#Intentional SELF-Leadership
brilliantbiz · 2 years
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Intentional SELF-Leadership Create Success
What is Intentional SELF-Leadership?
Intentional SELF-Leadership impacts your success as gentle flowing water transforms the shape of a stone.
After I wrote a chapter on how “Success Starts with Intentional SELF-Leadership”, in the #1 Bestselling Book for Small Businesses, small business owners and entrepreneurs started reaching out to me and began asking me oodles of questions. I was elated because they understood how critical this is to their business’s success.
I assure you the impact it provides is grander than the credit you’ll ever give it – until you are a practitioner!
Let’s begin with some definitions for clarity
If you want to better understand leadership, and what it is and isn’t, we need to first understand a simplified definition of a leader. A leader is: “one who assumes a position and is responsible for influencing of others”.
Now let’s add a definition of leadership. Leadership is: “the influence of a person or team to guide another person or team”.
Intentional is defined as: “when done consciously or deliberately”.
The last definition for this post is influence. Influence is defined as: “to have an effect upon someone or something”.
Note: These definitions, as well as others defining different types of leadership and management, are from The Glossary of Chapter 5 of “Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner: Fresh Perspectives on Profitability, People, Productivity, and Finding Peace in your Business – Volume 5“.
So what is SELF-Leadership?
SELF-Leadership is all about you! Just like any significant transformation, it starts from within. I know you understand what I’m sharing. We all know statements like “Happiness is an inside job” or “Peace starts from within”. Why? It’s true. There are approximately 100 years of research validating the same is true for leadership too!
After conducting plenty of research, I have concluded that SELF-Leadership is defined as “An ongoing practice of advancing a leader’s thoughts, actions, and emotions to achieve desired outcomes”. I bet you’re nodding your head in agreement Good!
This last definition ups the game of leadership, doesn’t it? SELF-Leadership debunks the leadership myth of “you’re a leader if you turn around and see others are following you”. How so? Because you can be leading from a still point (oneself) or from the rear instead of the front. During podcast episode BB245: Intentional SELF-Leadership -Part 4 of the Brilliant Breakthroughs Business Podcast, I share a funny childhood story that debunks this leadership myth.
Through the ongoing practice of SELF-Leadership, leaders are being refined to the next level of leadership. It sure appears to be the quality control factor so leaders can become great leaders instead of becoming a dud, who is a leader by position and/or title only.
What is Intentional SELF-Leadership?
Intentional SELF-Leadership is the premiere leadership approach and practice. It means that a leader is conscientiously and deliberately practicing the advancement of their thoughts, actions, and emotions to achieve desired outcomes. This is like putting your vision and goals on steroids – and that’s why it delivers unconventional results!
Sounds daunting, doesn’t it? Other than the self-management of the continual practicing aspect, it is pretty easy. Ok, after you learn how to do it! When I’m working with clients, I’m teaching them how to do this without a fancy name or process. I guide them to incorporate it into their daily practice of business ownership and it auto-magically happens 🙂
As I reflect upon 20+ years of business coaching, it’s evident that Intentional SELF-Leadership is the game changer for all types of business leaders. When practicing Intentional SELF-Leadership, you will function optimally and make better business decisions (life decisions too). You can do this because you are applying the ancient practice of Right Thoughts coupled with Right Actions to actualize your desired outcomes.
Is Intentional SELF-Leadership for all Business Leaders?
It can be for all leaders – tenured or new, solo entrepreneurs or corporate. The deciding factor is what are you willing to do to achieve the results you seek?
Does this mean every day is perfect and without glitches? No. Does it mean you will have a clear path and actions to your destination? Yes.
Is it worth the time to gain clarity and align your actions? Yes! Is it for leaders who are looking for a quick fix? No.
Intentional SELF-Leadership is for leaders interested in the long-term game, satisfying wins, and sustainable gains. My quote, “Slow down to accelerate.” is one of the methodologies applied to becoming a successful intentional leader. This transformational approach is very much like water flowing over a stone to give the stone a beautiful new shape.
When goals aren’t being met or frustrations occur, it’s common for leaders to look outwardly and sleuth what needs to change to generate better results. Instead, what if they first took a look inwardly to discover what changes may be beneficial?
It’s time for you to shine brightly as a leader!
If this seems practical to you, it’s time for you to learn more about Inward Leadership. It’s my version of Intentional SELF-Leadership 🙂  Tap here to go to the Inward Leader Page. When you do, I’ll email you the 10-Step Process to Practice Inward Leadership (no cost – yes, I’m that committed to helping others learn this). It’ll land in your inbox and then each week I’ll guide you through the next step until we complete all 10 steps.
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. helps Small Business Owners Simplify Strategies & Align Actions to advance Profitability, Peace, & Potential. Call Maggie (262) 716.7750 for YOUR No-cost Consultation
Blessings of Success to YOU ~ Maggie Mongan, CEO Small Business Thought Leader Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. Direct Dial: 262-716-7750 LinkedIn: MaggieMongan
p.s.: It’s time to simplify your success and shine brightly!
Copyright owned by Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. The internet is about sharing. Please share this post in its entirety.
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princessproductivity · 2 months
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A bit about @princessproductivity!
Hey there, everyone! Welcome to the Princess Productivity blog! This blog is written by myself, a 23-year-old Christian woman, residing in the beautiful Pacific Northwest! I co-own two successful businesses with my ambitious husband, and I am now pursuing two more entrepreneurial ventures of my own.
My "business beliefs":
Everyone has room to become a better, more productive version of themselves.
Knowledge related to self-improvement should be freely available to those who are willing to take the necessary steps to improve their circumstances.
If a person wants to turn their unpaid passion into a successful business, that passion must be treated like a business, even if they aren't yet making a dime.
Entrepreneurial success can be achieved without the loss of one's humanity, compassion, and generosity.
We live in the era of opportunity, where over 300 million people in the U.S. alone have the wisdom of the internet at their fingertips. The sad reality is that only a handful (about 10%) of those 300 million have the self-discipline to truly pursue entrepreneurial success.
This blog was created for that handful.
On the Princess Productivity blog, I share the things I have learned while building two businesses, and the things I'm still learning as I pursue the founding of two more. From books and podcasts I've discovered along the way, to personal experience and lessons learned, this blog is my attempt at sharing knowledge with others.
No filters, no catch, and most importantly, no charge.
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venuskind · 11 months
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leadlikeaqueen · 6 days
Slow Simmer for Summer
Imagine a world where slow is a superpower instead of a weakness. In our current fast-paced world, slow is seen as never good enough. But can you think of times when slowly planning and progressing has been best to make you and what's important to you bet
Imagine a world where slow is a superpower instead of a weakness. In our current fast-paced world, slow is seen as never good enough. But can you think of times when slowly planning and progressing has been best to make you and what’s important to you better in the long run? MY SLOW SIMMER SUMMER  I am using this summer to slowly simmer all of my creative juices. If you’re a cook or a foodie,…
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guxciestone · 5 months
(through the signs)
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hey guys. this post is about the moon and the type of routine that you may prefer based on the sign that lands in it. i hope you enjoy the post! ♡🌿
if you have any tarot or astrology post suggestions, i’d be more than willing to consider them. just drop your suggestions in my asks or in my post notes :)
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— the moon and its meaning ꕥ
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The moon is the planet of emotions, your internal world, where you find personal comfort, and where you find inner fulfillment. However, others tend to forget that the moon is a feminine and nocturnal planet that also rules patterns, cycles, and flow states. In a female’s chart, it rules over her menstrual cycle, her emotional flow throughout the month, and her inner states throughout the 28-day cycle; in a male’s chart, it rules over his emotional health and character as well as his inner child in a vulnerable and instinctual sense. Furthermore, in general, the moon could also indicate the routines and “personal flow” that one strives for daily to achieve comfort and satisfaction. Today, I am going to analyze what type of routine you prefer based on the sign your moon is placed in.
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moon in aries˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Aries seek spontaneousness, thrills, leadership, and independence in their daily life and routines. They are particularly comfortable being constantly being on the move, hoping to discover a new venture, or taking on a new challenge. They wake up every morning with the intention of reflecting on what new battle they can fight today. Furthermore, they are one of the signs who are more comfortable with managing sporadic and unorganized schedules because they initiate a new project every other day. It is assured they do not get overwhelmed easily, but they could easily become explosive or impulsive in their actions or feelings when stressed or things do not go according to plan. These individuals could get very impatient as well, striving to get things done in a short amount of time; this could be particularly overwhelming for others and burdening for them in the long run. They often struggle to stay focused on a venture due to their hastiness and tendency to lose interest easily. They should learn how to start projects, manage them, and finish them victoriously; plus, learn how to be patient and take their time, so their ideas can successfully manifest in what they expected from the beginning. Additionally, individuals with Moon in Aries are self-interested. They prefer spending time on activities, hobbies, or endeavors that they could benefit or improve from. Not to mention, they are risk-takers. These individuals seek fulfillment from new experiences and circumstances because it gives excitement and stimulation.
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moon in taurus ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Taurus seek comfort, security, and stability in their daily life and routines. They often are satisfied with an unsurprising and easy-going routine–not too sporadic or unpredictable like Aries Moons. They seek calm and quietness in their life with not much stress. It is particularly easier for these individuals to get overwhelmed–especially over an unexpected task added to their schedule. You will often notice that these people strive for financial stability in their personal goals because they know that it will give them the material comfort they hope to have. Furthermore, they are more inclined to do self-care and relaxation practices as it gives them a sense of self-esteem and levelheadness–they especially need it after a long day at work or school. Additionally, Moon in Taurus individuals prefer to take their life in getting their errands done, and they dislike being rushed. They may struggle with changing their routine or daily activities for any person or circumstance because it is what is appropriate for them. They should learn how to modify their schedule for important events and relationships.
