#Jason Momoa fanfic
My Alpha Ch. 4
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Donations | Send Thoughts Here | My Alpha Series | Ch. 3
(Thank you all so much for your patience while I get my hectic life sorted out. Here is Chapter 4!! Thankfully I've already finished the first half of chapter 5!) (For some reason my tags are not working, its only letting me tag a few of you and I don't know why. I will keep on tagging blogs if you want to be tagged though!)
Declan and you both sat in your fathers tent, you were trying to wrap your mind around what had happened but no one had seen. “One minute we were walking and talking just fine, the next, he was just…gone. Y/N…I swear I don’t know what happened.” Declan said quietly as you nodded, “it’s okay, I imagine he just lost his footing is all, at least you guys were able to get to him and he’s going to be okay.” you cleaned the scraps from your fathers head, looking back at Declan who sat on the cot on the other side of the tent. “he can’t travel in this condition.” he nodded, “We’ll stay until he’s good enough to travel again, until then, I'll watch over the pack and make the necessary adjustments, I'll put together smaller groups to gather different things such as wood for fires, hunting trips, etc. we’ll get this all figured out.” Declan nodded as you stood up and covered your father up. “Thank you,” you whispered as you walked out of the tent.  
Declan looked back at Arthur as he laid there in bed, breathing shallow and light. He could do it, he could end it now. He could do it for you. To protect you. 
Declan followed Arthur through the woods, the rifle slung on his back. He didn’t mind hunting, he actually liked it alot, however, he did not want to be out here with your father, he’d rather be sitting by the fire, you by his side as he listened to you tell story after story. He tuned Arthur out, walking on until he heard a few branches break behind him, looking back Arthur was gone. “Arthur?” but he was gone, “Arthur!” Declan shouted louder and began to walk back where the pack master had been just moments before. 
Declan looked around and saw him lying on a cliff about ten feet below the edge, he was unconscious, he had landed near the edge, and Declan knew it would be difficult to get to him, he also knew he could just jump down to him and kick him off. But, what kind of pain would that cause you? He hollered for the other alphas, so they could form a plan. 
You sat outside by the fire, warming up some tea and soup for the other alphas who were still awake. You were lost in thought when a hand touched your shoulder, causing you to gasp and jump slightly. Evan, another alpha in the group, who belonged with Marine, smiled down at you. “Evan, hey, what's up?” you asked standing up from the log you’d been sitting on. “I wanted to check on you. Arthurs going to be fine…I’m sure of it.” he smiled down at you. His eyes traveled from your face, down your unmarked neck, pausing for a moment at your pulse point before moving toward your chest. 
You visibly shivered and slightly pulled away from him, “I actually need to go check on him again, excuse me.” you tried to move but he grabbed your arm. “Why don’t I come with you? My dad is a doctor after all, so I know a thing or two.” he grinned, but it didn’t ease your nerves. It only made them worse. “Evan, that's nice but-” “We can handle it. Why don’t you go check in on your pregnant omega? Marine was asking for you earlier when we returned.” Declan's voice came from behind you as you felt his chest against your back. Evan looked at him, squaring his shoulders before he nodded a little. “Alright, just holler if you need anything.” he said before quickly walking back to his tent. 
You watched him go for a moment before you turned and looked up at Declan, the closeness between the two of you, made your cheeks grow hot, biting your lower lip at the feelings flooding your system, you glanced up at him. “Thank you,” you whispered. Declan swallowed and nodded, “I’ll always protect you.” he whispered back before he glanced around. Most of the pack were tucked away in their tents, and the few who remained outside were packing up for the evening to head in. You watched as the last camper climbed into their tent and zipped it up, before looking back at Declan. 
“I heated up some tea and soup if you want some…I’m sure you'd like to eat and go to sleep after the long day you’ve had.” you whispered as he stared down at you. “Honestly? I’m content just standing here talking with you…” he sighed, “But I imagine you have other things you need to take care of, and I don't want to stop you from doing whatever it is you need to do.” you instantly grabbed his forearm, “I don't.” you said urgently, “I just need to check on my father, if you give me a minute maybe we can continue our conversation from earlier?” 
Declan grinned and turned “that sounds great, I'll make us some bowls and I'll grab some glasses.” you smiled and walked back into your fathers tent checking on him, he was still sound asleep, his wound still looked good but you wanted to keep a close eye on him incase anything changed over night. 
After checking on your father, you rejoined Declan out by the fire and enjoyed some soup. “This is delicious,” Declan commented after a few minutes of silence. You smiled over at him, swallowing the bite you’d taken. “Thank you, Stews and soups are my most favorite foods,” you took a drink before turning toward him, “There's this festival, once a year in Italy, that is nothing but soups and stews! You can buy little sample jars from vendors and get recipe cards as well, it's so cool, I’ve always wanted to go…one day,” you smile was sad, as you looked back down at the bowl. 
“I’ve never been to Italy, but it sounds incredible. Maybe we can go together one day?” he asked as you grinned up at him, your eyes lighting up even in the dark evening. The flames danced across your skin in patterns, “I would love that,” you whispered as he scooted closer, “its chilly tonight, would you like my jacket again?” he asked as you moved closer to him automatically. “I don't want you to be cold,” you whispered. Declan chuckled and draped his jacket over your shoulders once again. “I’ll be okay. I just don’t want you to be cold.” You lifted your shoulder, pressing your nose into his jacket and breathing in before you scooted next to him, pressing yourself into his side. “I think I’ll be plenty warm right here,” you breathed out looking up at him from under your lashes. 
Declan wrapped an arm around you, pulling you even closer, though it was impossible and stared down at you. “I want to try something,” he whispered as you stared up at him with doe eyes. “Okay,” you breathed out as he lowered his head, his lips brushing yours gently. You closed your eyes feeling his lips graze yours; there was a spark the moment his lips touched yours. You pushed yourself against him, pressing your lips to his urgently. Declan’s hand found the back of your head instantly as he threaded his fingers through your hair. You wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling like fire was pulsing through your veins. You craved to be closer to him in every way, craved the feeling of his skin against yours. 
Declan bit your lip, growling as you gasped, the need and hunger growing deeply in his soul. Time stood still as you melted together, feeling like your souls intertwined and the earth stopped moving beneath your feet. That tiny voice muttered in your brain, ‘True mates’ as your lungs felt like fire was igniting in them. Desperate for air, you pulled back slightly to catch your breath. 
“Wow,” you breathed out, panting softly. Your eyes remained closed as you pressed your forehead against his. “I’ve never felt that way before…” he stated in a husky breath as you met his stare.
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@notebooks-of-nonsense @fdl305 @bval-1 @calimoi @syntheticavenger @mrsjenniferwinchester @chaneajoyyy @mommad @ellen-reincarnated1967 @adriellej @coffeebooksandfandom @patzammit @posiemax @auriel187 @ladybug05 @stoneyggirl2 @fallenoutofrose @mrspeacem1nusone @teamfreewill-imagine @inlovewith3 @auvisanspeur @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @leaveitbythewave @sleutherclaw @sandlee44 @aaqua-tofana @nohumanswereharmed @msgrandma49 @traceyaudette @cevansbaby-dove
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About & Masterlist
This masterlist is out of date! The new one is here x
Hi there I'm Kai, 30's, shameless fanfic writer. My ask is always open for requests/feedback.
Feel free to reblog any works!
My library sideblog is here
Comment on this post if you'd like to be added to the tag list x
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These works contain smut and violence, you will need to have mature content visible in your settings to view them. 18+ only. Please heed the warnings on individual works.
You, like everyone else labelled 'Bad Batch' have been abandoned in the desert. Miami Man, the leader of a group of cannibalistic desert dwellers finds you. You prove yourself much more useful alive than dead. This series is ongoing and this post will be updated x
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four (pending)
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motionless-friction · 2 years
Okay guys I'm not trying to sound like a dick here.
Unless they're hands have been in the cold, like outside during winter, or in a freezer, or holding something cold like a bowl of ice cream.
I wear six big ass biker rings, I used to wear sixteen. I can promise you the metal isn't gonna be cold unless their hands are cold.
The metal will warm up to the temperature of your hands, the same way necklaces and earrings will.
Can the metal sometimes be cool feeling to someone else?
Yes, of course. If someone else's body temperature is different from the individual wearing the jewelry, the metal can feel cool to the touch. BUT NOT COLD.
Again I'm not trying to sound like a dick, but when I read fanfics, and the character has a ring(s), writers keep claiming the the metal is cold.
And it gets under my skin so fucking much.
It shouldn't bother me, it's not like it's the end of the world or anything, but it bugs me something fierce.
My biggest rings band is thicker than a quarter, and that sucker is only cold if my whole hand is cold.
And I've been wearing rings like this since I was 9, so I know what I'm talking about.
Sorry if I came off as bitchy or whatever, but I really needed to rant about this real quick.
That's all for now, I hope you have an awesome day.
And sorry if I upset you with this rant, that wasn't my intention, I just need people to understand that rings are rarely gonna feel cold.
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For those of you wondering how I used to wear sixteen rings. ⬇️
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As they say X marks the spot.
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Day 11 of Kinktober: Swimming Around With Arthur Curry
Pairing: Arthur Curry x fem!reader
Warning: making out, eating out
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Arthur took me this magical place that I’ve never seen in any books or the internet before but it looks so majestic and the plants, never seen before either.
“Where are we?” I say still looking around at the place.
“This is where I became king of the ocean.” He says behind me.
“Really? Where were you at in this place when you became king?” I turn around and said.
“Right down that pond.” He points at the pond.
“What’s down there?” I question.
“The Karathen.“ He whispers in my ear.
“Is that where we’re going to, is that why you brought us here?” I look at him.
“Oh god no, we’re going over there.” He points to a waterfall.
“That looks gorgeous.” I look at the waterfall.
“You wanna go for a swim?” He asks.
“Yeah sure.” I said.
Arthur and I get undressed and Arthur dives into the pond where the waterfall is. He pops out of the water and swims up to me.
“The water feels great Y/N/N.” He says.
I look at him and then look at the water, I get in the water and the water does feel good! Arthur wraps his arms around my body to guide me where he’s going to. I lay my head on his shoulder, holding on to him as well.
We get behind the waterfall and the wall looks like it has crystals all of it, it looks beautiful.
“This looks beautiful Arthur.” I unwrap myself from Arthur.
“Not as beautiful as you.” He smirks.
I look down and chuckle.
I sit on a small edge where the wall of crystals are, Arthur swims towards me and getting up to my level, I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around my waist. I hold him close to make us be nose to nose.
“How you feelin’?” He says in a deep voice.
“I’m fine.” I chuckle.
