#It's the one series where I gave myself the rule 1) no looking at the tag to avoid spoilers (that's why I'm nit reblogging much art) and
uh-mozzaza · 8 months
I'm so mad that I have the self-imposed rule of buying only one manga volume per month, cause this morning I finished reading the 8th volume of Land of the Lustrous and ARRRRGHHHHHHHRRRRHHH
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pedripics · 2 months
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PRESS CONFERENCE ahead of FC BARCELONA v PSG - April 15, 2024
About his feelings and the team:
"Well, I think the team is very motivated and has a great desire to play an important match like the one we have tomorrow. On a personal level, I feel good. I went through a difficult period full of injuries, but the truth is that I was excited to come back. I was able to be back in Paris, play some minutes against Cadiz, and I'm very excited for the game tomorrow."
"On the field I don't think about the injuries I've had. The pass I gave to Raphinha in the goal in Paris is similar to the pass I gave when I was injured the last time. I'm happy with myself return. I give my 100% to the team. We're looking forward to tomorrow's match."
About potentially playing 90 mins tomorrow:
"I feel good, I have a lot of desire, everyone wants to play this kind of match. It is true that when you return from injury you notice fatigue, but I feel strong and want to play. I prefer to play 80 minutes at 100% and ask for a change if I cannot handle more. So that's what I'm going to do, I'm going to play until I can and I'll ask for a change when I can't."
Is this the biggest game of his career?
"Yes, I think it's the most important match of my career so far. This and the semi-finals of the European Cup. The fans deserve matches like this, we've wanted a night like this in Barcelona for a long time. They have helped us get here after many years, they have always supported us and we want to enjoy it all together"
About the teams improvement:
"Even though I wasn't with the team for a long time, like Frenkie or Christensen, the team maintained itself. We have a very full team, and we rotate. we are Family. We had a lot of injuries and we knew how to move on and come out of them."
"Xavi's announcement must have had some impact, now we have a long and series. We have improved our ability to keep clean sheets and be more aggressive in defense. We are much better mentally, before, we had a lot of doubts when we scored a goal, we still have to improve. We are still young, and we will improve with time. We were able to come back to Paris, it's the most difficult, especially in a stadium which puts a lot of pressure on you."
About Gündogan's impact:
"Gundogan is a spectacular player, since I met him, I already knew what role he would have in the team, it is a pleasure to play with him, I learn a lot from him in training and he has some spectacular numbers, very happy to have him by my side."
About getting psychological help during his injuries:
"I didn't because I don't feel like I need it and with the trainers we have done a spectacular job, although I don't rule it out in the future."
About facing PSG:
"Everyone likes to talk about the favorite, which is currently, I don't like it. They are two quite similar teams, who like to have the ball. I think it will be a good match, we will do our best to qualify."
"We have to be careful because it is clear that Paris is not coming to Barcelona to give us gifts. I think Paris will come with all their strength, especially with our knowledge of their coach, they will try to turn things around. It is true that we have this slight advantage that the result gives us, but we must go out as if this advantage did not exist, go out to devour Paris and this is how we must appear."
"The priority tomorrow is to get the ball. When you have the ball, you prevent the opposing team from giving you chances. Also avoid one-on-one confrontations and one-on-one duels, where players like Kylian Mbappe, Ousmane Dembélé or Barcola are very good."
About watching the 6-1 win vs PSG:
"I've been a Culer since I was young. A comeback like that stays in your memory. I couldn't believe it. We talk about it with Sergi, and we hope to give another equally memorable memory to the Culers."
About playing in two different positions:
"I’ve played in a deeper position in the last two games and I got to touch the ball more than usual. I’m comfortable in playing anywhere in the midfield."
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doodlegirl1998 · 11 months
As a story writer, BNHA is an utter insult to story telling in general. And it sickens me that people literally praise it as peak story telling.
Other anime series like Death Note, Madoka Magica, and Dragon Ball has similar themes and character arcs and did them a MILLION times better than this series ever did!
I'm one who greatly values the rule of "show don't tell" and building up believable chemistry between the characters that I just don't get from this series.
1-A say they're connected and can work together as one but we never get any scenes of the class just hanging out and only talk about subjects that are happening right now. We don't know any of their likes or dislikes, their hobbies, what they like to do and more.
Izuku is forced to be miserable and alone so it can be misery for the sake of misery or played up for poor tasting comedy. And to be forced away from his first true friends to be with the Cash Cow Triplets because that apparent pairing makes the most money.
And that's... the saddest thing about the whole business nowadays.
Telling a good story isn't a priority anymore, it's adding things that'll make them the most bank.
Sorry for this rant I just wanted to get that off my chest.
Hi @theloganator101 👋,
I agree as someone who likes to write fics and read a lot of stories myself I do see where you are coming from.
MHA is built on a strong foundation, interesting premise, world building and loveable characters (eeehhh mostly...) yet as time has gone on really prominent cracks have begun to show in MHA.
Particularly, Hori's "tell don't show" method - an inverse of the good writers advice "show don't tell." For example - so many characters kiss Bakugou's ass, call him a prodigy, a "manly friend", a "hard worker", "the best", "has grown a lot" when with how this kid acts he should be LOATHED. By everyone, staff and students alike.
Aizawa is one of his most staunch defenders despite Bakugou being the type of student he should (from what we are told about him and see of his backstory) despise.
Kirishima is his self proclaimed best friend yet Bakugou is the type of person (from what we are told about him) he should also hate with a passion.
Shoto expresses the desire to be friends with Bakugou yet from his upbringing, he should instantly see Bkg is a POS (a mini Endeavor in a lot of ways) and hate him on principle - especially because of how Bakugou is still acting openly hostile and abusive to Midoriya.
Midoriya still calls him "Kacchan" which implies closeness yet Bakugou viciously bullied him mercilessly for year's. He should from what we see also loathe Bakugou or grow to do so yet he never does.
All of this creates a strong sense of cognitive dissonance and dissatisfaction throughout the story.
Class 1A say they are connected but are they really, and is Aizawa their defacto father figure? I would say no. Despite Hori telling us otherwise - he doesn't make the effort to SHOW us.
Class 1A can show they care what Bakugou feels like being rescued but hound Midoriya and drag him back to UA without a care in the clusterfuck that was Class 1A vs Izuku.
Class 1A can rightfully dunk on Mineta for all the times he acts a disgusting pervert yet look on as Bakugou takes his aggression physically, verbally and in an explosive manner out on Midoriya for the 100th time. Even Midoriya's friends (Ocha, Iida, Tsyu, Aoyama and Shoto) and his mentor All Might look on with a fond smile at the "rivals."
I am disgusted at the abusive mockery of a rivalry... a rivalry is Sasuke vs Naruto - or even Shigaraki vs Izuku not Bakugou (abuser) vs Izuku (his victim.)
There was a moment in the war arc, where Izuku shouted to AFO!Shig that losing their homeroom teacher, Aizawa would be the worst outcome of the battle. And, as it wasn't the argument of Eraser the tactical asset being lost that would be the worst outcome but him as a teacher, I was left thinking - Izuku, why do you think this?
Hori gave us no moments where a bond between Aizawa and the rest of the class was built up to see him as this defacto father figure to 1A - especially not with Izuku - in fact Hori did the opposite by making Aizawa behave like he has.
"Problem Child" - is not a fond nickname from Aizawa to Midoriya to me. To anyone who thinks it is I would like them to consider that it is coming from an expell-eager hardass of a Teacher who has never been shown to like Izuku.
Realistically, the repercussions of Aizawa's actions here written without plot armour, Midoriya would be an anxious wreck being called this by him and would be wondering when he actually will get the boot out of U.A.
So again, there's the cognitive dissonance and here's Hori's favourite "tell don't show"... UGH.
There's so so many other examples of this style of writing in MHA - all the simping for Endeavor, Aizawa and Bakugou done by other characters because we are meant to like them now.
Side note - Rei simping for Endeavor is just baffling to me and not in a good way like 🤮. It was such a poor narrative choice it made me wonder if this poor woman was actually being treated in that mental hospital or just brainwashed to be more ammendable to her abusive husband. What good Doctor would let their patients abusive husband's manipulative presents through? Fuck right off with that Hori.
With your concluding statement I agree - making a good story and concluding it at the right time isn't a priority anymore. In general, just look at the MCU. That francise should have naturally ended with Endgame yet Disney is still trying to drag it on to milk out the dollars until it becomes unprofitable.
With MHA, narratively it has gone down the toilet. Hori's heart isn't in it anymore and we can all tell. He (and his editors) placed Izuku at the heart of the cash cow triplets to bring them in the money. And it has worked.
So, Izuku will always be miserable with Bakubitch always around like a cancer sucking out all Izuku's joy and growing over what was meant as his story. I don't expect a happy ending for Izuku anymore. I just hope he isn't dead at the end of all of this and manages to save Shigaraki - which is the most I can hope for him at the moment.
To conclude, don't be sorry for the rant I responded with one of my own. :)
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artyandink · 2 months
𝖕𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖑𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖕 | 𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖓 𝖜𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 | 1
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Summary: “She’s like you’ve been pistolwhipped.” He bit his lip angrily. “Hits you right in the head and makes it spin. I used to hate it. But now? I’ve turned out like every other guy; had one hit of her and… I’m addicted. So yeah, pretty much.”
A/N - Second book of the series! Feedback is much appreciated and it’s my fuel, so don’t hesitate to give any constructive criticism and/or feedback!
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : CYNICAL - EMEI
“Thanks for helping rebuild the roadhouse, sweetie.” Ellen smiled, taking my hand, and I glanced at the tribute to Ash in the centre of the largest wall there. “You’re a real help.”
“No problem.” I replied with a grin. “It’s the least I could do after you agreed to give me a job, especially when...” 
“Remind me to kill him when I next see him.” 
“I’ll do it myself, don’t you worry.” 
“Beer for the gentleman over there.” Jo nodded towards the other end of the bar, and I took the task up, quickly uncapping a beer and sliding it down the table. “So, you broke it off with James?” 
“He was good for you, though. Real salt of the earth.” 
“Nowadays you don’t get salt of the earth, do you?” I chuckled, then went to the next patron. “What can I get you?” 
“Whiskey, sweetheart.” The man smirked. “Neat.” 
“Coming right up.” I poured a glass of whiskey, passing it to him. 
“Wait.” Jo smirked, turning me around. “Is that the corset you used to wear when your parents weren’t around? Y’know, when we’d have nights where we were just managing the roadhouse by ourselves?” The corset she was talking about was black and had hints of lace, while I wore an oversized plaid shirt over it with Jo’s abandoned and faded shorts, cause it always had looked better on me (with mutual agreement. In Jo’s words, ‘I had more legs to show off.’, but all girls are gorgeous in their own right. Jo has a more feminine body than mine.). I’d rolled up the sleeves of the plaid halfway up to my elbows for more practicality, of course, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to work.
“Ivonne Hazel Rainer, you wore things like that while I was gone?” Ellen snapped in her mother tone.
“It was for kicks!” I laughed, putting my hands up in mock surrender. “But I found it and I was like ‘why the hell not’.” 
“I still haven’t forgotten the time you came home with golden hair.” 