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moon in gemini ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Gemini seek learning, socialization, activity, and communication in their daily life and routine. These people are often striving to mentally challenge themselves and find ways to stimulate themselves all the time. That is why you will often find these individuals with chaotic and packed schedules, or they seem to always be occupied–it is because they are always hoping to learn something new, access their creativity and skill, or challenge their brain. They would like to spend their time playing puzzles, word searches, reading, or debating with certain groups. Furthermore, these folks are extremely social and always wanting to connect with their peers; they might seek to find time in the day to meet up with their friends. Additionally, they have the tendency of wanting to do everything they want to do all at once–and they can often get very disorganized and ungrounded while doing so. It is important for people with Moon in Gemini to learn how to take things slow and collect their thoughts and plans before everything turns into a mess.
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moon in cancer ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Cancer seek comfort, security, emotional counsel, and familial connections in their daily life and routine. These people could adore spending time with their family members or their close loved ones immensely; they are the types to consider their cousins or siblings their true friends and desire to do everything with them. They could more than likely desire to spend time at home, and perhaps may prefer to work from home too. Additionally, with a person who has Moon in Cancer– you could find that mostly everything on their daily to-do list consists of errands they need to do surrounding the house (such as doing laundry, cleaning their room, etc.) They might also like taking care of people. It is integral for cancer moons to have a schedule in which they can feel safe and comfortable doing, especially in a sense where it is not far from home or their close connections. However, these people could easily become homesick or struggle to adhere to changes or circumstances far from their safe spot.
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moon in leo ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Leo seek entertainment, creativity, and recognition in their daily life and routines. These people strongly value and prioritize their inner child and their ability to artistically express themselves. They could be particularly interested in the arts, music, performing, acting, or anything in which they can demonstrate themselves and their character in an inspiring way. These folks hope to find fun and excitement in their life through their hobbies and passions. In other words, these people do not function well in routines in which they do not have creative freedom or the time to indulge in their childish endeavors. Furthermore, Leo moons are generous and kind at heart. They are more than likely to be able to handle children for long periods of time; in fact, they could adore implementing kids into their daily routine. Additionally, they prefer to connect with others and spend time with loved ones in circumstances in which they can lead them by example. However, these individuals could instantly turn bratty or spoiled when things do not go their way. If their day seems to be going terrible, it is easy for them to become explosive or stubborn. Leo moons should learn to be more selfless when it comes to compromising their plans and endeavors within the day sometimes.
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moon in virgo ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Virgo seek discipline, order, and practicality in their daily life and routines. They are the type of people to plan their entire day on a to-do list or structure it from start to finish. Furthermore, they value productivity and making good use of themselves and their time. So, you will usually see them working on a particular project, improving themselves in some way, or investing their time into developing a special skill. These folks prefer a system in their day-to-day activities, or otherwise, they’ll feel out of control with themselves. Although these people are particularly able to change their routines and create an entirely new structure, they prefer to keep things predictable–especially when it comes to dedicating themselves to specific future aspirations and ventures. One thing about them is that they will always work on their craft, one way or another. Additionally, virgo moons can also value cleanliness in their physical environment. It is easy for their mood to change if their environment isn’t aligned with their mindset, so they could prioritize cleaning their area and making sure every item is in the right place. However, they often have tendencies of being a control freak–expecting things to go the exact way they planned or trying to handle anything or anyone that disrupts their plans. This placement is also known for its perfectionism. These individuals need to work on their excessive need for things to be 100% flawless; it could easily lead them to stress and low self-esteem, making them believe that everything they do is wrong and that they need to reach up to their extremely high expectations. In other words, virgo moons need to learn how to calm down and accept that things can be imperfect and that they can make mistakes or “fail”.
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moon in libra ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Libra seek peace, balance, and beauty in their daily life and routines. These people often strive for a clear and collected mind space; they hope to eliminate any conflict, confrontations, or issues in their life. They would often try to stabilize themselves through acts of meditation, self-care, socializing, or cleaning. Furthermore, these people often strive to romanticize their lives; it allows them to enjoy their circumstances better through the acts of art, beauty, reflection, and creativity. They adore investing in makeup, fashion, painting, music, and other pleasurable things. Additionally, they are one of the most social moon signs; they thrive when they interact with their interpersonal relationships. It makes them feel connected and close to the important people in their lives. One thing about Libra Moons is that they often try to go far to avoid conflicts, even if it is something they need to confront or take accountability for. This can often make them appear a bit indifferent or distant in times of disagreements and discordance. However, shoving issues into the backburner will not solve anything–they need to learn to confront conflicts and problems and handle them maturely.
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moon in scorpio ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Scorpio seek privacy, intimacy, depth, and intensity in their daily life and routines. First and foremost, these people often prefer to undergo their errands and plans under the radar–they do not feel particularly comfortable with anyone knowing their next move. That is why you’ll often see that these folks do not post often on social media, or they dislike telling people what their plans are for the day. There could be an undertone of paranoia in why they choose not to do so. They just value their intimate space and refuse to let any outside energies intervene with it. So, they need secrecy more than anything. Furthermore, when it comes to activities, they also would like to do them with people who they hold very close–similar to Moon in Cancer–but they are more reserved and strict about it. When they are in a relationship, you’ll find that they would want to spend most of the time with their partner. It can almost get obsessive. It is important for these people to learn to not become obsessive with their loved ones or partners–to let go and learn independence in their quality time.
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moon in sagittarius ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Sagittarius seek excitement, new experiences, and diversity in their daily life and routines. One thing about these folks is that they are always striving to be on the move–similar to their fire counterparts. They are always on the move for the next huge and exhilarating thing. You’ll find that these individuals desire to travel, go to parties, spend time with friends, or meet new people. However, they are also very intelligent and have a will to learn–so they also hope to gain a new perspective from these experiences and circumstances. These people might dedicate a certain time of the day to learning about a topic, investing in a religion, or studying a course. It is integral for these people to have a routine that gives them a new learning experience or something to have faith about; otherwise, these individuals could become hopeless or pessimistic. However, it is easy for these people to become overindulgent or lazy–not being considerate about the consequences or their future. There needs to be a balance between fun and seriousness.
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moon in capricorn ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Capricorn seek achievement, structure, and influence in daily life and routines. Similar to virgo moons, they value being productive and useful with their time—in their case, they hope that their time could lead them to ultimate success and recognition. These people may like to work many hours or put in much time to their career endeavors. This often leaves them little to no quality time for their loved ones and friends. Furthermore, these folks are very patient and precise in their actions as they are able to build things from the ground up and maintain a vision for a long period of time. That is why they are often good planners and can easily build a business or company if they desired to. However, they need to make sure that they do not overwork themselves, isolate themselves from pleasures and socialization, and develop strong control issues; it could easily lead them down the road to stress, burn out, or depression. Additionally, since they are serious individuals, they may struggle with maintaining a balance outlook on the things they need to do and the things they do for the fun of it. They should learn how to maintain balance with work and pleasure—because one without the other could wreak havoc.
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moon in aquarius ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Aquarius seek community, electrifying experiences, and goals in their daily life and routines. These people are always hoping to spend time with their community–people who are similar to them because they make them feel like they belong, and they adore making people feel like they belong as well. However, people tend to forget to give credit for how hardworking these folks are. They might dedicate most of their time in the day to working towards their hopes and dreams. These individuals desire to live a life in which everything is served to justice, equality, and peace–a place they can live in, a life they can adhere to. Therefore, these people are very dedicated to working towards their aspirations for the sake of themselves and the people they care about. Additionally, they strive for unpredictability in their routine. They want something different everyday in their errands–something erratic and thrilling. However, there could be too much unpredictableness to the point of instability in their actions. It is important to find a balance in that too.
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moon in pisces ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Pisces seek imagination, spirituality, creativity, and the unknown in their daily life and routines. These people prefer to stay in their heads and work out the dreams and fantasies that they have in their mind. Even if they are forced to live in the practical world, it is important that pisces moons always operate from the place of visualizing their creative ideas and manifestations. These are the types to invest most of their time into different mediums of spirituality such as meditation, journaling, the occult, manifestation, or connecting to the unknown or spirit world. Furthermore, they would like to invest their energy into artistic hobbies such as photography, painting, drawing, music, fashion, or modeling. However, it is easy for these individuals to get lost in their subconscious and completely neglect their physical circumstances. There could even be instances in which they use vices to escape from the world (such as alcohol, drugs, or if they are in a relationship, a person) There seems to be this need for balance when it comes to the spiritual and the practical–perhaps even setting boundaries because these people are also very compassionate and kind. There could be times in which they feel the need to change their schedule for the sake of the people they care about even if they are not able to.
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theygotlost · 5 months
vetinari is such a fascinating character to me because you cannot simply call him evil. he has all the aesthetic trappings of the Evil Ruler: a self-proclaimed tyrant, serious black robes, a devilish goatee, the tendency to raise an eyebrow or steeple his fingers in a grim manner, the torture chambers and dungeons in his palace, his wretched little pet that he loves so much, everyone is deathly afraid to cross him for fear of the Consequences, so on and so forth...
but he's not "EVIL". he doesn't take delight in senseless violence or act cruel for cruelty's sake. he's not ambitious or hungry for power. he's never a true antagonist, and is often working on the same side as the protagonists (or it might be more accurate to describe his role as a secret third thing). he's really not an unreasonable man on the whole. if vetinari is one thing, he's a pragmatist.
he considers idealism a waste of time because he knows his subjects too well for that. he can easily understand a cruel and villainous attitude, which is not the same thing as agreeing with it: with every new development in technology or society he immediately asks, "how are people going to exploit this? how could it be used dangerously?" not because he plans on doing it himself, but because it pays to know how somebody else will. ankh-morporkians agree: love him or hate him, vetinari's system works because it meets people where they're at.
this started as a post just about vetinari but then it got me thinking.... vetinari's method is not the only successful form of leadership we see. carrot is a natural born (ahem) leader whose outlook is the polar opposite from vetinari's; he operates on the assumption that everyone has good intentions and are fundamentally good people. and because he believes it so strongly and earnestly, people can't help but believe that it must be true, hence a self-fullfilling prophecy. which is great! the world would benefit immensely from more carrots!
buuut..... you can't really run a government that way, can you? you can't just say "let's all pinky promise to be chill and act super niceys from now on ok? 🙂" as a legally binding contract for millions of people. you need something to fall back on when that contract is inevitably violated. carrot can't imagine that anyone would ever do that, but vetinari knows they will, and accounts for every possible contingency. I think what pratchett is telling us, in a nutshell, is to plan for the worst and hope for the best.
the relationship between vetinari and carrot is one I don't see discussed much (admittedly since it's not very substantial), but it's interesting to think about. in his interactions with carrot vetinari is usually bemused at best and impatient at worst, but we know he's plenty smart enough to recognize carrot's value and what he's capable of.