“You wanna try something?” He whispers in my ear.
“What?” I ask.
He looks at me, he leans in and kisses me, I smile in the kiss, I wrap my legs around him and he takes us to a different wall. I tug on his hair and he kisses my neck which made me moan.
He stops kissing my neck and looks at me with those blue eyes, he goes under water and I can feel him touch my body and I feel something inside me, how can this be possible? I moan even louder and I can feel him touching me under water and his tongue touching my clit. He continues to do this for a minute or two and then I hear something in the water even though the water fall is so loud I feel like nothing can hear me scream in pleasure.
I stop Arthur from eating me out and to make him see what I’m hearing, it’s a fish that I’ve never seen before in my life.
“Y/N/N, you don’t have to worry about what’s going to happen, I’m here to protect you.” Arthur says cresting my cheek.
“Arthur I’m scared about anything in this area and I’m just scared something might happen to me with who or what is out there.” I said holding him close to me.
“That’s why I’m here to protect you, animals can understand me and I can understand them, believe me Y/N, I love you so much, I wouldn’t let a bug get near you.”
I think I’m blushing, he’s so sweet to me and he would kill anything if someone or something would try to hurt me, I love him.
“Arthur, can we kiss again? I actually feel safe with you when you do that.” I softly touch his hair.
“Anything to make my girl happy.” He smirks.
He kisses me and it felt like we were kissing for hours but it felt like it was 6 minutes. I felt things surrounding us but I kept on kissing him, I feel so safe with him.
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the-marshals-wife · 4 months
New Horizons (Arthur Curry x Reader)
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─ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ⋅☆⋅ 𝐀𝐎𝟑 ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─
A/N: Requested by @dantes-devil-huntress. I can't believe this is my first Aquaman fic! This was so much fun to write, I hope you enjoy!
Premise: Trying to figure out his place in the world as the newly crowned king of Atlantis, Arthur meets someone who may just help him find the answers he looking for.
Description: Arthur Curry/Aquaman x Fem!Reader (Human), meet-cute fluff! | Warnings: alcohol, mild language | Setting: AU w/o Mera endgame, before The Lost Kingdom | Word count: 3,468
Edit: here's my Orm Marius x Reader fic for my fellow Orm girlies ;)
Gif credit: user jasonmomoaonline
Imagine Arthur giving you shelter when you're stranded in a storm, and discovering his true identity
Getting stood up for your date had been the worst part of the night, until the moment you got into your car. Instead of the engine turning over and sputtering to half-life like usual, it only stalled.
"You have got to be kidding me," you say, gripping the steering wheel and turning the key until you thought it might snap, "Come on, come on, come ON!"
Throwing open your door, you pop the hood and stumble back out into the chilled night. You mutter curses under your breath as you survey the labyrinth of steel and hoses before you.
"At least nothing's on fire this time," you mutter, rolling your eyes.
You step back and stare at the bucket of bolts the salesman had called "like new." Besides coming to this bar, buying this car was quite possibly your biggest regret. It wasn't quite a lemon, but it wasn't a Rolls either. And most of all, it was all you could afford.
You exhale, glaring up at the flickering light of the bar's neon sign. The last thing you wanted to do after waiting nearly two hours alone like a fool was show your face inside again. You retrieve your phone from your back pocket, just to see the blinking bars in the top corner. No service.
"Wonderful," you groan.
Like a bad joke, thunder rolls in the distance. You look up to see the lightning flashing on the horizon across the bay. The brisk, salt air rises up from the water and cuts right through you.
"Could this night get any better?!" you lament, an angry shriek escaping your lips as you kick the front tire.
"Excuse me, Miss?" a voice from behind interjected.
You jump and turn to see a man approaching, nervous smile on his bearded face. You appraise him wearily: tall, dark, and not at all lacking in style, clad in both leather and jewelry. He looked a sight better than the drunken fishermen you'd observed stumble about the bar, which you concluded was about ninety-percent of the clientele. Even from where he stood, he certainly seemed to smell better.
"Uh, I don't mean to interrupt, but you sound like you might need some help," he offers hesitantly.
Despite your initial scare, something about him puts you at ease.
"Oh, um...yeah, actually" you smile embarrassed, tucking your hair behind your ear, "My stupid car won't start. Again."
"Mind if I take a look?" he asks, pointing.
"Would you? That would be great, honestly," you say, folding your arms against the cold, "I just had it in the shop last week. I have no idea what's wrong now."
He pats the fender as he circles around to the front, "Let's see what's got you all clammed up here, buddy."
"Your guess is as good as mine," you say exasperated, stepping to stand behind him a ways.
He chuckles and pushes up his sleeves, ducking underneath the hood. You take note of the intricate tattoos, realizing this friendly stranger was becoming more interesting by the minute.
"Hmm, nope. Not that," he says, craning his neck, "Not that either."
You bite your lip and sway on your feet, silently praying he could find the source of the problem. Any easy fix was probably too much to hope for, but your fingers stayed mentally crossed nonetheless.
"Ooh, maybe- no, definitely not," he says, followed by a clinking sound, "That should not be there."
"I really appreciate this," you say after a moment, peering over his shoulder, "I can change the wipers and put on a spare if I have to, but that's about the extent of my car expertise."
"No shame in that," he grunts, his voice strained, "Oof, now that might be a problem."
"Did you find something?" you dare to ask.
"These spark plugs are kaput. Like, 'not even a necromancer can bring them back' kind of kaput."
"The guy said they were fine!" you exclaim, "I knew I shouldn't have gone back to that place. Probably just took my money and laughed."
The man finally stands up and winces.
"And your alternator is on its last leg," he says with a grimace, "Even if you could get it to start, I wouldn't go more than five miles in this thing."
"Great. That's just wonderful," you sigh, shaking your head, "Well, thank you for looking. It'd have taken me forever to figure that out. Google only goes so far."
"No problem, wish I had better news for ya," he says, wiping his grease-tinged hands on his jeans before extending one towards you, "I'm Arthur, by the way."
"I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you, Arthur."
"Nice to meet you too."
Despite your frustration, you couldn't help but grin. As Good Samaritans go, he was quite a handsome one. Something in the back of your mind whispered that you had seen his face before, but you couldn't place when or where.
Before you could speak again, a bolt of lightning strikes just across the harbor, followed swiftly by a crash of thunder.
Arthur looks off to the darkened horizon, his expression souring with concern.
"Storm's coming in fast," he observes, the sea breeze blowing through his long, sun-kissed hair, "Do you have someone you can call to come pick you up?"
He turn back to you, and only now do you notice just how rich and golden eyes his eyes are. For a few dizzied seconds, you forget to answer.
"Uh, not really. I'm pretty new to the area. I don't know very many people," you reply, feeling shy all of a sudden, "I can just call a Uber or something. If my service ever picks up."
"Yeah, definitely," he nods, clearing his throat, "They have a phone inside."
"Thank you again for helping me, Arthur," you say, starting to walk towards the door.
"I didn't really help, though..." he trails off, disappointment in his voice as you step past him.
Your hand is almost on the handle when he pipes up.
"Uh, look I know you don't know me, but my dad's place is just down the road from here. He's the lighthouse keeper. Him and my mom are actually away on little retreat, and I'm watching the place for them," he explains, "It's dry, warm, and definitely has a lot less drunk guys. You could wait there while the storm passes, if you wanted."
You turn back to him, trying to conceal your renewed hope, "I couldn't impose on you like that."
"Oh you wouldn't be. It's just me and the dog. He's probably getting sick of me at this point. He could use a visitor," he chuckles, "But I understand if you'd rather stay here. Strange guy at a bar invites you to a lighthouse on a dark and stormy night. Sounds like a horror movie, I know."
You laugh, and so does he, bringing some much needed levity.
"I'll bring you right back if you change your mind, just say the word," he adds, sounding truly sincere.
Almost everything in you was saying not to trust a man you'd just met, but your gut was telling you otherwise. There was more to the warmth in his eyes than just the color.
"Well, it does sound like the dog could use some company," you say thoughtfully.
Arthur smirks. "Oh yeah. There's been a Hell's Kitchen marathon on for days, and I'm pretty sure he's sick of listening to my Gordon Ramsay impression. I can't resist, love that guy."
"I might have to hear that for myself."
"Let's get you out of this weather, and we'll see what I can do about that, then," he says with a wink, "My ride is just over here."
Not even the chilled wind could overcome the warmth of your cheeks. The excitement in your chest grows with every step as you follow him across the sandy lot. The ride in question, however, soon comes into view, and the knot in your stomach tightens all the more.
"Oh boy," you say, staring at the motorcycle.
"You're not scared of bikes are you?" he questions, stepping alongside it and reaching into the black saddlebag.
"Not exactly," you hesitate, "I've just never been on one before."
He pulls out a red, half helmet and offers it to you.
"Don't worry, I won't let you fall off," he replies, amused.
You look between him and the headgear a moment before taking it.
"Besides," he says, swinging his leg over the seat, "All you have to do is hang on."
With no argument to make, and rain drops beginning to sprinkle down, you pull your hair back and fasten the helmet on. You nearly lose your balance trying to throw your leg over, having to grab his shoulder to steady yourself. He didn't seem to mind; you could have sworn you heard him snicker. You settle into the seat, heart racing from being so close to him. More anxious than ever, you lightly place your hands on his back.
"All good back there?" Arthur asks, a smile in his voice.
"All good," you repeat, unconvincingly.
"Alright then," he says, turning the key.
Seconds later, the motorcycle roars to life as he revs the engine. Arthur eases the bike back slowly, pivots out of the lot, and eases it up to the main road. The instant he accelerates, the force kicks you backward. You throw your arms around his torso, pulling yourself against him. Over the noise of the machine, you weren't sure if the rumbling in your ear that followed was thunder or laughter, but you figured was the latter.
With the bar now behind you, and the rain coming down harder with the increasing speed, you bury your face into his back and hold on tightly.
The lighthouse comes into view just as the skies open up. Arthur maneuvers the bike up the slippery, sand driveway and quickly shuts it off. He gives you his hand as you climb off and leads you toward the house.
The helmet offers some protection from the downpour, but the wind blows the spray into your face as you squint to see. Lightning above illuminates the world like daylight as you scramble up onto the porch.
Arthur throws the front door open and lets you in first as you stumble inside the dark house. You take a few blind steps forward as he slams it shut behind him, thunder making the windows rattle.
"Man, someone must have really pissed off Thor," he laughs. His relief, however, is turned to exasperation as you hear a clicking sound followed by a sigh.
"Power's out. Awesome."
Still trying to catch your breath, you pull out your phone, struggling with wet fingers to use touchscreen. Finally the flashlight turns on, and Arthur throws his hand up over his eyes as you accidentally shine it right at his face.
