#It is an ongoing battle
my-status-single · 15 days
Do...we prefer short chapters? Little chapterlets? Is that a thing? I'm making it a thing. OR Do we like long chapters?
Because... I can do both But like...long chapters would take longer.
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ducktollers · 4 months
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best friends
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corviiids · 9 days
(more persona 5 / persona 5 royal spoilers again)
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(this one has art by dotdotdotukno on twitter please view)
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compilation of specifically my obsession with ryuji and goro being terrible... friends??
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wigglesdtuff · 24 days
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andromeddog · 7 months
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hi nix
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dirt-and-scrivles · 7 months
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Q!tubbos as I work out his design
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utilitycaster · 7 months
Really want to hear what Laura has to say about Imogen specifically choosing the Dawnfather to go to. Is it because of Deanna and FRIDA's influence? The connection to the Sun Tree? The idea that if the moon doesn't answer, try the sun? The fact that she knows he's specifically invested in what she's doing and she's DEFINITELY not giving FCG the satisfaction of thinking they converted someone? The thought that pitting a known hardass against Delilah might be wise? The knowledge that Imogen knows that his clerics can bring back the long dead?
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mitskijamie · 1 year
Also I'm not anti royjamie fistfight BUT I do think jamiekeeley catfight over Roy would be more entertaining and make more sense in the context of the last 2 seasons
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yang-certified · 8 days
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The Sucrosi Road ambush has a lot of Box of Doom rolls for the very first fight in a campaign.
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thiccpersonality · 4 months
Damian (Gremlin) Wayne...and his even more gremlin-esque family pt. 3
After twenty long minutes of fighting Richard, Jason and Tim have finally managed to take their seats (at Bruce's insistence). Richard and Jason glare at Tim harshly for managing to get the right side chair next to Bruce, the younger boy smiling victoriously and scooting his chair closer to the confused man.
Bruce: "What is going on with you boys?"
Tim gives a mean glare to Damian right quick before blinking innocently up at the older man: "Nothing suspicious...just the regular amount of fighting and attempted bloodshed is all."
Bruce hums slowly and squints suspiciously at Tim's overly bright smile but softens at the boy scooting his plate closer to him and eating happily. Well, he can't argue much if Tim is willingly eating on time.
Damian violently shoves a piece of his salmon in his mouth at how close Drake is getting to his father, his eyes narrowing at the devious smile the other gives him at Bruce patting his hand gently. At Bruce's gentle show of affection for another that is not biologically related to him causes Damian to tighten his grip on his fork, his left hand reaching out to tug Bruce's hand away from Tim and bring it to his stomach, sighing contentedly at the warmth in the palm resting on his belly.
Before Bruce can ask Damian why he did that, said boy looks up at Bruce curiously: "I heard from Pennyworth that you were planning for my academic endeavors-"
Jason stabs at his fish violently while side eyeing Damian: "Schooling, it's called schooling. Is it so fucking hard for you to speak like a normal child?"
Damian turns up his nose while his left eye twitches at being interrupted: "Listen, Todd. Just because I don't talk like an uneducated, unloved and brainless street urchin such as yourself. Don't be jealous."
Bruce gasps quietly at Damian's language-sometimes he forgets how violent his baby son could be-and softly squeezes at Damian's stomach in warning: "Damian Wayne, we don't speak to family that way, especially when it's not true or needed. And Jason, try being a little kinder and gentler with Damian...I don't care that he was trained under the best assassins, he's still just a baby."
Damian frowns and feels irritation rise at his father implying that he needs to be coddled, his said feelings quickly washing away at a large hand carding through his hair and Bruce kissing the top of his head gently.
Green eyes filled with malice towards Jason look up innocently at Bruce, Damian smiling and snuggling back into Bruce as the man continues to dote on him: "I guess I am a baby. YOUR baby. BIOLOGICAL. BLOOD son." Bruce sighs and just pats his youngest on the head, not noticing (or choosing to not pay attention to) his three eldest children in varying degrees and expressions of anger.
Jason locks his eyes onto Damian's and aggressively bites at the salmon, to which Damian just turns his nose up at the pitiable display. Green eyes turn to Tim next, eyebrow raising as the second youngest blankly stares at Damian while mouthing "don't fall to sleep", a weak attempt at frightening him if you ask Damian. And lastly is Richard who is holding that friendly smile on his face while eyeing Damian like a hawk, the man's smile growing when Damian finally looks at him.
It's at a phone ringing that Damian breaks eye contact with the eldest, lips turning into a frown at Bruce sighing and lifting him up, only to place him in his seat and telling everyone he'll be right back.
Well, as soon as Bruce leaves the chaos erupts. Damian turns his head back to face the rest of his new family, only to be greeted with Tim's face in his own.
Tim: "So first you pop up here unexpectedly like a pimple and now you want to hog Bruce to yourself? You are sitting in his seat...I don't think I've ever even sat in his seat."
Damian's smirk is haughty while responding: "Listen Drake, if your ass were to touch this seat, I would have to burn it to spare my father from the disease you surely must be carrying."
Jason and his constant willingness to tease Tim whenever he gets the chance just snorts: "Whaddya mean? Timbo here IS the whole disease short stuff."
Damian growls and throws his fork at Jason, the utensil landing above the teen's shoulder: "Don't ever call me by that name again! While we can agree that Tim is a disease I do not appreciate your ridiculous nicknames for people."
Richard finally interrupts with a sigh: "Everyone calm down. We don't want to ruin Bruce's night too much, if we are going to war about this, why not be civilized and play it cool so we don't alert or distress B?"
Jason flicks a piece of his salmon at the older: "Do I really have to be the one that has to tell you all the reasons playing civilized is stupid, Dickhead? One: it's a war, you know the thing that is filled with bloodshed and violence? And two: I am NOT playing nice with Timmy Neutron and the Oompa Loompa over there, I'd rather kill myself."
Tim crosses his arms and blows a piece of hair out from his face: "Then just get on with it already then. The sooner you kill yourself the less competition there is-"
Damian nods in agreement and gives a mean look to Jason: "Plus, I don't think anyone would care about your second death this time around."
Alfred sighs loudly and slams his palms against the table: "That is quite enough! If you boys are so convinced on having your little battle right now, then fine, but do not degrade each other with your traumas. That is a horribly low blow."
The four boys look at Alfred apologetically and quietly apologize, watching as the man stands and takes his plate to the kitchen.
It's as soon as the second real adult leaves the room that the boys glare at each other and start tossing their remaining food at one another. Spouting threats and curses while planning on how to one-up the other to gain more of Bruce's attention.
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cuterefaction · 7 months
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#Trektober Day 27, "Out of Uniform". Julian's dedication to clothes that are extremely ugly but very comfortable looking was yet another profoundly relatable thing to me as an autistic kid, but it's probably torture for his fashion lizard.
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feletida · 2 months
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Meega Nala Kweesta
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sparklecryptid · 10 days
In All The Bastards Verse:
Regis: my children-
Ardyn: i think you mean OUR children
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softnow · 2 months
i just took a dance class taught by theee vincent rodriguez iii??? and we learned don’t be a lawyer choreo????? 2018 holl is screaming
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mihrsuri · 3 months
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Trying to talk my brain into letting me buy clothes I need to buy and I cannot decide/want both but cannot afford both so - a poll.
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