“I never will, either, trust me.” Ellen went to serve more patrons, but then Jo gave me a look. “What?” 
“Don’t think I don’t recognise that plaid.” She sighed. “That’s Dean’s.” 
“I didn’t notice.” 
“It reeks of his cologne.” 
“How do you know what it smells like?” 
“Because he’s literally the only one who wears it?” 
“Touché.” I sighed, then cracked open a beer for myself. “He hasn’t contacted me in two months.” 
“You sit back. I’m gonna kill him.”
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”Dude.” Sam groaned, lying on the bed. “Bela stole that rabbit’s foot from  us. We need to get it back before I die.” 
“I’m working on it.” Dean snapped from his perch at the table. “But if she doesn’t want to be found, she’ll be damn hard to find.” 
“Then do you know anyone who could?” Dean but his lip, frowning. “Earth to Dean?” 
“Maybe…” He sighed, “definitely… Ivonne Rainer.” 
“Then call her.” 
“We haven’t spoken in two months, and we didn’t exactly end on good terms!” 
“Screw good terms, just do it.” Sam took out his phone, holding it out to Dean without managing to hurt himself. “Call her.”
”She’s not gonna pick up. And we can’t track her, cause the rules with Bela apply to her too.” 
“Call the roadhouse, then. They rebuilt it, and Ellen and Jo might be able to tell where she is.” 
“Ellen probably wants to kill me.” 
“So thank your lucky stars if Jo picks up.” Dean reluctantly took the phone, calling the Roadhouse.
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The phone rang, and Jo picked it up while I chatted to a man who had apparently come from Britain. 
What can I say? I’m a sucker for a British accent. 
“So, are you free after your shift, darling?” He asked, white teeth glinting. 
“I could be.” I smirked, leaning forward on the counter. 
“How about I get your number, for starters?” He slid a napkin forward, and I took out a pen just as Jo cleared her throat. “Yeah?” 
“Code Red.” She whispered, and I nodded, turning to the guy with a smile. 
“Rain check on that number?” 
“‘Course, sweetheart.” 
I went over to the phone, winking to Jo as I took it. “Harvelle’s Roadhouse; this is Ivy speaking.” I heard a pause from the other end, so I frowned. “Hey, buddy, I’ve got customers waiting, so speak up before I hang up.” 
There was a sharp intake of breath. ‘Beanie.’
I’ll be damned if I didn’t recognise that voice. 
“Son of a…” I breathed, my hand tightening on the telephone. Remind me to kill Jo, please. “Dean.” 
“Don’t ‘hey’ me. What do you want?” 
“Yeah, help with what?” 
‘We need to track down a girl named Bela. There’s a cursed rabbits foot that she stole from us, and Sam could die in a week. We need to get it back.’ 
“And you need me to help?” 
‘You’re the best tracker I know.’ 
“Sweet words, Dean. Use ‘em on someone else.” 
‘Please. I don’t care what I have to do to make it up, but help Sammy.’ 
I gritted my teeth, closing my eyes, and I could feel an anticipating silence on the other side. “Call Bobby, get whatever you can on her. I’m coming.” I put down my phone, then turned to the British guy. “Sorry, man, but you’re gonna have to catch me another day. Family troubles.” I held my hand out to Jo, who chucked me the keys to my Mustang. “And you’re in for a hell of a telling off when I come back.” I picked up my wallet, stored my gun in my waistband, put on gloves, saluted to Ash’s portrait and left, getting into my car and flooring it.
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Hours later, I pulled up at the motel, getting out of the car and walking up to the room door that Dean had texted, and I knocked sharply. I heard clattering, and a couple of loud curses, then Sam opened the door, a grin appearing on his face when he saw me. 
“Ivy!” He laughed, pulling me into rather a clumsy hug. “Thank god you’re here.” 
“Thank god I’m here, yeah.” I walked in, throwing my satchel down. “This rabbit’s foot better be worth it, cause I just missed a hot date with a British guy-“ I came face to face with Dean, who was stood up and looking at me like he’d seen a ghost. 
“Ivy.” He nodded slightly. He looked me up and down, his eyes lingering on the red plaid I was wearing with a look in his eyes that I couldn’t place. Then they moved to the corset, then my shorts, and he bit his lip. I fought back a blush, instead staring straight into his eyes with what I hoped was indifference.
“Dean.” I smiled a bit, then got straight to business, taking out a map. “Ok, so, Bela Talbot, born in 1979, shocker, and she’s everyone’s favourite black magic arms dealer. She takes valuable or dangerous items, like cursed objects and the works, selling them to the highest bidder. And the things she sells? Well, they rack up millions. I’ve tracked her scent to this apartment in Queens, but she’ll be booking it tomorrow evening. Best to hit her fast.” 
“How did you figure all this out?” Sam asked, peering at my map. 
“I know how she thinks. Bela and I have been frenemies since we first met on one of my hunts eight years ago. One’s out to destroy the bad and the other to sell it; it’s bound to cause rifts. Now I’m gonna go confront her, get the rabbit’s foot and get back to my job.” 
“And the hot date.” Dean scoffed. 
“And that.”
”With the British guy?” Sam chuckled. 
“What can I say? Girls are suckers for a British accent. As long as it’s not a chav accent, no, I don’t like those.”
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Dean and I were walking towards the car after fixing Sam up so he wouldn’t break anything or hurt himself, but I could feel the tension like it burned my skin, especially as we got in the car. 
It actually started to feel claustrophobic after a few hours.
“Ivy, I just wanna-“ 
“This isn’t for you.” I cut in, staring straight ahead. “I’m doing this so Sam won’t die.” 
“And yeah, I’m thankful for that.” 
“Let’s leave it there, then.” 
“Ok.” His hands were gripping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles were turning white, and he looked like he was actively trying to keep his eyes off of me. “How have you been?” 
“As good as I can be.” 
“That’s fair.” 
“Can we at least try to talk normally while this is happening?”
“You don’t wanna fix this?” 
“Let’s just get the rabbit’s foot and then do the mushy discussion.” He tried to speak, but I held up a finger as we pulled up. “Capiche?” 
“Fine.” We got out of the car, taking out our guns as we broke into Bela’s room. Dean stuck a post-it note on the wall, and I gave him a look before dragging him back just as Bela came our way, holding a gun. Then she saw the post it note and turned around, spotting Dean. “You left without your tip.” She smirked, drawing her gun with a look I knew all too well. Then I tapped her shoulder with my gun, and she whipped around, gun now trained on me while mine was on her.
“Hi, Bela.” I waved, flicking my safety off. “Long time, no see.” 
“Ivy.” She smiled. “How long’s it been?” 
“One year, give or take.” 
“Long year, especially with your quick trip to tell.” 
“We’re not here to talk about that.” I snapped. “You’re gonna give it back.” 
“Sweetie. No I'm not.”
“It’s cursed, Bela. Lose it and you could die.” 
“You'd be surprised what some people would pay for something like that.” 
“Really?” Dean scoffed. 
“There's a lucrative market out there. A lot of money to be made.” Bela laughed. “You hunters with all those amulets and talismans you use to stop those big bad monsters. Any one of them could put your children's children through college.” 
“So you know the truth, about what's really going on out there, and this is what you decide to do with it? You become a thief?” 
“I procure valuable items for a select clientele.” 
“Yeah. A thief.” 
“No.” She smirked. “A great thief.”
”Bela, Dean’s brother touched the foot.” I reasoned. “And you know how it works.” 
“Take it, then.” Wait for it. “For 1.5 million.” 
“Sure, let me just call my banker.” I scoffed, then held up the rabbit’s foot in a gloved hand. “Or this. You know about my sticky fingers, Bela, you’re used to this by now.” Then I took the gun out of her hand, emptying the clip before running out, Dean following and taking the rabbit’s foot from me. I glared at him, sighing. “You do know that you have to keep that on you at all times, right?” 
“Yep.” He nodded, storing it in his jacket pocket and zipping it up. “I’m aware.” 
“If you lose it, I’m booking, it cause I don’t wanna deal with this.” I gestured to all of him, and he bristled. 
“You just gestured to all of me.” 
“That’s what I mean.” We got in the car, and he started it, driving back to the motel. 
“Where’d the tattoos come from?” 
“One I got seemingly in hell, the other I got about a month ago at a tattoo parlour.” The second was just above my waistband. It looked like this: 
𝖛𝖎𝖙𝖆 / 𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖘
“That’s life or death in Latin, right?” 
“You bet.” We stayed in silence for a while, until he spoke up again. 
“Good work with Bela back there.” 
“Thanks.” I found the courage to look at him, and smiled a bit. “You too.” Then I got a call, so I picked it up. “Talk to me.” 
‘Give it back.’ Bela demanded from the other end. 
“Sure, just hand over 1.5 million and we’ll call it quits.” 
‘I hate you.’ 
“Same here.” I grinned. “C’mon, you knew that the Winchesters had me in their arsenal. Why mess with them when you knew I was coming in?” 
‘I wasn’t expecting them to call you of all people.’ 
“Then you didn’t think outside the box. Sorry, Bela, but you know the rules. Finders, keepers, snoozers, losers.” I cut the call, then Dean spotted another tattoo. On my neck. It was the date I went to hell in Roman numerals, but it was mostly hidden by my hair.
“You have a hell of a lot of tattoos.” 
“Yeah? Well, hell does that to you. You’ll see what I mean when you get there.” 
“Don’t be like that.” 
“You know what? I will.” 
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We reached the motel, but saw two hunters in there who had tied up Sam. I took my gun back out, and we went up to the door, hearing the last words of the guy. 
“That guy’s named Kubrick. Certified psycho.” I whispered, and Dean took out his gun too.
“It's God, Creedy.” Kubrick smirked, pointing a gun at Sam. “He led us here for one reason. To do His work. This... is destiny.” 
“Nope.” Dean shrugged, both of us entering and cocking our guns. “No destiny. Just a rabbit’s foot.” 
“Put the gun down, you two, or you're gonna be scraping brain off the wall.” 
“Oh, this thing?” Dean smirked. 
“Yeah, that thing.” 
Dean started to put his gun down and so did I, hoping that he had a good plan. “Okay. But you see, there's something about me that you don't know.” He picked up the pen next to his gun. 
“What’s that?” 
“It’s my lucky day.” He threw the pen, and it lodged perfectly into the barrel. The heck?! He laughed loudly, turning to me. “Oh my God, did you see that shot?!” 
“Yeah, I did!” I snapped back, my eyes glowing blue as I swept my hands to the side, taking the gun out of Kubrick’s hands. Creedy launched a punch at Dean, but he sidestepped and Creedy stumbled straight into me, and I took his head, slamming it straight into the wall, knocking him out. Dean picked up the remote, throwing it towards Kubrick and hitting him right in the gap between his eyes, knocking him out immediately. He turned to Sam with a childish grin, amazed by himself. 
“I’m Batman.” He chuckled. 
“Yeah. You're Batman.” Sam grimaced. I took out my knife, cutting him loose and checking him for serious injuries. 
“Ok, Batman,” I sighed, “we need to burn this rabbit’s foot.” 
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“All right. Bone ash, cayenne pepper, that should do it.” I thought aloud, then held my hand out for the rabbit’s foot. 