"Sorry," you pant, pointing it down.
"No worries. That's a good idea, actually. I always forget about this thing," he remarks, grabbing his own phone and doing the same, "One second, I think Pops has some candles in the kitchen."
You nod as he disappears into the next room. Now remembering the dripping helmet on your head, you release the strap with your free hand and set it down on the mat beside the door. A shiver goes through you from your soaked clothes. You point your phone about the shadowy room to get your bearings, admiring the otherwise cozy living area. As you sweep the light downward, something large and metallic glints on the coffee table in front of the sofa and catches your eye. You move closer to get a better look, and then your heart drops to your feet. Lying beside a bag of jerky and the TV remote is a massive, gleaming trident of gold. A memory flashes through your mind of an article you'd seen weeks ago, with a fuzzy photo of an alleged aquatic hero holding a weapon just like it. The pieces come together all at once as you realize the identity of your host.
The very next second, you hear Arthur's approach. He returns with a lit candle in each hand and a blanket under his arm, only to find your expression of complete and utter shock.
"You...you're..." you stammer.
"Oof, I knew I forgot to put something away," he cringes, "My bad."
"You're the Aquaman," you gape, finding the words.
"Surprise," he says in a sing-song voice, flashing a nervous smile, "Yeah, I never really know how to bring that up.
You stare at him dumbfounded as he places the candles on the coffee table. "I can't believe it. Aren't you supposed to be like...well, in Atlantis or something?"
"I was, earlier this morning. Just about died of boredom in council meetings," he says matter-of-factly, proceeding to talk as if he had a desk job, "I'm kinda part-timing right now, between land and sea. It's complicated. I'm still new to the whole 'king' thing. Don't have all the kinks worked out yet."
"I'd imagine," you breathe, your mind still reeling.
"Here, figured you need this." He holds out the blanket, completely unphased by the previous subject, "Do you drink tea? I can make some for you."
You take the blanket and chuckle in bewilderment. "Um, sure. That would be great," you answer, "Thank you."
"One tea coming up," he smiles, "Uh, just make yourself comfortable, I'll get the fire going here a minute, after I find the dog. Pretty sure he's hiding under Pops' bed upstairs. He's terrified of storms. Ironic right? Lighthouse keeper's dog afraid of a little water."
"I don't blame him this time," you say, wrapping the blanket around your shoulders, "I think you were right about Thor."
As if on cue, another boom of thunder shakes the walls. You both burst out laughing.
A few minutes later, you find yourself sitting on the floor in front of a roaring fire with a warm mug in your hands, finally beginning to feel dry. Having been unsuccessful in coaxing the dog into joining him downstairs, Arthur settles down beside you crossed-legged, damp hair tied up, trading the tea for a can of Guinness. Your thoughts rage like the storm outside as you stare into the flames, agonizing about what you should say.
Arthur speaks a moment later, saving you the trouble.
"Sorry about the power. I'll call you that cab as soon as it comes back."
"That's okay, I'm not in a hurry," you reply.
You look over at him hopefully, meeting his piercing gaze for as long as you can. Mere seconds pass before you bow your head, heart racing while you repress a smile.
"I'm uh, sure you've got some questions about all this," he ventures, rubbing the back of his head.
"Honestly, with the night I've had, meeting 'Aquaman' is par for the course," you smirk.
"I didn't mean to spring it on you like that. I guess you can understand why I don't lead with the whole King of Atlantis thing. Kinda makes it hard to keep a conversation going once people know you 'can talk to fish.' They don't really see you the same after that."
"Yeah, I think I'd probably keep that to myself too," you agree, the awe returning full-force, "Still, it must be amazing. I mean, you're basically ruler of the ocean, right? Or is it just Atlantis?"
"Eh, I mean there's the other kingdoms-"
"There's more?!" you blurt out, wide-eyed.
"Oh yeah. Xebel, the Fishermen, the Brine, a couple of defunct ones no one wants talks about. We got a few."
"And you're the ruler over all of them?"
He shrugs. "More or less. I mean, they each have their own ruler. But then I'm also over them? Kinda? I'm still figuring crap out, they didn't exactly give me a rule book on my first day. Plus I have answer to this royal council and they've got sticks up their butts about everything I do and say," he groans, rolling his eyes, "I like to consider myself more of a 'protector of the deep' than a ruler. Sounds more cool, and less like an old fart with a crown."
You giggle, hanging on every his every word.
"And with this bad boy right here," he says, reaching behind him and patting the trident, "I command all life in the sea. The animals anyway. Between you and me, that's the best part."
"You definitely have a cooler job than me," you beam.
"It definitely has its perks. But most of the time, I'd rather be here," he sighs, punctuated by a swig of his beer.
A visible sadness washes over him as he looks into the fire.
"You aren't from Atlantis?" you question.
"No, I was raised by my father. My parents met on accident. My mother was queen of Atlantis, and she ran away from her not-so-nice guy fiancé. She got lost in a storm, and my father rescued her. They've always said it was..."
Arthur stops and turns his gaze towards you, realization in his eyes.
Your heart skips as you understand. "Fate?"
He nods thoughtfully. "Something like that."
You blink, letting him go on.
"Anyway, I know I have a calling to the sea, but the land is always going to be a part of me, you know?" His expression softens. "Here, I've always found everything I need."
His words linger in the air between you. You look down at your hands, your chest pounding.
He clears his throat. "Sorry, I know that was a lot of info."
"Just a little bit," you reply teasingly, "But your secret's safe with me, Arthur. I promise. I've got no one to tell anyway."
"Don't worry, I trust you," he says, waving his hand, "It's actually nice to have someone else to share it with."
"I'm honored that you did. I know it's not the same, but I do understand what it's like to feel that you don't belong," you confess, "I didn't fit in my 'kind' either. Moved out here to start over. I guess you could say I'm still trying to figure some crap out too."
He pauses in thought second before responding, "Do you mind if I ask you something, Y/N?"
"After everything I've asked you? I'd say it's definitely your turn," you chuckle, taking a sip of your forgotten tea.
"I saw you at the bar before you went outside. I couldn't help but notice that you were there by yourself..."
"You noticed correctly. I was supposed to meet someone for a date, but after saying he was on his way, he never showed. I tried to text him, but he blocked me. I don't even know why."
"Nothing like being stood up at some backwater bar," he concludes, frowning, "Well, screw that guy. He's a bum."
"Yeah, I figured that out too late," you agree, then give him a knowing look, "The evening wasn't a total loss. I did meet you, after all."
"That's true," he concedes, playfully stroking his beard, "I may be a half-breed rookie king, but I'm not a bum."
You snort and gesture to the television set on your right, "So much for your marathon though, huh?"
"Ah, that's alright. They were all re-runs anyway."
You raise your eyebrow. "Think I could still hear that impression?"
He holds a finger to his chin in mock deliberation, "Hmmm, have I had enough to drink for that?
"I don't know, have you?" You lean in with anticipation.
He flashes a sly grin. "Of course I bloody have," he declares in the most hackneyed attempt at a British accent you'd ever heard, "And you better listen up, because I'm about to tell you everything there is to know about how to cook a bloody good flounder."
Your sides ache with laughter as he continues to go on a tangent about how to properly sauté shallots and season the perfect demi-glace. The voice sounded nothing like the infamously tempermental chef, of course, but you still thought his attempt was cute. By the time he was yelling at his invisible staff for serving him raw fish, the storm outside had passed, and neither of you noticed.
As Arthur went to light the stove to warm up some "gourmet" SpaghettiOs, still boisterously carrying on as Chef Ramsay, your excited thoughts returned to the story about his parents. You couldn't help but wonder about your own stormy night, the man you had met, and how much of a hand fate had played in it. The horizon seemed so much brighter than before, and for the first time ever, you were grateful to have bought that car.
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andguesswhat · 4 months
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34 notes · View notes
Title: Forgive Me, I Am A Sinner  {1}* {Two-Shot}
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Title: Forgive Me I Am a Sinner {1}* {Two Shot} 
Someone x Reader
Words: 2.9k
Warning: Play on the church confessional, Cursing, Adult themes, Mild crude language/discussion, Mild NSFW(Toward end), Mistaken Identity
Summary: You have some things to get off your chest and end up walking into a church.
Note: So, this might be mildly taboo for some, if it is for you, don’t read, I’ll understand. While I don’t think I took it too far in someone’s eyes it could be blasphemous. Again, don’t read if you feel it may offend you. Nothing lewd but be warned. Don’t come to me with your complaints. They will fall on deaf ears and be met with a quick delete. I don’t think it’s bad but 🤷🏽‍♀️
  ***NOT EDITED/Proofread***
“Forgive me lord for I have sinned. It's been...never since my last confession. I've never done this. Yep, I'm a virgin. Well with confessions otherwise I am soooo not a virgin. The things this body has done, these eyes have seen, these hands have touched, and this mouth has had in it...yikes. Not a virgin. Oh god, I probably shouldn't have said that in a church with a priest across from me. Shit. I probably shouldn't have cursed in the house of God either. Oh, fuck."
You facepalmed then sighed already fed up with yourself. You didn’t know what was wrong with you or why your mouth was still moving and allowing words to pass through. Yes, you were nervous and most of it were nervous ramblings you’d always done but now was not the time to be censor free.
 "I'm going to hell, aren't I?”
 Silence. There weren’t even breathing sounds. Either there was no one there or the guy across from her was weighing his options speaking to an actual heathen. You leaned a litter closer to the wooden screen peppered with small holes that was separating the two booths.
 "Uh...priest guy? Padre? Father? Oh, great even God's messenger sees the heathen in me and has run for the hills to tell the lord this sheep has steered far from the flock. Definitely going to hell."
 You hung your head in disappointment.
 "For all the scripture that has been written about the heavenly trio, the father, the son, and the holy spirit, I doubt they would be so quick as to damn one of their flock."
 You could hear the humor in his voice, and it made you pause. Were priests supposed to have a sense of humor? It did sound like a biblical joke so maybe that wasn’t weird.
 "I think you are being too harsh on yourself," the voice on the other side followed up.
 "You do?"
 "Yes. Also, heathen in quite harsh."
 You giggled nervously. However, those nerves were dwindling with every joke he cracked. There was something soothing about his husky voice that sounded like he was half asleep and just awakened from a quick nap.  "That is what I feel like whenever I muster up the courage to speak to him about this."
 "Start from the beginning."
 "Are you sure it's okay for me to be telling you all this in a church nonetheless?"
 Silence. Was he actually thinking if it was okay? You circled your thumbs and waited for him to speak but when he didn’t you leaned closer again.
