wants to scream. “I don’t mean wrong because of the sex shit or whatever. I don’t care about that. They’re wrong about vampires. All of it.” 
“How would you know?” Jungkook asks the question and Yoongi wants to answer so badly. Wants to blurt it out, wants to admit that he has the stupid answers to Jungkook’s questions. “You don’t know anything about vampires. And then you made fun of me and embarrassed me.”
“You shouldn’t be talking about or looking into Ouroborus.”
“What do you know?” 
“I know things.”
“Not about this, you don’t even like vampires.”
“You don’t know what I like.”
“Yeah, because you barely talk to me. We’ve been coworkers for years - sat next to each other for years. I get it, but don’t make fun of the things I like. Don’t talk nonsense just to tease me.”
And oh Yoongi sees it now. Sees the insecurity creep in, sees the boy who thinks that his coworker is taking the thing he loves most and using it as a weapon.
Jungkook seems to fold in on himself, arms hugging around his middle, chin tucking to his neck. He looks so small like this, and Yoongi wants to kick himself. Hasn't Jungkook seen how much Yoongi does like him? Hasn’t he noticed how Yoongi waters the plants on Jungkook’s desk that would have died by now? How he puts his favorite snacks in the break room? How he always makes sure to stay late at the office and walk out together, just to make sure no one hurts Jungkook? 
“I wasn’t making fun of you,” Yoongi says gently. “You scared me.”
“I-” Jungkook cuts himself off and tilts his head. His earrings catch the light. Delicate like the careful slope of his mouth, like the soft skin of his neck. “Scared you?”
“Most of your rambling about vampires is annoying,” Yoongi admits and Jungkook scrunches his nose. “But harmless. Not able to hurt anyone. Sometimes you’re right. Sometimes you’re wrong. But then tonight you started talking about Ouroborus, and I don’t even know where you heard of that, but you shouldn’t be looking into it. Into them.” 
“There are symbols in my comic book,” Jungkook says slowly. His lips are a little pouted, distracting Yoongi from the dangerous subject matter. “And hints. So I looked it up. They’re like, a vampire coven-”
“They’re a cult.” Yoongi is firm. Clenches and unclenches his fist. “Stop looking them up, Jungkook. They love people like you, hypnotized by the mystery and the thrill. Please.” 
“How do you know?” Yoongi knew he would ask. Jungkook shakes his head, earrings clinking together. Down the street, a cat yowls at someone walking by. “I thought you hated my vampire stuff. You always make a face when Tae and I talk about it.”
“I do not.”
“You do.”
“Okay, well I do hate your vampire stuff.”
“Exactly, so why should I take anything you say for fact? I’ve spent hours reading on this stuff-”
“Well I’ve spent two hundred and seven years as a vampire. My anniversary is actually in two weeks.” 
Yoongi’s admission hangs heavily between them. Jungkook stares, open mouth. Yoongi suddenly has the very human urge to shift from foot-to-foot. Or to fidget, which isn’t something that he feels often - nervousness isn’t something that he feels often.
Yet he feels it all the time with Jungkook. Feels like squirming in his chair when Jungkook leans on the breakroom table between them, laying his head on his backpack with Fang Fucker tucked in his lap. Feels annoyed when he sees Eddie turning into bats on the pages, misting across panels to save Belle on the other side. Feels fond and happy when Jungkook gets through a presentation without stumbling, especially after Yoongi could hear him practicing in the bathroom all morning. 
Jungkook makes Yoongi feel so human. Makes him feel things that he doesn’t need at all, but wants.  
“You what?”
The Uber pulls into the parking lot, tires hissing against crackling gravel. Jungkook ignores the car completely, even though Yoongi waves his hand and moves out of the car's way. Headlights flash toward them as Yoongi turns, and Jungkook gasps, leaning backward but not taking a full step. 
Yoongi knows what the younger has just seen. A sliver reflection of eyes, flashing in the sudden flooding of light against them. Predator eyes when exposed to light in the dark. Jungkook is squeezing his phone tight in his hands, knuckles white. His heart is racing and he totally ignores it when the driver rolls down the window and asks if he’s Jungkook. 
“Prove it,” Jungkook says to Yoongi.
“What? You believe me?”
“Maybe. Prove you’re one and that you’re not just turning this into a joke.” He takes a deep breath. “Prove you’re not making fun of me.” 
“I would never-”
“Prove it, Yoongi.”
Yoongi. Not hyung. Yoongi fights a smile at how ferocious Jungkook demands this, hands fisted at his side. Yoongi gestures to the car. “Get in. To wherever you live. I can show you.”
Nodding, Jungkook pops open the door and slides right into the car. Yoongi sighs, looking upward and closing his eyes briefly. Of course Jungkook would get into a car with someone who just told him he was a vampire. Jungkook has no fear of Yoongi, not a single worry in the world. Even as Yoongi slides into the back seat, casting his dark eyes in Jungkook’s direction, there is not a single iota of anxiety in Jungkook’s face or scent.
Just pure, unfettered excitement. 
City lights blur by. Yoongi watches Jungkook, flickering shadows and light as they pass by other cars on the road. Jungkook watches Yoongi right back, his dark eyes studying Yoongi as though he could find some sort of visual indicator that Yoongi is the vampire he says he is. 
This is dangerous. Yoongi knows that he shouldn’t be indulging. But the crestfallen face Jungkook made when he thought Yoongi was making fun of him and the memory of Jungkook sniffling softly makes Yoongi throw caution to the wind. 
Yoongi trusts himself around Jungkook. 
They don’t speak until they’re at Jungkook’s apartment and he’s walking over the threshold, flipping on the light. Yoongi remains on the other side of the door and that urge to fidget is back as Yoongi’s anxiety spikes. He doesn’t move, watching as Jungkook holds the door open, his back facing Yoongi. 
Idiot, Yoongi thinks, Jungkook not realizing that he has turned his back to a predator. 
When Yoongi doesn’t cross, Jungkook looks over his shoulder, head tilted. Puzzled. Yoongi gazes at Jungkook intently, eyes flickering to the floor back up to Jungkook. For a human, Jungkook is perceptive. He tracks Yoongi’s gaze and his mouth forms a soft ‘o’ as he meets Yoongi’s eyes.
“Can you not cross?” Yoongi shakes his head and Jungkook hums, holding the door open wider. “Prove it.”
Yoongi sighs. Lifts his foot and brings it forward, though he already knows what’s going to happen. He meets an invisible barrier, foot stopping in mid air. It feels like kicking a wall, solid and unrelenting. Yoongi puts his foot back down, but Jungkook doesn’t seem satisfied. 
Reaching through the door, Jungkook pulls Yoongi by the hand. Yoongi flinches, startled that Jungkook is touching him so freely as he pulls Yoongi’s hand toward the door frame. Jungkook’s hand passes through just fine, but he meets resistance as Yoongi’s hand hits the invisible wall, palm flat and pressing on it. 