“Hold on a sec.” Dean bit his lip, scratching some lottery tickets as fast as he could. 
Sam groaned. “Dean, you-“ 
“Hey, back off, Jinx. I'm bringing home the bacon.” He then stored the tickets in his jacket, and took out the rabbit’s foot. “All right, say goodbye, ‘wascawy wabbit’.” 
Then a gun cocked. 
“You have to be kidding me.” I sighed, looking up to see Bela holding a gun. 
“I think you'll find that belongs to me. Or, you know, whatever.” She smirked. “Put the foot down, honey.” 
“No. You're not going to shoot anybody.” Dean chuckled. “See, I happen to be able to read people. OK, you're a thief, fine, but you're not—“ Bela shot Sam’s shoulder, and he went down. “Son of a-“ 
“Yeah, you can read people.” I hissed, secretly taking the foot from Dean. 
“Back off, tiger. Back off. You make one more move and I'll pull the trigger.” She pointed it at Sam. “You’ve got the luck, Dean. You, I can’t hit. Him? I can’t miss.” 
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” Dean gasped. “You don't just go around shooting people like that!” 
“Relax. It's a shoulder hit, I can aim. Besides, who here hasn't shot a few people? Put the rabbit's foot on the ground now.” 
“Hey, Bela?” I called out with a grin. 
“Think fast.” I threw the foot at her, and she caught it, the luck transferring to her. Her eyes widened as she turned her gaze on me, and I winked. 
“Damn.” She cursed, and I laughed. 
“So, whaddya say we burn this thing and make sure that all three of you live, hm?” She reluctantly dropped the foot in the fire, rolling her eyes. 
“Thanks very much. I'm out one and a half million, and on the bad side of a very powerful, fairly psychotic buyer.” 
“Wow, I actually don’t feel bad about that. Sam?” Dean smirked. 
“Nope. Not even a little.” Sam agreed. 
“Maybe next time I'll hang you out to dry.” She hummed, leaning on the gravestone next to Dean. 
“Oh, don’t go away angry.” Dean pouted, then straightened his face. “Just go away.” 
“See you another time.” She smirked, then walked off. 
“You guys good?” I asked, checking the foot was ashes before extinguishing the fire. 
“We’ll live.” Sam smiled. “Thanks, Ivy.” 
“Yeah, we owe you one.” Dean nodded. 
“Don’t mention it.” I grinned. 
“I guess we're back to normal now, huh? No good luck, no bad luck. Oh! I forgot we're up $46000. I almost forgot about the... scratch tickets.” Dean checked his jacket, which had no scratch tickets. 
“Bela did a number.” I laughed. “Anyway, I have to get going. Tyler the Englishman awaits.” 
“Or… you could stay.” Sam suggested, stepping forward. “C’mon, we’d be toast without you. Charred bread. The hot date can wait.” 
“Please?” He flashed his puppy eyes, making me frown and close my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose. 
“Ok, fine.”
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multiversefanfics · 7 months
Off Limits (Part 1)
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader/Tony Stark's daughter Warnings: Cussing, maybe a little violence, fluffy Steve Summary: You're Tony's daughter and he wants you to join the Avengers to help out with getting intel, your dad tells the men that you are off limits and not to try anything, but a certain someone doesn't listen. Also, you can read minds. :) Enjoy! Mind reading is in italics A/N: This is gonna be a series
You always felt kind of different, you never seemed to fit in, anywhere. That sucked because you were a complete ray of sunshine despite your father being Tony Stark who was the complete opposite of that. When you were younger you thought you were crazy because there were all types of voices in your head, you didn’t know the powers you had until your parents sat you down and told you that you could read minds which is why they never kept anything from you except for the fact that they were your adoptive parents and your real parent was Tony Stark. Tony knew about you but you only knew of him, as Iron Man, you don’t know who your birth mother is, no one does. You’ve been homeschooled since the 5th grade, that’s when your powers got stronger and you couldn’t take the words people were thinking about you, and all the secrets you had to keep because how could you explain how you knew what you knew. Now you are in your early 30s and you can control them now and you're finally reunited with your birth father. You’re still in touch with your adoptive parents but they agreed that it would be safer for you to be with Tony since he had the technology and understanding to keep you safe. You’ve talked every day with Tony to get to know him before meeting just to make sure he wasn’t a creepy old man who just wanted to kidnap you and keep you as his own, but you trusted your parents and they’ve never lied to you before. You met Tony at the front of the compound, your heart was racing and you couldn’t wait to spend time with your birth father. "Y/N, It's so great to finally meet you!" Tony pulled you into a tight hug. You didn't expect him to hug you, you've seen his sarcasm on TV and from people who've met him, he wasn't the affectionate type but maybe you were different because you were his daughter. The two of you pulled back and he smiled wide looking at your features "It's like looking in a mirror." You smiled and looked back at him "It is weird, I always thought I looked like you but thought I was just crazy." He took your bag putting it on one shoulder and wrapped his free arm around your shoulders and guided you inside "Let's go introduce you to everyone." You both walked up the stairs and into the compound talking about small things to get to know each other, you two made it to the common room where everyone was sitting and talking. "Everyone, this is Y/N she is our newest Avenger." Everyone looked over exchanged hellos and introduced themselves "No offense, Tony but do we really need a new Avenger?" You snapped your head in the direction of the voice and found a very gorgeous blonde-haired, blue-eyed muscle man also known as Captain America. Tony cleared his throat and stood tall "Well, Miss America, this is also my daughter." Everyone's jaw dropped and you stood there smiling wide looking at everyone's expression, their thoughts filling your mind which instantly gave you a headache. You rubbed your temples, flinching from the pounding spikes of pain. "I'm going to need everyone to stop thinking just for a moment please." They all looked at you confused "Just a little headache." You smiled and turned to Tony asking where you were staying "I'll show you." You smiled and followed Natasha to your room. "Alright, couple of ground rules." Tony stood in front of the other guys arms crossed "That is my daughter, none of you are allowed near her except on missions or when myself or Natasha are present. Rogers and Cyborg, she is completely off-limits to you two and I swear if I find either one of you flirting with her I will end you." Everyone was silent and staring at Tony "Do I make myself clear?" They all nodded and Tony smiled making his way up the stairs to your room.
You placed your backpack on your new bed, looking around your room. "So, what's Tony like?" Natasha looked at you "He's different." She chuckled and sat in the chair by a table "Different how?" You sat on the edge of your bed looking over at her "Well, I've never seen him smile so much in one day before, Tony is very sophisticated and likes things done in a certain way, he's very sarcastic, some people find him rude but really he's a genuine guy who's been through a lot." You smiled as she explained Tony more to you, you wanted to call him dad but at the same time, you're not ready yet. You started to get another headache, you rubbed your temple squeezing your eyes shut "Do you need me to get you anything?" You squinted up at Nat "Some water please?" She nodded and headed out of your bedroom door, you laid back on your bed trying to get your thoughts and other's thoughts from bumping around in your head.
"I know Tony said she's off limits but I can't keep my eyes off of her, she's gorgeous."
Was that Steve? You shook your head closing your eyes, you sighed to yourself trying to relax, you’ve controlled your powers very well until now, maybe because of a new environment? Maybe you were nervous? Who knows, you need to get it together. You finally got up from your position and started putting your clothes in the dresser across from your bed, it took several trips back and forth from your car to the compound for the rest of your clothes and anything else you wanted to bring, with help from Thor, Bucky and Nat. You giggled a few times hearing the thoughts from Bucky saying how many clothes you had, while Thor thought about how small they were compared to him. You finally got all of your stuff put away and everyone went their separate ways except Bucky, for some reason he stayed “So, you’re Tony’s daughter?” You nodded and sat on the edge of the bed “Yeah, he seems great.” Bucky chuckled and nodded his head “Some would say” He looked around the room as if he was looking for someone “Well, I should get out of here, welcome to the team.” He gave you a small wave and walked away you raised an eyebrow and decided to follow him out the room “Wait, Bucky.” He stopped walking and turned to look at you “Yes, Y/N?” You caught up watching his face for any expression “I was wondering if you could show me around a bit” You saw him bite the inside of his cheek and look around. Why was he looking around?
Bucky: If Tony found out I was with her alone, he’d kill me.
You sighed and nodded “Never mind, I’m sure you’re busy.” You turned around and walked back to your room, you know Tony’s just looking out for you but you’re not a kid, you can handle yourself, you’re in a big-armed compound surrounded by super soldiers, black widow, a talking security system that controls everything, and a god for crying out loud. You decided to take a short nap, which ended up being a long nap, you were woken up by the sound of people yelling. Normally you don't hear anything outside of your room but it was super loud. You got out of bed and made your way to the common area "I don't care if it's innocent or not, you will not be around my daughter!" You heard Tony yell, but who was he yelling at? You peeked around the corner and saw him talking to Steve and Bucky, you couldn't help but think to yourself 'Did I get Bucky in trouble?' You shook your head and continued to listen "Tony, she asked me about you I couldn't just walk away." Tony sighed and rubbed his eyes “Give me a break cyborg.” Bucky scoffed and threw his head back “Alright, Tony.” You heard footsteps walking away “I can’t believe Tony is being so harsh.” That sounded like Steve but it could’ve been Bucky being sarcastic “Please, Tony is always harsh I understand why he’s like this, it’s his daughter and honestly I don’t blame him she’s gorgeous and I’ve been waiting to be alone with her” You heard Bucky chuckle and pat Steve’s back “Aww you have a crush, how cute. You know Tony won’t go for it.” You heard shuffling “Tony won’t know, right?” There was silence and then footsteps and when you looked up Steve was standing right in front of you. You smiled wide and looked up at him “Hi Steve.”
Main Masterlist - Steve Rogers Masterlist
Tags: @megamindsecretlair
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qqueenofhades · 9 months
1/4 (screaming about Rook & Rose continues) The Trials. The fucking Trials. Where Vargo was all “they stole your winning token? here, take mine” and “the rules cannot prevent me from kicking this asshole off my boat and taking you onboard instead, let’s go, i need to lie my way through this trial so you can win” and “oh let me leave this clue here in case you need it” and
2/4 and “yeah, i know your secret identity, i figured it out because you were looking at Ren like she hung both moons and the stars (which is of course correct) and i’m only confessing it to prevent you from cursing yourself even more with the second medallion” and “yeah sure i’ll stay here in the dark, surrounded by shadows of the nightmares that haunt my every night, and i’ll keep watch over this dead body and a Primordial medalion, you need to go ahead and get your winning token”. 3/4 AND THEN! of course Letitia fucked everything up and where did the whole team go? to the one familiar and safe place in the whole city, Vargo’s house, where Vargo gave up his bedroom and his bed to Ren and Grey 4/4 AND THEN!! the man who never swore a knot oath to anyone because he respected the oaths too much to just casually break them (which he would, given how many secrets he had to harbor), he just offers Ren an oath, with full genuineness and conviction of a man who figured out what’s THE most important in life. like. ERET VARGO. SIR. MY HEART. PLEASE.
Right??? R I G H T ??!?!! How, HOW AM I TO BE NORMAL ABOUT THIS????