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11hedonistic · 5 months
Astrology Observations 🌴
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air venus/air mars are usually the type of people to fall for the friends or find nothing wrong with having a fwb (friend with benefits)
venus touching the ascendant (no matter the aspect) can manifest a beautiful appearance (same with mars but with mars, i would say this gives more of a sex appeal vibe)
scorpio moon/mars definitely wins the title for holding grudges the longest/being the most unforgivable if you cross them
i realized that a lot of aries mercury people don’t really think before they speak😂
taurus mercury people are those type of people to repeat what they already said just to make sure everyone understood
my gemini mercury people.. i know how hard it is for you to stay focused. you’re doing great reading this sweetie
cancer mercury people have craaazy intuition
if you’re looking for someone to tell a good story, find you a leo mercury!! these people are such good story tellers 😂
virgo mercury people can be brutally honest people when giving advice, which can hurt people in the process but that’s not their intention most of the time!
if you need a mediator during an argument, find u a libra mercury. they’re always looking at both sides of an argument
scorpio mercury people can become very rude/disrespectful if they feel annoyed or bothered. especially if they have sag/cap placements.. scary
sagittarius mercury people almost always come off as too blunt
capricorn mercury people, how often are you put in leadership positions? 🤔
aquarius mercury people and their way of coming up with ideas no one else could think of >>
pisces mercury people.. you and that imagination of yours. always in your head. i know you enjoy living in your imagination dont you (my neptune 3rd house can relate so you’re not alone lol)
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taurus moon + scorpio venus lovers >>
the best omg this guy that im talking to right now has this combo and he’s always spoiling me with gifts, mind you we’re not even dating 😂 and they’re SO observant. like i play my music around him sometimes and yesterday he literally surprised me with a playlist of my favorite songs & his favorite songs (he’s moving away so he made it for me to listen while he’s gone when i miss him 💔) but wow. if you want real love, these people are it
pluto 4th house people.. how’s your family/home life?
pluto 1st house people.. how many times has it felt like you killed your old self just to make a new one? coming back stronger and stronger each time of course
im soo tired of this gemini venus slander and saying WE CHEAT! we dont cheat we just lose interest fast if you’re boring or fail to keep our brains stimulated. just dont be monotone/boring, make us laugh & we’ll be willing to work on the connection 😁 its also just that we dont really deal well with a bunch of intense emotions being thrown at us. give us time
capricorn moon people.. are you ok? and dont lie to me
scorpio suns.. how is your relationship with your father?
i saw someone say how saturn in 1st house people hate the inverted filter & they were nott wrong. my sister has this placement and she despises it. always picking at every single flaw she has whole time she looks fine lol
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Wanted, Unwanted
Leah Williamson x McCabe!Reader Warnings: None this is mainly the backstory
Leah's stomach churned, a mix of excitement and guilt bubbling within her. "A hundred quid," she blurted voice trembling slightly, the number seeming arbitrary in the face of her sudden nervousness.
Katie's eyes gleamed. "Deal. But it's gotta be believable. Dates, compliments, the whole shebang. And no backing out, Williamson, or you double the bet."
The rest of the night was a blur for Leah. Laughter felt hollow, and jokes fell flat. All she could think about was your smile, the way your eyes crinkled when you laughed, the nervous way you bit your lip when you were focused. Finally, the night ended, and Leah was left alone.
The next few weeks were a whirlwind. Leah made a conscious effort to spend time with you, initiating conversations during training, texting you funny memes, and even asking you to have lunch together a couple of times. You, ever trusting and eager for friendship, soaked it all up. You confided your anxieties about playing time, your struggles to connect with the other girls, and your admiration for Leah's confidence and leadership on the pitch. Leah listened intently, a pang of guilt twisting in her gut with every shared detail.
Leah tossed and turned in bed, sleep refusing to come. The guilt that had simmered for weeks boiled over in the quiet darkness. Katie's taunting face flashed before her eyes, the carefree challenge morphing into a cruel reminder of Leah's manipulation.
The more you confided in Leah, the heavier the charade felt. Your genuine affection, so evident in the way your eyes lit up when you talked about your dreams, was a constant reproach. Leah initially reveled in the power of having you wrapped around her finger, a twisted satisfaction born from the win over Katie. But it had curdled into a gnawing sense of betrayal.
The next morning, training felt like an exercise in self-torture. Every laugh you shared with Leah felt laced with deceit. The playful teasing she used to initiate now felt like emotional jabs. You, oblivious, misinterpreted her forced distance as shyness and tried to draw her in further.
"Hey, are you okay?" you asked, concern etched on your face. "You seem a little off lately."
Leah opened her mouth to offer a practised smile, but the words wouldn't come. The weight of the lie threatened to suffocate her. Should she confess? The thought of shattering your trust was terrifying, yet continuing the charade felt even worse.
Leah stared at your worried face, the knot of guilt in her stomach tightening to the point of pain. A million justifications and excuses swirled in her head, but none of them felt substantial enough. Katie's taunting voice echoed in her mind, "No backing out, Williamson..." The thought of doubling down on the bet was repulsive.
Taking a deep breath, Leah forced a shaky smile. "Honestly? Yeah, things have just been a bit hectic lately. Family stuff, you know?" It was a lame excuse, but hopefully vague enough to buy her some time.
Your brow furrowed. "Is everything okay? Do you want to talk about it?" The genuine concern in your eyes sent a fresh wave of guilt crashing over Leah. You deserved honesty, not fabricated drama.
"Maybe later," Leah mumbled, averting your gaze. The playful banter you usually enjoyed felt like walking on eggshells. Every word, every touch, felt like a betrayal. Steeling herself, Leah decided she couldn't take it anymore. She needed a way out, a way to confess without causing irreparable damage.
A confused warmth had bloomed in your chest over the past few weeks. Leah, the confident captain you both admired and were slightly intimidated by the girl you were utterly in love with, had started seeking you out. The stolen glances during training, the funny texts that made you snort out loud, the surprise lunches – it all felt unreal. Was Leah Williamson actually crushing on you?
The thought sent a giddy blush creeping up your neck. You confided in Leah about your anxieties, your struggles to connect with the team, and your hero worship for her leadership style. With every shared secret, the warmth in your chest intensified. Here you were, getting to know the real Leah, and she was amazing. Her focused gaze held a depth you hadn't noticed before, and her playful teasing sent butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
But lately, a flicker of doubt had started to cloud your sunshine. Leah seemed…distant. Her smiles seemed forced, the playful banter replaced by awkward silences. Your concern grew when she brushed off your attempts to reach out, citing vague family issues. The warmth in your chest started to curdle, replaced by a gnawing sense of unease. Was this just a phase, or was something else going on?
As Leah mumbled about family stuff, you couldn't shake the feeling she was hiding something. The hurt was sharp, tinged with a confusing mix of anger and disappointment. Had you misread everything? Was Leah just being friendly, and you'd gotten ahead of yourself? The thought of your budding friendship being a figment of your imagination was a bitter pill to swallow.
Yet, amidst the hurt, a spark of defiance ignited. You wouldn't let this go without a fight. You deserved honesty, and you were determined to get it from Leah, one way or another. The playful banter you once craved now felt hollow, replaced by a steely resolve. You wouldn't be anyone's fool, not even Leah Williamson.
The silence stretched, thick and heavy, after Leah's mumbled excuse. Taking a deep breath, you decided to push past the awkwardness. "Leah," you began, your voice surprisingly steady, "is there something you're not telling me?"
Leah flinched, her gaze flickering away from yours. A moment stretched, then she sighed, deflating like a punctured balloon. "Alright," she finally admitted, running a hand through her hair. "The truth is... things with my family are rough right now, but that's not all of it."
Your heart hammered in your chest, a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. "What else is there, Leah?"
She met your gaze then, a vulnerability you hadn't seen before shining in her eyes. "The reason I've been acting weird... it's because..." she took another shaky breath, "because I really like you, Y/N. More than just a friend."
The admission hung in the air, a weight lifting from your own chest. Relief flooded you, warm and sweet, washing away the hurt and confusion. A hesitant smile tugged at your lips. "You... you like me too?"
Leah's cheeks flushed a rosy pink. "Yeah. I guess I was scared. Scared of messing things up with the team, scared of rejection..."
A genuine smile bloomed on your face. Leaning forward, you reached out and gently tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "Leah," you murmured, your voice soft, "the only thing I'm scared of is missing out on this."
The vulnerability in your eyes mirrored Leah's. A hesitant smile curved her lips. "So... what does this mean for us?"
You knew then, with a certainty that settled deep in your gut, that this wasn't just a fleeting infatuation. This was real. Taking another deep breath, you met her gaze head-on. "It means," you said, your voice firm with newfound resolve, "that I'd love to take you out on a proper date sometime, Captain Williamson. No family drama, no distractions, just you and me."