With a noise somewhere between a gasp and giggle, Jungkook tugs Yoongi’s arm. Yoongi rolls his eyes, but lets Jungkook yank at his jacket sleeve. Nothing he does helps, and Yoongi is stuck with his hand pressed up against the barrier and Jungkook’s long fingers wrapped around his forearms, tugging. 
“Wow,” Jungkook whispers. He looks up at Yoongi, stars in his eyes, blush on his face and the most beautiful smile Yoongi has ever seen. “I just have to…?” Yoongi nods, understanding the question. “Come in, hyung.” 
Before Yoongi can step through the door, Jungkook tugs Yoongi’s arm. It doesn’t make Yoongi move much. He’s an aged vampire, strong and fast. But it’s cute when Jungkook lets out a squeal as Yoongi steps over the threshold into Jungkook’s home, the door slamming shut behind him.
Jungkook doesn’t bother turning the lights on, getting up close to Yoongi and tilting his head. He’s much taller than Yoongi, though about as broad. This close, Yoongi can hear the blood rushing through Jungkook’s nervous system, a whisper of sound against his hyper-sensitive ears. He can smell Jungkook, sweet and like spring, nearly taste him on his tongue as Jungkook looks at Yoongi’s mouth.
“Fangs?” he asks, because it’s Jungkook. Of course he isn’t afraid that there is an apex predator in his home, that Yoongi could rip him apart and- “Show me.”
Yoongi doesn’t know why he does it. Or maybe he does. Because since Jungkook walked into work three years ago, Yoongi has done nothing but indulge Jungkook in everything. Let’s him ramble about Fang Fucker. Gives him all of his snacks. Let’s Jungkook take Yoongi’s favorite pens that write nice and smooth when Jungkook loses his own pens. 
As Yoongi opens his mouth and feels the sharp sting of his fangs gliding through his gums, he realizes that he told Jungkook the truth simply because it’s Jungkook. Because he wanted Jungkook to know. Because it makes Jungkook light up like a solar flare, clapping his hands as he grins at the two, sharpened points that help Yoongi puncture his prey and drink deeply from the artery. 
“How do you turn?”
“No.” Jungkook straightens and looks down the wide bridge of his nose at Yoongi, lips downturned. Yoongi’s fangs vanish and he glares. “I’m not telling you that, you’d just try and do it yourself.”
“I’m not suicidal.”
“Who said death was involved? Don’t fish for information, Jungkook.”
The boy at least has the decency to look chagrined. “Fine. I have questions.”
“I’m tired.”
“Do vampires sleep?”
Yoongi pinches the bridge of his nose, realizing he has opened himself to the world’s longest line of questioning. “In a way, yes. Not the way humans do.” 
“So like a resting trance.” 
“That’s…” Yoongi thinks about when he lays down, settling somewhere between waking dreams and fully functioning. The dreams aren’t like the dreams that he had when he was a human. They’re more like memories, flipping through like a scrapbook as he rests. “Yeah, actually. Pretty accurate.” 
Jungkook’s grin is wicked. “Learned that from Fang Fucker. I guess it’s pretty accurate after all, huh?”
“Will you fuck me?”
If Yoongi was a creature that relied on breathing to live, the air would leave his lungs. He doesn’t gasp anymore, but he would now if he could, blinking two dark eyes up at Jungkook who is grinning, and who has something sharp and mischievous in his gaze. 
“I want you to fuck me.”
Yoongi’s gums ache. “You suddenly find out I’m a vampire and want to fuck me?”
“What? Wait!” Jungkook lurches after Yoongi, who turns on his heel toward the door. He only stops because Jungkook asks. It’s like Jungkook’s word is his command, and Yoongi knows that he could leave. Could vanish from the apartment. And yet he doesn’t. “I didn’t mean it that way. I didn’t… no.” 
“Then how did you mean it? You’re telling me you would ask that if I wasn’t a vampire?”
“No, but not because I don’t want to.” Yoongi cocks his head and Jungkook’s face flushes. He hides behind both of his hands and lets out an aggravated sound. “Ugh! I just, I got excited and it was the first thing I could think of and yeah, I do want to fuck you because sex with a vampire like - is it like the comic books? I would love to know.”
“Jungkook,” Yoongi says gently, but it goes unheard.
“But that’s totally not why I want to in general, hyung. Taehyung thinks that you have a crush on me, and it made me so nervous at first because I always thought you were so pretty and quiet and maybe a little bit scary, but now I realize that maybe you’re not scary, you’re just a vampire.”
Yoongi says Jungkook’s name again, but the boy is on a roll, ranting into his hands and hiding his embarrassment from Yoongi as best as he can. Yoongi is no longer irritated, though, as Jungkook continues mumbling and smelling like honeysuckle. 
“And I totally have a crush on you, which is why when I thought you were making fun of me I got so upset and had to get out of there. I didn’t want you to see me cry even though crying is totally okay, but you’re always so unemotional and I thought it would annoy you more. And then you’re all here like ‘I’m a vampire’ and it fried my brain and I don’t know? We’re in my apartment, so sex seems like-”
Jungkook looks up from where his face is buried in his palms. Eyes wide, innocent. Mouth parted, slick-shined with his spit. Yoongi’s eyes drop to Jungkook’s mouth. Wants to know if he tastes just as sweet as he smells. Wants to know what the shape of his mouth is like, wants to feel the soft and hard lines of Jungkook’s body hiding under the cotton of his shirt. 
Yoongi isn’t like Eddie in Fang Fucker, who kept trying to hide from the desire for Belle. Yoongi isn’t scared of himself. He knows what he’s capable of, he is good at control. He’s been alive long enough to have mastered himself, and he isn’t worried about snapping Jungkook’s neck or taking a bite. 
So Yoongi doesn’t fight some long-winded internal war. Doesn’t feel guilty when he slides toward Jungkook, letting his feet move him vampire-smooth. Jungkook sucks in a little bit of air. Watches how Yoongi settles up close to him, tilting his head up. 
Jungkook’s breath is warm and is as sweet as his blood smells. Jungkook shivers and Yoongi grins. This close, he can ount each and every one of Jungkook’s long, silky soft eyelashes. 
“You,” Yoong murmurs, voice low and soft. “Can fuck me, Jungkook. I will be doing none of the work.”
Yoongi looks down at Jungkook’s mouth again and hums, zeroing in on it. 
Jungkook wastes no time. Yoongi watches Jungkook close his eyes and lean in. He has a brief second to smile, to lean up into it, pushing onto his tiptoes to meet Jungkook’s eager mouth. Jungkook’s lips are soft soft, tasting faintly like cherry chapstick that he must have applied in the parking lot waiting for his car and a little bit like beer.
Yoongi doesn’t mind, humming delightly as Jungkook pulls Yoongi toward him. Yoongi lets him, Jungkook pressing their waists together as his hands loop around Yoongi’s back, holding him there. Jungkook is a messy kisser, but he’s eager and gentle, tongue licking at the seam of Yoongi’s mouth until Yoongi opens up.