(Also, bless your damn heart for being a fast reader. I did want to have more people to scream at in re: the series overall, but ESPECIALLY about book 3, because. Just. Yes.)
No but seriously. "Here, let me sacrifice myself for Grey, make sure he doesn't get extra super-double-doomed, and do everything to make him win while guarding his secret superhero identity. Oh Ren, your horrible fake mom screwed everything up for you? You two should come to my house AND SLEEP IN MY BED, I will take the couch! Oh Ren, you don't feel safe? Let me figuratively marry you and/or offer my heart and loyalty to you and only you while also helping you marry Grey. It's no big deal. You owe me nothing. We're cool."
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mariana-oconnor · 1 year
The Red-Headed League Pt 1
From the start I can say that I have read this one many, many times. Not my favourite, but it was in the book of Sherlock Holmes stories I had as a child. Although, once again I remember only the gist of the tale from the title, not the details. I may remember more as I go on.
found him in deep conversation with a very stout, florid-faced, elderly gentleman with fiery red hair.
As someone from a family with many redheads, with several friends who are redheads, I can say that the idea of an 'elderly' person with red hair amuses me because without exception the more redheaded a person is in my experience, the sooner they go white. I had cousins who were significantly grey at 21. If this guy is considered elderly and still has his natural hair colour as a redhead, then he's got some impressive genes.
Also, I can already see the redheaded stereotypes circling.
With an apology for my intrusion, I was about to withdraw when Holmes pulled me abruptly into the room and closed the door behind me.
Watson: trying to be polite. Holmes: YOINK!
The stout gentleman half rose from his chair and gave a bob of greeting, with a quick little questioning glance from his small fat-encircled eyes.
Watson really doesn't like flattering descriptions, does he? 'Fat encircled eyes'? You've mentioned he's stout twice already, do we really need the extra? After the last story where he was very clear about how he thought Miss Mary Sutherland was unattractive, he's really on a roll.
You have shown your relish for it by the enthusiasm which has prompted you to chronicle, and, if you will excuse my saying so, somewhat to embellish so many of my own little adventures.
Doyle making a callout post for his own unreliable narrator.
"You will remember that I remarked the other day, just before we went into the very simple problem presented by Miss Mary Sutherland..."
Callback! Although I'm still a little angry at you about that one, Holmes. Not your finest hour.
As a rule, when I have heard some slight indication of the course of events, I am able to guide myself by the thousands of other similar cases which occur to my memory. In the present instance I am forced to admit that the facts are, to the best of my belief, unique.
Holmes is flummoxed. He is bamboozled. He is quite without context or precedent.
Our visitor bore every mark of being an average commonplace British tradesman, obese, pompous, and slow.
Watson, your classism, intellectualism, and fatphobia are showing. Wow, we're just getting back-to-back Watson being a judgy little bitch, aren't we? Once again I have to question what these people must have thought in-universe when reading his descriptions of them. I know, I know, they're not real, but it's a central conceit of the series that Watson is the author and publishes the tales, and looking at it from that perspective when he's so very disparaging of some of their clients.
"Beyond the obvious facts that he has at some time done manual labour, that he takes snuff, that he is a Freemason, that he has been in China, and that he has done a considerable amount of writing lately, I can deduce nothing else."
OK, now Sherlock's talking about the guy like he's not there. They're quite a pair today.
But also, Sherlock showing off again, and this time the client takes the bait and asks about it. He must be so pleased.
"I have made a small study of tattoo marks and have even contributed to the literature of the subject. That trick of staining the fishes' scales of a delicate pink is quite peculiar to China. When, in addition, I see a Chinese coin hanging from your watch-chain, the matter becomes even more simple."
I like how he starts with the more obscure one, then follows it up with the more obvious clue. Although he could have got the coin from somewhere else, so the tattoo colouring is confirmation that he actually went, and is not connected in another way.
Mr Jabez Wilson laughed heavily. "Well, I never!" said he. "I thought at first that you had done something clever, but I see that there was nothing in it, after all."
I like Mr Jabez Wilson. Ha! (Maybe this is why Watson is so bitchy about him, because he does not appreciate the true glory of Holmes' art).
TO THE RED-HEADED LEAGUE: On account of the bequest of the late Ezekiah Hopkins, of Lebanon, Pennsylvania, U. S. A., there is now another vacancy open which entitles a member of the League to a salary of 4 pounds a week for purely nominal services. All red-headed men who are sound in body and mind and above the age of twenty-one years, are eligible. Apply in person on Monday, at eleven o'clock, to Duncan Ross, at the offices of the League, 7 Pope's Court, Fleet Street.
Based on the Bank of England inflation calculator, this comes to roughly £400 a week in modern money. And given that last story we were told that a woman could comfortably live on £60 a year, while this is ~£200 a year. I would take that in a heartbeat and ask no questions. I'd be thinking a lot of questions, but I would not be asking them. Two words: Plausible deniability.
~*Oh no. I am but an innocent pawn in this terrible scheme! I knew nothing.*~
If only I were a man with red hair of sound mind and body.
"What on earth does this mean?" I ejaculated
Obligatory ejaculation note.
Holmes chuckled and wriggled in his chair, as was his habit when in high spirits.
Wiggly chair dance! I love it.
I would have a job to pay him but that he is willing to come for half wages so as to learn the business.
This guy is either the nicest guy in the world, or he has ulterior motives. Given the context, I'm going with door number 2.
I should not wish a smarter assistant, Mr Holmes; and I know very well that he could better himself and earn twice what I am able to give him.
Dooooooor number 2
There's no vice in him.
Mr Wilson, I know what I said before about plausible deniability, but you may in fact want to look that gift horse in the mouth and hire someone a little less qualified.
He and a girl of fourteen, who does a bit of simple cooking and keeps the place clean
Ah, Victorian labour laws.
"Spaulding, he came down into the office just this day eight weeks, with this very paper in his hand, and he says: "'I wish to the Lord, Mr Wilson, that I was a red-headed man.' "'Why that?' I asks. "'Why,' says he, 'here's another vacancy on the League of the Red-headed Men. It's worth quite a little fortune to any man who gets it, and I understand that there are more vacancies than there are men, so that the trustees are at their wits' end what to do with the money. If my hair would only change color, here's a nice little crib all ready for me to step into.'
Victor Spaulding is not a very convincing con man - though, to be fair, I have the benefit of being genre savvy. But I can totally see Hardison playing this part in the Leverage version of this con and being over-the-top outraged about the injustice. (I think they did do a version of this con in Leverage at one time, but I can't remember when... or it might have been in Hustle. Or I might be imagining things.)
"Well, you can easily think that that made me prick up my ears, for the business has not been over-good for some years, and an extra couple of hundred would have been very handy."
Almost like it was designed specifically for you! What a strange and fortuitous happenstance! What an utterly serendipitous and not at all suspicious coink-i-dink!
Vincent Spaulding seemed to know so much about it that I thought he might prove useful
There is nothing to see here. Just an ordinary employee.
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From north, south, east, and west every man who had a shade of red in his hair had tramped into the city to answer the advertisement. Fleet Street was choked with red-headed folk, and Pope's Court looked like a coster's orange barrow.
Why doesn't Watson know about this? You would have think it would have made the newspaper and we have established that Watson reads the news religiously.
I could tell you tales of cobbler's wax which would disgust you with human nature.
Pretty sure I've read that one on AO3.
The fund was, of course, for the propagation and spread of the red-heads as well as for their maintenance.
Are they... plants? This reads more like gardening. Such weird word choice. Propagation and spread... so creeeeepy.
"'Dear me!' he said gravely, 'that is very serious indeed! I am sorry to hear you say that. The fund was, of course, for the propagation and spread of the red-heads as well as for their maintenance. It is exceedingly unfortunate that you should be a bachelor.'
Classic. The old 'take away the thing that you haven't given them yet to make them want it more'. This guy is more skilled than Spaulding, certainly. Make it seem like you're doing them a favour and they won't look into it too much.
'Oh, never mind about that, Mr Wilson!' said Vincent Spaulding. 'I should be able to look after that for you.'
Seriously, this guy needs to work on his technique. You can't be that eager, my friend. You've got to make them work with it. Make them think it's their idea, not yours. You should have been planting the seeds for this since before you even raised the idea of the League. You are a terrible grifter. Pah! I have 0 respect for you. You're getting by on luck, not skill.
Well, you have to be in the office, or at least in the building, the whole time. If you leave, you forfeit your whole position forever.
Once again an extreme and unreasonable ultimatum, just like in the last story. This is a Bad Sign. No allowances for injury or emergency, just 'if you leave, that's it forever.' Bad sign.
OK, maybe I lied before. I would ask questions about this: 'But what if I fall over and bang my head? But what if the building is on fire? But what if I am kidnapped by enemies of the league?'
"'... copy out the Encyclopaedia Britannica."
Just copy out Wikipedia, longhand. OK. The real question is: what happens when my hand seizes up from writing for so long? What then?
Well, I thought over the matter all day, and by evening I was in low spirits again; for I had quite persuaded myself that the whole affair must be some great hoax or fraud, though what its object might be I could not imagine. It seemed altogether past belief that anyone could make such a will, or that they would pay such a sum for doing anything so simple as copying out the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Yep, yep, yep. All very valid and good points. Good for you, Mr Jabez Wilson. I knew I liked you.
Well, to my surprise and delight, everything was as right as possible. The table was set out ready for me, and Mr Duncan Ross was there to see that I got fairly to work. He started me off upon the letter A
A is for Alarming, which this is.
It's also for Augur, as in 'This augurs poorly.'
You were so close, Mr Wilson. So very close. I believed in you - well, I didn't, because there wouldn't have been a story otherwise. But I still believe you can pull this off. You've come to Holmes for a reason. Will you realise before it's too-
He held up a piece of white card-board about the size of a sheet of note-paper. It read in this fashion: THE RED-HEADED LEAGUE IS DISSOLVED October 9, 1890
Oh Mr Wilson. My belief was misplaced.
A is for Aim and A is for Accomplished and A is for Absconded. All very relevant words, one feels.
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eisa-core · 2 years
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from Daisy's POV.
The atmosphere today was so carefree, you could guess that we all had a chance to rest, but from the place where we found ourselves I could very well understand that we would lose all possible energy, indeed, only the other 12, since me and Woozi had the role of MCs. As for the place, we were in a huge gym, with inflatables that were placed all over the place.
«Mcs explain why we are here!» - said Hoshi, the most excited of all «Yes we should pay attention to today's hosts» - "You guys need to run a lot today» said Woozi «So, you also need to warm up now» - I continued.
«Okay, done. And now?» - Wonwoo asked, fixing his glasses. «Do you see this obstacle course?» - I said, looking back, where the huge inflatables were «Well, you need to race through these obstacles so.." Woozi said and I continued the script - «The Mvp of the episode will win a wish coupon and not only that, he will also be able to choose a member to give it to» - Then now we should split into teams, and to do it we will play a game» - we continued to explain the rules this time of the minigame, a race to who came first to take the flag.