 “You came here because you needed help. You came here looking for answers and acceptance. You will find all 3 here. So, let's begin again. Trust me I've heard it all."
 You sighed relieved by his welcoming words. You then nodded and mustered even more courage. "Okay. Forgive me lord for I have sinned I've never confessed before.
 "What is your sin?"
 The silence stretched for so long then the person on the other side of the screen cleared their throat.
 "Lust. Go on. How are you lustful?"
 His voice was even deeper than before.
 "I like sex--like I really, really like sex. I know the bible leans more on sex for procreation and marital health, but I am not married, and I have no plans for children. So, for me, sex is something that feels good, better than good, amazing especially if it is done right and the person I am with understands a woman's body and needs."
 The silence returned but only for a few moments. "Ehm, I'm listening."
 "Lately I've been feeling unfulfilled."
 "Yes, mainly. I have a great career, amazing friends, wonderful family, and a life I love but when it comes to sex it's just not cutting it. The guy I've been seeing..."
 He sounded disappointed and that made you pause. Why would he sound disappointed? You explained it away deciding that he was disappointed in it not being a husband or fiancé.
 "You mentioned you were not married just trying to get a better understanding," he clarified.
 "Oh. Not really. We see each other whenever we have an--itch."
 "For sex. Understood."
 "You sound very chill about this father."
 "I am simply here to listen and never to judge--my child. This is the house of the lord, and all are welcome to be who they are and lay down their burdens. That is the lord I represent."
 He sounded like the cool youth pastor that was written about in some YA novels. The one who would create raps for G.O.D. You stifled a laugh at the thought.
 "Wow, that's really cool. Anyway, he's very...vanilla. Whenever we meet--. Wait should I explain what vanilla is? Um...well."
 "No need," he quickly interrupted.
 "Uh...I am what I am now, but I was not born a priest."
 His unexpected answer had you snort loudly before a laugh escaped you. "Well go on then fuck it up, father. Damn no, I didn't mean that."
 He heartily chuckled. "It's alright. Go on"
 "He's vanilla and never really knows what I need and rarely ever do I cum. I mean reach completion."
 "Then why are you wasting your time with someone like that?"
 "Uh...well...ummm...I am very picky with who I spend my time with. When I said that I like sex, it didn't mean I was some chick who sleeps around with anybody with the right body part."
 "Of course not. I didn't mean to imply that. I'm sorry."
 "No, it's cool."
 "For the record, I didn't think that of you anyway."
 "Okay. Thanks. It's just most guys are insensitive assholes who think if a woman likes sex and pleasure then they must be easy and DTF anyone."
 "Guys like that are the ones who should be offed and sent straight to hell."
 "Preach it, father.”
 It took some time for his words to make full impact, but after a few moments, they did. “Wait shouldn't you say they are also God's children and just need to be steered to the righteous path?"
 "You sound well versed in the priesthood."
 He laughed again and it sounded so welcoming that you laughed with him.
 "Please continue. He doesn't satisfy you."
 "No. I thought I could handle it and finish myself off or something but tonight I couldn't."
 "Did you just have sex tonight?"
 "Yes. I guess that's another sin you have to forgive me for."
 "And you are unfulfilled."
 "Yes. So unfulfilled. My bullet couldn't even take care of this, not even my rabbit, hell not even the usual porn I watch."
 The silence across the way was deafening and you noticed. It was like you’d become hypersensitive to quietness since sitting in this booth. Suddenly he groaned as if in pain.
 "Are you okay father?"
 He groaned again then took a few breaths. Through the tiny holes in the screen, you could only make out a head turned down, everything else was shadows. "Completely.”
 It came out hoarse, strangled. “Ehm...continue.”
 "Uh, so I facetimed him and decided to tell him what I need and even some things I would be into, and he laughed and had the most freaked out look on his face. He said it wasn't normal and I shouldn't tell anyone about it again. Like he made me feel crazy and so--dirty."
 "Uh-huh. For better context. What are these preferences--my child?"
 You twiddled your thumbs then uncrossed your ankles only to cross them again. "I don't know if I should say them now. You might say the same thing."
 "No. I would never. Remember I said my place is not to judge and I am here to help?"
 You took a deep breath and tried to calm those nerves that were beginning to creep up again. After another breath you began.
 "I um...I told him I want to be tied up while he takes all control and completely ruins me. I told him I wanted to try doing it while others watched that him being so gentle is a turn-off and I wouldn't mind some teeth or nail marks on me. I can see myself being into BDSM and get turned on by dominance and submission. I want to be choked a little while he slams so hard into me that I see stars. I want to be weak in the knees unable to walk, sore throat can't talk, eyes full of tears, chin covered in slobber, delirious with pleasure until I squirt and then pass out to do it again. I want him to know my body and what it needs better than I do. I want dirty, nasty, rough, hot passionate sex I'll never forget."
 The silence this time was so heavy so filled with the charge of excitement and arousal. You didn't know why you were slightly turned on finally getting it all out, especially to a priest in a church of all places. Hell, you didn't even know why you had come in here in the first place. The idea of confessional had always creeped you out for some reason. Telling a stranger your secret sin. It felt so vulnerable.
 "Shit. Surely I should burst into flames for all that right? First in line on the locomotive to hell? I shouldn't have said all that."
 "Are you ashamed of these desires? Do you wish to be rid of them?"
 "He made me feel ashamed."
 "Fuck him. Are you ashamed?"
 "Answer me.”
 His voice was serious, and authoritative now. “Look inside yourself and answer truthfully."
 You did as he said and took some time and truly listened to yourself and everything that was going off inside you right now. Among everything, the uncertainty, the excitement, and the confusion nowhere inside of her did you feel ashamed. Not at all.
 "No. I'm not ashamed."
 "Do you wish to be rid of them?"
 "No," you replied with a little more confidence.
 "Good. You should be unapologetically you. You should not allow others to make you feel small or shameful for who you are, what you want, or what you deserve. You deserve all of that. You deserve to be sexually fulfilled and happy in all avenues of your life. We all only have one to live and restricting ourselves from true happiness is not doing service to someone, it does a disservice to ourselves."
 You sat there thinking over his words and gained confidence from each of them. He sounded as if he spoke from experience.
 "Is this your first day as a priest? I don't think you should tell parishioners to sin more to live a fulfilled life if you truly want to gain access to heaven."
 He snorted. "It is my first day doing this, but I stand by my words."
 You sat there noting your nerves had melted away and your confused state had turned to one of mellowness. You didn’t feel in a war with yourself anymore. Perhaps this was why others did this.
 "Do you feel better?"
 "Good, then my work is done."
 "Wait shouldn't you give me instructions to repent like a Hail Mary or ten or something?"
 "Will it ensure you do not sin again?"
 Snorting, you replied, "Probably not."
 "Then you are free to step out of here and live your life with one piece of advice."
 "What's that?"
 "Drop that pathetic loser you're seeing. You can do so much better little lamb."
 The doors on the other side opened but you didn't register it until nearly a minute had passed. When you stepped out and looked in the opposite booth from sheer curiosity, it was empty with no priest inside.
 "Little lamb? What kind of priest was that?"
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4 hours later and he was still solid as a brick hard.
 He palmed himself yet again then squeezed hoping to relieve some of the ache there but no luck and no relief. He shoved his hand under his head and stared up through the glass roof of his skylight at the night sky. It was clear without a cloud in sight allowing the stars to really shine.
 "I want to be choked a little while he slams so hard into me that I see stars."
 His cock throbbed so forcefully it could be seen through his now too tight pajama bottoms. Glancing down, he groaned exasperatedly.
 "Come on. It’s not funny anymore."
 He knew he shouldn’t have gone into that confessional. He knew he should have found somewhere else to wait for his manager as he spoke with the priest of the church he was donating a large amount of money to because of his connection to some of the kids he'd encountered the weekend before.
 He'd gone at that time because he was sure it would be empty and there would be no stray photos of him leaked. Donating money was no fun when everyone knew you'd done it. He liked the incognito life. He just wanted somewhere that had zero chance of him bumping into someone. No way did he expect someone to drop into the other side of the confessional and no way did he expect that someone to have that kind of confession.
 He closed his eyes as he recalled the little slivers of her face. Plum painted lips that looked full, a cute nose, skin that looked incredibly soft, and eyes that called to him. From the small perforations in the wood, he would classify you as a fucking goddess.
 Once you began your confession he should have interrupted and set the record straight but there was something about your voice that held him in place, silencing him. He’d picked up the distress in it, the frustration and uncertainty. Then the more he listened he fell under some spell. When she mentioned her definite non virgin status, he was way past curious. Maybe that’s what possessed him to answer her when she asked if he was there.
 "Curiosity," he muttered mulling over it.
 He thought over your entire confession and within seconds his cock throbbed again. Without even realizing it his hand had drifted into his pajama bottoms and was now wrapped around his engorged length.
 "I want to be tied up while he takes all control and completely ruins me. I wanted to try doing it while others watched, that him being so gentle is a turn-off and I wouldn't mind some teeth or nail marks on me. I can see myself being into BDSM and get turned on by dominance and submission. I want to be choked a little while he slams so hard into me that I see stars. I want to be weak in the knees unable to walk, sore throat can't talk, eyes full of tears, chin covered in slobber, delirious with pleasure until I squirt and then pass out to do it again. I want him to know my body and what it needs better than I do. I want dirty, nasty, rough, hot passionate sex I'll never forget."
 "Uggh. Uggh. Uggh. Fuuuuuck."
 His hand moved so fast he was sure it was going faster than the speed of light. It had to have been. His groans, moans and grunts filled the space as he raced toward a finish he imagined would go across her beautiful face or her breasts he couldn’t see but was convinced were equally as gorgeous as her aura. Within seconds, his back angled off the bed as if whatever had possessed him earlier was finally exiting his body and being pulled into the air.
 "Holy fuck!”
 The white spots that decorated his vision made it impossible to see anything and in that moment he didn’t care. He was only focused on the amazing feelings coursing through him. When he finally regained some motion and sense he glanced down and found stream after stream of his release decorating his chest, pelvis, and pajama bottoms.
 "Ah shit. Come on! Haven't had to jerk myself off since I was twenty fucking years old, and one confessional tipped me over the edge? Unfuckinbelievable!”
 Not in a rush to get up and filled with frustration, he looked back to his skylight at the glittering stars and thought of the side profile of her face. Within seconds, he felt himself harden again and it was then he knew his cock was not done. He was in for a long night.
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roseredblooms · 2 months
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Dragon of the Seas
Impending future
Rhaenyra x male!oc
Original story from Wattpad by me - Roseredblooms
RHAENYRA FLEW ABOVE THE CLOUDS ON SYRAX. She dived, twisted and turned, enjoying the adrenaline of riding a dragon. She dived down, flying above the great blue ocean. Syrax wings slightly touched the water.