The smile on Leah's face this time was full-blown, radiant. "Sounds perfect, Y/N. Sounds perfect." But she couldn't help the sinking feeling in her stomach.
The air crackled with unspoken emotions as you and Leah walked away from the training ground, hands brushing every so often. The weight of her confession had shattered the awkward tension, replaced by a shy giddiness. Relief and a blooming joy washed over you – you weren't imagining things after all.
Weeks turned into months, and your relationship blossomed alongside Leah's ACL recovery. You became a constant by her side, a source of unwavering support throughout her physiotherapy. You diligently helped her with her strengthening exercises, transforming them into playful challenges that made the rehab less daunting. You celebrated every milestone, no matter how small, the glint of pride in your eyes a bigger motivator than any stern lecture from the physiotherapist.pen_spark
Training sessions became a delightful mix of focused intensity and playful competition. You mirrored each other's exercises, erupting in laughter when one of you inevitably stumbled or fumbled. Lunch breaks were spent strategizing for upcoming games and sharing childhood stories, your bond deepening with every conversation.
But Leah never forgot the initial deception that clouded the start of your connection. The guilt gnawed at her, especially during your physiotherapy sessions. She poured her heart into her recovery, fueled by the desire to be back on the pitch, playing alongside you, not just watching from the sidelines.
One particularly grueling afternoon, as Leah groaned through leg raises, you noticed the strain etched on her face. "Hey," you said gently, placing a hand on her knee, "need a break?"
Leah looked up, surprised by the concern in your eyes. "I'm almost done with this set," she mumbled, determined to endure the pain.
Almost doesn't count," you countered, a playful glint in your eyes. "Besides, wouldn't it be better to listen to your body? We don't want to set you back."
Leah couldn't help but smile. Your genuine care for her well-being was a balm to her soul. "Alright, fine," she conceded. "But only for a few minutes."
Those stolen breaks became a daily ritual. You'd bring her water, help stretch her hamstrings, and sometimes, just sit in comfortable silence, the unspoken bond between you a powerful comfort. You even started researching healthy recipes, determined to fuel Leah's body with the nutrients it craved for recovery.
As Leah's birthday approached, the excitement crackled in the air. You spent weeks planning her party with her family, before enlisting the help of her Mom after remembering her childhood idol Thierry Henry and how jealous she was when you told her you had a signed jersey from the French superstar much to your Dad's dismay. Amanda had asked you numerous times if you were sure you wanted to give that to Leah "She has made me feel more loved, seen, and wanted in these past six months than I have felt my entire life. I.....I just...I know I will never be able to tell her or show her how much I love her, how incredible she is and if this jersey shows her a fraction of that then I'm sure." Amanda pulled you into her chest tightly "You are the only girl i could have ever wished for Leah to fall in love with, but trust me darling she knows how much you love her."
1 Week Later
"I'm sorry you did what." Leah's eyes dropped to the ground unable to look at her mother's disappointed face. "I.....Leah of all the things and to Y/n.....Y/n she god Leah she was it she was your one....shes the one we all wanted the one we were all gunning for how.....how could you be so cruel and to Y/n I'm so disappointed, i actually cant even look at you." Leah turned “Mum…I.” But Amanda was gone
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microsofttothemax · 28 days
the resentment leo would have with splinter post-krang. i genuinely think they would take a bit for them to recover and be comfortable around each other
why do i think that? here’s some reasons. this is gonna be a HELLA long analysis so be prepared. sit down, grab some popcorn, and let’s dive in
in the movie, after raph was taken, leo goes on a whole rant about how he got the key, he gets the answers, and he will get raph back. yes this is irrational and brash, but not in leo’s eyes. in his eyes, this is a foolproof plan that will work
splinter attempts to intervene, and tell him like it is. “it’s not your plan, you need to work with your team.” however, it comes out as a sharp sting to leo’s previous attitude
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“My son, listen to your team. This is not about you.”
it’s meant to be sensible and wise, but to leo, it’s a jab at him. it’s a stab at his cockiness and self-centered attitude, and it reminds leo of why they’re even in this position in the first place. which he hates
most of all, it’s splinter saying it. it’s his father telling him that it’s not about him. because to leo, he’s always been last place to splinter’s affection, and it’s like splinter’s confirming it here
don’t believe me? here:
splinter talks to leo, and it seems that for a minute, he listens to his father’s words. that maybe he should really stop and listen. maybe he should stop and think of a plan, listen to his brothers’ input.
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but the second splinter says it’s not about him? leo shuts down. he pulls away from splinter, and refuses to listen to him. and while splinter may be right, it was something leo never wanted to hear
it’s obvious that he has a somewhat testy relationship with his father, and splinter is trying to make up for it by giving leadership advice. but to leo? this is the guy who made him leader to seemingly mess with him, never bothered to give him attention or praise on his accomplishments, and never truly knew leo beyond his “acting as the best to save face” charade
which brings me to another reason. no, i do not think splinter was ever abusive or purposely neglectful to leo, or any of the boys for that matter. but its clear theres a bit of a rift between him and leo. i think that he kind of resents leo a bit (without meaning to) because he sees himself in him. he sees the irrational movie star who never thought ahead, and made too many mistakes to count
an example would be when leo got punched by lou jitsu two times. none of his brothers got punched, why just him? and sure it could be a running gag, but i find it also to be intentional
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maybe deep down, splinter still resents leo for being so much like his irrational, unreasonable younger self. that every time he sees leo, he sees his stupid past self, and without meaning to, he at times hates leo because of it. and if he doesn’t hate him, he seems to resent him to some extent
splinter also has plainly stated that donnie was the funniest one to him, (s1ep 1, mystic mayhem) and outright laughed when leo asked if he was the favorite son (rottmnt wake-up alarms on youtube, timestamp 1:59) leo also staight-up said that he was splinter’s least favorite (s1ep 4b, down with the sickness)
so yeah, i can see the resentment leo may have for his father deep down. it could be pretty apparent post-krang, hidden behind his jokes and teases
now don’t get me wrong, they have their moments of bonding, and i do love to read little drabbles and fics where they hug and heal. however… realistically speaking, it would take a while for them to get to that stage of father-son bonding post-krang. with splinter naming him leader out of the blue, to the missing lou jitsu posters on the walls of leo’s room in the movie — and we’re definitely talking about that in a later post, trust — i would bet their relationship as father-son pre and post-movie would be extremely rocky.
another reasoning for this could be that splinter often underestimates and undermines leo’s abilities and accomplishments. far as i’ve seen, the most reaction splinter’s given to leo’s accomplishments is an eyebrow raise
for example, when outsmarting big mama, leo was genuinely proud of spending time w his dad and showing him his abilities. he genuinely thought they were working together. however, splinter didn’t say he was proud or anything, just complained he wished he’d brought donnie (s2ep 2, many unhappy returns)
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“I knew I should have brought Purple.”
ouch. that mustve hurt a bit
and yes, i will admit, leo was being a bit of a little shit in this scene, and yes, he could’ve told splinter of the plan before starting to yap and blab to big mama about the plan he cooked up. however, the response splinter gives is not much better. essentially, he’s saying, “i don’t like this kid or his plan, so therefore i think i should’ve brought one of my favored children to solve the problem better.”
and before you go and tell me donnie could’ve outsmarted big mama the way leo did, think for a moment. leo fully admitted to manipulating and lying in an episode before
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“I don’t lie, I just… change the truth.”
whereas donnie cannot tell a lie to save his life. i love him, but the guy is a shit liar. he has failed multiple times at it
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“We are just typical normal humans.. who got lost in the middle of our normal… everyday human lives— nailed it.”
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“Uh… nothing. Just having a typical, normal, mystic-free day.” “What? I said mystic-free.”
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“Why aren’t you guys more upset?”
“Oh. This… hurts me. Uh… I’m very sad…?”
raph & mikey aren’t much better. mikey straight-up started sweating when he had to lie to splinter about piebald, and raph has so many different stinks/scents to him that it’d be easy for others to tell he was lying
also, mikey has doctor delicate touch. who does not know what lying or “don’t be blunt” means
and donnie’s really only being extremely straightforward with what he thinks or about what’s going on around him. so it makes no sense as to why splinter would want to bring donnie along to outsmart big mama, unless he genuinely doesn’t enjoy leo’s presence, which seems to be the case
now all of this is evidence to point towards a very unsteady father-son relationship with these two. yes, splinter seems to be a very lenient father, and i genuinely think he wants to be a good dad. however, oftentimes that leads to miscommunication and misread moments, empty promises, and overall neglecting behavior on his part, all without meaning to
so while he does try harder to be there for his sons later in the show, it’s pretty obvious that one brother — who thrived off any attention possible — probably stopped caring about that validation after all that he went through. splinter gives, but leo doesn’t take. he doesn’t bother to, because he thinks it’s either a prank of some kind, or because he just genuinely doesn’t care for his father’s input anymore.
(this was based on that one post about splinter & leo by @midwesternvibes, i just figure i revisit that bc i’m thinkin about it again)
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enchantressiren · 4 months
❝𝐏𝐀𝐂: 𝐈’𝐦 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞; 𝐧𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐞. 𝐈’𝐦 𝐚 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐠𝐞𝐦.❞
Who are you and what makes you seductive? (Advice + Detailed)
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Subliminal channel | Masterlist
Tips | Paid Readings
This is a tarot card reading. 3 cards were chosen. I added advice as well.
Normal intuitive readings: @sefinaa
Pile 1:
6 of wands, the hanged man, and 9 of cups.
Your desire for success and your goals to get whatever you want without letting obstacles hurt you are what make you seductive. I can feel that you have the fire within you, and you don’t let other people step over you. You also have a sense of enjoyment from protecting what you want, as you are reserved with your goals. Therefore, no one can sabotage you, and you cannot sabotage yourself either because it doesn’t make any sense to you. Why have the need to sabotage yourself like in the past? You come to the realization that it's not worth it because you have this mindset where you know you deserve good things. Some of you are questioning how this makes you seductive—nowadays, it’s very rare for someone to have this mindset. To be so authentic with other people without putting on a mask. How can that not make you seductive? To be able to have other people in your fingers, yet you do not have any intention to harm them. How can these qualities not make you seductive?