At the end of the game, the teams were, respectively, Hoshi, Minghao, Jeonghan, Mingyu and Dokyeom from one side, in the other there were Joshua, Seungkwan, Wonwoo, Seungcheol, and Dino. As for me and Woozi, to divide us in a way that is fair, we went each one in a different team; Woozi in the team "Jihoon-ah," which is the first team, while I'm in the team led by Joshua, the "Like the CARNIVAL you're always in the same place" ... we don't like simple things.
«All right, now you will choose 2 people per team who will compete in this long obstacle course, the one who obviously be faster will win, do you understand? Good luck and - we continued in unison- let's Go Seventeen!»
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«A few words before you start» - I asked Mingyu «I'll do my best» - «Oh, such a classic phrase» - commented Woozi «What about you Myungho?» «I'll leave it to destiny» - wow he's always that deep. «Okay now, second team, tell us your thoughts» Woozi asked the LTCYAITSP team and Seungcheol just gave a big heart «It's not to beat others, I will consider it a competition with myself and I'll run as fast as I can» - «Sounds good!» I said but I was interrupted by the others who were watching upstairs «Wonwoo!» shouted Shua «Thank you!» he got as a reply.
«Let's cut to the chase, let's get started! On the count of three we start" - Wonwoo, the first one who would start already got into position «Are you ready? one ... two ... three! Start!» and immediately Wonwoo sprinted very fast, jumping without falling, with the shouts of the team members cheering, while with one hand he held his glasses, he was really hilarious. At the end his score was 46.3 seconds, I wondered if it was possible to do even less.
Well, after a long series of runs, the results were more or less the same but the moment we all waited for came: the turn of Seungcheol, our old leader. «Oh S.coups hyung, do you think you can do it? Your competitiveness is first among Seventeen» - «S.Coups you are the MVP! S.Coups MVP! » shouted Jeonghan from the stands. And again, at the count of three, the game started. «OH SHI- OH MY!» I screamed into the mic and got a bad eye from pd-nim; Yes, I know i can't curse but not even 5 seconds were gone and Seungcheol already hit his face.
And after a tiring run, between falls and shortness of breath, he managed to complete the race after 1 minute 11 seconds. «How do you feel?» - I asked as he was shattered on the ground "«Ugh» - «Ugh? Can you say more than "Ugh"?» - «Ugh, now you do it and see how it feels» he replied sarcastically «Me? But I'm the Mc, I'm not part of the race» - «And who decided that? Kim Hyun-seok pd-nim!!! Let's race Woozi against Daisy, the fastest one wins it all!» - he immediately stood up going to the staff area «Hey! What are you doing that's not in the script- Oh???» - I interrupted myself when the director gave the okay for the race, as I looked shocked at Woozi, who also like me, was randomly involved.
I couldn't refuse, I still had to make it up for saying bad words into the microphone, so although I was nervous I started the race. Next to me I had Woozi, we were running next to each other without pushing or anything like that, unlike Dino and Jeonghan who, a few moments earlier were tugging at each other, a real fair play. Only that, I could see him going slower ... or was I really fast? I couldn't feel any energy left in my body, my muscles were burning and my hair was reaching my face, I didn't want to imagine how I would look once the episode was edited.
«Wow, Daisy is so fast come on Daisy! Hey Woozi don't be a gentleman! Run!» - the microphone was now in Hoshi's hand, who despite having Woozi on the team, was cheering for me. It was close, one last slide and I would have taken the flag, but I could feel my lungs bursting inside my ribs. «DAISYY» -I lay there with the flag in my hand trying to catch my breath; Going Seventeen or a survival reality show? The difference is subtle. «Okay Hyejin you're our winner» - said Joshua and all came at me, who did not move a step. A moment later, I was picked up by Hoshi «What are you doing? Put me down!» - and within a minute along with the others I was thrown into the air once, twice and three times. I squinted in fear each time I felt myself being thrown into the air.
«I would say you are the MVP of this episode!» said Jeonghan that for the all game was cheering for Seungcheol «So you'll also win a coupon, and decide the one who will also receive it, and I mean, I cheered for you very loudly...» he continued «Don't talk nosense!» Hoshi stopped him «I know we are in different teams but who came to you after you won? ME! CHOOSE ME!» - «Guys! I've decided!» - I was still trying to catch my breath «Who?» everyone asked repeatedly - «The one I'll give the prize to is not on my team» - «Wait you mean is not a member of Performance team or LCYAITSP team?» Jun asked confused «Uhm, both!. He's neither a member of perfomance unit nor in that team» - «What? You're betraying us like this?» - Seungkwan was getting angry and sensitive «C'mon just say it!» - «The winner is ... Jihoon-ah!» - I screamed doing the "bring it" choreography; Woozi was confused and shocked as the same time but I could I not give him the prize? «Here, Woozi oppa, we obviously are the Mvp of this episode! And the best Mcs that Going Seventeen have had!» - Woozi was laughing shyly because the member kept going on saying Jihoon-ah so we surrounded him by dancing «Jihoon-ah!!».
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ash-and-books · 1 month
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Rating: 4/5
Book Blurb: Preorder now and receive the stunning DELUXE LIMITED EDITION while supplies last―featuring gorgeous sprayed edges, as well as exclusive special design features. This breathtaking collectible is only available on a limited first print run, a must-have for any book lover while supplies last in the US and Canada only.
The scariest school on earth Is about to experience real fear…
Most schools are about being the best. This school? It’s about being the worst. Calder Academy is where the rogue paranormals go. The ones who break the rules or lose control. And when that happens for vamps, werewolves, witches, and dark fae? It gets pretty freaking scary.
I should know. Because I’m trapped here.
Look, every seventeen-year-old girl thinks their mom is a tyrant. But mine just happens to run Calder Academy, which paints a giant target on my back. The way I make it through these dark halls is by steering clear of the things—and kids—who go bump in the night.
Especially Jude Abernathy-Lee.
But when a freak storm hits our isolated island, I'm stuck without a backup plan. The power is gone. The lights are out. And our worst nightmares are suddenly real—and out for blood. Now the only way to survive is to align myself with one evil to avoid the other.
And the only thing worse than the idea of getting close to Jude? Secretly loving every minute of it.
The Calder Academy series is best enjoyed in order. Reading Order: Book #1 Sweet Nightmare Book #2 Sweet Chaos Book #3 Sweet Vengeance
A deadly magical school, nightmarish creatures, a fractured relationship... can one girl brave it all or will her nightmares consume her? Calder Academy is the scariest school on earth. Its an academy for rogue paranormals, filled with fae, vampires, mermaids, phoenixes, werewolves and more... the student body is practically killer. Clementine Calder is the daughter of the headmistress and a manticore and she is grieving the death of her favorite cousin, nursing the broken heart her ex best friend left three years ago after he kissed her and then ghosted her, and also her strange visions that she's begun seeing. Clementine is a 17 year old girl and she's already got so much on her plate, from being forced to clean up after the deadly creature menagerie that her school has to being forced to work with Jude Abernathy-Lee, the one boy who destroyed her heart that she just can't seem to stop loving. When a giant storm hits the isolated island that the school is on, things only get worse as the power goes out, nightmarish creatures are on the loose, and now Clementine and Jude have to face their unresolved relationship and the fact that they keep kissing each other and then pushing each other away. Can they survive the storm as well as the feelings between them? Clementine is plagued by ghostly visions and she's also begun seeing the past, present, and future, (and she's been transforming into a manticore without any real reason... talk about brutal puberty). She knows June is hiding something, he claims he loves her but can't be with her because he has to protect her... but he keeps coming back for her, and she knows he's hiding a big secret that could destroy everything. This is the first book in a series and it was quite a fun read, it definitely gave off Wednesday (Netflix show) vibes! I think its a fun high school paranormal read and the relationship drama was so much fun to read. I am excited to see where the second book goes and what happens to the characters!
*Spoiler: Clementine finds out that June is the Prince of Nightmares and accidentally killed his father when he was 7 years old and was sent to Calder. June harvests people's nightmares and they become tattoos on his skin. Clementine's mother has been the one using the nightmares that june harvests to create the monsters that have been going around the school. June lost control when he first kissed Clementine and swore to protect her by pushing her away. Now years later, they finally confront each other and all the truths come out. Clementine and June find out they are mates. Clementine also finds out that she is part manticore part oracle, and that her father is an oracle.*
*Thanks Netgalley , The TBR and Beyond Tours Team, and Entangled Publishing, LLC | Entangled: Teen for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
Tour Schedule: https://tbrandbeyondtours.com/2024/04/10/tour-schedule-sweet-nightmare-by-tracy-wolf/ Book purchase link:
Barnes & Nobles
Author info: New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Tracy Wolff is a lover of vampires, dragons, and all things that go bump in the night. A onetime English professor, she now devotes all her time to writing dark and romantic stories with tortured heroes and kick-butt heroines. She has written all her sixty-plus novels from her home in Austin, Texas, which she shares with her family
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mantisfriendd · 8 months
Take everything I say here, positive or negative with a grain of salt, because I'm a massive fan of the FNAF series, like embarrassing so.
Should go without saying but SPOILERS FOR THE MOVIE AHEAD
The sets and the animatronics, both in costume form and in robot form look absolutely fantastic, there is no doubting that, Jim Henson's and everyone else who worked on the sets and costumes did great.
While you might consider some of the acting cheesey, I think everyone knocked it out of the park on their given roles, including the YouTuber cameos, there's no denying everyone here LOVED filming this movie. Josh Hutcherson really nailed the subtle emotional beats of Mike as he's trying to grapple with both the mysterys of Freddy's and learn the identity of his brother's kidnapper. I also particularly love the moments where we are reminded that even though Mike is Abby 's caretaker, they are still very much siblings, the moment Mike carries her back to her room over his shoulder is a perfect example.
While all the actors absolutely killed it at their roles Piper Rubio as Abby was an absolute joy, both the writing and her performance brought so much humor and levity to what could have been a very dark film if they wanted it to go that way
Speaking of that darkness, Matthew Lillard absolutely shreds in his role as William Afton, he steals the spotlight in every single scene he is in. The problem with him is he only appears in like 3 scenes! pretty long scenes granted, but I was really hoping to see more of him, in either the Steve Raglan persona or as the unmasked William Afton. I suppose there's room for that in FNAF 2.
The shots are all incredibly lovingly crafted, it feels like much thought and care was put into every camera turn, and lighting choice.
This movie is armed to THE TEETH in Easter eggs, I remember when I saw Mike holding a book labeled "Dream Theory" and I felt myself taking psychic damage, especially as that book becomes vital to a main plot point later, I just know Scott was grinning knowing the reaction people were going to have to that.
While all the films jokes didn't land, quite a few of them got a chorus of laughs from both me and the general movie audience in my theater, Abby in particular gave a lot of fun moments that got consistent chuckles out of me, and in my experience at least, was one of the most accurate depictions of a young child I've seen in media.
While FNAF has almost always has humorous moments, especially the later into the franchise we get, I feel like this movie stays in the silly zone for longer then I'd like, espicallly for a movie about FNAF 1, a game with very little humor in it, say for the infamous Rule 4.