Soaring calmly, not knowing the surprise that was to come.
Below them, Aeron was on Vaeron swimming at the speed as Syrax's flying. Soon they shot up to the sky, startling Syrax and making her roar at Vaeron. Aeron laughed as he looked behind him to see Rhaenyra shaking her head. She chased after him and Aeron made Vaeron fly faster. Rhaenyra chased him all the way back to the Red keep. Flying above buildings and avoiding high roofs.
Syrax came up behind and tapped Vaeron on the wing. Aeron bowed his head telling Rhaenyra that she and Syrax had won the chase.
They flew all the back to the dragon pit. Where Rhaenyra's personal guard and the dragon keepers were waiting. Both of them landing softly on the ground. Aeron got off of Vaeron and pet him on the snout.
Vaeron never stayed at the dragon pit since he was a wild dragon. But of course that wasn't true and Aeron knew that from his father, Corlys. Whenever Vaeron was away from him, Aeron knew that he was in the ocean and getting taken care of by the atlanteans.
They were a secret society that remained hidden from the people above the surface.
Vaeron stretched his wings, indicating that he was ready to leave. He made a few more flaps and made his way to the clouds.
"I sometimes wonder where he goes?," Rhaenyra said. She knew exactly where he was going but she loved to tease Aeron to get him to tell her out loud. "You know where he's going," Aeron said as he petted Syrax's golden scales.
They walked towards the carriage where Alicent was waiting for them.
"Welcome back, Princess" Ser Harrold Westerling said. He was Rhaenyra's personal guard. Rhaenyra smiled at him. "Try not to look so relieved, Ser Harrold," Rhaenyra teased.
"Everytime that golden beast brings you back unspoiled, saves my head from a spike," Ser Harrold said. Aeron wheezed hysterically and Rhaenyra smacked his chest. "And where do you think your going, my Lord," Ser Harrold said to Aeron.
"Uhh, to the carriage?," He said pointing over where Rhaenyra and Alicent were talking.
"Your father said to head to the council meeting, he wants you present," Ser Harrold informed him. Aeron groaned and turned to the girls. Alicent and Rhaenyra were already looking at him. "Can't go with you today, father needs me," He said with a grin.
"It's alright we don't need you anyway," Rhaenyra said with her hands on her hips. Alicent made a little giggle.
Rhaenyra looked at Alicent and smirked.
"But maybe you could give Alicent a good-bye ki-," Rhaenyra was cut off by Alicent covering her mouth. Rhaenyra laughed and Alicent quickly went inside the carriage, embarrassed.
Aeron shook his head. Rhaenyra teased the girl way to much when it came to Aeron. "Tell the Queen, I send greetings and a big warm hug!," Aeron yelled as he mounted his horse and rode off to the palace.
"I will!," Rhaenyra yelled back as she waved good-bye. She would never admit but Rhaenyra also had feelings for Aeron, ever since they were little. After finding out that Alicent also liked him, she kept those feelings to herself.
She didn't want to hurt her best friend.
Story on Wattpad
Dragon of the Seas
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ingeniousmindoftune · 2 years
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This story was written separately from this platform; with proof I’ve written. Do not plagiarize or steal my work. I do have a lawyer on standby and will gladly take your ass to court! DO NOT THINK ABOUT IT.
WARNINGS: dark fic, dark humor, smuts, explicit scenes involving characters, gore and brutality! Do not read if you aren’t into dark romance or lifetime type shit cause baby, this isn’t the book for you.
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𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Jason Momoa stars as the main character in one of my original fics. It’s been a while since I’ve written on tumblr and wanted to come back with a bang. Jason Momoa is Cyrus Eastwood, a handsome tour guide and naturist. But he’s not just that, he’s also.. a serial killer. And his newest mark is Luna Blair <feel free to change it to your name but this is an original character.> whom was in desperate need of a get away, who escaped the craziness of her home life and booked a nice little cottage off to itself in the woods, I know right? Black woman by her lonesome in the woods? Rare shit!
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“The Cabin.”
Luna exhaled sharply pulling her luggage as she approached the guide center. There was no way she was getting to her doctor’s cabin on foot. Everywhere here was surrounded by water, which scared her. She could easily be killed and thrown off in the creek somewhere and no one ever know .
The creaky screen door slammed shut, a man came out in a white sleeveless shirt with an axe, making his way to the lodge that was in the front of the shack, scattered around the lodge was wood. She closed the door to the Taxi, alarming her present to the man.
Cyrus' head rose. His eyes came face to face with the smooth, clear, dark complexion of Luna Blair’s. You could hear the crows cawing and trees blowing from the wind. His golden brown eyes were met with her dark brown ones. “Can I help you?” His voice was quite sexy, everything about him was sexy to Luna. He was appealing. He wiped away the beads of sweat from his forehead, slamming the axe into the wood. Moving closer, to get a better look at his possible new victim.
Cyrus wasn’t just any killer. He romanticizes his women, he wants them to feel wanted, passion and the whole nine, and then he just snaps whenever she does something he doesn’t like, but he does it all consciously.
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“I-” Luna felt a knot in her throat, as he got closer, he formed a sinister smile. Luna was left speechless.
Cyrus chuckled. “Sweetheart. Are you going to speak or are you just going to stand there?” She nods her head. His hair was pulled back in a bun, but even Luna found it to be another big part of his attraction. She loved a man with a pulled back messy bun. His eyes met with her lips as they parted slightly. “Yeah, sorry, I’m in need of your assistance to get to the Brown cottage or cabin? I’m not entirely sure which it is.” She couldn’t help but admire his tattoos, at least the ones she could see, including the one on his neck. Luna was always a sucker for men with tattoos. Always.
“Ah, the Brown cottage? Yes. I can take you. That cottage has been around for years, you a friend of the browns?” He questioned waving her over to the back of the shack where his boat resided
She stumbled over a few branches. He caught her. “Should’ve warned you to watch your step.” He smiled down at her, she looked up at him as he helped her back on her feet, up straight. “Yeah, a little warning could’ve gone a long way.” She chuckled. He nods. “My fault. Right this way.” She smiled following him down the dock, he pulled off his shirt. “So, you never answered me.” He kicked off his shoes and rolled up his pants, getting in the water so he could push the boat in and further into the water. “Yeah, you could say that.” She finally answers.
“Yeah, I knew Mr and Mrs.Brown. Nice ol’ couple. May they Rest In Peace.”
Luna smiled a tight-lipped smile. “Yeah. May they.” Cyrus could tell she was different from the other victims, she held hurt behind her brown eyes. She craved peace, part of him wondered if she could be more than just another mark. Cyrus was once in love. Because of his heartbreak, it turned him into who he was. Love drove him insane. Drove him to murder. “You should step in. I got you.” He held her hand, helping her into the boat with one hand as he held the boat with the other. “I hate boats.” She admits. He chuckled. “You’re not the first nor the last person to tell me that. Got your luggage?” She nodded, he untied the boat from the dock, getting in the water pushing the boat with him to the deeper end, before crawling inside.
“Are you here alone? Or someone else is joining you?”
Luna didn’t think much into his line of questioning. She just figured he was attempting to make small talk. “Uh, yeah. And my grandmother.” She pointed to the ashes that resided in the urn. Like he thought, she was unlike any of his victims. For one, she was of different ethnicity. All the women he’s murdered were white. But then again, he hated all women because of one. “Ah, I’m sorry for your lost.”
“Thank you.” Luna thanked.
He nods his head slowly as he rowed his paddles in the water, looking out at the cabins along the way. “It’s so beautiful here.” She smiled at the sight, the beautiful lake houses were by far the best sight she’s every seen. The water was as clear and blue as the ocean. The mountains were blue, white and of a green color and just gorgeous. She might just like it here. “It is. I love it here. I grew up around here.”
“You did?”
Cyrus nods his head. “Yes. Four generations. I once lived here with my father but he passed on a couple years back leaving me the shack and the family business, I know pretty much everything there is to know about everyone here, including their dirty little secrets.” He chuckled, she laughed softly dropping her head as she held the urn close and firm. “For instance, that lakehouse over there belongs to the North’s. Jacob and Elaine North, they’ve been married for thirty years. But, I have been in an open marriage for quite some time. Elaine is having relations with Mr.Erwin that lives in the lake house across from your cabin.”
“Ew, the oldies getting down like that?”
Cyrus laughed. No one woman had made him laugh. She laughs too. “I mean, my father always told me those the one should be having sex. Always said us young folk shouldn’t be having the time of our lives.” She smiled. “My granny told me the same.” He chuckled, nodding his head, “Wise woman I see.” Luna smiled, Cyrus returns the gesture. He was deliberately taking his time to her cabin. He wanted to find out all he could. “Are you the only one here?” Luna asks him.
“No. There’s others. We do a bonfire every Saturday night, you should join. You’d love the people here.”
Luna smiled. “I don’t know.. I’m not big on crowds.” She chuckled nervously, rubbing her arm. “Suit yourself but, if you ever change your mind. My house is just through the back of yours.” She raised an eyebrow. “It is?” Cyrus nods. “It is. I am barely there though. I’m always at the shack during the week or doing some work around the lake. This is a small community, you’ll soon learn that and I needed a place that was close to everyone for maintenance purposes.”
“Oh.” Luna nodded. “Well, good to know that I won’t be in the woods alone.”
Cyrus chuckled. “You’re safe here. We haven’t had any problems with safety around these parts. I will make sure of that. I’m big on protecting my people.” Luna didn’t know why Cyrus made her feel warmth but he did, and Cyrus didn’t know why she was making him second-guess killing her but she was. He chose to drop his victims miles away, to keep suspicions off of him and his community. She stared at his tribal tattoos. “Your tattoos..”
“Samoan.” He answered. “My father was Samoan and Native Hawaiian.”
Luna nods. “They're beautiful.” He glanced down at his chest that was full of art. He thanked her before they rowed to her cabin, he got out and pulled the boat on land. She looked over at the beautiful cottage that she saw from the smaller trees covering it and the long pathway. “Wow. This place is beautiful.” He smiled. “Thank you. I did the renovations myself. It still needs some work but it should be finished soon. If you don’t mind me continuing the preparations while you’re here?” He held out his hand for her. “I don’t mind. Long as it’s not too early or too late.” Cyrus led her down the pathway and to the front door, opening the creeking door that slightly stuck. Flipping on the lights. “I’ll be fixing that door and it’s handle before I leave.”
“Okay. Does it lock? I noticed it was hard for you to open.”