You don’t even do anything, and you’re able to get people to find you so attractive that they're actually turned on by you. Some of them have fantasies about you that are very spicy, and some of them have sexual fantasies about you that they actually want to pursue. A specific fantasy I’m feeling for them is that they want you to be submissive because I feel that a majority of you are a top leaning towards a vers. I’m getting that it’s a power dynamic situation. You have this persona of a dominant person, the leadership aura, which is people’s perception of you, but in reality, you’re very soft and calm, and I think this is what makes people so intrigued by you because you’re contradicting their impression of you.
With the hangman, this card represents self sacrifice and a release for something. So I’m feeling that some people that you are close with know that you are a person who values justice, and you do have this desire to help others without asking for anything in return, which would make sense with your soft personality. I hear that a lot of men actually find this very sexy, and I have an image of someone that you are acquainted with or know. They have a bright smile, and they have black hair. They’re light-skinned, and they wear casual clothing, primarily sweatpants or jackets, and you don’t see their shirt often. This person has feelings for you, but not as a crush, only as sexual attraction. I feel that this person often daydreams about BDSM with you and desires to pull your hair and dominate you, but they also want to be pegged by you when you are their dom. I’m also feeling this person is a masochist in terms of sex, and they definitely love to call you mistress/master or mommy/sir. Some of you feel uncomfortable with these terms, and some of you like them, but I feel that if you were to get into a friends with benefit relationship, you should be open with them about what makes you uncomfortable. Also, you’re going to enjoy the relationship, as it will open up the guards that you hold dearly. This person broke through your guards and showed you happiness and freedom; however, if you don’t get into a relationship with them, then you will find it on your own terms, which is the idea you have in mind right now. Some of it is your career, some is going back to college to change your major (which is something you have been scared to do; this is your confirmation), and for the rest, it’s living a little more. I see that you already do, but intuition says, “Explore more, eat such food, do something that you want too, but couldn’t do because of x. Take this time to enjoy life to the fullest.”
Going back to what makes you seductive, I’m also feeling that your idea of love—the way that you express your affection for other people—is also another way for you to heal yourself. I’m picking up that you used to be very selfish in the past—not in a way where you did things for yourself and prioritized yourself but in a way to hurt or harm others. Some of you did not acknowledge that you hurt them, but intuition tells me you’re doing this as a way to repay your sins. People have actually noticed and started to appreciate this quality because you have opened up about it. With this quality, you were able to have another secret admirer.
Intuition tells me this is a close friend of yours or will be; she has a goofy and sweet personality, and she likes wearing 80s clothing and/or cute clothing. She likes to experiment with her makeup style and prefers purple and maroon-red lipstick or purple and/or pastel green glitter eyeshadow. If you haven’t met this person, you will meet her in 2 to 3 months.
With the nine of cups, I'm able to channel that one of the best qualities that make people find you seductive is that you know you’re worth, you’re confident, and you truly love yourself. You are so proud of yourself for how long and how hard it was for you to come back from this mindset that you grew up with and got out of. Your environment wasn’t great, and it did not have the best influences, but you were the one who taught yourself how to better yourself, not for others but for self-improvement. This is what has triggered people to find you beautiful.
“They have all the qualities I want in a person to love and cherish. I want them, but I can’t have them because they want themselves.”
You were able to offer people this desire to come after you because you could offer them some sort of safety or protection. They feel so safe with you because you’re authentic with them, and it is so hard nowadays for authenticity. But because of the hardship that you went through and the environment you grew up in, you learned to understand how important it is to be your real self. Your authentic vibration is so hard to come by because you’re able to influence people in the best possible way. That is why you have so many people after you; that’s why you’re so seductive; that's why you’re so attractive because you have one of the best frequencies, authenticity.
I finished the reading at 4:49, and 449 means you should stay open to the opportunities life brings you. That you should understand that everything happens for a reason, and I feel as if you found this reading because you were looking for a sign to keep going. So you should keep going so you can open up your horizons even more than you already have. I think you should keep this mindset, because whoever you believe in—gods, god, the universe, yourself, etc.—will help you achieve what you want. This mindset is bringing you closer to your desired self or higher self, and some of you are struggling to keep at it because it's hard, and I completely understand. But I do want to remind you that I’m incredibly proud of you and that I am with you. So if you do not have anyone, please be aware that you have me.
Pile 2:
Queens of wands (reversed), kings of sword, and the devil (reversed).
The reason you are considered so seductive is because you portray a dominant and bold persona. You have these goals in mind, and you do not sit around. You actually work hard for it and obtain the desire that you want. You also have this mindset where, like, you don’t let anyone step over you. You also feel this need to push yourself to the limit to achieve what you want because you know the harder you work, the more you can achieve. But I feel that your intuition or your inner child wants you to back it down because you don’t have to work that hard to get what you want. I’m also hearing that your inner child wants you to take it easy and relax because they know that you can achieve what you want, and it's also important to prioritize your mental health or mental diet. Because without it, you won’t be able to function properly, and I feel like the majority of you reading this pile are burned out completely, and you’re actually killing yourself about it. But it is not necessary to do such thing because it is normal behavior. Also, my intuition says to take care of your mental health before you start achieving your goal again. Another thing that makes you attractive is the determination that you possess when it comes to your hobbies. I feel as though many of you have active hobbies or vigorously challenging hobbies in order to improve your growth in knowledge and physical strength. A lot of people have noticed that you have worked tremendously on your mental concept, and they have also noticed that you possess this sexiness by creating new goals or ideas to achieve when you’re in a stagnant period of your life.
With King of Swords, I’m picking up that you have this very smart mindset with people, like you’re very intelligent, great at explaining things, persuading people, and manipulating people, but I’m truthfully picking up that you have this magical aura when it comes to your knowledge. I can’t explain it properly, but the feeling that I feel as of right now.. is like I am in a fairytale with the smartest person in the world who is guiding me into the right path or my life purpose. That is how I feel about this pile. You have wisdom, and you guide people to the right path or whatever they have in mind. You have so much intellect to share because you have experienced so much, but you also have this power to change people’s minds. You’re also very calm, and I can also feel that you use your calmness to make people fall in love with you, so I’m also picking up some of your manipulation of other people, which makes you have them in your grasp and get what you desire. But I think, despite some of you having a manipulative interest when it comes to such things, you do honor your morals. Because I feel that those who have a manipulative personality reading this pile only do it on a whim or because the person deserves it. The majority of you have a moral code and aren’t manipulative; you truly honor your morals because, in a way, it keeps you grounded from doing something that you will regret in the future. And I know that a majority of you have done actions that you have regretted, and now you’re able to use the past to make the right choices in the present moment and the upcoming future.
With the devil card, I’m actually picking up what I wrote in the second paragraph. This card stems from freedom and release, as well as releasing control. I’m feeling that a lot of you actually spoke to people about the trouble you have with manipulating other people, and I know that some people find it seductive and you have noticed it. However, I think with the devil card, you actually understand that having such power can be dangerous, and you’re trying to change the way you manipulate your admirers. Some of you are trying to let go of the satisfaction of having such control, and the rest of you are trying to release this guiltiness when you unintentionally manipulate someone. And in order to incorporate what you desire, you must understand that these desires are natural to have, and you must understand not to kill yourself over them like you keep doing. If you implement the idea that this is wrong, this is right, and this is neutral, you are going to have this ideology that every small thing you do is wrong and the small mistakes are wrong. But you’re also going to have this assumption or idea in your mind 24/7 of what is right and what is wrong, and this idea will or has already drained you, and I believe that is what you were feeling right now.
Aside from the blunt answers that I have written for you, I think the most important thing that makes you seductive or why people are drawn to you is that you put yourself out there. A majority of you have an egotistical mindset, and some of you have a self-centered mindset. I see that all this stems from trying to protect yourself so you do not get hurt, which is ok, but if you were to implement your morals into the way you speak to others, then you'd be able to achieve what you desire because I know that this pile wants to better themselves and learn to not be so afraid of getting hurt.
Now, if we are speaking about the sexual part of this reading and what makes you so seductive, then you should know it’s the way that you act. With the word seduction, it sounds very sexual, but I think with this pile, it’s more like your appearance can seduce men without even trying. You have confidence, and people don’t expect that from the way you look. You kind of are a surprise to people, especially men, as people think you are an enigma. And I see that you are because during sex you are very submissive, or you’re a bottom unless angry.
When they degrade you, it’s kind of like a thrill for you because you get this anger inside as you use anger to bring out your dominant side. You flip to your masculine energy upon them as you take control during it. I also feel that you tend to use ropes when you take control with your person, partner, or whomever, like fwb, or one night stands, and such. But I feel that you somewhat have a rougher side when it comes to taking control, and I think you kind of seek entertainment when they’re slightly in pain (which is consensually). I also feel that, in general, you like to wear tight fitting clothing and "slutty clothing." Which breaks people's perception of you because of your presence or how you speak to them. I think when it comes to your face, you look younger than your age and have a baby face. And, as mentioned before, you are more confident and egotistical, so I believe you draw many eyes towards you because of your outfit, which is what truly makes you seductive. Because a lot of men will not admit it, but they do like this type of person (I am speaking of those whom you meet), and you like their attention, so you tend to accentuate your assets. Which works, and this is why you tend to be certain of their attention as well.
Pile 3:
Six of pentacles, four of wands, and ace of swords.