Jungkook brushes his tongue gently across Yoongi’s teeth, feeling for the sharpness of fangs. Yoongi huffs in Jungkook’s mouth, pushing him slightly and making Jungkook stumble a few inches. Jungkook is shadowed in the dark of his living room, eyes half-lidded and mouth shining in Yoongi’s spit. 
“I’m not biting you.”
Jungkook grins, his tongue poking through his teeth as he wiggles his eyebrows. “Bet you want to though, huh? Wanna bite me, hyung?”
“I’m not one of your little fictional vampires,” Yoongi assures Jungkook, who pulls at Yoongi’s shirt to bring him closer. Their chests are pressed together, Yoongi looking up as Jungkook bends down to steal another sloppy, open mouth kiss. “I have control and I’m not worried about it.” 
“Control, huh?” Jungkook tugs Yoongi's hand. “I bet you have lots of stamina too.”
Yoongi feels like he’s walking on air when he follows Jungkook to his bedroom. He takes in multiple things at once, able to flick his gaze across the room and see all of the details of Jungkook’s life at the same time that Jungkook tugs on Yoongi’s sleeve, making a soft noise that indicates he wants Yoongi to move faster. 
Jungkook’s room has a boyish charm. His bed is pressed up against the wall, a single lamp over it with a stack of comics on the nightstand. His sheets smell clean, though vaguely of floral soap. There are comic panels pressed in glass and displayed in wooden frames over the bed: Spiderman, Scarlet Witch, Fang Fuckers.
Near the bathroom, there’s a meticulously organized bookcase, teeming with comic books and actual books. Yoongi sees the names flash by as Jungkook nudges Yoongi toward the bed and huffs when he realizes he can’t simply shove Yoongi onto the mattress. The vampire laughs and sits down as Jungkook sheds his jean jacket, letting it hit the floor. 
It pleases Yoongi that Jungkook’s room isn’t messy, though a little disheveled. There seems to be an organized chaos to it, to Jungkook. He likes that, the way that Jungkook is at the nexus of impossible spectrums. LIke now, when Jungkook looks shy and innocent as he drops to his knees in front of Yoongi, looking up at him through dark lashes. 
Jungkook’s hair curls so elegantly across his forehead. Yoongi reaches forward, carding his hands through the silk strands. It’s just as soft as he thought and he smiles, leaning down to catch Jungkook’s mouth again, tongues tangled and the wet smack of their kisses sending heat into Yoongi’s stomach, making his cock stir. 
Of course Jungkook can get Yoongi semi-hard by just kissing. But what really does it, is when Jungkook breaks from the kiss, a string of spit between them for a moment. Yoongi watches it break before his eyes zero in on Jungkook’s tattooed hands going for the button on Yoongi’s jeans.
“Wanna suck you off,” Jungkook admits, fingers working the zipper. Yoongi leans back on his arms, watching Jungkook with rapt attention.
He is so fucking beautiful. The ink on his arms is exquisite, moving in artistic whorls of mostly black art with some pieces of color splashed in. Yoongi thinks that the pair of them are a lot like Jungkook’s tattoos. Yoongi is the stark, unchanging black and Jungkook is the bright, splatter of color and life. 
Yoongi’s hands go to Jungkook’s arms, fingers tracing the color. Jungkook pauses trying to get Yoongi’s pants off, letting Yoongi feel him. Jungkook is so warm, vitality humming in his veins under paper-thin skin. Jungkook ducks forward, pressing a kiss to Yoongi’s wrist, Jungkook’s mouth eager to place butterfly-soft kisses on Yoongi’s skin.
It makes Yoongi smile. He can’t remember the last time he was intimate with someone. It doesn’t matter. He lets Jungkook feel his skin. 
“You're warm,” Jungkook notes, turning his attention to tugging on Yoongi’s jeans. Yoongi lifts his hips, helping him pull them down his thighs and knees, fabric scraping. It feels so good, the heat of Jungkook’s hands, the taste of his excitement in the air. “Not cold at all.”
“We live between life and death,” Yoongi sighs, head tilting back as Jungkook rips off Yoongi’s shoes. Jungkook’s sweet scent mixes with the headiness of his arousal. Every inch of Yoongi’s skin is like an exposed wire, especially when Jungkook places open mouth kisses to Yoongi’s thighs, making him twitch. “We are neither entirely dead nor entirely alive. I adapt to the temperature around me.”
“Fascinating,” Jungkook mumbles as his mouth leaves wet stains, inching toward Yoongi’s briefs. 
Yoongi is throbbing. He feels light-headed and shaky when he lifts his head. Jungkook is eager between his legs, pressing his palms against Yoongi’s thighs to spread him open more, to give himself more room. Yoongi lets himself be pried open, watches with parted lips as Jungkook dips forward, licking at the damp spot on his briefs. 
A curse drips from Yoongi’s mouth and his lids flutter. He’s determined to watch Jungkook, slack-jawed as the shy little Jungkook Yoongi knows is replaced with an eager, hungry thing. Jungkook mouths at Yoongi’s cock over the fabric, making his hips lift from the bed, a moan falling out of his mouth. 
Jungkook looks up, mouth wet and eyes sparkling. “You sound pretty.”
“You look pretty.”
Yoongi smiles when Jungkook’s nose and cheeks turn cherry blossom pink. “Are vampires always so nice?”
“No.” Jungkook skims his hand up Yoongi’s thigh, skating over to grip Yoongi firmly, massaging through what suddenly feels like the world's thinnest fabric. Yoongi hisses between his teeth, eyes shutting as Jungkook teases him. “And you don’t want a mean vampire.”
“I don’t,” Jungkook agrees. “I want,” he continues slowly, pulling at the fabric of Yoongi’s briefs. “A sweet, gentle vampire. Who is very quiet and likes to read his books mysteriously. Who secretly does things around the office for everyone and- fuck you have a thick dick.”
Jungkook stumbles on his cute little monologue, making Yoongi laugh. It comes out closer to a growl, startling Jungkook. Yoongi’s cock bobs against his shirt, precum smearing on the dark fabric. The brown tip is aching for Jungkook’s mouth, inches away and panting.
“That was sweet.” 
Jungkook looks up at him, fingers digging into Yoongi’s thigh where he holds his legs open. “You’re sweet. You’re nice. And you…” Jungkook turns his face away, trying to hide that he is furiously blushing again. Yoongi can see it though, can make out every single detail on Jungkook’s face and it makes him melt. “Whatever, I’m going to suck your dick now.”
Laughter dies  in Yoongi’s throat, replaced by a deep groan that comes rumbling out of him as Jungkook licks the underside of Yoongi’s shaft, tongue flat and eager. Sparks slide up his back as he clutches the sheets. Jungkook mouths up the side of Yoongi’s cock, hand going to grip at the base, tongue laving, hungry, determined. 