Cyrus nods. “Nothing I can’t fix. Welcome to your new place.” Luna dropped her grandmother’s urn on the fireplace gently, taking in the view of the beautiful yet chilly cabin. “It’s chilly in here.” She rubbed her hand up and down her arms as she shivered, Cyrus looks at her placing her other luggage by the door. “I’ll chop up some wood. It gets pretty chilly here during the night. I’ll make sure you have enough chopped for the night. There’s no central heat in this cabin yet. I’m still working on getting something of the sort for this place. But the fireplace gets this place warmed pretty well. Do you need anything before I go?”
“Yes, is there a grocery store near? I wasn’t thinking. I should’ve gotten something.”
Cyrus smiled. “It’s alright. I’m going into town later. I can pick you up a few things. Uh, let me gather some paper and a pen from my place and you can write down everything you’d need or want?” Luna thanked him. “You’re incredibly nice. Not like the people from where I come from.” Cyrus was nice but he was also dark. Luna would soon come into knowledge of that. He placed the keys on the island in the kitchen area. She yawned. She was tired. The flight took a huge toll on her. “Why don’t you shower, get settled? I’ll go chop up some wood for now and warm up the place, and you can rest? I’m sure your flight was draining.”
“It was. Thank you, kindly.”
Cyrus nods, he walked out her cabin and gathered some wood, he picked up the axe from the side of the house, placing it on the lodge. He began chopping up the wood, not realizing that Luna was watching through the bathroom window. She bit down on her lip watching him chop wood, it was temptation. She shook herself, letting the shower start, she dipped out of her clothes. Cyrus stopped. His attention turned to the bathroom window, seeing her strip from her clothing. He smirked to himself. “I’ll be having fun with you.”
@hinatasfleshlight @bbygirlchristina @skyesthebomb @lovesanimals0000 @briana-mishell24 @piccasoe @wandasbitxh @littlebvbie @90sisthenew80s @tribalqueen20 @panicsinvirgo @wh0reforbucknasty @star017 @zenxn20 @rosegoldcoco @xsweetdellzx @rainedabrat16 @laylasbunbunny
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bleuskais · 1 year
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Oh you mean he wrote fanfiction
"treatment"... Get outta here
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shadikaofdune · 1 year
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When you get inspired to write chapter 3 of my alpha and are almost going into chapter 4 😈
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Wasteland, Baby (Part 03/?)
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Part 01 is here, Part 02 is here
Pairing: Miami Man x F!Reader
Wordcount: 3k
Warnings: Rough smut, vaginal sex, bodily fluids, violence, body horror, hurt/comfort, angst, blood, post-fight sex, size kink, knife play and it wouldn’t be The Bad Batch without the (this time fairly mild reference to) cannibalism.
Summary: Arriving back at the Aircraft Boneyard you find out that Miami Man’s daughter has been taken hostage by a rival gang, you both set out to track her down.
A/N: You know the ‘I cant fix this man but maybe if I f*ck him it will calm him down?’ well kind of that but the other way around lol, this is my favorite one so far.
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You only sleep for a few hours, and you suspect Cam didn’t come to bed at all. The sheets where he left you are completely undisturbed. Pulling your dress back on one handed you see the sky through one of the round windows in the plane fuselage; the tiniest hint of inky light making the clouds just about visible. 
The board scrapes when you pull it out of the way and step onto the sand. Warily you glance around to see if the other inhabitants are around but there’s no one, only one figure with two flamingos on his back, sat on a tire by the low light of the nearly spent fire, forearms resting on his knees.
He doesn’t turn, he recognizes your footsteps. You sit down on the sand next to the tire and his hand naturally falls to rest on the side of your head, brushing gently through your hair. You both gaze at the flames for a while. For the first time you realize what might be ahead of you today. The people who took Miel were killers, then again…You glance up at Cam, maybe lots of people are out here.
An idea that becomes starkly real when he lifts his hand from your hair and carefully picks what looks like a rib from the grill over the fire and hands it to you. You’re beyond questioning now as you bite into it, the realization that you tasted better is weird. But you’re starving, so you eat six of them to the bone.
Cam looks at your bandaged stump as you sit there. He gets up wordlessly and disappears into the plane for a moment, when he comes out you grin; you’ve never seen him wearing glasses before, but there they are – a pair of spectacles perched on the end of his nose. There’s a roll of gauze and a plastic bag in his right hand. You just keep chewing through the tough meat as he sits down next to you, lifting your bandaged arm and peeling the old gauze away slowly.
As the last layer comes away it stings and you see the wound for the first time. With a sense of disconnection, you see where the skin has been carefully sewn over the cut. You didn’t expect that, did he do that? He appraises the work, the fire flickering in the glasses and he lifts a bottle of iodine from the bag, dousing the wound. You hiss through your teeth and his other hand rises to press soothingly into your back. The pain passes and you toss the bone into the fire.
There’s something about his hands; he’s so big but he has a careful, delicate approach to some things that’s hypnotic. His thick fingers with their lines of dark tattoo ink unspool the clean bandage and wrap your stump expertly, tilting his nose down to get a better view. He swaddles the wound, securing it carefully and your gaze goes from his hands to his face.
You’re biting your lip. He gets up to put the bandages away and returns to the fire without his glasses, his hand laying on the side of your head again. You lean against his leg and wish the sun wouldn’t rise.
Not long after dawn other people start moving around the settlement. Cam is talking to people and packing things onto the back of the bike. You are still an unknown element to the others, who either glare at you or glance curiously. But nobody comes near, even the obnoxious guy who’d come into the plane yesterday. Everyone is too afraid of Cam, or ‘Miami’ as they call him. You wonder if any of them know his real name.  
Cam crosses the yard where the fire is burned down to embers. He’s changed into a pair of black pants, and as well as his cleaver there are two knives tucked into his waistband. He gives you a nod. Time to go. Before he climbs onto the bike he places one hand on your shoulder to stop you and you look up at him. He leans down and straps a homemade blade holster around your leg above your right knee, what looks like a black handled steak knife tucked into a short leather cover.
The buzz of the engine rumbles through you and you hold his waist tight as the bike streams across the sandy dirt, fingers gripping against the defined muscles in his side, chin resting against his shoulder blade. For a little while, like it had been on the way back, everything seems so placid and beautiful. Even the barren desert seems made for you both, the air is hot but it throws your hair out behind you and the smell of Cam’s sweat and the strap at the back of his blade holster against your cheek feel sweetly familiar.
Not too far off you can see a cluster of what look like mobile homes, the white exteriors gleaming in the sun. But they look derelict.
A sound like a firework, or a car backfiring. Something ricochets off the side of the bike near your leg and Cam hits the brakes, throwing you hard into his back and grasping onto him for dear life. The bike skids and he turns the back wheel out, throwing you both sideways and sending you rolling painfully into the dirt, the world turning over and over. He falls a little way ahead of you.
With your head still spinning the sound rings out again and only now do you connect in your head that it’s gunfire. Cam crawls on his forearms across the sand and grabs you by your good arm, wrenching you under the body of the bike.
“Idiot! He wants him alive!” A voice calls raggedly. You taste blood in your mouth where you hit the ground, Cam’s side is coated in dirt. For the first time you see him pull the cleaver from its holster with intent, twirling it deftly in his palm. “Stay down.” He breathes and you nod.
“Miami!” A voice screams from a way off. “Miami! We know it’s you. We don’t wanna kill you. Come out slow!”
You peer through a gap in the body of the bike, there are two men, one with a revolver hiding in the doorway of the shabby mobile home and another with an axe crouched just behind a rusted-out car. But not quite low enough. Cam pushes up with his left hand, pulling the weight of the cleaver back behind his shoulder and flinging it full force. You watch the arc of it, with a sickening ‘thuck’ it embeds in the chest and collarbone of the man behind the car and he falls screaming. Your mouth drops open. Cam drops back down, turning a throwing knife deftly over his knuckles.
“Fuck!! James! James!”
The other man makes no reply, you can just about see his limp arm stretched out behind the flat tyre of the car.
“You piece of shit!” The other man walks out from his hiding place, tall, his long blonde hair scraped back from his face, the revolver trained dead on the bike with both hands.
It’s like he understands the blade like another limb – barely ducking his head up Cam tosses the steel overhand, and it spins through the air, striking the blonde man square just above his knee. When he screams, he fires an errant shot and his leg goes out from under him. The gun falls and rattles a few feet out of his reach.
Some crazy impulse goes through you, this is it, adrenaline floods every nerve. You jump to your feet, vaulting the bike one handed and beeline as hard as you can toward the screaming man who’s clutching the blade in his leg. Blood dots the sand. You snatch the revolver and back up fast, training it on his chest. He looks at you completely confused; he didn’t know you were here. But the confusion turns to pain as Cam shoves a foot into his chest, laying him out flat on the dirt.
Everyone breathes hard for a few dense seconds. You’ve never held a gun before, but you think you know how it works, still your hand shakes.
“Miami…Miami wait.” The wounded man breathes. Cam leans down and lifts him by his shirt, he’s got that stare.
“You took my daughter. Where is she?” It’s not really a question.
The blonde man shakes his head. “We was just told to bring you in alive if you came! Elijah’s got her, at the compound. They’re looking after her I fuckin’ swear.” He winces. Cam searches his face.
“Elijah, guy pitched up near Comfort. Your people took his brother a while back - Said he wants to raise your daughter with a real father. Paid both of us good for it.”
You can see Cam trembling, he’s working something out. Something you don’t have all the information on. Taking slow steps you move toward both of them, aim still carefully trained on the man on the floor.
It happens fast. The wounded man reaches down, wrenches the throwing blade from his leg in an arc of fine crimson and raises it over Cam’s head. He doesn’t make the downstroke. Your hindbrain kicks with an animal instinct and your finger contacts on the trigger. It’s loud. The recoil of the gun jolts through your wrist. The blade drops to the floor, next to the ruin of the blonde man’s head. As the noise fades all you can do is stand there wide eyed looking at what you did. Cam’s face and forearms are painted in red mist. He blinks, swallows.
It was like the shot carved a channel clear through fabric of what feels real, leaving an eerie space. For a moment it’s too quiet for what’s happened. But time keeps moving, pushing back into the space it had occupied.
Cam’s fingers let the body fall, smoothing a few strands of dark hair away from his brow. He picks up the dropped blade and stands. There’s wet blood on his chest and face. He puts a hand gently on your wrist holding the gun and lowers it, your muscles are stiff with tension. Silence rolls in once again over the desert. He scans the other buildings, listening hard. There’s no one else here.
The adrenaline is running through you like a drug, it’s addictive, but it feels like a poison too; everything in you is trembling with such intensity you can barely stand it. With your gun arm lowered you watch Cam cross to the car and pull the cleaver blade from the body of the man with the axe. James.