As a person, you like to prioritize other people's feelings, but you seem to forget about yourself. I’m seeing a golden cup that is filled with coins, riches, and jewels. I see 4 to 5 crows circling around as they peck on the coins, and the crows are the people who are after you because you let them walk over you. The jewels, or riches, are the love and generosity you give them. But the golden cup is your heart. My intuition is telling me that you are pure as a river as it flows around a rocky area. The rock area is the weight in your heart that is trying to balance out being kind to people while also being kind to yourself and trying to understand not to be a doormat. At this moment, I’m really picking up this feeling of sadness and anger. I feel like you guys are very angry with yourself, you’re very emotional, and you’re really hating yourself at the moment because you let people walk over you and you try your hardest for them, but you don’t get the same appreciation. When you let people walk over you, you allow yourself to fill a bottle; in this case, the bottle is overflowing, and some of it has exploded for others. I can feel a lot of wrath in my heart right now as I channel this message. There are a lot of emotions, and I cannot describe them all, but you must learn to channel the anger into something that can be symbolic for you. Trying to at least communicate how you feel with other people; if they do not reciprocate, leave them immediately because you must learn to self-respect yourself; you must learn to love yourself—that is what my intuition is literally screaming to me. You can also put your anger into words, like writing a song that you do not have to publish, writing poetry, writing a story, drawing, running, punching a pillow, etc. But what I do hear is that you must communicate with other people, because letting yourself be walked over does not benefit you in the long run. It only causes you more pain, and then you have a tendency to self sabotage.
The thing is, your good heart is what makes you seductive, but only from the people who show you the same love and appreciation. People get turned on by your innocence and your kindness. I’m also feeling that there’s a particular boy in your life who has a major crush on you despite your sexuality, and they like how cute, pure, and innocent you are. They have green eyes, brown hair, and a mole on their left cheek. I hear that some of you have a mask of this “cuteness persona,” and they can see right through it. But I’m not talking about the mask that you put out; I’m talking about the pureness inside your heart despite the hardship, despite some people not showing the same appreciation, despite people walking over you, etc. Despite all this.. you still show the same love nonetheless, and I know you have anger inside of you.. but I know you still show such kindness to other people because you think that people deserve the same kindness. You believe everyone has a bad day, and you know what that’s like, so you want to spread kindness and positivity to people, and frankly, I think that’s quite gorgeous—and so does this guy.
With the four of Wands, I can see you as a person who has a lot of respect for the homeless shelters and those who volunteer. I also see you as someone who has a desire to help poor people and those who are also orphans at the orphanage. Some of you are actually already volunteering during your free time with homeless people, and you guys have a great reputation within the community. As for the rest of you, you don't have enough time for it, or your parents won’t allow it, as some of you do live with your parents due to cultural backgrounds or because you do not have enough money to support yourself. I'm feeling that the majority of you, though, do live alone, whether with a roommate or in your own apartment. But you really do want to help the homeless, which is what I can feel. With the four wands, the card is about community and support, showing a sense of security and safety. And honestly, that is what I feel with you guys. You guys are basically this tarot card. You guys have a sweet and caring soul. And you bring a sense of safety, and people feel at home with you. And as I mentioned before, this is truly one of your biggest qualities with you being seductive. People have noticed your genuineness in helping others without expecting anything in return. And you look forward to this. Your enthusiasm to help others is what has brought a lot of people to you, especially in this community. Even if you haven't started to volunteer with other people, when you do, more people will come to you because your heart is so pure. People can feel it. Try to imagine an angel on Earth. That is what my intuition is telling me and showing me this image of you where a bright white light is surrounding you and glowing inside and outside of you. That is your energy.
Another thing that makes you seductive is the way you present yourself to others with the facade when your admirers know damn well you aint innocent. You do come off as pure and innocent. But I know that a lot of you are not because you guys are some kinky people lol. I swear, I can feel you guys having a dirty (emphasis on dirty) mind. But you like to hide it with your innocent facade. And some of you watch adult content, and some of you read steamy books. You guys like the steamiest things, and honestly, some of you are ashamed of it, but please do not be; it's completely normal, and that's not something to be ashamed of. But I do like to remind you that your admirers do like this part of you; for them, it is simply a mystery. I believe they like this idea of fun, as if you’re a puzzle in the wrong puzzle box. That is the energy I feel. Because of your contradictory personality, you have achieved this idea of sexiness without even realizing it.
With the ace of swords, I feel as though you already know about the struggles and trauma you are facing. The majority of you are having a realization of what’s wrong. That you allow people to walk over you like you are a doormat. The ace of swords is, in my opinion, about strength and about how we can find solutions within our minds because we are all intelligent. I find that people go through external means to find a solution. But with you, I feel as though you’re working on it internally to understand how to give yourself more self-respect. I believe I have already mentioned this; however, I feel What makes you seductive is self-explanatory. I believe that with the energy that I’m channeling, your last seductive quality is how you work on your own problems without bringing other people down and asking for help. You rely on yourself because you know that people will always come to you for advice. I can tell that you have come to the realization that you are the key that opens up people's worlds, and you open it up, expand their horizons, and make them understand their worth. So now you’re embodying this idea, this ideology, onto you, and I feel that as of now everything makes a lot of sense. I feel like this is why I could not channel your message for 2 weeks because your energy just changed. When you read this, you will have shifted to the right path, as my intuition says.
I hear my intuition tell me that some of you wanted to ask a question, but then you guys are looking at tarot card readings on Tumblr, and some of you are finding them on different sources. I also feel like some of you guys are using those spinning wheel generators with yes, no, and maybe for questions that need to be answered. I need to tell you that the answer that you are looking for is within yourself, but you do not accept it because you do not like the answer. Sometimes we have questions about life and we want a different answer, and sometimes when we find out, we want to change it because that's not what we want, but that does not help us in our path and how we can enjoy life, so you must listen to yourself and your intuition because all of you do not listen to it at all. Some of you say logic this, logic that, and some of you say or listen to what your heart feels at that very moment, and both of these are ok, but it is important to prioritize your intuition because it knows best. And I understand what it’s like to follow logic more than your intuition, as this is how human brains function because of what society taught us and this is how we have grown up. However, it is important to prioritize your intuition in these circumstances if you want to heal from the trauma that you’re putting away from fear.
I know that a majority of you wanted to come here and find out what makes you seductive, but you got more advice than qualities, and I believe it’s because you need to focus on your healing. I did mention 3–4 qualities, which is very true for you, so do not worry that you are not seductive because you are, and I can feel your energy. It’s very beautiful. However, I want you to really focus on healing yourself and saying positive affirmations. Try to at least allow yourself to disconnect from those who do not treat you well, and make sure to learn how to say no and prioritize yourself so you don’t end up in a rabbit hole. Because I feel your emotions right now, and it has a lot of anxiety, and that is what I’m feeling right now. My heart is beating very fast, and that is what you guys feel on a daily basis, so please take care of yourself. I would truly appreciate it if you learned how to do the things that make you happy, because I feel like if I were to meet you, I would want to give you a hug, and I don’t like to do it that much. I feel like you guys need so much affection and love, and your inner child is hurting, so at least show them that love. So prioritize yourself, make sure to take care of yourself, and do not worry if people do not like you when you learn to do better for yourself. You're doing this for a reason, so you can become your higher self. The people who are meant to stay in our lives are meant to be with us and will help us achieve our higher selves. For those who are not meant to stay with us, I truly believe they are a lesson. I feel like they are there to teach us something so we can become the people we are meant to be, but we cannot become them if we don’t learn what’s right for us.
I also feel like some of you need some words of encouragement, so allow me to be that person.
“You are a strong person, and I truly believe that you are meant to do great things in life. I truly believe and I see your future that you will be happy and you will have the most beautiful things you cannot imagine as of now, but when it does happen, your heart will be content and you will find the person who makes you feel all giggly inside, whether that’s a platonic lover or a romantic lover. Your family does not despise you as much as you want to believe. It is true that your family cares for you. I’m not talking about your biological family, as the majority of you have a lot of trauma and a shitty family; I’m speaking about those who are friends or coworkers, or even your pet(s) or one of your siblings. They care about you, and they love you. A family does not have to be blood related. It can be anyone; maybe your favorite YouTuber or social media creators are like family to you; then, so be it, and they care about you. I feel as some of you feel it with me.. I prefer to be humble, but I feel like some of you feel like I am there to help, that I listen, that I care, and that you enjoy my content and that I’m like family to you, so be it. People love you, and people care about you. I care about you, and I enjoy your company, whether it’s anonymous or not, but you must know that you are not worthless. You are worthy and you are so loved right now, and I can feel this sense of peace right now as I channel your message. I can feel this sense of comfort, and some of you right now are taking a picture of this or screen recording it. And I also feel some of you are crying because I can feel your inner pain or because I understand you (because people don’t), and I am glad I can be the light for you. I am glad you found this pile because it's meant for you. I am delighted and blessed you want to change yourself and that you want grow as a person and feel more safe within yourself. And I know you are scared right now because you do not know what will happen, but do you know that this journey will be beautiful. It will not be all rainbows and butterflies. Sometimes it will be skulls and lightning. But that is how all journeys are, and at the end, it’s always the most beautiful of them all. And that is who you will become. I can feel this beautiful and mesmerizing energy from your higher self. It’s so calming and so soothing. I feel like I’m in heaven right now. I feel peace, I feel happy, and I feel like crying, and honestly, I feel like once you achieve them, you will feel the same peace I feel right now.” —my intuition.
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herebutnothere · 2 months
This scene in S7 E5 is so so important to the bridge between who Rick and Michonne were as people before each other and who Rick and Michonne are as individuals and a unit once they find and learn each other.
At this point in their journey they're at a crossroads. The Saviors have just murdered their friends and have put their community under a constant state of danger and strife. The very life and freedom they walked the extra 100 miles for is at risk.
And yet...
Rick is willing to accept it. He's already lost so much and he can't see a way out that doesn't include more losses that he's not sure he can handle.
But Michonne is willing to fight. While she too has lost so much, she can't see a way forward that includes rolling over.