“Fuck,” Yoongi whispers. Jungkook giggles, pulling Yoongi’s swollen tip toward his mouth. He licks around the head happily, Jungkook nearly humming in delight. 
Yoongi’s mind is blank. He watches, entranced and hips squirming as Jungkook takes Yoongi’s cock into his mouth proper, hollowing his cheeks and giving an experimental suck. Yoongi’s hips come off of the bed, and Jungkook whines, retracting his mouth with a wet sound as he blinks up at Yoongi. 
“No,” is all he mumbles in Yoongi’s general direction before he’s back on him, taking Yoongi into his mouth and down to the back of his throat. Yoongi doesn’t move his hips, anchored to the spot like Jungkook wants. 
“Holy shit!” Yoongi curses. 
He can tell Jungkook loves this. His throat twitches around Yoongi and his eyes water, looking up at the vampire as he pulls back a little. His tongue scrapes the sensitive underside of Yoongi’s dick and Yoongi thinks he might come just like this. 
Jungkook seems to lose himself in a messy, wet rhythm. He closes his eyes, lashline shining with unshed tears every time the crown of Yoongi’s cock kisses the back of Jungkook’s throat, feels the soft, dewy spot as Jungkook swallows Yoongi deep. 
Curses across many languages spill from Yoongi’s lips. He falls backward on the bed, moaning up toward the ceiling. Jungkook is loud, his ravenous mouth stretched tight around Yoongi, drool escaping the sides of taught lips and dripping down to Yoongi’s balls.
“Your fucking mouth,” Yoongi whispers, voice broken as he trembles under Jungkook’s ministrations. 
Jungkook pulls off Yoongi with a wet-pop. “Wanna fuck you.” He licks up Yoongi’s precum again. “Can I fuck you, hyung?”
Yoongi has no reservations. Hei can protect Jungkook, from both Yoongi himself and anything else. There is no fear there, only want. Only desire that has been burning for three fucking years that he sat next to Jungkook, the cute boy who poured over his vampire comics.
The whisper of clothes is loud in the room. Jungkook presses himself against Yoongi, crawls on top of him and cages him in. His mouth is filled with the taste of Yoongi’s precum and his own unique taste, but Yoongi devours him, biting into Jungkook’s bottom lip, pulling back and letting Jungkook grind into him.
Jungkook is warm, like the sun is trapped underneath his skin. Yoongi hasn’t felt the warmth of human skin like this in so long. He leans into Jungkook, hands pressed on the smooth, strong planes of Jungkook’s back as the younger grabs lube from his nightstand and pops the cap open with ease. 
Cool, slick fingers prod at Yoongi’s tight rim and he lets out a rumble, drawing innocent eyes toward him. Yoongi grins and nips Jungkook’s mouth, wiggling his hips to chase Jungkook’s hesitant fingers. “Come on,” Yoongi urges, starving for it. Aching to be fucking filled, to have Jungkook closer. “Loosen hyung up.”
Jungkook whimpers, ever eager to follow instruction. He presses a finger in, sinking to the second knuckle and Yoongi sighs, head going slack as he lets Jungkook experiment, sliding his finger in and out gently. It feels good, but Yoongi wants more. Yoongi needs more. Hasn’t had this in years, hasn’t ever had Jungkook. 
It’s all Jungkook needs, growing confident and gently fucking into Yoongi’s tight walls with a set pace. Yoongi is spiraling. Feels like he can’t catch his breath, though he doesn’t need it. He vibrates at a new frequency as Jungkook slides in another digit, the wet squelch mixing with their moans. 
Yoongi pulls Jungkook’s mouth to his, teeth clacking, tongues uncoordinated, noses bumping together as Jungkook stretches Yoongi. It feels good, especially when Jungkook reaches that soft spot in Yoongi, making his stomach lurch and his feet dig into his bed. 
“There,” Yoongi agrees in high-keen. 
Determined, Jungkook gets after it. Busies his mouth with sucking Yoongi’s flesh raw, nipping, licking his way around the expanse of Yoongi’s throat. Jungkook seems to particularly favor the sensitive spot over Yoongi’s jugular and Yoongi laugh-moans when Jungkook’s teeth drag against where Yoongi’s pulse would be. 
“Fuck me,” Yoongi begs. “Just fuck me, I’m good.”
They’re a tangle of slick limbs. Yoongi tastes sweat on Jungkook’s skin, his tongue heavy in his mouth as Jungkook jostles him up his bed, pushing his thighs open, splaying him open butterfly-perfect. 
Jungkook’s eyes are soft and curious, looking down at where Yoongi lays marked and messy, pliant for Jungkook, eager hole gaping, cock weeping. Yoongi pulls at Jungkook’s hands. Makes a soft sound. Wants him, begs for him quietly. 
With a soft smirk, Jungkook fists his own cock a few times, pumping his thick, long length. Yoongi’s eyes follow the movement, chewing on his bottom lip, waiting and wanting. He knows is going to feel perfect, wants to feel the push and drag-
Jungkook’s tip catches the rim of Yoongi’s ass and he sighs. Digs his fingers into Jungkook’s skin and pulls. He is careful with his pressure, always regulating what he’s doing, never touching Jungkook hard enough to bruise. The smile on Jungkook’s face as he ducks his head to watch his cock sink into the heat of Yoongi is enough for Yoongi to know that Jungkook knows. Knows Yoongi has this under control. Knows that at any moment, Yoongi could take over. Could ruin Jungkook and leave him dripping and broken.
That’s not what Yoongi wants. He wants this. The pressure of Jungkook filling him up, tight squeeze, light burn, walls hugging and fluttering. He feels Jungkook deep, never ending, ceaseless. And then Jungkook’s tapered hips are pressed against Yoongi’s ass, stilling as Yoongi fights around the stretch.
“Come on,” Yoongi pants, a human habit that had slipped in between the distraction of Jungkook splitting him open. “Come on, Kook.”
Yoongi doesn’t know if it’s the way he whispers the plea or if it’s the nickname, but Jungkook sheds his hesitance. He presses Yoongi’s thighs to the mattress, putting his weight into him. It feels good, to have the heavy feeling of Jungkook on top of him, especially when he starts fucking Yoongi in earnest. 
The world turns to liquid. At least, that’s how it feels as Yoongi turns molten under Jungkook. The younger fucks Yoongi hard, face fixed in a snarl as he grabs at Yoongi’s thighs, fingers slipping on lube-slick skin. Yoongi’s eyes roll backward, letting Jungkook’s thrust lull him somewhere like a dream. 
“Fuck,” Jungkook hisses. “You like being fucked like this, huh? Big dangerous vampire, split open by me, huh?”
“Yes.” It’s a raspy note stuck in Yoongi’s throat, so he nods. Babbles something else. He doesn’t know. 
With a huff of laughter, Jungkook pulls out. Yoongi’s eyes fly open, a protest on his lips, ready to snarl that he felt good, that he felt full. Jungkook cuts him off, flipping Yoongi over, handling him as though Jungkook were the predator here. 