The movie, simply put, isn't scary, the only thing that got me even a bit was the balloon boy figure jumpscares (something about the joke jumpscares are always hit the hardest, talking to you Mapbot!) Although I will say the occasional brutal or gorey scenes did occasionally stun the people in my audience into silence (even if Max getting bit in half was a bit cartoony)
The film itself, despite going the required five nights, did feel a bit stunted, it felt like it could have gone on for another 30 minutes, the climax does feel a bit rushed, with Afton going down without much of a fight after Abby turns the animatronics on him, but the final confrontation with Afton does have a very palpable sense of tension as everyone fights to keep Afton away from Abby
While Elizabeth Lail plays her role very well, Vanessa 's role in the story is a bit muddled. In my predictions for the film I said that unlike most people, I didn't think Vanessa would be a twist villian, and I was right on the technicality that the movie never tells us she was on Afton's side until AFTER she double crosses him. The only way a character like this works is if she actually gets to betray the protagonist first before having a chance of heart. The closest Vanessa gets to doing that is threatening Mike very awkwardly. I'll chock this up to the screenplay giving her awkward phrasing but little things like her saying she will "shoot Mike if he ever brings Abby back" and that the guy who killed a bunch of kids is a "Bad, cruel man" really take the seriousness out of a scene, none of this being Elizabeth's fault of course.
The absolute dedication to using as little CGI as possible is impressive and works pretty well most of the time but you can see some of the cracks where the physical costumes and robots fall short of what the script demands. I think in a potential fnaf 2 considering some CGI for some shots, sparingly of course would help with the unintentional goofyness. The shot that really jumps out the most as not looking the greatest is Foxy running at the camera, they did a lot to try and hide it but it's very clear he is just being pushed on a little cart or something. that of course is because Foxy is the only animatronic who only has a puppet, and not a human in a costume as well, cuz he just too skinny.
The biggest fallout I can imagine from this film for the game lore, is the dream world interactions. I'm all for writing this off as movie lore only, but given how the community is open to taking concepts from the books and applying them to the game universe I don't see why this one should be considered any different. I don't know what, if anything that effects but I can't imagine it doesn't do nothing to the game lore.
The other heavy lore effecting thing, is possibly the Ella (baby?) springlock suit in the backroom. I don't know what that means for the lore, but it certainly means something?
Overall I very much enjoyed this film, and I'm going to see it again in theaters. I really think that if Scott and Blumhouse can iron out the rough edges for a sequel, we can have some real horror gold on our hands.
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assorted-fics · 6 months
Fics of the Month
Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail by MusingsOnBuckyBarnes & Owlet First Fic: The mission resets abruptly, from objective: kill to objective: protect
Average Avengers Local Chapter 7 of New York City by hetrez
Steve and Tony accidentally start a national do-gooders association and fall in love.
Changing Fate by melWinter
Loki was supposed to go back to Asgard to assume control of the throne after saving Thor on Svartalfheim. He was supposed to be the portent for Ragnarok...too bad fate didn't ask for his opinion. After all, fate didn't plan for Loki to find an abandoned baby elf. Nor did Loki plan to discover how intriguing Jane Foster can be. And what the heck do the Avengers and his trickster of a daughter have to do with any of this? Loki makes a different choice. But can Loki truly escape the fate that has been his since the beginning? Can the trickster learn to love? With Thanos rising and the infinity war looming, the universe may come to an end if the nine realms can't reconcile with the prince it once rejected. Eventual Jane/Loki. Warning: Loki and Hela snarkiness, Tony cockiness, Thor cluelessness, and random cuteness of Loki dealing with being a dad.
secret keeper by jilliancares
Ellie stares at the new arrival, gaping. All the evidence points to one obvious answer, but this guy looks nothing like the Spider-Man Ellie recognizes — mostly because he isn’t wearing the suit. “Crappy day to get kidnapped, amirite?” he says, crouching next to Ellie and deftly untying her restraints. “Looks like these guys were amateurs, though. They didn’t even lock the windows.” In which Ellie accidentally becomes the one person who knows Spider-Man's identity. She doesn't tell her dad.
Harry Potter
Of a Linear Circle (series) by flamethrower
First Fic: In September of 1971, Severus Snape finds a forgotten portrait of the Slytherin family in a dark corner of the Slytherin Common Room. At the time, he has no idea that talking portrait will affect the rest of his life.
When It Returns by academicdisaster
‘You’re late, layabout,’ Malfoy drawled, pushing the whiskey over to him. ‘I’ll have you know that I am very busy maintaining a whole house and garden by myself now.’ ‘Oooh, the dead husband card. Before any alcohol. Is that a record?’ Harry's husband is dead, and Malfoy is the only one who gets it. Or, the one where they drink at a straight man pub, renovate a house, and learn how to find joy again.
Percy Weasley and the Prefect Job That Isn’t A Vanity Role by adiduck (book_people) and joisbishmyoga
In Which Prefects Have Very Specific Training And Delineated Duties, Namely Handling Exactly One (1) Dormful Of Kids -OR- Percy Is Dorm Mom To Five Boys And No One Else -OR- In Which McGonagall Pictured Prefect Oliver Wood For Two Minutes, Turned Green, And Gave Percy The Badge Despite The Sheer Number Of Responsibilities He Already Had, And It Did Not End In Disaster The Notes For A Fic That Will Not Be Written No, Really, It Won't, Please Don't Ask A Place on Earth by louisfake "Right," Draco said, rolling his eyes. "I'm supposed to believe that the Gryffindor war hero caught the former Death Eater singing Muggle pop like a lunatic in his dormitory and didn't immediately share the news with his pack of admirers?" Harry couldn't help it, he snorted a little. "As if they would ever believe me, Draco." Draco drew himself up, ready to launch into some other tirade, so Harry held up a hand; "What would I even say? I saw Draco Malfoy being joyful and free. How is that a joke?"
Next to You (It’s the Rule) by LunaMyLove
Arthur and Merlin have a special relationship. They always have, even when they were prince and servant. While many question it when first noticing, eventually it becomes an understanding in Camelot—and even among some other countries—that where there is Arthur, there is Merlin. And, where there is Merlin, there is Arthur. Or Arthur and Merlin's relationship as witnessed and explained by others. Also, or Five times someone realizes that Merlin is the Queen, one time Merlin realizes it himself, and one time he owns it.
The Hunt for Red Emrys by Darkbluedark
King Arthur sets out to keep his promise to the spirit of the Druid boy by repealing his father's ban on magic. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done, for reasons including but not limited to the following: (1) He can't change the law until he understands magic better, but no sorcerer is willing to explain magic to him until he changes the law; (2) The sorcerers all have some strange obsession with Merlin, which is awakening all sorts of feelings in Arthur that he really doesn't fancy examining too closely; (3) He is starting to feel like the butt of some Druid-population-wide inside joke involving the mysterious phenomenon called Emrys; and (4) Oh yeah, Morgana is still trying to kill him. Thus he embarks on a journey of discovery, diplomacy, accountability, and self-improvement, and maybe even falls in love along the way.
Open Eyes by N16
After Merlin experiences abuse at the hands of a visiting lord, Arthur decides his manservant needs to learn how to defend himself. But Merlin is unimpressed with Arthur's solution, and Arthur is forced to confront some unpleasant truths about what happens right under his nose. How can he protect a kingdom when he can't even protect those inside his castle? One-shot.
till death do us part by RottenKidNextDoor (Portal of Words)
"the first time jay killed carlos, they were sitting in the foyer of hell hall and carlos was worried about the blood on the floor." or jay and carlos have an agreement to kill each other to exploit the magic barrier's healing ability when things go too far. killing for mercy isn't as easy as it sounds.
death came to visit me so sweetly by tobiko
Do you know what it feels like to die? The Isle kids do. It's not something that they like to talk about.
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I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
fandom meme: come at me friend.
Star Trek. I love love love the Kelvin series. Years ago, I made a Star Trek verse for my male OC and tried to wiggle my way into the fandom. One person gave me the time of day enough to listen to a few plot ideas and invited me to join a discord server where it was all in character conversations. One person in the server just had their muse mocking my muse's name and wouldn't let up. It was completely out of character for them if you follow the Kelvin series, especially since the character has an unusual name themselves. The movies are about aliens...everyone has an unusual name! But they wouldn't stop and after months of trying, I couldn't get a single thread. I said screw it and gave up altogether on the fandom. A year later, I really wanted to write Bones. I made Bones his own blog and the whole fandom again shut me out. I had 1 thread after a month of reading rules, following, waiting, unfollowing, getting my promo out there, changing my rules to be more open, and everything else I could possibly think of to get someone to look in my direction. So I gave up and deleted Bones' blog. I can't bring myself to watch the movies. After being on this hellsite for over 6 years, I have 2 threads (one with Clint and one with Matt) with someone from the fandom but I can't bring myself to reply to them because of this deep ill feeling I have towards the fandom. It genuinely sucks.
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reginarubie · 2 years
1) is there a story you’re holding off on writing for some reason?2) what work of yours, if any, are you the most embarrassed about existing?
Ciao anon!,
actually, now that I remember I had been tagged for this very series of questions by @7thkarma for this ‘know your author series of questions’. Since you've sent only two, but they tagged me for the whole I'll reply to them all, feel free to read only the first two ;)
Is there a story you’re holding off on writing for some reason?
Actually, yes, there is, but it is no fan work, it’s an original work I’ve been putting off writing because for one I am not confident enough yet and besides I have my hands full with school, full-time job and the fanfics. 
It’s not that I’ve not yet begun it, I’ve already have some scenes in mind — and written down — but somehow it never satisfies me and I am well too self-conscious about it. It’s one thing to write something set into a world that you already knows that works, with characters that you already know that work, it’s another building world and characters from scratch, I always second-guess myself and I honestly have not yet managed to bring myself to share what little I’ve written of it with anyone. I’ve shared with some friends the rough idea, the characters mostly, but I’m still waiting. Doesn’t feel right yet. 
I think that, like in most things — where I am concerned — one day the spring will snap and I’ll probably write it all down in a month or so of unbridled work. 
What work of yours, if any, you are the most embarrassed about existing?
Well to be truth with you… none, oh I’ve written atrocious things, like really terrible writing when I was a bit younger and new to the whole writing deal. Yet, while I am a perfectionist, at 28 I’ve come to accept that I’ll always make mistakes along the way, and that’s normal, and if I were to hide or be embarrassed about those mistakes I would only hinder the learning and growing process.
So I am more of a ‘trust the process of learning’ kind of person right now and that means not avoiding to look the truth in the face and not be embarrassed about that truth. 
What order do you write in? Front of book to back? Chronological? Favourite scenes first? Or something else?
All of the above, like I trust my instincts. I have sometimes started a fic from the end and moved from there back to the beginning; other times the opposite, sometimes I’ve drawn the general idea before and then wrote it down; other times chronological or favourite. There isn’t really a rule, I am a bit of a self-imposed-rule-breaker, so I simply go along with my instincts and let ‘em guide me. 
Favourite character you’ve written
Well you’re going to laugh at this… the plague. And no, I’m not even joking, but I’m going to explain all about this particular character and story when we reach question 15 because otherwise I’d have to smash together two questions, and tbh I wanna be a little sh*t and leave you with the curiosity for another bit. 