Still your eyes are fixed, pupils blown out like black holes. Your whole body feels both numb and on fire at the same time. Cam is standing close to you, again, watching you. You don’t notice it but you’re biting the inside of your cheek, he lifts your chin with bloody fingers and looks down at your face, trying to read you.
A painterly spray of red coats his left cheek, the rest is a fine mist over his neck and chest. Even standing you only come up to his ribs. But that doesn’t stop you, there’s an all-consuming fever in your bloodstream. The gun drops from your hand onto the dirt and you jump, flinging your one arm around his neck and clumsily trying to grip his hips with your thighs but he’s just too tall. You slide down and try again. Driven.
He grunts at your attempt but you barely move him where he stands… He’s got a look on his face not dissimilar to yours. But he can follow through more easily. His hand closes on your wrist and he turns you on the spot, easily, wrenching your arm up behind your back so hard you wince and marching you across to the old truck, broken down between the mobile homes.
Your cheek flattens against the warm metal of the hood as he bends you hard over it, shunting you forward so that your heels drop out of your trainers and you’re dangling with barely your toes touching the dirt. You struggle against him hard. At that he pauses, his grip loosening on your wrist where he’s pinning you. But the moment he lets up you give a whine of protest, legs splayed.
He figures it out; you want to fight, but not him. You want him, he’s the only thing that can make this make sense. He can hold you down while it runs through you, and you know it.
And he feels it too, his heart still pounding in his throat; grasping your arm in one large, bloody hand he stares at your black underwear and bunched up dress pinned over the truck. He’s breathing hard now, feeling your ineffectual thrashing. He moves in behind you. His clothed cock presses against your underwear and you moan – paradoxically trying to shove your ass back against him and escape his grip at the same time.
The cleaver hits the floor with a clunk and his right hand slides beneath you, cupping your throat, your pulse fluttering against the pads of his fingers and thumb. You try again to get your arm free of the locking grip but it’s no use. He’s leaning over you, chest pressed to your back, moustache brushing your ear when he grits through his teeth;
“You’re gonna tell me, lil’ one.”
It’s not at all a threat, but it doesn’t brook any argument either. A frustrated, blood addled groan leaves you and he’s caressing your throat, the heat of his hard, clothed cock pressing into your wet underwear. You nod frantically but he shoves against you harder.
“I said… you tell me.” It’s a near hiss now right in your ear. His grip on your wrist starts to hurt from your twisting. You scrabble to collect your scattered wits.
“Help, help…Fuck me.” You whisper raggedly.
He grunts hard and releases your throat, your face dropping back onto the baking hood of the truck. He tugs your underwear down only far enough to bare you and all the while you test his grip. His fingers run down over your cunt, pushing in to the first knuckle to test you. You hear his low growl and a glob of spit hits your ass and splayed cunt, thick fingers pulling out then sliding deeper. It stings but it doesn’t hurt, not badly, you just shudder and make nonverbal noises.
It's not slow this time. He needs it like you do, if your assailant had had slightly better aim, maybe you’d both be dead. When the head of his cock pushes open your outer folds, you try to lift your ass but there’s nothing to brace against, it doesn’t matter; he grasps your hip and sheathes into you so hard the air knocks out of your lungs and both trainers drop from your feet onto the sand, not even your toes remaining grounded. Pinned and suspended.
Almost instantly your vision blurs and your cunt grips hard and rhythmically against the heft of him, it took almost nothing and you’re gushing on him, mouth wide as if you’re gasping for air. Through the blur of your orgasm you hear him half mutter, half whimper something between the slam of his hips. His hand gives up your wrist to brace his forearms on either side of your head. When the last waves wash over you your knees knock against the truck and you shake, your body dangling, almost hanging on his cock.
The shunting jolts of his fucking pause and the little triangles that make up the tattoo on his left arm come into focus while you’re still panting, his lips brush your ear.
“A little blood make you that easy princesa?” A low, dirty, menacing purr. Almost goading you, relishing your mess, your frenzy, your vulnerability. There’s that streak of adrenaline again, but different – not fear but want. Deep, aching want. You don’t even know to what end but your freed arm darts down and snatches the blade from your thigh holster. He swats it out of your hand into the dirt, pinning your wrist flat.
You squeal when something thuds down with a bang a foot from your nose – it’s the bloody throwing blade, embedded an inch into the rusted metal of the old hood, tight in his fist. Your cunt clenches. He lets go and his hand wraps your hair like a rope, pulling your head back.
When he whispers in your ear again you can hear the smile on his lips;
“I know that game…I’m better at it than you.”
You shudder and then there is nothing in the world but his cock shunting mercilessly into you, so hard you feel winded with every thrust, but he holds your head up, back bent, he’s hitting something tender and painfully deep. As you come it feels forced, rather than drawn from you and he covers your mouth to muffle your scream.
He’s shaking, spilling into you over and over. You hear his thrusts turn wet as they slow. His sigh is hot on your cheek as he stops, letting you rest flat again. Your toes just about touch down on the ground and the ravenous frenzy in your bloodstream dulls to a sweet ache. You’re both panting.
“Better?” He lulls eventually, stroking your head. You nod. When he parts from your body you feel it acutely and his fingers pulling your underwear back up and wiping his messy cock against the back of them is the most tender insult to injury you’ve ever experienced.
He lets you go, guiding your feet down onto the ground and picks up the cleaver, walking to clean it on the clothes of the dead man still on the ground and peering into the mobile home he’d been hiding in. Still dazed you pick up your own weapon and slide it back into the holster.
“Princesa…” Cam calls to you, the irony of the cute pet name clearly not lost on him when it comes to you.
You join him in the doorway, your gaze at first questioning. He’s smiling, he gestures to a shelf inside.
It’s the payment the two men took for their agreement to bring you in.
Dozens of cans of tinned peaches.
You fucking love peaches.
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saatanariess · 2 years
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abra para maior qualidade
⎙ Escolhida do Alpha - pedido pessoal
›em caso de inspiração, dê os créditos please
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Day 14 of Kinkmas: In A Boat With Arthur Curry
Pairing: Arthur Curry x fem!reader
Warning: unprotected sex, hickeys
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Arthur has been wanting me to go on his new boat that he recently purchased and he’s just over the moon by it so I’m excited to get on it and see what’s going on with it!
“You like it?” He whispers in my ear while I look at the boat.
“I love it! It looks so cool!” I answer.
When we got on the boat Arthur gave me a tour. There’s seats in the front, the steering wheel on the boat looks interesting, there’s a bed in the boat, there’s a bar, and a really cool refrigerator at the bar. I’m excited what’s going to happen in the future with this boat.
“You wanna do a test drive?” He asks getting comfortable sitting on a chair that’s for the captain.
“Sure! Lead the way captain.” I say.
I can tell he likes that answer by him grinning.
He drives us around the ocean and I look out to see the ocean and it looks beautiful, some of the islands I saw that I’ve never seen before looked beautiful. I walk around to see other angles of the ocean and I went to see what Arthur is doing. When he realizes me, he reaches out to me so I can hug him while looking out to see the water.
“How do you feel about the view?” He says focusing on the water.
“It’s amazing, I’ve never been in this section of the ocean before, I love it Art.” I say looking at the view and then Arthur.
“I’m glad you like it, I wanna show you something.” He says driving into a small cove.
When we get into the cove and Arthur stops the boat and drops the anchor. I get confused, I didn’t see any food for a picnic. I don’t know what’s going on?
“What are we doing?” I ask.
“Let’s go somewhere private.” He whispers in my ear.
He walks down to a door that leads to the bed, I already know what’s going to happen. I follow him but he goes to bar and gets some champagne for me and some beer for him and pours them in glasses and gives me the champagne.
“Thank you.” I say taking the glass away from Arthur.
“I hope you’re liking what you’ve seeing out of the water.” He says drinking his beer.
“I love it and I was actually looking at you half of the time.” I say getting closer to him.
“Oh really? I never noticed.” He says looking down at me.
“You were paying attention to the water I believe.” I say.
He does this smirk. He begins to kiss me, I kiss him back, we both go to the bed together but we’re still kissing. We lay down on the bed which is so comfortable. Arthur takes his clothes off and helps me taking mine off.
We kiss again, he gives me pecks on my body, I kinda giggle but I gasp. I can feel him laughing on my skin but it makes me giggle again.
Eventually, we begin to have sex. I scratch his back by him going in and out of me. I scream by him fucking me hard and I can feel the bed shaking and banging on the wall. He eventually gives me hickeys. I give him some as well but I can tell someone is going to make fun of him by the scratches on him and the hickeys.
We’re laying on the bed heavy breathing. That felt so nice to be honest. I want to do this again sometime, that was different than what we normally do.
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linnienin · 1 year
⁓⁕🍷 🌸 V e n u s ⁕ a n d ⁕ h o w ⁕ y o u ⁕ c h i l l 🌸 🍷⁕⁓
Disclaimer: Take what resonates. I'm not a professional astrologer, i just am an avid researcher and i use my personal experience when writing my posts (Also, pls, don't copy my work, i spend lot of time on it, thanks)
Ahhh Venus, the planet of love. We use it to talk about our relationships and misadventures in our love life. But it also is the planet of feminine energy, enjoyment, relaxation and indulgence. How do you chill using your Venusian energy? Let's find out looking at your Venus's sign and degree
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⁕ Aries / 1-13-25 degrees : *aggresively flying on the couch* play TV, *loud setting on*, watch the tv for 1 minute, gets bored, *roll off the couch*, goes to the kitchen, sees people, start a little chase (Jason Momoa meme entered the caption) 👀👐. After annoying people for a bit, do a little workout, tries to lift a 700 kg cause they *confident*, fail, they still confident, opt for the 0.5 kg, now they happy 😊💪. Dance lover. Enjoy drinking energy drinks. Not really a sipp-er, more of a chugg-er lmao. Carbs are their heaven, they cannot have enough (cause they move a lot, they need the energyy). When laying on the sofa need to put their head on someone else's shoulder or legs or head to feel safe and receive the physical contact they really crave. Enjoy taking short cold showers. Like playing chess (they're good at strategizing and know when to attack and they're bold about it). Cut their hair as a relaxing activity (until they have no hair left to cut lol), likes dyeing them too, preferabily with bolder colours.