Before Yoongi can think much, Jungkook is prying his ass cheeks apart, spitting right on his already wet hole. Yoongi keens and Jungkook chuckles behind him, sliding back in and fuck it feels so good. 
With a hand grabbing Yoongi’s hips to lift him, Jungkook powers into him, the snap of his hips fast and efficient. The sounds he makes puts Yoongi’s world on a spinning top, going round and round. Jungkook sounds so pretty, whining as he adjusts himself so he’s fucking deeper into Yoongi. 
Warmth blooms inside of Yoongi and he lets out a scream. Jungkook hits his prostate head on and it feels like he’s unraveling, pressing his face into the sheets and arching his back. He scrambles backwards, pushing himself onto Jungkook’s cock, desperate for more more more. 
Just as Yoongi starts to crest toward the peak of his orgasm, Jungkook shifts again. Yoongi growls and Jungkook ignores it entirely, pulling out of Yoongi with a wet mess and turning him around. He lifts Yoongi easily and the vampire loves it. Loves how Jungkook handles him, instructing Yoongi to loop his legs around his waist. Loves when he holds onto Jungkook’s shoulders, shining with sweat as Jungkook fucks up into him, his hands bounding Yoongi in his lap. 
It’s so deep that Yoongi thinks he might die. Perhaps one can kill a vampire after all. It wouldn’t be such a bad way to go, head sinking into Jungkook’s shoulder. The smell of honeysuckle flooding his senses. The feeling of Jungkook fucking him with everything he has. The soft feeling of Jungkook nosing Yoongi’s hair in contrast with the way he slams Yoongi down into his lap.
Overwhelmed, Yoongi comes suddenly. A snarl rips out of him and his fingers tighten a little, but not enough to do more than bruise. Not enough to hurt Jungkook - never hurt Jungkook. He shudders as Jungkook quickens his pace, chases his orgasm, driving Yoongi toward overstimulation. 
Yoongi squirms and squeals, fights Jungkook - but not really. Not in any way that tells Jungkook Yoongi is actually trying to get away, because they both know that he can. Jungkook laughs, pinning Yoongi down and sinking deep into the heart of him where he comes with a long groan, face dropping into Yoongi’s neck.
Yoongi feels the rough wetness of Jungkook’s tongue, licking a stripe up his neck. Despite himself, Yoongi laughs and rolls his eyes, feeling alive and brighter than ever.
“Beast,” he jests, slapping Jungkook’s side.
Jungkook sloppily kisses his way to Yoongi’s mouth, letting himself soften inside, not willing to pull out. Their mouths mingled together, not really kissing, not really not kissing. Just tangled tongues, sometimes just mouths pressed against one another. 
“So you like being handled, huh?” Jungkook asks, eyes fluttering open. Yoongi looks up at them. This close, he can see all the different shades of brown, layer after layer of shades. “Vampire likes being a pillow princess?” 
“And you like being rough and fast,” Yoongi shoots back. “Makes you feel like a predator, huh?” 
Jungkook’s nose goes red. Yoongi likes it when Jungkook’s face reddens. So full of blood and life and lust. “A little.” 
When Jungkook pulls out, it’s an audible, wet mess. Yoongi feels the spill out of him. Doesn’t care. Likes the debauchery of it. Plus, he’s distracted when Jungkook lays down next to him, head on Yoongi’s chest. He isn’t going anywhere, seeking the comfort of Yoongi’s arm as Jungkook’s heart rate begins to die down. 
“So,” Jungkook says airly. “I guess this makes me a fang fucker?”
Yoongi groans. “Not those fucking comic books.” 
“I have so many more things I wanna try, hyung.” Jungkook looks up at him, eyes glittering. “Give me ten minutes. I wanna see how long you can ride me.” 
Yoongi huffs, but there’s mirth in it. 
So Yoongi doesn’t hate Jeon Jungkook at all. Not one little bit. 
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blasphemecel · 4 months
have you seen the orange peel thing on tiktok? how do you think the blue lock characters (your choice who) would go about it
I actually don't take requests anymore, but this is funny and I can do it quickly so let me entertain you anyway
Kaiser would do some stupid shit like this and be confused when you're like not impressed enough to propose to him on the spot and what do you mean you can't even eat it like this, he spent so long doing it? (Will argue with people in the comments telling you to dump him from an alt account all day but don't ask him about the blank profile named Richard1209309238 who seems suspiciously over-invested in your relationship)
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Shidou and Bachira would make like a kind of incision in the orange with their nails and then show you how they "suck out the orange" like vampires and expect you to do it too. Why did you even bother, what were you expecting
Rin would do it quickly and swiftly but he'd say some dramatic ass shit like "Whoever doesn't want to peel oranges for their significant other should be shot dead" with his blank serial killer expression which, like, I agree, but can we calm down?
Reo would consider doing it, but then decide it's not enough and go on a tangent about how he'd plant an orange tree for you, then it turns into an orange garden, and then he'd start making phone calls. Literally just don't, you're gonna regret it
Ness would also be overdramatic about it, but it'd probably be less time consuming than with Reo. He'd peel the entire kitchen for you if you wanted. Or even if you didn't. Forget that football shit, he was BORN to PEEL ORANGES for YOU. Was his technique good? You're not gonna break up with him, right??
Sae and Barou would do it, but treat you as if you don't know how to do it by yourself the entire time. Which in Sae's case means he'll be throwing shade at you, and Barou would throw shade at you WHILE giving you a whole, very meticulous tutorial, which is somehow even worse (but also possibly useful because he'd know the best way to do it without making a mess?)
Nagi wouldn't. Straight up. He'd start sighing and talking about hassles and how tired he is as if just hearing the question exhausted him. He also wouldn't let you go peel your stupid orange in peace either. He'd be like nooooo... stay with me... let's nap together :x... typical manchild style. If you're REALLY stuck on getting your orange, he'll call Reo to literally come over to wherever you're at and do it
Otoya would go cheat on you for asking. 🤦‍♂️ (I'm just kidding. Or am I?)
Isagi, Chigiri, Kunigami and Yukimiya would just peel the fucking orange like normal human beings
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
now what about virgin!zoro sleeping with the reader for the first time 🤭
A/N: Aww yay more virgin content for the W😭🤍🫶🏾 okie dokie I gotchu! Tysm for the request! Enjoy!
“I Want Everytime to Feel Like This” Virgin! Zoro x Slightly Experienced! Reader (NSFW/FLUFF)
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WC: 2.9k
Bad Summary: Zoro’s girlfriend always wanted to go the next level with her new boyfriend Zoro, but he always seemed reluctant in doing so which causes her to feel a bit insecure
Black Chubby/Thick Fem Reader in Mind
CW: Needy!Zoro, Reader is older than Zoro, Fingering, Lots of Kissing, Reader is in Control, but not like a Dom Reader Kinda Way(?), Riding, Ball Sucking, Finger Sucking, A lot of Sucking, Vaginal Sex, Mentions of Anal, Oral Sex, Zoro Gets Overstimulated, Also not Proofread yet
“You’re…a Virgin?”