Character you are most surprised you ended up writing
I wrote Alessandro Manzoni once out of spite, and made him out to be a little, petty jerk. A bit of background is needed to understand this one. First of all, I was fourteen — so cut me some slack — and Manzoni was a real Italian writer who wrote the bane of the existence of every Italian student, a story called I promessi sposi (the intended spouses). 
There is not a single student to whom I’ve talked who has enjoyed that brick of a tome during school-years, it tends to grow on you when you get older, and as a petty fourteen year old student who had taken a flat out 4- (a very bad grade) on a test about him and his brick-tome (ending up grounded for a whole month because of it too) I decided to take out my pettiness on him by writing a story about him, with him looking all smug about all the sorrow and pain he caused to students thanks to his book because he was a jerk. 
I gave him even a very cozy hellish setting from which oversee the destruction his book sought even  three centuries after he had written it. 
What can I say, I was a petty, dramatic girl, and I regret nothing, also because I had so much fun dragging him through the mud in that story and enjoyed so much my teacher outraged face when I showed her my work that I realised I had gotten over my petty hate of his book. 
Something you would go back and change in your writing that it is too late/complicated to change now
I write way too much description, sometimes they take up pages and pages and I end up loosing the sight of the single detail I wanted to simultaneously put up to be seen and hide enough that it would be a hint but you had to look for it, and only looking back at it after you had come to the plot-twist you would understand it. Needless to say, sometimes I loose track of the whole point and I have to backtrack until I find it again. I don’t believe it’s too late to change it now, while it is complicated I am trying to find a way around it. 
When asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
Tbh it depend on the person I am telling it to. Often I am just anxious, especially when I was younger I was very embarrassed and nervous, afraid I would been made fun of. 
Right now?, well I am a very reserved person, sometimes I just off-handed tell someone I want to share it with, that I write and if I am either enthusiastic or anxious might depend on their reaction to it, not much because that I care that much about what they think, but because I am sharing something that is important to me — I am hard to give trust to people, on a deep level — and it’s the way you react to that, that tells me if we are really compatible either as friends or loved ones. You can make fun of it, I do it myself, but if you are encouraging and get along with my weirdness then we’re okay; if you just react in a way that makes me feel off well let’s say that what we’re building has still to take some work, and if I see it doesn’t work I will just back down. 
Favourite genre to write?
Romance, with a twist of darkness if I manage (but this latter one is optional really). In whatever setting (fantasy, modern, historical, satirical, sci-fi or dystopian) as long as there is romance I’m enthusiastic to write. 
What, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
Visuals, I am sure you haven’t missed my pretty heavy usage of gifs. It’s because having visuals as close to my imagination as possible helps me remain inspired. And music, music is my number one muse, tbh. Though it’s true that sometimes just one off-handed comment can make me take the tangent and begin a new work and both @woodlandandcrochet and @sansaissteel know about it as they’ve inspired some works with off-handed comments; or ask FeralG4 who has reached out to me and requested if I would be fine with writing an idea he had and boom after a bit of joined brainstorming ‘Wind of Ice’ was born. 
Write in silence or with background noise? With people or alone?
In truth weirdo-style I actually need music to help me write, and I mostly do it when I am alone because I have trouble concentrating when there are too many people around because they stimulate too much my curiosity with the way they move or speak and what they say (even when it’s not directed to me) so I need to be alone with my earbuds and music on to focus, and in weirdo-fashion, once I am in full-immersion mode I don’t take heed of the music either. Like it doesn’t exist, yet if I don’t put it on as I sit to write… I can’t write.
What aspect of your writing do you think has most improved since you started writing?
If we are talking in my mother-tongue I think it is keeping track of the consecution of events. When I first started I wrote only very short-stories because I often lost the track of what I was writing and end up going off-topic and I truly believe that writing in another language has helped me a lot in that aspect. In my mother-tongue I have no trouble with grammar and the logic of the sentence so when you write you can get often distracted, instead while writing a foreign language you have to be very careful with those and so it’s less easy to loose completely sight of the topic you were writing about. I suppose the fault must reside in the way my brain work, that piece of sh*t never shuts up, and even when I study I have to use many coloured pencils and pens because having to focus on the colour helps me not loose track of what I am supposed to learn instead of following my curiosity in flight of fancy ending up on something so separated from what I am studying that the connection is so obscure it could be useless. 
If we are talking of when I am writing in english… I would say the property with which I write, and also how I’ve learned to balance the various paces of each character and parts of the chapters. Balance is vital for a story to stay interesting not only for the reader but for the writer too. And actually it was @hungrytiger on ao3 who pointed it out to me in a comment:
So, I read this chapter right away and waited to comment to let it sit and settle in my mind a bit after a reread. In between my two readings of this chapter, I also reread your Wolf's Throne story. Its a story I also really enjoyed, but what struck me is... as good of a writer as you are in that story, this chapter really shows all the ways you have grown as a writer too. Jon's voice and his mindset in this chapter is *so* distinctive and seems to fit the incredibly unusual circumstances (the whole resurrected, politically intelligent, ruthless but also a bit animalistic vibe) so perfectly. You really struck a perfect balance between the bastard-turned-king but also came-back-slightly-different dual natures of Jon.
So, I think in English I’ve gotten really better at balancing and using catchphrases and description of the way a character move and thinks to give it a distinctive and believable cifra.
Your weaknesses as an author
I tend to write myself into a corner, and like a boxer I have to take the blows that I inflicted on myself and find a way to get out of the corner in which I cornered myself. 
Your strengths as an author
Sometimes I come out with phrases that I could not even think logically to write, they come intuitively and they are better than they could be if I lost weeks to try and pry them from my mind. Let my brain do the hard work and follow its instinct has paid off until now. 
On the downside...if that happens when I have nowhere to keep track of them and they're lost forever...I'll never be satisfied with their replacement because that phrase will always sound better in my memory even if I don't remember it anymore.
Do you make playlists for your current wips?
Hell yeah I do. 
I have one general for House Stark you can find here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4rgwqyNVb9UeW5brs8LQUC?si=4e6acd4aca19482b
Another one that can fit a bit of all my wips that you can find here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1eB344WzJvwyRyssVyaH7p?si=278ba8113d6f4433
Another one specific for my femBilbo/Fíli story: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/23IVxWADW2mAs9yAYBYKCn?si=343b7875b44d4add
Another one specific for ‘Like wolves in the darkness’: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0P0mMiaQzPLTtPEQ4hinzM?si=cfe7330850f34c43
Even if currently I’m writing more as I listen to the second one I shared.
Why did you start writing?
So this is where I come back to my plague story. Flashback to my third year of high school, I had chosen a very hard high-school that had as subjects both classical and scientific — italian, latin and ancient greek, history of art, history and geography, math, biology, physic, chemistry and a bunch of others — and when I was between sixteen and seventeen we changed our professor of Italian, thankfully because the first one was a nightmare I tell you (she admitted she loathed me to my mother’s face just on the principle of it, just to make you understand what kind of nightmare that woman was) anyway, new year, new professor and this one had a completely different approach. 
She would rather take the long way about something to make sure we students found our way to enjoy what we had to learn and do it with a better mood, thus learning better. 
So, one of the chapters of the Promessi Sposi, takes into consideration the events of the plague of Milan, and it is very, very boring to me, so the professor gave us as homework between a week and the other to write a short-story about the plague, not necessary set into the world of the Promessi Sposi, and I…kind of took the satirical way to it because it sounded fun to my own brain?
Look— I don't pretend to understand how my brain works, I just let it do its own thing and most of the time it works out.
So, I ended up writing a tv-interview between a journalist and the plague and it was hilarious, to the point that when I gave it to have it graded to my prof she gave me a 10/10 and asked permission to read it to the class and when she did I was like… all gushing because my classmates were laughing with me because of something I had written and not because I was weird and laughable at. They were really enjoying it and since I was the weird one out that no-one approached in those years it was really refreshing. It was really comical, I mean I had the interview happening with videos being shown of its victims and the Plague giving its justification of her actions because she had a ton of little siblings (lesser epidemics) to look after and going all plaguey on the world was her job. She was entirely petty and unapologetic. I had so much fun writing and was so proud when my prof asked if she could keep it, that it still is one of my happiest memories of my high school years in the academic career. 
Flashfoward a couple of months and I had some troubles with English and I confided in this professor and in my mom, my mom who had spoken to my italian prof and they both suggested I wrote for fun in English to better my grasp on the language and… it worked like a Swiss-clock. After I started writing stories in English my grades became so good that by the time the fifth year rolled around my English prof suggested I underwent the course for the FIRST and I did, getting top marks on it too!
So that’s the story of how I started to write. 
[on a sidenote my professor told me last year when I met her by chance, she still has my work and lends a copy of it to the students who are struggling because they feel they are the odd ones out, to tell ‘em I was perhaps the weirdest student she had — always with one my earbuds in , either drawing or just zooning out during class and sometimes I would jump up, excuse myself from class to go to the school library or with my pc outside and start researching about some topic the class had inadvertently provoked my curiosity about completely missing both the point and the subject of the class — but that being weird is a quality that if harnessed correctly can open up a new world for themselves and those around ‘em. I cried a bit too when she told me — what can I say, I am an emotional wreck just waiting to happen]
Are there any characters who haunt you?
Samwise Gamgee from The Lord of the Rings, when I first started to read the book I was very young, perhaps eleven (I think) and I found most of the characters strangely off (I was too young for them to click as they ought to, I’ve worked through that now), instead, for some reason I immediately attuned to both Samwise Gamgee and Pippin Took, but the latter does not haunt me like the first. 
It’s a good type of haunting, mind you, his character just resonates to a basic level with me, so sometimes as I write I catch myself wanting to write a character that I can get attuned so much as I attuned to Samwise Gamgee and to his soft, unyielding hope and strength, but all of my original characters come short and I end up re-reading a hundred times “The choices of Master Samwise” (which in Italian, in the version I had, was titled ‘le scelte di Samwise l’impavido’ — ‘the choices of Samwise the fearless/brave’). I’ve loved Samwise since his first appearance, but this chapter…to me it’s the masterpiece inside the masterpiece. 
If you could give your fledging author self any advice, what would it be?
Trust the process. Have fun, make mistakes, and just hum along. You’ll find your own comfort zone, you just need to push at its borders and keep learning, but first to do so you must stumble and learn your limits. There’s no shame in those.
Just have fun. That’s the key to it.
Were there any works you read that affected you so much it influenced your writing style? What were they?
Well I have a couple. Of course the Lord of the Rings, for obvious reasons, also The Chronicles of Narnia (I love how unapologetic those fables for children and adults are and how meaningful), and truly I think I’ve stolen some little trick or ‘influence’ from every piece of fiction I have consumed, whether I have loved it to bits or left untouched after a couple of chapters because it just didn’t click right. 
When it comes to more complicated narratives how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, etc.?
Er… I kind of don’t?, which is another one of my weaknesses, I told you I can and will write myself in a corner. So I need to backtrack to the origin of a plot-point (sometimes I can’t even remember where I first planted the seed for a certain plot-twist or plot-point) and no matter how much I’ve tried to organise those, it’s just not my style. I write improvising, so having a detailed outline actually kills my inspiration. Oops, I guess?