Rolling over like Mike (who cost her her son).
Or rolling over like Andrea (who cost her the trust and friendship she carefully opened herself up to).
So here, when Rick says that he's going to go find things to appease this force weighing on them, that he's using his time and energy and power to essentially surrender, they're at odds.
For Rick, this comes with self-doubt, self-consciousness, and embarrassment. Maybe he can't keep them safe.
For Michonne, this comes with self-doubt, fear, and hesitation. Maybe she'll lose everything again.
But it's important to note that they're at odds with the method, not at odds with each other.
So. Back to this scene.
Rick says that if you change your mind, you can join us. You can join me. (Please don't leave. Please don't doubt me. That's a pain I can't handle.)
For him, Negan's presence is the manifestation of all his internal doubts. And we've seen what happened before when those internal doubts were presented in human form (Shane x Lori).
Lori turned from him. She doubted him. She lost faith in him. She, for all intents and purposes, left him.
So when he sees Michonne's doubt and hesitations, he thinks it's happening again. That she's turning from him. That she's doubting him. That she's lost faith in him. That she'll leave him. That she's disgusted by his "weakness". That she's at odds with him because we know that he internalizes his decisions as a reflection of himself.
That she can't handle, accept, or love this side of him.
But Michonne isn't even focused on that. She's stuck on her way of doing things. Of not being able to trust anyone and needing to be the only person who can step up. She's trying to not lose Rick and Carl and the others the same way she lost her son. She's reverting to hyper-independence.
So when she shifts his peck on the cheek to kiss him fully, when she holds his face and looks into his eyes, it's her saying "I see you. I understand. And I still need to do this for myself." (I'm not at odds with you. I'm trying to prove myself wrong. I need to see it through.)
His "thank you" is for her wordless affirmation. For her grace. For her love. For her acceptance of what he thinks he needs to do and who he thinks he needs to be in this moment to keep them all safe.
And with this, the bridge between them is strengthened. The Rick who still struggles with the weight of leadership that's been thrust upon him and the Michonne who hasn't fully trusted this new world around her begin to settle. And when each comes back at the end of the day having played out their individual methods and seen the proof they need firsthand, they have a new understanding of what they're facing.
Because this time is different.
Rick didn't have her before and Michonne didn't have him.
But now, they have each other. That's why she says that together they can defeat the Saviors. They need each other. His strength and hers. Different forms of strength made more powerful and amplified by the individual experiences they've had.
Le sigh.
This is one of my favorite scenes of theirs and in my mind lays the foundation for how everything in TOWL played out, from his escape attempts to her being able to break through his trauma. Simple perfection.
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shoury01 · 2 years
***Continued from Chapter 01 (Covered previously: Meaning, Progressive & Degenerative impact, Loss Aversion, Psychological Roots) Link to Chapter 01: https://shouryoryx.wordpress.com/2022/07/26/the-scarcity-mindset-meaning-and-behaviors-associated-chapter-01/ Forms in which Scarcity Mindset may Manifest A) Believing That Situations Are Permanent: . . . . . . . . . . We think “Well, that’s…
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writers-potion · 4 months
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𓆩☠︎︎𓆪Dark Fantasy Tropes:
Magic Hates You: Magic usually comes at a high price and is viewed as a corrupting force that characters really shouldn’t mess with.
The Government Hates You: Whatever government exists is usually oppressive or, at the very least, doesn’t look out for anyone’s best interests. Sometimes, those who are capable of sucking up to the right people or making back-alley deals can get what they want or need. Whoever is in charge often doesn’t care about “the poor” and would rather spend time doing things that don’t involve being a leader. Or, they could just be a very bad but active leader for reasons that can range from “Wants to help but actively makes things worse somehow” to “Violent maniac with no actionable way to reign in the crazy.”
Religious Institutions Also Hate You: If the deities aren’t real or uncaring, they acts as tricksters or deliberately antagonistic to mortals, needing constant appeasement and sacrifice just to keep them from wreaking havoc.
The Protagonist Hates You: Apathy and general melancholia are strong themes in general dark fantasy. This is especially noticeable in the protagonist, who is usually reluctant to get involved in the story, on top of having a snarky personality and constantly being angry or annoyed. If they aren’t totally unsure of themselves, they are frequently, extraordinarily arrogant, uppity, or just plain nasty toward others. And, they can often be self-absorbed or unwilling to do things for others without getting something in return.
Everyone Else Hates You, Too: Supporting characters run into the same behavioral and temperamental pitfalls: unwarrantedly aggressive, snooty, apathetic, annoyed, inconvenienced, and sardonic.
The World Hates You: Most of what’s going on in the world is the result of bad leadership and bad intentions. The way things are is often portrayed as hopeless and completely unwinnable, though this doesn’t necessarily have to be the case.
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
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thecuddlycauldron · 3 days
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Pick a card!
Am I on the right path right now?
✩°。🧸𓏲⋆.🧺𖦹 ₊˚ These are general readings, only take what resonates and leave the rest! These are only meant to be for fun and nothing else. Trust your intuition and don’t overthink. If nothing resonates, feel free to move on. If you stay, I hope you enjoy what the cards have in store for you today! ✩°。🧸𓏲⋆.🧺𖦹 ₊˚
🌷 Card 1 (7 of cups)
Maybe. This card signifies choices, dreams, illusions, and the presence of many opportunities. You might be envisioning many different possibilities for your future, but it’s important to distinguish between realistic goals and fantasies. This card can sometimes indicate that not all opportunities or choices are as they seem. It warns against being swayed by illusions or unrealistic expectations. You need to gain clarity and focus at this time. You might need to evaluate your options carefully and determine which choices you have align best with your true and realistic wishes. With so many possibilities and paths you can take, there's a risk of feeling overwhelmed. It's important to prioritize and make decisions based on careful consideration rather than getting lost in daydreams. You may be on a path with many potential directions, it’s important to seek clarity and focus.
🌷 Card 2 (Queen of wands)
Yes. The queen embodies confidence, passion, determination, and charisma! She has an independent and vibrant spirit. You are on a path where you exhibit strong self-confidence and self-assurance. You likely feel empowered and capable of handling challenges. This card indicates that you are following your passions and pursuing what truly excites and motivates you. Your path is aligned with your creative energy and enthusiasm. Like I mentioned, the queen of wands embodies leadership and independence. You will be taking charge of your life, making decisions that reflect your personal values, and leading others by example. Your self-awareness allows you to channel your strengths effectively toward your goals, and your vibrant energy inspires those around you, making you a natural leader. Trust in your abilities and continue shining your light brightly...!
🌷 Card 3 (The magician)
Yes. This is a powerful card that signifies manifestation, resourcefulness, skill, and the ability to turn your ideas into reality. The magician is telling you that you have the power to create your desired reality. You are on a path where you can use your skills and resources to manifest your goals and dreams. You are using your talents and abilities to their fullest potential. Remember that you are resourceful and capable of handling whatever comes your way. The magician is a lot about having a clear vision and focusing your intent. You are on a path that aligns with your true purpose, and your focused energy is driving you forward. It emphasizes taking action and initiative. You are likely proactive and confident in making things happen, rather than waiting for opportunities to come to you. Go get 'em kid!
Love, Willow
♡⸝⸝🪐⋆ In depth and reasonably priced tarot readings here ♡⸝⸝🪐⋆
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tossawary · 6 days
This is a very niche fic idea that I have no solid intention of actually writing, but... "Naruto" has more than a few self-insert fics and some of them are transmigrations into canon characters. Some of them are about OCs who do not want to be a ninja and are desperately trying to get out of it. There's usually some deliciously frustrating tragedy and horror about the brutal and inescapable military system of Konoha.
So, I thought that it would be kind of interesting to do an OC-insert into Sasuke, probably ultimately more comedic than angsty, as the OC tries to fail out of having to become a ninja, but then has to struggle against the fact that a civilian Sasuke would probably be expected to start a new Uchiha clan ASAP. (They probably have to concede to at least becoming a genin for the benefits of legal adulthood of some kind at 12 years old, even if it means being a part of the damn military.)
But even if the OC would personally love to be a parent someday, they cannot condone participating in what's essentially a breeding program for a new generation of Sharingan-wielding super-soldiers. Children who are probably going to be chewed up and spat out by Konoha someday too.
I think it would be neat to have a character treat the Sharingan like a genetic disorder that they don't want a child to suffer. I think it would have been interesting if canon Sasuke had also wrestled with the idea of letting the Sharingan die out. Fuck it, he'll adopt if he wants to be a dad someday. I also think it would be funny to have an OC-insert whose goal is to get a secret vasectomy (body autonomy!) without the leadership of Konoha finding out.
Sasuke, as soon as Sakura becomes a medical nin: "I need you to do me a huge secret favor and NOT be weird about it."
Sakura, also still currently a teenager: "You're asking me to CASTRATE YOU, AT HOME, IN SECRET, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO NOT BE WEIRD ABOUT THIS?!"
(And there's the whole fucking issue of the "Naruto" universe having cloning, so, no, a vasectomy isn't a solid guarantee of getting out of this. But it might buy Sasuke a few years to figure out how to avoid the mad science route too if anyone tries to force marriage on him at any point.)
Even throwing aside the issue of children, even in an AU where the OC-Insert is cool with having bio children, I think it would be really funny to have a Transmigrator Sasuke announcing outright in the first Team 7 meeting that his dream is to retire super early and become a shinobi tradwife to a super strong ninja.
Kakashi: "...What?"
Sasuke, possibly talking out of his ass to troll his team and because he's already spitefully exhausted: "I said what I said. I'm the only Uchiha left to pass on my clan's techniques, so my dream is to be a stay-at-home ninja, supported by a super strong spouse who can protect my family."