“Tch…no need to be so dramatic about it so what?!”
You couldn’t really recall the day you and Zoro became partners romantically. You’ve known him for a few years now and in that time he never once been the type to seem interested in being in a relationship just like his Captain.
It kind of just happened. You and him had a small bicker back and fourth that turned into a full blown argument until Zoro kissed you and confessed how he truly felt. It was hard for the man, keeping his feeings bottled up, but you were stubborn and kept pestering him, you kept getting close when he tried pushing away. You were probably one of the few people that could break Zoro like that.
Well fast forward now and you both are in a strong relationship with no complaints.
Except one.
Zoro Never was the type to initiate sex. You both never had gone as far as making out, but every single time you begin to fondle his pants to straddle him he pushes you back and talks about how tired he is. It’s been a year you both have been together and it started to get to you? He wasn’t a religious man, he didn’t believe in much so clearly it wasn’t his own morals stopping him from getting further in bed with you.
Did he not trust you?
Maybe you weren’t that attractive to him?
Well tonight was a perfect night to ask.
You both were just laying on your bed, too tired to get up and do something, but too awake to fall asleep. you both just relaxed in your room for the night after a bath. Boredom and a little horniness took over so you began to kiss and pepper his face and he didn’t mind it until the kissing turned hot and heavy. But like clock work Zoro sat up and denied you access.
Your face scrunched up, not even hiding the irritation you had, it made Zoro buff and look away in embarrassment, lips glossy from yours, his breathing was heavy. Clearly he wanted more, but it was like he just couldn’t .
“Zo…what’s wrong…” Your Voice was soft despite the agitation you wore on your face. “Hm? Talk to me.”
You hands touched his tanned cheek. Whether the grumpy green head admit it or not he loved how gentle you can be towards him in situations like this.
“Nothing. Just tired.” He plainly responded trying to guide you off of him but you sat stubbornly still making his eyes shoot at you.
“No you’re not. Zoro y—-are you …are you um…are you still attracted to me?”
He knew why you’d ask that but it still didn’t erase the disbelief he showed you.
-ZORO’s Pov-
I cant believe she’s ask me that stupid ass question!
Of course I’m attracted to her?!
Y/N is fucking breath taking.
She’s radiant.
She’s beautiful
She makes my stomach hurt in the best way when I look at her beautiful eyes.
And her body….
Dammit i should just tell her the truth it’s been going on for too long now!
“I am.” I responded. Fuck i wish I could talk to her better.
“Then…why haven’t we…ever….”
She takes her hand away from my face and look away, she looked so cute squirming above me trying to find her words. She’s not as bad as me but it’s still nice to see her struggle her way through.
“Why haven’t we ever had sex….”
I knew she’d ask me that.
I sigh.
“If you don’t want to or you’re waiting it’s fine I just…you didnt peg me as the typ—“
“I’m a virgin.”
Her eyes grow like ten times the size and she jumped back a little as if I told her some bad news. Can this woman be more embarrassing?!
“YESSSS.” I cut her off groaning. It’s been 40 seconds and she kept repeating “YoUrE a ViRgIn?!”
She kept staring at me with an unreadable expression? She looked like she wanted to talk shit about it. As if I cared. I don’t give a damn about not having sex. It’s not that big of a deal.
“Well I’m not.” She said confidently shrugging.
“Youre—you’re not?!”
“Nope.” She sighed laying on top of my chest, “Loss it when I was 19.”
“…that was —“
“2 years ago mmhmmm. Long before you, but that’s not important….Zoro i don’t care that You’re a Virgin. Or if that’s ganna make me not want or something—“
“I don’t give a shit either!”
There was no reason I just…
Didn’t want to disappoint her with my lack of experience.
“How about this.” She sat up, breast bouncing in the process in my face. “If you want…let’s go slow…i don’t care if you had no experience i can just teach you. You’re a fast learner anyways.”
Before I can respond she smashes her lips into mine for a moment, nearly picking back up the make out session we had earlier but she pushes away this time and giggles.
“…would you like to go further tonight?”
Zoro grumbled turning to hide his pink face. He would never admit he did always wanted to go further after their first kiss but now that you’re offering he doesn’t really know how to respond. You laugh before taking his hand and peppering his sore knuckles in kisses. He never experienced this level of sensual movements from you, your eyes never parted from his dark ones as each knuckle was getting the same amount of attention. His lips were parted anticipating how far you’d go until you popped his middle and ring finger in your mouth
Zoro felt his stomach drop for the first time in years. Your tongue wrapped around his digits like a snake wrapping around its prey. Granted this wasn’t your plan to be this damn lewd but you couldn’t help it you just couldn’t help it when it came down to your boyfriend Roronoa Zoro.
You popped them out, a small spit trail gracefully falling on you chin not caring to wipe it so the green haired swordsman reached with his free hand to do so, but you kissed him instead. His breathing through his nose was harsh and stuttering at your boldness.
“Answer me, Zoro…do…” You pushed him back, you finger trailing down his scar, threatening to touch his nipple, down to his v-line where his shorts were so horribly covering his growing erection you chose to ignore, “you want to further this?”
Zoro clears his throat swallowing hard looking at your breast free from any bra or tight clothing swing above him under your big shirt,
“Yes. But let’s go slow.”
That was all you needed to hear to give his tantalizing neck a lick, kiss and a suck.
“Fuck…” He huffed put hands thrown on your waist to press his thumbs down on you tightly. You never got to kiss him there, Zoro held his breath from holding back any moans, but that wasn’t until you peppered your way down to said nipple, almost as if you read his mind and teasingly flicked the tip of your tongue on the sensitive little thing. “D-don’t do that?!”
He sounded so unsure. But that wasn’t even the main issue here Zoro stuttering!? This was revolutionary ! As much as you wanted to look up and smile to poke fun, you felt a poke at your tummy. You smirk, hand sneaking to his hard on making estimates with your palm of how big he really was.
“Are you ganna keep rubbing my cock through my pants or are you going to do something about it….it’s your fault.”
“Aww.” You look up and him biting your lip, smiling. “Don’t make me blush. I’m already doing that to you.”
“Tch..shut up!”
You snicker pulling down his pants and boxers, he lifts hi hips a little to assist and the moment he notices the look on your face as his cock bounces against his lower abdomen he grows a sly smirk throwing his arms in the back of his head.
“You act like you never seen one—“
“Shut up ! Let me just…” You throw off the shirt and toss away your panties. You completely forgot Zoro never seen you naked so it was a treat to see him so flustered at the sight of you,
“What? YoU aCt lIkE yOu—“
“You’re Beautiful.”
His voice was deadpanned, but it was a genuine compliment. His eyes didn’t tear from your body, absorbing it all like he wasn’t going to see it again. You climb back on him to kiss him once more,
“Thank you.” Was all you replied before trailing your kisses down his body leaving a shock hit his spine with each peck, you kneel comfortably beside his legs and grab ahold of his cock stroking it firmly until you spit on it a little for extra lube.