Do you write in long sit-down sessions or in little spurts?
A in-between, sometimes I am just struck by inspiration and will sit down and write on my phone what came to mind, other times I’ll have a middle-long session of writing. It really depends on my mindset in that moment. 
What do you think when you read over your older works?
Well, on the good side, look how far you’ve made it. Who would’ve guessed it? Good job *pat-pat* still… what were you thinking?, what kind of obscure sh*t is this?
I know, I am hilarious. It kind of comes with the ground of being an aqua with gemini rising I suppose. 
Are there any subjects that make you uncomfortable to write?
Emotional pain, depression and such. They are very hard for me to write, which is why I try to address emotional distress and/or depression — though the latter much less than the first — when I write. To work through my own discomfort. How am I supposed to become better if I don’t push at my limits?, all in due time, obviously. 
Any obscure life experience that you feel have helped your writing?
I have a very close-knit — almost symbiotical — relationship with my mother, to the point I just feel when she’s off even if we’re not in the same room or in the same building, some kind of sixth sense I have with anyone I have time enough or am comfortable enough to attune with, I am an emotional sponge and mirror which has been pretty hard to work through and balance as I was growing up. She’s had a very hard life, mostly for things outside of her control and she’s shared some of those with me, and— they helped me a lot, because they gave me insight and I think some of it seeps into my writing as well. So… yeah, I think this can qualify as an obscure life experience (even if it is not mine first-hand). 
Have you become an expert on something you previously knew nothing about, in order to better a scene or a story?
Guilty as charged, your honour. Actually, if you’ve read some of my metas you might know that I never consider myself expert in anything. The world is big, human-experience so diverse, and history so filled with obscure little details that can twist completely a whole vision that I believe you can never be truly expert on anything. But you can be on your way there. It’s a process. And I’ve gone through long-researches spree only to make a scene or a story believable and relatable. 
copy/paste a few sentence or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of
I am particularly proud of whole thing I have set in “The chanson of the Sun’s son and his Queen Wolf” and the role that will play in the endgame of the story, but I won’t share it because it would spoilerish. Sorry. 
But I have other tidbits I can share, so I will!
«I won’t accept this mantle easily and with light heart — she tells the court amassed — but I will do my best to secure the peace of the Seven Kingdoms against invader forces, this I swear to you on my honor as a Stark» then, without any further ado she sits on the Iron throne.
 As she does she feels powerful because all of the court — as they should — bows their heads in greeting to the new lady Regent of the Seven Kingdoms.  
 She sits with poise, trying to imitate in a more feminine way, the pose her father used to have when he held court during his tenure as Hand of the King. 
Tell them — she looks forward, surveying the whole of the throne room as the City Watch’s commander, a slim man who has taken over after Bronn’s death at Jon’s hand, comes forward to give his report — winter is coming. Tell them I am doing what honor demands; that I defend my family to those who’d harm us, that I defend my people from those who’d want to see us on our knees.
I promise sweetheart.
— the Wolf’s throne, chapter 32
Ghost tallons them and Sansa feels powerful as Jon leads her to the yard where once stood the Great Sept. She has been unyielding on this, the coronation is to take place in the same place Eddard Stark lost his life. May the people of Kings Landing, who had called for his head then, know that now his daughter — in the same spot he lost his head — will be crowned queen. Let them acclaim them and wash away the stain done against Eddard Stark that day.
Let them see the girl who invoked mercy for her father, who screamed until her throat was hoarse for his life, until she lost her senses. Let them see her now, years after, being crowned Queen in the very same spot. Let them know they owe her their life and they can do so only because she is Ned Stark’s daughter and he raised her to care for the people under her authority. 
— Wolf’s throne, epilogue
Come, Caroline let’s begin our life together as we were supposed to... 
... he was looking at her like Caroline had always wished to be looked at, his eyes even seemed to have a different cut.
Let me go, she snapped to Stefan and suddenly as if made of smoke he disappeared.
“And what about your christian sensibilities, Karoline?” he demanded.
Caroline took a deep breath “Not all saint are martyrs and not all people are saints. Suppose I am not a saint, perhaps I never was. If I stay he has to go, and I will stay. You can either help me or continue and cower in your farm away from everything”
“I am Hope’s” she replied “is that not enough?”
The winds in her hair and as she turned her back to her homeland for a child, for her child, Caroline realized something she had not realized before. 
In her vision, Stefan’s eyes weren’t green, as she remembered them being in truth.
They had been blue.
— Lightening and thunder, chapter 7
I guess these are a bit more than what was asked of me, but what can I say, I love these moments as many others so sue me. 
Thank you again for your ask!, I enjoyed this very much, felt almost like a proper writer, even if I am really noway there yet! As always I wish you a very nice day!
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canonicallyanxious · 2 years
i was tagged by @thelibraryiscool for a couple of bookish related things and they looked like great fun but i completely forgot to do them until now skdjnfskdjnfs so combining into one post to kill two birds with one stone!
tagging: @tristealven @persimmonyms @boxesfullofthoughts @pronouncingitwang @kapplebougher @florawelch​ @homomrdarcy @braveveth - feel free to do one or both or none of the above!
rules: spell out either your name or username using only books or only movies that have your vibe, and tag some people.
[i did for a hot second consider doing my username for more letter options but i decided i was not about to suffer through the trials of trying to remember literally any book that starts with the letter x also obviously i’m doing books because movies what are those?????]
A Secret History by Donna Tartt [this game asked for vibes, not my favorite books, and unfortunately an incredibly pretentious story about murderous gay-coded classics majors is exactly 100% my vibe]
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz
The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro
Another Country by James Baldwin
Her Body and Other Parties: Stories by Carmen Maria Machado
#54321 Challenge
5 books I’m loving/have loved: [I’m assuming this means recently??? unfortunately i have not had the brain cells for reading as of late so i’m just going to name all the new novels i’ve read this year that i loved which does happen to be exactly 5 lol]
The Chosen and the Beautiful by Nghi Vo
The Traitor Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson [love Baru Cormorant, would love to actually fuckin finish the fuckin sequels one day]
The Thirty Names of Night by Zeyn Joukhadar
Butter Honey Pig Bread by Francesca Ekwuyasi
Light From Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki
4 auto-buy authors: [i find this rather challenging bc I honestly don’t really have favorite authors and the number of authors whose works i have all read and enjoyed is very, very low so i guess i will just list some authors that always make me perk up when i see them around]
Roxane Gay
Celeste Ng
Tamsyn Muir [whom I also know as UrbanAnchorite but that’s neither here nor there]
Ann Leckie
3 genres I love: [also a prompt i find challenging skdjnfsdkjnfs i will give pretty much any genre a stab if it’s well written but i gave this my best shot]
urban fantasy
coming of age [does this count as a genre???? it does now]
sci-fi [i tend to prefer sci-fi on the softer side or stories that are not fully sci-fi but have sci-fi elements but harder sci-fi can be great fun too. i almost put cyberpunk as a genre but i realized i like cyberpunk better in visual media than as a literary genre lol]
2 places I love to read: 
Near a body of water, preferably with shade and a decent seat that won’t give me a back ache [will take: beaches, poolsides, river banks, boats on the ocean, puddles of rain, etc.]
In a city I don’t live in, preferably while traveling by myself or at a quiet cafe or park where no one will bother me
1 book/series I promised to read: 
Middlemarch by George Elliot, which is more of a promise to myself than anything else. I have had this book in my backlog for a year and a half now since i first started reading it. i don’t want to talk about it.
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I am beyond excited to share with you that Broken, Book One in the Broken Trilogy & Honor, Book One in the Blackstone Series by Author J.L. Drake are 𝗔𝗩𝗔𝗜𝗟𝗔𝗕𝗟𝗘 𝗡𝗢𝗪 & $𝟬.𝟬𝟬 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗮 𝗹𝗶𝗺𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆!!
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𝘽𝙧𝙤𝙠𝙚𝙣 (𝘽𝙧𝙤𝙠𝙚𝙣 𝙏𝙧𝙞𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙮 #1):
My name is Savannah Miller. Right after my twenty-seventh birthday, I was taken from everything I’d ever known. I was beaten, starved, treated like an animal. With no sense of time and no dignity left, I finally gave up hope.
Then one night, an elite group of US Army soldiers came to my rescue. I was brought to a safe house and given two options: stay under their protection and follow their rules or leave and be guaranteed to be returned to the savages within a week.
I chose option one…
𝙃𝙤𝙣𝙤𝙧 (𝘽𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙎𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨 #1):
I fell to my knees. Normally, I could block out the pain, but not this time.
Something wasn’t right…
The next thing I knew, I found myself in a North Dakota hospital where things took an unexpected turn…
Mia Harper was the new nurse who seemed to know more about me than she should. Yet I couldn’t help but flirt with her. She was witty, playful, and her beauty was unmatched. I couldn’t get enough.
Just when I thought things were looking up, it got weird…
Someone returned from my past and flipped my world around…
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faithfire-writes · 1 year
Writeblr This Or That
Tagged by @pens-swords-stuff
1. historical or futuristic
I've always loved history, and it's a lot easier for me to research the past than try to get technological when writing the future
2. the opening or closing chapter
I love a good story opening! Setting the scene, meeting the characters, discovering how the world works....
3. light+fluffy or dark+gritty
This one is hard, because while I love me some fluffy, lightheartedness, I think there's a time and place where you have to add realism in or else the story feels too Hallmark-y and saccharine. So I'll say light+fluffy, when I really can go either way, as long as it's not too grimdark and depressing
4. animal companion or found family
as much as I love a good animal companion (looking at Aang and Appa), found family is my favorite thing ever and the one thing that will sell me on a potential new story
5. horror or romance
Honestly, neither? I'm not a huge horror fan, but I also don't gravitate toward romance. Straight romance annoys me, while I'm a wimp for horror.
6. hardor soft magic system
Soft, I'm thinking. I like for it to have rules and make sense, but if you start going in too confusing with different Laws, my brain gets fuzzy and I stop understanding anything...or caring
7.standalone or series
Series unless it's a really good standalone. The more books, the happier i am
8. one project at a time or always juggling 2+
2+ is me being nice to myself. Even in my current wip, I've got 4 different documents related to the characters and their different plotlines. I do not have the self control to do one at a time
9. one award winner or one bestseller
I'm not super optimistic that I'll get either, but I'd prefer a bestseller because that means I've got people who like my writing, while award winner might mean my book is gonna torture some poor kid years from now on an assigned reading list.
10. fantasy or sci-fi
Fantasy times a thousand. I'll watch sci fi (StarGate and Star Wars fan for life) but I vastly prefer dragons and knights to space guns and aliens
11. character or setting description
Character. I am horrible at describing places.
12. first or final draft
Both, I think? Because it shows how far the story has evolved and grown
13. love triangle in everything or no romantic arcs
As someone who's borderline demi/ace, I'd rather just read about friendships than romance in everything. It's one of the reasons I gave up on a popular YA author I used to love, because romance is ALL THAT STORY HAS BECOME
14.constant sandstorm or rainstorm
Rainstorm. I love a good rain. When I'm lying in bed and hear rain drumming the roof when I'm falling asleep, it's like heaven.
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