⁕ Taurus / 2-14-26 degrees: The yawn-er. They're MASTER at chilling. They chill doing everything, i'm not kidding, are they at home, are they at work? They be chilling allll the time. Lovers of the sofa, bed, and others soft big surfaces. Chill by taking their time doing everything, they be starting cooking at 9 a.m. to serve a meal at 1 p.m. ✨Sloth with grace✨. Quality over quantity. Enjoy passing time doing nothing...literally. They be like fixating on a thing and looking at it for an hour straight. Mad control of their focus. Meditating without realizing It. Probably sip chamomile. They like to think time doesn't exist, they got all the time in the world (until they wake up one day, look into the mirror and realize they forgot to shave their mustache for all this time). Hella romantic, enjoy picking up flowers, endless walks in nature, veery slowly, they be stopping every 2x3 to admire a little bug passing by.
⁕ Gemini / 3-15-27 degrees: Tea time with their personalities. Lmao, no but they literally chill by checking in with their thoughts and their ideas. Loves listening to podcasts and documentaries. Multitasking hobbies. Yup, i have no clue how they even relax by doing 1738283 things at a time but it's a way to shut down their thoughts for a while. Yeah, i know, i just told you they chill by thinking too, but sometimes it becomes too much and they have to switch the brain off. Relax by painting their nails. Get experimental with makeup. Write fanfics but leave them unfinished 👀. Admire their pretty handwriting. Enjoy reading and talking about gossip a looot, too much hehe. Like to play games that require a broad knowledge on everything (ex Trivia). Thinking about doing stuff but actually not doing it lmfao, they just love to think about soo many ideas, that is a way to relax, but then they don't even write them down and poof, they're gone and they can't remember them and they get mad about it :(
⁕ Cancer / 4-16-28 degrees : Cuddling with their pillow 24/7 (cause deep down they feel alone... 🥺). Play animal crossing. Imagine their future family, even tho they're actually stuck in the past lol. Most likely to binge watch series for a whole day and get emotional about it because they get too attached to the characters. If they could they'd never leave the house...ever lmao, total homebodies. Relaxing by spending time alone or with very closed ones, friends/family. Probably likes to collect plushies, funko pops, or mini cute figures of their favourite fictional characters ✨. Cooking and baking can be a relaxing activity to them, especially if they do it for their family or their guests. Have 'grandma's hobbies'... knitting/crocheting for example lol. Enjoy so much making photo albums, and even more looking at them from time to time. Love going to the sea, early mornings walking barefoot on the sand and admiring the immense ocean and the sun rising, they're fans of little details and very romantic/sweet scenarios. They enjoy being helpful to others, so they'll probably ask people if they can do something for them (especially if they see people struggling doing something, they'll gladly volounteer to offer their help).
⁕ Leo / 5-17-29 degrees: Stars wannabe. Intensely crying in front of the mirror portraying a desperate girl that has been cheated on, then recompose themselves and admire how good they just were pffft. Put on glasses even at home to feel extra, hit the door while walking cause they can't see a thing, get on the floor purposely, decides to play the blind character, gets up, * sudden dramatic enhancement of the other senses*. Dancing with the starssss. No seriosuly, they should apply, but as the professional dancer cause they so good! (and well they're not stars.... yet 👀). Like the other 2 fire venuses they enjoy moving their body so workouts are very appreciated, but leos especially loove hiit workouts, go build that cooore. Lovers of loong passionate and romantic dramas, they wanna feel all the emotions and they stay loyal to a specific series so they wish it could go on forevahh (hello..."Beautiful" lmao). ✨ Randomly transform their home in a runway show. Start walking like a model to feel themselves ✨ List all the things they can do and skills they acquired to feel good about themselves, then they list all the things they wanna work towards to use that self esteem boost to enhance their motivation and work towards their future goals.
⁕ Virgo / 6-18 degrees : Killing the chilling. No seriosuly, these people seem like they can't 100% chill properly, and some of them may take 'something' to feel completely detached and lost from reality for a bit... 👀 They chill by making plans. Always trying to find things to do and learn to always get better. Working on themselves is their favourite project. Scanning the room in bed instead of chilling, seeing if there's something they need to adjust or clean. Overthinking the heck out of their lives...wait weren't you supposed to chill? Nevermind 🙈. Roasting others...in their minds hehe, they won't let others see how much they enjoy analizing their mistakes. 'Lemme give you advice on this thing' , others: uhm... ok but chilllll. And you ask Virgo venuses whyy they continue to give advices even when people don't listen to them. Well... saying 'I told you' is more satifying than hearing 'i don't care' 😘 (underlying validation issues). Well...i mean, they could chill while crafting, i give you this, it's probably the only time where they get near the definition of chilling...but hey hold on, cause soon enough they gonna find out details about how they're not perfect at what they do so kill the chill again and let the procrastination beginnn (wait... is procrastination's Virgo's way of chilling?)
⁕ Libra / 7-19 degrees: They wanna experience the finest things in life. They go to that fancy restaurant, get that fancy dress, buy those fancy flowers... they wanna feel cuddled by life and specifically... lifestyle. They need to feel they value by surroundings themselves with valuable things. That's why they chill by going shopping or talking to new people, because where they see value in, they get value from. It's all about feeling good about themselves. Have a sweet tooth (but enjoy eating overall, it's like they enjoy the experience of taste, they're not really picky ultimately). Can splurge on personal care, lots of tools for facials or expensive skincare (cause after eating sugar they need to mantain the perfect skin lol). They work a lot on the mantainance of the self. That's why they have a good eye for fashion and aesthetics, because they have been researching and analizing everything that's out there to understand what's better for them, but they still haven't found out their true style due to their indecisive nature 😂. Plus let's admit it, they like to change often and renew themselves to maintain that 'interesting persona' 👀
⁕ Scorpio / 8-20 degrees : Drowning their nose in personality tests. Seriously, when these people wanna chill, all they got on their mind is how to understand that mind even more. They're detectives of their own psyche. Lovers of shadow work. Let all those intense questions unfold! Obsessive researchers. They find a topic they like, they delve deep into it until they've found enough to feel satisfied and jump on another theme to obsess themselves over. Probably watching a lot of documentaries on criminals and unresolved cases trying to find the final answer themselves. Masters at playing Cluedo. Read everybodies's minds in every single setting, it makes them relaxed by feeling in control of the room's energies, and yeah... even during lunch between family members lmao. Need plenty of alone time. They're secretly training to become wizards/witches 👀. Probably like to sip pomegranate juice or any other juicy and thick flavoured drink. Sometimes they forget to even eat because of how invested theyre in their researches lol. I know you're already attractive as hell, but y'all take care of your bodyyy
⁕ Sagittarius / 9-21 degrees : The boy/girl scout. Those people HAVE to move, they can't stay still or they'll start to stress out. They love a good trip somewhere new, visiting places abroad, taking that bus/train and not knowing where it'll take them (they get lost easily lmfao but they don't mind it, it's part of the thrilling experience). Documentaries lovers: can't go out? Let them wander with their minds. Like to change activities often as they get bored quickly. Enjoy trying to eat different types of food from different cultures. They like to go shopping a lot, to have little souvenirs of all the places they've been to (can tend to overspend depending on other placements in the chart). The one who find excitement in daring to do what everyone else don't want to do. Can love to pertake in volounteering activities, especially if they require them to sail to another country, they enjoy being helpful to other people in need (if underdeveloped can have hero complex). Probably enjoy playing on the Wii in competitive games, they're always up for a competition, even for the slightest thing, like "who can finish up this bottle of water first?? Ready? Start!" (they can announce little challenges like this veeery randomly and everyone will follow their lead, it's crazy haha)
⁕ Capricorn / 10-22 degrees : Counting their money. Sorting their bills. Sooo relaxing right, especially when the money in your bank account keep groowingg 👀 (they probably watch cash envelope stuffing videos + budgeting on YT). Relax by doing the same routine every day, they can do it without even thinking, and that to them is relieving. They enjoy the adulting process, so actually...going to work can feel like chilling to them lol, they like to feel a sense of responsibility, it makes them feel motivated to always grow, and having a sense of order and stability, that's what makes them feel relaxed and safe. Constantly reading self-help books. Probably sipping their wine while chilling or an expensive drink or a concentrated drink (blueberry juice peraphs). They like high quality items, so they usually shop designer clothes/accessories, they love those labels lol. They love the sofa, don't ask me why lol, most people love the bed, capricorn venuses love the sofa, periodt (can it be because the space is restricted and Cap being ruled by Saturn, planet of restrictions... well, could be).
⁕ Aquarius / 11-23 degrees : The videogamer. Have way too many hobbies that have nothing in common. Wanna splurge on those headphones too? You already have the bunny ears ones, the cat ears ones, the led ones, guyzzz you have a whole collection of them lmao. Are probably into reading about the unknown mysteries of the universe. Conspiracy theories lovers (they just love when they can confuse others people's minds with all their absurdities). The ones who find excitement in daring to do what everyone else don't want to do. Collectors of technology stuff, yup, they still have the gameboyy 🥺. Unpredictable af but they enjoy being this way so people can always question them and think of them as interesting. Introverted people that need to recharge by being alone. Probably Webtoons and manga lovers. Enjoy pertaking in protest marches, feeling part of the crowd (sense of belonging) and feeling they can contribute to a greater cause. They feel the need to do something crazy once in a while, so if you see them bunjee jumping randomly, or trying others 'dangerous' activities don't be surprised (pls, be careful, and don't try anything illegal....understood?👀...pfft, i already know you're gonna roll your eyes, and think, here we go, another sheep that is trying to tell me what to do lol)
⁕ Pisces / 12-24 degrees : Do you think thinking about "what ifs" is relaxing?? Y'allll pleaseee, i know the feeling is good when you imagine your perfect reality...but...you literally take it as a hobby and do it way too much...to your own detriment 😭. They looove watching romance movies and dramas, it's their bread and butter (to give food to those daydreams right?🙃). Play music ALL day and get lost in their world, and then suddenly it's time to go to bed and they realize they lost another day to daydreaming, now they got to the nightdreaming phase of the day lol 😂😭. Loves taking baths, the contact with water feels truly healing to them, they could stay in the water 24/7. Can be extremely good at painting or drawing, or singing (and other artistic activities too), and relax by doing these activities. Just asking, but are y'all ok with the low blood pressure?😢(also curious, do you tend to have low blood pressure?). Can relax but lose themselves watching the phone,especially social medias. Until they realize they're literally watching and living an illusion, they think they live by watching everyone else's lives and connect with them through the screen, but they're not living their own life by going out there, and experiencing the world as main characters, not just extras of their own lives.
Congrats! You've reached the end! ✨
Hope you enjoyed this post, always rememer that we are not just one placement, so if you didn't resonate, that's ok, i'd love to know your feedback in both cases (if you did or did not resonate), it is always very appreciated 🥰
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Wish you a wonderful day! 🍷 Yours, Linnie 🌸
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