You shoved as much as you could in his mouth leaving the remainder to be stroked with one hand and your other massaging his balls, Zoro began to breathe ragged, groaning through his teeth on how well you were to take him in.
“Shit!” He cursed immediately pushing back some of your hair to see your covered face, your back was now arched beautifully, toes subtly curling as you sucked Zoro’s cock. You licked from the base to the tip and then all the way down to his balls , “FUCK!”
You sucked them while slowly rubbing your now wet hand on his shaft at a steady pace. You started to feel his cock twitch and his hips buck. He must have been close to cumming.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!! Don’t stop please!”
You went back to lick his slit then his entire tip before you get your tongue get sprayed with his hot seed. You grimace a bit at the taste, mostly because you never been the swallow kind of girl, but this was Zoro.
He deserved it.
You didn’t stop though you kept lightly pumping his cock for more and though he wanted to push you away his body kept begging.
“Shit! I—“
Kissing him again he lowly growls in your mouth pulling your closer now chest to chest, Zoro couldn’t stop going even if he wanted to. He thought he was a damn fool to have not at least done oral sex with you before in the past, recalling all the times you’ve offered.
“Let me…let me…”
You tilt your head at him with a confused expression,
“I want to return the favor.”
It’s almost shameful how excited you were, but you had to quickly pull yourself together and decline, but Zoro wasn’t having any of that.
“This is about you—“
“It’s about us, Y/N.” He moves you to lay down now on top of your smaller form, his skin tone was so pretty under the moonlight and sweating, “Just show me…”
“Show you what…”
“Tch…” He looks away for a moment, knowing you’re making him speak because you’re probably getting off to it, “Teach me….—“
“Teach me how to eat that pussy of yours.”
Your body immediately melted. His voice was so low you thought maybe he was threatening you, toying with you, a menacing grin sneaked through his lips before planting a sweet kiss on you, mimicking you taunts by trailing his open mouth kisses on your body, spreading your thighs apart embarrassingly wide.
Zoro admired the wetness of your cunt, all for him? He was about to have the time of his life.
He kissed your clit, a small remnant of your juices stained his lips and tongue giving him his first taste of you, Sake, Onigiri, nothing could compare to your taste.
He needed more.
“Z-ZO!” Your back snapped upwards with one hand gripping his hair, his tongue was exploring you whole not missing any area until he finally stuck it inside you, “ZORO!”
Her taste was so damn addicting.
She was bladdering on on how I needed to slow down but fuck that I can’t believe I took this long, and from her moans and the way she keeps pushing me in with he legs I must be a prodigy at this.
She kept crying my name until she came inside my mouth squirting a little, it was cute. I don’t think she’s ever done that.
“I….I’m sorry.” She covered her face but I pulled them back grabbing her cheeks to push my tongue in her mouth.
“Don’t be sorry.”
I looked back down and I just couldn’t help myself. I rubbed my two fingers on her slit, she was so wet I kept slipping off her clit.
“Just like that…” Y/N’s voice was so gentle, it was also mixed in with her sexy ass moans she kept doing, she felt so fucking good taking my fingers so well.
I sped up my pace now full blown scissoring her, I used my thumb to press down on her clit and trace circles, shit her legs began to twitch.
“Oh Zo! Yes!” She cried out, her hands were reaching for something to grab so I let go of her thigh and intertwined my fingers with hers, she was so hot to the touch, y/n looked at me with her low lids, mouth parted trying to fix her unsteady breaths as I kept going. She looked like she wanted to tell me something?
“Kiss me, Zo…”
I swallowed the lump in my throat before I bent over to kiss her. She felt so good, she sounded so good, everything about her was so perfect I couldn’t take it. Her other free hand rubbing my scalp as she sucked the fuck out of my tongue, begging to taste herself again mixed with my spit. I pulled away, a spit line following down her chest as I latch on to her perk nipples, I nearly forgot—
I needed to mark her up.
I latched back into her neck leaving one hickey right below her jawline, I sucked and kissed all the way down until I reached her breast and I made a mess of them too. She pushed me off a little whining and climbed back on top of me panting and I took the opportunity to slap her ass.
Fuck I can’t wait until we do this again.
“Shit..” i mumble, She didn’t waste anytime rubbing her slit on my cock, her pretty little tits bounced in my face as I sat up to be completely eye to eye to her.
“‘M ganna…put it in…” she whispers hovering over me.
“Then fucking do it…if you can handle it.” I taunt in her ear.
She squints at me and scoffs, without any words I watch her slowly sink onto my cock, she was tight as all hell, but
“So warm…” I mumble, she grabs ahold of my hands peppering them in kisses again and then my face before she slammed herself on me having us both moan out in each others mouths, “A-are you okay?! Did you slip?!”
“No I didn’t—ah—slip dumbass I meant to do that!”
She’s such a fucking liar.
“You sure I’m not in your a—“
“Shut up!” She yelled looking up, adjusting to my size, I sit and wait, I’d rather be in this position all night then to have her feel uncomfortable for my sake.
“Okay..”. She huffs looking in my eyes, she looked so beautiful trying to keep her composure as I was inside her, “I’m going to move now…”
We lock fingers and she begins to bounce.
“Ah!” Her voice hums with each time she lowers herself, “Ah—-Zo you…feel so good!”
“Y-you! Tooo fuck can you go any faster now?!”
She pushes me on my back again and rest her hands on my chest now grinding and bouncing in a rhythm that’s already about to make me fucking—-
“CU—Fuck I’m cuming!”
I damn near Bit off my lip feeling her lightly chuckling and continuously grind above me. Fuck there goes that painful overstim…
“Want me to keep going?” She teased but her body didn’t act like she was threatening to stop.
“Y-yes! Please y/n!”
..can’t believe I’m begging right now, but I don’t care she felt too good!
She picked up her pace now going up and down, her ass hitting my thighs as I kept hearing the wet noises from her pussy clenching on my cum coated cock now dripping down my balls onto the sheets.
“Zo!” She squeezed my hands with her eyes shut Stil moving, “I’m close baby!”
“I am too cum with me sweetheart!”
I pulled her close to ride her orgasm out with me, her legs twitched on my sides, her face buried in my neck cuming and humping my cock like the little cute slut she was.
When we both calmed down it was a comfortable silence, my eyes were shut with my arms around her still quivering body, our cum oozing out while she cockwarmed me and I felt her play with my earrings.
“Stop That.”
“Hmmm…” She sighed kissing my hot cheek, “You’re so pretty Zo…”
“Shut up…”
“You look Even prettier between my legs.”
“Yeah…and you look hotter with my cock in your slutty mouth.”
We share a small laugh, y/n yawns and I throw the blanket over the both of us pulling her up by her ass to get comfortable. Hope she don’t mind warming me for the night.