I think this would break Naruto and Sakura's brains. ("Marry Hokage Naruto" is not the worst plan that a transmigrator could come up with, probably.) I think that this would be a super funny start to a Team 7 OT3 in which Naruto and Sakura become rivals for the position of Sasuke's shinobi sugar daddy/mommy. (Naruto doesn't consciously realize that he's competing for Sasuke's hand in marriage at first, but he gets it after a few years or so.)
Kakashi is... So Tired. Obito, are you seeing this shit??? What the fuck.
I know some OC-insert / SI-insert into Sasuke fics exist, I just think the funniest plot direction for a transmigrator in this situation would be to completely bail on both the "take revenge on Itachi" and "rebuild the Uchiha clan" dreams in the least macho ways available.
Also, what WOULD Itachi think of Sasuke abruptly deciding to give up on revenge and to become a house husband instead?
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clairdelunelove · 1 year
cigarettes and exchanges
simon 'ghost' riley x reader
genre: fluff! (smoking drabble!)
warnings: slightly suggestive, cursing, smoking, suave!ghost
synopsis: ghost understands that his cigarette addiction is getting out of hand. but, in his defense, he's just never had a motive to quit! you offer to help and perhaps your new reward system will work for the lieutenant!
a.n. this could be read as a continuation to 'frosty kisses' or a standalone! and no, I typically don't like when men smoke but will I make an exception for ghost? yes. I hope you lovelies are doing well! let me know what you think about this headcanon I have for him heh! here's my kofi! <3
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been pondering about ghost’s inclination to smoke a cigarette whenever he’s stressed and how you might’ve found a better alternative– one that he craves even more.
another operation typically meant an increased likelihood of risking a multitude of unknowing, blind lives– an embittered fact that accompanies the line of duty he’s in. it’s a cruel contract that he’s familiar with yet the guilt never dissolves. in truth, it’s the torture of bad conscience that he can never shake off. he shoulders through resting recruits, footsteps heavy on the patchy floorboards while weaving clear of the crowd. some shift on their feet to avoid being pummeled by his powerful gait as he makes a beeline to the door. it’s assumed that such a strong reaction from the man would raise alarm but no one pays him any mind– aware of the lieutenant’s ache for solitude after the completion of a mission. whispers of his infamous smoke break settled amongst the lips of veteran recruits. and truthfully, it acts as a deliberate retreat that he wouldn’t commit to in the public eye. stepping outside and gazing into the abyss was an escape from the detached facade he gives into when he slips into a role of leadership. a position that’s necessary yet promises contempt– an emotion that not even he could run away from.  
ghost who perceives that his reliance on cigarettes is a bad habit he should break. knows that he could quit, in all honesty, since his self-discipline was so tenacious that many envied him for it. was never tempted with superficial vices that other task force members sought after. however, cigarettes are a psychological and chemical crutch that he’s been unwilling to drop. and he’s wise enough to realize that the chemicals do more harm than good to his body but it serves as a form of self-medication for him. helps him deal with wartime stress– the unyielding tension and restless nerves that disturbed his rare nights of sleep. reasons that his thoughts are clearer whenever he pulls out his lighter. he rationalizes that his incessant, troubled mind is finally hushed. lulled to rest. all he has to do is flip open that little white box and he’s instantly rewarded with the one predictable outcome in his life. 
ghost who wordlessly offers a spare cigarette to you when your figure slips beside him. his gloved fingers pinch at the small roll as he outstretches it towards you. you shake your head, muttering a gentle, “no, thank you though,” and he wittingly predicts the polite decline. there was nothing else you could’ve requested from him at this moment. food, entertainment, and rest were all found within the base– not outside. he rocks back on his heels. your tendency to keep him company is a habit you’re guilty of. not that he minds. recalls a similar scene that unfolded the night before the new year. and he’s aware that your lingering is intentional; as deliberate as the giggles that he manages to pull out of you during these softer times. the companionship sparks a fervor in him. one that he’s compelled to cultivate and cherish with you. 
ghost who rumbles, “your life expectancy just went way up then, pup,” due to your unwillingness to smoke. it’s a praise. don’t engage in the faults he has. you’re too pure for that. his heavy-lidded eyes spot the tinge of a smile dancing on your lips on behalf of the nickname. satisfaction burns within him. possessiveness claws at him. needs to get his mind off of the strong emotions. grasping at the lower edge of his balaclava, he tugs the darkened fabric up and neatly folds it over the slant of his nose. it’s not the first time he’s been partially unmasked with you. presumes that you wouldn’t actively question his identity and throw him into a crisis. yet, your curiosity magnifies to unveil the enigma that is simon ‘ghost’ riley, your lieutenant, who unknowingly causes your stomach to excitedly flip and churn with every interaction. 
ghost who turns away from you to place the cigarette in his mouth. it balances atop his full lips, a position so enticing that you’re willing to trade places with the inanimate object, and ultimately quell the yearning. his other hand fondles the box of cigarettes. “you can always replace the cigarettes with a new reward system, ya know,” you suggest. your voice is light, dipping on the last syllable, and he understands that you mean well. yet, he raises a dark eyebrow while flicking on his engraved lighter. connecting the cigarette to the end of it, there’s a satisfying burn before he deeply inhales. a cloud of misty smoke swirls around you even if he shifts away. the stench intermingling with your sweet fragrance and lingering. a sort of imprint that brands you as his. your gaze flits over to him to eagerly trace the fair, sharp jawline that’s visible without the guise, and you sputter, “like having something sweet. I heard people quit smoking by chewing bubblegum or having lollipops.”  
ghost who curiously prods, “somethin’ as sweet as you?” and the idle thumping in your chest accelerates into hammering when his gaze locks onto yours. his teasing is too sudden. you stiffen at the inviting drawl of his voice and the mannerism is one that he’s too familiar with. his eyes skim the soft features of your face, noting your skittish behavior, and deems it necessary to compose himself a bit. doesn’t wish to scare you off. but he’s pleasantly surprised to hear you ask, “you think I’m sweet, lieutenant?” his gloved fingers lift the cigarette to his lips again to take another long drag, “oh, I think we both know the answer to that, pup.” another mention of the nickname– another wave of heat rushing to your core. the statement throws you into a frenzy because his deep-set eyes seem more fitting for the bedroom and the revelation has you internally scolding yourself for the stray path your mind takes. 
ghost who’s unaware that it’s his turn to be as motionless as a marble statue when you edge closer. speculated that the rancid cigarette smoke would dampen that sugary aroma that invades his senses when you’re in his proximity. it doesn’t. just promotes the stark difference since it’s a specific scent he traces back to you. always causes his skin to tingle whenever he catches a whiff. a curse abruptly leaves his lips when he’s broken out of his reverie. your hand settles on the center of his chest, a tender touch that compels him to trail his gaze to your face. makes no effort to halt your movements. why should he when you’re the root of all his desires? immediately, his brain conjures up an arrogant remark; a natural reaction to his usual encounters. however, when he drags his eyes to yours and perceives that your usually bright eyes are hooded– he’s silent. 
ghost who allows you to push yourself up on your toes and pluck the cigarette from his mouth. doesn’t even manage to get another drag of it. never finds himself craving for it once it’s taken from him. instead, he’s fixed to the spot while you stare at his lips, revealing a small scar blending in with a muted shade of pink. your thumb gingerly brushes against the meager feature. a detail that is so ardently ghost. the rather concealed scar ignites something affectionate between the two of you. a shared secret that he’s let only you uncover. you slide your fingers underneath the sharp curve of his jaw and the gentle touch seizes his attention. pressing close to the juncture of his neck, you murmur, “let's exchange your cigarette for something sweeter, yeah?”   
ghost who stifles a groan of satisfaction when your glossy lips finally press against his cheek. warmth blossoms in his chest. fiery sparks, a discerned emotion that he thought he had lost, set him alight. for once, he’s rejoicing at the mere coincidence of being partially unmasked. and when he conceived that this overwhelming rush was fulfilled, you stunned him again by pressing another delicate kiss dangerously close to the corner of his lips– directly where his scar was. “a prize whenever you don’t smoke,” you propose while pulling away. he curses a resounding, “fuck.” it was dizzying. a singular glance was all you needed to discover that he’s completely flushed from your touches. his breathing is uneven too, teetering on what some would call desperate. drawn out and amplified. however, if that’s what he is– for you– then so be it. ghost was free-falling. plunging into another bad habit. a dependence that he’s afraid is more addicting and chronic than nicotine. you.  
ghost who hums deliciously low, “playing a dangerous game here.” his voice invokes a shiver within you. a sweltering heat crawls up your face, lingering at the uppermost part of your cheeks. the vowels dripped from his tongue like honeyed venom and you caught it. stored it, like it was fundamental to your existence. before you can withdraw, a strong hand encloses around your wrist. the touch is sure and solid– undoubtedly his. and when you peer at him, he’s admiring you through thick, pale lashes. his eyes are like silvered stone, cutting through all your defenses as his focus darts along your face. mapping– no– sketching out your softest features for the sake of his pleasure. the pleasure of admiring art. 
ghost who then raises the hand that’s gripping the box of cigarettes, notably to gain your attention, and tosses it behind his shoulder. the cardboard carton falls to the floor with a muffled thud. and in the span of a couple seconds, ghost completely eradicates his dependence on cigarettes. the promise of something sweeter causing him to reconsider and amend for all the time he could’ve spent smothered in your syrupy kisses. he leans to graze his lips against a sensitive spot in your neck, his nose nudging at the tantalizing crevice of skin. without the barrier of his mask, you’re hyper-aware of the greedy nip that ghost leaves and he’s awarded with a breathy exhale escaping your glossy lips. anticipates the way your knees buckle but he easily steadies you. he hums, dark and encouraging, at the receptive noise. fancies hearing it regularly. surely reserved just for him. you distinctly sense a corner of his lips tug upward once they’re on your neck again and he questions, “gonna give me ‘nother prize now, sweetheart?” 
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