“Thank you for trusting me Zo…” she kisses me cheek tenderly, “I love you.”
“…I love you, too…”
“Awwww look at you all soft and stuff after getting some pussy!” She sung squeezing my cheek.
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strwberri-milk · 1 year
Hi there!
In fandom people say that Kaeya might have trust issues and that he relies only on himself soooo.. Can I request headcanons of him x reader with the same issues? Omg just imagine these two being in love with each other but their stupid asses are hardly able to let their guard down💀😭
No angst, fluff if possible (hurt to fluff?? idk) And have a good dayy :>
i am an avid supporter of kaeya w trust issues because to me it only feels right after your brother tries to k word you and your dad abandoned you in a land ruled by beings that should theoretically despise your existence
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Your relationship at first started in an almost superficial manner. Neither of you tried to dig deeper into the other person, just taking things at face value and avoiding any questions that might be too personal. It doesn't mean you love each other any less, it just means that the two of you respect each other's boundaries.
However, it makes disagreements tougher. Both of you have a habit of pushing things under the rug until it reaches a point of needing to discuss it. These discussions usually tide you over until the next disagreement comes but they become rarer and rarer as you two figure out how to avoid them coming up.
It was a good arrangement. You both loved each other a lot after all, but were terrified of coming off as too needy or something, so you continued to rely solely on yourself. Kaeya did the same, but he realised after some time that he wished you would lean on him a little more. He'd see how hard you worked, or the stress between your brows and all he could do was give you a kiss and ask you if you were alright. You'd never confess to him that you weren't exactly alright, only cuddling in closer to him until it's time for him to go home.
You feel the same way about Kaeya. You picked up that he has a habit of overworking himself no matter what it is that he says, and try to do your best to help him out without prying too much.
This means that the best time for the two of you was right when you both wake up. Both of you are too tired to say anything or really care too much about saying something you'd regret later. At first, you'd just stay quiet, maybe cuddled under the sheets and making small talk about the day ahead. With time, the two of you would delve a little deeper into feelings, hesitantly sharing more and giving each other a little more trust.
Eventually, the two of you do realise that if you want to be with each other there's no way it'll be healthy if you can't trust each other. So, you start to give each other even more leeway when you are awake. You trust each other more with small secrets, or by confessing certain feelings. You express more disappointment when needed and use your feelings to guide conversations, rather than logic or perceived facts.
Once you stop using "facts" as a way to deflect away from your own issues, you both start to fall for each other even more. Kaeya's affection becomes soft, kissing and holding you tenderly while you spend some more of your evenings combing out the knots in his hair. Like this, without having to look at each other it makes it easier for the two of you to have more heart to hearts, strengthening your relationship and gradually building up your reliance in each other.
With time, the two of you will reach the point of divulging all of your deep dark secrets, but for now you're both content with being where you are. The slow gradual build of trust works at a pace that keeps you both happy, learning that even if the whole world was against you, you will both still have each other.
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definitelynotamhafan · 4 months
Poor Choices (Fear pt.3)
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Why? Just…..Why?
Those were the questions weeding your head at the moment, as you laid down, trapped inside a stupid room in Seth’s temple. Well, not really trapped, per say. It felt trapped, but you weren’t forbidden to go out. Not explicitly.
It was more of a silent agreement between you, from your place on the wooden seat, and the redhead glaring holes into your skull from the doorway.
“Well?” He asked.
“Well what?” You asked back.
“Where have you been all this time, Amheh!? I thought you were dead!” Seth spat.
Oh now he wanted to ask questions? All that time, no one had bothered to come back after you, and you preferred it that way.
“Well too bad!”
“Too bad?!”
“I was on holiday!” You spat back.
“Is that what you call leaving your family behind for potentially ever?” He retorted.
“Yes! Aren’t I allowed one?!”
The single time when you could get a real break from the Egyptian pantheon: your dysfunctional family and crazy ex, was now ruined because you were grounded. Sort of.
Honestly, you felt tired. You weren’t the same Amheh from before. You were tired of living this stupid life around these stupid people who never understood your stupid feelings. And now you had to be dragged in a stupid trial for stupid reasons…
“Well, you’re stuck here, like it or not.” Seth replied. “So suck it up and finish this.”
“Finish what?”
“Throw the damn sticks.” Seth growled, moving his spool forward on the senet board.
“I’m still not letting you win this.” You spat back, throwing the sticks and landing them face down. “5.” You said simply, moving your cone forward five times, and landing on ‘The House of Life’.
You could see Seth tense in annoyance. “Where were you? All these years.”
“None of your business.” You replied, throwing the sticks again and landing a two. You scoffed at the results and tossed him the sticks back.
“Why are you like this? Pissy like the hells.” Seth mumbled, throwing the sticks and landing a three, moving his spool forward.
“Because my life sucks?”
“Because you’re acting like a hormonal teen?”
“How would you know? You never went through puberty.” You snorted, tossing your sticks again and landing a four.
You sighed as you waited another turn.
“Yes I did!”
“Not like a human, though. So that sentence coming from you is invalid.” You replied.
“Your ass is invalid…” he grumbled.
“Are you calling this juicy baby flat?” You teased. “Oh please, even Ra knows her ass can’t beat mine. It’s a world record.”
“Your turn, Heh.” Seth said, mindlessly.
A pause followed, in awkward silence as you finally tossed the sticks, finally moving on square 26. Your mind finally processed his words and-
“What did you just call me?” You asked, an amused glint flashing through your eyes.
“What do you mean?”
“You said: Your turn, Heh.” You quoted him.
“What? No! I said your turn, man!” Seth tried to reason.
“Uh huh. Sure.” You mocked him, sarcasm lacing your tone. “Do I look like that damn seaweed-face? Or am I just such an authoritative figure that you simply couldn’t resist calling me that name?” You teased.
“I didn’t-“
“Sure you didn’t.”
“Uncle!” A voice boomed from outside, interrupted both your quarrels and the game of senet you were passing the time with.
“Oh great.” Seth groaned. “Just tell him I’m not home.” He leaned in to whisper in your ear.
“Why are we whispering?” You asked back, raising both your brows.
“Because I don’t have the patience to deal with Horus now.” He replied back, in the same hushed tone as he dragged you to an urn.
“Oh.” You said, as he quite literally shoved you down the pottery’s hole, shoving you inside. He soon joined, dragging a piece of cloth over it so that Horus wouldn’t see what was inside.
Seth awkwardly fit in next to you, back pressed against the pot’s inside, and hands awkwardly placed above your head.
His breathing was shallow, and his blood red hair hung down like a veil, thick strands of it kissing your skin as you shuffled below him. Your hands were trapped under you, on the uncomfy pottery’s bottom, and your own breathing was shallow, the lack of oxygen making you feel lightheaded.
“If you wanted to press up against me, you should’ve just asked.” You whispered, a teasing smirk making its way on your lips.
“S-shut up.” He whispered, trying to contain his laughter.
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